#ikevamp Leonardo x reader
cloudcountry · 9 months
SUMMARY: little things the ikevamp suitors love about you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: this is kinda to get me back in the writing groove again. i thought this was really cute as i was writing it hehe
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napoleon adores your voice, the sweet sound of it carrying in the wind as you cheer him on when he spars. your voice goes higher when you talk to jupiter and lower when you talk to the kids he teaches, and although he’ll never tell you he notices these things, it’ll be evident when you look over at the teasing smirk on his face.
mozart adores the contrast between your klutziness and your grace, he’s caught you swaying to his music when you clean before, now that you two often find yourself sharing the same space. his eyes wander to you as he plays under the guise of making sure you don't slip on the sleek floors and injure yourself...but really, he is enraptured by you.
leonardo adores your lips, even more so when they’re on his own. ever the flirt, he makes sure your lips are always turned upwards in a bashful smile, the one that makes the corners of your eyes crinkle and your cheeks warm up. he touches your cheeks, brushing his fingers along your skin before kissing you, leaving you both smiling.
arthur adores your eyes, the way they’re always trained on him, the way he can see himself reflected in yours and just knows you see yourself in his. he loves how soft they look as they gaze upon him, a hopeless man, a sinner, a weak and helpless person that couldn’t save the ones he wanted to save most. you can still look at him, and that's all he could ever ask from you.
isaac adores your neck and the way it looks when you wear necklaces and different collared shirts and different hairstyles. he finds himself flustered at the thought of pressing his lips to where your neck meets your shoulder, sprinkling the skin with his kisses and dusting it with soft whispers for the both of you to cherish.
vincent adores your smile and the way it makes him happy, too. he loves that you never shy away from your feelings and you aren’t scared of his. you smile when he expresses what he wants, as if him craving and needing and wanting makes you happy, and oh if that’s what it takes to see you beam like you’ll love him forever, vincent will embrace every part of him.
theo loves your arms and how they work hard every day, only to wrap around him at the end of it all. it melts his heart when your head finds itself over his heartbeat, listening to his pulse as you shut your eyes. he’s never felt more weak in the knees in his life. you’ve ruined him, but he doesn’t care just so long as you keep holding him and working hard at his side.
dazai adores your waist and all of the uses it has. he loves kneading the flesh he finds there, making you squeal because those spots may be a bit ticklish. he finds himself placing a hand there as he walks with you, holding you close to his side, just close enough to catch your scent. it’s cheesy when he grabs your waist to lift you into the air, swinging you around in an impromptu dance, but his heart melts with love for you when your hands find themselves over his, keeping him latched onto you.
jean adores how you wake up in the morning, all sleepy and confused. every little noise you make makes his heart skip a beat, and so he captures every single one and places them in the corner of his mind labeled with your name for safekeeping. maybe then, even when you’re gone, he’ll still be able to know you. the heart that pounds so vehemently for you nearly pops out of his chest when you throw an arm over him and snuggle into his chest, a delicate smile on your face.
will adores how you smell when you come out of the shower, all freshened up. the fragrances of all the products you two picked out together waft throughout the villa, and will doesn’t find himself minding that he can smell you everywhere. after all, you’ve left your mark on this place, and furthermore, his heart.
comte adores you for staying by his side, even though he knows it’s hard. he’s been so painfully lonely for most of his life, and even now he doesn’t feel he fits anywhere. but you come along and take him into your arms, gently collecting all of his broken pieces, and you bring him back together with your embrace. this. this is where he belongs. he is certain of it.
sebastian adores your laughter and the way you seem to infect the mansion with it. he hears it ringing in his ears even when you aren’t around, the sweet sound carrying through his memories as he busies himself with chores and thoughts of you. it isn’t easy running an entire mansion, but with you by his side, bumping him with your hip as the two of you wash dishes, he couldn’t be happier.
vlad adores how you love vampires just as much as he loves humans. you have always tried to get him to bridge the gap with comte and trust humans again, and although it's not easy he sees your efforts and he loves you for it. you’re strange for not fearing him, for staying by his side throughout all he has done, but he’s glad for it.
faust adores how you’re so honest. you set boundaries and mean them, you tell people off when they’re encroaching on your space, and you make sure the environment you foster around yourself is as lovely as it can be. it makes him smug, knowing you’re so capable and he’s the one that gets to call you his. 
charles adores your fingertips and the way they map out his body, pressing into his scalp to soothe him and trailing down his back when he wants a hug. you’re always so gentle with him, treating him like he’s precious like he’s loved, and he knows he can never get enough of it. you’re so sweet, indulging him like this. he will never be able to stop loving you.
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natimiles · 7 months
Lazy morning with Leonardo
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Words: 400
Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; established relationship; no pronouns specified for reader; I changed his pet name to “amore mio”.
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The sunlight sneaks through a gap in the curtain, waking you up in the morning. You scrunch up your nose in a grimace and try to bury your face in the pillow, but it fails to protect you from the offending light. You’ll have to properly close the curtain, then.
Sighing, you try to move softly so you don’t wake Leonardo up. Frowning, you realize you couldn’t move even an inch; you’re still in the same position, lying on your stomach. Smiling, it dawns on you that Leonardo’s body is almost completely draped over yours, his chest pressing against your back, his legs intertwined with yours, and his arms locked around your torso, his fingers laced with yours.
It’s astounding how you hadn’t realized before just how trapped you were.
Gently, you try to free your fingers, but his grip tightens. As you attempt to move your legs, you feel his intertwining with yours, keeping you in place.
“Where do you think you’re going, amore mio?” His husky voice sounds close to your ear as you feel him nuzzling his face into your hair.
“The sun is hitting my face,” you pout.
Your frustration must have dripped into your voice because Leonardo softly lifts his head from the pillow to look at your face, then at the crack in the curtain. He smiles and flops back down, his grip tightening on you.
“I got you,” he says mischievously.
“What—” You’re interrupted by your own yelp.
He pulls you closer and rolls his body, causing you to pass over him and land safely on the mattress on the other side of him.
“There,” he smiles lazily. “Safe and sound from the sun now.”
“Leonardo!” you try to scold, turning to look at him. But you find it hard not to smile too, soon laughing. “Honestly…”
“No excuses to leave me now,” he says as he brushes your hair to the side and kisses your forehead.
“I still have to get up for work soon.”
“We have time,” he murmurs. “Until then…” He gently kisses your eyelids, coaxing them to close. “Have a good sleep.”
You settle comfortably in his arms, nuzzling your face against his chest, and he embraces you again. You can hear his heart beating steadily, smell the soothing scent of his cigarillos, and feel his fingers ghostly caressing your shoulder and back.
And soon, you’re back to sleep.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chevcore @fang-and-feather
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whatever-fanfics · 9 months
Has anybody ever thought about when MC and their respective suitor started getting intimate, and MC's brain goes straight to "wait-do you have a condom?" and they're just like "....wut???" Like you went from 21st century to the 16th or 19th century, so you have to stop them and explain to them the uses of condoms and what it's for. Like:
MC: Wait!
Nobunaga: ?
MC: *automatically* did you bring a condom?
Nobunaga: ?????
MC: Wait!
Leonardo: ?
MC: *automatically* Do you have a condom?
Leonardo: .....a wut?
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shookspearewrites · 7 months
Yandere(ish) Comte, "My Charlemagne"
Hello my little ducklings! I'm sorry I fell off the face of the Earth for such a long time - Tbh, there's been a load of changes in my life lately and I am just always so busy now that I'm starting my new career >2< I cannot put into words how fucking much I have missed you guys and writing and ikevamp as a whole!
I've just celebrated 1 year with my partner (Mr JJ says hi, say hey to him in the comments ^^) and I'm doing 9 til 5 every day at my work placement so that's my life update, let me know how you've been!
Anyways, I've fallen in love with the song 'Charlemagne' by Blossoms and I wrote this piece while listening to it on repeat on the train - Hope you like it!
-JJ x
The gentle Comte's sharp golden eyes mirrored his protruding fangs as they pierced through the darkness hanging in cold Parisian air, violence brewing within his usually still core. Usually the lilting, soothing sound of the sweet mademoiselle's laugh would bring a smile to his handsome features, instead now there blossomed a deep scowl, a growl tearing from his throat as another man dared to rest his hand upon his lady's cheek - A man the Count thought of as an old friend, nonetheless. The nobleman snarled at the swirl of cigarillo smoke that hung thick in the air, circling the young lady like a halo as it slowly rose and was no doubt clinging to her clothing, staining it with another man's scent where her delicate, floral perfume should prevail. Where he should be able to smell her delectable blood, like nectar, flowing beneath her impossibly blemishless skin, waiting with baited breath until he could devour her. Her laugh, her blood, her love should've belonged to him, not another - now the dear Comte was no angel, but a Goddess like her deserved nothing less than he and he alone. He didn't like to admit that he was a jealous man, but the evidence was all there: Bloodlust on the tongue, a violent rage brewing in the gut and heartbreak pulling taught the strings within. Comte couldn't bare to watch the romantic scene unfolding by the river bank underneath the sky adorned with flickering stars for another moment. He took a short, sharp swig from the ornate hip flask he carried and turned on his heel, his body heavy like lead, weighed down with torment as he began to return home. Alone.
