someawesomeamvs · 2 years
Warning: None
Title: Winter
Editor: Infikret Project
Song: First Snow
Artist: Ikson
Anime: Shikioriori, Kimi no na wa (film), Cross Road, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Kimi ni Todoke, Road to You (ONA), Shokugeki no Souma
Category: Freestyle
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calochortus · 1 month
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rachidlotf · 2 years
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Ikson The Producer - Commission Art Course/Print/Commission: https://rachidlotf.com/store
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faithshouseofchaos · 1 year
Azantyz = knight
Hontes = bird
Syz = good
Taobo = boy
Rini = girl
Abra nages = woman sweating
Issa = is
Vala liris = man is singing
Abra edrus = woman is sleeping
Taobo edrus = boy is sleeping
Vala ikson = I am a man
Nuna = my
Muna = mother
Kirine = happy
Kepa = father
Abra = woman
Syz Taobo iksa = you are a good boy
Rini edrusi = are the girls sleeping
Vaedis = singing
Syri hontesse vaedis = the good birds are singing
Jiorna Nuha brozi lonos Issa Faith = welcome my name is Faith
Rytsas Faith iksan = hello I am Faith
Dreji kirine iksan = are you truly happy Faith?
Issa kirimvose = yes thank you
Biarvose = you’re welcome
Uren = I see a= you
Azantyssy iksi = the swords woman
Kirini iksat = you all are happy
Vali iksi = we are men
Edrusi = they are sleeping
Syri hontesse edrusi = the birds are sleeping
Vaedris = they are sleeping
Abri vaedris = the woman are sleeping
Muni iksate = you all are mothers
Rini nagesi = the girls are sweating
Hontesse issi = they are birds
Hontesse edrusi = the birds are sleeping
Syri = good
Issi = they are / are
Nuhi muni nagesi = my mothers sweating
Aspo = bitch
Hobrenka = idiotic/fucking
Qrugh = shit
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emilykaldwen · 8 months
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You're the Lighting of the Blaze
Ship: Jacaerys Velaryon x Helaena Targaryen (Jacelaena) Rating: Mature Word Count: 6,484 Warnings: Targcest and light, consensual somnophilia written for the @hotd-bigbang banner by @nyctophilic0vitnir Summary: On the eve of war, all that Jacaerys holds dear is poised to be stolen from him. But the fire flows through him just as the rest of his family, and a dragon does not surrender his treasure so easily.
(Jace x Helaena Betrothal AU) (Title from NFWMB by Hozier)
“Helaena?” he whispered harshly, reaching up to remove his mask but pausing before he could. “Fucking thing,” he muttered, trying to look around and see if he could spot the glimmering blue and gold and silver of his betrothed. “Ābrazyyrys, skoriot ilā?” The Valyrian flowed more easily from his mouth than it had before. Helaena made studying… fun. He wished they were back in bed, her mouth on him while she made him practice reciting the prophecies of Daenys the Dreamer. “Vasīr ābrazyyrys ikson daor,” came a smooth voice, the words like a song, a dream. The scent of lemon wafted around him and he felt a warm hand stroking up his spine. “Don’t turn around.” Her voice was soft and commanding all the same and it made a shiver roll through his body, heat and arousal, excitement and nerves. “Did you come all this way just to find me, ñuha jorrāelagon?” Her mouth brushed against his shoulder. Her fingers curled nervously - he knew it was nervously by how tightly she clung - into his tunic. “I dreamed you.” “I don’t know the word for bride,” he apologized, voice in a rush, breathless. His heart was thudding in his ears. “I’ve dreamed of you too. But we have to go.” A yearning edge to his voice and he tilted his head back to the sky as if praying for the opportunity to do it. Helaena’s arms moved to wind around his waist from behind, and she pressed her face between his shoulder blades. His hands came to rest over hers in a soothing motion, but as much as he wanted to wind in her embrace - “We have to get out of here.”
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Rhaenys vs Daemon please?
Of course! 😊 This one was a result of me trying to figure out how the arrangement that Baela would be warded with Rhaenys and Rhaena would stay with Daemon came to be, particularly as the show presents him as having much more interest in Baela as she’s a dragonrider.
I quite like this draft but I’m not sure if I’m going to use it any time soon, so I’ve included everything I’ve written thus far!
