#ilysm ziam
niallermybabe · 10 months
1d (+ solo careers) this or that :]
Long Hair Harry or Frat Boy Harry?
PILLOWTALK or Slow Hands?
This Is Us or All Of Those Voices?
2010 Niall or 2015 Niall?
Fine Line or Harry’s House?
Nouis or Ziam (platonic)?
“I like girls who… eat carrots” or “Just chillin out in me box”?
Fetus Louis or 2015 Louis?
Larry or Ziam (romantic)?
18 or Fireproof?
Too Much To Ask or Mirrors?
Blond Niall or Brunette Niall?
WMYB bc that’s a LeGeNd
Frat Boy Harry even tho he looks like a prince with long hair
Pillowtalk (cant get enuf of it, but slow hands is AMAZAYN)
This Is Us…Ilysm Lou but this is us makes me cry all the time, or maybe I just miss them as one, who knows
Harry’ House.
Nouis ofc…the friendship of those two🥺. (BUT MY OTP IS ZIALL)
“Just chilling out in me box”
2015 Lou bc he look so HOT
ummmm, I- my bby Nialler isn’t included so- I mean…this sounds so wrong omg why isn’t my bby included, he’s lonely, m so sr…AHHH PLS IGNORE THAT, I think…imma chose Larry bc it’s cute and ummm…m the only Ziall shipper on Earth:)
Mirrors yayyy
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But yeah he looks so hot with brown hair:)
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zaynliam · 5 years
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
Does anyone know what happen to ilysm??? The person who made the Ziam timeline videos? She just disappeared and I'm sad :(
yeah it’s a
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one of the biggest fandom mysteries tbh lol...i really wish they would come back
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neonredglow · 6 years
i miss hearing zayn laugh. i miss watching zayn be a dorky goofball. i miss watching zayn genuinely having fun. i miss when zayn smiles so wide his eyes get all crinkly. i miss zayn :(((
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htommo · 6 years
i wish there was a freddieismyqueen for ziam videos :( :( :( 
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dummerjan · 7 years
imagine Zayn serenading Liam with It’s You the way they did with You & I
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Hi! I’m just curious, do you know if there’s any Ziam proof from 2020/ the past few years? Thanks
I wasn't on here much before July, so I missed out on a lot but here are some posts you can look through:
This one by @yaz-the-spaz, which is a good place to start.
This one by @goldenfive
I found a very comprehensive list of links to other masterposts here by @heartmeetsbreakx
@pterodactylbros videos on YouTube. The last time I checked, they had a compilation of video proof up until 2017, I think. I love their videos so much! 😭 I can't recommend them enough! After I Like Your Skirt Mary (they really did a lot for this fandom, believe me)and I Like Yoghurt School Mondays( they re-uploaded all the videos by ILYSM) they are the ones to rely upon.
@somewhereisaplacethatziamknow is a goldmine for all Ziam related news. I don't think they are active now, but please have a look through their blog. (I couldn't find a masterpost per se, so couldn't not link any)
As for after July of this year, *cracks knuckles* here we go:
Confirms his engagement and looks extremely happy.
Liam dancing to Billy Jean and why that's important. Zayn coming onto Instagram, coincidentally on the very days the photos from the baby photoshoot were posted, but never acknowledging the pregnancy. Also went on a live to request "That Boy is Mine".
Liam ignoring the existence of his better half.
What follows is what I like to call the "✨BETTER week✨"(The masterposts by @liamisthesun here and here) A rough overview:
Liam talked about a Harry Potter game and hours later, Zayn came out promoting one. And both of them consider themselves to be Gryffindors which... Reminds me of the time Zayn whispered 'Brave' when Louis was describing Liam. 😭😭😭
The Better album art showing Zayn as a robot version of himself with the 25 and the wolf tattoos very prominent.
Looking real happy while saying "Congratulations."
Liam pretending to not know Better has been released, then vibing to it with his eyes closed. Yes you heard me right!!!
Ruth telling him off- "How did you not know Zayn has a song out". "Oh I haven't been on my phone much." And changing the topic. Yeah right, Liam. 😝 Real smooth.
Spending the rest of his live promoting Zayn's music,calling on people with Zayn in their usernames specifically. Babe, your fond is showing.
I can't believe that is canon. Give me a moment.
