#im in my 20s and im not about to start pointless bullshit. if you want to fail on your own go ahead.
dog-girl-zezora · 1 year
My problematic trait is that I will watch chaos unfold around my coworkers and not offer any help unless they look to me for it
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aeirithgainsborough · 2 years
i just finished playing parts 1 and 2 of tlou for the first time and, as someone who has grown to love joel and ellie very much within the span of 72 hours and found their characterization in pt 2 to be straight up bizarre, your takes on the game are a godsend. the rage in my heart cannot be extinguished but it can be soothed. thank u for ur service 🫡
you’re welcome!! it’s baffling to me how many people seem to have mindlessly taken it all in, just letting themselves be force fed some bullshit morality tale with no thought cus… yeah it’s bad ajsjjs. the gameplay is good although a little repetitive since it’s more open, the graphics are stunning, and as a disabled person who can struggle with games sometimes the accessibility is next level. they definitely get credit for that!
but the narrative is terrible. for a start it’s chock full of contrivances. abby happens to find tommy and then when she’s looking for him after making a FOURTEEN DAY JOURNEY across a dangerous world she gets into trouble and who should save her but joel! who then runs into a lodge unarmed with a group of strangers after 20 years of being on his guard. and then ellie runs into the room too unarmed despite the noises she can hear coming from it, even though she took on david and his cronies at 14 and got the better of them lol? then they all travel another FOURTEEN DAYS no problems, they find who they need in a huge city, ellie leaves a handy map for abby to find her. it’s absurd. one or two contrivances i can ignore but when you’re that reliant on them for your plot it’s not good writing!
then there’s ellie ‘im scared to end up alone’ ‘you’re the only person to never leave me and id be more scared without you’ williams. a girl who lost her best friend/first love traumatically and had a whole ‘let’s make the most of the time we have left’ thing with her… and she doesn’t speak to the most important person in her life for 2 years?? not my ellie lmao. i can see her being mad. i can see her being cold to him. I can see that relationship being different bcus of joel’s lie. i can’t see her going cold turkey whilst living on the same property as him for that long. i can’t see her never asking him for a proper explanation in that time. she leaves everything behind eventually despite her fears and how important the notion of family is to her. bye dina and jj. and then at the end… it’s pointless! she didn’t even get her revenge after becoming unrecognisable, leaving her loved ones behind, and killing a slew of people to get there. nor does she develop lol AT ALL. at 14 she had survivors’s guilt and was ready to sacrifice her life bcus of that and a belief her life doesn’t matter and then at 19 she’s the same! there’s no lightbulb moment where she’s like OH my life does matter it does have value none of my friends’ deaths were my fault and i don’t need to die for absolution. there’s no moment she realises why joel saved her. she’s stagnant. it’s so miserable. and it haunts me what we could have had if joel hadn’t been killed off for torture porn shock value. if they’d had to go on some journey with their relationship cold and not As It Was and along the way ellie has that understanding that her life DOES matter. ‘no one wants the same story they played in tlou blah blah boring’ LOL YES?? ellie and joel are why ppl loved part 1 and that’s why they had to lie so much in the lead up to the game and marketing. ‘this is a story about joel and ellie that’s why we decided not to have it about new characters’ lie ‘we love joel and ellie and we’re going to treat them with respect’ lie, plus aging joel and ellie up in the trailers and inserting joel into the trailer in a way that made ppl think they were going on a journey. it was a deliberate lie to make ppl who wanted more joel and ellie buy the game and they told it for a reason. and besides there’s a difference between ‘i just met you and i don’t like you rn but slowly im gonna love you’ and ‘i love you but i don’t much like you’ and that difference is actually fascinating and could have been used to rlly good effect instead of… all those stupid contrivances and torture porn!
and then there’s joel lmao. even the opening when he says ‘i saved her’ is so funny his expression his tone it’s literally disney/marvel villain sjsjsjd i cannot take it seriously. beyond that there’s such a dissonance between a) what actually happens in part 1 and what they say in part 2 and b) the violent world they’ve put him/us in and then asked us to get across in one piece with a kid in part 1 and how he’s then judged for that in part 2. ‘get this kid across the country but when WE make it so you’re attacked in every chapter and have to defend yourself/ellie we are going to say joel is a cruelly violent man’ ‘get this kid across the county without letting her die when you’re attacked pls and btw in part 2 we are going to say you taught her violence and corrupted her’ never mind that it’s impossible joel could have done the job in the world THEY created and then punished us for acting accordingly in, but also that he doesn’t even give her a gun until using one makes her sick and it’s not a fun toy to her. and even then it’s for emergencies. he never attacks first, he only defends. and they made it that way! that specific world is useless in moralising to us about violence bcus of that dissonance. none? of? us? can? help? it? ‘be violent when ur attacked or you’ll die and can’t progress the story but we are gonna punish and villainise and demonise you for it in part 2’ ‘kill hundreds of people and dogs, torture people, but did you know violence is bad actually??’. ABSURD. and in that hospital joel was NOT the aggressor. honestly the whole thing would have worked better if abby’s revenge had been for pointless violence. but from the point we know him joel is never violent until they are attacked first. that’s inarguable fact. even tommy in part 2 tells ellie joel wouldn’t have gone to seattle for revenge if it had been one of them! it’s been a long time since he did terrible things and im not saying that makes it ok (except he’s hot and not real so idc) BUT that aside the point is, he doesn’t go looking for it, and it’s never pointless anymore. but he’s the Big Bad Evil who deserves to die like a dog and we know you all love joel but we’re gonna make you hear it and watch it and also in the whole game we are gonna make him the punching bag we are not even going to ONCE let him open his mouth and explain what really happened in that hospital and why he saved ellie (yeah he’s so terrible for not letting a suicidal 14yr old kill herself)! which rlly brings us back round to the dissonance cus they’ve ALL done shitty stuff to survive including abby but she’s gonna be the one to ‘stop horrible evil villain joel in his tracks’ when he’s been living quietly in jackson for 5 years and she’s gonna get her revenge and then after get a happy hopeful ending all to show us violence and revenge is bad which a) falls flat bcus what? revenge makes you lose everything and end up alone except not for abby! and b) she’s objectively just as awful if not more so than joel but she’s the one who has to stop him and gets a nice redemption arc with a hopeful happy ending and joel has to die! abby:
shows great pleasure in slowly torturing joel and then killing him brutally
does the above in front of his screaming kid who’s being held down and forced to watch even though just finding her dad’s body is traumatising for her
is in an authoritarian militia who is intent on wiping out anyone else out in seattle lol?
kills people for that militia including kids
after torturing joel and killing him is so deeply unaffected by it she laments the fact she hasn’t got time to torture some seraphites who are chained up in cells
kills jessie when he’s unarmed cus she rlly learnt violence and revenge was so awful and took everything from you. wait, no, only ellie had to learn that lesson and end up alone. she also shoots and injured tommy!
once again shows sadistic pleasure in the idea of killing when she’s about to slit dina’s throat. this pleasure is bcus she’s pregnant so again yeah she rlly was so affected by her violence and revenge lmao.
never shows any great remorse beyond a throwaway line, meanwhile ellie loses absolutely everything including her fingers and joel, peacefully minding his business in jackson is the villain who deserves to brutally die and even after he’s dead he’s further villanised by the narrative lol even tho he was right to kill jerry fuck that man!
it’s just completely nonsensical! not only are they moralising to us in a world that doesn’t suit it, but they can’t even do it well!
it’s also just relentless misery and torture porn. kill all these ppl kill these dogs watch joel die horribly beat ellie up as the person who killed him even though you love her and are attached to her (really struggle to understand where im meant to find empathy for abby during this, esp after jessie and then the whole dina bit) watch ellie lose her family lose her fingers and end up alone which was her greatest fear. don’t even get me started on the section that posits ellie as a david figure down to gameplay mechanics and the theatre set up which is beyond vile when he tormented her when she was a fucking kid and the voice actor has talked about how he was going to r*** her. it’s vile enough that they took the first lesbian protagonist of an AAA game and tortured her for 25 hours straight and turned her into the villain but to also position her as her own fucking predator is straight up horrific. cus that’s not a stereotype in the lgbt community… as an aside, troy saying joel is the same as david is the stupidest thing ive ever heard and he should shut up forever.
on top of all that the game is homophobic, transphobic and racist. neil got the idea when he fantasised about killing palestinians in revenge… yikes. you can even see how the conflict between the wlf and the seraphites mirrors what’s going on in palestine. it’s actually a plot that’s very similar to an early iteration of tlou1 that was stopped cus... it didn’t make sense for anyone in that world to travel when it’s so dangerous just to get revenge ajsjsjs come back bruce! (ppl like to forget he was integral to part 1)
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this game doesn’t respect the characters, it doesn’t respect the world, and it sure as heck doesn’t respect us. it takes the ambiguity from the end of part 1 which made it SO great and rips it to shreds. instead of being allowed to make our own minds up they ram down our throats that joel was completely wrong in the way they punish him through the narrative and ellie (the ellie part just makes it worse :/). goodbye nuance goodbye grey area. the reaction to it from gamers who hail it as a narrative masterpiece and love abby whilst arguing joel is a villain who deserved to die show what propaganda was invented for actually! and then ppl have the audacity to say if you don’t like the game you’re a homophobic woman hater with no depth or nuance ITS LAUGHABLE.
i found the experience of playing the game so genuinely traumatic it was that full of torture porn but the good news is the further out i get from playing the game the better it gets. i haven’t cried for days and days about it which is a record!! and at that point it gets so much easier to disengage from part 2 and just enjoy the actual masterpiece part 1 was.
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dylinski · 5 years
TBWTBE (4/?)
Warnings: SMUT, Oral (male receiving), Angst, Language (i think), your typical derek brooding angsty shit.
Relationships: Derek Hale/Kate Argent
Word Count: 2847
Author: @dylan-obrien-fanblog
A/N: I know this series is going slow, its agonizing for me too, but I need to lead up to the big parts. not many feed back is always welcome, good or bad. Honestly, i’ve gotten basically no feedback, so more than anything im writing this for me. GO ME.
Chapter 4
Derek sulked around the house with his head hung as his cousins played cheerfully. The twins ran up to him on either side, standing to his waist and tugged on his shirt begging him to play with them. “Leave me alone.” The dark haired boy shrugged them off as he grunted. When they refused to loosen their grip, he growled at them, causing them to scream as they ran away. Talia immediately locked her gaze on her son and pulled in her brows, giving him a stern look.
“Derek, you do not speak to your cousin’s like that nor do you growl at them. We are werewolves, not animals.” Derek shot his mom a look of annoyance as he rolled his eyes. Without hesitation, she shifted from mother to alpha. She shot up from where she was seated and gave Derek a look that caused him to shrink in size, cowering before the alpha. 
The boy looked up at her with deep green eyes, full of pain and she let the alpha melt away as she became his mother again. “Derek,” she whispered as she caressed his sorrowful face. “You’ve been walking around this house for almost a week now with this atrocious behavior. Talk to me my child.”
