#im gonna need to get some snacks and another case of beer for this
genekies · 10 months
tis the season to spend the next 2+ months rewatching Supernatural now that I've finally finished it
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 21
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em: viola and becs love their lil hikes
em: oh actually did we already designate hiking as a damie thing
em: hmm.
em: yknow what damie and vibecca can both enjoy their weekend hikes
em: they bring isabel and she’s RUNNING up the path and tires herself out in 10 minutes and rebecca and viola swap out piggybacking her
obsetress: yeah it tracks because they both like fitness and viola likes her walks
obsetress: plus viola's like "it's good for isabel"
em: vibecca power lesbians love the challenging trails and damie just enjoy the sights
obsetress: dani venting to jamie one night: they don't even LIKE hiking, but they still had to do the blackjack loop, and WE won't even do the blackjack loop,
em: dani and her fanny packs... every time she sees isabel on a trail she like
em: stuffs her pockets w granola akdhdkfhdj
em: drives viola NUTS she’s like we packed our Own snacks
obsetress: dani gets SO excited
obsetress: man i love these lil gay bitches
obsetress: no but um
obsetress: jamie gets in some fight w rebecca early on after they've reconnected
obsetress: prob about her dating vi tbh
obsetress: and jamie's so put off by the whole thing and is ranting to dani about it and dani's all like "you just need to have better boundaries, jamie, they're her choices, aren't they? not yours"
obsetress: and jamie just stares at her like.........................................
obsetress: "dani, you literally continued hooking up with viola for weeks after you broke up"
"oh, c'mon jamie, it wasn't weeks"
"it was months"
em: dani shooting herself in the foot to like. correct jamie is so funny
em: not even ‘no that’s different’ or ‘no i’ve changed’ like ‘actually it was months’
obsetress: she says it w such a lil pleased smile on her face too
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obsetress: like who the FUCk gave her the right???
obsetress: a whole babe
obsetress: she didn't need to smirk like this
em: god she’s so Hot
obsetress: just think about all the times she and viola get into the banter
obsetress: and this exact face
em: i know we veered dramatically into soft territory w exes au but vi extremely stubborn lloyd and rebecca lawyer do no harm take no shit jessel truly. have some spectacular arguments
obsetress: they have absolute blowouts
obsetress: and then blowouts after the blowouts iywkim
obsetress: like dani's do no harm take no shit but she and vi also enable the SHIT out of each other
em: like dani tried but dani wasnt like. fully baked yet
obsetress: yeah! and then when she finally does and breaks up with her, she's back in her bed a few weeks later
obsetress: rebecca is the first person to not take viola's shit and to tell her no and viola can't fucking stand it
em: jamies convinced it’s a ruse for more make up sex
obsetress: dani's like "no, babe, trust me, i know what that looks like and this––"
em: dani (hushed) no she’s regular mad this isn’t fun mad
em: jamie (hushed but incredulous) FUN MAD?!
obsetress: please tell me how dani explains fun mad
em: a lil eyebrow waggle and a wink but then i like
em: thought abt her going to lift jamie up on a bench ‘well she kinda’
obsetress: the way rebecca looks at peter when he is (seemingly) (unfortunately) good w the kids has me thinking about like
obsetress: rebecca seeing vi w isabel for the first time and just
em: turns out the evil landlord shes banging is also…… soft
obsetress: rebecca and jamie on the phone and rebecca's like "i know she's... a landlord and all, but you should've seen her with isabel"
"you've gotta be fucking kidding me, becs––"
"no, maybe you're too quick to write her off. maybe people can be more than one thing"
and jamie just groans
em: poor jamie and her class traitor ex gf
em: blows kiss to rebecca
em: dani: i gotta go to the bathroom i’ll be right back
em: jamie: ok love
em: dani; (elbows jamie) ive Gotta Go To The B
obsetress: screamed
obsetress: dani trips over her own feet as she gets up to go
obsetress: then i just start thinking about dani absolutely pouncing on jamie the second they get into the bathroom and then i just start thinking about. how often that happens
obsetress: bathrooms or closets or wherever else
em: dani has this 6th sense for places to sneak off to
obsetress: god she DOES
obsetress: she's so good at it
em: she enters a new building and is taking lil notes just in case
obsetress: meanwhile rebecca and viola exchanging a look while they wait, knowing EXACTLY where they're going
em: viola leaning in like how much time do we have and becs is like vi. where’s your decorum
em: then she looks down at her watch and lists it down to the second
obsetress: she pauses
obsetress: then
obsetress: "and another six minutes if––" and vi's like "she'll want to go again"
em: viola buffing her nails on her blazer: she’ll want to go again
obsetress: rebecca rolls her eyes but she's grinning
obsetress: "you're all too smug" "me? smug?" becs just shakes her head and tugs her in by the lapels of her blazer
em: damie coming back to a fairly chaste vibecca kiss: BLEH can you guys GET A ROOM
obsetress: rebecca's just verly placidly like
obsetress: "dani, your zipper is still down, by the way"
em: dani; thanks :)
em: dani clayton voice i’m braver and severely Weirder than ppl think
obsetress: she's a bit of a weirdo
em: see now i’m thinking about dani glancing away going dang i thought i was keeping it under wraps
obsetress: ngl i think about that a lot like
obsetress: she IS a weirdo but what does jamie know
obsetress: that she's like yeah she's a fucking weirdo
obsetress: like she's anxious and jumpy but jamie wouldn't call that weird
obsetress: what did she know and when did she know it
em: i’m thinking about jamie catching dani doing something like. idk eating a burger layer by layer or w a knife and fork and going
em: what a freak. i’m gonna marry her
em: dani tells jamie no this is a normal american thing and then when they go to vermont jamie realises no this absolutely is not
obsetress: she says something about it and dani doesn't even remember saying it in the first place
obsetress: "i didn't say that"
"you literally did say that"
"why would i say that"
(jamie taylor eyebrow raise) "you tell me"
(dani clayton flush and stutter) "i–– i..."
em: dani mumbles something like i didn’t think it’d pan out like this i just wanted the cool gardener to think i was. semi normal
em: jamie waggles her eyebrows like cool gardener???
obsetress: dani bumps her shoulder into jamie's "shut up"
"don't think i will, actually"
em: jamie starts to v seriously eat her burger layer by layer. danis like ‘ur taking the mick!’ and jamies like (sheepish) naw i just. wanted to see what it’s like
em: every so often they’ll run into someone who went to school w jamie or knew her as a youth and they’re like ‘wow you’ve mellowed out heaps’
em: therapy queen
em: theyre in a pub and someone’s like ‘as i live and breathe! jamie taylor! i heard you died! someone told me you were arrested for (crime that becomes bigger and more outlandish w every new person)’ and jamies like ‘aye’ and they’re like
em: all sharing a beer at a quaint little pub n this old acquaintance from before has these v chaotic stories and danis like
em: jamie? my jamie? u must be confused. jamie goes to bed at 9:30pm watching antiques roadshow
obsetress: jamie just grins a lil
em: danis like haha jamie wow ur so mysterious and (she is already casing the joint for places to sneak off too)
em: damvibecca sittin in a circle passing a joint around
em: a nice thought
obsetress: Wholesome
obsetress: dani falls asleep first, with her head in jamie's lap and they're all just kinda vibin and rebecca gets up to get her a blanket or smth and vi's just kinda like
obsetress: "you're really good for her, you know"
obsetress: all quiet and pensive
em: jamie takes a loooooonng pause and she’s like. i was sceptical but. you’re good for becs too
em: and then even quieter she’s like
em: thanks
em: the softest thank u from one jamie taylor
obsetress: rebecca gets back and looks back n forth between the two of them
"why are you two being weird"
"we're not–- what?"
