#ill probably delete this later but jesus fucking christ
imnotcameraready · 2 years
thomas i am so tired
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 3 years
Ok it's one of those FUCKING days where I need my personal bubble to be 5 fucking feet MINIMUM but un-fucking-fortunately im at my father's house which means that ISNT FUCKING POSSIBLE and also its his birthday so it's not even like I can be a bitch about it
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richietoaster · 5 years
Review/Reaction of IT Chapter Two
Let’s just start right off the bat and let me just say that Bill Hader better get a fucking award for his performance.
Alright. Here we go y’all. im trying to stay in order with what happened but so much happened in the movie that my brain is just all over the place so excuse me while i try to form words
• first opening scene is a fucking LOT okay like i sobbed my eyes out and it was just not cool. adrian and his boyfriend? CUTE AF. Him getting brutally beat up and then killed by Pennywise while Don just watches? NOT CUTE AF
• Mike is a precious boy and I love him so. He cares about his friends so much holy shit. they all get mad at him for lying to them tho.But he only did it to protect them. Mike knew some SHIT(tm) our boy is so smart?? I’m glad they kept to his original storyline
• Older Bill gave himself so much shit this film and i just felt so bad. like we know it isnt ur fault okay?? We know you loved your brother, stop putting yourself down. also?? him becoming protective over dean? please stop my aching heart. 
• Jessica Chastain owns my whole heart and she can kick my ass anyday. She plays Bev so well and captures young bev’s personality so well. her scene with mrs kersh was very weird. i knew the second she ran naked in the hall i’d be seeing some weird fucking shit okay 
• Jay Ryan could kick me and I would personally thank him like?? wow what a man. He immediately recognizes bev when he first sees her and im just?? im happy. so many hidden new kids on the block reference and it had me fucking rolling in my grave
• JAMES FUCKING RANSONE MY DUDE OH LORD okay listen. he gives off young eddie’s panic and chaotic energy so perfectly i felt like i was watching him as an adult, who just never grew up. I think thats what he was going for honestly. He played eddie SO FUCKING WELL 
• I’m so sad about stan. THats all you need to know okay. I’ll talk about his letter later on in this. Stan deserved better. that’s all. 
• if you are not a fan of vomit you’re not gonna enjoy richie tozier. literally any time something bad happens hes just like ah shit here we go again *vomits* and honestly? that made me laugh. like hes just like oh shit something is happening let.. let me just.. no no its fine guys ill catch up.. EHBWFIJHDFSIJ no okay but bill hader stole the fucking show. his acting was phenomenal and,, again,, i’ll add more onto that later. 
• richie scares the shit out of dean. because he thinks hes pennywise. but can you blame him? the kid just. stared at him all creepy and shit. but its so funny. the losers make fun of him bc he doesnt know his own lines from his acts and richies just like “I dont write my own material” and eddies just like “I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT” dead. goodbye.
• Young losers were still my favorite part honestly. Eddie kept bouncing that stupid ball in stan’s face in the clubhouse and i was waiting for him to get punched in the face tbh. That didn’t even seem like eddie, that was Jack’s energy bursting through the seams lmfao
• young eddie runs into a fucking box and shrieks and if that isn’t me idk ewhdfiajksjdoi 
• THE FUCKING. HAMMOCK. SCENE. okay listen to me. thats gay. hammocks are now gay. gays only. gay interacts only. the bickering between reddie had me in TEARS. eddie kept kicking at his face and just?? casually??? lays on him when richie wont move?? 
• stan’s fucking shower cap ehfdiujasdiosa and then richie being like “nobodys afraid of spiders stanley okay” and eddie slowly removes his because he cares what richie thinks more than spiders ok
• a flashback from after they defeated IT in the first move with reddie “eddie youve been gone for 24 hours your face is most likely on a milk carton by now” “shut up richie” 
• yong Richie has me weak af this whole movie, like always. just getting on Eddie’s case. HE PINES SO HARD OH Y GOD Like wow my sweet boy is so fucking in love ouch. which?? BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT??
• THE ARCADE SCENE?? he checks out the kid standing next to him and tries to get him to hang out more and then the other kid tells him to stop being weird because he’s not gay, too, and then uses the F slur. richie was just so hurt. paul bunyun scene happens after that and hes just like “I just shit my pants” and i cried. 
• pennywise screaming “lets play truth or dare, you wouldnt pick truth! you dont want them to know your secret” gave off the same energy as eddie’s leper blowjob scene from the book. same energy. do with that as you will. 
• they had some flashbacks that included pennywise and im not sure if this was before or after they had defeated IT in the first movie but i interpreted it as after and if thats the case... hes supposed to be dead. but now thinking back on it, it was probably just more scenes before they put pennywise to rest for 27 years. 
• young richie went to the kissing bridge after that and we ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THERE. fucking.. r + e :((( although we don’t see him carving the E. but reddie is canon so suck toes antis
• stephen king pretty much being like “I know u and ur endings really do suck” to bill when he comes to buy his bike was so fucking funny. it almost felt like a self insert lmfao. ALSO HIM MAKING BILL PAY 300 BUCKS FOR THE BIKE BC HE KNEW HE COULD AFFORD IT? iconic. 
• richie and eddie opening the door to the dog had me laughing. pennywise was just mocking them at that point. they’d be such good dog dads and now im sad
• i was really confused because they added part of stan’s bar mitzvah?? like it wasn’t even the same from the first movie. like they should’ve just put the deleted scene in from ch. 1 and then added that part. thats one of my very few complaints. im slowly hiding them in here. 
• henry bowers was kinda irrelevant in this honestly but thank you eddie for stabbing him and richie for killing him for trying to kill mike yall heroes 
• the big fight really disappointed me in all honesty. but i think thats because andy said he cut so much from there. i expect it to be better with the director’s cut
• eddie saving richie and then immediately being stabbed by pennywise’s claw? IM DEPRESSED.
• “Rich! rich, i did it! i think i killed him!” Our boy was so happy with himself :( 
• eddie’s last words WERE NOT “i fucked your mom”. he was talking to richie and you can hear them talking while the rest are preparing to end pennywise. so im hoping we get that as a deleted scene. 
• richie goes back to help finish pennywise but when he goes to check on eddie.. he’s dead. ://// and bev is like “richie, come on, honey.. im sorry” and richie does not want to believe him. he grabs and hugs eddie so tight i swear i could feel that hug from the audience. 
• another thing im disappointed in and am sliding in is some of the animations? Like. fucking weird. but okay. luckily i didn’t care too much.  
• THE SOB that richie lets out when he holds eddie really hurt my fucking soul jesus christ just kill me
• the losers try cheering him up after and like. thats their friend too but you can just totally tell he’s crying in a different type of grief. THAT WAS HIS FIRST FUCKING LOVE. 
• they all remember after and thats really important to me okay
• stan writes letters and its spoken outloud while the other losers get little montages of what theyre doing with their life after the battle. Richie goes back to the kissing bridge and recarves- YES RECARVES AND YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE E BEFORE HE DOES- he recarves the E and while doing it, stan’s voice says “be proud of who you are” and im fucking cry ibg okay
• in the end, i give this movie a 7/10 rating. although some of the animations were weird and some of the flashbacks had pennywise in it (like hes supposed to be currently dead but ok... maybe nightmares??) the actors were PHENOMENAL and the chemistry between older richie and older eddie made me so happy. my ship is canon. but im still sad about stan and eddies death. 