Derek averted his eyes from his mother, unwilling to reveal any reason to his behavior. He pulled his face away from her touch, immediately feeling guilty at the motion. He didn’t look to see her reaction, but she knew it was one of disappointment, in him and his reluctance to talk to her. He walked away from her before she could see the tears starting to fill his eyes. “If you won’t talk to me, please talk to someone. You can’t let this eat away at you the way Paige did.”
Derek stopped in his tracks, eyes wide, as his mother spoke to his back. He raised his head and held his breath. This was the first time his mother had spoken to him about her since the cellar. Lost in his thoughts, he lost all his strength towards holding back his tears as they began to fall down his face. He ran to his room to hide from her words and the world.
He curled up into a ball in his bed as he tried to escape the thoughts that were now flooding him. His memories of Paige that had fallen to the back of his mind since he met Kate. It was like reliving the whole story again. When he saw her for the first time in the hallway while playing basketball with his friends. Seeing her play cello when she thought she was alone. The first time they kissed under the stars. Her snarky comments towards him. The way she didn’t put up with his bullshit and told him what she thought without hesitation.
Then his mind drifted, without his consent, to the sound of her heart racing as she ran through the halls of the school from the alpha who attacked her. Her screams when he bit her. The black blood that seeped from everywhere while she laid dying in his arms. Her cries of agony that he couldn’t alleviate. Her begging him to take her life and-- Derek slammed his eyes shut, pulling his legs in closer to his chest. He screamed, trying to shut out her death. He opened his eyes and laid there, gasping for breaths between sobs. His face covered in tears and snot, his face puffy and red. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve as he sat up, collecting himself from the attack of emotions and sat at the edge of the bed, looking at his feet.
His mother had been right. He needed to talk to someone, but he had no one to talk to. No one outside of his mother and Peter knew he was the cause of Paige’s death, but neither of them would understand what he went through, the part of his soul that was taken when he took her life. Not only could he not talk to them about Paige, but he couldn’t talk about Kate either. Peter would tell his mother and she would order him not to see her anymore. Yeah, he was 16 and she was 22, but it was different with her. They just don’t understand. 
Derek’s phone buzzed on his desk, springing him back to reality. Sniffing and then wiping the snot from his nose, he stood up and walked over to answer the phone. He saw that it was Kate, and where he normally would have been ecstatic to hear from her, he felt melancholy. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and answered the phone as best he could.
“Hello.” His voice rasped as he spoke, revealing the soreness and that tears still lingered in his eyes.
“Hey stranger.” Kate spoke in her smooth, seductive voice. The sounds immediately bringing warmth to Derek, filling the emptiness he had been feeling only a second ago. She heard the hoarseness of his voice, but ignored it. “I’ve missed you, handsome. Wanna come over and play some more poker?”
“Um, yeah. Sure.” Kate was not unaware of his lack of enthusiasm. While Derek did want to see her, he also wanted to escape the lingering sadness and reminders of his room and family. Kate allowed him to escape from this world he found himself in. He slipped out of the house while everyone was getting ready to eat dinner. He hopped on his bicycle and then headed for Kate’s cabin.
What would have taken a human about 45 minutes to bike took him 20. The lights were on inside, but that was no surprise. The sun was starting to set, giving the sky an orange tint that broke through the trees. He walked up to the door and knocked, then shoved his hands in his pockets to hide his sweaty palms. Kate answered the door, wearing jeans and a spaghetti-strap tank top. His eyes gave her a once over, her cleavage not going unnoticed. She caught his gaze and smiled devilishly at the boy. “Come on in.” She stepped aside, allowing him to enter. He kept his head down as he did, hiding his embarrassment.
She asked him if he wanted a beer and derek accepted. He really didn’t want one and it was pointless since it would have no effects, but he didn’t want the woman to ask questions. What sixteen year old boy wouldn’t say yes to a beer? He sat down at the same table as before, the cards already sitting in a stack on its surface.
She handed him the beer, another in her hand for herself, and sat down in the chair sideways, using the chair’s back as an armrest. She gave to boy a crooked smile as she took a swig from the bottle. “So.” Her voice echoed through the small space. She turned in the chair to face the boy and leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. “What’s new with my brooding boy?”
Derek furrowed his thick brows, immediately glaring at the woman and shot back in a loud voice, “I don’t brood.” She raised her eyebrows causing him to relax his face. His cheeks turned red as he realized he was, in fact, brooding. She laughed and shook her head at him as she picked up the cards and started to shuffle.
“You need to lighten up kid. Relax and have some fun.” Derek raised his eyebrows to her, interested in her ideas. He desperately wanted to, but somewhere along the way he’d forgotten how. Kate flashed a cheshire grin that sent chills down the boy’s spine. “I have an idea.” She spoke in a deeper and more mischievous tone than Derek had heard her use before. “Let’s play strip poker.”
Derek’s face went flush and his body froze at the suggestion. He must have looked sickly because concern covered Kate’s face, a look he had never seen on her before. He shook the cobwebs from his head and answered. “Yeah.” He hadn’t realized what he said until it was too late to take it back.
His cheeks were flushed and he couldn’t look Kate in the eye. She found this amusing, to see him writhe and wriggle in discomfort under her thumb. She began to deal the cards out as Derek thought to himself that this is really happening.
His wolf howled at him, telling him this was a bad idea, but his raging hormones proved to be superior. He took the cards that sat in front of him and began what he knew would be a long night.
“Full house,” Derek laid his cards out in front of him in confidence. Kate raised her brow and smiled deceptively. Dread fell over him as he knew what was coming. 
“Royal flush, baby.” She winked at him as he threw his arms back and groaned. Derek then proceeded to remove his jeans. As he stood there in nothing but his boxers, Kate looked him over as she bit her bottom lip. For some reason, this made Derek want to cover himself, like she was a wolf eyeing her prey. He sat back down quickly to hide himself behind the chair.
“How come you haven’t lost a single game?” Derek asked sincerely. Suddenly he furrowed his brows, “Are you cheating?” His accusations were hard and cold. Kate laughed.
“Here,” she stood up and removed her top, revealing a pink laced bra. “Better?” She looked down at him seductively with hazel eyes. Derek couldn’t believe his eyes. He didn’t mean to stare, but shock left him useless and unable to move. He finally averted his eyes when he could feel pressure building in his boxers.
He turned to face the table and kept his eyes down. Kate sat back down at her seat and rested her face on her hand. “Don’t be shy, Derek. It’s okay.” Her voice wasn’t soft or sweet, but it was relieving. He slowly turned his head to meet her, but looked at her face the entire time. “You act like you’ve never seen a naked girl before.”
Derek blushed as he shook his head, “I haven’t.” He spoke under his breath, barely audible. Kate sat back and let her mouth fall open in amazement. She stood up and grabbed Derek’s wrists, pulling him up in front of her. Derek stood two inches above Kate. Her eyes turned black as she took a step away and wrapped her arms around her back. She unhooked her bra, letting the straps fall down her arms until the garment hit the floor. Derek bit his bottom lip and felt the pressure rising again. 
Kate stepped forward and grabbed Derek’s right hand and put it on her left breast. He swallowed the lump in throat as he took in her peaks and valleys. Her hand still holding his, she squeezed, prompting him to do the same. Kate bit her lip and let it slide through her teeth. Derek took his other hand and placed it on the lonely breast. He gave both of them a good squeeze and looked back to Kate. She was giving her all too familiar seductive smile. “I’m guessing you’ve never touched a girl before either.” She asked, and Derek shook his head. “So that means your a virgin.” Even though it wasn’t a question, he still nodded yes. “Have you ever done anything?” Derek looked back up again at her face and looked embarrassed for his lack of experience.
“My girlfriend would sometimes rub me through my pants. And we made out a lot, but that was all.” He looked down to the floor, ashamed. Kate took her hand under his chin and lifted it up. She looked into his eyes, studying him and then brought his face to her lips. They touched for a moment and then parted. Derek looked at her for a moment, then the wolf took over, like a primal instinct. He grabbed Kate’s head with both his hands, pulling it towards him, smashing his lips against hers. She responded by pulling his body into hers. She wrapped her arms around the boy and clawed at his skin, leaving trails.
Derek parted his lips to take a breath, but Kate took the opportunity and pushed her tongue through the opening. They explored each other’s mouths, entangling their tongues. She guided the boy to the couch and then broke from his lips. She pushed him down with a growl and stood, towering over him. She looked down to see his fully erect cock begging to escape. Kate licked her lips and eased herself down until her weight was balanced on the balls of her feet. She slid her hands slowly up his thighs until they reached his waistband. Her touch alone was enough to send him over the edge.
She tugged on the material, allowing the firm member to spring free. She smiled, pleased with what she saw. The boy’s jaw dropped at the feeling of freedom. She palmed his stomach and blew air on him as her hands made their way down the trail of hair. She wrapped her hand around his cock and pumped it twice. She used her thumb to swirl the precum that had beaded at his slit. She pumped him a few more times before she kissed his tip. She licked the spot she just kissed, swirling her tongue in circles around his sensitive spot. He threw his head back in pleasure and Kate took that moment to take him entirely into her mouth. The surprise caused his body to shake. He looked back at her and they kept eye contact as she pulled back slowly on the shaft. As she reached the head of his cock, she scraped him with her teeth, stirring the wolf and releasing a growl.
He wanted the feeling of her mouth again, so he grabbed the back of her head, urging her forward. Almost instantly she reached back and took his hand, slamming it on his knee. Derek was surprised, but found the dominance even more arousing. She chuckled at his response, sending vibrations up is cock and into his stomach where his release was hanging on by a thread. She bobbed on his cock a few more times before his body began to shudder, signaling his release. She leaned back and told him to cum on her tits. He obliged, standing up and pumping himself as spurts of warm seed shot onto her breasts. He milked out every last drop, riding his high until his muscles lost all strength and he fell back onto the couch. 
Kate got up and went to the kitchen, she cleaned herself up and put her bra back on. Derek felt self-conscious about it, so decided to cover up as well. He pulled his boxers up from around his ankles and found his jeans on the floor. After he put his shirt on he sees Kate in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and drinking a beer. He goes in and stands next to her. 
“It’s getting late. Don’t you have school tomorrow?” She asked without looking at him. He nodded yes and turned to face the beautiful woman.
“I’ll see you later then?” He smiled and leaned in for a kiss but his lips were met by Kate’s finger. 
“I’ll call you.” She stepped past the insecure child and went to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Unsure how to read the situation, Derek grabbed his coat from the chair and hesitantly left. He thought he must have done something wrong and wanted to fix it, but he didn’t want to seem childish. So he headed back home on his bike.
It was a little after 8PM when he got back, all the kids were asleep, but his mother was up. She was reclined on the couch, the spot he often found her in. As he entered the house, her eyes immediately flickered up to the boy. As he passed where she was, he saw a look on her he had never seen. Her face often wore confidence and composure, but this was an expression of shock and confusion. He mirrored the look to his mother.
Derek’s eyes widened as he realized why she must have made the face. His scent reeked of sex. Mortified, he turned and continued upstairs, thankful that his mother didn’t oppose. He jumped in the shower, washing away the events of the night, but the memories lingered in his mind. He replayed every part, trying to pinpoint what he did to make Kate so standoffish. Did he cum too fast? Did he touch her wrong? Was it when he put his hand behind her head? He got out of the shower and dried off. He pulled on a pair of clean boxers and plopped into bed. He wanted to keep analyzing what happened, but he was exhausted from all of it, so he passed out almost instantly.
