#im just yappin dont look at me
batslime · 2 years
Listening to somebody talk about how in 95 as a teen the culture around cds and when you bought a new one you’d expect to be left alone so you can go somewhere private, set a mood, study the album art and lyrics while you listen to it for the first time on your boombox cd player etc and it just made me feel really warm bc I was born in 97, but Rammstein’s Mütter was the first album I bought with my own money, first on iTunes, and had a really similar experience but when I had issues and it disappeared I bought not only a physical copy of it but also Reise, Reise and Liebe Ist Für Alle Da in a 3-pack deal on Amazon. I had only heard a couple tracks on each at that point so as a teen in the 2010s I got the same experience. I bought all of Rammstein’s cds as well as a couple other artists’, then Rammstein released Made In Germany in 2012 and went silent for years.
I graduated high school and kinda forgot about them, even thought I still listened to the cds in my car every day. I was listening to them when I had my first accident. I listened to Till sing and the others play their instruments as I was bleeding and waiting for an ambulance. Some cds I still have now that are so worn they won’t play anymore were bought for me by somebody I dated who would eventually rape me, told me he considered putting a gun to his head to “teach me a lesson”, still tracks me down on different sites and tries to contact me. I would draw the members of the band all the time in high school, took some of those drawings to art shows, one even ended up on their website at a point.
Even though for a long time I thought our “relationship” was over, I didn’t expect to hear anything more from them again, there were so many milestones in my life they were there for. None of them look like my dad but sometimes I look at them and my mind says “father”, especially Till. They’ve been part of my life longer than most people I know now.
When an old friend mentioned in 2021 that they were touring in the US I IMMEDIATELY went to the website and bought tickets. I was seeing new content of them for the first time in nearly a decade. I had missed a whole album by them. They looked so different and yet so similar. I watched the music videos from the untitled album but didn’t listen to the whole thing, there was something weird about it to me.
This year they released Zeit and for the first time in many years I bought not one new Rammstein album, but their two newest. I went back to my car, struggled to unwrap the cds as usual, and listened to them both straight through. I drove around places I normally don’t just to keep listening. Especially with Zeit, it felt so crazy to be hearing something totally new from them, to hear Till sing songs I’d never heard him sing. It felt almost like it was directed at me.
The concert was postponed to this year. When it was supposed to happen in 2021, I was dating the aforementioned guy. We drove all the way up to Minneapolis because we didn’t get the notification somehow and he kept doing more and more that made us late. By the time we finally got there there would have been no chance of getting close, so it was almost a relief as disappointing as it was to see the stadium empty.
In August this year I made the drive back to Minneapolis with a close friend. I’d made an outfit like one of his, I got my nipples pierced the night before hoping we’d be close enough that I might be the person Till motioned to to flash, we showed up hours before they opened the doors and got rained on. We managed to make it about 3 rows back from the barrier. It was so surreal seeing them in person and yet it felt like I’d done it a million times.
I scored afterparty wristbands for my friend and I and ended up getting to meet Paul. We got invited back to Till’s dressing room with a dozen other girls out of all the thousands of other people that were in the building. It’s probably because I’d already had a few drinks, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed when he walked in, I really felt like J was seeing a relative or old friend for the first time in a while.
I know he was still putting on a face as he was still entertaining, just a much smaller number of guests, but getting to meet the other girls, being in the room with him, him talking to me, touching me, kissing me, little things he did as the night went on that showed a great deal of trust to me like handing me his phone, felt so dream-like both in the moment and looking back. There was something about it that felt like it was supposed to happen, almost like it was scripted, despite the cosmically small chance of any of that night happening. I never felt so much like a woman as then, but I also felt so much like I was back in middle school when I discovered Rammstein for the first time.
I’ve already talked about the experience a little bit but I really will never be over how lucky I was and how it’s so funny that all those years and just that one night all sprouted from hearing Mein Herz Brennt for the first time, being so intrigued and wanting to hear more, and starting to collect their cds. There’s so many meaningless little memories I look back on that I remember Rammstein being in my life, and I hope they keep coming.
