#im going to my sister on wednesday
calamitys-child · 5 months
Maybe it's just cause its spring and the world feels fresh and full of promise but I'm seeing so many people I love getting to realise opportunities they've fuckin battled for and maybe just maybe I think we'll all be okay for a change
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paperstarwriters · 2 years
*Sigh* Ok, ok, firstly, I just wanna know where the people who don't mind the culture shift, but also still don't really like the show are. Like — I actually really like the casting choice for The Addams They're really cool and I really like them. Personally, I'm particularly fond of Wednesday and Gomez but still.
I just… don’t really like some aspects of this remake. One being that the actors for Gomez and Morticia felt so...uncomfortable while performing. Like the 1991 & 1993 movies, Gomez and Morticia were so clearly and so fondly in love and were very comfortable with expressing that, with their over-dramatic expressions of love feeling very easily expressed and normal for them. Here, I don't think the actors were quite as comfortable in performing that kind of expression of love, which just kinda made their romantic interactions just uncomfortable to watch.
Also, it's disappointing that they kind of just... abandoned the murderous core of the Addams? Like, I understand that there may be more appeal in having the Addams keeping the torture to themselves rather than bestowing it onto unwilling victims, but I think it just feels a lot like... telling us that they enjoy torture and fighting rather than showing it. In all the scenes where we see them, the Addams seem so uncomfortable when it comes to causing or receiving torture or harm. They flinch at needing to kill someone, and yet they say that they revel in it? Gomez takes insult at being told he isn't a person capable for murder and yet as far as we know, he is?
It makes their whole torture ordeal seem like it's just for show which feels disappointing and sad. It just makes it feel like this show is trying to call the old 1991 Addams family fake. As if they too were only ever really putting on a show to impress or (more accurately) surprise people, which I just really, really hate. Originally, the Addams family felt like a group that cried out that you did not have to conform to the ideals of the people around you to be happy, which speaks a lot to queer communities and neurodivergent people—even people of color. By implying that they're just... faking being strange or odd, it just makes me feel like I'm attempting to exclude myself.
Thing, I think is practically their only indication for being odd or strange and yet he's often set aside, and just acts like a strange yet funny sidekick amidst these Addams. He kinda feels like the token character to remind the audience that these are the Addams who have very strange and murder-y things with them.
I think, largely the issue here is that we don't know these Addams. here, the Addams are an entirely new set of characters separated from the older 1991 and 1993 movies, but because of the opening with Wednesday and Wednesday's typical demeanor amidst the entire thing, I kinda felt like I was led to assume that it would comply with the older movies, only to be unpleasantly surprised.
I know they're trying to set up a huge mystery surrounding who the Addams are and how that's tied into this school and the town, but with the way the story is currently going, I feel like we may never know.
It feels like I'm reading an alternate universe (AU) fanfic where the characters are represented differently than in the original source material, but it is not readily obvious. Like sure, the setting is a little different, and their situation seemed to have changed a bit, but the story implies that it's the same characters who have lived through the same events as they did in the source material. While some people may be interested to witness or understand why this change exists, most people will feel like the characters are being OOC and will quickly abandon the story because they don't understand why their favorite characters are so different.
Because this story is so clearly different from the 1991 Addams family, the show probably should have established not only how and why the family was different but also how they are tied into the original Addams. They should have been introduced as if they were entirely new characters. Show what they're like when they're in their element. When they're killing and murdering or if not that, torturing and being tortured. If they don't kill, establish that. Maybe make a statement along the lines of, "Addams don't Kill, we don't want to cut their torture off short, do we Wednesday?" which would help us to better understand why Gomez and Morticia would react that way to a murder.
Idk, maybe I'm just biased because I liked the 1991 Addams family and the 1993 Addams family values movies, and because I know that version of the Addams family so well, I just can't appreciate this new iteration of them.
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nightlyponder · 5 months
i miss living alone.
I miss living alone on the top floor of the apartment building where i wasn't woken up at 5:30am every morning by someone pacing in the room above me and dropping things.
i dont miss living alone in a studio. i dont want to move away from the neighborhood im in but i probably could only afford a studio if i stay here. could afford more if my job guaranteed a promotion upon receiving my masters.
but if it meant i could be by myself and on the top floor, i'd deal wit a studio again. i want to play my guitar in peace and get a second cat so Malcolm wont be so lonely when im not here.
i really miss living alone.
