#im loving this fic like wow its so refreshing to write something so fun
thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
please gush about your passions and pastimes!!! I would love to hear about them
ack- im happy you want to hear about them!
obvs as y'all know recently and just in gen., i guess, writing- i love crafting worlds and stories where anything can happen and just creating scenes above all else, like getting lost in the details of everything. I love getting lost in my own world and making myself happy as most self-indulgent writers do (and showing off my legitimate skill in a proper form of writing after doing shitpost-y things for so long is pretty rejuvenating, XD). And upon going back to some of my older, posted works and wips, I still laugh at the dumb shit I thought was the best stuff ever and now find myself giving those ideas a refresher like my last writing update, because it's still a legitimately enjoyable read.
i love sketching for similar reasons, but more so to visualize a fuzzy, almost-there idea, usually about fashion. Like recently I re-drafted some outfits for a fic idea I had, in order to make the world and designs make sense in my head. And I redesigned an existing outfit, running with certain themes and embellishments in design. I'm so happy I can churn out simple sketches like that when i really put my mind to it and feel content with the finished product nowadays. I feel accomplished as a hobby artist now and it's all thanks to heavy online research, a few how-to books, and putting effort into one art class. It's the second hobby of mine that I want to be good at, almost as much as my writing. Speaking of, I sometimes draw what I write or dream about because it's that prominent in my head.
Wow i love music guys- ha, but you already knew that *lenny face*
Past times:
I really like playing the simpler games in life- not as much in the vein of it being less difficult or busy, but more so with fewer controls, interesting mechanics, and a captivating style that I can easily fuck around in or beat some levels for a few hours. Bring on the (spider) solitare (only 4 suit sucks ass why do i do this to myself), jewel quest (FUCK YOU CROWS), barbie's fashion show (SINGLE DREAM-), zoo tycoon (fuck guest happiness), and sonic adventure or x-men of course.
MMD vids are v neat, like I know a handful of choreos that are fun as past midnight exercises to get my blood pumping and i get to discover new songs and learn more about other languages at the same time! Also the aph as mmd crack vids are the best whether its them making 'i hate this' or 'yeah im hot shit' faces or being completely into it as they're forced to dance or simply copying a vine. Like, they give me brainrot and serotonin at the same time its so fun. I love seeing all the different outfits for mmd vids in general, too, on top of new covers i never would've known about.
I really love analyzing things in general, actually. It's how I learn most of the things I do and know now, even though it technically causes me to lose large chunks of time because all i'm doing is staring at the damn thing, XD. Sometimes (all the time) I'll look at a gif or vid of a character changing their facial expression as they do/say something and I'll be completely enthralled by it. Something similar happens when I stare at REALLY GOOD artwork. I think it's the technical part of my brain trying to figure out the individual elements which make up whatever that thing is, like what facial muscles are being used to convey that emotion or mix of them, what the character is feeling, how the lighting or shading of the environment or extra details in editing affects said expression, etc. And for art, I'm thinking of the lines, posture, composition, object placement, color palette, negative space, tone, and all that jazz you learn from studying art.
Scrapbooking is a fun pastime for me that's extended from celebratory cards to actual gifts to my personal sketchbooks. It's part of the "creating something out of nothing/seeing what you can create with some basic templates and decorations" kind of mindset. And it makes me happy because I get to be creative and my family members and friends (even my employer) love them as part of their gifts every time and come to expect it from me each holiday, so I'm constantly encouraged to do it in the best way. I've recently kinda gone overboard on using ribbons and charms for the spiral and stickers and washi tape for the actual book itself on my sketchbooks, but I find myself wanting to draw in it more because I did that, lol.
I love rewatching the things I love. I usually have the same commentary about it, but its nonetheless enjoyable. And I never know what new thing I'll discover about it next, even if i've seen it over 50 times and only have it on as background noise and don't actually watch it. And yes, I will easily let something play on repeat at least that many times in my lifespan as well (like, a full day of it, at least).
wow i love staring at characters im attracted to for hours on end can i get a HUYEA-
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aweebitrustyeh · 3 years
The Nine Mindgames of Aizawa Shouta Chapter 3 has now been posted!
Next scheduled update is Dec. 18th!
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cicada-bones · 4 years
wow. i’ve been following your pov since around chapter 17, which was around july or august (i think?) and it’s really been so fun for me to keep up. i found your fanfic on ao3 and would refresh the page almost daily to see if you had an update, and recently, i caved and downloaded tumblr, which has opened up a whole new world of fanfics (muahahhahah)
-anyway- i’d just like to tell you i LOVE this fic so much; i’ve read as many rowan povs of heir of fire as i could get my hands on, and this is probably my favorite. at one point after reading the ToG series, i actually thought it might be fun to prepare as if i was going to write an heir of fire pov, so i created a master doc with quotes from every book that included any information about rowans character progression or the setting of mistward etc etc, (i flirted with the idea of actually writing one but then i remembered i’d probably go insane if i tried) but actually, doing this helped me identify all the easter eggs /little tidbits in your writing that was mentioned in a later book. which was so fun and impressive. i would actually be interested in seeing how you organized for writing The Warrior and the Embers, if that would be something you might like to share.