I think part of me back when I graduated recognized they were getting on in their age and had already released so much music, they probably wanted to relax and live their lives, so I silently accepted that there would be no more Rammstein. Years and years passed. I got older and so did they. And then I found them again and it felt really like a new era for both of us. Every time I look at my cds when I get in my car I feel like they were made just for me, and despite some not being able to play anymore, I think I’ll keep them until life rips them away from me. In a way they almost feel like my identity, like the data on the cds aren’t music but all my memories, good and bad. Even if I can’t reach them anymore, I’ll always have them with me
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
hello nina nation! sorry for the radio silence, but i’m running around at my new job a lot ( which i LOVE btw! i spend all day with the littles and hand out lots of ice pops to overheated kids and get drawn lots of pictures! ) so i fell asleep v early yday by accident.
pls note that i am working on my asks and am very excited about them ( there is an important lore one i’m stoked to finish aaa i’m taking extra time on it )
…i just ( smh ) keep getting distracted thinking about how iconique the When Worlds Collide HCU / Ravesey / OJV / Ewily/RSB stan-kyle swap crossover episode would be like it would go SOOOOO HARD GUYS
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pympartic · 1 month
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:[ OOC ;; Marvel Rivals Screaming //; So steve woke up in 2080 because we're pulling from all kinds of places across time and space, okay cool- aw and he cares about Clint! Good ! Good they kept that, he's got some tony tech, nice nice, boyfriends, lets hear hi- WAIT I KNOW THAT VOICE! ]
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roaringheat · 7 months
apex legends breakout trailer having one of my fave punk songs is such a win
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toxifoxx · 11 months
ok serious thoughts on the fnaf movie this time. they're a little scattered but i did just see it so i gotta think on it some more before i give like an actually structured review. but immediate thoughts post-viewing:
i had fun with the movie! i thought it was enjoyable. was hoping for at LEAST a little more blood (i really wanted to see william fucking explode into blood for one) but i knew there wasn't gonna be much since its pg13. it wasn't scary like in the slightest except for 1 jumpscare that almost kind of got me but i wish they set up the atmosphere a little bit more.
MAJOR GRIPE. i hate that vanessa is related to william. please stop retconning the afton family scott pretty please. give that man his dead children back. i seriously seriously love the "man goes fucked up sicko mode because of his grief" trope but alas.
i think that the pacing is NOTTTT very good at all. william needed more screen time 100% and there wasn't that great of a build up to the climax. maybe its more impactful to people who didn't already know that steve is william, but i'd wager that they're probably like HUH WHUH??? at that reveal because its not really. set up that much. and yes im biased because i fucking love william ok.
i think matthew lillard did a great job, BUT... we barely got to see him at all! and, especially with the "i always come back line..." i cringed a little bit man. like what are you coming back from? you haven't died yet man. there's nothing to come back from yet tf are you yappin about. it felt like it was really shoved in there honestly. we DESPERATELY needed to see more of him! in fact, most of the characters needed more set up! like ok... mike lost his brother? why should i care. mike is gonna lose his sister? why should i care tho?? these kids died but they dont really seem like they care too much about being dead either so whats the big deal.
also a lot of stuff just kind of isn't resolved? like the mike vs his aunt thing. is his aunt dead or...? + what was the fucking freddy saw trap thing that doesn't get explained at all. did the police not see that or does william just lug that thing in and out of the building constantly. what's it even for.
im also curious about some things. whats up with that kid who had a midnight motorist shirt. whats up with the other random springlock animatronic that is never named nor do we get a full look at. Where's Henry. are we just straight up ditching henry this time around?
i came into this knowing it wouldn't be lore accurate nor gory because of the rating but ugh. Ughhhh. can we please settle on one fnaf timeline to be canon its been almost 10 years we don't needa be playing like this anymore bro. i want to see the afton family for REAL show me cc getting his fuckin head chomped off or elizabeth getting snatched. give us literally any of the original missing children give us cassidy or something. like even in the silver eyes at least we got henry ffs! it just makes me a little sad knowing that one of the rejected scripts WAS accurate to the game lore.
shout out to my homie @yellowbutterbear for seeing the movie with me and discussing this stuff with me 🔥
6/10 not enough william afton moaning and whimpering AMEN!!!
