#ty for the ask man aahHH
neotickles · 1 year
Okay so obviously I am a little late but I was busy, so for the lettered tickle questions will you please do
D, E, H, N, O, P, S, V, W
(Also don't answer anything you're uncomfortable with!!)
Helloooo! Long time no see! Now that I finally have a second on my PC I can answer this :3
D. What are your favorite teases while tickling / being tickled?
I love love LOVE to tickle someone/be tickled out of a shirt. The idea of someone being over someone tickling their tummy, suddenly just dipping their fingers under the shirt and tickling all over the tummy, ribs, chest, and underarms while TEASING them for being "so much more ticklish without the shirt in the way~"..........it's truly the dream~
E. What would you do / say to piss off the ler or the lee during tickling?
Literally anything. My fav thing is probably tickles for tickles though! Like tickling someone with the intent of receiving tickles is the cutest thing and I live for it.
H. Into any NSFW tickles?
Not really! I mean I wouldn't be against trying it out but I'm not gonna promise I'll be into it.
N. Are you / do you prefer a bratty or a shy lee?
I'm totally the shy lee trope man. I get SO Fucking Flustered It's Not Funny. As for what I prefer in a lee myself, honestly either! :3c
O. Are you / do you prefer an evil or a gentle ler?
I can do both, and I also LOVE both a lot. Depends what mood I'm in but I typically like the way softer spider tickles feel more tbh.
P. What kind of lee / ler are you?
The good kind~ ;) (honestly don't know what else I'm suppose to say for this question LOL)
S. Lees: would you like to get revenge on the ler, and if so, how? Lers: Do you want your lees to get revenge? How? What would you do to punish them for it?
YES YES YES to all of this. I love revenge tickles SO MUCH. Taking turns tying each other down and wrecking each other's death spots is the dream.
V. What’s your favorite tickling game/scenario?
Aahhh I love turning generic party games, like truth or dare for example, into fun tickle games :3 Like imagine doing a bunch of tickle dares with even more ticklish consequences...or having to expose your deepest ticklish secrets or else face tickles yourself....GOD that'd be so fun.
W. Do you like to ask or beg for tickles? / do you like your lee to ask or beg for tickles?
y'know originally I didn't really have an opinion for this on the lee side...but a certain SOMEONE... *cough* *cough* @txckletease *cough* has made me love being forced to ask/beg for my tickle before getting the teases....it's ruthless....but really amazing at the same time.... I wish to do the same thing to other lees so they may experience my pain! >:3c
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autistic-katara · 7 months
🍓🍬🔪(for the fic asks :3)
aahhh ty :3
how did you get into writing fanfiction?
already answered this but i’ll copy/paste it:
idk i’ve always been into writing and after my friend got me into READING fanfiction (he wanted to show someone how to use ao3 and i agreed) it all kinda just ended up w/ me writing short projecty angsts yk
post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
uhhh not sure if this is super unpopular but all romantic alastor ships are ooc. like u can argue for days on whether or not it’s ethical to ship an aroace character with someone but the bottom line is that man would never fucking blush at someone, wouldn’t kiss anyone on the lips (might kiss a close friend on the cheek or forehead but i that is a maybe and i think he’d only do that w/ rosie) and yeah just ive yet to see an alastor ship fic/art/whatever that both has alastor reciprocating and isn’t the most ooc thing ive ever seen
what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
not that weird but interracial marriage between 2 poc (specifically middle eastern men and chinese women) in 1930s america
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thecourtsknight · 2 years
I’m late for this party…
Luther: 👻 Ghost & ☄️ Comet
Ilveen: ☁️ Cloud & ⚙️ Gear
Pandora: 💓 Beating Heart
foolish!!!! how could you show up late with no snackies! >:V
Beneath the cut >:3
👻(Ghost): do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any?
Absolutely, without a second thought. Luther's been down in enough skyrim-esque decrepit ass tombs and abandoned structures to know some noises are not just simply the wind passing through or mice running through the small cracks in the wall.