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dandyshucks · 1 month
my brethren i am going to be home alone for four days. heaven on earth. they say life is cruel, so how come i am winning so joyously ??
it is time to CLEAN and MAKE ART ‼️‼️‼️
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125storejuice · 2 months
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raedas · 8 months
fucking hell my schedule this week
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readymades2002 · 1 year
i am traveling out of the state for the next few days so i will not be on here till i am back home......very exciting!
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unlocklist · 2 years
Hi! Do you happen to have a kofi?
Hi! Do you happen to have a kofi?
Hey thanks for asking! I do have a ko-fi, i dont really know how the whole website works so its not updated or anything but here it is
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greppelheks · 2 years
exciting week ahead!!!!!!💖🥰🌺🌱✨
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imperaptorfuriosa · 2 years
i do not understand people who consistently sit on their phone while watching movies. once and a while, sure. but everytime????????? WHAT'S THE POINT OF PUTTING ON A MOVIE IF U ARENT GOING TO WATCH IT
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queenerdloser · 1 month
i just got back from a week-long vacation on the north shore with my family and i have learned several things
> i am not meant to live in a space with other people for longer than a day or two. not being able to have complete privacy for longer than an hour or two made me feel extremely Bad
> in a similar vein, i cannot be around people who talk incessantly about nothing. i was with my mom for most of this trip and that woman loves to talk to fill silence with circular nothing talk and i s2g i was ready to duct tape her mouth shut. i would be doing something obviously asking not to be interrupted (e.g. reading my fucking book) and she'd be standing there chattering away. stop! talking! please! learn to be silent! please!
> really cant drive with my mom tbh. like she's mostly fine but jesus christ that woman has so much anxiety about things that havent even happened. and i say this as an extremely anxious person myself. she's obsessing over traffic that doesnt even exist yet! shes constantly warning me about driving situations we arent even in!
> god i hate structured days. my mom kept making a schedule for what we'd do next and honestly??? fucking sucked. also she kept commenting incessantly about how i would just "sit around" reading my book as if i havent told her (MANY! MANY! TIMES!) that for me a relaxing vacation is being able to sit around and read my fucking books, not running around doing a bunch of shit. every night we had to do something and it was so annoying. i just wanted to sit around and enjoy my time off, not have to like. follow an itinerary.
> i fucking rule at 500 rummy
> i love my house so much. i got back to my apartment and felt like a whole fucking weight had been LIFTED from my shoulders. alone! freedom! aloneeeee!!!!! i know we bemoan loneliness or w/e the fuck on this website, but my god being alone feels so so so good right now. ive been craving it ALL WEEK.
> my cats are the best most beautiful cats in the world and i missed their sweet, furry faces so so so so much. im not meant to exist without my cats for a week. they are load bearing pillars of my mental health and mood stability.
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extantformoflife · 2 months
sometimes you have to give yourself Little Tasks. and this is how we survive
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intertexts · 7 months
this time im really gonna do it!
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 2 years
we are up to 2 nights in a row i stayed up later than i want to on work nights because i was thinking too much about the luzhin defense
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coolprettyleo · 7 months
maybe i will finally learn my lesson? - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.2k
tw: sad, angst, rejection, talks about sex. no actual smut tho. borderline alcoholic tbh
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie fell back onto her bed with a soft thud as she tried to catch her breath. she looked at the boy beside her with a hopeful look hoping to gosh he would stay the night and cuddle her. she just needed some form of reassurance.
he never ever wanted to stay over though.
“i gotta go, the guys are going out tonight” he says as he gets out the bed acting like he was talking to some stranger. what frankie didn't realize was that they basically were.
“do you have to leave?” she says in a sad voice kneeling on the bed. she hated how he never wanted to stay and talk. was that so much for a girl to ask for these days?
“frankie, im all spent for right now, but i mean if im feeling it later on, i'll stop by”
is he fucking serious.
it had honestly been a while since frankie had felt that much rage. he really did only think of her as a fuck buddy.
she knew what she was getting herself into, when she agreed on their little agreement, but in the movies it always ends with the guys falling in love with you. right?
“oh my gosh. just leave. like actually” she said getting back in bed and turning her back to him. which left him dumbfounded. why would she be mad he had to leave?
