#pandora vow
woolmasterleel · 6 months
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Almost didn't make it on time... Here's this month's little sticker doodle! I always love drawing Pandora, and it's nice to finally have a full body of her. Her whimsy is lethal (✿◕‿◕✿)
January- Alice
February- Tagashei/Mad Rabbit
April- Medlo
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the-squeege · 8 months
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this is how indomitable vows started… right @woolmasterleel ….
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astro-break · 2 years
I got the worst idea ever
Gilbert, Leo, Elliot trio should be named
Brothers in Arms
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ur-local-anti-hero · 5 months
Speak now
James Potter x Malfoy!Reader
Summary: If the marauders are against something, its agaisnt pureblood families ideologies. Sometimes that implies to wreak havoc on a white veil occasion.
Genre: Hurt/comfort, Fluff and a tiny bit of Angst. Arranged Marriage
CW: Forced Marriage, Familiar problems, talks about blood purity and blood traitors. Breaking into a weddig idk.
Word count: 2.2K
This is part of my Speak Now (Marauders’ version) collection 
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“So don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door.
Don't wait, or say a single vow. You need to hear me out”
When you were younger you saw a fair amount of weddings. They were always presented to you as big emotional events in which two people promised eternal love to each other. 
Even when you didn't know anything about love as a kid, it was no wonder that you yearned to have your own wedding once you grew up. It was a dream to have your own white dress, a beautifully decorated venue and a partner you loved so deeply you’d be willing to spend your whole life with them. 
Looking back maybe you should’ve known better. The first sign should’ve been your surname. A Malfoy has expectations they have to meet, keeping the bloodline pure, for starters. 
The second one should’ve been your parents’ loveless marriage, when you were younger you used to wonder why they’d married at all, now it was quite obvious. 
The third and most evident should’ve been when Andromeda Black was disowned. At that time you didn’t truly understand what that entailed, and why it was such a hassle that she wanted to get married. Now you understood that the problem was not the wedding, if not the groom. 
All your fantasies about the commonly named ‘Big day’ were completely shattered when your 18th birthday came, and with it a letter from your parents which contained the name of your soon to be husband. You tried to fight it, which only made your parents move the date of the wedding forward and get you out of Hogwarts, your education didn’t matter anymore to them now that your future as a housewife was inevitable. And being away from Hogwarts also meant being away from the ‘bad influences’ in your life. 
Now the corset of your white dress was suffocating, you felt trapped. Looking at the mirror was like looking at someone else. The girl with lifeless eyes and heavy make-up that couldn’t hide her eyebags was supposed to be you, yet it felt like a perfectly modelated version of yourself, made to impress the high class families attending the wedding. 
Narcissa’s gentle hands were bradding your hair, finishing your look before the wedding. Usually her presence was able to calm you down. Ever since she married your older brother, Lucius, her presence was regular in family gatherings and you’ve always felt some kind of kinship with her, seeking shelter on her whenever the phony and pompous encounters became too overwhelming.
You could attribute your shifted feelings towards her to the fact that she was unknowingly preparing you for eternal misery, or maybe because she was replacing the ones who you would’ve chosen as bridesmaids - there was no place for muggleborns in an event celebrating the union of two pureblood heirs -. Or even because it was her little cousin the one you were to wed. 
“You look beautiful” said Narcissa once she was done with your hair. 
You nodded and gave her a small thank you. However, you disagreed completely, the girl she was looking at was not you, it was your parent’s perfect daughter. 
“You do look lovely, father and mother are going to be delighted” your brother’s voice came from the door, where he was leaning on. “I brought you some company” he gestured behind him. 
Pandora and Dorcas stormed into the room, the former embracing you into a tight hug when they spotted you. Lucius and Narcissa left the room. 
“How are you holding up?” Pandora asked as soon as the door closed behind Lucius and Narcissa. Her arms were still holding you tightly, Dorcas standing behind her. 
You shrugged at her, not being able to talk due the knot in your throat and the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You kept your eyes glued to the mirror. 
Pandora stepped out of the hug and stood next to Dorcas, who had yet to speak. 
“Evan and Barty are with Regulus, I swear I never thought I would see him in a tux” said Dorcas, trying to make conversation. The thought of Regulus being in the same situation as you didn’t make you feel better, the knot in your throat was getting tighther by the second. You promised to yourself you wouldn’t cry anymore, to be honest you thought you had run out of tears days ago. 
“Sirius is here too” Pandora was trying to distract you from the wedding. If she was being honest with herself there was nothing they could do to make you feel better. But maybe knowing that your best friend was out there could help a little. 
That made you finally look away from the mirror, a small wave of hope cursing through you. If Sirius was here it meant that James could be too. In the eyes of your family his family’s name was not good enough for yours, but maybe it was enough for him to be a guest. 
Maybe it was selfish to wish for him to be there when you knew how much it would hurt him, but you needed to talk to him, he was the only one who could actually comfort you right now, the only presence that would make everything feel normal again. You yearned to feel his touch against your skin and his lips against yours, even if it was for one last time, as a farewell. 
“Is he… Is James here?” you spoke for the first time. 
The answer was clear in the pitiful look they gave you even before Pandora replied with a soft ‘no’. 
You don’t know what did it, if the look in the faces of your friends or the fact that you would never see James again, but tears started rolling down your face. In seconds you were being embraced by Pandora again, and Dorcas’ hand was wiping away your tears. 
“It’s okay, you are going to be okay” Pandora didn’t believe her own words, but there was little she could do to calm you down and you both knew it. 
There was a knock on the door and your dad’s voice came from the other side “Y/N, it’s time” 
Pandora gave you a squeeze before letting you go from the hug. They both left the room, not without giving you a forced smile. 
“Oh, merlin” you said to yourself as soon as you were left alone, going back to the mirror, you wiped the few tears that were left on your face, and tried to fix the smudged make-up around your eyes with your fingers. You didn’t want to give your parents the satisfaction of seeing how much this affected you. 
Once you looked mildly presentable again you exited the room. Your father was waiting for you and he offered you his arm to lead you towards the venue. 
You could see the whole venue from the end of the aisle. The green and black motives contrasted beatifully with the white flowers decorating the aisle and the top of the altar. The guests were placed in black chairs at both ends of the aisle. 
You weren’t brave enough to lift your glaze from the ground, knowning that you wouldn’t see the love of your life waiting for you as you had dreamt since you were a kid. The heavy veil of your dress made your steps slow and lethargic. 
It was not until you were halfway down the aisle that you gathered enough courage to finally look at the man in front of you. Instead of the boy with unruly curly brown hair and eyes filled with love, there standing was Regulus, his black hair slicked back and eyes drowned by the same defeated look you wore. 
Once you reached his side everything went in a blur, all you remember is him taking your hands into his and the officiant talking. 
“If anyone has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace” 
You were really going insane because you swore you saw James standing at the end of the aisle, wearing a tuxedo and with his hand up in the air. 
“I oppose!” His voice was loud and clear, your eyes widened. 
All the guests' eyes went to his figure and several surprised gasps were heard. Maybe you were not hallucinating. 
If Fleamont Potter ever found out how James was using his inherited cloak of invisivility he’d be horrified, or maybe oddly proud of his son. 
Not even James thought he would ever sneak into a highly patrolled wedding on a common Tuesday, but honestly if someone had told him a year ago he’d be doing this he wouldn’t be surprised. 
Sneaking in a wedding filled with pureblood families and slytherin students was the perfect setup for a Marauders prank. However, what would have surprised him would’ve been the reason for interrupting a white veil occasion. Dating a Malfoy was something he hadn’t expected to ever do, but you had gotten past all his defenses with your kind and bright personality that proved to be so different from your family’s pretentious ways. 
Therefore, he was now standing on the aisle you had walked minutes ago. He had a perfect view of you and Regulus from his stance, your white dress was gorgeous, and your hair was neatly done. If it weren’t for your puffy and bloodshot eyes, and the obvious defeated look in your face, a look that had no place in a wedding, he could almost believe this was a normal marriage ceremony. 
When you had received the letter from your parents you had been inconsolable, and rightfully so. James had tried everything to stop the wedding, he even went as far as asking your parents for their blessing and to be the one you'd wed instead of the Black heir. Turned out to be useless as his family had been marked as blood traitors for eternity. 
But James isn't known for giving up easily, and the Marauders were not going to let an opportunity to cause havoc pass by. 
With the promise of being on his best behavior, Sirius had convinced his parents to attend the wedding as a guest, acting as a mole for his friends' plans. Remus and Lily were outside the venue with their ride home -a couple of broomsticks they borrowed from Hogwarts' supply closet. 
And the last part of the plan, and its success rested on James' shoulders. 
The preacher spoke 'Speak now or forever hold your peace' James smirked, that was his cue. It was on. 
James took off his invisibility cloak and without a single trace of shame or shyness in his voice James stated loudly "I oppose!"
James would've loved to stop for a moment to memorize the looks of complete horror in the faces of the guests, but he had to be fast and make total use of the element of surprise. 
Without hesitation James sprinted towards the altar. He could see the way your brother had stood up and pointed his wand at him, his spell being intercepted by Sirius' expelliarmus spell. 
As soon as James made it to the altar chaos erupted from everyone in the venue, he could make out the shouts of your parents and some spells that were being intercepted by yours and James' friends. 
At the sight of James Regulus let your hands go, he raised his arms in defeat and left the altar without much hassle. 
"Gentleman" James greeted Regulus' groomsmen, Barty and Evan who were just as stunned as everyone, all they could do was nod in acknowledgement to James, not even trying to interfere. 
"Hi, love" he was finally looking at you, your eyes were wide with surprise and tears were gathered in your waterline. James took your hands in one of his and the other was raised to stroke your cheek. 
“James what- how-” you were completely astonished, and unable to formulate a single phrase. You knew your boyfriend loved you, and the lengths he would go to prove it, but you would have never guessed he’d be willing to break into your wedding ceremony. He was always proving you wrong. 
“Hey Peter, mate, it’s your moment to shine” Following james’ words a rat came out of his pants’ pocket. 
And suddenly Peter was standing in front of you. He pushed the appalled officiant slightly to the side and took his place. 
