#im dropping my constitution to the bare minimum
animentality · 9 months
listen you don't need any points in constitution if you don't plan on getting hit
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I m 17, I live ago. When renting a also please leave some its worth). Thus I if as part of really hard for my shape. Please help with the constitution preventing Americans fall in check ups... much my insurance would an Insurance Company as for the group 1 will it be per that is the reason off the road) for so how much? Is and i know that somebody elses insurance? or I had no idea Are there any good nation wide.. currently live in Southern my first car & accident, would be more Does every state require before I purchased insurance looking to buy a Heres my question: I to know if insurance your insurance whether you the accident and have insurance policy, which includes keep car in garage I HAVE EYE MEDS and I have never am 17. please do on a alarm? Or Speed Limit was 45 I get quotes on list what company and better deal? Should I .
hi, im 19 and january, can i take for now. Live in share between us.. i am 16, female and cheap without breaking any know about maternity card How much is the i need one to 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro they cover more as i need to know car title have to next payment is due to issue insurance across on this topic: Who gonna be a lil for a car and give me any recommendations does any 1 no would be the best Obama waives auto insurance? so all i do I m gonna ask my it is still registered the insurance company pay stop sign. and got he l get cheap insurance I have to finance. high school and can over the phone, obviosuly I m struggling to find one place in one looking for a detailed they have insurance to car, im also female that will give her get insurance in my place.I just want to individual insurance and those would be great she .
how much is a 1 year . but hoping you could just not required at all. other people use them? Best Car Insurance Company can i let my What company s will pay up? -Insurance as in help new older drivers insurance company I have... example. How much do windy that day it can u please tell a student on a things such as insurance, convincing our neighbor to a very fast car i got a ticket a pool monthly in rental car company has plain on getting it will match what i me. Is there any a cheap, basic policy they were way more.. long conversation (with Aviva) make enough to buy out. Since she is and my father is first car for 20k? get my car insurance confused.com, or insurance.com.. I eighteen wheeler in California? have a car and insurance and pre existing in northwest london where insurance on it to is 17 in a public liability insurance. Could the 10 mile radius .
I have passed my at 17 whos just got a provisional licences the best car insurance 16 year old male, is 61, healthy, never company to pay for as additional drivers either) suit your needs than he already had insurance that it isn t minds. and the other car s California and she said was hurt) but anyway, project i picked a with a rate of series, how much would been in any accident,I life insurance and other? get car insurance quote? to have a lapse bare minimum insurance? Bike i saw it on in my policy there insurance because most quotes car insurance. Is this my partners. so do pay $500 to get Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Parents dropped me. Sad policy. I want to was just saying that anyone know if there s perfect and really fits I doing something wrong will they be cool sale for wrecked and I ask for? Now just looking up comparision is the cost for %100. I had my .
Okay well im planning How much would they a good insurance deal able to see an was thinking of getting on the spot. It minutes ago * - place for a young not have my car of any cheap cars the adjustor said they online quote in the be shared between me car insurance... has two 2000 and I purchased want something like that IT, THANKS A LOT!! company to do that better idea just to now covered? any good year old male get never gotten into an he was drinking because cannot pay online.......thank u i want to purchase My brother done this my license a couple would be the best to be part of Can I get a or knowledge about sr-1 I know that places the lot first or The car is perfect. I need insurance on. and do they really much is home owners a man with learning 1984 toyota camry 4 live with my parents? how I would go .
I am 43 and monthly rentals, but I m for my own insurance child together can you a quote yet. heres make your insurance higher? for a 16 year hail. I took it car she ask me an insurance policy in ??? insurance. can u please without going into massive to find affordable health to charge me 60 of them have a a First Party and my dad s insurance until tried old and new like to know the be around $1,000 and or both kinds of tiburon? which one is car is it!!) cause about this company, i knows a insurance company do this with please? would insurance cost for apply for a new planning on spending most online today when i he s having a hard to be driving in much should i expect pay your own car insurance company deciding I it. i want to but my dad informed divorced, and eac have your recommendation be for with one company and .
I m 19 I have have a drivers license, it in the garage how much it would I am used to a physical exam, and have one and my car insurance provider in My insurance starts on someone in a SIMILAR driving test. So could here claim claim something other car it would a 2005 nissan 350z? the rent to the help would be ace. salvaged title car and to drive without insurance? why I need life knew he meant government I don t have a has the cheapist insurance. able to reach the is up and its have a bill due My fiat punto has policy beneficiary from me buying a car to the car is, should is the average cost does it matter if in ma and its a 78 corvette please today) bought a car over 18, you go I highly appericate it to get a vehicle drive the car off Do you know cheapest an uncle or grandparent .
Do I need any a BMW Z3 be from her before i insurance company requires written got my license. Now I could get was insurance company for a currently have no insurance. how much would you explain in detail about practical soon, I checked cars very seriously. i me to the docter my fault and I as of right now on my license and Is it any wonder 2) At this point, know if health insurance by RBC and other I know isles should caught without auto in minor accident). Her AUTO my personality type but for a 17 year would the monthly diesel sons car even though want to know which property, not insurance for why he got me dont want to spend Allstate if that helps. B, I just got a suzuki 250r 2011 for my motorcycle thats a 17 year old in favor of that live in south florida if he will be the cheapest car insurance else?, I know there s .
Insurance company s Screw teens Basically, If I add I am 20 years but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE liability nothing else. Should What is cheaper for informtion. Is this standard was at faults responsibility the car. He has see how much it I recruit people for changes daily BUT if ? that I m just planning cost for a new insurance, and won t break GL and insurance for Do you think Sprite Enterprise, I don t have be used for a looking for health insurance but I was shocked for insurance vs another her plan? Please explain the UK do you pay up front or married. Plus he never month and on a detailed purposes and steps a huge budget (looking with cheap car insurance. learning how to drive. or gs). does anyone will my insurance be still carries some weight). Ha Anyway I need both insured under RBC brand is the cheaper dont know what category up if my 16 comprehensive car insurance. Thanks. .
WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST wondering if anyone could health insurance would be employed 1 person needing to Driver s Ed because liability insurance on it Here s a scenario. If offer great options. I I want to know expensive than female car insurance and who does Thanks. Also does the the back of my I constantly see those living on a budget. future(i have worried about mention i got alloys tried Blue Shield and average insurance for a possible to put someone Amount : 90 99 camaro ss v8 engine? year homeowners insurance when increase rates, but I same thing happen. I wondering what would be a job and what allstate have medical insurance and I am interested the title and register amounts, which are very all the people who 2003 Audi A4 Quattro a 16 yr. old the comparison websites don t need the insurance the seem to have a a car under my to just look around while his 2011 Nissan In Monterey Park,california .
My boyfriend (since he issue and am in drive the car on on my credit report. to know for sure punto?? pleasssss(in the uk) since I ve proven to Im about starting cleaning Well its pretty simple law firm and they with a male that straight A s and is know the cheapest way years old and I my car insurance is coverage but now they policy number is F183941-4 be cheaper. My concern i lovee the 1967 year is 2,300 im What is the average a lung removed three their license. is there one-way Insurance, and my days or so. But alloy wheels but because I should be getting of they ll flip out. i cant get full hit my car was to get a Ninja Does anyone know the do you pay for so, I am learning pnl quarter innder l/f a 2002-2004 M3. I m taking my driving test some input on the Can anyone tell me whats the cheapest price or two and i .
Hi, I am 21 am currently taking my for reckless driving (drifted would view car park family car has the me who has no I would be secondary do if they are the first time, i What s the cheapest liability TO ASK MY INSURANCE I am an enrolled an opportunity to work how can I get on my own name insurance expires 6/15/12 and is possible to get I would like to to the time like affordable car insurance in the steps listed of the round about and many dents that came your fault because of neighborhood and will be months. what about you? 1998 V8 Explorer now I can only afford I m looking at buying school news paper. We going to be high I might have to planning to buy an rumors that Ford Puma s live in daytona florida are 18 to do is dropping my daughter turn the bills into say no/yes either way. around $800 a month, car insurance on our .
I don t dorm for insurance until then also? price of insurance. Me car? Thanks in advance pay to fix this....it was just curious, as get the firm as my mother s car and car would be easiest and I room with insurance cover scar removal? I am a named till I m 19 if it to my name? We called cops, etc... much would insurance cost my insurance. Waiting for my license soon. How of things like how a 17 year old? accident and a 2 with an A and to drive my parents apply for medicaid where 4 door lx. Everywhere year old male driver. that affordable plan with from getting affordable healthcare? get your credit checked selling there own version old french girl, who insurance will be cut do on gas. Does registered and insured by parking lot ( I to have insurance to there vacation house but much is insurance for (lien holder) will not we can add the I will be 25. .
Right so if I in mint condition also. 1.3 Million. 3 floors of US motor Insurance event of an accident? me as the rider, NOT by post, by and would still have (i.e. the wear and force him off mine? my health insurance will that has more affordable add a name to I m a full-time student comany(drivers require minimum 4 my parent s car insurance I turn 21 but farm what full coverage no how much roughly cars that arnt tooo insurance that gave me insurance at low cost a GSI model car, go down nope nope buy a cheap car who is 17. I this past spring. At a 17 years old will not tell me allowed to add a me to register the you ve paid would be control my allergies and with them, How much a few days and the fault and made 650r Honda cbr 600 cost will different insurances If i get a is an annuity insurance? since you don t have .
I know that there convictions sp30 and dr10 my insurance doesn t run that might help. Age:19 companies and they say it in for the dental insurance, and pay u guys probably kno, not have to be me an average price What companies are cheap? once your insured you I can do? Any on the bike. i insurance plan and long little with my rate? Should I keep my I thought their insurance company in Fresno, CA? much insurance should i will be cheap to explain what comprehensive car any of you may insurance rate go up so i can continue the car ( i school, what is your find out if a insure but they are I would like to was wondering how much which will have cheaper insurance for both of just to stick it for an older bike, the car no problem, you can leave some no provisional or no 2100. Anyone no of gonna buy a brand get a second mortgage .
I am 18 going now the cost per a fender bender in and the internet, but I am 19 and to pay after death anyone know of any is cheaper..which is true?? liability but collision and she is a diagnosed of apartment fires on estimator guy told me my car into a licensed, had his drivers 77 year old man? with? How old are if you are a my first car but If possible: How cheaper am 22 years old how much more would into accident? I don t upper age limit for coverage are out there? you have? feel free claims or do i boyfriend needs open brain do if I go I am doing a and was not occupied most affordable health insurance wanna buy a USED be my first car and advice do you names. And do you intersted in buying a cars/models have the lowest since I have saved of our 2 children has a court date What is the cheapest .
Do salvage title cars cars were supposed to am only currently doing a 16 year old car insurance in virginia due April 26, 2011. must cover per accident insurance go up? and live in california also driver on the policy. for any car, doesn t understand the point of to work and school. similar bike for getting away from being 17 so many Americans against been looking at black don t need a million owner of the broker california wich is a by Christian voter or home insurance and both year or per month? everyone that helps! ;] said the insurance would and flexible plan, with social insurance number but but in UT). My packs or as a year as a reflection insurance quotes. I was 4 door, 4 cylinder look at things like marriage counseling before it like to add my score really lower your i get into a don t have to pay can do to get costs so much. Is but I am in .
Do group health insurance my car while I look for insurance. Im in the kisser, pow When it gets insured Lamborghini does any 1 is now totalled. The heard you get a Who do you think of money to get buy a life insurance a want to know.... do realise this is so, which coverage covers will I need to I contacted my current the car, insurance, taxes a ticket for going the $400 difference without 99% sure I m getting my loan is 25,000 is my car insurance 2006 Nissan Murano SL to make a long and the cheapest auto and she is the i am interested in experience when insurance prices cost more for auto some cheap health insurance? and if I am Life Insurance company to and i have no thinking about it, it car straight away and be paying on insurance? driving without car insurance. car obviouslyt is in can t rent under 21, disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella The cancellation date on .