“did i do something?” he asked confused as he finished putting his cloths on.
no answer.
that pissed drew off. she had no reason to be all pissy with him.
“are you mad because im going out with the boys? why would that bother you? were not anything, frankie. im allowed to go out” he said. still starring at her back.
“oh don’t worry. you’ve made that very clear to me drew” she says, her voice wavering due to the fact she just felt so foolish.
“whatever, you’re annoying me. talk to me when ur done being crazy” he said walking out and slamming her door in a fit of rage.
to say frankie took it totally fine would be dishonest. she sobbed in a fetal position all night. while blasting foolish one by taylor swift.
that woman really does have a song for every situation.
she had honestly never felt so alone.
of course she’s not actually alone; she just refuses to go to anyone and burden them with her problems. it’s not like she can call her parents and her brothers due to the fact she can’t lie to them. she knew they were going to ask something like 'how'd practice go?' and whatnot so she's been forwarding their calls since Wednesday when she quit the team.
she could also call her friends. or her ex teammates. did she even have friends?
she was alone.
she sits in her room finishing up and assignment when she felt like doing something. usually she would get drunk and go from there, but no. if the last week has taught her anything; it's that she's becoming a new person. and the new person wouldn't black out after every minor convenience.
so in the spur of the moment, she decided she was going to rearrange her room! which is what lead her to where she was right now; outside the freshman hockey house.
while moving her bed from one side to another, she found drews hoodie. so being the mature, new, amazing person she claimed to be... she decided to give him back his hoodie, as a form of ceasing the deal. this is a supposed to be a step forward is it three steps back?
frankie walked up the front steps and as she lifted her fist to knock she halts, when she hears multiple voices coming from inside. not wanting to end her and drews situationship in front of his teammates; to save them both the embarrassment. she quickly trashes her plan and decided to just head home.
but when she heard her name is when she decided against that.
"frankie?" she hears drew ask.
"yes dude. its actually so obvious she wants you after what your saying she did yesterday"
he told them about the argument?
well she couldn't really get mad, if frankie had best friends she would of probably told them too.
"well i dont want her like that and she knows that"
frankie felt her heart crack.
i mean she told herself he didn't like her back, but hearing him say it, is a whole different level of pain for someone who just oh so hoped to joke about their situationship one day over coffee as he watched the morning news while their kids got ready for school.
foolish one, frankie hughes.
"no way your gonna reject her, she's so hot. what the hell is there not to like" one of his stupid teammates said.
"I mean she's the nicest and one of the hottest girls I've ever got with dont get me wrong, but some of the shit she says makes me question if she's being for real or not" drew said not knowing the match he was lighting.
"I think I know what your talking about, is it when she said she thought denver was in texas?" one of his other teammates chimed in.
"bro yes. that actually left me speechless" he says. frankie felt like burning the house down at this point.
"she's lucky she's got hockey" another voice said.
the hoodie she had in her hands slipped through her fingers. just like the heart drew held. the heart he never wanted to hold.
she backed away from the door, never wanting to slash anyones tires more. she wanted to commit arson. the way they were talking about her, made her want to throw up.
she can take the fact he didn't like her back. thats okay. if he didn't feel the butterflies she felt it wasn't no one fault. but mine.
but the fact he stood their and called her stupid? who the fuck even knows geography like that? she felt so many emotions run through her veins and the one overcoming the rest was the one that held the power over her tears.
"frankie?" oh my god. no. why the hell did I not run home?
she turned her head to see ryan leonard standing there. one of drews friends. someone she had considered to be her friend. but if the rest talk about her like that, him, will, and gabe probably do too.
"you didn't see me here, ryan" she said as she covered her face trying to push past him.
"wha- hey! what's wrong? who did this?" he said grabbing her wrist and seeing her crying eyes. he knew who did it. he just needed to hear a confirmation before he went inside and beat his ass.
"nothing. let me go" she said wiping her tears.
"im not letting you leave here alone hughes, i know how you get when your this sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and hear that you got hit by a damn bus for gosh sake"
one thing ryan hated was when she would drink her feelings away because that meant she was going to be reckless. she honestly is reckless.
"well then do you want to come?"
I got tired so im done writing but I wanted to post this! also ! I have no hate towards drew, its all going to add up in the future when I start the other aus I have planned but for now drew is like anyone else and he's learning and growing. so bear with me!
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