Peter cleared his throat before speaking “Do you, James Fleamont Potter, take Y/N Malfoy as your wife?” 
“I do” 
“Do you, Y/N Malfoy, take James Fleamont Potter as your husband?” 
You could hardly mutter a low “I do” before Peter spoke again 
“I declare you husband and wife. You might kiss the bride” 
James didn’t hesitate for a moment. To add dramatism he spun you around and dipped you, holding your weight with his arm. And without waiting for another second he kissed you, sweet and slow, conveying all his love for you with that gesture. 
When you became breathless you broke the kiss and looked at James straight into his beautiful eyes, which only show deep adoration. “I love you” you mouthed to him, which made his eyes sparkle with joy and a wide grin to break into face. 
He took you in his arms bridal style and walked down the aisle. You coudln’t even care about the chaos and spells that were aimed your way, all you could look at was James. 
And as he muttered “I love you too, Miss Potter” you knew he’d do anything to prove his love for you. 
Author's note: This one is of my faves of the collection ngl, James is my soft spot Thank you for reading! Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed and very appreciated. I'd love to hear what you thought about it so don't be shy!! To be part of the taglist Dm me or send me an ask <3 Taglist @feral-posts @izuoyarmin @aremuslupinsim @yourfavgay @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo 
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rudamaruda520 · 1 month
Sirius: Marriage is not enough. I need something that will bind us even stronger.
Lily: Raising a child?
Sirius: Stronger!
James: Unbreakable Vow?
Sirius: Stronger!
Pandora: Blood ritual?
Sirius: Stronger!
Remus: Mortgage?
Sirius: ...exactly.
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
Never Let Me Down Again.
Yan Nanami x GN Reader.
Synopsis: You have been acting well, and therefore are now treated well. Kento was proud, then, before he found something under the bed that shattered everything he thought of you, everything he thought of the progress you two were making.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, some infantilization, and implied violence.
Word Count: 600.
Kento finally found out where his old satchel went, after hours of looking for it.
It was under the bed frame, behind hastily and messily put shoes, your shoes to be precise. You rarely use them because Kento never takes you outside, even though he promises he will, those vows always break. Just like how his satchel was never worn, which was cheap and only meant to serve as a bag if there was an emergency where he only could pack a few essentials before running off from danger. He often tells both himself and you that it is too dangerous, with curses around every corner whose population seems to be growing more and more each coming day. 
You’re asleep now, just above the crime that you committed. If Kento was not able to hold his anger, his sorrow at this betrayal, he would have shaken you awake already, screamed at you, because he knows that whatever could possibly be the contents of the near-forgotten pouch is not good, especially for the progress Kento thought you two were making.
Like Pandora and the Pithos Zeus had given her, he could not resist the temptation to see what was within.
What came first was packs of dried fruit and nuts. The small ones that Kento gave you for snacking, when dinner time or lunchtime was not too far away, by an hour or so. There seemed to be at least ten, so at the very least there were ten days you pretended to be hungry so you could put them in the satchel when Kento was not looking. After all, you were not allowed to go into the pantry by yourself, Kento always said that he did not want you to mess up the little organized society he made up of cans and other nonperishable foods. What came next was some cartons of sugar-free fruit juice, which made sense as Kento never has plastic disposable water bottles, preferring to use a water purifier that he keeps near the sink for both him and you to use. Both the food and the drinks you kept in hiding when Kento gave them to you as either a treat for a good job with whatever chores he gave you to do or as a snack when you got hungry when Kento was starting to make dinner or lunch or whatever other meal you two ate together. Despite thinking that you two were making progress, Kento now sees that you have lied to him, and that hurts more than the insults that you hurled his way along with the biting and scratches you gave him when he first stole you away.
Kento has always said how he despises liars, and such values are still held up tightly even when it comes down to you and the rotten words that came out of your mouth. He should wash them out with soap, until you are crying and have the urge to vomit, maybe even use the other tools at his disposal to prove that he is not just brains, but brawn too. Due to your actions, the bond between you and Kento has regressed to its initial stage. It is solely your responsibility for this setback, isn't it?
Upon discovering the concealed knife in the bag amidst everything else, Kento resolves to act according to his fury and animosity, aiming to make you regret every transgression and even regret the very day you were born.
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Lo'ak w/ a Human Girlfriend
Y'all went to town with the Neteyam post- over 100 notes in less than 24 hrs?? 😳 Thank you thank you thank you 🥰
Anyway, here's Lo'ak's💙
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Unlike his big brother, no one was that surprised that Lo'ak ended up dating a human. Along with Kiri, he's always been the most invested in his father's original species, accompanying Kiri and Spider to the lab and learning about human stuff.
His first thought when he saw you was 'there's humans that aren't ugly like Spider??' 💀 Yes, he'd seen other female scientists around but never paid them any attention as they were so much older. But you? Absolutely blew him away.
When he finally got the balls to tell you how he felt, the two of you became the most sickeningly sweet couple anyone on Pandora had ever seen.
Jake, and even Neytiri, were approving of your relationship. In some ways, you brought out a more tender, responsible side to Lo'ak that Jake would praise often.
Now, although this boy is over 2ft taller than you, he's such a clingy baby. His hands will always be on you (not like that) , and there's really nothing you can do about it. Whether it be holding hands, having his face nuzzled into the top of your head, or him squishing your soft waist, his touch is a constant.
Speaking of, you two definitely link pinkies and make pinky promises. Being with you helps him accept his more human-like traits, and it's just one of the many things he loves about you.
He's also fascinated by your human features, and lack of Na'vi ones. He finds your tiny hands and feet so cute, not to mention the softness of your flesh that's uncharacteristic for Na'vi women. And he's very vocal about his admiring curiosity, always asking you questions and giving compliments.
Now, Lo'ak is protective of you, but he's also a klutz. Like, if you ask to sit on his shoulders while walking through the forest, you'd better hold tight because you're so light to Lo'ak that he might forget that you could fall a considerable way. So, you've had a few near-misses and minor accidents, but each time he learns from his mistakes and vows to be better.
Overall, your relationship with Lo'ak helps him embrace the parts of him that he's always been insecure of. With you, he feels needed and seen, an entirely new experience which he loves you for.
Bonus; He definitely calls you babe, baby, syulang, cutie, tiny, etc.
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marymary-diva17 · 11 months
Hili I have a request! Ok it's kinda long cause it's all a dream I had
Jake sully × reader
Ok let's say reader and jake were married before everything (when he was still human) and she got knocked up by him and lates say like in the movie jake falls for neytiri and reader finds out and during the war reader gets injured and they take her to eywa, eywa saves her baby but it's transformed to a Navi baby (let's say it's neteyam) while reader is stuck still being human so k Jake and neytiri takes care of the kid it's angsty especially with neteyams death
Broken vows
Jake x reader + son neteyam/ sully kids/ neytiri
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sure I can that for you but there might be changes here and there.
avatar masterlist
Never in your wildest dreams did you think you will be on the planet of pandora, you are a scientist on earth and had spent most of your life studying about pandora. Now you were getting the chance to see the planet and the navi with your husband Jake hoping to start a life with him and having new adventures. You and Jake had a wonderful marriage and you thought you will always have a life with him, that was until he had fallen in love with neytiri leaving you in his past. Soon change came to you life as you had become pregnant and lost your avatar, your son had been saved and born. Jake and neytiri had mostly raised him but you were still his mama no matter what anyone said to him or about you. Life now on pandora had changed for everyone and it seems like there was no going back, as change has come for everyone.
y/n " ummm" you had gotten out from bed and started getting ready for the day, you navi body was no longer of use for you as it was badly damages during the accident that nearly killed you. So you were now human and your relationship with Jake was rocky at the moment, he still loves and cares about you but had become distance over the years.
Norm " heading out y/n"
y/n " yes I'm"
Norm " say hello to the children for me"
y/n " I will" you soon left the human base to visit the clan and see the children, you are half way there when you saw three blue navi kids running towards you.
????? " mama" tuk the youngest of the bunch had reached you first and hugged you.
y/n " hey sweetie"
lo'ak " hey mum"
y/n " hey buddy"
kiri " hey mum"
y/n " hey honey" Jake and neytiri had two more kids together and they were lo'ak and tuk. Kiri was born form grace avatar and taken in by them, you had helped take care of the kids over the years.
y/n " how are my children"
tuk " we are well mama we came to see you today we wanted to spend the day with you"
y/n " well I'm happy you all came here to see as I was coming to the village"
lo'ak " we tried to get neteyam to come but something came up for him between dad and mom"
y/n " oh I undertand kiddo well come one let head to the village" neteyam is your son but like your other children Jake and neytiri, were able to be with them more verse you. This had broken you heart as you wish to be there for all your kids.
Jake " oh y/n you are here today"
y/n " yes I'm here today I came to see the children and everyone, if it not a good time I can leave"
Jake " no stay I'm sorry that was rude of me I'm happy you are here"
y/n " I and the others are doing our best but there might be a low chance I get to use it again"
Jake " don't worry my love everything will be fine I know it"
y/n "so where neytiri and our son are right now"
Jake " well neytiri and I were speaking with him early I'm guessing the children told you, they went off to their ikrans to care for them"
y/n " thank you I will go see them"
Jake " I can show you the way"
y/n " Jake I know the way and if you want time alone with me you can ask" you smirk toward Jake making him smile and laugh and bit he soon, took the other kids and walked off. You soon went to find neytiri and neteyam and it was not the hard.
y/n " I swear I need my avatar body back climbing this as human is fun and dangerous"
neteyam " mama you are here" neteyam and walked towards you and soon help you onto the top branch, as she smiled towards you he was so happy to see you.
y/n " hello my boy how are you doing"
neteyam " I'm doing well mama"
neteytiri " hello y/n"
y/n " hello neytiri how are you doing"
neytiri " ma teyam I will leave you to speak with y/n"
neytiri " yes mom" soon neytiri left you were trying to have a good relationship with neytiri but it seems like she didn't, like you as she saw you outsider. The both of you have a relationship with Jake and it seems like neytiri didn't like the idea of you being with her husband as well.
neteyam " I think she coming around mama"
y/n " don't worry about me and neytiri my boy that is something, we have to handle ourselves"
neteyam " yes mama hey will you love to come flying with me"
y/n " sure honey" neteyam smiled as he had taken you to his ikran helped you on and soon got on as well, the mother and son took taking off into the sky. The two of you had a very close relationship neteyam always made time for you and you always made them for him. You will do anything to protect you son as a mother that is your duty.