• ignoring canon in 3.. 2.. 1.. now 
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macklives · 5 years
hey so this is gonna be a long-ish one. ive decided its been far too long since i did a session, and we did so many i can often forget what happened. i started in july and im pretty sure its been more than half a year now since this whole blog happened. and in that time, we’ve gone through 88 sessions and i want to know if i remember the relevant plot points and what we got up to in the last few sessions. a refresh/reminder if you would.
so i hereby commence my own little recap of act 5 because yeah no, its too much to do a recap of everything and i have andrew for that after every few acts. but i wanna refresh my mind on act 5 for now. so here we go.
1. alternia.. fucked up place. but its a place the trolls live on so what are we gonna do about it? overthrow the government? seems about right, lets do that with the next troll that gets introduced and if its not kanaya idk what andrew is doing by not having introduced the best troll yet. why the long wait? it was the second introduced? i honestly expected it to go in order when i first read act 5, because first we had karkat talk to jade which was the first new piece dialogue in the comic besides the main kids, but then we had kanaya with rose, which was followed by tavros, then terezi (iirc). so id assume we were following that order but nope karkat got fully introduced, then this random fucking juggalo called gamzee made its way into the comic. imagine my surprise.
2. theres been terminology throughout act 5, that i do not fucking know and will not remember and probably never will. like tf is a perigee again? i made a doc somewhere ill probably find it.
3. karkat’s introduction... short but very sweet. and by sweet i mean we got to know the depths of the angry edge lord. and by depths i mean karkat got angry at gamzee for typing in a way that he didnt like so he yapped like a chihuahua. nah, but seriously, i do like karkat tho, hes growing on me but only bc hes a bitch baby and his whole personality makes me want to mock him so thats the reason im not that annoyed and think hes funny, and the most harmless troll. even more so than tavros. and thats saying something. 7.5/10 bc im generous.
4. then gamzee... the high juggalo troll who has the worst typing quirk imo, i cannot for the life of me read it. but hes chill, i actually really like gamzee. hes funny and the least problematic as of right now. 8.5/10.
5. terezi’s introduction next i think. she likes playing as a lawyer with her stuffed dragons, ie by roleplay, shes blind, can see through licking, and she likes eating chalk, maybe its even nutritious. shes good. 9/10. 
6. uhh in the process of these intros, there are teams being made? karkat joins gamzee and terezi in, i THINK, the red team?? bc terezi likes red?? could be wrong, i dont remember the teams except that its red/blue to represent sollux’s duality in those colors. terezi then tries recruiting AC but AC is like lol sorry i have to ask this friend of mine who has authority over me for some goddamn reason and terezi goes yuck tf i hate that guy................... yeah thats all we have on the teams. pretty sure sollux had smth to do with karkat about the making of the leaders, and they did the “i hate me” and the “no i hate me more than u hate u” or whatever the fuck that was. they got embarrassed afterwards and deleted their messages. im pretty sure they have no messages because everything ends up being mutually deleted so their logs are actually empty. ngl, kinda enjoyed their convos, made me appreciate their characters. i hope we get more because its good content. i also dont know what order this whole thing is in, who contacted who first? couldnt tell you. ill remember later on. and since im basing this off from memory alone, gotta deal with what i remember. uhhhh so yeah. we havent met all characters yet so the teams have not been officially decided but we got the bases, which is that.
7. god i found it, and the only thing im looking at right now is the terminology list i made and what the fuck?? what the fuck?? you miss a few weeks and suddenly the word nubslurping comes up and you forget what the fuck youre reading.
8. im PRETTY SURE aradia is seen after that whole team fiasco?? or its sollux... maybe. wait. its sollux, right. i just knew someone gets introduced mid way through is all. actually, someone gets introduced after every 20 pages. i have no idea. but ik aradia and sollux go hand in hand.
9. oh shit. OH SHIT! RIGHT! I REMEMBER! so this occurs in the latest session i did, and not the beginning of act 5, but AG and aradia team up, right?? and sollux fucking gets manipulated by them and ??? idk??? they make him find the game, reprogram it and then make him believe its going to end the world (which in hindsight is true, but anyways) so he refuses to play it which was AG’s plan all along so she steps up and becomes leader in his place. but aradia says sollux will still play the game no matter what, but she never went through with the plan for AG but it was apart of a prophecy? that sollux wouldnt be the leader at all? that he’d still play? but it had to go according to plan so it could succeed??? we just dont know why yet. anyways, point being, she still cares for sollux since she did it for him rather than for AG. and thats what i recall. god tf i forgot about that whole drama until writing down “sollux and aradia go hand in hand” which gave me violent flashbacks to the memory.
10. oh and id give aradia 9/10 and sollux 7/10. i do like sollux but if i put him higher than karkat, id get crucified. so im keeping them around the same.
11. man i really like sollux and aradia tho, i may have put him at 7, but i really like their dynamic and i really hope they make up and aradia explains herself about AG. because from one side it looks shitty. and while sollux is rude and never makes up his mind, he apologized to aradia after going off, and that was the only time ive seen him be sincere, so im pretty sure he cares for her to some extent. and i think its somewhat mutual? considering the whole “did it for him” thing. man, i see potential because i actually like both their characters. theyre well written. may not have the best personalities, but i appreciate well written characters and homestuck has the best ones ive seen in a while.
12. oh shit, hell yeah, the more i write, the more im connecting the dots and remembering. however, the more i write, the more i want to just make an analogy post but thats not for now. jesus christ its not all about analogies, mack, this is a recap. but.. how does andrew do it? to not go off track??? hard. telling ya.
13. anyways, didnt we break the fourth wall at some point and have the demon gods or whatever the fuck speak to us in third person for the first time in the comic, after having only gone into second person narrative, right after we were introduced to sollux and his “virus”? the uh, the phrase “the demon was already here” was said, or something along those lines. first line in homestuck to give me the creeps ngl and i appreciate it bc it gives me motivation to know what the fuck its about. its cool bc you have no idea where its going and it sure doesnt have anything to do with the current plot, since the trolls’ session/game doesnt have fucking demons so im curious as to what the fuck that was about. and if i really have to make a theory, i feel it has something to do with aradia’s voices in her head which also connect to the gods rose heard when she started disregarding rules and told dave to look at derse without listening to music bc it was as if he was purposely blocking away their calls. like holy shit, that gave me the shivers. while i do want to know more about wtf happens after act 4, trolls are taking priority right now. just like we did with the intermission. no discussing the kids unless necessary. treat this as its own separate comic. and THEN we can connect.
14. ANYWAYS, tavros’ intro???? that comes afterwards?? with the fiduspawn that made me gag a little on the inside? yep. remember that. fuck that lol. -1/10 but tavros himself is MAYBE a 6/10? i wish we explored his character more in his intro bc right now he just looks like a character made only to be a victim rather than have any depth and i feel thats robbing someone of their full potential. give me more personality andrew, rather than a quivering boy who falls prey to bitches. im expecting more throughout the comic honestly and i hope he gets growth so hes not looked as a “victim” but rather his own character. he is still sweet, and i like him because i want to protect him, but id rather have more info, you know what i mean?
