#im a sucker for the happy and the edgy one
carolineconti · 1 year
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Maravilhosa dês de sempre.
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slayersins · 1 year
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it's not even funny anymore how easily these emotionally unstable pretty villains win me over, you let them monologue for 2 mins about wanting to take revenge on humanity as a whole and i'm like ok but wait maybe he is onto something
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bunny584 · 24 days
This is gonna be long, bear with me
Come sit with me, Bunbun, I brought hot cocoa (and also liquor if you need it)
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First of all, thank you. I don't think I say it enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have gotten into writing JJK stuff nearly as quickly as I did. Your writing continues to get me all fluffy and happy, and encourages me to keep writing
There's something about like...medical angst that's just different. I dunno how to put it. Maybe I get edgy sometimes and get the urge to write my own medical angst, but I'm always so nervous about getting it wrong, so I'm definitely delighted to see how you do it. Especially considering your knowledge! I do my best to research and understand, but it's still one of those things that makes me a bit nervous as I don't want to represent anything incorrectly
I don't think that different forms of grief are shown a lot, one of which includes sex, so I'm happy to see a new depiction of grief in a story. Especially coming from you! I admire you a lot for a bunch of reasons ❤️ it always fascinates me to see how the thoughts of other people process and appear on paper (or text), and I get so damn giddy when you post a new update (or in general) because it's, like...there's one of my fav authors! You make me fangirl, damnit.
This whole chapter was just a wild ride, from the boys struggling, like Satoru taking it out on Sugaru (pls give the man some extra love and kisses :( ) to just the whole chaos, to Mama Darling, TO THE FUCKIN PREGNANCY REVEAL?? THEN THE LOSS???? AAAAAA THAT HIT LIKE A SUCKER PUNCH, the boys were SO close to being papas :c </3 hhhhhhhh your writing is so good but FUCK I weep for each baby involved, literal and emotional </3 I know I gotta be patient but I can’t wait for them to get back on that baby-making grind. I’ll be a good girl, I swear, so I’ll dream whilst I wait for another gift from you
Next next
Whenever I think about posting my stories, I get nervous because I'm a shy, praise-whore of a bean, but it's also because I wanna make a good impression on someone who I love and look up to reading my stuff. Like, "this author is so good, I hope they like my writing, too," type of deal. I'm bad at articulating my own feelings BFKFBFKDN I’m so antsy about you reading my fic because I want you to like it aaaaaaa (mildly related, I did a TINY rewrite of the pianist!Satoru fic to make it better, and by tiny I mean that I just went back in with a thesaurus lmao)
I'm okay! I'm a strong girl, I got this, I CAN DO IT FOR YOU
I can do it for your writing because it's worth it! Plus, crying can be very cathartic! I very much approve of using writing/reading as an emotional outlet to vent out one's feelings and get that sweet, sweet catharsis. The only part I don't like about crying is how stuffy my nose gets. I'm unable to blow my nose because it plugs my ears hardcore which drives me insane and makes me dizzy, but otherwise it can be so freeing. Even if the heart hurts, I know you have the power to mend the cracks and breaks with lacquer and gold dust
It makes me happy that you consider my heart, by the way ❤️ don't be afraid to write whatever your heart desires, even if it hurts! I know we'll be here for each other through and through to heal our souls 
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(P.S. you're beautiful, both inside and out ❤️ yellow suits you, like the sun 💛)
BABY!!!!! My sweet girl. I was waiting for when you’d forgive me enough for that hell of a chapter I promise heaven is coming soon.
Okay, let’s talk about it.
1. Hi, you don’t ever have to thank me for writing. Your loyal readership, constant support, and incredible, insightful comments are thanks enough. You are one of my favorites, I do hope I’ve made it abundantly clear.
2. Medical angst is god tier. Its raw. Its omnipresent. With your technical writing skill you’d carry it out, flawlessly.
3. You always make me blush like a fool when you compliment my work in ways I don’t deserve 😭😭😭 I’ve already warned you! Affection means I fall first and hard and that’s a natural disaster for all parties involved??? In all seriousness, the way you respond to my words on paper is…probably one of the most beautiful things to come out of this hobby I picked up last October.
4. You are insanely talented. Tether me is incredible. My commentary is in my drafts because I wrote as I read. You’ll be receiving a full, unhinged review tomorrow. And to this day, Pianist! Satoru takes the cake for my favorite take on that boy.
5. I know you’re strong. And you can take what I dish out. It doesn’t stop the pause I have before I hit publish 😅 there are a few of you. With pretty, pretty tender souls that I know have put me in time out at least a time or two with the recent infusion of angst/hurt. Quietly I wonder if you guys will come back to me. I’ve been lucky so far that you always do.
Whew, getting me a lil emotional. To my curly haired soulmate - I adore you, thank you for being here and being you 💕
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sketching-shark · 2 years
I like Macaque as a character because im a sucker for edgy bastards but sometimes i feel like the fandom does 90% of the lifting and forgets whats canon and whats fanon.
And the LMK crew feels like they wanted to do the classic sonic-shadow rivality without realizing what made the rivalty/shadow a good character
aaaaaaa yeah @hoshihime98 edgy basturds can be neat! And in all honesty I feel like Macaque's character could go in some really cool directions but as is I really wish there was more acknowledgment of Journey to the West in people's fandom stuff with the lego show version of the Six Eared Macaque because it makes his whole deal extremely funny in a pathetic & tragic way. Like dude it seems that you've spent centuries ruining your life & trying to ruin the lives of everyone even slightly connected to Sun Wukong because the monkey you tried to murder-replace doesn't want to be your friend.
Also I don't know that much about speedy hedgehog lore so I feel I can't comment too much on what defines the Sonic-Shadow Rivalry or say that much about what makes Shadow a good character...so correct me if I'm wrong, but Shadow's whole thing is that he starts off with a hatred of humanity and a massive sense of violent pride in himself as "The Ultimate Life Form," but then he starts interacting with the world he once only sneered at and recalling memories of a human who literally gave up everything to save his life, and from then on he's still standoffish & prideful but does become willing and even happy to live in the world of what he once considered "lesser" beings, yes?