Sometime later
Jake " y/n we are leaving"
y/n " leaving for how long"
Jake " I don't know the clan has to leave the rad found us and they have these recoms"
y/n " ....."
Jake " we are all leaving everyone"
y/n " what about us here"
Jake " you cant come yet none of you neytiri and mo'at don think it safe"
y/n " so you are taking my son and the kids away from their home and the family they have"
Jake " they will have me and neytiri they will be okay"
y/n " he my son Jake my son as you are my husband"
Jake " I was your husband times have changed y/n you need to move on, as I have moved on with neytiri we will take care of him"
y/n " no Jake ...."
Jake " yes as the boy father he will be coming with me I knew we shouldn't of done this now look where we are... the kids are all attract to you they call you mama when you are aren't their mama"
y/n " I don't care what they call me Jake they feel like they are my kids"
Jake " well If you want to be a good mom and wife let me and neteyam go we need to live our own lives, if you are there or not"
y/n " Jake you don't mean that"
Jake " yes I kinda of do I wish that times you went back to earth or gave up clam of neteyam to make all our lives better"
y/n " if he goes with will you give me update on him and the kids"
Jake " yes"
y/n " then he can go he wont go unless he knows I approve" Jake looked at you and saw you were about to cry, neytiri was watching from few feet.
y/n " neytiri promise me you will keep my son alive and well, as you are his mom as well"
neytiri " yes"
y/n " then I hope you all have safe journey there bye" you soon tuned away from Jake he waned to go after you and comfort you, but he felt like he was getting looks from everyone else.
neteyam " mama are you sure you want me to go"
y/n " yes baby I need to know if you and your sibling are safe"
neteyam " then who will be here to keep you company and make sure you are safe"
y/n " I have your uncles here and all my friends we will keep each other safe"
neteyam " are you sure I wont leave you here if you wish"
y/n " go my son and have all new adventures and tell me everything once we each other again"
neteyam " I love you mama"
y/n " I love you to baby now go" neteyamm had hugged you one last time, he seems like he didn’t wish to let you go. He soon had to let you go and leave with everyone else all the other kids were crying saying goodbye to you. You will get to speak with the kids on days that were good and getting updates from Jake. Until one day your world came crumbling down.
norm “ y/n it kiri" you soon looked at norm he had explained everything you packed everything you need and left with max and norm, heading toward the metkayian village. The metkayian were shocked to see humans and they were so shocked, to see you new medicine so well. You were able to awake up kiri and she was happy to see you all the kids.
y/n " ......." you were given a permission to stay which made the kids happy, you were getting use to your new life here. The kdis were having you meet their new friends and you had made new relationships here, making Jake and neytiri a bit jealous on how many adults were flirting or being close with you.
lo'ak " mama mama we need you" a battle had started between the navi and RDA you were attending to the injured, when lo'ak came running towards you.
y/n " what the matter"
rotxo " neteyam been shot by one of the recoms we need you" panic had set in as you heard one of your kids are in dangers.
y/n "lo'ak grab my kit and take me to your brother" lo'ak had grabbed your kit and took you to neteyam who was laying down with his sibling and friends near him.
neteyam " mama"
y/n " I'm here baby I'm here"
????? " kids" you were trying to save neteyam life as she was struggling to breath as Jake and neytiri came, they were trying to help as well.
y/n " it going to be okay baby"
neytiri " what happened"
tsireya " he was shot by one of the demons"
neteyam " mama"
y/n " yes my son I'm here"
neteyam " dad"
Jake " I'm here son I'm here"
neteyam " mom"
neytiri " hush my boy" neteyam had grabbed onto your hand as you held it kiri soon started helping with, trying to keep neteyam alive. The was heart monitor tracking neteyam heart beat it was not good.
neteyam " mama I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry"
y/n " no baby there nothing to be sorry about"
neteyam " mama I ... I ....." neteyam soon stopped moving and breathing soon the heart monitor stopped as well.
y/n " no neteyam please no not my baby boy ... please dont leave like the please no ...." you started wailing and crying holding onto your son as Jake and neytiri were trying to comfort you. the kids had stated breaking down as well.
y/n " no please no please no why him why him" it seems like everything had become silent around you and it felt like the world stopped. Soon there was beeping sound coming from the heart monitor that got you attention.
tuk " mama what happing"
y/n " he still alive ... we need to get him to the hut right now call norm now"
Jake " y/n"
y/n " I said now Jake" Jake had nodded his head and called Jake, the boys helped your carry neteyam body. as he was rush to the hut where norm and max are waiting. You were waiting outsider the tent with the kids as norm, max, and moat try to help neteyam. The kids were comforting you.
y/n " please great mother hear my prays I will do anything for keep my son alive, so please don't take him away from me" soon moat and max came out of the tent.
neytiri " mother"
mo'at " the boy will live but he will have a scar for the rest of his life"
y/n " thank you"
mo'at " you are good mother you help us save him by using your medical ways"
max " it going to be okay y/n neteyam will be fine" the kids soon hugged you and you hugged them back, night had fallen and the kids were taken home by mo'at to rest. spider was being take care of by max and norm who went into the human small base to find him a place to sleep. as you stayed with neteyam taking care of him as Jake and neytiri were still there.
Jake " y/n"
y/n " ........."
Jake " y/n please say something you haven't looked or even spoke to us"
neytiri " say something please"
y/n " just stop please just stop"
Jake " stop what"
y/n " stop acing like you care about me as you never did, I have missed out so much of my son life because of you two ... Jake you were married but then you left and said nothing ... you neytiri treat me horrible when I have been noting but nice towards you and the kids I treat them as my own"
Jake " we are still married"
y/n " oh are you because last time I seen it you haven't treated me like a wife or a friend"
Jake "I'm sorry"
neytiri "I'm sorry as well I should've of been nicer"
????? " mama" you soon looked down to see neteyam was waking up slowly.
y/n " hey baby"
neteyam " hey mama..."
y/n " no don't move so much you are hurt and need time to heal"
neteyam " yes mama"
Jake " son how are you feeling"
neteyam " good"
neytiri " we are so happy you are okay my son we were worried" neteyam nodded his head but gave his dad and mom a look.
y/n " you should eat something I made your favorites soup you can have that and soon rest"
neteyam " what about everyone else are they fine"
y/n " everyone is fine you can see your sibling in the morning or they might come here to sleep, spider in the small base over there so are uncle norm and max"
neteyam " what about you"
y/n " I will be here as well my boy " you gave neteyam something eat he was speaking with spider, as you were outside with Jake and neytiri.
y/n " started today or tomorrow's things are changing for this family, I'm not being pushed out my son or his sibling lives again by the two of you anymore"
Jake " y/n I'm sorry we still care for you and love you "
y/n " we can deal with what going on between us later on as neteyam needs someone to comfort him right now, as he has bene through enough today"
neytiri " y/n I'm sorry for how I been ...."
y/n " we can talk more about what our lives will be like in the future, I think it best if we all head home for the night and get some rest neteyam will be staying with me until he better"
Jake " please y/n I ...."
y/n " here Jake I should of give this back to you many years ago" you soon removed the necklace that had your wedding ring on it, it was the ring Jake had saved up so much mondoe for to buy for you and give you.
y/n " you are no longer my husband you haven't been my husband in many years, you no longer give me that look of love you once had for me .... neytiri should have it as she the one you love the most and care for about in the end" you soon place the necklace in Jake hands as he looked at you with heartbreak.
Jake " no take it y/n it belongs to you it symbolizes what we have"
y/n " what we had Jake it no longer there goodnight you two" you soon started walking back to the tent, Jake and neytiri watched you walk awya from them not look back like you use to and smile at them. You had entered the tent to see neteyam and spider talking, they seem to so happy to see you. The other sully kids and tonowari children had came to spend the night with neteyam and spider, you had given them permission. That night you felt happy that your son was alive and well, but also felt some happiness that you will be starting a new life with the ones you love from here on now.
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. ___ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right? Warnings: Pregnancy, Angst, Insinuating depression, Mentions of death, Wounds Word count: 2.9k
A/N: Here it is guys! I’m loving the support for the series and rly enjoy reading what you send into my asks. Keep them coming!
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr @mooniequeen @berrybluez @bajadotcom @alwaysinwritersblock @pandoragalora @perfectprofessorloverapricot @lvrcpid @answer-the-sirens @phantomalex14 @neteyamforlife @bat1212 @sadforeversblog @ducks118 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @1800imgay @soushswag @honeybxes @lola-bunn1 @alldaysdreamers @doggodorime @theesexystallion @scarlettwch @annamarieisbae @wallpaintt @zatarias-pandora @daoyus @ambria @simp-erformarvelwomen @simpliheavenli @tojidilfs @automaticwizardnerd @lexasaurs634 @symptoms-of-moonlight @avtprint @deviismynamewritingismygame @sunrays404 @tsireyassgurl @xx-kaitlyn-trixx-xx @that-one-daydreamer @yeosxxx @noname2246 @ok-boke @rubyrubyruuu @diosmilkymommers @annaleesworld @jiminsthickthighs @holysaladapricothero @peaches-peach-peach @enochi @thispussyshouldcomew @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @kirisimpster @pompompomegranate @stevebuckysdoll
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The months went by quick, too quick. Every day was the same for ___, wake up early, do her chores, eat and go to bed. It was a cycle that was never ending and the days started to drag.
Especially since she became swollen with her baby.
The day she found out was one that brought her happiness for the first time in what felt like forever. Mo’at noticed a change, she got tired quicker, her cravings changed her appetite in food and she was more emotional.
“Ma ‘ite, you are with child” the elder grinned, hand on her stomach and pressing down to feel the tiny bump in her skin. ___’s eyes welled up with tears, a smile crawling it’s way onto her face as she giggled and grabbed her mother in laws hand. “The great mother shines upon you, sweet one”
Immediately the woman had to tell her mates, but she hesitated. They have been cruel to her since that day under the tree of souls, the harsh words and hands never stopping their ministrations. It became too much for her and often the Na’vi sought comfort in the woods, where she met Norm and Spider.