I think their most ghostly experience would differ from story to story, whatever's playing on their mind the most, He's not immune to playing up his stories of adventures back on mainland; he can be a very convincing story teller if you let him get into something enough. From "Maybe it was an actual ghost, who knowwwsss" to "Oh no, yeah, that was a ghost. No doubt about it." Depends on the crowds reaction!
☄️ (Comet): what do people assume about them? are they right?
This is such an interesting question for Luther... I feel like the biggest assumption is that Luther is a very polite person- which isn't completely wrong, he STRIVES to be viewed as a completely harmless little guy, someone anyone could get along with, but he's also... that isn't all of him, and the more unhinged parts of his personality certainly come out around certain people. He HATES making bad impressions... in terms of proper assumptions, I feel like it would depend on the person.
The biggest one, however, would easily be... him being a vampire. One of the first years he spent on Venroot would have people ding dong ditching Jericho's home because the 'vampire lived there'. That's what he gets for dressing up as one for Halloween and putting on too good of an act. (Sorry Jericho)
☁️ (Cloud): a soft headcanon
For Ilveen... hmnnNnnn. I'd say one of the biggest things for her is that she is very weak to seeing her boys be happy, seeing both Luther and Jericho tease or laugh with eachother just puts her at a sense of ease that she can't really explain- not that she'd ever freely admit it. Jericho's essentially her younger brother, he means so much to her and she fucking ADORES Luther; something about that combined warms her like nothing else. (Makes the mess she went through trying to help either side with their romantic woes SO worth it, in a lip biting way.)
She also really likes giving hugs, but isn't the biggest fan of receiving, its hard to deal with urges to hug your girlfriend or younger brother from behind and maybe try to playfully pick them up when you're supposed to be the cool, calculated and epic librarian she wants to be.
⚙️ (Gear): what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
Ilveen is a huge nerd and science actually plays kind of a part in that. She's very fascinated by Astrology and Petrology (study of rocks). Though they're kept on the down low, she loves being able to read up on things about them- and really anything that peaks her interest in terms of scientific curiosities can drag her. She's got a rather analytical mind all things considered and will gladly listen to folks talk about studies (probably why she gets on with Luther so much too)
Art is a bit more tricky for her admittedly, she feels the reason its sometimes hard to put words to the way certain pieces or even writing makes her feel is some kind of sign that she doesn't understand art.. Though she views it and both the feelings it gives very important, shes just a much more science inclined person... definitely more importance towards science.
💓(Beating Heart): What get's their heart racing.
Oh lord. Pandora is a simple woman wrapped in many hard to reach through vines, hard to open up and understand most of the time. But the number one thing that always gets her heart racing is being held in some kind of gentle or soft way. Pandora always delegates herself to being the one who's got everything in control, the one who does the holding! To have that turned on her is such a bizarre feeling as not only is it fairly new, she struggles to come to terms that she likes it. Merrill can get her to freeze by easily just doing the things she does for her, being the big spoon, taking her hands, pecking her unprompted. All of those things make Pandora a MESS.
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shittypaperwork · 4 years
Hey, uhm I'm obsessed with Armin so could you write a Dom Armin Story? Please let your creativity run free 🛐
Totally love my man too!~
Pairing: 19y/o!Armin x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, explicit sex, language
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It was midday. You trained for yourself a bit again, exhausting yourself to the max. After that, you got back to the HQ and took a shower. Then, you went to your shared room with your lovely boyfriend, Armin.
"I told you not to train too much today baby!", He said worriedly.
"Yeah.. sorry, but I needed to finish my exercise. But now, I have time for you!~", you replied, snuggling onto him in your warm shared bed.
Next day. You two did your morning routine. After doing so, you got downstairs, ready to eat. Most of the other were already sitting there.
"Morning guys!", You exclaimed as you held the hand of your boyfriend.
"Heyy you two, come over here and sit with us!", Connie said as he pointed beside him.
You two follow his request and enjoyed your meal. The day went on, nothing special. It was now dinner time and you sat beside Mikasa and Armin as so often. But this time, you had other plans than just eating...
Armin was talking to Jean a bit. The perfect chance for you. Slowly, your hand reached the left thigh of your beloved boyfriend, who was innocently talking.
After no specific reaction, you went further with your hand, reaching his inner thigh. You rubbed it softly.
