#im just really in a silly mood lately so forgive me if this is suddenly my content but dw i do plan to continue writing fanfics sksksksk
kocherry · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes but make it Pierro x Reader wherein you finally had him in checkmate but not really lmao.
(Y/N): I made coffee.
Pierro: Thank y—
(Y/N): I did not make coffee for you. This is my coffee.
Pierro: Then why are you telling me?
(Y/N): It is a conversation starter.
Pierro: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
(Y/N): Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Pierro: Why did I marry you again?
(Y/N): Because I'm intelligent, unfazed by even the most of disturbing things, and capable in every way possible—
Pierro: You just tripped earlier while holding a tray of pastries and proceed to cry for 30 minutes.
(Y/N), blushes in embarassment: That's not a very good continuity of my conversation starter!
Pierro: But it did continue. Checkmate.
(Y/N): DAMN IT!!!
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sumeshi-t · 6 years
Notes: this was for @writinginstability‘s 500 and 1k writing challenge (yep im that anon. and for the 1k wc i’m sorry i forgot to send in an ask about it). uuughghhhh idk how i feel about this i’m hella dumb at writing, hence why it is titled this way; and this was my fourth try at writing the story but that’s it. leaving this crap out here so yeah. :----) **also i edited it because i realized i left something out??? like seriously all I had to do was copy and paste this from word i can’t believe??? i’m so ashamed pls forgive me
Pairing: deviant!Connor x reader
Word count: 2671
Prompt: Bliss (from the 500wc) | “I guess this is all I have left of you.” (from the 1kwc)
Today was a special day... at least, for Connor.
A certain RK800 began with slow, calculated steps up the porch, each piece of wood creaking loudly beneath every step he took. Somehow, deep inside he still recognized this emotion and associated it with fear and anxiety; what he was about to do would not only surprise you but more so, himself.
But he couldn't help it; couldn't help falling for you. You treated him differently... in a good way, in the best way, that he still thinks he never really deserved it.
Soon after Connor became a deviant, you were kind enough to offer him a place to stay in, since Hank was acting like a spoiled kid, refusing to share his house, followed by a lame excuse saying that he didn't want to babysit a plastic cop. (Though everybody knew that if Connor, or basically anyone else insisted, their situation would have been the other way around).
He finds himself smiling softly, a small and faint, "I'm home," escaping through his lips. Connor raised a hand to rest it on the door knob to check if it were locked. Lucky for him, it seems you still weren't home. 
And no, he did not jump in through the windows because you gave him his own keys.
Connor picks up on the post-it note that you left on the wall as he entered, that you were "getting some paint stuff from Markus because he lost a bet". 
Sure, Connor never stopped working for the DPD, but he was also a key into aiding Jericho's success. Somehow, you asked to tag alongside Connor when they had to discuss some matters, so you got to meet and be acquainted with its leader. It just turned out that he used to be the Carl Manfred's android. You were a fan of the man's artworks, and somehow you found yourself a friend in the android with... heterochromia. (But once Markus had told you that part of his story, you garnered respect for the reason behind his differently colored eyes.)
Connor immediately went to the bedroom, and if he had real functioning lungs, he was sure he'd have air get caught in it. 'Maybe she left the note a day ago.' He thinks to himself, and sighs. The case he was currently working on took away lots of his time from you.
It would seem that it was one of your off days from your work, and you promised yourself to take a sleep in.
Connor reaches out to place his hand on your face, and rub his thumb across your soft cheek. If he could, he would've gulped. The lines on your face told Connor you weren't getting younger, nor stronger, each passing day. 
He shook off those thoughts from his mind and let you be, watching the steady rise and fall of your chest as you lied peacefully by his side. He left the precinct after Hank went ahead after midnight. So he was sure the lieutenant was also going to be late, or worse, not go to the DPD at all; so why not let him, the android with his own rights, be late too? Or even better, skip work that day? 
He missed you, is that not enough of a reason to file a leave?
Your mouth parted slightly in your slumber, and he especially liked it that you were wearing one of his clothes, slightly loose and hanging off your shoulders on one side, your scent lingering on them even after you remove it.
One of his hands trace the outline of your face, brushing away the few strands of hair that blocked you from his view, and some of it were beginning to gray. His eyes traveled through each one of the lines and creases on your face, and Connor made sure to take them in to memory.
