#im literally deceased
veevoosh · 7 months
i have a feeling that he'd only do this with rosie AND rosie only exclusively cause she's the best PFFFFFFT
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sepulchrorum · 1 year
Roman? Involved in only the most ceremonial of roles but maybe free. Maybe. Tom (the winner) w his open hand and shiv presenting hers it on top. Not intertwining. Not engaged. But there. Winning in whatever way she can force herself to. Kendall a broken cog who has lost everything. With only the last remains of what his father left to guide him. The uneasy sea. The emptiness. The theme. It comes back around.
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scrollonso · 1 month
u cant tell me he didnt just step out of his garage to LOOK AT MARC. im sick.
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onthemerits · 11 months
no one told me that the simone-karl plot from why women kill would rip my heart out and stomp it into little itty bitty pieces
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adimouze · 9 months
anyways if you’re into maxiel and you still haven’t read the beef au that’s been posted on the kinkmeme PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND GO READ IT it’s one of the most HOTTEST fic I’ve read in a WHILE
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dies at the sight of this image
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monpalace · 1 year
I’m thinking thots at work, what do we think Wild’s [Name] would be like? -🧚🏽‍♀️
i feel like she'd be the leash that stops him from literally killing himself with whatever dumbshit that comes to mind and wild's the puppy that finds something (in this case, [name]) and refuses to leave it?
maybe she's someone who works at the castle who survived the calamity and was put into something like the chamber of resurrection in hopes they'd find each other and she'd keep him from doing more dumb shit because someone realized "hey, [name] and zelda are the only ones link listens to. they're literally his impulse control. but zelda's not here and [name]'s not immortal, so we should probably put her in like, a cryo-chamber or something" and then handed her off to the sheikah and said "do something please"
or she's some sort of mysterious figure who always appears out of nowhere (and gets to places you'd least expect to find them in) and isn't there when you turn around to look at them? like, maybe she showed up on the great plateau when wild first woke up, was questioned by the king as to how she got there, she just hits him with a "don't worry 'bout it sweetheart," and sticks with wild until he's ready before literally disappearing once he lands on the ground outside the great plateau? then at some point, he finds her again, asks where she's been, and he gets hit with "i was out having fun and getting what i needed to be done," before sticking with him for a few more days and ultimately disappearing again
imagine if she just showed up in the lost woods while he was about to get the master sword and absolutely scared him with "you'll probably want to get more health for that. it'll knock a lot out of you." "how do you know?" "just know that i know and be thankful that i told you," before going off to trade with some koroks and disappearing??
or what if she's a good friend of link's (or lover. idk) that died over the course of the hundred years he's been asleep? she's a ghost like the king, but because she doesn't have to guide him and help him relearn things (the king took that upon himself), she's just there to keep him company? because either zelda or the gerudo (keeping the geurdo to my heart no matter what 🤞🏽) managed to turn her into a spirit/ghost that's not exactly similar to the champions in the sense she isn't stuck to one spot/person and has her own separate set of rules? maybe she's not able to be seen by anyone else except wild so he has to do this, that, and the third to not look insane when she's talking to him in front of people? then, when everything's said and done, she doesn't disappear like the champions or the king because she's was created by the gerudo/zelda?-- or, if zelda made her, she's significantly weaker than 100 years before (and grows weaker the longer wild takes to beat ganon) since zelda's grown weaker as well, but as time passes post-ganon's defeat, she grows stronger?
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yourtwistedlies · 1 year
councillor brontë , light of the council’s lives. exhibit a.
a wild councillor brontë branching out of his natural habitat and stepping out of his gloomy comfort zone. what happens next? will he threaten sophie foster for the 237th time?
we don’t know neither care.
find out never after this non-existent ad break.
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leave me alone about my national geographic section, lmao. my only excuse is that i was bored and also recognize the fact i am not funny. thank you for your time lol.
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syilcawrites · 1 year
YALL i can't get over zelda's lullaby part in the last catch/final dive ost i'm going insane
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girls-food-gear · 8 months
am I surprised that the Hispanic version, with south american actors and based on a book written by an uruguayan writer (who literally lived the tragedy, in its full historical context), is better than “Alive”? Am i surprised that an American director decided to exploit a national tragedy, with such an unrealistic movie, not even being able to respect the names of those who died? No.