That was the moment Armin snapped. He knew what was gonna happen if he wouldn't stop you. But some part inside of him was exicted...
You heard him stutter on his phrase, but nothing else. Slowly, you hand layed upon his crotch, softly applying pressure on it. Armin stuttered yet again, nearly choking on his food.
"You alright there? You seem a bit... Stressed?", Connie asked worriedly.
"I-I'm fine! Just chocked on my food.", He replied innocently, trying to hide his inner excitement. It didn't took long for him to get erected.
Your fingers graced the outline of his cock, softly carresing what you could reach. You smiled to yourself as you wanted how good he would be in staying quiet during your attack.
"Yeah exactly, I mean ahh...", Armin said, as he stopped his sentence with a soft moan, in front of everyone sitting at the table.
"Uhm.. sure you ok dude?", Jean questioned. The blonde nodded in response. Even though he should stop you to prevent embarrassing himself, his body wouldn't let him. Your movements just felt too good to him.
You grabbed his shaft as good as you could, since his pants were thight. You could feel him getting harder by continuing your movements and increasing the speed of your actions. Though, you couldn't hide your own excitement.
"So uhm what I was referring to mhmm... Ah...", The blonde stuttered innocently. You smirked in advantage.
"What's wrong with you Armin? Are you feeling not alright?", You asked innocently, hiding your true nature.
He gave you a questioning look. "Yeah... I'm feeling not so well right now. I guess it's the best for me to sleep a bit, if you would excuse me.", He explained as he stood up.
He looked at you again, this time a bit different...
"I'm coming with him, since he needs someone to take care of him if it gets worse eh'", you told them as you stood up too.
Then, you followed him to his room. It was completely quiet between you two, the air was thick. You reached his room, following him into it. He stood beside the bed, not turning around.
"Close the door.",he said in a deep tone.
You did as you was told. "Now lay down on my bed."
You did.
"Do you have any idea what you caused with your little attack? No?"
"Hehe... I know you enjoyed it.~"
"Yeah. That's the problem. Now you have to take responsibility of what you just did to me, my dear." His tone was unusually deep, wich turned you on even more.
"And how do I do that?"
"Oh... You want to now?" You nodded innocently.
He then went to his private closet, taking something out of it. It was bandages. He sat on top of you, tying your hands to the headboard of his bed.
"What is going to happen with me?"
"You will see darling..."
After that, he positioned himself above you, sitting a bit on your collarbone. He took his cock out of his thight pants, releasing it from the hard pressure of his briefs.
Then, your mouth was opened and he stuck his cock halfway into your wet cavern, concentrating on not hurting you though. He would never do that.
Your tongue slipped against his tip, carresing it softly. Then, he began to move his hips back and forth, increasing the pleasure he was feeling. Your mouth was just too good for him.
He moved quicker by the time, pleasure increasing heavenly as his vision was blurred and his head hung back.
"Ahh... Good girl... Taking my dick so well...", He moaned softly.
"Your little mouth is too good for me... Ahh... But I know you want it, don't try to hide it baby..."
His movements quickened yet again, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat, but he was not certainly hurting you. You just listened to his beautiful moans, getting more and louder.
"Just like that.. take my cock inside you... Ah.... Ahhh... Y/n...."
You knew he was getting close due to his now twitching cock.
"God.. I'm gonna c-cum... Ahh... Don't you dare to spit it out...", He moaned again, enjoying the extreme pleasure.
True to his words, his hot semen spurted onto your mouth. You swallow everything you could, as it got slowly soft again and he pulled out.
He titled you chin up. "Good girl, you did well.. maybe I should teach you a lesson on what happens when you tease me like that...?", He said as he smirked at you.
True, you were just as horny as him now. His moans were just too much for you to not get horny.
He positioned himself on top of your lower legs, carresing you thighs slowly. His fingers felt so precious. Your body longed for his touch.
Armin pulled down your pants and underwear in one quick movement, exposing your wet vagina. He smiled at the sight, knowing he was the one to turn you on like that.
He then layed between your legs, kissing your left thigh slowly.
"A-armin.. ah...", You moaned.
