#illegal block placement
edwardos · 8 months
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goldyke · 1 year
LAP Bands should be illegal
This post is going to deal with medical fatphobia, weight loss surgery, coercion, emetophobia, food issues, disordered eating, and just all around bad shit. But it’s important.
Shortly after I reached adulthood, I was coerced into weight loss surgery. I weighed about 250 pounds and was considered morbidly obese.
The Lap Band is a disgrace to the medical profession and is just another example of how the medical profession does not care about the lives of fat people.
To preface this: the surgery works. I lost 70 pounds and people treated me differently and I hated them all for it.
The Lap Band made my life miserable. When it was filled, I could not eat until noon without getting stuck. Even then, getting stuck was always a risk. There was a strict diet to follow and you were supposed to be safe from that if you followed it. On top of that, there were rules for how you ate. One standard I saw was not to eat in bites larger than your fingernail. Can you see yourself doing that for a week, let alone years and years?
Getting stuck is a horror you can't imagine. The food lodges in the top of your stomach, blocking off your system. You continue to produce saliva and swallow it down. Slowly, the mucous in your saliva builds up. It feels like you're drowning. Eventually, you have to essentially throw it all up. A disgusting experience (and a mortifying one if you're in public.) The saliva is thick and ropy. This experience is often called "sliming" on the forums.
I became frightened of eating in public. In a way, I became frightened of food altogether. I knew something had to give the day I reacted to someone biting a hamburger in a tv show the way a regular person would react to a killer jumping out in a horror movie. I developed the disgusting and unhealthy habit of chewing and spitting out food. I completely lost my enjoyment of many foods I had previously enjoyed because of how problematic they were (I can no longer enjoy a chicken thigh for example.) I stopped eating meals and began grazing. I developed eating habits worse than the ones that "made me fat"
After 3 years, I had the band emptied of fluid, which significantly decreased, but did not stop, these problems. I regained the weight, and found it didn't bother me. (Along the way I discovered that my discomfort with my body had never been weight related)
I had my band removed after 6.5 years earlier this year. I am in a support group on facebook for victims of this malpractice. There are 5.6 thousand members, each with their own horror stories. Some of them cannot get the band removed because insurance will not cover the procedure, though they happily covered the band's placement. Some have tried to go through with removal but have had surgeons try to coerce them into getting a different weight-loss surgery instead of just removing it. Many have long-term damage from the band eroding the walls of their stomach or esophagus, or from the band adhering to multiple organs. Many of them had the band for 12-14 years, before removal because none of our doctors told us it needs to be removed within 10.
Many practices no longer perform Lap Band surgery and now believe it is unethical. The surgeon who removed my band still performs this surgery regularly.
A study performed in 2011 with 151 lap band patients, found that 22% of patients experienced minor complications and 39% experienced major complications. The person who coerced me into surgery actually experienced major complications and needed an emergency removal.
I experienced no serious complications. Everything I described above is considered normal. And It still drastically lowered my quality of life.
I don't know why I'm sharing this or who I'm sharing it for, but here I am. If you know anyone considering the lap band surgery, don't let them go through with it without knowing the truth. And please be kinder to your body than the medical profession wants you to be.
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maddascanbe-blog · 4 months
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(I've been out of a drawing mood recently, so you get never before seen sketches, whoo!)
"Yeah I've watched My Hero Academia. Do I like it? Um- Well I have seen it..."
I started watching Miraculous Ladybug because I heard it was kinda bad but at least interesting bad. I watched MHA because people told me it was good, and I feel a little lied to...
I didn't make it to season 4 for MHA, and people tell me I jumped off at a bad time, that I need to push through to the good stuff. But if the good stuff is blocked behind more than 4 episodes I'm giving up. MHA's was blocked behind like 12. (Based on what I've been told is happening in the manga, I made a good choice...)
Don't get me wrong, the concept is interesting, most of the extended cast is wonderful, I like most of the character and costume designs, and the animation is absolutely beautiful at times but BOY did I struggle with this shows pacing and some of its cast. I mostly held onto the show for the So Bad It's Good factor, similar to why I've watched every episode of MLB despite disliking a good third or the episodes.
Naturally I had to shove these two shows together at least twice. Anyone who reads my Ao3 regularly will know I started Beetles, Bees, and Butterflies, but these two were actually from my first concept of a crossover. Where Izuku has both the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous and uses the Cat to be vigilante and the Ladybug to be a hero student. He justifies this with, it's not illegal quirk usage if it's magic.
In the story plan he uses the Cat first, so I tried to pull more heavily from his different hero outfits early on (plus his scarf from later), as well as a few of All Mights costumes since I figured those would be rattling around in his head at the time.
For the Ladybug design, I figured he'd intentionally try and differentiate himself from Bakeneko, and because he's a bit more confident and feels more put together the suit reflects that. I still brought in a few references to his later hero outfits with the stripes on his arms, the placement of his armor pads, the face mask, and his shoes (which I hate, but they fit), etc. I added bright blue to the pallet because it looks nice, and his hair is still green, I just didn't color it here. Finally, Tento's face makeup, which I just thought was fun. He has black around his eyes and white freckles.
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Now, I gotta say, I find it interesting how there are some people that target you for stating your opinion on fiction. I've had this same Jedi-stan user sending me tens and tens of comments which are based on denial and opinion rather than any logical argument. Now, they're telling others not to read my arguments because... what, it's too scary? They literally reblog my post with a quite insulting argument and then quickly block me because they don't want me to respond.
Well, too bad.
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This isn't even an argument based on logic. You just stated your opinion and acted like it was a fact, anyone else who believes differently is doing so "foolishly", more "foolishly" than a child apparently. Because despite much evidence to the contrary in children's media, apparently 'villains' never have any depth or say the truth ever, according to you.
Slick: "Yes, she offered me money. But she offered me something more important, something you wouldn't understand: freedom!"
You know the one thing Slick doesn't actually have? It's freedom. Because, he is a slave, that is a fact. Let's go through the fact that slave isn't a title you award but a state of existence and being, a slave by definition is: "a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person." That is the clones to a T. Just because Slick was selfish doesn't just invalidate he described a situation which still has not been refuted and instead has been only proven over and over again.
Now, you say "the clones are property of the Republic", and they are under the command... of the Jedi, who are generals and part of the Republic command structure. Legally, the Jedi may not have a say in the fate of the clone troopers other than being in charge of their daily actions and organisation for years, but illegally? Are you claiming that the Jedi could not even think to organise a mass desertion? When the law is unjust, you challenge it, you break it. Now, you try to absolve them here by saying that they had no choice because the Separatists were a threat to the Republic, an institution that supports slavery for its own ends. You may hate it but "Cool motive, still slavery" still applies here. Any institution that supports having an enslaved army does not deserve to exist, and that includes the Jedi Order's support of the Republic.
As for your non-sequitur on the placement of the episode, this is just pointless. There is no basis to discount an episode just because it wasn't in Season 4. This adds nothing to your argument and is just a complete fallacy.
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You can't really make this argument on a number of basises. One, the writing intentions have clearly changed since that initial George Lucas' quote decades ago. Not only this, but George Lucas doesn't even own Star Wars anymore and Disney are now in charge, with Dave Filoni and a number of other writers making significant contributions.
Dave Filoni: "So I think that trying to draw these paths of the Jedi and the choices they make and how they wind up good or bad … Yoda isn’t afraid in the prequels to say the Jedi are flawed and that they’ve become greedy and self-interested and arrogant. That helps you understand why they’re going to lose the Clone War and why they’re so ripe for the picking."
I think this quote speaks for itself. Also, I think it was very clear that George Lucas, a man well-known for changing his mind and who was still the executive producer, was on Ahsoka's side in the Wrong Jedi Arc. Otherwise at some point the narrative would have refuted her assertions on the Jedi Order, that's just basic storytelling.
Now, onto the clones. You essentially admit that the draft is essentially slavery in the clones' case. The clones are property and are referred to as such, they can't leave, they can't vote, they have no rights and this has been the case since they were fetuses in tubes. Let's look at Umbara again.
Fives: "We did it. We took Umbara."
Captain Rex: "What’s the point of all this? I mean, why?"
Fives: "I don’t know, sir. I don’t think anybody knows. But I do know that someday this war is gonna end."
Captain Rex: "Then what? We’re soldiers. What happens to us then?"
Considering the fact that the Senate are voting on whether to "decommission" the clones like a product in the Bad Batch, I think it's safe to say that Captain Rex's fears were confirmed. Senator Riyo Chuchi, an actual good person in a bad system, is literally fighting to give the clones any rights at all in the Bad Batch, and she is a lonely voice.
Riyo Chuchi: "[The Clones] are not droids to simply be shut down. These are soldiers who defended us, defended our worlds"
Meanwhile, when the Jedi wax on about the end of the War, they just assume they'll be fulfilling the same duties they did before the war. This is because the Jedi are privileged and are treated as citizens during the War, able to walk around completely uncumbered and engage on a conversational level with the elite. They can also leave the Order, especially if they break the code, which is not something allowed for the clones. They may be servants, but they aren't property, and they have more tools to push back and fight the Senate, which they can walk around freely in a venerated position. You practically say this throughout your argument. Over all, the Jedi are drafted, the clones are slaves. There is a difference in the power dynamic.
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The Clone Wars waived the right to be dismissed solely as "It's just a superificial kids show, don't criticise" when it decided to deal with dark, serious topics, including the Republic's growing authoritarianism, political maneuvering, slaughter and murder. All those cases of the Jedi challenging their leaders simply make it more egregious that the Jedi never advocated for the clones to the same level. The fact Mace Windu is willing to fight tooth and nail for the Zillo Beast, however demonstrates no passion to fight for the clone rights, who are slaves soldiers under his command, is actually a pretty bad look. There are also clones that died around the same time as Even Piell, yet they get no rites either.
It's funny you mention Qui Gon Jinn because his opposition to the Jedi Council has been noted previously and it is a critique of the Jedi Order.
Dave Filoni: "I think Qui-Gon in a lot of ways represents the kind of path the Jedi are supposed to be on. He’s the one that’s the most compassionate. But he has no ambition to be part of the council. He feels he can’t do what he needs to do if he’s a part of that. That thinking and that philosophy is from what Dooku taught him. Dooku was a free-thinker and was looking out for people."
Oh, you know Dooku too? The guy who said "The Jedi blindly serve a corrupt Senate that fails the Republic it represents." Looks like he imparted some spirit to his Padawan. Ultimately, this actually supports my arguments that the Jedi Order have lost their way as an institution. Now, earlier you say it "sucks" the Jedi can't allegedly speak out because of the draft, at the same time you... have Jedi speaking out on every topic that isn't clones. Hmm.
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Well, mademoiselle-cookie, you have crossed into antisemitic territory here and it's shockingly disgusting of you. The Jedi should not be considered an expy of Jewish people, because that would be really racist of the writers and very misrepresentative. Jewish people are not a fictional order of magic monks that wave lightsabers around, fighting wars with state-owned clone slaves, believe it or not. Going through your argument until now has been bearable, but this really takes the cake. I've warned people to stop using real-life minority groups as meat-shields for their fictional favs, however it seems that privileged people will often use minority groups instinctively for their benefit. The fact you accuse me, a mixed race gay man, as being the type to fall for Nazi lies because I critique the Jedi Order is just the icing on the cake.
Also, you argue "it's a kid's show" and then it's a direct allegory for the Holocaust, one of the darkest periods in human history, at the same time, huh? If this were the case, it would mean it's portrayal is even more important to critique without exception.
But, moving on from your just completely inappropriate allegory. So, the Jedi have a "choice" as you just state. That's much more the clones ever had and that is a privilege. You're essentially arguing for the Jedi to stand back and do nothing by choice while earlier you also argued that the Jedi had to do something in regards to the War as it was the moral choice but also that they 'don't' have a choice. Meanwhile, the Jedi were shown to be willing to overthrow Palpatine given the 'proper motivation', but due to their lack of compassion I guess the enslavement of millions of men such as the clones just wasn't important enough. Your argument falls apart because the Jedi did try to overthrew Palpatine in the end, just not for the slaves.
Using the "Bad guys lie" trope in an absolute capacity is also not an argument. You're just stating your opinion as a fact again and it's very 'convenient' your metric. I could reply "Good guys can be wrong and don't always tell the truth" and we'd, like your point, get nowhere.
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Finally, an interesting point. There's no denying that Ahsoka did not make the situation as squeaky clean in her desperation, however ultimately my point still stands that Mace Windu, and I quoted him, said "I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan. But, if the council does as you suggest. It could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice."
At the end of the day, the Jedi do have a choice despite what Windu says. The choice was political. The ruling isn't unanimous, because doubts are expressed, but as Mace Windu says what they view as important in response to Obi-Wan saying things don't add up regarding Ahsoka is to focus how it looks to the Senate, a Senate that supports authoritarianism, corruption and slavery. The Jedi arguably lie to themselves and say they support justice, but they don't ultimately. As Jedi Master Dooku, the described "free-thinker", says: "The Jedi blindly serve a corrupt Senate that fails the Republic it represents."
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Hmm, you don't seem to understand what an "unreliable narrator" actually is. With your use especially, every single character ever could be described as an unreliable narrator, I can describe Mace Windu as an unreliable narrator or Obi-Wan. I could literally flip your argument and claim the Jedi are unreliable narrators who only think they're doing good because they were raised in an environment which told them this from a young age and ultimately they were propping up a failing, authoritarian, corrupt 'Republic'.
I don't think you realise that Ahsoka's story would not have been presented the way it was in Season 7 if the narrative was not on her side. There were key cues in its structure and quotations that were critical of the Jedi Order, who were mostly in opposition to Ahsoka narratively.
Ahsoka: "This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had, too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us.” 
What a coincidence that Obi-Wan, a man gifted with the gab, fails to counter this criticism as well. Just like Slick.
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We literally see the Jedi propping up the Republic system for the near entirely of the War. They allowed "the destruction of innocent life-forms", the clones, men brainwashed and forced into combat. They also conducted military investigations, deferred to the Senate, and I think it's very telling that Rex did not reveal Cut Lawquane's location to either the Jedi or the rest of the Republic. As Generals, they are a part of the hierarchy, and they support the Republic, a hegemony of laws and demarcations. Also, last I checked, Satine isn't a slave, I only wish Obi-Wan had gone out of his way to protect the clones as people, but I guess he only does that for citizens.
As for Order 66, again, this isn't an argument on your part. I'm well-aware of events, nor did I say they deserved to be murdered. The Jedi Order, specificially their leadership, made "poor choices" and it screwed them over. I also find your Nazi allegory more disgusting personally, but whatever. Now, let's see what the Jedi are actually doing.
Dave Filoni: "They’ve, as an institution, existed for a very long time. It doesn’t mean they’re evil or bad, but they’re making a lot of poor choices, and they can’t get out ahead of things in part because they’re desperately attempting to do things the right way and take an even stance.”
The centrist stance the Jedi take on most matters clearly contributed to their downfall. They made "poor choices" and I am critiquing them for it because allowing slavery at the heart of the Republic is not just a poor choice, but a stupid and immoral one. They are 'desperately attempting to do things the right way', but they don't, and this is why actual criticisms are levied at them. Again, I never argued the Jedi were evil, I argued they should be held accountable for their flaws and mistakes, like everyone should be.
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I like how you completely misunderstood my point here despite many other people getting it. The problem is that the Jedi do have a choice, it's just a difficult one. However just because doing the right thing is difficult does not mean you shouldn't do it. The problem with the Jedi allowing countless clones, who are slaves, to die for years and that not prompt them to confront, combat or even overthrow the Republic is it makes them very morally bankrupt. As soon as the Republic said it was going to utilise slaves, the Jedi should have realised the Republic was the enemy of human decency itself. But, as we know from just watching Star Wars media with basic critical thinking or this exchange in Rebels...
