#im eating more than just the pancakes 🫶
adventurer515 · 4 months
i forgor i had this in my docs bc i was too focused on my guardian angel au… um this is based on that one angelic blood = drug fic w the straw (WOW HOW SPECIFIC) :’)) the premise was supposed to be jealous lucifer baiting alastor w his blood the entire time,, i’m posting the start here bc i still find it rlly cute but im not sure abt finishing it… it’s unedited also so just a head’s up 😔🫶
Warnings: blood drinking, drug use, mild cannibalism, domestic fluff
Lucifer and Alastor’s little understanding does not prevent their bickering. If anything, their understanding just makes the bickering even more frequent! Alastor just exists to irritate him no matter what, apparently beyond amused by his annoyance and proud at his ability to tick him off.
(“Did you really have to put my blood in a toy teacup?”
“It’s classy! Besides, Nifty gave it to me. Who would I be if I were to not use such an auspicious gift? Look. It even matches your eyes! Ah, ah, ah. Kindly please don’t melt the teacup, Lucifer.”)
Charlie thinks that their interactions are sweet and that she’s glad that they’re getting along, but Lucifer would like to disagree. They can barely stand to be in the same room apart from feedings at night where he can cling to Alastor as much as he wants, relishing in the free physical intimacy and comfort that the radio demon provides while he eats.
(“You’re squeezing my ribs too hard.”
“You’re literally eating my shoulder. If anyone has a right to complain, it’s me!”)
It makes Lucifer feel less lonely about Lilith leaving him as he finds comfort in Alastor. He knows very clearly that Alastor mostly sees him as a food source, the king of hell that lives right across the hall, and Charlie’s dead beat dad, but it’s fine. Alastor can be strangely sweet at times, even if he shows them in unconventional ways.
(“Here! I have made you some dinner. It’s very delicious, so you can stop eating those pancakes now.”
“Oh, thanks? But why?”
“Your blood sugar is too high during feedings. It leaves a taste.”)
Besides, even if whatever they have can be strange to him, Lucifer is okay with it. He knows that, in some way, he’s special to him. Alastor very rarely allows people to touch him, especially so closely (only his friends he’s had for years, even Charlie at times, but never men, for some reason). He knows that he holds Alastor’s respect and it bothers him whenever Lucifer says something condescending or doesn’t pay attention to him (Alastor likes the attention and the ability to hear the sound of his own voice, but Lucifer honestly just thinks he’s a narcissist).
However, it’s Lucifer’s blood that he’s really after. As the only Seraphim in the Pride Ring—and Hell itself—Alastor understands that being able to drink so freely from him and so often is something he won’t easily trade away. It leads to Alastor being especially territorial over him, especially when eating, and Lucifer—while fully capable of protecting himself—finds himself with a more than capable bodyguard. It also provides some assurance that Alastor keeps Charlie and the Hazbin Hotel in his best interests.
Their understanding is unconventional and manipulative on both sides, but it’s nice to have and the security is comforting.
Until that security is threatened.
((By the way, the angelic blood = drug fic series mentioned is the one with Snake in the Grass, Apple of My Eye, and the Silly Straw, which are all by anon.))
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moonjxsung · 6 months
okay basically i just need to vent a little and you’re actually the loml so who better to vent to than you🤭
okay but basically i’m so fucking stressed cause i’m leaving for korea on thursday and i have so much to do and i feel like i don’t have enough time? also i’m just so fucking scared and just feeling very meh rn. i’m gonna be flying alone and just so petrified of something going wrong, or me forgetting something important or just that something awful is gonna happen. and also just really feeling weird and lonely and just idk how to explain in but i’m just feeling EVERYTHING so deeply right now and i actually hate it so much. i just don’t know what to do with myself and i’m just struggling with every simple thing right now which feels pathetic cause why am i struggling basic stuff like eating and working and just things that should be simple? and easy?
i don’t know if any of this makes sense and also i’m sorry for like spamming you with this but just needed to get it out and you just feel so easy to open up to and so comforting so yeah🫶
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HI MY BABY I MISSED YOU HOW ARE THINGS 💞💞💞💞💞☹️🫶🫶💞🫶 you’re going to KOREA !!!! That’s so fucking exciting RAHHHH WE ALL CHEERED but I still totally understand being scared of flying alone !!! The first time I flew alone was for a business trip for my work across the country and I was literally PETRIFIED. The thing that worked best for me was to write down a little itinerary for myself in my phone notes (when to check in, my gate info, what time I boarded/landed, all my layover info, even what snacks I wanted to buy and how long I had between connecting flights!!) I also wrote little words of comfort for my future self just reminding myself to take a deep breath and drink water or listen to music and to stay CALM. And every time I started to get nervous I just read little notes from myself and it helped a LOT. Also portable chargers!!! Are a lifesaver!! My phone was almost dead by the time I landed (it was literally like 15 hours of flying) but my portable charger literally saved my life so I could still call an Uber to my hotel otherwise idk what I would’ve done. Don’t feel so much pressure to do everything in one day! Take it day by day and get a small few things done each day, maybe write down how you’re feeling or what you still have to finish and I promise it’ll be so much easier by the time your trip comes around. It’s also so important to just romanticize the whole trip so that it feels more exciting, I was crying when I had to take this business trip and I literally searched for every excuse to get out of it but when I got there I had a giant hotel suite to myself and I ordered chocolate chip pancakes from this little diner across the street and I ate so much food and watched shitty movies alone in my room and danced to Lorde music and it was MAGICAL. Doing things alone can be so scary but really putting yourself in the moment and allowing yourself to FEEL and just make the most of little things like pancakes or bad movies can be so so healing. I hope you have so many special little moments on your trip there and even MORE special moments in Korea!!!! What area are you traveling to & do you have anything fun planned?? I love you bby, don’t stress I am here for you alwayssss!! Also feel free to spam my inbox on the day you’re flying if it helps I will be manifesting a fun & safe trip for you my angel YOU GOT THIS 🫶🫶🧘‍♀️👼💘💞
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