#im just gonna post it now and then self reblog it sometimes
jetsimpersonator · 5 months
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One of my favorite genders
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andorerso · 1 year
can't help thinking about what a blow this is gonna be for gifsets and fanart and fanfics and all other fan-made stuff which are ALREADY getting less and less notes and reblogs
like awesome, now you'll post something and no one's even gonna see it? GREAT idea tumblr thank you
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motherforthefamicom · 2 years
hmm i think im gonna switch up the way i tag my art posts on here. make them more organized cuz i like having my blog be organized =)
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cyncerity · 6 months
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i’m so happy i’ve been a part of this little community for as long as i have. everyone is super nice and inspiring and unbelievably talented, and im so glad to be posting content with people like y’all.
it’s absurd to think i’ve been doing this for 3 years and that i almost have 800 people here seeing it, but the love and support i’ve received over these years has been incredible. given that this is such a small community and i’ve either spoken with most of you or have at the very least interacted with your content, i feel confident in saying that every single person here is incredible in their own right and truly are the reason i stay here. you guys are genuinely the best, even if i forget to answer your asks or sometimes leave you on read for a while (i do that with everyone i’m so sorry) i mean it when i say that i do consider a good portion of you my friends. even if it’s been a while since we messaged or talked, you’re all awesome. and if i don’t know you personally, please feel free to message me! i love making friends, especially in a community like this that has time and time again proven to have some of the genuinely nicest people on the internet <3
i love writing and drawing and i’m not leaving here for a long while yet. the asks i’ve received saying that i inspired people to write, draw, or post are some of the nicest things i’ve ever received, and i truly mean it from the bottom of my heart when i say that those have changed my life. the self confidence and love for my craft that i’ve gained from being here is immeasurable, and that’s thanks to all of you, whether you’ve been here for years or are new to this blog.
given that this is an anniversary thing, i wanna thank @bittydragon, @baka-monarch, @wendy130, @darkeninganon, and @awesome-slime-lover for introducing me to this community. i was stalking their blogs on google far before i had an account here, and i only made an account so i could send them fanart, so you have them to thank for dragging me here lmao
i also wanna tag @plant-gt-thought-box, @kayla-crazy-stuffs, @blurrybunnie, @apersonstories, @funtimemoth, @mysticalblue09, @corysmiles, @pixy-stix-art, + some others who are not on tumblr anymore for being friends with me and actually being some of the kindest and funniest motherfuckers. Ik i haven’t spoken to some of you in forever, and i hope this isn’t coming off as parasocial, but you guys are awesome and i wish you nothing but the best (and if you wanna message more or get on vc again some time please lmk cause i am a social wuss)
and if i’m gonna list people i might as well tag the people who even if i don’t know as well, are all super talented and leave me marveling at everything they post on here (whether or not you post mcyt g/t anymore, you’re all still incredible creators who make me want to improve my own work): @eyes-eye-eyes (my /p wife <3), @wren-writes68, @jkknight98, @arc852, @brick-a-doodle-do, @oh-i-need-a-name, @quotemenevervore, @melissa-s23, @i-am-beckyu, @random-tinies, @archaxwii, @itty-bitty-rainbow, @goosedawn, @beansthough, @make-a-memory, @aslitheryprinx, @avengerofsquids, @thatoneteadrinker666, @shushiyuii, @x-pair-o-dice-x, @jammanthejam, @trouble-off-grid, @lunar-but-little, @frickfrackiwastakingabath, @chequered-career, @bio-nerds-corner, @dingbatnix, @cottoncandythetrashpanda, @sprite-addicted-artist, @colossal-red, @sheena-yuet, @quackxolotl, @local-squishmallow, @nobodywritingao3, @deity-of-keys, @astraymetronome, @a-xyz-s, and tumblr has now told me that i’ve hit the max of 50 mentions so i will have to reblog this with the rest of you (crazy to think that there’s that many of y’all but i really do want to shout out everyone) (also if you’re one of these blogs that doesn’t post mcyt anymore and don’t want yourself associated with it, just lmk and i will remove your tag from my list, just know that your previous work in this community was admired and appreciated <3)
also can’t forget the anons and the followers that aren’t outwardly a part of this community (don’t have g/t blogs, don’t have mcyt blogs, or just don’t post in general). i’m lucky enough that i’ve never received hate from an anon before, everything you guys have ever sent is so nice and you also have great ideas! I am so sorry if it takes me forever to share those ideas publicly, but know that each of you are appreciated. and for my followers, i truly wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys, so thank you for supporting me <3
anyway, i might be getting over sentimental about all this, but 3 years is a long time, and over that time i’ve grown very attached to this little group of creators and i just wanted to let you know how loved and appreciated you are
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stormywinter42 · 6 months
Feel like I should’ve done one of these by now so…..
Welcome to my intro post :3
Oh also if you like someone’s art wether is music writing or some visual media FUCKING REBLOG IT likes don’t do shit
Im a pretty silly (not funny at all) person (not a person) who is severely addicted to this little known band called My Chemical Romance a good portion of my blog is just dedicated to them.
