#im bery tireed
thirdd-degree · 1 year
I forget thag this js my blog and i canpost whate er j want
So hi, its like 3 am and j want tk talk about my fiancé cause i love them so much and the snhggles are supreme AND its like
They pay ATTENTION to me like they knkw thjngs abojt me j trotally forgot and thennim like "!!! Right! I DINT like thag texture!" And jts so locely bejng eith them i love them
Evrrytime i remenebr were across the cohntry i grt sadbj just want my fiancé gall
Also Lone (my foance) if you see this and try to rebhttal any of it ur straight
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I pray this too shall pass.
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
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I don't pay attention to my follower count so this comes as a major surprise, omg I'm so flattered.
As thanks, I want to hold 1000 follow event celebration! I have three options that I'll let yall vote on:
I'll let yall decide!
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lizallanosborn · 11 months
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gold goblin redesign finally done I can stop looking at this now.
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iqmmir · 4 months
Mmayne i should take a break . But if i do then ill die
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Myoudouin Itsuki/Cure Sunshine MINIPOLL!
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For comparison:
The Symphony of the Sun
Power of Shine
GOLD ~Heart's Light~
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relicfragment · 7 months
hi yeah i know im getting blog visitors so ask me whatever yall want abt hikari she's my belovwd meowmeow. My muse. My el wiwiwl. My silly rabbit.
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autistme · 1 year
why are you as a man so
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hold on post cancelled holy fucking shit am! on one of the covers in the background. this isnt even a bit what the fuck hello there
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Bartender isgima au where tatsuya is a bartender and all of a sudden meets Yoshi and he flirts at shima and shins gets feels and they both hang out after shima stops working at nbight
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narutomaki · 3 months
my artfight profile is all set up so I can go back to being insane exclusively about Chris tomorrow
here's my af https://artfight.net/~sevenlambs
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BERYUYYYYYYYTYTTYYYT .. .. . . . ....... -🧿
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Will I tire of sending Law requests? Never. So bare with me.
Law meets a girl on an island and they hit it off. She wants to go with him, but he says the sea is too dangerous for her. And he admits he likes her before taking off.
Instead of being broken hearted, she takes this as motivation to go out to sea and find him.
After months she finds him, and after slapping him into the next century, she tells him she likes him too. And maybe after some fluff, maybe have her mention not being left behind because “there’s only so many times you can handle being slapped by me”
Hiya!! I can absolutely do this minus the slapping ghlkjadf
Notes: reader has Ruby's weapon from rwby bc why not even though I've not seen that in years
[heads up!: afab/fem aligned reader, fluff, some silliness, angst, cursing, implied drinking]
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You've been out on the sea six months.
One hundred and eighty-two days ㅡ down to the exact day. Gone is the rickety sloop you'd ventured from your home on ㅡ and you'd bartered, sweet-talked, and bargained your way into a ship far better than that.
You've even made a name for yourself, though it's been through some odd mix of unfortunate circumstance and luck ㅡ but you're still no closer to your goal.
Because you're not looking for something, you're looking for someone. And that in and of itself is a drop in the bucket because there are a thousand places he could be, and a thousand that he couldn't.
But as with all places that you stop at, you have to start somewhere ㅡ and so you start at the local bar. It's the best place, after all ㅡ liquored mouths tend to talk the loudest, and you're good at listening.
"You're not from around here, are ya?"
You smile against the rim of your drink before you set it down, watching the ice cubes clink. "What gave it away?"
"The fact ya aren't absolutely trashed off yer rocker," your new companion snickers. He's an older man somewhere in the range of salt and pepper hair and a couple of wrinkles that deep when he grins. "And that ship of yours out at the harbor."
You blink and shift in your seat, letting your fingers drift over the rectangular metal pack at your thigh.
"Relax, missy. Not lookin' for trouble." Your companion eyes you. "Ya must be lookin' for someone if yer here though."
You pick your drink up, sipping from it carefully. "You're right, I am." Your new friend watches as you turn to rummage in your pocket, producing a worn, battered piece of paper and unfolding it.
It's a wanted poster, creases made for how often you've shown it ㅡ and you point to the photo. "Have you seen this man?"
