#archangel gabriel my beloved <3
acompstranger · 1 year
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Yippee!! yippee yippee yippee yippee yippee yippee yippee I love the silly angel man!!! Art was inspired by an other artist that drew on the magma canvas this was drawn on. lineless is fun!!
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alecscudder1987 · 1 year
ive just had a thought. see ive been joking as much as the next person about the ineffable beurocracy getting their shit together after 3 dates while it took aziraphale and crowley since literally before time was invented BUT it's quite literally just privilege.
you saw the shot where aziraphale grabs crowley's shoulder just after beelzebub and gabriel declare their love--this level of visibility is unprecedented, and something he and crowley have never been able to afford. while they (and we) might have softened to not-gabriel throughout the season, the second gabriel is gabriel again, he uses his position and leaddrship weight as archangel to fuck right off with his beloved. which, good for him.
but to aziraphale and crowley, this is fucking bonkers information. they spent their entire existences compromising on their relationship in order to not...be compromised. and gabriel just up and speed-runs dating the enemy because the worst consequence he faces is getting fired. gabriel and beelzebub never face consequences for their relationship, so of course it goes off without a hitch. no one looking over your shoulder because you're the guy looking over everyone's shoulder.
while im thankful they fucked off to alpha centuri so i don't ever have to see gabriel's smug face again, i do wonder if the "going off together" is really the good relationship A & C ought to model. if it's a happy foil to miserable wee morag and her girlfriend from the minisodes, it's still not what i believe crowley and aziraphale are going to do.
they've spent all of time becoming increasingly codependent, and while that's fun and all for a while, crowley and aziraphale really need their little human mundanities. going on walks. getting dinner. going for a drive to blow off steam. their path is getting distinctly more human-looking, and i think someday they're going to have to reckon with the idea of letting other people into their lives.
to bring it back to my first point, i've just been thinking about WHY crowley and aziraphale are Like That, when we've been presented with a new couple who most certainly isn't, and it made me think about it in terms of power. they have leverage, but they built it for themselves by learning everything about earth their superiors didn't know, getting a leg up anywhere they can. gabriel and beezlebub don't need a leg up. they have it. they're stepping on your chest and brushing dust from their costs as you try to climb past the first stone.
you could also look at it like queer versus straight relationships. queer relationships are often by circumstance somewhat secretive and full of codes and longing glances and not-talking-about-your-feelings BECAUSE it might get you into trouble. straight relationships often don't have this problem (though they might have others relating to other intersecting & marginalized identities) so they can get straight away into the declaring it part.
TL;DR beezlebub and gabriel got hitched immidiately while it took crowley and aziraphale all of time to kiss because the ineffable beaurocracy has about a million times more power and a billion times less consequences for getting caught about it than the ineffable husbands do.
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tio-trile · 1 year
can I ask, because I'm a GO book fan too and I decided ages ago I didn't care enough about the show to watch s2 - what made them so OOC? I always felt that their book personalities basically got swapped in S1 but it seems like people are even madder about this. ngl it is kind of inspiring me to write more fic with book canon dark-haired Crowley in it lol
So first of all towards the end I couldn't take much of it anymore due to various reasons, including that somebody was kind enough to spoil the very ending (of them breaking up and that that's the ending of the show) on the 27th, so I didn't even feel like finishing the show, but I pushed myself to and therefore was half-watching it towards the end, so my memory may not be the most accurate but I can't bare to go back and rewatch it.
From the very beginning I hated that it was retconned that they knew each other as angels. The point, the THEME is that they're friends despite being on opposite sides. And it was said that Aziraphale DID remember Crowley as an angel. So did he only become friends with him because he remembered Crowley when they were friends as angels??? I hate how this changed the beautiful beginning of the book and their first meeting, and the THEME. (Oh BTW Aziraphale is also a landlord who takes rent from this poor lady although he doesn't need the money at all??? But that's beside the point)
In ep3 Aziraphale driving the Bentley was pretty cute and at one point A and C had the canon conversation in the book with where you start vs. upbringing so those are fine. But Crowley in Aziraphale's bookshop tossing all of Aziraphale's beloved books around carelessly......Crowley would never.
In ep4 it was said that Aziraphale owns a gun which I thought was very in-character XD. And that Crowley has never fired a gun.