"we're just sitting here, baby"
obsetress: rebecca narrows her eyes
obsetress: jamie likes vi for becs because vi reminds her to live a little
obsetress: and can also keep up with her temperament because holy shit did jamie hate all of becca's bougie shit
em: jamie absolutely has um
em: like a repairs pile that shes gonna get around to Some Day re fixin clothes etc and
em: as much as i love 'rebecca and jamie worlds most calm and collected no drama couple' im defs toying with like
em: their ONE Big fight is beccs throws out the repairs pile
obsetress: "i was gonna––"
"no you WEREN'T, jamie!"
em: jamies like i The Tool I Needed is outta stock i had to- and becs is like? what, like you couldnt make do?
em: and even then when the heat dies down its still v calm and civil but like
em: FINALLY a lil dramatic angle to jamie rebecca
em: dani loves the repairs pile bc she loves a project
obsetress: she's also very content to let jamie have her silly little thing
obsetress: because it doesn't bother her and jamie is very good at keeping it in her space
obsetress: rebecca asks her about it one day and dani's like "oh i'm just glad she has a hobby :)"
em: couple times jamie's like. shes been tryna repair this one chair for months and eventually shes like
em: (swings axe) winters coming
obsetress: dani just watches with the dopiest grin
obsetress: jamie's all wot
obsetress: and dani's like
obsetress: :) you're hot :)
em: danis like hey i know its a brisk autumn but um
em: if u wanna
em: mimes taking shirt off
obsetress: jamie does it
obsetress: jamie rolling her eyes as she unbuttons the top couple buttons then tugs her shirt over her head
obsetress: but she's grinning
obsetress: dani sneaking up behind her as she's sorting the wood and just leaning into her bare back
obsetress: jamie jumps "oi!" and dani grins and nuzzles between her shoulders
obsetress: been having so many becca feelings in our rewatch
em: oh gosh
em: i love her she truly is a tragic character
obsetress: same
obsetress: i just want her to live happily ever after in her lil power lesbian outfits with her lil power lesbian wife
obsetress: like she needs someone who can MATCH her
obsetress: her energy and her intensity and her passion
obsetress: and like she and jamie can push each other to be better but jamie’s just kinda like “lemme chill n do my gay little tasks” yknow
em: ya and like they Worked but they worked Much better as friends than anything romantic
em: jamies the lesbian best friend that’s like girl. stop settling for mediocre men with accents
obsetress: yeah!
em: jamie ‘how soon is too soon to ask out my good friend rebecca jessel after her v messy break up w peter quint’ taylor
em: and then rebecca ends up being the one like ‘have you ever thought about us?’ while jamies agonising over it like four months later
em: rebeccas a little go getter and jamie needs a little bit of a shove sometimes
obsetress: jamie, surrounded by three shovers,
obsetress: rebecca says it so casually over dinner like she’s talking about the weather and jamie’s like !?
obsetress: i can also see like
obsetress: rebecca says that bit about "have you ever thought about us" at dinner and jamie blanches and second guesses everything they do "is....... is this a date" becca just shrugs "do you want it to be?"
em: jamies motormouthing like ok but i cannot stress enough that i was comforting you about ur break up in a friend way no ulterior motives way i am ur friend first and foremost and rebecca just like
em: lets her get it out of her system
em: ‘well what about my ulterior motives’
obsetress: she WOULD
obsetress: "did you ever consider that maybe i had ulterior motives"
em: jamie: (pursing her lips, furrowing her brow that way she does) you had a messy break up with peter quint….. to seduce me.
em: rebecca: mmhmm
obsetress: jamie: me?
obsetress: rebecca: well, maybe a couple of reasons, but... yeah. you were up there
em: after i asked out [ex] i spent ages agonising over when it would be appropriate to kiss her (i know...) and then one night at a party she’s like ‘so why haven’t u kissed me yet?’ and i’m like are u fucken. mate it takes two to tango
obsetress: oh my god?
em: drawing from that
em: jamie thinks they’re taking it slow (but not that slow) and rebecca is like girl what
em: ‘i never took you for old fashioned’
‘wot, me?’
‘old fashioned?!’
‘well, you haven’t kissed me yet-‘
‘you haven't kissed me! i figured you wanted to take it slow after p-‘ and then rebecca like full on dips jamie and kisses her
em: rebeccas like always wanted to do that at least once lol
em: jamie is speechless for a couple minutes
obsetress: rEBECCA
obsetress: thinking thoughts rebecca jamie same height but rebecca heels
obsetress: jamie looking up @ her all
obsetress: rebecca in her heels and is chilly and jamie getting up onto her tip toes to wrap her big coat around rebecca's shoulders
em: softtt
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
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Warnings: language, arguing? A lil violence to your wrist, weave grabbing and bodyguard running! NOT PROOF READ OR BOLD, IM JUST KINDA LAZY TODAY!
A/n: oh god what did I just write?
T.H| You Shouldn’t Go Out Anymore
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We all know he is gonna feel some fuckin way y/n, don’t fight it” your friend said, sipping her cherrie slurpie after you all left the club.
“Well I don’t know what to say, I was fucking around with anyone I was just handlin my own” you let out a ‘tuh’ as you looked out the window.
“This is a man? You have been out since what? 6” your gay best friend stated, handing you your Reese’s as you only rolled your eyes.
“This is your stop, good luck babe, although you can most definitely handle your own” you opened the door as she pulled up, grabbing your stuff and hopped out the door, big ass mistake. You didn’t fall but your knees didn’t agree with you.
As your friends laughed you flipped them off and closed the door, fixing your purse as your heels clanked against the stone, you walked up to the door step, grabbing your keys and putting them in the door, before you could twist it was already opened by you great full.... angry? Boyfriend.
You jerked your head at him and came in the house, taking off your heels and going into your shared room, throwing them in the closet.
“Where’d you go?” He asked from the kitchen, soon angrily coming into the bedroom. “I got caught up in some traffic” “bullshit, where did you go?” “To the club? Why else am I wearing this?” “Why is your hair fucked up?” He asked, looking at your figure. You shrugged “I have no idea” you bit your lip as you walked up to the mirror attached to the closet, trying to unzip yourself. He stood there watching you with his jaw clenched, you could see him but you tried to ignore it your best, it wasn’t happening.
“Thomas what the fuck is your problem?” “My problem? Why are you out so fucking late!?” He raised his voice. “Why? I’m here aren’t I!” You yell back. “Why are you avoiding the fucking question, you fucking cheated didn’t you? Your a fucking slob” “A slob?” You cock your head at him, furrowing your eyebrows. “I AM SOBERRRR!” you yell at him, he only ignores you so you dance around him yelling “soberrrr! I am so soberrrr! What’s 2x2? Fourrrrr”. “Can you be serious for two minutes?” “Not when you don’t know what your fucking talking about, wanna know why I was really late?” You snapped back and he only nodded, you threw the Reese’s at his face “maybe I should’ve cheated on yo dumbass” “fuck you!”
“Haven’t you already? Unzip me” his face all scrunched as he walked up and unzipped you, you turning around and his face so close to your own “I went to the fucking store Thomas, they don’t sell snacks at the club” “did you drink at all?” “No thomas, there was just an achol free club where we all sing Barney, I love you, you love me” you smile, tilting your head to the side. “Well I’ve been sitting in this bed waiting for you” “then wait some more baby, wait some more” he grabbed your wrist pulling you closer, him towering you “look smartass, if you want to go bloody fuck around you can, just stay away from me, you don’t answer your phone, you stay out late, you have the fucking audacity to come home and try to talk to me as if I did something wrong?”
“No I’m actually talking to you like your dumb, because you are, get out of me!” You snatch your wrist back “next time you touch me I swear to god I will punch you square in yo fucking face” you take off your dress and grab your suit case, rubbing your wrist because it hurt, like hell. You know he wouldn’t ever hurt you and maybe he was caught in the moment but you were pissed. You took out all of your clothes and threw them on the side of your bed.
“Where are you going? You don’t have anywhere to go” Tom said, grabbing the clothes on the hangers and putting them back up. “Thomas put my shit down” and one thing you both knew, it is your shit, you bought it because you aren’t one of those types for when the time comes he takes everything that he bought for you.
He hesitated before he put it back on the bed “you aren’t leaving me” “I make my own decisions” you started to fold up your clothes as Thomas left, walking into the livingroom taking in what all happened.
