#im also emotionally spent this is the most i can post rn
kitsquared · 5 months
The beautiful thing about picking pokemon in this AU is sometimes ill pick them for one thing and then find out info later that makes it even better
Like with Dazai taking in Oda's Eevee. Dazai doesn't see the need to evolve his pokemon and even uses it as an advantage but he evolves Eevee into an Espeon which requires a Dawn Stone and high friendship.
There's all the meaning behind that. However, its typing which is Psychic didn't matter to me until i looked up the pokedex entry and
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Well, of course you can predict moves. Who was your og owner.
Then there's Sigma whom I gave a Trapinch/ Vibrava. He wakes up in the dessert so I thought i should give him a pokemon found in that terrain.
In my experience, I saw Trapinch and thought what cute lil guy but generally thought of them as okay and didnt realize all the ground/dragon Flygons came from them.
So. For Sigma akhdkska. Give him the ant pokemon that turns into a dragon type.
He has the second evolution which is Vibrava. Later on i checked the pokedex entry and...
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Okay???? Whatever???? Just. Use it as inspiration for your resonance gun i guess??
Can't keep surprising me while I make these?!
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luobingmeis · 4 years
so im just gonna vent/monologue for a hot second and idc who does or does not read this but we’re just gonna be super chill abt it and not read too deeply into the stuff that i say, so!!!
and if i delete this in the morning, ignore all this!!!
i think the best way to start this post off in general is “i had a bunch of stuff i wanted to vent abt but from the shower to here (total of like 5 minutes) i have forgotten most of it”
which is very on brand bc i don’t remember most things nowadays ajkdjkdskj
anyways tho also shout out to my lack of emotional object permeance bc i have been in such a Not Fun State for X days (bc i dont really remember when this started this week akjdsjkdsjk) and i cannot remember what started it nor can i fully process that i have only been in this state for like A Few Days and not like........................ weeks
but i think that is also due to the fact that i do, in fact, bounce back and forth between “hey things are fine idk why i ever thought they were bad :)” and “hey things are bad idk why i ever thought they were fine :)”
it also doesn’t help that. every day. i am analyzing the complicated relationship i have with my parents. specificaly my mom. and it definitely isn’t fun to think abt.
basically every day i think abt that scene from the breakfast club when they all talk abt how they’re fated to become their parents, no matter how hard they try not to be, and it especially fucks me up when i think abt how much me and my mom are alike, in both the good and the bad, and i’m just like “hmm am i just being a shitty daughter (possible) or do i have to figure out how to fix this (don’t know how) or am i just gonna have to break the chain eventually (upsetting!)”
but that is deeply upsetting to think and talk abt so :^)
and i also think a lot abt how i’m 99% sure ********** runs in our family which i guess i’ll have to deal with eventually even tho it doesn’t really. affect me rn. i guess!
let it be known that i do love my parents very much!! i just. have too many thoughts in my head.
also i get nervous throwing terms around bc im scared of being wrong but i genuinely think i have like. adhd and/or depression and/or anxiety and also i think there’s something messy going on with my empathy which is!! also upsetting!!!!
but tbh i have never been more. like. resistant to treatment in my life than i am right now. so i just deal with all of this in my brain.
also i’m kinda just back into my way of “consume the same media over and over and let it just become my whole personality so i can feel like a normal person” except that makes, like, idk “coming back to reality” a bitch bc i have spent the past?? 24/48 hours feeling like i’m on and off floating through space and time
also ik that this will all probably be over in a couple days, idk maybe even tomorrow!!! but for rn i’m just :^)
also me and my best friend were talking today and he said something like “i think everyone has certain things they do that just make them feel bad” and i kinda just nodded along bc i knew that my answer of “well i basically at this point purposely keep a shitty sleep schedule and, even when i wake up at 11am, i basically don’t let myself eat until 4/5pm bc, besides having some things i probably need to unpack, i also find something terribly grounding in feeling shitty” would Not go over well 
also there is no way i am mentally and emotionally ready to go back to school in september, like i say this every year and i think at this point i just need to accept that i’ve wasted away my college years feeling shitty and i will never get this back!!!! which is. fun.
also i’m doing so many things this semester that i don’t want to do bc apparently i care abt what other people want more than i do. for some stupid reason.
also ngl i’ve come to the realization that sometimes my brain is just not a great place to be akjdkjdskj
also i have to do my thesis this semester and i already feel behind and next semester i’m barely gonna get to see my professors/friends except for like one or two days a week so while a part of me literally does not want to step foot on my campus/in a class room bc i am So Not Ready, i also feel like i’m basically gonna have no support that will be tangible to me 
anyways tho i’ve fully brought taz/dnd back into my life so that is always an upside!! and i mean that unironically, like. when in doubt. taz/dnd will give me my serotonin and fantasy escapism that i crave <3
i feel like i could say more but at this point i’m just tired!!! so, to quote adam parrish, “i want to feel awake when my eyes are open”
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holywankenobi · 5 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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strawberryybird · 5 years
Me sees the character songs post, immediately wants to know what character songs you have for the characters and why.