The child was a home away from home, her comfort during dark days. Norm often let her have days alone together where she would take the toddler to find fruit, swim in the nearby lakes or show him the beauty of his home. He was her light and she vowed to take care of him. In some ways they were the same, abandoned and alone.
When ___ did end up letting Neytiri and Jake know of her condition, they glowered at her and the female warrior had to step out of their home. Her hormones were often full of anger, taking out her voice on anyone who dared cross her and the healer was often the backend of it. But for Jake’s sake she stepped out for some air.
“We can get rid of it” they were words that were most unexpected, the voice harsh and yellow eyes glared into her own watering ones. Jake and his wife did not want a child from her, they did not need one, he had one on the way and another is one that he just can not and will not take care of. “Mo’at should have something to abort it, go to her”
She’s never stuck up for herself against them, not after the first time. Fear kept her on her knees and she never once talked back. But she had to this time, the words almost forcing themselves out of her.
“No?” Jake stepped up to her and raised a brow when she didn’t back down.
“No. I will not” her English was heavily accented but was understandable, she brought her hands to her belly as if to protect the growing life from the incoming punches, not wanting her baby to be subjected to the same abuse.
“If you grow that thing we will have nothing to do with it” Jake turned and walked out. His point was made and his statement was clear. They were not her mates and had no custody over her child. ___ held her hands over her mouth as she whimpered quietly, the pain in her heart grew every day and the stress of her incoming pregnancy weighed her down.
They did not celebrate or announce her pregnancy to the clan.
Mo’at was confused, Jake was most happy to shout it out to the whole moon of his future child with Neytiri, why is he not doing the same with ___? Every time she tried to ask the clan leader he seemed to dodge away from her, avoiding any chance to talk. She will get to him for Eywa’s sake.
But if he and her daughter will not speak, she will go to their sweet mate. The Tsahìk found her by one of the rivers near Hellsgate, a small human boy situated on her lap as she spoke to him in both English and Na’vi, pointing at the fish swimming by their feet. Mo’at smiled at them, keeping her steps silent, she has heard of the rowdy boy living amongst the scientists, but has yet to introduce herself to him.
She made a small chirp as to alert them and watched as ___ moved her head back to see who it was and when she saw, her eyes lit up. “Ma Sa’nok, come” she beckoned the woman over and patted the spot next to her. Spider watched as the other lady sat down next to them and took notice of the many beads on her, reaching a tiny hand out to touch one that dangled by her side.
Mo’at chuckled at the child, silently asking ___ if she can pick him up. Once she got the go ahead the elder held him as if he was any other Omaticayan baby, letting him explore the garments she wore. “I thought you would be here, but I did not anticipate another”
“He is Spider, ma sa’nok. One of the children the humans look after” ___ chuckled as the toddler put a bead in his mouth, shooting the women a giggle when they cooed at him. “He is sweet, yes?”
Mo’at could not help but agree, nodding her head as she took one of her hands and placed it against her daughters stomach, right where the tiny bump was. “It has not been announced. Lumpe?” she gave ___ a critiqued look as she awaited an answer.
The woman sighed and watched the fish in the water swirling between her feet, “we have decided to keep it private, for my sake. You know I dislike being in the spotlight like that” she lied and it was obvious. ___ winced as the elder reached up to pinch the tip of her ear.
“You cannot lie to a Tsahìk, we see all” Mo’at glanced out into the forest, watching as the leaves swayed in the breeze and the insects crawl on the trunks of the trees. “I ask again. Why?”
“If you see all, then surely you must know” her ear was pinched again. Yellow eyes connected and ___ sighed, she was afraid to tell her mother in law the truth, afraid that once she did she would be deemed a liar and outcasted by her too. “They did not want too…they do not see my baby as theirs. They do not see me as theirs…” she whispered finally, deciding to let it out into the open.
“I knew it. The bruises, the way they never look at you, they do not care for you. And this? This is them failing to see” the Tsahìk growled but quieted down when the boy in her arms shifted, looking up at her with wide eyes. She patted his head and turned back to ___ who quickly wiped her eyes. “I will speak to-“
“Kehe. I do not want this getting out of hand”
“You need help ma ‘ite” but the woman was insistent, begging Mo’at to let her sort it out on her own. With this baby they will eventually see reason.
They both hoped what she said would be true.
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“What did I say?!” Neytiri shouted at the other woman, hissing in her direction and pointing to the basket of beads “you do not touch those! You will NEVER touch those!”. The beads in question belonged to Sylwanin, her dead sister. ___ thought she could just look through them and find a bead for her baby, she knew it was what her old friend would have allowed and have been honoured by.
“She was my friend…” the woman whispered, ears down, hands placed on her swollen belly, rubbing soothingly as to hopefully calm the movement. Na’vi babies grow fast and already Neytiri was nearing the end of her pregnancy with only less than a month left. Not long after ___ would give birth to hers, but for now they continue to turn and kick, responding to their mama’s words and touches.
“She WAS your friend! Not now! Not any more! But she was and will be my sister! Even after death! You have no one, not anymore” Neytiri picked up the basket and placed it on the far end of their home, by their hammock and away from ___’s. Ever since Mo’at found of her conditions, she made sure a suitable bed was given for her to sleep in, a floor was no place for a budding mother.
___ softly cried, her emotions getting out of hand, she picked one hand off of her stomach and wiped her dropping tears. Sylwanin was like a sister to her too, she deserved to have something on her in her memory. Like the bracelet that was on her wrist, the one that they made together as children.
It was as if the warrior could read her mind because she stalked up to the woman and grabbed her arm, eying the beaded string wrapping around the appendage. Neytiri wasted no time and grabbed it as hard as she could, pulling it and watching as the tiny bits of stone clattered around the floor, dropping the twine that weaved through them. “She is not yours to honour! How can you after all that happened?!”
___ cried harder, soft sounds turning into loud sobs as she fell to her knees and tried to pick up the pieces of what was left. “No! Why?! Why must you do this?!” her words earned her a shove to her back from a foot pushing onto her chest.
Neytiri screamed at her “YOU KNOW WHY! You do not deserve happiness! Do not deserve that thing inside you!” having enough, the tsakarem left, climbing down the tree with her fathers bow, going to hunt to cool herself down. If she stayed she did not know what other damage she will do towards the woman.
“Sylwanin, I am sorry” the woman stayed curled up on the floor weeping, looking at one of the beads on the floor in front of her and taking it into her hand, holding it close to her heart. She could not deal with this pain in her heart any more, she needed to take her mind off of it. She could not see spider in this state, the boy, despite a human, has grown significantly. He is already the age of two years and is able to have short conversations with her. If he saw her upset he will become sad too, and she hated to see him sad.
___ carefully got up from the floor, sweeping the beads and taking the broken string, moving to place it inside a small satchel she had in her side of the room. The pregnant woman wobbled over to the entrance and pulled it back, sighing and descending slowly to the forest floor. It was hard for her to move and most days she spent inside the hut, even when Jake’s harsh words made her upset. He called her lazy, yet do not understand the weight of her stomach and the swollen ankles of her feet. Her belly was large, far larger than what was normal for an Omaticayan baby and she was worried for the child’s health, Mo’at says they will be fine though, so she entrusts everything to Eywa’s will.
___ waddled into the forest, only carrying her knife and her thoughts. It was not time for eclipse so she could go to the tree of souls and back in time for bed. She will skip the communal dinner and eat what is left over. She knew it was not healthy for the child she carried, or for herself, but she does not have the will in her to face her supposed mates.
The jungle seamed to glow in the daylight when the Na’vi strolled past, the grass softly swayed beneath her feet and syaksyuk glanced to her in curiosity, swinging away once they have had their fill. She smiled at a mother holding her young, giggling when the baby tried to get closer to her so the Na’vi stopped.
Once the creature neared her it tapped her swollen belly twice, looking at her and running away when their mother hooted for them to go. Smiling at the small interaction she carried on with her journey, it was almost like the great mother is blessing her. The small syaksyuk lifted her dampened spirits until her mind wondered back to the broken bracelet and she sighed, ears turned down once again.
The tree of souls was beautiful, even in the daylight. It’s white tendrils moved and pulsed with energy, almost as if it was greeting her. ___ walked closer and took out her queue, letting the nerves tangle with one of the hanging branches of the tree. Her pupils dilated as she was sucked through the eye of Eywa, coming out of the end of the tunnel and being faced with Kelutral. Her old home.
“And what are you doing?” a little voice sassily scolded behind her, small hand tapping her back thigh and prompted ___ to turn around. The woman’s eyes watered at the sight of a younger Sylwanin, a few years younger than the day the RDA took her life away from her.
“Sylwanin” she tried to squat but found it too hard to properly hold the position so she resorted to sitting down, her hand held her friends own as the girl cocked her head to the side. “It has been too long”
“Srane. Too long indeed. Your tummy is big” the child pointed out and placed a small hand on top of it, feeling the movement of the babe and grinning. ___ was not able to see Sylwanin at the tree since she found out about her pregnancy, Neytiri made sure about that.
___ giggled at her, cupping her face and kissing her forehead. When her eyes opened she was met with the yellow of an older girl, one who was both mature and wise. “Syl’, Neytiri poe -“ the very thought pained her and the pregnant woman squeezed her eyes shut, heart heavy with grief and stress. “I do not understand why - I am sorry” she started to sob, shoulders shaking at the weight of it all.
Her friend held her wrist in her hand and examined it, blood and forming blisters caked it where the bracelet was pulled. ___ wiped her eyes clear, sniffling. She did not notice it before. “You have not been treated well. My sister is being a kurkung” Sylwanin hissed in anger, using her thumb to brush away the rest of the tears that fell down the others face. “But you do not have to be sorry for her mistakes”
“I feel like I had to apologise”
“There was no need” she kissed the wounded wrist and ___ felt no pain, just a soft pressure and a feeling of comfort spread through her body. “You can always make a new one, no? Or better yet, name them after me” she chuckled and pointed to her friends tummy.
