#im a twin babey
trashyspaceprxnce · 2 years
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Guess who just finished episode 60
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mattzerella-sticks · 11 months
With how much DC Comics is pushing Power Girl and Supergirl in stories together I'm beginning to think the DCU film verse might do something fantastically insane by having both versions of Kara on screen and if thats the case I would love it if they cast twins.
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the-halfling-prince · 1 month
tell us about harlowwwww plz (if u feel like it)
Yessssssssss it's Harlow time BABEY. I'm just gonna throw out some completely not interconnected thoughts about various things from the series I don't think I've talked about yet.
Harlow Stormrage has a bad case of "I can fix him" syndrome and honestly considering the fact that she got the dude who hated her the most to be her ally in the first book, it's entirely understandable.
Harlow and Tiger's moms were like literally the best friends ever. Just two cool adventurer ladies who go on their little journeys and then like... Disappear never to be seen again.
There are multiple characters who originally were only gonna show up in the last two books but their characters were so flat. I just had them so I could have like... the people, if that makes any sense. But most of them I did create some book plots to throw in there and now they're some of my fave characters (y'all who know how much I love the Karlsson twins would think I was crazy for how they are barely there in the original plots. Holly and Eerikki Karlsson im so sorry)
Also sort of building off of that last point, the character of Harlow's dad was supposed to be like completely irredeemable in the first ideas of the book. He really sucked. And then he was supposed to die in the last book, not even as an act of heroic sacrifice. Just like... Oof he's dead. And it was supposed to be Harlow struggling with the fact that she missed and grieved him even though he was a shit dad. But when I added more than just the three books, I expanded on his character and I was like "okay I can work with this way better" and now he feels like a normal person. And based on how I wrote Harlow's mom, I don't think she would've married someone who was a complete and total asshole. Of course he does still make the god awful decision to disown Harlow at one point but then it's explained later, and while it's not excusable, it does make more sense as to why he did it. And after Tiger "dies" (he's fine. Could you imagine if he wasn't? Gosh that would've been awful if I had actually decided to kill him off. Let's just say y'all do NOT want to hear what I wrote for the original final scene of the books it's depressing as shit) Harlow's dad is way more human and sympathetic to his mourning child and like it's a whole thing where he finally sees her as a child.
Y'all I'm constantly reminding myself "oh yeah these characters are babies. What." Like when I started the books I was as old as Harlow in book one. Now I'm as old as like Careless in the last book. (Also I hated Careless when I was 12. Now he's my fave I love my archer son)
Y'all I need y'all to know the amount of characters that we're originally supposed to die in the last book but I got too attached. Like obvi there was Harlows dad and Tiger (Yeah weird literally why did I do that) but there was also like half of the mentioned adults (I was so ready to just invent some orphans and for why) and also Eerikki Karlsson. Who in this plot líne had like no part and there would've been no weight to his death because who even was that guy??? Anyway yeah I'm glad I got over that. 14 yo me just liked being edgy and torturing my readers ig.
Well that's all I've to say for now, thank you for your time
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screamingay · 8 months
9 people you want to know better challenge
tagged by @orallech tysm!! i this and said out loud Yippee! bc i love these things
last song: cocteau twins- suckling the mender 😏
favorite color: gotta be green. that's nature babey!
last movie/tv show: just watched the jake's birth episode of adventure time (last movie was flatland: the film from 2007 and i gotta say it was a doozy)
sweet/spicy/savory: it's always been sweet for me.. ive gotten better with variety & complexity over the years but i'll always have a major sweet tooth
relationship status: i've been very in lesbians with harper @girl-prototype for a year and a half <33333 and we live together also hehe
last thing i googled:
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(spoiler: you can and i will)
current obsession: started playing chants of sennaar a couple days ago and im having a LOT of fun with it, the mechanics and story are so simple but still challenging enough to keep me interested, plus it's so pretty in a way that only indie games can do.. idk how to explain it but it has a lot of thought put into it and i appreciate it
last book: well i just started brando sando's warbreaker. and everything before that was him also lol (hero of ages and then a short story, the emperor's soul)
looking forward to: hopefully getting started on hrt in the not too distant future, but more realistically the concert i'm going to next week (pinkshift and jhariah!!!! go check them out if u haven't they're so good)
tagging @kordate @spicebowl @billspreston-esq @akotofu @cirrusin @sc0rbuddy @scorpiobabylon @toadsrbutch @fourturtlez and as always anyone can say i tagged them if they wanna do this!!