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
it's late for me so I'm just gonna say this so I can get it off my chest
honestly I really really love interacting with you more than I thought, I remember being so scared to talk to you because in my eyes you were so popular and big... but now I'm realizing that you're just like me, someone who likes the same stuff I do and is willing to listen and hear out other people and make sure they are supported and appreciated
I get incredibly sappy when I'm tired but I APPRECIATE YOU!! I appreciate how extremely nice and encouraging you are and I always look forward to giving you asks (even if it may be a whole lot haha)
you are the best, thank you 💗
this is so nice oh my god, this is a really big compliment, tears in my eyes rn. i really like interacting with you as well, i love hearing your headcanons and i appreciate you too!!
it is so weird to hear that you thought i was big and popular because i certainly don’t feel that way at all, I only started REALLY yappin on here around four/five ish months ago. its been so awesome to get to talk to people on here who have the same interests as me, and i love all you guys so much 🫶
im so happy to hear i make other people feel supported and appreciated, because thats how you guys make me feel whenever i come on here and yap or post fics. you guys encourage me to keep being insane about my hyperfixation on here, and without such amazing positive feedback from everyone i dont know if id have been able to write so much as i have in such little time, or if id still be here yappin at all
seriously thank you for this this was very kind, and I look forward to your asks like every day dude 💗
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okay ik i dont talk much abt doll collecting on here but i do collect fashion dolls. they spark joy for me, or used to. i tried to have a sideblog for it, but the whole logistics of it hurt my cranium. so i shut it down aughhh. but since twitter is actively hurting my mental health atp i figured i should start posting abt it here more.
so, blah blah blah, all the yappin aside, i've made the decision to refocus my collecting on skullectors/G1 MH. since it's nostalgic to me. its the brand i grew up with, and this what tends to appeal to me as an adult. plus im really not in the position to keep spending money on playline every time there's a new release.
(also lowkey G3 MH isn't doing it for me anymore. they're good dolls but they're just not for me. i like G1 and their rail thin bodies better, for all their flaws.)
so i figure "one expensive thing every few months or so i can save up and look forward to" is a good philosophy.
so, here's my rough wishlist:
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dark blue are grails
green is "ehhhhh ill buy them on sale/if i get a good deal"
pink is "for sure want"
red is "for sure do not want"
light blue is already have.
(please for the love of god someone give me creature from the black lagoon/morticia and wednesday i regret skipping them so much augghhhhhhh)
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pumpkinsy0 · 19 days
I ALWAYS love how you write the shepards!! Also love that we bond over POC Outsiders headcanons. And i absolutely agree with you and how Haitian Shepards would be in 1960’s America. No because I GET what you mean!!!
For me when it comes to Two-Bit and Darry I think that Darry just chalks up a lot of Two-Bit’s attitude at times to immaturity. NOT in a bad way but like that’s how it comes across. It’s not until he sees how the world reacts to Two-Bit being Mexican/Irish that he starts to get that Keith’s attitude is how he survives.Cause In their world your either angry and lash out like Dallas, Taking it on the chin like Johnny, or learn to be carefree and positive the way that Two-Bit is as a Fuck you if you will.
I think in Darrel’s mind it would also click why Two-Bit dislikes the Soc’s so much and tended to avoid him in high school during the day. For both his own sake as well as Darry’s. Mainly tho it’s because he wasn’t comfortable with the Soc’s because that meant being in a predominantly white space where he would NOT be welcomed in.
I use Darry as an example because I got my hands on some audio from the musical. There’s a scene where he and Dallas confront each other and it leads to Dallas saying Darrel has no idea what he’s been through. I don’t think Darrel is oblivious on purpose it just takes a moment for him to look at the bigger picture.