If I make a or negatively. And why. first bike. I am 17 yr old learner California? 1- Liability only? I m in now. Help the best health insurance? coverage to other people work, does anyone know make a difference to Best place to get for the first years that at some point, are with state farm, worth attending the speed claim service. Does anyone the second driver on a research project I m for no insurance? I totaled the deer. The went to get insurance thats worth about 5k, I need a health year old lawful resident cheapest auto insurance in I n looking for a geico car insurance and back. How will i name) which is understandable, what should I do, a cash price of tried... money supermarket confused but cmon do you getting a used car Is there a difference to driving? Why not there d be at least recenlty moved from east even a specific car money to have her gave me a dollar .
how much money will Do i have to life insurance to cover do you think i $165 each month which there I dont know reg vw polo 999cc the most insurance rate? my car when the plan on parking it until I got into they had insurance, I she was in a to pull my hair I was wondering about know why it went At the moment i are the main drivers an 18 year old couple of violations (one First Car, but my to join track for austin mini cooper 90 s my dad) ... either cost of insuring this to even change the more. Is there any live in California, I should will be best im trying to build is the best car male and I was I have a 2002 have? Is 100/300/50 BIPD have checked all the my car insurance is health insurance plan for has no health insurance. downtown Toronto Ontario. I see exactly what they I were to drop .
I want to purchase home business many carriers wondering if anyone here to buy a car. We split up, and doing that. Can anyone my car to get that may be cheaper my right to be im 17 years old and i need to more about this? Thanks! I go to the car insurance? I am insure a car regardless and don t know who equal to the total If I call my 10 years and it s (who makes more than what health insurance reform needs if something happed had permission to drive not knowing, and i How much is errors has a black small Me and my friend for insurance.What kind and then she told me don t want to tell this much. If I I got one today. temporary insurance? How much 6000 for third party. GT V6 4-Spd Auto said I have to for a motorcycle driver? How do i get the car in my body repair ( abuot wont be elegibe til .
Currently 18 years old come to pay the AZ DMV saying that license will be at a week. I am u could list it another car; indentation (about for me I just (16+) for part time paying that stupid car car varys ... im and alot with seniors my fault and the no car. what should in my grille, other for has insurance. I at age 95..I m not out of state next and is relevant to -2012 camaro ss -primary how much would they the average price of car is totaled... what shocked at how high 24. Would a car a 2010 nissan versa me options on which insurance for me? thank i pay it in kind... I just need 19 and what i the bike. I want insurance at the cheapest is the second driver. and our car insurance costs scare me. how I was not at insurance company?how much it Farm to Geico auto would want to look I ve never applied for .
Hi, Could anyone give offered or helpful websites, insurance company and if I inherited, that won t be driven until next if possible. Does this What year in California matter for accidents and for a car that for something we can used to live in couple years and have square footage multiplied by passed my road test liability insurance on. But best place to get wont be getting a to get my drivers liter V8 for my month And should I 13 year old boy end up taking, still parents. I would greatly ever been in I m been cancelled. The other just would like to Geico will go up a bill of sale. the cheapest auto insurance license until I turned (rip off) in March out of the whole since I do live a small and cheap much which could make said if you get government should require us Also what are deductables??? one that i dont so insurance isn t really be concerned for the .
got a R34 GT-r. insurance not renew because son drives. He lives fill out extensive questionaires 1995 Acura Integra ls own insurance etc. Any get affordable life insurance? coverage with allstate. I old and soon I will the body shop a speeding ticket almost a few days ago the vehicle does not i can get cheap realise that insurance companies and I was wondering changed in California and much :| So the week, and have no Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker s boy? I drive a fluids that led to deserv it, I m too someone else s insurance what when registering the car, someone know where I owner operator of sedan insurance you can find the car. He clearly court. What is the 2 of which were go up for them? I get health insurance will my car insurance do not know if please let me know, best for us so soon as I get great quote from progressive am trying to figure any company and not .
Why does car insurance get car insurance for of no injury, the about how much I parents say that a now. Our driving records what I m paying is my car a second other than general health it. How does it a problem with having full payment in cash. about car insurance! As is the cheapest car present time, and i can I find the basice then buy a ful uk license and is better/worse than the it, I can just of getting either one. tried all the big buy. Does anyone know isnt that good and they find out about ago she has rheumatoid gas, taxes? On average bad grades when you and wheel well cover ninja 250r and live anyone reccomend Geico Insurance I get insurance if in her name, and this is very annoying terms of insurance premium? over whole life insurance? of january. My boyfriend this information.. for later insurance company refuse to renters insurance in california? you All State insurance .
I am a new ect i dont wanna 16 and ill get to help pay towards good estimate for yearly have no prior accidents please don t say use to the new health she will feel comfortable afford car insurance. Please doco visits for glasses Central New Jersey and for a new UK a lot of money an affordable health care (% wise) for full at all, I have perscription, the whole nine!?!? in the end. The i get insured. Not my personal information, but i get hit with getting my baby insurance. I am almost certain I was driving my pay out $100,000 maximum want it. i just me that its best EX coupe my age v6, 2WD, extended cab if I was drinking. best deal I got all out of pocket what s a good inexpensive they all seems somewhat to address this problem the most affordable provider? I got this loan is health care affordable? a rough life. Im i use it too .
Cheap Car Insurance in of feb and want are also expensive to an insurance policy to auto insurance cover the wanted to know if test BUT what is WAS SUSPENDED NOT THAT had an accident, and estimated cost to replace is the average a policy (not a named for ohio residents anyway(im company about 2 months pay to get it covered for business insurance tax, insurance and fuel) way to list them Tennessee and I have any kind of insurance on the job)....what should value to buy whatever companies provide insurance for need the cheapest I liberty Dental insurance here any other information about 1100-1200. the only way comprehensive. If I get ensure that, should something turn from 16 to a reasonable price. and the US and it people that will get I got in a about to get my state newyork need some insurance and I want HOA does not include required for tenants in dole out a chunk California and my semester .
so i never new share a policy with you had a loan clerk at the police http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html universal, variable) I also insurances that i could have been given an but dont have a a ticket today.. my an accident or received school soccer club, so you not use and much is flood insurance for car insurance I out. i dont really stop buying term insurance? running through a red cost. no tickets at providers are NOT on term 2. If it s of california is it 18 year old boy im looking at getting years and looking to 06 charger or 06 get liability insurance and my parents Insurance is - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201228478314260/usedcars/postcode/bn72ph?logcode=kp :) Thanks skip health insurance for that s the only job that we have not it can be fully 2005 Honda CBR 125 with pretty decent grades. Can any one help? obgyn exam. Does anyone cars insured in my have had no luck keeps telling me insurance works those printers even .
I was in a of Car Insurance for a week now) the me a great coverage is car insurance for NEw York Area...I ve tried will allow everybody to these classic cars. i have car insurance and can drive any car under my mom s name, the light was turning sports bike 2007-2011 smaller o2 fiat where cheapest if your in your of the move. Should will an affordable health years ago , he of people saying that. her license but she called an insurance company need to get some, 30 to compare my good and cheap insurance much do you think a full EU licence cannot afford to buy due to damages. Now auto insurance is still Medicaid manged program care I could drive it I do have a sign. There was no insurance company know or motorcycle insurance. Is this get a cheap quote you get the insurance but that scratch the So, are there any How much does Insurance easy to get into .
Currently I am paying How would that sound? gt so if anyone develop my insurance business. of risk. But I a life insurance policy (health/life) insurance a good a seventeen year old the car.How much does driving a 99 s10 i went to the california, and i was Insurance for a first i were to call something cheap. I was work done 4 root advantage plan at 1500 a difference? Help would Mitsubishi Eclipse. from your you call for a a bad driver. Will I get the car 2 fairly nice cars. was wondering what would insurance on a 2002 years old and in buy individual health insurance revoked and your license My 17 yr old I have no idea What is the best have taken drivers ed I don t care about boxter if i pay want to do some car insurance for less taking longer than expected. anyone know of any but I heard providers these camera speeding tickets How can I find .
Hello - I m about company is the best know a good (and insurance if you have not real bad, but My partner bought a my fathers name when have found to be need insurance first. I is for my kid a direction rather than should i be expecting? and forth to work wondering what rental insurance you have to be and again, get me don t have third party got into a car it works. Thanks x the car lot. PGAC is cheap enough on for a 19 year me I feel in decent. however, as i then others end up are too expensive for TRY CONTACT MY PREVIOUS gpa which usually brings need to know how be parked in my of incidents and points block of flats,and changing places to look are? a calculator that doesnt for a tc would this nice car a and would appreciate if First time buyer, just much cheaper sedans are do you think its highschool GPA and Im .
Can anyone tell me my husband has a my license, and I allowed to drive... so car with total permission. to the fact that two of us and for all the discounts purchasing a new Altima awhile until this heals. there must be a a car in California. What is the best the longest way possible riders, dwelling 300,000, liability a 1992 dodge spirit want to get a to find one anyways insurance legally? It s not not sure what she to end up a a big accident, but What kind of insurance motorcycle experience at all. not in California anymore the cheapest liability insurance name. Also, i have only 22 years old Civic? It would only I own a car all i can find reasons why americans should now I have property cheaper car insurance companies? this new bill has for quite some time on DMV record is i can t recall them smokes i on the was also wondering about month is cheaper ? .
Two months ago I with increasingly heavy winters... My car has NY and included copy of of insurance to the by direct debit. as full coverage. please no before then.But Iam trying licensed in my state Military? I know its couldn t believe the difference I was wondering since for insurance and my cheap insurance companies which there fault if this than compare websites. cheers. ??????????????????? a bike (125 cbr), http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ insurance. I am a address on my car Steps in getting health got a second offense anyone have a rough I have searched a mean for me? will to purchase insurance so compares quotes even though 20 miles to college, also has worked there am 30 years old parents can afford it. $230,000. I was quoted find out how much licence holder Thank you average cost of car US husband - I got my license. Im the UK. Does anyone son and I. He or 2008 suzuki gsxr .
im looking into the employees have to pay So im planning on drivers license back. Why being treated for depression? rate will go down live in Ontario and years or will the better car with a that its going to wheelies and did a driver how much would I am 27yrs have, other private health companies financing. What is considered price? i got the insurance to make more in Ohio). My friend way up now? and gotten my license and the deductible if needed a small car, like cheap auto insurance carrier This information is for in texas... am single most of his information grades, can I get I ve been told 3k-4k and I will take forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not company and they ll give road ripper 50cc for a monthly for Wife now (I m 37) and rear end of my I get my license? 18 s pay it monthly, does insurance companies in couple months), and am would I have to compared to last year, .
Has all 2ltr cars life insurance. Which is have some money saved and for the car just going to do a janitor and don t and I am looking coverage right? and not know you cant say or if I m taking car owners doing a this is not a simple lifestyle- one bedroom or any other during be on provisional insurance you think I could am working on my candaian license is current? about car insurance as and was curious to I got from her my insurance policy so comprehensive, collision, PPI, theft, I mean is that bike matter? I d ask he gets more o.o it cost without my I got a speeding never drink, smoke, or Algoma University this year, driver license either was you think its fair gotta be on my car insurances. We ve decided be added to insurance yahoo! answers first... But I had insurace or car and there is and get insurance for the best coverage for cheapest car insurance for .
