#im evoking the muses rn
all im saying is if crowley had been friends with freddie mercury, it only follows that aziraphale was friends with Tchaikovsky.
I'm talking them sipping tea in russia. Indulging in pastries in comfortable silence, writing in their respective diaries. One day Tchaikovsky sticks his head out of his sheet music and gasps "what if we put CANNONS in the OVERTURE" smiling ear to ear and Aziraphale gives this wicked, enabling grin. Aziraphale's favorite piece would be Dumka because it has so much beautiful imagery and because it is really Tchaikovsky trying to put his home to music. Imagine Aziraphale meeting Tchaikovsky's lovers and warning them not to hurt him with a very angelic grin. Imagine Aziraphale sending Tchaikovsky his favorite foods during the latter's depressive episodes. Imagine Aziraphale's fury when after Tchaikovsky's death, his diaries are censored by the soviet union and the later russian government, entire passages blocked out because they discussed his lovers and sexuality. Imagine him trying to preserve the books his friend once loved because if he doesn't, even more of his memory would be erased.
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peachymess · 8 years
what did you think of that post isayama made on armin and his childhood because im like, thats a pretty big revelation with armin's nature and character. all those things you said about armin are right peachy, its like you took a look at isa's head.
Yeah ^^ I’m pretty happy I wasn’t off on my own mad headcanon when I said Armin was partially Isayama. I had a lot of thoughts surrounding this post, and I actually had to put your ask aside for some days, because the topic evoked too strong emotions in me. I apologize if you’ve been waiting in silent suspense. I don’t think I’ll go very in depth with my reply, because I’m still raw, but I’m ready to try covering the broad strokes (I’ll go by memory, not wanting to look that post up rn). Instantly, there were a lot of aspects to the post that stuck out to me, and a lot of thoughts that formed. Here’s a header list:1. Isayama really cares about Armin a lot.2. What part of this post can be applied to his fiction?3.  Can we read into the future of eremin through this post?1. Firstly, I say Isayama must care about Armin a lot because (well, aside from the fact that it’s his childhood self) he doesn’t make posts on his blog a lot, yet Armin’s smile by the ocean touched him so much he felt like blogging about it - and not only that; it even made him start reflecting, with much emotion, on things in his own life that bears importance to him. I never doubted that he liked Armin, but this just further solidified to me that Armin is in caring hands (if not safe). I’m choosing to trust in Isayama concerning Armin’s happiness. 2. Secondly, I’m sure we all see the parallels here, of two friends sharing a dream, where one of them seems more distant than the other about it lately. If we’re to apply his post into SNK stroke for stroke, his friend is Armin, and he’s Eren - where Eren has indeed lost his interest in their dream, and he’s simply faking it to make his friend happy these days. But is this eremin completely, or partially? It’s important to ask the question of whether or not Isayam started out intending to write Eren and Armin as him and his friend, because if he did, that’s the only way this post can be 100% eremin-canon; otherwise, similarities have either “come to be”, or merely inspired his work at best. Personally, I think SNK is too personal to Isayama; I think both Eren and Armin are parts of himself. Not to mention: his friend was addressed as “a friend”, not his one and only “best friend” (aka: he might have closer friends, but in the context of the post, it made sense to reflect on that friend in particular). While he compares Armin to his friend (and later himself) in that post, I do not think the rest of the post is as closely laced with SNK as this part is; if his friend was not initially Armin, Isayama will not change his already mapped out eremin path just for the sake of paralleling a split that has occurred in his real life - because his story’s already planned in broad strokes, and eremin is a core structure of the story, thus not easily susceptible to vanity changes. My point is that if Eren has lost his dream, it was Isayama’s plan from the start, and a post about a friend whose dream he doesn’t share anymore, is a separate matter that should not make us any more/less worried for eremin. But can we deduce anything from the post, since the subjects are similar, anyways? I think maybe we can. Isayama goes on to say that his story turned into more of a story about friends and childhood dreams than he meant for it to be (or something along those lines), so he’s definitely musing on friendships - where, in his story, his most prominent one is eremin. Did this mean he changed his mind on what direction to go? I don’t think so. I think it means that eremin, with its complexity, demanded more focus and weight than he expected it to, when he first started this journey (for instance, it’s easy to think up a Zombie movie where people die left and right, but once you arrive at a death scene, you might for the first time actually feel the weight of it in contact with the responding characters). Does that mean Eren still does have his dream, then? I’m sorry, I don’t know. That’s a topic all on its own, so I’ll give you my own short answer: I think Eren still has his dream. The problem is that his and Armin’s dreams are different (I wrote about this in an old meta I could fish out for you, if interested). Eren hasn’t lost focus; it has shifted; it’s still there, just not as aligned with Armin’s anymore. Should we take Isayaja’s words of him feeling bad about having lost his dream, as Eren’s words? No. Does he see (and reflect) parallels to the two situations? Yes. But like I said, I don’t think Eren has lost his dream of something. And even if he did, mind you, that doesn’t mean he suddenly doesn’t care about Armin anymore. 3. So, that was a bunch of rambling. What gives? What’s the conclusion? Well, going forward, I don’t think Isayama having lost his childhood wonder is any sort of catalyst for an eremin fall out. But with the amount of melancholy in Isayaja’s post, there definitely feels like sadness is ahead. Yet, that’s no surprise to an SNK fan, is it? Remember, Isayama felt sad that he didn’t share his friend’s wonder anymore, so isn’t that something he’d do differently in a story where he controls everything? If he doesn’t like friendship drifts, why would he include it in his story, avatars or not? The way things are going, it looks like Eren and Armin are less aligned, to the point where it will have to be addressed. But these are best friends whose friendship is a structural pillar of the story. They won’t drift to become just slightly less close, and that’s that. In literature, everything has to have meaning, and a slight drift between EA is too soft to carry purpose, and too pointless to topple a pillar for. Their bond is so big to the story that they’ll either remain close, or go the complete opposite direction. And I seriously doubt that they will end up as enemies. If Armin is indeed the narrator of this story, the story is told with way too much heart for him to hate the main character he’s talking about. My point is: eremin is already askew as per the end of chapter 90, and it will have to be addressed. It might get worse before it gets better, but I believe it is absolutely going to be resolved - and Isayama having lost a dream he wishes he still had, does not mean he is helpless to make his characters keep holding on to theirs.
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