#im Feliks now
fagandordyke · 3 months
having non-minor surgery under local anesthetic and then just going home is rly fuckin weird bc u feel completely fine for the first few hours and have to just like. guess what you shouldn't be doing. bc your body won't tell you. this surgery is on the right side of my chest. the local has worn off now and im like oh wow i should not have done any of that stuff like open a door i guess.
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ruairy · 1 year
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polowy · 2 years
You all know how I strongly associate Magda with flowers? Well, it's my new goal to drill a similar association between Feliks and mushrooms.
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kioneira · 9 months
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"One day my Little Warrior you'll be something great for others, but now you're only mine, my son" -- My design for West Slavs, in summary im giving Feliks a mom lol Just a little what if there was a character like Germania or Papa Rome for Poland and probably Czechia and Slovakia. So I present "Mama Słowiańszczyzna" or just "Mama"
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doomspiral · 5 months
If i think about feliks too hard im gonna start shaking and frothing at the mouth. He-him amab and bi but also a woman but not bigender like gil or thinks of himself as trans bcs theres smth going on in there. He'll just blame gil for forcefemming him too long and now hes got female socialization. Easiest term would be to call him gnc but hes also kind of just some skinny guy. Do u understand.
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kartywarty · 7 months
is everyone revealing ocs now??? hi welcome to my top ten facts about my ocs
no.1 Halbert K. Robinson
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1. he has viltigo and hides it by wearing his mask a lot
2 .works as a janitor to clean the base
3. was forced to resort to working in a crime due to skin condition, he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and because people thought he looked weird COUGHS. i wonder who said that ?? huh
4. ex-fire fighter, all his training went down the drain
5. hes 37 and is 5’4” ft tall
6. is actually matt engarde from aa!/j
7. seen as a lower class because of his mask, but in reality he once lifted a whole ass couch just to clean under it
8. the “K” in his name stands for “Karl”
9. he has keys to every room/area in the base so he can clean
10. was hired because he had a “criminal history”, he had to beg to live and only had an option to join mary (he was hired before he knew larry was in control)
btw guys im still figuring out his lore idk guys
no.2 Riktor V. Markov
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1. speaks russian and BARELY understands english
2. has a translator to help him understand (will be mentioned next)
3. looks very intimidating, but hes rarely soft to people sometimes
4. his dad was a godfather for a mafia back in russia, he eventually got arrested and riktor had to migrate to robloxia with his soon to be his translator
5. 5’8” ft tall and is 42 years old
6. uses his bonesaw as defense
7. his hair isnt gray, his hair is ashy blonde
8. the “V” in his name is “Victor”
9. his mom got executed by another mafia that was against his father and he was forced to witness it with his bare eyes
10. his favorite medical tool is the bonesaw
no.3 Feliks Novikov
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1. he is half russian and half american
2. is riktors translator, hes actually helped riktor migrate away and have been childhood friends. they were bullies before
3. has actually been hired by larry in the past, once retired when larry was defeated, later has been recruited by mary
4. convinced mary to hire riktor for medic
5. 5’4” ft tall, 40
6. has a family of 2 and is married, he has a son and a baby daughter.
7. loves jazz he even plays the saxophone
8. plays in a band with the other henchmen in the evil base, hes the lead
9. hes a gentleman and respects his higherups
10. was actually favored a lot by larry
no.4 Scary Autry (Autry P. Harrington)
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1. his face in the past had scarring and acne (his face is greasy, one of the reasons why he hides his face)
2. bffs with barry, cabbage (another break in oc), and danry (also another break in oc). they are known as the “alphabet fourlets”
3. his mom left him few months after he was born, he was raised by his dad and grew up with toxic masculinity OH NO WHO SAID THAT AHH!!
4. hates mary and larry A LOT. he hates larry for defending mary and he hates mary for trying to reveal his own face COUGHC OUGH (rreference to my fanfic about his backstory)
5. 6’4” ft tall, he is 68 years old
6. he knows karate, kung fu, and bare knuckle boxing
7. seems to be really harsh but just blocks out feelings
8. loves wearing boots.
9. the weapon he uses are golden brass knuckles
10. hes TERRIBLE at playing instruments, he was failing music class during his origin phase
no.5 oswald the hacker/guest
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1. his real name/username is Guest0091288
2. he listens to ivycomb and babymetal
3. he was once a guest, he had a lot of good progress while playing other games throughout roblox, until they banned guests. oswald did not accept losing his progress and took things the hard way by somehow reviving his guest account, he fleed to break in to blend in by the guest role, he was caught few weeks ago but managed to still escape by becoming a different role in which he didnt even pay for (hacker role)
4. he has an illumina instead of the classic sword, he uses his phone to spawn holograms tthat act like a shield
5. he is 5’1” and is ageless
6. he hates wearing the caps guests wore, he didnt like how it felt
7. he does not speak, he uses tts (text to speech). the tts program he uses is the alpha moonbase tts
8. loooves making fun of people, even when hes successful to get away with it
9. can impersonate/shapeshift into other characters and users, however his tts voice still remains the same
10. very unpredictable.
no.6 Carter J. Dickgum (self insert)
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1. married to bradley beans
2. almost had a divorce arc Thanks for hanging out with me!
3. named “Carter” instead of “Karter” because of his curved smile (get it)
5. 5’5” ft tall and 45 years old
6. shaves and HATES HAVING A Stubblle
7. doesnt like working out most of the time
8. his emotions appear to be VERY obvious, he is very expressive
9. works as a cashier at tacobell
10. wears mismatched socks everyday.
Okay guys thansk for tunkng in chatn! ‘My sunshine students
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schnitzelsemmerl · 3 months
Yk i deleted da ask? No i wont check what you responded. I know my bbg feliks will appear as mpreg
im just gonna draw mpreg feliks now that you sent that ask >:3
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council-of-beetroot · 2 years
HELLO!!!!! :D!!!!!!