By the way if I ever tag you in a post and you want me to take it down lemme know and I’ll do it immediately
Basic info
Name: Winter (make sure it’s capitalized)
Deadname: [[REDACTED]]
Pronouns: she/it gendervoid transfem (robot girl?)
Sexuality: what are you a cop?? (I like who I like and that’s that)
Age: 16
Relationship: poly (dating my girlfriend@moldyburger1 and my boyfriend @threecheersslxt)
Oh also @robyntheloser is my daughter be nice to her
Time zone: PST
Alts: @winters-rambles (reblogging)
#what/ever/major/loser - posts reguarding updates/previews for my indie pop Midwest emo solo project
#Sandcore - anything relating to the beach and/or sand
#wintex - anything relating to my sweet lemon shark @threecheersslxt
#girlfriend stuff - anything relating to the lovely @moldyburger1
#insane shit - me being horny or saying otherwise questionable things (which are probably also horny)
#reblog on main - self explanatory (usually important)
#accidental reblog on main - self explanatory for when I’m too lazy to delete and post to my other blog
Music genres: Emo, pop-punk, Midwest emo, Electronic, Post-Punk, Ska-Punk, Indie Pop, Prog-Rock
Bands/artists: Pink Floyd, MCR, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, Depeche Mode, Sublime, Modern Baseball, CAKE, Polyphia, Green Day
Hobbies: Guitar, Dungeons & Dragons, Marching Band (percussion), Gerard Way, Learning new skills, Baking, Balisong Flipping
Films/Shows: The Owl House, The Breakfast Club, The Matrix, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, DuckTales, Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline
Games: Celeste, Undertale, Deltarune, Terraria, Hollow Knight, Rhythm Doctor
Bad Things
DNI: Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, People who are gonna harass me for being underweight, Pedos/MAPs, anyone who is otherwise bigoted
Triggers: [[REDACTED]]
Oh also fair warning sometimes (very rarely) I post insane horny shit because sometimes I can’t just keep it to myself
If I say something you don’t like you can block me without verbally harassing me I’ll ignore you anyways if you do
My Airbuds :3
You should follow my insta I play guitar there :3
Will expand on/update in the future
✨Mwah!!✨ Thanks for reading! Love ya!
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marcusbrutus · 2 months
I feel like I have a tumblr anon in my brain…. Like a tiny cop. But it’s an chronically online anonymous weirdo. And every thought I have, I get “anons” telling me how it’s problematic and I should kill my self LOL The other morning I saw an RFK sign and I thought doesn’t he have brain worms, someone running for president shouldn't have brain worms. maybe apply for literally any other job. and the anon was like ummm ableist much? Like WHAT. I turned off anon on tumblr a while ago, so even if I post something “risky”, someone will have to tell me what they think to my face. They can’t hide. Even posts I think are innocuous can be wildly misinterpreted, and someone will probably call me problematic. But even if no one says anything, I still hear it. In my brain. Sometimes I delete things because the thought is so strong. I’m probably not gonna make it to any heaven or enlightenment because I can’t forgive yourfaveisproblematic. In my mind, Tumblr was great before then, or at least it felt that way, and that blog sewed the seeds for cancel culture in the future. That stuff sticks to my brain, even if I don’t want it too. When you put sins like "said disabled people shouldn't be alive" on the same level as "has a tattoo in a language they don't natively speak," it is very confusing to a people-pleasing undiagnosed autistic 14 year old. I felt/feel like I can’t like anyone or anything because it’s ~problematic~ I worry it will never go away, because it affected me in my developing years, 14-19 I want to get better, but it’s hard. I wish I could run from the internet, but I can’t. It’s a part of life now. It’s how we stay connected. But it’s also like…. Idk. The internet used to be my safe space, right? Deviantart. Early tumblr. Seeing weird people like me made me feel less alone. I was a weeb surrounded by “preps” for lack of a better word, not that I didn’t have friends but NONE of them were into what I was into, you know? And no one became as obsessive about things like books and anime like I did, except online. But now it’s like, idk, corruption of the garden of Eden. But instead of me eating the fruit, the garden/internet ate the fruit. The world is too different now… I can’t keep up. And it’s not just because I’m getting older. Things happen faster now. Trends will last half a year when in the past they would have lasted a decade. I hate knowing everything all of the time. I hate that my garden is now a cesspool.