Your companion leans back, humming thoughtfully. "I think I saw 'im a couple days ago. He 'n his crew were stopping for supplies at the next island, I think. But isn't heㅡ"
"Thank-you," you say, folding the paper up and tucking it away before you toss a handful of beri onto the table and stand. "For the drink, and for you. You've been very helpful."
The man watches you go, then glances down at the beri, metal shining dully in the light. "What's a bounty hunter want with a war lord?"
You arrive at the next island by mid-afternoon the next day. Hungry and more than a little exhausted, your mood is far from stellar when you step foot on the dock.
"First food, then a nap, then I'll ask around," you mumble to yourself as you stretch, stifling a yawn. "He's turning into more trouble than I bargained for..."
Part of you often wonders what you're even doing ㅡ leaving your home behind, embarking entirely alone on the basis of talking to someone who'd left you without so much as a goodbye.
Correction, he had ㅡ and it'd sucked.
"Who leaves somebody with 'if it were safer I'd take you with me but it's dangerous no matter how I feel' as a goodbye? That sucked shit!" You grouse, kicking at a loose stone. "Trafalgar Law, you're a jerk."
And a warlord, apparently ㅡ he'd forgotten to mention that. And you suppose you have to commend yourself ㅡ most girls in your situation would probably have sulked and moped, maybe stared out at the sea like a grief stricken widow.
You, on the other hand, had simply sulked for two days before scowling and stomping out of your house and declaring that you were going to track the jerk down and demand an apology and a proper confession because that one sucked.
Six months and a growing reputation as a bounty hunter (whoops) later, here you are. Starving, tired, and desperately hoping Law and his crew are still here.
You're not sure what to do if they aren't. Will you keep chasing him, doom yourself to an eternal game of cat and mouse? You're not even sure he feels the way he had before, or if he'd ever felt that way in the first place ㅡ what if it'd just been to placate you?
No, you don't need to fall into that line of thinking ㅡ you're just tired, that's all. And hungry.
You trudge your way towards the nearest restaurant, footsteps heavy as you stagger your way to a table and slap a handful of beri down when a waiter approaches you. "Whatever is the recommended meal, please."
If there's judgement about how bedraggled you must look (if you look how you feel), you don't hear it ㅡ nor do you care.
Once your stomach has stopped rumbling enough to suggest that it's gnawing on itself, you find the energy to look around, catching the handful of wanted posters tacked to a board near the door.
If nothing else, at least you have means to continue that turn of events. Once your meal is finished, you leave a tip and stand, snagging one of the posters on your way out.
Certain that you haven't noticed them, a pair of men stand a few minutes after you leave, sharing a look before they move to follow you.
You notice the pair following you in under five minutes. For starters, they're nowhere near as sneaky as they think they are ㅡ and while your observation skills need refining, you're not completely without them.
"Alright, you two." You come to a stop, hand at your thigh, ready to engage the metal pack with a single touch. "What do you want?"
"You're a bounty hunter," one of them starts, eyeing you warily. "We've seen your face before."
"Really," you answer dryly. "Good for you. I'm not in the mood for small fry, so if you leave now, I'll pretend I didn't see you."
You really, truly are not in the mood to deal with these two ㅡ you're tired damn it, you want to sleep.
You hear the click of a gun cocking, and you sigh as you press the shallow button ㅡ and watch as your weapon springs to life with a series of sleek metallic clicks. "Alright," you sigh, "you asked for it."
"Excuse me," you say, voice strained for the effort it takes to haul the two unconscous knuckleheads behind you and prop them up against the kickboard of the bar counter. "Two questions. Where is an inn or a hotel or something, and where can I turn these two in for their bounty?"
The bartender blinks at you, then at the unconscious (and lightly bleeding) pair behind you. "Uh..."
Across the room, however, you're being watched again. This time not from small time pirates or thugs. Rather, a set of golden eyes lock on you, trying to parse out where he knows you from ㅡ and then narrowing when it hits him.
Several sets of eyes lock on him as he stands, somewhere between confusion and concern as he weaves around tables, intent on reaching you.
A fist in the back of your shirt is not what you expect ㅡ nor is the abrupt lurch backwards, making you windmill your arms to keep your balance, only to lose it anyways as you're hauled towards the exit.
"Hey!" You snap, squirming to free yourself with one hand as the other goes to deploy your weapon, "what is your problem?"
"My problem," a familiar voice says as they stop, "is that you're here."