Ezra: "Master Yoda, you’re powerful. You must know a way to destroy Vader and his Inquisitors.”
Master Yoda: “Padawan, thousands of Jedi once there were. Then came war. In our arrogance, joined the conflict swiftly we did. Fear, anger hate. Consumed by the dark side the Jedi were.”
I think you need to add more depth to your idea of "good". The Jedi were complicit in their own downfall. The fact you have to jump through so many 'logical' hoops to 'explain' and 'absolve' them is evidence enough. The fact you also dismiss all criticism of the Jedi as anti-Jedi propaganda, even when coming from its own members, from Yoda to Ahsoka, who clearly the narrative sides with. Now, as for your 'the citizens did nothing too' whataboutism argument? Yep. So, if you're arguing the Jedi are as bad as Republic citizens who also enabled clone slavery, then sure, a little 'harsh' of you, but that's what you're actually saying here. Plus, you keep both stating the Jedi have a choice and don't have a choice when it suits you throughout this argument.
And, regardless of whether the SW writers verbally acknowledge the word slavery, it is the story they present by saying the clones are "property" who "have no representation in the Senate". You should watch the Riyo Chuchi episodes in Bad Batch again, because this should be impossible to miss in the discussion of "clone rights". Your attempted use of 'rhetorical' questions instead of an actual argument is also pretty uninspired.
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You literally didn't "debunk" anything, mademoiselle-cookie. As usual, you used ad hominem attacks, misused terminology, made antisemitic allegories, and now you're upset someone expressed an opinion you dislike. The fact you warn other people not to read my opinion as if you're the guardian of Jedi stan tumblr and they couldn't bear having someone make a post they don't agree with is also hilarious, I would hope people are full of sterner stuff. After all, people always have a choice, whether to read or not.
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you are The main swagdoons person to me so i want to just brainrot in your asks sorry. im going to put some things out here that i haven’t seen explicitly mentioned on swagdoons tumblr yet (i don’t have my own tumblr blog). have you noticed that in ash’s video about their block wars 1 victory, ash gives each teammate roughly equal attention in his storytelling, and structures his story around his lag’s impact on his tournament experience, but in RED’s video, red edits his own footage to disproportionately feature ash, making sure to include all of ash’s victories, his funny lines, his struggles, clips of his POV, etc, and ALSO partly structures his story around ash’s lag?? and red always tries to position himself next to ash in their group photos and whatnot. he repeatedly pursues ash to ask his opinion on whether red should wear his jacket sleeveless or no, and, upon noticing ash’s one-sleeve-cut-off look, red wordlessly changes his own skin to match with him. SPECIFICALLY not by cutting off the same sleeve, but to mirror ash, so they can hold hands in photos and match. yknow. like an exclusive couple . red does All This while way outplacing ash in points (red 6th place, ash 22nd), being the team’s designated top frag/leader, and caring a lot about his own personal performance – from what he says aloud, red’s full VOD of the event gives the impression that he’s mainly focused on his own individual placement, but his edited final video gives the impression that he is fixated on ash. who, btw, has only participated in block wars if he’s teamed with red. and fun fact, did you know that on their next team together, red said to their team that ash is a top 20 player (factually inaccurate as of yet – ash placed 31 & 22). of course, red could have said that so that ash’s substitute would be someone with a high-ish average individual placement, instead of because of [GAY REASONS] (red is disproportionately attentive to ash’s contributions, red has a constant habit of talking up ash), but isn’t that forced indistinguishability between practical/greedy motivations and gay motivations the main appeal of swagdoons? yea. aaaand, generally in videos in which swagdoons are part of a larger group, they sort of gravitate towards each other and stick together. im a little obsessed with the small moment from boosfer’s “deepest fears” event of ash tossing his illegally acquired extra ballots into the vote collector in front of only red, as if they’re sharing a secret, and both boosfer and red including this into their edited videos. and only red has ash & boosfer’s “this is not a therapy session!!!” funny moment in his video. cuz he loves ash’s personality and random stories. also there’s the blink-or-you’ll-miss-it moment within all the chaos of boosfer’s video, in the spleef round, in which ash says “dev just tried murdering me” and red takes immediate note of it like “it’s dev, it’s dev.” (or something), and dev tries to justify himself but they end up spleefing each other into lava and red barely survives, eliminating dev who turned out to be the impostor all along!!! swagdoons power couple. AND in red’s video, he gives this lots of special focus (he zooms in on dev almost killing ash, then immediately kicks in boss music as red single-mindedly tries to eliminate dev for the rest of the round). umm. yea tl;dr i am obsessed with how red is stronger than ash in much of minecraft canon and yet red is utterly loyal and fixated on ash while ash primarily looks out for himself. best dynamic
you are amazing anon i am putting you out there
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thi$ i$ you now ^^^^ bigbrain
( and winkwonk thi$ i$ why i love a$h$wag god arc$ every time to put another $pin on it )
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kodoandsangha · 11 months
Do you know about Project 2025?
In the state of Texas, they are now blocking roadways that travel to New Mexico (https://jezebel.com/texas-republicans-are-targeting-highways-now-to-stop-ou-1850796179) where Texan women have been seeking abortions.
Additionally, concertina wire has been erected on the New Mexico-Texas border under the guise of preventing illegal citizens from entering Texas (https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/17/texas-border-new-mexico-concertina-wire-abbott/). The placement is suspect as it is also the same border the women would need to cross through to get to New Mexico for services.
To that, the MAGA Republicans have drafted their outline for when they "take back America" and it, quite frankly, reads like the Handmaid's Tale (https://www.project2025.org/).
Recently, the Circus Peanut who looks primed to be the Republican candidate has been telling his voters not to vote in 2024 because "it's in the bag."
Having spent the better part of 40 years fighting against this mindset, with efforts spear-headed on education spending, securing abortion rights and LGBTQ+ rights, and the legalization of marijuana (along with the erasure of legal proceedings against those imprisoned on marijuana charges), I wish I could adequately express how important it is to vote in the 2024 election.
I know the candidates won't be the greatest. As an extreme Leftist, I haven't been represented in American politics but for a scant number of candidates who are seen as "too extreme" to make it out of primaries.
But this election will be different. This is the one that truthfully determines where America goes as a country.
I get that it isn't a bed of roses. I understand, having lived the majority of my life at the poverty line working for non-profits, how much capitalism, late-stage capitalism, is screwing over all of us.
Please understand... this election will determine whether they start rounding up the "different" people, whether medications are taken off the market, whether people will be forced into camps.
SCOTUS favors the Republicans. The Constitution is so outdated, it doesn't account for situations like should anti-depressants be pulled off the market (yes, there are now Christo-Fascists saying they should be pulled) leaving SCOTUS to "interpret" Constitutional law based on their own interests.
I want to see all of you wonderful people living in a freer America where equity exists. I hope you'll join me at the ballot box.
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|Closed Thread for @drinkingdemon|
Mischievous Beginnings...
One of the seven rings to host the damned of the world. Sinners, they called them. Demons, as they behaved. Since arrival, the amateur wasn't all too unsettled by his placement in the afterlife. Rather, Dice was more surprised at the fact Hell did exist after all. Perhaps he should have paid more attention in private school's religious lectures...
It took some time to truly gather his bearings, as he strolled around the casino, reminiscing of the past few months, his first few weeks in this hell. It was a difficult adjustment, but not nearly as difficult as it should have been for the average newly damned.
Emitting a hum, he would stroll towards the back section of the establishment. This had long since been blocked off to the greed demon, but he had become aware of the whisperings circulating the back rooms.
Having grown easily bored of the main attractions of hell's largest casino, Dice starved for something more... Substantial! That was the word...
Rumor had it, that the back rooms were limited to the most elite of the foodchain. Mob bosses, overlords, Goetias, all of hell's biggest names in those rooms.
And the events that would circulate these back rooms? Illegal games of all kinds! Risks that made his heart practically throb with anticipation. Dice had never heard this sort of gambling before. It both horrified him, as well as gripped his very heart with the most child-like excitement he'd ever felt in quite a while.
Today was the day, the rabbit vowed, that he'd manage to sneak into the room, just to observe quietly from the background. Dice was certain he'd be able to sneak past the guard if he could just... Control his illusionary magic a little better than usual...
With a bounce in his steps, and an already iconic smile plastered across his face, the amateur gambler disappeared into a magenta haze, disipating across the floor as he crossed over the boundary of the door.
'I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it!! This is insane!' The bunny was ecstatic as he'd disappeared around the corner. Now, if he could only stay hidden, just to observe the game at play, take a good view of the patrons, he'd try to study what he could!
Dice just needed to... Concentrate.
Whilst vanished, he'd strolled around the table, observing as many figures filed into their seats, taking note that he'd not once seen any of them on the floor once before...
And then he'd noticed another particular sinner. A cat dressed in golden accents with slicked-back hair. An aura around him, just emanating power and control. Dice decided, as his heels would dance across the darkwood floor, to observe right over the feline's shoulder, curious of his abilities.
This sinner was snooping right under their noses, for how long could he remain hidden?
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711proxy · 10 days
How to Secure Amazon Seller Accounts with High Purity IPs?
Everyone knows that as an Amazon seller, it's vital to keep your account secure and stable. But did you know that IP purity also plays an important role in this? Why IP purity is crucial for Amazon seller accounts?
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Amazon monitors seller accounts very strictly, especially in terms of account security. Once the system detects that a seller is using an IP address that has a history of bad behavior, the account may be restricted access or frozen. This has a huge impact on the seller's business operations.
1. Prevent the risk of associated accounts
Amazon does not allow the same seller to use multiple accounts, and IP address is one of the main tools Amazon uses to determine whether multiple accounts are related. If you use an IP address that is labeled as “impure”, it may be misjudged as multiple accounts, thus triggering the risk of blocking your account.
2. Reduce the possibility of account freezing
Using a proxy IP with low IP purity increases the risk of account freezing. Amazon will suspect that the account is engaged in illegal activities and then take restrictive measures.
3. Improve the effectiveness of advertising and promotion
IP purity is also very important for sellers who need to advertise on Amazon. High IP purity can ensure the smoothness of advertisement placement and avoid the failure of advertisement review due to IP reputation problem.
IP purity has a direct impact on the security and stability of an Amazon seller's account, and choosing a pure proxy IP is crucial. By using a residential proxy IP with high purity, such as 711Proxy, you can greatly reduce the risk of your account being blocked and ensure that your business grows steadily on the Amazon platform. Whether it's advertising, store management, or daily operations, a high purity IP will provide you with more security and avoid unnecessary risks!
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zooterchet · 2 months
O'Neill Contributed Legends
"The Merchant of Venice": The rumor created, that William Wallace's bloodline, a mere play actor, found the Queen Elizabeth I, to be sexist, for refusing opium. Richard the Lion-Hearted, portrayed as a Jew, for wearing a taller hat; to cut down on the drug trade, in England, MI-6.
"Dracula": A letter written to Walt Whitman, posturing as homosexual, seeking Walt Whitman's bedroom company; however purloined from Lloyd Irving's personal records, a Kenway of Wallachia, hence the actor's trade as police over Ireland, would be interpreted as a Jude. Then, therefore, a new trade, therapy, would come out of doctor's vestibules, as an alternative to Irish wage slavery.
"Our American Cousin": A direct challenge, from the Lincolns of Illinois, to the Garfields of Ohio; their real origins, in Tennessee, the Lincolns, and Boston, the Garfields. The placement of a closed contract, on the life of Jefferson Davis, and if blocked, then the play performed, but by guarantee; the pornography actor, John Wilkes Booth, hired as high mark, the marijuana dealership business outed by the British trade company as illegal under British law; controlled substances, the beginning of the American alliance with Canada.
"White Zombie": The Transatlantic Slave Trade, out of Boston, and related burghs, through Haiti, with whiskey molasses and guns traded to Africa, for English Monroe Doctrine. The history, of tourist's parlors, those rich and inbred British, having held meritocracy over those visiting and those otherwise self-disposed. The sugar trade, as anything placing in a trance to Africans, through hard drink and liquor, the old arms business of furnished appliance refused during World War 2 Italy; the Tuskegee Airmen, and the Airborne Infantry.
"The Prisoner": The Hollywood spy's set, any work done as a real intelligence operative, a set of actors and actresses, working around a KGB, posing as a Mossad, a talent agent. The most maniacal talent busts of all time, each a famous murderer without sense made to the crimes, shaping the modern American mythos. A nurse's hygiene counsel, on a man that is rumored to be a psychologist, actually an assassin, for the CIA, or the Russian form of intelligence, the union blue card. The worker's rally and the women's rally, father and mother, meeting, through marriage counseling; the old man interviewing, the spy, being the doctor of the mother to the child.
"Boondock Saints": The legendary career of a female assassin, lost to us in these grainy pines, that are the Church, and through it, the city and those denizens. The foes of the dead woman, found again through her example, against her own spy and criminal family found as dead over a baseball rivalry. Baseball, as the preferred woman of fan, to be held outside of prostitution and to be defended, based on fanmanship of team.
"The Joker": Given to the internet, 4chan, to prove the modern American judge's agent, the child of a lawyer stolen at thieved semen through an imp's fast. The super trooper, a Sheriff's Deacon, the highest that any man can serve in the municipal police. "Arthur Fleck", the lonely man, on a constant vigilante revenge, out of publicity shoots and photographs; for his father, a great man, a politician, judge, or spy. Keep in there, Arthur.
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kidnappedbymafia · 9 months
An Unknown Invasion of America
There was an unknown invasion of the U.S. in 1952 during the Cold War by the U.S.S.R. It involved farmer genocide by the ultimate farmer genocide machine. The Mascot Resort in Hackensack, Mn. was stolen along with silver foxes of incalculable value and 1,000 acres of forested land with a lake. A publishing house, barn, animal hospital and 60 room lodge were obliterated.
A booklet "Mascot Foxes" at the Minnesota Historical Society explains the business that was attacked. It includes photographs of the estate. It was like a small town surrounding Lake Schone-awa-gosh. There's also an article about the Mascot Ranch in the Hackensack Centennial in the Cass County Museum. It's unfortunately not accurate as it was written by some of the perpetrators.
The creator of this paradise was my grandfather, Arthur R. Maeser. He had the unique business of silver fox fur farm franchise. It was the only one of it's kind that spanned at least 3 countries including PEI, Canada and Bavaria, Germany. At times he had four fox fur farms one located in Alaska and one in Hackensack. His logo is on the internet at Wikimedia Commons: File: Maeser Fur Farms, Hackensack, Minn. (1926).jpg.
I have searched history for the reason for these senseless & heinous crimes. I believe it was revenge by the U.S.S.R. for America preventing their invasion of South Korea. Revenge typifies the U.S.S.R. After of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 our former president J.F.K. was assassinated by the communist, Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. I don't believe Oswald acted alone. That would be atypical of communists. It would be revenge for the U.S. blocking shipment of missiles to Cuba. That was an act of war and illegal in international law.
There was revenge also during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Soviets established missiles in Cuba following the U.S. placement of missiles in Turkey. In 1961 the communist Fidel Castro overthrew Batista in Cuba. The U.S. retaliated with the Bay of Pigs maneuver which failed. So now we're surrounded by communists in Cuba and Hackensack, Mn. My family estate is isolated so anything could be going down up there. It could be a stockpiling of weapons and spies. But our legal system has been informed of these events and remains unmoved.