I’m just angry that people on tumblr and lefty spaces online are so blind to their own propaganda, and calling it out is “hate.” Like idk, I guess I expected better from people who are supposed to be ~intellectuals~. Well, if YouTube video essays have taught me anything, style over substance goes a LONG way. And they’re like “oh we’re so compassionate and we want a better future” but they tell everyone to kill themselves and laugh when red states get devastated by natural disasters it's not just that but it's like…. if you're not constantly aware of everything, you're ~part ofthe problem~ #wakeupamerica. silence is violence, blah blah blah. it's just hard because i grew up with a strict dad so learned to be a people pleaser. i'm extremely sensitive to guilt and shame. and all most of the internet has done since 2014 is shame everyone for everything. you're either with Us (good, pure, morally righteous) or you're with Them (problematic, evil). you don't want to be gasp problematic, do you? you don't want to have a callout post made about you and lose all your friends, right? well, keep you nose clean and reblog all the right posts so we know which side you're on an maybe, maybe we'll leave you alone. i have the stress of someone in debt to a mob boss. nah it's more like… i have the stress of everyone in the scarlet letter and im hoping everyone will keep their eyes on the Villain of the Week and leave me alone there's a decent video called "how to radicalize a normie." i say decent because it treats radicalization like a right-wing only issue and the "answer" to right wing radicalization is, of course left wing radicalization. "Even though they're on the bad, evil side, there's still hope because we can get them to our good, morally righteous side!" That kinda bs, and I say bs not in a left vs right way. According to my dad I'm a full blown communist! I'm saying it in the sense that the answer to radicalization isn't "just radicalize them to the other side." That's not at all helpful. You might as well tell an alcoholic who likes jameson to just switch to jack daniels. It's all poison, it's all harmful. ANYWAY, he talks about how most people don't set out to be radicalized, the politics comes to them. That happened to me - but on the left. And I'm sure if I left a comment on his video saying as much, he'd say it didn't happen or say it was a good thing. On tumblr, I came for anime. And for the first year, I got anime. But then I got really intense political stuff. "silence is violence." "i see you not reblogging this." "if you're not angry, you're not paying attention." I was 14-15, sheltered as fuck, I don't know anything about the world but now tumblr is convincing me that I know more about political issues than anyone. And it changed me. And it fucked me up. and I want to get unfucked. But I don't know how. I feel like an internet alcoholic. Like, even if I do stop using it, it will still be there, haunting me, forever, you know? because all my friends use it, not just you guys but irl friends. and the internet is effecting the real world. I miss the days when there was the internet, then there was reality. but now the internet is the reality. That's why I also fell so hard for the [REDACTED] stuff. Tumblr made me think everyone was [REDACTED] because like 99% of tumblr is [REDACTED], and I was worried about it because god help you if you question anything or show the slightest bit of concern. God help you if you're not full steam ahead on everything. I want to escape the matrix. I hate the hypocrisy…. And I hate even more that I’m also a hypocrite. I fall for group think and propaganda but act like I’m above it all. I hate social media but use it every day. YouTube too. I guess that’s why I get so mad when I see them act like that. It reminds me of me. People think the consequences of social media on a teenage girl are like "omg I was feeling good about myself….. but then I saw a model on Instagram… alas. I will never be her. I weep."
But it's more like: Oh my gosh, I just saw a post asking for mutual aid (aka MONEY, BABY) and I scrolled past. What if they died because they couldn’t afford food because I didn’t reblog their post? But what if I DID reblog their post, but it was a scam, and I led my followers to give money to someone who didn’t need it instead of someone who did?
I was hoping to share more examples, but I'm worried someone will misinterpret, and even though anon is off, the anon in my brain is on. always. on. i keep going back to the internet because i keep expecting it to get good again… like how it was. for some reason, i can't accept that it will no longer be my safe space. i wish i had a massive angel to keep me out, or something. like the actual garden of eden. I have to accept that it will never get better. I have not only an addiction to the internet, but to the obsessive thoughts it brings. By wishing it will get better, and continuing to use it, I am chasing a dragon. That is to say, I'm hoping for the same feelings I got from initially using the internet. No one ever catches the dragon. anyway, if you read all that... thank you so much! i'm taking a break from the internet, until mid november at least. maybe by then, it will be better. or not. we'll see.
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sagemoderocklee · 1 month
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍄 🍬 ❄️ 🏜️ 🦴
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
got a lot of headcanon asks today in my inbox lol... uh for this ill go with my headcanon about Tenten not being without family since ive got two asks for that levels thing i reblogged earlier to answer
so my hc and how i usually approach Tenten is that she comes from a weapon smithing clan. Her clan originally came from Dragon Kingdom, but like... so, so long ago. like a thousand years ago. they were originally trading in what is now Fire, and eventually some started to settle instead of going back to Dragon Kingdom. They established themselves as blacksmiths and as times changed, became weapon makers almost exclusively. Her clan still makes other things besides weapons, but they specialize in weapon making.
Tenten lives with her grandmother since her parents died during Obito's assault on Konoha with the kyuubi. Tenten's clan lives in the industrial district of Konoha, and Neji (who is alive thank you) moves there after he and Tenten have been dating for a bit.
Tenten, of course, prioritizes fighting with weapons, but she also is a good smith herself, and does a lot of unique work with weapons.
I gave Tenten's clan a name, of course, so her family/clan name is Nie, which means 'pattern of a sword blade'.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
drawing a blank beyond all my usual things like gaara being obsessed with naruto being stupid or like the way ppl generally approach Gaara is ableist and disregards his history prior to Yashamaru tryna kill him or lee not being anbu/akatsuki/hokage etc and also ppl making lee sexy is stupid like he's weird looking and thats fine and i think his weird looks are charming and cute... all of which ive talked about before
um i guess ill say that sakura being self-centered is actually a really important and interesting character trait. it doesn't make her an awful, irredeemable character, it's just a character flaw and i think ppl who love her tend to ignore that about her because the people who absolutely hate her are always callin her a bitch etc. like i love sakura but she can be a bitch and i think that's interesting and okay and like if you really like a character you can lean into their flaws without that being like a condemnation of the character. she doesn't have to be like sunshine and daisies to be a good character
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
the dream theme/plot for a fic is one i'd probably just write myself. not like for any reason other than if i have an idea i usually wanna execute it myself, and at this point a lot of my ideas exist within the worldbuilding ive done and not that other ppl dont or cant but my interest are always gonna lean more into the political spectrum of storytelling and i think that's generally my niche and not as many ppl write those stories.