Time is the only true purgatory.
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valkyyriia · 2 months
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Take a Break!
Words: 750 CW: None | SFW Tags: Sleepy Fluff, Shirking Work, Sebas panics a little Pairing: Leonardo Da Vinci x GN Reader
Note: This is what happens when I'm trying to stay awake at work. I write fanfiction. Earlier I chose angst; now I'm choosing fluff.
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You were sitting at the dining room table in the mansion, eyes drooping, head propped up on your hand.
For some reason you just hadn't slept well the night before. Not due to nightmares or stress; you just kept waking up throughout the night, and it would take you awhile to fall back asleep. By the time the clock hit seven, you had maybe gotten four hours of sleep. If you were lucky.
You had sat down for a break, but the table was looking more and more appealing as a pillow.
"You look like you're about to fall asleep where you're sitting, Cara Mia."
The voice jolted you out of your impromptu nap, eyes snapping open in panic. Your head smacked against the table with a loud thunk.
You winced, rubbing the now tender spot on your head.
"Scusa, tesoro," Leonardo murmured apologetically, running his fingers gently over the sore skin. "I didn't mean to startle you."
He frowned at you, taking note of the dark circles under your eyes.
"Have you been sleeping enough?"
With Herculean effort, you focused your eyes on Leonardo's concerned face.
"Normally I do. I just didn't sleep well last night, and I'm struggling today because of it." You punctuated your sentence with a yawn. "But I'll survive. I think."
Leonardo sighed and stepped closer to you.
"Whoa!" you exclaimed as the greater vampire lifted you into his arms, cradling you against his chest.
"If you're that tired, you're going to be a danger to yourself," he murmured, his breath tickling the top of your head. "And we can't have you going and injuring yourself because you're too stubborn to take a break when you need it."
He started to walk out of the dining room. Leonardo's warmth combined with the heady scent of his cigarillos and the safety you felt in his arms took away any protest you had left in you (not that there was much of it to begin with), your head resting in the crook of his neck.
You were feebly aware of him stopping and opening a door, but your conscious thoughts were steadily fading and giving way to the peaceful oblivion of sleep.
You were lowered out of Leonardo's arms onto soft sheets and a pillow that smelled just like the man who carried you here. With a half-asleep sigh, you snuggled your face into the pillow and almost immediately fell asleep.
Leonardo chuckled affectionately before crawling into the bed beside you, pulling your sleeping form against his chest and wrapping his arm securely around your waist.
It's not like Leonardo needed an excuse to take a nap, but being able to snuggle with his adorable mortal partner in the process certainly sweetened the deal.
If it were even possible, you relaxed further, any remaining tension leaving you in favor of sinking into dreams in his embrace.
You would deal with the consequences later.
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Sebastian was searching the mansion, a worried expression on his face. He had walked into the salon to gauge progress and found it half cleaned, your cleaning supplies left draped on a table.
It was unlike you.
Sebastian even asked the other residents if they had seen you. None of them had seen hide nor hair of you since breakfast.
He began to grow anxious.
The other residents agreed to help search for you, if nothing else than to make sure you were okay.
"We should ask Leonardo if he's seen them," Isaac suggested. "I know he's been occupied in his room all day working on some new project, but he's still their partner."
Sebas nodded. The mansion residents split up, and the butler headed straight for Da Vinci's room.
He knocked on the door with no answer.
He then tried the doorknob and pushed the door open, thinking Leonardo may have just fallen asleep.
He was met with the heartwarming sight of the two of you, curled up together in Leonardo's bed, so close it was hard to tell where one body ended and the other began.
Sebastian smiled, the anxiety fading from his visage.
There would certainly be hell to pay later; falling asleep on the job was unacceptable. Your forehead would be aching for weeks once he was done with you.
But for now, having assured himself of your safety, he was content to let you sleep. Clearly you needed it.
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Taglist: @natimiles @chandeliermichel
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sunnyikemen · 7 months
Smarty Pants
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Pairing: IkeVamp Leonardo x MC
Summary: She was surround by constant reminders of how she didn't quite fit in with the others. She had made progress, and with Leonardo's support she was feeling more and more comfortable in the mansion, but still not fully settled. After a heated discussion with Arthur, though, she decides enough is enough. Much to Leonardo's enjoyment.
Word count: ~2400
Warnings: None!
Notes: This is a gift for @technicolorbirds as part of @ikemenlibrary's My Ikemen Valentine Gift exchange!! I hope you enjoy, Birds :)
“Arthur, you’re being gross.”
“All I’m saying, sweetheart, is that a lovely, voluminous skirt leaves a little more to be desired-”
“I don’t care. Women DO wear trousers in the 21st century. They’ve been wearing them since like…the 1920s!”
“Those poor, sexually unfulfilled modern day men. A moment of silence for their losses.”
“You…women look hot in trousers!”
“Must be so sad.”
“Weren’t you literally alive during the 1920s?!”
It had been around half an hour since Leonardo stopped reading his book, his eyes peeking above the pages. A smirk had crept up his face as his gaze dashed between the players of this verbal tennis match. He wondered if he should have left the room when this began, but he was finding it far too amusing. The others rarely challenged Arthur these days, often opting for an eye roll or simply walking away, but she never let him get away with anything. It was refreshing.
And attractive, if he was quite honest.
Leonardo had been keeping a watchful eye since she started living in the mansion. He had heard her footsteps grow stronger, more purposeful, as she explored the halls. He had noticed that the pause between those approaching footsteps and the creak of a door had become shorter, in fact now there was barely a pause at all. And his favourite, was she no longer snuck away back to her own room after their nights together, but rather snuggled up next to him to rest. She was finally settling in. However, he knew there was still some work to do.
“As informative and entertaining as this conversation has been, I unfortunately must be taking my leave now. Can’t leave a lass waiting for too long now, can we?”
He watched her roll her eyes before letting out a huff, “Poor girl. Send her my condolences.”
The comment clearly flew right over Arthur’s head, as he blew her a kiss and slipped out of the room.
Leonardo wasn’t expecting the silence that followed, nor to be met with the back of her head when he glanced up from his book, which he promptly shut and placed it on the table next to him. He waited to see if she would speak first, and when she didn’t, he shuffled over on the sofa and patted the space next to him. The sound finally made her look up, and with a slight gesture from Leonardo, she joined him.
“What is it, cara mia?” She had laid her head on the back of the sofa, and he wasted no time smoothing the hair off her face, letting the strands curl around his fingers before cascading across her shoulder, “You know he just likes to rile you up, you should pay him no mind.”
She sighed, lifting her legs to lay across Leonardo’s thighs. “I know, it’s just moments like that where I realise how differently I see the world than you guys. And I know you all come from different times so none of you really think the same either but,” she let her eyelids droop, sinking into the feeling of Leonardo’s expert hands tracing shapes along her calves and lightly scratching against her scalp. How lucky she is to have the hands of an artist and a genius have their attention fixed on her. “I don’t know. I guess the gap just feels bigger and that makes me feel smaller.”
“I don’t understand how you consistently manage to take the things that make you otherworldly and turn them into insecurities.”
She opened her eyes, only to be met with complete and utter sincerity in the shade of amber, “You don’t understand because you’re an artist. You love those things.”
“You’re right, because they make beautiful art. And who enjoys beautiful art, hm?” When she didn’t answer, he filled her silence. “Let me rephrase that, who doesn’t enjoy beautiful art? Can you think of a single person?”
“I understand your point, grandpa,” she said with a grin, which he easily returned when he felt his words getting through to her, “I just want to be desirable to you, that’s all.”
That statement made him stare a little blankly at her. He knew of her feelings of inadequacy, which he’d promptly tried to squash multiple times before, but undesirable? He doesn’t know a time when he ever lacked desire for her, in fact there were many days where his desire for her proved troublesome. The word “silly” sits on the tip of his tongue but he bites it back. She needed more than a knee jerk comment. She deserved his understanding.