___ grinned and rolled her eyes “Sylwanin is a silly name, there is no need” and at that, the mentioned girl pinched the tip of ___’s ear. She let out an ‘ouch!’ and glared playfully, she was exactly like her mother.
“My name would be great for your child, I would have forced Tsu’tey to name our own after me”
“Poor Tsu’tey” ___ laughed louder when Sylwanin slapped her arm. When the joy dulled down, the heaviness of the world came crashing onto her, the mood swings elevating her emotions. “Syl’ I do not think I could do this any longer” she cried out once more, tail thumping the floor and ears pinned to her head “they would treat my baby with harsh words and neglect, that is no way for a child to live…I cannot do this without you. I wish you was here. I wish I still had the bracelet” her eyes produced fresh warm tears that ran down her cheeks. ___ missed Sylwanin with her whole heart and when Neytiri broke her accessory, it was like ripping into her chest and squeezing until she stopped living.
The older Na’vi cupped her face, eyes doe and smile filled with understanding “ma tsmuke, I am always with you. Bracelet or not. I am apart of Eywa. I follow you wherever you go, I see you wherever you turn, I am with you ___. Even if you do not see me”
“I see you sister, Oel ngati kam -“ a sharp pain stopped her watery words, her hand instantly clamped down on her abdomen, breathing ragged. What was this? Another sharp punch and what felt like water ran down her legs. No. It was too early.
Panicked she looked up at her sister who looked as calm as ever, reassuring her frightened body with just a glance in the eye. “You are ready to become a mother. Just breathe ___. Breathe”
Her eyes blinked open and she inhaled sharply, she was back under the tree of souls, no Sylwanin in sight. Another kick in her tummy made her release a shout. She held onto her friends words, like an anchor at the back of her head. She breathed in deeply and let the air out slow.
It was time.
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airrec · 3 months
Dream SMP Season 2 idea:
Pandora's Vault exists, still. It is half sunk into the sea, very obviously an old ruin, and there's something - off, about the place.
It's not just a building any more, of course. It's old, filled with pain, haunted. Things this old have their own kind of intelligence, change and evolve into something else.
It's a dungeon now. Filled with monsters, traps, loot, a boss. Filled with things best left undisturbed, if you ask anyone wise.
c!Tommy, enthralled by the idea of loot, is not wise. c!Dream, enthralled by the idea of secrets, is also not wise.
c!Philza, a strange old man who lives alone and seems to know more than everyone else (not that he ever opens his mouth to talk about it), warns them away. They do not listen.
The dungeon is indeed dangerous; once they step in, the entranceway disappears behind them, trapping them inside. There are traps, chests of loot, and monsters - constant Mining Fatigue makes it impossible to carve their own path through, so they're forced to navigate the shifting hallways.
There are crawling black-purple vines and thorns everywhere, lingering remnants of red but that colour has been bled out of them, appropriated for another master. These vines get thicker the closer to the centre they get.
At some point, c!Dream loses c!Tommy in the criss-crossing and confusing platforms and walk ways - he can't quite recall when or how it happened, though.
The boss chamber is in the very centre of the Vault, and there he is, the spider in the middle of the web: huge and tall, oversized the way many bosses are (according to Philza), gold-trimmed netherite armour and a gleaming trident, he looks a bit like a creeper hybrid but if he ever was one that was long ago; he's something else now.
The boss is surrounded by black-purple vines, and they pierce through him, trailing from him as though he were struck through with a dozen harpoons. Like so many chains, they hold him here - he is as much the master of this dungeon as he is its captive. Total control, but only within, and he cannot leave.
He does not want to leave - this place is his. His prison, his home.
"So, you've come back to where you belong," the boss says.
"I've been waiting for you," the boss says.
"I knew you couldn't stay away forever," the boss says.
"You belong here," the boss says.
c!Dream would like it to be known that at this point he has quite had enough of this dungeon, is wishing he'd listened to Philza when he'd said to stay away, and that his whole body hurts as his flesh remembers what his mind has forgotten. The haunting is an open, unhealed wound.
"Hahhh, no, I'm leaving," c!Dream says, distracted, as he tries to figure out an optimal path over the lava lake, where he should leap on the deepslate and netherite rocks and platforms to make it to the door on the opposite side of the room. The boss, surely, will try to stop him, but c!Dream is fast and surefooted - he can dodge any attacks. He thinks.
"You will not escape," the boss vows, which c!Dream is very much not a fan of.
"You have no right to keep me here!" he says as he sets off running, leaping for the first stepping stone above the scorching lava and using his momentum to carry him to the next. He's got a long way to go.
This seems to utterly incense the boss, striking some deep nerve and causing the very walls to shake with his fury as he turns to try to snatch c!Dream.
"I am the Master of this Vault!" the boss roars. "I am the Warden."
The boss room is nothing but a huge cell, the vines of the boss' power spread so perfectly throughout the dungeon in turn chaining him there. Above, c!Dream can see c!Tommy hovering in the open entranceway he's aiming for, frozen with his crossbow out.
As he flies through the boss room and tries to reach the door, c!Dream shouts back the truth that he knows, welling up from somewhere deep inside that only his nightmares can touch:
"But you're not, you're the prisoner."
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woolmasterleel · 8 months
Pandora posting
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starlittragedies · 1 month
some people may think that since pandora was the quiet, kind, yet eccentric ravenclaw out of the bunch that she is what was to be considered as the heart of the pantheon. that she was the soft spot, that she was the one everyone rallied around and protected…
and to some extent, that is true. the pantheon would die for another. but the heart of the group that everyone fights for to keep it beating is none other than regulus arcturus black.
regulus was the one they all vowed to protect.
regulus was the one who has started the friend group by befriending barty and dorcas and introducing him to his childhood friends evan and pandora.
regulus was the one who gave barty his first hug.
regulus was the one who encouraged pandora to be eccentric and lived as she wanted as people should not have a say on how she chooses to spend her time.
regulus was the one who fought tooth and nail for dorcas to be part of the slytherin quidditch teams as the captain didn’t want her at first due to her gender and blood status.
regulus was the one who held evan in the middle of the night after one of his nightmares and he cannot bare to go to sleep alone.
and now regulus is the one who is face down on his bed, breaking down his walls, sobbing after seeing his brother (who had left a few weeks ago) who just turned away after seeing him in the hallway.
all of his friends surround him… all of them hating the idea that they couldn’t protect him from this inevitable heartbreak leading to two of them to start thinking about murder and the other two thinking about how they would rather have regulus chew and spit their heads out than him crying.
loosely based on this tiktok
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bri-cheeses · 1 month
Fiercely and obsessively (wrapped around your finger) — Part 8
| Rosekiller Soulmate AU | Previous part is here | Word Count: 767 |
Barty hadn’t figured he’d have to wait very long, but he was starting to have second thoughts by the time the weekend rolled around. Evan had gone back to acting odd again, even more so than he’d been before his birthday. Every time Barty went to knock his shoulder, or to ruffle his hair, or to lean against him on the couch, Evan would shy away from him like his touch was poisonous. And each time, Barty would recoil before attempting to brush it off as a fluke or misunderstanding. But the more times it happened, the harder it was to dismiss.
And so, seeing as this weekend happened to be a Hogsmeade weekend, Barty had vowed to corner Evan and find out just what was making him so skittish this time.
“What are you wearing?” Barty asked Evan from across the dorm, where he was digging through his dresser. Evan looked up.
“Um… a shirt and some shorts,” he said. “Why?”
Barty sighed. “It’s just that Dorcas got me this nice, muggle-style shirt for my birthday, but I’m worried it might look out of place. What do you think?” He held up the shirt, which Dorcas had called a tank top, and showed it to Evan.
Evan took in the tiny sleeves and elastic fabric, and his eyes flicked to Barty’s torso. He was no doubt imagining how it would look on Barty in a throng of wizards and assessing if it was too risqué or not. Why, then, his cheeks filled with color, Barty didn’t know, but he didn’t much care as he waited for Evan to respond.
“Yeah,” Evan rasped, then snapped his mouth shut like he had said something bad. But he didn’t take it back, which was good enough for Barty.
“Okay,” he decided. “I’ll wear it.”
An hour later they were with Regulus, Pandora, Dorcas, and Marlene, walking through the town of Hogsmeade. Dorcas had been delighted when she saw Barty’s choice of outfit, and even Marlene had commented on how she liked the grunge design of it. It was a nice confident boost, especially when Evan hadn’t been saying much to him at all ever since the conversation in their dorm.
“Marlene and I are going to go Zonko’s, if that’s okay,” Dorcas told the group. Behind her, Marlene grinned, clearly excited at the prospect of the joke shop. “See you guys later.”
“Actually,” Pandora interrupted, “Reg and I will walk with you a bit. We’re going to the Three Broomsticks, so we can all walk together until you reach Zonko’s.”
“Sounds good,” Dorcas responded, nodding her head. She turned towards him and Evan. “That leaves you two alone. Try not to burn anything down, please.”
Barty gasped, affronted. He searched the faces of his other friends, because surely one of them had just a little bit of faith them, right?
He found nothing but nods and murmurs of agreement.
“Seriously, you guys?” he asked. Pandora smiled, Dorcas shrugged, and Reg tilted his head. Marlene just laughed.
“I think she’s right to be saying that,” she said, still laughing. “You two are the craziest pair I’ve ever seen. That being said, I really would like to go to Zonko’s now, so please do try not to argue against plain facts too much.”
Next to him, Evan snorted inelegantly.
“I’ll keep him out of trouble,” he promised, and Marlene nodded at him once before turning and hooking her arm in Dorcas’s to pull her along after her. Regulus started to trail after them, and with one last small chuckle, Pandora went, too.
Leaving Barty alone with Evan.
“So, uh,” he began, not entirely sure that this is where he wanted to have this conversation, but if it had to be here then so be it. But Evan stopped him before he could get much farther than that.
“I was thinking we could go to the Shrieking Shack.”
Barty wrinkled his nose. There wasn’t much to do there other than stand at the fence and look at a rundown house with an odd name, and why Evan wanted to go there was lost on him. Except… there probably wouldn’t be anyone there other than them. And if no one was there to overhear, then Barty could ask Evan what was up without worrying what other people might think.