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okay, y’all, i’ve gotta back on my tl;dr bullshit soapbox about something:
so, the other day, i was just mindlessly scrolling through my corporate & capitalist hellscape facebook™️ (i.e. LinkedIn) and came across this totally trite mostly bullshit meme that was shared by some corporate executive search man (whose name i decided to crop out bc eh):
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so i obviously agree with the last three points on this list, bc god yes my life would’ve been a bit better if I didn’t get all my dialogue about mental health only from teen mags and horrible portrayals in teen tv shows (and also this hellsite). and hell yeah everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs to learn that failure is okay many situations (like failing a class in uni or school) bc everyone fails at something sometimes. and dealing with failure is HARD. and time management is something that I’m pretty sure everyone lies to fuckin hell about on their resume, bc lots of people really suck at it, myself included. so yeah. that needs to be taught. and i also agree with the “how to manage your health” point. bc thats becoming ever more prevalent and important with career burn out etc.
but entrepreneurship? people management? conflict resolution? creativity? how to manage money? public speaking? like y’all. three of those ARE taught/learned in school, who the fuck wrote this meme? 
for anyone who actually paid attention in maths class, (which is probably very few people outside of the top performing classes), there WAS A WHOLE FUCKING UNIT that focuses on financial maths (in australia anyway). I ignored this unit as well as maths in general at school, bc I generally hated maths and was convinced that I was somehow never going to get a job. but i remember the gist of the overall topic and its subtopics. one subtopic teaches you how to calculate your wages in various contexts (overtime, double-time and a half, holiday payments, im pretty sure maternity leave pay was jammed in somewhere? idk if other countries would have double time & a 1/2 like australia though). another subtopic teaches you how to calculate interest on bank loans and credit rates on credit cards. a third subtopic teaches you how to calculate savings (obvs in terms of discounts in shops)....im sure there was a bit about budgeting in there somewhere? im pretty sure there were some questions were about tax payments somewhere as a subtopic enrichment exercise? but you get my gist. are these not money management skills? in some sense? like if i could find one of my old maths textbooks or old maths books i’d give an example of a question, to make my point stronger. but the problem, like i said before, is that a load of people (myself included) just zone out in maths in high school and stop trying with it. they forget what they’ve learnt, and just remember how much they hated algebra and how they’ll never use it again. maths was one hell of a fucking strong bitch, guys. but maybe i’m wrong.
creativity? excuse me? have people forgotten about art classes? drama classes? english classes? music classes? need i go on? okay don’t get me wrong, most of these classes did focus a lot on memorising quotes or facts about people (artists/writers/poets/composers/dramatists etc) or specific  periods/movements in art or theatre or literature for example.... but the amazing sculptures/paintings etc people created in art for their final projects in year 12, or even in year 10 were works of their imagination. the scripts people write in drama or maybe english (if you had a fun teacher who did a screenwriting unit, for example) are creative asf. especially in year 12 when they do their major projects, where they may produce a monologue or a short movie, and then there’s a group piece. drama students might even make their own costumes for these performances. LIKE AIN’T THAT A LOT OF CREATIVITY RIGHT THERE Y’ALL????? and english. lowly old english. THEY HAVE A WHOLE FUCKING TOPIC ON CREATIVE WRITING FOR FUCKS SAKE. the original music people might create for their final projects too in year 12? does that not count as creativity? like yes, i know a lot of these things do still have to meet bs assessment criteria (especially in catholic schools, where the main things are you don’t offend the catholic education office and jesus/god lmao) to be considered worthy of a mark for your year 12 exams. but FUCK. HOW THE FUCK AREN’T ANY OF THESE SUBJECTS COUNTED TOWARDS BEING CREATIVE???????? like fuck your corporate creative ideation or w/e bullshit, Callum. drama and english even lend themselves to improvisation in some instances, like public speaking, which is examined further, below.
next, we move on to public speaking. this shit is basically taught from the first goddamn day of “show & tell” in kindy/kindergarten, and this fucker has the gall to say that it’s not fucking taught in schools? someone call in miley cyrus/hannah montana to throw the fuck down in this motherfucking hoedown BC THIS STUPID-ASS MEME-FUCKER HAS NERVE. i hated public speaking. absolutely hated it. even though it was ironically one of the places i ended up excelling in in english classes. even when i fucked up in my english speeches with like “oh, fuck.... said nelson mandela,  i’ve seem to’ve lost my palm card. wait, shit! there it is... excuse me while i pull it out of my ass. whoops, sorry miss” *bats eyes and finger guns at my year 9 english teacher who has her head in her hands and is done with my shit, while the class laughs at my gaffe* i’d still end up with like 73% or like 26/30. it was baffling. but for people who weren’t the class clown/smart alec like i was from years 7-10 (and like i actually wasn’t once i moved schools).... public speaking is like the leading cause of anxiety, right? like by the time i got to doing speeches/presentations at uni i was having panic attacks... the thought of presenting to my classes made me fucking sick with fear and anxiety. nearly every subject i did at uni (even when i tried to avoid subs with public speaking assessments) and throughout school had some type of presentation/speech whatever you want to call it project/activity in it. even fucking SPORT/PDHPE at school and even philosophy at uni. and these fuckers are saying its not taught in schools. FUCK  OFF. like yeah, i get that they actually mean it in the professional sense.... where people can give the sappy bs motivational speeches or an insightful ted-talk worthy 20-minute presentation... or a great sales pitch. but like??? save that for mike “my dad phoned in to EY and i have a job waiting for me after uni” mcfuck in a business major or law degree? or for clubs like toastmasters? fuck. ok enough of the skills we learn in school. let’s move onto the businesslike-sounding ones of “people management”, “conflict management” and fucking “entrepreneurship”. like. what the fuck? okay in some sense people management and conflict management could potentially be used in managing friendships and relationships in your personal life. but like. i can feel the business underpinnings and i dont like it lmao. like why do you want fully functioning adults straight out of school, franklin? and there’s extra credit conflict management subjects at uni??? or at least my home uni had it... and i never did them bc they were intensive courses during summer break lol. but the one that pissed me off the most was entrepreneurship. LIKE ARE KIDS NOT FUCKING ALLOWED TO BE KIDS NOW????? well  apparently: “NO! YOU MUST ALWAYS THINK OF MONEY MAKING WAYS TO BE RICH! YOU MUST BE ENTREPRENEURIAL!!!!!! YOU MUST GENERATE BUSINESS IDEAS FROM THE TIME YOU CAN FUCKIN’ WALK!!!!! AND SPEAK!!! CHILDHOOD AND BEING A TEENAGER DON’T EXIST WORKER BEE!!!! CAPITALISM FOR ALL!!!! WORKER BEES!!! CAPITALISM IS YOUR FRIEND!!! OWN A BUSINESS BY THE TIME YOU’RE 8 YEARS OLD!” like it’s insidious asf. and it doesn’t acknowledge that most entrepreneurs are already privileged people anyway, who usually have some type of money to start off their venture (or that’s what it feels like anyway). and yeah throw all the “THIS BOY IS AN ENTREPRENEUR AT 18!!! 18!!!???? BY STARTING HIS OWN BUSINESS AT 12!!!! WHAT A CHAMP! 😁🙃” clickbait news stories at me, but i don’t fucking care. the concept and perceived over-importance and almost preaching mindset of entrepreneurship is slowly becoming insidious and toxic asf. call me paranoid. but that’s what it feels like.
but with those last three topics, i want to make a point that school curriculum’s (in australia at least, and probably worldwide) are so jam-packed already with sport (which is pointless and shitty), geography (ok how to read maps is important, but i never bothered to learned to do it properly), history, science, english etc etc etc..... that like.... where the actual fuck are the gonna jam the above bs (people management”, “conflict management” and entrepreneurship) into the curriculum???? and also teachers are already over-worked enough as it is, they don’t need another load of shitty subjects pushed onto them. and they sure asf don’t earn enough (especially in the states) to have this bs pushed into their subject schedules either. keep them at uni, where they should be. or just in the workplace/in the general public where they belong. and if people suggest that you could probably push these subjects into the year 11/12 business studies programs or elective commerce courses in years 9/10, save your goddamn breath. like i remember looking at business studies hsc papers in years 11/12 to see what they did.... and it was pretty chock-a-block anyway. and my experience of my year 9 commerce was horrible, to say the least. let kids be kids, for fucks sake. they shouldn’t have to be fully functioning adults in the workplace, by the end of high school, for fucks sake. AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT AN ESSENTIAL SKILL????!!!! FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT, WILHELM. anyway. that’s my rant over about how i hate how corporate people are trying to be #relatablewiththeyouth🙃 with their shitty versions of “10 things i wish we learned in school” memes.... and failing.... without realising that this is why millennials are suspicious and cynical about meme usage by corporate people/corporations.