“Cara mia, I’ve been around for a very long time. I’ve seen nearly everything, so nearly nothing is exciting to me now,” his voice lowered, and his head leaned in, “and yet, you fill me with exhilaration even at the mere thought of you. And this is only heightened by how much of you I still have yet to discover. The men in this mansion need to have seen a good thing to finally understand just how good it is. But for me I find-”
Before he could finish his thought, before his hand could finish its journey up her arm and before his lips could reach their final destination upon hers, her eyes widened so wide Leonardo nearly felt reason for concern.
“I HAVE THE BEST IDEA,” she shot up from her place, nearly taking out a pile of her books as she dashed to the door, “THANK YOU, LEONARDO!”
Leonardo was almost dumbfounded at the abrupt explosion, but the thought of mischief he had accidentally facilitated was enough to satiate the disappointment that lingered for only a moment. Nevermind, he’ll prove his previous point to her later.
But for now, he picked his book back up and continued reading, his lips curled in a satisfied smirk at the possibilities of what her wonderful brain would come up with. He knew he was in for a treat, and possibly, so were the rest of the mansion.
He felt smug, however, knowing he would be the only one who’d get to taste it.
She flew through the halls of the mansion with ease, her mind fixed on one thing and one thing alone. She reached Leonardo’s bedroom, which had been more or less shared in recent months. She had her own space too, but she simply preferred being in his. She preferred his random, almost illegible notes scattered across his wall, and preferred the subtle smell of pencil shavings, well loved candles and fresh flowers that sat on his windowsill. He only started doing that last one when he met her, she imagined. His room never looked the same as it did when she first entered it, and he never looked more comfortable in it, either.
She left the prickling feeling of nostalgia at the door and immediately moved to his chest of drawers, opening each one with great vigour. Leonardo had always said that anything in his room is fair game, that what’s his is hers. And whilst she didn’t imagine he had this particular item in mind, she felt safe in the assumption that he wouldn’t be in the least bit bothered, as he rarely was.
She had been settling into the mansion for the better part of a year now, and the days of tip-toeing around had long since passed. She had found her place, but too often was she bothered by that prickly reminder that she was inherently different. Not only as the only woman in the mansion, but as seemingly the only one who hadn’t adjusted to the era she found herself in. Certainly the only one was still fighting it.
She enjoyed her talks with Comte over tea, as he was the closest one to understanding her life before, though understanding wasn’t just what she was looking for.
And she supposes that’s how she latched onto Leonardo so fast.
Even though he didn’t have that understanding of what her life looked like before, he had this uncanny ability to trace it back to the root. He reassured and comforted her on things she didn’t realise she needed reassurance or comfort on, but she did. Leonardo knew that. Because he understood.
Everything fell into place after that.
It was easy to find what she was looking for: a pair of trousers she knew he wouldn’t miss. In fact, she doubted she’d ever seen them on him in the whole time they’d known each other. Based on the colour alone, she suspected they were a gift from Comte. Considering the sheer magnitude of their history together, she was surprised by how much they were not Leonardo’s taste. Probably an experiment from Comte. It was sweet that Leonardo kept them, though.
Sweetness aside, and with Comte’s experiment clearly concluded as a failure, she took the trousers and all but marched to Comte’s door. With only a few knocks against the wood, he called for her to enter.
The mischief was clearly written all over her face, as Comte immediately put down his papers and raised an eyebrow.
Her grin was simply delightful as she hid the trousers behind her back, “I have a small favour to ask.”
The breakfast hustle and bustle was the same as any other day in the mansion, though with an added buzz as Arthur relayed the events that took place a few days prior.
“Honestly, the things that woman comes up with,” he took a sip of his tea, his ocean irises peaking over the teacup at the man sat opposite to him. He placed it back down into the saucer, leaning back in his chair with an air of pride, “I must say, darling Leonardo, that you really have your work cut out for you.”
“How so?” Leonardo swirled the coffee in his cup with no sense of concern. He knew Arthur was simply playing with him and that he was completely harmless. He very well could have ignored the man, but Arthur needed to be challenged every now and then.
And Leonardo liked to play too.
“You just strike me as someone who doesn’t care for a challenge. As if you can’t be arsed with it.”
“Are you saying she’s challenging?”
Most people would have squirmed under Leonardo’s stare, but Arthur’s eyes only twinkled back at him, “Not challenging, just…troublesome.”
“I thought you liked ‘troublesome’.”
“Oh, I do,” another sip, “very much.”
It seems Comte was the only one to notice the miniscule twitch of Leonardo’s hand and the tightening grip around his cup, as he finally interrupted, “Arthur, I recognise that you’re only having your fun, but I encourage you to be more mindful about how you speak to our newest member of the mansion. She doesn’t know you too well yet, and may not understand your…ways.”
“I think the only reason you find her challenging, Arthur,” Leonardo had his arms crossed on the table, leaning in dangerously, head slightly cocked to one side, “Is because she does such a beautiful job at proving you wrong.”
Arthur smirked, “And how exactly does she do that?”
With gorgeous timing, the door to the dining room creaked open. The tension in the room fizzled out as all heads turned to the figure in the doorway, prompting jaws to drop.
The men were not used to seeing a woman in trousers, but in that split second they had almost forgotten how she’d looked wearing anything else.
Leonardo, with a brain as advanced as his, had already suspected what was happening behind the scenes, but even he was almost at a loss for words. He had seen many, many things in his life. A lot of good, and a lot of bad. A woman in trousers was far from shocking to him.
But she stood so tall, so magnificently powerful and with the cheekiest smirk he had witnessed. The emerald material sat on her figure as though she was carved from marble, as every inch was perfectly tailored to her. The power she held to have silenced a whole room and demanded their eyes’ attention. And yet, of all the eyes in the room, of all the points she was currently proving, her gaze was set on him.
He felt goosebumps tickle his spine.
He spared a quick glance at Comte, who was seemingly taking a sip of his own tea. But he would never be able to hide a smirk behind a teacup from Leonardo.
The sound of her heels hitting the floor echoed in the dining room as she made her way to Leonardo. He stood up to offer his seat, but before he could even utter a ‘good morning’, her lips were on his.
She had always been coy with affection in front of the other members of the mansion, even a simple peck would turn her cheeks rosy. But here she was, hands cupping his face as she melted into him. He didn’t dwell on it for too long, his mind going blank as he brushed his hands against the small of her back and gave her hips a light squeeze. He was moments away from deepening the kiss before she broke it off.
“Are you ready to go?,” she chirped, her smile light and easy as if she hadn’t just turned him into a puddle in her hands.
“I guess I am,” he said, giving her a wink as a silent well played.
“I suppose we’ll see you all later then,” she said to the rest of the room, who’s eyes were still fixed on her.
“Enjoy your Valentine’s Day, you two,” Comte said with a grin, “Behave, Leonardo.”
“I don’t think I’m the one you need to be saying that to, by the looks of it.”
Everyone chuckled, allowing the atmosphere to begin to settle to normal. Arthur, who’s smugness had been replaced by amicable surrender, finally spoke up, “I suppose you win this one, sweetheart.”
She smiled, “I suppose I do.”
Leonardo gave her hand a squeeze, and he felt the tension in her release. He knew that spectacle required some courage from her, and she pulled it off beautifully. He felt at peace knowing she was getting closer and closer to settling in completely, without having to leave any part of herself at the door.
Mozart: At least you didn't have to listen to her explain fan fiction.
Arthur: Fan fiction?
Napoleon: It's fictional writing based on existing characters or real people.
Arthur: Oh, so like the Sherlock Holmes collection?
Sebastian: I beg your pardon-
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gunraekae · 5 months
love transcending time - aka the ikevamp prologue still unnecessarily narrated
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>ikemen vampire
>everyone x reader
>a/n: here are chapters 3 and 4 of the prologue. it's about 5k words long, so sit back and relax, and I hope you enjoy. i have some shorter works coming soon!
Chapter III: The Hourglass
Outside the lavish mansion where a puzzling banquet was being hosted was a lush coach stopped just past the grand gates. The coachman turned towards his passenger, a rose-haired man who donned a thousand masks. The man, who sometimes played the part of a king, a prince, a lover, but always in all, a liar. He spoke with the ambiguous tone of someone who could laugh or cry at the next word, “... I apologize my good sir, but I have decided not to stay after all.” He faced away from the cruelly smiling crescent moon to re-enter the coach. 
The baffled coachman asked, “But Monsieur, what about the banquet?” 
The mysterious passenger ominously chuckled in return, “Capricious Fate has invited a guest of fairer mien than mine to take my chair. Hers is centre stage tonight, though I shan’t stay to see how she performs.” His eyes were of opposite colour—the right eye a misty green, the left a bloody red. The coachman shivered at his gaze; this was the first time in their evening he had donned an expression that felt… genuine. And it was genuinely dark. “Let us depart anon.” 