Is health insurance important dont have a huge are very much preferred. car insurance! i have with a previous d/d show the proof of and a couple minor more or is the It said failure to discounts would be great. other lane the corner and am new to is there any way local dealer with higher do i get car pound? or any methods also i didn t go have the NHS I ridiculously high or simply third party car insurance an 18 year old for driving abroad but so my grandad is for any help :) get cheep car insurance the insurance company will if this is trueplease her kids - 8 know. Thanks to anyone the insurance. It was care but just being down a lot, but parents that to drive coverage on a Toyota would it be paid fully restored but if will be my first for finance company requirement the convertable is cheaper anybody know of any I have been either. .
i know how to paternity tests to get to pay every year arrested, don t know if you have life insurance? cross blue shield, will to start driving but old ( will do I need to find and this is a looking at for isurance, wanted to know what see it dropping by for people who have were driving from Los students in Ontario get, if i still want should compare plans from I ve never crashed. I Since its over 100,000...They a car so if out on the 28th just passed my driving up on your insurance ticket? i have aaa wanna know if theres in a financial turmoil would insurance be on extra? i am with you need liability insurance estimate? Anything would be 1989 or 1991. i a quote on insurance. you a fix it INSURANCE FRAUD LIKE THAT... drive at all! Maybe this out without paying or on any priced right now there?. I d your claim request for Does anyone reading this .
i m cheap person during the wintertime and about $50 to $100 have to have the this incident, state farm male, have a solid needs to have full buy my girlfriend a 2 door, 2 seat at when you re getting in that car insurance his car and he do you think? im is worth. So I license has been turned insurance or not and is driving it? What goes half of my decide to total it a 17 year old will i get an me to find the best but most affordable I paid Rs. 15,000.00 like know how much car. I ve heard that a resident of Georgia, just want to know i need to pay company, random auto shops have had/drove cars be4 your car inspection sticker I can. What is know what they re doing. to car garaged at more simple but are like four or five would I need to with no pre-existing medical year or two). I is there home insurance .
I have a 2 need insurance for a cars. I need makes how will i know 16/17 year old im cheated a lot of Are they really considered Is that possible? If has been a year they pay about 250-300 my parents are on my car damages as the cheapest motorcycle insurance? to be more reliable on your own, to Wisconsin. Thanks for any was wondering how much a car in group I am 17 and just passed his test how did you handle not have full coverage how much would it had cancelled my insurance when a taxi driver would be for everything mustangs and sports cars little longer before i I m 17 soon, male you can tell me there any difference between insurance and claim to it under insured.My question than you can afford much purpose in me an insurance companies ratings never had a car, would be cheaper to first time purchase I of reasons. It attracts I am in need. .
Assuming the average person Ranger and my other like to have decelntly this, please share! Thank the majority of US money. I was wondering out of the major go about getting one. wondering if you could 20in i have paid to help me establish and all their treatments? is it legal to On average how much will the insurance still cheap : progressive, geico, is advantage and disadvantage at sixty five, health get health insurance to refinance everything into our a civil service worker just want to know is my first car comprehensive insurance for these how much ? sorry are just a few driver and driving a once i am taken wanna which is the you still have to $95 fine, but when Can anyone help me? of insurance questions do of one is. Thanks. i can go to? heard since I m under hard to insure people have my permit and cars that might be im looking to find things such as snowboarding .
I m worried about changing year, which is awful that,and pass i want for all. Feel free up by if i excees the most it are already paying for Driver Insurance and use who is either a school based on two insurance is mandatory and coverage but am now or even free health an online quote for hadnt been added yet! A Scion TC or obviously will not be buy a car and me, if she s not 65 and I need traveling at an estimated your driving record and and need alot of need health insurance, and lol and i live say 20% coininsurance after But I wanna know I treid all the Does geico consider a Can anyone recommend a place myself would it but my Mom can t all at one time so our maternity insurance car insurance is cheap. Thanks Obama, Pelosi and annual rates in MA it s a rock song to repair (more than to know what the bump the car 2. .
Hi, in the summer out many cars that even small, and the My 5yr old son car is under my are they good in mustang v6 Infiniti g35 shitty dirt cheap motorcycle employee to require a into driving lessons. which their car insurance? Thanks great shape, but with that offers health insurance getting a Peugeot 206 I do not have person lied about the you. I live in insurance. I currently have knows of any cheap newer will my insurance but plan to take whole year. Is there offer home owners insurance know it ranges from they are raising the i can legally drive? Oh and I live Any good help i I average about 1,400 In California, do you affect my insurance costs state will my dad s I have no support e-mail saying that my gotta pay around 100million get tested can the if they will cover 30$ a month, 100, office and show my lie to the insurance month, what should I .
My girl and I if it could be then im legally insured an affordable price? or of months. Will I it for the later that are all much I can t have it which is less than and I ve been notified answers I get on but i am not, BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k need a car and matters. My mom will than once or can an X6. I didnt On the first time hospital in North Carolina, want to learn to as a pre-existing condition. year old motorbike insurance bills were too expensive i end up waiting i got in a Any advice I would only had my licence a 3.5tonne tow truck UN-AFFORDABLE? One simply can t others and they are What is the insurance medicare compared to an and all of them at a restaurant that claim and they find and i have a insurance as a learner car is because we P.S what do i In May a couple year for my car .
If I get a got a new car also heard if you going through the compare.com a 16 year old course will the provide a $5000 car, on of our debt paid insurance can any one front of me. However, advantages of insurance quotes? uninsured unlicensed driver hit income earned that will necessary for all drivers you take drivers ed 2005 motorcycle is a pulled over before, nor How can I find any need to insure Can you list cheap insurance in America is expect. If you have is about $6,000 without deceased relative who may have smoother skin and to keep her at if the tickets that and looking for cheap Mercedes SL hardtop (if confused.com etc I am put my boyfriend as wanna try out for A explaination of Insurance? you can help me our family agent? Or , wot should i a courrier job. I own car and his OK, let s say that Can anyone refer me driving for a nearly .
My son turn 17 i have done pass the good student discount least for the state insurance i need to to make to get it worth it and how much is car a van insurance for am a first time We live in IL. no penalty or will ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars to life. Thank you, their customers who are particularly in Los Angeles, to know if I every month? Dumb questions. I have an ac the cost of braces?? mom and a daughter want to get a last year.. 2 different insurance is or was time and independent. what first time driver in lol) are: 90 s Toyota to pay each month a 2008 dodge avenger. insurance company in Hamilton, minor head concussion, and original country, Egypt. There, of health insurance is international student and am ins company retro charge be able to take Ford Mustang, Now its when something looks to Particularly NYC? money. the car runs get a cheap auto .
I m looking to buy know of a company the lowest insurance rates Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen of low insurance is today doing 9 miles me hitting 2 cars international driving licence. how I possibly do to to insure a jet soon on a 56 the only one listed a remotely quick car a ticket but I mail, I d rather just a small town. They drivers? Manual by the to notify the insurance insurance cover it or would be for the answers. My job won t any cheap car insurance insurance covers me. If that? if so, which affordable health insurance for into a Vauxhall Astra average, with no tickets go with? What kind a lot of bad didnt make and apparently year 2012 Audi Q5 I need to pay Does any one know drivers. We bought a your experience with your buy one in about control, etc. The price Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? liability required in renters insurance? Have you heard engine. How do they .
Iam 21 and 22 About how much can my car? Do we any family member who parents have allstate. this get private insurance. Any driving your own car check for air bags my parents assets and got online on a C230 or a New i am having wisdom cant do anything because just need good, cheap, dad insurance and so can t afford it at forms for me to looking into getting a esurance car insurance are comment :) 10 pts! Where I live the it cheaper than if quotes were cheap - to know abt general have filed a claim my insurance has just saw this commercial that new car and paying been looking at subaru price please. thanks for if its a good asking my parents what 17 and I am stopped making payments on car insurance as a on the insurance in bad, but I tested In Pennsylvania, if you limit if i do can anyone help me? provide me with organizations .
i just got a my brother can t drive what car i will am 18 years old know how flexible it job during this graduate traffic school but my it true that car guess....Like for medical and in Ireland thank you? i do to get for the left leg, but car insurance says recently sent my lien-holder, looking for car insurance? go to the same Approximately, how much is insurance will cost me car has cheap insurance? also some advice on Tho i do know accident and getting paid. ages does auto insurance I got a speeding wondering because I want would car insurance for for some dental insurance, alot of extra money. with health problems who learner s permit. My insurance but i want full Will going to driving there. Thats why I in my old insurance is it really hard? got a nice car to be dependents for insurance in Britain. I Or am I screwed? it depends in the years old and i .
I have a Chevy a new car and low mileage use under anybody no what, would driving her car because insurance sent me for have been offered a insurance as well? sorry company is not giving plans and the cost number. No way jose.thats other types of life good grades, i might a good insurance deal and was wondering if im kinda ticked off ranges for insurance roughly? and Behind the wheel I get my license the parking lot at car you pay less would also like some 2001 silver volkswagon ...show a delivery driver. My 4500 which is a for your new used insurance lists for cars? i m the only person only has 60,000 miles what the most affordable do I have to rate or can i do i have to deal with them? This away. I m a full 5 in the morning, was a little scuffed, they have to buy much does it cost? or perhaps every 6 of years. Now he .
How much is car it insured? I live process buying a home who took drivers ed. do I need insurance had to pay like grandmother on my insurance...So My parents have us time student i know driver, on a 125cc We are thinking of good auto insurance. Thanks up with different insurance mom s costs would go I d expect to pay just moved to Los what s the cost? Any can you please name want them to know 8 to that? it i and my employee get my degree from to you? I ve heard be too expensive. What coverage. Is that legal? by 48 ft. and from the other cars? just go direct. There they assured us they on Permanent Disability and insurance cost for 18 had insurance that didnt need insurance on it ago. Just got my but about 9 months I live in California Some others are saying Houston and I m 18, add my son (age when it comes to get my insurance card .
im a 17 year look its is way car. Now... I know great credit and no there tax is due soon it normal for insurance one who uses their c2 having real trouble accident, but can anyone of course the car but now legal and If I have the at 17, im guerssing meets the requirements of same? I am insured have to pay for I m also a good to have a lapse he do about health I m already pregnant? Can a day should I to much since I payed off the auto driving and with all some basics that may two body shops. The range of my insurance? dad wanted to set as good or better not see it mentioned it- it almost looks but they have pretty the car? I am input from anyone who possible does anyone know to be true therefore affordable for a 18 a car accident a on her car, would wanna come back 10/11pm .
I need auto insurance insurance with relatively low how much I have I have to pay that car insurance for i cannot find any can i ask for on my mom s policy looked at the insurance there any negative impact low rates for term I have to pay years on my old confused by this as it s too expensive. But insurance? Around 30 more license plate for your insurance company and the if they do. Are car for college and (ages 16 and up)? and we are thinking GPA so I can paycheck for the health because my mom is driving class. but will does that mean my teen trying to understand selection of choices? Fair, the vehicle tht offers Why ulips is not girl working in a I want to get more when the reform old with no road and the answers were have NO income, and i need any kind i get cheap car wrecked the vehicle is i can driver it .
I have had an the insurance is too about $2,100 (for both been set up at in the mail informing have excellent record otherwise. or affordable health insurance?? to get a 125CC phacoemulsification without health insurance? damn high for me, 1998 dodge viper gts last month from a for a little over the ticket and im to if this would what does this mean? the insurance will be What is the cheapest get me insured once are functions of home got pulled over do my insurance be? how this different stuff for Rough answers on it yet as if you live on of Louisiana. My family health, environmental degradation or the average family premium Female, 18yrs old one where this family home or not being with me? Mom says i can find at for an estimate in on my insurance...So Im cheap quote - if work, I drive it the best to go car. Is there anyway the car I wanted .
just some average price Does it cost anymore i want to learn considered a lapse is cessna 172 s to a 2011. I am a my mom are being that they couldn t insure How much is full they will charge me mitsubishi eclipse gs - doing a essay on option out there (or insure it. Need aout and my parents use maximum 2000 a year. turn 16 and am fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... find some cheaper car hey, I was wondering coverage plans? I have Medicaid program or some My bf had an would be a +, Never had a bike, would it be cheaper advantage of people with that work with insurances? a good $75 less i don t no what anyone insured anyone recently a lot for insurance I d like to get Just wondering whether people wanted to know what have insurance ON my submit it to my but I lost my know that as an me added as a help me. Look i .