i think if there was absolutely something i didnt wanna write id honestly probably not wanna read it either, so im always like shit at answer these kinda questions cause once i have an idea im like 'ok ill write that someday'
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
always gonna love long comments that talk about the themes of the story, that bring up things the reader thinks is foreshadowing, direct lines from the fic, and so on. i like when ppl are like rlly analyzing what ive written and telling me their thoughts and what they think is gonna happen. i think by far my fave thing is ppl tryna guess what's coming and seeing how close or how far off they are, and when ppl do pick up on foreshadowing that is just... chef's kiss.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
i find inspiration in a lot of things and it rlly is gonna depend on what im writing at the time. sometimes i get inspired by music (a lot of my gaalee fics were originally inspired by Florence+the Machine song for instance), sometimes it's like a poem or a book, or a tv show, but it rlly is always gonna depend on what im writing.
but my perspective is that art begets art. art is always in a state of inspiring more art, whether its the originating artist being inspired by their own work or another being inspired by their work, i think art is at its core always birthing more art.
with fic i dont think i could pinpoint one single thing that's inspiring me at any given moment, but i am often being inspired by other things whether it's music or just like an article about something.
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freckliephil · 3 months
Do you realize you have poc mutuals and it hurts that you have not said anything in support to the discussion, but instead said people should log off? People are mad but if you don't want to reblog vent posts you can still just... say the obvious, that people shouldn't be racist here. Otherwise saying you're not racist means nothing and does not make this space safer for anyone. And I really, really mean this in the most non-violent way possible. (Also fine if you don't answer this, just a heads-up anyway)
Im gonna be so fr right now and then im going back to work. Ive been on tumblr for 10 years. Ive been engaging in fandom for longer. i can say with complete confidence that fandom tumblr is not the hill to burn yourself out and die on re: activism and racial justice.
Its absolutely disgusting and unacceptable that poc phannies are getting sent slurs and anon hate. Idk how else to put it - it sucks and im disappointed its happening in a fan community im part of. But like, idk what exactly there is for anyone to do other than be aware of what you can, not be a dick, or log out? Like, idk what is being asked of me other than to not actively be a racist asshole myself?
Tumblr sucks, i fucking hate it here 80% the time, this place is a literal nightmare echo chamber and it’s hardly gotten better if at ALL in the decade ive been here. Idk if this is noticeable, but i really dont spend a lot of time here in general. I just started a full time job in a new field, i have partners and friends and a busy ass poly schedule that leaves me like 2-3 hours a day of downtime IF THAT. Sometimes i use that time to browse tumblr or shit post with my friends, but being active on tumblr and staying up to date on the goings on of people i dont know or talk to online is reaallllyyy not my priority. I literally dont read OR make posts on tumblr over 3 paragraphs as a pretty loose rule - this is not my news source, nor is it somewhere i want to go to read or engage in people’s tumblr brainrot induced lukewarm takes about real issues that require things like nuance and self awareness. I got a Gender studies degree for that. I have my real life community for that. Yall dont know me and i dont know you, and respectfully, im not getting paid to keep up with these things.
I fully stand by my statement that we should all just log out. I dont want poc phannies to burn themselves to the ground fighting with idiots who wont change, at least not in this setting or this context. I dont want people, either random white phannies trying to avoid blame OR dan and phil themselves, to put out half hearted statements about racism. This shit is serious, its complex, and it’s not something i personally can commit to changing or even keeping up with IN THIS CONTEXT. There are more pressing issues in the world we live in for me that have nothing to do with fandom or tumblr politics or fucking dan and phil. I’ll acknowledge that it fucking sucks, and im genuinely sorry to the poc phannies who are getting the shitty end of the situation as they often are. i dont want anyone to be run out of phannie tumblr nor do i think the solution to racism is to just go “oh well, people never change, time to give up and shut up” BUT i also really dont know what this call to action is really for if the issue at hand is…anon hate?? dan and phil not *maybe not going to latam or asia on a tour?? stuff dan and phil said a long time ago?? Like, correct me if im wrong, but those really aren’t issues in my control, and as much as i wish anyone’s words could have a real affect on them, they just wont. All you can do is reduce harm with the tools at hand - turn off anon, build community with people you trust and get to know them as people and not URLS, literally log of and go get some air, find communities you can have real dialogue and action within. Thats all i know how to cope, and all i can recommend doing.
Im not trying to be an ass or say this isn’t important, i just really dont think the answer to this issue is to go into people’s ask box and demand they say something when you literally dont know them or their lives. not everyone has endless time to engage in complex discussions on tumblr, and i really truly believe begging people to say SOMETHING is completely unhelpful when these issues are so sensitive. I really hope things change and i wish i had more time to actually get into it or form helpful, productive opinions other than this, but i dont.