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kenphobia · 1 year
Hello!! I saw that you also knew TWST, so I wanted to ask your opinion on what dorms do you think the WH characters would be sorted to, and why? (Do feel free to include your OCs too, just go all out!!)
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oooo i've been thinking abt it for some quite some time, but since there's not a lot of info abt the wh cast (or maybe im just too lazy to research and there's actually sufficient lore), most of these will probably be based on speculations and my personal headcanons!!
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✦ starting with wally, I think he fits pomefiore. I mean— have you SEEN this man? He is beauty, he is grace and he will eat your face if you ever insult his hair. His name is Wally Darling for a reason, gotta look ready and pretty if you're a darling after all.
✦ He could also be in Diasomnia, perhaps? mfer eats with his eyes, i think that's powerful enough.
✦ I feel like Howdy would be in either Scarabia or Heartslabyul. Why Scarabia? Howdy is a shopkeeper so he's probably resourceful and knows the ways in business, he just seems like a pretty reliable and responsible guy.
✦ As for Heartslabyul, you cannot tell this mfer isn't Trey Clover but caterpillar. I may be wrong but he just gives me a lot of Trey Clover vibes so I feel the need to just— throw him into heartslabyul
✦ Poppy would definitely be in Heartslabyul though. She's always worying and ruffling her feather for her friends, and she'd follow any rule if it meant keeping her friends safe. I have a little gut feeling that she can get a bit ... controlling at times due to her anxious mind but she means good.
✦ Sally, my sweet summer child, the one i kinned instantly on the spot... Octavinelle. I have no idea why?? but like, she's dramatic, she'd probably say "I'm only doing this because I'm so kind and benelovent ✨" AND LIKE?? I DON'T KNOW. I just think she'd get along with the leech twins? maybe give Azul a few more wrinkles here and there ...
✦ She could also be pomefiore too! Pomefiore is like a fancy dorm, she'd fit.
✦ Julie is a bit difficult for me hhhh.... i just have a gut feeling that she'd be scarabia. id love to say pomefiore but if wally and sally happened to be there, adding julie would just add the chaos.
✦ I got nothing for Julie except for scarabia. She's a fun little silly but she knows a thing or two about being resourceful. Her and Kalim would get into some trouble and Jamil has to take care both of their asses.
✦ Heartslabyul. I won't explain any further other than this mfer would give Riddle a run for his money. And also because he might a stickler for rules in a way??? Like he wouldn't exactly enforce them on others, he'd follow them if it's convenient enough and if it will save his ass from getting handed to him.
✦ HEARTSLABYUL. This one??? No need for explanation, just— heartslabyul
✦ For some reason, I can see him being in Ignihyde too?? He's just ... emo to me. Like— any colorful top you wear won't fit your vibe, frank, you still havent gotten out of your emo phase.
✦ Legit I have no idea what dorm will fit him other than ramshackle. He's the mc now!!! get off the stage, yuu
✦ tbh i would say heartslabyul again but so many of these btches are possibly heartslabyul and im too dumb to add more variety in the mix!!!
✦ I mean— It is considered to be a neighbor, right??? but anyways, diasomnia because ... idk man, it's a talking house. it doesn't have much personality other than literally being wally's house and speaking fluently in onomatopoeia
✦ octavinelle, babey !!! she's a con artist, yknow??? thats why theyre an antagonist for a reason. they scam ppl into buying their shit and have the "but im so sweet and kind" act
✦ also because howdy in scarabia and june in octavinelle is like, jamil x azul ship trope. yes, i ship my ocs with canon characters and yall have no right to complain when youre on my blog that centered around x readers
✦ Ignihyde. Like??? do I need to explain, bestie? they're good with technology in a way and theyre as anti social as their peers. I based them off Idia, what makes you think they won't be in Ignihyde??