EP6 was where all the shit went down......first of all I was making loud retching noises in my office @ the Gabriel x Beelzebub thing that came out of nowhere......and the plot goes that Gabriel and Beelzebub basically ran off together somewhere, so Metatron was like "the supreme archangel job position is open now and we want YOU, Aziraphale, to fill it. You can even make your friend Crowley an angel again" and Aziraphale accepted??????!?!?!???!?! Aziraphale's entire arc in the books and in season 1 and THE THEME is that they don't agree with their uppers anymore, he and Crowley are on the human's side, and on their own side. And suddenly, Aziraphale believes that working as a higher position in heaven is a good idea? And agreeing that turning Crowley back to an angel is better basically means that he thinks that angels are inherently better than demons, WHICH IS THE IDEA THAT THE BOOK AND SEASON 1 SPENT THE ENTIRE PLOT TO OVERTHROW???? And also I hate hate the idea that Aziraphale and Crowley must be somebody important. THE POINT is that they are nobodies, and that's what makes them great and relatable. They are NOT EVEN MAIN CHARACTERS in the book nor Season 1. In the show, Crowley also disagreed with Aziraphale's idea and they argued about it and then Crowley angrily kissed him (??) and then left and Aziraphale went to Superheaven to take the job ig. OH and Aziraphale said "I forgave you" to Crowley????? WHAT??? I've overlooked every little nitpicky thing I had about their characters in season 1, but these actions are irreversible and inexcusable. I'm done with the TV show. Nothing they do in season 3 can fix this. I'll just pretend this show never existed now.
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twost3ps · 2 months
I'm that anon who talked about the Archangels influencing Adam,
I was actually inspire about those posts of your about Michael being a toxic influence on Adam, enabling the way he is, that concept held a vice grips on my brain, honestly still does. (also do you have tags for the second one I couldn't find it)
The common fandom I see about Michael is that while he is distraught and hurt by Lucifer, he still loves and feels guilty about him falling. The concept of Michael having no love, just truly hating Lucifer is a mindblowing thing for me, despising his own brother to the point of intentionally turning some one against them. And in a way, Michael would influence his sibling too as they are the people he care about and would talk to about his feeling.
Him just being toxic, intentionally or unintentionally. The other Archangels would complain or vent about their difficulties due to the consequences of Lucifer's actions but Michael would straight up give "Reasons Why Lucifer Sucks" speeches about him
The others unintentionally throw woods into the fire but Michael tends to the fire and spread it it
AKSBSH I f ur asking about the enabker micheal idea i think it might be labeled #swap Micheal idk tho
Im always a deep lover and fan of regretful Micheal but I do love myself a mean Mike. Hater Mike my beloved <3
I've personally seen a lot of outwardly antagonistic Mikes not just to Lucy but in general (mostly in fanfics tbh) but I love the idea of just a Mike who likes to fuel the fire in secret. Outwardly, he's the idea of perfection, but incide he's just full of malice, using his influence to turn people agaisnt eachother nomnomnomnomnom
Mike's hate would def spread through Gabriel and Raphael. Gabriel because he's closest to Mike and Raph beacuse hed listen to Mike and then it spreads to the rest of his siblings and family.
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nofomogirl · 1 year
Metatron's manipulation step by step
Part 3: The Entrance
Part 1 - where I discuss the significance of the coffee.
Part 2 - where I take a look back at season 1
Ok, time to actually get to the promised "step by step" part and look very closely at what Metatron is doing, from the moment he appears on Earth to the very (heartbreaking) end of the episode (and the season, and the story so far). Well, in this part I'll stop when he sends the Angels away but we'll get to the very end eventually.
We first see Metatron on Earth when Crowley is escorting Nina and Maggie out of the bookshop. He's standing in line in front of Give me coffee or give me death, waiting for the shop to open and I think we should really stress the significance of that. Not his purchase of coffee and conversation with Nina - though they are important too - but the sole fact that he's there, in the street, in the queue, and NOT IN THE BOOKSHOP.
Gabriel has just gotten his memory back. His affair with Beelzebub has just been brought to light. Michael, Uriel, Saraqael, Dagon, Shax, and Furfur are shouting over each other about what should be done with them, while Beelzebub and Gabriel hold hands. They're still there! Nothing is decided yet.
But apparently, Metatron was more interested in buying coffee than confronting the Archangel who escaped his judgment.