He reached deeper, nearing your wetness, but instead of starting to lick at it, he changed to the other thigh, kissing it too.
"You're mean... Ah..."
"Do you really want to say that? Shut up and be a good girl for me and take your punishment.", He demanded in his deep tone again.
Slowly, you felt his mouth reach your clit, licking it slowly.
"Oh god.. haa... Armin..."
He then went full on eating you out like there was no tommorow, gripping your thighs deeply.
"Oh god.. I'm gonna cum.. haa... Ar-armin.. ahh..."
Instead of finishing you off, he let go of your heat, looking at you innocently. You looked at him in total anger.
"What... No.. don't do that to me..", you said.
"I told you to take your punishment, and if you don't quit whining, it gets worse. So be a good girl to me, and endure your well deserved punishment. Maybe I should tease you like that next time~, he said as he smirked at your sweaty face.
He then rammed to fingers inside of you, increasing his speed immediately.
"Ah.. oh god.. ah... Ha... Aahhh...", You moaned, louder that before. He loved your expression.
You fastly neared your climax, walls thightening around his soft fingers.
After feeling that, he stopped his movements yet again, smirking at you.
"What's wrong babe? You alright?", He asked teasingly. You stared at him in anger and disbelief.
"Please.. go on.. I beg you.. please let me cum..", you begged in need of your orgasm.
"I hope you learned your lesson... Now enjoy it.~", he purred as he began to move his fingers again, this time way faster. You came on an instant.
"Ah.... Oh my God... Armin..."
He breathed heavily as you came down from your climax as he pulled his wet fingers out of you and licked them while looking at you innocently.
"Oh god.. I love you Armin.. Now could you let me please go? I really gotta pee!", You said exhausted.
"Oh, who said that we were done now?~"
-> Masterlist
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rcris123 · 5 years
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He simply wrote in his journal next day: I FUCKED him. ‘cause there ain’t nothing more to it. Well nothing more he can say about it...
He got the man upstairs; a small room, bodies up against the wall. No words; there ain’t any. Just that look, dark eyes flickering like embers in the light of a single candle; but to say that’s lust he ain’t knowin’, but desire- Maybe that’s his own. Just to run hands through dark hair; it’s gotten longer in those weeks. Arthur raked his fingers round the back of his skull up. Sebastian left his head soft; eyes flickered shut and mouth hung just slightly open. He had thin lips, but Arthur’s watching them intently, like there ain’t nothing else to focus on: how breath’s rollin’ panting out of them.
And he liked kissing that neck, biting down into it: skin’s soft beneath lips, elastic, so easily sucked in; he can even feel the pulse, rushed. And he ain’t thought Sebastian’ll be sounding like that or that the moaning of a goddamn man will have him harden. That ain’t a man thou, or at least it ain’t any man. Not to him and not now.
Sebastian unbuttons his shirt, suspenders slide down.
A fast motion: Arthur’s arms move from the head to pinning the man’s waist against the wall, his own hips moving forward. No words, a huff, a rushed exhale. Hands slide underneath the fabric, up on bare skin: it’s sweaty, muscle lean and firm under fingertips. He searches upwards, sliding palms along the side of the body, Sebastian dragging him closer in where he can hear the man’s breaths right against his ear. He’s doing that on purpose; he can almost see the smirk on his lips.
“Hard for me-”
Chin is pushed up with another kiss on the neck, on Adam’s Apple, sucking the breath outta him.
And Arthur ain’t aroused alone; Sebastian’s erect, unbuttoning his pants. Fingers work skilled even with the little space between the two of ‘em; then stop on the rim of Arthur’s trousers. One finger slides underneath, the thumb on the button. Then stops, lets Arthur grind himself upward once, against Sebastian’s free twitching cock.
“Open it already-” Impatient, harsh, his own hand slides down to help, but motions clash with each other, inefficient.
But it springs out soon enough. And when it does Sebastian pushed him just a bit away with one arm. Goddamn it- A frustrated groan, that Sebastian meets with guiding Arthur’s chin up to look at his face.