✦ ramshackle because this btch is as plain as white american bread + she isn't exactly as fleshed out rn to be put in a proper dorm so yeah—
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these might change once i get know the characters a bit more better in canon so ... yeah!!! i'm redesigning some of my ocs, especially raine so watch out for that!!
fun fact: i slept two times writing this and i ashamed
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how would your aus be like now that we know more stuff about the show?
oh god there would be sooooooo incredibly many changes. some I'm gonna leave alone unless directly asked but for some main ones atm--
Four Years: oh dear god so many changes. both just from learning more and also from the fact of being an au I came up with when I was 14 and I would never recommend anyone ever be the age of 14, my sincerest apologies to one luz noceda. I could make a whole other post about this but just to keep it simple lets sayyyyyy...first of all, Amity doesn't go into the Emperor's Coven. I personally still like the idea, but it doesnt really fit. theres helping her mom show off to customers, and then theres being forced into a Coven that wants to murder her crush and her crush's adoptive mom. Amity gives me the impressive of someone who would just start biting. Escaping Expulsion was Amity's "standing up to her mom" episode and I love that sm for her, I'm thinking maybe it could be redone in this au to also involve refusing to even consider the Coven? Dunno, but I know Amity doesn't join it, and neither do the twins.
Keene doesn't exist anymore, obviously. we're back on the Hunter show babey and his redemption arc (like most arcs here) take a much longer time to get on with. most remains the same, but he has a lot more interaction with Luz & the gang prior to Eclipse Lake. that episode becomes more of a "we were making so much progress but then the Panic Button hit in and everything collapsed in on itself" and then some tension between the gang of Hunter feeling shitty and not talking, the guys trying to figure out whats with him, and then Hollow Mind comes in an fucks up everything, as per usual
No more angsty fics about Camila missing her daughter because Vee's here now! yaaaaay. but this does mean Camila went a longer time without ever realizing her daughter was someone else, although I imagine at some point she WOULD feel that something was just Off. obviously shes a regular human shes not gonna think a shapeshifter took the place of her daughter, but shes gonna know something is Off and Strange but she cant put her finger on it and Luz seems happy...most of Yesterday's Lie remains the same but since it's at least been two years, maybe three, since Luz has seen her mom, she looks MUCH different than how Vee changed her appearance, so it throws Camila off quite a bit
smaller things will also stay, such as Luz becoming the Owlet and everyone being their own kinda brand of rebel. I'd have to figure out how to slide in Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, etc, somewhere in here. I'll figure it out
Beta: this one stays the most unchanged I think? granted I was updating it slightly more with updates in the show than Four Years. Hunter is still local nephew of principal and Belos's plan still involves killing all witches but its just in the "saving humanity from these evils" instead of "saving humanity from these evils and then going home". still unsure how the grimwalkers would tie into this, if my guy was just continuously making kids or if hes not actually a puritan and just a nasty old guy, and all the other golden guards are Hunter's older brothers? and he was possibly kidnapped when he was a baby or something? that part im the least sure on
Emperor: well, first of all, the duo of Amity & Luz becomes the trio of Amity, Luz & Hunter. none of them get along. Amity is constantly exasperated by Luz and her dumbassery & Luz thinks shes uptight and a tryhard at times. Luz and Hunter are dumbass on dumbass hatecrimes because Luz also thinks hes uptight but also a massive brat who thinks hes better than everyone & Hunter thinks shes annoying as hell and beneath him on every level. Hunter and Amity just take one look at each other, smell the Gifted Child With Parental Issues Trying To Be Perfect In Every Single Way on each other, and immediately drop into offensive hissing cat positions.