I mean, I don't think anybody ever doubted that Meteron traveled to Earth specifically to talk to Aziraphale, and that was his top priority. It's not exactly a revelation. But it still baffled me just how little he cared about Gabriel's fate. Even at the point when he still might have influenced it. After the second rewatch I started drawing my conclusions from that about Metatron's personality and taking notes, but after the third time, I realized I was missing the point. Metatron's decision to stay out of Gabriel's business wasn't informed by how much he did or didn't care about it. It was all about how it would make him look if he was seen involved.
Aziraphale already had a rather unfavorable impression of him from their previous encounter (season 1) and now our beloved dorky Principality got himself involved in Gabriel's case, risking his safety to protect the Archangel from Heaven. And it was Metatron who was presiding over Gabriel's trial and decided Gabriel's punishment would be to have his memories erased.
Entering the bookshop while Gabriel was still there, while his fate was still being discussed, posed a serious risk of exposing Metatron's role in the whole mess. Entering after it all blew over meant that Aziraphale didn't have a chance to make a connection.
Now let's look at the exact circumstances under which Metatron did enter the bookshop.
He came in at the exact moment Michael was threatening Aziraphale to erase his existence just so he could put a stop to it and chastise the Archangels. He immediately steps into a role of a savior and a voice of reason.
Let's dissect it a little.
Michael's exact words are "I am authorized to remove the name of anyone who helped Gabriel from the Book of Life".
But Metatron insists she "doesn't have the authority to do anything like that".
That begs the question: if Michael really was wrong and never could use the Book, where did she get the idea that she could? True, Michael is portrayed as particularly dim and vain this season. She does attribute herself to more power than she actually has. But her phrasing strongly implies that it was a one-time thing. Michael doesn't think she can use the Book at will, at any time, against whomever she pleases. She believes she has the authorization to use it in this specific instance. That's a strange thing to be confused about, don't you think?
Another glaringly strange thing is how Archangels don't seem to know who Metatron is.
The only person to recognize him immediately is Crowley, which makes sense, considering he had just watched Gabriel's trial. He says the last time he saw the guy, he was a giant floating head, and that triggers Aziraphale's memory, which again, makes sense. In season 1 it was clear Aziraphale had never seen Metatron before - he asked if he was talking to God, and Metatron needed to introduce himself - and it's been a couple of years since then. He hasn't forgotten him but he needed a little tip to recognize him in a different getup.
It's the Archangels' reaction that doesn't make sense. They had all been present at the trial. Saraqael had seen it again at the same time Crowley did. There's no logical reason why they should be so oblivious.
There are quite a few theories about this, the most common being that Crowley recognizes Metatron because he used to be such a high-ranking angel before the Fall, and from all the supernatural entities in the room he knew Metatron the best. And while I am inclined to believe Crowley indeed used to be a big shot in Heaven, I don't think it's a satisfactory explanation for this situation. If that was all there was, there would be no reason for all three of the Archangels to not connect the dots at the same time Aziraphale did. But they didn't. It's only when the Metatron is explicitly called the Metatron that they finally see it.
Personally, I think Metatron is responsible for both things - Michael's misguided belief she had the power to use the Book of Life & and all Archangels suddenly not recognizing Metatron's face, voice, and presence.
Because it made the Archangels look really bad.
How would it benefit him?
Well, answer honestly, when Metatron first appeared and started scolding the Archangels like they were misbehaving kids, wasn't that satisfying? Didn't you like him just for that short moment?
I sure did, and I believe that was the point. Except that the performance wasn't for our, the audience's sake, but for Aziraphale's. He makes a whole performance of exposing how incompetent the Archangels are and how outraged he is with that.
And what's even more interesting, right from the moment he enters Metatron speaks like Aziraphale! I didn't notice it at first because he is played by Sir Derek Jacobi and old-fashioned language certainly becomes him. But he doesn't speak this way in Heaven! He doesn't say things like "balderdash" or "piffle" or "spit spot". That's Aziraphale's gimmick.
In other words, Metatron says things Aziraphale very likely always wanted to say, and to boot, he says them in the exact manner Aziraphale would actually say them if he had the power. He plays out a fantasy for our poor Principality, who most likely was never backed by anybody in Heaven, and his issues with Archangels were never validated by anybody.
Metatron draws a very clear line between himself and the Archangels. He shows that they are the problem, they are incompetent, they are unreasonable. Not him.
Which is the first step in convincing Aziraphale that maybe he's worth listening to at least.