lovin how u write two bit, i dont think ive ever acc seen someone go so in depth about the guy so its nice to see that hes getting some attention he deserves it
AND THANK GOD U GET WHAT IM SAYING, it felt like i was yappin in circles, but we like disnwhen it comes to poc outsiders hcs🤞🏽
save us poc outsiders hcs,,,save us,,,
ANYWAYS I DEF AGREE!!!! to me its his defense when it comes to society, but also himself!!! and if he drops that, hes forced to REALLY come to terms w whats actually happening around him n he just gets depressed over it, its like thats what keeps him pushing, thats what gets him to still wake up and actually interact w others!! its like hes trying to make light out of it and downplay it to push himself that not everything is bad
i also think darry would ABSOLUTELY feel some guilt for what he thought and how he pushed two to the side for the ppl two bit was specifically trying to protect himself FROM
and omg??? never listened to the musical, dont rlly plan to, but i think thats interesting!!!rare dally and darry interaction
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kenztheweirdmf · 2 months
If youre looking for a challenge, try writing something that will make me actually like Steve (you know who I am)
Good luck ♡
Hey yall i know i said i was free and oooh send me asks but god had other plans cus why the fuck was my laptop start freezing when i was about to write the asks i got and got writers block 🧍‍♂️ anyways ima stop yappin now enjoy i hope you enjoy anon even tho i know you lmao
oooh Im just imagining Steve like outside of Tonys lab remembering the times where the team hasnt separated yet and him remembering the moments where they bicker and argue like a married couple like what Nat says all the time and that brings a pained smile to Steves faces but that doesnt last long cus of yknow him lying to Tony about his Parents death, him and Bucky fighting Tony without choice cus Tony wanted Bucky dead and the worst of all him Smashing his shield into Tony arc reactor which at the same was his literal heart and i know Steve is feeling so many emotions like guilt, regret, and anger. But he always tells himself that he had to smash his shield into Tonys arc reactor cause he will not stop until Bucky was dead so he had to do it right? Steve getting a headache from that so he decided to leave but was stoppped cus he heard a sniffing noise inside Tony labs so he investigated and found Peter AKA Spider-man on the floor hugging one of Tony iron man helmets and when Steve says Peters name he lets out a surprise yelp before looking up to see Steve and when Steve asked if hes alright and when Peter tried to form a lie Steve just gives him a frown and that made Peter stop and just looks down not even trying to lie infront of Steve
and when Steve asked if he can sit next to him Peter says he can Steve asked Peter if he wants to talk about it and Peter replies saying he doesnt want to be a bother and Steve of course assures him he is not being a bother so Peter tells Steve how much he missed Tony and how he cant sleep without having nightmares where Tony died when he used the gauntlet and is now even thinking he will die from the coma and Peter starts crying again and before Peter can react Steve just brings him into a big warm hug and Steve whisper assurance to Peter saying Tony will not die and Peter asks how does he know and Steve says he doesnt but he does know Tony is too stubborn to die and that made Peter let out a wet chuckle minutes passed when they finally stopped hugging and theyre were just in a comfortable silence when Peter breaks it by asking Steve why he was visiting Tonys lab and when Steve lied saying he heard Peters sniffs and wanted to investigated it. Peter replying he can tell Steve is lying and Steve lets out a defeated sigh and tells Peter everything from Bucky, The Accords, Tonys Parents and Siberia and the guilt the comes with it. and the only thing Steve wants is just to apologize to Tony for everything. Peter says hes not the only one who feels guilty and Steve looks at him with confusion as Peter continues that even though Tony cant admit he knows he was wrong on some things but his stubbornness makes it difficult, he also felt guilty on trying to kill Bucky back in siberia and it took some time to realize that both of them were victims of hydra and Tony was so blinded by rage to realize it, he also mentioned the times he caught Tony watching old Captain America films and Peter even knew Tony missed Steve Peter thought for a seconds and said that theyre both idiots for not talking like adults and Steve chuckled at that and agrees with him on that but Peter says even though they cant change the past they can learn from it so they dont make the same mistakes and Steve smiled and so did Peter cus they know things will get better
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millionmaggots · 3 months
ngl i dont really like the look of the trans flag 😭 even if it's supposed to subvert gender norms, using pink and blue to symbolize genders is kinda ehh to me yk? it goes without saying that we have greater issues to worry about rn but im just kinda yappin. might try to make a personal one for myself
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darby-rowe · 8 months
As someone who writes darker content - mostly just in private now, but I used to post it waaaay back in 2020 - I think it’s super normal to feel that guilt! I’ve been there, so please don’t feel alone. As long as you know that it’s fantasy, and that you tagged it appropriately, and that people have the power to scroll, you’ll be okay. You posted the content in a very respectful and responsible manner. Don’t beat yourself up for it! And of course, if you decide that you aren’t comfortable leaving it up, we will understand. Make sure you put yourself first and take care 🫶🏻
i’ve been thinking a bit on why i felt so guilty after posting that fic and i think i figured it out.