The coachman quickly hurried the vehicle off through the night, while its passenger relaxed into the velvet cushions. With only the laughing moon as his companion, he spoke to her—a bard playing to a lone audience, “O, what upturned expectations have come at the arrival of this new player?” The bard had seen MC but for a spare moment, and yet, he found himself haunted by her vision. “No devil can beguile men to persuasions more than she with an angel’s form. Or be she one of heaven’s messengers behind the horns and wings of temptation?” The coach jolted as it hit a divot in the path, sending the bard’s scripts scrawling to the coach's floor. Visible on the cover was the distinct signature of William Shakespeare. 
“Sebastian, if you would make us a cup of herbal tea? I think anise would be—”
“None for me, it’s okay.” As expected, dinner had ended with none of my questions answered. Le Comte remained true to his promise, however, and invited me to his office for an explanation. Still, my anxieties were left rampant in my head, and I could find no energy inside of me to remain courteous after such an absurd banquet. As Sebastian quietly closed the door to retrieve the tea, Le Comte looked at me with a sympathetic mien. “I just want to know how to get back. My aunt, she must be so worried,” I weakly muttered. 
“I presume you wish to exit through the door back to the Louvre? I’m afraid doing so will be difficult. You see, it only opens under very specific conditions.”
“What conditions?”
“The specifics are difficult to explain.” Le Comte rose from his large mahogany chair and stopped in front of a grand hourglass. It was unusually large and had gold furnishings, the top half full of sand. “The door will open once all the sand in this hourglass has fallen. It’s quite precise and I match that timing with the door’s opening myself.” I don’t like how much sand is in there. And how slowly it’s falling if it even is. 
“... How long does that hourglass run for?” I croaked out in a panic. 
“It takes a month, on average.” A MONTH? 
“Pardon me? I must have misheard,” I laughed in incredulity. I could feel my sanity crumbling between my fingers like the sand in that hourglass. 
“It typically takes a month for all the sand to fall. Doesn’t it, Sebastian?” I didn’t even notice the butler come in with the tray of tea. 
“Yes, M. le Comte. Meaning she will not be able to return for another month.” I squeezed my eyes, hoping this was all some sort of nightmare. 
“We’re in Paris, yes?” I asked in trepidation. There has to be another way to leave. As le Comte sipped his tea, he nodded. 
“I’ll just leave through the front door. How far are we from the Louvre?” No one said I had to leave through that strange door. Why would I need to use that to return? I can just get back to the hotel and apologize to my aunt for being gone for this long. Le Comte picked up a newspaper from his desk and gently placed it on my lap. 
“I’d like you to look at the date.” 
I looked at the date and grew cold. This didn’t feel fake—the news articles, the feel. It was genuine. 
“This is from this morning’s edition. As you’ve no doubt gathered from the date, we’re in the nineteenth century.” 
“There’s no way,” I whispered under my breath. 
Le Comte spoke in the same soothing tone, “We’re in France, but not the one you know. You arrived at this mansion by travelling through time.”
I don’t understand. No words came to my mind. There was not a single statement he said that could be serious. And yet, everything I’ve witnessed so far could attest to what he’s been saying. 
“You look like you’re struggling to believe it.” 
“I’m really quite sorry, you’ve been very kind to me. But there is absolutely no way I’d believe time travel before any number of explanations.” 
“It’s true that a newspaper can be easily faked. Perhaps this will convince you?” Le Comte moved towards a window where an old-fashioned brass telescope was pointed outwards. He gently beckoned me over. 
“What an excellent idea, M. le Comte. Seeing is believing, they say.” Sebastian said. 
“It is our good fortune that, owing to the genius of one of our guests, this telescope provides an excellent view of the city.” I let them guide me to it and peered within. Sure enough, when my vision cleared, the entire view of Paris turned back in time and greeted me. No neon signs. No skyscrapers. No cars. I turned the telescope around, hoping to see any glimpse of a modern city, but only Paris of a hundred years ago was present. Gentlemen in morning coats escorting ladies with bustles. There was no prank elaborate enough to dress an entire city. 
“So I’ve really travelled through time?” I gasped in disbelief. 
“There’s a phrase you use in Japanese. Do you recall it, Sebastian?” 
“Yes, we call it a ‘time slip.’” The name hardly matters, we’re facing the impossible! 
“That door connects to both the past and the present. Like me, you used it to travel here, to the past. You may have read or seen stories about time travel, but in my experience, it is neither a simple nor an everyday occurrence. Time travel has very particular rules. And in this case, you cannot return for the next month.” 
“When the sand in the hourglass falls, can the door take me back?” 
“Yes, when that time comes, either you or I could open the door. Like so, I must also follow the rules. It remains sealed to me for a month as well. If the door hadn’t shut, you could have passed through it exactly the way you came. However, once it’s closed, that passage ceases to exist. And the door requires time before it can open that passageway again.” I could have walked back if the door hadn’t closed. I degraded myself in my head. It was my own stupidity that really got me in this situation. 
“Likewise, all the men you’ve met tonight were gathered here by way of that time slip. That is why people from such diverse times and countries are all here, living in my mansion.” So the men I met at dinner are actually legit? Names from history, famous throughout all the world, transcending time in their glory—and they all live together in this mansion. “I can see you still have some doubts. But I assure you, you’ve just met the real van Gogh, the real Mozart, and the real Napoleon.” If time travel really isn’t out of the question, then I suppose it’s not unreasonable to assume that all these men are the real deal. Still, it’s truly unbelievable. 
“And who are you, Comte, that you were able to collect some of history’s greatest figures to live here in your mansion?” I looked at him, fully admiring his figure. This ineffable gentleman who said that people CALL him Comte de Saint-Germain. 
“I promise I’m not trying to evade your question, but in truth, it’s getting quite late. Please, stay the night. Sebastian will prepare a room. In fact, you’re welcome to stay here for the entire month at no cost. It’s the least I could do to land you in this predicament.” 
“For the night perhaps, but I can’t possibly ask you to welcome me for a whole month,” I fumbled over my words at the Comte’s generous offer. 
“You do realize you can’t return to your time for another month, don’t you?” 
“There’s no need to worry, I can make my own way. I’ve done it all my life.” 
Sebastian regarded me with a severe look, “I believe you’ll find that difficult. This is France at the turn of the century. How do you intend to ‘make your way?’” 
“I-I’m not quite sure yet, but—” He has a point. I knew nothing about this place. I didn’t even know what currency they currently used. But I can’t possibly stay here. There’s something they’re not telling me, but I can’t reveal my suspicions, it’d be rude. “I really don’t want to impose after you’ve been so generous,” I finished. 
“You’re not imposing at all, chèrie.” 
“It’s just that you’re offering me so much and asking for nothing in return.” That’s what scares me the most. 
“Please, take this as my apology. If you’re truly that concerned about it, Sebastian could use a hand around the house. The other residents try to do as much, as well.” 
Now I was faced with two choices. Risk spending a month in a house full of famous, time-travelling figures, who most definitely are hiding a secret. Or make a run for it and face the risks of the nineteenth-century Parisian streets at night. I squeezed my eyes as images of my worried family and friends flashed by. Staying with Le Comte really does seem the safest option right now. I turned towards him with a newfound strength. 
“I accept your gracious offer. Thank you, Comte.” I’ll trust them. For now. 
“I’m pleased we’ve come to an agreement. I wasn’t able to answer all your questions tonight, but we can continue tomorrow if you’d like. I also have something important to tell you, but that too, can wait for the morning.” I looked into those golden eyes that first sold me at the musée, and for the first time this evening, found contentment.
“I look forward to it, Comte.” 
“I will inform the others that you will be staying with us and are to be treated with courtesy. Two of them did not join us tonight, but I expect you’ll have the opportunity to meet them soon.” Even more famous names? Having adapted to my expressions, Le Comte assumed my curiosity. “One is Jean d’Arc.” Joan of Arc? The Maid of Orléans who led the French in the Hundred Years’ War? 
“Finally, another woman,” I sighed in relief, “that’s reassuring.” 
“I’m afraid our Jean is a man, though I can see how you’d make that mistake.” At my baffled expression, he added, “As to that, truth and history have a curious way of becoming distorted in the telling.”
Whispers of the past unheard by anyone but him, haunted the air like the specks of dust that floated in the light. The whispers, often cruelly mocking his soul, rightfully punished his monstrous existence; but tonight, a new voice urged him toward the window. An eyepatch covered the left half of his face, concealed by his long, dark hair. Jean d’Arc was the subject of the crescent moon’s mockery tonight. He watched the moon’s smile morph into a bow, bent to release its message of death, then to a sharp blade mid-slice. 
