#knha pirate au
kamiart · 3 years
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Hmmm mer-Rin scribbles <3 plus a little lore drabble I thought up while drawing, read below!
The lost princess of a deep sea kingdom, Rin has long past cared for such noble roles; instead turning her energy toward adventure, and discovery. This began as early as her childhood...where a small and naïve little angler ventured to the surface above, only to meet a land dweller she still considers a friend today.
This meeting did not go without its reprocussions however. With newfound faith and trust in the land dwellers above, the princess bears no fear or hesitation in approaching others like that of her friend. But whether or not they be friend or foe, this blind trust does not go without punishment...
With highly reflective and almost jewel-like scales, alongside her royal heritage, Rin has found herself an unknowing prize among poachers and hunters alike. An elusive treasure, often times swimming far too deep for any man or pirate to reach.
Though, often is not always...is it?
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plutoeater · 3 years
Why don’t you come into the water?
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Of course Hina would be a siren.
(Feel free to interact with this post if you wish! Hina has literally no friends thus far 💀)
Also! Long time no see! Me and art block are in a war and I am losing badly 🤣
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ayume-hikkido · 3 years
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soon may the wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum~
so...pirate au, huh? Sign me up for anything that gives ayume a sword.
Second in command of a.. procured..merchant's vessel originally used for sugar transportation, ayume helps keep it smooth sailing, often playing the role of negotiator between other ships interested in their stolen goods. Take whatever chance you get from her, the rest of the crew aren't as nice.
Recently, though, she's been seen on the deck after dark. Are they waiting for something? Or maybe someone?
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smol-hibiscus · 3 years
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POV: a fish wants to use ur phone
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compoundhero · 3 years
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yes yes yes yes pirate AU pirate AU yessssssssssss
man I LOVE historical aus they're some of my favourites heeheeee
but yea in this au haru's a pirate (sort of)! he's the captain of a rogue vessel that sailed with the royal navy previously before realizing that they were corrupt, and in a bid to make things fairer, he began stealing from the royal treasury and spreading their riches to those more deserving of it :D still a good boy but in a more chaotic way
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zer0-10 · 3 years
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Pirate AU timeeeee~
Lore and junk under read more, you know what to do. -w-
As a child, Jiro knew that he already had a problem. Sure pick pocketing might've been a way of life for most orphans living on the streets but when it comes to taking things, he couldn't seem to help himself. Not even at the cost of his life or even if it's the stupidest thing in the world.
Nicknamed ‘Sticky Fingers’ due to his kleptomanic tendencies, Jiro’s been known to swipe many a belonging no matter its’ worth. Sometimes it could be a bag of gold, other times, it could be as useless as a shoe. (Yes, just one shoe, not even a proper pair)
It’s not like he’s doing any of these things out of malice either, why would he when all it did was bring him trouble? As a child, Jiro has resorted to cutting into his hands just enough so that they can't close. Thereby preventing him from taking things. Which would explain why his fingers and hands are covered in scars.
At some point, he managed to run into a ‘pirate’ crew that was nice enough to give him a place in their ranks, putting his ‘skills’ to good use.
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artpocalypse · 3 years
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So many mermaids not enough pirate so you get half mermaid Jimin whos Both :]
She's more of a Robin Hood kind of pirate, outlaw but not without a heart!! They're half sea snake
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beetrootbot · 3 years
So, how's yori dealing with being lost at sea?
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She's hangin in there!
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korissideblog · 3 years
Ok bestys. Ik the pirate au is good and dead (bu dum tissss) but fuck it. I have nothing else to post and I’m a twisted fucking cycle path. You’re gonna take this fic and you’re gonna like it.
Staring two lovelies <3 Ikuto from the wonderful @rescue-hero-cardiac and Jiro from the spectacular @zer0-10
“What is it?” Ikuto asked, watching as the amulet swung from side to side in front of his face.
“It’s an amulet.” Jiro said, redundantly, holding it up like a prize. “I found it at the last port we visited.”