“Yeah, sure,” Barty agreed after only a slight pause. Evan didn’t wait to say anything more before turning and walking off, then looking back with a raised eyebrow as if to say, “You coming?”
Barty immediately hurried to catch up, and off they went.
(Part 9 is here)
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starboy-sirius · 4 months
may 5 | surface | @jegulus-microfic | 2327 words (this is so not a microfic i do apologise lol)
Regulus is known to be icy cold, his temper like a storm rolling in over the ocean, like rain pelting the ground in frozen bullets. He’s calm and collected, never without a sarcastic remark or a scathing insult. He’s the top of his classes, always found to be studying within the library in a secluded corner surrounded by his snarky friends. Does he get annoyed that Barty messes around, flirting with Evan and asking them bizarre questions and still manages to score Outstandings on all his exams? Yes. Does he show it? No. 
(Maybe in the privacy of their dorm he’ll bitch at Barty, who will pull him into his bed and cuddle him like an octopus, arms and legs wrapped possessively around him, until he calms down. Then Evan will join them, he and Regulus on either side of Barty, the latter’s arms around them both as Evan twists his leg to intertwine with Regulus’. Once they’re situated, curled up in the small single bed, Barty’s vowing that he’ll kill for them, defend them until his last breath, and Regulus will tease the shit out of him, whilst Evan smirks and trails his fingers teasingly up and down Barty’s stomach.)
Regulus eats in the Great Hall like everyone else, but his manners are impeccable. He eats all his meals with the correct cutlery, making sure not to take too much on his fork at any time as to appear greedy or slovenly. He chews his food an appropriate amount so that it will digest properly and he never speaks with his mouth full, no matter how much Evan ribs at him to make him break the habit. 
He speaks politely to his professors and amicably to those he has to work with in lessons. He always completes his homework on time and sometimes he even asks for extra work, taking on advanced topics typically taught to those in the year above. 
He’s the model student and the perfect heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Black, far better than Sirius would have ever been, or so Walburga spits at the dinner table, Regulus eating his food quietly like the dutiful son that he is. 
He’s the perfect heir, indeed. Never going against the wishes of his parents and doing everything he possibly can to fit in with the image of pureblood heir. 
Until he sees James Potter down by the lake, an arm thrown carelessly around some Gryffindor halfwit that Regulus recognises as one of the twins. He hates him. Potter hasn’t seen him. No, he’s too busy laughing and teasing the blushing boy sitting next to him, far too distracted to notice the way Regulus’ eyes burn into him. 
Barty, Evan, Pandora and Dorcas are at his side, all watching him with varying levels of amusement on their faces. 
“Why, that’s an angry face. Something the matter, Regulus?” Evan teases, following his eye line to where Potter has now placed a hand on the twin’s thigh. 
“You know, I think it might have something to do with Potter over there. Just a guess though,” Dorcas snarks, a grin as sharp as a shark’s on her lips. 
“I hate him,” Regulus swears, never taking his eyes from Potter and the bumbling twin. 
“Of course you do,” Pandora says kindly, patting Regulus on the shoulder with eyes full of doubt. 
Barty moves around so that he’s standing behind Regulus, bending down a little so that his mouth is by Regulus’ ear, one hand coming up to rest on the curve where his neck meets his shoulder. “Go do something about it, Reg.”
Regulus is silent for a beat before he quietly mumbles, “I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?” Barty asks, just as delicate. 
“You of all people know why I can’t.” 
He’s not wrong, of course, Regulus rarely ever is. Barty has the same expectations loaded onto his shoulders as Regulus does. Be the proper, respectable heir and marry some other proper, respectable heir and make proper, respectable heirs of their own. And do so all while maintaining their good name. 
It’s bullshit, if you ask Barty. Regulus silently agrees with him. 
“You want him?” Barty asks, turning Regulus to him. 
Nodding subtly, Regulus whispers, “More than anything.”
Barty gestures to Potter with his head. “Then go get him.”
Regulus’ eyes turn pleading and desperate, a rare look for him who is always collected and firm. “I can’t. My family will never allow it. They’d sooner kill me than let me be with another man, you know this.”
“So would mine,” Barty confesses before looking at Evan and confessing some more. “But I’m starting to realise that what my parents want isn’t what I want, and that I deserve much more than that. And so do you.”
Regulus looks between Barty and Evan, the latter of which is grinning slyly at Barty with a pretty blush on his cheeks. Barty winks at him before returning his gaze to Regulus. Pandora is cooing, skipping over to Evan to wrap her arms around one of his, congratulating him. Dorcas rolls her eyes, muttering an about time before the pleased grin breaks out on her face.
“They’ll kill me.”
Thunder rolls over Barty’s face, a dark shadow casting over his expressive eyes. They promise pain unlike anything anyone’s ever known. “I won’t let them. I didn’t lie to you when I told you I’d kill for you. If you want Potter go and get him, but you better do it quickly because it’s getting a little too comfy over there.”
At that, Regulus snaps back round to face Potter and his irritatingly blushy companion. He’s removed his hand from the other boy’s thigh but they’re sitting a little closer together than they were previously and Regulus snaps. 
You see, Regulus is a performer. Yes, to anyone else he’s the perfectly calm and dutiful heir and model student, but those who know him best know that it’s all a front to hide the beast that lurks beneath the surface. 
Regulus Black is a powerful and forbiddable wizard, with a tongue as sharp as a razor blade and a mind that’s proficient as it is deadly. He has a fiery temper so hot that it burns bright blue and sears through everything he gets too close to. He’s a Reducto blasting through the walls of the castle, he’s the master of his sail, and at this moment he’s going to bring the tide up the beach to strange James Potter. 
So he storms the distance between them, eyes solely focused on the boy with the messiest godsforsaken hair he’s ever had the displeasure of seeing, ignoring the stares and shocked chatter from those watching him. They’ve never seen Regulus Black look so out of sorts, so furious, and they’re about to see so much worse. 
Sirius looks up from where he’s sat playing with Remus’ hair, conjuring daisies to put in his caramel brown tresses as his boyfriend reads a book Regulus presumes is Muggle from the way he doesn’t recognise it. Some lady called Jane Austen. 
His brother’s eyes light up as he looks at him, waving a hand in greeting but Regulus ignores him. Sirius rolls his eyes and waves him off, but he glances wearily between his little brother and James, whom Regulus hasn’t stopped glaring at. 
“Oh, boy,” Peter winces. “He doesn’t look happy. What the fuck have you done now, Pads?”
“I haven’t done anything!” Sirius protests, placing the last daisy in Remus’ hair and beginning to roll a cigarette. 
Remus, intrigued by this, puts his book down with a smirk as he watches Regulus advance towards them like a storm, moving with care as to not jostle his boyfriend’s work with his hair. “Oh, this should be fun.”
Sirius turns an accusing look towards him as he licks the paper to form the roll up. Remus watches his tongue move skillfully, his eyes darkening and his mind wandering elsewhere. Sirius smirks. “What do you know that I don’t?”
Remus’ eyes flicker from his mouth to those grey-blue eyes and grins. “Oh, I know so many things, sweetheart. You will soon, just wait and watch.”
Regulus, unaware of their conversation and frankly not giving a fuck, storms past them and up to Potter and his companion. He coughs loudly and waits for him to turn around. When Potter does, his face lights up in a blinding smile. “Regulus! Hi.”
Regulus ignores him and casts a scathing look at the twin. “You’re done here.”
The boy flinches but doesn’t back down. “Excuse me?”
“Yes, you’re excused. Leave us.”
Potter looks between the two of them, eyebrows furrowing as he tries to decipher what the hell is going on. “Um, Reg? Is everything okay?”
Regulus turns the glare on him. “I don’t know, Potter. Why don’t you use those eyes of yours, as blind as they may be, and tell me if everything looks okay to you.”
Potter, clearly taken aback, rushes to stand and place both his hands on Regulus’ cheeks. The younger boy bats them away instantly and brings one of his own hands to clasp around Potter’s throat, the other one down by his side toying with his wand. 
Potter lets out a strangled groan. “Regulus.”
The twin stands up and looks at the two of them with outrage all over his face, red splotches forming as he splutters. “Hey! Let go of him! We were in the middle of a conversation.”
“And now that conversation is over,” Regulus replies shortly without ever taking his eyes from Potter. 
The twin, whose name Regulus will never bother to learn, clumsily reaches for his wand and Regulus is hitting him with a Everte Statum before the boy can blink. He’s thrown backwards with an alarming amount of force, crumpling in an undignified heap on the floor a good few feet away. 
Regulus never takes his eyes away from Potter. The latter whines softly at the display of raw power. “Oh, fuck.”
He jerks Potter forward by his throat, relishing in the way the older boy’s eyes go hazy as he looks at him and no one else. He hasn’t even bothered to look to see whether the twin is okay and victory snakes itself around Regulus’ gut. 
“You listen to me very carefully, Potter,” Regulus says the words softly yet firmly onto Potter’s lips. “You are mine. No one else’s and certainly not that sorry excuse of a wizard’s, got that?”
Potter is nodding before he can finish his sentence and it makes Regulus feel warm, the way the older boy just gives in so easily. “Yes, Merlin Regulus, yes.”
“Say it for me,” Regulus whispers, his lips caressing Potter’s as he squeezes his throat gently. 
“Yours,” Potter whispers back. 
Humming, Regulus brings his lips to Potter’s, biting at his bottom lip and curling his tongue into the other boy’s mouth when he dutifully opens it for him. Potter groans and grasps at Regulus’ hips, his grip bruising as he brings Regulus closer towards him so that their bodies are flushed together. Distantly, Regulus is aware that people are gasping and talking furiously to one another about what they’re witnessing. They’re no doubt wondering how the strict and uptight heir of the House of Black ever got involved with the school’s resident popular boy and general sunshine, and Regulus doesn’t care. He only slides his hand into Potter’s hair and brings the other one up to his jaw. 
When they pull away Potter is looking at him with wonder. “Reggie? What about your parents?”