But tbh if that's the case I feel like that's almost the exact opposite of Macaque's whole deal. As I've said before, the thing that makes Macaque potentially so interesting and tragic in a pretty scary way is that his entire existence--which in JTTW is about the monkey king having to confront the the worst aspects of himself and overcome them--isn't really about him, but only ever about Sun Wukong. Heck, even in the 90% of the lifting for this character that you mention that often gives him super angsty backstories to explain his atrocious behavior a lot of the ones I've encountered don't really seem to be interested in him a unique individual, but mainly about what his relationship to the monkey king was like & how it shaped him & what it could be in this au or the other. In other words, even now and even in fandom he's basically not an independent entity, but only ever a monkey who's very identity is fundamentally tied to the monkey king. And this is for me the potentially most frightening and fascinating thing about the Six Eared Macaque; that in so completely tying his identity to that of Sun Wukong's--especially with the JTTW background of him literally fighting to BE Sun Wukong--he was left with functionally no independent identity of his own. So tbh even if the monkie crew wanted to recreate a Sonic & Shadow rivalry I personally feel like what we have is the somewhat humorously tragic case of a violently obsessed Macaque & a Sun Wukong who doesn't really care unless the shadow simian is deliberately going after people the monkey king loves.
As such, I am once again asking the fandom & the crew to acknowledge & work with this more unique relationship rather than drive their dynamic more into ye olde cliche of "wah you were my friend but then you weren't & now I'm going to be horrifically awful to everyone you care about until a bigger bad comes along & beats me up so that the plot can decide we have an excuse to instantly reconcile & so I can immediately become part of team good guy & we can be fwiends :3"
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nyaskitten · 1 year
i have brainrot
Okay so I started shipping this before I even checked the fandom and saw that other people saw it and trust me, it surprised me too. So there are a few angles you could look at citrus from and I’ll just cover the things that made me ship it.
Numero Uno: The most shallow reason. They’ve got that cinnamon bun and angsty edgelord thing going. The contrast is fun. Everyone loves a good “who has the black and rainbow umbrella” pair. The cinnamon bun wants a relationship but doesn’t want to impose their desires on someone else, and the edgy one feels like they’re not good enough for the cinnamon bun. Queue a time-tested romance conflict.
Deux: They share similar themes of abandonment. Echo was created as a replacement for Zane but ultimately abandoned at the lighthouse. He was treated as disposable and replaceable. Morro has a similar issue. He was raised and trained to be the green ninja, lost his way, was given up on, and was ultimately replaced by Lloyd. It’s easy to take this setup and consequently headcanon that they’d both have self-confidence problems about being replaceable or less than they were meant to be. Get that hurt/comfort in there.
Third: They’re both characters that deserved way more in the story, there’s a lot left unresolved about them, and when it comes to inventing scenarios for this ship to happen, the world is basically your oyster. Also, they both haven’t experienced much of the modern/outside world, so it’s fun to imagine them having fun and discovering new things together.
4: Just the way I headcanon their personalities. They’re just… both so sad. And lonely. They could be happy 🙁. I also personally imagine them both to be very blunt and honest people that appreciate when others are honest with them. So they’ll just like, say what they mean at each other while bystanders look at them like they’re crazy because who just talks like that? They’d come up with weird theories about how things work and every theory is totally wrong. They’d fly kites and listen to music. Idk it’s just wholesome and cute. Who doesn’t love a murderous bastard and sunshine incarnate ship? I’m a sucker.
I’m sure there’s other stuff I can’t think of/put into words right now but uggghhh it’s just cute dude.
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25 [M4F] #Norway/Anywhere. Soft Christian looking for life-partner.
I know the title is a little serious, but I want to be clear with what my goal for posting here is. Its to never having to post again. That being said, Im not expecting to jump into anything right away but to start out chatting and see if we match/there is a connection yada yada. :)
So that cleared up heres me:
Im a 25yo Norwegian with lots of love but sadly no-one to give it to. (Yet.) Simply put Im looking for someone to click with who shares my love for a more femdom/ and or RR leaning relationship, who also happens to be a Christian and believes in God. I know its a rare combination, and especially here but being an outlier I guess Im simply just looking for another? One other thing is, Im looking for someone who like me doesnt drink/do drugs. Its just something Ive never been a fan of/comfortable with. Looking for monogamous and long term obviously.
As for me Im a person who connects with few, but connects deep with those he do. Loyal and honest, in offer of support and Ill hear your rants. However I will tell you my actual thoughts on the dress. :D Im probably the more soft and cuddly type who takes life easy. Im tall and average but that doesnt matter much once u get me flustered. I dress pretty standard for a guy but Im a sucker for anything cute, light colors and pastel when looking at stuff. Quirky introvert and a lil bit of a nerd, books, video games, fantasy and all that. But I also like to play sports and be if not super at least somewhat active. A not is that with the exception of the Role reversal I do have fairly traditional Christian values and would much prefer the same.
Also Id be happy to send pic and verify once you hit me up, and hopefully you are too, as though chemistry is a big part, physical attraction still is a factor. Would prefer someone not obese thou, as I wan be able to be if not hyperactive, do some physical stuff with her, but beside that anything goes as long as we find each other attractive. Dark and politically edgy humor is part of the package too btw, though I know to hold back. Prefer messages and would be great if you gave a little bit of an introduction.
As for who Im looking for its hard to tell who you click and have chemistry with but someone with common values and interests is a good start and everything else is just bonus. But someone whos decisive and knows how to take a lil charge wouldn't hurt. Or someone who loves cuddles. Im fan of the sappy stuff. :) And yes Im probably a little bit kinky too, but I dont want that to be what determines a relationship.
Now Id love to hear some about you!
As mentioned I dont drink or do drugs Im and looking for someone who isnt either. (My weird lil deal breaker.)
As for long term and settling Im bound to my nations borders thou per my situation now, but as for visiting theres more flexibility. :)
Anyway a lil unsure what to write in this one but if you've made it so far, and youre not scared of yet and youd think we could hit it off then what u waiting for, send me a message, so we can get to know each other! Even if u dont fit all of this, which you prolly shouldnt as love shouldn't be a list then dont be scared to hmu. Unless its a deal breaker kinda thing obv. :) Cant wait to hear from ya!