It seems likely that after the Cuban Missile Crisis that the Maeser estate is being used for missiles. It is, at least, a terrorist sleeper cell. I only became aware of the incident when I did research on my grandparents whom I had never met. It was then that I discovered that the man on my birth certificate was no relation of my grandfather as he had claimed to be. Yet he had the same last name. He told me A.R., my grandfather had two sons. That's alias which is what Alaska means in Russian. We bought Alaska from Russia. I saw Dean's mother, Adelaide Burnson/"Maeser" was in a newspaper article in Alaska in the 30's on a boat headed for Hackensack. How can a boat go to Hackensack? Perhaps Dean & Adelaide were from Alaska or Russia.
The woman on my birth certificate, Nina (rough anagram for nanny) Zaslawec/Zaslawitz could not have been my mother either. As I believed Dean was a eunuch since he had no facial hair. Moreover, how is it a woman from the U.S.S.R. got married to a man of German ancestry after WWII?
It doesn't seem as though anything they said about themselves were true. Nina bleached her hair blond all her life. I also had blond hair. But her real hair color was black. Dean's hair was also black. It's also unlikely that the Zaslawecs were legal immigrants. They spoke what they said was Ukrainian. Never taught me that language. Being from the U.S.S.R. they must have been mafia. Because that's what the communists are.
I could find no census on Zaslawecs. Except in 1950 they were listed with my grandfather. My grandmother, Amy was no longer there. She'd been with him in 1920-1940. In addition, although my grandfather's only son, Arthur Frederick was with him in 1940 working as a farmer by 1950 he had disappeared. I believe he's my real father.
This last census was very odd. I don't believe it's accurate. It wasn't released until last year. Dean and Adelaide were also on that census in 1950 calling themselves Maeser. Supposedly living with my grandfather. His other 3 children, two daughters & his son had vanished. By 1953 the entire family had vanished according to county tax records. Very strange when they had resided there since at least 1927. They never sold the property. Around 20 buildings also disappeared. I was told it had been a fire. It must have been deliberately set when so many buildings went up in conflagration. So that's why I consider this incident to be murder & grand theft.
The choice of this location & the various facets of it are associated with magic. Joseph Stalin, whom I believe was the mastermind behind these crimes was known to have a magician for an advisor during the war by the name of Wolf Messing. Magicians rely on disappearances for their tricks. They renamed the lake on the Maeser estate Webb. It's probably not a legal name change. They had to change it to disguise the perpetrators. It was devised from the last 3 letters of Zaslawec. Changed the last letter to obfuscate. That's also why they destroyed so much of the property. To fool the investigators. They effectively put people to sleep or hypnotized them into faith. Nina's sister's name is Vera which means faith. Her husband was an anesthesiologist.
Zaslawec's church is an important clue also. It's St. Catherine's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, Mn. St. Catherine was a Korean martyr in the 19th century. She was also a patroness against the United States! (catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=9)
I found many doubles of the people in my case. Dean the double son, Adelaide the "double" wife (no evidence of a second marraige for my grandfather), several Arthur Maesers across the U.S. that were the same age as my grandfather's son, and even a man about my grandfather's age with the same name in a different locale. The lying in this case is stupendous!
There's reason to believe these people in my faux family were Jewish. Karl Marx, co-author of the "Communist Manifesto" was Jewish. Adelaide, Dean's mother had a sister, Helene Grouse who was married to a Jew. Generally, the Jews stick together. So I suspect Helene and her sister Adelaide were also Jewish. Then if you connect that to Adelaide on a boat near Alaska in the 30's she must have been from Russia. That was in the newspaper article in Alaska. I'm sorry I did not note which edition of the newspaper it was in. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Alaska was originally Russian and America bought it in the 19th century. Alaska means "alias" in Russian. That name should've been a red flag to the U.S. When that translates to "Alias Russia" then we bought Russia. Which means we became Russia!
Connecting Jews with Russians in Adelaide and Dean Burnson "Maeser" makes me perceive Wolf Messing who was also a Jew helping Russians. Dean seems to have been imitating him. Dean and Nina even got a house on Wolf Lake in Dassel, Mn. later in life. They were attempting to eradicate my grandparent's vision of heaven with Maeser magic.
This is my new theory...as I consider the communists to be satanists. I have done extensive profiling of the communists. This includes a review of their attack on Ukraine in 1932-33 that resulted in the Ukrainian genocide with what history records as a famine. The book, "Harvest of Sorrow" discusses that incident. I think it may have been cannibalism by Russia as I don't believe communists are interested in farming. They're also opposed to family and income derived from capitalists. What remains for survival is theft. That's directly from Karl Marx. Stalin was a known thief, kidnapper and implied killer before he became a communist. CIA knows the communists to be mafia. Khodorokovsky's book "Russia Conundrum" also recalls Putin as a dealer with the mafia.
I did a profile on Jews, as well. You will want to hear this! Where to begin? I will start the explanation with the Christian religion. It's an innuendo for the Sun-god religion. That was the religion of ancient Egypt where Jews originated. The story goes that Jews were slaves that escaped from Egypt. I believe they left to seek new lands. To expand Egypt. Much of Egypt was desert by this time.
The Christian religion is known by experts to have influences of the Sun-god religion which was the first known religion. In "The Power of Myth" the author, Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers describes the similarities of these two religions. Not surprising when you realize that Jesus Christ was a devout Jew himself. He was born in a Jewish country, his mother was Jewish and the 12 apostles were Jewish. Jesus attended synagogue regularly. That was from a PBS website.
But the most obvious clue stems from my own observation. The son of God is a pun for Sun-god. What we have is a religion in Christianity that's actually a revival of the Sun-god religion couched in new terms. We are still in Egypt! I believe the Jews are attempting to rule the world with Christianity. They deny Christ is their messiah. That's probably a lie.
The other idea I've tracked with Jews is that they're the communists in Russia/U.S.S.R. Because Karl Marx, co-author of "The Communist Manifesto" was Jewish. I believe he invented this political party for Jewish domination of the world. Marx's name means god of war. The communists are militants. Marx wasn't just any Jew. He was descended from a long line of rabbis. It's in his biography on the internet.
So what would Jewish gangsters as communists be doing in Russia? They're attacking Ukraine for one thing. I suspect this is their portal to Egyptian rule. They are pharaohs in Russia! Pharaohs are not good. They were cannibals that made slaves of everyone. They had no laws or money. The pyramids were their curse upon the world. They should not rule the world. Russia doesn't have laws either. The internet was very uncertain about that. And communists are opposed to private enterprise which stimulates economy.
There's an English connection to the communists, as well. The last queen in Russia was Alexandra who was English royal family. Moreover, Marx and Engels lived most of their lives in England. Their book was first published in England. England may think they're getting control of everyone with the communists. They probably paid Marx and Engels to write their book. But the Jews have another idea.
What could make this even more clear is that Marx was probably a rabbi also. It would not skip a generation. This was never stated in his biography but not everything is known about people in the past. Then you could see that he was a malevolent gangster bent on destroying Mankind. That he intended to rule the world.
What's more, Josef Stalin was likely a rabbi, as well. He was known to have religious training. Who sought control of the U.S. by tagging the Maeser town. We can now perceive pharaohs riding us like chariots to their glory.
This is why Dean used the two sons for his crime case. Jesus Christ was like a second son when he was resurrected. This strategy was employed to make an illusion of Egypt.
It was not a random crime but a political one. They would not have destroyed the lodge and publishing house if it was just about profit. There were many people that were perpetrators from my impression. The current "owners", Lynn & Michelle Johnson recall Lyndon B. Johnson, former president during the Cuban missile crisis. Lynn's father was a farm hand. Likely he was a farm hand at my grandparent's farm, a probable perpetrator.
There was also Bill Burnson claiming to be former manager of the Maeser farm. He was brother to Adelaide, Dean's mother. There was another guy, "Clem" Tony Plattner. He was near Dean's age. He had moved to Tucson, AR. I spoke with him on the phone. He said he was a friend of Dean's. He also pretended to be grandson of A.R., my grandfather via Ethelwyn, the first daughter. I could find no corroboration of Ethelwyn having a son by that name.
Then there was the executor of the estate, Walter Maeser. He coincidentally had the same name as A.R.'s brother who lived in Seattle. He was never appointed to be executor by the court and was no lawyer. Another case of identity theft. I gleaned this from tax records on Birch Lake Township, 1953. This is what the county called Mascot "A" Ranch. When I got the tax records later most of the information had changed.
Here's an interesting detail about Jews. They believe they're the chosen ones (wikipedia.org). They think they were chosen to be in a covenant with God. In other words, they think they're superior to everyone else. (bibleproject.com: "Who had God chosen?") Deuteronomy 7:6="For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession."
Who is this God who discriminates? The early Egyptians believed the pharaohs were gods. That's what they were told. This is why the Jews believe they were chosen by God. They were relatives/slaves of those they thought were God(s). They think the pharaohs are their ventriloquists.
I can make the Bible even more clear. It's an allegory. Like "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. Or "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan. It's an insidious quest to disseminate the Sun-god religion. So pharaohs will rule again. Jews seek to gain power in the world with their religion.
Okay if you enjoy mummies, scarab beetles and scary monster statues of cross species. They're controlling the USDA with kosher collective agriculture. Endangering people and the environment by killing pollinating insects and birds with pesticides. Destroying the land with chemical fertilizers. They will also instigate biblical prophecies like the apocalypse.
Their God was not benevolent either. He demanded sacrifice of human life as was done to Jesus Christ. Ivan the Terrible, first czar of Russia understood that command. He killed his own son. In order to be a god. History reports this murder as accidental. I think not.
Since early on the Russians have been fanatical Christians. They probably have more churches & monasteries than anyone else. There are over 600 temples, churches & chapels in Moscow (bridgeto moscow.com). There are over 5,000 Russian Orthodox churches (newzealand.mid.ru). Moreover, the last czar, Alexandra & Nicholas Romanov relied implicitly for advice from the missionary, Rasputin. It is said that Rasputin was the true power behind the throne.
Furthermore, the Bible does not dispute cannibalism. There are Bible quotations that permit that. (Genesis 9:3) " Everything that lives and moves about shall be food for you."
Because of the Jewish kosher diet they are believed to have genetic Crohn's disease. (cedars-sinai.edu: Ashkenazi Jewish Genes Linked to Crohn's) Because of insects, vegetables and fruits are taboo. (oukosher.org)
This, in turn, could cause Crohn's disease/IBD. IBD has potential to trigger mental illness such as depression and anxiety. There's 40% higher incidence of depression among IBD patients. 30% with IBD have anxiety. (uchicagomedicine.org). So we may conclude that Jews are more physically and mentally ill than the general population. It may account for their bizarre ideology.
Was this an invasion by a foreign government at my family estate? Invasion, according to en.wikipedia.org: "...forcing the partition of a country...with the objective of either conquering; liberating or re-establishing control or authority over a territory..." Since some of the people involved were probably illegal immigrants this implies foreign aggression.
People from the mafia have two central philosophies: collectiveness and secrecy. They have a collective mentality which opposes individuality. Each clan is called a Family. It's a mechanical social orientation. (wp.nyu.edu/steinhardt-appsych-opus/identity-therapy-and-womanhood-humanity-in-the-mafia/). Therefore, the communists did not act separately on this incident. This was a group effort.
Christianity is a plot to kill the world. To restore the Sun-god religion and everything it stood for. It is synonymous with a satanic conspiracy. We must prevent this!
It's not as unlikely a scenario as you might think. There was a revival of the worship of ancient Egyptian gods in 1970 with Kemetism (en.wikipedia.org). 5,000 years later there are still goddess Isis cults. Groups such as the Fellowship of Isis. Isis cults even spread to England. (huffpost.com; nationalgeographic.co.uk).
There are probably other allegories on the theme of the Sun-god. I'm reminded of it in Tolkien's fantasy "The Hobbit". It's something to be wary of. Because there are probably no other monarchies as evil as the pharaohs. Why I've compared it to Satan. It appears to me that the pharaohs did nothing but curse everyone. Even hieroglyphics, their alphabet seems to be curses. Their tombs were covered with curses. They were nasty!
Here's the mind-boggling conclusion. I think I've solved the Russian conundrum! The most illuminating data I found on the Jews was their symbolism. Their flag is the Star of David, a hexagram. A hexagram is a hex for one thing. It's used in occult practices and ceremonial magic. It signifies the Egyptian ankh. The hexagram is known as the "King's Star" in astrology. (wikipedia)
For me, the intersection of two triangles implies a curse upon humanity & the return of the pharaohs. Jews are witches. It could even be said that Israel is the pharaohs. The term "Ra" another reference to the Sun-god is included in the word Israel. The pharaohs have morphed into incognito. I assume that's for protection.
It's all about the eyes, i.e. the Eye of Horus. That's another ancient Egyptian symbol. There are various interpretations of that symbol. Most of them have to do with omniscience. Much like the modern God. Could imply immortality also. I would translate it as an antique type of security.
It so happens that the first letter of Israel is "I". I correlate that to Eye of Horus. Italy is another word that begins with "I". Former home of the Vatican...What has Italy got to do with anything? For one thing, Italians were in Russia long ago. Ivan the Terrible's ancestors were Italian. He brought in Italian architects to design the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. They did a wonderful job!
I suspect that czar Ivan IV was a missionary. That he never had children of his own. He gained control of Russia by killing landowners and stealing their land. Much like what was done to my family. He called himself "czar' which translates from Russian as "Caesar". Who was the king of Rome back when. The mafia in Russia currently are probably Jewish Italians.
So what did Italian mafia want with Russia? It's location and size I speculate. Egypt was focused on giant structures such as the pyramids and statues of their gods. The Kremlin palace is one of the largest in the world. Russia is the largest country. Also, it's located in the top center of Europe. That implies the Eye of Horus.
The location of my family's land in Hackensack, Mn. is approximately top center of the U.S. So again we have an Eye of Horus. That's probably why the Jews took it.
The U.S. is another case of "mistaken identity". There's an Eye of Providence which includes the Eye of Horus on the dollar. America begins with an "A" which is a pyramid shape. More Egyptian symbolism. Who is the Congress?
What occurred in Hackensack, Mn. at the Mascot "A" Ranch in 1953 was an example of insurgency. Insurgency is defined in wikipedia as a violent, armed rebellion by small, lightly armed bands who practice guerilla warfare from primarily rural base areas against a larger authority. That's how the communists took over Russia. Stalin was a guerilla who committed crimes while hiding in the mountains. This is what they're now doing in America. That's what they wanted my family estate for.
In fact, almost all the cities have been shrinking as has the population in the U.S. The stock market has also shrunk. Disease rates have been climbing, as well. This is atypical ! High rates of homocide are at least one factor for this. The communists could be another.
The communists have been killing Americans at least since 1963. It's documented that a communist killed former president JFK in 1963. The Warren Commission concluded no evidence of conspiracy. But it surely was! Oswald, JFK's assassinator lived in U.S.S.R. in 1960. He married a Russian and had a child with her. Then he returned to America in 1962. There he socialized with Russian emigres. He also distributed leaflets on pro-Castro in New Orleans during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He also visited the Russian Embassy in Mexico City in 1963. Jack Ruby shot Oswald at police headquarters when he was arrested for shooting JFK. How did that happen?!
JFK was an enemy of the U.S.S.R. His foreign policy was dedicated to opposing communism and the U.S.S.R. The U.S.S.R. certainly had a motive to eradicate JFK. So that's what they did. By the time JFK was eliminated so was my family. This set the communists in motion to do what they did to JFK. It also likely triggered the Cuban missile crisis. Possibly set the trap for the Korean war during the Cold War. Perhaps even laid the foundation for the Vietnam War.
There's more to understand about Judaism. The book, "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers explained that the goddess Isis was the inspiration for the Virgin Mary. If so, then it follows that her husband, Joseph was Osiris and her son, Jesus was Horus! When Jesus was resurrected this symbolized the Eye of Horus. And why does the pope wear a Jewish cap?