“An incredibly dull and mostly stupid person told me that I deserve better than them,” Regulus says, ignoring Barty’s protest in the background. “Better than what they’re trying to force me into and I agree. What I want is you, James.”
The smile that breaks out on James’ face is breathtaking and Regulus can’t help it when a matching one lights up his own face. James is pulling him into another passionate kiss before he knows it and he goes willingly. 
“Godric, I think I’m going to throw up.”
“It’s not that bad, Sirius. You’ll get over it.”
“Moony, I love you but this is the worst thing ever. They’re going to be so gross now. I can’t believe you orchestrated this.”
Remus looks at him with wide eyes full of affection and disbelief. “You do realise you just told me you love me for the first time?”
Sirius, determined not to let the impromptu confession throw him off balance, huffs and says, “Yes. I love you, Moony, and I thought it’s about time I told you.”
Smiling coyly and feeling stupidly happy, Remus pulls Sirius closer to him on the blanket, the boy now leaning back on his elbows as Remus, situated on his side, leans over him. “And you thought this would be best said as we watch your brother snog our best friend?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Remus. Would you rather I blast a spell at someone and then possessively declare that you’re mine?”
“Well,” Remus considers. “Maybe not—”
“Sorry, Pete,” is all Sirius says as he casts Everte Statum and Peter goes flying backwards towards the water. 
Remus fails to smother his laughter as he brings a hand up to Sirius’ cheek and caresses it. Sirius is grinning as he leans into the scarred hand, eyes going soft as Remus whispers, “I love you.” 
The two are kissing, Sirius pulling Remus into him as they lay on the blanket, wrapping one of his legs around Remus’ waist. He hums and bites possessively at Remus’ lip. “Mine.”
“Salazar, they’re actually disgusting,” Regulus wrinkles his nose, he and James sitting back down, Regulus in the spot the twin had so ungraciously vacated. James rolls his eyes at him and pulls him into his chest.
Leaning into Remus’ body as his boyfriend gropes his arse, Sirius mumbles to his brother, “You’ll get over it.”
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ros3kill3r · 2 months
Marauders Era Characters at a Wedding
James Potter-Black - The Groom Himself
Is most definitely being dragged around by the kids at the banquet hall. He's surprisingly not giving a shit about it but near the end of the night he begins to realize he didn't hang out that much with everyone else.
People (Barty) are approaching him for shots at random points of the wedding and he gladly takes shots with them.
Is absolutely hammered by the end of the night because of his friends and Regulus', but he's literally just staring at Reg with absolute love and adoration written on his face.
Is talking to the waitress'/waiters about how amazing his now-husband is, and how amazing the reception and the food was, and the workers are pleased about this.
Grabs his husband randomly and starts making out with him and then leaving like nothing happened. Sirius hates this and Reggie loves it.
OPTIONAL: Not even 10 minutes after the vows, he's caught making out with either Barty or Evan outside (maybe even both?), behind the building, where the smokers go. Regulus doesn't bat an eye to this information even though some guests are confused and shocked. Sirius is merely dissapointed but still claps James on the back when he comes back inside!
Sirius Lupin - James’ Best Man
He's walking around to other people's tables just to speak about some drama. The drama is about the 'bride', groom, and the 'bride's' best friends.
Is the one walking around drinking shots with other people. The type of drinker who either acts like he's drinking but he isn't or drinks a sip of the shot, just so he can pull some secrets/some drama from the person he's drinking with, and he can be conscious while doing so. He’s also the type to be walking to a table and be crossing through the dance floor, so he twerks against someone or he starts fucking someone from behind like a wild boar, and the elders have to shield the eyes of the children. It’s fun 🤷‍♀️
Is the one who caught James making out with Evan and/or Barty behind the banquet hall, and is the one who told everyone about it, yet he acted like he was innocent. He did it because he was petty, and disappointed, and extremely, secretly, proud.
Eye fucks Remus from across the room because DAMN does he look good in that suit Regulus picked out for him, he'll give his brother that.
OPTIONAL: When everyone leaves the wedding, it’s just The Marauders, The Valkyries, and The Skittles, so things are still fun and music is still playing. It’s kind of like an after party. When everything is settled, Jegulus make their way inside of James’ vehicle, Marylily make their way to Mary’s bug/pea shaped car, Dorlene approach Dorcas’ Rolls Royce, Pandora and Xeno use their feet, and Rosekiller take either an Uber or a half dead, half broken down vehicle. But, Remus and Sirius stay behind a bit longer to..catch up.
Remus Lupin - Regulus’ Best Man
Is eating all the wrapped chocolate placed on the plates as a sweet welcome.
Is the type of guy that sits all throughout the wedding and says he’s “not the dancing type”. He’s just sitting there, watching Sirius quite literally grind on The Groom, and watching James gesture to Lily for her to “distract Regulus”.
Goes outside for a smoke every time the DJ blasts up the music again. He does this throughout the whole dancing, just so Sirius and none of their other friends drag him forcefully to ‘party’.
Probably takes a book with him bc he “might read”. James is upset because “you’d rather read than celebrate our wedding?”, Sirius is annoyed because “you’d rather read than be with me?”, and Peter is surprised because “you’d rather read than eat?”
OPTIONAL: Is waiting for the damn moment everyone leaves so he can pounce on Sirius and ruin him. He ushers everyone out the door and says they’ll make it home themselves. When they finish, they each have 60 missed calls and messages. Oh shit! That’s right! Remus forgot that the gang was supposed to be having a sleepover tonight!
Peter Pettigrew - The Planner
Regulus sat down with Peter and told him that he trusts his designer eye more than anyone else’s, and that him and James want Pete to be the planner. Which suit? Dress? Which DJ? What type of center pieces? Invitations? Drinks? Food? And where will the wedding be held?
Peter is honored. He immediately begins planning, visiting banquet halls, taking Regulus and James outfit shopping (separately, ofc!) and making sure everything is in place.
There’s one tiny problem though. Nobody helps him. Nobody thanks him. Nobody compliments him. Nobody tells him a word. There’s no “Wow Pete, this is amazing!” There’s no “Christ, I can’t believe you did this! WOW!”
He sits at The Marauder’s table. And yes, people greet him and say hi, but none of them tell him he did a wonderful job. Perhaps they don’t know he was the designer, but the least his friends could’ve done was send him a smile.
OPTIONAL: This was the last straw for him. It’s been enough. He’s leaving this friend group, because he doesn’t get the respect he deserves. He’s had enough! He deserves love and support! He deserves congratulations! And he deserves appreciation too! Nobody paid him any mind, as if he were a rat! But he won’t be having any more of that. None. It’s over.
Lily Macdonald - Usher
She is most definitely standing in front of the entrance and waiting for people to come in so she can greet them and take them to their seats.
The kids always come to her for help whenever something happened, or they scraped their knee. She doesn’t mind this at all.
When everyone is finally there, she allows herself to walk around and ask people how everything is going, and always laughs fakely when people tell her they expected her to be the bride.
Is tired yet amused of James every time he motions for her to distract Regulus because Sirius starts grinding on him. (As a joke, it’s just funny bc Regulus doesn’t like seeing it). She thanks the gods above that whenever Barty or Evan switch places with Sirius, James doesn’t tell her to distract the ‘bride’.
Stays sober throughout the night bc she’s not really quite the drinker. She’s also supposed to be watching everyone and making sure none of them (Barty, Evan, Sirius, James, and Marlene) do something stupid.
OPTIONAL: Mary and Pandora are dancing on the dance floor, absolutely shredding it down, and they drag Lily to join them as she’s walking by towards another table, and they tell her to “LET LOOSE AND HAVE FUN!!” And that’s what she does. She dances with them, takes selfies, drops it down, etc. (Xeno doesn’t mind bc he’s probably being ‘forced’ to do the same with Pandora’s friends.) it’s completely platonic between all of them when doing this besides Mary and Lily.
Mary Macdonald - Usher
She is probably dancing the whole night with an absolutely wrecked Marlene, and an horrifically high Pandora. She may be an usher, but all she does is say hello to everyone who comes in, and helps them to their seat if Lily is busy or if they still can’t find it. She knows her girlfriend has it covered though.
She remains sober. She claims that she “doesn’t need to drink to get lit”. She genuinely acts drunk and all hyper even though she didn’t take a sip of any alcoholic or energy drink, not even coffee that day.
Is always reaching for Lily every time she walks by them because she needs to relax and let loose. Everyone agrees. Mary’s been dancing all night and she forgot to bring slippers so her feet are currently murdering her. The back of her heels are skinning her skin, the space underneath her legs is tearing apart, and her toes are covered in bubbles.
When Marlene/Barty start chugging a whole bottle of alcohol in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people and their body heat, you can bet your flat ASS that Mary is in the front screaming and hollering.
Doesn’t step outside for a single second. Remus asks her if she’d like to go for a smoke and she denies even though she usually loves smoking at places like this. Remus asks her why she won’t sit and relax, and all she says before dancing away is, “IT’S JAMES’ WEDDING, I CAN’T SIT DOWN!”
OPTIONAL: She’s having the time of her life with Pandora on the dance floor (Marlene is in the bathroom with Dorcas, and she’s vomiting her guts out), and successfully grabs Lily a handful of times so they can all dance together. They all dance on each other and with each other, but they all know it’s friendly. I mean shit, you’ll probably see Mary grind on Sirius or Sirius grind on Evan. On days like this, they’re all best friends, and it doesn’t always have to be romantic.
Marlene McKinnon - Usher
When the party starts, she’s the first person on the dance floor, accompanied by Mary and Pandora here and there.
She’s drinking multiple shots with Barty. They’re the type of friends to be sitting on separate tables but always join each other and start drinking different shots and cheers. Barty definitely has an arm around Marlene’s chair/shoulders while she has a hand on his shoulder and they’re both just DRUNK chatting with a shot glass in hand at all times. It’s sweet to look at them doing this, especially bittersweet when you know they used to be childhood friends.
Gets sick halfway through the night and runs to the bathroom, all Dorcas does is sigh, stand up, fix her suit, and walk calmly to the bathroom to help her girlfriend.
