#bsg au
y-akkun · 1 year
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5, 9 and 13 for the fic asks? Hope you're having a wonderful day!
5. what's a fic idea you've had that you will never write?
i have so many fic idea swimming around in my head that i will definitely never have time to write but.
i do have a fighter pilot au (who am i kidding a Battlestar Galactica au) where Ava's an ace pilot sent out in an experimental ship to look for safe harbor after human civilization is decimated; only 50,000 living souls left alive out of billions. the first jump carries them into deep space.
Bea's is an expert navigator and astrobiologist, sent along with Ava to keep an eye on her, since Ava's famously reckless and spent basically every other night in the brig back on the Galactica. but Bea's also the science officer, tasked with seeking out habitable planets for an initial attempt at seeding human colonies as far from the ruins of civilization as possible. the idea would be to give them the ability to contact each other, but leave warnings about the Cylons, warnings to never go back.
they have a larger freighter-style ship capable of supporting them for... as long as it takes, complete with a lab (for Bea) and a starfighter (so that Ava can immediately destroy any Cylon scout ship that makes visual contact with them). they have equipment Bea can use to study any habitable planet they find, to set up shop on the surface for the several weeks it takes to fully bio-map and geologically assess the landscape. once they set down a beacon, hopefully the signal can reach the people working on the Dandelion Pods that Beatrice created - ships that can follow their trail and carry the 500 or so people needed for a viable population to the planets they've earmarked.
it ends up taking them far away from the fighting, Ava picking off one or two scouts who locate their signature before it fades out of sight. then it's her mechanical skills that help, fixing the ship as it breaks, setting up systems they didn't have the time to anticipate the need for.
just... quiet, and fathomless space. the two of them growing closer, Bea's initial wariness giving way to fondness, to something more. huddling for warmth when they have to all but power down the ship to avoid creating a heat signature when the Cylons scan into deep space for survivors.
they're the last hope for humanity, adrift out in the stars with Bea growing veggies in planter pots because "access to fresh food has been proven to promote psychological health" "sorry professor. i won't make fun of your beets ever again"
Ava buffing her fighter and Beatrice watching her check the weapons systems and paint new, lurid designs on the wings, hoping desperately that they never have to use it, that they're never found, (that they never have to go back).
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you've written?
yes i write every day unless i have bad pain or brain fog, but even if it's just a sentence i like to write Something because i couldn't for years & i'm trying to make up for lost time lmao.
a sentence:
"She sat with the paper bag of chocolates cupped in her palms and thought of how the vendor touched them all with his bare fingers, once or twice raising them to wipe at the sweat in his hair, and how the vents rattled, pumping recycled air into that deep space, little ribbons on the grilles to show everyone that the air was flowing, to warn them when it stopped."
13: How much planning do you do before writing?
i think about my WIPs when i'm out walking sometimes, but i never write anything down, believing foolishly that if a plot point or a scene or a line is good enough i'll remember it, or that when i sit down to write it'll reassert itself as a natural part of the narrative. aside from that, all i work with is a first line and a vague concept and i much prefer it that way.
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caitylove · 1 month
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003) Relationships: William Adama/Laura Roslin, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Anastasia "Dee" Dualla/Billy Keikeya, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Summary: All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again. And this time, the Gods had gifted the marks to the Thirteen. A soulmate canon divergence of Bill and Laura, and their ragtag fleet's, adventures across the stars as they race to beat the final cycle of time.
Chapter 11 is finally up! Yay!
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madamairlock · 25 days
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justonemorewallflower · 4 months
For all my Kara x Lee/Starpollo shippers/readers, I want to know which of these ideas you'd prefer to see more.
It's a patient/nurse au and either:
1. Kara as a reluctant bedridden patient who's annoyed she has nothing to do (or at least nothing she wants to do) and is snappy with nearly everyone and Lee as the only nurse that has continued to treat her well despite her behavior. (And he falls for her because he agrees to stay and talk to her sometimes when she has nothing to do and learns more about her than just the tough exterior she puts on).
