#ikuto maekawa
nicosbrainrot · 2 years
KNHA Character Playlist Masterpost
Ikuto - Kaiza - Toru
Kenzou - Tremor - Omen
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korissideblog · 2 years
Eat What You Kill.
Ball joke ball joke ball joke <3
There’s a lot of cameos in this bad boy, but I’ll only be tagging @boni-kazai-1y for their villain Fujin <3 also this happens pretty early in the attack, so if ur character has pretty much anything going on then, rabid aito is being a freak in the bg <3
Aito fell to her knees behind a table, shaking as she had finally escaped the terror of the party. Her dress tore as she tried to escape the stampeding crowds, and her side felt bruised from the pushing and shoving, but skin hadn’t torn yet. She was still mobile.
Aito crawled between tables, trying to find somewhere to hide when her ankle was grabbed and she was yanked under a nearby table.
“Sweetheart!” He was immediately wrapped up in a hug as Konekomaru held him, weeping as he brushed his hands over her, both seemingly to check for injury and to make sure she was actually there, and not just an illusion. “You’re ok! Please- please stay here-“
“I-I will baby- I will.” Aito huffed, also holding him close as she buried her face in his chest. “I-I’m scared Koneko- I- wh what if someone gets hurt and-“ Aito paused, tears threatening her eyes as she looked around. “W-where’s Ikuto? Koneko- Koneko where is Ikuto?” She asked, looking around as Konekomaru wiped his own tears away.
“I-I don’t know Aito- I haven’t-“
“Silence.” Aito barked in a whisper, looking out from under the table and shaking as she saw him, standing alone as someone stared him down. Aito watched, frozen as time slowed down.
It only took a single step from the villain for Aito to pounce.
He crashed into the man with little skill or grace, but with enough power to knock him over. Aito wanted to yell, to scream, to do anything that would get him away from Ikuto, but all he could make himself do was snarl, a croaking deep within her chest that shook her entire body. She landed on all fours, and for some reason, it clicked. Aito had moved this way before- but this time it felt different. It felt like this was the only way for her to move now. He pounced on the villain before either had an opportunity to think, pinning him down and scratching at him. There was a small fight, the villain grabbing at her arms as Aito tried to slash at him. She finally connected with his skin, and left a gash on his arm.
Something flooded Aito’s senses when he smelled the blood.
Something animal, something primal.
Something that felt much too dark to be human.
He growled again as the villain threw him off, landing on his back and quickly twisting himself back on all fours, tail whipping around in anger. He roared- something he was barely aware of being capable of- and ran back at the villain. She jumped at him, and landed square in his chest.
The villain fell back, and a sickening crack could be heard as his head hit the marble floor.
Aito grabbed his hair and did it again.
She beat his head against the ground with all her might.
She only succeeded twice before her wrists were grabbed.
He grabbed her and held her.
He tried to escape her claws- painful as they were still coming in.
She roared again.
And then something happened.
She felt short of breath.
It felt wrong.
He fought for air.
He knew the villain was doing this.
He still failed to scratch at him.
The room was getting hazy.
He couldn't breathe.
He saw an opening.
The villain was going this.
He could stop them.
There’s the opening.
Take the chance.
Do it now.
Aito has tasted her own blood before.
He has also tasted other people’s blood before.
He has never tasted life before.
Life tasted bitter, and warm.
It felt round and fat in his mouth.
He had bitten into the man’s throat.
He could breathe now.
He had succeeded.
Aito dug his teeth further into the man’s throat.
It felt like her jaw was stuck like that.
She wanted to pull away.
To tear him apart.
She opened her mouth before she moved away.
Blood gushed out of him.
Blood flowed down her chin.
And her dress.
He looked at this man.
He was gasping for his life.
Like Aito was not too long ago.
It didn’t feel like justice.
It felt like a necessity.
He now knows the meaning of necessity.
The villain needs air.
Aito needed something else.
Eat it.
Eat what you kill.
Do not waste.
Eat what you kill.
Aito had killed him.
Aito had made a man a carcass.
An object.
He had made him, an it.
Eat it.
Eat what you kill.
Do not waste.
Eat what you kill.
It would not be a murder.
It would be a meal.
It would have been a necessity.
He needed to kill it.
Eat it.
Eat what you kill.
Do not waste.
Eat what you kill.
Aito trotted away on all fours.
Blood dripped off of him.
He tracked handprints of blood away from it.
Away from the carcass.
Eat it.
Eat what you kill.
Do not waste.
Eat what you kill.
It felt as familiar as his heart beat.
And yet alien.
It wasn’t him.
It couldn’t be.
Eat it.
Eat what you kill.
Do not waste.