“La lune se moque de moi ce soir.” His voice became lost within the ghosts’ many whispers, but the moon’s mocking laughter remained. “There’s a curse on this night.” 
“Besides Jean, there is one other who did not join us tonight—” Le Comte was cut off by a dull thump, like something heavy falling against the door. “And that’s probably him. I’m sorry to trouble you, MC, but could you get the door?” He smiled almost knowingly while he gracefully held his cup between his lithe fingers. 
I opened the door of Le Comte’s office, expecting a man but encountering none. Warily, I stepped out of the hallway, only to stumble on something heavy. Before I met the floor, I landed on the lap of a large and hunched-over man. While I toiled in humiliation, strong arms tightened around my waist. The sweet scent of cigarillos and amber engulfed me. 
The velvety rumbling voice of the man hummed in confusion, “... never seen you here before.” Looking at him now, there was no way he could be comfortable like that. Is he sleeping? Finally, he cracked an eye open. His wolfish eyes were the colour of burnt gold. His lips formed a smirk as he observed my features with the same attention a sculptor might have given his subject. “Thought I’d wait patiently until you were done. Took so long I fell asleep.” A huge, brown, leather jacket lined with fur served to make his figure even larger, but the rest of his clothing was unmatched and messy, albeit in a charming way. The delicious drawl of his voice made me shiver, but his lupine gaze had me guarded. “So, you’re the one he was talking to?” He asked me a question but no words came to mind. He wasn’t letting go. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted him to. Then, as if waking up from a drowsy stupor, he realized the provocative position we were in. With one hand pushing him up to the ground, and the other supporting my back, we were finally upright. At my wide-eyed expression, he chuckled warmly and murmured an apologetic “scusa” in a deep Italian accent, “Did I surprise you?” 
I nodded wordlessly. 
He hummed again, “heh. Your words. They match the look on your face. How adorable.” His arm lingered around my waist, and at our close proximity, I caught the pleasant aroma of tobacco lingering on his clothes. 
“And here he is. The last of our residents.” Le Comte emerged from his office with a fond sigh. 
“Hmm? Are we introducing ourselves now? I’m Leonardo da Vinci.” 
“Along with Sebastian and myself, nine of these great historical figures reside in this mansion.” Le Comte finally concluded with the introductions. 
Leonardo ran a gloved hand through his brown hair, his voice tinged with that rough, sleepy quality, “I don’t know what happened, but your luck ran out for you to have wound up in a place like this.” 
“W-why would you say that?” 
“Simply put, Cara Mia, I don’t think you’re going to enjoy it here.” 
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Chapter IV: Somnum Exterreri
It was not only the residents of the Count’s mansion that relayed the passage of time with the shadow-cleft moon. Ropes of moonlight from the High Gothic windows of the church illuminated the hallways, leaving behind the shadow of a darkly cloaked figure. The innocent humming of an old Romanian lullaby betrayed the blood-eyed creature with the heavy boots traversing the light. The snow-skinned creature gazed at the laughing crescent moon, the light reflected off his softly lucent smile. 
His childlike voice contrasted the vile thoughts that swirled behind his blood eyes, “Though it is doomed to the ugliness of utter obliteration, it remains such a beautiful world.” The man, if he could even be called that, crossed under the nave, where two shadows at the end stood obediently waiting. His eyes remained on the cruel moon, but his words were directed to his companions; they were used to his dream-like antics. “Have you seen it? The crescent moon is so beautiful tonight. Let us look at it together. Faust. Charles.” 
The imposing and brutal figure of a priest cast his cold gaze on the man. A frosty German voice muttered in distaste, “...Hmph. All the time at your disposal and you waste it in folly, Lord Vlad? We should make the church an almshouse if it’s to host the senile.” 
A great contrast to the priest Faust, the syrupy voice of Charles-Henri rose up in defence of their master, “Docteur, le Voïvode wasn’t idle, you know that. He was simply doing his job as a florist.” Charles was luscious candy personified; fluffy locks and innocently dressed with a cherub face and a sinful smile. “I’d love a job like that! So many pretty living flowers that all smell so nice and everyone loves you for what you do.” He turned to his friend, Faust, with a gleaming naïvete, “I want to be loved like that! I want everyone to love me more and more…” 
“You do the word ‘love’ no favours, muttering it constantly like a curse. Hungering for it like a depraved beggar. Then again, you do the very concept no favours, you mercurial nagetier.” 
Charles playfully interjects in a sing-song tone, “We humans need love. We crave it. It’s one of our most moral desires.” 
“Did I hear you say ‘we’ — and ‘human?’” 
The creature the two called ‘Lord Vlad’ hunched over in laughter. 
“Euer Hochgeboren?” Faust asked. 
“...Did something I just said make you laugh?” Charles questioned. 
“I simply remember how easy it is to forget my troubles around you two,” Vlad fondly answered, “then I remember how even the good times are destined to come to an end and I become sad.” 
“You feel sadness?” 
“I do. I feel sadness for the moon in the sky, the flowers in the soil, and the humans who walk between them in ignorance. I want to protect them all so they don’t have to ever feel that way.” 
“You love humans more than anything, don’t you, Voïvode?” Charles giggled. 
“Of course. I love them more than anything.” 
He who felt nothing but love, only love, looked out the window and up to the beloved moon. However, it was not just the moon his depthless blood eyes saw, but something beyond sight. More than human eyes can capture. 
“I’m in love with the world. That’s why as the unwilting flower called a vampire, I must bear this garden into eternity.” The vampire’s confession of love was released into the darkness, a promise that his beloved subjects were unaware of, with only the cruel moon to bear witness. 
Finally, I’m alone. The fluffy white sheets of the bed that Le Comte provided for me enveloped me in their plush embrace. I sank onto the bed in bliss, gaslighting myself into believing this was simply a hotel in present-day Paris, and not a mansion full of history’s greatest figures. I closed my eyes and the image of my worried aunt flashed in my head. I can picture her panicking at the Parisian police and contacting my mother and father. I can see my younger sibling, eyes brimming with tears at the thought that their sister was in danger. My family… My best friend’s face appeared next, her livid voice demanding where I was and why I’d left her. If only this was all a dream. I was willing to accept that I’d travelled back in time with everything I was shown. But the fact that I’d just had dinner with a bunch of time-travelling artists and scientists and musicians? It was harder to believe. I tried to recount everyone I’d met—if they were all truly who they said they were, I’d be damned not to remember. 
Vincent van Gogh, the gentle angel who paints masterpieces.
His brother Theodorus, the enterprising devil that sells them. The brothers were complete opposites, but they seemed incredibly close nonetheless.  
The frivolous playboy, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who created the beloved character, Sherlock Holmes. 
The indulgent charlatan, Osamu Dazai, who penned “No Longer Human.” They were both attention-grabbing, seemingly overcompensating for a secret they were hiding.
Sir Isaac Newton, who was so shy he couldn’t look me in the eye. He was legendary in name, but his presence seemed so small.
Jean d’Arc, who I haven’t met. I couldn’t even picture what she’d—he’d be like.
“Heh. Your words, they match the look on your face. That’s rare.” The dulcet voice of Leonardo da Vinci made me lose myself so easily, but what did his last words mean?
“...As if the banquet wasn’t bad enough.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who made the most beautiful music but had the most rotten attitude. 
And of course, my saviour, Napoleon Bonaparte. The one who tried so hard to rescue me, and protected me until the very end. But what was he protecting me from? 
I couldn’t picture any of them trying to fool me, and honestly, they all seemed so earnest. Besides, what would any of them gain from lying to me? I wasn’t anyone influential or wealthy; there would be no benefit to keeping me here. Having realized all of that, the reality of my situation finally came into perspective. All of this is real. 
“I need to stop thinking,” I muttered to myself. Even though it was midday for me, the crescent moon outside my window brought a wave of drowsiness over my body. I slipped off my jacket and kicked off my shoes across the room. My foolish outfit, what was all of this for? I think back to this morning when I was getting ready in front of my vanity in the hotel with my aunt—joking between ourselves. It wasn’t so long ago and yet everything was so different now. My room had an ornate little vanity by the window, with a mirror that had engravings around it and empty drawers underneath. I sat before it and saw my reflection—my makeup was the same as before, but my face looked as if I’d aged ten years from exhaustion. The glint of my amethyst earrings caught my attention; these stupid earrings that got me in this predicament. Le Comte’s golden eyes flashed in my head—those depthless glinting eyes that I could get lost so easily in. Removing them from my ears, I threw them down on the vanity and stalked towards the bed, my bed now, I suppose. Not even a minute in, the heavy embrace of sleep wrapped around me and pressed me down on the bed. 
