#this is a trainwreck im so sorry
autistme 1 year
why are you as a man so
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hold on post cancelled holy fucking shit am! on one of the covers in the background. this isnt even a bit what the fuck hello there
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sparring-spirals 2 years
I need folks to understand that Bell's Hells giving therapy advice to each other is especially funny BECAUSE their codependence and advice is particularly questionable. That's the charm of it. "It's okay to be angry" ok gal that has a storm constantly in her veins and a hair-trigger and so. many. reasons to go apeshit. "don't bottle up your emotions" says the lil guy accidentally storing everyone's emotional damage. "do you want to talk about your problems" says The Walking Halfling Of Trauma. "don't get too attached" says the Most Protective Rock In Jrusar. Im sure Laudna has said SOMETHING about talking about problems which is deeply funny from the "All My Problems Are Alive And Taunting Me In my Head" Hollowed One. At least with Fearne you KNOW the advice is 50/50 "surprisingly good" and "do you want to see a fire". Why is Chetney "Embrace your inner murderer" the best at advice. Its fine. This party is a wreck. They love each other. They're all MESSES. That's the point. I love them.
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boneskullravenriver 5 months
Ngl, and I'm gonna piss some people off but I kind of wish the show didn't exist.
Idk it's creating an energy in this fandom that I'm not vibing with that wasn't there before.
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sunriseindigo 8 months
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cringetober day 22: maid dress
whit fans go get ur juice
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angrycloudcrown 2 months
Sometimes I think I'm a regular fandom person and then I get brainrot for the most embarrassing trainwreck piece of media and then I remember this is why I picked tumblr to be my main social media platform because obviously the people here would have the same fate
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pixdoodles 7 months
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oh miss voz... what if i was in a play and you were not and i was trying to prevent an assassination and you were... trying to do that assassination 馃槼馃槼馃槼
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voulezloux 10 days
i鈥檓 tired of having to explain to my friends why i had to make a post basically begging for support while im unable to work because it only makes me more angry every time i do so. like i can鈥檛 get short term disability because that鈥檚 not a benefit that they offer and even if they did, i would have to pay for that myself in order to get it. i could鈥檝e rolled over my old plan from the previous owner to the new owner and pay for it separately. but the one time i had used it, they put me under illness and not injury (which is what it was. because i injured my foot and couldn鈥檛 stand to do my job. i even put it as an injury and they said i lied and changed it) and the payout i got barely covered my bills. i didn鈥檛 see a point in continuing to pay for a service that would do that plus it took a full month after i went back to work to even get the payout. the only benefits they offer at 401(k) with them matching, PTO, and health insurance. that鈥檚 it. i鈥檓 using what鈥檚 left of my PTO this week to bulk up my paycheck so i can actually get some kind of money but after that i don鈥檛 know when i鈥檒l have a paycheck next. i鈥檓 looking for work because i can鈥檛 afford not to work. there鈥檚 nothing in place to protect the worker at my job in the event of this happening. the only reason im not completely losing my mind is because im still able to get health insurance while im unable to work but that鈥檚 not because of them. that鈥檚 because of FMLA. if that wasn鈥檛 in place, who the fuck knows man
#o posts#i won鈥檛 get into how i don鈥檛 like the owners son and how he basically said i wasn鈥檛 valuable to the company anymore while injured#in a more professional way#or how they offer pto but only if you work a min of 34hrs a week and that鈥檚 regardless of ft or pt status#or how they offer health insurance but only to those who work 30+hrs a week#again regardless of ft or pt status#and i especially won鈥檛 get into how i had 0 faith in getting any support from anyone when making this post#asking for help#because i鈥檝e literally been homeless and i was told they would keep me in their thoughts and prayers#thoughts and prayers aren鈥檛 going to pay my bills linda!#i鈥檝e gotten more support than i thought i would get#i won鈥檛 say how many and i won鈥檛 say how much#but it鈥檚 more than i thought it would be#and that鈥檚 also because i fully expected 0 people to help with $0#hell people can鈥檛 even share the post i made to try and help me#like my moms the only fucking share that post has#thoughts prayers and good vibes are nice and i appreciate them#but the companies i pay my bills to won鈥檛 take them as payment#but ya know#america鈥檚 so fucking great!#also i鈥檓 sorry i know my blog has been a fucking trainwreck for almost a month now#with me being all over the place emotionally#everything has gone to shit and at least here#if i post something im already expecting to be talking to the void instead of expecting someone to spare a like or comment to it#i love tumblr for that and it鈥檚 truly the only place i have currently where i can yell and cry in between therapy
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findstenicht 3 months
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tthirdmember 1 month
what do you mean there's 2 weeks until im 23 ......... since when
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mxrtified777 2 months
oddly enough out of all of my ygo moodboards my yugi board is the most put-together. i brainrot the least about him, but his aesthetic? impeccable
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Litereally (excuse my spelling) this entire thing was inspired by my father bringing home a ditch bank knife (we live in a very wooded area with lots of trees on our property), and me going, you know what that looks like. That looks like a deadly oar for a boat, you know who could use that, a camp counselor in the apocalypse.