Continued in Part 4: Putting on a human face
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ineffableigh · 1 year
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 3
You know the drill at this point. Off we goooo! [Part 1][Part 2]
"Maggie and Nina are depending on me!" Azi's really drunk his own Kool-aid at this point, or he's putting on a complicated show to pretend this is a serious endeavor. Giving away a valuable book just to trick Heaven? Something's really not adding up.
Another weird noise for the logs: A bassy 'whoosh/boom' noise right after Mutt says he has anniversary dinner with his beloved spouse and the camera pans to Crowley. Not sure it means anything, but it did stand out to me lol.
Something that stands out to me a lot as well, assuming it was done deliberately (I don't know the actor) - Mutt seems to be having an awfully hard time handling the cards he's currently sorting. Like, after he says 'no' at first, I cannot figure out what he's trying to do with his right hand.
Also of note: The mysterious Bird Box is nowhere to be seen in the shop, even though MANY of the set items are identical to the 1941 scene. Where that bird at??
"Under no circumstances can I there be for tonight." ... what? This has to be on purpose, right? I'm digging, I know, but that's what we do here lol.
Big sad empty warehouse for the Demon Legions. Why on earth (or in Hell) is Hell so short staffed? Where them demons at?
"I can only be there 'til 7" so that's a half hour window for the meeting, at least for Justine. Fair, she can only handle so much of Azi's painful French lol.
The metal barrier just outside the cafe is... awfully snake-y isn't it?
"Looking where the furniture isn't..." is definitely going to be VERY important. Crowley absolutely knows something about losing AND regaining memories and it's been telegraphed all season.
Michael has eye earrings! This feels like a huge tie-in with Maggie's all seeing eye necklace.
Skimming through the rest since I've gone through it multiple times through other posts, but quick takeaways include...
Ms Cheng looking at the Pub before she goes in. Suspicious given we know that's the Hellevator, but have no reason to believe she'd be looking for someone else coming from that direction as the cafe AND record store are the other way.
Mr Brown has to be suspicious because we HEAR him getting mulched by demons when he's taken, but he survives? WEIRD.
Maggie's main character moment as I mentioned in my 'Thoughts about Maggie' post.
Azi seems very genuine when explaining the Coffee Shop Love Plot to Nina, so maybe he really did believe he was helping. I don't get why they steamrolled past her already having a partner, both the lads knew it. It's weird for that much.
Maggie blankly standing by the open window in range of trash is weird, especially since she like Activates and Becomes Brave right after.
I do wonder... how does Shax know Maggie couldn't pay the rent? That seems awfully specific. Like REALLY specific.
Throne, Dominion or Higher Crowley - what a way to drop that info! That moment hits so hard lol.
"Institutional Problem" I wonder if we'll learn more about The Fall next season. What was it that actually triggered it (in this universe)?
I love that the archangels clearly interact with each other SO LITTLE that no one even knows if Gabriel actually has his own bloody desk lol. Talk about isolation.
Huh. I wonder why Shax didn't get discorporated by the Exploding Halo...
You know who else is wearing a damn turtleneck? SARAQUAEL. OOH. COVERT AGENT? HMMMM
No one looked at the damn box, I still can't believe it. Everyone was so busy Being In A Story that they didn't think of it lol.
Analysis of the last chunk of the episode has been done to death, so I'll finish by underlining that it's SO awfully convenient that Maggie INSISTED that she and Nina talk to "them" while Aziraphale was waylaid by the Metatron.
In fact, it's Very Fortunate that the Metatron made a point of going and sitting at JUSTINE'S CAFE out of sight of the bookshop AND Nina's Cafe. Otherwise Nina might have been like hey you, get in on this chat! Like he knew that was the plan...
Plus the fact that they do that even though Justine's cafe is clearly CLOSED. I doubt she'd be chill with that so I guess she's not around.
Anyway that's enough so here's the TLDR:
The Metatron pretty much just LETS Gabriel escape, knowing that the Archangels will go down and muddle about trying to investigate.
We still don't know why Michael thought they had the right to strike people from the Book of Life. The Metatron seems to think that's out of the question, so where did that idea come from in the first place? It was a major driver of the early plot this season.
It seems convenient that Maggie cried about Nina RIGHT before the Angels arrived to inspect the Jimbriel miracle, and then RIGHT AFTER THAT, Mr Brown (of Brown's World of Carpets) shows up to set up the venue. That alone, all happening in the span of maybe 15 minutes, is a LOT.