Man slides two fingers in his own mouth, then reaches down between his legs, lubing himself up with spit. And Arthur pushes him up, legs apart, around his waist. Cocks shove against each other; the knot in his navel tightens and throbs. Jesus Christ, he’s-
Another ball of spit from Sebastian’s hand to his anus, man bent over himself to reach the spot and it’s quite something to hold him and just watch: the way subtle moans bubble out, it sounds pained at first then mellowed out to sound sweeter. Arthur’s chest is tight, tingling in a way he ain’t remembering. And he almost forgets himself there if it weren’t for Sebastian propping himself up on his shoulders with one arm wrapped around him and a hand searching for Arthur’s cock.
“C’mon--” Sebastian urges and Arthur obliges. It’s more of a thrust in; not all that gentle. Teeth grit: “Ungh-” But man’s so tight he can’t help another thrust before the pained moans register: “Fuck--”
“Sorry-” Arthur breathes against him, easing up.
“Keep it slow... Agh- Fuck.”
It catches up with him and for a moment fear grips him so he don’t do nothing, sitting there, dick throbbing inside.
“Fuck you, Arthur-” With one arm still looped around his shoulders and another propping up on his abdomen Sebastian starts grinding himself slow up and down his cock, chin pressed to chest, moans staring to roll out again: “Agh-Fuck--”
He tries to meet the pace, despite the heat that flared up at his crotch, itching, urging him to move fast and harsh. It throbs and it’s almost painfully delicious how slow it’s going, muscles clenching around his girth.
“Aahhh...” this one’s his own, low, raspy and drawn out. “Keep on-”
Sebastian wraps his other arm around Arthur’s neck and keeps working with upward swings, soft gasps escaping with each motion. And his hands catch the rhythm and soon pick it up where Sebastian leaves it, drowning out moans on the man’s neck. He only now registers the smell: sweet, salty from sweat, stinging of cigarette smoke and a dash of alcohol; it smelled like sex. Arthur pushes him further against the wall for support, hands glued to his waist, holding him in place now, ‘cause now it’s time he thrusts up, steadier at first, longer and drawn out. Teeth come together and breath’s exhaled through barely parted lips, holding in the actual moans bubbling in the back of his throat and the feeling that he should just give up trying to be this gentle.
Don’t say his name like that-
Arthur leans further in, the next buck is heavy, making Sebastian gasp out. A slow draw out.
“Arthur--” it’s rougher and the man’s hands glide on his back and burry in his hair.
Composure’s lost. Thrusts go deep and fast and maybe both o’ them sound more like animals than actual people. He ain’t pretty, he ain’t decent, Sebastian’s both and it’s his mouth that hangs open with grunts and pants, gripping into his hair like tomorrow’s lost. And he may just be the only man. Sebastian’s hand sneaks between bodies and feverishly strokes his own erection:
“Fuu- agh- Hit higher-”
What? He slows down a moment to reconsider before hips buck somewhat underneath:
Breaths’ all short, cut by other noises as pace picks up again, faster, harsher. What’s this man made of him. What’s made of him, ‘cause his chest feelin’ like sinking while bursting with flames-
Arthur can’t keep up the pace; he ignored it before, the sting in his left shoulder, but his arm’s gone numb now.
“I can’t—Seba-Ah.” Motions come to a halt, and he turns their bodies to the one bed cramped to their right.
Arthur tried bringing him down gentle, but it wasn’t quite that; he slips out.
“Shit! Sebastian I’m-” sorry.
He ain’t got to say that, lips upon lips, Sebastian spins him round, pins him to the bed, breaks the kiss, leaving Arthur gasping for air. Legs part and the man sits back down on his cock with a held in moan, only shadowed by his own. Sebastian’s soon to make him a whore as a hand snuck up and fingers pinched one of his nipples, twisting it slowly between them. And no matter how he tried keeping it down within himself Arthur breaks out loud, shame not forgotten but shoved aside. A hand of his own tries to find its way down and stroke Sebastian’s cock as the least he could offer.
And oh, what a sight that was: with his head thrown back, body thrusting up and down, and his mouth moaning a semblance of his name, Arthur’s almost all completely lost, his own lips wide open.
