#im Feeling it
gasstationpopcorn · 7 months
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thank you for recording
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mrdancemoves · 16 days
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muttmoxley · 6 months
i love you theatre i love you ttrpgs i love you improv groups i love you smps i love you roleplay servers i love you killing games i love you folklore i love you camp songs i love you collaborative storytelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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im-dirtydan · 5 months
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Team let's huddle up for a second here.
If you think for a second Ith isn't absolutely worshipping Lokes body idk what to tell you lol
The way this man is tasting every inch of his husband and making him forget his own name and every bad thing that's ever happened! I'm not even talking topping exclusively Uth is doing everything to this man.
Uth is absolutely taking Lo to the base his ethereal blue eyes looking up at Lo as he swallow every last drop. Sliding his thick cock into him while whispering about how much of a good puppy Lo is, how he was made for him. Pulling Lo by a leash and collar as Uth let's Lo have a turn fucking him. Uth wouldn't let up until they were physically drained (a hard task I know ;p)
Different forms, werewolf, berserker, it wouldn't matter to Uth he'd gladly take it and he'd give Lo any form thus sweet redheaded hunk could ever desire! I promise you they have rewritten and mastered the ways one can have sex/intimacy
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vodkartoons · 10 months
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short-haired stocking meets blue
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lazieryn · 1 year
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W-What is it..??
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doodles-with-noodles · 10 months
The funniest thing about me figuring out I‘m trans is that, in hindsight the signs ALWAYS WERE THERE. They do not necessarily mean anything, girls can have them too, but to me they feel like they always have shown the truth.
So I‘ll tell you about my poor father. My poor father, whose wife just has given birth to me. He looks at me. For a split second, he always tells me, I looked like his father-in-law (which is hysterical in itself because I think my grandpa is transphobic). The universe IS GIVING SIGNS. So I‘ll tell you about my first friend, a boy. We always played together. I loved playing boy characters. We both agreed that red was the best color ever.
So I‘ll tell you about all the times I wore a dress or pink after I realized there’s apparently a difference between me and my friend and getting upset or angry. I hated being called a princess. I tried to like horses and unicorns but my true love were dinosaurs and Egyptian mythology and archeology. I had a wallet with dinosaurs on it. I wanted to become a police officer, then a firefighter, an archeologist. I touched worms and snails and sat in the dirt.
So I‘ll tell you about a little boy who is always thrown in with the girls even though they think „she’s“ weird because he read books and played boys in pretend. The only thing they loved him for was his overly long hair. A boy who doesn’t know who he is, but always knows he protects his friends, punching a boy in the face who insults my second and best friend I have ever had and still have.
So I‘ll tell you about a twelve-year-old boy who cuts his long hair gradually until it is a bob, everyone telling him that they miss his hair but he doesn’t mourn it. Who hates „girl“ clothes but tries to put them on anyways when he absolutely has to. Who geeks out with his nerdy friend. Who leaves old friends behind.
So I‘ll tell you about this boy a year later, constantly crying, forgetting to brush his hair so it knots horribly, hell, ripping it out. So tired. I’m so sorry for him. But he has new friends, so that’s a plus.
He sees a video and he can’t stop watching it. His family travels to his grandparents (24 hours because of delays, horrible) and he knows what’s wrong but can’t talk. His hair is still long and on every photo his smile is strained, empty. His grandfather whose face he had at birth talks about „men who only want to get into women’s bathrooms“ and „women who don’t know what they want“ and he cries that night, quietly in the cramped guest bedroom so no one hears him. He talks to his sister and decides it’s enough.
He gets back home and cuts his hair.
And shorter.
And he has friends that love him and he has a family that loves him. He has worn his first suit on the best friends birthday party (it was a crime dinner and I was a MALE mafia heir).
And maybe he’s getting a binder before Christmas and coming out as dramatically as possible (maybe with a party popper?) on the extended family’s Christmas dinner and cut the sides of his hair very short and finding a nice name and having a birthday party with all his friends who know.
So. It’s been a hell of a ride. But I feel good. Not perfect, but better. Also „curious“ side-effect: when you can’t see my boobs I don’t slouch and I think of myself as hella more attractive ( some friends said it’s not only me… nice. Maybe it’s the confidence). I’m gonna stir up some shit and no one can bring me down. Kiss on the cheek for y‘all out there. I love you so much.
Yes, I had the face of my grandfather at birth but was assigned a girl. Doesn’t mean shit. I’m not my grandfather- I’m not a girl either. And if you try to be a dick about it you better watch out: Freddie Mercury was my role model since I was eleven.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
4 for whatever ship you want
(I.... have apparently decided that I wish to be challenged more LOL, I apologize, this will mean nothing to you)
Bad luck. Isn't that always what it comes down to? Bad luck, and the damn steps being in just the right spot for maximum damage, and now he's stuck holding a towel to the side of his head because Colten Gunn saw fit to hurl him sideways. He's bleeding like a stuck pig.
He's still sitting there, hoping he isn't also losing brain matter into the fabric, when Orange finally gets backstage from the post-match interview. Darby’s pretty grateful the guy took it on himself to sigh his way through Renee's questions when Darby himself was incapacitated. As far as tag partners go, Darby’s had much worse.
Orange kneels down in front of him. "Okay?"
"Probably," Darby returns. "Haven't keeled over from blood loss yet, anyway."
Orange nods, slowly. Others seem to think he doesn't care about anything, but it's not really like that. Once you start working with him, you figure out all his little tells. Orange reaches up for the towel. "Can I?"
"Sure." Darby pulls it away. When Orange isn't immediately sprayed with red, he figures he's okay. Probably will live.
Orange studies the injury for a minute, and then nods again. But before he pulls away, he pushes further in. His mouth, when it skims across the flayed skin, rings impossibly warm. Darby’s a little too shocked to do much other than freeze, a deer in the headlights.
"Okay," Orange says. It might be a question.
Darby swallows, throat clogging. "Okay."
It must be the right response, because Orange's smile stretches slow and wide across his face.
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2kyears · 6 months
but also....who wants some kisses from him
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agentletragedy · 4 months
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mushed-kid · 5 months
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every-captain · 1 year
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hum-suffer · 1 year
Someone not necessarily related to me told me I'm more my Nani than my mom but there's abyss instead of feelings in my heart and i cannot process this.
She was good, she was beautiful and she was a dancing angel.
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.
She was the Sun, I am the moon and the moon is a dead thing that hovers above all life and it's habitat.
The Sun makes day and the moon aches for life.
Her name echoes every time I say it with the gods and mine is unheard of unless there's melancholy of unachievable wishes attached to it.
They say my eyes are my Mama's and oh, why do I have tears in them everyday?
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thiagodasilva · 11 months
okay what if I kill someone
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