so again, i absolutely loved this pov. i loved all your choices, your interpretation of the characters, your BEAUTIFUL writing, and i am SO HAPPY you’re writing rowan’s pov of QoS and KoA -have you titled that The Warrior and the Wildfire?- i’m going to go reread your entire piece
much love and goodnight❤️❤️❤️
i know i cant believe its over either! if it wasn’t for the next one i would definitely be pretty sad right now 😂 And I dont know whether to be proud or sorry that I pulled you onto tumblr 😂 😂 😂 Like on one hand im sooooo sorry but on the other i kinda love everyone here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And as for my organization, i dunno about how organized it really is, but if anyone is interested in my messy stream of consciousness ive got the documents of notes and pages of bulletpoint planning linked below! Basically once i realized that people were actually reading what i was writing, I reread all the books and took a lot of notes. like a lot. I definitely missed details though (like today I realized that Brannon’s mark on Aelin’s forehead should have been glowing when she burning up Doranelle. facepalm.) But i really appreciate that some of those easter eggs have been noticed! 
Also the way i copied over all the text was just ripping it chapter by chapter from a pdf I found online (I own the books too so i feel like that makes it ok 😂 ).
And wow youre actually rereading this lil mess of a thing. Youre gonna make me cry. 😭 thank you thank you and sleep well!!!
Notes from reading EoS and KoA (mostly on character arcs/details - i.e. cadre)
Bullets for final quarter of text
Bullets for chapter 23+
I didn’t really start planning properly until i got to the second half of the text - when everything started to get a lot more complicated. People are welcome to go through these - and take a look at the inside of my brain lmao - but trust me they are a complete mess. like a lot of swearing at myself. i have no idea if these are in any way comprehensible to an actual human being. 
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scifikimmi · 5 years
Fanfic asks- multiples of 3!!
Why u always makin me do math
3. Favorite line / scene you wrote this year
"Wei Ying was the one the Heavens had graced. If they had graced Lan Zhan at all, it was in creating Wei Ying and giving him to Lan Zhan.  
Lan Zhan gently peeled Wei Ying's hands from his skin and raised them up to press a reverent kiss to the flesh of Wei Ying's palms. 
"Everything I am, is for you." " - from Scorching Snow and Screaming Silence
6. Least popular fic this year
Flying Feeling
It was small fandom AND an hp au. Lol
9. Longest wip of the year
Like one started this year? Maybe the "one date every week for a year" fic i am writing for Antique (2008) fandom. Not sure of a word count cus im writing in in a journal with a pen and havent moved towards typing it.
Longest one one worked on this yr might be the "secret garden sequel" that ive been working on for over a year called "follow the ssun" and its at 17.5 k rn.
There r some real real long ones from previous years that i cant remember if i have touched this yr or not. Like a Loki and thor one and a drarry fic.
12. Favorite character to wriite about this year.
I gotta go with Wei Wuxian from The Untamed (the show version specifically).
though perhaps his soulmate Lan Wangji may be equally guilty. I have never been so inspired to write so much for a pair of characters. Im pumping out fics and wips and plot bunnies so fast i can barely keep up.
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15. Something you learned this year
Hmm. That I actually enjoy writing angst. I hadn't even considered it until this year and now im kinda into it. Its cathartic. I cry. U cry. We all cry. How can i make this already sad show more sad.
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18. Current number of wips.
Listen... ug. Okay.
Number of stories i have half typed and plan to finish even if it takes literal years. About 10.
Fics i have abandoned and dont think I will finish ever. About 5.
Plot ideas i hope to one day actually get around to writing and r right now just bullet points and notes and lists. About 25.
21. Most memorable comment / review
I had a lot of really great and touching ones this year. The cql fandom is so lovely and supportive.
But my most memorable was the one by berlynn who pointed out that I had subconsciously replicated the scene between lizzie bennet and her dad near the end of pride and prejudice when i was having wei wuxian chat with his uncle about marrying lan wangji in my fic "a wedding of choice"
It was totally not on purpose and subconsciously done and it blew my mind when they pointed it out. Lol
24. Favorite fic you've read this year.
Wow. This is genuinely so hard to pick. It isnt even finished yet. But it might be "kissing you" by shirasade. It isnt earth shattering. Its basically shmoop with some canon angst and an excuse to make the main couple make out a bunch. But its good fun and well written and makes me feel things and i smile whenever i get an update in my inbox.
27. Favorite fanfic author of the year.
ARG THIS ONE IS HARD TOO. Imma go with etymologyplayground on ao3. I read and really enjoyed a lot of their cql fics and they write beautifully. @megafaunatic on tumblr.
30. Favorite fandom to read fic from this year.
This is dumb cus i feel like i go thru phases. Like first half of the year belonged to weirdly harry potter. Then i moved on to stranger things for a few months. And now im refreshing the cql/the untamed's ao3 page 4 times a day. Sooo.. those 3!
Thanks for all the questions... and making me try to do simple addition at 1 am.