“It’s…a strange looking thing.” Ikuto commented, finally taking the amulet in his hand and inspecting it. It was a dark purple- almost black in the moonlight- and glittered with golden swirls around an eye in the dead center, the center of the eye being a beautiful yellow jewel. The jewel shone brilliantly, reflecting the moonlight as if it was prideful in the artistry of the amulet around it.
“Yes, but… you should have it.” Jiro said plainly.
“Have it?” Ikuto nearly laughed. “Why would you give me something… like this?”
“It wants you to hav-“ Jiro blinked quickly as he suddenly noticed his slip of the tongue. “I want you to have it. It… it feels like you just should.” He shrugged, seemingly just as confused as Ikuto. “At least till next port; we can sell it off then.”
“Agreed.” Ikuto hummed, looking over the strange thing… and feeling the chain almost… almost shake- like it wished to be worn. Ikuto draped it over his neck and wished Jiro a good night, immediately returning to his sleeping quarters.
A ship Ikuto’s never seen before tossed and turned in the night- ravaged by the sea and the storm.
A woman with devilish horns barked orders at her crew, the seafolk rushing to do as much as they could to save the ship from going under.
“She’s to sink, Captain!” One man yelled over the howling wind, the water on his face a combination of rain, seawater, and tears. “we have to get to the row boats- you must come with us!”
“Like hell! She’ll sink when I let her- Fumihito! Get my boy- get him to safety!” She yelled to the man, who immediately nodded and ran to find the captain’s son.
The young boy was just like his mother, yelling orders as people around him ran to secure anything they could when Fumihito found him. “Your mother wants you on a boat.” He yelled, a nasty wave almost knocking them off their feet.
“Like hell!” The young boy barked, grabbing the man’s shirt for stability as the boat rocked dangerously. “If my mother stays- so do I!” She cried, throwing the man in the direction of the crowds and left him to find a job.
After running across the boat, the young girl clutched to the mast as her mother fought with the wheel. “I raised you smarter than this, Darling!” The captain yelled, nearly drowning in the next wave that hit. “Follow Fumihito- or you will surely d-“ but before she could finish her warning, another wave hit- finally succeeding in knocking the woman off kilter, and over the side of the boat. “DARLING-“ she screamed over the biting wind and rain, reaching out but never finding purchase as she was thrown overboard.
“Mama!” The young girl yelled and- to the protest of the few that saw the scene- threw himself into the sea after her.
The young boy swam down, his eyes stinging with saltwater as he watched her mother sink deeper and deeper into the depths. It wasn’t till her final breath that she finally caught her fingers on the woman’s amulet- a deep purple stone with golden inlay, an eye with a beautiful yellow jewel in the center.
The two died slowly, wrapped in each other's arms.
The second they passed, the storm died as well, calming down as if pleased by their sacrifice. And yet? As the storm slowed, the sea seemed to roar with more life than first expected.
Eyes of pure light shone through the inky black water, very pleased with their newest meal.
“That isn’t true.” Ikuto huffed, turning to face the creature he somehow knew would be there. The thing was faint, indescribable, and yet just as present as Ikuto was. “Mermaids don’t eat people- they just don’t!”
“And how do you know that?” The specter asked. “Humans also do not eat their own, and yet? We can easily find exceptions.”
“I don’t-“ Ikuto caught himself, who was he to say whether or not be believed this thing- what the hell even was this thing? “Wh-who are you?”
“Oh now…” the creature purred, it’s skeletal tail wagging as it’s hands- or what was left of them at least- finally revealed themselves from under the coat. “Don’t tell me my reputation does not precede me here. I’m sure your colleagues have spoken of me.” She laughed, tossing the coat back and revealing in the drama of it all, yelling their name loud enough to awake Ikuto from his nightmare.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
here's a prompt for the pirate au to any of the merfolk, you find a bottle tied down with a stone on the seafloor with a note inside of it
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it reads: Hello to anyone who finds this, I'm a human who is searching for a rare magical plant, the Flos Sanitatem. My dear friend is very sick, and our medicine has done nothing to help her. I've read in my books that there is a rare deep sea flower that could possibly cure her ailment, and I am desperate to find it. To any kind merfolk who may know about it and wish to help me I will attempt to give you something of value in return, whatever you'd like. I wait by the small fishing docks at the nearby island every day at noon if you'd like to find me.