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sisville-v11 · 4 months
im gonna stop giving a shit about keeping my profile nsfw-free because sometimes a really funny and/or beautiful suggestive (or outright nsfw) post comes along that i wanna reblog but that self imposed restriction prevents me from doing so. but im a grown ass woman now who wants that extra freedom so i dont care anymore its gonna happen. it will happen (dont expect this to become some hornyfest though i just wanna rb whatever i like as it comes along) (also if youre a minor & choose to still follow me after this i just wanna say now youre making a mistake by sticking around. i do not recommend you stay here, i can only say take my word for it but do take my word for it)
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jkgnggj · 2 years
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hii welcome to my little twin stars / kiki and lala themed blog! my pfp is a zoomed in poff bear of a drawing i commissioned my friend @aoki553 i like to combine my love for little twin stars with my other interests, in this case tori (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
i post / rb any toritsuka reita content I can get my hands on (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) i try posting daily (for now) feel free to msg me or ask me anything! i take drawing reqs and ff prompt suggestions! im always looking for new friends and other tori enjoyers <333
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˳⁺⁎˚꒰ఎ about me ໒꒱˚⁎⁺˳
my name is ruby but you can call me ruchan ♡ im currently 20 my pronouns are she/her i speak spanish and english and im an artist, writer, cosplayer, roleplayer, and the number one toritsuka reita enjoyer (self proclaimed) xp
i like fairy kei fashion, pastels, unicorns, cats, musicals, sanrio esp kiki and lala / little twin stars ☆
i enjoy watching slice of life, sports animes, and anything involving delinquent / yakuza characters, the fictional character im currently obsessed with and have dedicate this blog to is my baby boy ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ toritsuka reita from saiki k ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
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˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ tags ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳
#mikorei monday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every monday i try posting / reblogging mikoto aiura x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#torikechi tuesday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every tuesday i try posting / reblogging touma akechi x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#yumetori wednesday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every wednesday i try posting / reblogging chiyo yumehara x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#torisai thursday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every thursday i try posting / reblogging kusuo saiki x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#satori saturday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every saturday i try posting / reblogging hiroshi satou x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#ruchan writes
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for when i post / promote my fics (my ao3 acc is the same as this one, as well as my twt, insta, discord in case anyone wants to talk thru those platforms instead)
#ruchans art
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use when i post my art, whether it be my half of an art trade, a gift for a friend or just a drawing i thought id share with everyone <3 i only do traditional art as of now
#ruchan rambles
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for mainly text posts of me rambling about my hcs or aus
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for keeping track of all the amazing drawings ive commissioned (im the number one lu-kario fan btw (also self proclaimed))
#art trade
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for keeping track of all my wonderful art trades with friends and mutuals :> i try tagging their tumblr or instagram so anyone can follow if theyd like <3
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˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ misc ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳
ofc I cant promise ill be able to post every single day or that ill post stuff thats specific for the theme / tag of the day, sometimes ill post torisai stuff on a monday if i really feel like it (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ and theres gonna be times i wont be able to post or run out of stuff to post but ill do my best to stick to this schedule ive set! ʕ⁠ ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠��⁠ᕤ☆ also if u have any suggestions for what the theme for fridays and sundays should be then pls lmk! I'm thinking psychickers sunday and art trade fridays? name still pending...
anyways i hope u enjoy ur visit, baii ~ ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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toadstool32 · 1 year
its the sextuplets birthday! in celebration im ranking them based on personal preference <3
karamatsu < i like him
osomatsu < i like shitty older brothers when theyre not my own
jyuushimatsu < i dont even think he knows how baseball works
todomatsu < hes such a bitch i love him
ichimatsu < cat
choromatsu < at his best when insane
the nature making numbered list make it so that they all have a rank but if anything it would be like > 1 karamatsu >2 osomatsu / jyuushimatsu >4 todomatsu / ichimatsu > 6 choromatsu
now im gonna proceed to rank them as combinations <- insane behavior
i got the names from this list!