You stirred, before pulling your body closer to his. Connor smiles, his thirium pump accelerating, and still he wonders how you seem to make him feel that way each time spent with you. Were you secretly an android programmed to do that to him? 
Silly, he knows that you're nothing like his kind. 
You were so much more, to an android like him.
His hand slides down to the curves of your body, and stops by your waist, hand resting at the small of your back. Five minutes more, he says to himself, and then he's gonna wake you up.
You groaned when light penetrated through the windows after Connor manipulated the blinds open. He chuckled a bit at your grumpy mood before he littered your face with butterfly kisses, and you just couldn't be pissed at him, brown eyes so intent on your own, like two cups of hot chocolate on a cold winter day. 
Your face flushed as you soon smiled, red blood pulsing through your veins that contrasted his blue, blue thirium pumping through his system.
"Hey? Connor?" He still didn't respond, and you smirked slightly. "Cat got your tongue?" You chuckled, and this broke him from his trance. Despite his internal dictionary, and thousands of sources of words, he cursed himself for being so speechless when it comes to you. "It's called art appreciation, I just couldn't help it."
The compliment then made you blush, and your heart beat faster. Shit, since when did he become that smooth? This time, it was Connor's turn to smirk, not needing to run a scan on your vitals to be certain that he made you feel butterflies go crazy in your stomach. 
His level of stress lessened at that, and it even gave him a bit of confidence.
Connor always listens to you, as you tell him about your day that was spent without him.
"I waited for you last night, but I fell asleep..."
Your android looks at you apologetically, and this prompted you to pull him in for a kiss. 
"Guess what I found in the attic? It still works," 
You twisted a bit, after rubbing sleep off your eyes; reaching for something on the floor. You told him you spent the rest of the night before, tinkering on an old polaroid camera.
Connor sees you snap your head up in his direction, as he probably called out to your name in confusion. 
You grin, Connor sees your figure sit up, holding the camera with one hand while the other grabs him by the arm and forced him to do the same on the bed. Your finger pointed towards the camera lens while you rest your head on his chest. 
Connor blinks a few times after the flash of light, then you both waited for the film to develop, just in each other's arms. You raise your hand up, asking him to put his palm against yours. You once saw Markus and North do that same thing and it intrigued you. Somehow, you could even call yourself jealous because androids have such a way to connect with each other. "Do the thing," you whisper, and Connor instantly understood what you were referring to. 
You could see his real, plastic self, and you could never get tired of being in awe at him. You interlaced your fingers with his and kissed the top of his hand. "I should be the one to do that." he tries teasing you, but you both knew how much he loved it, loved you even more every time you did that.
"...I wish we could stay like this for much longer," 
Connor's LED turned yellow, then quickly turns back to blue, careful not to alert you of his hidden worries. Although you were probably referring to him having to go to work, butfor the android it's about humans and their lifespan. 
Connor learned and witnessed it through so many ways that humans are quite fragile: when you ran to chase after Sumo and fell, spraining your ankle; when he gripped your hips too hard on one heated night, leaving bruises; heck, even paper can cut a human's skin. 
That's why he always made you his mission after becoming a deviant.
After the photo was developed, you hand it over to him, and he in turn, reaches for the book he has yet to finish due to his busy job. Connor has vowed to use the photo as his own bookmark. 
"I have decided not to go to the DPD today; I'm sure Captain Fowler wouldn't mind."
You snort, "Sure he won't. Just hope that Hank gets in or else you both are gonna get your ears blown off the next day," 
"I need to make sure that you don't miss me too much." He gets hit on his chest and you suddenly get out of bed. He watches you go, but he stays behind as he digs for something inside his suit, then plays with it as though it were one of his little coins.
^Software Instability
Connor offers to cook breakfast for you, proceeding to carry out the first part of his plan to spoil you.
"I sense something today; you're being too sweet. Not saying I don't like it, but I wonder what's in that android brain of yours?" You tell him before taking a first bite into your favorite morning meal. Connor did his best to remain composed at you having caught onto him again.
Soon after, you both staggered, dancing to your favorite song on the way to the back door, one where it led to the garden you'd spent hours beautifying, tending to each plant while your android lover watched over.
There also stood a bench, situated before a tree that was there ever since you were but a child. One of you hit a foot on that bench's leg, losing balance and hitting the ground, limbs tangled with each other.