2. Lee as a recurring stubborn patient who always insists he's fine (when he's not) and Kara as a blunt and rough around the edges nurse that doesn't baby her patients and eventually starts teasing him about how he keeps coming back, "I'm starting to think you keep getting injured on purpose just to see me again."
As for time periods I really like the idea of #2. with Lee being a soldier in World War 2 and Kara being one of the war nurses (bonus, she was engaged to Zak but he died in the war, a twist could be he and Lee are related like in canon so when she gets Lee as one of her patients she kind of already knows him but he doesn't really know her because Zak died shortly after their engagement/before he met Kara).
And I feel like #1. would be more of a modern one with Lee being a nurse because I think male nurses weren't really common until later on, or at least it wasn't really a thing during the World War 2 time period.
But yeah, let me know which idea you'd like to see more!!! I may just end up writing both because I have no self control lol but even if I end up doing that this will help me to know which one to do first as I'm curious which one you guys would like to see more/are more intrigued by!
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stillokaynextcrisis · 2 months
It’s not like she planned to be a brutal killing machine.
But when Laura met Bill, she knew she wanted to sink her teeth into his neck.
Perhaps she should have thought harder about what she and Adar had done last night, and the tiny marks it had left in her throat.
Her scarf did not cover the blood staining the retiring commander’s uniform, or the bodies of the four marines.
Thankfully, Billy turned out to be useful at more than getting her coffee.
While her assistant dragged the corpses into the arms locker, Laura explained their new situation to Bill.
“I think the important thing is that we get off this ship as soon as possible.”
Then the Cylons attacked, and the whole situation became somewhat awkward.
“We need a plan,” Laura observed one day, watching as Bill chowed down on Chuckles.
“Have you ever heard of Earth?” Bill asked around a mouthful of Viper pilot.
Laura was thinking of building a cabin…with perhaps room enough for two.
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au roulette 2024 #2- post-apocalypse
(or, the lost company battlestar galactica au)
They jump when the bombs go off, leaping blind from the shipyard into unknown space. 
They don’t land inside a star, thank the gods, but they are well beyond the iron line and deep in enemy space with less than half a battlestar’s proper crew complement, barely supplied, hangar deck a burning mess, and half a dozen jumps from civilization. They return cautiously to Colonial space and find the airwaves full of panic and desperate pleas- where they aren’t ominously silent instead.
Golodir orders another jump when they’re nearly shattered by the sudden arrival of three basestars. Defeated, they jump.
“You’re sure you’re alright with this?” Lorniel asks again, braced against the humming upper panels of the Raptor. Corunir laughs, short and mirthless.
“Alright is a strong word, but I can do this.” It wasn’t even properly an order, but someone has to go. He knows this as well now as he did when Golodir had called every qualified Raptor pilot to his quarters. “Besides,” he adds, tapping the new patch on Lorniel’s flight suit. “You’ll have plenty to worry about back here, CAG.” Lorniel rolls her eyes and shoves him lightly.
“Just make sure you come back,” she mutters.
Basestars orbit whatever remains of the Colonies. The debris of ships of every class lingers, some of it floating even this far out, clattering harmlessly off the armor of Corunir’s Raptor.
Vardamar is the nearest. He shuts off all the power he can in the Raptor and lets himself drift, hoping he is small enough and far enough to go unnoticed. The long-range scanners of the recon ship hum for hours, but all they hear is silence. Nothing on the public channels, nothing on the Fleet’s. 
Reluctantly, he inputs the rendezvous coordinates and jumps- straight into the debris of battle.
“He knows all the rendezvous points,” Elegys says, hauling Golodir to his feet, hiding a wince at his fantastic bruising. The impact of the warheads was bad enough without a hull breach. “He’ll find us.”