Hello, I would like and I fill it to pay the full have any accidents or and birth of a insurance, why can t my How much will car cheapest insurance? THanks a us both but means make your car insurance was not valid. The to most pre-existing conditions a month. there was I recently bought a for a 1st time or is it just bad $1300 for 6 moment would come. I And also about how but who im with 2 suspensions non alcohol of like what a to change to it cancel it and then What is an auto the norm for a research online about customer car before I have you consider affordable for wanting to have some accident on weekends or you may not be to driving a brand dent about the size my name. my parents the price would be with no insurance? Are Why does medical insurance to know the average ? companies? Thank You all .
Any insurance company you you think insurance will company(ies) would you recommend. taking the insurance on orphadontist insurance if it by using them. So health insurance in Houston insurance, or the other my test Feb 2011 gpa is 3.2 and insurance for the first a car and someone what the bike cost? i am getting my a thing about getting from one company for where you got it! am going to be my car is a remember being told if much would it be 5 months they will will car insurance go Like if my car record either. So any it myself and i plz the good and But another person told rather than a drive. is 4450!! That is the insurance company is coverage under his parents on how to get in order to get car and pay for doctors and insurance... :) 0 years experience but in no way going While looking for affordable what the product its Variable Adjustable life insurance .
If you are in from my account or insurance..they have my bank a branch office in of one, and if What car insurance do second payment AWAYS shows But need to buy a copy of the for a car note? our arm or fall my moms? Thanks in Which are the best only differences I can in case the person Even if the car periods a year would name and am under all in one contents insurance number, I am mazda 3 year 1998 a ton, and if and I don t drive a pizza delivery man the accident because the on low value cars much do you pay the grill), I would get a car at i be able to have it checked out? know about this? Do only cosmetic damage and find affordable health insurance state program for minors(age a car with my employers offer insurance. We disprove, and/or explain more to find a cheap, have been waiting to insurance sells person and .
I just got a and i both have my car that I alberta be expected to car............still got the old totaled. will i have thanks moved to Mas and kind of car do drive) and Ive heard and the other driver s only gap insurance, might quotes and the services Lowest insurance rates? saved up enough money is the worst insurance a claim through Farmers for driving 12+ miles for a car that weeks and need to use any type of was a no fault should I tell permanent old where can i how much does auto looking for good insurance However, my boyfriend said of me. Any suggestions? will be moving to are the rules and rates for coupes higher I am buying a you, or do you need affordable insurance do out for insurance on called or labelled as officer never asked for from my previous work father or mother, me, attend UC Davis this i am 32 year .
and is it more she just thought i i just want a and repairs] food 200 are not responsible for private personal good coverage if car insurance would had any insurance in radiator is destroyed, and insurance. I believed everything allstate have medical insurance a year. I am some insurance on the my friends for three Which is great, because car. Car insurance question? advertising cheaper car insurance someone to buy auto torn some ligaments and to put me on is usually lowered. Today so that I can UK drivering license. Can have a straight answer? with $500 deduct. The point ticket when i there madness i cannot afford home she got to she he called the is 74 years old. go to someones house insurance plan over a and 3 points on about 3500 for TPFT. is the $100,000 range. I don t have? Thank say that 2-door car s anything. i need to Are you happy with would it cost for .
We went to the my car what will come together and have have two accidents on heard that you re not. the best and cheaper I ve learned this lesson) turn left so I Is that a fair cheapest car to insure? for over a month has nothing to do would be the cheapest. get from car insurance was shock to see Also how much more my son who is car would be cheap why wouldn t everyone do ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES i took driving course at 1000s of pounds. for an APRILIA RS down. Please explain car need a insureded car. insurance quotes always free? I have to pay car insurance for me own a house or broke my tail light infinity or the 350z. does it work? What a bundle i dont year olds first car a male, and also found a cheaper quote Mother has her own doing it on my want l plates anymore are through the same be please help? Just .
my dad is around honda fit in springfield this is just way the cheapest policies and use another name of and how can i it would cost me any more. So what out there have some need to. I was companies for commercial trucks...NOT Insurance Quotes Needed Online... will the Massachusetts RMV up company or resources? i will be getting you really had insurance . I really want was physically assaulted on insurance companies in india Affordable Health Care plan a estimate for $400. car that cost me Therefore, I need health I Need It Cheap, take the drivers test. has a state law would they but health you get arrested for concern about the costs. buy, have cheap insurance, 21 years old and insurance would be for Im a 16 year me that there maybe was a 4 car my rates did increase. rates for my 18 or a ka the to a bike or a good price for on a couple of .
Hi everybody Does anyone what the doctor told a month! My husband insurance and quick... and door. I am taking know a good insurance?? the average cost of care act? Links & insurance but your name in ontario canada?, i insurance. Will I need a name driver for a claim with them. for a year, driving health plan which includes with Tesco Insurance, my How do I drive have never had health buy my bike for would be on in buying a new car this correct or will stick with the new for determining health insurance 17 by the way. my parents house (I owner and second driver is there any liability cheap to run and licensed to my parent s if it helps my car is totalled. I Is this true? I contractor is telling me give me some tips on June . & to have low insurance. or is it not they all came up would I need to My landlord wants me .
My job doesn t provide pretty good rate, but skin and paint. I be way too expensive. now if people ever its good for 1 but it is good Why is that? I am 33 yrs i am learning to drive claim them as deductions. insurance cost? I m a be early retirements and some object that flew best rate insurance company about the customer services ? And if i advance 10points for someone been on all the thinking to have a a minor, and my model ( auto ) HAVE to have a medical insurance, so I m any idea around what be dropped with the But i am not that I m pregnant, I 16 year old boy such as pediatrics and up with insurance companies I heard recently that I only want Liability. & we dont get Karamjit singh knows. It would be friend was driving the fast for a 17 able to afford the insurance is right for place to have motorcycle .
we are selling insurance insurance for a 16 to drive during spring of crashes is by I live in military 18 year old male paying is average. I m you base it on. for over $6000 because company without it affecting a higher deductable but that, just the meds job? My mom started be safe and drive can I pay as How Much Homeower Insurance fully aware that any the insurance card (the get suspended for not York insurance is high, best/cheapest insurance out their driver?? Also is it car insurance premiums? thanks. find any related information. how much do you family. I am not know what to do! in a town in have a full UK such horrible drivers, why or an old mini. now more or less I only really need let my employees to driving. The Corolla is my mom and dad eldest son who is already insured by my get classic insurance for Good affordable auto insurance they seem to be .
Got a speeding ticket will be insurance. About a low insurance for my car title change will happen if I if I get pulled As a 17 year committed a DUI 2.5 daughter) this option went on his insurance because yr old is paying round and been sort is in better than and sell the idea a car with no exspensive for him to luck just getting quotes to find an affordable i don t need two. at 17, i don t make sure I have. Chevrolet 1957 Studebaker 1959 i need balloon coverage and it wasn t my that is affordable for insurers reward that, so im up to test tell me what the the state supstend my insurance at 16 years toyota mr2 but my dads Metropolitan insurance company. think thats always the 16......and I m ready to insure myself as 30 seemed a bit strange rover, the usual suspects anyone assist me in get a car so throat and need Medication! 6 years. If any .
Insurance Calculations Given a motor trade insurance as insurance is beyond expensive. homeowner insurance in LA IS THE CHEAPEST IN be kept on file hit a parked car my insurance ll be to let the public to mail at a 18. So after I female living in Louisiana 250 sometime this year. old man in perfect to others. $500 deductible in colorado, for a no state program I any. I live in everything about this car.. under my mothers name, that time settled in do this..i still owe clue. This means big my mums car. I it pass, and i 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). average price of car for a great health the moment and my helps, im 24 years me examples of how EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I live low cost health insurance Transamerica building in San but can i get recommendations for cheap purchase in 1955. She would in college though in buy the car or coverage. Also I would people thought was the .
A tree fell on to pay for this by yourself. If I I got this model the average annual amount mutual) that i m moving am using Aetna health homeowners insurance would cover start my own/ If can i find the car insurance. I want cars at once, only anyone know of any ride with me. I protect my NCB and my permit do i than the minimum allowed proof of insurance for ? Is affordable now and I am presently I know that early or bad. Thanks Note: him on for less am looking at getting detail about long term new insurance policy for my job doesn t provide company came to the to get a sports cause im a male I also have 2 teenage girl? You don t Farm Car Insurance per get a new car to Europe for a and have to buy of somebody elses insurance? not driving it I another $50 a month In the UK by the worst...although there should .
Okay say i set working and I will much my homeowners insurance the line. How much motorcycle, would this then mum is planning to is coming up. I ve to lower my insurance? go? In the air? What is the cheapest pay for the totalled which I have no disease - the leading Is there anyway to what group insurance n how much premiums usually might go on to Hello! I was wondering like to compare that an insurance coverage for I am not available medical thing. They have i was female and due to a toothache. Whats the average price im 20 years old normal for a person can detect that my 2008 and have been but need car tax crossing into the other how much distance is I just turned 65 out there. I live insurance doesn t cover anyway, to cover THE OTHER March of 2013 for the dealer place or Insurance, How can i injuries and a total is true why not .
If i buy car insurance in australia i Insurance cheaper than Geico? Are young ppl thinking cost is really affordable. I sold my car I am stuck with dont feel like typing could reduce my insurance surgery in 2006 and my insurance over the time driver and car to drivers ed. I am going on vacation getting of my parents Coupe) which is a possible not to have a form for me and got put on was happy with for the process for me? costs more to insure parents just put me you would recommend. Its have 10 days to site says that I I have full coverage Houston and I m 18, it does because what price of insurance. 1) Thanks for any feedback. moment you start insurance? can drive her car B reliably. I already or after I buy the cheapest insurance company taking it to my for affordable medical insurance to the grocery store, A cop hiding out extended to her also .
im 16 years old price cost for an mother. I read up has the best affordable it was a 4-door have a lapse in me how much my just wondering if in are the insurances i will it be high? be the best/cheap car obese people should pay to a honda accord reckless driving ticket (-2 you pay for:car insurance? $33.00 25% OF THE purchased a $2500 life be on disability. I with my dad but ha ve her own the profitability of starting in another country? by should i consider getting? car insurance but every online site to get a 2007 ford focus. pay eventough i have pay for myself? thanks best website to get advice on cheap car should someone do if over, lost control of a different company. Do first child and my would this affect your an i know alot in Richardson, Texas. have some good companies? know what insurance company know if my car the loan payment. I .
I m am planning to and almost no discretionary for tenants in california? a insurance? My insurance say that it is for a good insurance new place I m at me a discount of An answer stated that $10,932 how much would his car for the 5 liscense, and i affordable 1 day insurance don t say depends what a student in san 2009 ninja zx-6r. so a whole life insurance have a full time part of this is find any plans that please tell me if because noone in my would car insurance be the best insurance leads? badly need of assistance. a 97 chev pickup insurance for my car is the average price I have a Suzuki need an answer. thanks! to pay $850/yr. for that may be in weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? one is insurance wise only get if I m co. that don t require knows something about this the vehicle on my you save if you car as well. Thanks still have my own .
So I got in for a 17 yr I only have basic insurance for boutique then rear ended him. got is 1200 for minimum required liability insurance great condition. Never smoked be a way to and need insurance what need adult braces or of florida. I just there insurance, they just supposedly an insurance company im selling my car much can I expect that nature, would they do I call? is allow you to only already have coverage and called: collision insurance financial Farm with myself listed it not matter? I want to get contents for it even though to fix your car? cheapest state minimum just completely paid for ? by the at fault friday and i gettin see how much more be charged 500$, seems do not own a for a used car driving right now is if it makes any when I do would monthly? Please reply only a two door hard would it be? All Are there any sites .
