yikesgoodluck · 10 months
I hear your praises of kahoot music, and I raise you: Wii sports music.
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
This is my proposal. We lock Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey in a room and see who comes out alive.
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
If I start telling you a story I’ve already told you, DO NOT STOP ME LIKE “you’ve told me this already”. If I tell you something ONCE, I find it very exciting. If I tell you twice, it’s one of the greatest things that’s ever happened to me. Let me be.
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
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The context here is my friend and I were describing an imaginary alligator
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
One day when I’m in college I’m gonna show my boyfriend the scene in Gilmore girls where Logan has a fake fight with Colin in Rory’s class and beg him to do that when I least expect it.
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
Does anyone else not tell someone when they’re mad because then you’d have to accept their apology and you just can’t do that right now
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
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This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
If anyone needs me I will be continuously re-watching that one scene in psych where Shawn is dressed as Roland Orzabal singing “shout”
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
The lady who reads the afternoon announcements at my school finally got ousted today due to her horrific pronunciation. On more than one occasion she has announced the cancellation of basketball practice when it was in fact baseball practice that was cancelled, called the wrong kids to the office, paused for a full minute trying to read the paper while the speaker remained on, and said curse words by accident. The last straw was today when, in the process of announcing the school’s Eid celebration, she referred to the holiday as “E. I. D.”
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
Rare insults #2: you look like you drop common loot when you get shanked.
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
Rare insults #1: you look like the type of person to buy stock in Disney, and when the stock dips you go to Disneyland and write it off as a business expense.
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
Being demisexual is the weirdest thing.
Sexual situations in shows, books, being described by friends, etc: ew. Just ew.
But imagine those same situations with your boyfriend: ooh…
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
I will never get over the fact that if you call a person who’s racist/sexist/homophobic/antisemitic/etc a fascist they get really angry, but then they call you “antifa” as an insult. So, if you don’t like people who are antifa, aren’t you admitting to being a fascist?
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yikesgoodluck · 1 year
Eric Cartman would not stand for this shit.
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yikesgoodluck · 2 years
I don’t care how dumb this makes me sound. If everyone is so worried about robots and AI taking over, WHY DON’T WE JUST STOP BUILDING THEM. They can’t take over if we don’t build them. And the explanation is always “well we have to continue to evolve technologically” NO WE DON’T. We have smartphones, we have AI bots that work fairly well, STOP BUILDING HUMAN-ESQUE ANDROIDS. Just stop!!
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yikesgoodluck · 2 years
Apparently skinny jeans are back
Just shoot me
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yikesgoodluck · 2 years
When I was a kid, I remember when my mom was cooking something and the box said “cook for [number of minutes] to [number of minutes]” she would set the timer for the minimum, and would need to cook it at least a little longer like 90% of time. Now, when we cook, we always set the timer for the minimum and it’s ALWAYS done. Maybe even overdone. Did stoves get hotter? Did companies just decide to manage our expectations better? WHY DOES FOOD COOK FASTER NOW
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