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jungxk · 6 years
Wow I found you through I think underthejoons fic Rec and your bloom and just one fics have such a mature and interesting plot. I love how Namjoon knows about OCs crush on hoseok and I can’t wait to see how this ‘secret’ relationship pans out. Will the OC ever bring up all the times she pined over hoseok when she was younger? And just one was so good a read all parts available. I liked how hoseok broke things off before things got serious but you made it even more interesting by bringing 1/2
2/3jimin into it. Like it seems that jimin is very active in protecting OC. I understand it comes from a caring POV but also from possible feelings. I love how your write about each of the OCs interactions with all of the guys, it makes them feel more authentic. Her interactions with jungkook seem very lustful but im wondering if something more could actual grow and prosper. With jimin it’s very plain to see they both have feelings and they very much love each other but both think it’s
¾ impossible to be together. And lastly I was able to really understand how the OC and Hoseoks relationship wasn’t ‘timed’ correctly. If I had a guy like him I would hang onto him as long as I could bcuz he’s so sweet and caring. But I also understood that her feelings for jk were more interesting which left hobi a bit in the dust. There’s so many questions arising and it seems that sooner and later the OC will catch on and connect the dots. I’m very much rooting for all of them to come clean
4/4 to each other regardless of whether or not the OC ends with them or not. I think that it’s a bit more complex than simply her choosing who to be with. I think that she can have more than one guy in her life but everyone has to be open about their thoughts and struggles. You are a fantastic writer and I love your plots!
thank you so much for reading!! im happy you enjoyed💝as for bloom its a completed story but hoseok knows about all of oc’s pining lol that’s why he entertained her a little when they were younger as per the flashback bc thats what older boys Do uno. i personally see them as a long term couple just bc of the history and compatibility. also namjoon would reverse over hoseok’s corpse if he played around too much with oc lol
as for just one, it’s fun to read your interpretations! i like seeing how others objectively view the characters and their dynamics its refreshing for me as the writer! im glad you enjoy the plot bc i work rlly hard on my plots and overthink them to death !! i think this fic at the end of the day isn’t rlly abt the relationships or sex or drama (tho that definitely makes it fun lmao) but accepting what you want and facing the truth about your desires. that could be romantic pursuits, career related stuff, anything really. what happens after that is for the individual to decide, but that process of struggling/fighting against your instinct is what i want to explore with these characters uno. 
but yeah oc, hypothetically, could be in a successful relationship with any of the boys bc all the relationships are compatible. there’s a reason i didn’t officially put in the summary “jungkook x reader”. believe me when i say i’ve more than entertained the idea of how the fic would progress in those separate 7 possibilities! sometimes i still doubt whether i made the right choice with who she’ll end up with. i guess once i finish the fic you can tell me ur thoughts lol xoxo
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spxderman-s · 7 years
I Hope That’s A Yes
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requested: hi, if you're still taking requests i was wondering if you'd write a peter parker x reader imagine about him taking her to another homecoming or a prom, like maybe how he asks her and the dance itself? maybe he's her first kiss?
send your requests here! 
word count: 1880
pairing: peter parker x reader 
warnings: some mean names, some bad words. 
a/n: so i tweaked it just a LIL bit, hopefully it still works out!! this was so fun to write because its not the usual personality i give Y/N, compared to my other fics. im also sorry to the anon who requested it, i know its been awhile!! but here you darlings go! 
tagging: @tronnoristheotp @nedthegay @i-saved-me @theweirdowithablogo @skymoonandstardust @timemngmtoptimisationproblems @thumper-darling @holywinchesterness @grabyourpolaroidandmyhand @ketterdame 
“If I have to see one more person put on a giant performance just to ask someone to homecoming--” you complained as you and your friends watched Flash ask some poor girl in an extremely over-the-top manner, “--I’m gonna puke.”
“I think it’s romantic,” Ned said, pulling apart a banana. “In a weird, disgusting way.”
You rolled your eyes, turning your focus back to your homework that was due next class. “It’s obnoxious, especially for someone like him.”
Peter laughed into his sandwich. “I don’t know what you expected, [Y/N], the guy’s name is Flash.”
As if he could hear you, your greasy classmate swaggered over with his arm draped over his new date’s shoulders. “You nerds better start getting to asking someone to the dance,” Flash drawled, ruffling Peter’s hair with entirely too much force. “Especially you, Penis Parker. You don’t wanna show up alone, do you?” With a malicious laugh, he steered himself and the girl he was with away.
“God, what a tool,” you muttered. “Seriously, Parker--you need to just pop him one time, right in his smug mouth.”
Peter chuckled, fixing his hair. “He’s not worth it.”
Shrugging, you fixated your glare onto Flash as he was leaving the cafeteria, feeling your hands curl into fists. If Peter won’t stand up to him, you definitely would take that opportunity for him.
“Hey, Flash!” you called, your voice echoing across the room. He turned around, his lip curled in a cruel grin.
“[Y/N], don’t,” Peter hissed.
You shushed him. “I know what I’m doing.” You stood up, palms flat on the table. Both of your friends were looking up at you, terrified of what you would say or do. “Peter already has a date, so quit sticking your prick in his business.”