15. oh hell. kanaya had a chainsaw at some point. that made me happy. and didnt she cut off tavros’ legs?? and he got robot ones? and some creepy dude was looking and we called him saggy tits bc hes sagittarius? right? neat. that did happen. pretty sure saggy tits is ACs friend that tells her what to do. the more u know. OH and they all have colored blood similar to their text colors lol. that i remember... so tavros has brown, terezi has blueish green, um. karkat has grey the loser. and apparently it forms a rainbow which is nice. rainbow is good.
16. i dont remember anything else actually
17. wait no i do. AG appeared. shes a petty bully. idk what to say about her. we didnt get that much, except that she hates tavros but is okay with aradia. she also looks like a bottle opener. actually, i think she teamed with aradia to gain leadership rather than to “be friends”. and while that is similar to how karkat did it, meaning the gain, the motivation and how they earned it is entirely different. kinda seeing a trend tho. the leaders of the red/blue teams are both characters who wanted the role, but never had it to begin with. only to win their way into the position. but rather than ask non-stop like karkat did, AG manipulated others so she could be successful. not too sure if she also used aradia for that, or is actually motivated to become friends since they were “past enemies” and she needed a rebound. pretty sure its somewhat both. while AG did mostly use aradia to speak with sollux, what she doesnt know is that aradia is a bad bitch who never even thought about AG and only followed through with the plan bc she had a plan of her own. i guess we’ll look into that later. i lowkey want to know their history.
18. OH AC!!! she appeared for a second as well. love her. shes amazing. 9.5/10. and you may ask yourself, why am i saying “i love this character” but none of them are 10/10?? weellllll its because, and i cant stress this enough, 10/10 belongs to kanaya, i dont make the rules. im waiting for her introduction, shes my favorite and its obvious. sorry.
19. oh huh seems i forgot about the term “lusus”. which.. is.. their parents but not really, its these fucking weird ass creatures that the trolls fought in a cave or something as a child. i dont fucking know. terezi hatched hers and it died? gamzee’s also died but his goat sea dad was never really there to begin with so while it is sad, its more sad that gamzee never saw him? um.. karkat killed his own by exploding his computer bc sollux said dont run the virus and karkat said u cant tell me what to do and did it anyways. so thats on him. but apparently theyre supposed to die, to become prototyped during the game, right? yeah. i remember now.
20. thats.. about it? idk anything else, nothing is coming back to me apart from the shit above. huh.... im surprised how quickly things do come back to you the moment you rant about the plot tho.... handy trick.
cool. neat. fun. this took me too long. but im glad i remember a little bit.
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dailyficrecs · 7 years
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ironspiidey · 5 years
Superhero’s get Bullied Too- Chapter 8
Chapter: 1
Chapter 8: Tony Stark and Snooping Through Messages
Read on A03 
Harley looked up from his phone, hearing his uncle’s angry voice.
“What the fuck?” He muttered under his breath before getting up and opening his bedroom door.
“I need to know everything you know involving Thompson.”
Harley eyed him confused “Has age finally caught up to you? I’ve already told you everything I knew.”
“I’m not fucking around here Harley” he pushed his nephew to the side & made a gesture to the far wall. A projected screen of text messages between an unknown number and Peter showed.
Harley followed his uncle then frowned at the screen projected on his wall “What’s that?”
“This is a conversation between Peter and who I believe to be Flash Thompson. So this is the last time I will be asking, tell me everything you know in regards to him. “
Harley walked closer to the wall, swallowing as he read the messages. “What the fuck? When did this start.”
Tony turned fully and eyed his nephew “Wait so you’re telling me you had no idea of this?” He gestured again, and more screens appeared with more crude messages
Harley’s eyes widened “What do you take me for? If I knew what Peter was being put through Flash would be fucking dead!!!”
“Tone Harley.”
“Fuck this. He is so beyond dead. I don’t even care.”
Tony grabs Harley by the scruff of his neck. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Fucking let go of me. You’re not the boss of me Stark” Harley seethed and fought his uncle, trying to break free.
“Harley calm down!” when the teenager refused Tony hauled him back and grabbed his arms, putting them behind the teens head and holding tight “Stop it Harley. Harley!” Tony raised his voice as the blonde kept refusing to settle
“Fuck you. I hate you. Let me go!”
“Well I love you and I can do this all fucking day.” Tony snarled
“Boss?” Friday called out
“Yes Friday?” the older man answered gruffly, still restraining his nephew
“Incoming call from Karen Sir, Should I patch it to you directly or over loudspeaker?
“Let it come over loudspeaker.” Tony gripped the fighting teenager harder and Harley stopped fighting all together upon hearing about Peter
“Hey Babyboy, been worried about you.”
“Yeah uh I’m sorry about that.” Peter laughed nervously “I uh forgot my phone.”
“Yeah I noticed.” Tony said dryly, giving his nephew a look that clearly meant don’t fuck up before letting him go
“Everything alright? You sound weird.”
“I’m fine, where are you?”
“Don’t lie to me Tony, I’m just at Aunt May’s. Calling you from my suit, but Friday probably already mentioned it.”
“I’m better now that I know you’re okay sweetheart. Your coming back right Pete?”
“Yeah of course, I just went out to visit May but got sidetracked. “
Tony frowned as Friday silently brought up Karen’s report of Peter’s Vitals “Peter...”
“Did you get into a fight? Did Flash get to you?”
“What no. No! Flash? “Peter sounded confused “Why would you think Flash got to me?”
“I’m looking at your Vitals report Peter.”
“Dammit Karen, stop ratting me out to Friday. But still that doesn’t explain… Oh.”
“Anthony Howard Stark, were you snooping in my room?”
Tony swallowed, noticing Peter’s tone didn’t sound angry. “It’s hardly your room anymore!”
“You hacked into my phone.” Peter stated.
“Well to be fair, Friday just helped me figure out your passcode, I didn’t even need to hack it.”
“She helped you?”
“I thought it was your birthday but Friday told me to try something else and it worked.” Tony shrugged at Harley’s eye roll.
“Whatever, either way you didn’t need to go into my phone!”
“Apparently I did!! Because you weren’t about to be 100% truthful!” Tony started to raise his voice
“That doesn’t mean you get the right to go through my shit!”
“Yes it does! Peter Jesus Christ don’t you see that he could seriously fucking hurt you. “
“I’m not doing this now. Imma go.”
“Peter wait! Let me come get you.”
“I’m not planning to leave yet.”
“Well let me come get you in an hour.” Tony asked, knowing how much Peter hates it when Tony raises his voice and despite what most people think, Tony hates it too.
“I think I need to be alone a bit Tony.”
“But you’re still coming home?” he asked nervously
Peter sighed “Yes. Regardless of you being an utter ass, I still love you so yes I’ll be home.”
Harley smirked “Well how about Happy? He could pick you up.”
“Harley? Wait. You’ve had me on speaker this whole time?”
Tony ignored Peter’s question. “So Happy can pick you up in an hour.”
Peter sighed again “Yeah have him pick me up then. But this isn’t over Tony. Bye Harley. Bye Tony.”
“See ya in a bit Parker.” Harley said at the same time as Tony said “Love you Petey.”
Which made Harley shake his head. His uncle really didn’t know when to leave a person alone
“Love you too. I’m hanging up now.”
Tony looked at his nephew when the call disconnected “What?”