In addition, the crucifixion is derivative of the Egyptian ankh. This is a symbol of a cross with a loop on top. It's supposed to have positive symbolism. But if you view it from the perspective of the pharaohs you might see as I do that it's actually a curse. Curses are how the pharoahs kept their power.
What is the real significance of the Eye of Horus that makes it so central to Judaism? I believe it's a psychological paralysis to achieve domination. This symbolism creates an idea of being surrounded. While many of the ideas of ancient Egypt were primitive they were geniuses at witchcraft. Horus had a falcon's head. This image certainly could cause fear. Pharaohs retained their leadership with these fantastical creatures.
I also think Horus was a god of war. I could not find research that corroborated this. But it's implied. In fact, Horus's eye was torn out in battle with his uncle over the position of king. Just as Karl Marx's surname meant god of war. Probably derived from the Roman god of war, Mars. Marx was another servant of Horus as are all the communists.
More symbolism of the Eye of Horus is the Holodomor or famine of Ukraine in 1932. This was more than just famine. The Russians were executing 75 Ukrainian men daily by shooting them in the head. JFK was shot in the head. Killing my grandather's only son, Arthur Frederick was another potential murder with the Eye of Horus in mind. Shooting men in the head infers the Eye of Horus. This act confers godlike attributes to the perpetrator. It's how they accomplish slavery.
It should be known that the first czar, Ivan the Terrible was probably Jewish. His name, while a common Russian name is also Jewish. Not just a biblical name but common in Israel. The Russian Jews are a trick: mind control. Dean, my faux father was also likely a Russian Jew. Most likely, Josef Stalin, former president of the U.S.S.R. was also a Russian Jew. I have no documentation for this theory but it seems probable that what we have for leadership in Russia/U.S.S.R. is now and always has been Russian Jew.
4/14/24: Please note that Ivan the Terrible's name begins with an "I" (eye). Let's do some more Cold War history. JFK's brother, Robert F. Kennedy (both had the same middle initial as my real father, Arthur F. Maeser) was also assassinated in 1968. This was during his run for presidency, having won 5 states. Five is the magic number for communists. They had 13 Five-year Plans. Putin has five letters in his name. My family was killed in 1953. The year of the Ukrainian famine began in 1932. 3 + 2 = 5. That would be a numerology technique. Nina and Dean were born in 1932. Nina's birthday was in April which has five letters. This is a communist signature.
The interesting thing about RFK and JFK is that they were both journalists before going into politics. My grandparents were publishers. I have another journalist who clashed with the U.S.S.R. His name is Gareth Jones. There's a movie about him "Mr. Jones". G.J. had an exclusive on the Ukrainian famine in 1933. He secretly visited the Ukraine against the rules of Russia. He was arrested and then warned not to disclose what he had seen.
G.J. was murdered in Mongolia allegedly by Chinese bandits. What was that motive? But its believed that he was murdered by communists seeking revenge. His great nephew, Nigel uncovered evidence of that conspiracy. His other great nephew, Philip Colley has a website "garethjones.org". His niece also wrote a biography about G.J., "More than a grain of Truth", by Dr. Margaret Siriol Colley.
According to Philip, Britain was blackballing G.J. along with the U.S.S.R. Of course, the "Red Queen" Alexandra Romanov was partly English. As were the authors of the "Communist Manifesto"...at least, they lived there most of their lives. That book was first published in the U.K. So I believe the communists are just aliases of the Romanovs (and England). That's the connection. Why would England back U.S.S.R. in WWII when their queen Alexandra was supposedly killed by communists? That probably never occurred either. There's no proof the royal family of Russia was ever killed. What we have instead is a passion play about Christ.
Anyways, we know how the communists like to suppress the media. It's likely they do so in countries other than their own. They established a coven in Hackensack, Mn. for that purpose, no doubt. Among other nefarious objectives.
As for the perpetrator of the RFK murder the accused was Jordanian/Palestinian., Sirhan Sirhan. The enemy of the Jews was convicted. But the evidence did not support that accusation. The bullets fired were not from Sirhan's gun. Also, there were 13 shots. Sirhan's gun could only shoot 8. 13 is a communist conspiracy (13 Five-Year Plans). (britannica.com) RFK Jr. believed that there were conspiracies in both JFK and RFK murders. There were conspiracy theories. RFK was attorney general for JFK and convicted Jimmy Hoffa who was involved with the mafia. Was it the Russian mafia? That could be dangerous!
Since we're on the topic of journalism it could be relevant to discuss the Patty Hearst kidnapping case in 1974. She claimed to be kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Her father, William Randolph Hearst was a publisher. He also happened to publish Gareth Jones' articles on the Ukraine. The S.L.A. had similar ideology to the communists although they did not call themselves that. Patty was arrested for bank robbery with the S.L.A. The name of Hearst is English German. The communists probably didn't kill the family because A) they did not have much land and B) he was from England.
4/21/24: I did more checking into the Hearst name. When I first looked at it the site I went to said it was an Anglo-Saxon name. Then I got a hunch and inquired if it was a Jewish name. So it is! Its Jewish American probably derived from the Ashkenazic surname Hirsch. Its also believed to have English origins. (familysearch.org:Hearst family name) I was surprised that he published Gareth Jones but I verified this. Those articles are at "garethjones.org/margaret_siriol_colley/randolph_hearst1934.htm.
I would recommend reading these. They are a first-hand account on "Russia's Starvation". Its very heart wrenching! "Tell Them We Are Starving" is Jones' book from 1933 Soviet Diaries of G.J. Its important to know what the communists are capable of. G.J. risked his life to help the Ukrainians. He's a hero to them. He died Aug. 12, 1935 under mysterious circumstances at the age of 29.
That death date got my attention. It had the same numbers as my family's demise and also that of Stalin...1953. 5 + 3 is a magic number for communists. I recall the magic eight ball when I was young. You asked it questions and it would give answers. They might still sell those.
Jones was kidnapped and murdered. I was kidnapped, grandchild of a publisher. My family was murdered and their property mostly demolished. Seems to be two sides of the same coin. Could be the same issue as Gareth Jones. The communists were seeking media control especially on the Ukraine Holodomor. Maybe grandfather published on that incident. He probably knew about it because he had business in Germany at that time. Germany was the first to get an article about the famine from Jones.
Do we have anything to fear in guerilla warfare? Cuba was overthrown in a coup by Castro with guerilla warfare. That was 1956-58 hiding in the thickly forested Sierra Maestra mountains. Cuba is still a communist country. Communists now have us surrounded with Cuba and Hackensack, Mn. Soviets used guerilla warfare "irregular tactics" in Afghanistan fighting the Mujahadeen. (hsdl.org: "Roots of Russian Irregular Warfare")
Domestic and international terrorist groups located in the U.S. are demonstrating guerilla warfare today. (digitalcommons.usf.edu: "Combating the 21st Terrorist Cell Within the U.S.") Guerilla warfare has been used throughout history with some success. The American Revolution was won with it. One of the most successful guerilla wars was led by George Skanderbeg against the invading Ottoman Empire in 1443. (wikipedia/study.com) Green Berets in the U.S. teach it. Sun Tzu, alleged author of "Art of War" was the first known strategist from circa 6th B.C.E. to advocate this type of warfare.
Are you ready for an astonishing conclusion? The English are using the communists as an alias. They are the ones trying to regain reign over America! Vladimir Lenin, first leader of the Bosheviks/communists in Russia has an English surname. Remember John Lennon of the Beatles rock group? Lenin is another spelling for Lennon. It means "cloak". As in disguise. This wasn't Lenin's real name but nevertheless. He was a spy for England.
4/23/24: I feel compelled to discuss the fur farming industry which has been attacked by various animal rights groups. I admit that the standards for humane fur farming are woefully inadequate. There should at least be more regulations about fur farms. I don't like their cages which lack walls in the photos. They should also be able to get exercise. There are other issues, as well.
But there is hypocrisy in this topic. Those who sympathize with fur animals have no problem with their leather apparel or animal food. Why does no one complain about birds being slaughtered for down clothing? I deduce from this inconsistency that this is a political or religious issue rather than sincere objections to inhumane farming. Other animals and birds are abused on farms too. What about zoos where animals are confined to cages who are accustomed to roaming also?
Banning fur farming reduces our choices. This supports communists. Yet from my internet readings awhile ago the communists have been one of the biggest fur traders in the world. St. Petersburg used to be the largest auction site for furs. All the Russians have furs. They even have fur blankets! I suspect they're trying to get a monopoly on fur sales. This would put them in charge of everyone....
I was watching a movie "Hellboy" which was inspired by the idea that Grigori Rasputin, the Russian priest and advisor to the last Romanov monarchy did not really get killed in 1916. This opened a portal to hell which was supervised by Rasputin. Hellboy was his child, a demon. Now I view Russia as hell. They're doing this to get supernatural connections. Stirring fear into people to get control. Its probable that Rasputin didn't die in 1916. That it was a lie designed to open hell.
By the way, the 1917 Bolshevik/communist revolution has the number 8 (1 +7). By calling this a magic number I mean that it creates a blank in the mind, a psychological blind. This is what magicians do. Its why the communists are using it with numerology or straight, To get away with crime and other corruptions. I suggest that eightup to symbolizes revolution to the communists.
Communists are using numbers symbolically. It's what numerology is. It was a Pythagorean theorem many years ago. My birthday has three fives. I was born in August the eighth month. This is probably not my real birthday. Nina's birthday is also interesting. She was born April 16, 1932. April is the fourth month. Add four to 7 (16) = 11. Jones death was Aug. 12. 8 + 3 (12) = 11.
Perhaps Jones was the primary impetus for the attack on my family. I was never told about the publishing business my family had. The couple that raised me did tell me about the fox farm, however. Although revolution and profit probably were operative motives, as well. The attack of 911 also adds up to 11....Gareth Jones' death signaled revolution as did other crimes involving communists. These crimes were not occurring in a vacuum. They are part of an overall strategy to dissolve democracy. Crimes are committed by terrorists and in guerilla warfare to overcome opposition to their political incentives.
Here are some other numbers that prove my point about eight. Ukraine famine began in 1932. That's a five (3 + 2). 21 years later (2 + 1 = 3) in 1953 my family was murdered and their estate demolished. That's 3 + 5 = 8.
We should also know that Karl Marx and co-author Engels were against family. Incredibly they called married women prostitutes. They were probably instrumental to the current disintegration of family in this country. This is also the result of more poverty. This can only be harmful to everyone but especially children. Love is now a four letter word like hate. And there are other nasty words. Like Tina Turner sings "What's Love Got to Do With It?" That's an apocalyptic perspective.
5/7/24: Here's an even spookier glimpse at what Nina's birthday could mean. Perhaps it's a referral to the death of Rasputin in 1916. That makes Nina the neo-Rasputin! Bringing hell and damnation to the world via Hackensack. Was she the devil?! Very likely the personification of the devil. Who was Horus...
It's difficult to understand why anyone would prefer hell and the cessation of life. Unless you know what it would be like to grow up in a commune as Russians have to do. It was what I did but I didn't know it. We lived in new houses in a good neighborhood in the suburbs. My real family saved me from despair. People need privacy to be wholesome and well. Communes should not be forced upon us. Only evil can reign from such accommodations.
5/8/24: There's something to know about Rasputin. This was not his real name. It was Novykh. That name could be Jewish or Czech. It means newcomer. Novykh was given the name Rasputin because he was so licentious (immoral). It means debauchery. Rasputin was considered to be a monk or mystic. He was illiterate and never had an official position with the church. It seems odd that such a man would become pivotal in the Nicholas II monarchy. In fact, he attempted to kill Anastasia Romanov. (fandom.com). He was an evil man and was attributed to the fall of the monarchy.
Is the name of Putin derived from Rasputin? Probably. Then you know where Putin is coming from...
I traveled to Russia in 1974 with my college. I had traveled to Europe in high school. So I'd seen a fair number of countries by then. Russia was the worst country I'd seen! They would not allow autonomous sightseeing. They showed very little of the sights. I was confined to my hotel most of the time. It was a dismal hotel. I was studying a course while I was there so I had to spend time on that. I saw no pedestrians, no shops. This was Moscow. We could only see the exterior of St. Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin. I also viewed Lenin's tomb where his "body" was displayed. It was very depressing!
5/14/24: Here's more about Rasputin's death. 1916 adds up to 8 (1 + 9 + 1 + 6) in numerology. That magic number which portends transformation. His death was intended to transform the government of Russia. The monarchy had already established a Duma government by then. They had darker intentions. Rasputin was no monk although he is usually described that way. He had a family. What monk has family? Rasputin was a demon and necromancer. He was the curse of Romanovs...
As for Dean, I think I saw him more clearly. He was trying to be Horus as I think all Jews would do. Killing the owner of a fox farm and publishing company provided him with that status. Horus was the king of Egypt. It's a coveted position.
Another problem with Jews. They want kidney donors. Kidneys are the most sought organ in the U.S. Jews have Crohn's disease. It's a consequence of their religion. But human organs must be living and there are a shortage of donors. Read "Blindsight" by Robin Cook about the black market for human organs. People are being killed for their organs! Why children might be kidnapped. People who want to be gods and live forever will kill for kidneys.
The Russians began colonization in Alaska by enslaving the Aleuts. They were indigenous to the region and made their living by seal fur trading. Russians kidnapped their families and made them give up their seal furs to them. This is a modus operandi of the Russians. To steal and KIDNAP. Eventually the Russians established a fur trading corporation in Alaska.
On July 7, 1911 four nations signed the seal fur treaty. They were Russia, Great Britain, Japan and the U.S. This ended the killing of seals on the high seas. Now only Alaska can sell seal furs. (fws.gov) This ruined the livelihood of the Aleuts and the Russians. That must've angered the Russians. Could this have triggered communism in Russia?
I also have another question about the treaty. Since when are the hunting of wild animals collectivized as the seal fur trading was? No other wild animals are totally prevented from being hunted by private hunters. This was an attack on private enterprise.
Perhaps the Russians kidnapped the American economy. In 1929 17% interest rates crashed the stock market. It was also the year the Vatican got their own country. In 1933 the Agriculture Adjustment Act collectivized agriculture in the U.S. Then president Roosevelt said "There's nothing wrong with communism". In 1933 the Agriculture Adjustment Act collectivized agriculture.
(7/23/24) I've gotten some new insights! Why the Egyptians mummified their pharaohs. They believed they could keep them alive by doing so. There are three spirits that reside after death within the preserved bodies. Compare this to the trinity in Christianity...The three spirits are ka, the life force spirit, ba, the personality, and akh, the spirit of the deceased person (historyextra.com).
Beware of the names beginning with "ka" or even "ca". Princess Kate, Kamala Harris, VP, etc. are some examples. They are the undead! Not technically, of course, but in the imagination and in political strategy they are zombies. Manipulating the subconscious to do their bidding or that of the pharaohs.
There's a problem with the ecology in the U.S. and I believe the Jews are behind this. Destroying the environment in order to rule. Kidnapping children to facilitate their reign. The mosquitos have been eradicated in Minnesota, for instance. This has killed off other creatures in the food chain, most notably birds but also frogs and fish. Bears and wolves have also been extinguished in Minnesota and other states, as well. When larger predators are eliminated the smaller animals become over-populated. This can lead to starvation. Hunting for us is also eliminated. Another food source is destroyed.
The DNR is lying about the wildlife. I was up in Lake of the Woods canoeing and camping as a teen. There were no mosquitos in the woods then. I saw one bird, a heron. I saw no animals or heard no birds. It was too quiet! Someone has sprayed pesticides throughout the forest up there. Is it to avail the guerrilla warriors camping up there?
There's a campground on my family's land now. That's the new development. To establish communism everywhere. It's a bad omen... It's a safe bet it's there for guerrilla warriors to hide out.