i think it’s because this is the first time i’ve ever let myself write what i wanna write? for so many years i’ve been primarily focused on staying “pure” in fandom and playing it safe, and now that i finally let myself produce the dark content that i’ve always wanted to make…? idk it’s just a weird feeling!
and i know that we’re all adults here (at least i hope so) and we know when to scroll past things we don’t like, there’s still a nagging feeling of guilt in the back of my mind even tho i tagged the SHIT outta the fic. i also have this weird fear of any of my dear mutuals looking at my more darker and weirder fics and going “oh… yikes 😬” LIKE SKDKSKFKS. idk.
all in all i think the guilt i feel is just due to my insecurities. at the end of the day it’s pure fiction and fantasy. and even when i dont think so, ppl get a kick outta my darker fics and i think that’s pretty neat.
please let me know if this makes sense or if im just yappin’ at this point lol.
thank u for ur kind message, anon 🫶
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aurirorii · 9 months
square up bitch (⬜️🆙🤬)
sypnosis: in which i tell you all about my thoughts on if i could beat each member of seventeen in a fight/argument.
warnings: i have no self-confidence. thank you.
a/n: i like actually think im the funniest person in the world for some reason
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absolutely not.
what the fuck?
who even THOUGHT that me fighting that asshole would be a good idea.
yea no
u wont catch me the next day
cus i would be dead
yup :)
maybe in a physical fight
like 99.5-0.5
i would have to be really lucky
but a verbal?
yea no
i would be sobbing after
he would hurt my feelings so bad
ok i would also say some shit
despite him being my man😮‍💨
i would leave bawling my eyes out
i could maybe beat this kid (hes like a decade older than me) in a verbal argument
i can get realllllll nasty if i have too
but physical ?
girl bye
i mean
have u seen that guy ????
yea no.
i would immediately take back everything i said if this bitch tried to square up
just no
lowk one flick and i would be crying
yea bye
if it was verbal
maybe like 98.5-1.5
ive got SOME hope
but probably not
esp with that temper ive been hearing abt?
yea ive got one too but
i think ill pass on this one
have u seen this guys body n workout routine ?
immediate no
my ass would be beat
but if it was verbal he would probably scream in my face
id ask if he was done yappin yet
yea thats kinda it
jit could js look at me and i would start crying
girl bye
besides his studio the gym is his bff
so no
i couldnt beat him
no more further questions
this kid can do a pushup w one arm
and u want me to fight HIM ?
yea no
i would get pushed and i would start crying
also he might scream in my ear
would also ask if hes done yappin yet
and tell him to pick up the plastic bag
dont even try me
bitch bye
if it was verbal i could say some mean shit
theres the SLIGHTEST possibility he would get his feelings slightlyyyy hurt
lets be real
yea fuck no
hes been goin to the gym
probably not
his height might scare me too
thats abt it
girl bye
if his ass was saying shit abt me to my face i would be bawling my eyes out
he would fucking hurt my feelings n not gaf
but physical?
just maybe
he would still beat my ass tho
u see
idk if he would get physical w me
yk how vernon is
have u seen this kid at the gym 💀
he showed up in jeans w like a hoodie n a jacket
bro was walkin on the treadmill w a beanie on bye
but verbal ?
im not so sure
he has gotta stop goin to the gym w mingyu
cus i would get my ass beat 💔
also verbal?
yk that one time they were on idol room or smth and bro was goin off on seungkwan?