That was enough to get Flash back to your table. He placed his hands roughly on Peter’s shoulders, and leaned down. “Penis Parker got a date?” He guffawed, loudly. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“That lucky guy,” you said through clenched teeth, feeling your fists twitching--begging to just land one good punch in Flash’s face, “happens to be me. So get your slimy hands off of him--unless you wanna give me a run for my money.”
Flash immediately took his hands off of Peter, and took a large step back. “He--you--he asked you?”
Peter was staring up at you in astonishment, and also confusion.
“Is that a problem?” you asked, warning in your voice.
“It’s--it’s not really my business,” he muttered, before turning away and leaving the cafeteria.
You sat down again, satisfied, flipping the page of your homework. Ned cleared his throat loudly, causing you to raise your eyes to him, who stared at you with huge eyes.
“What the hell was that?” Ned exclaimed, looking between you and Peter, who was still staring at you with his mouth slightly open.
“Look, he can’t keep treating you like this,” you said, crossing your arms. “I’m tired of seeing you get treated like this--you don’t deserve it.” After a moment passed, they still didn’t change their expressions. You slammed your notebook closed. “I’ll see you guys in P.E, alright?”
“C’mon, Peter. Just do like, one more,” you coaxed. “Coach Wilson isn’t anywhere near us.”
Peter groaned and did another sit-up. “[Y/N], about earlier today--”
“Don’t mention it.”
“No--I….well, first of all, thanks for sticking up for me,” he said. “But….were you serious? About--about going as m-my date?”
You didn’t say anything at first. “Do you want to go?”
Peter sat up all the way to look at you. “Kind of,” he replied sheepishly.
“Okay,” you shrugged. “But you have to ask me.”
“But you just asked me!”
“Did I?”
Peter stuttered out some words, a blush rising in his cheeks. You patted his knee, and moved to take his place to do your share of sit ups. As you moved, Peter rolled to his feet and stood up.
“I have a question to ask you,” he spoke loudly, his voice echoing through the gym, everyone stopping and staring at him. Your eyes widened and you shook your head vehemently at him, but Peter ignored you.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you hissed at him, blushing furiously.
He moved and stood on the first step of the bleachers. “I only asked you in private,” he went on in the same clearly audible voice, “but [Y/N], will you do me the absolute honor of being my date to homecoming?”
Peter’s words hung in the silence, until you realized everyone was waiting for your answer. Looking around, you returned your glare to him and spoke through your teeth, “Yes.”
He returned to sitting beside you on the mat. “There. Was that good enough?”
“Peter Parker,” you growled, trying to keep your thoughts in order and your head on straight. “You--you--”
“I hope that’s a yes.”
“Sweetheart, there’s someone at the door for you!” your mother called down the hall. “I think it’s Peter--are you two going to the dance together?”
You fiddled with the neckline of your dress, staring at yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t believe that you wanted to actually look good for Peter--but ever since he embarrassed you in the gym last week, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. At first, you tried your hardest to push the rising feelings far, far away, but they kept resurfacing every time he looked at you, laughed, every time he ate a damn grape. Was he always this attractive? And smart, and funny?
“[Y/N]?” your mother called again. “Did you hear me?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a second,” you shouted back. You tugged at a lock of curled hair, and decided it would have to be good enough. You closed your bedroom door, stuffed your phone and some cash in your clutch, and entered your living room.
Peter stood there talking with your mother. He looked incredibly handsome in a freshly ironed suit, his hair combed to get the curl perfect, flashing his award-winning smile. You gulped, feeling your heart begin to race, and you almost turned around and went right back into the safety of your room.
Your mother noticed you first, who clapped her hands and exclaimed in joy. “You look so pretty, sweetheart.”
You met Peter’s gaze, who was staring at you in wonder. He held a small bouquet of daisies in his hand, with a corsage and pin in the other.
“Wow,” he breathed, before shaking himself and stepping towards you while holding out the flower pin. “I--uh--bought this today. I think you’re supposed to pin this on my suit.”
“Wait, wait!” your mother cried, holding up her camera. “Smile, kids!”
You groaned, but obliged. After pinning the flower to his suit, Peter clasped the corsage to your wrist, his fingertips lingering for a moment that raised goosebumps on your skin.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered to you.
Looking to him, you made a mental note of how close his lips were to yours. You had never once thought of kissing him before, but now….
“Your tie is crooked,” you said bluntly, reaching up and fixing it, mentally kicking yourself. “Sorry--that was rude. You….you look really handsome, Parker.”
He smiled, and you both posed for the countless pictures your mother begged for, your heart racing and palms beginning to sweat at how he held your waist so tightly, the familiar scent of his cologne dabbed onto the hollow in his throat, and the way the butterflies in your stomach fluttered relentlessly whenever his brown eyes landed on you.
The music throughout the gym was booming, the bass shaking the entire building. The laser lights danced across the walls, ceiling, and the large mass of dancing students in the middle of the floor. Peter guided you over to the refreshment table, offering you a cup of punch.
“I don’t really know how to dance,” you shouted over the music, accepting the cup and taking a tentative sip.
“I don’t either,” he shouted back. You laughed, and bobbed your head along with the music. It was something that you probably wouldn’t listen to willingly, but you had it admit--it was catchy. Pretty soon you were tapping your feet and swaying side to side with the beat.