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High Tide
“My daughters should remain by my side, good mother.”
Rhaenys rises slowly from the Driftwood Throne, feels the weight of her skirts settle about her feet, her breath swell in her chest, and takes a moment to cooly consider her kin.
“You have stolen my children from me, cousin.”
A ghost of a smile twitches on Daemon’s lips at the challenge.
“The birthing bed stole your daughter, ill-fortune your son. I cannot be blamed for unfortunate timing, nor should I lose mine own children to soothe your grief.”
Rhaenys’ mouth thins dangerously. “Fire murdered my children, Daemon. Fire and blood.”
Stood in the very hall where Laenor’s body had been pulled from the flames, Daemon laughs.
“Prove it.”
“Laena wrote to me before her death. I know she wished to return home, to raise her babes at Driftmark with her family.” Rhaenys swallows as she feels her throat tighten, choked by the imaginings of what now would never be. “My daughter will not see her children grow; but Baela and Rhaena are here, at Driftmark, with their mother’s blood. I ask that you honour my daughter’s wishes before you forget her so quickly for her brother’s bride.”
Daemon ascends the steps to the throne, his eyes never leaving hers.
“My bride is the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms,” he says, standing two steps down from the dais, eye level with her. “You should not dismiss her so.”
Rhaenys flexes her fingers idly, her thumb toying with one of the golden rings on her fingers. “I have known many future Kings and Queens of the Seven Kingdoms, cousin, most never see the crown placed upon their head. Girls are so easily set aside, after all.”
“All this blue,” Daemon begins quietly, raising a finger to trace the intricate beading at her collarbone, “and yet it is still not enough to hide the scorned dragon beneath, is it, Rhaenys?”
Rhaenys pauses, allows Daemon to think for a moment that he has the upper hand.
“Nyke gīmigon sparos nykēla ikson, valonqus.”
Daemon sneers. “Ӯdraō velāriono valyrio, mandȳs.”
Rhaenys lifts her chin triumphantly, looks down her nose at the cousin she has always favoured least.
“You may have your brother fooled, your new wife fooled, mayhaps even my lord husband fooled, but I know who you are, Daemon.”
She moves forward, forcing him back a step, and stares him down.
“You are a little boy who has always lived in his brother’s shadow, breaking his toys and causing offence in the hope that someone will notice him for it.”
She takes another step and leans closer, the tips of their noses near brushing.
“So desperate for the Iron Throne when you were never truly considered worthy; a last resort for once all the better options had been exhausted. How did it feel when a girl of four-and-ten was named heir in your stead?”
A muscle twitches in his jaw.
Rhaenys does not falter, the faintest hint of a triumphant smile on the corners of her mouth.
“Guards, summon my daughters.”
“Grandfather has gone,” Baela weeps, clinging to her sister’s hand, “we wanted to go to the docks to say goodbye, but he had already gone.”
Rhaenys kneels before the girls, wiping away their tears with her thumbs, ignoring the stinging in her own eyes.
“Hush now, my little loves. Your grandfather will return to us and-” she breaks off before her voice can choke, collecting herself, “-and when he does, he will have new stories, new adventures, to tell us of. Won’t that be exciting?”
Baela smiles half-heartedly, but Rhaena frowns her concern.
“But who will stay here with you? You will be alone here without grandfather.”
“You may choose one.”
The words chill her blood. Openly startled for the first time, she clutches her granddaughters to her, two pairs of thin, wiry arms moving to wrap themselves tight around her waist.
“Father,” one of the girls says, “we both wish to stay with grandmother.”
“Please let us stay,” the other whispers tearfully.
Rhaenys sinks to the stone floor, taking her girls with her, one hand atop Baela’s head, the other brushing back the locs from Rhaena’s face. Her two joys, the very image of their mother, the only comfort left to her.
“Cousin, I-”
“For too long my daughters have been intertwined. It is time they learned to stand independent of one another.”
“You would treat your own children so cruelly? You would make me choose one over the other as though they were a litter of pups? I will not-”
Little Rhaena stands, her hand gripping so tightly about her grandmother’s fingers that they are beginning to tingle with numbness. Squaring her shoulders, the little girl looks defiant and proud, even as her bottom lip wobbles.