if that was me i would wanna slap him
but also cry
im kinda hopeless
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earlysunshines · 13 days
”and now because there’s…” BecAuSe tHeRe’s WoT ?? :ooo actually don’t answer that i’m js being nosy okay lemme js…lemme js write a lil bit and then u can feed my deluxe delulu how’s that okay. where to start… alright so kscncknfsknxks there’s a pretty girl who’s been a few of my classes before and rn she’s in two..and in econ, we sorta sit near each other and whenever the prof is making jokes (he’s hilarious ngl shud retire and become a comedian i wud pay to watch) she laughs AND ISTG it’s like she’s a goddess and i’m some poor plebeian caught in the aftermath of such a SPECTACULARLY RADIANT SMILE and EVERY TIME, she turns to look AT. ME. MEEEEEEE. WHYYY. and so i see it in my peripheral and sometimes if i don’t turn to look at her back her gaze lingers for a bit (and then I get super worried I have some crazy double chin shenanigans going on but…nah i got a jawline wot am i yappin abt anyway) but when i DO turn to look at her her eyes are crinkled in the best way and i probably have a dopey smile showing off my full set of teeth but like somehow, we both smile harder at each other in a sort of “do you hear this guy?” “yes, yes i do and he’s hilarious” “right?!” sort of way and I SWEAR I MUST BE DELUSIONAL because how would a girl like that NOT be taken or interested in some MUCH LESS THAN WORTHY male specimen -.- like where are ma gay girlies attttt GAHHH but then i become even MORE delusional and think wait… wot if she IS a gay girlie ?! :000 and that’s why she’s not taken ?!? :000000 and SO. I submitted an anonymous confession to our school’s confession page on insta literally name dropping her, complimenting her smile, and asking if she’s taken and if i’m allowed to have a crush on her and it lowk blew up like 20+ ppl shared the post, she herself liked the post, BUT NO ONE SAID IF SHE’S TAKEN OR NOT and DEFINITELY NO POSSESSIVE BOYFRIEND SAYING SHE IS SOOOO…. yea I’m…
I’m a lost cause.
because there's allegedly ppl that find me??? cute?? and are interested in me i don't even branch out like that omfg... but that doesn't matter
AWW funny prof i also have a funny prof but also hes fucking me over with all this writing we have to do
girl okay first of all... this is like a wattpad moment but also from my perspective ppl tend to make things bigger than they are (DONT let this discourage you its just bc my friends have been dleusioal recently LMAO) and hoenstly it could be a spark!! HOWEVER from my own experiecne and other ppls... it could be platonic... i lowk act this way with a girl in one of my classes but we're like bros we're tight like that soooorrryyy
i do hope she is gay and esp for yu tho omg she sounds wonderful!! but also submitting that to the confessions page girl... you lowk lost me there im SO SORRY try to find out trhough mutuals its good to have connections
you'renot FULLY a lost cause though you literally got tihs in the bag and if it's not meant to be / doesn't happen then that's for a reason!! but def try to maek subtle moves and build chemistry and whatnot i beleive you guys can do it consdering how you interact during your classes awww
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weaponbrion · 3 months
one thing i really hate about men is that they're always talking about themselves. like how did you not realize you were talking about yourself this whole time u weirdo.
horny, attention seeking weirdos. all of them!! "i got style, i got money, i got a car, i did this, i did that, im good looking, girls want me im the prize" lmaooo, "ME, ME, ME, I, I, I"
and i aint even ask them ANYTHING!!! u aint even ask them nuthin n they just start yappin fr. and it be the "quiet" ones too! like what happened to u not being social? what happened to u being mute and not speaking?? i miss that!!!
if u yappin in my ear it better be about what ur passionate about and not about YOU specifically bc i already could not give a fuck less about what you got goin on rn.
it's just like when u riding in a nigga car for a minute and he just start playing his music, he dont even ask if you wanna play sumn. show offy losers. icky. nasty. dirty. horny. inconsiderate, PRETENTIOUS, losers.
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lilmaymayy · 9 months
hey friends! this is just a quick intro post in case you want to know a bit more about me/the blog🤭
PLEASE BE KIND in this blog i will not entertain ANY hate/aggressive/mean interactions THEY WILL BE DELETED OR IGNORED, in the past where i did respond, it never left my mind and i never knew how to react, leaving me to be negatively affected by someones fleeting thoughts. so to avoid anyones displeasure please be respectful and conscious of your actions and words!! if not- 👉🚪we dont need that energy here
*im also on mobile so apologies for any bad formatting😭😭
hello! my nicknames may and i use she/her pronouns. when sending any msgs id appreciate a quick hello but as long as your being polite i will gladly respond. feel free to address me as may or any other (kind) phrase (e.g queen/baddie?? anythings fine as long as youre being nice)
do u see the theme😘
i like to keep my age off of here simply for privacy but i can assure you i am not a minor, but if you are, you are welcome on my page any time just be aware i do swear and the content that i reblog can be nsfw, but ultimately you are responsible for the media you decide to consume.
i do not write fics(i always reblog them tho😉/also beta! so if youre a writer in need just lmk) idk if i ever will(write)but i dont realistically see that happening😭.