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So due to circumstances my brother and I's mom's stuff has been with a friend of hers for the past 14 years since she died but today my brother went and picked it up and like we've been hearing it was mostly her dolls right. We've been told multiple times it was mostly her doll collection which we both knew of because she talked about it and was pretty active in collecting dolls. So I was like "ok its gonna be a few bins of dolls".
Anyway its 12 medium tote bins and the majority of them are filled to the brim with dolls and the ones that arent are filled with doll clothes or doll accesories or doll house materials. I do not know what Im going to do here.
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another eras tour day, another loss of a duo of surprise songs. another day that my heart breaks
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danhoemei · 2 years
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lighthouseas · 1 year
chapter 12 of the strawberries are dying, my byler 1930s au, is now up!
It was Sunday, and Will had made the rather controversial decision to skip church.
He did have an actual excuse—he hadn’t been feeling very well as of late, and he figured going to church—a place he absolutely despised—would only make him feel worse. So he’d made up the excuse, somehow convinced his mother and siblings that he wasn’t going to keel over and die in their absence, and they’d left without him.
Unfortunately for him, however, he wasn’t the only one who had managed to get out of Sunday worship.
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randall and hopkirk deceased as an extended metaphor for reactions to severe trauma
i think theres a lot to be said about martys death as like. a metaphor or symbolic of severe trauma. its a life altering event that fundamentally alters everyone involved. marty obviously. because hes dead. but what if we think about it in a less literal, more abstract way? i dont know. there are a few experiences for the characters in this show which regardless of how they were intended, resonate a lot. for the sake of argument im avoiding referring to the event as 'martys death' in order to generalise the experiences and make them less specific. martys death for the sake of this post is an event. any event. that changes the lives of the people it touches both subtly and tangibly
its a traumatic event which means that marty can no longer relate to or interact with other people . hes isolated and ostracised and numbed, literally. he's derealised and dissociated, hes out-of-body. the traumatic event has left him unable to engage physically with anyone or anything around him. the only physically 'real' thing to marty is himself - which we can see when he says to bugsy "you're solid!": he doesnt recognise them as both being incorporeal. to marty, it's the rest of the world that doesn't exist anymore, and him and bugsy (someone with shared trauma) are all that's left. he is Such an isolated character, as a direct result of the traumatic event. it's left him with the ability to detect 'bad vibes' (hypervigilance). and it's not something that can be reversed - now that it's happened, that's it, but even tho he is often unhappy and hypervigilant and anxious and wishes he could go back to how he was before, he still does find moments to be silly and have fun, and eventually also to find excitement and empowerment in his new state of being. because hes still a person, even if most people dont treat him as such. his trauma means that other people no longer recognise him as a person, and that's not their fault. the living arent deliberately ostracising marty: it's his trauma which has distinctly separated him from everyone else. it's left him silent and invisible and almost completely alienated. no matter how much he yells to people to warn that they're going to be murdered, or yells for help, nobody is paying attention to him.
for jeff, his best friend is dead. yea. but jeff stops grieving this loss. in a very parallel way to marty being frozen in time and unable to continue his life, jeff is also trapped.when jeff comes home after the funeral, we see the beginnings of his journey with grief, and its a grieving process that has been interrupted; a healing process gone wrong. now he can't move on; marty is a constant reminder to him. its no wonder jeff gets angry with marty, occasionally wants marty to leave. and while jeff might feel trapped by marty, and marty feel hurt by jeff not recognising how tragic death was for marty, neither of them are to blame. its a terrible situation - and the evil isnt in either of them or their reactions to it. marty might have trouble with boundaries and jeff might occasionally be callous. but theyre just two traumatised people. the evil is that marty was killed at all.