It really feels like much of the plot was specifically orchestrated to keep Aziraphale and Crowley apart and NOT TALKING to each other. They keep hiding shit from each other to protect each other, but just hamstring themselves.
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glitterypin · 8 months
Good Omens 30 Day Challenge! (x)
Day 8: Favourite Angel (not Aziraphale)
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The Archangel Fucking Gabriel
Alright, hear me out. I really wanted to put Muriel here, because they're adorable, funny and wholesome. But, well... I'd be lying.
It's very easy to dislike most angels (except Aziraphale and Muriel, I guess), because they are all tremendous assholes and very absolutist-coded. Season 1 Gabriel is no exception to that, but he does stand out compared to others, if only because of his power. Gabriel does not deign to communicate with the "other side" through the "back channels" or resort to physically assaulting Aziraphale outside his bookshop. He is immaculate because he has others to do his dirty work, while he smiles condescendingly and casually gives orders. He isn't creepy like Sandalphon or petty like Michael or Uriel, he's very handsome and constantly exudes power that remains unchallenged. At the same time, he understands his responsibility and is more mature than the other angels. He isn't aggressive for the sake of it, he is just brutally efficient in all he does. So, all in all, he is a COLOSSAL asshole but sort of the type of asshole you'd like to have on your team. He inspires confidence.
And then comes our beloved Season 2 Gabriel, aka Jim, who is an absolute flower petal. Dumb, naive, innocent, confused Jim. Incredibly funny, poor lost soul Gabriel. Who, whilst continuing to pretend "it's for work" actually went behind Heaven's back to hang out with Beelzebub because he liked her. Gabriel, who started running in the "angels fraternizing with demons" race 6000 years after Aziraphale and somehow fucking beat him.
Goddammit, I love Season 2 Gabriel. Loves hot chocolate. Unconventional organizational systems. Rhinestones.
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So yeah, from Asshole Supreme to Idiot Deluxe, Gabriel is my favourite Angel (that isn't Aziraphale) and even though it looks like he's fucked off somewhere nice with Beelzebub, I hope we get to see at least a little bit of him in Season 3, maybe in a flashback or something.
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bytesofaffection · 6 days
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finally redesign and reference for my uItrakiII s/i, clover!! nothing too fancy, just a simple ref :3 below the cut is how they met Gabriel and other tidbits. there is a spoiler if you haven't completed act 2 btw
so i headcanon that Heaven is full of people after the downfall of humanity, that live there as if it were their lives when they were still living before the War. Clover is one of the caretakers of the Garden, the large garden in Heaven that all of the fruits, vegetables, and flower produce comes from to feed the residents of Heaven. they live by themselves in a small cottage down the street from the Garden, only a small walk away. they are often seen talking to the Beekeeper, a neighbor, and purchasing honey they use in teas. Gabriel, the supreme Archangel, often visits Heaven to carry out the Council's will and visiting the residents as he is beloved amongst them. he spotted Clover while they were laughing and talking with the Beekeeper, and immediately was smitten. eventually, he approaches them, and they hit it off well as Clover respects him for his rank amongst the angels. eventually, they fall in love, but there is a problem ... angels are not allowed to romance humans in any way, shape, or form. So their relationship must be kept secret, or at least (spoilers for the game!!!!!) Gabriel rebels against the Council.
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warcats-cat · 4 months
For the character opinion bingo: Patton (that's a TS character right?? help me), Crowley, Archangel Gabriel/Jim, and... just for fun, my OC Kestrel?
I hope you don't mind, I went with 3 of your options 😅
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If this was a Homestuck relationship, Archangel Gabriel might be my kismesis (and yes, I hate that I said that 🤣) I love to hate him. I featured him in my Long Road Home series as the first "Villain", and he will come back again in future pieces of that verse. I love fanfics that have him as an utter bastard. I know he comes back in season two and changes some, but in my heart, he will always be The Archangel Fucking Gabriel. And I love that about him.
OC Kestrel: 😍😍😍😍
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Kess my beloved. Gender Fluidity Incarnate. I want to study them like a bug. I want to wrap them up in a warm blankie. I want them to protect me from the scary tornado-level thunderstorms that have been coming through my city. I want to be the flower girl at their wedding.