Luz and Hunter are the ones who get along first, mostly cause Luz getting brought over to the Emperor's Coven kind of guaranteed she'd run into Hunter first and they'd end up sticking to each other and realize they're massive nerds. Luz and Amity get along next through the power of Luz being stubborn and wlw. Hunter and Amity are last and technically it only really happens because they may be petty and spiteful but they can and will set that aside for one goal: being even pettier and even more spiteful to anyone being mildly annoying to Luz
This AU in particular hasn't had a lot of updates to it so theres a lot of room to work with her. Luz technically becomes friends with Willow and Gus because shes undercover trying to get new recruits (shes terrible at it). this also means that Hunter is more easily converted to the side of Oh Belos Fucking Sucks because he already has adopted sister Luz telling him to Run and her mildly okay girlfriend yoinking him along. course this also means it fucks up Luz even more to see that Hunter is a grimwalker and, per paraphrased word of Belos, she was the favorite. if it came down to it, Belos would've happily let Hunter die, hell, would've even done it on purpose. by virtue of being human, and Hunter being a clone, she was, in fact, given special treatment, and if anything went slightly wrong then Hunter would've died. these kids are fucked up
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nicollekidman · 11 months
what's up abbey babey!! tell me everything about lyra!! <3
ahhhhhhHHHHHHH okay so there's a lot i love you
BUT... original lyra before she got deleted was a half-noble elf who grew up as a weird little silent girl... she killed her parents when she was young (she doesn't remember why and i haven't decided exactly what happened, it doesn't matter except she did it with her hands and got scarred) and set off on her own just kind of drifting from place to place using her charisma to find places to stay for a while but generally was detached from everyone and everything.... smashcut to bg3 and she's generally Good mostly because she doesn't care either way and helping people is easier, but she becomes worryingly attached to astarion after he drinks her blood the first time... kind of a "i've never felt anything and now i feel it all and it's going to be directed entirely at you" thing so they make the rest of camp EXCEEDINGLY nauseated by their general situation.
like think twin rogues who have a very high kill count from the shadows where the rest of the party can't even see them and they have a silent language they use in battle that starts spilling over into real life and astarion is like absentmindedly feeding on her for comfort purposes during like group night hangouts and she calls him baby and everyone is like stop being GROSS and OFFPUTTING. lyra thinks she's like a worldly wise enlightened figure who can help astarion (and the party) to Be Their Best Selves but really she's just giving advice without being vulnerable in return... but she DOES do a lot of complex things wrt astarion and his Healing and i love her for that. that's private for them <3 lazael and shadowheart are her besties and she basically tells them to get over themselves and just fuck already (they do). wyll can't stand her because she is down with mizora and karlach is like PLEASE PLEASE have some FUN with me and lyra is like. eh. im glad you're having fun but it's too much effort.
so basically she's not fully In The World until she meets the party and then she's in it but in an unhealthy way that is almost singularly focused on astarion, but luckily she does like. in her heart. want good things to happen to them and is a Healer so she stops the ascension etc. having her deleted in the middle of act three is so poetic because she nearly got him his happy ending and was maybe ready to open up and give him parts of her in return but now we'll never know!!!! she's always be the silent woman!!!!!!!
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josephtrohman · 1 year
in no particular order (other than chronological lol):
my heart is on my sleeve, wear it like a bruise or black eye - chicago is so two years ago
if you are the shores, i am the waves, begging for big moons - get busy living
they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone, but for what we've become, we just feel more alone - i slept with someone in fob
love never wanted me. but i took it anyway - xo
i only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause i know how the words get you (off) - im like a lawyer
i've already given up on myself twice, third time is the charm, threw caution to the wind but i got a lousy arm - ginasfs
i wanna scream "i love you" from the top of my lungs, but i'm afraid that someone else'll hear me - the shipped gold standard
i just need enough of you to dull the pain, just to get me through the night till we’re twins again, till we’re stripped down to our skeletons again, till we’re saints just swimming in our sins again - twin skeletons
i'm yours till the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away - bishop's knife trick
talking to the mirror, say, "save your breath, half your life you've been hooked on death" - heaven iowa
ask me my top 5/10 anything ;)
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yume-fanfare · 7 months
marmar i hope im not too late for the character ask game!! uum 2, 5, and 7 for hinata and/or yuta? (you can answer for just one of them if you like but i’d love to see your answers for both the twins!)