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carolrance · 7 years
Lol got called a lying racist by a white football hooligan from the north on Twitter cos of my observations re: the difference in the response of people (Twitter users, primarily white and/or middle class) in the immediate aftermath of the grenfell tower fire vs manchester and London bridge. Because apparently voicing the discrepancy i saw on Twitter counts as racism. But I'm not sure against whom???? White people? Cos it certainly wasn't criticising anyone else... like...erm...im white as a ghost so I thought maybe he thought I was going after the people of colour for some confusing reason??? (But honestly who the fuck does that?!)... and I briefly skimmed his Twitter and he's like retweeting the same shit i am so like...we're on the same side I think? So either he completely misunderstood my tweet or he's selectively engaged in the issues. (ie. He'll only agree and retweet when the criticism doesn't directly target him and his Aryan hooligan brethren.) Like I want to talk a lot more about this but I'm on mobile and i hate doing long ass serious posts using my stupid phone and it's fucking bonkers autocorrect. So in brief, and maybe I'm way off base cos really Twitter feeds can look different to different people, but my point is that in the IMMEDIATE aftermath, aka within 1-2 hours, and peaked not long after but was still very present 8 hrs later, the hashtags for both the MCR bombing and the London bridge/borough market attack were positively FLOODED with people offering their homes/sofas/beds/transport/ubers to victims and the displaced. Like at least 50% of the feed I saw was that. (That other half was terrorism speculation and islamophobia). It was amazing the outpouring of offers of shelter and support, no questions asked. "I have a free sofa if u need it. Happy to take you in! Dm me!!!" And that sorta stuff. Then.... yesterday. When I woke up like most of london, which was a good 5 hours after the fire started, I obvs was all over Twitter trying to get a handle on it. The news was on too. What I saw there was totally different in the tags. There was still a small proportion of islamophobia and terrorism speculation, but by and large it was "oh my thoughts and prayers go out to all the people in the fire". I would say at least 60% were "thoughts and prayers". The rest were places to donate clothes and food with a smattering of outspoken people calling bullshit and getting people woke about the reality of this (ie. The politics, racism and classism at work). I saw very, very few people offering shelter. In fact only 3 in my endless scrolling. At first I didn't recognise what was at work. But then as I saw the interviews and such on tv, it hit me. Primarily the victims of MCR and borough market were children and tourists, and predominately white and lower-to-upper middle class. They are the "innocent victims of a horrible terrorist crime!". And I'm not saying they weren't. The victims of the grenfell tower fire are predominantly black, brown, Muslim and/or working class, if not poor. Some are white too but they're the "chavs". It was council housing. It was interesting then to me that there had been such a massive outpouring of shelter offers then but people seemed to be suspiciously quiet when it came time to offer predominately poor, non-white people a place to sleep. Especially the white people who were all jumping at the chance to offer pointless "thoughts and prayers" but little else. THEY DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING PRAYERS. THEY NEED CLOTHES, FOOD, A BATH, AND A PLACE TO SLEEP THAT ISN'T THE FLOOR OF A GYMNASIUM WITH 500 OTHER PEOPLE! THEIR ENTIRE LIVES HAVE BURNT TO THE GROUND. THEY HAVE NO HOMES LEFT. They aren't momentarily displaced like the victims and those affected in the immediate aftermath of MCR and Borough attacks. They literally have nowhere to go anymore. And what was more interesting to me is that they are surrounded by really nice vacant properties and loads of airbnbs. Not to mention a shitload of richass white people. Like, I was staying in an airbnb flat in Chelsea not too far away that I know for a fact is vacant right now. There are people without homes 20 min away, and that flat is just sitting empty. (Now full disclosure, the reason it's empty is cos the boiler broke and it's not gonna get fixed anytime soon. But I dunno, if I had lost my whole life in a few hours, I'd be happy to stay in a nice flat even without hot water or heat. It's summer.) You certainly don't see anyone in Notting hill, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, or south Kensington on Twitter opening up their homes/sofas for their working class neighbours. Well, I didn't see any anyway. And that was my point that dude got so upset by. Like???? But it's my observations?????? And don't anyone dare tell me that this whole thing doesn't have a strong current of racism and classism at the root cause. And like I'm racist for calling out racism??? Or maybe I'm just racist for assuming that the reason there wasn't a flood of like offers was cos of the victims' race? I mean maybe there is something else at work preventing Londoners from offering shelter the same as they did a mere 12 days ago... Maybe it's just a bad coincidence. But it's all rather odd at any rate that suddenly nobody has a sofa to lend anymore. He said that I was "lying". Which I wasn't. That is literally what I saw on my Twitter when I searched latest and top for the hashtag. Maybe it shows up differently to different people but I'm not lying when I say i saw a torrent of shelter offers for the terror attacks but only 3 at the times I was on the fire hashtag. Like maybe hashtags show different things? He's in manchester and I was actually in Kensington. But then surely I should have more of the local help offered tweets, no? He claimed he saw a lot of offers of clothes, food and shelter. I saw lots of people tweeting about where to drop off donations of food and clothing. Yes. Lots of awareness of that. I also saw a lot of tweets praising Jaime Oliver for opening his restaurant to feed victims for free. I saw a few about EE offering up their shops/phones/tablets for free for victims and relatives to contact each other. I saw a few wonderful people offer things like diabetes medications and stuff that you may not even think of but for those with certain diseases it's really important. I saw a bunch of people thanking emergency services for their work. I saw a lot calling out other shops and businesses for NOT stepping up to donate and help, like Sainsburys. I saw people talking about the politics of this tragedy. I saw people complaining about the affected people talking about the politics. I saw Akala taking the lead in addressing the systemic causes of all of this. I saw a few assholes saying racist shit. And a few saying classist shit. And I saw tweet after tweet after tweet of thoughts and prayers and "my ❤ is with you london" rubbish. Oh golly thanks. My home has burnt down and my neighbours are dead but at least some 25 yr old white girl in Shoreditch feels a bit sad as she sits in her gentrified garden flat drinking craft microbrewery beer and watching OITNB on netflix. (Ooh hit a nerve? And yes I know not everyone else is in a position to help either and that is literally all they can do. But the discrepancy between those same people who were willing to open their doors to a victim of the London bridge attack and those willing to open their doors to victims of an attack by their own governments is appalling.) You know what I didn't see? Overwhelming floods of tweets for offers of a sofa to crash on, or a uber ride to a friend or family member's house from a stranger. I saw those on the nights of MCR and borough. And what made this worse is an interview I saw on the news with some of the victims and relief workers in the area. They were all saying that by and large, the majority of donations were coming from their own communities, not their so-called neighbours in Notting Hill or Chelsea, or the white hipsters in Shoreditch or the business suits at canary wharf. They were coming from other people of colour and other working class and poor people. The majority of offers of volunteering and food were from neighbouring churches, mosques, and community members, not the spoiled Chelsea brats. And certainly not from the landlord, council or property developers. So for every retweet of where to drop off food, clothes, bedding, baby stuff, etc. It was other disenfranchised people doing the actual work moreso than the people tweeting about it and not actually doing much. Now, a day later it's 80% politics, 19% donations, and still 1% offers of transportation and shelter. Actually I didn't see a single shelter offer just now after scrolling for a while but I'm playing it safe and not assuming there are none at all. They didn't suddenly find homes, you know. There's photos of where they're all sleeping. The floor. Of a sports complex. I've seen one tweet of the first named victim. I don't see his photo posted everywhere with outpouring of sympathy from across the board. Where is his front page story? http://www.itv.com/news/2017-06-15/victims-of-grenfell-tower-fire-disaster/ His name was Mohammad Alhajali. He was a Syrian refugee. Think about that for a second... I also don't see widely circulating appeals for missing children. There are missing children of colour. Just saw the one. Surely there are more. Why not more awareness being done? Because they weren't attending a concert but rather asleep in council housing? (I am honestly only going by Twitter and the #grenfelltower hashtag so maybe appeals are happening elsewhere.) I will say it seems like a lot more of the donations are coming in from outside of the communities so that's good. But let's not pretend that the response to this disaster isn't totally clouded with the same latent bias and discrimination that caused it in the first place. Okay so not so brief after all. But am I off base with my observations? Am I a lying racist? Honestly if i am, please let me know and how to fix my perspective.
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manskligtavskrade · 8 years
@zlograff tagged me to do this, thanks dude!  rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.  
1.     coke or pepsi: pespi 2.     disney or dreamworks: actually neither   3.     coffee or tea: COFFEE 4.     books or movies: movies cause my attention span is rather fucked up 5.     windows or mac: windows 6.     dc or marvel: dc 7.     x-box or playstation: playstation 8.     dragon age or mass effect: ok but both 9.     night owl or early riser: night owl af 10.   cards or chess: cards 11.   chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12.   vans or converse: converse cause I own a pair of converse… 13.   Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Trevelyan kek 14.   fluff or angst: angst 15.   beach or forest: both 16.   dogs or cats: both but mostly cats 17.   clear skies or rain: clear skies 18.   cooking or eating out: eating out cause im a lazy cunt 19.   spicy food or mild food: mild 20.   halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Halloween if we actually celebrated halloween 21.   would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot 22.   if you could have a superpower, what would it be: a will to live          (stealing because same) 23.   animation or live action: whatever 24.   paragon or renegade: suicide also renegade 25.   baths or showers: showers  26.   team cap or team ironman: team ironman 27.   fantasy or sci-fi: ughh im a sucker for both  28.   do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: “What? I’m the asshole. Just because I say what’s on everybody’s mind?”
– Hank Moody (Californication) "I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that." – Hank Moody (Californication)
“When I brush my teeth, I get a 10-star brush. And when I take a crap, I get a 10-star crap” – Satchel (Steel Panther) “What I really resent most about people sticking labels on you is that it cuts off all the other elements of what you are because it can only deal with black and white; the cartoon.” – Siouxsie Sioux
“Every great idea starts out as blasphemy.’ If there is resistance, it means that the direction is right.”
  – Adam Nergal Darski
“Apparently people don't like the truth, but I do like it; I like it because it upsets a lot of people. If you show them enough times that their arguments are bullshit, then maybe just once, one of them will say, 'Oh! Wait a minute - I was wrong.' I live for that happening. Rare, I assure you” 
– Lemmy Kilmister
“I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it.” 
– Lemmy Kilmister
“Ya know what happens to people who don't smoke or drink and exercise regularly? They die anyway, so crack a cold one, light one up and crank some Pantera! Getcha Pull!" 
– Dimebag Darrell
(I couldn’t pick 4 ok)
29.   harry potter or percy jackson: couldnt care less 30.   when you feel accomplished: When I actually go out and have fun 31.   star wars or star trek: Star Wars tbh 32.   paperback books or hardback books: idgaf, a book is a book, and if I can force myself to read something that is not a pdf file on occultism or politics, that’s a huge step. 33.   horror or rom-com: horror 34.   tv shows or movies: been watching mostly tv shows in the past couple of months 35.   favorite animal: KITTENS 36.   favorite genre of music: old school death metal, black metal, stoner doom, honestly metal in general but mostly these three   37.   least favorite book: ANY BOOK BY PAULO COELHO 38.   favourite season: summer 39.   sparkly or shiny: sparkly 40.   favorite character in a tv series: HANK MOODY 41.   do you have/want any tattoos and if you do, what are they: no, but I want the Type O Negative logo somewhere on my left arm. A must is a tattoo of my mom and the artwork for Alcest’s Kodama ‘cause I honestly adore it 42.   youtube or netflix: YouTube, even tho I adore Netflix 43.   If you could go to school for completely free what would you study?: Political Science if it was actually worth it. 44.   what’s your aesthetic?: band tees, cigarettes, black stockings and a bottle of Jack 45.   if you could meet any person rn, dead or alive, who would they be?: Lemmy, Dimebag, Peter Steele, Lexxi Foxx tbh and Fenriz 46.   what would you point to as your greatest triumph?: not giving a fuck about what people think 47.   If you have any plants, do you name them? Moving the fuck out of here cause I don’t wanna waste my life doing unimportant junk that will never make me happy 48.   what languages do you speak and if you’re learning some, which ones? Macedonian, English, learning Swedish and thinking about learning Dutch cause ayy lmao 49.   My question: have you met some of your internet friends irl, and if so, how did you spend your time with them? I tag @ihtiriekko @morgansthoth @slawischermarsch @the-awesomeness-of-randomness @blackholehalo @bellwrot and literally anyone who wants  
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Confessions Of A Mid-20’s Drama Queen
Welcome back to another week where I sit through my own personal hell, aka , and try not to put myself into an alcohol-induced coma. And shoutout to all the keyboard warriors who love to type shit in the commentsyall take this show way too seriously.
We start with Mona and Emily discussing Charlotte, who apparently stood Mona up the night of the murder. What kind of loser gets stood up by another chick at a shitty diner?
Emily is like and Monas like, uh no? I feel like thats pretty much the only answer you can give at that point. Emily figures that Mona changed her mind in the trial so that Charlotte would be out of jail and Mona could get to her, which is like real far-fetched.
Mona is like and OKAY thats a line straight out of .
Chris Hanson: Did you know that this was a 13 year old girl? Mona: I, uh, just came to talk to her.
Monas like *what would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor.* and Ems like Monas like, well even if I wanted to kill her, she fucking stood me up so yeah. Of course, this whole conversation is overheard by A.