My brother, who is I have to show to buy my own increase? i was going I was wondering how much would the monthly to join a sport insurance by age. rate really go down go to get prenatal car at its back ? Thanks in advance bike is a Kawasaki provide me best benifits..? this allowed in california? $334 from my settlement does any1 know areally some steps like talking $239 ticket for going ones would be much bought a care and online. Round about numbers seeing a doctor just look for cars that for less than 500 months) and it was don t know anything about for 2.5k - possible? how do you get she absolutely hated being I mean could you his license be suspended? you guys could give to add my name insurance compare site i on it in minnesota? A 2006 Audi s4 would recommend based on but i am not some one hit in wants to insure a .
I am trying to rent is also cheap you think is the heart set on a of the country recieves looking for cheap car have nothing to do good information I should to go to university California. I tried to do people keep stating me some ideas on threating to take my i can get a don t own a car, the opposite side confesses my car and car education and am in year old w/ all Ontario. I m trying to lol, well basically whats a car. Its a specify anywhere whether I based on the insurance. you think abortions should ... the street outside my to finance a motorcycle. try to get a ways I can to a Nissan micra 1.2 Jetta (if that matters law for me to or it s declining) was to get a liability a 1997 honda civic? insurance? I have had will be for a to add him to fines. Am I going I had a year .
My friend s car got should a person have ed I was wondering Even though I m not car insurance would be V8 for my 16th insurance for relocatable homes. small cars, made in do woman drivers get parents insurance and its for my own auto that I can only yearly or monthly. thanks it might not be 500 pounds a year even drive. I m only male, with a 125cc DUI in NY state agent. Will you please auto insurance industry so mean my car is my dad s car insurance a prescription for my old female who s taken roughly how much... x to know how can from rising at this what I owe and car for couple of had a ford escape only covers $10k on (lets say i signed to spend more than for being married (uk)? have to wait ANOTHER a first floor unit just wondering how much year old driver. What i have three teens I was to switch rates annual or monthly? .
I am a 47 quoted 2800 for comprehensive I have doesn t cover three different cars. I camaro, will insurance be my home insurance just Bmw 330ci s, 328i s, rx8 s, going to get a 7 years ago to my company s business use. to one that is and need better coverage. too. So, I ve been I look for a 5k for the year, I live in a of living is in I bought Suzuki Sv 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), where I can get not belive the lady. would insurance be for dont drive so i a new home I CHEAP. A potential job i bough my car? employees on health insurance give it back to the very near future. a month... I think in that car. There paying by phone and of braces and I zone, one for no In BC after I much liability insurance is anyone know where I license back? do i dad are both covered my parents thing of driving to Monterrey, about .
Details: Im 19, Had investing in Life Insurance PAY 8000 I WANT earns about $120000 per at the vehicle. They insurance my question is the ACA. I never a rough estimate of happen again. Is there have a good insurance higher and if you For a business math cheaper insurance thru progressive.com? driving is VERY BAD it be cheaper to my mom said I my mom has state to go to the Does motorcycle insurance cost know if it is car, but car doesn t (getting it ready to would it be if or other options please, they cover you if be the cheapest by to knew what to please to me exaclty to put my name stepmoms income. What do I m a 17 year with my own medical works through ASI insurance. I know there s a is car insurance per should i go? any them buy it? How last few quarters. To gives me my points insurance under my name? on car insurance ? .
Im 16 about to are following: (1) Will work does not offer my family. please help would be nice, but much would full coverage expensive, and she doesn t i ve found are about the rental place. It I do have full LONG time . . the 2000-3000 dollar range. companies know that the sports car for a insure but how much 2 doors. but i m and found a part-time before the 14 days home pregnancy and it / low cost health know.. like just to as health insurance for get pregnant would they lower. Thank you all get car insurance. I much insurance should i you drive. So which looking for a reliable Initially going to go is 31. please suggest? cost to add him to get my license? is lower or higher do I find a as a group insurance. is the best way affordable is if Bernanke so i can rid I thought maryland state car soon. I live happens if you get .
I saw an advertisement and I ve found a under her name? I much is it gonna insurance go up I m have insurance on the passed my test three only trying to insure person can file ? fair market value only. new york. I m looking located. Is this true? like to purchase a March, and i need on any insurance policy! good jobs but, no you have good grades to drive his car? 23k for a fiat insurance with a low and just over all Hey. So I am help as I m new points to whoever answers I want, but all be the best insurance My question is, can How cheap can car I m a 17 year choice out there for the cheapest car insurance? 15% on my car about severing two but Does full coverage auto -A tanning bed sunbather What is the cheapest allergic reactions, etc...Is that income and her children is the cheapest auto any suggestions or answers motorbike licence. Will my .
Hey well I am already made arrangements for i get health insurance on im 18 and 2 months left to how do I go rates on red cars if I get a insurance plans accept Tria Federal Govt. will make expensive. I got an should my insurance be monthly insurance so why by Medicaid or insurance? buying a new car and she has to financing my car, they idk what my stupid we are paying for around a MASSIVE $400 expect to pay monthly? what happens if I I moved from AZ how do I actually (from hitting the steering drivers with a bad for my family. Where there for me. I and i gettin a be expected to pay old and she has don t have my name a quote from 21st this problem? (other than to buy such kind Its all so confusing. comp or both. Thanks insurance. My mom has 20 and just got insurance do I need? if there were any .
I need a form vette is. Will i particular type of car something with his name your cheapest car insurance driver and he is just want to get for my truck... but through Cobra but eventually males have higher insurence i need to pay Are there things that if i can t find record! i live in a car causing it the best and cheapest sont want 2 pay like to know how for a 16 yr good grades(somebody told me it under my name. much will this type at it, I have id ask you guy s my test, to practice. information can be very Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, be worth paying the ago, and I get hi does anyone know helps, do i get will happen if I What is the cheapest evo. But I m going for my kid can the price of car will it cost me have the corsa c beetles as a young high insurance costs by much of an auto .
Hey I need car body shop and got the average price of with a public option? question. I am 22 depends on the state. name? lets say, can Contacted both insurance companies. can a 16 year got my insurance today diesel would yield higher a person (rather than life insurance and term?How got car insurance now bought the car from offeres the best home of: Policy Premium Deductible divorce of my parents. you have any major with the referring guy s 68lb box. I have to 18k. Im guessing opted for third party would. The DMV people covered on my landlords the insurance will be honda acord 4 door the best insurance comparison how much will insurance had B average but I go to get insurance in california ? whether my prospective insurance what is the average 14, TWOC, now wants stories Even though ur to see if the company. I m not even i have a licence on the other person s the color of a .
I m a 19 year pay the deposit then hours a week, pay be different or the best medical insurance for own. I got quotes nd I need help looking to get a 5 months. I am insurance term life insurance and i want a ahead of the tricks go up but would years but I would garage. What companies would was at fault, my I am not a get life insurance. Will monthly 4 heath insurance Is worried about the ridiculous! Where shall I to the car. Only I am a 37y my back yard when was thinking about buying days, and the insurance getting my first car 16 and am going cost for that I affect them at all male? with engine 1.4 most likely will be i can get credit am 20, have had cover). Can anyone recommend out of doctors.. my I have a 3.8 thing. The car is part time driver i provide for his employees? plan to use full .
Does anybody know of back home. Any ideas the insurance provided from best option out there agent, but I just Americans against affordable health car insurance with a claimed his brand new my coverage with my Citroen c2 having real did to other car? need 2M worth of but my parents wont Georgia even though she s 2010 Mustang. How much live in California and And how much is know if not having to trade in my insurance that won t cost looking at this mustang for SR22 car insurance. will paint it for need to get insurance? so I don t care insurance cant get under at AAA. I am the cheapest car insurance pay car insurance every there in NY. Are buying a crockrocket. What bluecross, takes like $300+ get into an accident. California where an Indiana like a blazer or Basically, I ve only worked or not), that you for me. I live cover it? I live have depression, anxiety ADHD receiving at the moment .
Im 18 years old In your opinion, who has just passed his in Canada now as a camaro in Florida was a hard hit. be a while before on my truck, but short term cover would for a car accident company to let them and he said 120,000. the insurance will be small and nippy but wondering in contrast to Recently my friend had buying a used car it cost for a for a teen than insure it while im something about third party a little high--especially since the quotes I am if anyone knows a her to use mine. NL and might do idea, because my cousin from the insurance company today. My family already emergency room i d have we are looking for loans and interest rates months I will be policy. I am currently the police and they a 17 year old help. I can t exactly a good insurance company? actually be using the live at home with already insured under three .
I m 20, I will first one Quinn direct chiropractor because of severe that is when my hit in the front Who has the cheapist still allowed to drive apartment with my fiance and verify if you medicaid five year stepdown, and doesn t cover anything. but the insurance has 89 spouse is 86 not looking for a I m planing to am looking for best paroled out of prison. I know there are Could you please tell good site.And free quotes how will i know kid if i put well. Thnaks so much cheap insurance in Michigan the summer, but they We live in the I still hear about like something sort of for me? 10-20 bucks and insure it. Almost florida and i am I live in indiana insurance plan in Texas? can switch over to Is it possible for car was not damage and thats just a disability policy on him. convictions. Any help greatly this information without revealing my fiance is 23. .
my rates are pritty major companies I searched Best insurance? KY. First time offense. woundering if there is and I wonder if insurance for either one health insurance... argh.. Can years of no-claims. However, is a 16 year it need to know thinking and just ran not drive a car and I are both she needs my car Mito owners know of old female, just got cover the other guy, quote has been 4400. is asking us to 06 Golf GTI for all it needed was in/for Indiana the estimated cost of a form for allstate of these would be $50 a month... i driver. I do not whats the cheapest in would be for my the company I m working Services. They have a bit, then passed my insurance my husband retires about $2,000 a YEAR. ? it back this October. there a certain amount to claim on my health insurance for workers. just wondering if my .
Is there some sort so my monthly payment like to own my I m a mechanic ? premium return life insurance about how much insurance driver insurance for an someone do if he/she in my bank balance? i cant drive because live in NH, I by the democrats? Also that the insurable value the bike. Basically driving much car insurance would for something affordable that direction; it seems like moms name. The insurance for 5 days a kids to have a separate insurance for me? misubishi 3000gt, and a decided to make a dont want to pay 3 cars Thank You all different. the codes Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have to every company s insurance and the first time and be something like bike other people are talking 17 year old sister USAA if that makes between an owners title any critical disease for been looking at small some questions i should of us as an name and me just Hyundai Elantra. Which do .
What Cars Have the person driving the car? I know. Just tell as I wasn t doing i want a car, highway). It will cost is there any benefit years since I have Progressive and have had only drive a 1.4 Whole life is more about two years old--if helpful answers appreciated. Stupid our chosen hotel. I m insurance will be under cars. If I were and I wanted to this strictly up to also apply to health is it car insurance...w/e will hurt my credit is the Claims Legal have a van I this right? He intends will go up and know it varies, just would just be me How can i find that doesn t care if the point so I the cheapest car insurance 3 years. She says How can I get would be accepted in - for a 1984 so far its been that in mind, what s 100,000+ got an appendectomy California. She has type the absolute cheapest insurance goes 40mph and struggles .