“We can both make fools of ourselves out there together,” you spoke in his ear, grabbing his arm and steering him towards the group of dancers. He protested, stammering about really not knowing how to dance, but pretty soon you were surrounded by dancing people. Peter started swaying awkwardly, but after a few more minutes of the catchy beat, you were both getting more and more comfortable and having a good time. With having Peter so close, the good music and flashing lights, you felt like you were floating on a cloud.
“Alright, we’re gonna have a little tune change--time to slow things down a bit,” the DJ drawled into the mic, fiddling with some flips and switches on his spin table. The pop song playing faded into a slow melody mixed with acoustic guitar and a smooth voice cooing about love. The large group of students began to disband, with a few select staying behind to sway romantically along with the song.
You looked to Peter, whose eyes were already on you. He held out his hand, and gestured to the song, pulling you close to him. As if by instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck as his hands rested firmly on your waist.
“I’m having a lot of fun with you,” you said, relieved to not have to yell over the music.
Peter smiled shyly, resting his forehead against yours with a contented sigh. “Me too.”
Once again, you were very aware of how close his lips were to yours. You could just lean in, and….
“[Y/N]?” Peter murmured, breaking into your thoughts.
“Could I--” He cleared his throat nervously. “I mean, I’ve never--”
“Just kiss me, Parker,” you breathed, and he obliged. You were not expecting your first to be with Peter, and you wanted to accuse him of lying about never kissing a girl before because it seemed like he knew what he was doing. His lips were soft and sweet, and he tasted like the sweet punch you had earlier.
You pulled away, head spinning and butterflies flying around in your chest. He looked at you in confusion, his adorable lips still pursed.
“Is--is everything okay?” he asked uneasily.
You smiled and nodded. “Everything is….perfect. I just--I’m still processing all of this.”
He laughed. “Y-yeah--me too.” You both were silent for a moment, before he said, “So the kiss was--it wasn’t too bad, right?”
You playfully punched his arm, but followed it with a kiss to his cheek. “You did great, Parker. We’ll have to do it again sometime.”
The two of you spent the rest of the evening stealing kisses, dancing together, and then walking home holding hands, something that you had never thought would ever happen to you. You looked at Peter with fresh eyes now, and you couldn’t deny the growing feelings that now you knew were reciprocated--which held a certain kind of excitement for what the future held for the two of you.
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captainschmoe · 7 years
I Will Survive [Beta] - Chapter 5: Flash of Fire
[A/N: It’s going to get violent. I mean, it’s an Anti fic. Of course it’s gonna get violent at some point. The Nice Guy GlovesTM are off. Also, I’m going to give myself extra time for the next chapter. I need to both write it and also figure out some background/spoiler things. :D]
[Summary: In which somehow Bio Inc. gets uploaded anyway. Neurological violence ensues.]
[Previous - Next]
“Gah.” Sean floppily rolled over and gave his alarm clock a good whack. He lay with his arm dangling over the edge of the bed. Ugh. He did not want to be awake right now. He had to be, of course. Always shit to do. A good cup of the ol’ dirty bean water should help refresh him. As it always does. As should some breakfast. He was starving, hunger shakiness and all. Well, of course he was fucking starving, he never got to digest that sandwich.
Hopefully he could digest the eggs he could smell from the kitchen. So hungry. So caffeine-deprived. His feet automatically carried him there, where he found Signe, already dressed to take on the day, doing exactly what his nose predicted she was doing. Ooh, were those sweet potatoes getting put into the other pan? Yeeesss.
“You want some?”
“Yes, please.” Sean groggily started up the coffee pot. He leaned against the counter, hands at his sides gripping the edge. His eyes drifted shut. Mmm. Such good smells all around him. And sounds - the whirring of the coffee pot, and the sizzling of breakfast in the pans. It helped his eyes flutter back open for a moment.
“You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just super hungry. Puking didn’t help.” The coffee started flowing into the pot with its signature satisfying babbling.
“I’m sure this’ll help wake you up, too.” She transferred half the contents of each pan onto each of the two plates she’d set out on the counter. Sean wasted no time grabbing a fork and scarfing down half of his serving right then and there, to Signe’s shock and amusement. “Oh my God. Don’t choke.”
“I wasn’t kidding,” he said with a little bit still in his mouth. Wow, he felt better already. Maybe he could slow down now. He swallowed what he had. “Plus eggs get cold fast.”
Signe started on her portion, too. Probably figured might as well, as long as Sean was eating here. She shook her head and laughed. “Not that fast.”
Sean took the initiative to grab mugs as the coffee pot finished filling. “Want some?”
“Sure. Just a little.”
Sean could feel the steam kissing his face as he poured her cup. Way too hot to drink right away. Signe agreed, blowing tiny waves into her drink, and flinching away when her efforts proved fruitless. She set it aside for now - as did Sean - picking up her plate and finishing her food. She leaned back against the counter, casually engaging in conversation.
“I think I’m going to go out today. It might help clear my head.”
He nodded, polishing off his last bite and setting his plate in the sink. “I think that’d be good for you. Where were you thinking?”