Aria is like,lets tell the police it wasnt me at the diner! Arias really seen some shit lately. She got burnt and questioned by the police. All Hannas had done to her is getting shitty room service food with a cryptic note. Spencer is like,
Lucas is back. Goddammit. Anyways, he overhears Hanna talking to weird ass Jordan on the phone, and is like Hannas like, Where are you gonna seat him Han? No one wants to sit next to the virginal weird kid from high school. You cant just mix the band geeks with the Plastics, thats not how this works.
Besides, there is this scenario:
Priest: Speak now or forever hold your pe- Lucas: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hanna is like, . Wear those ties Lucas, you look like a second place winner at a science fair. He tells Hanna that hes thinking of buying some factory and giving Rosewood a second chance. LOL rookie mistake.
Ali and Snaggletooth are being sexually aggressive in some shit bed and breakfast somewhere in bumfuck nowhere, East Coast. The Ali from Season 3 would have been honeymooning in fucking Paris rn. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Speaking of falling, Ali trips on her skanky heel and takes a tumble down the stairs, effectively knocking herself out. OKAY, did I not set that up just perfectly?
Alis in the hospital with a concussion, and Snaggle is like, you need to stay in the hospital. Shes like and its like, because thats how injuries work dumbass. The manager of the shit hotel is like and its like duh you know that shit is tampered with.
Ali: I was really happy before I fell, maybe this is my karma Snaggle: Thats not how the Universe works
ARE YOU SURE? Because pretty sure its an established fact that what goes up, must come down. Also, Ali its not karma, you just clearly dont know how to put one foot in front of the other and walk like a normal fucking human.
Snaggle is like, its an accident and he would know all about those, since his face looks like it was a victim of a tragic lawn mower accident. Ali decides to text her friends a selfie of her in the hospital, because concussion photoshoots, so hot right now.
All the Liars are like . They have 3 days to give up the murderer, because A is a psycho. All the girls are shit talking Mona and Hanna comes to her defense, because Hanna is like, such a good friend.
Aria and Ezra are getting ready to go to a dinner with their boss and Ezras talking about how he doesnt like the book ending or some shit. Arias like and that shit is about to go from an Ernest Hemingway to a really quick with Ezras freaky self.
Hanna goes to visit Ali in the hospital and Ali tells her she is going back to Rosewood when she can gtfo of this hospital. Ali has flowers all over the room, because apparently people like her, wtf?, and Ali says that they are all from Snaggle.
Of course, Hanna is looking at all the flowers and sees a very creepy card that has pictures of a staircase, and all of them on it. Either Snaggle is one fucked up dude, or A is just like, really a dick. Honestly, probs both. Obvi, Hanna steals the card.
Emily facetimes Spencer a video of Mona and Sara Harveys body guard dude chatting it up. Weve all seen , Im expecting some bodyguard three-way action ASAP. Also, how did Emily even remember that body guard? I watch this show every fucking week and make it a point to write down every flaw they have, and even I didnt remember this. Wow, I need to get it together.
Also, them talking looks like any relationship I have ever had: Mona talking shit and the dude sitting there looking awkward. Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard when he leaves.
Back to Snaggle and Hans. Hanna is like, And Snaggle is like, Im sure you said the same thing about that B and B, you human chipmunk. Hes like and its like cough, cough, lesbianssssss.
Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard and act like idiots on crack and pretend to hit the bodyguards car. Hes like uhhhh no its fine, and Spencer somehow manages to get information on the papers he is holding. I have seen better body guarding by the fucking preteens in Project X. Seriously who is this dude?
Spencer learns that the documents our shit security guard has are blueprints to Radley, because of fucking course. Do they just hand out blueprints willy nilly in this town? God I hate myself every time I watch this stupid fucking show.
Aria is reading Ezras newest chapter and it flashes back to a conversation with Ezra and Nicole. Ezra is begging Nicole to come with him, but shes like
Anyways, Ezra goes to his typical EZRA MAD, EZRA SMASH mode and basically yells at her and leaves fucking pissed off. And yeah, thats the last time he saw his girlfriend. One girlfriend you took advantage of when she was a teenager, the other you let get kidnapped by terrorists. Let that soak in.
Hes like , and Arias like,
Emily follows the bodyguard to a fucking ice cream truck? Wtf? And hes just casually sitting there, licking a Drumstick, when Sara Harvey drives up and gets something from him. Wait a second, she cant text and grip shit because of her hands, but she can drive? The streets of Rosewood are not safe. Maybe she was the girl who tried to run over Emily at the diner. She wasnt really trying to run her over, she was just making a very sloppy three point turn.
Hanna shows Caleb the staircase card. Caleb is like why did you come to me? And Hanna is like They decide to call As bluff, because that plan has worked every time before.
Spencer is on the phone with Emily, when she is greeted by her boyfriend and his ex. What a time to be alive. They act super weird, and then Hanna makes up some bullshit story about how she killed Charlotte. She starts crying to Spencer and Spencer is like YOOOOO THIS IS HEAVY SHIT.
Then Hannas like PSYCH and tells Caleb Well thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Caleb is like and its like NO WTF HANNA DOESNT KNOW JACK SHIT. LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL. NOTHING. SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Aria and Ezra are at dinner with the editor and shes like, l Arias like and Ezra is like NAH I GOT U FAM, Ill have it to you by next week. Ezras that dick in every college class who votes against the deadline extension. There is a special place in hell for you.
Hanna and Caleb are pleading their case to Emily and Emilys like And for once, I agree with her. Spencer backs up Caleb and Hanna and is like, *under her breath* . This sounds like every parental argument.
Emily/Dad: We cant support our daughter moving in with her boyfriend Spencer/Mom: We need to support her, because if we dont shell work against us. And I want grandbabies!
Hanna is like and grabs Calebs hand very lovingly. Spencers like and its all v awkward. Spencer does what I would 100% do in this situationmake snarky jealous comments and guzzle a shit ton of red wine. I am Spencer, we are all Spencer (without the bangs, obviously.)
Emily also suggests they visit Ye Old Lizard King Toby and let him know about this whole shindig. Again, this idea never works out.
The editor lady tells her that Liam isnt on the team anymore and Aria is like, uhhhh okay. So I guess that relationship is pretty much dead. Good talk.
Spencer flashes back to a night with Caleb in Europe, talking about art and his foster homes or some shit. Yawn. For once, Spencer actually looks good in a nice dress. You did okay PLL wardrobe, dont get too excited over your one time you didnt fail.
Its a pretty pointless flashback, except it shows major sexual tension between Spencer and Caleb in Europe, which is like right after they both broke up with their significant others. See, I told you it was pointless?
Caleb goes to drop Hanna off at Lucas place and he asks Caleb on a very awkward man date. Below are the actual quotes:
Lucas: Do you lunch? Caleb: Uh, yeah I lunch. Lucas: Lets lunch!
A whole portion of dialogue that could have been summed up to we should get lunch sometime. Fuck yourself, Freeform.
Lucas shows Hanna the factory he wants to build and is like Shes like If she even THINKS her shit is going to be better than Clothes Over Bros, shes straight trippin. Lucas is like Bitches love companies.
Okay my high school friends will barely buy me a beer, let alone give me a fucking factory.
Ali has a dream of some kind and sees her mom, dressed in a fugly green top and with some bushy ass hair. I know they have leave-in conditioner in heaven, you lazy bitch. She tells Ali that Snaggle will take care of her and that she loves her, yadda yadda. For a loving mother, she also looks like she lowkey wants to strangle the shit out of Ali.
Mona and Sara meet up, the two sketchiest bitches on the block. Sara looks like Miley Cyrus if she ate herself and took makeup inspiration from a raccoon. Seriously there is like 6 pounds of eyeliner on this bitch.
Mona is like and Sara is like Sara is like, . Oh stfu Sara. You look like a balloon shaped like Nick Carter and your only friend is a dude who eats ice cream on a street corner like a fucking poverty stricken 6-year-old.
Ezra and Aria are having tea like a bunch of pussies and Aria drops the A bomb on him. She goes from 0 to 100 real quick and is like I HAVE TO END THIS.
Back to Ali and Snaggle. Lucky us. Ali tells Snaggle to go to his conference in Chicago and that when he gets back theyll resume their daily programing of boning each other (what a fucking gross mental picture.)
Caleb and Hanna present their shit idea to the group, who all agreeits a shit idea. Caleb is like . Hes getting awfully close to Hanna and Spencer looks like she is about to cut a bitch.
Caleb: This isnt a cheer-ocracy Spencer: Youre being a real cheer-tator, Caleb!
The plan starts by Hanna sending a message to A saying leave my friends alone and then a Carly Rae Jepsen-esqe version of Call Me comes on, while the binary code of her text shows up on the screen. A gets the text of that dumbass admitting to murder. Its about to go down.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/12/17/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/
0 notes
adambstingus · 6 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Confessions Of A Mid-20’s Drama Queen
Welcome back to another week where I sit through my own personal hell, aka , and try not to put myself into an alcohol-induced coma. And shoutout to all the keyboard warriors who love to type shit in the commentsyall take this show way too seriously.
We start with Mona and Emily discussing Charlotte, who apparently stood Mona up the night of the murder. What kind of loser gets stood up by another chick at a shitty diner?
Emily is like and Monas like, uh no? I feel like thats pretty much the only answer you can give at that point. Emily figures that Mona changed her mind in the trial so that Charlotte would be out of jail and Mona could get to her, which is like real far-fetched.
Mona is like and OKAY thats a line straight out of .
Chris Hanson: Did you know that this was a 13 year old girl? Mona: I, uh, just came to talk to her.
Monas like *what would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor.* and Ems like Monas like, well even if I wanted to kill her, she fucking stood me up so yeah. Of course, this whole conversation is overheard by A.
Aria is like,lets tell the police it wasnt me at the diner! Arias really seen some shit lately. She got burnt and questioned by the police. All Hannas had done to her is getting shitty room service food with a cryptic note. Spencer is like,
Lucas is back. Goddammit. Anyways, he overhears Hanna talking to weird ass Jordan on the phone, and is like Hannas like, Where are you gonna seat him Han? No one wants to sit next to the virginal weird kid from high school. You cant just mix the band geeks with the Plastics, thats not how this works.
Besides, there is this scenario:
Priest: Speak now or forever hold your pe- Lucas: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hanna is like, . Wear those ties Lucas, you look like a second place winner at a science fair. He tells Hanna that hes thinking of buying some factory and giving Rosewood a second chance. LOL rookie mistake.
Ali and Snaggletooth are being sexually aggressive in some shit bed and breakfast somewhere in bumfuck nowhere, East Coast. The Ali from Season 3 would have been honeymooning in fucking Paris rn. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Speaking of falling, Ali trips on her skanky heel and takes a tumble down the stairs, effectively knocking herself out. OKAY, did I not set that up just perfectly?
Alis in the hospital with a concussion, and Snaggle is like, you need to stay in the hospital. Shes like and its like, because thats how injuries work dumbass. The manager of the shit hotel is like and its like duh you know that shit is tampered with.
Ali: I was really happy before I fell, maybe this is my karma Snaggle: Thats not how the Universe works
ARE YOU SURE? Because pretty sure its an established fact that what goes up, must come down. Also, Ali its not karma, you just clearly dont know how to put one foot in front of the other and walk like a normal fucking human.