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My baby boy chew toy baby. I love him. I love to cuddle him. I love to rip him into pieces and then glue him back together again. I'm so tired of the shitty takes that have come out since Selfishness v Selflessness Redux. I've imprinted on him probably a little too much.....
No but really, Patton is my current favorite character and Comfort Character(tm). I may or may not be trying to save up to get one of those people on Etsy to write me a letter from him because I'm 27 and a little bit broken and sometimes I just want comfort, ok? I have at least six active WIPs at the moment, and I think four of them are Patton-centric.
So between the 3 of them, I have 3 whole bingos!!
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rillils · 10 months
its just me and the never-ending, all-consuming rabbit hole that is deciding which angel i headcanon crowley to be before she fell
right now im loving the idea of some angels not existing at all and most of their traits are tansfered to one angel instead so i see crowley as raphael, seraphiel, and jophiel
not you breaking my heart again on this fine November day 😭😭😭
Okay but like, all those possibilities! It's so difficult to stick to just one, right?? I've seen so many angel!Crowley headcanons over the last few years, some super detailed too, some really really really convincing - and the truth is, I just can't make up my mind xD
I'm pretty sure Neil will never ever confirm any of those headcanons, either - unless, of course, he plans to reveal Crowley's former angel name in a possible season 3? Like, it doesn't seem very likely but it could happen, right??
Personally, I like the Jophiel headcanon just as much as the next person 💖 The fact that it would fit the infamous "J" is really enticing, I must admit :P After watching s2 though, I'm mostly wondering if Aziraphale ever knew Crowley's angel name in the first place tbh. We see Aziraphale introduce himself when they first meet, but Crowley/Star-maker doesn't reciprocate (too busy being awestruck by his beloved stars 💖), and we don't really know how long it was before he went and Asked his Questions and was cast out as a result, nor if he ever got to interact with Aziraphale again before that happened. fjsgdjskssk I don't know, there are so many blank spaces here, and so many things could have happened in between!!!
All I can say is, out of all the headcanons out there, like the ones that posit Crowley as former Raphael, or just him as a very powerful archangel in general, etc, I tend to prefer the ones where he was just. Just an angel, you know? Not particularly renowned, not amongst the "big names", you know, God's "favourites" like Gabriel or Michael or Lucifer or whatever, just… just your average angel, who happened to be curious, and creative, and caring, and sweet, and wanted to watch his stars and nebulas grow and develop into their full potential 💖
If I'm being really, really, really super honest though, I keep thinking that… this might be the one mystery I wouldn't mind leaving alone. I'm only speaking for myself, of course, I can't stress that enough! But… does it- I mean, does it really matter who Crowley used to be? It doesn't change who he is now, nor how much he is loved - loved for who he is, a tender-hearted demon, or I guess a "former" demon, since Hell's pretty much disowned him at this point.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't make any difference to me whether or not his former name (would it be appropriate to call it a deadname?) is ever revealed. He's Crowley, a demon who only goes along with Hell as far as he can, who cares so much and loves so deeply, and that means everything to me already 💕💕💕
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
@archangelsammy is right they would cancel you for samifer but also I think twitter'd cancel you for off-color trans hcs too (aka for having good opinions <3)
Which, ftr, is stupid and I very much enjoy them. Archangels + complicated relationships with gender my beloved
Reason #436 I have never gone on Twitter: my gender thoughts r too powerful.
Also yes yes yes archangels and complicated relationships with gender, my much beloved! I was actually thinking about that this morning, plus apartmentverse thoughts, leading to me realizing like. I have, in separate fics, talked about Adam and Nick being trans, and there is literally no one who could stop me from carrying that detail into apartmentverse in order to examine just how it would be to exist as a creature with no sense of gender (or to have one that cannot be translated to any sort of human-adjacent concept) but to have a body that was, at one point, kept by someone to whom it mattered very much how they presented.
In my head, the easiest word to apply to all of the archangels is agender (or, maybe less to Gabriel, who does have experience with human gender and has fun with how he can play with it, but that doesn’t mean he’s all in on human gender, more that he’s figured out how to translate his internal experience into ‘ha ha skirt go swish!’) Sorry, Gabriel tangent.
