#im leaning towards 2 arms so if i dont get any votes then thats what im gonna go with
y-akkun · 1 year
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babysizedfics · 4 years
2! - 👑
baby vee on the loose in just a diaper
vote from this concept voting post!
warning: this includes tickling and light teasing and is INCREDIBLY adorable
one day vee is in her slightly older headspace that being 18 months - which coincidentally is the age babies start running
now roman (whos not little) and patton are just chilling in romans room talking and waiting for logan to finish changing vee into a diaper so they can all play with the baby
when suddenly they hear a muffled "Vee, sit back- Baby! Baby, no, no no come back! BABY-"
that is followed by quick little footsteps appraching the door and light giggles - then vee pushes the door open, jiji clutched to her chest, dressed in a pink crop top that reads "cute" in rainbow letters and a pink and white diaper and literally nothing else
roman and patton instantly burst out laughing because she toddles into the room so quickly but shes so wobbly! wearing a diaper makes it hard to walk for her because of the thick padding so she really is toddling like a baby
and she immediately darts to the bed where roman is sitting propped against the headboard and he hurriedly opens his arms just in time for her to literally collapse on his chest and wriggle around to straddle his lap, all while squeaking in laughter
"heya, titch," roman giggles, holding her steady. "did you escape, huh?" and he feels so delighted and amused that her diaper is on full display and is crinkling loudly when vee giggles and wriggles.
"Vee?? Baby, where are you?!" logan sounds panicked in the hallway
"in here loganberry!" patton chuckles, his phone pulled out and clearly capturing a ton of photos of this moment
but vee whines and quickly hides her face in romans shoulder and covers her head with jiji
Roman giggles "whatcha doin, baby?"
and she responds from her hiding place "umbibible"
"youre what?" patton frowns, still smiling though
roman chuckles understanding what she means "are you invisible?"
vee nods and squeals in delight. "shh shh bimbible!"
"ohh okay, shh shh" roman whispers and nods very seriously and cradles the back of her shoulders and diaper to hold her safe and help her hide. "invisible"
logan suddenly bursts in looking stressed as heck and sighs in relief when he sees vee in romans lap
"hey specs, whats got you so frazzled?" roman asks and bites his lip to contain his laughter
after a brief moment taking a deep breath and running his hand back through his hair, logan has recomposed himself. "hello roman. Could you do me a favor and hand over the baby in your lap?"
then roman frowns. "what baby?"
vee giggles and buries her head more in romans neck. he doesnt mind the slight ache at all
logan smiles humourlessly. "very funny, but I need to get her dress on"
"i dont think it would fit you, honey" patton jokes from behind his phone.
roman snorts
logan stares at patton, expressionless
and then roman notices that the way patton holds the camera is so obvious he is taking a VIDEO of this exchange. roman hugs vee tighter with pride
"okay, i really do need to get the baby dressed though" logan insists to roman with a little smile
roman makes a show of looking around the room, avoiding looking down at the adorable mound of pink and white in his lap. "sorry, i dont see any baby"
vee squirms and her diaper crinkles loudly. then they all hear the tiniest babyish whisper. "bimbible"
they're all trying so hard not to laugh now, logan is like biting his cheek to stop smiling and sternly says "roman, I need to get your baby sibling dressed"
"logan i literally have no idea where she is!"
vee giggles and kicks her feet lightly in excitemnt
a choked laugh escapes patton before he scrunches his face to stop it, and logan closes his eyes, his face twitching with the effort not to laugh. romans the best at holding in laughter but he's close to breaking he can tell
"okahay" logan says with a concealed chuckle. "okay, then. roman can you please help me find the baby?"
roman gasps dramatically. "logan, you lost the baby?! What kind of a mother are you!!"
and vee suddenly squeals loud and highpitched into romans shoulder and wiggles so much that shes basically vibrating with excitement
everyone silently wheezes at the reaction: logan slams his hand over his mouth and has to hold the wall for support, romans head drops back in a silent scream of laughter and cradles vees head, and pattons eyes squint shut and the camera wobbles as he shakes with silent chuckles
at that point patton knows they need to wrap this up or they'll either burst into loud laughter and risk startling vee, or they'll all run out of breath from trying to hold it back
"if there was a baby in here," he laughs as gently as he can, "then surely she would be invisible, right roman?"
