#im just using google and what i can remember from my space hyperfixation a few years ago
enbysiriusblack · 1 year
James Potter being the sun discussion
James is always described as the sun, because of his warmth, his love, his happiness, his caring demeanour, his light that he gives other people.
But the sun is this huge ball of heat that nothing can touch. No one can look directly at it without their eyes hurting (unless they have a form of protection). It's so painful to look at, but so beautiful to admire. The planets and asteroids in our solar system revolve around it- it is our centre.
The sun is alone but still admired by many. It is harmful to really see properly, but looked at through a cover. Through something that blocks it's true self from being seen. So much is focused around it, depending on it, but it depends on nothing. It gives but doesn't take. It is so powerful but reduced to just 'it is pretty'.
The sun is a misunderstood figure. It's loneliness in the face of popularity. It's dependable but never dependent. It's beauty and the feeling it gives them is all it is deemed. It's standing in front of a crowd but no one actually sees you.
Before I started writing this, I thought to myself "how can James be the sun? He's warm and caring but the sun isn't just that. The sun's painful, lonely, powerful, and unseen whilst being seen. How is that James?" I expected to find at the end of writing my thoughts in this post, to discover how unlike the sun James really was. But, I was wrong and everything I described the sun as is James.
James Potter is the sun. And it must be the loneliest thing to be.
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