“I don’t know. Probably nowhere specific.” Signe finished her food and set her plate down on top of Sean’s. “I’ll know where I want to go when I see it.” She picked up the coffee mug again, blowing on it again and taking a tentative sip, and drinking more now that she was able to. Sean tested the temperature of his with the tip of his finger, not wanting to burn his lips or tongue. Still a tad hot. Would take a while longer since there was more in his mug.
“Even better. Just wandering around the city. It’s nice.” Sean took a test sip in the pause. Still pretty hot, but tolerable. “You heading out right now?”
“Yeah. I’ll be a couple hours, probably.”
“Well, you know where you’ll find me. Screaming my fucking head off.” He leaned down for a goodbye kiss. “See you later, babe.”
“Bye. Love you!” She set off with one of her classic cute waves that never failed to bring a smile to Sean’s face.
“Love you, too.”
Once alone again, Sean’s gaze drifted out the window, which he opened to let the breeze in. Nice and warm, but not too hot. Not bright or sunny, but that was okay. That was normal. He drank up his coffee, taking a bigger mouthful now that it cooled off enough for him to not scorch himself. The familiar comfort of the bitterness on his tongue and the heat expanding in his belly helped wake up and raise his spirits. Maybe he could make today a good day despite Anti’s fuckery.
What if it was all just a big prank?
If Anti followed the rules of Sean’s characterization of him - which may not be the case, he was willing to accept - then the possibility that he was merely out to fuck with everyone rather than actually harm them was a possibility that existed. What if he was getting worked up over nothing? What if they just warned dozens of people, who had little to nothing to do with any of this, of worse things to come that was actually coming? Felix and Marzia, at least, seemed to take it pretty seriously. Not the Felix would ever admit it, but Sean could hear the slightest twinge of fear in his voice as they talked. Normally he’d poke fun at him for it. This wasn’t a normal time.
It was weird, as scary as the whole thing was, no one had actually gotten hurt. Yet. As far as he knew. There was still that doubt with Mark, gnawing at the back of his mind, to consider.
He suddenly remembered that odd... dream? From last night, that conversation with that voice. Who were they? Anti? No, they didn’t seem malicious. He couldn’t remember all of what they talked about, but he did know that it was pleasant and calming. Nothing at all like Anti. Sean tried his best to remember what the voice sounded like - if it was identifiable to one he knew in real life. He didn’t remember it sounding like Anti’s, either. But he didn’t remember it sounding like anyone’s he knew. Maybe his memory was just bad. Didn’t they say they’d see him again soon? Maybe they’d show up again tonight?
Sigh... There was nothing he could do about any of this. Nothing beyond taking it one step at a time. One day at a time.
One recording at a time.
It’s time to start the day.
Whoa, look at this! Whoa, look at that!
That was pretty much all this recording session was going to be. God damn, this community made so much good shit. Look at all this art of him, of him and the Whoosh, of him and his friends, of all the egos...
“Aw, we should make a video game with them all, with all the characters.” That would be amazing. Especially an RPG, seeing how the community fleshed out and developed and interpreted the characters.
Who was this guy on the far right-hand side?
Jack the Magnificent, huh? He never gave the magician guy a name, did he? It felt a little weird, though, having three characters with “Jack” in their names. Jackieboy Man he could leave alone, since that was already a name he’d officially given him. Well, back in the video he showed up in, the name “Marvin” was the name that was given, right?
“That’s his name! That’s what we’re gonna call him from now on: Marvin the Magnificent! You all helped, ‘cause we did Marvin’s Magic.”
This was fun, making more characters! The community was gonna love this, having a new little baby to call their own. So was Sean!
Sean gradually sidled up next to Signe on the sofa. Bit by bit. Inch by inch. Until he was practically merged with her. While she let the game she was playing keep running - she could afford to, it was the middle of a Pokemon battle - the visible pause in her hand movement served as her acknowledgement of his playful pestering. She slowly turned her head towards him. Sean gave a wave, a smile, and a “Hi.”
“Do you mind?”
“Nope.” He peered over her shoulder. “Did you catch ‘em all yet?”
“Getting there.”
“What do you mean, ‘getting there?’“ He leaned back out of her personal zone, opening up Twitter on his phone. “You should’ve finished that a long time ago. You’ve been playing nonstop for, like, a month.”
“Have not.”
“You put in, like, three hours an hour.”
Signe flung her arm towards the window. “I went outside earlier! You saw!”
Sean shook his head and started scrolling through Twitter. “Probably out trying to find Rowlets on a power line.”
...Wait, what?
“You can’t get Rowlet in Pokemon Go.”
Hang on.
“I’m happy with my little Cyndaquil, though.”
This conversation was going to have to be dropped. Something was horribly wrong. These tweets...
Towards the end of the new Bio Inc I was getting migraine headaches. lol what if Anti’s real?
> same here??????
> Thirded. Like really bad too. And double vision.
“What the fuck?”
“God,” he muttered under his breath, “the ride just doesn’t fucking end.”
Signe shut her 3DS and leaned over his shoulder.
“I never fucking finished it,” Sean said, largely to himself.
“What’s going on?”