Hand still works, squeezing, feeling the veins pulse underneath, at last deciding that he should press his thumb on the tip. He ain’t careful, lets it slips in circles. Sebastian bucks forward, grips his cock and Arthur’s hand both and strokes himself more furiously:
“AGH- C’mon, C’mon- Ah- Arthur, fuck C’mon- AH!” Motion stops for a moment, body jerks, moans come out cut. “Ahhhh-” this one sounds almost soft, a long, drawn-out final stroke, letting all the cum drip onto their hands.
And Sebastian promptly wipes himself on Arthur’s chest, gets off of him.
“Donchu-” He comes down and those thin lips wrap around his shaft. The pressure builds up again and Arthur slides off from the bed just a bit, legs spreading out only a lil’ allowing Sebastian more room. “Jesus Christ- Agh-” Veins throb against lips, the knot keeps tying itself up in his navel, sweet and awfully itching to be let go- Hands find Sebastian’s face, head, sink into his hair. “There-ah-” His mouth’s so tight around his cock that one more slide of that tongue down the underside sends him into orgasm. “Ahhgh---”
Sebastian not only waits for all of it to come out, he sucks him dry and swallows it. There’s a cloth by the side of the table that’s used to wipe that poor fool Arthur clean. Limbs sprawled on the bed he’s nothing more than a panting mess.
They fucked.
“Sweet mother of-” a hand, a clean hand, wipes down his face. What the hell’s he done he ain’t fucked for... 16 years?...
“Clean up.” Sebastian’s still huffing and when Arthur ain’t responsive to the request, man takes it upon himself to mop up the mess they made on his other hand.
It’s still sticky, but he springs up, and both arms bring Sebastian to him, to his mouth. He ain’t sure why he wanted that as bad, but here he is, laying down, dragging the man on top of him, just to feel him close and his rushed breath onto his lips. Christ, what’s he done to him.
“Sebastian...” whispered like a prayer.
Isaac was right about that happiness part.
 The click of the door opening and a saddlebag getting thrown down is what wakes him up next morning. A yawn, a brush down the man’s back: Sebastian slept on his lap, head on Arthur’s shoulder, and both of them crammed in an armchair. And oh, he’s numb, but he don’t wanna wake Sebastian.
“Mornin’...” Isaac was up before them again, and he clearly went out grocery shopping, having just returned. “Whatchu up to, boy?”
“Provisions; think we was getting low on ‘em.” He unpacks half, for his father. “We ain’t been out much...”
They ain’t been... Arthur’s been getting sloppy in his old age, injured so much, letting the kid fend for himself and all that. Guilt grips him again.
“You a’right, Pa?”
Why’s he asking? ‘cause of Sebastian.
“Perfect.” A thin smile then a sigh. The boy ain’t stupid, he caught on. Now how’s he s’possed to break it to him. He shifts just a bit upwards, careful to carry Sebastian with himself: “Say, uhm... would you mind if Sebastian hung around more often.”
Boy’s eyes widen for a moment, lips part, then head bobs up and down: “No... No, not at all. He a’right?...”
“Yeah.” Yet another smile. “It’s a-”
“Fuck!” Sebastian’s somewhat muffled, yet still loud as he stretches out and groans, a hand reaching for his lower backside.
Isaac snorts, then succumbs to laughter: “Okay, got that.” He can barely stifle a laugh and Arthur can’t quite contain his embarrassment, shifts away, and Sebastian’s inches away from falling off in his half asleep daze.
“Guess we confessed our dirty lil’ secret then, but you old enough to know that Isaac.” He tried to sound confident.
“Well can’t say it ain’t a lil’ strange. Thought men only liked women, but he saved your life.”
Sebastian was not awake, muffling yet another groan: “What?”
“Go back to sleep-”Arthur chuckles.
A hum; the man twists up and Arthur’s bones and tendons pop underneath: “I would if you’d stop talking.”
Isaac looks at Arthur, at them both knowingly and as if both of them were stupid. But, well, ain’t that the truth. Son should be knowin’ his father was a miserable fool already. All them years, all them years and it’s still Isaac that somehow makes sense of the messes he ends up in. And there’s one thing he can say for sure: Sebastian cared for the kid.