“I will go, father. Let Baela stay here at High Tide ‘til grandfather returns.”
“You are so very brave, little dragon.”
“I’m not a dragon, Baela is the dragon.”
“You are a dragon; only a dragon protects her kin the way you protect your sister,” Rhaenys affirms, readjusting the scarlet cloak on the girl’s shoulders, then moving her hands to cup her granddaughter’s face. “One day you will have a dragonbond, whether it be with a hatchling like your sister and Moondancer or with a full-grown dragon, as Meleys bonded with me.”
Rhaena’s eyes swim with tears, but the girl holds her head high and does not allow them to fall.
“Perhaps Meleys will be yours, one day. It would be a comfort to me to know she will not be alone.”
Rhaena jerks her head. “Meleys is yours and you are hers. I could only claim her if you are as dead as mother. I would rather never be a dragonrider.”
Rhaenys smiles sadly, acknowledging her mistake, and gathers her granddaughter in her arms, holding tight.
Catching Daemon’s wrist in a surprisingly iron grip, she pulls him close to hiss in his ear. “They will remember this. For the rest of their lives, they will remember how you tore them apart when they most needed each other.”
Daemon smiles a cruel smile. “Did I tear them apart, mandȳs, or did you?
- - -
High Valyrian:
“I know precisely who I am, little brother/cousin.”
“You speak Valyrian like a Velaryon, older sister/cousin.”
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polar-equinoxx · 1 year
Me🤝taking forever to respond to asks
The song? Angel by Ikson
The au?
Ice and Mav are ‘Angelus’ (basically angels) and it is their secret. They have wings tattooed on their backs, Maverick’s tattoo appeared before he was at Top Gun, and Ice’s half way through. (Goose does not die in this au, I am not doing that) The wings themselves start to appear at any point between a month and a year after the tattoo does.
Have I written over 1k words for when Mav’s wings appear? Yes. What of it. Should I post it?👀
(Stop me from rambling I have wayyy too many ideas it’s shocking. I am simply just completely obsessed with the winged Ice and Mav thing) And thank you Nade for asking!!
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smww4ever · 10 months
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In a world full of Lex Luthors, be a Superman. 💥
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myremarkableplace · 10 months
Perth to Fremantle
Music: You and Me
Musician: Ikson
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Ok~ time for some Ambience and Chill~
Chime - Alan gogoll
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Behind the Playlist - Transformers: Prime Edition (Part 7 of 22: Cliffjumper)
Link to the other posts in my Behind the Playlist series
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Cliffjumper’s playlist is one of two that I decided to organize in “story order”. Since so little of him was seen in TFP, I thought I’d be a good idea to do things that way. Enjoy the musical ride from first meeting to tragic end. Or don’t. Or maybe both.
Intended overarching themes and/or qualities: Carefree, Vibrant, Gone in a flash
My personal favorite(s) from this playlist: I Ain’t Worried, Amor, and The Wings That Carried Me Home
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Full song list and explanations under the cut:
Give Me Something Good by WAR*HALL
When we were first introduced to Cliffjumper, he came across as a bit of a thrill-seeker and an overall fun-loving guy. This is a good song that matches that aspect of his character.
Real Good Feeling by Oh The Larceny
Same idea as the first song.
I Ain’t Worried by OneRepublic
And again. Honestly, I went by overall vibes on Cliffjumper’s playlist more than the previous ones.
Now’s My Time by Valley Of Wolves
“There may be mountains or hills to climb / But It's now or never to win this fight / I gotta win this fight
Gonna face the music before I lose it / And I gotta do this while I'm alive / Gonna face the music It's time to prove it / I'm making history while I'm alive / Cuz now's my time / Now's my time”
Cliffjumper strikes me as the sort of bot who made any victory or adventure of his seem like a pivotal moment in history. So even though he didn’t exactly get the chance to make history in the way the rest of the team did, he probably had one heck of a time living his life as if he had been doing so all along.
Born Again by Wholm, Cageman, Michael Shynes
From Cliffjumper to Arcee: Let me in. I’m just as terrified of this crazy life of war as you are. I just happen to cope differently. It’s still better to go through it with a friend.
Amor by Ikson
The vibes.