You walked up to the door and slammed it, hissing in pain from the slight sting in your wrist, you only pushed yourself more by folding everything and throwing it in your suit case.
You set it next to the door and sat on the bed “fuck” you whispered to yourself thumbs on your temples and your hands rested on your eyebrows. it isn’t your fucking fault at all and you needed to know that but right now you’ve never ever had these kinds of fights with Tom, it was just about dinner or something petty. You ended up falling asleep.
You woke up and found yourself in the messy bedroom, hangers everywhere and suit case still next to the door. You grabbed your phone from your purse that was also on the floor, calling your friend, Imani.
“Yes” she said, you only bit your lip. “We had a fight” you went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, “I know” “how?” “It’s Thomas, and your sarcastic as hell” “well I’m leaving” “the house or the man?” “havent talked about it yet” “well you should, I got to go, text me the apartment though” you let out a hum and hung up, turning on the shower to a warm feeling.
You got dressed and flat ironed your hair sitting on your fluffy pink chair that matched your marble vanity. Then he walked in “hey” he whispered. “Hi” you said back, taking out the last section. “Are we like... not together anymore?” He asked, sitting on the bed watching you. “A break” you said, turning back to him as he nodded. “Can I ask why your doing your hair” “no Tom” “okay” his lips in a thin line.
You unpacked your stuff, getting comfy in your new but not replaced home. You were gonna move in with one of your friends at first but them you knew you wanted some alone time for yourself, you scrolled through your explore page on Instagram- stacked with zodiac signs and Evan peters, skinny girls in bikinis, generic ones.
As you scrolled through you thought ‘maybe I should- nah’ you looked in the closet looking at the small bikinis and the tight skirts and tube tops. Sooner or later the door opened revealing-
“Tye? What are you doing here?” You asked, your gay best friend entering. “I’m not the only one, and don’t come over here talking to me like I’m the enemy” “shut up” you stood up and gave him a hug, soon revealing Imani also. “You know for a fact that we was comin over, yo hair is poppin” she said “stiff where?” You shook it, silky.
Over the few days that you’ve been alone Toms been doing actually pretty well, he did miss you of course but he also did freak out and get mad that you weren’t accepting his calls, he didn’t know if you were safe until-
“Stop!” You laughed, currently in the Pool with the most smallest bikini EVER- the hot red just making your skin shine, your hair done, sunglasses on, teeth white, feet done nails done, okay? Everything is done, by your wallet to.
Tye and his muscular lil boo, throwing pretzels at you. “Have fun!” Ray said, “we didn’t take you here for no reason” Tye added both of them sitting down in the seats while you were in the pool, leaning your elbows on the brim “I know!” You lift yourself up, little did you know Imani was taking pictures of you, from behind of course, your ass the main course of the picture, everything about you was just so sexy, like you had a magnet on you that everybody needs to be attached to, but luckily that was Thomas. Did I mention it was a public pool? “Look at Jesus, he’s starring at you” everyone grabbed there black tinted sunglasses, making sure nobody could see yours and your friends eyes you looked. “Sexy” ray said, “nice and hairy, it’s time for a grown man y/n” Imani said, basically dissing Tom because it doesn’t look like he has any hair on his body ‘golden beauty’ as he’d call it.
“I don’t know, what if he’s like a hobo or something?” You said, coming up to Tye and laying down between his legs, resting your head on his pec. “Your right, he might be hairy in the business to” ray commented, making everyone laugh as Tye played with your hair. You smacked your lips as ray took out his phone “stoppp!” You said, knowing what he is doing to embarrass you, he made a boomerang of him zooming in on Jesus, but acting like he was recording himself. He labels it “JESUS?” and posted, making everyone else but you repost it on their story. “Y’all do to much” you sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“What the fuck is this? Jesus?” Tom said, sipping his beer. Looking at Harrison who is trying to hold on a laugh “you might have to fuck some since into her if ya know what I mean” a chuckle leaving his lips. “She isn’t fucking around, just leave her be” Harry rolled his eyes, all Tom was doing is looking at him phone, every, single, day. “You think she likes him? Or might have sex with him?” “You are literally so bloody annoying, what do you think?” Haz glares at him. “Well I don’t know! Fuck! She wouldn’t” Tom didn’t even wanna think about it, having another hand on your neck, hearing you moan someone else’s name, opening your legs for someone else.
“Might wanna check her profile” Harrison shrugs, Tom nods and checks it, clicking on your story and finding you say “hallelujah” while your laying on someone, a chest. You soon flip the camera “put your legs down!” You slap them, making whoever it is chuckle, you zoom in on Jesus and end up getting caught, your phone drops as the story ends.
“Your fucked” Harry laughed “shut up!” Tom said, throwing the bottle cap at him.
“No this didn’t happen, I don’t believe it” you hide in tyes chest while everyone laughs at you “stopppppp!” You whine.
You smiled as you got in your tight dress, orange and spaghetti strapped that shows a bit of your side boob, you wore thigh high black boots, your hair flat ironed again, inches inches inches, lace front, lace front, lace front, Self love yeah? You put on your dangle earrings, lipgloss eyelashes just lookin so pretty.
“You ready?” Ray asked, coming in with his loose oversized shirt and jean shorts, converse, he looked good of course but never over top, it isn’t his thing. Tye on the other hand came with a black loose unbuttoned loose shirt and black dress pants, a new pair a j’s wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
Imani didn’t like dressing up so she came with a yellow ripped crop top and black cargos with some combat boots everyone’s hair done.
No drinking and driving, you all had money of course and you were planning on just taking care of yourself, so when you got there you just went to the bar.
Of course a lot of eyes were on you, all races all genders, but you could care less. “One shot of-“ “a Shirley temple, get this fine young lady a Shirley temple” Tye said, “we don’t need you losing your mind in here, y/n” “whatever but yes please”
“Of course gorgeous” the waiter winked at you. “Ooo” Tye said making you slap his arm “where is Imani and ray?” You asked Tye, he only pointed at the dance floor, the shoes helping both of them dance better.
“You should dance” “you and I both know I look like I’m getting electrocuted” he laughed as you got your drink, taking the straw and sipping it. “Can’t we like get a table or something?” You asked, Tye nodding and asking you to step forward, a gentle hand behind your back trying to keep the drunkies away.
About an hour in is when Imani started to party “IMANIS A LESBIAN?” you shouted, only enough for you, ray, and the to hear as they eye her on the dance floor. “Aw shit, here we go again” “private story activated” Imani just making out with the girl non stop.
“Oh fuck- we need to save her!” You say, watching as they giggle and record her. “Let her have her fun, she will just wake up in another girls bed and be happy” “she looks like she has an std” “how?” “She’s way to pretty” you laugh at tye “AH- HAIR PULLING? OH MY” “BAHAHAHA” you all scream laughing, Imani must of pulled to tight because that lace came off, as Imani pulled away and looked at her her eyes got bigger, she slowly lifted the lace compared to her head, “oh my fuckin god she’s gonna do it” “no she isn’t” “yes, yes she is” she ran off.
The lace in the air as she disappeared like a magician “OH MY FUCKING GOD” Tye posted it, you instantly took out your phone, biting your lip and seeing the missed calls, but ignoring it and opening Instagram, finding tyes private story and posting the post on your own.
“That’s sad, I feel bad for the girl” ray said, holding in his laughs as he looked at the and started cracking up. “We should’ve saved her-“ you got caught by heavy breathing “what the hell happened?” “Sis, you drunk forreal” you only shook your head “yo hair is lookin mad frizzy, let’s go sneak somewhere” you say getting up. “Look at y/n, sober but crazy” “shut the fuck up” you leaded them into this little space where the hallway is, not supposed to be there but fuck it. You found an iron “let’s get you back on track” you say, plugging in the iron “girl no” “it’s going to help” “that is hella ghetto” “you hair is lookin hella ghetto” as it got done heating up she took out her phone “look at her” “I’m making your hair look good, the fuck you expect? Hermiones bag so I can pull out a flat iron?” You picked up the iron and took her hair making the part straight first before pressing down. “Why y’all laughing?” You say looking at Tye and ray giggling in the background “you hookin her up that’s- that’s a good friend” and just like that, POW, her lace was lookin fresh.