im mostly ranking them by how funny they are but comedy is subjective feel free to send me anon hate ovr this i dont care
doing this in a five star format! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
choukeimatsu: starting out strong! i love shitty older brothers! they suck <3 five stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
sokudomatsu: its ok, i like they more when they act out as other characters than themselves, they either do a funny skit or their manzai act, this one is a toss up for me! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖
parkamatsu: their shittyness and cuteness level gets balanced so evenly... its precious to see truly..... however!!! its cute to see oso treat ichi like a cat / a future ward of the state but alas its not tickling my funny bone as much ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖➖
bakamatsu: i like stupid idiots, i want more of them ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
benimatsu: oso n todo are such shitheads fr, they enable eachother to be the worst version of themselves, which is both cute AND fun ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
suirikumatsu: i read this one comic where they both get bullied by everyone else and then get revenge at the beach, (ill find and reblog later) other than that i dont think they really have that many skits together? booo. its rough out there ➖➖➖➖➖
iromatsu: its mid, it makes me cringe more than laugh, well, thats a lie sometimes i do laugh, its a toss up really, (i do like the bazooka scene tho) ⭐⭐⭐➖ I
musclematsu: while iromatsu its ichi using kara as a chew toy karamatsu is like, a chew toy with spikes, and fire and hurtful things, so ichimatsu receives psychic damage by that. Yeah that does not happen with jyuushimatsu this is like a uno reverse, these two are made or way harder stuff, and way dumber too, five stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
woodmatsu: theyre sweet :3 its a good balance between karamatsu being a chewtoy and todomatsu being the tsukkomi fishing with love letters and falling in love with the same cashier? pretty solid gags ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
middlematsu: funniest gag they ever did was the fact that they never talk to eachother, nobody has a good time here, four stars only bc its a rare one ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
wakabamatsu: are u fucking kidding me ok this one is interesting bc when jyuushi is the boke i feel like the skits run way to long, i still laugh but whatever not the point. but when they make jyushimatsu choros tsukkomi??? insane behavior honestly. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖ ➖
cybermatsu: funniest shit ever, choromatsu shines with todomatsu as his pair truly, funniest shit ive ever seen ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
numbermatsu: top tier! what do i ever have to say here they just work ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
110matsu: catty bitches, ichimatsu gets to be weird in new ways here such is the curse of being a good straight man! hang in there todomatsu!! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
youngestmatsu: they r so fucking cute, cant remeber any skits with them tho, oh well ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖
ok now im gonna do groups!! but not really just the ones i care about, fuck the list im doing numbers now:
125- i like idiots, i want more of them, jyuushimatsus fun day with his big brothers (goes wrong) <3
456- shitty little brothers represent! u cant be mad at them theyre just little guys and its their birthday :3
346- catty bitches but more toxic, this one rulez, the self awareness has left the room
146- i think theyre neat
126- this is just my dream blunt rotation lets move on
246- i thought abt girlymatsu for a bit and passed out for a sec imagine this with me
thats all!!! get out of my post!!!
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mossymultiverse · 8 months
warning! Weird Cat(?) ahead
just gonna put a blanket unreality warning. just. just in case.
hi! im moss, and i travel allll over the place. here, there, some other places as well, sometimes nowhere at all! this blog is.... not exactly a travel journal, but a place for me to put my thoughts on the various realities i find myself experiencing. so.... i guess, sort of a travel journal. uh.
expect memes, slightly panicked summaries of where i am and wtf just happened, mildly rant-y grumblings abt my plan(s) going awry, and maybe even the occasional picture! ....and a lot, i mean a LOT, of reblogs. (tagged #rebog. bc i think im funny.)
my pronouns are they/them and mu/mur/murs
i don't usually travel with people, but i'll give them lil intro posts of their own if/when i do. those will be tagged with.... #companion lore!
i'll try to tag most of my posts with the place they're from, but my memory is a bit wacky, so i can't promise it'll be super consistent.
likewise, let me know if you need me to tag anything else, and i'll do my best!
my tagging system is a lil.... odd, so. just a heads up- anyting past the #[ ooc divider ] tag is OUT OF CHARACTER. everything in front of it.... is in character. makes sense? good. which means, yes, that unreality warning at the top of this post IS in character. dimension hoppers gotta cover their tracks somehow.
anyways. the brainrot continues!! this used to be a pokemon irl rp blog, but is now.... an oc rp blog. uh. my character (self insert/persona) is a dimension hopper, and therefore will be posting about many, many worlds.
moss is a ~4'3" humanoid with white skin and brown hair. they have four eyes, the left two of which are dark red and the right two of which are dark green. the top pair of eyes is a little smaller than the bottom pair, which sits in a mostly normal human position, just a tiny bit lower. they wear a patchwork jacket, with a green base and many colorful patches, and when in human-dominated areas they wear a red bandana over their top pair of eyes.
as with before, fake discourse (ie fictional world discourse) is ok but i would prefer to keep real discourse off of this blog thank you. otherwise ask whatever tbh, moss is always looking for an excuse to be cryptic and/or annoying
my pronouns are they/them and mu/mur/murs, main is @mosstalon4, enjoy your stay!
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hi mikey! do you have any new art out recently? how are you doing? hows the family?
i have ADHD too btw :)
ive been feeling a bit bummed out recently lately, mental health wise, so my first thought was coming and talking to you! you dont have to worry about typing out a whole entire response, but your energy just brightens up my day instantly!
ive been struggling a lot with making friends recently. i just started my sophomore year of high school and im at a new school (same students though) and its just been really scary. i have two really good friends that ive been friends with for four years now, but i really want more friends too, y'know? im really awkward and shy and its really really hard for me to talk to people i want to be friends with. i do know other people i get along with, but they arent the kinda people i would actually hang out with, more just talk to sometimes if that makes sense?? its getting to a point where im overly concerned about people liking me. theres this group of people at my school i REALLY want to be friends with, cause theyre the kinda gay emo group that i would fit perfectly in as a gay emo... but that just makes it THIS MUCH MORE intimidating!! theyre so cool and i want them to see that! i just dont know how to talk to them without irritating them.
im just kinda clueless at this point, mike! i know that im a good and cool person once you get to know me but im so awkward around new people that it completely changes the way i act. i kinda stiffen up and talk weirdly formally and quietly and my usual confidence goes WAY down. im normally very outwardly confident (Leo kinnie heree✌) but i become just a bit less so around new people.
well i think im gonna wrap up my little ramble now, lmao. i wasnt planning on writing all this i was just thinking of a short paragraph😭
well again, have a great day mikey! you deserve it!!