The soft crumple of the thick duvet woke me up. Blinking open my eyes, the bleariness showed me the crescent moon beaming down on my room, stretching the shadows. I thought nothing of it until I heard the creak of the bed frame. What the hell? Every drop of blood in my body turned ice cold. Someone else was in the room with me. And they were on the bed. 
“W-who’s there?” 
My eyes cleared and showed the shadowed figure crawling from the foot of my bed. It isn’t safe here at all. I lurched upright, but the figure shoved me back down on the sheets. They crawled on top of me, the heavy figure pushing down my arms away from my body. I was fully trapped. 
“Don’t move.” Their whisper felt like a serpent slithering up my body. Their breath was in my ear. They stopped, and for a few seconds, I wondered if I could force it off of me. Suddenly, sharp teeth sank into my neck. 
A pain unlike any other surged from my neck throughout my entire body. And then, the pain quickly subsided and turned into something indescribable. It’s so… hot. My limbs felt like lead; as if they weren’t my own anymore. Heat flickered across my vision like the fading of a desert mirage. Each warm breath that billowed over my neck made the heat even stronger. A strange longing manifested inside of me, the same emotion I felt when I looked into Le Comte and Leonardo’s eyes. It felt intoxicating. I tried to scream, but instead, a groan laden with ecstasy sounded out. I felt the heat in my core, a slow throbbing pulse that edged me further into blind pleasure. I need to snap out of it! I struggled to open my eyes, which had been rolling back in bliss. Dark red rose petals strung around my bed, snapping me out of my stupor. These weren’t rose petals… They came from me. Blood… That’s my blood! The sight sent my head spinning, but before I lost myself in the void, I heard the figure’s voice. 
“I want it all. Your body, your heart… and your destiny.” NO!
I scrambled out of bed, furiously grasping at my neck. No blood on my fingers, no puncture wound on my neck. My gaze wildly darted around the room. Empty. No shadowed figure. No one who bit me. 
“There’s no one here,” I cried out in relief. That felt too real. My fingers shook as they clutched the sheets. I was shivering. My throat was dry from sleep. My mouth felt balmy, and when I tried to move, everything felt heavy. I need water. 
Though it was difficult to navigate, I retraced the steps I took from the room to Le Comte’s office, and eventually to the kitchen. There were electric lamps that illuminated the room. Sebastian was still up, washing the dishes. After that nightmare, the sight of him almost brought me relief. My footsteps caught his attention, and he turned around.
“Is something the matter?” He asked in concern. Perhaps my appearance exemplified how I felt. 
“Could I bother you for some water?” Sebastian quickly poured me a glass. He guided me to a small table and sat me down, taking the chair beside me. His inquisitive glance obliged me to share my problem. He listened patiently as I recounted my nightmare, leaving out the more inappropriate aspects. “There was someone in my dream,” I began. I told him how this figure was and how he held me down to bite my neck. “...sort of like a vampire would,” I finished. Having confided in someone else alleviated the heaviness in my head. In fact, the more I told him about the dream, the sillier I felt. “Dreams can feel so real at the moment, but talking about them afterwards shows you how absurd they can be,” I chuckled humourlessly. Sebastian didn’t indulge in my laughter. Instead, he seemed quiet in thought. I grew worried he thought I was prattling on. “Anyway, thank you for listening to my silly dream. I hope you don’t find me childish for dreaming about vampires.”
“I don’t find you crazy, nor do I believe it was just a silly dream,” Sebastian unexpectedly replied. My brows furrowed. “Indeed, it’s a good sign.”
“How is my bad dream a good sign?” 
“I believe you saw that dream because you’re here in this mansion.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand.”
“The dream serves as a warning… That you are to give them neither your body nor your heart.” A pang of unease hit me. This must be the foreboding feeling I had earlier. This must be the reason why even the kindest residents seemed to be hiding a terrible secret. 
“The residents of this mansion, everyone you’ve met tonight…” 
“No,” I whispered under my breath.
“They are exactly what you saw in your dream. They are all vampires.” 
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niphredil-14 · 7 months
I’m reentering my Ikevamp phase. Send me the links to your favorite ikevamp fics!!
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Hi!!! This is the first time I've EVER requested anything, so I'm super excited to be asking you. Would it be OK if I could have headcannons with some of the ikevamp boys? If you're comfortable with it, could I have Arthur, Comte, Isaac and Leonardo with and mc who has ADHD? I completely understand if you don't, feel free to completely ignore me. Thank youuu 😊😊😊❤❤❤
Characters: Arthur Conan Doyle | Comte De Saint Germain | Isaac Newton | Leonardo Da Vinci x GN!Reader  Rating: General.  Word count: 819 words  Warning/s: Reader has ADHD, mentions of procrastination, hyperfocus, not enough focus. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, I’ve had this on my mind for a very long time, and I even thought about doing Isaac’s route to write him more accurately but work has been killing me so I didn't get to open the DSM-V collecting dust in my shelf for this one :c
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[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
There are quite some things he can understand about your symptoms. The main thing being procrastinating. 
Listen, he is a writer, and he is not perfect, and there are moments where inspiration poofs out and he is forced to stop with his writer's block, or sometimes he feels stuck in a sentence and decides to do everything except finish his next chapter, so he can empathize when you go through periods where you keep pushing certain activities until the last minute.
He still worries about your well-being, even if he is not a doctor anymore; he is curious about the treatment you had back at your time and home. 
He is sweet and understanding, despite having some pet peeves, he does his best to understand how it's something that is part of you and can work with support. And he wants to be that support.
Arthur also finds relatable the moments where you are stuck with your hyper-focus periods, and you happen to do your and Sebastian’s chores for the day on your own, though he is hurt by you mostly ignoring him those awful days when he wants nothing but to pamper you.
[୨୧] — Comte De Saint Germain
He is a wonderful and understanding man.
I can imagine him having a lot of pet peeves with people getting distracted too easily or drifting off and, part of loving you is the imperfections you embrace of each other and, they make you perfect for him as anyone. 
He is careful of the periods where you either procrastinate too much or hyper-focus too much to not exhaust yourself with the chores you take or by making you overwhelmed by taking care of the mansion and its inhabitants. 
He will listen to your weekly obsession without trouble. Do you want to tell him about 30 crow facts you learned? Tell him. Did you find a new way to make Sebas flick your forehead? He frowns. Do you want to tell him about your comfort fanfic you know by heart because you can’t read it anymore? He will listen.
If you fidget too much, and if you ask, he will get someone from his multiple contacts to make a “replica” of the fidget toys you used to have back at home.
[୨୧] — Isaac Newton
I have been seriously thinking of this since I got this ask because it seems too funny even if I haven't read his route: Consider, you don’t shut up.
Isaac strikes me as the type who wants to study in peace and quiet.
So maybe your relationship is quite a bumpy ride at first. 
What amazes him is your capability of telling him about 100 things that interested you in the span of a single week.
Your conversations flow at random, so he would often be working on his stuff to suddenly be whisked away by you to tell him about that one thing you found out about hedgehogs for 3 hours. 
Sometimes you are the cause of some of his frustrations. Last month you started knitting? He found some yarn with a texture you like and bought it as a gift, thinking you could make something for yourself.
He came back to find your knitted sweater half done and forgotten, and now you are learning how to bake. 
And it is an ongoing cycle, but he finds a bit of happiness in you trying new things, as you often drag him along, which means spending more time together.
Maybe your relationship is the answer to what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
[୨୧] — Leonardo Da Vinci
Avoid tasks? Hyperfocus? Not enough focus? This man is a master at all those (and at dozing off)
He doesn’t mind you procrastinating, he has been avoiding to clean up his room for the last century, so he can’t complain. 
Now, if you forget or get distracted about other things, now that’s a different story. Did you feed Lumiere in the evening and forgot to tell him, and then he fed him that same day, and now you have a chubby cat? 
That’s funny, but no. 
Aside from that, he doesn’t have trouble with your condition; he is still a loving man. He always is and has been when it comes to loving you. 
And he likes your energy and how you keep him awake, in a sense, always making him try new things together, like dancing! Which he is not the best at, but he doesn’t mind trying your interests. 
If you take an interest in one of his multiple areas of expertise he’d definitely teach you and not be bothered if you happen to drop your interest in the activity, in fact, he invites you to try other things.
Beware, he is a strict teacher, so he doesn’t want your attention wandering off too often.
He enjoys…, grounding you, lets say. 
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letterstoear · 8 months
A New Love
Notes: Leonardo x reader, fluff, romantic relationship, Leo goes over his past with you, also new to writing Leonardo, constructive criticism is welcomed!