“Now that we are here should we take some pictures?” Tye asked, everyone nodding as you set up your phone against the wall, everyone posing, you squatting, ray laying across all of you infront, imanis tongue out and Tye throwing up the finger, it went on for a while so the laughs were covered by the bodyguard walking in. “ Oop” “RUN!” Ray yelled, how the hell is you finna run in heels? Ray the fastest, Tye behind, Imani after him and you trying not to roll your ankles. “Get back here!” You don’t even now how but you made it infront of everyone, leaving them eating your dirt as you went to the exit “HURRY UP!” you yell “WE ARE FUCKIN TRYING! HOW THE HELL YOU RUNNIN?” Tye yelled, you opened the door everyone running out and you know behind them, the big ass guard almost catching you but you locked and shut the door, giving blowjobs did give you some extra skills.
You all ran to the car, hot and sweaty “I GOT IT ON RECORDD” Imani yelled making you all laugh. “You a real dumbass” you said, ray starting the car as everyone’s breath was heavy. You pulled out your phone on live, a lot of people entering “bitch we made it out!” “Sure did!” You switched the phone to behind the camera revealing ray and Tye in the front seat. “It was a crazy ass night” “I’m ready to take a fat ass nap” Tye joked. “Shit forreal, my piggies is killin me” you say giving your phone to Imani as you took off your heels. “Hold up- look at this” she said, putting her phone under yours showing your fans all y’all runnin and the big ass bodyguard getting dusted.
You sighed as you laid on your bed, already missing the night and taking off your dress after posting the pictures, which had the bodyguard in the back.
Buzz buzz
You saw the caller ID and huffed, rolling your eyes and leaving you in only your panties.
“She still won’t answer” Tom sighed. “Well did you expect her to? She just ran away from a bloody bodyguard she might be tired” haz said making a point. Tom only nodded his head looking at your recent pictures from the past few days, big pearly whites everywhere, ass boobs everywhere, just you everywhere. “Fuck it, I’ve called her and called her, I’m going over” “go ahead we aren’t stopping you” Harry shrugged “it might just be the best option” Sam nodded.
You turned on Cartoon Network but adult swim was playing, Robot chicken which actually scared the shit out of you. You heard a knock on the door, you mentally screamed and got up, going to your door but covering your boobs before answering the door.
“How did you find me” “I guess you could say your friends miss us together” Tom simply said, now looking down at your figure “is someone in here?!” He asked, voice slightly raised. “No thomas, come in!” You snatch him by his arm, he steps in and you close the door, not holding your boobs anymore you go to your room.
He follows you in your room, watching you as you put almost shirt. “You looked good tonight” “you were watching me huh?” He only walked up behind you taking the back of your neck and bending you over on the bed , pressing his self on you and reaching over to whisper in your ear “I guess” he pressed kisses to your neck, soft delicate ones as the coldness of his ring digging in your colored skin.
“Thomas what do you want?” You ask, clearly annoyed. His movements stuttered as he just sat on the bed, you stood back up straight and put on your shirt to sit next to him. He looks at you then down at the hardwood floor “I miss you” “and that was your way of showing me? You miss me or my body?” “I miss all of it” you put your legs up to your chest. “Really?”
“Yeah” he nods, turning to you “can I?” He asked and you nodded, he pulled you into a hug. “I love you and I was worried about you honestly, I have no idea what happened to me that night, I guess I was trying to hide me being vunrable” he whispered, your head on his shoulder as he speaked to you.
“Well I was just hungry ya know” you chuckle, making him let out a distant laugh. “I-yeah, it was a good chocolate” “you ate it?” “Yes I did” you both laugh. “But I seriously want to apologize, I don’t own you and you don’t deserve to be treated that way, at all. I love you, y/n” he whispered, taking your hand and playing with your fingers.
“I love you too” you look at him and he smiles, kissing your forehead to your nose and down to your lips. “Can we-“ “I’m tired, can we just lay down?” “Of course darling”. He helped you get rid of your makeup and you both laced down, both of you only on your underwear and your tops exposed, skin to skin as you both just admired each other, taking in each other’s scent and pressing kisses randomly as the tv ran in the livingroom.
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f33itan · 4 years
💛⚜️Pᴀʀᴛ 1: Tᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ⚜️💛 (From my Wattpad)
A/N: Ok, this was something a mutual of mine said here on Tumblr, and I decided to write a oneshot about it. Might be very VERY slight angst, nothing bad enough to actually be put under that umbrella though, anyways, enjoy this, and ty for the reads! :)
B/N: Your Mother's boyfriend's name
M/N: Mother's name
"Oi, Y/N! Go get me another pack of beer from the store!"
"Yes father!" Damn that pig looking bitch. I'm just some fucking girl, trying to protect her mom from this demon of a person! Heck, he's not EVEN a person! He's the devil himself!! Man, I wish dad was here...
When you were in about 7th grade, your real father got killed in a massacre a couple cities over. He was not only a police officer, but a great father and husband as well. He treated you and your mother amazingly, and you thought life couldn't get anymore perfect, but soon that all went down hill. After his death, your mother's health depleted and she felt empty inside. She needed somebody else to make her complete. She decided to call an old friend from high school, and next thing you know he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but soon enough he was beating you guys mercilessly, enough to leave large bruises and scars whenever you didn't do exactly what he asked, in your eyes though, it was more of an order. You hated being ordered around, but you hated your mother getting beaten around even more. It seemed like a blessing that he hasn't tried to rape her, but god knows what he'll do, he's unpredictable
With all of this happening, you decided to tell him you were doing some "extra curricular" classes in college, but what you were actually doing was taking the Hunter's Exam and learning nen. Your biological father was kind-hearted and fun to be around, but he was also strict and sometimes a bit harsh, though he always meant well. Before his passing, all three of you would go out on the weekends to train, exercise, or do something that would enhance your body power and brain power. Because of this, all of you were exceptionally smart, and bodies all well toned. Sometimes your excursions would be going to a park and practicing a sport, driving to the snow and sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and every once in a while going to another state to zip line, try animal encounters, or take a family friendly class in that state's heritage and customs.
Since you were accustomed to hard core training and events, you thought the Hunter's Exam was quite fun, and was a test to your skills. After that, you were scouted out by a strong nen user by the name of Biscuit Krueger. You and her had lots of fun training, and with her pushing your limits to the utmost best, you turned out to be a specialist.
(Whenever I imagine myself in Hunter x Hunter, this is always my nen type and stuff LMAO)
Your power was called, Black shadow. You could have up to 10 weapons on hand, completely subjected to doing your bidding. These weapons were linked to you through blood, and they were surrounded with a substance that appeared to be black mist. The weapons you most preferred to practice with and use were your katana, blood string, and scythe. You could also make a weapon yours by cutting a fingertip and letting the blood drip onto the weapon, altering the appearance then gaining that black "mist", showing that it was now yours. The downside to this technique was that those "shadows and mist remnants" were your sleep. The darkness in your mind and the shadows all around you were taken and used for that power. In turn, you were always tired, yawning, and had bags under your eyes. Another plus side though was that you had a nen created chamber that had every weapon you owned. A girl can have some fun toys, can't she? You had tools for torture (whenever you took an opportunity to try it), many varieties of weapons, and of course, more snacks. But unlike B/N, you didn't have just fatty snacks. You had regeneration potions, healthy snacks, and special nen created "snacks" to help with different things, which all of these you had collected through pulling some strings. Your mother was worried, but you said it was all just college things. Yeah, just college things..
Ill make that pig bitch pay for what he has done to my mother!
Feitan POV -or whats going on with him- :
"What time, is it.."
"8 AM Fei!"
"Shut up, green eyes, too loud."
"Oh Fei don't be rude! It's mean!"