Remember I dont bite I cuddle. :)
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courtesanofdeath · 2 years
who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships (platonic or romantic) ?? talk about them!
omg anon ilysm for this question. i hope you enjoyed this ten-paged essay i wrote just for you 🥰
ps: contains spoilers if you're not caught up with the manga!
fav characters
asta: number one best boy who deserves all the happiness in the world. literal sunshine. he just makes me so very happy every time i see him 😭
yami: yeah he's strong, inspirational and a dilf but my fav thing about yami is how he's just so chill and unbothered and he's a mess just like the rest of his squad, and even though he's a powerful captain, we still see that he still has moments where he gets defeated or cornered and gets help from others, and we get to see him become even more stronger. he's also just very funny af, the way he lovingly bullies his family 🥰
nacht: one of the best written characters in the series! im a sucker for edgy characters with long hair, so he was kind of an instant fav for me. i loved him even more when we got to know about his past with yami and morgen, and how he became the person he is now. also very sick character designs with his devil union forms! im looking forward to see how him being with the black bulls will affect him!
noelle: also one of the best written characters not only in black clover but shonen in general. im still fairly new to anime so i haven't met a lot of heroines yet, but out of all the ones i have seen, noelle is probably the best written. we get to see her overcome her weaknesses and continue to grow with every fight. she doesn't get pushed aside as a minor support; she gets plenty of moments to shine and contributes to the main battles. she's not someone who gets one very cool moment and then forgotten about. every time she gets a new spell im just like !!!!! yes !!!! best girl !!!!
mereoleona: this woman has ignited something within me when she showed up and im just in love with her. super bad ass, headstrong and unbothered. she's obv one of the most powerful characters, maybe even more than yami (debatable tho), yet she prefers to do what she wants and i just love that for her. my queen my beloved.
yuno: another best boy !!! i've always liked yuno because he's just the best rival ever. in the beginning we thought he's the typical bully rival, but we learned that he's actually so supportive of asta (literally asta's biggest fan) even in the beginning. my love for yuno grew during the spade raid arc bc we get to see how much he grew stronger, but also how he really feels about all the titles and power he was given. also im really excited about seeing more of his star magic because i love anything space related hehe it's gonna be so pretty animated
julius: i loved julius because he was such a precious nerd about magic. his excitement about everything was just so cute. then, chapter 331 happened. my brain almost exploded. lucius zogratis !!! is he evil for real ??? or is he possessed ??? either way, one can't help but look back at his entire character and relationship with everyone and wonder if it was all an act. he's still cute tho. but like, regardless, his character had always been very interesting, even more now with the plot twist! im really excited for the manga to come back from hiatus and find out more about about him because that shit is craaaaazy.
finral: i love this boy with my entire heart and soul. yeah he doesn't stand out as one of the most powerful characters, but that's why i love him so much. he's just so soft and gentle and so loving and wholesome no matter how he's treated. he isn't really much of a fighter, but he supports his friends and family in his own ways. he's strong in his own ways. his backstory with his family really hit home for me personally, so i can't help but connect with him and root for him. i just want him to be happy 😭
vanessa: also low key in love with her. hot and powerful??? yes please. her backstory with the witch queen was so so good! but mostly i just love her energy and her dynamic with the black bulls. she really is everyone's big sister. her presence in general is just so comforting ??? idk how to explain it but i love vanessa so very much and i hope she'll have more moments to shine again soon!
zora: also one of the best written characters in the series! first of all, great character design. love the sharp teeth and crop top. second of all, great backstory. it was def painful but it was just so so good. with zora (and zara), we get to see a side of the magic knights that not many people in the clover kingdom acknowledge. we also get to see more characters like asta and magna, those with very little to no magic, but also different in his own ways. his magic is super cool too! but like yeah. he's just so very cool and so funny !!
now the ships !!! i don't really focus much on ships but here's some of my fav pairings!
yami and charlotte: they're cute. i like the little compliments he gives her (in his own way), and charlotte getting flustered is always amusing. we don't know if yami genuinely has romantic feelings for her, but they'd be cute! so i hope we get to see how they develop as the manga comes to an end!
gauche and grey: also very cute, especially because of that one episode where gauche was telling grey that she's fine the way she is ???? pls. it's clear that grey sees gauche as someone important to her, and a motivation for her to get stronger and push herself, and gauche is one of the few people that truly knows her, so i like them very much.
asta and noelle: im kinda on the fence about them being romantic. like they'd def be cute together for sure, but my son hasn't really shown interests in anyone aside from sister lily. even then, that's really just a school boy crush lmao. i feel like asta hasn't really thought about being in a romantic relationship because he's so focused on being a magic knight. but i do love that noelle is now upfront about her feelings. i do love them platonically though!!! they've been growing and getting stronger together since day one!!!! they motivate each other and support each other in however way they can, and it's just so wholesome!
luck and magna: i just love these two together, doesn't matter if it's romantic or platonic. just seeing them together makes me so happy omg doesn't matter if they're bullying each other or fighting together. i just love them !!! i hope we get to see them fight side by side again soon!
finral and vanessa: i personally like them platonically but don't mind those who ship them romantically. just like with luck and magna, i just love them together!!! they're my fav duo !!!! they just seem so fun and comforting to be around. i would love to be friends with them omg
yami and nacht: the black bulls parents !!!! with them, it's 60% romantic and 40% platonic kinda ship. their past, with the two of them just running around the clover kingdom and being troublesome, is just so precious. they relate to each other and understand each other a lot, + they got that thing with morgen 😭 so they def have a lot of history. on the other hand, i feel like nacht may be emotionally unavailable because of everything that happened to him, so he may not want to be in any romantic relationship atm, but regardless, i just love nacht and yami's dynamic! that team up against lucifero was soooo good and im really excited to see more of them soon!
asta and yuno: just like with magna and luck, i don't mind the ship whether if it's romantic or platonic. i just love them together! they are rivals but also besties !!! and that's all that matters! but also as i said with astelle, asta and yuno are both too focused on other things to really think about romantic relationships, so im not sure about it. but overall, this duo is just *chef's kiss* every time they interact, it's always so cute and amusing. and the team up fights aahhhh !! i wonder if we'll ever get to see them fight each other. that would be interesting.
charlotte and mereoleona: ok so you know the hot spring scene ???? and charlotte and mereo were drinking together ????? that's some good fuckin food. that's like the only interaction they got but idc they would be so hot and powerful as a couple omg. if charlotte gets tired of yami, mereo is right there waiting for her.