“If they don’t find him first,” Golodir mutters, rubbing away half-dried blood. Elegys sighs through her nose.
She watches Lorniel pace, later, and wonders if she should have gone herself. She hasn’t been needed in the CIC since they absorbed Laerdan and his crew, and she’s been flying Raptors longer than Corunir has been alive. At the least, he wouldn’t have had to go alone.
They rename the battlestar Avenger- Dúnachar in the language of the old Lords- and they leave the Colonies behind. There can be no going back, not now, not with only one ship, not even with the crew absorbed from the scattered, isolated ships they wander across, as frightened as they and far less accustomed to war. Occupied or laid waste entirely, there will be no return for them. They turn then to the one thing they’re well-trained to do, jumping, striking, and jumping again, leaving shredded metal and the flesh-like insides of the enemy’s half-organic raiders floating in the void.
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madelineusherspearls · 6 months
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tsuga-of-mars · 2 years
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This month was a @gallacrafts based on a one-shot. No surprise, I picked a space themed fic.
I give you a Flirty Pilot Ian and Mechanic Mickey from @the-rat-wins / the_rat_wins space AU Flyboy and the Gearhead! I had read this for the first time in Dec and loved it so much. I had saved its as Gallavich meets Battlestar Galactica, which also inspired me to include my BSG model as Ian's ship.
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curioussubjects · 2 years
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The Torn-Up Road: Part V [feat. Maelstrom (good ending version)]
Previous: Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV
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shadowsong26fic · 1 year
Thumbprint AU (aka BSG Soulmate AU) additional ramblings
Last night, I was explaining some of the concepts behind this fic to my roommate. So, naturally, rather than working towards anything I actually am writing/planning to write, my brain was still on that track and fleshing out some of the other details/thinking about some of the Impacts moving forward XD
Brief background, for those who don't actually want to dive into the fic: it's one of the ones I wrote for Year of the OTP, it's a BSG Soulmate AU.
I'm...generally not actually super into soulmate AUs, unless they're baked into the worldbuilding of the story itself (i.e., some fairy-tale retellings trend in this direction; heavily prophecy-based settings; lifebonds in the Valdemar series; the Sun-blessed and shadow in Starless which I'm currently rereading...)
But in this particular universe, I think they're interesting. Not because of the way prophecy and destiny work--in fact, I'm not even really touching on that side of things. Mostly I was interested because of how that might impact any among the Significant Seven, given the culture they exist in. Specifically Caprica and Athena. (I'm writing Caprica/Baltar for the challenge; but there are other soulmate sets I'm interested in.)
Anyway, the rules I came up with:
Not everyone has a soulmate
It is possible to have multiple soulmates 2a. They do not necessarily have to be each other's soulmates
It is possible to have platonic soulmates
The mark is your soulmate's thumbprint; the location varies
The marks appear after both (or all) parties involved have reached an emotional point of no return, which is why it's so inconsistent.
I've picked out five soulmate relationships for this AU, though I'm not sure I'll actually write anything further about them, but just for reference:
Gaius and Caprica
Helo and Athena
Bill and Saul (platonic)
Bill and Laura
Saul and Ellen
Some further thoughts behind the cut
So, starting with Gaius and Caprica - His emotional point of no return is giving her the codes/granting access. - Hers is her confession - This means, as shown in the one-shot already written, their marks appear during/after the chaos of the attacks. - Hers is on her thigh - I did put some thought into the locations of these marks; sometimes there is a level of Meaning that I can articulate, sometimes it's just Vibes. In this case, it's...sort of both? In that it's something that you generally have to be already intimate with her to know. - She notices it as soon as she downloads. - His is on his collarbone - The placement here is that--it's something that's generally covered up, or easy to cover up without looking like you're Actively Hiding Something...but it's also fairly easy to uncover. Once it is, it's something he can explain away (or at least cut off any further questions). For once, by telling the actual truth--his soulmate isn't in the Fleet. (No one's really going to follow up on that.) - This might impact how things fall out between him and Kara. - I'm...actually not sure when he notices. Unless Head!Six points it out, for the first couple of days he might assume it's a random bruise...except it's a pretty specific shape, and then it doesn't fade... - Other potential threads/directions this could go: - Possibly Caprica's alliance with Boomer breaks down faster. Boomer does not have a thumbprint. - This might impact Gaius's relationship with Gina (at least once she's out of her cell/after the actual Pegasus/Resurrection Ship arc; I...don't think it'll necessarily cut through the tangle of Everything Else in the moment, but in the aftermath). - It doesn't really affect things with Head!Six or Head!Baltar, I don't think. They're already...A Lot.