“You really like Peter don’t you Tony?” Harley walked over and sat down on the bed
Tony followed Harley and pulled the desk chair closer to the bed. Sitting down on it he said softly “Yeah I kind of do like a lot.”
“You get crazy when it comes to people you care about.” The blonde stated
Tony licked his lips but nodded. “Yep and hopefully I didn’t just scare him away.”
“I know he wouldn’t want me to tell you this but Uncle I doubt you could scare Peter Parker away the hardest you could try.”
Tony rolled his eyes “You don’t need to flatter me with bullshit Harley.”
Harley leaned forward to look Tony dead in the eye. “This isn’t bullshit. I know for a fact he’s in love with you. Like the marrying kind of love. He doesn’t tell you or me what goes on because he knows Flash’s dad works for you and you would stop at nothing to teach Flash a lesson. Peter doesn’t want anyone to pay for some idiots actions by proxy. “
Tony looked at his nephew for a minute before speaking “When did you become so wise nephew.”
Harley shrugged then looked at the text messages on the wall “When did these start anyway.”
Tony looked at the conversations and went between pages with a flick of his wrist “The first ones in this conversation start 2 months ago.”
“Months? I’ve only known about Flash being a complete dick since a few weeks after you got together. And these are only what he has left on his phone”
Tony raised an eyebrow “What do you mean only what’s left?
“I know Flash was a bit of an ass to Peter for years. Something had to have happened to make him switch from basic dickness to this shit.” Harley states.
Tony eyes widen “Why didn’t I think of this sooner. Friday?”
“Yes boss?”
“Scan Peter’s phone for deleted messages from that unknown number. Before you try and say anything, this is for his safety.”
“May I call Ms. Potts for confirmation as she also had the protection of privacy protocol in place?”
Harley snorted, knowing full well how Pepper would react to their snooping.
Peter shook his head as he pulled his mask off. Heading back into the living room, he had walked into the hallway to talk to Tony and clearly that was a good idea. He took a deep breath then forced a smile on his face as he walked in.
“All good?” May asked from the couch
Peter nodded. “Yeah they were worried about me but it’s all good now.”
“They’re not the only ones worried.”
“Whatcha mean?” Peter asked as he sat down beside her.
May tilted her phone screen so both of them could see it. There were Facebook messages from both MJ & Ned.  May tapped on Ned’s chat bubble “See?”
Peter read through the messages then leaned ahead and pressed on MJ’s chat bubble and shook his head “They’re like the FBI.”
“Should I be worried Peter?”
“Oh no, not even. Flash was bugging me again and I just told him how it was and I haven’t had a chance to really tell em about it”
May nodded in understanding. “So they’re just hearing gossip from other kids?”
“Shouldn’t you call them then?”
“It’s okay, they’ll be fine till I get back to the tower. “
“What? I’m here to see you not spend all afternoon yaking off to my friends.” Peter shrugged
May gave him a knowing look “But you were quick as shit to tell Tony Stark where you were. “
Peter blushed “And?”
“And from Ned’s messages you left school early with Harley. But your best friends have no idea what’s going on. MJ even told me she called Harley.”
“May its fine, I’m fine. I swear. Nerds honor.” Peter raised his hand and made the Spock symbol.
May shook her head and handed him her phone “Message them from my Facebook at least, I’ll go crazy if I have to deal with much more of Ned’s mothering.” She got up “How’s some cocoa and Greys Anatomy sound for a bit?”
“Fine! And sounds great, don’t forget the marshmallows.” Peter took her phone and created a group chat with MJ and Ned
M: Hey guys Its Peter, Im alive and well. I left my phone at the tower and am with aunt may! You guys are like the fbi, you don’t need to worry so much.
MJ: calm down weirdo, glad your okay loser. Seriously tho what happened to your phone? You don’t go anywhere wo it.
M: Wow ned nice yelling at me through texts. I just came home and left my phone back @ the tower. I was just beyond done with today and had some much needed Chinese. Sorry if Harley gave yall a tough time
N: sorry dude just worry about you when you disappear, glad your alright . chill soon?
M: All is good guys. Ill message you later tonight, mays got hot cocoa and greys to watch.
MJ: oooh hot cocoa. Enjoy loser.
N: Jeallllous dude. Ttyl
Peter closed the chats and deleted them. “Hey May. I’m just going to use your phone to tell Mr. Stark not to send Happy out for another hour or two okay?”
May walks in with two hot steaming cups of homemade hot cocoa. “Actually, you can just text happy yourself.”
Peter raised an eyebrow “Text Happy?”
“Yeah he’s the second conversation. Hand me my phone.” She passed him one of the mugs as he handed her the phone.
May sat down beside her nephew then pulled up her text app, clicking on her second conversation which was with one Happy Hogan.
Peter watched her curiously. “What are you doing texting Happy?”
May almost blushed. “I’m allowed to have friends Peter.”
“Yeah of course but Happy?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Well he’s Mr. Stark’s driver!”
She raised an eyebrow “and your point? You don’t see me prodding you about being around a man half your age in almost all your spare time!”
Peter looked at her and debating on saying more but she was right. While May didn’t know fully just what went on during his time with Iron man. She was exceptionally cool about it.. He let him come and go from the apartment to the tower without much fuss. While it really weirded him out the thought of Happy and his aunt spending time together. She did deserve someone, especially a nice someone. After Uncle Ben passed away there hadn’t been a lot of successful suitors so who was he to judge.
Peter smiled “Well I’m happy for you then.”
May smirked and shoved him “Don’t be so excited, we’re just talking. We haven’t gone on a date yet. “
“Well do it!! Happy is a standup guy and he puts up with Harley and Mr. Starks antics so we know he can handle you.”
May flicks his hear “rude. Anyways! What do you want me to tell Happy.”
Peter started laughing and took a sip of his drink “Just tell him we’re going to watch an episode or two of Greys. Then I’ll be ready.”
May nods and types for a moment before sitting her phone down on the table. She picked up the tv remote and got Netflix started.
“Ready for some Mcdreamy time?”
“Always” Peter said with a grin.
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strongxrl · 6 years
😡 ☯ and ❤
😡 : Worst role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
EILIAN! Okay so my first roleplay experience was in How to Train Your Dragon and there was this OC named Eilian. I don’t think I ever got the mun’s name so I’m referring to her as Eilian as well. Eilian (mun) was just, oh my fucking god. First of all her character made no sense. Literally Eilian (character) was a normal girl in a village that just... forgot she existed? Literally never came up with any sort of explanation. They just straight up forgot she existed and her own parents did too. What in the fresh fuck.
She was emotionally abusive and manipulative in and out of character. She had a ship with a Hiccup RPer I affectionately called Runt. Runt was a sweetheart and the mun was as well. Eilian routinely manipulated Runt into doing what she wanted (ic and ooc) and oh my god the coma.
Eilian (character) and Runt were married and she became pregnant. It was around this time that myself and other RPers were talking to Runt’s mun pointing out the abuse and the marriage was on the rocks. Eilian (character, who again is pregnant) becomes an alcoholic. He tried to be nice to her by getting her flowers (that he wanted to serve as peace offering for one of their IC fights) and she decided because he smelled like flowers that he was cheating on her. So she got drunk, threw herself off a cliff (PREGNANT!) and went into a coma. 