This isn't about the recent ask game you posted but a general ask. Im wondering about how you see Poland’s relations!! Like who are his besties and what are some relations he has that are more complicated? Does he have any blood relatives? You get the gist. :]
Ooh this is fun! Alright Feliks is pretty complicated with his relations so let's get started. It will be somewhat brief though or I could go on forever.
⚠️Obligatory Disclaimer ⚠️
I am not an expert on the international relations involving Poland. Two some is based on history irl, some is based on the characters personalities in the series. This is after all an anime so keep that in mind. For example, Feliks and Natalya, is different to me compared to irl relationship of the countries of Poland and Belarus if that makes sense.
His Blood Relatives
Either Czechia or Slovakia I can see as a cousin or close relative of Feliks. Since they are canonically a couple I would probably make Slovakia related by blood and Czechia related by marriage (or whatever they had going)
I could see Belarus and Ukraine being cousins as well
And perhaps he has other relatives
Ukraine and Belarus
He gets along well with Ukraine in modern day and despite issues in the past they definitely enjoy the other's company and Feliks would enjoy the welcoming homey atmosphere that Ukraine provides.
Feliks is the type to just hang out in her home and just end up staying there for hours consuming every jar of pickles and doing crafting with Ukraine
Belarus, he is a tad more distant with and I think they would bicker a lot with Natalya generally finding Feliks annoying
Now Everyone Else
Very good friends! as the saying goes they are besties in battle and drinking.
Probably one of Feliks most trusted friends and allies
Purely platonic though (but I think people forget the power of a strong platonic friendship
Feliks definitely looks up to and admires Francis but it's not a huge relationship to Francis despite Feliks looking up to him. It's kinda like those cool kids in school you would do anything to hang out with but then realize they don't really think too much about you.
Someone he probably has mixed feelings about him as Arthur probably doesn't hold him in high regard and the whole Polish British treaty thing is definitely a sore spot. I think Arthur would generally look down upon Feliks in a way.
Good friend much to Hungary's dismay
Definitely a rough spot for the two of them but with Ludwig, he is the type to try and make amends and the two are amicable now . but Feliks keeps his distance as it's really difficult for him in general to really ever feel truly trusting towards and comfortable around him.
Estonia and Latvia
Close friends as they both have close relationships with Lithuania. I discussed this in a post that I will link once finish typing this.
Veneziano is like that friend you meet at vacation bible school or at least what i think that is like. They have other friends but they were stuck with each other for a while and they quickly became acquainted and generally are chaotic together. Definitely a friend who Feliks doesn't see much but definitely has a good time whenever he does.
Feliks probably finds Roderich annoying but he doesn't hate him, he just really finds him obnoxious.
Pianos i need to elaborate on this but I gotta think a little bit
I just see him annoying Roderich and Hungary being like oh he's fine
Sadık is shown to respect anyone who can kick his ass which Poland has.
The ottoman empire didn't recognize the partitions of Poland
I think it's a solid relationship of mutual respect
These two don't have any canon interaction
But irl the two countries have an interesting relationship
So they aren't super close but they have a good relationship
I headcanon Feliks to have a love of Vietnamese food
I think Feliks would have an idealized view of America in general
It's complicated but in the end they can't ignore the shared experiences they've had
They've got an interesting relationship of back and forth that I wish I was more familiar with
In modern day they get along okay you know those mutual relationships where you don't dislike someone but your entire relationship is trying to irritate them and compete with them that's kind of it.
Reading up on Japanese- Polish relationships and dang is it entertaining
Generally don't get along
Feliks sees through Ivan's justifications for his actions
They are good foils
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honoviadakai · 2 years
Feliks assuming all people understand what they’re saying without using Google
Eduard: *working on his computer*
Feliks: *barges in* Eddie! Can we like, talk a sec!?
Eduard: sure? Is something wrong?
Feliks: yes! I just realized I never came out of the closet to you!
Eduard:…excuse me??? You live in a closet???
Feliks: I know, I’m sorry I never told you man! I’m here to make things right now though! Anyway! I’m a gender fluid, demisexual with a preference towards men. My pronouns are they/them but you can use she/her and he/him like, sometimes. Just check with me before you go doing so.
Eduard:….Oh that’s great! Im so happy you came to me to let me know!
Feliks: and I’m glad you’re taking it so well! Anyway that’s like, all I had to say. Laters! *leaves*
Eduard:…*pulls out phone* Hey Siri? Since when the hell is gender a liquid and what the fuck is demisexuality???
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fagandordyke · 4 months
nothing bothers me more than liberals straight up praising conscription. how can you think mandatory service in the military of any country is a good thing
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ruairy · 2 years
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k-mraz · 3 years
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depressed boy
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rapidhighway · 4 years
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kralmajales · 4 years
I think I’ve come to a bit of a breakthrough regarding my mother.......
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council-of-beetroot · 2 years
7, 10, and 18?
Hetalia ask game
7. Food-related headcanon? (im hungry)
Feliks likes Vietnamese food. I feel like i have a ton of food headcanons. Liet is like my coworker who you know is having a spat with their significant other when there are new types of cookies now in the pastry section.
10. How long have you been in the fandom? What's your lore?
Right about this time last year actually was when i began watching Hetalia now here I am!
My lore is whatever I come up with it's not necessarily all tied together
18.How does the fandom treat new creators? Did you feel welcomed?
So far for me, it's been amazing you guys jave been so nice and encouraging and I wouldn't have written any of my fics if it weren't for you guys!
So yeah i feel so incredibly welcomed it's crazy!
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prairiesfire · 3 years
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Peak teenager attitude.
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