nozel and dorothy: doesn't matter if they're romantic or platonic but i really like the idea of dorothy just annoying tf outta nozel for shits and giggles and the two of them being low key kind of close. i love relationships where one is like, no energy, and the other has chaotic energy (when dorothy is awake ofc). i just think they'd be so funny together.
probably forgot some characters but wheeeew. im so sorry this was long and making you read a lot! thank you so much for the ask! 💕
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teeto-peteto · 7 months
Out of curiosity, what're the animatics in your head? No pressure to share.
oh bestie dont say that cause we can be here stuck forever you and i and my musical taste and my terrible obession with the bloodharbor ripper.
however, if you insist... longpost warning :) no particular order just as im doing a mental and a playlist check.
first animatic of my hellpit: Soul Fighter Gwen and Pyke doing the Lunchbox Friends handshake. Just because its iconic and they are best friends. Seems horrid to animate or to conceptualize in an understandable way to do an animatic, but they are iconic and they are besties and they do this. Convince me otherwise.
second animatic of the hellpit of my mind: Empire ants by Gorillaz. Originally was about my fave lol champions and my friend main champions (initially Pyke, Lulu, Thresh, Ahri and Varus) but yeah, i dont know. Im thinking about just Bilgewater champions, lyrics are very fitting to the feeling of living there, and also because i think Pyke would listen to gorillaz specially this album haha. Animatic like the videoclip with conceptual illustrations of the characters just doing stuff, dunno, would be cool.
I recently thought about an animatic with Sarah x Illaoi breakup with Woke Up from adventure time Obsidian, not polished idea but could be interesting if explored.
'I'll die anyway' by girl on red animatic for Ruined King AU Pyke. Whoopsie. Animatic with slow descend to horrible ending, isolation feelings, mm it reeks trauma baby. And i would add a small animatic or illustration with 'Sayo-Nara' from DDLC. Just to stab myself right on the heart.
Oooooohhh i always dreamed with doing an animatic with the Sailor Moon opening with the first 5 star guardians, keeping it that 90's anime style. Its so polished in my mind. I also love to imagine star guardian Lux in the place of Usagi in 'otome no policy'.
I also imagine an animatic with the Ahri (recent) team (Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, Ezreal) but with My Sweet Heart from Tokyo Mew Mew. Just to give them another opening. Its what a foxgirl leader makes me think about.
'Awoken' By wooden toaster was such a banger, it's been a while i imagine a whole animatic with Empyrean Pyke on it, seeing how he was before becoming an empyrean, his empyrean self, and how he haunts the other versions of himself, but always having some root to his old self, if that makes sense?
Any song by cascada. Not an animatic but it would be funny to make an mv circa 2012 of our beloved boogie man. Cause everytime we touch i get this feeling and everytime we kiss i swear i can fly. Rainbow effects and images rotating with rad 2010 video effects. My fever dream. Or with 'Monster'. I would throw up of happiness.
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Althought i always wanted a 'Suki Suki Daisuki' by Jun Togawa animatic about Pyke. Expression of love through violence? Damn. I rotate him in my mind like a rotisserie chiken everytime i listen to it. Kinda like the videoclip where he would be stubborn but also a sucker for affection.
this fucking song hits too hard i dont know where to start. I thought about EVERYTHING. Ocs. Self Insert. Default Pyke. Ruined King in general. Other Star Guardians. It never fails. Most recent one is animatic of Soul Fighter Gwen and Pyke where she refuses to accept his death and to let him go but she reasures her that things are just the way they are, but you know Gwen wont accept it nonetheless and will always do everything to keep him alive.
Funnily enough i always thought about an animatic with Chip and Dale rescue rangers theme but with the Omega Squad. Its edgy and its cool in essence but what if they were actually goofy and corny? Episodic? No one dies dramatically and they are just silly? Tristmo undertone? Heck yeah.
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conartisthaiji · 2 years
i would like to learn about loona! also i am listening to the songs you sent me! imma have a free period from 12:00-1:00 thats im supposed to be spending doing schoolwork but i dont wanna so yes pls tell me about them and any other kpop girls you wanna (i think i very much like red velvet, itzy, and twice)
okay time for a brief (ish) over view of each group! also one more that i think you might like :) it is a surprise for the end
any links here are to music videos/choreo (mostly music videos but there's a few choreo vids/stage performances). as a result, most of the mentioned b-sides will not have links, sorry in advance.
LOONA: loona, also known as girl of the month, is a 12 member girl group from blockberry creative! their debut process was really unique in the kpop world, as it involved giving each member a song as well as three subunits (loona 1/3, odd eye circle, and yyxy) prior to debuting (most groups don't begin solos until the group is well-established). this process lasted one and a half years and as a result loona has a really extensive pre-debut discography. my favorite solos are vivi's (every day i love you), jinsoul's (singing in the rain), and yves's (new). chuu's (heart attack) is the most well-known for the wlw themes! also odd eye circle's girl front goes viral every so often, so you might've heard some of it.
for their debut/post debut (title) tracks, butterfly and paint the town are my personal favorites! to be honest, if there's only one loona music video that you watch, it should be butterfly. like i'm so serious those four minutes and thirty-four seconds changed my life (permanently). hi high, their debut track, and flip that, their most recent korean release, are their more bubbly/bright titles, whereas so what has more of a powerful feel. and you know why not already!
for the b-sides/albums, my personal favorite is the 12:00 album! my fave b-side is pale blue dot tho like that's my song (i got to see hear them perform it in sf btw) but i also recommend stylish, satellite, playback, ding ding ding, wow, oh (yes i am), where you at, colors, and perfect love. for the pre-debut b-sides, i'm a sucker for love letter (jinsoul and kim lip) and girls' talk (yves and chuu), as well as loonatic (oec), rendez-vous 18.9 (yyxy), valentine girl (1/3), and sonatine (1/3).
star broke into american radio stations and allegedly it was in every walmart for a while (and sometimes it still is) but i've never heard it out in public, which feels like homophobia tbh.
their japanese releases are hula hoop and luminous!
RED VELVET: i already sent you the first ten songs that came to mind when i saw u were getting into them, so i won't spend too much time here. they debuted in 2014 with happiness, but in 2015 yeri was added with the release of ice cream cake (there is speculation that red velvet was supposed to debut in 2015 but sm debuted them early for...damage control, and yeri was added later since she would've been too young in 2014). their most recent comeback was feel my rhythm, which samples Bach's "Air on the G-String". it actually works really well.
i do wanna mention irene and seulgi's monster and seulgi's 28 reasons! just cuz the vibes are a little dark, a little edgy, and also pretty gay. joy and wendy also have solo albums (joy debuted with hello, and wendy debuted with like water).
also check out their japanese discography; it's just as good as their korean discography. not enough people talk about cookie jar and wildside. or sappy tbh.