"That's, the point."
"Oh wait, Shalnark, what this?"
"What do you mean?"
"This... gold string?"
"Phinks, what, do you, want-" Phinks just ignored his question and pointed to the TV.
This is Channel 12, reporting live from York New City Town Square. People all over the city are claiming to be seeing a string tied to their left ring finger, leading them to some unknown destination! What is this string? Who put it there?-
I apologize for the interference, but this string appears t be leading people to.. partners? Soulmates? Find out tomorrow morning, this is Amy Starwick from Channel 12, signing out.
"What. The. FUCK."
"No❤️" Since Feitan was on his last nerve with Shalnark, he decided to stomp over towards Chrollo in the main room, but Chrollo just chuckled.
"Wanna go find your soulmate? See if that things real?" Feitan just stared at the ground, lightly shifting his feet.
"Go ahead, I don't mind."
"Just, doing it, out of, curiosity."
"Mhm, curiosity, go find them." And with that, he was dismissed. Feitan wanted to say it was curiosity, but deep down he had this feeling there was something else, but what was it? It made his stomach tingle and he didn't like it one bit. He tried to ignore all of this, and just shrugged it off...
꧁꧂꧁꧂TimeSkip to Next Day꧁꧂꧁꧂
Your POV + some Feitan POV:
"Alright, today's the day, he'll be at his work, and on his break, i'll set the plan in motion.." Both me and mom don't like him, and I don't know about her, but I sure hate him, every ounce of him. The plan is simple: 1. Capture mom's boyfriend, 2. Take him to an abandoned building, 3. Torture him and get all of the answers I need, and 4. Kill him. His break is at 12, and he usually goes to get takeout every other Friday, what a pig. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.
Time: 11:30 AM
Ok, I have everything ready. Fully energized to the utmost extent, Elixirs to bring him back in case he passes out too early, and- what? He's leaving for lunch early? PERFECT! You ran behind some buildings and hid in a two-way alleyway, waiting for him to pass by...
Here we go..
You covered his head with a sack, and took his phone out of his back pocket. Before heading over to your post, you laced the inside of the sack with some sleeping powder and pressed it against his nose and mouth. Within moments he passed out, and you typed in what you hoped to be his password, which was correct. Around 12:30, you were going to text one of his coworkers that he would be "going to a restaurant across town, and ditching work for a day, not wanting to see his stupid good for nothing girlfriend or his dumb daughter." You knew he called you both this because of going through his text messages when he wasn't looking or when he was sleeping. Little did you know that somebody was watching you from afar.
"Hmm... So, she, my, what do people, call it.. soulmate? Seems, interesting..."
Time: 12:00 PM
"Jesus, I new he was a fat ass but I didn't know he weighed this much!" You were tugging him from his legs through the back ways of York New. You wanted to find a secluded area, where once you were done with him you could just toss him somewhere for the birds and maggots to eat. After walking for what seemed like hours, you came across a set of abandoned buildings, specifically the one you laid out some extra things. A couple extra weapons, some towels, a change of clothes, a chair and some rope, a couple of flashlights, and of course, some snacks. Lucky for you, the douchebag you've been dragging around like a rag doll was still out cold, so you picked him up and tossed him on the chair, tying his wrists, ankles and neck to the chair.
"Maaannn, this is boring!! When the hell are you gonna wake up?!" As if on queue, you saw his eyes start to flutter open, and you immediately grabbed your box cutter. It wasn't a weapon used by your nen, but it was quite effective.
"What.. who.. wait- Y/N!? WHAT THE FUCK?! UNTIE ME NOW BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!!" you didn't notice it, but Feitan was watching from the building over.
What, the fuck? Why she kidnap him? That pig? Why? Confusing, gotta keep, watching.
You shoved the box cutter into his left cheek, and you bathed in the glory of hearing his screams of pain.
"How does this feel, you bitch? Everything you've done to my dear mother, everything you've done to me, and heck, YOU WERE PROBABLY BEHIND MY DAD'S MURDER DURING THAT FUCKING MASSACRE!!" B/N noticed the tears in your eyes, and took this to his advantage.
"So what if I was? Both of your parents were pathetic anyways."
You couldn't handle this anymore, tears were falling down your face rapidly as you grabbed the duct tape and closed his mouth shut.
"I don't give a fuck about what you say.. I'm going to kill you here. This is your grave. Someday, I'll join you in hell, and when I do, I'll torture you again, and the Devil will laugh. You just watch and ducking wait you, you.. PATHETIC WORTHLESS PIG ASS SLOPPY ASS NASTU FUCKING BITCH!" With that, you grabbed a couple super worms in each hand and shoved them into his ears. Even with the duct tape, you could hear his screams of agony as the worms dug deeper into his ears. You then got our your katana and slashed him across the stomach, and shoved even more worms into that open wound of his. Quickly, you poured a large bottle of the elixir you had brought over him to keep him from dying so quickly. Box cutter still in hand, you carved small lines all over his arms and legs, then ripped off the tape to hear his desperate cries. You imagined he wanted to be dead, but you didn't care. His pain and you pain mixed together and you just started laughing. You through your head back and let yourself laugh. all of the pain this man has caused you and your mom will be repayed today.
But the pressure and stress was too much to handle. Your laughing of victory soon turned into screams and more tears, as you let yourself fall to the ground, not even noticing you didn't hit it hard, something had caught you, or someone..
What the shit am I doing?
Am I really going to kill him?
What's wrong with me?
What will mother think?
What would dad do?
What am I doing with my life?
You soon snapped out of all of those negative thoughts though, as you noticed something caressing your face lightly.
"Rest, now. He, won't die, so quickly. I'm, Feitan." You were a sniffling and crying mess, so all you could do was rush into Feitan's chest and cry. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He had no idea what he was doing, for he had only seen this kind of skin on skin contact in movies. So, he did what those people in the movies did.
"Don't, worry... It's all, going to be.. okay."
Word Count (Including author notes, etc) : 2251
-Wrote February 3, 2021-
Unedited sorry about that lol-
Part 1...
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blackamethyst04 · 2 years
Eddie’s Girl | Pt. 3 | Not Interested.
Trigger Warning: mentions of SA/SH.
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As Eddie continued to drive his van after the whole, don’t be afraid to open up about your feelings. The silence was deafening. No music was playing, not chatting, just the sounds of his rusty van driving on the road. You tapped your fingers on your thigh. You looked at Eddie who seemed still in his head. It was nerve racking when Eddie wasn’t blasting music. You leaned back as Eddie pulled into the gas station. You were kinda hungry even though you just had breakfast.
“Im gonna get something to snack on while you pump the gas.”
You said. Eddie nodded walking into the gas station. Even though he was upset he still held the door for you. He went towards the beer as you walked to the snacks. As you grabbed a bag of chips you then walked to the drinks. You craved a Yoo-hoo. So you grabbed a glass bottle. A man walked beside you watching you grab the Yoo-hoo. You turned and bumped into him. As some Change chatted at your feet. You Immediately dropped down and helped pick them up apologizing and meeting eyes with the man. He was the generic blond hair and blue eyes. He was conveniently attractive, but you didn’t think much of it. Besides you loved Eddie. You handed him the change.
“Thank you.”
He said. He gave you a charming smile. His eyes looking you up and down. You looked around nervously. He placed his hand beside the cold glass where you go your drink. Pinning your body there as he tried to spit game. You looked at him nervously. The main thing that went through your head was along the lines of. Sir if you don’t release your hand from beside me, I will kick you in the balls. He began to attempt to flirt.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing in this part of town anyways? If I was another person you could have been in trouble, but I’m a nice guy.”
He said. You instantly tried to leave the situation. You ducked under his hand the Yoo-hoo still in hand. You tried to give him a slight smile.
“Once again, I apologize, but I need to get going.”
You said walking to the cash register and paying. You noticed the man staring at you. You grabbed you change and walked out of the door. You noticed Eddie finishing up getting bear as you gripped your bag. You heard the shop door open and close behind you as you turned begging face to face with the man again.