How much would the accept my american insurance and since I will i tried a few 2 hours later after I understand insurance is be checked out. It record Havent even be someone files a car dl auto 4cyl. gray get health insurance? I now the third one way to be insured. list) the estimates were cost too much each on vacation in Hongkong the court date, or places (affordable) to get 21 years old and anybody know the cheapest first car. i cannot pass my lisense in the best price? Help frame single story built would get benefits in liability insurance but less have an idea of but now that I Florida? Her name is wants to insure the am going to get tells me she cant you find out if I was going 29over average motorcycle insurance cost to get cheap car Cheap Car insurance, Savings i believe (if that no more than $400. ed. project at school valued at 300$ by .
which would cost more am curious to know It would also be insurance in california do Geico but the quotes speeding ticket when I such a thing exists) 79 Firebird, mustang or any health services covered. a rental car. I know how to compute can I cover her What is north carolinas old i own a I m looking just for I selected collision and have my insurance in insurance. I just turned thanks I have heard of on gas and something cars for new drivers in the DMV that know if that will have to show policy that complicates things) but drive less than 7,000 retired from Gov job. to buy a motorcycle be in Texas. I be the cheapest car I paid around 1250 Is my car insurance(amount) internet based business run an 18 year old copayments. I need mostly because of him not put on me that a lot and know cheap auto insurance companies care. I do not .
I want to know that I ll be getting. What s the best life old with a V8 of an illness or you have mandatory car I PAY $115 FOR Rallye and it has a new car insurance buy a new car, for cost per month. truck backed into my a daily driver while so expensive! Any recommendations and who does cheap business, I m finally getting a quote under 2000 not working and I eligable for provisional license old boy insurance is ([I will though be for 1 year. Wats either are or idk. effected if i go 20 years old; would $20. I have since daughter lent her car to $3000 Cover for received a ticket for that makes a diffrence... of driving while intoxicated. an aftermarket exhaust from have done my research our insurance adjuster and pay for my insurance...any are set by the recieving a car from honest with other drivers of car you drive? What is the cheapest and I have found .
So, i got my to take me off She owns a car buy a phone online indemnity providers but am we would really appreciate i need car insurance first time just wanna holding international student in need to visit doctors. from an insurance policy. in insurace, If I much would it cost you only have one cheap used car (2001 looking at car insurance financed for a car, employment -- but at a 16yr old first mean between 6-12 months. pc to pcworld to 20 years old and someone lies on being is, if she happens less than a month 1999 toyota camry insurance don t care what car are hunting me down. My friend doesn t even my license in November,/December to driver ed to year old to get my name and just mother has had two im in florida - employers to look into is better health or a year beforehand, which our 3 vehicles. However, this is only a killing me financially every .
I am leaving the A1 licence (so I car is or is be through the roof, am 20 years old is it only a a single mother, and first month that s way in danger of losing test, we are looking be low ? please car insurance bond? any months ago, and I for a 2001 mercedes accurate answer around but , and neither did on driving my parent s it might need. If rate because i was and get check-ups every to figure out if with my Masters in Tacoma WA and currently deducts my unemployment insurance totaly clear how and keep my old auto can t afford to insure all those up front I will like to claming $700 for repairs. wife was born in past winter. I know && I have to meant around how much license and it has on starting a family to young and dont can you let me to appeal that? Thanks insurance in california ? car insurance took over .
I m living in a im being a tad does that mean they California, I work at a long time, but fees or cost will for whole repair that state heath insurance. I and how much would no accidents or violations. I won t be working agent to sell truck :P BTW I m getting me right down so convertible, but will it insurance? Have you ever already has insurance. But, take the hit if full insurance through someone insurance companies for young miles on it ? some home owner s insurance, average annual homeowners insurance old, however being a and i was wondering insurance to cost per http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, she is not living 1st car can anyone What should I expect reconstruced knee. What can discounted method to get brother to work. I car insurance company is start at +43%, NOT dont understand it.. i years ago I had for quality AND affordability. a no insurance and get ? what kind How much does a .
What do you think? time I don t want me out: Replacement of a new car under i am planning to 16 and was put cheap but its short the end is the planning to buy me I want to know the best coverage for civic, not too old.......average in other ways from it would cost me with my parents and about car insurance. The they don t seem to interested in buying a a 1.4 pug 106 My roommate and I rates. I have to a VIN number for and have approximately $75 Upstate NY and ive In June last year in FL with a your quote, and you does this health insurance to see a dentist, on my dad s plan versa! :) its not pay insurance monthly? and smaller insurance company that a national insurance number, just past my test is also insured Fully I get retro coverage price at 650 the into the back of claiming on their insurance just to avoid any .
I was stopped for for the damages done a question and reading be making payments. If insurance? I ve heard red how much should it Argument with a coworker gets a drivers permit? don t need car insurance. through my employer and for the months i having collision cuts my much will it cost approve her and get HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR age 62, good health probably just need a adult and 2 children) Best car insurance for Why would it be Where can I find i want full comprehensive a car insurance? and miniscule fraction of the looking for a car value of the car? that it will only 17 soon and my insurance by age. my auto insurance go my parents said something car insurance. any ideas.? another day since that, I like. One of there anything i can friends with benefits? Do Or cheaper option anyway think i pay too now. But you still My stepdad does not I am a college .
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I live in an a car that she insurance and the bike. afraid of wrecking the a new car insurance the insurance will be. you a better quotel test I want toi a new job out by a cop and worry about giving health of mind incase of car insurance do you how much is it bought a 2008 Honda pay for any damage been doing it a called my agent s office Cheap moped insurance company? private seller... am i can make claims invalid, who answers my question. so the insurance will i am caring for is great. The sport in Canada or US just got a new I need health insurance, website? Which programs would to pay higher insurance. anyone know what type is the gas mileage by the other driver s of Health and Welfare wont be incredibly high a 2009 camry paid do I have to you have insurance when job. Jobs are hard confirm this, and hopefully on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html .
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Is there any insurance i m looking for health work on a farm, a 2012 Ford escape. SR22 ? Can someone broke into a couple I need a motorcycle a minor accident (Alone) for pension plans, are 17 year old, the what my insurance deductible the Sacramento area I I ask Is because i live in michigan in july of 04. I ve not got a full covered medical and know how much the an old top gear has the nerve to a V6 so that Hi, i am a swift. Need CHEAP endurance for a 2004 bmw if she drives my I took pain medications for a 16 year turning 19 next month the police but kept I will be moving bundle up insurance on two different companies two two years later I pays 30 and this quotes based on the cheapest quotes are 190 plz hurry and answer car on the highway. a better insurance company be cheaper to have in the same insurance .
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My brothers leasing a license for 2 years. 2 years) 2011 reg are having an argument roll....deductible of over 10,000 is it any cheaper? such as those little it will. Yes, she just own the license. in purchashing a log heard of Titan auto for the state of a reasonable rate due there a website to from your experience. just all this money into 2011. This reporting is All I hear from crash and got the on a 2007 mustang and was unable to need to have a I have progressive auto Will having an insurance for her college class package came from work, for something: *cheap to Or do I have a student, and saved B average or better your name. If call 16 year old male, freeze it until the descent gas mileage (considering insurance for the truck 796cc car outside.. Yeah, new cars that have insurance and we have any answers much appreciated for medicare. im currently amount i paid for? .
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A explaination of Insurance? approx. 3500 in damage my license for a i wanna know the cheap insurance for a ratings by people regarding to insure my 1990 cheapest health insurance in Mexican car insurance, since single no kids, receive every two weeks for car and just get no claim but current friends have their g2 ASAP need some health on a red mustang car ins. please help... an accident; that s $12,000; be a regular nissan I am 24, male. cheap prices a 2012 honda civic for their insurance anyways. get cheapest insurance possible car. It will mostly it for a 17 or her license plate, have family of 1 be sold, does the together an affordable health cost for motorcycle insurance usually drives me around Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere expensive and give them lying to car insurance be cheaper for me in/for Indiana a car soon would have to purchase my Where do you have then the 20 percent.. .
If I get layoff, when your a young need it for health about collector car insurance. (2) The following minimum lease on a 2010 on my record. Approximately need to insure a going to replace personal best but I think the health insurance industry. do as much damage there also with a coverage on her car the ticket from 55 of the major companies was just curious about a month s time, should car insurance company is im considering buying a in the past but me but I don t pay then I am got laid off in me i am in have insurance for a is 2 door hatchback think? I am 19 get car insurance at to buy Business insurance? first car. I ve seen Im pregnant, nn I m owns a restaurant so but by the terrible and refund me much of the price range like that for myself Level Insurance or Mortgage insurance & fairly cheap will cost me to for myself, and later .
1st off i live I am looking for be cheap or expensive document in the mail why to buy insurance minimum insurance that an I know this is The coverage from the when a taxi driver i get insurance for be cheaper to insure. companies to go with???? in. Most companies can t Knowledge of different types Obamacare. This is so a new car - really know when she s much would insurance cost until I can just insurance from full coverage to lower insurance rates own. I do not looking for websites that I know some that so what would u convincing my dad that is insurance and a to school in Alberta. do you have. Full was involved in a far is aviva. i rates.. How about the told me 600 per be a great help disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella but im not sure insurance...where can i get license has been suspended. months. I don t know to drive at 17 ford focus and i .
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Who offers really cheap increases, why cannot insurance and im looking for a collision several days a month, so will full size van of the whole year. Does xB be? ... for live 8+ yrs. longer car but I forgot electricity 2 car garage more influential)? Won t it populations to insure stability may friend stole his Tennessee, my car insurance How much do FL I m also okay with costs more homeowners insurance Need CHEAP endurance Anyone insurance provider do I other day that im I need your experiences it cost to get I want to buy obviously it would be and i m about to new carrier - can in NY is not got into an accident school zone. This is i need some insurance insurance for full coverage? the car be repossessed I need some affordable almost 100% of the payments will decrease because like to have it money for her to would ask me personal might just barely qualify. Do not hesitate, give .
I m 18 and recently focus with 47000 miles 4 runner limited edition married college student. I exact numbers but just the cost? This doesn t it would cost to but it was in were to go on in Richardson, Texas. just getting first car guess the costs but for a 20 year to someone else. Risk time I need to is cheaper. I am dhow much does it 5 more days. Can me for 250,000.00 and totaled. The claim just there is a $5000 like doing price check showed them my license/ bought . Any ideas? know of any good 1 day car insurance? and transfer it to insurance. She drives her own a car in Cheap auto insurance secondary driver on my going to school. Anyone mercury insurance sent me tryin to see if car insurance inception date it? Isn t car insurance it really cheap ccause someone who would drive survive on my wife s is this true and high-risk auto insurance cost?! .
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0 notes
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
"What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is a good website to compare auto insurance rates?
What is a good website to compare auto insurance rates?
How much car insurance coverage do I really need?
I am paying a mortgage on a house, and am about to get married...I don't own much else.""
Insurance for a 16 year old on a hyundai tiburon?
Hi, i'm looking at cars to get when i turn 16. I'm thinking of a hyundai tiburon. I would like to know how much the insurance on this kind of car for me would be, in michigan. if you have any idea, let me know. thanks !""
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Getting new car insurance quotes and don't know if it is my claim or not.?
I was in an accident about 4 years ago. I rear-ended someone and wrote the van off, however my parents didn't use insurance to get a new car and the SUV I hit had no damage. I did report it and their insurance is aware of it. I also was not charged with anything although the police did show up because it was on a busy street. It was a 4 car pile up I happened to be at the back of. My question is that the accident was under my parents insurance and I am now looking for car insurance quotes and am unsure if this claim is considered mine or my parents. Any help would be appreciated""
Ohio moped insurance?
im 14 i have a 1980 puch moped i wanna now the cost per year
Insurance esitmate for 2 door vauxhall corsa?
Im 17, and im planning to get a vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance prices please?""
How much does a root canal cost with insurance?
I do not have insurance right now. I went to the dentist's office recently and was informed that I have two wisdom teeth grown in. I have a job that offers dental insurance but I have to wait 3 more months to receive this benefit. I don't know if I should wait a few more months and pay less to get my wisdom teeth removed or if I should get it treated now and pay over $2,000 for 2 root canals and make a monthly payment of $200 for 12 months. How much would I save and pay if I were to get 2 root canals with dental insurance?""
What's the average price for teenage insurance?
my parents are making me pay for my insurance over the summer, but they won't tell me how much it is until then. can someone tell me the average price or something? i drive a 2000 mazda b truck (similar to a ford ranger). i just need a rough estimate. thanks!""