I haven't done ANY art besides just chaotic painting on canvas & spraying with @emerson-the-psycho , BUT I have done some nice cooking, which counts as art?
We're doing nicely, I mean, we're still very chaotic & there's trouble here & there... But it's been fun so far!
Also, yaaaay ADHD buddies!!! 🥳
I'm glad I am able to brighten your day 🥰🧡(maaan I need to spread more positivity - I see so many sweet posts & then I'm like 'oh yeah, I should reblog this' & then I don't do it because I thought I already did but I haven't & then the post is gone because I had moved on & the opportunity is gone then too -)
You are great as you are.
If you see people & think 'WOW, they match my energy', go to them. The right people will definitely match your vibe too & you'll click.
And it's super great if you voice your fears. 'Hey, you seem nice, I want to talk to you, but I'm a biiiit anxious, hehe, but you seem so cool & we might share the same interests-'. They WILL see that you truly mean it. And it will brighten their day, believe me. And if YOU are open with your fears, it'll be easier to let your true self show. 😌
I know that society wants people to 'show off', but I think for getting in touch with possible friends it's best to be completely honest. That's what people like. Or should like at least.
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I'm rooooooting for yaaaaa!
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novieight · 2 years
"Blushing faces covered in pink! Rushing bombs, exploding ink!"
"Faces blush, a rush of ink! Bombs explode, no time to think!"
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hi everyone!! im finally making a masterpost or intro post whatever you call it!!! so first im gonna tell about myself i guess lmao im so awkward ANYWAYS-
my name is Novan!!! im a genderfluid transmasc lesbian!!
im a MINOR!!!!!!!!!!
i go by he/they pronouns
i have a splatoon hyperfixation as well as sky: cotl, disney twisted wonderland, toilet bound hanako kun, and kid icarus!!!! talk to me about any of them!!!
im an age regressor and also part of the tk community ^///^
go follow my friend @4low3r!!!!!!! theyre super fuckin cool and their writing is really good!!!
now for some basic dni, triggers, etc.
dni if proship, prolife, anti-anti, etc. basic dni stuff
dni if homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.
most find this strange but if you openly post about in depth religion PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU DNI!!!!! it triggers my derealization :(
i get triggered by mentions of manipulation, su!c!de, threatening one's life, etc. so please be careful with those topics around me!!
i have trypanophobia so needles and excessive blood (irl, art stuff is fine) really scares me
please dont reality check me as it really upsets me
i spam post like A LOT; im the type to reblog LOADS of art and fics and stuff, so if you dont like when users clutter your dash beware of me i guess lol
if you couldnt tell i get really awkward about some subjects so just i dont know just thought i should say that
i DO reblog tk content so if you dont want to see that then you probably shouldnt follow me
i also have these random thoughts and rants and stuff and yeah i can act really different at times sooooo uh yeah
i am an undiagnosed autistic; i still live with my abusers because im not old enough to live on my own BUT as soon as i can get safely tested for autism i will see about a real diagnosis
i do vent on here sometimes so if you dont want to see me talking about potentially triggering topics i would block the tag "novasvents" because i always tag my vent posts with that
i should also mention that i am part of the selfship community!! i self ship with frye and riddle rosehearts as well as a few others!!
now how about a list of the characters that i am!! (bolded = more frequent!!)
callie cuttlefish (splatoon)
hypno!callie (splatoon)
aloha (coroika)
frye (splatoon)
mei shijima (toilet bound hanako kun)
emma 63194 (the promised neverland)
lilia vanrouge (disney twisted wonderland, diasomnia)
basil (omori)
mitsuba sousuke (toilet bound hanako kun)
miko villager (bad end night by hitoshizuku x yama)
viridi (kid icarus: uprising)
ENA (Joel G)
anddddd thats about all i can think of!! stay fresh!!
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sheep-sorbet · 2 years
crawling out of the woodwork, covered in dust hewwo
sorry to anyone who has wondered where i've been, if that's been anyone at all
i fell out of making art for kingdom hearts, and i was tempted to make this huge post with receipts to explain why, but instead i think it will be easier to just say this: fandom zines suck, and a mod that ran the ienzo/zexion zine i was in harassed me into basically just giving up and not making any art of him or posting about him.
the experience i had in that zine was bad enough that i had to make this decision: from now on, i will not participate in fandom zines run by other people. i love making and helping with zines so this really upsets me, and i hope to get back into the zine scene soon. maybe self-published is the way to go for me, im not sure. i am not even sure i can return to the zine scene at all because the deadline stress is too much for me, personally.
i've also become hesitant to participate in fandom events at all anymore. the exception has been the TWEWY secret santa that's happened the last 2 decembers, and that's because i am comfortable enough with the mod and people involved that i know im not going to be like. Harassed. lol
i lost my drive to create KH stuff at all because interacting with it, and especially making stuff about ienzo, who is my favorite, would have opened me up to furthered harassment, and i just didn't want to deal with it. due to the nature of working on the zine and being sent a copy of it, it's very possible the person who harassed me could make a lot of trouble for me if i say anything at all, which is why i just Haven't until now. they have my name and previous address, which i gave to them before the harassment started. i was required to give it to them to be compensated even slightly for my work. so this being potentially used against me, for what amounts to expressing my own opinions on my own blog, made me hesitant to say anything or involve myself further in the fandom.