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gamergirlshelby · 3 years
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Alrighty, since the pirate AU quickly had fantastical elements like mermaids I wanted to add in the possibility of magic sea artifacts and treasures. And what kind of self respecting pirate doesn't grab a hold of some magic treasures that give them the ability to grab even more magic treasures that are lost under water?
I will be having some more notes under the read more because my brain likes coming up with stuff.
Important Lore Notes
I know this is technically a pirate AU, but Tokiya technically isn't one, being more of just a treasure hunter.
Tokiya is the son of a merchant family who sold a variety of goods like treasures and fancy clothes, with their father being a treasure hunter who would sell his findings from expeditions to whoever would buy. Unfortunately, after a terrible encounter during an expedition into dangerous waters, he was left terribly injured, becoming paralyzed in his right leg.
Fortunately for the family business, Tokiya had decided to start going on expeditions himself, helping their family with the family business, as well as keeping some treasures for themself.
Now in regards to Tokiya's Shell Pin, the concept was a mashup between a few ideas from different media I have watched and enjoyed, when it comes to how it works and its design.
Whenever Tokiya is wearing the pin, whenever they make contact with water they will almost instantaneously gain the physical form of a fish-like humanoid in the spot that gets hit by the water. This form allows him to breathe under water as well as swim faster than the average human.
Tokiya's fish form covers them in green scales, a tail, yellow scleras, funky ears, and makes his hair a tint of green, as well as changing its texture to feel kinda like scales, but not be made up of scales.
When changing back it takes him a moment, with some aspects lingering for a moment like more pointy ears, a somewhat off-white color for their scleras, being a little bit yellow, his hair being droopy as if he had a bucket of water dropped on him as well as his hair still being green, and a lot of the scales still remaining on his body.
The Shell Pin does not have an effect on any creature from the sea, only allowing humans to transform into a fish like form. Tokiya theorizes that this fish like form was based off of a species of fish that lived very deep underwater to help keep contact with the people on the surface.
The pin was a gift from his father, but neither had been aware of it was capable of until Tokiya put it on and then proceed to have water spilled onto him.
Small notes for the AU
Tokiya often goes bow fishing in this AU to get fish if he is running low on food during his expeditions.
Like every other iteration of Tokiya, Pirate AU Tokiya wears several layers at almost all times, even when it is the middle of summer.
Tokiya's dad can't catch a break in any AU, still getting messed up in AUs where he lives.
Tokiya has a couple of other smaller treasures that he keeps with him but they aren't really super crazy so I didn't include them in the concept art. This small treasure trove includes a pocket watch that always tell the exact time from where you are standing in the world (as a small nod to his canon abilities).
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imminent-soup · 3 years
What if for the pirate au, kabane just had leprosy?
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tzawa-1y · 3 years
the young adventurer seems to like mr barkeep 👀 does he pick up on that?
barkeep is definitely not gonna mess with him a bit for it~ /s — it's not his fault it's really funny to watch this blushy mess go all awkward because they touched his shoulder, or cuz they looked at him funny~
He's definitely pretty detached for a while, just making a passive play with him as they tend to do with anything. Just as though it's all kindof an act or a show. Eventually though, after something big happens, one thing leads to another, and emotions, feelings, and life as a whole isn't so much a sidestepped thought <3
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smol-hibiscus · 3 years
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Baby fishhhh
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kiyomi-mizumi-1y · 3 years
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Ikuto’s mermaid friend counter: 2
Their first meeting was probably him luring her out with food he had
She stole it and ate it
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zer0-10 · 3 years
While jiro ever meet his mermaid friend again?
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@rescue-hero-cardiac @kamiart
At the moment he's not actively doing consciously as a way of leaving a trail of himself for Rin to find him. It's been many years already so he's really forgotten why he's even doing this, but every so often he'll just feel this need to, drop a couple of shinies down. As a gift.
I've also been listening to Serene Tides by HeartplusUp on loop while drawing this so thanks for that @tano-hoshiz-1y
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