thecourtsknight · 2 years
I’m late for this party…
Luther: 👻 Ghost & ☄️ Comet
Ilveen: ☁️ Cloud & ⚙️ Gear
Pandora: 💓 Beating Heart
foolish!!!! how could you show up late with no snackies! >:V
Beneath the cut >:3
👻(Ghost): do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any?
Absolutely, without a second thought. Luther's been down in enough skyrim-esque decrepit ass tombs and abandoned structures to know some noises are not just simply the wind passing through or mice running through the small cracks in the wall.
I think their most ghostly experience would differ from story to story, whatever's playing on their mind the most, He's not immune to playing up his stories of adventures back on mainland; he can be a very convincing story teller if you let him get into something enough. From "Maybe it was an actual ghost, who knowwwsss" to "Oh no, yeah, that was a ghost. No doubt about it." Depends on the crowds reaction!
☄️ (Comet): what do people assume about them? are they right?
This is such an interesting question for Luther... I feel like the biggest assumption is that Luther is a very polite person- which isn't completely wrong, he STRIVES to be viewed as a completely harmless little guy, someone anyone could get along with, but he's also... that isn't all of him, and the more unhinged parts of his personality certainly come out around certain people. He HATES making bad impressions... in terms of proper assumptions, I feel like it would depend on the person.
The biggest one, however, would easily be... him being a vampire. One of the first years he spent on Venroot would have people ding dong ditching Jericho's home because the 'vampire lived there'. That's what he gets for dressing up as one for Halloween and putting on too good of an act. (Sorry Jericho)
☁️ (Cloud): a soft headcanon
For Ilveen... hmnnNnnn. I'd say one of the biggest things for her is that she is very weak to seeing her boys be happy, seeing both Luther and Jericho tease or laugh with eachother just puts her at a sense of ease that she can't really explain- not that she'd ever freely admit it. Jericho's essentially her younger brother, he means so much to her and she fucking ADORES Luther; something about that combined warms her like nothing else. (Makes the mess she went through trying to help either side with their romantic woes SO worth it, in a lip biting way.)
She also really likes giving hugs, but isn't the biggest fan of receiving, its hard to deal with urges to hug your girlfriend or younger brother from behind and maybe try to playfully pick them up when you're supposed to be the cool, calculated and epic librarian she wants to be.
⚙️ (Gear): what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
Ilveen is a huge nerd and science actually plays kind of a part in that. She's very fascinated by Astrology and Petrology (study of rocks). Though they're kept on the down low, she loves being able to read up on things about them- and really anything that peaks her interest in terms of scientific curiosities can drag her. She's got a rather analytical mind all things considered and will gladly listen to folks talk about studies (probably why she gets on with Luther so much too)
Art is a bit more tricky for her admittedly, she feels the reason its sometimes hard to put words to the way certain pieces or even writing makes her feel is some kind of sign that she doesn't understand art.. Though she views it and both the feelings it gives very important, shes just a much more science inclined person... definitely more importance towards science.
💓(Beating Heart): What get's their heart racing.
Oh lord. Pandora is a simple woman wrapped in many hard to reach through vines, hard to open up and understand most of the time. But the number one thing that always gets her heart racing is being held in some kind of gentle or soft way. Pandora always delegates herself to being the one who's got everything in control, the one who does the holding! To have that turned on her is such a bizarre feeling as not only is it fairly new, she struggles to come to terms that she likes it. Merrill can get her to freeze by easily just doing the things she does for her, being the big spoon, taking her hands, pecking her unprompted. All of those things make Pandora a MESS.
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thecourtsknight · 3 years
luther 61 27 15? lets GOOOOOO
Oh so many for a baby boy :3c
Okay, lets see here
61: Who do they go to when they’ve had a nightmare?
Honestly? No one. When they were younger, their parents or even their sister Brynlee was a good choice but nightmares nowadays they push themselves to deal with on their own. They don't live alone of course, but Luther would feel at this point it would be an entire invasion of privacy. Reading with some tea often helps soothe him the most over all but even that can be dangerous for his anxiety- Making tea late at night might disturb his roommate and the last thing he'd want is for Jericho to catch him all tense and potentially on the verge of tears so late!
27: If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife?
Most likely Jericho, Ilveen and their sister. The place he lives has a very specific kind of tradition when it comes to people who have passed; so Luther would try to make sure they know he's still with them if anything via the use of flowers, just a little more growing in their yards; something like that.
15: Describe their ideal date.
Hah. Oh man. Interesting one. Luther is easy to please, but truthfully his ideal date would be cooking something at home, maybe outside on an actual fire late in the evening. Have a nice meal that he could put a lot of attention and effort into, let his partner be close but not too involved (unless they'd want to be, Luther isn't opposed to help in making food, in fact that might make it feel more personal! Come help sprinkle some chili powder on this!)
But afterwards he'd just wanna take a walk along the coast, maybe play around a bit, try to get his partner to chose him like a damn prey animal. Take his boots off and step into the water and just admire the way the waves playfully bounce back the skys fantastic coloration... That would be ideal.
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