all i did was say the very normal and lukewarm opinion of "it makes me uncomfortable when people want to see someone fuck their adoptive parent figures, and i don't want people like that following me", and said mod ended up DMing me to chastise me about it. im not going to name that mod or share the screenshots openly, because that would be taken by them as 'harassment', ironically, and i just would like to move on.
that, combined with a lot of things going on IRL, has made posting difficult for me. tbh, i've barely drawn anything since june of last year. Thank u to everyone who has still enjoyed my art that is already up, and to all the other ienzo/zexion enjoyers who like my art and are understanding. i miss kh and i hope i'll find the drive to be into it again soon. until then, the main things i've been into lately have been (N)TWEWY, omori, and hunter x hunter, so you might see stuff about that if and when i ever get my shit set back up.
i debated just not posting this and acting like it didn't happen. but not saying anything at all would be dishonest, and more importantly, i think people should be aware of the fact that fandom zines are not always a fun experience, and can actually be very stressful and exhausting for very little reward. i want to caution people before joining fandom events to vet the people running it a little bit if possible. you can't control who gets accepted to the zine, but you can control the people whose zines you sign up for. and if it sucks hit the bricks, which i did not do and should have lol
sometimes, you join a zine and put a lot of love and work into it, all you get out of it is being overworked and harassed. and then not all the finished pieces you made for the zine even ends up in it 🙃 did i mention you have to pay to get copies of the merch you yourself designed?
for the sake of my own sanity and to avoid certain people's ire im not gonna tag this in the main tags, and im also going to turn reblogs off. this is just an informational post about where i've been, what's been happening with me, and why it's hard for me to make stuff about ienzo right now. please just take it as such and don't be mean to anyone, regardless of what happened. if anyone is really burning for details i might be open to answering in DMs, but more than anything, i just want to get this out of my system (˚ ; - ; )👍
i hope i can go back to being the "funny ienzo guy" soon. until then i will continue to be the "funny emo boys in general" guy
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dballzposting · 1 year
I have to confess. Whenever i am feeling very deeply self consious or afraid that a headcanon or a thought on media i have is getting Too out there or "Edgelordy" or even just reading too deep into something I go and look back at the tarble darvo post again and i feel a . Well serenity isnt quite how id put it but i genuinely mean when i say I aspire to your level of confidence in just putting completely off the walls stuff Out There and being aware its not gonna be everyones cup of tea and accepting that. You have majorly affected how i go about approaching media and stuff and while i dont know if its better for fandoms im in as a whole its better for me i think and thats what matters. I hope this is getting across right i mean this very positively. I think more people should have the audacity you have and i have GOT to internalize this
I was being all sleepy and small this morning and eventually I got on my phone and I saw this ask and it made me BOUND out of bed like the grandspa in the charlie chonka chocolate factory movie . Suddenly and conveniently rejuvenated.
I DIDN'T THINK THAT ANYBODY SAW THAT POST !??! But I don't know why I would think that becasue I just checked and it has 18 notes and even a reblog that isn't from me (from a user whom i appreciate tremendously and who interacts with my freakish posts when no one else does...)
I agree with what you say. I LOVE HOW YOU'VE SAID IT. I also want to specifically add that it's important to have the freedom to express whatever is in your head. It's good to be self-aware that you're being "Edgelordy" if it means accepting how people will take it, but also, like, I would even advocate for acknowledging it as self-expression before you even give it judgement.
It's important to be OFF THE WALL CRAZZAY !!!
I don't mean to sound like I know what I'm talking about however ... I just make posts. I love to do it. And that's fine.
But yeah. I REALLY RESPECT & APPRECIATE what you're aspiring to be and I'm REALLY GLAD at how your thinking has changed thus far!!!
Go on ahead and internalize it. Audacity IS authenticity. Say what's in your beautiful mind <3
I don't want to come across all sanctimonious on dragonball blog but I can't help it it just comes so naturally to me so I'll keep going...
I understand feeling afraid & self-conscious and there are a lot of interesting things that can come from an exploration of those feelings. Sometimes it's best to stay quiet if you cannot with your better conscious justify a comment and feel safe with yourself after. But most of the time it's the fear of rejection that perpetuates conformity innit. And well that's no way to live. I promise that you're allowed to explore edgy ideas and that you're strong enough to withstand others' distaste. Because you are not required to heed a response that does not facilitate discussion or thought. Others' feelings are not your responsibility. And also plenty of people will like or respect what you say as well..!
Rules to live by: 1. Do whatever you want. 2. Be able to tolerate or protect yourself from others' doing whatever they want.
There is no meaningful discussion of art and life at large if one cannot discuss with an open mind and application of those principles starts HERE on dragon ball tumblr NOW!!!
It normally isn't my way to be so black/white assertive like that bc I think that all things have value but IDK I just wanted to make the strong point....
Thank you. I CANT SAY THAT ENOUGH!! This ask is so good. THANK YOU!! Good luck. And stay gorgeous <3
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