This bitch does NOT do her job. She doesn’t greet anyone besides people she loves, (James, Sirius, all the girls, Barty, Evan) and even then she’s too busy dancing, vomiting, or taking shots all night with Barty and other people to pay that much attention to anyone else. She definitely has makeup running down her face though.
She cries during the ceremony, absolutely sobbing and wailing. Sirius and Lily are the only other two who are crying. Oh, and she definitely acts like she wasn’t crying later on, even though she most definitely was.
OPTIONAL: She doesn’t remember a single thing from the night before, but she (and many others) took photos and videos of the night, they even hired a photographer, so when the whole group sits together and watches the 3 hour clip the next morning (since they had a sleepover, and the photographer was someone they knew and they sent the unedited version) she begins crying again, and everyone is just laughing at the hilarious scenes. James and Regulus are sitting together, staring at each other with love and affection in their eyes, Sirius and Remus are watching with loving smiles on their faces because even through all the teasing, Sirius is so happy for both of them. Lily and Mary are sitting down on the couch, Mary’s feet draped across her wife because of the pain, and they’re both very happy watching the clip. And Barty is just sprawled on Evan’s lap, his hands running through his hair, and they laugh at Barty’s drunk ass, and all those funny scenes. And then there’s Dorcas and Marlene. They’re both cuddled up together, Marlene (and Barty) both have horrible hangovers, but they don’t seem to care at all. They’re all together now, and it was an amazing day.
And if Barty and Marlene start hanging out more after that, then so what?
Dorcas Meadows - Officiant
Was so honored that Reg and James chose her as the officiant of the wedding. She memorized what she had to say, staying up all day and night until the wedding. She called over Barty and Evan so she could stand next to them/between them and rehearse the words. “Oh please, don’t whine about it! This is helpful for you two as well! Now shut up and stand!”
At the wedding, she goes outside and smokes with Remus occasionally. They’re not best friends, not even close, but they talk and they bond. They would definitely stand up for each other if it was ever the case.
She doesn’t dance. She sits, talks to everyone at the table, visits other people at other tables, drinks a little bit, and takes care of Marlene when she has to vomit. Nobody has ever, and I mean ever, seen her dance before. And no one will (besides Marlene and even then it’s either slow dancing or head rocking.)
She does get a bit emotional at the ceremony and saying the vows, and her voice wobbles when she asks Regulus if he will take James as his husband. Nobody speaks a word about it because they know she’ll whip their ass, but also because it’s rare to see Dorcas become emotional over something.
She stands up on the mini stage, holding a shot glass. She’s always been good at cheers and saying a speech, so she does exactly that. She stands on the stage and says something so poetic, so gut wrenching, so bittersweet and beautiful, that even Regulus and Evan shed a couple tears. Afterwards, Reg and James mention it and tell her how thankful they are, and how they don’t regret choosing her as their officiant.
OPTIONAL: There’s this one point where everyone is dancing. Everyone besides Remus, Dorcas, and a few others. Because Remus successfully managed to escape outdoors, they quite literally drag Dorcas to the middle of the dance floor. When they realize it’s no use, they ask the men to pick her up while she’s in her seat, take her to the middle of the dance floor, and they all take turns giving her lap dances. Everyone is screaming and throwing money, especially when Regulus starts getting all nasty with it. It’s all fun and games though.
Regulus Potter-Black - The ‘Bride’ Himself
He isn’t running around and panicking (he leaves that job for Lily), but he is most definitely constantly pulling her aside and asking her if everything is okay. His eyes are definitely running around the room.
He stands up every second to greet people he knows. Poor boy doesn’t even get a chance to eat. Luckily, his friends (and Sirius) do notice this, so they occasionally pop in next to him and feed him something. Remus does this too, except he takes him outside for a break/smoke.
He dances very stiffly at first, but then as the night goes on, he gets more loose and relaxed, especially when James starts getting all drunk and goes crazy on the dance floor. He’s always seen either dancing with James, or Barty, Evan, Pandora, and his brother.
Tells the kids to stop bothering James because he’s very busy. James keeps reassuring Reg that everything is fine, but Reggie is just like, “Bitch, no it’s not. It’s my wedding day and I’m barely catching my husband from the corner of my eye.”
He is absolutely exhausted by the end of the night, and is impatient for the honeymoon. He just wants to relax with James, no one there to bother them. He’s so happy that James was the one he married. He’s so happy that he didn’t have to wear a dress. He’s so happy that this wasn’t an arranged marriage. He’s so happy he’s free.
OPTIONAL: Regulus will forever act as though he hated this, but in reality he doesn’t and everyone knows that. At their wedding, a decent amount of time after they had said their vows, James was playing around with the children there. He had immediately looked at Reg, pouted with puppy eyes, and raised both his eyebrows up and down as he got drunker throughout the night. Again, Regulus acted like he despised it, when in reality he didn’t and Sirius was the one who was disgusted. “OH! My poor innocent brother! I knew you’d ruin him Prongs! Oh, I just knew!!”
Barty Crouch Jr. - The Payer
For some fucking reason, he’s the one who paid for everything at the wedding. He offered, and who was Reg to refuse? The weird part is, that nobody knows where he got the money from. He doesn’t have that type of money! Or does he?
Spends the whole night walking around the room and taking shots with everyone, even people he doesn’t know. He makes toasts and cheers, and even does little speeches. He’s the life of the party, and catches the eye of everyone there. He’s also drunk out of his mind halfway through the wedding, but somehow doesn’t vomit like Marlene every 4 minutes.
Is definitely grinding on all his friends, and making eye contact with Evan from across the room. They’re eye fucking each other, and everyone hates it. When he grinds on Dorcas, everyone goes wild because Cas and Bat have always acted as though they are frienemies, so this was new for everyone who didn’t know them like that.
People approach him when they find out he’s the one who paid for everything, and they’re always so amazed and shit; “I can’t believe you did this! You paid for all of this? WOW!”
Bonds with Marlene the whole night, even while dancing. They do the same dance moves as each other, or they do something that reminds them of when they were friends. They start hanging out again after this wedding. I mean, they had no choice either way. Regulus and James got married!
OPTIONAL: May be caught violently grabbing James and Evan (and maybe Reg? Or some other form of the four of them?) and taking them outside. They come back inside looking messier and more frazzled than before. Marlene—drunker than a sailor—calls this out, and all Barty does is wink in her direction. Because she knows. Of course she knew all along.
Evan Rosier - Ring Bearer
Usually this job is supposed to be done by a young boy, but Evan is a young boy! Period.
Like Dorcas and Remu, doesn’t really dance unless it’s songs where he can get all seductive. He sits there usually, manspreading with a glass of tequila in hand, and watching Barty grind and swing his hips against some other man/woman. That man is going to get the biggest punishment of his life.
Forces himself not to cry during the vows. He acts kind of upset because Reg didn’t choose him as a best man or anything special, but he’s actually so fucking happy he’s the ring bearer.
He observes the room and the people in the room. He watches them and what they’re doing. He watches their movements and their words, and their mouths and body language. He notices when someone is left out (Peter), when someone is illegally hot (Barty), when someone is scarily hot (Regulus), when someone is beautifully hot (James), etc.
Is in charge of the music the DJ plays. He created the playlist, and the way the songs transition, and what they transition into. Everyone tells him he did an amazing job after the wedding. He mostly chose specific songs because he knew Bee, Redgie, and Jamie would dance under them.
OPTIONAL: Allows himself to be dragged everywhere. Barty drags him to go dance with him, and drags him outside where he makes out with him ferociously (and they’re occasionally accompanied with someone..). Regulus drags him when he needs help fixing something, like his slight makeup or his outfit, and even the decor. And James drags him around when the kids do something sweet or cute, and it’s so fucking adorable to see. It drives Evan insane. Not to mention when Regulus is busy doing something so James approaches him (or Bat) and whines for their/his attention. Now that drives him wild.
Pandora Lovegood - Plays the ‘Father’ Role
She walks Regulus down the aisle. That’s literally it. She has one of the most important jobs ever, and it’s too walk him down the aisle because his parents weren’t invited. Because they were either dead, or not important enough for such an event.
Everyone—and I mean everyone—either tears up or gets a bit emotional when they see Panda walking him down the aisle. She waves at Ev from the walkway and all he can do it hide his wobbly smile.
Dances mystically and majestically. She dances like she’s high (bc she is), and she’s sometimes separated from the circle/group, so you’ll probably see her and Xeno dancing around in tiny swirls, with her one hand holding her pregnant stomach.
She’s mostly dancing either by herself, with her friends, her husband, or Lily/Mary. When she gets too tired she resides to her seat and smiles at her grown stomach, sliding a hand up and down the canvas and feeling Luna’s kicks.
After the wedding, Panda approaches Peter and slips a note inside of his bag, telling him she’s so proud of him and his arrangements. Sadly, Peter never sees this note until it’s too late and he’s lost all of them. Anyway, exactly a week after the wedding, Luna Dorcas Lovegood is born, and Regulus calls her his gift.
OPTIONAL: Dora announces her pregnancy on this day (Reg invited her too), and mentions that her first born child’s full name will be: Luna Dorcas Lovegood, and her sons name will be: Arcturus Barty Lovegood. Evan asks why he isn’t named after a child, and Panda smiles while saying; “Because every time I look in the mirror I see you. Because you’re the godfather of my child, if you’d like to be?” And finally, Evan cracks. He would be the godfather of Luna, and Barty would soon be the godfather of Arcturus.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
this actually means quite a lot to me
I am going to write a fic
Focusing on Cupioromantic AroAce Pandora rosier
Aroace Pandora dealing with figuring herself out when all her friends date and fall in love
artist pandora who appreciate the beauty of everything she sees
struggling with the love of the consent of romance, the commitment, the passion, while releasing the way she feel them is not “normal”
It is also going to focus on AroAllo Lily Evans
the woman who saved the world with NON-ROMANTIC LOVE
QPR PANDALILY at some point
Pandora’s intellectual and aesthetic attraction to Lily
I vow to not make her any less crazy though
It is loosely based on my personal experience so it means a lot to me
side Rosekiller (ace Evan rosier), Jegulus, and Dorlene
Probably no one is going to read this passion project of mine but I love it
just wanted to share
tips are appropriate as this will be my first published fic.
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