Eat what you kill.
She slightly came too.
Still non verbal.
Still so afraid.
But she saw him, and felt just a bit less so.
Hiroharu Aki.
He saw him in trouble.
He ran to his aid.
Like a drum in his body that replaced his heart
He could still feel the impulse.
Eat it.
Eat what you kill.
Do not waste.
Eat what you kill.
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kamiart · 3 years
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Buncha knha emotes for tonight!! Just to combat that art block òwó)9
Credits below!!
Rin - Moi~
Sumiye - @smol-hibiscus
Mao - @greyciees
Ikuto - @rescue-hero-cardiac
Jetsam - @jetsam-kisa
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zer0-10 · 3 years
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“I-I...I panicked...I thought I was going to die...I had to split...”
AU stuff for both my boys??? And both so angsty. 8′)
So, uh, basically if you couldn’t tell. Jaye duplicated himself in a panic to stop that whole infection business. He didn’t know it was going to work but somehow it did. So now we have the issue of who’s going to kill Jaye if they even gonna get to it.
Ikuto - @rescue-hero-cardiac
Yori - @beetrootbot
Momo neko - @lintulady
Evan - @no1-horror-hero
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smol-hibiscus · 3 years
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“Thank you for the phone mister!! So you wanted to know where mermaids live?”
Friends :) @rescue-hero-cardiac
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compoundhero · 3 years
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Ayume, Momo and Ikuto ( @onibony @lintulady and @rescue-hero-cardiac ) for @gatortopia @cosmic-goof and @a1to-taka0 ! sorry for the awful camera angle and lighting this time I drew these in a tree
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cosmic-goof · 3 years
Kiyoko, Kabane, and Ikuto chilling on some steps right outside the convenience store they grabbed some lunch from! With Ikuto’s help, Kiyoko’s sporting c2! She thinks this is the sort of outfit she might have worn in middleschool...and that she dosen’t have nearly enough sunscreen for this outfit. Haha! Meanwhile Kabane-kun isn’t ready for Ikuto-kun to take a photo!!! Kiyoko sees her chance to steal.
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close up under the read more! Can’t say anything about whether or not tumblr will crunch it though!
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@mousierat​ @imminent-soup​
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imminent-soup · 3 years
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Quick sketches of some cuties from a bit ago 🥰
yeah, I should have been doing calculus but this was more fun :)
@jetsam-kisa @rescue-hero-cardiac
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kiyomi-mizumi-1y · 3 years
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It’s Sunday, y’know what that means >:) Ikuto Chandler ghost time
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zed-the-buggy · 3 years
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I tried to draw them sitting which phew sitting huggo is hard there's just leGS EVERYWHERE but I did it. I win... I win.
huggos >:) @the-heartbeat-hero
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murasaki-naga · 3 years
naga: don’t worry, he likes your butt and fancy hair. i know, i read his diary.
hoshizawa, blushing: he thinks it’s fancy?
@rescue-hero-cardiac @tano-hoshiz-1y
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
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little ikuto doodle in my chemistry notebook, experimenting with styles
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korissideblog · 2 years
hehe <3 aito daddy issues fic <33
[cw: parental abandonment, religion mention]
[Ikuto is from the lovely @nicosbrainrot , Haru is from the spectacular @compoundhero and Sato is from the show stopping @dantelionwishes
Osamu Sato hated staying late at work, and yet as a teacher, it was a pretty common occurrence for him. 
Walking out of the school, Sato cringed as he saw the rain coming down hard. Luckily most of his walk to the parking lot could be covered by awnings… unluckily though, he noticed a student standing out in the rain. They wore the school’s uniform, but were missing the uniform’s blazer. Whoever it was seemed fairly preoccupied with something, at least until Sato called out to them. Wet hair swung as Sato called out to the student, who was soon identified by his short twin horns on his head, seemingly drowning in the mess of soaked locks. 
Aito Takao was easily one of Sato’s more sneaky students, and if overheard rumors were true, she easily could have stuck out of the dorms and off campus without being caught like this. Either Takao wanted to be caught, or he didn’t care. Either possibility terrified Sato for different reasons. 
Takao didn’t move from his position, so Sato called again, motioning for him to come out of the rain. The boy’s head tilted as if confused. Once again, Sato called out to him, only for Takao to feign confusion. Takao turned and held his hand to his ear as if trying to hear, and Sato rolled his eyes. Of course the little demon child would be the one to drag Sato out in all this wetness. Takao smiled weakly as Sato shielded himself from the rain, walking out from the safety of the awning into the punishing rain.
“Takao-san. You’re getting soaked.” Sato huffed, also getting soaked. “Why are you out here?”