“Oh come in little lady. You should show me some gratitude. Let’s go back to my place.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not interested…”
You said as the man grabbed your arm. She smacked him harshly. You backed up as the man tried to grab you again. You prayed that you were close to Eddie, In case it go worse. When he grabbed your harm you kicked him in the balls. Causing him to groan in pain. He grew even angrier he ran to you grabbing you by the waste and pulling you into him, as you fought him. You couldn’t break loose. He drug you to the side of the building.
“I don’t take too kindly to women rejecting me.”
He said as he tried to slide his hand under your shirt loosening it from your belt. You continued to fight as you felt a cold blade against your neck. You screamed breaking free and falling to the ground.
As soon as you screamed you heard the shop door bust open. The man ran towards you grabbing your shirt trying to grab you. Your shirt ripping from the grip.
“You bitch!”
The man said. The man was then grabbed from behind and nearly tossed into the bricks of the shop. Dropping the knife. It was obvious who grabbed him. Eddie placed his arm against the base of the man’s neck before punching him several times. She slowly stood up your tights ripped. The man punched Eddie causing his nose to bleed. He stumbled back as the man pushed Eddie down. You quickly got up running to then and pushing the man to the ground. The man slapped you causing you to fall to the ground before kicking you in the stomach. This made eddie even angrier as he punched the man again. Causing him to fall. He then kicked the man’s stomach. You could notice it wasn’t only about you, but Eddie was taking his anger out on the man. You held your stomach out of breath as the man spewed blood. It was kinda attractive how Eddie was so quick to jump to your aid when you needed it. As much as you wanted this man to get punished, You couldn’t let Eddie kill the man. So you stood up still holding your stomach.
“Eddie that’s enough!”
You yelled. Eddie turned to you the blood dripping from his nose as he gave you a unrecognizable look. You were slightly afraid, yet you felt safe. He glared at the guy as he grabbed the beer and your bag. You began to stand up walking to the van, sitting down in the passenger seat, holding your stomach. Eddie barley looked at you and the silence continued. It felt more uncomfortable than before. Eddie quickly pulled out of the gas station and drove, taking you home.
He pulled up to your house stopping. You looked at him as he gripped the steering wheel. You slowly stood up climbing out and grabbing your bag. Before you closed the door you looked at him. You wanted to say I love you, or thank you. But you just stood there, staring at him. You closed the door and walked into your house hearing the van skeet away. As you closed your door you locked it still holding your stomach, it hurt still. You groaned as you say your bag on the counter looking for your parents, you then felt nauseous running to the bathroom and throwing up. You wanted to cry, you wiped your mouth and brushed you teeth in the verge of tears. Any form of human interaction would make you feel a little better. You looked in the mirror lifting up your shirt to see you stomach was badly bruised. You began to looked around for your parents once more, only seeing a note in the fridge. Had a case. Hopefully Eddie feels better. Don’t know when we will be back, call later. You ripped the note of of the fridge sliding down the fridge door breaking down in tears. You were hurt, mentally and physically. You had no one to talk too. No one to hug. Your sobs drifted off into the night.
After a few weeks of continuously worrying about Eddie you sat in your room staring at the wall. You and Eddie haven’t spoken, interacted or even saw each other since that day. You always hopped for a call back from the endless missed calls you left. Or for him to reply to the letters you sent him. Maybe they didn’t make it to him….You hugged your stuffed bear tightly. Your heart jumped as you heard a knock on your door. You quickly ran down opening it hoping to see Eddie. Only to see Dustin. You sighed as you looked at dustin. Staring at him.
“Hi! I just wanted to…you okay Y/N?”
Dustin asked. You pulled him into a hug. He didn’t seem to mind. You missed the little gremlin. He hugged you back before pulling away.
“No that that’s out of the way…I wanted to see if you wanted to get out of the house. We are doing Hellfire tonight and we have no host other than Gareth. We also need another player. So I was hoping you’d come by and play with us.”
He said giving you as smile. Gareth was host, did this mean they haven’t seen Eddie either?
“I’d love too…let me grab my shirt.”
You said running upstairs and pulling in your hellfire shirt. You also grabbed a jacket just in case. You pulled on your tennis shoes the canon of your black plaid shirt clanging. You then ran to Dustin.
“That was quick…well let’s get going. I think Gareth is hosting today despite us rebelling against it.”
He said. You let out a small chuckle as you two walked into the woods. Dustin walked in front of you leading the way. You knew you were getting close because you saw the lanterns and heard the laughter of the club. As Dustin pushed through the bushes you slightly fell behind.
“Jesus Christ Henderson! We thought the wolves got you or something!”
You heard Eddie say. You slightly pushed out of the bushes. As Eddie continued scolding Dustin for being late. You then realized what Dustin did.
“What the hell took you so lo-“
Eddie said as you pushed out of the bushes. You froze feeling everyone stare at you. Eddie even seemed to stare at you for a bit, quickly looking away. The group was excited and even happy to see you. You silently sat down beside Dustin who seemed to block you from Eddie. Staring at the table.
“Well now that all of our hellos are out of the way. Let’s get started, if I could just find the dice.”
Eddie said. Anxiously avoiding eye contact with you or your area. You kicked your feet In the dirt below you. As Eddie looked for the dice. You then heard him mumble under his breath.
“Damnitt…did I really forget the dice.”
He said looking around and even checking his pockets. He stood up with a sigh. Dustin spoke up.
“Well, we need to get the drinks as well. So why don’t we walk to the trailer?”
Dustin exclaimed. Eddie looked at dustin and sighed.
“Okay..well there needs to be three of us to grab the drinks…soo.”
Gareth then spoke up.
“I mean it’s only fair if the two dungeon masters got along with Dustin since he brought it up.”
Gareth said. My eyes jolted up quickly to Gareth giving him a very what the fuck look. Eddie sighed. Standing up.
“Fine…we will be back. Just don’t touch anything while I’m gone.”
Eddie said. Dustin stood up and began walking with Eddie dragging my arm with him. The walk was silent. Just the small conversations between Dustin and Eddie. And the mumbles of self criticism from Eddie. As we walked into his trailer You noticed the severe amount of empty alcohol containers and the amount of blunt roaches in his ashtray. He did smoke and drink, but this was an alarming amount even for him. He began to dig through the trash as Dustin snuck to grab the drinks, I slowly walked to his room remember how he usually kept it in his drawer. His room seemed untouched since the last time you were here. Not even his bed messed up from when you made it up. The thing that did seem moved was a poster and a Polaroid of you both. You stared at the blank space of where he had a Metallica poster. Seeing the picture of you both on his night stand. You then looked around seeing the poster it sat crookedly on his wall. It slightly bothered you so you walked to it to raise the corner, before it fell down. You picked it up ready to put it back before you noticed a large hole on the wall. It looked like someone punched it continuously. You slowly put the poster back on the wall before you opened his drawer looking for the dice. You were worried about him. As you dug through his drawer you saw his tackle box. He always kept important stuff in it, you vividly remembered him putting the dice in there one day. You grabbed the box that felt heavier than normal. Opening it by unlocking it. Why was it locked. As the topped opened you saw the letters you sent. You slowly grabbed them out noticing that they were open. You even noticed small water stains, like it was from tears.
You said under your breath. You then noticed a small folded piece of paper. Opening it and seeing that it was in Eddie’s handwriting. It was mostly scribbled out and addressed to you. You began to read it. This is probably the ninth time I’ve tried to write this. But scribble scribble words can’t describe scribble scribble. Scribble I’m sorry. You glared at the note tearing up as you quickly shut it and locked it. There was more, but you didn’t have the strength to read it. You heard footsteps approaching you as you quickly put the box back and stood up. You heard Dustin and Eddie talking.
“I got the drinks imma go back to the club! See ya there!!”
Dustin said. You then heard the trailer door close hearing Dustin leave. You heard Eddie walking back, Wiping your tears. You pretended to look on top of the dresser tears still falling.
“Did you uh. Find it?”