Your laugh sounded so refreshing and Connor couldn't help but join you in it. From behind you, he found the source of that little mishap, the colors of which were now dull and faded.
You made your way to the tree to get some shade, and sat there, leaning on the trunk. You pat the space beside you and Connor follows.
"You're really going extra on me today. What's up? Just tell me already," 
"I guess this is all I have..." he paused, his hand cupping your cheek, and the other reaching for something in his suit. You lean into his hand with a serene smile on your face, feeling his warmth spread across your skin. Connor returns the smile with one of his own, albeit shy and hesitant, and eventually shows you the small, simple ring he's gotten for you. You gasp at it, and tears brimming your eyes as you simply nod your head, unable to form any words out your mouth. 
You felt a tear drop to your cheek as Connor leans down to gently place a kiss on your temple. 
Once he pulls away, the edges around his vision began to blur, static filling in at steady intervals.
But he wasn't afraid.
Instead, his smile grew wider, another tear rolling down his cheek.
"...all I have left of you."
Connor continues his previous statement that he simply whispers to himself. He takes another look around him and what his current reality truly was.
The ring in his hand was no more, and instead was just one of his quarters. Connor gripped on it before he returns the coin back inside his pocket. 
His head shot up and saw the garden you worked so hard on, was now nothing but a bunch of weeds; old, withered, cold and dead. Connor tried to tend to it but after your passing, the android couldn't bear to return and be reminded each day that he wasn't really a human; because he could not age and therefore, would not die. He found that unfair, you were unfair for being human and for making him feel like a human.
Truthfully, there were a few times he wished he had never gone deviant. Maybe he never would have suffered the pain of losing someone dear to him; of grieving over someone who has given his life, his existence, a whole new meaning; someone that he...
But it would've been more painful to never have had the chance to experience such a powerful emotion. It would be more painful to never have had the chance to be with you.
Despite his memory cache glitching, making him see you from your youthful self to the you with white hair and wrinkled skin, Connor would never forget the way your eyes used to shine. Those eyes that never aged, eyes that gave him warmth, that ignited a spark within him and made him happy that he was alive.
Warnings about his system shutting down in a few seconds bombarded him, but he couldn't care less. He's been around far too long enough and Connor even wondered why he stayed. 
A world without you was not a world he wants to further live in. 
It's been years and Connor only wanted nothing more than to be with you again.
"Connor, where will you go?" Your voice was now muffled in his hearing, but the android continued trying to process one of the last pieces he's had of you.
Connor looks at you once more, and back then he didn't have anything to answer you with. But now, he was sure of it.
"Where else but to you?"
He once said that there could hardly be any heaven for androids. However, as his system collapses, Connor swore he could really feel your hand on the side of his face, lowering it to your level. 
Connor faintly feels your lips brush against where he knows his LED would be. He caught a glimpse of you, and everything felt so real, he was sure that you were truly there with him; alive and healthy just as you were years ago. 
"I love you Connor. No matter what people still say, I never loved any other human or android the same way as I loved you. Always remember that," 
He tried reaching out to finally kiss your lips but his vision blackens out, and all he could see were warnings about his biocomponents and the amount of time he has left before shutdown. Connor could even feel his thirium pump decelerating. 
Your android couldn't be happier.
"And I never forgot. I can't wait to see you again, love," his voice didn't sound like his own, like a typical machine losing power. 
Connor leans back on the tree, looking up at the sky streaked with pastel colors that were being reflected on his lenses. However, he could no longer see the beauty it held. You were the last masterpiece that he saw and for him, nothing would ever outshine your beauty.
He was ready now. Connor still couldn't believe he'd survived being alone for such a long time without you in his life. 
Five seconds. His eyes flutter close, the wind weaving through the loose strands of his hair.
Three seconds. Two. Connor's lips move, feeling your name escape through him as his last 'breath', the sound of it going on deaf ears and carried away by the wind.
Connor's head slightly bows, then tilts to the side, the blue LED flickering once before it shut off completely.
The autumn breeze makes the leaves fall all around him, making the whole scenario nothing but peaceful. It was as if Connor was just in a state of permanent sleep, eternally dreaming, reunited with you in his quaint version of heaven, a garden he used to tell you of but never got to see and recreated it in your own little way.
If one were to take a closer look, the android that was once regarded as a deviant hunter, held a smile of pure bliss that would forever be etched onto his plastic features.
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