The Jewish phobia of insects is catapulting the entire planet into jeopardy! Minneapolis, Mn. has no mosquitos either. I can recall as a youth dreading the buzzing noise of mosquitos. I lived in a suburb of Minneapolis then. Mosquitos were referred to as the state bird we had so many. Pesticides must have been sprayed over Minneapolis and other cities. Read on to discover the effects on humans of pesticides.
Pesticides can trigger elevated cancer risks, potential disruption of the body's metabolic functioning as well as the reproductive, immune, & nervous systems (ifm.org). We need to restore our state bird! Our ecology and very survival depends on it!
I have surmised that the U.S. is under siege. We are being surrounded, our food sources are being undermined. Our farms have shrunk from over 90% in the 20th century to 2%. Much of our food has to be imported from Mexico and Canada. Hunting has vanished.
Here is how it's being done: (ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/urban-guerrilla-warfare-united-states) This analysis of the threat of urban guerilla warfare in the U.S. concludes that simultaneous attacks on key cities could disrupt the economy and possibly destroy the government.
The strategy is sabotage of the environment, farm produce and stock market. Even children are being sabotaged by kidnapping. Important positions might be impersonated to wreak havoc. We could rename America "Pandemonium"...
To whom do we owe this catastrophe? Consider this. The name of England begins with the same letter as Egypt.
8/15/24: I have received 14 newspaper articles which refer to the Maesers and/or their corporation, Maeser Fur Farms, Inc. It was provided to me by a journalist in Alaska. I can't go into every detail but I did learn a few things. Like there were two farms in South Dakota that were owned by International Fur Farms which was another Maeser corporation. One was in Watertown and the other was in Aberdeen. This was revealed in the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Nov. 13, 1929, p.1: "File Involuntary Bankruptcy Action Against Fur Farm." This was a ridiculous notion as sales were reported between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. I had read that some of the individual fox owners who were being assisted at the Hackensack farm were attempting to get reimbursed for not getting any sales. That's ludicrous as anyone who invests knows there are no guarantees.
One of the articles that might be interesting is a report by a journalist who visited the "Mascot "A" Ranch". This was in Albert Lea Evening Tribune, Oct. 28, 1927, p. 11: "Mascot Silver Fox Ranch is Investigated". Mascot Ranch is reputed to be the largest in the world. There were 60-70 visitors the day the journalist visited. 97 employees. Tour of lodge, auditorium above print shop. Free moving pictures and books. They had their own band. "Splendid morale". Carpenter shop, blacksmith, herd of cattle, 300 pens, farm machinery, feed house. Animal hospital led by Dr. Hopkins. There were chickens to feed the foxes eggs. 20 cottages for some employees. Large printing plant. Two weekly newspapers are printed. 2 miles of lakeshore + 1,000 acres owned by Maeser. Company store clearing house for milk, eggs, garden products from their farm. Raised German Shepherds. Maeser is a pioneer in fox industry. Reporter stayed overnight. Breakfast served before nine. Visitor is impressed...
Brainerd Daily Dispatch, June 23, 1928, p. 3: Purchase of Pine River Sentinel Blaze by the Northern Minnesota Publishing Co., Inc. of which A.R. Maeser is president. Ansgar Anderson was retiring publisher.
Albert Lea Evening Tribune, April 28, 1927, p. 12: "Fox Farming Told by One Interested'. Wayne C. Liddell, district sales supervisor of Maeser Fur Farms gives some interesting facts about a novel industry in the Hartland Herald in Albert Lea, Mn.
There was a book about fox farming by Sarah Crawford Isto, "The Fur Farms of Alaska" 1927-1935. Refers to Maeser's Alaska holdings at Tebenkof Bay.
Here are a list of the articles which refer to my grandfather's business. 1) Albert Lea Evening Tribune, Apr. 28, 1927, p. 12...2) ALET May 24, 1928, p.5...3) ALET Nov. 2, 1827, p. 6...4) ALET Oct. 28, 1927, p. 11...5) Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Dec. 16, 1926, p.1...6) BDD Dec. 30, 1927, p. 10...7) BDD Feb. 1, 1936, p. 3...8) BDD Jan. 3, 1928, p. 10...9) BDD Jan. 14, 1936, p. 3...10) BDD July 13, 1927, p. 3...11) BDD June 21, 1929, p. 10...12) BDD June 23, 1928, p. 3...13) BDD Nov. 13, 1929, p. 1...14) BDD Oct. 28, 1929, p. 7...
It was not an imaginary business! Although communists would make it out to be so. By demolishing the family and most of the buildings at the headquarters. The silver fox does nourish the imagination it must be said. It's difficult for this writer to grasp the magnitude of that business. By their destruction they sought to draw a psychological picture of a pentagram, a witch's curse. Which is connected to the revival of the mummies who await in their "palaces" the museums. A more disastrous fate cannot be plotted.
There could be missiles hidden in the forest at Mascot Resort. These could carry nuclear warheads. This should be investigated! I'm certain the idea is to surround the U.S. with Hackensack, Mn. occupation and Cuba which is still communist. The occupation of Mascot "A" Ranch is a curse! To ignore it is at our own risk....
Stalin's five-year plans had a clandestine message of missiles aimed at the U.S. There are five points to the pentagram. The pentagram is a symbol of wicca. Russians are witches and as such, cannot be trusted. Five year plans are the pentagram.
The name "Alaska" also implies the pentagram. It's a curse upon this country because we bought it from the Russians. They didn't need our money or cared about it. They wanted out subjugation. That's the meaning of the curse.
There's another curse that's bringing us down, as well. That's the Egyptian mummies in this country. There are over 300 in this country. What is America doing with them?! Egypt is our leader as long as we house their living dead pharaohs. They should be returned to Egypt IMMEDIATELY!
Russia is dominated by the Jews. They have made Vladimir Lenin into a mummy by removing his brain and displaying his "body" in Red Square. These mummies are maintaining the rule of Egypt.
Have you heard about the Brain Institute in Moscow? They study the brains of their deceased leaders and prominent scientists. Perhaps they even consume those brains. This is a ghoulish occult concept intended to paralyze everyone.
Egypt has created a psychological vacuum/hypnotic trance via Russia and their mummies. Karl Marx, founder of communism has the "ka" in his first name. If you recall, that was the word for the spirit of the mummies. His objective was to revive the mummies with his politics. Like any rabbi would strive to do.
I have more examples of the "ka" names. Boris Karloff was an actor in numerous occult movies. In at least two movies he starred as a revived mummy. In 1942 he was in the movie "The Mummy's Tomb". In this plot the mummy Kharis was resurrected (like Christ) to return the princess Ananka to Egypt from America. He was programmed to kill all those who had desecrated her tomb. He did not succeed in this. There were sequels to that movie. "The Mummy's Hand" 1940, "The Mummy's Ghost" 1944 and "The Mummy's Curse" 1944 were in a similar vein. The recurrent theme is murder for transplanting a mummy to the U.S. These movies paralleled WWII...
I do look at the media to find clues to political concepts. They often reflect the times they were in. Most artists required a patron usually the government to support them while they created. So the ideas in the books and theater incorporated the patron's ideas.
There are many examples of concepts that are hung over from earlier times today. For instance, what is the underlying motive for aborting children? The inspiration could be mummies. They are using these fetuses illegally for medical experiments. Could they also be using them to create human clones (also illegal) to provide human organs for transplants? Because you know the mummies had their organs and brains removed. Those who identify with the mummies will be desperate for living donors of these body parts. This is worse than Frankenstein!
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edwardos · 8 months
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Always Something to Learn
Word count: 3,350
Pairing: Kate Bishop x reader (platonic)
Reader pronouns: none used
Warnings: cursing, mentions of weaponry (though not used on anyone), Hawkeye spoilers
Another Prompt completed! This request was for Kate Bishop x reader (my first time writing for her), where both are vigilantes working together and Kate offers to train the reader in combat. This, of course, doesn't go over so well 😉
It took some time to write this one - I had some heavy writers block, and I also had to go back and watch the entire Hawkeye series again to refresh myself 😂 Hopefully I was able to capture Kate's character well enough!
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"Alright. Coast is clear."
"No time to waste, then. Come on."
You waved for Kate to follow you across the vast, perfectly manicured lawn as you dashed silently toward the front of the mansion. Her footsteps were barely audible in the grass behind you. She'd learned well, you thought.
Once across, you ducked into the shadow of the massive home, pressing yourself against the chilled, stucco-sided wall. A faint breeze to your left told you Kate had already joined you in the darkness. You turned your head slightly, holding a finger to your lips to urge her to remain silent as your eyes expertly skimmed the doors, windows, and awnings for signs of a security system.
"Damn. There's infrared sensors across the entire entrance," you hissed.
"How did you-"
"See up there?" You pointed up to the nearly imperceptible black orbs lining the edges of the walls surrounding the door. "Too small to be cameras. Plus, if you look really closely, you can see a faint red light from that sensor straight ahead."
"Wow. Ok, how do we get in, then?" Kate whispered.
"Through the only opening they'd never expect someone to enter."
Kate cocked her head at you in confusion. In response, you pointed straight up toward the roof.
"Based on the most recent satellite photos of this mansion, there's a sky light built into the roof over what I suspect is the foyer based on the placement."
"Great! And... how are we gonna get up there?"
"Aren't you the one with the plunger arrows?" you whispered, a teasing grin spreading across your features.
"I-I knew that. I was... just testing you," she stammered, reaching over her shoulder to unsheathe an arrow. Swiftly, she docked the arrow in her bow and let it fly toward the roof awning. It struck and stuck with a soft thump, leaving a climbing rope hanging from the shaft and dangling in front of the pair of you.
This wasn't the first insufferable rich bastard's house you'd broken into, and it likely wouldn't be the last. Kate, you knew, had some experience with such endeavors herself. It was part of the reason the two of you had hit it off so well after Clint had introduced you. As a long-time family friend of the Bartons, Clint was well acquainted with your heroic (and, admittedly, sometimes illegal) ventures in the pursuit of justice. He had also been insisting for years you needed a partner - although you knew he just wanted to make sure you stayed safe.
Quite frankly, he knew Kate needed a partner even more than you did. After her own home caught fire, combined with her mother being hauled off to jail, she didn't really have a place to go. Who better to pair you up with than the young aspiring hero? You were rather similar, after all.
Kate had been your roommate now for a few months. While you'd developed a fast friendship, you also both loved to push each other's buttons. She was like the sister you never had.
The pair of you made quick work of scaling the building, hoisting yourselves up and onto the roof once you’d reached the top. As you’d anticipated, there sat the sky light embedded in the roof. You cautiously walked across the roof shingles toward the edge of the sky light, inspecting it quickly for signs of security surveillance before pulling out your pocket-sized glass cutter.
“I’m gonna cut an opening through this window - then you can lower me down inside so I can get the stolen necklace.”
“Woah-woah, wait. Why do you get to go inside?” Kate hissed indignantly.
“Because I’m the most experienced with covert break-ins,” you whispered in response. “Not to mention, I’m also the only one who hasn’t gotten caught by the police.”
“Wha- that was one time! And how did you even know about that??”
“Clint tells me everything,” you explained with a sly wink. “Bringing down an entire bell tower with one arrow? Now that’s talent.”
“Ok, well, I still think I should go in. How am I gonna learn if I don’t get to try?”
“I’m going. End of story.”
“Then I won’t lower you down,” she bartered, folding her arms defiantly.
“I’ll just lower myself, then,” you retorted, digging around in your backpack for your rappelling gear.
“W-well then, I won’t lift you back up! You’ll just be stuck in there.”
With a heaving sigh, you paused in your searching to glare exasperatedly at Kate. “You’re not gonna drop this, are you?”
Kate whooped silently with excitement as you finally located your rappelling gear and handed it reluctantly to her. You spent the next few minutes instructing her on how to safely lower herself down, reminding her not to turn on any lights, giving her a rundown on how to identify surveillance equipment…
“Ok, ok! I’ve got this. I’ll be fine.” She shot you a confident grin.
“Just… be careful in there, ok?” you urged.
With that, you finished slicing a hole in the glass and began slowly lowering Kate down into the dark mansion. This certainly wasn’t the most dangerous mission you’d been on, but you couldn’t help but feel nervous for your friend’s wellbeing. The owners of the mansion - and dirty thieves, of course - were an older couple who were well past their spry years, mainly because they’d spent most of their lives schmoozing and drinking. The necklace they’d stolen was going to be sold at a charity auction to benefit the city - a cause which they decided they didn’t agree with. Why should they, when the money would only be going to lower income neighborhoods and homeless shelters?
Well, you weren’t going to let that stand.
You felt the rope slacken and jiggle slightly as Kate’s feet touched down on the floor below. She flipped her flashlight on, barely illuminating the area around her before waving up to you. Then, you watched her cautiously wander out of eyesight in search of the prize.
It was an agonizingly long ten minutes that you waited, breath bated in favor of remaining as silent as possible to listen for signs of distress. The room below remained still and quiet.
Until, suddenly, you heard Kate shout.
You nearly readied yourself to repel down after her when she suddenly came running into the foyer, her flashlight bouncing as she sprinted. Someone was chasing her, their shadow barely visible in the moving circle of light surrounding Kate. The pair of them were headed straight for the front door. You clambered to your feet and sprinted to the the edge of the roof, scooping up the climbing rope in your gloved hand as you leapt fearlessly into the darkness. The tight grip on the rope broke your fall, and you made quick work of descending the remaining distance to the ground just as the doors to the mansion burst open.
"Over here!" you hollered, waving for Kate to follow. Her gaze whipped up to meet yours, never once breaking stride as she dashed in your direction. Her pursuant was hot on her heels - a man, you could see now in the dim light of the moon. He couldn't possibly have gotten a good look at either of your faces in the darkness. If the pair of you could escape, it would be nearly impossible for this man to track you down without your names.
As Kate reached your location, you matched her stride, sprinting for the motorbike you had hidden behind the topiaries in the side yard. You risked a brief glance over your shoulder to see your pursuer only about thirty feet behind. He looked to be in his early 40s or so.
"Who the hell is that guy??" Kate hissed.
"I don't know - their son or something?"
"Do they even have a son?"
"No idea! Just keep going, we're nearly there."
You practically dove through the narrow space between bushes, swinging yourself onto the motorcycle and tugging Kate down behind you. The moment you felt her arms tighten around your waist, you threw the bike into drive and peeled out across the lawn, cringing as the bushes scraped the sides of the vehicle. No matter. The scratches would buff out eventually.
Clearly, the man had no idea you had a bike hidden in the side yard. He threw his arms up in frustration as the pair of you faded into the distance, skidding onto the street and zooming down the road with a roar of the engine.
And just like that, you had escaped.
"That was a goddamn close call, Kate - what the hell did you do in there??" you scolded loudly over the rumble of the bike beneath you.
"I don't know! I followed all of your instructions, I swear! He just came out of nowhere!"
"Well you must have tripped some alarm or something!"
"I swear to you, I saw nothing that would suggest a security system went off!"
You were silent for a moment, stewing over the fact that you hadn't been the one to go inside yourself. She needed to learn, of course, but damn if it wasn't frustrating trying to teach her.
"I got the necklace, by the way. Not that you asked."
"You did??" You glanced briefly over your shoulder as you pulled onto a side street off the main road. "Well... great! Glad we at least have that."
The pair of you were silent for the remainder of the ride, opting to save your voices rather than holler over the growl of the engine. At long last, you veered the bike into the parking lot to your apartment complex and parked it farthest from the streetlights illuminating the parking lot entrance to keep a low profile. The silence of the night pressed in on your ears as the rumbling of the bike clicked off.
"I could have taken him, you know," Kate muttered bitterly as you made your way inside. "I didn't want to engage with him, like you said. But I could have totally kicked his ass."