Bill and Saul - So, 95% of the reason why I'm including them is to highlight some of the Rules of this AU (i.e., platonic soulmates are Also a thing; you can have multiple soulmates who aren't necessarily tied to each other as well as you) - Also, it's frankly hilarious to have a cluster where Several of the people involved despise several of the others XD - Bill's mark is on his shoulderblade; Saul's is on his bicep. - Saul's is entirely Vibes; Bill's is because Saul always has his back. - I don't know when the marks appeared, in part because parsing the timelines here is. Complicated. Also don't know the specifics behind their points of no return, but oh well. It doesn't...super matter by the time the series starts, I don't think? - (I am considering adding Felix and Dee to the list as another pair of platonic soulmates, because their relationship definitely could be written that way? But I haven't explored it much/don't have any real thoughts on it).
Bill and Laura - Their point of no return is actually a shared one! It's on Kobol. - They're also (probably) the only ones with a shared point of no return. Make of that what you will XD - Her mark is at the pulse point on her left wrist. - Mostly Vibes here. - His I keep changing my mind on where it should be...any suggestions? - (I love these two, I very much enjoy reading about them; but I don't actually write them myself very often hence not a lot of Fleshed Out Details here)
Saul and Ellen - I'm pretty sure they woke up in their new lives with their marks and it was built into their new personas as a result, but. uh. yeah, who the frak knows, anything to do with the personal timelines of the Final Five is. a Mess. - His is right over his sternum; hers is at the nape of her neck. - Pretty much entirely Vibes here. - They're included in part for some of the same reasons Bill and Saul are included, in part because my best beloved 2000-year-old dysfunctional robot drunks in love (every time I rewatch the series, I like them more and more; particularly Saul), in part because "you guys are horrifically toxic in a way that strangely works; you are perfect for each other; please never involve anyone else in your bullshit.) - (But, of course, other people are involved in their bullshit XD Bill, Sam/Chief/Tory...)
Helo and Athena - Okay, so here's where things could Really Go Places in terms of AU/canon divergence. - Athena's point of no return, obviously, is her decision to take Helo and run rather than sticking with the plan. - His is actually after that, during the confrontation with Kara when he stops Kara from killing Athena. - You'd think it would be earlier, that point where he turns back to rescue her rather than continuing on on his own. There's two reasons why I'm going here: - First, it actually genuinely makes sense to me. There's the complications with (as far as he knows) her prior relationship with Chief. Then there's the whole Reveal. It's not until Kara is threatening her that he has this moment of Clarity and realizes that--whatever else is going on, whatever other complications there are, he needs this Sharon in his life. One way or another. No matter the cost. - Second, it's for Storytelling Reasons, which I'll come back to in a second. - Both of their marks are actually visible unless they are Actively Covering Them Up. - Athena's is on the back of her hand. - Helo's is on his cheekbone. - Which brings me back to the second point for putting Helo's point of no return where it is. - Because the marks appear once both parties have crossed that line. - Which means Kara actually sees Helo's mark appear. - Obviously, this has a huge impact on everything when they get back to the Fleet. - The first instinct, of course, is that the marks are fake--tattooed on or something. - But Kara actually witnessed when Helo was marked. - Also, any infiltration attempts by Athena get. A little more complicated. - ...I don't actually have a plan or anything, lol, just. Hoo Boy That Changes Things.