ITZY: known as fourth gen leaders, itzy debuted in 2019 with dalla dalla, and saw instant success. wannabe really cemented their place in fourth gen, and they've been famous ever since! personally, i really love icy and not shy, and their 2021 releases, mafia in the morning and loco, are both solid tracks as well.
for the b-sides, i'd recommend the whole crazy in love album (keep in mind that jyp included instrumentals of all their title tracks for some reason. you can skip those). as for individual songs, racer, kidding me, shoot, don't give a what, cherry, and want it are really fun in my opinion!
they've also got two japanese tracks so far, voltage and blah blah blah. and they just released their first english track, boys like you! personally i think it's fun and cute. it gives me old taylor swift vibes.
TWICE: gonna be honest, i know the least about them. but i love their title tracks, and what little i've heard from their b-sides have been pretty solid so far! so here's a quick rundown of twice's highlights :)
they debuted in 2015 with like ooh-ahh, but it wasn't until they released TT in 2016 that they really solidified their place in the kpop world. other hits include likey, yes or yes (one of my personal favorites), fancy, feel special, what is love, and cry for me! their most recent comeback is talk that talk.
their japanese discography is pretty solid too; i personally enjoy breakthrough and bdz.
BILLLIE: this is your get one free group lmfao. personally i love the billlie girls but really i feel like you'd enjoy gingamingayo! they debuted in november of 2021 so they don't have an extensive discography in the way the other four groups mentioned do, but so far every release of theirs has been really solid. i'd also recommend flipp!ng a coin, ring x ring, a sign ~ anonymous, ring ma bell, and b'rave ~ a song for matilda.
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shinsoups · 4 years
-yellow trails
pairing: bokuto koutarou x reader
genre: soulmate one shot; fluff
word count: 722
yellow = love so spontaneous creating opportunity to awaken senses and happiness. a compelling love that conveys enthusiasm to grow and mature together 
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You felt in that moment you would have followed him anywhere. His hand firmly grasping yours as you both ran away from the group of guys that had bothered your night stroll. You saw tiny yellow hearts sprouting from his shirt down to your interlinked hands, fluttering as the wind caress his body leaving behind trails of hearts that only two souls could see. His cheeks and ears now red due to the cold air. He's barely aware of it, you thought. How cute.  
Hiding in one of the dark alleyways, he pulled you in closer as the both of you sunk down on your feet. "I-I thank you," you stuttered in between your breath trying to think of something to say but words fail to register. Raking your brain for some reasons on why the heck would you run away with a stranger you barely spoke a word or two.
Bokuto found himself staring, drinking in every detail of you. Wanting to commit that ethereal beauty to his memory, even when your lips were trembling, eyes hazy and tears on the verge to fall. His hands were large as it clasped against your small ones. But why is it that your hands fit perfectly together? he thought.
"You-" his voice boomed, startling you. He sighed, your hands still linked together as he held it with both hands now in front of his face, clinging to it as if he ever let it go you’ll suddenly disappear. You noticed he was shaking as well. I wonder why when he's not even aware of what just happened, you asked yourself as you both try to calm yourselves down.
He was just out for a walk to cool his mind after their practice. Normally, Bokuto's the type of guy who always see things in a brighter note and not let such negative things affect him. Yet there are days where he falls into a slump just like today. 
"Hey," his voice was sad, you thought. "What were you thinking walking around at this kind of hour? You do know it's past midnight, right?" Bokuto tried to sound mad, but he failed as his words turned into a silent hush, his gaze flickering down. 
You wonder why as well. At first, you thought that maybe you were just confused that night, you felt restless. Like something is breaking inside your chest, as if someone was calling you with a sad voice. Unable to sleep, you just decided to take a walk on the nearby park, unfortunately getting harassed by a group of drunk college kids. But he was there at the right time and place. So that's why, you clutched your chest realizing that the sudden edginess you felt was related to him.
Finding the courage, you cupped his face with your free hand. Peeling one yellow heart plastered on his eyebrow you whispered, "I just felt that someone probably needs a hug so I tried to look for that someone to cheer them up." Saying that, you knelt down in front of him and enveloped him into your tiny frame. 
Bokuto tried to digest the fact why he was so worried for you, only to find the answer as your warmth started to spread all over him. He closed his eyes, releasing your hand and collected you into his chest. A shiver ran down your spine as he exhaled in relief, tickling the side of your neck.
"Hey? Mind telling me what's on your mind?" you asked curiously, still snuggled into his chest. "Preferably somewhere dry and not dim," you laughed as he hugged you even tighter. "Don't worry I won't run away," pushing yourself lightly away from him and once again your hands found its way to his cheeks, "Let's start with introducing ourselves first, okay?"
You could only dream of having meeting your soulmate in the most mundane way as possible - but just like that two worlds collided into one. You still remember how you vowed not to fall in love too recklessly, guarding your heart as if it was never meant to have its other half. But the way soulmates work is a little odd. And even meeting for the first time you could already tell that his heart was beating at the exact pace and time as yours that night.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
author’s note: this is part of the ‘colors of love’ soulmate one shot mini series i’ll try to write and finish. ahhhhhh *me is still a sucker for first meeting soulmate aus hehe* idk how to make the text color yellow im 😔
ps: colors of love is a soulmate oneshot series about the different colors associated with what kind of love and what will timeskip hq!!boys will have in the relationship. mostly the oneshots are first meetings (coz ur girl is a sucker for first meeting soulmate au hehe)
⚘ · read the other colors here · ⚘
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plounce · 5 years
tma fic recs? i went into ao3 and it was a mess
yeah it’s been slow-going for me too because of the amount of freak shit people post/have posted, as well as the fact that a lot of the high-kudos’d jm fics are from before s4 really ramped up their relationship development. and i’ve found i can get pretty picky about martin’s characterization. here’s a couple i’ve read and liked
(now with a read more because it’s gotten long) (updated 2/15/20)
the umbrella (4.6k) - mag160 fixit, probably my favorite fixit so far. includes canon-level non-graphic blinding. but it has a happy ending. it’s tma, i don’t need things to be light and fluffy all the time, i’m good with canon level darkness yk? as long as there’s a happy ending and the gays’ love for each other is pure.