"Mmhmm. I'm sure." You rolled your eyes with a poorly disguised grin of amusement. Kate shoved your shoulder in response.
"I could!! You know I could. Don't pretend you don't."
"Sure. If you insist." You turned your key inside the lock to your front door, motioning for Kate to enter ahead of you as you swung the door open. She stuck her tongue out at you as she stepped past, flipping on the lights inside as you followed her in.
The moment the door shut behind you, you let your weight fall back against it, sliding slowly to the floor in exhaustion. Kate had already stepped over to the kitchen table and hoisted her bow off her shoulder, setting it down on the wooden surface along with her quiver.
"Really, Kate? Weapons on the table? What are you, a barbarian?" you scolded teasingly, picking yourself up off the floor with a tired groan.
"Not like we ever actually eat at the table," she countered, her gaze following you as you sauntered into the living room. She had you there. You shrugged.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't at least act like we're civilized."
"Civilized?!" Kate laughed, gesturing to where you now stood next to the sofa in the living area. "What civilized person carries that many weapons on them?"
"That doesn't make me uncivilized! That just makes me... overprepared."
With a grunt, you bent down and lifted your left pant leg enough to unbuckle the dagger sheath hidden around your calf, letting it clatter to the floor unceremoniously.
"Overprepared. Yeah." Kate gazed skeptically at you as you continued to unarm yourself. The pistol in the holster at your right hip that you set carefully on the coffee table. Another dagger sheathed in your left sleeve around your bicep that you unbuckled and allowed to drop to the floor beside the first. The small crowbar you kept shoved through the back of your belt, concealed under your shirt, that you tugged loose and dropped to the floor with a sigh of relief. "Seriously - you carry more weapons on you than the Russian army!"
"Do not! This is a perfectly normal quantity of weapons for a vigilante," you argued, removing the final pistol hidden in a pocket along the back of your left thigh and setting it down on the coffee table next to the other.
"What would you do if you didn't have all that metal on you? Wouldn't you feel so much... lighter?"
"Yeah, lighter and defenseless." You crossed the living room and slipped into your bedroom to change, closing the door most of the way behind you.
"You wouldn't be defenseless if you knew how to fight!" Kate called through the crack in your door. You sighed, tugging your shirt up over your head and moving to undo the button of your tactical gear bottoms.
"I know how to fight! I just prefer to do it with a weapon!"
Kate was silent for a moment while you slipped into more casual jeans and a cotton T-shirt. When you returned to the living area, she was standing in the middle of the room staring at you with an amused smirk.
"Honestly - for a seasoned vigilante, you sure rely on your weapons pretty heavily."
"Says you, miss mini Hawkeye," you quipped, motioning toward the bow lying across the kitchen table.
"Pshh, yeah, so... I use my bow and arrow... a lot," she admitted reluctantly, "but at least I know how to fight in hand-to-hand combat if I'm caught without a weapon!"
"I would be just fine if I got in a fight with no weapon!" you scoffed.
"Would not! I would totally smoke you in a fight."
You snickered. "I seriously doubt that."
Kate followed behind you as you strode into the kitchen and tugged the refrigerator door open. "You don’t think that my literal years of martial arts training would give me an advantage?"
"Nope. I've been doing this a lot longer than you have." You gazed blankly into the open refrigerator, trying to decide what you even wanted.
"I don't buy that." Kate's voice faded slightly as she began pacing across the kitchen floor behind you. "Seriously - you should let me train you! I bet you'd be so much better at fighting if I trained you."
"Train me?" The door to the refrigerator slammed shut as you released it, spinning around to face Kate with a bewildered expression. "You think you could train me?"
"Well... yeah, obviously," she asserted, planting her hands on her hips. "You might be a weapons master, but you've got nothing on my combat skills."
"I have been doing undercover field work for over a decade - and you dare to suggest you could train me?" You fought to contain the amused, teasing grin as you slowly advanced on her, trying to maintain the intimidating façade. Kate squared her shoulders, planting her feet firmly in place to stand her ground.
"Yeah. Yeah, I do!" she declared, jutting her chin up with an air of confidence. You let a slow smirk overtake your features.
"I'll show you who's the master of combat, here," you growled. Without further warning, you lunged forward and tackled Kate to the ground.
She clearly wasn't expecting the sudden physical attack, based on the shriek of surprise that burst from her throat as the pair of you barreled to the floor. You took advantage of her astonishment, swiftly pinning her wrists to her back and digging your fingers into her side.
"Ack- HEHEY! Cuhut that out!" Kate demanded. You could hear her feet digging into the floor behind you in effort to gain traction.
"What's the matter? Weren't expecting to be taken down by the master?" you taunted, pinching your way up her ribcage. She snorted suddenly in response, rolling hard. To your surprise, she successfully threw you off of her. You toppled sideways, barely striking the floor before Kate was on top of you. She swiftly snatched your wrists and pinned them beneath her knees at your sides, her hand darting up to wrap loosely around your throat.
"You... you were saying?" she panted, eyes flashing victoriously.
“Please. This proves nothing, other than the fact that you get ridiculously violent when someone tickles you.”
“Uh, yeah. It’s called instinct. You’d have it, too, if you were ticklish.” She punctuated her statement with a sudden squeeze at your exposed side with her free hand. Unable to contain your reaction, you spluttered and jerked away from her fingers. Her eyes lit up, and your stomach sank. “No. Way.”
“Kate, I swear, you’d better get off m-eep!” You let out a squeak as her fingers contracted into your side once again.
“All this time, and I just assumed someone like you couldn’t possibly be ticklish!” she marveled.
“Yeah… well… you thought wrong, obviously. Now get off.”
“I thought you were the better fighter?” An impish smirk spread across her face. “You should have no problem throwing me off you.”
You let out a frustrated growl, tugging at your wrists to try to free them. Kate dug both hands into your ribcage viciously the moment you started struggling. A loud burst of laughter exploded from your chest at the suddenness of it, only serving to egg her on as she scratched rapidly at the spaces between your ribs.
“This is actual gold!” she exclaimed, her grin only widening at your extreme reaction. “How are those weapons working for you now, huh? Wish you knew how to fight, don’t you?”
You managed to yank your wrists free, immediately sitting up and shoving Kate off so you could roll and spring to your feet. Before you’d even turned around to face her, Kate swept your feet out from underneath you with a well-placed kick to the ankles, knocking you face-first to the ground. She dove on top of you, snatching your wrists and slamming them to your back to pin them in place the way you’d done to her. Tickling fingers found their way up under your arm before you could spit out the empty threats on the tip of your tongue.
“Not so tough now, are you, super spy?” Kate goaded, pressing harder against your wrists as you began to struggle violently under her weight. “Still think you’re a better fighter than me?”
“GEHET OFF, DAHAMNIT!” You dug your toes into the floor and bucked your hips in effort to knock her off. This only served to be your downfall. Taking advantage of the increased space, Kate wriggled her fingers into the softer skin on the side of your belly just below your ribs. With a screech, you dropped your weight back down to the floor, dissolving into hysterics. "WAIT-WAIT-WAIT... OHOKAY! OKAY I-HI GIHIHIVE! PLEHEASE!"
"Wow! This might be your ultimate weakness!" she exclaimed in amusement. Thankfully, she heeded your surrender, relenting in her brutal attack and shifting her weight off your legs. Exhausted, you gradually rolled onto your back, coughing as you greedily sucked in oxygen. "So... remind me... what was that about not needing my training?"
"Oh, shut it," you groaned, pushing your upper body up on the palms of your hands to sit up. Kate stood, offering you a hand, which you accepted reluctantly.
"Seriously, though - I would love to teach you some combat moves. And..." Kate pondered for a moment, a genuine grin crossing her face. "... maybe... you could teach me my way around a dagger. You know, to pay me back?"
You sighed, shaking your head but grinning all the same. As much as you hated to admit it, she was right. There was a lot you could learn from your friend. And, of course, there was much she could learn from you, too. If you could both set aside your pride, of course.
"Alright, Bishop." You held your hand out, offering her a handshake. Her grin broadened as she grasped your hand, shaking it firmly just twice. "You've got yourself a deal."
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When the FBI raided Donald Trump’s private resort and residence last month, after obtaining a search warrant based on probable cause that they’d find evidence of one or more crimes, it was presumably difficult for people to resist fantasizing that the Feds would soon arrest the former president and perp-walk him out of the place. That fantasy, we’re guessing, likely involved the 45th president trying to wriggle out of handcuffs while screaming “It was Melania!”, before being tased by an agent on the scene. It likely also included— and again, we're just guessing here!—him being charged and found guilty of the crimes cited by the government, plus a few others we didn’t even expect, like selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton bags and smuggling exotic lizards into the country, the latter of which would emerge he undertook with Jared Kushner. Naturally, this fantasy would also include the former president being sentenced to numerous years in prison, and a hysterical Don Jr. and Eric Trump telling reporters outside the courthouse of their plans to go to law school so they could represent their father on appeal.
Obviously, all of this could still happen. On Monday, though, such dreams became somewhat less likely after a judge threw the ex-president an outrageous, legally-suspect bone.
That bone came courtesy of Judge Aileen Cannon, who granted Trump’s request for a special master to review the 11,000 government documents seized from Mar-a-Lago on August 8 and blocked prosecutors from continuing to use the documents in their criminal investigation until that review is complete. The absurdly deferential ruling was based on Team Trump’s claims that some of the materials are covered by “executive privilege,” i.e., their go-to argument whenever the ex-ex-President has done something that seems like it might be illegal. “The Court hereby authorizes the appointment of a special master to review the seized property for personal items and documents and potentially privileged material subject to claims of attorney-client and/or executive privilege,” she wrote. (According to the ruling, the FBI found “medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information” among the classified information, and seized that too; according to The Daily Beast, “the DOJ has indicated that their placement next to some of the nation’s most highly classified secrets officially makes them evidence of Trump’s criminal recklessness that could be shown at a future trial.”) And if you’re wondering if Cannon’s decision was one that members of the legal community would agree was well-founded, legitimate, and completely unimpeachable, the answer is “no,” “no,” and “hell no.”
“To any lawyer with serious federal criminal court experience who is being honest, this ruling is laughably bad, and the written justification is even flimsier,” Samuel Buell, a Duke University law professor, told The New York Times. “Donald Trump is getting something no one else ever gets in federal court, he’s getting it for no good reason, and it will not in the slightest reduce the ongoing howls that he is being persecuted, when he is being privileged.” Constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe similarly assessed the situation, writing that Cannon’s decision was “utterly lawless” and that she “has disgraced her position as an Article III judge.” Former US acting solicitor general Neal Katyal tweeted: “This special master opinion is so bad it’s hard to know where to begin....Frankly, any of my first year law students would have written a better opinion.”
Why the negative reviews and insinuations that Cannon should go back to remedial judge school? For one, there’s the fact that she suggested publicly, even before she heard arguments from the Justice Department, that she was going to side with Trump. Then there’s the fact that, despite tacitly acknowledging that the documents Trump was hoarding at Mar-a-Lago are a big fucking deal—Cannon permitted a probe by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is assessing the risk to national security of keeping top secret documents in the basement of a building possibly breached by multiple spies—she temporarily halted the one that could result in Trump being charged with a crime. There’s also the absurd idea that “executive privilege” can be asserted in an investigation being undertaken by a department within the executive branch, i.e., the DOJ. “The opinion,” Peter Shane, a legal scholar at NYU, told the Times, “seems oblivious to the nature of executive privilege.”
Perhaps most galling, though, was the argument by Cannon that Trump would suffer grave “reputational harm” if a special master was not allowed to intervene, a claim that numerous legal experts agreed was utter bullshit. Ronald Sullivan, a Harvard Law School professor, told the Times that everyone targeted by a search warrant worries about how their reputation will suffer as a result, but few of them are able to call in favors from the government; he dubbed Cannon’s logic “thin at best” and accused her of giving “undue weight” to Trump’s status as a former inhabitant of the White House. “I find that deeply problematic,” he told the outlet, noting that, in the United States, the criminal justice system is supposed to treat everyone equally. “This court is giving special considerations to the former president that ordinary, everyday citizens do not receive.” Attorney Seth Abramson similarly called BS on Monday, tweeting that Cannon “declared—and not just implicitly, but, horrifyingly, *explicitly*—that Donald Trump’s reputation simply *matters* more than yours or mine, as do his property rights. And they matter more because he is a powerful man.” DOJ veteran Andrew Weissman wrote: “Nothing about the MAL search warrant process was special and her reasoning [would] lead to appointment of a special master in EVERY criminal case. The only thing special is a former president stealing highly classified docs.” Commenting on the ludicrous idea that the entire criminal investigation should be halted because a few of Trump’s doctors notes were mixed in with top secret documents he wasn’t supposed to be holding onto, former federal prosecutor Jeff Blattner posed the following hypothetical: “Suppose a guy robs a bank and government gets a search warrant and finds stolen dough along with guy’s pocket change and an email from his lawyer. Can the guy get a special master to sort out the cash and the email, and an injunction against further investigation in the meantime?”
By the way, if you’re wondering whether Cannon is cut from the same MAGA cloth as the guy who gave her a lifetime appointment to the federal bench at the age of 39, it would seem she is. We know this because she bizarrely claimed in her ruling that one of the reasons Trump should receive special treatment was because of the no-good, very-bad free press. “The Court takes into account the undeniably unprecedented nature of the search of a former President’s residence,” she wrote, saying it is of the utmost importance to protect the ex-President amid “swirling allegations of bias and media leaks.”
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As Vox’s Ian Millhiser pointed out on Tuesday, not only is the legal justification for appointing a special master “highly dubious,” but it “could lead to considerable delay” of the investigation—and the potential prosecution of Trump— “for months or years.” While many believe that Cannon’s ruling will be appealed by the DOJ, “any appeal would be heard by the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta, where Mr. Trump appointed six of its 11 active judges," the Times worryingly reminds us.
Anyway, for anyone still who remains unconvinced that this whole thing was an egregious, disturbing move, here’s noted Trump lackey Bill Barr—who has spent years trying to keep the guy out of prison—on the ruling:
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disaster-j · 2 years
hello! i hope you're having a great day/night right now. i just have some thoughts regarding the kidnapping part in kinnporsche.
like why did papa korn send just a few people to rescue kinn when he knows his son, the heir to his empire, is in great danger and is possibly gonna get killed if he's a few seconds late? it also doesnt make sense to me how big and ken easily crashed their bikes like i was expecting them to be at last longer than they did sksks idk things aren't adding up right now lol
Larger teams take more effort to coordinate and leave more uncontrollable variables. In a high speed chase, unless you have the option to anticipate the target's movement and block off all possible escape routes, having a smaller team of highly skilled individuals trained specifically for the task is more likely to lead to a low risk extraction. They're following an armoured truck through back roads in the woods, congesting the area with too many vehicles would make it harder for them to move freely. The aim is to extract Kinn alive from a moving vehicle, if there's too much happening and too many less skilled people giving chase there's higher risk of an accident that could cause Kinn harm. Not to mention all of this is severely illegal and they need to be able to continue operating under the radar of both the public and the authorities. Till the accident, they knew exactly where Kinn was at any given point so it was overall more sensible to send their best to track him down and get him back. Now that they have to cover a large but relatively uninhabited area where there's little chance of them being seen by unwanted eyes it makes more sense to deploy a big search party to cover more ground and retrieve Kinn quickly.
As for Big and Ken crashing, they were on the bikes since it made it easier for them to target the driver and somewhat safely force the truck off the road. They were on either side of the truck in an attempt to sort of crowd it so it had less space to move and avoid their attack. While being on bikes in all black in the dark means they're slightly harder to aim at, they also leave themselves more vulnerable for when they do get shot at as they don't have a good defense. Which is exactly what ended up happening in the end. Big and Ken had to fail for the narrative to move forward so their placement and quick defeat makes a lot of sense.