Anyway, what I’m saying is, agender is the right word because from a human perspective, they don’t experience gender. But they are living in a world that is soo concerned with gender at all times, and there’s a sliding scale of what things they might want to change about their presentation and how the world looking in affects them. I’m thinking like. Raphael getting irritated with the insistence on gendering them as female, not because they’re bothered by that specifically, but by being gendered at all. Would not be less irritating for them to be seen as a guy in their Donnie vessel, you know? Which is alienating in a world where they are already a stranger due to Not Being Human!
Whereas Michael has these memories of Adam’s where being perceived femininely hurt, it was upsetting and Adam made efforts to prevent it, and yet Michael does not carry that same pain when he is seen as a woman. If anything, it would probably bother him more to be infantilized with terms like ‘young lady’ and such, because he is literally the oldest person in any given room. Or bother him most if he’s out with his siblings and gets referred to by someone at a store or something as a sister because his role as the oldest brother is sooo firmly tied to his identity, but it’s in such a weird way where brother has ceased to be a gendered term? If that makes any sense. Like the experience here is that Michael is being misgendered. Technically. But his internal experience can’t really work it out that way because he doesn’t exist like that, but ‘sister’ just Is Not What He Is. it’s complicated! It’s. You know. A system doesn’t care about how you identify, only how it can perceive you, and because Adam died and got brought back at nineteen and lived in the early aughts, it’s not likely he got access to hormones or anything until he was basically an adult, so his body gets gendered female more often than male. Would Michael choose to continue that? Out of respect for Adam’s wishes or for himself? Because the thing is Michael isn’t even! A Guy! He’s just Michael. His gender is Brother. His gender is Son. (oh the evil alternative of him being seen as like. Gabriel’s younger sister. Is him getting seen as Nick!Lucifer’s daughter. Absolutely nightmare scenario for him. He will cease to function for hours.) So, maybe he would want to go back on T. Maybe not. I haven’t really worked that out yet for my fic lmao.
Okay, okay, Jesus Christ, I rambled a lot here, but point is: Archangel gender is weird. Having to live in a gendered system is even more weird.
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catenaaurea · 2 years
Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X
The Apostle’s Creed
The Second Article of the Creed
1. Q. What are we taught in the Second Article: And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord?
A. The Second Article of the Creed teaches us that the Son of God is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity; that, like the Father, He is God eternal, omnipotent, Creator and Lord; that He became man to save us; and that the Son of God, made man, is called Jesus Christ.
2. Q. Why is the Second Person called the Son?
A. The Second Person is called the Son, because He is begotten by the Father from all eternity by way of intelligence; and for this reason He is also called the Eternal Word of the Father.
3. Q. Since we also are sons of God, why is Jesus Christ called the only Son of God the Father?
A. Jesus Christ is called the only Son of God the Father, because He alone is His Son by nature, whereas we are His sons by creation and adoption.
4. Q. Why is Jesus Christ called our Lord?
A. Jesus Christ is called our Lord, because, not only did He as God, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost, create us; but He has also as God and Man redeemed us.
5. Q. Why is the Son of God, made man, called Jesus?
A. The Son of God, made man, is called Jesus, that is to say, Saviour, because He has saved us from the eternal death merited by our sins.
6. Q. Who gave the name of Jesus to the Son of God, made man?
A. The Eternal Father Himself, through the Archangel Gabriel, gave the name of Jesus to the Son of God made man, at the moment when the Archangel announced to the Blessed Virgin the mystery of the Incarnation.
7. Q. Why is the Son of God made man also called Christ?
A. The Son of God made man is also called Christ , that is to say, anointed or consecrated, because kings, priests and prophets were anointed of old; and Jesus is the King of kings, High Priest, and supreme Prophet.
8. Q. Was Jesus Christ really anointed and consecrated with a material anointing?
A. The anointing of Jesus Christ was not material, like that of the kings, priests and prophets of old, but wholly spiritual and divine, because the fullness of the Divinity dwells in Him substantially.
9. Q. Had men any idea of Jesus Christ previous to His coming?
A. Yes, previous to His coming men had some idea of Jesus Christ in the promise of the Messiah, which God made to our first parents, Adam and Eve, and which He renewed to the holy Patriarchs; and also in the prophecies and the many figures which foreshadowed Him.
10. Q. How do we know that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah and Promised Redeemer?
A. We know that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah and Promised Redeemer from the fact that in Him are verified: (1) All that the prophecies foretold, (2) And all that the figures of the Old Testament foreshadowed.