Eddie said softly behind you. You quickly wiped your face again. Shaking your head no. Eddie looked at you for a bit walking towards you.
“Y/N….I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just ignored you after that day, I just didn’t know what to say or do. I mean I almost killed that man. I was just afraid.”
He said. You sighed turning and hugging him, burying your head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you. Hugging you close, this was enough to break you. You let out a painful cry into his chest as he resting his head on top of yours.
“I love you y/n…”
He said softly.
“I love you too eddie.”
The sun began to set and you could hear the buzzing of Eddie’s Walki. He sighed grabbing it.
“Hey! Is it okay if we postpone. I have to wake up for school and my mother will be pissed if I’m late.”
Dustin said in the other end.
“That’s fine…”
Eddie replied turning the walki over.
“Copy…also can you guys just kiss already!”
Dustin added. Eddie looked at me before he turned the walki off. He sighed as he walked back to me. You looked at him, before you busted out laughing. He looked at you and gave you a smile. He grabbed his keys waking outside to see all of the hellfire stuff sitting in front of his front door. Along with the dice on top. A note on them saying: ‘it was in my pocket and I forgot! -DH’. It became clear to you that it was all a set up. Eddie rolled his eyes bringing it inside.
“Well…I should take you home.”
Eddie said spinning the keys in his hand.
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
Sentence Starters Bring It On: All or Nothing Edition
“Do we have a party going on here or what?” “I lost ten pounds and dyed my hair.” “Don’t you think her boobs look fake?” “I’ll work hard and never quit.” “I look so old, I could pass for 20.” “You got plenty of sleep in class.” “You don’t honestly expect me to apologize for winning captain over you, do you?” “If we’re speaking IM, you’re more like a BFH. Bitch From Hell.” “You sound like such a virgin.” “I’m a quarter back babe. People expect me to score.” “You’ve been waiting for me since the ninth grade. Two months wont kill you.” “Sometimes I walk in my sleep.” “If ever there was an argument for Bulimia, its ____’s Ass.” “You’re the only one who wants a butt like an Olsen twin.” “Just lay off the snacks” “Why didnt you just rip out her belly ring? That would have been less painful.” “You’re smart, you’re pretty, you’re blonde! you’ll make plenty of friends!” “You’re old. Your life is over.” “I promise I’ll use everything you taught me.” “She’s screwing up everything!” “It’s cute you’re trying to be into choreography.” “Some day you’ll come begging for what I got.” “You are too hot to beg.” “You put it out there, I’m just showing my appreciation.” “Mall baby must have gotten separated from her mother.” “This aint the OC.” “You’re mother must shop at the swap meets.” “Did you just call me fat?” “Count your blessings.” “I feel scared. Maybe a little nauseous. But I definitely don’t feel lucky.” “What is this, LAX?” “You think if we don’t have books, we’d have computers?” “Get your ass out of my face.” “Do you have any organic greens?” “Don’t join a gang. At least not the first day.” “I don’t see how my day could get any worse.” “Weren’t you headed…?” *Points the opposite direction “You must be really into me to be following me around all day.” “You’ve been watching me?” “You’ve got a nice ass too.” “You don’t even know her.” “Miss fancy finger nails, shimmy shimmy lip gloss barbie. She don’t got what it takes.” “Now you see what it takes to be a warrior.” “Pay attention, I’m only gonna say this once.” “Can’t keep up?” “Damn, Vanilla Latte got skills.” “We need her.” “I said no. And so did she.” “She’s rude. And conceited. She thinks shes all that.” “She’s already acting like a warrior.” “Be at our practice or bitch from the bleachers by yourself.” “What kind of friends would ask you to give up something that you love?” “I Cheer for your daddy every night.” “Spirit is what makes life fun even when it isnt.” “Your real friends will just be happy that you’re happy.” “Ready to be my baby’s mama?” “Do it again and I’m plucking grapes. Or in your case, Raisins.” “Have you ever had fried Twinkies?” “So you’re the only one who can contribute ideas?” “Are you still thinking about food?” “Someone get that girl a pole.” “I could just kick your ass.” “I actually need a partner for the algebra breasts on friday. Can you help me out?” “Am I speaking English?” “Woah Woah, Guys. Violence never solves anything!” “How do you guys move so fast?” “You should be the angriest person in here.” “That boy is fit.” “Will you guys stop fooling around?” I’m still in charge here, Damn it.” “If youre in charge, act like it.” “This could help us win.” “The things we do get us noticed.” “You ever get any action on this job?” “That never happens in real life.” “We get ass up the ass.” “Your job sucks, loser.” “I’ve got a rape whistle and mace.” “I don’t even like you and I treat you like a better friend than that.” “Now that youre gone and your reputation is trashed, I dont believe I have a problem.” “You want me to cut her?” “They moved here to keep their kids away from gangs. Wrong.” “Everything looks better from up here.” “She needs to know she can’t screw with me.” “I saw Boyz in the Hood!” “I saw clueless but I still came up here with you.” “I guess that shows how little we know about each other.” “I know you’re mad at me but I have dirt.” “I kissed another boy tonight.” “The only reason she wants him is because he’s yours.” “You named your dog after a shoe?” “You’re having a funeral for a dog?” “White people are crazy about their pets.” “Who am I to stand between a white girl and her dead dog?” “I came to offer my condolences, but I see you’ve already been condoled.” “Did your dog die? Wait a minute, you dont have a dog.” “I thought your first time might be more special and romantic if you had it at a Marriott.” “Do you know how many girls want me?” “She has more heart in one ass cheek than have in your entire body.” “I’m not gonna get any ass from you, but I can hold your purse? Way to make me feel like a man.” “You say tomato, I say potato.” “I finally beat you at something.” “For once it’s not gonna be all about you.” “I was thinking of you the whole time.” “I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to not be your girlfriend anymore.” “You’re too much of a backstabber to have any real friends.” “Sorry don’t make up for dissing us.” “It’s hip hop barbie and her wu-tang clan!” “Boo Hoo. I could just cry. But I wont.” “Please let me cut her.” “What you have that they don’t is your spirit.” “I guess you always get everything you want.” “It’s like a real life beer commercial up in here.” “She hasn’t eaten all day.” “I have a big ass. Runs in the family. We’re a big assed family.” “I can tell when something aint my business.” “He don’t have game like I do!” “I’d be more impressed if you broke up with him the night we kissed.” “I couldn’t let go of my old life.” “So, What’s important to you now?” “I’ll be damned, The boy does have game.” “Everything we are is ghetto” “I just thought of something to shake them up.” “You don’t make the rules. I do.” “I’ve learned that a lot of talented people come out of the ghetto.” “They should be disqualified. Or arrested.” “I don’t judge people by where they come from. I judge on what they bring to the table.”
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bobbysbath-blog · 6 years
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You just woke up from a noise that came from the Hallway of the Bunker. You didn't hear it at first because it was still quiet, then you slowly woke up from another noise, but told yourself to just go back to sleep – it had to be Sam or Dean getting a Midnight Beer or Snack. They would usually do that at 3 am. You looked at your Alarm Clock and noticed it was already 5:34. They've never been up this late.
So you got out of Bed, got your slippers – that kept you warm at cold days, and got the Cardigan that was hanging over the Chair that was in the corner of your room.
You walked towards your Door and openend it as you turned around the Doorknob. The Hallway was much colder than your Room was. It was like walking outside.
You held the Cardigan closer to your Body as you made your way towards the big Library, hoping a Book was just falling out of a Shelf or something. Sam and Dean told you about many Ghost Stories that happened in the Bunker, but so far you were lucky to not have encountered one in your 2 years being here, and you definitely wanted to keep it that way.
You turned around the Corner that led to the Library and were ready to get attacked by a Ghost – or any kind of Creature really, but you just found Sam sitting in one of the two Armchairs.
You wondered why he was up – well, he had a Book in his Hands and didn't even noticed you coming in, so he was obviously busy with something.
You didn't want to scare him, so you slowly walked towards him and gently fake coughed, so he could notice that you were there.