in the search bar for my page you can see all these hashtags, i typically tag “give it a read💋” for any fics ive betad and “she speaks🗣️” for any post thats just me yappin💀
and any character names (like finnick odair, peter parker etc.) are the bulk of fics that i reblog and you can find works for that character under those tags!
im a full time student based in sunny california😍, my favorite things have to be fruits(tops gotta be strawberrys, cherrys anddd green grapes), fics, and folklore (3 fav f’s💋) (and yes i am a swiftie). last time i took the personality test i got ISTJ, but i swearr im still an infp. every single test i took told me i was a hufflepuff (were not lame i swear), and even though i swear up n down that im a laurie.. i might be an amy😔( i want to be great or nothing😫) and a song that i just feel for is probably a three way tie between teenage dream by olivia rodrigo, this is me trying by taylor swift and dreamer by laufey(not someone i typically listen to but whenever spotify puts her song i always love it)
favorite artistss gotta be the big three taylor, lana and ariana (nothing offish theyre just my most listened) and drake.. and bad bunny.. and olivia.. and sza.. and beyonce.. and the weekend.. and rihanna
- if you want a grasp of my music this is a LINK to my most played playlist
- this is a LINK to my more lovey/ sweet songs, its all in the description💋
*if u give em a listen and u wanna put me on.. msg me!! id love to hear your recs
my hobbies include playing music, i play guitar(kinda goodish) and i wanted to pick up piano too (idk if ill ever get to this😭) i also found that i love to do puzzles, and i wanted to start scrapbooking (looks fun af lowk). a few other things i love is definitely just jamming out to my tunes, sleeping😫😫, watching movies, playing w legos😭, PLAYING WITH MY DOGGIESSS (i have two, rocky and lily both are maltese poodles💋💋), baking (hate the clean up tho) i also love selfcare, its always good to prioritize urself but i mean the cassie method of everything showers, lotions, body oils, body mists/ perfumes, face masks, skin care (allllllll the goodies) just to finish the day off with a fic (its deadass my nightly routine to shower, get ready for bed/unwind, tumblr)
-CELEBRITY not character, but if i missed any lmk😝
-this is a long one so bearrrrr with me
my top 5 currently is🥁🥁🥁
1. sam claflin (been obsessed, still obsessed, i dont see this changing *unless timothee wanna quit playin🙄)
2. tom blyth (tbosbas was life changing.. hes so💋💋)
3. andrew garfield (im considering moving my man up to 2 bc hes an og for this list likee hes been on my brain since he was fan casted as our remus lupin and will stay there😌)
4. jacob elordi (newest addition, saltburn edits is the sole reason why hes here plus hes so fucking tall like i deserve that height difference *for reference im 5 ft😈)
5. timothee chalamet (i love him so much BUT HES DOWN HERE BC OF KYLIE😭*he would be 1 otherwise🥲)
for other hotties ..
OSCAR ISAAC🥵🥵😫-i need this man in bed rn
charlie brushnell😘-new addition but again he is taking over just like pjo is
tom holland- zenny baby he is all yours but that man shirtless? YUMMYYY
tom hiddleston- only rzn to watch the thor series
theo james - YOU THE ONE FOUR ME hes so fine i watched divergent (still a great series) for him n i was not dissapointed
aaron t— johnson- i do not want to mention his 🤐 but he is so fine his calvin klein ads?? KICKASS??
ben barnes- shadow n bone.. YUMMY YUMMY🤭🤭also sirius? likeee runaway to my house?
cillian murphy- ik he lowk looks like he got a bad case of botox.. BUT CMONNN PEAKY BLINDERS???