What in the ever loving fuck.
She then made a new OC named Eir and would be aggressive towards anyone Eilian (character) didn’t like (especially me bc Runt looked at my muse as an older sister) and Eilian (mun) would post things where we shouldn’t be so hard on Runt and when multiple people pointed out nobody but her was accusing him of anything, she’d delete the comments. Classy as fuck, right? So then somehow she delivers a healthy baby (ALCOHOLIC EILIAN DRANK THROUGH THE PREGNANCY HOW WAS THIS BABY HEALTHY) girl, but died in childbirth.
She (mun) then took all of the well-wishing comments as us wanting her shitty OC back and decided Eilian was going to be a Valkyrie? Like why, nobody wanted you back Eilian. While Eilian was in the coma Runt met Bevin. A soft sweet girl who was always there when he needed someone and never asked for anything in return. By the time Eilian had died, Runt and Bevin were inseparable and they eventually got married. So Runt and Bevin had twins and Eilian (character) shows up and asks Bevin permission to have another baby with Runt. Eilian (mun) NEVER CONTACTED US TO ASK IF THIS WAS AN OKAY THING TO DO, AND SHE WAS SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.
It was around this time she started harrassing us all ooc and when one of us asked her “are you nuts” she decided to tell us she was bipolar but didn’t need her meds because she “felt fine” and I’m sorry but like... It’s one thing if you have a mental illness, but it’s another thing if you ignore or deliberately avoid treatment that is meant to better yourself. Any time we expressed concern for her mental health she would insist we were all ableist monsters when all we wanted was her to realize how self-destructive she was being.
Eventually, she disappeared and we thought we were safe.
And then Sorcerer’s Apprentice happened. Holy shit. Eilian returned with an OC named Gwen. I was playing as the main character, a dude named Dave, and Runt’s mun was Nic Cage’s character. But Eilian was convinced that I was playing Nic and Runt’s mun was playing Dave. She’d message me with things she said I should know even though I explained time and time again that I wasn’t Runt’s mun.
The intro thread with these two. Eilian didn’t plot anything with me ahead of time, so when Dave is approached by a strange girl on a motorcycle talking about magic his first thought is “I should leave”. She proceeded to chase him town several city blocks (ON THE MOTORCYCLE), into a shop, and proceeded to use her magic to fuck the shop up until good ol’ Nic Cage showed up as backup. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick. 
Eilian never understood (even after it was explained to her) that this was a bad move on her part. She’d disregard the way we characterized our canon muses and decided on her own that she was perfect for our muses and oh my fucking god.
Even years later I am terrified that she will emerge again and chase my kiddos down the street on motorcycles just because my kids don’t want to be talked to by strange people talking about things they have no business knowing about.
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
UM, probably trying to make sure my kiddos stay somewhat real. There’s real-world-real and there’s canon-real and it feels like not everyone realizes they aren’t the same thing.
Real-world-real is watching superhero movies and wishing they were real.
Canon-real is a little kid staring at Avengers toys in a shop window and looking up to see Spider-man swinging over their head and seeing a very real possibility of what they can be.
Finding the balance between the two kinds of real is the hardest thing I think.
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
Fuck if I know. I like kidnap/stalking plots and Dana ( @thxemazingem aka @imworthfivedollars) can tell you I’m awful to my children.
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notthetoothfairy · 8 years
He’s Got You High
For @a-simple-rainbow. ♥♥♥
She wanted something based on this post: Kurt sends an email to his TA while high on pain meds after a wisdom teeth extraction.
read on AO3
Blaine is in the middle of his theatre history class when his phone signals a new email in his inbox. Discreetly hiding the phone from his instructor’s view by keeping his hands behind a stack of textbooks on his desk, he goes to his email folder and checks the sender.
It reads, Kurt Hummel.
He has to bite his tongue to stop the smile forming on his lips. Kurt is a sophomore, only a year behind Blaine, and takes improv and stage combat class with Blaine. He’s also a student in one of Mme Tibideaux’s more advanced voice studio classes that Blaine miraculously got to be the TA for this year.
To say that Kurt is Blaine’s favorite student would be an understatement – in fact, hopelessly crushing on him is probably more accurate.
It’s not like Blaine is planning to do anything about it, at least not while he’s Kurt’s TA. It would be inappropriate, unprofessional, and probably also really awkward, especially if Kurt isn’t interested.
So, he’s not fooling himself into thinking that Kurt’s email will be anything out of the ordinary. Probably a note of absence or questions about the final exam… though, as Blaine notices with a frown, the subject reads “Paper Eggstension”. Autocorrect maybe? There’s no way Kurt’s spelling is that bad, Blaine has read and graded most of his MUS105 papers.
Glancing at the teacher to ensure he’s still unobserved, Blaine opens the email, intrigued and a bit concerned now. He scans the first few lines and – oh, wow.
Everyone at NYADA knows Kurt is full of surprises and he’s certainly made an impression on Blaine more than once but this…? This has Blaine blushing, giggling under his breath, shaking his head fondly and wanting to check up on Kurt all at once.
To: Blaine Anderson
From: Kurt Hummel
Subject: Paper Eggstension
Dear Mr. Blaine,
sry, I forgot your last name because Rachel calls you Mr. Dreamboat! And y would I use your last name anyway? You told us to call you Blaine. Thats a nice name. Blaiiiine.
You said other stuff too. Like that we could send you our MUS105 paper before we send it to Mme Tibidibideaux (I wish she let us call her Blaine too) but only if we dont miss the deadline. Now I gotta tell you: No can-do. But I have an excuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you don’t believe. But you should. Cuz Blaine, u see – I got my teeth removed. The smarty ones. The wisdom teat. Anyway. I got them out. It was brutality. So much pain, worse than when I watched you unfairly lose Midmight Madnesssss against that senior douche, whatever the fuck his name is again. You should have won Blaine. You were better. I think Rachel bribe the judge bc she went out with senior douche… what is hid name? Bobby? Barney?
But PLEASE could I get a few more days, could you ask Mme T.…??? I really wanna do well bc… you see, Mme T., she scares the hell out of me. Ha that rhymes, triple! Cuz I’m awesome. Yes, I am. You can just accept that as fact or you can also go out wih me and see how awesome I am for yourself, your choice (but pick the latter!). But anyway please please pls pls pls can I hand it the paper a bit later? I really cant submit something bad -- and Im afraid they pulled out my brain with the teeth!!!!!!!! I can’t write a well paper without a brain!
My doctor says Ill regret writing emails while Im hai (thats German for shark, funny fact) so I’m gonna stop and hope that you will say yes! Please bro? Oh! Brody. Brodouche. Midnight Madman. Destroy him next time! (He broke up with Rach, he deserves it.)
Thank you, Mr. Blaineboat. I really like you.
Kurt xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Blaine reads the email three times before deciding that he should wait until after class to type out a response. In the state he’s in right now, he’ll probably do something stupid and just write back, Yes to all.
He wants to, of course. He’d give Kurt an extension on his paper and say yes to a date with him in a heartbeat but… he knows he’ll have to convince Mme Tibideaux, sort out his personal TA-student dating policy (and maybe ask around if NYADA has an official take on it) and make sure Kurt really meant to type this and didn’t just do so in the spur of the painkiller-induced moment.