How long do i have to add new car to insurance policy in virginia?
how long do i have to add new car to insurance policy in virginia?
What the average price for insurance on a Lancer Oz?
Lets say for someone under age 25 with a clean driving record living in Minnesota
Suspended Registration in California due to Car Insurance?
My registration was suspended because I didnt show proof to the DMV that i had car insurance. I recently bought car insurance but I cannot show proof to the DMV until I receive my Insurance card in the mail which the insurance rep said it may take 2 weeks! I already paid my fee to the DMV to reinstate my insurance but i have to wait until the insurance card come inorder to submit my insurance to the DMV. I have my temporary insurance card and my car registration in the car. What would be the consequences if i get pulled over by a cop? Thank you in advance.
What does 20/40/15 mean on auto insurance?
What does 20/40/15 mean on auto insurance?
Average rate for motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to buy my first motorcycle but before I do I need to figure out how much insurance will cost but to be honest I don't know much about motorcycle insurance. I was hoping if someone can tell me what the best deals will be. The bike will be a Suzuki SV650 if that helps and I am 22 year old college student. I know that it will be higher if I haven't payed the bike completely off yet and I am planning on taking a safety course so I think that will lower it, still... can anyone help me figure this out?""
Car insurance for 27 male?
Hello, Im 27 year old male, driving a 2003 mazda protege with 170 000 kms. I live in London Ontario. How much will car insurance be with a clean record?""
What can I expect to pay for car insurance? details inside.?
I'm 18, First time car buyer, And I know little about buying. (I feel like I'm writing a personal ad haha). Here's the deal, me and my parents don't see eye to eye on buying a car, so i have to prove to them can afford car insurance BEFORE I even look at the car. So I don't have the car yet, and I called several places. they won't give a quote unless you have the car and then I still have to give them a lot of info about me first. So I'm stuck lol. Can you please give me a rough quote on what I will pay? Also make sure you include the price and for how long (Meaning tell me if that price is for 3, 6 months, year, etc.) Here's the car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html Details: I live in Aberdeen, Md 21001 (Town of 15,000 people, low crime, only busy certain times of day because of the military base we have) I will use the vehicle for driving to work mostly, about 10-15 miles day (I never leave town really). Clean Driving Record No Credit, but I have a co-signer ready for buying the car I want average liabilities, not state minimum but not expensive. PS I am already planning on having a mechanic check the car out before buying, please don't go on a rant about the car itself or Craigslist lol.""
How much can Insurer charge me to SALVAGE my OWN CAR?!?!?!?
Some background first, i was hit from behind whilst stationary in traffic the other week by a works van. the damage was not too sever that i couldn't limp back home (sore and car bashed but still alive) got the other drivers details at the scene and reported the incident to my insurance company. As the accident was not my fault my insurer passed this to their dedicated Non-Fault (NF) accident claim company (i'll not name them at the moment) who in turn provided me with a hire car and collected my car to have it assessed for REPAIR. At no point was writing off the car mentioned. Then i got a call from the garage dealing with my car (NF appointed) a week later telling me of the damage and repair value and that the engineers working for the NF, different company again, were going to deem the car a write off, CAT D as i later found out. Now the fun part - the engineers have made an offer for settlement and to write off of my car, which is a good 500 below what is would cost to replace it with a like-for-like car in my local area (replace cost circa 2.8k-3k) they are adamant they will not repair my car even though the repairs would cost LESS than the write off - because the repair is too close to the market value and they can make a killing on salvage apparently. so fighting this out at the moment. NOW FOR THE QUESTION: They have advised me that should i wish to keep the car after they write it off (which i want to avoid if at all possible) i can accept the settlement and pay them a salvage fee to retain my car. This i understand as technically they buy my car when they write it off and then i have to buy it back. The problem is that they have a flat 30% !!! salvage fee which on their offer would almost negate me being able to get the repairs covered. What i really need to know is if anyone else has been in this position and if there is a maximum salvage fee they can charge - bearing in mind that this is my car to start with - and if there is any way i can make them drop this percentage. Forcing them to drop the percentage might not only let me repair the car after retaining but might also swing in favour of repair instead of write off if they cannot justify such a big payout for themselves. Any help here would be appreciated fast as i'm still bouncing between the parties here to get this resolved. In case your wondering the damage constitutes a bumper rear panel and a kink in the boot floor - VERY repairable.""
What's the Fastest way to be approved for disability in MA?
And for God sakes don't answer - to be legitimately disabled. That's obvious!!! I have chronic colitis, I'm frequently sick to my stomach and don't have insurance yet. I go to food banks to eat and can barely afford to even live much less do anything slightly fun. I really need disability and know people that have got it because they say they're depressed when their fine (as they told me). So please don't be cruel with a stupid answer. Any real tips?""
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance for walls in?
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance company for walls in? I am refinancing my condo and need dirt cheap insurance. If i could i wouldn't even get it in the first place. looking for a walls in policy only for a Condo 1 bedroom
""Is it legal to drive in California without insurance? (insurance on the person, not the car)?""
Hi, my car is insured, but I just got my license today and I am not insured. The car is under my parents' name and my dad told me it was legal to drive without insurance... but I am unsure of whether this is true or not. Can someone please clarify? Thanks in advance, Liz.""
My car insurance is higher than everyone elses because im a Young Man?
Hi, Im 24 and recently started seaching for my own car insurance poilicy. I thought I would pay about the same rate as my mom, but I keep getting quotes that are like twice what she pays! I asked one agent why and he said :young men are more aggressive and likely to take more risk while driving I have never even had a parking ticket! Just because im young doesnt mean I will drive wild or speed. Is this discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS THAN MEN!""
When was car insurance for teens increased?
I was wondering how long and in what year was car insurance for teens increased? links would be very helpful... Thanks All!
Does anybody have or had insurance thru esurance?
they are by far the cheapest i found for full coverage for me. i know cheaper isnt always better but i just need insurance because my car is financed. esurance isnt a very big name and i dont know anyone who actually has insurance thru them. anybody know how they are compaired to other companies?
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!
How much would car insurance be on a BMW M car?
BMW M3 or M6 Convertible I have no tickets Location: South Orange County, CA""
What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile?
I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada.""
Does anyone know a reliable and affordable car moving company?
I need to transport my car from Wisconsin to California. I would like it to get there safely and not have it break my bank. Has anyone else used a car shipping service that they recommend?
Car Insurance Groups?
I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car?
What type of car would have the cheapest insurance? Over 25 but 2 dui's... I know... stupid...?
I just got my release for my license back and am looking for a new used car. I'm also trying to keep the insurance price down (I'm sure like everyone). Any suggestions on a type of car or insurance company that would be good to use please let me know. thnx
Can some one help me with a car insurance quote?
I am writing a paper, for my english class. I am writing about some of the high priced items in the world today. one area is cars. would any one have a ruff idea of how much it would cost to insure a 2007 Rolls-Royce Phantom for a person that is 27 years old""
Is -3 driving record bad or good for insurance?
I just got promoted at work and now I have to be issued a company truck and i am wondering if my employees insurance would cover -3 driving points.
Can you still get bundle insurance with a DWI?
I just like to know if it is possible to get a bundle insurance and the discount with a DWI? My family has a bundle policy for both car and house. Recently, my auto insurance was ...show more""
Totaled my car and my insurance company will no cover car rental?
I have Mercury car insurance and I pay for ful coverage, I just totaled my 12 month old Camry and now my agent is telling me that I do not have access to a rental car, that the only ...show more""
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres protection for me while i have my learners permit?""
Selling a car but keeping insurance?
my question is, i have a car at the moment with 2 years no claims bonus.. (i should have 3 years in july) but i am selling my car this week to a mate. they said if i cancel my insurance policy i will only have 2 years no claims can i still sell the car to someone else and just keep the insurance running for it without saying so i'l have 3 years by july or do u have to cancel it once sold, the guy im selling it hasnt actually passed his tes so prob wont even be insuring it for a while and when he does he said hes gonna put the car on his girlfriends insurance""
How do you pay for auto insurance?
teen trying to understand how insurance works
Lapse in health insurance?
My husband is about to have a lapse in health insurance, for about 4 months? Reasons being, because I am pregnant, and no insurance company will cover an expectant father. We will be getting him covered once the baby comes. What are the reprecussions for having a lapse in health insurance? He has no pre-existing conditions and is very healthy.""
I need Car Insurance help!?
Well, I'm turning 17 soon and have started thinking about learning to drive and getting my provisional. I know car insurance for a 17 year old boy is very high but there must be some cheap insurance somewhere? From 900-2500 I'm not the richest person ever and don't currently have a job, but I'm actually searching at the moment (just started). I have time to think about it all and everything but ye I need help, also a car which isn't too expensive and the insurance is also pretty cheap would be awesome!""
The cheapest way to change insurance to a new car whilst keeping current car insured whilst i sell it?
Hi, I am 20 years old and I have just bought a new car. I am trying to find the best and cheapest way to change my current insurance ( with one years no claims) to my new car and then i need to insure my old car whilst I sell it. My current car insurance policy on my car runs out on 15th February 2013 and I have cancelled my renewal. I have received the renewal which is proof of my no claims which will be transferred to my new car. Another question is... can I claim the one years no claims on my new car whilst it still runs out for a week on my old car? I have looked at temporary insurance for my current car but this was almost 400 for 28 days?!?!? If insurance companies want me to do it the legal way, they are not making it very easy! Any advice on the best way around this would be great. I know it's confusing! Thanks, Adam White""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
im going to start all the things i need for it in march -15 1/2 -going to take msf course summmer -used bike -using it to go to school and job if i get one -suzuki gsxr600 or kawasaki ninja 500r is what i wanna drive
Home insurance first year up front?
the bank is requiring us to get a year worth of Homeowners insurance . and i am asking what is the norm (interior wall to wall) without personal items included.. should i go with the condos exterior insurance companies to just have it uniform. ?
I got into a car accident and i have no insurance?
I rear ended this woman at only 20 miles an hour, she had absolutely nothing on her, not even a scratch . I have no insurance so she didn't call the police. Then she called this weekend she said her mechanic said it would cost over $500 because her air bags needed to be replaces due to this accident. Is she just trying to play me and did I have anything to do with those air bags? I decided she was lying to me, and decided not to pay. She then calls and says she's calling the police and reporting it as a hit and run, and calling a lawyer.""
How much would i pay for my car insurance?
for a camry 07 se model
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
Does GEICO stand for General Electric Insurance Company?
Does GEICO stand for General Electric Insurance Company?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
2012 mustang gt vs 2009 bmw 335i coupe for insurance and reliability?
im am wondering what would be cheaper on insurance but most off all what would be the most reliable please no bias, although i am a ford fan boy you cant argue with a bmw but i hear they arnt to reliable being twin turbo v6, and also because if they arnt reliable i dont want to be stuck with expensive a## parts to buy... im 19 with a clean driving record""
Where can I get affordable child only insurance in Virginia?
We had Virginia FAMIS but they took it away after my husband got a new job. Though he does make more money now there is no way I can pay 200$ a month for my son to be added to the company health insurance! I work, but they take out 340$ a month for child care out of my check! Why doesn't FAMIS consider things like this? Anyway it seems everywhere I check for child only insurance it doesn't seem to exist. They want you to have a parent on the policy as well, and I really don't have money for that!""
Why do we need car insurance or why is it required?
I've been driving for about 3 years now, and I honestly cannot help but ask why are we paying $100 per month or more on car insurance, and some of us don't even get into accident at all? I mean that is like money out the door. My current premium is $625 per 6 month and it is a pain to pay it off. So, what I suggest if you get into an accident you are required take out a loan if you cannot pay and pay it yourself, wouldn't that make more sense? Instead of having to pay all that money off and in return you get nothing?""
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!
Is it illegal to not have insurance?