Another significant moment, after all the madness that went down that week came up on his TikTok live with Tom Felton. Where he basically called us Ziams and- need I say more? 😭
Well you are all caught up now- if you survived this whole onslaught of information, that is. Hope this helps! 💕
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lightwoodsmagic · 3 years
I want to thank you for your post about Larries who don’t look into Ziam. I want to expand on a point you made: that fandom can be time consuming. I’ve seen many Larries say that they think Ziam could be real, but they haven’t looked into it because they just don’t have the time. some of these people document minute details of Louis and Harry’s stunts, their whereabouts, and what Freddie And Briana are up to. I’ve seen Larries who are constantly writing fic say they don’t have time for Ziam.
- These people are choosing not to make time for the three 1D members they are less interested in. I think some of these Larries have wrongly convinced themselves that the only way they could become Ziam fans is to do just as for them. Creating fandom content is always more time consuming than passively consuming it. Reading master posts or watching the ILYSM videos to learn detailed Ziam history takes several hours. But after that, keeping up with Ziam news doesn’t require much time
- Zayn’s public appearances are so rare. And even though Liam does frequent interviews and livestreams, fans don’t need to watch every minute of them to stay up to date. Just follow blogs that gif and discuss the Ziam highlights or search Ziam tags. I wish more Larries would try following Ziam this way. I’m super grateful to people like you who research, write and publish master posts on Tumblr, where 1D fandom content has been passed down for years
- You all have allowed me to dive back into the 1D fandom in 2019 and catch up on their history after stepping away in 2013. I was a Larry believer since the beginning but became a Ziam believer in 2019 thanks to dedicated fans like you! I still haven’t create a Tumblr account because I’ve been able to follow so much news on the public blogs that came be viewed in a browser. Thank you for persevering, despite getting hateful comments.
Hiya love!
First of all; I want to say thank you for the lovely, kind words 🥰 I’m so glad that you feel like it’s a safe space here, and when you make a tumblr, let me know so I can follow you. Hateful comments mean nothing to me, which I feel may just be a thing as I’ve gotten older. I just laugh at them now 💕
In terms of the Larries, there’s a lot to unpack. It can definitely be a frustrating thing, especially if there’s people who are sure they’re right and that haven’t looked into it. I’ve come across a lot more Larries recently who are looking more into Ziam and who are open with the fact that they’re not sure, and that’s great! 🥰
However, I will just say that no one needs to ever spend an equal amount of time on the boys, and is allowed to like one or two more than the others. It can be so frustrating on certain situations, but there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to look into it if you’re then happy to stay out of it, or following Larry super closely because you love them and not following Ziam.
People will always do the things they’re passionate about, whether that’s writing or making gifs or creating timelines to help the fandom and everything NOT fandom related. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
The problem only comes when people shit talk one of the boys or refuse to believe anything when they don’t have the background, and the double standard comes when they don’t understand why Ziams get upset and frustrated when Larries get frustrated at people who don’t look into Larry. I feel like maybe the extra layer of anger there sits with the fact that Ziams hope that Larries will understand, even if they don’t have the time to look into it, because they’re experiencing a similar thing, and then they get shit all over by people they trusted to keep a safe space.
All in all, it’s completely okay to not like Liam and Zayn as much as you like Harry and Louis, and it’s completely okay to not look into ziam but you know the ins and outs of Larry.
Just be honest about it, and don’t be an arsehole, you know? 💕
Thank you for the asks, love
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almondscroissant · 4 years
Ziams on twitter are happy more larries are looking into ziam but I feel like it's not going to end right. Maybe it's because most larries are known to be problematic and change their opinion constantly. Ziam fandom is such a peaceful and loving place that I don't want anyone ruining it. I want people to look into it but only if they actually care and not because it's just another pastime. I don't trust twitter larries.
Hello!! Well, first I have to give my usual disclaimer that unfortunately, plenty of Ziams have been messy in the past, so no fandom is free of that lol. But that said, I get you. I love that the Ziam fandom is relatively small!!! And because of that we’re very protective of Ziam, so we only want people who take them both seriously, which can be hard to come by. So many times I see people who only mention Zayn/Liam/Ziam when it can get them some notes, or prop up their own fave/ship. (Honestly even some of the comments on the ILYSM videos, Ziam canon scripture, were like, “idk about Ziam but [insert ship] is so real at 5:27]” or whatever lmao, the audacity.]
One of the pettier things that aggravates me is the good old “I’ve never looked into Ziam but [15 paragraph dissertation on Zayn and Liam’s relationship]” fskdjskd 😂 It’s incredibly easy and affordable to just not talk about things you don’t really know about. I do it all the time, highly recommended. But people are gonna say what they want and the best way to deal with it is ignore it for our own sake (or dm it to a friend and complain about it).