omg the 2winks!!!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
these are indeed fun to answer side by side because for hina i love that he is a lover and for yuuta i love that he is a hater
twin peaks is still my favorite 2wink story it totally rewrote my brain. hinata's choice to be kind, to have a positive impact and not do what was done to him is so. Waugh. i love good genki charas and she is Everything to me
but also i do love that yuuta is a hater. he Was so iconic for telling off their father in night club it was honestly rly funny how hina was like let's forgive him and yuuta went hm. no. and i love that he is troublesome and demanding and high-manteinance. he does have stuff to work on and lines he shouldn't cross but honestly i love how unapologetic he is too i support his wrongs
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
hina dreamin chuchu forever and ever babey!!!!
and for yuuta it's BLUE by full throttle 4!!!
not the same one i chose for the haniwa assignments but to not repeat myself that much hsdjhfgjks ive been saying this for a while but yuuta's new solo is so ft4 song too (because it's saito souma)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i really quite like both of their fanon interpretations! i love the interpretations abt their relationships with rei and ibara they're so funny sdjgljhkjklm grandpa and grandchildren/evil boss and goons never get old
character asks!
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to Thanks To Them
Took me two days to finish my projects first before watching this but it is definetely worth the antagonising wait.
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet.
And once again, Anne made me laugh.
Wait...there are sponges that aren’t yellow?
Get Some Therapy Challenge: Failed.
Nah, that british gay man who dresses like a straight person ain’t human to begin with.
Goddamit, of course he shows up.
I see a picture of what seems to be Luz slapping a cake on her dad’s face.
Child, you need to get out more often.
Why would they freak out- oh. right, Abominations...
I wonder if Disney let a full season, we would have a more in depth scene about Vee meeting the others for the first time instead of this.
Hallway of pictures. There’s the dad throwing baby Luz in the air (that explains a lot about Luz) Chat Noir cosplay, 
Hate that I can see the dad’s full face, but it’s too fucking small for me to stare at.
Pfft. I’m sorry, I had to rewatch this 5 times to make sure I’m not watching a fanmade amv instead of the episode. Also nice to include Hooty photobombing.
The amount of sadness with the drawings is just...
Designs. Gus, yes. Willow, maybe. Amity, maybe less dark colors and ditch the hat. Hunter, goofy boy.
Mirabel Madrigal.
Damn, that explains the haircut. Still miss the ahoge, though.
They’re so cute, especially Amity, I want to pinch her cheeks.
I prefer the non-romance cute. Lumity is so cute and wholesome that it’s disgusting.
Aww, the boys are having fun.
Willow looks like a mom with her hair down.
Is that spanish, I hear? I’m so proud.
I thought you were over that.
So Willow likes photography now.
Aww, Hooty’s there.
Vee is more babey when he speaks spanish.
Lmao. You’re gonna have three more kids once you meet King and the Twins. Maybe four, depending on the Collector. Or five, since Eda is kinda of a child sometimes. Wow, you’re gonna be busy.
Wouldn’t people find it suspicous to see four kids walking around town during school hours? Why aren’t they going to school, then again, it would cost a lot.
Luz, for the love of all things holy, get some therapy.
Pfft. Luz what the heck?
Aww, it’s nice to see other humans liking Luz...that better not be a prank...
Damn, imagine if Luz lost her dad from a car crash, this scene would have been really something.
Ugh, gross.
Dang. Nice, Hunter.
Babey Boy.
The back cover looks gay.
Flashbacks? Nice.
For some reason, I’m thinking of Marcy.
Oh, so it’s a nightmare.
Manny Noceda. Am I getting that right?
I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what I should say about Camila’s nightmare.
Shit. I know this a serious moment, but look at the picture of Camila and Vee being cute together. Probably the last thing I should focus on.
You know that feeling where you feel like something’s bad is going to happen? I’m getting that from the egg.
Oh, god. That is disgusting and horrifying.
Hunter, no.
LMAO, Amity’s face!
Lmao, the Huntlow shippers are getting fed
Belos is gonna show up when Hunter’s alone, isn’t he?