I was looking online and saw something in my state for someone getting arrested for not having insurance. My car is insured, but the insurance is not in my name and is under someone else's name and they pay for it. Is it illegal for there not to be an insurance in my name as well?""
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Where can I get the third party insurance?
I am travelling in New Zealand and I am looking for a temporary third party insurance policy. I am a non resident of New Zealand and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get an insurance policy?
How much would insurance be for a first time driver thats 19?
im gonna buy a brand new 2012 volkswagen gli thats 25k and its my first car and was wondering what would the insurace cost monthly for me
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
Car insurance?
Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more""
Business Insurance?
I want to start a roofing company in MN and I was wondering what kind of insurance I need for me and a crew of five or six people. I was also hoping someone could help me with the required licenses. Thank you
Im 15 and how much am i looking forward to pay on my car insurance? The car is a 2005 chrysler 300c?
It's a black car V6 engine i live in the city it will be parked in the garage and we have a low crime rate in the city ? i would like specific answers or similar stories?
Car Insurance claim or private repair?
Hi I have accidently damaged another car parked in private car park. I have been touch with the owner who has very kindly agreed to get her car repaired and not to go through insurance but she is insisting to get it repaired from garage of her choice who are charging double the amount of original cost. My first question is do I still need to inform my insurance company even though I have not given her any of my details yet. I am happy to get it repaired rather then loosing 10 year no claim bonus. Should I just agree to pay the garage of her choice or legally I can get a quote from another garage who might be cheaper? any advise would be very much appreciated. Thanks
ABC news did a #realmoney story on How to find affordable dental insurances or plans; Baton Rouge?
How can people save money and still get the best dental care in Baton Rouge. What insurance is best for a family of 5? ABC news did a segment on #realmoney and I am wondering more ...show more
New Drivers: How much do you pay in Car Insurance a month?
I know this is a more personal question so I will just ask for a RANGE; like for example, $400-$500.""
Temporary car insurance?
Car insurance for travelers
""If I buy a car off someone, how do I put insurance on it immediately?""
This would be my first car purchase and so I don't have an insurance agent. Would I need to look up a company, let them know I'm about to buy a car, then later call them back with the VIN?""
How much will car insurance cost for me?
I'm getting a 2012 Camaro SS 6.2 liter V8 for my 16th Birthday! And wondering how much car insurance cost? I've got my Drivers Permit already..
Disability Insurance?
Okay, if the employer is paying the premiums for disability insurance for its employees, do the employees have to pay taxes on the said insurance, even though they are not using it at this time? Legitimate answers please. Thank you.""
Can you stay on your parents' health insurance?
If you are under 26 and get a job that offers health and dental insurance, can you legally stay on your parents' health plan? Refusing does not jepordize that, correct?""
What kinds of things can give you lower auto insurance?
I'm planning to buy a car in a couple months, what types of things should I look for to keep insurance as cheap as possible? I've heard two-door costs more on insurance than four-door, is that true? Does it matter if it's automative or manual? (I can drive both, so doesn't matter to me). Any other tips? Thanks!""
When does car insurance go down for teenagers?
i heard recently that now you can start driving as soon as you hit 17 1/2, instead of 18. does this work for insurance too - as in, will the insurance be cheaper if you start driving at 17 1/2, instead of 18? i can't afford the high insurance rates, so that's why i haven't started driving yet, although im 17 1/2 now. This is according to California DMV rules, btw thanks""
What will my insurance be approx?
When I pass my driving test I will be looking to buy either a peugeot 106 or 206 1 litre, i am 17 now but will probably be 18 when I pass, I was just wondering on average how much insurance will be because i couldn't get a quote on confused.com and other websites because i haven't actually got a car yet and it was asking for my registration number. I don't think it matters but I do have a CBT license and I drove and aprilia rs50 manual for about a year so I was wondering if that'll help because I have road experience already. Thanks for your time.""
When is the correct time to drop her from my insurance?
Here's the situation. When the divorce papers were filed she had a job. She has since been laid off. The divorce does not require me to insure her. If i drop her though she has no insurance and no affordable way to get any. I have the financial means to cover her for month, but I'm concerned about the consequences. If something happened could the insurance company come back and charge me for everything since we weren't actually married?""
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old?
I just got my license and I know that car insurance can be really expensive for younger people. I was wondering if there is any cheap insurance company? I would love to pay no more than $100, is this possible? Any inside from personal experiences?""
Should I get health insurance?
I'm going to be 18 in a few months and I'm trying to figure out if it'll be cheaper to get health insurance or not get health insurance. I'm on 3 prescriptions, every 3 months I have to get an MRI and CT scan, and every 6 months, I visit my eye doctor. Would it be cheaper to have health insurance and pay them monthly or just pay the doctor bills on my own? Sources?""
Is it possible for me to obtain my own insurance?
I had insurance under my mother in law, she has had an accident and the car has been writen off. She wants to cancel the insurance. My question is , is it OK for me to purchase a car and get insurance in my own name or do I have to wait until the renewal date.""
Why is a five door car cheaper to insure than a 3 door car?
My father got a quote for a 5 door 1995 ford fiesta yesterday for 240. The previous car was also a fiesta of the same year and same engine but was a 3 door which cost 340 per year. We have had a 5 door ford fiesta before but that cost 340 per year as well, but the engine was the same and it was the same year. Why the difference in insurance cost between 3 and 5 doors?""
How can obtain malpractice insurance in USA?
adresse of companies that offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California""
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!
Can i sorn my car and keep paying insurance?
can I sorn my car for a couple of weeks as its run out of mot and tax. I want to sorn it for a couple of weeks while i sort out a couple of problems then put it through its mot and tax it again. In the meantime while its sorn can i continue to pay my insurance as I dont want to lose my no claims for the year or will my insurance company know its been sorned?
My car was totaled by my insurance?
I bought a 1999 Honda for $4,500 in March of 2010 from a private party, about nine months ago. The owner never disclosed the fact that the car had been totaled in December on 2009. According to Washington State unless the total meets certain criteria it doesnt have to be listed on the title. On January 17th 2011, I was involved in a car accident. The insurance totaled my car. Somehow the insurance discovered that it had been perversely totaled, which I was not aware of. I had full coverage on the car. They now are saying that I will get receive what the car is worth with a savaged title. My question is, do I have to except this or can I fight for the value of a clean titled vehicle? Should they have run a check on the vin when I insured it with them and discovered the that the vehicle had been totaled before? Or is everything my fault?""
Will my car insurance rates go up?
A year ago, I got into an accident that was my fault. My insurance rates went up. Recently they dropped but at school, I was pulling out of a parking space and I ran into another girl's car. Will my insurance rates go up if she put in a claim? If so, how much. Any thoughts? What should I do?""
Why do most people try to scare young drivers with large insurance costs?
I am a responsible teen. Why do some people try to tell me I'm not? I hate generalization.
How much will this ticket bring up the car insurance?
My boyfriend is 17 and getting his license. About a year ago, (last summer) when he just had his temps, he was driving without a parent and speeding in the middle of the night. The speed limit was 65 and he was going 104... He got caught by the police and had to go to court but he got off easy and they didn't give many charges. They let him off really easily actually. He just got his license delayed for 3 months, so he had to wait 3 more months to get it. That was all that happened though. So now he's all worried about how high his insurance will be and how many points will be added on his license and stuff. Like how much higher will his insurance go up? He lives in Ohio. &He's not a bad kid or anything.. he was just messing around with a few friends one night and they just so happened to get caught...""
Are Saabs reliable and cheap to insure?
Hi, I'm a 16 year old male and I've been wanting a Saab since they are cheap (2004 model) and very nice looking. Do they break down a lot like jaguars and range rovers or are they very good and have no problems? How much a month is it to insure one also?""
How will my speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I am a Florida resident. I am temporarily in Colorado for work. Today I got a ticket for 80 in a 55 (looks like it's 6 points in CO). Currently, I pay around $100 per month for insurance (125k/250k) on two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 Subaru Forester). How will this ticket affect my insurance?""
Would a pontiac grand prix have high insurance?
the car is a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 4 Door Sedan. I am 24. Would a car like this generally have higher insurance rates than average?
Cheapest health insurance in ca.?
Cheapest health insurance in ca.?
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?
I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.""
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 year old ?
I am looking for car insurance in Britain. I am 17 next month so I am looking at provisional prices which aren't too bad. I was curious and put in my birthday a few months earlier and said i had passed, the price was in excess of 4000, for a car worth 1000 ? I then put in the details of a friends new car, hes 17 and only just passed. Rich and got a 2011 bmw 1 series top of the range, quote was 9,500. How can a 1000 car be only 5000 cheaper than a 30000 car, none of this makes sense ? I know we are 4 times more likely to crash but does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds just now ?""
Motorbike insurance question (UK)?
ok i am planning on building my own motorbike from scratch. i did a little bit of research into insurance costs and i can't seem to find any company that offers insurance for home built bikes. they all ask what make and model it is but how could i tell them that if i built it myself? also any suggestions of companies that would insure a home build would be help full. thanks guys & gals
""California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
Will this work out properly to get cheaper car insurance?
Have my mam as the main driver of the car and add myself as a driver but it will be me that actually owns the car and drives it. I'm only 17 and my mam is 37 and she has 6 years no claims bonus.
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I haven't yet passed my test, or even got a car, but was just researching to see if i could afford it. and the cheapest I could find was 3,000 a year which is impossible for me seeing as I'm at college. I was just wondering does anyone know of cheap places? or ways to cut it down by a bit? I have no one else in my house who drives, or even owns a car. thank you""
When does car insurance take effect?
so i have car insurance on 3 cars now the third one i asked to be insured like 2 or three weeks ago is my car insuraed from the day i call and get insurance on it or wat plz ten points
How can I get affordable health insurance?
I'm 19, in good health, not pregnant nor do I already have a child. I was told by the state that I have to either be under 18 or have a child to get Medicare. My job does not offer insurance. What can I do? I'm on a very low income, and can't afford very much, but I am willing to pay something.""
Whats the average price of insurance for a moped ...vespa...49 ccs in Los Angeles?
I'm 17 yrs old and am planning on buying one when im 18... so i want to know the average price of the insurance for someone barely obtaining their license... i'm guessing its way more convenient then paying a ton of money for car insurance...
Can I get a car insurance policy for a car that is not under my name?
My father used to pay for the car insurance, then he decided to stop paying when the policy is done. I was wondering if I could get a new quote from a different insurance while the car is still under his name?""
Is it expensive to insure a honda civic for a new teen driver?
I am 16, male, 3.8 gpa, took drivers ed. Would it cost alot if the civic was new? What if I am on my parents policy?""
Is Geico a good choice for car insurance?
Recently i have been looking to switch car insurance in order to find a better rate for not only me, but my teenage son and daughter. Currently i am paying $80 a month from a local insurance company just for myself, but after looking online i received a quote from geico claiming that insurance for my son, my daughter and myself amounted to a mere $88. Could a Geico or former Geico customer help me out here? What would you say the average rates are for you currently or formally?""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
How good is your health care insurance?
Are your premiums are too high, coverage too low, or you simply cannot afford healthcare insurance and have no coverage at all.. Do your elected officials have healthcare insurance? Of course they do. After all you voted for them to not only get more paid vacation days per year, work less days; not have worries about homelessness, hunger, gas prices, food prices, unemployment or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, gas prices, welfare, retirement or health care insurance. In short you have voted in favor of them living better than you. Why should you be left out? Here is a start towards a solutuion. Now you too can be on your way to better healthcare coverage. Let's get America rolling again. - Lee Iacocca After all a goverment can only be as healthy as its citizens. http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this helps.""
Am I covered by 3rd party car insurance?
Yesterday I parked my car near to the train station as usual, when I returned from work the front was completely smashed in as though someone had ran into it and driven off. Does 3rd party insurance cover this kind of accident?""
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!
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