Snaggle is like, its an accident and he would know all about those, since his face looks like it was a victim of a tragic lawn mower accident. Ali decides to text her friends a selfie of her in the hospital, because concussion photoshoots, so hot right now.
All the Liars are like . They have 3 days to give up the murderer, because A is a psycho. All the girls are shit talking Mona and Hanna comes to her defense, because Hanna is like, such a good friend.
Aria and Ezra are getting ready to go to a dinner with their boss and Ezras talking about how he doesnt like the book ending or some shit. Arias like and that shit is about to go from an Ernest Hemingway to a really quick with Ezras freaky self.
Hanna goes to visit Ali in the hospital and Ali tells her she is going back to Rosewood when she can gtfo of this hospital. Ali has flowers all over the room, because apparently people like her, wtf?, and Ali says that they are all from Snaggle.
Of course, Hanna is looking at all the flowers and sees a very creepy card that has pictures of a staircase, and all of them on it. Either Snaggle is one fucked up dude, or A is just like, really a dick. Honestly, probs both. Obvi, Hanna steals the card.
Emily facetimes Spencer a video of Mona and Sara Harveys body guard dude chatting it up. Weve all seen , Im expecting some bodyguard three-way action ASAP. Also, how did Emily even remember that body guard? I watch this show every fucking week and make it a point to write down every flaw they have, and even I didnt remember this. Wow, I need to get it together.
Also, them talking looks like any relationship I have ever had: Mona talking shit and the dude sitting there looking awkward. Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard when he leaves.
Back to Snaggle and Hans. Hanna is like, And Snaggle is like, Im sure you said the same thing about that B and B, you human chipmunk. Hes like and its like cough, cough, lesbianssssss.
Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard and act like idiots on crack and pretend to hit the bodyguards car. Hes like uhhhh no its fine, and Spencer somehow manages to get information on the papers he is holding. I have seen better body guarding by the fucking preteens in Project X. Seriously who is this dude?
Spencer learns that the documents our shit security guard has are blueprints to Radley, because of fucking course. Do they just hand out blueprints willy nilly in this town? God I hate myself every time I watch this stupid fucking show.
Aria is reading Ezras newest chapter and it flashes back to a conversation with Ezra and Nicole. Ezra is begging Nicole to come with him, but shes like
Anyways, Ezra goes to his typical EZRA MAD, EZRA SMASH mode and basically yells at her and leaves fucking pissed off. And yeah, thats the last time he saw his girlfriend. One girlfriend you took advantage of when she was a teenager, the other you let get kidnapped by terrorists. Let that soak in.
Hes like , and Arias like,
Emily follows the bodyguard to a fucking ice cream truck? Wtf? And hes just casually sitting there, licking a Drumstick, when Sara Harvey drives up and gets something from him. Wait a second, she cant text and grip shit because of her hands, but she can drive? The streets of Rosewood are not safe. Maybe she was the girl who tried to run over Emily at the diner. She wasnt really trying to run her over, she was just making a very sloppy three point turn.
Hanna shows Caleb the staircase card. Caleb is like why did you come to me? And Hanna is like They decide to call As bluff, because that plan has worked every time before.
Spencer is on the phone with Emily, when she is greeted by her boyfriend and his ex. What a time to be alive. They act super weird, and then Hanna makes up some bullshit story about how she killed Charlotte. She starts crying to Spencer and Spencer is like YOOOOO THIS IS HEAVY SHIT.
Then Hannas like PSYCH and tells Caleb Well thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Caleb is like and its like NO WTF HANNA DOESNT KNOW JACK SHIT. LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL. NOTHING. SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Aria and Ezra are at dinner with the editor and shes like, l Arias like and Ezra is like NAH I GOT U FAM, Ill have it to you by next week. Ezras that dick in every college class who votes against the deadline extension. There is a special place in hell for you.
Hanna and Caleb are pleading their case to Emily and Emilys like And for once, I agree with her. Spencer backs up Caleb and Hanna and is like, *under her breath* . This sounds like every parental argument.
Emily/Dad: We cant support our daughter moving in with her boyfriend Spencer/Mom: We need to support her, because if we dont shell work against us. And I want grandbabies!
Hanna is like and grabs Calebs hand very lovingly. Spencers like and its all v awkward. Spencer does what I would 100% do in this situationmake snarky jealous comments and guzzle a shit ton of red wine. I am Spencer, we are all Spencer (without the bangs, obviously.)
Emily also suggests they visit Ye Old Lizard King Toby and let him know about this whole shindig. Again, this idea never works out.
The editor lady tells her that Liam isnt on the team anymore and Aria is like, uhhhh okay. So I guess that relationship is pretty much dead. Good talk.
Spencer flashes back to a night with Caleb in Europe, talking about art and his foster homes or some shit. Yawn. For once, Spencer actually looks good in a nice dress. You did okay PLL wardrobe, dont get too excited over your one time you didnt fail.
Its a pretty pointless flashback, except it shows major sexual tension between Spencer and Caleb in Europe, which is like right after they both broke up with their significant others. See, I told you it was pointless?
Caleb goes to drop Hanna off at Lucas place and he asks Caleb on a very awkward man date. Below are the actual quotes:
Lucas: Do you lunch? Caleb: Uh, yeah I lunch. Lucas: Lets lunch!
A whole portion of dialogue that could have been summed up to we should get lunch sometime. Fuck yourself, Freeform.
Lucas shows Hanna the factory he wants to build and is like Shes like If she even THINKS her shit is going to be better than Clothes Over Bros, shes straight trippin. Lucas is like Bitches love companies.
Okay my high school friends will barely buy me a beer, let alone give me a fucking factory.
Ali has a dream of some kind and sees her mom, dressed in a fugly green top and with some bushy ass hair. I know they have leave-in conditioner in heaven, you lazy bitch. She tells Ali that Snaggle will take care of her and that she loves her, yadda yadda. For a loving mother, she also looks like she lowkey wants to strangle the shit out of Ali.
Mona and Sara meet up, the two sketchiest bitches on the block. Sara looks like Miley Cyrus if she ate herself and took makeup inspiration from a raccoon. Seriously there is like 6 pounds of eyeliner on this bitch.
Mona is like and Sara is like Sara is like, . Oh stfu Sara. You look like a balloon shaped like Nick Carter and your only friend is a dude who eats ice cream on a street corner like a fucking poverty stricken 6-year-old.
Ezra and Aria are having tea like a bunch of pussies and Aria drops the A bomb on him. She goes from 0 to 100 real quick and is like I HAVE TO END THIS.
Back to Ali and Snaggle. Lucky us. Ali tells Snaggle to go to his conference in Chicago and that when he gets back theyll resume their daily programing of boning each other (what a fucking gross mental picture.)
Caleb and Hanna present their shit idea to the group, who all agreeits a shit idea. Caleb is like . Hes getting awfully close to Hanna and Spencer looks like she is about to cut a bitch.
Caleb: This isnt a cheer-ocracy Spencer: Youre being a real cheer-tator, Caleb!
The plan starts by Hanna sending a message to A saying leave my friends alone and then a Carly Rae Jepsen-esqe version of Call Me comes on, while the binary code of her text shows up on the screen. A gets the text of that dumbass admitting to murder. Its about to go down.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/181188109727
0 notes
Cheap damage car insurance?
"Cheap damage car insurance?
Hi, Does anyone know a reputable company that is providing reasonably priced minor damage car insurance cover?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario?
What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario?
""Im planning to buy a new car.What's the average cost to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.?""
Im planning to buy a new car.What's the average cost to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.?""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I am 17 and living in london. DO you guys know of any cheap insurance companies ( they do not have to be well known companies). I am willing to pay 3000 for insurance.
Considering suing my car insurance company?
As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them...""
Will my insurance go up over one speeding ticket?
I live in Pennsylvania and have Traveler's insurance paid by my parents. About 2 days ago I got a speeding citation. The officer who pulled me over said they clocked me going 74MPH in a 55MPH zone. I did not dispute this because I know I was speeding and who could have missed the huge signs with the posted speed limit. Anyway I am only 17 years old. This is the first time I have ever been pulled over or got in any trouble on the road. Prior to this I had a perfect driving record. My dad has not gotten any traffic violations in over 30 years and my mom has never gotten any violations of any kind. My older sister who is 18 (also on our Traveler's insurance) has a perfect driving record as well. Do you think our insurance rates will go up considering this is my first ticket and everyone in my family has a PERFECT record except for the ticket of my dad's?
Where can i buy cheap insurance for 13 years olds in Atlanta?
I Have a 13yr old and i need to get Cheap insurance for him to play.
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
""Who are the best car rental company, insurance wise and cost etc London?""
there are so many to choose from, terms conditions insurance etc anyone use them a lot and know the best to use""
What companies offer mobile home insurance?
i live in ny. all the ones i've found don't do ny or won't insure us because of the age. it was made in 1979. the only one i could find was geico but they want an insane amount of documentation that i just can provide. like if the roof has been replaced and stuff. i know insurance on such an old home is pointless but i have to have it in the park where i live and moving it isn't an option.
Best insurance for young drivers [UK]?
I already said the comparison websites don't seem to give great quotes. And i also said i want third party fire and theft.. so i don't understand your answer :s
Banking and finance or insurance and risk management?
I've been admitted to a university and now I've an option between two bachelors degree, banking and finance or insurance and risk management. I'm really confused, what do you think is a better degree to pursue in terms of future scope. thanks""
Cheapest london minicabs/private hire insurance ?
How much would my insurance cost?
hi i am 18 and looking for a vauxhall corsa the old one or a ka the old version i wanted to know from my age and the car on average how much would my insurance cost a month i am from england so could you tell me in pounds please p.s. i know it depends on a lot more things but it will be my 1st car could anyone please give me an average thank you
What company offers the cheapest insurance?
I am looking to buy an insurance policy for my car. It is a 1999 Mercury cougar, I have a perfect driving record, and I am an honor roll student at the University i attend. I drive the car about 20 miles weekly, so i'm looking for something ultra cheap. Something to get quotes online with the otion to purchase online is preferred, as i live in a small town with not many insurance companies available. Cheapest car insurance rate wins! PS I want state minimum insurance.""
Cheap to insure drift cars?
im 18 and trying to get a drift car. I looked at nissan skyline, however as the cheapest quote i could get was 37,000, i might not be able to get that, as that was without declaring mods. wondering if anyone that knows drift cars that are cheap to insure or how to get cheaper insurance?""
How much would health insurance cost for me?
I am 22 years old, I am completely healthy, I am a girl, and I live in Kansas City, KS. How much would health insurance, on average, cost for me?""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old ?
H there, once again i ask for thy help!!!>.. < ... so here i just bought a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, im on a provisional license, hoping to pass by january. I will do aorund 6k a year miles. car will be used to get to uni, work and commute for shoping. thanks""
Cheapest Sport Motorcycle to insure?
What is the cheapest sportbike to insure??? I have a Suzuki GS500E right now but want to upgrade and don't want to pay GSXR type insurance.
""Where are some companies in Memphis,Tn I can find cheap auto insurance?""