The class can’t end fast enough but as soon as it’s over and Blaine finds a quiet corner in the library to think of what to respond, he blanks, drafting several replies but ending up deleting all of them.
“Goddammit,” he mutters to himself. “Just write something.”
In the end, “something” doesn’t really compare to Shakespeare but Blaine figures that at least he won’t risk his job over it, either.
And maybe, just maybe, Kurt will catch the ambiguity in his words.
“What are you working on?” Rachel asks when she comes back to the loft, arms full of grocery bags that Kurt hopes are filled with veggies for him to make soup with. He seriously craves eating something that isn’t liquid but mushy veggies drowning in hot water really is the maximum of cheating when it comes to his pained cheeks. He knew it was a bad idea to get both upper wisdom teeth out the same day. But it’s too late to complain. At least he has a best friend who brings him soup.
Kurt sighs at the laptop in front of him.
“My paper for Mme Tibideaux,” he responds. “You know I love Sondheim but interpreting his work while physically injured makes me want to kill him.”
“He’s in his mid-eighties, Kurt,” Rachel tells him. “Let an old man be.”
“Ugh.” Kurt rubs his eyes. “The meds are making me tired, though.”
“Why do you even bother writing the paper when you got an extension from Mr. Dreamboat?”
Kurt frowns at Rachel. “Extension? When would I have gotten that?”
“In your email?” Rachel frowns back. “Come on, don’t tell me you chickened out just because you’re in love with him. He’s still our TA, he could probably do something about that deadline, so-”
“I don’t remember writing an email.” Kurt goes to student email and punches in his username and password. “Or getting one back, for that matter. Like, wouldn’t I rem-” He blinks in surprise, catching Blaine’s name in his inbox – twice, even. How high was he, exactly? “Wait, what did I…?” Clicking on the email, bits and pieces come back to him, and he suddenly grabs the couch cushion next to him, holding onto it for dear life. “Oh my god, no.”
“Rachel.” Kurt feels the blood draining from his face. “Oh, Jesus, please tell me I didn’t write that…”
He scrolls through the quoted email below Blaine’s short responses (Dear Kurt, thank you for telling me! And yes, of course! I’ll talk to Mme Tibideaux, and get back to you once I know more. Get well soon! All the best, Blaine, and the more recent Dear Kurt, I got a yes from Mme Tibideaux, you’re getting one more week! Best, Blaine) and cringes when he reads the first line.
“I did. Fuuuuuck. Oh god, now I wish Sondheim could kill me.”
“Again, the guy’s, like, 85…” Rachel says slowly. “And why would you- whoa, is that your email to Blaine?”
Kurt doesn’t answer, instead opting to hide his face in his hands.
“You did not tell him we call him Mr. Dreamboat.”
Kurt whimpers.
“You did not ask him out!” Rachel squeals.
Kurt lets out a miserable whine.
“Oh my god, Kurt, you did not tell him you like him and signed the email with a dozen kissing faces!!!”
“WHAT?!” Kurt’s hands fly back to his laptop. He didn’t re-read that part. “Oh my god! I ju- Rachel, I can never go back to that school. I’m such a failure at life, Jesus Christ.”
“You’re very religious all of a sudden.”
“Don’t just sit there mocking me,” Kurt begs. “Tell me it was all just a bad dream.”
Rachel gives him a look of deep, genuine pity. “I really wish I could but I doubt my eyes can never unsee that email. Also, I know you wrote that while you were high on pain meds but I am a bit upset you never told me you didn’t like Brody. Might have saved me some trouble.”
Kurt rolls his eyes at her. “You honestly believe I never brought it up? What do you think we were we having that flea-market chair argument for? And don’t even pretend like you would have called it off with him just because I said something.” Rachel opens her mouth to speak but Kurt shakes his head violently. “It doesn’t matter, anyway – what am I going to do about this?!”
Rachel shrugs. “Kurt, it’s out there. All you can do now is roll with it.”
“In my grave, you mean?”
“In class. To which we’re going tomorrow since you’re so much better already,” Rachel tells him sternly. “Judging by Mr. Dreamb-”
“We can’t call him that anymore,” Kurt says quickly.
“Fine.” She sighs. “Judging by Blaine’s reply, he’s not bothered by it. Who knows, maybe he’s flattered. Or happy about it. It’s not every day you get an email from a cute guy confessing he’s crushing on you.”
“Yeah, right,” Kurt mumbles into the sleeve of his sweater. “As if I stand a chance with him.”
“No time like the present to find out,” Rachel says with finality. “Now, I’m making you soup, and you’re going to put on some Sondheim so you can work on your paper with some fresh insights and maximum concentration.”
It’s a nice thought – but Kurt doesn’t get anything done that night.
Blaine carefully keeps his eyes on his notebook when Rachel and Kurt walk into his class.
He was expecting Kurt to come back today (and no, he did not google how long it takes for people to recover from wisdom teeth extraction – he just asked Sam, who had gotten it done right before moving to New York), and he might have put a little extra effort into looking good today. He never got a response from Kurt, so he figures the guy has either silently acknowledged the paper extension, avoided Blaine for a number of possible reasons or forgotten about the exchange entirely.
Whatever the motivation behind it, Blaine will not despair over it. He’s Kurt’s TA, and as such won’t try anything anyway. NYADA doesn’t seem to have any policy against TAs dating students but nevertheless, he doesn’t want to put either them in an awkward position.
Which doesn’t even take into account the fact that he still doesn’t know whether Kurt remembers asking him out, whether he actually meant it, or whether he intends to ask again.
He might want to wait until Blaine’s no longer his TA as well. That’s alright with Blaine. After all, there’s a month left to this semester, so he can wait. He totally can.
He looks up from his notebook with a smile.
“Hi everyone,” he greets the class. “How are you doing? So, the deadline for your papers is Friday so I hope you’ve all sent me your drafts in case you want me to read them.” He can’t help but let his eyes wander to where Kurt is sitting. “Unless there were any reasons to hand them in late.”
Kurt blinks really quickly at the sudden eye contact, and lets out a nervous laugh.
And Blaine realizes he really totally cannot wait a whole month to get answers to his questions.
Before he can stop himself, he adds, “Everyone with extensions on their papers, please come see me after class.”
Of course, that’s just Kurt, but the class won’t know. Okay, Rachel might know, seeing as she elbows Kurt so hard it almost sends him flying off his seat. Kurt almost doesn’t seem to notice it as he’s busy staring at Blaine with a bit of a twitch in his eye.
Blaine suppresses a groan. This isn’t the plan. What is he doing?
“Blaine, I am so sorry!” Kurt exclaims in misery when the rest of the students slip away after class is over.
He’s beyond glad that Blaine didn’t make him sing any of his pieces today because apart from already being nervous whenever Blaine does ask him to do that, today his anxiety probably would have been the final straw. He might have run off or broken out into tears in front of everyone.
Blaine looks at him with a small smile. “You’ve got nothing to apologize.”
“Uh, yes, I do,” Kurt says stubbornly. He’s beyond mortified; the least Blaine can do is let him apologize properly. “I really didn’t mean to-”
“Oh.” Blaine looks down on the pile of sheet music he was stacking. “Yeah, right. Uhm, seriously though, I know how bad pain killers can be, I don’t blame you for-”
“Oh thank god, you know it was the pain meds,” Kurt breathes out in relief. “I was afraid you’d think-”
“No worries,” Blaine cuts him off. “It’s alright if you didn’t mean any of it.”