Then it couldn't be a zombie apocalypse because I needed found family fluff, so it became a magic apocalypse.
Now we're here and I have no idea what's going on because all I have for this story is a mental pinterest board of vibes, and a name for a character that is just me projecting onto an oc.
A couple of vibes does not a story make, but you all get to see me try anyways
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g00ngala 2 years
i swear i have tmnt opinions yall are not ready for
#hannah.txt#it might not be on here but at least on tiktok theres this like feud between rise fans and 2012 fans right#and its like. i get it if you dont want to call rottmnt your favorite tmnt adaptation. but like 2012? really lol?#specifically people saying its better than rise and its like thats insane to me im sorry#if you want to say the 2003 version is better than rise then you know what? sure absolutely. 2003 goes hard. but like 2012?#to set the record straight i like tmnt 2012 i enjoy it. but not because it is good lmao. writing wise it is an absolute trainwreck#however its an extremely funny trainwreck and it has bits of salvageable characters and arcs#and its like#i dont want to be one of those new fans hating on the old shit or whatever because i really am not#but speaking as someone who is watching through all 3 shows. 2012 is bad and by bad i mean like inconsistent. extremely inconsistent#and like to sit there and say rise is worse than 2012 with your full chest is some unbelievable nostalgia blindness#i luv the 2012 characters and the show is hysterical however a goof 50% it is hysterical on accident and not on purpose#sometimes these 'old fans' (a little funny bc they're obsessed with what was the newest tv show before rise)#are so obsessed with familiar that any break from that is so mind shattering to ttem that they hate it#and heres the thing 2012 is not a wholely bad show i think it is an extremely 2012 show + the writing is misogynistic and not thought out#its just like idk. im not that heated about it i think its just really funny#how dedicated some people are to defending the show with an inc//est plotline and the worst romantic subplots ever#like. are you allowed to like it despite its flaws? 100% . like i said i like it a lot despite my criticisms#but like saying its better than rise or 2003 for that matter... come on now. face reality my friend. be honest w urself#ok rant over LMFAO
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cinnabeat 1 year
sometimes ill be reading a fic and its long and i spend hours on it and then a character does something so stupid not even in an out of character way but just a this is the stupidest decision ive ever seen and its reasonable in the context but its SO STUPID and i have to click out of it and go read something else bc even tho ive invested hours into this i literally cannot bring myself to read through whatever bullshit this decision is going to cause
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mourningmaybells 5 months
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britneyshakespeare 7 months
re: my last post rambling about my siblings: i also realize of course that not everyone who has siblings has as good a relationship to them as i do, and that can be for any number of reasons, can have any number of resolutions, including just begrudgingly accepting that your sibling(s) are never gonna be the closest people in your life. i talked about how the bond i have with mine is akin to a commitment, because all of us prioritize each other, but i don't mean to make it sound idyllic or like it should be the universal standard. i am lucky but i am not naive. not everyone gets the siblings they would most wish to have, or some people just aren't that close to them and i don't particularly have a blanket judgment to make of that in all cases. however...
that guy i made a bunch of personal posts over the summer about because he was an emotionally abusive friend that i had to cut off, who asserted way too much control over my life, who was guilt-tripping and manipulative and sought to silence me etc etc etc he really was just never very accepting of me for who i was, never expressed interest in anything about me that didn't have to do with him, etc etc etc just that JERK guy who i still have nightmares about a few times a month. it took me a long time to accept that he wasn't just "depressed" and "anxious" but that he was actively using people; he wasn't accepting of harmony but always wanted control over others and their narratives, etc etc etc. there were certain sides of him i didn't see much because i got to know him in a rather isolated way. we had mutual contacts but i never worked with him or had a class with him or really even met him a few times before he started spilling his heart and soul to me privately and said i'm his best friend and i'm the only one who understands and supports him and basically pressured me to make him my project 24/7 and was incredibly disrespectful towards me whenever i asserted my own independence from him or just. wanted to see someone other than him or even just wanted to be by MYSELF. jesus. what a nightmare that guy was. IS, because i know he can't have changed and he probably never will.
THAT guy has a sibling. he has a little brother four years younger than him, and that guy was about two years younger than me. so his brother turned 18 this year. he graduated from high school. his brother is YOUNG, all things considered. and as much as he would constantly pour his heart out and gripe about every person he ever came into contact with (and as much as i now distrust a lot of the information he told me because i know he'll only ever say flattering things about himself and never speak forgivingly or with any nuance towards someone he labels now as "bad", including me)... the only time that i didn't really know how to listen with as open a heart was when he would start talking about how awful his little brother is. i'd be like, ok, so you had terrible friends in high school. all the people in your classes are shitty to you. this person has done you wrong and this person is awful and your parents and your family suck and this and that and this. no one has ever been good to you in your entire life except me? ok.