You bristle as you wrench free, narrowed eyes sweeping up to lock with gold, blazing beneath a very familiar cap, spotted with the motif of a snow leopard.
And after six months of searching, you've found Trafalgar Law.
Law stares at you, wholly unchanged since you last saw him save for the look of irritation on his face. "Explain."
Of all the places he'd thought to see you again, it wasn't here ㅡ because truthfully, he hadn't been expecting to ever see you again at all. He'd left you in your tiny island town, turned, and refused to look back.
"Explain what?" Your head tips, and his teeth grit.
"This," he says, waving at the cruel curve of metal that arcs over your head from the metal pole in your hand, "and what you're doing here."
You still, and the playful glimmer in your eyes snuffs out like a candle. "What I'm doing here?" You laugh, the sound incredulous and tinted with a hint of hysteria. "What I'm doing here? I was looking for you!"
Law tenses. "For me? Why?"
"Because, you asshole," you snarl, eyes blazing, "you broke my heart!"
"Did you really leave her like that captain? That's cold."
Law's eyes flick to Penguin. "Eavesdropping is an awful habit to pick up."
Penguin shrugs. "We weren't, she was yelling at you pretty loud."
And you had ㅡ close to shrieking as you'd poured out every frustration over the last six months trying to find him, and what he'd done to incite it.
And then you'd cried. One tear, then two ㅡ hiccuping as you tried to stem the flow, weapon put away in favor of pressing your palms to your eyes.
Law had seen no other option but to bring you back to where he and the others were staying, chest aching for the rough way you'd yanked from his touch and retreated to one of the rooms ㅡ his room, ironically.
"What are you going to do?" Bepo watches him, and Law wonders what exactly they're expecting him to do as he sighs and stands, heading for his room.
"What I have to."
"Go away."
Law stares at your back as he steps into the room, watches you tense as he shuts the door. "We need to talk."
"I told you to go away."
"This is my room, technically." He approaches, perching himself on the edge of the bed. "You don't have to talk to me, but listen."
"Why should I?"
"Just listen to me, damn it!" He pauses and then tries again, softer. "Please."
You still won't look at him. "Fine."
Law sighs, trying to collect his thoughts before he says something that will get him into even deeper trouble with you. Had he meant what he said before he left? Yes, he had ㅡ but he hadn't meant for it to be an invitation for you to come find him.
"I'm...sorry. For leaving you the way that I did. But I stand by the fact the sea is dangerousㅡ"
"Made it just fine on my own so far."
Law bites his tongue, pushes back the snappy retort that you'd gotten lucky so far. Even though it's clear you have your own skillset, and that you can hold your own.
Maybe he'd been wrong.
"You'll get yourself killed if you're alone." He doesn't want that, it's the very reason he left you there ㅡ that you'd be safe. "Which is why," he continues before you can snap back, "...I want you to come with me."
You shift, and your eyes lock. "What?"
"Come with me," he repeats. "My crew. On the Polar Tang."
You sit upright. "You better not be saying that to get me to forgive you, Trafalgar Law. It's going to take a lot more thanㅡ"
He snatches your wrist, yanking you in for a clumsy kiss that you pull away from quickly.
"Seriously?" You eye him, then turn away with a huff. "If I join you, I have two conditions."
He raises an eyebrow. "And those are?"
"You still owe me for that shitty and now that shitty kiss. This isn't a romance novel, you jerk."
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partyigloo · 3 months
i am going theough a rough time in my life right now and every time i see your art on my time line it makes me smile so wide thank you for making penguins game art i love you and i love club penguins veery much iam bery tired goos night
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im sorry for taking so long to reply, i do hope youve felt better since then! and thank you for the kind words, im really so happy my penguins can bring you such joy ( ^ )> ♪
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mithrasisgay · 20 hours
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Teehee, yippie, character lineup time! I had to reaaaally squeeze with my Sylvari this time, they just keep multiplying. I should neuter them, fr
But yes! that's what I've got right now - they're also all 80 and fully geared, I'm bery proud of them. 30 of 'em hang out in my homestead.