11. Q. What did the prophecies foretell of the Redeemer?
A. Regarding the Redeemer, the prophecies foretold the tribe and the family from which He was to come; the place and time of His birth; His miracles and the most minute circumstances of His Passion and Death; His Resurrection and Ascension into heaven; and His spiritual, perpetual and universal Kingdom, that is, the Holy Catholic Church.
12. Q. Which are the principal figures of the Redeemer in the Old Testament?
A. The principal figures of the Redeemer in the Old Testament are: the innocent Abel; the High Priest Melchisedech; the sacrifice of Isaac; Joseph sold by his brethren; the prophet Jonas; the Paschal Lamb; and the Brazen Serpent set up by Moses in the desert.
13. Q. How do you know that Jesus Christ is true God?
A. We know that Jesus Christ is true God: (1) From the testimony of the Father saying: This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him; (2) From the attestation of Jesus Christ Himself, confirmed by the most stupendous miracles; (3) From the teaching of the Apostles; (4) From the unvarying tradition of the Catholic Church.
14. Q. Mention the chief miracles wrought by Jesus Christ?
A. Besides His Resurrection, the chief miracles wrought by Jesus Christ are; the restoring of health to the sick, of sight to the blind, of hearing to the deaf, and of life to the dead.
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Let's lose our minds together ‼️
Jon Hamm has been in a lot of promotional materials and tbh I don't really care for him, but BEELZEBUB? My beloved Lord finally getting some new content?!?! I was literally jumping up and down when I saw them in the trailer!!!
These new teeth? Nice exciting development from the rotting ones they had in season 1. Looking bored, sitting somewhere new, being so stressed and looking over their shoulder... 👀👀👀 My brain is still in the hand-flapping mode of hyperfixation so Idk what smart meta to say about this but I'm hoping someone will figure that out lol
My beloved Beelzebub <3 they look so distressed, which is interesting because they were so chill in s1. I can only wonder what could riled them up so bad. Maybe Gabriel missing. Maybe they're the reason Gabriel is missing and with amnesia. Maybe they tried to kill him and failed or is trying to hunt him down. Or they just miss the archangel because they're in love because what the hell did Gabriel mean by needing to be with near one particular person?!! Whatever is going on, I'm crazy excited to see my darling prince of hell again, and whatever happens in the season I'll probably end up shiping them with Gabriel even more.
Also, Beez is sitting on a tiny ass chair instead of their throne so they probably got demoted on top of being discorporated :(
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koawoaboa · 9 months
this is why i think the metatrash went to aziraphale for archangel RUINED OUR LIVES DEMOLISH US 1. why aziraphale?? why the "traitor". i think we all know that michael would have been next in line for archangel.. so why our sweet baby angel 2. coffee theory is not my cup of tea (i'm so funny guys laugh) 3. did the metatrash know that crowley was going to confess ?? was metatron watching him from heaven, HAS METATRASH BEEN WATCHING THE WHOLE TIME?!? 4. did metatron think aziraphale would give information about crowley and earth,, is that why he got chosen to be archangel?? because he knows more than the other angels?? 5. i mean gabriel/jim went to earth to have talks with his beloved beelzebub, so he knew a little bit about earth.. so maybe the metatron needed a replacement, a better replacement 6. maybe god just wanted to see what would happen with her play toys, az and crowley if she separated them. maybe god just really despises crowley that much that she just wants to make us and crowley sad...
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Characters whose names don't "match" their gender are everything to me
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archangelraphael · 3 years
Ugh literally the tricks were just that. A trick! It's all a façade! He needed a new existence and he took the opportunity via Loki. My favourite moments of his are when some cracks show and you can see how both TERRIFIED and FURIOUS he is!! He's so afraid of having to watch his brother's kill each other, of having to figure out what to do with his existence after they don't exist anymore. He's full of anger towards them too bc THEY DID THIS! They were HAPPY! And now he's stuck as someone he's not bc he's a coward and can't face it, can't face THEM, can't face HIMSELF. He's so many different things at once and I LOVE him
You said it all anon, i have nothing to add except that the relationship Gabriel has with running away is so interesting. He is right for getting out of a unhealthy place but so wrong in the way he approaches the subject, which is, avoiding it at all costs. No wonder why he has such difficulty with facing problems, the very thing that made you grow and be free in the past is now what keeps you from doing it again in the present, how confusing must that be for someone who is trying to heal from a unhealthy family all by himself?
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