„ Oh hey, did I wake you?“ He said first as you made your way to the other Armchair that was next to it.
„ Yes you did, but it's alright. What are you doing?“ You asked him, as he gave you a weak  smile. You saw that he was really tired.
„ Just got this case. I don't know what to do about it, nor how to start. Dean's already sleeping and I don't know where Cas is“ He answered you as he looked through the Books and the Laptop that he had on his Lap.
„ Sam, you need sleep. You can do that at Daytime, but not when you need to sleep.“ You reassured him. He always worked so hard, Day and Night, it was breaking him emotionally but he kept going, because he wants to save other people more than himself.
„ Thousands of People can die. A whole town can die. I need to do this“ He said again.
„ Okay, then tell me. What is it about? This case.“ you asked him as you stood up and made your way over to the Shelf that had a Bowl of Whiskey. You needed that if you were gonna help him all night now. You were up already, might as well. You could also use the time to just look at his Beard some more. Thankfully he didn't shave it, since he promised you to go as a Serial Killing Jesus with you. You hated Couple Costumes – well, you weren't even a Couple, but it was something like that. You saw it online and figured it was a fun idea, and since it took you almost a full Week to convince him to grow out his Beard, you might as well enjoy it while you can.
You decided to go as a Serial Killing Magdalena, not that you had any idea who she really was, but whenever there was a Jesus Movie, she was always with him.
Dean decided to just go as a big Beer Can and take that as an excuse to drink the whole night long.
„ It's Blood Sacrifieses of some sort. And the final Day should be on October 31st. So tomorrow. It's a Witch summoning a Demon. And not just any Demon. Samhain. He's the origin of Halloween. The Celts believed that October 31st was the one night of the Year when the Veil was thinnest between the living and the dead. That's why so many People have Costumes. To hide from Samhain. They were scared of him. And the Faces in the Pumpkins are from the ones who worshipped him. Centuries ago he was excorsiced. And now there's a Witch who wants to have him back. This Ritual can only be performed every 600 years. And that is tomorrow like I said. If he get's summoned, he can get a whole army of the Dead. I'm talking Ghosts and actual Zombies. Everything we fight, will be all in one place.“
He said with a very serious face and voice, well it was very serious.
„ There goes my peaceful night“ You said as you sat back down on the Armchair with your Whiskey in the Right Hand.
„ Okay, and what do you think we can do about it? Track down the Witch and stop her from it? Do you even know who it might be? Where it all happens?“
„ That's why I am here. I got a big pile of nothing. There must be something“ He said as he went back to look at the Books.
„ Okay -“ You started as you put down the Whiskey on the Table that was next to the Armchairs, and got the Laptop that Sam weirdly enough didn't touch yet.
„ Then let's find this bitch. I meant Witch, sorry“ You giggled a bit. You were completely tired, you had no idea what you were talking about anymore. Then again you didn't really want to question what you were talking about, when it's normal to have conversations about Witches now.
„ No no, you should sleep. I shouldn't wake you in the first place“
„ Yeah, I also need to go to the Dentist and I don't but still live“ You answered back as you sat on the Chair to look up some strange stuff that may happened in the last couple of Days or Weeks.
„ I found a Woman mentioning her Husband had Razor Blades in his Throat“ Sam said as he reached for your Whiskey Glass. You always shared your drinks with him, it was some sort of habit, you're suprised you didn't have herpes yet.
„ Yeah that's totally normal. Who is it?“ You asked him.
„ They're only a Town far, wanna go?“ Sam asked you as he closed his Laptop and made his way over to the Kitchen, as he took your Whiskey Glas with him. He'd probably put it in the Dishwasher.
„ Dude, it's 3 am. Wake me up when it's 10 and then I'll help you. Goodnight“ You said as you closed your Laptop as well and started walking back to your Room.
„ I really need to shave my beard“ Sam said all of a sudden as you were walking down the Hallways. This caught you off guard. Why would he shave it? You always told him how good he looks with it.
„ What? Why?“ You stopped in the middle of the walk and put your hands on his Chest to stop him from walking too. „ You are not shaving your beard!“
Sam chuckled slightly and looked to the right. He wasn't good with compliments, you knew that, but you also knew that he loved getting them, because you were kinda the only one who did it.
„ I don't know. Dean said it looks off, so Im gonna do that quickly before we go to sleep“ He said as he made his way to the Bathroom that was at the end of the Hallway.
„ Sam … you are not gonna shave your fucking beard!“ You yelled after him. You wanted to run after him, but you were also too tired to care. He wouldn't do it anyway. So you went back to sleep again.
The next morning as you woke up, Sam and Dean stood in the Kitchen, making some Toast and Coffee like every morning, just that something was missing. Sam's Beard. He actually shaved it off, right on Halloween.
„ You fucking-“
„ Yeah, Good Morning to you too“
„ Why'd you do it?“ You said angrily. You were actually angry. You didn't understand why he was listening to Dean.
„ And you shut the fuck up or I'll put you on the case alone, so you get killed by Zombies“ You said into Dean's direction who just giggled as he sipped his Coffee.
„ I – it's not good for a FBI meeting okay?“ Sam said as he took a bite off his Toast.
You sighed and ran out of the Kitchen to get dressed into your typical work clothes. You couldn't bother with that now, you had a case to solve, and you promised Sam to help. Beard or not.
As you got home to the Bunker after the case, you walked up to your Room to get the Package you ordered online right before the Case. You ordered it on demand so that it would arrive within 4 hours.
„ I'm gonna be back in a bit, you can already get dressed“ You told Sam and Dean.
The case turned out to be fake. It was just about a Girl wanting to play Badass and Witch who told anyone she was the chosen one to summon Samhain. She was also a bit mentally ill, so now she's being taken care of. Giving Sam, Dean and you enough time to get dressed and throw a small Costume Party in the Bunker.
You got the Package out of your Room and walked to the Living Room 10 minutes later, just to find Sam and Dean dressed up as Jesus and the BeerCan, Dean said he would get dressed as.
„ What took you so long? Youre not even dressed“ Dean said as he turned around and saw you with the Package. „ And what's that? Are you gonna make me say a Brad Pitt line again?“ You rolled your eyes and turned to Sam.
„ I got this -“ You opened the Box and showed what was inside. „ For you.“
Sam looked at you with big eyes and a sceptical smile.
„ Nope. No. I am not getting that on my face“ He said immediately as he saw the Fake Beard you had for him.
„ Oh please, you had it on your face before. Now stop being a kid and let me help you. What's Jesus without his Beard?“ You said as you got the Beard out of the Package, along with the glue.
„ Yeah that was my real hair. This is not really classy“ Sam tried to protest and walk away.
„ Okay, be a baby about it. Why do you think people like Jacob more than whiny Edward? Because he has fucking Hairs on his body and doesn't shine like a drama queen!-“ You had no idea why you were quoting Twilight now. „ Why do you think Jesus is so popular? Because of his good actions? Grow up. It's always the beard“ You weren't even that angry, you just didn't understand why he was so against it. It was Halloween it's normal.
„ Fine. I get dressed now.“ You said as you walked out of the Library, back to your Room.
You weren't gonna let this go. So you got the beard, got the glue – which was gonna be on his skin for 2 days straight, and made your way back to Sam.
He was standing there, completely annoyed and wondering why you still weren't dressed, but you just walked straight ahead of him and attacked him with the Beard. It wasn't really neat but he couldn't get it off of him anymore, so now it was stuck there.
„ So, how about we finally start the Party?“ You said with a grin. Sam looked anything but happy. „ You are unbelievable“ He said as he walked over to the Mirror to look at himself.
„ You might wanna get it right, otherwise you look like a bad 90's Jesus Porn Guy“ Dean added.
„ Yeah, I think so too“ You said and smiled even more. Sam turned around to look at you with a real annoyed face. „ When this thing goes off, I am gonna get you back for that one“
You really couldn't stop smiling anymore, because now you got what you wanted and could just enjoy Halloween Evening with the Guys.
„ Okay, big guy. I'm gonna get my Costume now“
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