“I'm thinking.” Takao said smoothly, as if it were obvious. For a second, Sato grinned. Thinking was fairly new to Takao, it seems some of her classmates were rubbing off on her. 
“Who are you napping with tonight?” Sato asks, to the seeming shock of the girl. “Aki-san told me the first week of school: He didn’t want to break any dorm rules.” he chuckled, Takao understanding immediately and rolling her eyes. 
“I’m with Haru tonight.” she said shortly. “He’s probably gonna be upset that I’m late, but I'll just say that I'm with Akihiko. He likes it when I ‘interact with my classmates and the community around me in productive ways!’” she said, changing his voice into a playful mocking of his moral compass of a classmate. 
Sato’s mouth flinched into a minuscule grin, but instantly went back into its usual bored look. “Don’t mock Aki-san. He’s good for you.” Takao retaliated the comment with a quick smack to Sato’s stomach with the back of her hand, before being quickly reprimanded with a flick to the back of the head. Takao was going to respond with another attack, but was stopped when a jacket was draped over his shoulders. “Keep you dry.” Sato said shortly, as if the girl wasn’t already soaked to the bone. 
“Thanks, coach.” Takao mumbled quietly, tugging the sleeves over his arms. “Your fingers are huge by the way.” Sato’s eyebrow quirked at that, looking over as Takao flicked a ring around her slightly smaller fingers. Sato’s engagement ring. 
The man quickly snatched the ring out of the boy’s hand and fit it back over his own finger, scowling a bit at her. “Don't steal, Takao. I didn’t even know you knew how to steal something that small.”
“I know a lot more than people give me credit for.” Aito said vaguely with a huff, stuffing her hands into the pockets of the jacket. In the small moment of silence, the rain around them seemed to get a bit heavier, as if trying to punish the girl for her sour attitude. That, or copy her mood.
“Well then, what do you know about that photograph you’re hiding from me?” Takao blinked in shock, before reaching into the pocket of her slacks and revealing the back of it to her teacher. So he was right. “See? I'm getting better at reading you, Takao-san.” Sato chuckled. Takao apparently didn’t see the humor in that, frowning as she stayed silent. Her whole body seemed to droop under the weight of the water, one hand clutched to her arm, her head low as though she was caught with some sort of contraband. It was just a picture… wasn’t it?
“Takao-san.” Sato said, raising his voice a bit above the soft playfulness of his last comment. “Is there something wrong?” 
Takao’s fists balled up in frustration as she shoved the picture into the jacket pocket. Quickly he swiped his wet bangs out of the way of his eyes and-
And Sato felt a slight buzz inside of his nose, as if he were about to sneeze… but he didn’t. He only stared back as the boy’s sickly yellow eyes snarled their usual threat. The bark was much worse than the bite, at least in Sato’s case. It was rare for Takao to show his eyes to his teacher, so Sato knew he had something to say. 
If he didn’t know from just seeing his eyes, the puffiness- from either rainwater or tears, Sato couldn’t tell- was a good indicator that Takao needed someone to listen to her. 
“Mama doesn’t know that I know but…” Takao sniffled, trying to keep it together as the rain continued to pelt down. “The anniversary… of when my father left us… it’s coming up soon.” she said, wrapping her arms around herself in comfort. “Growing up, mama always made that day special for me… took me to a restaurant, or shopping, or an amusement park- whatever. It was always something. She thought that I could… I dunno- subconsciously tell that something bad happened today. She didn’t want me feeling bad so… we’d do something nice- something nice together.” he huffed, wiping his face clean with the sleeve of Sato’s jacket. He was definitely crying.. 
“But this year… this year I’m here at school and… and mama has a teacher thing she has to do and- and she’s gonna be away all week and-” he hiccuped, trying and failing to keep his voice still as tears stung his eyes. “And she’s sending me food and money- and I can hang out with any of my friends and-” her voice cracked as she held back a sob, holding herself tighter. “But I don't want my friends! I want my mama-” Thunder rolled and Takao shivered as she clutched her arms. If not for the jacket protecting her, her nails might have torn through her shirt by now. “What if she doesn’t come back coach?!” Takao asked, tears flowing freely down her face. “I am the model of perfection- from my actions to my movements to my looks to my thoughts, I am nothing but raw and ruthless in my perfection- even my ‘faults’ only make me more perfect- perfectly human in all ways, even mistakes. God made humanity in His image, and I am His near perfect twin.” again, lightning struck. Chastising or cheering, Sato couldn't tell- what he could tell though, was that it was getting dangerously close. He was about to stop Takao’s insistent narcissistic rambling when she looked at him with the wildest eyes he’d ever seen on a child her age, shaking and trembling as if to fight back screaming sobs. 