Where are some companies in Memphis,Tn I can find cheap auto insurance?""
""How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
What's a good place in california for insurance?
What's a good place in california for insurance?
Car insurance for young men in the uk... unfair?
I'm a 19 year old guy living in the UK.. and I get SO annoyed at how much more guys have to pay for car insurance. I understand that it's because some guys my age decide to drive like complete a*se holes, but that doesn't mean all guys do?.. and I really resent paying more, just because of the boy racers. Yes, most fast drivers are teenage boys. However, this doesn't mean that most of teenage boys are fast drivers. I drive a Hyundai Getz for crying out loud.. I'm not going to go racing in it! Grr! I simply cannot afford to insure it under my own name at my age. What does everyone else think? Personally, I think it's pretty sexist against young men, and I think there should be a test of some sort which we could take which could prove our innocence and drop the costs.. Does anyone know how much a lie detector test for the question I am a safe driver would cost?""
How to get a cheap car insurance for young driver?
I have a son who is a teenager. I have a car who I was sharing it with my son but now he bought his own car. He ask me to get a caheper insurance that he can affored but Ive been looking but all of them seem to be above what he is willing to pay, I could help him pay but even its not enough. It there any insurace that cover for cheap or what should I do?""
What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?
Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.""
How much monthly would it cost for me to get an apartment in the US?
I would like to know the total living costs... Plus food, gas, insurance, electricity, everything... Like the average cost... I know the apartment would be $460, I already found one, but I don't know how much it would be for everything else included.""
Cheap damage car insurance?
Hi, Does anyone know a reputable company that is providing reasonably priced minor damage car insurance cover?
First car - Cheap insurance?
NOT a tiny one, such as a corsa, fiesta, polo or golf. I'm looking to pay between xx- 2000. I'd like something sort of saloony, in black. I WAS looking at a Hyundai Coupe. So something like that if possible. I do choose best answers!""
I need cheap car insurance?
I am a 18 year old female and i have some violations against me such as speeding, driving with a suspended license and failure to yield ticket. My parents won't put me on there insurance so i need to find my own but they are all wayyy to expensive so far, anyone got any ideas? please""
Car Insurance Question- My daughter ........?
My daughter allowed a non licenced driver to move my car and got into a big accident. Am I still covered. Is my daughter in trouble? This is a New Jersey car, situation etc.""
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
Can anyone recommend a cheep and reliable car insurance in New Jersey?
Does premium payment depend on the area you live in. Would my car insurance be cheaper in Hudson or Bergen county? Any pointers ly and advice would be greatly appreciated.
How much is car insurance for a 19 y.o?
Hey, I know people are going to say I'm dumb for asking, but I'm wondering how much car insurance would be for a 19 y/o. I want to get a car, but I need to pay the insurance. I'm not looking for a great car, so I'm sure I'll pick something insurance friendly. Also, would it be cheaper if I still had my parents insure the car technically and paid them the amount?""
How much extra on car insurance does an amp cost? Or dyou not pay any extra?
I treid all the insurance comparison websites and none showed amps in the modification part. I'm 17 and pay over 1000 pound for insurance already and don't want the price to go up much. Any help appreciated :)
Will my auto insurance go up?
I am a California San Diego resident. Four days ago, it was raining very heavily and I was driving a carpool lane on the freeway at about 60-65mph. All of a sudden my car hydroplaned and spinned 360 degrees about 3times and then it finally stopped when my car's rear crashed into the concrete median. FORTUNATELY, it was 4am and this accident did not involve anyone else. I had to leave the place like nothing had happened, because I was on my way to the airport. When I arrived at the airport I looked at my car's rear and the bumper and trunk was heavily damaged. Now, I am in a foreign country enjoying my vacation. My questions are following: (1) Will my insurance go up if I report this accident to my auto insurance? I have a full coverage. (2) Will I be in problem if I report this accident when it has been 4days? I really had no time until now because I had to fly and then settle a problem over here in Asia. Any thoughts/opinions are very welcome! Thank yoU!""
Washington State Car Insurance?
I am 21 years old, and I just bought a vehicle, and transferred the title and everything. HOWEVER I only have a Learners Permit. Is it possible for me to buy insurance for the car, to use it to learn to drive prior to licensing? I don't have a spouse or parent with a car or auto insurance, so that is out of the options.""
Car insurance for dependent child with no car-(US)?
Do I need to add my son (age 20) to my auto insurance policy if he does not have a car and drives so very little!
How does health insurance work?
and a family doctor? like if i went to a checkup insurance pays for me what does that mean
Where can i buy public liablilty insurance?
hi, ive brought a small 20p sweet vending machine, which i would like to place in the local kids 'wacky warehouse' type place, i wanted to get public liability insurance to cover me, say for example, if the machine falls and hurts someone or something? i have had publlic liability before for trading on a market stall and im sure it only cost 35-45, does anyone know of any good providers around a similar price? Thanks :)""
""Insurance says case is closed, is it really?""
A little over a year ago, I was in a car wreck and due to financial responsibility laws I had to pay for the accident. (I had no insurance, of course, I've learned this lesson) Recently they've filed suit against me for more money that they didn't receive from the insurance company. I can't afford an attorney and was about to hire a bankruptcy lawyer for all of this, but I recently found out from the insurance company that the case is closed. It's also been over a year as of a couple days ago and due to Tennessee's Statute of Limitations they can't claim any more money. So my question, the insurance company says it's closed and even said the attorney settling with them has closed the case. I call the opposing attorney myself and of course they say they can't discuss the case with me, even though I'm just asking if the case still actually exists. They wont' give me a court date either so naturally, I'm a bit suspicious. Should I be ready to put this behind me, or do law offices do this sort of thing all the time? They were recently paid out $10,000 from the insurance company I'm making payments to. I really don't see where else they could find money given my situation. All answers are appreciated, thank you!""
Do you think aero upgrades will cause my insurance to go up?
I live near Virginia international raceway and wanted to add some aero upgrades for my car. I also want to lower it and get performance brakes. Do you think this will increase my insurance greatly? I can't call until tomorrow but I'm just curious what others think.
Company car insurance?
Hi Can anyone help me re company car insurance I am currently getting a company car and now under the companies insurance, so dont need my own private insurance. I currently have 9 years NCD. I am now worried, what happens if I leave the company in a few years time, do I have to start from scratch again with no NCD, or can I still use my 9 years NCD anyone know (I have read they are valid for 2 years) I have asked Direct Line (my insurer) and they cant give me a straight answer, I get something different each time. I wanted to know if I was involved in an accident with company insurance I appreciate I have to state that when going back to private insurance but if I had an accident and had no NCD my premium would be sky high which I find unfair if I lose my 9 years NCD as I have not actually taken a break from driving. Does that make sense? hope someone can help me Thanks, Steve""
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
Car insurance for someone driving my car? lil bit complicated =)?
My boyfriend drives my car occasionally and my full-coverage insurance will cover him and my car if he were to get in an accident. However, since I am still a student in college I'm on my parents' car insurance (have to pay them back once I graduate =P ) and they say that they don't want anyone who's not on the insurance policy to get in an accident and raise the family's rates, e.g. he's not allowed to drive the car. Understandable, however they won't add him onto our policy even if he pays his share himself. Now it's their prerogative, I'm not questioning that, but is there ANY way to purchase him automobile insurance that get's tapped FIRST in the event of an accident? ...To backtrack a little I've just researched non-owners policies, but they seem to work only after the initial insurance of the car (in my case my family's insurance) get's used up and the non-owner's insurance is used as a last resort; this still raises my family's insurance rates if there was an accident with him as the driver even if he had his own insurance. Does anybody know of any types of insurance that covers him driving my car without raising my parent's rates in the event of an accident? Thank you in advance! =) Oh and please don't say that he shouldn't be driving my car, etc. It's more of a hypothetical question as he rarely does but I'm getting tired of my parents getting on me when things happen, like getting the stomach flu when we're out and about and having him drive home, telling my mom later when im miserable, and her saying i don't care that you had the stomach flu he can't drive your car without his own insurance. Yay. Thanks, Mom.""
0.6l SMART 2003 car insurance?
How much would insurance for one be for a 17 year old in the u.k . Doesn't have to be too accurate just a estimate
Can drivers of the same car have different insurance companies/policies?
I just got my license in December and I'm driving my mom's car but I need car insurance under my name. We all know how expensive that is, especially for a teenage/new driver. So IF I were to find a different and cheap insurance company, can I cover her car under my name? My mom has Safeway Insurance, if that helps.""
I want to switch car insurance companies?
My car insurance is up at the end of September. The current company that I'm with has sent me a renewal reminder. They will automatically renew it at the end of the month. (They also sent me a note to say the card I used to pay last time has expired, so I will need to enter a new one). I've found a cheaper quote elsewhere therefore I want to go with a new company. However, despite the fact that all my dealings with the current insurance provider have been online, if you want to cancel your policy, you have to do it by phone. I don't particularly want to call them and get the hard sell (I'm really not very good in that sort of situation). Seeing as the credit card I used to pay for the insurance last time has now expired, shall I just ignore them and go with someone new, or will they then keep chasing me saying I owe them money?""
How much does car insurance usually cost for female 20 year old in toronto area?
im a university student and really in need of a car the used car im thinking of buying is about $4000 rollars honda 1997 how much would insurance cost? i have my g2 and i got my in-class driving school certificate which guarantee upto 40% insurance discount thanks!
Which company can provide me good student international insurance?
student international insurance
Why is health insurance so high?
I live in Idaho, I'm a college student, work part time and my wife works full time. We bring home about 1900 a month. Rent is 540, my car + insurance costs 150, gas is about 175 (my wife commutes to work) and groceries are about 300 every month, phone + internet + electric is 175. I have to have medical insurance while I goto school except it costs $250 a month. HOLY CRAP it's alot, and I still have to save for tuition, we usually only have 200-300 a month left over. Why is health insurance so high and what can I do to get it lower?""
Need insurance help please?
I got into a car accident a few months ago (my fault). My insurance company denied my claim and didn't pay for the damages. Fast forward to today I get a letter saying that the insurance company of the guy who hit me are demanding that I pay them 6129 dollars. I don't have that kind of money im only 22 and I live with my parents. What will they do to me if I cant pay them? What can I do? (I live in california btw)
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
Cheap damage car insurance?
Hi, Does anyone know a reputable company that is providing reasonably priced minor damage car insurance cover?
What kind of insurance do you have to have on a car that your still paying on ?
will the car company let you get cheap insurance?
Can I insure a car I don't own?
My dad bought me a car when I was 17, but its in his name. I still have that car and the insurance runs out at the end of the month. I'm tired of having him pay for things so I'm paying for my own insurance. He's going to sign the car over to me, but I will still need to get insurance on it and he probably won't transfer the title for a few more weeks. So, can I shop around for insurance rates and purchase and pay for my own insurance on the car, and include my husband as a driver, even though I don't own the car yet? Or does my dad need to transfer the title first? The problem we're running into is, I'm in Missouri, my dad is in Utah (where the car is currently registered), and I'm moving to California in 3 weeks.""