ok so. welcome to the rabbit hole that is my music taste and what is my no.1 most frequently done activity.. plastering emotions i have for fictional characters all over my music taste. I restricted myself to ¾ songs for each character & then to Edie, Hubert, Dorothea, Lysithea & Byleth because otherwise we’d be here all day (and those are the Primary Daydream Candidates rn)
under a rm because as im sure we’ve all seen.. i just don’t fucking stop.. also i got weirdly deep about some of these topics. i don’t know how to tag it. tread careful?
Here are some songs.. welcome to my (notoriously bad) music taste. alsoi go in Very heavy handed about it all. i make only a few apologies:
Edelgard:Everybody wants to rule the word - tears for fears. (ucan go with Lorde’s cover but i prefer the original bc im like that.) i meanit’s pretty heavy handed but it’s such an Edelgard song it !!!! fuels my ficwriting. if it’s not so very Edelgard’s relationship with twsitd then idk whatto tell you. plus it’s an iconic song
Medicine - daughter. (daughter is My Favourite Band. Ever. I cannot articulate how much ilove their (and ex:re’s) music!!) anway. this is a hegegard song & i don’ttake constructive criticism. I’ll reiterate this better in other descriptions,but please don’t take my inclusion of a song about such a topic as adevaluation of it in any way, that’s not my intention. The reason I go so feralfor Hegegard is because im no stranger to watching someone you care about hurt themselvesin a way you can’t stop, and that’s what the AM ending evokes in me. Hence: asong I love that one can read the same story in. And then the lyrics ‘You couldstill be / What you want to / What you said you were / When I met you” just !! parallelsEdge of Dawn’s lyrics about regret & overall I’m very feral about this.
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - blue oystercult. this is PRIME Edelgard telling freshly-awokenbyleth she’s been waging war for 5 years. also !!!! “Seasonsdon’t fear the reaper / Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain, we can be likethey are” >>> “The Edge of Dawn (Seasons ofWarfare) (フレスベルグの少女~風花雪月~,lit. Girl of Hresvelg ~Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon~)” .. the link is tenuous but coincidence?? is it, fuck.
Seneca - Novo Amor. this is another one of those songs that could mean something different to everyone. very easy to project onto, is novo amor. I like the story of being prepared to run and break ties at any given moment, but ending up - emotionally or physically - in the same place one always was. apart from the glaring tie of how Edelgard returned to garreg mach, this song is a lot of me trying to repatriate Edelgard’s lack of emotional arc in the game by saying . well. this song. 
You can call me Al -�� paul simon. am i projecting edeleth thoughts onto my favourite song? it’s morelikely than you think!!! but also i like the chorus and all the exasperating ‘call me el’jokes i can make.. i may be half writing a fic based on this song.
Dorothea:Agnes - glass animals. so i have significant emotions about edelthea at the best of times !! and this song !!! really bloody hits it home !! yes I knowit’s got a really heavy and real subject matter and I’m not trying to devalueit or minimise it.. but the story - about watching someone close to you hurtthemselves/get hurt, and doing so in ways you can’t stop them from - is adamn real one. And a Lot of why I love Dorothea’s character in the gamebecause she’s the one who can’t stop her friends from getting hurt – through exposureto warfare .. or  stopping Edelgard becomingthe monster at the end of the story. Even though she’s one of the healers onthe beagle’s team. And I feel that.
Ex’s and Oh’s – Elle King. So you know that one spn fanvid featuringthis song about all of dean winchester’s relationships? That, but for my flirting Queen Dorothea Arnault. (and I have the dumbest most fun little headcanon thatonce Dorothea and Sylvain derailed a lgbt+ society meeting whilst Edie wastrying to go over the budget by blasting this song and dancing on the table.The idea makes me laugh)
Hold My Girl – George Ezra. The whole thing about wanting just that onemoment to cherish the people you love for one moment more before you have goout face the world? If that’s not the timeskip’d Dorothea Arnault Aesthetic, Idon’t know what is.
(Call Me Out – sea girls. On a much lighter note, this song is fueling the later half of mydrafts of road trip au. And it’s literally because of that one verse. im gayshut up.)