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Check out my shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
To __________
The day I first fell for you, I made sure to mark that day down somewhere. It was a special day for me; I couldn’t forget it. Then came the day you said you would stay with me forever. I didn’t think you understood those words at first, yet I can wholeheartedly see the opposite now.
You understand what it means to stay with me forever now, don’t you?
That day wouldn’t leave my memories even if I try, it’s to forever remain in my memories. When you said you’ll never leave me I was so overcome with happiness I wanted to take you on the spot. Instead, I settled for a deep kiss, one that would burn even after our lips parted. I wanted, no I still do want more of you.
And more did come.
You placed your head onto my shoulder as I felt you relax into my embrace. That simple action was all it took for me to go over the edge. I knew at that moment I would follow you in whatever fate was next. The trust which grew from that day led me to the love we share today. I’ve found my one love and I’m so grateful it’s you. I love you.
To me you're the one. The one who despite feeling inferior to me at times stays. The one who holds my hand when mine is shaking. The one who adores me till the point they cry tears. We’re inseparable, aren’t we?
_____________, at my heart I am but an ordinary man in love. Really, I’m no genius. The day I first met you I don’t think I would have imagined this. To think I would be with you like this almost feels like a dream come to life. Except this is my reality and I’m thrilled to know that unlike a dream you won’t disappear. I love you ___________, really, I do. Don’t forget that.
May this letter reach your heart,
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nuttytani · 10 months
Would you love me if I were a worm? Featuring ikemen vampire cast. (With gender neutral reader)
(a/n: when you have too much free time and need your hands to be occupied. Some random bullshit begins to form on your notes)
He finds it funny, why would you turn into a worm?
After seeing your frown tho, he says ok ok yes I will love you
Makes a disgusted face and turns you down
First of all, you won't turn into a worm. So why should he answer?
"if people can turn into vampires, why can't I turn into a worm?"
He kicks you out of his piano room
Dude has some thoughts to organise
Laughs at you and says, "what will you do if I say no?"
Pretends to forget about it but after some hours, he comes back to you
"no matter how and what you are or will turn into, I'll still love you"
"is this some sort of trick question? Well the answer is obviously yes, my love!"
Thinks deeply about it and smiles at you
"of course, I'll still love you. I think you'd make a cute worm too."
Scoffs at you and calls you an idiot
Why would you turn into a worm?
And by chance, you DID turn into one, how was he going to take care of you? There's so many worms out there in the world. What if you get lost and he gets some random worm instead and you, are lost and out in the cold, ready to be squashed by big feet.
Uno reverses you instead
Now you're trapped
Would you love him if he was a worm?
Gets sad if you don't answer quickly enough
"I am not doing this right now. If you're free, wash those potatoes instead. I'm already busy as it is"
Stays silent for a while and then sighs
"no matter what, I'd love you always and forever"
Chuckles a bit at the thought and immediately replies yes
He'd give you a good environment to live in. Some really nutritious soil and compost. Maybe a tiny rock for you to play with
"Comte, you just need to say yes... No need to.... Elaborate on what else you'd do"
"Alright. Well, would you love me if I were a worm?"
Is fascinated that you even came up with such a question
His answer is yes
But at the same time, he's coming up with scripts that include a dramatic romance between worms. For his own pleasure
Says yes immediately.
Thinks you'd look like a cute worm
Maybe he'd put roses next to your habitat or in it.
"of course! In fact, we can both be worms together! We'll be a happy worm couple"
He's actually taking the idea too seriously and goes ahead making worm habitats and gets a book on "how to raise a worm"
"I'm not sure. Though I suppose researching on a worm wouldn't be that bad"
Seeing you look unimpressed, he just chuckles while patting your head
"I'm only joking. Of course I'd love you"
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natimiles · 11 days
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Warmth (Comte x reader x Leonardo)
Summary: You wake up feeling too hot, and your lovers help you cool down.
Words: 664
Tags: fluffy; romance; established relationship; Comte’s real name.
Notes: a little scenario I wrote for @valkyyriia to bring her back to life a few days ago.
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The snow piles up outside in the garden, painting it white. The mansion is silent, with everyone likely taking advantage of the cold to stay warm under their blankets. It’s the middle of winter, the coldest night of the season. Or, at least, it was supposed to be.
You wake up because you feel too warm, and the crackling of the fireplace makes you think that must be why. But as you shift your body to turn to the other side, you realize your face is pressed against a firm chest, a warm body snuggled against your back, and two sets of arms holding you close to them. And suddenly, it makes perfect sense why you’re so hot.
You try to move again, slowly, careful not to disturb your lovers. You think you’re successful until you feel the body in front of you stir, followed by a soft voice whispering, “Is everything okay, ma chérie?”
“I’m too hot,” you complain with a pout.
Comte laughs softly through his nose, his hand brushing your bangs back. “You’re really warm.” He leans in and kisses your forehead. “Do you want to uncover yourself a bit? Or take off one blanket?”
“I guess we didn’t expect to make you this hot while you were asleep too,” Leonardo teases from behind you, startling you.
“Leo!” You slap his arm, and he chuckles. Abel’s soft laughter doesn’t help the heat on your already flushed face.
“Come here, I can help you.” His arms tighten around you as he smirks, ready to roll you over him to the other side of the bed, where you could uncover yourself and cool off better than being squeezed between two warm purebloods. But before he can follow through, Comte’s hand grabs his arm, holding him back.
“What do you think you’re doing, Leonardo?” he asks with a smile.
“Helping, cara mia,” he answers, as if it’s obvious.
Abel doesn’t let go of him, and Leonardo doesn’t let go of you. You stay there for a few seconds, staring at each other, with that pureblood aura growing stronger around you. They’re squeezing you even tighter now, and you feel the heat becoming more uncomfortable. You sigh, thinking that maybe if you could uncover your feet, it might help a little while they continue to silently fight for your attention…
Your sigh, however, is interpreted by the vampires as irritation with them rather than frustration with the heat, and their gaze shifts to your face instantly. And as if rehearsed, they move in unison.
“What—” you start to ask, startled by their sudden movement.
Leonardo gets up to reduce the heat of the fireplace, and Comte sits up, moving the blanket to leave only a lighter one over the three of you. When your lover returns, he brings a glass of water for you, and the other helps you sit up to drink it. Abel brushes your hair back, removing the strands stuck to your sweaty skin and holding them in a loose ponytail to cool your neck. It’s always amusing to you how they’re so possessive and jealous of each other, but they set it all aside at the slightest sign that you’re uncomfortable.
After you drink as much as you want and Leo takes the glass back to its place, you lie back down on your back, with Comte still at your side, gently brushing your hair with his fingers. Leonardo returns to his place on your other side and takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. He brings your joined hands to his lips, softly kissing your knuckles and bringing a smile to your face.
You still feel warm, but it’s not uncomfortable like when you woke up.
The warmth of your lovers envelops you in a soothing way, and as they caress you, you feel your eyelids growing heavy. Abel kisses your temple, and Leo kisses your cheek, and you sigh contentedly, drifting back to sleep for a restful night.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @koco-coko @yamarireads @dragon-liquorice @fang-and-feather
• @sh0jun @scummy-writes @valkyyriia @just-a-dodo
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cloudcountry · 9 months
SUMMARY: a handful of insecurities the ikemen guys would adore.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: happy holidays everyone!! i hope this makes at least one person feel loved by their fav <3 just know that this isnt a decisive list and that no matter your insecurity your favorite suitor would adore you to bits.
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you might think that they're silly for adoring your stomach so much, worshiping any extra fat or polished muscle you possess. they revel in your softness, burying their face into your midsection whenever they get the chance, kissing the skin there when they wake up and resting a hand over your belly button when you two go to sleep. if you’re ticklish there, watch out, because they take great joy in poking and prodding you just to hear you giggle.
arthur, dazai, will, charles, luke, silvio, edgar, kyle, seth, loki, masamune, mitsunari, motonari.
they don't understand what’s so embarrassing about your body hair. to them, it adds a sort of human softness to your legs as they run their hands down your calves, feeling the slight prickle of where each strand begins and ends. they think it’s beautiful, smiling so softly as they cup your knee, rubbing their thumbs across your skin. they do the same to your arms, cherishing every inch of your body,  just to remind you that even if you don’t like your body hair, they do because it's you.
leonardo, vincent, faust, clavis, zero, sirius, fenrir, mitsuhide, shingen.
your nose is often where their kisses land, sprinkling the bridge of it with their love and affection. they caress your face so tenderly as they bump their nose against yours, and you can feel the smile on their lips when they lean in to kiss you again. no matter what shape or what size, they will never stop thinking that your nose suits you just perfectly.
isaac, jean, leon, yves, sariel, keith, jonah, luka, dean, oliver, hideyoshi, keiji.
they think your acne and your scars are beautiful, even if you hate the way they look on your body. they insist it could never take away from your beauty, that you will always and forever be radiant, even with the red marks and the dull, faded scars. they’ll help you take care of them so you aren’t hurt, but they will never let you believe that you’re ugly. that word should not be associated with you, not when you have constellations speckled across your face and scars that are on their precious love and their precious love alone.
napoleon, sebastian, licht, nokto, alter keith, ray, dalim, mousse, yukimura, kanetsugu, kicho.