Ruby by Jim Yosef, Alex Skrindo
Rubies are red. Cliffjumper was red. I think the song cover and the tune go well with him.
Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts
It’s so Cliffjumper. At least, I think it is.
I’m Born To Run by American Authors
“I'm gonna live my life, like I'm gonna die young / Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run / I'm gonna spend my time, like tomorrow won't come / Do whatever I want, like I'm born to run”
Yeah, you go do that, Cliff. Your time will be up before you know it. In retrospect, at least you were brave enough to hold onto your fun-loving nature until the end.
Die For You by VALORANT, Grabbitz
“Time slows down when it can get no worse / I can feel it running out on me / I don't want these to be my last words / All forgotten 'cause that's all they'll be
Now there's only one thing I can do / Fight until the end like I promised to / Wishing there was something left to lose / This could be the day I die for you”
Yes, Cliff. Yes, it could be the day. Actually, it was. You did. And it was sad.
Cruel World by Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnesz
The title says it all.
Casualty Of War by Brian Tyler
No words. Just sadness.
The Wings That Carried Me Home by Skyline Drive, Narrow Skies
Rest in peace, Cliffjumper. Optimus, the other bots of Team Prime, and a small group of humans you never got to meet made sure your sacrifice was not in vain.
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This post series is in alphabetical order. Next up are Dreadwing and Jack Darby.
As I add more songs to the playlist, I’ll update this post.
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justmythings-stuff · 2 years
Non io che mi sono appena resa conto che la parte della canzone che ha messo Lucy nel video dice “ beautiful”, lei ci rende partecipe dei suoi sbava menti per il suo raga ma come darle torto 🤤 non solo Fede ormai è stracotto e perso per lei anche lei e non gli importa farlo vedere 😂
Nella story originale (e poi cancellata) aveva messo paradise di Ikson 🙈
Brava Lucia, continua a sbavare e renderci partecipi 😂
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ducktackler · 7 hours
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Should this go in my shop?
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emilykaldwen · 6 months
12 and 22 for the fic writer asks! <3
Year In Review Ask Meme!
12. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
You're the Lighting of the Blaze was soooo difficult for me. It was a brand new headspace for me to dig into, I'm not a Team Black person to begin with, and I was trying to strike a vibe that I couldn't quite describe but knew what it was when I saw it. ALSO I had to keep myself on track and target to not overthink the excessive world building implications of these choices and get bogged into the details.
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
From the above mentioned fic:
“Helaena?” he whispered harshly, reaching up to remove his mask but pausing before he could. “Fucking thing,” he muttered, trying to look around and see if he could spot the glimmering blue and gold and silver of his betrothed. “Ābrazyyrys, skoriot ilā?” The Valyrian flowed more easily from his mouth than it had before. Helaena made studying… fun. He wished they were back in bed, her mouth on him while she made him practice reciting the prophecies of Daenys the Dreamer. “Vasīr ābrazyyrys ikson daor,” came a smooth voice, the words like a song, a dream. The scent of lemon wafted around him and he felt a warm hand stroking up his spine. “Don’t turn around.” Her voice was soft and commanding all the same and it made a shiver roll through his body, heat and arousal, excitement and nerves. “Did you come all this way just to find me, ñuha jorrāelagon?” Her mouth brushed against his shoulder. Her fingers curled nervously - he knew it was nervously by how tightly she clung - into his tunic. “I dreamed you.” “I don’t know the word for bride,” he apologized, voice in a rush, breathless. His heart was thudding in his ears. “I’ve dreamed of you too. But we have to go.” A yearning edge to his voice and he tilted his head back to the sky as if praying for the opportunity to do it. Helaena’s arms moved to wind around his waist from behind, and she pressed her face between his shoulder blades. His hands came to rest over hers in a soothing motion, but as much as he wanted to wind in her embrace - “We have to get out of here.”
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10 posts!Alimporium76: Your One Stop Shop For All You Need!! We got something for everyone in the family from big n Tall, fury n small, Home to Garden etc.... Come Check It out
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crisbrasil10 · 3 months
Descubra os segredos para uma cozinha mais prática e funcional! Siga minha página de achadinhos no Instagram para encontrar produtos incríveis que vão transformar a sua experiência na cozinha. Acesse o link abaixo e confira todas as novidades.✨️
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