Hubert:Red Right Hand – nick cave and the bad seeds. Is it on the nose? Is itheavy handed? Oh u fuckin bet but that won’t stop me!!! A) it’s a good song. ItIs. B) I like narrative songs. C) Any ‘red right hand’ symbolism in Anycharacter has me love them immediately and also plonk this song in the middleof any playlist about them. sure, the artic monkeys version might be a bit more on hubert’s brand.. but my mileage varies about it lmao
I had fortress by bear’s den earmarked for Hubie, as I think it’s easilyread about boundaries and a one sided intense relationship & that’s! Hubiebaybee! But I can’t possibly cover unhealthy relationships without shoving thealbum Hospice by The Antlers into every which way of it. It’s by no meansdirectly translatable to Edelgard and hubert’s relationship and it’s arguable ifI should even mention it in the same sentence as a bloody fictional character… that beingsaid, I’ve been having emotions about:Shiva – the antlers. This song specifically reads to me to be a really goodarticulation of my own thoughts about Hubert’s perspective of Edie getting experimentedon. heavy but damn. I like that. I just see a lot of what their teen years togethermust have been like in Shiva.
Time – Pink Floyd. Ok so.. it’s like Hubert in parallel bc I think thissong is a lot about searching for a purpose/reason or a quote unquote bloodyred path in life. And I may have been listening to it when I watched Hubert/DorotheaA support & now it’s just permanently associated with it bc it complementedit so well. And I like it. So . it stays. It’s very much a beagles song to meas well.
Lysithea:The Beautiful Dream – George Ezra. Ok so I read this Edelysithea ficwith this on repeat bc the title reminded me of it, and then I stuck it onrepeat because it worked too well and now.. im crying.. and i like the inflection of Lysithea’s bitterness over the titular lyric. (but also, it remains one of my steadfast edeleth songs.. sorry lys)
Secrets (Cellar Door) – Radical Face. Another Edelgard&/Lysitheasong!! I really like their relationship ok. And given the song itself can beread straight or an allegory for whatever you particularly want, but the storyis just too on the nose for me not to mention it here.(also general advocation of listening to the whole of radical face’s musicbecause I’ve loved it for years now & the work is beautiful.) (also it’swonderful for fe awakening projection. Or ur own.)
Oh Children – nick cave and the bad seeds. there’s a million different interpretations of this song, but to try nail a few onto Lysithea.. there’s the harry potter use of making/finding a light in the depths of tragedy & i love that for Lys. there’s the whole ‘the kids aren’t alright’ theme and it’s various depths. and i like narrative lyrics to plaster my large fictional-character-caused-emotions onto, so make of this one what you will.
Marianne (and Lysithea too if you like)Bad Blood – Radical Face. Ok so. This is one of my favourite songs in bloodyexistence, and it’s so loaded with meaning & it has a metric tonne of it. Icould wax lyrical about how much I love Radical Face’s work. I don’t want myinclusion of this song (specifically this one) to in any way devalue it. Butmusic is ofc incredibly subjective, and so is my reading of a lot of threehouses – in case it’s not bloody obvious by now. There’s a Lot of stories onecould take from Marianne’s character (and none of them are More Valid^tm thanany other), and I do see a very personal story in her – as I do in this song. Hgghhghive just spent 10 minutes trying to find an impersonal way to talk about twovery personal and relative stories, which naturally doesn’t work. That, and theway I read her story is Real Fucking Dicey for tumblr.com. so if this song is about accepting rejection because of parts of yourself so deep they’re in your blood, i think.. y’all can see.. where my neurodivergent gay self is going with this..
Byleth:Something to Believe In – Tom Walker. Yeah. You’re bloody welcome. If this isn’ta completely on the nose Byleth song, I’ll eat Dorothea’s hat.
Don’t Let the Man – Fatboy Slim. ~ And the sign said green-hairedpartially possessed emotionally void mercenaries need not apply for aprofessorship at the country’s most prestigious academic centre… ~
Emigrate - Novo Amor. this just fucking Got Me in the ‘actively choosing crimson flower’ feelings. im an emotional wreak but its aight. the lyrics just matched up too well for me to let it go !!!
Alps - Novo Amor. this hit me in the ‘i miss the gremlin child sothis’ feelings one day and now it’s permanently stuck that way.
Make Them Gold – chvrches. (this is very much associated with awakening’sfuture past kids and also the Carmilla series in my mind But!!) I love a story about‘if we’re all falling, we’re going down together’ and the magical power of teamwork, and how it brings out the best in people.. & that’s what this song& Byleth kinda bloody stand for ya know??
woooh.. oh my god . i need another cup of tea.
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asurabackuplogs · 5 years
Ok so i have a bunch of scrambled thoughts on lil cato so heres my biggole brain vom to respond to your criticisms:
While i will admit that much of my immediate attraction to the kitten with the mohawk is due to his phenominal voice performance, i think that the subtle ways he's designed and animated also go a long way in defining the character where the literal text of the show falls a bit flat. if it were merely a script i was reading I think you're arguments were valid, but as a cartoon  there is a lot of important body language and implications that can be drawn from what little backstory we get.