Edit, Variel is there twice, because i love her sososo much, and not because im tired and not focusing
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Damnit i made a new au
guess what time it is
time for
✨My own Links meet au!✨
and the zeldas meet up to!
ive got an idea for story but jts a little bit to much like Lu for my liking so i am currently editing it and will be posted hopefully soon!!
zeldas will also get designs to ima be focusing on this whole au to actually cas aprently my hiatus is over ill be working on other aus from time to time but theres alot to do for this and i am bery exited!! ill be making a master post once i post some more stuff im really exited!!
bellow the cut is my current designs for Links(no full body drawings yet cas there are 14 links ad 15 zeldas i need to draw and i am not dealinf with that shit today)
Before the split
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skyward sword Link
20 years old
first chosen hero
forged the master sword
dating Sun(his zelda)
always looks like hes gonna fall asleep
very expressive
Minish cap
17 years old
can be small like minish
the smith kf the group
Social anxiety
lets the minish do his hair!
Fallen hero Timeline
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four swords
Four swords adventure
18 years old
the colors sre very separated
others only think hes a little crazy talking to himself
Links awakening
17 years old
keeps a flower in memory of Marin
learned how to braid his hair from her to and keeps it like that
has alot of shit
A link to the past
a link between worlds
triforce heros
technicly a prince cas of fabel(Zelda and his sister)
bunn boi
his colors blended much easier
the legends of zelda
links adventures
16 years old
also alot of items
gets lost easily especially with the weird geographical part of the merge
very curious
Child timeline
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twilight princess
19 yo
has a wolf tail and wont explain why or how he got it
can control when he comes wolfie usually but sometimes when they move around he just is wolfie and cant become hylian
big brother energy
Babys litterly any one whos younger then him even if its just by a year(Wild and Time do count cas of there weird ages)
Hyrule Warriors
23 years old
did cry over his scarf once
big brother energy aswell but in a funner "you were supposed to watch over the,! But no one was put to watch over me!" Kinda vibe
knew wind and mask before but they didnt know him its weirddddddd
mentioned minda and marin and others lost thrre shit
Age of calamity
17 years old
gravitates twords Warriors
Might have acidently been the start of a new split in the timeline no one actually knows where age sits exept hes on the child timeline
Breath of the wild
Tears of the kingdom
keeps the arm and the sages idc how totk ends
physically hes like 20 ish chronologically hes 121 mentally hes like 17 years old
can cook wonderfully
eats randome shit for fun
is a lik shit
is very loyal but definitely took alot to get that loyal
is extremely weirded out bt Age
Adult timeline
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Wind waker
Phantome Hourglass
14 years old
has tetras bandanna
thinks the green heros tunic is dorky as fuck snd hates the hat
has tried to shoot every link out of a cannon that hes had the opportunity to with wavering success
is gonna fo bat shit crazy/ good way
Spirit tracks
15 years old
very done with ur shit at all times
i dont think he knows what color is(wears alot of fucking grey)
Likes wind tolerates the others
is gonna go bat shit crazy/ bad way
And ofcourse Time and Mask
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Ocarina of time
18 years old
mentally 9-10 years old
doesnt actually know how to read
from adult timeline
friends with Malon
socially akward mess
Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
11 years old
tired of everyones shit
in denial of all this timeline merging stuff
Thats all the Links!
Master post here!(coming soon) Zeldas prt 1 here! Zeldas prt 2(Coming soon)
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asexualbookbird · 1 year
oh i saw that "reblog and tag what your ereading" post which reminded me! there was a scene in A Gathering Of Shadows that i really DID NOT LIKE lololol
been vibing with Alucard, i find him interesting, i love that lilas like "huh weird that i dont know of any of alucards enemies!" and then we see kell go "ugh i HATE that guy i want to punch his face"
i like lila well enough, shes an entire mood, but yeah im tired of her being mean to Girls In General, which wouldnt bug me nearly as much if we had Literally Any Other Woman to latch on to, but come ON okay
Alucard has just had a Moment where hes like "ah yes Lila has clearly been Traumatized and does not trust people and does not like getting close to people" and his next move is to kiss her???? mid sentence??????? bro WHAT is your thought process there lmao
it makes NO sense to me, yesh sure it was funny when the narrative was like "oh btw Lila pulled a knife on him" but AGAIN. THATS THE POINT. WHY WOULD YOU KISS HER LIKE THAT WHEN SHES COVERED IN KIVES AT ALL TIME AND IS BERY GENEROUS IN USING THEM
Even ignoring her feelings (which he did!) what about HIS safety! did not like this scene lololol
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