the ONLY time i was like "i don't know if i can take this at face value, i think you're being too harsh..." is when he would talk about his little brother. because i was like, well, from everything you're telling me, his problems sound like something he can very well grow out of. he'd be like oh he's PRETENTIOUS. lol ok. he's a senior in high school, of course he sometimes acts like he knows everything. why do you act like he's a lost cause? i could also tell that there must've been some personal jealousy in there bc his brother was kind of the "more accomplished" sibling, did better in school, that sort of thing. i don't know what it's like to be an older sibling or to feel like you're living in the shadow of a sibling, especially a younger one, because i've always kind of been on a different path than any of my siblings/there hasn't really been a sense of competition between us. i would try to give him the benefit of the doubt and be like "well i guess i really don't know what that's like" because you CAN'T assume. i give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt and i try to take people, especially when they're being vulnerable with me, at their word, which is exactly how i got so involved with this guy and ended up being so used by him and under his thumb. horrible. he's a monster. anyway.
and whenever i'd be like "well he's just a kid" to every negative thing he'd say about his little brother, that's when he'd dismiss the subject and stop talking about it. and this isn't something that came up a couple of times but came up a LOT. he'd shit talk his brother to me at least several times a week, always unprompted, because why would i wanna hear someone badmouth a teenager? and it'd always be the pettiest shit. one time he even told me that he noticed his brother didn't come home last night and he didn't know where he was and i was like "oh my god is he ok? that's terrifying" and it's like he did that just so he could tell me "no i don't really care honestly. the two of us aren't close." it's like he wasn't just not-close with this kid but he was obsessed with hating him.
not only did his reasons never seem to satisfy me, but he never seemed to acknowledge that his little brother shared all of the traumas and adverse experiences he grew up with, the discrimination he faced and the familial trauma and the structures of abuse he would tell me about from his parents. he would mention how these are all the problems and the reasons he can't trust people and why he's so fucked up but he didn't seem to have any patience or empathy for someone younger than him brought up in the same exact environment. it's like he wanted his brother to always just fuck off and die.
none of this made any sense to me, it was if anything the BIGGEST sense of confusion i had with him for a long time because i dismissed all the ways he was cruel to *just me* until i started picking up all his patterns and realizing this all WASN'T just how he treats me. HE is the problem; HE is this entitled and controlling and nasty and manipulative towards everyone; HE has no self-awareness or regard for other people. it's not just ME not having the guts to stand up for myself when he made me feel uncomfortable or when i'd feel disrespected by something he said to/about me. he would know when he was saying something unacceptable or losing his temper; he did it with other people all the time. but he isolated and then lovebombed me so hard that i didn't see that this WAS how he treated everyone, but he made me in particular his prey because i was a trusting and trustworthy stranger, rather than someone who had seen him behave in such a way towards other people and could make the informed choice to stay away from him. it was never JUST ME but how could i have known that?? how?? i didnt know anything about his life except what he'd tell me, and he was actively sucking me away from all parts of my life he wasn't involved in, and/or forcing his way into them. there was no space between him and me; my life became his because he hijacked it and then forced me to do all his emotional labor and solve all his problems so i'd hardly have any energy to face my own.
anyway. yeah. it all made MUCH more sense when i realized HE is the problem between him and his brother. that didn't stick out as a red flag because again i'm trusting and i accept all these hypothetically broken or damaged familial relationships people have. HE really wanted me to hate this teenager for no good reason, like he wanted me to hate everyone else in his life that he'd ever decide to cast as a villain. i never understood why the teenage boy. never understood it. i'm like he's just a boy. OH but you're an awful horrible jerk who can't get along with anyone for longer than 2 minutes before you try and take control of everything about them and then lash out if they try to assert their independence. OOOHHH ok i get it now that makes sense. because that's what you've been doing to me all this time ohhh i get it.
#wow this is such a long post lol#long post#tales from diana#im not proofreading this so if this makes no sense well whatever#sorry if you... missed my... constant crises about this situation over the summer?#i do still have nightmares about him lol#i have otherwise been moving on... pretty ok#you know it's just such a relief to not talk to him anymore ever. love that#i have him blocked too 馃枻馃枻馃枻#and he isn't a school/work acquaintance and we don't live suuuper close where i'd worry about seeing him in public randomly#i have had some friends that i explained our falling out to that have randomly ran into him. and he glared at them. lol#he really tried to involve all my friends in the messiest ways after he realized he was losing his control over me.#he was acting so entitled and imposing and overly-familiar and spilling all his 'problems' hes having with me#to ppl that i had introduced him to a couple of times and he would never be emotionally close with#but now he wants to pour his heart out about how he's been victimized by my callousness towards him (read: my individual identity/needs)#like what a fucking trainwreck that was.#in fact i encouraged him to be vulnerable with some of these friends like he was ALWAYS being vulnerable to me#making me support him 24/7 and literally never giving me time to do or think about anything else#never reciprocating interest or concern when it comes to my own life in any way. even if he KNEW about problems i had going on#just no sympathy from him whatsoever. he was just a sympathy vampire. he took and took and took and never gave back.#like i said he's the most self-centered person i've ever met.#yeah. i need to drop this now#but i do feel bad for his little brother. bc everything i ever felt sympathy for him for also applies to his brother#but his BROTHER has never shown any signs to me of being nearly as disgusting as he is.#he's brother's just a kid. but imagine having such a nightmare of a brother for the rest of your life. im sorry to him
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whimsicalcotton 7 months
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