#im just some freaky littol guy
biohazard-inevitable · 7 months
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Sooooo I got a new job and had this in my brain the whole first day and simply had to doodle it cause i find it hilarious to think of this freaky eldritch monster delivering pizzas
Also, the song i listened to on loop when drawing this so just- the sound vibes I guess? Its a funky song, but kinda messed up
Some alternate pics under the cut
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yakuzacanons · 4 months
forgive me, im but a freaky little creachure but may.. may i humbly request some NSFW Majima reacting to an S/O, partner, whomever .. who has a particular interest with his gloves? if not that is a-ok boss, just wanted to share my love for majima gloves.. and hands..
It's OKAY anon, we are both a littol creeeeeecher. And ya know what, we shall revel in our littol creecher-ness! Last ask for today, will be back soon with all the Ichigang asks! (yes, that's the official term and we shall be using it till the end of time) Night night my lovelies.
Majima honestly won't really notice it at first since to him the gloves are just kind of part of him at this point. It's as natural as his eyepatch, in his mind.
If you start paying more physical attention to his hands, he'll just be like "Whaddya doin'?". Our mad dog can be so oblivious to some things sometimes, bless him and his silly head.
He'll eventually start taking notes on your behavior though. There'll be days when you just cannot stop holding his hands or finding excuses to touch his hands and he'll mentally be like "What's up with that? Huh..." He's oblivious but not stupid; he knows something's up but he cannot pinpoint exactly what.
It's impossible to blame you for the fixation, honestly. He wears the gloves well, a little too well, especially with a knife in his hand.
It doesn't help that he's good with his hands in the bedroom too. He typically leaves the gloves off when he's fucking, though. Honestly, he's never considered keeping them on. Like the idea just never crossed his mind.
The first time you ask him to leave the gloves on, he'll just kind of pause and be like "Do WHAT?". Majima's a very open minded guy and will try just about anything, the problem is he's not always the guy coming up with stuff to try. So he'll kind of pause and be like "Huh, we haven't done that yet? Guess not."
Having said that, he is down to try most things once. Once he notices your reactions and just how much you like him keeping the gloves on, he will in turn enjoy it just as much.
Majima's insufferable when he knows he's got something that you so desparately want and he will tease your horribly and incessantly throughout the first time he ever keeps the gloves on during sex. You're going to beg. A lot.
After that, it's a 50/50 chance that he'll just keep the gloves on out of his own volition. You may have to ask sometimes if you're down that bad but the chances of him saying no are quite low, not when he knows he can hold it over your head in the worst yet most delicious way possible.
It'll start to show up in other ways outside the bedroom too. Majima will start rubbing his thumb over yours when holding hands more often, or cupping your face in his gloved hand more.
If he knows you're horny or if he's horny but neither of you can do anything about it at the moment, it just goes from 0 to 100 so fast. Those gloved hands will be on you in so many subtle ways that no one around you will realize that it's a "thing" but god you will KNOW.
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