Kurt hesitates for a second, and gulps as he takes in Blaine’s slightly shaky hand movement as he stuffs the sheet music into his messenger bag.
“If…?” he asks quietly.
“I mean that,” Blaine says, eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Sorry, that, of course.”
Kurt’s at a loss. He’s getting mixed signals, and just judging by the last bit of the exchange – if that was the only thing that had happened, his stupid email and the fact that Blaine is his freaking TA forgotten – he might even be encouraged to inquire further.
But he can’t just admit to meaning all of it, right?
He settles for the safer topic. “So you wanted to speak to me about my paper?” he asks.
“Uh, yes.” Blaine smiles, though he still looks distracted. “I just wanted to ask you whether you had any questions about the material since you couldn’t join us for the last two sessions.”
“I…” Kurt shakes his head. “No, I think I’ve got it covered. Rachel caught me up.”
“Alright. Well, if you have any questions, you can send me an email.”
“Or not,” Kurt says quickly. “I think I’m swearing off emails for a while.”
Blaine laughs, the sound warm and pleasant in Kurt’s ear.
“Right,” he says. “I know this is a bit awkward but… it could have been worse. You could have written that to Mme Tibideaux or Miss July.”
Kurt is so relieved that Blaine is able to joke about it that he replies with a mindless, “Yeah, except I wouldn’t have told them I liked them, so…”
Blaine gapes at him, and Kurt realizes a second to late what he’s implying yet again.
“Oh,” Blaine says. “I, uh-”
“I’ve got to go,” Kurt cuts in, ears burning. “Can I go?”
“Uh, uhm, well, yeah, of course,” Blaine stutters.
As Kurt turns around and gathers his stuff, he can hear Blaine mutter something to himself. Kurt’s almost out the door, when Blaine calls out, “Kurt?”
Kurt turns around gingerly. “Yeah?”
“I really didn’t mind.”
“Like, really really.”
Kurt wants to scream, But what does that mean?! Instead, he takes a deep breath, collects his thoughts, and says, “Okay… see you in improv, I guess?”
Blaine nods quickly. “Yeah. Later, Kurt.”
“Later, Blaine.”
Blaine is early to improv class, even though it’s all the way across campus. But he didn’t stop for his usual coffee, grabbed a salad to-go instead of lunch with his friends from his dorm, and also maybe, possibly hurried to get to class because Kurt is usually early to everything.
Blaine is the first to arrive, though, so he grabs his usual seat and gets out his salad. He’s about to slice the egg when he hears Kurt’s voice from outside the classroom.
“Talk to you later, Rachel.”
“Okay. And, Kurt, remember to ask-”
“Bye now!”
As soon as Kurt’s through the door, his eyes land on Blaine and he freezes.
“Uh, hi,” he says. His cheeks are slightly red, probably from the cold weather outside. “You’re – uhm, early.”
“Yeah.” Blaine looks down briefly, willing himself to just go for it this time. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Again?” Kurt bites his lip. “I thought-”
“Kurt, when I said yes in the email, I meant yes to both.”
“Both?” Kurt frowns. “I don’t-”
“Both questions. Or requests, I guess.”
Kurt’s eyes widen. “You mean…”
“Yeah, I mean,” Blaine says with as much conviction as possible. “At first, I didn’t want to say anything because, you know, TA and all, but… seeing you in class, knowing, or well, hoping that you meant it, and… I don’t know, I couldn’t wait those four weeks until the semester is over. So I asked you to stay after class but then that felt super shady, too, so… I don’t even really know what I’m doing right now.”
“Do you know what you’re saying, though?” Kurt asks breathlessly.
“Well…” Blaine can’t suppress a grin. “Unlike some people, I’m not on pain meds right now, so, yeah, I’m pretty sure I have full control over my words.”
Kurt glares at him but it’s mostly façade, especially considering he’s still looking like Christmas came a bit early this year, and Blaine… well, Blaine is floored at the thought of being the one to actually make him look like that.
“Well, apparently those pain meds at least made me confess something neither of us could admit to sober, so…”
“Hey, for the record,” Blaine says, getting up to stand in front of Kurt, “I fully intended to ask you out once the semester was over.”
Kurt’s eyes are locked on Blaine with sheer intensity, and Blaine isn’t proud to admit it makes his knees a bit weak.
“Really?” Kurt asks, clearly intrigued, then sighs. “So my email was completely unnecessary.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Blaine says. “I got so many laughs out of it.”
“Oh god, shut up.”
“No, I mean, it – eggstension?” Blaine chuckles. “Wisdom teat? There were some good ones there.”
“What part of shut up-”
Waiting really isn’t Blaine’s strong suit, he realizes, as he leans in to kiss Kurt, four weeks too early to be completely professional, yet about half a year too late considering how long he’s had his eye on him.
Kurt’s protest is muffled against Blaine’s lips, and dies down completely once they press closer together to get better access. They part for air briefly, and Kurt whispers, “When I got up this morning, I would have sworn this would be the last thing I’d ever say, but I’m pretty proud of myself for writing that email now.”
Blaine licks his bottom lip, chasing the faint taste of Kurt there. “I’m glad you wrote it, too.” This whole thing between them has lasted about a minute but he wants more so badly he feels like he’s physically incapable from drawing Kurt back in and kissing him again.
They keep at it until other students start to trickle into the room, and even then they share meaningful glances and press their ankles together between their chairs.
Between all the talking and kissing, Blaine didn’t get to eat his salad, so about halfway through the lecture, his stomach starts growling.
Kurt turns to him with a grin. “Forgot to eat?”
“I guess I was distracted.”
“Hm, by what, I wonder?” Kurt asks cheekily.
Blaine eyes his untouched salad in amusement. “I guess I got pretty egg-sited over this boy I like.”
It’s totally worth all the frustrated elbowing he gets in response.
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lilaclycaon · 6 years
Wow I am SO GOOD at fucking shit up omg
I got myself so nervous/excited earlier that I had a panic attack and then the thing I was nervous/excited about didn’t even happen, like I was afraid of.