ANYWAY this might be hard to believe after reading the above lmao, but I do get excited when anyone’s curious about Ziam!!!!! It can be super fun to dig into everything and discover the connections and just like.....enjoy loving two amazing and talented men. And probably most people who do look into it will decide one way or another if they believe it’s real and either move on and forget or get more involved in the fandom. All we can do is hope the rest just mind their business and if they don’t, blocking is a beautiful thing! Living in certain bubbles is okay lol xx
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Im the live anon. Thanks for posting my rant, just became a Ziam not long ago after browsing here and discovering ILYSM's videos. Just needed to get that off my chest... I don't mean to sound like I've an ego or anything, but I like to think I've always been very intuitive when it comes to body language.
And boy let me tell you, this boy SCREAMS with his body (that sounded less weird in my head I hope this doesn't make me sound crazy 😦). Seriously, he tries his best, but he can't hide his unhappiness when he's around all the beards and definitely when he talks about his kid.
Honestly don't know how Liam's doing it, I'd have gone nuts by the time Zayn left and he's been doing this crap since...whenever the band formed I'm too lazy to Google it and I'm tired, lol.
Anyway, sorry I'm rambling again :S I'll just finish by saying something I'm sure you already know as Liam told us himself, but watch the eyes. His eyes give him away every time, his mouth as well. His smiles can be a bit trickier but I've gotten pretty good at telling when he's faking a smile and when it's genuine. Sometimes he tries too hard an it's super obvious. The best example of that I've seen was this HORRIBLY awkward picture of him, Niall, and the Untalented, Racist, Harpy Queen herself Cheryl. I can't remember when I saw it but I know he was still 'dating' the URHQ Cheryl.
Ok I'm sorry I'm done rambling, I reread this and I hope I don't sound like a crazy person. I just discovered Ziam is all and just Liam's side of it is a f*cking rabbit hole that sucked me in. Lol. Also seriously look up that pic of the three of them if you can find it, he looks like he wants to go set himself on fire. Also it's a little funny because Niall looks constipated.
honestly nonnie, keep it going. i'll try to find that picture. my dms are open if you feel like you're rambling and you want to keep talking about it (i'm enjoying this so far). also one direction formed in 2010 lmao. this is just a warning that this is a very intense rabbit hole, but you seem to have it covered so... i guess just let me know what else you find
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bayrut · 4 years
is soul provider one of liams song? ive seen his fans being happy that he sung it but couldn't find anything on the internet
sorry!! took some time because i couldn’t find link, and @liamisthesun helped (sarah ilysm). 
soul provider is a song liam and zayn wrote together while in the band and it’s become a big thing in the ziam side of fandom because of how many times it’s been referenced and also apparently it’s the first song zayn fully wrote (according to liam) and the fandom is interested in the lyrics and meaning behind it because it probably connects to their relationship. but also, i think even non-ziams would die if we got a liam/zayn collab ever!!
here’s liam talking about it, and liam singing a part of it on his show
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icarusinterlude · 4 years
MARA!! There’s a new ziam video on youtube and its in the ilysm style
HI! I’VE SEEN IT!! And I will be completely honest, the You&I part, but also the Night changes part? E N D E D M E  😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Hope we get more videos like that!
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
Hey yaz! Nice to hear from you again! Did you hear about ilysm deleting her account? I'd like to think I'm not upset but I am a little dejected eventhough they are being reuploaded. I mean I totally get they most likely want to move on I'm just a bit sad because they were the literal ziam queen and reason so many of us are ziams :( Also someone made a post of coincidneces of the times they uploaded certain videos? Do you think there was intent behind that or it's just coincidental?
i did…i reblogged i couple things about it earlier today too but yeah it is sad and rather random/sudden…as for my thoughts i pretty much agree with what toni said in the post i reblogged
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bakagamieru · 4 years
I also wanted to thank you for your latest master post about Niall’s PR relationships. I was frustrated to see so many Larries assume that he really dated Haillee and blame him for treating her badly. I understand why so many people believe in Larry before they realize Ziam is real or suspect Niall might not be straight. For the first 1.5 years I followed 1D that’s what I thought too. Your detailed master posts helped me see the light 6 months ago, so thank you!