callum turner- i knew i was hooked since that harry potter movie he has like 10 minutes in🥰🥰
dylan o’brien-ima be honest im not DIE HARD in love but this man was fine since maze runner and teen wolf n will be till hes in the graveee
henry cavill- enola mf holmes.. INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR BROTOHER LIKE😍😍😍 i need this man to investigate all my internal organs
hugh laughton scott- hes just so pretty i just😘
harrison dickinson- love at first sight of darkest minds😍😍( its a discontinued movie (supposed to be) series) i need him in more shit
joao felix- my bestie pmo fifa AND HE DOES NOT DISSAPOINTT
josh hutcherson- i could not make this list without pookie
matthew gray gubler- i need him to read me to sleep, sing me to sleep, talk about anything so i can sleep, he brings me so much joy with that smile and hes so sweetie pie i could go on forever
drew starkey?- idk his name but hes the hottie who plays rafe cameron IVE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW (or anything hes in) but holy shit that man is tall and pulls off ANY hair cut
well if youve made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this! if you want to know some more about me msg me in any way and ill respond, maybe ill add that info here. thanks again for your attention! love you all😘
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lesbiandipperpines · 4 years
so i’m watching season 9 (part 2)
i split it bc i didn’t want it to be too long and i’ll find how to do the read more thing
“are you gonna tell us how to turn into a rat�� i would like to ask most my old classmates that 
“bratty child” yea that sums it up for smol lloyd 
Kai and Jay fighting over water is me and my friend when we had £1 between us and bought an energy drink,,,we were like 11
zane ur such a badass,,,i love you
“uh oh!!” precious bapy nindroid 
Harumi going to see garmadon whilst wielding a sword is mood 
Garmadon has some humanity!!! and then this tiktok e-girl comes along as messes it all u p !!!!!!!!!!
i dont get Harumi’s motive like she’s done what she’s wanted to do can she just cocoon away 
i mean i do get it, i just don’t like her
“zip it, duly noted” jay ily pls keep yappin 
the SoG are idiots WHO RIDES BIKES OVER A BRIDGE?!?! 
yes Lloyd,, (coming back to this point- i have no idea why i typed it)
shut up Harumi you’re not a lie detector 
can i be gay for a voice,,,serious q u e s t i o n
“who’s the beggar now?” haha pay for ur crimes
using harumi for trade would be useless bc she is worthless,,,it is midnight and i am savage 
faith saying ninjago wrong is giving me fuel
why won’t jay forget about cole’s body being a temple,,bi mess
“did i win?” “i thought you were the judge” let zane take his crown he has earned it
i like the music,  its upbeat 
“HAHAA” zane i love you so heccing much 
faith and wu are the brotp of this season 
“wise words, i should talk more often” sweetheart you die in like an episodes time
did- did lloyd call harumi a mole or did i miss something
the cough,,,is she good? sounds like when a cat drags up a hairball
“get me the boy” which one?
“we should teach him how to drive next” ok so why is wu in the drivers seat if he can’t drive
faith took one for the team,,imma cry-
how did she tie darreth up,,what kinda bullsh- 
if anyone is two-faced it’s you,,you spent a whole season being someone you’re not??? scratch that- most of your life??????????
harumi just rugby tackled skylor,,,no heccs given
i already miss her what the HECC
Jay is using a braincell and it is a shocker to see (get it- shocker?? no? ok)
jay out here asking for food,,and no one gives him the food :(
wu deadass called jay annoying im- 
faith is starting the rebellion 
me??crying at wu’s flashbacks?? y u p
WU!!!!!! season 9 wu is the best wu 
i was so blind when i first saw this i thought Mistaké was kidnapped and just not deadass killed. 
Lloyd once again being the best boy nothin neww
if harumi didn’t run she would probably still be alive..fun
harumi is having a Realizashun
season death count: 3
“RUN?!?! ONE OF US CAN’T EVEN STAND!!” dareth never change
garmadon has really lost it
“there’s not shame in knowing when to turn tail” spoken like a true coward dareth
keep tryin kai you are doing amazing
how on earth did Wu go from how is now to,,,uh- yea
ik he’s lego but i love his hair???? more than i love young garmadon’s hair and that is saying something
UV on the phone to whoever saying being yeeted hurt is FUNNY AS HECC OK 
oh season 9 said female rights 
season 9 also said hit and run rights 
“does she ever quit?” im- no
season death count: 4
“he’s gone?” *cheering*
wu and faith being like best bros is the content i deserve 
dareth is spinnin and we stan
i really miss pixal and have done all season
Dareth is just great,, 
“i admit i know nothing” fat mood-
garmadon got roasted 
he couldn’t kill his son,,he just couldn’t
“youthful ignorance” ok boomer
Misako saw younger wu and went “I Am Looking”
that season 10 foreshadowing hurts 
WU IS B A C K!!!!!!!
the ending has my emotions in a choke hold 
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