“They’re all talking about Bio Inc. And they’re all getting, like, headaches and shit from it, apparently.”
> My sister had a literal seizure after watching it!!! No family history of epilepsy or nothing, shes never had a seizure before!!
> headaches with aura and nausea. the fuck is happening Jack!?!?!
> wow everyone’s feeling like that? holy shit im scared D:
Sean opened Youtube in a new tab. There’s no fucking way. There couldn’t be. He was more willing to believe that Anti was making shit up on Twitter than actually uploading an entire nonexistent video to Youtube and giving millions of people migraines and seizures from it.
And yet, there it was. The newest upload. Not Suicide Guy as was intended, but rather:
KILL JA̠͎̭̕CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN҉̱c. RedempT̡͟I͘on #5.
Then again, he had to admit, Anti uploading a video wouldn’t be the craziest thing to have happened thus far.
“Wa-pssh! Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to Bio Inc. Redemption!”
So at least it started off normally. Jack quickly became nauseated, desperately trying to hold back vomit, and ran off camera, with Dr. Schneeplestein appearing in his place. All as Sean originally wanted. It looked as though it was genuinely edited from what he did manage to successfully record. Even the mini bloopers with his face mask. But Sean knew better. Something had to be different.
Something such as the Anti moments that rapidly filtered in. Sean had planned for them, he did. But of course... it wasn’t finished. He didn’t record the little blips yet. Robin didn’t edit the Anti moments yet. There’s no way they should have been there. Yet they were. Sean’s head and vision pulsed with every blip.
Or another something such as Schneeplestein taking off his hat at the end, and Anti’s evil laugh filtering in. As if taking over the doctor’s body. Sean didn’t plan for that.
“I need your help!” Schneeplestein cried. “Save him! Save Jackse-”
“I’m feeling dizzy,” Signe said. Sean wrapped his arm behind her, stabilizing both of them. Her breathing turned quick and shallow.
Schneeplestein suddenly tried to strangle himself with the headphone cable, correcting himself with a “What am I doing?” For a moment, Sean swore he could feel his own throat closing on itself.
His heart raced.
As Jack’s condition worsened, the screen decolorized. It was growing more and more obvious that Schneeplestein was operating under Anti’s control, with Anti breaking through as his name was inadvertently mentioned within “antidepressant” and “anticoagulant.”
Jack ultimately died - as planned, Sean wished he could say. And in his place...
“Ẃell, ͜lo͢o͘ḱ ͏who'͞s͡ ba͟çk!”
Sharp ringing pierced Sean’s ears and black splotches formed and disintegrated in his field of vision. Signe flinched as well. Jesus Christ. The community weren’t fucking kidding.
“I’m tired of playing pr̸̨ȩt̀en͠d́! Sick of it!” Anti’s hair started flickering between green and red - giving Sean a bit of a headache - gradually remaining red for longer blips of time as his demonic speech carried on. “And y̴ou th̶òug͝h̵t ͏you h͠ad ͡h̛i̕m ͝b҉ac̡k͜...” It reverted back to green.
“What the fuck is this?” Signe cried. She doubled over, hands clamped over her ears, breathing quickening even more to the point of hyperventilating. She ripped herself from Sean’s grip and took off before saying anything more, and before Sean could stop her and ask if she was okay.
“ I've k̴e͢p̶t͏ c̛ontr̀ol all this time.” Anti ran his fingers along the edge of the blade. Almost... seductively. Sean felt like he was suffocating. “N̨͝o̡̡͜͟t̵h̛́͟i͡҉͠n̷̷̢g̸̷͞ gets rid of me!” A shock blasted up his spine, throwing his head backwards against the back of the sofa and sending the phone flying out of his grasp. He may not have smacked against a wall, but it still hurt like a bitch. From the other room, he heard a thud and Signe yelping in pain at the same time as his head smash. Please be okay... Vertigo kept him trapped in place, and his vision turned dark again.
Anti’s voice continued, now seeming to come from within Sean’s own head as much as from the distance. “Mo̡c͞k̶i̛n͜g̢ ̢m̸e with your ‘glitch bitch’...” One of his evil laughs followed, and shocks ran through Sean’s body again, this time pinning his limbs down. His jaw, too, locked shut. Was this what having a seizure was like?
Signe’s shriek made his blood run cold. He desperately wanted to respond. He couldn’t.
“Wh̵o͝ do̡ you̡ ͏th̴i̕nk ͢y̷o͘u̧'̵v̴e ҉be͜e͠n҉ ̶w̸a͝tch͜in͢g all̸ t͞h͟is͡ tim̷e? My p̴̨u҉͟p̷͜͝p̛è͘t̷s̢.”
Fuckfuckfuck... Let me up! Signe, no...
“I̧f͏ ́y҉ou ̕wan̶t͡ h͠i͠m̕ b́a͝c͟k̀ so badly, then why don’t you ̶sav̸e ̵hi̵m̛?”
“Sean, hel-” She was silenced mid-sentence.
Signe! He tried with all his might to break out of his locked joints. To no avail. No!
“There are no̢ s̛tr̛i҉ng̸s͞ on me.”
His brain was screaming. Ringing. Pulsating.
And then all was silent.