feel the done days and you’re pulling through (1.8k) - jon deprogramming from being an avatar. living a very domestic and idyllic life. it’s adorable
all resistance wearing thin (4.7k) - ok this is the ONLY web!martin concept ive ever liked. bc it doesn’t make martin a crazy villain hes still himself and hes just NICE he LOVES people (aka jon). and we all like to indulge in a bit of mutually obsessive love. happy ending :)
some invitation of light (4k) - i love the joke that “martin is proof that playing hard to get works,” and this fic is in line with that. i’m picky about jealousy in fics but this one was enjoyable
ways to save the world (19.3k) - oooooogh urghhhhh jon gets trapped in the lonely and martin communicates to him through passages of poetry… im a total sucker for epistolary fics and this one was so GOOD
above all shadows (4.3k) - canon divergent from s4, written before the finale. very fairytale esque. theres some paragraphs in this that made me go HAM
catch and release (2.3k) - pre canon divergence au where theyre both avatars being spooky and doing a back and forth. martin is full lonely and jon got RAISED BY SPIDERS. somewhat edgy but in a fun way. we love creepy shit
agate, amber, amethyst (994) - short sweet and soppy. magpie jon is so utterly charming to me.
reciprocity (1.9k) - short and sweet caretaking stuff. both these bitches need to sleep.
always a reason (1.7k) - we love jon taking care of martin!! as he deserves!
pl: nuclei; but you only need one, anyway. (1.1k) - s3 phone calls with jon asking martin for research help. timezones. jon trying to stretch those “i care about you” muscles
1. can’t be helped (5.3k) 2. rituals (8.4k) - two fics in a series. very monster boyfriend. the first is martin losing his emotions to the lonely. the second is martin getting them back, but jon has been subsumed by The Archivist, which is figuring out what martin means to it. there was a moment in the second that made me go a little whoa hey! it was the archivist compelling martin. but it wasn’t anywhere near enough to make me stop reading. they were good, heartrending reads.
misshapes, mistakes, monsters (7.9k) - jon takes martin as his plus one to an oxford reunion. an enjoyable read, along with an almost cartoonishly villainous posh man. pining! “it’s nice to feel like i’m something worth protecting” arrrghhhh
small things, simple acts (6.6k) - post-159 fic. bookmarked this one! because they LOVE each other and TRY SO HARD for each other!!!! jon buys martin a stuffed cow because he saw martin looking at it and theyre TRYING for it. “There are a lot of things that Jon can’t give him, like safety or a normal life. But he can absolutely get him a stuffed toy just because he looks like he wants it.”
i’m almost me again, you’re almost you (12.9k) - you know when you try to feel feelings and it’s like touching a hot stove? that’s what martin does this whole fic as he’s recovering from the lonely and jon is being so achingly sweet and good with him, but martin can’t 1. deal with it just yet 2. believe that jon loves him back. post-159 fic. god. READING it felt like touching a hot stove, or stepping into warm bathwater with cold feet. jesus christ. excellent
fate, or something (107.8k) - this is that 100k blind date s1 canon divergence au, and i tried it out and i LOVED IT. martin has a spine! it’s just so sweet. they’re friends! martin works with melanie for ghost hunt uk! a great read. it’s that sloooowwww burn shit.
forever is composed of nows (5.9k) - jon meets martin (a single dad) and martin’s daughter (agnes! who had good writing for a child in a fanfiction) in the library and things grow from there. this fic is SO CUTE. it’s wonderful. i literally had to take breaks while reading it to make wild animal noises because i couldn’t deal with it. god. it’s so good. UGH (thanks to @infernallegaycy for the rec!)
and i won’t pray for an unfilled grave (5.9k) - daisy after coming out of the buried. daisira and daisy&melanie bonding. WOMENNNNN I LOVE WOMEN
hello my old heart (15.8k) - jess @thedistortion, the person who got me into tma and a dear pal, wrote this, and their brain is utterly huge and good. i love this so much. a deeply excellent post-159 fic that i would also say is pre-160. so many parts of this make me gasp and clutch my chest! but it also has an excellent realism to it. spiders that enrage me. please read.
yesterday is here (26.6k+, WIP) - post-canon jon and martin travel back in time and hang out with the pre-canon crew and attempt to make everything better. guaranteed happy ending. it’s so sweet watching jon be so kind and gentle and Better At People with his coworkers and make things right - and the s1 jon and martin fumble at seeing their extremely married and Knowing counterparts.
a measure outside the lines (22.9k) - i looove post-159 fics that show that martin hasn’t been completely severed from the lonely and still really struggles with it. this one is EXCELLENT at it. there’s some moments in this one that just made me totally ache because oh… oh martin. it’s so wonderful and has such excellent emotional catharsis
interlude (7.8k) - s3 au where georgie meets martin over facetime with jon! makes me wistful for the friendship they could have had without all the coping mechanisms in the way. the fond teasing is very cute. the pining! the banter! the slips of the tongue! very, very enjoyable.
skin deep (3.1k) - another s3 au where georgie meets martin on better terms - she calls him for help after jon’s meeting with jude (as jon’s locked himself in his room). the way jon leans on martin and lets him in and just… the way he behaves around him. very sweet.
bury my heart on the coals (3.6k+, WIP) - au where martin was one of gertrude’s assistants who is now a ghost haunting the archives. i’m enjoying how he’s so judgmental of jon and all the little signs of Haunting that jon and the assistants are experiencing.
nor any more youth or age than there is now (6.5k) - outsider pov of jon being a primary school teacher in scotland post 159!! so, so sweet. i LOVE outsider pov stories and this one is so good. jon using his powers to protect his students and displaying all that character growth he’s had… the glimpses of his domestic life with martin… it’s adorable. please check it out.
take sides in divided cells (3.4k) - in an idyllic domestic post-canon, martin’s father tries to reconnect with him. from jon’s pov, so it’s a lot of him worrying about martin and then being protective. oof! oof! emotional hurt/comfort.
pieces of you stuck on me (1.9k) - spy au. a little snapshot - i enjoy all the implied backstory going on. the thrill! the longing! the suspense! and i’m generally a sucker for spy aus, i’ll be real.
be kind, i beg you (14.9k) - post 159. oh this one is so achey… i love it. jon obsessing over “loved is past tense” and trying so hard to be Good to martin, while martin deals with mood swings from his recent emotional traumas. they try really hard and are very domestic, talk about gardening, and clean up the safehouse. LOVED THIS.