Anyway I'm no strategist but that's just how I interpreted the chase scene. What did y'all think?
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emeren · 4 years
speed racer- eren jaeger
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pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 6k
content warnings: nsfw, smut, 18+, smoking, degradation, overstimulation, breeding (w/o baby talk) 
notes: 100% inspired by the official art, like mmm yes please. also i know absolutely nothing about how car racing works, but that’s not important. this is unedited because my brain turned to mush writing it. enjoy!! <3
SUMMARY: eren’s a semi-professional car racer, who has a tumultuous friendship with the reader. after losing a race, eren sets out to win something else in his life, much to the reader’s surprise. 
“took you long enough!” sasha called out, holding her hand above her eyes in an attempt to block out the bright sun. you dished her a smile, weaving your way through the throngs of people in the stands, attempting not to step on anyone. your eyes briefly flitted to the track, the assistants distantly getting their cars ready. they were hardly visible from here; merely faceless figures idling around. you heaved out a sigh as you reached sasha, the brunette gingerly patting the spot next to her. 
“you couldn’t have gotten better seats, sash?” you asked as you sat down, pushing your sunglasses on top of your head. sasha waved her large bag of popcorn in front of your face, an exasperated expression on her features. 
“the line was long, and what’s a race without popcorn?” she grinned, offering you the bag. you rolled your eyes but took a fistful of the bright yellow snack nonetheless. “plus, if you really wanted that good of seats, you would’ve come early yourself.” 
“i did come here early,” you retorted, your voice muffled by the popcorn. sasha raised a questioning brow, her elbow nudging you in the side. 
“getting here early just so you can poke around the racer’s quarters is not the same thing,” she singsonged, a girlish smirk on her face. you scoffed, turning away from her as you felt heat race to your cheeks. “c’mon, everyone knows you and eren are totally into each other. i don’t understand why you guys don’t just go for it.” 
“i wasn’t poking around, and i am not into eren,” you said, shifting uncomfortably as the words left your mouth. it was true, to some degree. the two of you had been friends in high school, back when eren was just some skinny kid with anger issues. now he was a semi-professional racer, and the rivalry between the two of you was palpable, to say the least.
you’d been in the same friend group and for some reason eren just loved to pick on you whenever he got the chance. you suspected it had something to do with his repressed daddy issues or whatever, and he’d known mikasa and armin far too long to be so catty with them. initially they were just playful taunts, but as you got older, they started to become more personal. with age came your own unchecked need to banter and argue with him. 
somewhere along the way the arguments turned to sexual tension. a sexual tension that for the most part, the two of you were happy to ignore. it allowed room for a more sassy friendship, at least. 
“uh huh, suuure,” sasha responded, seemingly unconvinced. she must’ve sensed your discomfort, deciding to change the topic. “who’s who?” 
your eyes traced the track, analyzing each vehicle. “armin’s in yellow, mikasa’s in red, eren’s in white, and i believe levi is in green.” 
“levi’s racing? isn’t he getting a little old for that?” sasha laughed, squinting. you chuckled. 
“it’s just a small fundraiser race, plus he’s a crowd favorite over here,” you explained. sasha nodded as she processed the information. the sun was hot, beating down on your back. “i’m honestly surprised this many people came out.” 
sasha tossed more popcorn in her mouth, halfway done with the bag despite the race still not having started. she offered it to you again. “mhm, this is the same type of crowd that we’d see in the underground.” 
you thought back to your days of attending the illegal races, late at night and under the cover of darkness. though you were just a junior in college, it felt like those nights freshman year had been decades ago. that was before eren showed real promise in the professional circuit. it was also where levi scouted him out to be his successor. 
as if on cue, you could see the figures of the racers emerging from the port, each headed for their respective cars. you couldn’t help the way your gaze immediately followed the tall, brown haired racer adorned in his white racing jacket, checkers on the side. the crowd erupted into cheers at the sight of the all the racers, one from each color of the rainbow. eren walked with a certain confidence, his adamant determination being one of the only things that followed him from high school. 
though you couldn’t clearly see his face from where you sat, you knew he was smiling. eren had always loved the adrenaline rush before a race. 
“alright ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to the annual shiganshina fundraiser race!” the reporter boomed over the intercom. sasha squealed in her seat, excitedly gripping your arm and pointing towards your friends. you felt a mix of excited nervousness waft over you, giggling along with her. “today we’ve got racers from all over the circuit, and each one has volunteered their precious time for the cause. can we get a round of applause?” 
the crowd erupted in yet another ear deafening round of applause as the announcer read off the names of each of the racers. you and sasha made sure to scream your loudest when armin, mikasa, and eren’s names were read off. 
you hoped they knew it was you, your throat scratchy as you sat back down. there was no need to be loud for levi; the entire crowd went absolutely feral at the mention of his name. 
the announcer read off the conditions of the race, as well as the reasoning for the fundraiser itself. you and sasha chatted quietly about the after party while the racers put their helmets on and got in their cars. before too long, the announcer was gearing up for the start. 
“alright everyone, we’re about to start. get yourselves ready.” 
you and sasha stood, hollering and cheering for your friends as the cars all lined up. you knew you’d be happy if any of them crossed the finish line first, but it was undeniable that it would be eren. it wasn’t armin or mikasa’s passion like it was eren’s; they viewed it more as as fun hobby. nevertheless, you dreaded how smug eren would be once he added another win to his already growing list. he really was a bastard sometimes. 
“racers ready your cars. 3... 2... 1... go!” 
they were off, levi’s green car easily settling into first place, cruising past the other cars as he whipped around the first curve. you held your breath, eyes scanning the other cars placements. eren was in fourth, armin in fifth, and mikasa in second. sasha yelled sporadically, reaching out and squeezing your wrist tightly. 
as they rounded the circuit for the second time, eren passed the third place racer, coming up behind mikasa’s red car. you held your breath. “c’mon eren...” 
“shit! he passed her!” sasha screeched, jumping up and down. you smiled as he whipped the corner, nearly cutting the edge of the median. 
“levi is still so far ahead,” you commented, trying to pry sasha’s death grip from your wrist. your eyes glanced to the clock, realizing that the race was near its finish. levi was cutting the third corner and eren was quickly gaining on him. 
“looks like it’s gonna be clo-” sasha’s voice was cut off as a large man tripped over the bleacher behind you, effectively shoving you into her side. “shit, the popcorn!” 
you regained your balance, giving the man behind you a dirty glare as you turned to sasha. she frowned at the popcorn that’d been spilled all over the ground. “what a waste!” 
looking back up at the track, the crowd broke into screams of excitement. you expected to see eren’s face on the big screen to the side as confetti streamed through the air, but were surprised to see levi’s unimpressed stare. 
eren lost? 
“you’ve gotta be shitting me,” sasha gaped, her face slack in shock. you shrugged, shaking the feeling of disappointment from your shoulders. serves him right. 
people started to vacate the stands, shoving their way past you as you turned to sasha. “let’s go find connie and jean, sash.” 
she nodded, still frowning. the two of you climbed down the steps, going against the flow of the crowd as you weaseled your way down onto the spectators path. you could see all of the racers shaking hands, congratulating each other. your mind briefly considered whether or not eren was going to be upset, but you decided not to dwell on it. 
you watched as the racers disappeared into the tunnel, eren’s tall figure no longer in view. just then, connie and jean came walking out from the service booth, both wearing their maintenance coveralls. 
sasha wildly waved her arm, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the remaining stragglers towards your friends. 
“hey guys!” she smiled, the boys jogging to meet you halfway. 
“why were you guys in such shit seats?” connie asked, skipping over a greeting. you let out a small laugh at sasha’s expense. she merely shrugged, turning to jean. 
“we going to your place?” you questioned before she had the chance. jean nodded, adjusting the backwards baseball cap on his head. 
“yeah, just gotta wrap some things up, then we can head out,” he replied. you grew happy at the thought of kicking back with your friends, enjoying a nice night of fun. parties at jean and connie’s place were always the best. 
“some race that was,” connie groaned, leaning back and bringing the beer bottle to his lips. so far it was just you, sasha, connie, jean, and a bunch of random drunk people who’d come from the track. sasha scoffed from her spot on the worn, brown couch. 
“you could say that again,” she grumbled. “we didn’t even get to see levi cross the finish line ‘cause some guy rammed into us.” 
jean looked at you from where he leaned against the wall, a bottle in his hand and his eyebrows raised. “wait, for real?” 
“yeah,” you sighed, drinking whatever bitter liquid sasha had poured into your red solo cup. “didn’t even say sorry.” 
“how many times do i have to tell you guys, just come work maintenance with jean-boy and i,” connie suggested, wrapping his arm around sasha’s shoulder and giving a squeeze. she rolled her eyes and shoved him off. “you guys would get to watch the race from the track itself.” 
“i don’t know the first thing about cars,” sasha laughed, you nodding along with her. 
“and you think we do? i just said that so we could get the best seats in the house,” connie snorted, taking another swig of his drink. you chuckled at his idiocy, unfazed by yet another one of their stupid stunts. “where’re the big racers anyway?” 
“they should be here soon,” you responded, glancing out the window. jean was unironically blasting the fast and the furious soundtrack, something he’d done after every race for as long as you’d known him. by now the songs were ingrained in your brain. 
“who wants to bet jaeger is in a pissy mood?” jean snorted as he moved to sit down on the arm of the chair you were planted in. 
“when isn’t he?” you sneered. connie and sasha hummed in agreement. both you and jean loved nothing more than to push eren’s buttons. you knew jean’s motives stemmed from some boyish fun, whereas yours felt a little more personal. 
the sound of clapping began to compete with the music, your neck craning to look past jean into the hallway. eren, armin, and mikasa came into view, people cheering them on and patting them on the back. they each wore their racing jackets over their street clothes. 
you felt a familiar sensation burn in your stomach at the sight of eren. his dark hair was pulled back per usual, wispies framing his tan face. The white jacket stood out against his black t-shirt and black jeans; key necklace he always wore glinting against his chest. as your gaze travelled up from his body, you were startled to make contact with his teal eyes. you quickly glanced away in embarrassment. 
“well, well, well,” jean cheered, raising his bottle to the trio. “how’d it feel to lose to a short, old man, eh jaeger?”
eren scowled, obviously peeved. “if i had to lose to anyone, i’m glad it was levi.” 
connie snorted at that. “man, professional circuit has you soft.” 
“whatever you say, baldie,” eren smirked mischievously as he came to sit down on the couch. connie defensively rubbed his head. “at least i’m making money in prof.” 
“i still can’t believe you have people that actually want to sponsor you,” you snipped, a playful expression on your face. eren lazily looked towards you, the familiar irritation laced in his eyes. 
“i’m sorry, what was that? i wasn’t listening to you,” eren retorted, looking as unbothered as ever. you glared at his words, but caught armin’s disapproving eye and decided to stay quiet. 
as the night carried on, you watched your friends relax and reminisce about previous races and the days spent in the illegal ring. it seemed crazy that your life was so centered around car races, when you weren’t even a racer yourself. but you supposed you were just happy to be supporting your friends.
at some point you got up out of your chair to refill your cup. the large hoards of people had started to dance; the house feeling hot and humid as you shoved your way to the kitchen. luckily the room was empty, save for armin who was drinking water out of the kitchen tap. 
“thirsty?” you asked, amused. his head snapped up, surprised by your voice. it took one look to tell he was absolutely trashed, face red and eyes half lidded. he smiled goofily and nodded his head before stumbling back out into the crowd of people. 
you quickly filled your cup, following the direction armin had gone. as you stepped out of the kitchen, a body came out of nowhere and smacked into you. 
eren jumped back, trying to avoid the liquid that sloshed out of your cup. “hey, watch it!” he hissed. 
“you watch it, casanova,” you snapped, irritated by the sticky alcohol that dripped down your hand. eren’s eyes narrowed at the nickname, his arms defensively crossing his chest. 
“i told you not to call me that,” he bit back, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. you rolled your eyes, instinctively bringing your hand to your mouth in an attempt to lick the drink off. eren watched you, his gaze clouded with an indiscernible emotion. you knew what you were doing. 
“hm. too bad,” you quipped, dragging your tongue down the side of your hand, popping your pointer finger in your mouth. eren glowered at you as you let out a giggle. “see ya, loser.” 
“whatever, brat,” he huffed, shaking the tension from his pants as you sauntered off into the crowd. he hated the effect you had on him.
you’d already decided not to get shit faced. while the rest of your friends had chosen otherwise, you danced alongside them, your resolve wearing thin much faster than theirs. jean and sasha bounced happily up and down, screaming the lyrics to whatever song it was blasting from the speakers. connie and mikasa were playing beer pong, and you had no clue where armin and eren had gone.
you heaved in a breath as a sharp pain shot through your side, signaling the end of your dancing career for the night. your two dance partners were too far gone to notice, waving goodbye to you as you stepped out of the sweaty crowd. 
slipping your phone out of your pocket, your eyes nearly popped from your head at the time. two thirty?!
only slightly tipsy, you decided to find jean’s room and call it a night. he’d just have to sleep on the couch. with one hand dragging on the wall, you made your way through the house, past armin who was doing body shots with a couple of strangers, up the stairs and down the dark hall. it was quieter up here, but you could still hear the music and knew it’d be awhile till sleep visited you. 
shoving jean’s door open, you were surprised to see none other than eren laid back on the bed, puffs of smoke coming from his mouth. the strong scent of weed hit your nostrils, nose scrunching up in reflex. he propped himself up on one arm upon your entrance, eyeing you. 
“oh, sorry i’ll just- wait a minute,” you paused, narrowing your eyes at him. “you aren’t supposed to be smoking on your sponsorship.” 
eren let out a loud laugh at that, more smoke spilling from his lungs. “thanks, mom. i know.” 
you stood in the doorway, not really sure what to do. “jean’s gonna be mad if his room smells like weed tomorrow.” 
“yeah, why do you think i chose to do it in here?” he leered, bringing the blunt to his lips and deeply inhaling, sharp cheekbones protruding with the action. you sucked in a breath, not wanting to acknowledge just how gorgeous he was. his jacket was off, black shirt tightly gripping his muscular yet slender arms as he propped himself up. he blew the smoke from his nostrils this time, making your face heat. “wanna hit?”  
you sighed, weighing the options. jean’s bed was a lot more comfortable than connie’s. you could just wait till eren was done, and then pass out. “no, but i’ll wait with you till you’re done.” 
“suit yourself, brat,” eren hummed, flopping back down on the bed as you shut the door behind yourself. you came to sit by him, looking down as he heaved in a sober breath. he really is beautiful, you thought. 
your eyes scanned his face. “you really shouldn’t be smoking, you know. you could lose the sponsorship.” 
eren rolled his teal eyes, giving you a side glance. “i’m aware. i’m also aware that you aren’t going to rat on me.” 
“and what makes you so sure?” you asked playfully, your voice low. eren’s gaze shifted to you, placing the blunt between his lips as he sat up, face inches from yours. 
“because. you can act like you hate me all you want,” smoke blew from his lips as he spoke, slowly inching his face closer to yours. you swallowed, eyes struggling to maintain contact with his dark stare. “but i know how badly you want me.” 
you blinked, heart rate accelerating as he glanced at your lips. “speaking from experience?” 
eren’s mouth quirked up in a smirk at your words. “something like that.”
you watched with desire as he brought the bud of the blunt up to his lips, deeply inhaling the toxic smoke. he lifted his free hand, pointer finger gently tracing your jaw as his thumb came up to caress your chin. he tapped softly against your face, as if asking you to open your mouth. 
you weren’t sure what part of you was wanting to submit to his every move. maybe it was the alcohol. or maybe it was the accumulation of sexual tension. something told you it was a deeper itch that needed to be scratched. an itch only eren could reach. 
you parted your lips, eyes fluttering as eren leaned forward and carefully brushed his own against yours, dumping his lungful of smoke into your mouth. you breathed it in, fighting the urge to cough and whine as he pulled away. 