God dammit, why am I always right? Can’t I be wrong for a change?
Lmao, Willow.
Are they watching Amphibia?
Gus is afraid of firelights. Amity is a mood with the circles.
Is the shadow fucking necesarry
Luz looks weird smiling like that.
Wait, that black haired actress looks like Luz.
Lmao, that’s saying it midly.
Huh, both of the siblings eyes glowed blue.
Fucking hell, he’s inside of him.
Damn, they went hard at the animation again.
Oh damn, having a basilisk on your team really is good.
No...no...No! Hunter and Flapjack deserve to be happy together!
Lumity call back, I don’t remember which episode..
Aww...I thought Vee would be coming.
Lmao, Vee.
So Thanks to Them is just Season 3A jumbled together.
Wait...Thanks to Them....Thanks to Disney...LMAO
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sophopolis · 10 months
ive decided 29 is not too old to be a new person
everything i had to live for is gone so i can either kms (always an option) or shed my skin and be a new person
every old version of me is dead and buried
i think my problem is i never buried this one its a corpse hanging off of me like a conjoined twin i have to put her away
anyway im brand new babey
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strmpt · 1 year
im not much in astrology but for those of you who are…
im no ordinary gemini. oh no. i was born within the gemini-cancer cusp window. these twins are crabs babey
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princeanxious · 4 years
Our new Kittys have arrived!! :O
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orcelito · 3 years
Ok okay OK okay I bought slippers and nail polish and cat toys and earrings and some used kitchen food storage tins and they're getting here on Monday (I am very excited for it)
Need dice tho. I have Some Money to spend on buying the things I haven't bought myself for the past like FUCK it's been like 5 months of living on the bare minimum I swear & now I finally have my tax return so I can buy myself a nice set of dice and this is important this is my 71st set I need to make it count, my first set I've bought in forever, they must be beautiful, I want liquid core dice
#speculation nation#BUT ALSO GALAXY SHIT but also the turtle sparkles...omg#ive seen so many dice i want ok i am consumed by lust for dice ok pls i want them#i also need to look for a cool new knife. smth fun. sexy. like me.#ykno whats fucked up my sharpest blades r my twin blades which r the big fuckin dual wielding shits that r as long as my arms basically#theyre so beautiful so sexy but also so impractical for average usage#my pocket knives aka the thigns i actually do use for things like opening boxes(!) are not as sharp as those babeys#bring out my twin blades for a lil box slice n dice#cant rly bring them to work tho for working in storage. my pocket knives tho... 😏#i want an interesting knife. maybe a butterfly blade. ive been wanting to learn how to spin one of those#Obviouslyyyyy with a practice one first im not THAT dumb (no matter what the evidence may say)#also they just look cool. idk i just want cool knives#like throwing knives. i own.... 5 throwing knives#could always own more tho! or Oooohhhhh brass knuckles#bought a thing in gatlinburg that were pink 'brass'(they were plastic) knives with a tiny lil knife inside#except i bought them for my cousin. idk if they still have them. but those r very sexy#and also dubiously legal. indiana weapon laws r so lax tho which like 😬 for actual protections#but like 😃 for me owning cool weapons that i just kinda wanna have lol#breaking news local mentally ill person collecting knives & blades En Masse. 'i just think theyre neat!' they say#outside perspective im suss as fuck but like these r not used to hurt anyone period. basic rule since i started collecting them#and i have never broken that rule#my knife collection has never been used to harm Anyone (aside from a few lil accidents lol) and it will remain that way#unless i do someday end up with an intruder and i bring out my big machete and go for an intimidation factor that goes very wrong 🤔#like i aint gonna ever own a gun but it's still nice to have that peace of mind of like. i got SMTH i could potentially defend myself with#ooo i wonder if i could find a way to sleep with my machete near my bed. ykno what that might just work omfg#no catching me unawares. HYA outta bed with a machete as long as my leg. booyah they'll never expect it#yea yea im at That point of the night lmao. melatonin is rly taking hold and i can tell#if youve read this far in the ramble 😘 hello i love u i hope u have a good night/day 😘
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alethiometry · 3 years
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