In terms of physicality, lil cato's walk cycle is very exaggerated and overcompensating. He stomps his feet, swings his arms, hurls the upper half of his body forward in an attempt to look bigger. In s1 he's shown  leaning against walls and being very physically closed off, up until he nearly blows himself up which leads me to a bit of a tangent but bear with me:
I like to refer to a certain trope in literary works as the Standard Paternal Icon. Avocato is this to a T. his story starts out as the classic 'trying to avenge my son' bit. he a protector of both his son and later gary, he's gruff and unemotional unless its dragged out of him, and the people who love him are expected to have that love reciprocated through grand gestures instead of conversations and legitimate bonds. This last part is stated all but explicitly when lc admits that his father never told him he loved him and gary's response is 'well he did this badass thing so obvi he does.'but getting back to the subject of lil cato's body language. In the first episodes we see of him he's either hunched over and too big for his britches or he's a screaming mess. He's trying to imitate his Standard Paternal Icon's body language but is shaken into more childish fits through trauma. The first thing we see of him is desperate crying and begging his father to run. We're then  told that this behavior is not normal for him in the prison episode where we see how he acts when he's being a little shit. when he's acting more like himself, tough, defiant, and the proud son of a cato. This contrast is what initially drew me to his characterisation.
The next time we spend time with lil cato is when his father has just died. He's gruff, closed off, doesnt wanna talk, and gary has to literally chase him through the vents to get any sort of reaction from him. Gary's body language is open and affectionate (and effeminate from a traditional framing standpoint) he's eager to hug, stroke, touch, and otherwise break the boundaries of standard masculinity. This is then turned up to eleven when he is able to openly weep over the death of his friend while lil cato gets uncomfortable and annoyed by the display.lil cato tries to express his grief in traditonally masculine ways, violence and logic. He attacks a ship for catharsis and it doesnt work, and then he tries to highjack nightfall's shop to solve his problem and that doesnt work either.
It is only when little cato has suffered an even more traumatic experience that he allows himself to crack, just like we saw in his initial introduction. when he's blasted out of nightfall's ship he lands very pointedly in a fetal position with Gary positioned above him. Protecting him physically like a standard paternal icon, but also holding him in a pose remeniscent of the maternal icon. I.E. he's being emotionally open to lil cato. This is when lil cato allows himself to be vulnerable, curling up into gary's hug and crying in front of the whole ship.
I think its telling that the first thing lil cato says after gary calms him down is 'I thought you were leaving.' its never shown how lil cato feels about gary abandoning him at the time, but its shown here it did effect him and it perhaps had something to do with his more machismo attempts to overcome his grief.based on little cato's reaction to gary and some supplementary information we get about him in season 2 i'll go over later, i'd say that lil cato's main internal motivation is to foster a meaningful bond with his father. that dream is stolen from him literally when his dad dies, but also in that the relationship he wanted from avocato never really existed. even when things were going well. This is a kid who did not feel loved or confident in his relationship with his dad, and thus responds to that grief in the only way he thinks will make his dad proud of him- through violence.
And this is when we get specifically into why i like his s2 characterisation so much. Using this desire as a viewpoint, its easy to get into little cato's head and see why he acts the way he does. The change isnt that drastic when you consider that he is a kid who only ever wanted a dad, loses his dad, and then loses the guy who was gonna look after him in his dad’s stead.
The fact that he spends a few weeks working for clarence is glossed over, but from his perspective he spent that time digesting everything that happened. it likely felt as though he just lost another father figure, or perhaps an entire family if his affection for mooncake and hue is any indication. Often times people will hype up relationships in their minds once they are over, and lil cato was sure gary was as good as dead. It is in this post-dynamic mindset that he might have decided  gary was a father figure he wanted, which is why his relief and open affection for gary is a prominent change in his writing this season.We see lil cato trying to impress gary, from his enthusiasm in the dance scene to him considering leaving kvn to die for gary's approval. the dance scene specifically bares notice because of his facial animation. he's excited by the prospect of this thing gary's into, and seems more eager to indulge in gary's interests than he is in the actual dance. This kid is starved for a role model and gary gives him what he wants in spades to the extent that eventually little cato just ends up mimicking his behavior outright. again i'll cite the stellar voice performance, theres a good balance of insecurity and enthusiasm whenever he interacts with gary that tells me he's not sure about this whole 'hugging and dancing and giving each other pet names' thing but he likes how it feels. If you imagine how the timeline felt for little cato he is trying to bond with a father figure he thought he lost and is enjoying how well its going.
now i feel like mentioning that i dont think this is the only stuff going on with little cato’s writing, only that these are the themes that most attract me to the dynamic and thus the ones i’ve thought the most about. i’ll probably have more to rant about tomorrow but im super sleepy rn lol
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