“good girl,” he breathed, leaning away to snuff the bud out on jean’s bedside table. you heaved out as much as you could, shocked by your own willingness. you were mainly surprised by how much you enjoyed whatever that was. 
you stared at him expectantly as he turned back to you, a serious expression on his face. “eren.” 
“yes?” he asked, leaning heavily on his arm, eyes unashamedly focused on your lips. his other hand came up again, lightly ghosting your jawline. you could feel yourself growing wet between your legs; the way eren was fucking you with his eyes sending an unwelcomed throb to your clit. 
acting on impulse, you lurched forward, latching your lips onto eren’s slightly chapped ones. he wasted no time in kissing you back; hungrily pressing himself closer to your body. his lips were warm and tasted like weed and coca cola, his tongue wiggling its way into your mouth where you happily welcomed it. 
you brought your hand up, wanting to run your fingers through his hair, but were stopped when they got caught in the bun. eren grunted, kissing you harder and bringing his own hand up to yank the tie from his locks, letting his soft hair fall to his shoulders. 
your fingers were quick to glide through the brown strands, scratching his scalp in the process. some throaty sound emitted from his chest, the noise making your cunt ache in need. how is he so hot? 
eren’s hands came to your waist, roughly shoving you down onto the bed, so that he hovered above you. your lips continued to meld together, saliva coated mouths wetly intertwined. you removed your hand from his hair, bringing both hands to run down the expanse of his arms that were on either side of your head. you squeezed his biceps, surprised when he suddenly pulled away. 
“is this okay?” he panted, breaths labored. his pupils were dilated, all seriousness behind his gaze. you nodded your head without hesitation, practically begging him to continue. “words.”
“yes, yes. i want this just as much as you do,” you responded. eren smirked from above you, his dark hair swirling around his face as his key dangled in front of your chin. 
“good, because,” he leaned down to your ear, lightly nibbling the lobe as the cold key rested against your throat. “i’m going to punish you for all these years of torture.” 
your eyes widened, the words sending a desirable chill down your spine. “torture?” 
eren’s hot mouth travelled slowly from your ear down the side of your neck, lightly peppering the skin with lustful kisses. his tongue came out as he reached your collarbone, dragging the wet muscle up the front of your throat, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. a small whimper involuntarily left your mouth as he pulled back, grabbing your chin in his large hand.  
“all of the nicknames,” he pressed a kiss to your lips. “the quips,” and another, your chest tightening. “the stunt you pulled earlier with your hand. oh god. it’s like you were practically begging me to bend you over and teach you a lesson.” 
he pulled back, dark eyes boring into yours. the desire was palpable, your breathing shallow as he stared at you. it was like he was waiting for some silent agreement. 
you held eye contact, tilting your chin back ever so slightly in his grip. “good thing i learn fast.” 
your words flew straight to his cock, throbbing uncomfortably behind his jeans. eren let go of your chin, his lips hungrily reconnecting with yours as his hands pinned your wrists to either side of your head. his tongue was quick to invite itself into your mouth, warm and erotic. 
you wanted to tug on his hair again; wanted to hear his primal groans and feel him vibrate against your mouth, but you were pinned to the bed. desperate to hear eren moan, your teeth grazed his bottom lip, the action making him yank his head back. 
“tsk tsk, none of that,” he growled, wet lips glinting in the low light of the room. “this is your punishment. guess we’re going to have to do something else.” 
you frowned as he let go of your wrists, lifting himself from the bed and standing. you propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes laced with desire as eren swiftly pulled the black shirt over his head, key pendant resting on his newly exposed chest. he was dangerously attractive like this; dark hair disheveled on his shoulders, only adding to the feral stare he was giving you. 
he leaned forward, grabbing your thighs and yanking you to the end of the bed, legs dangling from the side. you watched in awe as he dropped to his knees, fingers coming up to toy with the button of your jean shorts. 
“these little shorts make your ass look so good,” he grumbled, tapping the button. “be good and take them off for me.” 
you wasted no time in lifting your ass off the bed, struggling to yank the denim down your legs without hitting eren in the face. he watched your every movement, licking his lips as you wiggled them off. 
without thinking, your hands gripped the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head to reveal a black bra. eren’s pupils dilated further at the unexpected sight of your breasts. 
he helped pull the shorts from your ankles, tossing them aside as you sat back down, just in your panties and bra. you paused for a moment, unsure of what he was planning to do. 
“watch me,” he demanded, staring at you through his brows. you nodded your head, breath hitching as he placed an open mouthed kiss to the inside of your thigh, tongue swiping against the smooth skin. 
his eyelashes fluttered as he licked up your leg; just the way he looked at you being enough to have you creaming in your lace panties. your teeth tugged at your bottom lip, the burning in your face mirroring the way your clit throbbed along with your heart beat. 
eren’s tongue trailed until he reached the edge of your underwear, eyes never failing to stay connected with yours. you swallowed as he lifted his head, placing his tongue flatly against your clothed clit. 
it was a warm, muted feeling, your body all too aware of the beautiful man between your legs. eren brought his fingers up, hooking under the fabric and pushing it to the side. 
“so wet for me already,” he hummed, a smile on his face. you blushed in embarrassment, the feeling of his breath on your glistening pool of moisture making you shiver. “’m gonna eat you so good, little bitch.” 
you gasped as eren rapidly brought his face down, burying his head between your legs. the sensation was like no other; a swirling feeling in your stomach as his tongue hungrily swiped against your clit. your hands flew down to his hair, tugging as his lips wrapped around the bud, suckling softly. 
a moan escaped your lips, the sound causing eren to groan out in reply. the vibration of his vocal cords against your center amplifying the pleasure. 
a distinct feeling began to burn in your chest, the sloppiness of eren’s tongue licking up your slick causing your legs to squirm, tightening around his head. “fuck.”
eren pulled back at the pressure against his skull, a smack sounding through the air as he released his suction on your wet cunt. 
“i told you to be good,” he hissed, lips coated in your sheen. you knew the image of eren’s face between your legs, hair disheveled and mouth swollen, eyes dark and lustrous, would be burned into the back of your brain. 
flustered, you nodded your head, spreading your legs so they weren’t pressing against his face. he nodded in content, arms coming up to wrap around your thighs to keep you steady. 
and he was back; eating your pussy like he hadn’t been fed in years, a primal desperation. he pressed his tongue down harder, the cry ripping from your throat at the sensation only egging him on. you struggled against his grip as he abused your clit with his mouth, sucking and tracing his teeth over it so good. 
his tongue slid down to your entrance, shoving itself in without invitation. the fullness wasn’t like having sex; it was a heated, swirling feeling. the wet muscle circled around your spongey walls, your face beginning to burn and hands growing clammy in eren’s hair. 
you threw your head back as his ministrations sped up, your hips attempting to grind into his face. the warmth in the pit of your stomach building like a loaded gun, ready to release itself. 
all it took was the added pressure of his hand wrapping around your thigh so that his thumb could press against your clit, feverishly rubbing. you came crashing down, your eyes screwing shut as the wave of dopamine stretched to every part of your body, legs jerking against his hold. 
eren pulled his head back again, a smile on his wet face as he licked your release from his lips. “tasted so good, so good for me.” 
you breathed out in reply as he came back up above you, gently taking your chin and bringing his mouth down to yours. 
the kiss was small and simple, your eye lids growing heavy. you could taste your bitter release on him, the unfamiliar flavor not completely unpleasant. 
“sleepy?” eren mumbled against your lips, coming back to look at you. you nodded your head, eyes catching on the key that dangled from his neck. “too bad. we aren’t done with your punishment yet.” 
you frowned, your body suddenly more awake than it was before. “huh?” you asked, sitting up as eren shifted to pull his jeans off. 
you weren’t sure what you expected when he yanked both his jeans and boxers down; you guessed you’d always thought his anger issues were compensation for something. the realization dawned on you that eren had nothing to compensate for as his cock sprung from his pants, the sheer size making your mouth water. 
a smirk crossed his face as he stepped from his jeans. “enjoying the view?” 
“what? no,” you scoffed, averting your gaze. eren crawled back over you, his bare length pressing into your stomach as his hands came up to unclasp your bra. 
“don’t be shy, this is your punishment after all,” he whispered, pulling the cups from your chest. his eyes unashamedly scanned your breasts, a smile tugging his lips as he gave them a generous squeeze. 
you tried to ignore the imprint of him on your stomach; but it was nearly impossible. you could feel the spot between your legs grow wet again, arousal already weaseling its way back into your system.
eren brought his lips to yours once again, the kisses much sloppier and desperate than before. he grunted as you shifted to lay back down, his exposed dick rubbing against your stomach. “can’t wait to be inside of you,” he mumbled against your lips. 
you whimpered at his words, his lips melding with your own while he simultaneously tugged your panties down your legs. he propped himself up with one arm, the other positioning the tip of his cock at the entrance of your already throbbing cunt. 
you took a deep breath as he slowly eased himself into you; the sheer stretch making your eyes lull back in your head. eren moved his hips slowly at first, loosening you up. he was watching your expressions; his eyelids heavy and mouth slightly agape. 
“shit, you’re so tight,” he groaned, hips starting to move faster as he gazed down at you. you swallowed, closing your eyes as he sent one particularly hard thrust, cock nearly ramming your cervix. “you good?” 
“mhm,” you responded, bringing your hands up to grab his hair. “just so big.” 
eren let out a breathy chuckle at that, eyes traveling down to your pelvis where his dick was visibly creating a bump with every thrust. he placed his hand on your stomach, pressing down as he bucked his hips violently forwards. he was so deep. 
you cried out at the feeling of his length sliding in and out of your cunt, your walls clenching around him as your hands clawed at his muscular back. 
he was filling you up so good, a moan leaving his lips as your enhanced arousal unexpectedly brought your second orgasm down, tears pricking your eyes. eren kept abusing your pussy, his thrusts growing senseless before he buried himself deep within you, releasing his load inside of your exhausted center. 
both of your breathing was labored, eren looking up at the ceiling. his face was flushed as he recovered, you laying limply beneath him trying to regain your composure yourself. 
“that felt so good,” you admitted, bringing your hand up from his back to caress his angular face. eren frowned at your words, large hand grabbing your wrist and removing it from his jawline. 
“m’not tired yet,” he said seriously, your eyes widening as he placed a chaste kiss to your lips. your fucked out face beneath him had his dick already hardening again. “m’not gonna be tired till i win.” 
he suddenly pulled up, hooking his hands under your knees and pushing your legs up by your head. the action strained your muscles, the feeling of eren’s cum dripping down your ass filling your head as he readied himself to fuck you senseless. 
he stared at your cunt; at the way his cum was oozing out of it, the abused pussy ready to take him in again. he used his fingers to catch the drip, forcing it back inside of you. the thought of filling you up all nice and pretty sent him over the edge, his hand shamelessly guiding his cock back inside of you.
eren was meaner this time; each thrust was deep and deliberate, hitting your cervix and making you cry out in pleasure. the burning sensation in your clit was overwhelming, your mouth hanging open as eren slowly fucked you stupid. 
“good, pretty girl” eren breathed out, ramming his hips into yours. “took her punishment like such a good girl.” 
you tried to nod your head, but you couldn’t move. the feeling of hot, sticky tears rolled down your face, eren’s cock deep within you almost too much to bear. he grabbed your chin, tongue swiping up your cheek as he savored the salty flavor on his tastebuds. this man and his licking. 
“tell me, did you learn your lesson?” eren grunted in your ear, hand still gripping your chin. you tried to form a sentence, fucked beyond words. “hm, use your words and i’ll let you cum.” 
one more deep thrust and his dick stopped its strokes, pausing within you. “yes... yes.” 
“yes what?” 
your tongue was heavy in your mouth, pussy all too aware of eren’s length within it. “i learned my lesson, you won.” 
he smirked, aggressively bucking his hips into your weak cunt, the action making you cry out as he rammed your cervix. the tears continued to roll down your cheeks as eren’s dick twitched, spurting the his seed into you. your third release followed his, your clit spasming from the overstimulation. 
eren heaved himself out of you, collapsing deftly onto the bed. the two of you sat in a heated silence, your face sticky from the tears. eren glanced to you, eyes trailing down your body. 
“i’ll get a rag,” he mumbled, shoving off the bed and walking into jean’s bathroom. you were beyond exhausted and knew that you’d be sore tomorrow. eren reemerged, quickly cleaning you up and handing you your shirt. 
your eyes lazily watched him as he walked over and locked the door; brain too tired to form a sentence. 
he must’ve noticed your concern. “we can sleep in here tonight; i don’t think you’re in any shape to move.” 
you carefully crawled into the sheets, not even bothering to put your shirt back on. eren followed suit, climbing in behind you. 
“night,” he whispered as he shut the bedside light off. your lids were growing heavy, a smile on your lips as you began to fall asleep. 
“night, casanova.” 
<3 <3 <3 
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mcsm1-1-mistakes · 2 years
Why this Blog Exists
Seen a bunch of new people start following my recent MCSM Season 2 builds, so I just wanted to re-iterate why this blog exists at all.
You see, over on PlanetMinecraft.com there’s a user who goes by the name of Vunder. He’s purportedly created a complete 1:1 re-creation of EVERY. SINGLE. SET. from the Minecraft Story Mode game in vanilla Minecraft for you to explore.
Sounds AMAZING, right?
Well..... then you get to the caveats.
For starters he’s asking for £1000 before he’ll release the entire map. Until he reaches that goal, he’s releasing the map in pieces. I don’t know about you, but that seems unethical as best and illegal at worst. Vunder doesn’t own the copyrights to MCSM, Mojang does.
Even if this were along the lines of fanart, attempting to sell it as a map would be questionable at best, but remember this is a 1:1 block for block re-creation of the existing maps in MCSM. Not only that, but Vunder used his coding skills to extract the 3D set model data from the TellTale files and use them as a basis for re-creating the map perfectly. In other words, his map is more accurate than anything any normal person could possible create, because he has access to the actual 3D models used in the game.
No offense, Vunder, but I don’t think you have a right to sell that...
Then there’s the map itself. He’s released the first couple episode (season 1 episodes 1-4) for download and... they're underwhelming. Not only are there just a HUGE LIST of mistakes (such as incorrect block and texture placements) but there’s also absolutely NO set-decorations or attempt to light or present the maps visually. Seriously, one of the first areas of the game you go into is pitch black because there’s no lighting anywhere. And he’s “selling” this. It’s severely disappointing how lackluster the builds look.
I attempted to help him by making locked maps which art on them which he could use as banners, alternate textures, etc... but he refused. I attempted to call out his BS of trying to sell the map on PlanetMinecraft, and he had his group of discord builders report my own maps and get them deleted from PlanetMinecraft and got me suspended for a couple weeks.
Vunder is a greedy, nasty, unpleasant person who refuses to accept that his builds could be vastly improved with very little effort.
And that’s primarily what this blog is about. Showing just how EASY it is to spruce up his builds with simple set decorations and banners. Fixing his mistakes. And showcasing how much love and dedication I have for MCSM that he apparently doesn’t have. If you think I’m being petty, please look through this blog and you’ll see just how ugly and unpleasant his builds look and how in a matter of minutes I was able to spruce them up and make them look almost 100% identical to MCSM... and all without mods or datapacks.
Vunder, you did a good build... but your greed is awful and your refusal to do basic decorating is lazy.
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