jeff knows that things can't ever be the same; he has the dual struggle of mourning the loss of a normal life and a normal friendship, and accepting the fact that this is normality for them now. marty is who he is, the traumatic event happened and can't be undone, and marty is still here and suffering and so so deserving of compassion. sometimes when marty is silly jeff smiles a little bit and he loves him so much and he remembers that he does; because a lot of the time, the struggle in the aftermath of that traumatic event makes him too wrung out and stressed and tired to remember that that's his best friend, his best friend is right there and needs jeff as much as jeff needs him, if not more so
jeff ALSO now can't relate normally to the people around him. in the second ever episode jeannie, one of his best friends, tricks him into a hold in a psychiatric clinic, based on nothing but a few instances of jeff behaving a little strangely, right after having been bereaved. jeff has to act normal at all times under difficult or even impossible circumstances; he has to maintain the illusion of normality even more than marty does, even while marty is yelling directly into his ear. while marty might perform and mimic a 'living' existence (sitting on furniture, which we know he doesnt need to do; speaking to people he knows cant hear him; not allowing jeff to touch him so that they can both maintain the fantasy of normality after trauma) but for Jeff the illusion is crucial to his safety
jeannie is the one we might think is ironically spared some of this, even though she and marty were married. shes not involved in marty's continued existence post-trauma in the same way jeff and marty are. they deliberately keep it from her to preserve her wellbeing and, in jeff's case at least, to ensure that her ability to move on with her life isn’t curtailed the way Jeffs and Martys have been. and jeannie is trying; but it's not the case - not yet. caught up in his own life, and marty caught up in his death, jeff sometimes forgets that jeannie lost her husband, recently. him saying "i thought you got over marty ages ago" when it's been less than a year seems like an absolutely deranged thing to say to a widow when you hear it out of context. but it has to be a moment for jeff to remember: he and marty have sacrificed the healing of the grieving process in favour of what they have now, in favour of continuing their friendship and being there for each other. but jeannie hasnt. jeannie is still going through it in all of its agony. jeannie is consistently vulnerable when it comes to marty; over and over again she is manipulated by people who take advantage of her grief. and it's easy to say well she's being silly or naive, but thats because the audience follow the show primarily through jeff and marty's eyes, not jeannies. The only person Jeannie could talk to about marty seems so altered by his grief that she doesnt feel she can even bring Marty up in conversation
we also see that jeannie has been isolated from other people because of the traumatic event. Jenny comes down to see her shortly afterwards; but crucially when we see jeannie among her friends of whom we see, she has many! She is alone in a crowd, just as Jeff and Marty are. At parties she is on her own. She’s in the corner, changed by her experience of finding her husband dead just outside their house. The people around her are amiable and friendly but they don’t understand. They don’t approach her; and they don’t listen when she expresses reluctance at being asked to join in an activity she finds deeply uncomfortable.
All three characters love each other so much; and as a direct result of the traumatic event, they still sometimes harm each other inadvertently. Jeff harms Jeannie by forgetting that she is still grieving; perhaps he even harms her by keeping huge secrets from her even if he does so under oath and the best of intentions. Jeff harms Marty by not telling him ahead of time that Jeannie is an alibi when they’re in bed together; he harms him by being insensitive to Marty’s limitations; he harms him by dismissing his fears and anxieties out of hand; he harms him by rejecting him and telling him to leave. Marty harms Jeff and Jeannie both, tragically, by his inability to let them go. He harms Jeff by neglecting to observe Jeff’s boundaries appropriately. He harms Jeannie, albeit without her knowledge, in his jealous urge to keep her from moving on and finding someone else, even if he doesn’t act on it. He does Jeannie a disservice occasionally by underestimating her, and so does Jeff. Jeannie harms Jeff by not trusting him, by tricking him and having him confined without ever speaking to him about her concerns. She harms Marty without meaning to when she half believes that sheldon is Marty, and by agreeing to help cecil exorcise Marty.
None of these things are deliberate; and I think all three characters can overcome this. They love each other enough. But they’re just people. They’re trying to navigate a life that has become strange to them.
i dont know. its 4am. i have many thoughts and this isnt nearly as clean or comprehensive as i would want it to be. Jeannie, Jeff and Marty are all traumatised and are muddling their way through the aftermath as best they can and they all need each other’s understanding and compassion.
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haikyuustuffs · 1 year
Episode 10... OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
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