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chaotic-solutions · 4 years
I ALSO have brainrot so I many questions. Benrey lalna??? Did benrey explode old world. What's Coomer and bubbys roles?? How edgy is Gordon? How does it end if you wanna answer that
benreys lalna yeah! he and forzen got into a war with each other that destroyed the old world and still dont really like each other, so like. that’s what fucks up tommys memory and also makes gordon REALLY upset
bubby is ravs! i just love the idea of this grumpy dude having a very welcoming bar and being friends with gordon who kinda comes to him when he doesn’t know what to do. bubby listens to so many of gordons boy problems Free Him
coomer (and darnold) are both in nilesys role! funny little men who offer to build you a pool. who’s doing what depend on the point in the story, i.e darnold installs the pool at blackrock hold but coomer is the one in cabertown
gordon does not intend to be edgy but he’s rythian here this man is a bit of an angst fest. ESPECIALLY when tommy isn’t around the segment of rebirth where they’re separated is very bad for him. gordon is prone to nonsense monologues and I love him
AND UH the endgame isn’t all that complicated really? while they’re in the twilight forest they stumble into tommys old throne room and it makes tommy regain his memories and shortly after they find gman and have to make a game plan against the end because the borders between worlds have been getting weaker and weaker after the nukes and tommys disappearance. they kinda just,,, kill the enderdragon after that? fuck gordons shitty mother figure. im a sucker for a happy ending and tommy and gordon get to go back to the brightlands and build a stable life for themselves because they feel more at home with each other than they ever did in the respective dimensions they cane from and they get to heal....... im soft about this au
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diabetiquette · 4 years
Diabetic ask: 6, 12, uhh the one about an abnormal low symptom? Other questions: favorite color combinations? Favorite time of day, or favorite kind of scenery? Something small that made you happy this week? I hope you’re having a good day! :)
6) any diabuds irl or online? I WOULD LITERALLY DIE FOR MY DIABUDS OKAY @aqua-twin and @annieisyourfavourite and the rest of the miraculous diabetic group chat ((even if i havent been on the server in over a year still love yall)) are some great online diabuds and i have a handful of people from the diabetes camp i work at each year!! no one that i get to see too often or am super close with irl tho
15) what’s a low symptom you get thats not the norm? i get REALLY thirsty when im low? it throws my nursing school friends off bc theyre always like .....wait i thought that was for HIGH blood sugar???? also sometimes i dont feel any symptoms until i see the number of what my sugar is and then its like my brain and body finally link up and throw me all the symptoms at once lol
(im gonna skip 12 bc i just got that one in a different ask)
color combos: im a HUGE slut for pastels and bright/warm rainbow colors all together, and i also LOVE earth tones when mixed together, but i also really love the blacks and dark color palettes for that edgy aesthetic??? i love All Colors tbh
fave time of day: usually i love the middle of the night when everyone is alseep, but i work night shift now 7pm to 7am so my concept of time is pretty skewed now lol. i also love early in the morning when im leaving work and driving home at like 8am and like the world is just getting up but my days is just ending
fave scenery: honestly anything that i dont see every day. going on a roadtrip and watching fields and mountains for 12 hours in the car? LOVE. taking the train into the city and seeing the urban scenery? LOVE. down at the beach staring into the soul of the ocean goddess as the UV rays from the sun mutate my skin cells in an attempt to allow me to take over as a mermaid? LOVE. 
something that made me happy this week: i bought myself a switch and animal crossing! (it hasnt come in yet but im so excited for it) i also read some really cute stories bc im a sucker for Fictional Fluff
i hope that youre having (its 1:28am where i am so had? will have??) a great day too!!
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I was tagged by @cancerbiophd , thank you wonderful lady! 
You can call me: Maria is fine!
I’d describe myself as: A huge nerd, curious, shy at first, terribly awkward but funny, ready to help, sensitive, and kind
Fictional character(s) that I identify with or am fond of: I think most accurately, i’d be a mix of april ludgate from parks and rec and mabel pines from gravity falls
Three random facts about me:
1. I can say a random fact about a really crazy variety of animals, it’s super fun to randomly get quizzed by friends!
2. This is gonna sound super weird and edgy, but i’m very fond of dark and small spaces, when I would get anxiety as a kid i’d hide in my pantry and even now i love taking walks at night 
3. I’ve had two minor concussions from a rogue football even though in both of these instances, I was not playing or close to people playing football :( so in other words i hate football LMAO
Something little about my appearance that I kind of like: Used to be my skin before i randomly got acne for the first time ever!!! (fuck u cheese) but i’ve always really like my how dark and wide my eyes are
An outfit that makes me feel powerful: If i can wear my combat boots, a leather jacket, and some sunglasses I can take on the world
An object that is special to me: i’m a hoarder for anything special to me lmao, I think my blue goldstone I got in Ecuador I wear on a chain, it looks like the night sky and is apparently pretty rare for gem collectors 
A compliment (or two, or three) about me that made me feel warm inside: I’m a sucker for compliments, I love when people compliment the food i make for them, my intelligence, and my outfits 
Something I love about myself: i really love how far i’ve come, i love that i’ve managed to stick around long enough for me to be in a place to help others, i love that I can be there for the people in my life and i love my patience 
Something I love about someone else: i love all of my friends and their beautiful, welcoming hearts
Something I’d love to buy for someone else: pay off everyone’s student loans. just. poof! --SAME, NO NOTES! jajaja
Something I’d love to buy for myself: I would love to have someone to wash and take care of my hair for me, that’s my idea of the height of luxury
Three things that make me happy right now:
1. The weather !! Miami has been hellish these past couple of weeks, but lately its been getting so much cooler and the wind and ooooooh im so excited!!
2. i’m going to finally be moving out of my parent’s house in january so that makes me very happy
3. the acne on my skin has finally started to go away so yay for that as well!
Something I’m looking forward to: January! I’ll be in my own place, paying my own insurance, and hopefully buying my own car so i’m very very excited to finally be a more independent adult and ofc grad school hopefully next fall!