“And for you! This isn’t over.”
Sean couldn’t get up. His joints felt released. Relaxed. His breathing and heartbeat slowed to a crawl. Too relaxed.
“I wonder what will happen to your favorite boy next time.”
Why did Sean feel so calm?
“See you soon.”
God damn, Anti was pissed this time around. All of the fun of his last two appearances was gone. Despite being a fictional character, Alyssa felt a significant quiver of fear in her chest after watching Bio Inc. Or maybe it was the drugs the doctors ordered for her. Who knows. It wasn’t pleasant to watch either way. Not that it was bad. The video was phenomenal, as always. A ray of sunshine on her fourth gloomy day in the hospital. It was so obvious that Jack and Robin had a blast creating this character, and the fun really rubbed off on Alyssa.
One, two, Anti’s coming for you~
It was Anti’s voice, unmistakable. But it sounded like it came from within her own head? Her eyes flicked around the room, scanning every corner; her ears opened in a vain attempt to catch another sound from him. Was she just going crazy? Was it just a side effect of whatever drugs they gave her?
Suddenly her nose and throat were forcefully blocked by a searing mass of thick fluid. Black mist flecked with green spanned across her field of vision. Something grabbed and squeezed her whole body like a giant’s hand, even holding her a few inches off the bed. Shocks shot through her spine and head. She needed to scream, but couldn’t. The fluid was real. Her arm was pinned to her side, unable to reach the call button that was otherwise right there...
It felt like the fluid in her lungs burst out and ripped down through the rest of her insides. Like her body had been hollowed out and filled with magma. Her spine bent backwards farther than she’d ever thought possible. The pain was mind-shattering. So much that she couldn’t even think about her imminent demise.
The first nurse on the scene about fainted at the sight. Staff crowded around, speechless. Alyssa’s father waited just outside the door, receiving no words of comfort about his baby girl.
This was no mere code. There was no resuscitating this one.
The next thing Alyssa knew, she was somehow alive, but alone, greeted by a gray, twilit sky and the hospital’s equally-monochrome edifice.
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peeptaes · 5 years
hi how are you 🥺 i just wanted to pop by and tell you i've reread boys of fall (not exaggerating) 8 times, and that was just before the new update. I reread the whle thing again when you updated so 9 times. the new chp was soo perfect and ur writing has not detered at all, so pls don't feel bad abt it. idk if its bc some1 told u something bad abt ur writing recently tha tmade you feel that way but don't listen to them!! ur writig is so unqiue and is so good at conveying moods and, 1/2
emotions. i LOVE the way u characterized tae and guk like its so different and refreshing? also their development of their relationship from NO kissing at all to kissing somethings to kissing ALL the time and then BAM. kissed in front of every1. it flowed so naturally that while i reread the whole thing again i was like woah. a masterpiece?? i also love how there's like also other pieces of the plot coming together like tae's parents or jk's family and i can't wait to learn more abt those too omfg. 2/3
also i realized i named the first one /2 but it was supposed to b /3 bc i have more to write but. i pretty much said all i wanted to say n i hope i didn’t bore u to death. i love bof so much. my absolute top 5 tk fics of all time. also u seem like a really sweet person too and not a dick to ur readers which is why i wanna give you 1000 kudos and message you all the time. i hope everything has gone smoothly in 2020 so far and hopefully writing becomes fun again for you bc you are so so good at it. 3/3 
alsdjflksajdflsdf T____T omg okay so let me start off with my reply to this message by saying that im a literal scum bag for not replying to all the people who’ve sent me messages here on tumblr im a horrible person IM SO SORRY ill try to reply to some now!  
first of all thank u thank u sm i think u sent me like 3 different parts to this message so i just posted them all in here and i’ll try to reply to everyting?. i can’t believe you’ve reread this absolute shitshow of a story 9 times like that’s just crazy to me. i can’t even reread my writing once before i wanna chuck my phone across the room so like, im so frickin honoured . there’s so many fantastic taekook stories on this site n the fact that you love mine makes me so so happy!! and ummmsdfh no nobody really said anything, idk know what it was but i reached like a really low point & i had weird thoughts like omg there are other ppl who write so much better than me so what’s the point u kno? but despite all tht i always wanna put out my best work for u guys to read, which im glad ppl like! so yeah that’s why always so happy to hear people like my writing bc i do work hard on it and to know that ppl actually like it is an amazing feeling ;_____; 
and AHHHHH YES! ok if there’s ONE thing i could say that im proud of in the way i wrote bof is the way i made them slowly start kissing & acting domesty with each other lmao like that was my number 1 goal until one of them blew it.  tae and kook’s parents will play a bigger role after, probably when they get their relationship shit together bc how else are we gonna throw some angst and a break up in there? im kidding. who says they’ll even be together . 
stop i could never get bored of these and i would never be a dick to my readers  D: the only thing is that it does tkae quite a lot of effort/time to reply to a message bc i /would/ feel like a dick if i just replied “wow thanks for reading love u!” to this and all the other long beautiful comments ppl leave on ao3 but im never ignoring u purposely! i really appreciate every single comment/message so thank you to you and everyone who leaves me something i love you <3
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