Part 2 Niall stunt anon: Even though I can see why so many 1D fans believe the official narrative about Niall’s relationships, it’s still really frustrating to watch, especially coming from Larries. I’m mainly sad for Niall right now, because his character is being maligned in the press for something he didn’t do. And I want Hailee to have the freedom to create whatever art she wants, I’m not even mad at her. The PR fallout just really sucks because bearding sucks ☹️
I hardly know what’s going on in the fandom for the most part these days as Tumblr seems to have made it impossible to find new posts/blogs to follow except by direct referral from other fans.  I don’t know what the overall reaction of fans is to this most recent mess, but I know that I’ve seen at least a few people automatically believe anything they see in the press about Niall.  
It honestly does baffle me how a person can question everything said about one celebrity and then not for another.  Once you’ve started recognizing the patterns, you should be able to generalize that knowledge and apply it to other celebrities, other topics in media, etc.  
To be fair, I guess it surprised me at first when I realized that Niall did stunts too, but now it just seems like it was always a given.  It just depends on what you put your time into investigating.  There are so many things to learn about and discover out there in the world that you can’t get to everything.  I know that I scoffed at Ziam at first and then felt pretty guilty about not even bothering to research it before I made a decision when I realized that yes, Ziam actually is real.  It only took me one night to come to terms with Ziam being real once I saw sufficient evidence (ILYSM’s videos), but that was because it took me months to come to terms with Larry being real before that.
In the end Teflon Niall is a bewildering concept, yet it really does seem to be true.  I don’t know how it works, but it works.  Niall will be ok in the end, even if it would be better if stuff like this never happened in the first place.
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htommo · 6 years
if there is one thing i will fight to my death about it's that 'early bird gets the worm'/'trying to walk' was about zayn and liam not louis and harry
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Fri 17 May
The Zayn and Becky G Aladdin song is out, the promised video, not so much. Zayn's vocals are the same English ones, only the duet partner has been changed to add Becky G's Spanish vocals. The press release tells us that, as with Zhavia, Becky G was Zayn's personal selection for the track.
The push is on to get the Two Of Us video the recognition it deserves! The write-ups by major outlets worldwide are great (Rolling Stone! GMA! and a lot of other really good ones), but the streaming projects have just begun, with hope that with enough views the video can go up for a Brit, a goal that the Brit Awards themselves seemed to acknowledge by tweeting a heart in support of the release. Helen Seamons posted an absolutely beautiful pic of Louis at the piano surrounded by empty space, and MV director Huse Monfaradi is posting enthusiastically about the video, including a personal statement about how lovely Louis is. Louis himself hit twitter to support efforts ("fucking amazing thank you") and chat with fans about tour ("trying to get everything moving double time", "gonna be a proud moment for me"), football ("Liverpool"), the new album ("more than five" songs thaaanks you don't say), and Madrid- he says he's going to play ten songs!!!!!! Ten! That's a lot of songs we've never seem him do before OMGGG.
Niall glowingly recommends "BEST FRIEND" Lewis Capaldi's new album but then smacks him down with an "I only did it cause you asked me to"; mean! He also defended his lifelong loyalty to Derby with an adorable baby Niall fan pic (it's true, I didn't mean them when I accused him of being fickle the other day, he's very consistent there), and showed off his new haircut (that length on top! yes!) and a LOOK involving bold stripey trousers, but for this evening's outing (to see Wild Youth play in London) he sported a trucker cap that said 'wise ass' on it. Also a statement piece, just in a much more literal sense.
ALSO in grey and white stripey trousers, Liam! Is this the future for us all? Will I be in stripey bottoms by fall? Dammit. Anyway Liam is in Cannes hobnobbing with the even-glitzier-than-himself and looking good! He traded the travel stripes for a bizarrely overcomplicated tux but the important thing is it WORKS, I mean truly- he looks every inch the fashionista he, I guess, is. He took pics with Rita Ora who also looked incredible. We learned he's been working on new music with producer Rami Yacoub which I'd love to hear more about, and got a pic of him (Liam not Rami) looking fully blue steel while striding dramatically down an alley with a long dark coat flaring behind him. Sherlock who?? Honestly where did Liam even get those cheekbones from, where's the soft puppy we knew?
Harry followed Tyler Johnson, a songwriter who worked on HS1. So much new music teasing, so little new music. Siiiigh. Everyone's very excited about Harry's meet and greet look (heart sunnies) upon discovering that the name of the glasses is "Lou Lou"- does it matter that they belonged to the girl he was meeting and greeting? Personally I just wanna know if that's why SHE bought them and put them on him...
Legendary Ziam video maker ILYSM is deleting, but their videos are being saved to other channels so they will still be viewable, no need to panic.
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