...and along with acne, they know you could never look prettier, especially not without your cellulite or stretch marks or anything in between. they trace the folds and warps in your skin with reverence because you are their love, their light, and their darling, and for as long as they live they want nothing more than to be able to hold you. because you are a human being who is worthy of love, if not for your humanity then because of your humanity.
mozart, theo, comte, vlad, jin, chevalier, rio, gilbert, lancelot, harr, blanc, nobunaga, ieyasu, ranmaru, kenshin, sasuke, yoshimoto, kennyo.
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shookspearewrites · 2 years
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Hiya there anon my petal, thank you so so much for your request and your kindness - y’all compliments / comments are always so lovely to receive! I love the Comte/MC/Leonardo dynamic, I really do, I think that they are just the perfect trio 
- JJ x
Le Comte de Saint Germain / Leonardo Da Vinci:
They’re a little competitive with each other but my god they make an incredible team of lovers, they know how to work together to make their lover feel like an absolute goddess. The two of them really of make the perfect pair of boyfriends for their MC, Leonardo is rough around the edges and ruggedly handsome while le Comte is refined and has a sort of timeless beauty about him. A perfect gentlemen and a bold rogue all to herself - What girl could ask for more?
Together they’re the perfect balance of spontaneous and responsible, too. While le Comte would always arrange exquisite dinners and dances to take MC to, Leonardo gets into the habit of just sweeping her off of her feet in the middle of the day and whisking her off to do whatever they fancy in the moment. Of course, they’ll arrange dates for the three of them together too, though le Comte is always the one to do it (unless it’s his birthday, in which case Leonardo and MC will no doubt plan something wonderful for their sugar daddy boyfriend).
The only thing Leonardo and le Comte ever seriously disagree on in their relationship is turning MC: Comte is all for it, wanting to keep MC by their sides for as long as possible but Leonardo, well he has his reservations about it. I think if his MC really wanted it, Leonardo would eventually give in but only on the condition that it be le Comte turn her, not him.
If MC ever falls ill, her boyfriends will be so doting and take the world’s best care of her that they can. Leonardo will carry her to le Comte’s room where he’ll insist she rest for the day in his bed so he can keep an eye on her. Comte will completely abandon his paperwork to sit by her side and stroke her hair, often asking Sebas to bring her fresh tea, fruit and whatever else she could need. While Leonardo will let MC cuddle up to his chest - and probably keep falling asleep - and act as the perfect boyfriend/ hot water bottle combo.
If she doesn’t speak it already, Comte will insist that he teaches MC French, sitting close by her side at his desk whilst she takes notes and encouraging her with kind compliments and softly stroking her back as she sounds out new words, “You’re learning so quickly, ma Cherie, bien fait.” 
When Leonardo finds out that le Comte has been tutoring MC in French 1 on 1, he’ll instantly start teaching her Italian though, his teaching methods are a little different. He’ll have MC sat on his lap facing him, pressing meaningful kisses to different places he can reach to teach her the words - one word she’ll never forget is “Le labbra” since Leonardo just can’t bring himself to stop kissing her lips, smirking when she blushes that beautiful shade of pink over and over again.
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duckyfann9871 · 5 months
I want to be a vampire too: rant
played 2 routes of ikemen vampire so far. I love the game, but both times I have wished that there was an option to join them as a vampire at the end.
I don't understand why becoming a vampire is posed so negatively in the game, but whenever it comes up in the routes it's coded like it's a terrible option that MC doesn't want to do.
Well, au contraire! If I had a chance to become a sexy vampire in a mansion full of other sexy vampires I would take it ... especially if the person I was in love with was also a vampire. If both are vampires doesn't that mean more time you get to be together??
TLDR I want to become a vampire at the end of my romance and I haven't had my way yet,
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sunnyikemen · 5 months
For Her
Pairing: Ikevamp Leonardo x MC
Summary: Leonardo takes on the heaviest burden for love. And he defies those who condemn this love.
Warnings: Mentions of death/dying.
Word count: ~850
Notes: Replaying Leonardo's route and am in a Mood. Might do more with this later, but for now kindly accept this small offering of tragic man.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
Leonardo's fingers continue tracing the contours of her face, but his eyes shift to hers, “Intriguing. Don’t think I can decline that offer. What’s on your mind?”
She lets her eyelids drop as fingertips trail down the bridge of her nose, and she breaths. Deep and slow. “I’ve been trying to wrap my head around…mortality. Specifically, mortality mixed with immortality,” another deep breath, “I think I’ve found a benefit.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“Unfortunately, it’s only a benefit for myself, and it’s very selfish.”
“That’s not like you. It must be a very beneficial benefit.”
“Oh, it is,” she says.
Leonardo gives her a moment to elaborate, but it never comes. He cradles her face with his hand and brushes his thumb back and forth across her cheek. She doesn’t open her eyes, but her brows are tense.
“Ah, cara mia. You can’t leave me hanging like that.”
Her eyes open, and he sees doubt flash across them. Unlike her, he thinks.
“It’s’ not very kind to say, I’ve realised,” she says softly, “I never want to be unkind to you.”
Leonardo adjusts his head on the pillow so her wandering gaze finally focusses on his, and he brushes the rosiness of her skin with his knuckles. Sometimes he wonders if her goodness rubs off on him whenever he caresses her. He hopes so.
“I could never take what you say as unkindness,” he coos, but her worry doesn’t seem to ease, “What’s got you wound up, bella? Let me in. I wanna know what goes on in that pretty head of yours to give you an expression like that.”
“I just had the thought that…” she plays with the hair at the nape of his neck, “I won't have to grieve you.”
His fingertips finally stop their journey at the tip of her chin, his brows furrowed, “Cara mia, why are you thinking things like that?”
“And you never do?”
He doesn’t answer, “I don’t like when you think like that. It upsets you.”
“I know, but I selfishly can’t help it,” she takes a long breath through her nose, like she’s about to do a run up, “I’m aware it’s horrible, but in a way I’m glad that I’ll be the first to leave. I couldn’t bear any other outcome,” she opens her eyes, “I don’t want to miss you.”
Leonardo suspects she had imagined a different reaction from him. He feels her nails scratching nervously against his scalp, bottom lip between her teeth, anticipating his reply. But he smiles at her, and continues drawing patterns across her skin. Because she was right, he had thought about it too. And he had come to the same conclusion.
“I’m glad too,” he says steadily, “Can’t bear to see you upset, you know that. If that benefit is comforting to you,” he kisses between her brows, “then I’ll take this burden for you. I’ll miss you instead.”
Oh, how his love ran so deep for her that he’d do absolutely anything she asked. He never imagined, in all his amazing and ridiculous dreams, that he’d ever have a love like this. He is grateful to have it at all.
Leonardo can imagine others scoffing at a love so doomed. Sticking their noses up, laughing in his face. He can even imagine some pitying looks, with a hand on his back, and a why on the tips of their tongues. Why put yourself through that?
And his reply?
So am I not allowed to love at all, then?
He’d become defiant of that ‘why’ hundreds of years ago. He’d had much time to think it over, and he’d reached his conclusion.
If he was not allowed this joy, for the simple fact that it is fleeting, then he’d sit in the dark alleyways of life and he’d love. He’d brush his hand against the hand of a passerby. He’d catch eyes with someone from across the room and smile. He’d embrace another. He’d call them ‘lover’. He’d kiss them. If the world decided he shall not love then he shall do so illicitly, with the kindness and rebellion of a man who cared not if that same world abandoned him, for he knew he had his heart and that his heart was full.
And at his trial, he’d stand tall. At the condemnation of his heart, he’d look into the eyes of those who saw his feelings as a crime and him as a prisoner. He’d rattle his chains at them, knowing that he’d feel more love in his lover’s lifetime than they’ll ever feel in their own.
But even that last statement wasn't entirely true, for he’d love her even when she had no air in her lungs. He’d love her even if her heart turned to stone. He’d love her even when she is frail. And centuries after her eyes had closed for the last time, he’d love her. For her, even then.
“When I die, I hope it’s like this,” she croaks, “I hope we’ll be holding each other. I hope I’ll still feel your fingertips on my skin.”
Even then.
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