I haven’t let myself down this much in a LONG time
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View r/LateStageCapitalism in the app because you deserve the best. CONTINUE or go to the mobile site Log in / Register r/LateStageCapitalismyoutu.be👢 Bootstraps PURE IDEOLOGY: 15 Things Poor People Do That The Rich Don’t u/ExpediteTheSearch 37 Comments79 Best Write a comment ExpediteTheSearch • 65d Poor people watch a lot of TV Poor people eat fast food Poor people buy clothes or products that are on sale Poor people wake up later than rich people in their early years Poor people are really into sports Poor people don't shower as often as rich people do Poor people blame others for their misfortunes Poor people have no money saved Poor people use credit cards or take out loans for useless things Poor people tend to have more kids and earlier in their life Poor people do not do regular checks with their medic Poor people spend money before they get it Poor people surround themselves with other poor people Poor people never follow through on their ideals or potential Poor people believe that others should help them reach the top 32 Arbitraryandunique • 65d Poor people believe what rich people say 34 drtmstr • 65d I honestly lost it at #8. I can't even. 19 gluedtothefloor • 65d It would be hilarious if it were any bit self aware. 11 drtmstr • 65d I think the word here would be "Tragicomic" 5 gluedtothefloor • 65d Yep, that seems about right. 6 DrippingYellowMadnes • 65d Poor people have no money saved Do you know what the word "poor" means? 12 Sitiak_ • 65d The reason the poor are poor is because they don't have money I now understand why the word tautology was created. 6 okmkzProportionately Representative Cheese Segment • 65d The first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club 9 minivergur • 65d I hate this. 6 [deleted] • 65d [removed] 1 AutoModeratorFULLY AUTOMATED • 65d Your post was removed because it contained a slur. If you wish to have your post reinstated, please edit it to remove the slur, and then report this comment (it will not be automatically approved when changed). If you want to know why you can't use slurs on LSC, please read this. If you don't know which word was a slur, you should have a message from me in your inbox with the word contained. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. 1 ruaidhri • 65d This is some bullshit. Most of their "points" can be boiled down to one central theme, that is, Poor People are personally responsible for being poor. It follows from this that they believe poor people deserve to be poor. Of course this is the central ideology in the religion of modern western individualistic capitalism. This is the successor to Protestant predetermination as a means of seeing who is worthy. Obviously most people in this sub will know this is bullshit. A significant amount of modern wealth is inherited wealth. Another significant amount of wealth arises from systemic and structural inequalities in the world- someone born in the global south will have a much lower chance of being wealthy relative to someone born in the US or Western Europe. And of course, let's not forget wealth that is extracted from the labour of others. Also the site that produces this video is incredibly weird. www.Alux.com is the largest community of Luxury & Fine Living enthusiasts in the World. Alux a world-wide recognized Authority when it comes to ranking the most expensive things in the world It's a wealth fetish site. It just lists "the most expensive " as if something being expensive makes something worthwhile in its own right. I can guarantee you that no one who is actually wealthy looks to them for their advice. Burn it to the ground and salt the earth after it. No good can grow on this ground again. 42 Aeriku • 65d Man this video is a shitstorm of half truths. I could poke holes into any number of points. 15 omfgforealz • 65d Not watching the video but the thumbnail is from that comic that actually doesn't blame poor people from being poor and does a good job of creating a narrative around the privilege of wealth 16 ruaidhri • 65d It's the exact opposite message of the video. You were right to avoid it. 5 Corporal_SaltJohn Brown did nothing wrong • 65d If poor people want to stop being poor then they need to stop hanging around with other poor people! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 28 JuliaB2016 • 65d bc money is transferred from person to person through osmosis. LOL 17 CheatcodekEnviromental Socialist • 65d That's what they mean by liquidizing assets, right? 7 okmkzProportionately Representative Cheese Segment • 65d wealth is a communicable disease 6 mutley89 • 64d The thing is, they are basically admitting here that their stuff about society rewarding "the best" and "hard work" is bollocks. The people you know and live amongst makes a massive difference to the opportunities you have in life. 3 AbortusLuciferumAnti-capitalist, Anti-fascist • 65d Poor people are born out of other poor people. Rich people usually have rich parents. We thought this was false, but looking into it we found out it's in fact true. The uncomfortable truth is that it is much easier to be rich when you have rich parents, due to things like inheritance and property inheritance. Poor people usually don't go after these benefits, you'd be amazed how little money and property poor people pass on to the next generation. Thank you for watching Aluxers! And remember, your dreams are yours to take! 13 ShawnManX • 65d This video was very helpful, and helped me come up with some solutions to these problems that I feel could ultimately help everyone escape poverty. Let's make poverty a thing of the past! Encourage people to install an add blocker and go outside more, going outside is expensive so I think this could be an argument for a basic income. Sounds like poor people don't have enough time to cook for themselves, probably because many of them are working 2-3 jobs. Again a basic income would empower poeple to drop one of their side jobs, and use that time to cook their own meals. Bonus, there are now more jobs available so unemployment goes down! Again, a basic income would help the poor buy new clothes, rather than those on sale. I'm starting to think this whole video is a propaganda piece for basic income. This is part of a cycle caused by stress, where financial insecurity causes stress, which leads to poor sleep, and a disrupted sleep cycle makes sleeping at regular times more difficult. Can also make people more unacceptable to illness. Another argument for a basic income, as well as public healthcare. Sports are expensive to go out and do, so while poor it makes sense if you're into a sport to stay home and watch it. With a basic income people could more readily go out and do the sports they love. This stems from disrupted sleep cycles, and working too many jobs. Basic income. Blaming others is fair when you have been dis-empowered. This is terrible advice because for lots of poor people the only solution they have control over anymore is suicide. Basic income gives people an out other than running into traffic/jumping off a bridge. Basic income Basic income Access to birth-control and safe abortions. Public healthcare Basic income Well duh, the rich people don't want to hang out with the poor people. Basic income so they can pull themselves out and make some rich friends. Or at least the friends they already have won't be so poor. This is mostly due to a lack of resources, basic income. Well how can you expect them to help themselves, give them a tool to help them and watch what they achieve. I think they're hinting at basic income again. 10 DrippingYellowMadnes • 65d Poor people never follow through on their ideals or potential Woman who invented the fidget spinner isn’t getting anything 7 minivergur • 65d Donald Trump is wealthy and watches a ton of TV 3 neubs • 65d That's his job now though. How much TV do you think he watched in the 70's and 80's? 1 minivergur • 65d I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but idk, maybe more, maybe less? 4 93re2 • 65d It's noteworthy that the image the video has before you start playing it was taken from a webcomic that made the point that a person's level of wealth is to a large extent due to a complex web of circumstances far outside their sphere of control. You can see the original here. http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/the-pencilsword-on-a-plate 5 frugalgardeners • 65d You all should Google Tom Corley and his research on "poverty habits". He literally makes a living discussing how poor people are to blame for their misfortune. 4 zwirlo • 65d Sure, that's what poor people do, but if "rich" people were raised in poor households, they would form the same habits. Early life environment and education dominates how successful one will be in life, and how their life will turn out. It's one reason why people with rich parents have kids that end up rich, in addition to the financial support to get a good education. 5 romjpnEmployment is part-time slavery • 64d Their website is pure trash with headlines like this : This Summer Dress Made of Straw Hats is The New Trend Because Hats for Your Head are so Last Season Michael Jordan’s Converse Shoes He wore at the ’84 Olympics Sold for $190k at Auction It's just a product from their marketing department to go viral (negatively or positively). Pure BS. 3 minivergur • 65d I'm really sad that they use this comic for the caption of the video because it's actually a really good explanation of privilege 3 GravitySkies • 65d So the thumbnail image they have is from a comic illustrating the differences between rich and poor, and how poor families often don't have the resources to help their children grow up to become successful. Don't usually comment on this sub but jesus fucking christ. 3 BugsHaveProtein • 65d I didn't think a video could make me so angry. I feel like I'm about to be pitched a pyramid scheme. And the fact that they use such an amazing comic strip as their thumbnail makes it even worse. 3 geniusaurus • 64d Aw man I thought this was going to be sarcastic, but nope pretty sure there are some hideous monsters that believe this shit. 😧 3 Tristanmalo666 • 65d A couple of the points are valid but then they come out with the "They buy clothes on sale" 4 minivergur • 65d Which points in particlar did you agree with? 7
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