...so, yeah, that's where I am. XD I don't know that I'm actually going to write any of this (I have other projects that interest me more), but I figured getting it down on paper, so to speak, and out of my head was a good place to start!
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bambi-kinos · 7 months
Footsteps in the Snow - Oblivion // Masayoshi Soken (Final Fantasy XIV)
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caitylove · 2 months
Chapters: 10/? Relationships: William Adama/Laura Roslin, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Anastasia "Dee" Dualla/Billy Keikeya, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Summary: All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again. And this time, the Gods had gifted the marks to the Thirteen. A soulmate canon divergence of Bill and Laura, and their ragtag fleet's, adventures across the stars as they race to beat the final cycle of time.
Chapter 10 is finally live!
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madamairlock · 28 days
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I came up with a Starpollo AU fic idea the other day and I would die to see it written. I don't know if I could write it myself or not as I don't have much knowledge on law stuff, etc. but I feel like this would fit them quite well, at least Lee.
But basically an AU where the attack on the Colonies doesn't happen and Lee is working as a lawyer. Kara ends up being his secretary. She is pretty decent at her job, she just always likes to try and make it more fun, not just for herself, but for whoever she's working for too. When she has an immediate attraction to Lee, all hell and tension breaks loose, especially when Lee can't deny he has an attraction to her as well. And especially not when he gets to know her more past her playful and flirty facade and ends up falling in love. Everything in his mind tells him that engaging in any sort of physical relationship with her is against protocol/not right, but he's so enamoured it's hard for him to give a frak and tell her no.
(Also for this idea he and her could know each other prior to her becoming his secretary or not. Their jobs could be when they first meet or if y'all want more drama/tension they could have met beforehand like how they had in canon and this story takes place after Zak's death. And obviously depending which route you go their interactions, attraction, etc. would vary).
I absolutely love this idea and think it could be super fun to write/plot and I personally would love to but again I don't have a lot of knowledge on lawyers and secretaries and what they do, etc. Of course I know general/brief knowledge but not enough to write them doing their jobs, etc. So I feel taking up this fic may be better suited for someone who has some good knowledge on those things as then it'll be more accurate. But if anyone is interested in writing this please let me know because I'd love to at least help with some scene/plot ideas!! I think it could be fun to potentially co-write this with someone! I think it could be neat if someone with knowledge wrote scenes taking place at their work, etc. while I could write scenes that take place outside of it/that don't involve their jobs (not necessarily ofc, just a suggestion). If anyone is interested please let me know!!!
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stillokaynextcrisis · 2 months
There were probably other ways she could have reacted to her cancer diagnosis than seeking out an immortal blood-sucking fiend, but Laura had never been interested in traditional treatment.
William Adama was older than the invention of sin, and he’d had his share of undead wannabes—but he’d never met anyone he wanted to spend eternity with less than Laura Roslin.
Unfortunately, Laura had done her research, and brought the first vampire Bill had ever turned with her: Lee.
Lee was, per usual, angry, half at being disturbed from eternal rest and half at his sire.
Lee, after all, was tired of spending eternity alone, without his brother.
“Zak only got staked trying to impress you,” Lee shouted, bringing dust raining down on Bill’s crypt.
Laura ran a finger over Bill’s coffin. “After you turn me, we’re going to need to clean this place up.”
Bill turned to the redhead, whom he now liked less than ever. “I’m not turning you.”
“I suggest a deal,” Laura said pleasantly. “Lee stays as long as I stay.”
Bill didn’t ask what she had on Lee. He just prayed to gods he’d never believed in that he wasn’t making a mistake, and his quiet un-life would go back to normal, and then sank his teeth into her neck.
He wasn't, and it wouldn’t.
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