“So why was I not perfect enough for HIM!?” Takao shrieked, lightning striking a tree nearby, nearly deafening the two. 
In the silent ringing, Takao screamed and ran to Sato, burying himself in the man’s arms. “SATO!” the boy screamed, shaking like a leaf as he clutched his teacher’s torso in fear. “Take me back- back to the dorms!!” he trembled, tears warm against Sato’s chest- a shock after the coldness of the rain. “I’m scared- Sato, I’m so scared- please take me back!” she pleaded, Sato finally being in the state of mind to move his body and wrap his arms around the boy… and Takao was one. For just a fleeting moment… that’s all he was. Just a scared little boy, with no one to turn to but him. 
Sato had to get him to safety. 
Takao seemed petrified in her place, and as difficult as it was, Sato lifted the girl. Luckily she seemed to have the mind- or at least the instinct- to wrap her arms and legs around him and hold on like a lifeline as her teacher carried her under the awning and through the campus. It wasn’t long till both teacher and student were inside the dorms again, and Takao was finally lowered to the ground. 
She was still sobbing, holding onto Sato’s arm as she trembled lightly. She was in a delicate state though, so Sato allowed her to continue. 
“Takao kun!” The two looked up to see Takao’s long haired classmate- and napping buddy for the night- Hiroharu Aki. “She’s here, Maekawa-kun!” Aki called up the stairs before booking it to Takao’s side. “I woke up and realized that you hadn’t come to bed yet! You are absolutely soaked! Why were you out there!?” Aki asked, peppering the girl with questions as he removed the soaking jacket from her shoulders, Sato taking it without comment. 
“Aito!” Ikuto barked, sprinting down the stairs and tackling the girl in a hug, “We thought you’d run off somewhere- you’re soaking wet dude- hurry, we should get you out of all this before you get sick!” Maekawa, ever the worrier, tugged at his friend’s arm. 
Takao held on tightly to her teacher, though, looking up at him with covered eyes. Sato felt a slight tinge of nostalgia for it- being young and unable to express emotions because of a covered face. It made him smile a bit- not that Takao would know, seeing as his mouth was covered… well, maybe they would both know, in their own little way. “You three better hurry back. You’re way past curfew.” he said, in his sternest ‘you’re in trouble’ teacher voice. Both boys immediately started apologizing, Maekawa grabbing and pulling Takao quickly away towards their dorms. The girl looked back though, her hair flicking just out of the way enough that he could see her full expression. A smile… with very thankful eyes.
Sato left the dorm building, tossing the jacket over himself and fitting his arms through. It was already worthless to him as something to stop the rain, but it was just force of habit at this point. He slipped his hand into his pocket… but felt something there. The photograph… Takao had left it in his jacket pocket. 
Pulling it out and inspecting it felt like an invasion of privacy… but anyone would be curious, wouldn’t they? 
In the photo was a man sitting on a window nook with a young child, face buried in his chest as the man held him. Outside the window behind them was a raging storm, not unlike the one Sato was currently dodging above each awning. Aito Takao obviously bared quite the resemblance to her mother… but this man? The two of them could have been brothers. Between their soft droopy eyes, wide shoulders, and wavy hair just barely covering his deep brown eyes? It was impossible to deny who this picture was of. On the back of the photo was carefully written kanji, as if the writer was unused to the script. 
‘My two perfect boys. Aito hates the rain. He wants to nap with his daddy though’ 
Sato decided to return the picture after the weekend. The girl didn’t need reminding of something so terrible.
Sato then realized that he had spent nearly an hour with Takao, and on instinct he reached for his back pocket. It was a horrible instinct to have. He had just had such a touching moment with the boy, and here he was already suspecting him of-
His wallet.
The little bastard took his wallet.
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lintulady · 3 years
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Momo’s question stands how the heck did he guess her favorite flavors?? Like strawberry I get I once drew her munching on some strawberry shortcake but butterscotch??? Ya sure his quirk isn’t mind reading??
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zer0-10 · 3 years
While jiro ever meet his mermaid friend again?
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@rescue-hero-cardiac @kamiart
At the moment he's not actively doing consciously as a way of leaving a trail of himself for Rin to find him. It's been many years already so he's really forgotten why he's even doing this, but every so often he'll just feel this need to, drop a couple of shinies down. As a gift.
I've also been listening to Serene Tides by HeartplusUp on loop while drawing this so thanks for that @tano-hoshiz-1y
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smol-hibiscus · 3 years
ikuto & sumi? 👉👈 maybe him listening to her talk about something she enjoys?
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It’s good to talk to a friend after not seeing them for awhile
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