“Watchu up to today?” Sebastian asks, stretching his arms above his head, pacing around the room barefoot, unsteady on them.
“Ain’t quite sure yet...” Arthur tries to sit up as well, stumbles backwards, ‘cause a full grown man slept all night on him. He’s all numb and sore. “Was thinkin’ of finding some real profession for Isaac.” The boy perked up.
“With your... lifestyle, I think you’d be quite qualified for bounty hunting.”
Arthur laughs at that loud: “Ain’t you wantin’ to know the price on my head?”
“Ain’t thought you’re a wanted man, Mr. Morgan.”
“5000 dollars.” It almost sounded like boasting, the boy ain’t pleased.
Sebastian freezes up. “5000 dollars? For you?...”
“Maybe you can turn me in, get the money and run away-”
“Dutch’ll get me out. Ol’ jeezer still needs me.” Ain’t that quite the shameful thought; but then everyone else needed Arthur too.
“Or you could get a life with the boy.” Sebastian intervenes.
A scratch of the beard to hide the expression he makes:
“I...” A sigh. “I’ll try.”
Now what a smile blooms on Sebastian’s face as he turns to him: “I know.”
A deep breath in, a purse of lips and he returns the smile, sparing a gaze for Isaac as well: kid dangled his feet off the edge of the bed, looking cunning. He’d truly do anything for that boy, anything, and if he asked for it he’d bring him the world. But Isaac was mellow mannered and humble, like he remembered Eliza being and he ain’t sure that how he taught him to be.
“How ‘bout you, Sebastian? What you gonna do?”
“Return.” It came followed by a sigh.
“We’ll get you there.” Isaac is almost enthusiastic. “I asked for some maps at the store, and if bounties are at the police station, then your place’s on the way.”
“You brilliant kid.” Sebastian praised him and Isaac lit up in a smile.
Arthur’s feelin’ like one real lucky man right now, took out his journal for a moment.
I FUCKED him. And I feel something’s changed for good.
 They could of walked to the Molly-house, the same way the two of ‘em stumbled back after their lil’ rough’n tumble. Sebastian ain’t even got a horse with him so Arthur hands him Ghost while he and Isaac’ll be taking Big Sir together, the big boy can handle it. And it’s all horse talk from there on-
Sebastian stops suddenly.
“Arthur, I need to talk to someone.” He’s looking intently at the only man that’s looking like he lost his way going to the fancy saloon in Saint Denis.
Then the mister finds him, approaches with long angry steps. Sebastian’s off the saddle; Arthur’s too.
“Stay out of this.” Sebastian growls at him.
Arthur says nothing, just hangs a lil’ behind, hand hovering over the pistol’s grip.
The mister notices them, shoots them a glare, and, despite his attempt at keeping it sushed, Arthur and Isaac hear it all:
“Where have you been?”
“Recovering.” Sebastian’s sentences are short, acidic. “You brutalized the shoulder too much, it got infected.” Arthur’s skin crawls, him, a client?... more times? How many more... for what sick reason?... He’s boiling and almost as if sensing it; Isaac jumps down from Big Sir soon after. Arthur stops his son with one hand.
“And who are these men?”
The mister inhales deeply, shoots one more glance at Arthur and Isaac; back at Sebastian: “I will be seeing you tonight. Same as always-”
“I’m afraid not.” Sebastian cuts him off, stern.
“Excuse me?”
“I have the right to refuse someone and my health’s quite precarious.”
“500 dollars, Sebastian.”
“I ain’t about to give up the only thing keepin’ me alive, Mr. Valentini.”
Arthur makes steps, stands right by Sebastian: “Kindly back off, mister.” Hand is on the pistol, and the man gets the hint.
But not without a threat: “I own this city, Sebastian. I get what I want.”
“Mister.” Arthur insists, unholstering the gun, without lifting it.
One heavy silence later, man leaves with steps just as heavy.
“He did that to you?” Arthur lets concern get in his tone.
“The body’s a commodity. I needed the money.” Sebastian turns and dares leave; he grabs the man’s arm and drags him back, spinning him ‘round.
Not scolding: “What changed?...’