roman agrees "yes obviously, patton" and he sways gently cradling vee because she was constantly squeaking and squirming and they dont want her getting too overexcited
again, vee giggles "bimbible, bimbible!" still hiding in romans shoulder
of course that gives logan an idea
he approaches the bed "well im afraid theres only one way to find invisible babies" he starts very solemnly and perches on the edge of the mattress next to roman and totally not a totally visible baby
then he smiles. "is sheeeee... over here?" he asks, fluttering just one finger over her neck and vee squeaks and pulls jiji down to cover her neck
roman smiles and strokes her now visible purple hair
"hmm" logan hums in thought as patton gets up from the beanbag to get a better angle to film this whole debacle. logan smiles at the camera mischievously for a moment, apparently forgetting his camera shyness in the excitement
"is she perhaps here?" and he scribbles all fingers of one hand over the exposed back of her knee
vee giggles melodically and quickly folds her legs up into romans lap - but her toes are scrunching happily. shes no longer hidden in romans shoulder but is still curled up against his chest and is hiding her face with jiji
"I think I know where the baby is~" logan sings teasingly, and everyone beams and giggles at the way vee wiggles so much that roman has to curl his arms all the way around her and her diaper to stop her from wriggling right off his lap
"she must be...." logan draws it out, wiggling all ten fingers towards her back. "over here!"
logans fingertips land just above the hem of vee's diaper, settling on her sides and the back of her ribs and scribbling and spiralling gently - the diaper hem rustles loudly under his fingers but thats nothing compared to the reaction from vee
she positively screeches with squeaky laughter, dropping jiji instantly to reveal her flushed cheeks and her scrunched up happy eyes and her big big gummy smile! she wriggles around so much and flaps jiji in the air excitedly
and everyone coos "THERE SHE IS~ 💞" in unison
when they finish with the tickling and the giggling, logan finally gets vee back in her room to get dressed... but she whines and pouts whenever he tried to put any kind of skirt or pants on her
try as he might logan literally cannot convince vee to wear anymore clothes than she's already wearing - so for a compromise he simply puts on her ruffly white diaper cover !
patton absolutey bursts with love and adorableness when he sees her all smiley and blushy and wriggly in her cute poofy diaper cover and roman giggles and thinks about how much fun it'll be to remind vee about this tomorrow >:3c
for the entire day everyone is just so giggly because vee is in the most playful happy baby mood, she loves not wearing any pants or skirts and keeps wiggling on her butt to hear the diaper crinkles and kicking her bare legs in excitement and squeals
the next morning roman absolutely follows through on his promise to himself and tells vee all about it
vee is so so embarrassed, blushing like mad and hiding her face behind logans shoulder as everyone smiles and tries not to giggle too hard at her reaction
"oh my god, why didnt anyone dress me??"
"you put up quite a fight" logan says so casually it almost sounds like he isnt grinning ear to ear. "youre very persuasive when you pout, princess"
vee pulls away from him with a very appropriate pout
"aww come on dont be embarrassed," patton coos "you were the most adorable little baby in the world yesterday with your poofy little diaper butt"
"dad!" vee squeaks in indignation
everyone giggles at her reaction (and roman sees her lips twitch up in a hidden smile)
roman leans to whisper in her ear "i think you like it~"
"stoooop" vee whines and buries her burning cheeks against romans shoudler instead
big mistake
"wow déja vu" roman chuckles "i guess youre not straddling my lap this time though - all wriggly and giggly and crinkly"
vee pulls back form him with a bewildered look "i was in your lap? and i was only wearing--"
"well sure!" patton chuckles as though its ridiculous vee is even questioning it. "i dunno why youre so suprised, you always sit in your brothers lap. OH I can show you the video to prove it!" and he pulls out his cellphone and starts searching for the video
"i dunno pat, are you sure it will help to watch the video?" roman asks
and for a MILLISECOND vee thinks roman is actually for once showing her mercy
then he smiles at her. "i mean she was 'bimbible', I dunno if you wouldve caught her on camera"
"thats very true," logan nods, sipping his coffee with a smirk "though it might be worth reviewing the footage purely for research purposes"
patton laughs "oh of course, we really have to check if you can see 'bimbible' babies on camera... oop, i think we can!"
patton beams and holds up his phone to show a picture of vee curled up against romans chest, half-naked and with romans hands curled round her shoulders and the top of the diaper, his head thrown back and clearly in the midst of delighted laughter
vee squeaks and pulls minty from their seat at the breakfast table to bury her face in them. "youre my only ally minty" she whispers into their fluff as the family all coo over the adorable photos
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