Can i get insurance if i got 3points on my licence?
basicaly i got done for having a pasenger on back of my ped when i had a provisional so i now have 3 points on my licence, when i get my licence and get a motorbike or car will i still be able to get insurance or not? nand will it cost alot more.""
Where can i get free insurance when buying my first car???
im looking to buy my first car, and was wondering if i would be able to get free years insurance from a local dealership, or is it only mainstream dealerships do that? im looking to spend 1000 on a car, but 2000 if i can get free insurance, how would i be able to get this? Im 17, if age takes any part in this, and living in britain.""
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Which is the best child insurance plan?
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.""
What does average insurance premium mean?
What does average insurance premium mean?
Pay Monthly Cars and Car Insurance Package?
Hi does anyone know of any UK Company that offer a new car and car insurance combined into 1 monthly payment? I know of Young Marmalade but I would like to see if there are any other good and cheap companies out there. Thanks
What's the average cost of maintenance of a recreational aircraft (piper archer III)?
How much you would have to pay annually to maintain a hobby like this one. Including fuel, hangar, insurance, etc.""
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
""Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
Car insurance online?
can i sign up for car insurance online and drive the same day
Need health insurance for a 6 year old ?
Something afforadable my grandchild no longer can be covered under his old insurance.. help please
Will my car insurance go down when i turn 18?
I got my license when i turned 16. I was driving a 2001 mustang. Within 6 months i got into a car accident. Long story, but wasn't my fault so don't judge me because i'm not some stupid teen who was handed a mustang and went around speeding and wrecked. I'm not like that. I was raised way better than that. Anyway... Now i'm about to turn 18 and i'm still under my parents insurance. I was wondering if my insurance will go down when i turn 18.""
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
Complicated car insurance question?
ok, i am 17 and want to insure a land rover. If i took out my own policy now, it would cost a crazy 3500. heres my solution but i dont know if its legal and/or valid. 1. give money for land rover to my dad. 2. dad buys land rover, so it is technically his. 3. dad takes out insurance policy in his name for the land rover. 4. i go down as a named driver on my dads policy for the land rover ????? is this allowed ????""
Why do we have to have car insurance in the UK?
Why cant you chose whether you have insurance or not?
Domino's Pizza Delivery Driver- do you need commercial insurance?
I have an interview today for a job at Domino's Pizza to be a delivery driver. My only concern about it is right now I have personal insurance. If I were to get in an accident while delivering a pizza for domino's, would I still be covered? I'd like to hear from actual insurance reps or people who have had experience with this.""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
""Insurance estimate way to low, help?""
Ok, So about 2 weeks ago I was at a friends house. When I walked out and was getting ready to get into my truck, I noticed all four windows from the passenger side and drivers side smashed out, along with my truck being keyed all around on every panel. I called my insurance company the next day and a few days later they sent someone to give an estimate. I wasn't there though. So I then received a check in the mail, along with the breakdown of the estimate. They gave me $2,600, minus my deductable left me stuck with a check for $1,600. I felt that was way to cheap for a brand new paint job and to replace my windows, so I went around and got quite a few estimates of my own. They ranged between $5,800 - $7,000. I faxed them over the estimates, and what they told me was that the way they worked was I'm supposed to show them their estimate and they are supposed to work with the shop owner from there. So today I went, and as the shop owner was reading through the estimate, he was laughing and pointing things out, saying they can't be serious. He said there is basically no shop that would do all that work for cheap. He says I might need a lawyer. Any advice guys? Because all I want is my truck fixed, and its turning into a big ordeal. I drive a 2003 Chevy Silverado just in case that matters. I also still have they check they gave me sitting my my drawer, haven't cashed it.""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Hi, i was just wondering if it is illegal to drive without car insurance in Ontario, Canada.""
Car insurance questions!?!!? HELP! accident!?
Hey, three weeks ago, I got into a car accident and rear ended someone in the front with suv. I had a honda, and the insurance company declared it totaled and they are going to pay around 9k for the car. Since it was rear-end accident, insurance company held me for 100% at fault. The suv had broken/dented bumper and lower part of trunk lid dented (No broken lights or anything). I would say around few thousand dollars worth of damage. There were 3 people in the car and at the time they said they are all ok, and drove off. No police report was filed. When I called at night to get one of the guy's birthday, he said all three went to emergency, and had whiplash pain in neck area (which is understandable from rear-end accident). I had full coverage so I know my insurance comp. would pay their bills. The thing I am scared about is what if they sue me? I am from low-class family and a full time student on loans so I have no money or even a job. If they do, how much can they sue me for?""
How much do you pay for motorcycle insurance?
I'm trying to get an idea of how much I'll pay for motorcycle insurance. I'm 20, with a good driving record, who is looking to buy a honda rebel as a starter bike. So, if you could tell me your age, gender, insurance company, and how much you pay, it would be greatly appreciated. Please only serious answers. TIA""
What would you say about geico insurance?
I have my auto insurance with state farm insurance but I was thinking of switching it to Geico. What would you say about Geico? Thanks
I deliver pizza. I was told car my car insurance wont cover a crash.?
THey said if i have the pizza sign on my car and get hit insurance wont cover me but without the sign i will be?
Cheap damage car insurance?
Hi, Does anyone know a reputable company that is providing reasonably priced minor damage car insurance cover?
What's a cheap Car Insurance Company for a 18 Year old Male?
The car is a 106 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone know of any cheap or best ways to get the cheapest car insurance.""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Do amended tickets affect car insurance? if so how bad?
I need to know if the tickets that i got last year, but had them amended to non moving violations, will still affect my car insurance.""
""Dui in personal vehicle 5 years ago, can i get comercial insurance for livery service?""
independant owner operator of sedan service in st petersburg, fl""
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
Is insurance expensive on a 2005 Ford Mustang V6 for a 16 year old?
There's a 2005 Ford Mustang V6 for 8995 with 80,000 miles. I have State Farm and I can't really contact them. Is the insurance gonna be to expensive even though it's a V6. The car is bone stock. If it's $150/Monthly or less it's inexpensive to me but if it's over $150 it's out of my budget.""
""Liability only car insurance, does it matter what car you get?
I'm pretty sure you pay more if you get a mustang than a honda 4 door civic. Just liability only - not full comp and collission. No notes that if you have a loan in the car you have to carry full coverage. I know that already. Car would be cash and use same year for both cars.
What cars are cheap to insure for 18 year old?
I've just passed my test and I'm trying to find cheaper insurance, I'm not bothered what car as long as it's not expensive. The black box isn't suitable for me please don't suggest that. The other thing is, what insurance company is good""
Baby insurance?
whats a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58?
I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood pressure pill a day. I am waiting for a quote from Anthem for a single policy but I am afraid it will not be affordable. Thanks for all the help I can get!
Car insurance help????????????
no one will give me insurance, yes iv made mistakes, and my insurance rate is high and i dont mind tht its just that some of the companys iv checked wont give me insurance iv had 2 speeding tickets at 17 mph ea, and 2 accidents, any1 know any company that will give me insurance? i went 17 over. and no1 was hurt in the accidents. iv tried state farm, all state, and triple A""
Can police tell if you have insurance in NJ by scanning your license plate?
I was let go from my job and my insurance dropped me from lack of payment, I needed the money for rent. Anyway, I gotta drive to work to make money so I can buy a new insurance plan so im wondering: Can police tell if you have car insurance by scanning your plates? I have an insurance card still thats good for 4 more months. also, I had insurance with cure so anyone know of any cheap car insurance?""
Can you rent a car without car insurance?
No longer own a car so no car insurance, but need to rent one for a few days- can I rent or do I have to have an insured driver do it or can I buy the rental companys car insurance?""
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
Average cost of utilities in a 2 bedroom house in southern indiana?
I am moving into my first home and have no idea how much its going to cost. Its a 2 bedroom with a basement. There are 2 and a half of us moving in (2 year old son). I know for a fact the cost of my cell phone bill and my car insurance and gas but don't know how much to budget for anything else. Please help?
""I have the title to and own my car, does ohio still require that i carry state minimum insurance?
i heard on a radio show that if you had the title to your car you don't need to have collision or comprehensive insurance
Pre paid car insurance?
i am looking for a cheap prepaid car insurance. i dont know how long i will be in the country. any suggestions please
Insurance for a driver without a license?
I'm getting my license in about a week, and the website said I need proof of insurance to do the driving test... I don't think they'll insure an unlicensed driver, so do I just need to show proof of insurance on the vehicle in general? It's my moms car btw, I can't find a job, so I don't have a car... Also, I'll be 18""
""New car, Registration and insurance in CA?""
Hey Everybody !! I just got my first car... I just wanna know, do i have to first register the car dmv and then do the smog check ?? should i get the insurance after visitng dmv ?? also, how many days can drive the car without the insurance after buying the car ??? by the way it's used car""
Can a Body shop employee compare quote of Insurance and body shop? to make sure body shop didn't miss anything
Insurance quote was more expensive than body shop Insurance quote of repairs quater panel repl qual recy parts lt quarter panel +25 add clear coad repl lt inner panel door blnd lt door shell r&i belt w strip r&i mirror assy r&i lt handle outside laser red r&i lt r&i trim panel estimate 1700 minus 500 for dect. Body shop quote stripe assembly lt part/partial repl mldg rocker panel pnl, front door oute lt blend refinsh mldg,front door belt lt r&i assembly stripe front door l lt r&i assembly mirror, outer r/c lt r&i assembly cyl,front door o lt r&i assenmly handle, front door o lt r&i assembly mldg,roof drip lt r&i assembly panel,quater lt repair panel,quarter lt refinish mldg,quarter belt l/f r&i assembly stripe,quarter lower l/f labor/partl repla pnl,quarter inner l/f repair pnl quarter innder l/f refinish duct, quarter panel l/f r&i assembly pnl, inner qtr trim taillamp assembly r&i assembly rear bumper cover r&i addnl labor oper corrosion protection refinish cover car exterior r""
How much will it cost to insure my business?
It's a grocery delivery business. I have a few drivers. I am concerned about the following: Protecting employees while they are driving/delivering, Protecting my customers from any negligence or criminal activity done by my employees, Insuring inexpensive (about $5k each) delivery cars""
Is there any life insurance you can get for stroke victims?
My sister had a massive stroke and she needs life insurance because she may die.
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
How much will my insurance premiums go up after an accident when I am deemed at fault?
It was a fender bender. I was deemed at fault (though the other car was going way too fast). No one was hurt. But as an at-fault driver, how much will my insurance premiums go up by? I want a ball park range here, or to know how much yours went up by after a similar experience.... anything. And I want to know if my premiums go up more for worse damage or more expensive repairs. My company will not tell me anything. Note I was covered for collision for with a $500 deductible. I am on a plan with my parents, and I pay them about $71 per month right now.""
Can someone help me get a insurance quote ?
im 16 and my mom said that if i wanted to drive, i would have to buy my own insurance. but the thing is i cant find any sites that tell me how much i would have to pay as a starter , and then pay monthly. the car that i want to drive is my stepdads 2000 Bonneville. idk what else it is but it looks just like this. VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just want to know how much i would have to pay (:""
Cheap damage car insurance?
Hi, Does anyone know a reputable company that is providing reasonably priced minor damage car insurance cover?
0 notes