“You know damn well what changed, Arthur.” Sebastian snarls. “Don’t play fool.”
He lets him go, probably looking most heartbroken. It’s on the tip of his tongue; a glance back to Isaac and he gains courage; it’s barely above a whisper:
“Come back to camp. They knows you.”
Sebastian looks away, inhales as if ready for a sigh, but holds that breath in, bows his head: “I’ll... I’ll see what’s there to be done. You go get that bounty.”
“Come with us-” Isaac butts in; boy’s been eavesdropping. Goddamnit!
“Ain’t that easy, kid.” And still man dares smile: “I’ll see you. And keep your Pa outta trouble, ‘kay, Isaac.”
“Yes, sir...”
Arthur lays a hand on the boy’s shoulder and Isaac purses his lips in a motion that reminds of his father. A pat there, then they’re off again.
 “You okay there?”
Isaac sits quiet.
“It’s... a bit weird.” Isaac puffs out. “Feel like I get it and I don’t... Why did Sebastian let the man hurt him... He did right?”
“He did.”
“Guess some people have sick hobbies and the money to pay for ‘em.” It’s a growl.
Isaac nods: “He gonna be fine?”
Maybe – it hangs off his lips, but the boy needs the optimism: “With us around, he’ll be.” They’re almost at the police station to pick up a bounty: “Now let’s see just how good we are at putting bastards back in their place.”
But the moment they set foot inside said building, Arthur rushes forward: Abigail’s at the desk.
“I cannot disclose that information, Ma’am, I’m sorry.” The officer says.
“I understand, sir. Good day- Arthur?”
“What happened...” He feels she wouldn’t be here otherwise.
She grabs his arm and drags him outside; her voice is strained from anger and tears: “A certain Stefano Valentini has Jack. The Braithwaite woman took him and gave it to him. Yesterday.”
“No... NO!” Arthur huff like an angered beast. “Let’s get the kid back. Where’s Dutch?”
They just met this Mr. Valentini...
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barbarella1968 · 7 years
40-50 for Moana :>
Aahhh ty so much ♥ This is literally the first OC ask I’ve ever recieved!
40. Do they have any scars?
She actually didn’t end up with a scar from when Benny shot her, since Doctor Mitchell knows his job and she wasn’t all that badly wounded to begin with, but she does have a bunch of tiny scars she accumulated over the years by scratching scabs off wounds over and over until it scarred.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
It’s a complicated question - she is an addict and a lot of times has trouble differentiating reality from trips or her feelings from the effects of the chems, but she doesn’t actually suffer from any actual mental health conditions. The most that could qualify (if you stretch the definition of mental illness) would be a low self-esteem, which is the root cause of her chem use.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Beyond the chem use she has a bad habit of sticking her tongue through a gap she has from a missing tooth, which is often accidentally interfered as a rude gesture and leads her into all sorts of fights and scuffles. She also tends to be pretty self absorbed which leads to her laughing at inappropriate moments or not realizing she is snatching something that doesn’t belong to her.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
Her self-absorption and somewhat egoistic attitude, like if you came to her to ask for her advice or consolation about a problem, she would derail the conversation to be about how your problem makes *her* feel. In general her vulgar nature can definitely alienate lots of people.
44. Why might someone love them?
It will probably be from a place of pity (like how I imagine her interactions with courier Richard), where a good natured person would want to be there for her and see her personal growth. If you don’t mind her crass character she would definitely try to make you laugh a lot which is the second major reason someone might get involved with her.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
If she was ever introduced to the concept I feel like she’ll be skeptical, but she will definitely stop robbing graves lol.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
She trusts Yes Man to keep her safe - while she was the enabler of an independent New Vegas she never took over any responsibility for it beyond the most superficial of parading around like she owns the place. In my not canonically possible interactions between her and my other courier she definitely trusts him.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Not really. She needs to mature a LOT more before she could actually say “I love you” to somebody and mean it.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
She visits the Atomic Wrangler around twice a week to ‘hang out’ with Beatrix and Fisto, but nothing more.
49. Do they like surprises?
She generally does but her reactions when startled usually deter people from surprising her more than once.
50. When is their birthday?
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