Something I enjoyed recently: The picnic I had with friends yesterday, out enjoying the cool weather drinking mimosas and eating empanadas, and going to lush slightly tipsy to buy some good stuff and doing hair and face masks together watching youtube lol it was so relaxing i love my friends
Song(s) stuck in my head recently: “Hesitate” by the jonas brothers
I watched this, maybe you’d like it too: ANNE WITH AN E. WATCH ANNE WITH AN E !!!!! 
Something adorable I came across recently: this post of a cute lil shrimp bouncing on a witch’s broomstick can’t currently think of something cuter to replace julia’s witch shrimp so i’ll add to it one of my favorite nautilus live videos of this cutie pie octopus!
If you wanted to know me better, you should check out these things: My blog is pretty good for that
Something I can/will do to take care of myself or make things more positive for me in the coming days: Be in the moment more and be patient with myself. The girl who i’m taking over for at my new lab job has a crazy high level of productivity so i’m trying to catch up to her but also not get down on myself if i fall a little short. Also going outside more!
I’m not sure who to tag right now, but anyone who would like to answer is tagged! Let me get to know more about you!
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sanchoyo · 5 years
favorite thing about them: 
where do I start. someone (I cannot remember who I follow so many shigaraki stans I am so sorry kjadshjkf if I find the post I’ll link it here) called his Creepy Faces Junji Ito Faces ™ and. Honestly that’s prob where it Started. I love junji ito’s work and things that are a lil creepy? (I consume a lot of horror. I am not good at handling horror) but also he’s just..his CHARACTER GROWTH. he isn’t like any other villains in bnha, like, stain whom? you think overholes’s musty ass is out here genuinely caring for his team? he’s been thru so much n overcome it and DESPITE afo trying to groom him into a killing machine he still..seems to really care for the league (this current manga arc is destroying me, take a look at mr. “"you guys do what you want and I won’t destroy what you like”“ and hes didn’t even hesitate at ALL to go save giran…also he’s got 5/5 intelligence and has been showing it from day ONE, his HAIR IS SOFT and his eyes are PRETTY and his coat is FASHIONABLE and the SHOES THAT MATCH HIS EYES? I can’t pick (1) thing hes the best bnha boy :”“(
least favorite thing about them: 
I mean, he did try to kill froppy whom is my daughter. but he ALSO tried to kill m*neta and Did That to Overhole so I’ll get what I can take, u gotta give smth to receive I guess :/
favorite line: 
Oh I have a Lot. the one where he calls Stain tf out like ‘Aren’t we doing the same things? Wanton violence for the sake of it?’ and the one from one of the recent chapters about showing the league/the doctor heaven and hell on earth? its so Spicy. he invented and trademarked good villain monologues
brOTP:him+anyone in the league. however I would really also love to see him n Hawks interact (please. please this arc)
OTP:spinaraki is so fuckgn cute and *hipster voice* I was shipping it before this arc started B) if I was better at writing/drawing Spinner I’d 100% make more content for it
nOTP:shigadabi, idk why even. like there’s nothing wrong with it..the art is usually really nice and or cute..I just Can’t Get Into It for whatever reason? its got Good Content tho! also like him/afo or him/overhole are both ones ive seen and BIG YUCK
random headcanon:
afo forced him to play piano for finger control but. u know what he prefers to do instead of those finger exercises, for dexterities sake? viddy games with big controllers. those hand held ddr games. nerd. (but he can 100000% play piano I want to believe) 
unpopular opinion:a lot of people don’t like reverse hero/villain!aus because they strip the 'core driving factors’ of a character and normally I’d agree (villain deku is usually. Bad for this reason, it seems like an edgy oc asdfadf) but Shigaraki’s main motivations as we’ve seen come from a place of immense trauma and are Generally Very Unhealthy. I understand why portraying this, as in canon it’s important to his character, even in hero aus is okay to show, but I don’t think there’s anything at all wrong with wanting him to have a happy childhood au either? Besides, he came from a hero family originally so, like, him being a hero in an au makes infinitely more sense to me than deku becoming a villain, If that makes any sense ?? tldr: hero!shigaraki is more valid than villain!deku
(also I’m a huge sucker for aus where the league still meets but aren’t villains or turns from villains to vigilantes bc im soft ugh :(( )
song i associate with them:One song? bold of you to assume I don’t have an entire playlist thats still a wip, (I’m also working on spinaraki and a general league playlist that are Super Not Done, but feel free to poke around my spotify for more Good Character Playlists)
favorite picture of them:
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heres, an actual pic of me, booboo the fool showing u my, fav, singular picture of him,……..(its all of them, I like every pic of him, im an indecisive FOOL)
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youmeanlove · 5 years
💕 im bi but more into men and i really like grumpy guys who are kinda like an asshole and really cold but deep down there really soft and have a soft spot for one person and i like to garden and bake and im mostly really happy! or i try my best to stay happy and i like taking care of others!!
- I’m really bad at describing OCs, but he’s a private investigator in 70′s NYC! His main story is about him tracking down a killer that kidnapped his husband. Super edgy, but he was like the first OC I ever made!
- He’s not exactly grumpy per say, but he’s very stoic and to the point! If you aren’t someone he cares about he can get pretty easily annoyed with goofing off and small talk.
- He would totally love your kind of..grounding personality? You’d be a good source of gentle vibes for Jude (He’s very impulsive and worries a LOT) and he would love love love to hear about your passions in gardening and baking!! 
- He also needs you to help him remember not to wear articles of clothing that only consist of tans and browns please help him please plea
- Jude tends to get SUPER absorbed in his work and goals! Nothing can stop that guy!
- Taking in as many stray cats as possible is his life goal and I’m sure you’d be super duper happy to help him with that!
- He’s a real sucker for cuddling and love letters!
- Always on guard in public situations, but the moment he gets home he’s laying flat out on the floor hands in the air just livin his life babey! He refuses to put a shirt on when he’s at home and I’m sorry about that.
- Again, he gets really annoyed around most strangers and acquaintances, but he would do anything for the people he loves and I mean anything, man. Hold his hand once and he’s already running into a burning building for you bro. I think you two could really have some good communication and emotional support going on, since you both want to make the other person feel safe and happy!
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i had to rush the drawing sorry :((( but there he is! please its up to you to put him in some blue or red or SOMETHING..update his closet...
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