#nine mindgames
Tag nine people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Tagged by @hippolotamus @king-buckley @eddiediaztho 💙🫂
Last song: speakerphone by Rixton
Last movie: I tried to watch mindgamers for Oliver, but stopped at like 30+minutes
Currently/last reading: just starting eat, pray, love
Currently watching: 911 2s💙
Currently obsession: 911 and buddie, my bra fic, Oliver Stark, melissa green tea
@lucydonato @alyxmastershipper @transbuck @userdisaster @translasso @monsterrae1 @pirrusstuff @giddyupbuck @housewifebuck
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thenamesblurrito · 2 years
Who are the various Senators and Councilmembers and Ministry Leaders in your story? I've seen some really cool choices like Beta and Pharma and I was wondering who else!
the Stratocracy has a few levels of authority, with of course the Grand Architect being the highest and only absolute authority in this functionist dictatorship. but he is just one mech and he alone can't oversee everything, so some decision-making power is delegated to his High Council, which is the highest authority in the world in the Grand Architect's absence. typically when he attends a Council meeting, he presides over them in silence, giving nothing away, forcing them each to vie for a bit of attention until he either speaks up and makes the final decision for them or simply leaves to let them compete amongst themselves. he hand picks each member and can fire any of them at any time, but some have managed to stay for a good while, with Tyrest having been a councilmember the longest. they’re powerful, sure, but uh, i wouldn’t say that necessarily makes them smart.
the current members are:
Councilmember One-of-Twelve Tyrest, Convener
Councilmember Two-of-Twelve Drivetrain, Auditor
Councilmember Three-of-Twelve Avalon, Authenticator
Councilmember Four-of-Twelve Mindgame, Moderator
Councilmember Five-of-Twelve Contrail, Enumerator
Councilmember Six-of-Twelve Megazarak, Enactor
Councilmember Seven-of-Twelve Sigil, Curator
Councilmember Eight-of-Twelve Halogen, Disseminator
Councilmember Nine-of-Twelve Heretech, Inquisitor
Councilmember Ten-of-Twelve Highbrow, Evaluator
Councilmember Eleven-of-Twelve Xaaron, Mediator
Councilmember Twelve-of-Twelve Rage, Castigator
Beta Trion was once a councilmember in the Mediator's seat, picked early after the Stratocracy was put in place, but her policies and opinions didn't quite line up with the Grand Architect's vision and so he replaced her. she was the city senator for Iacon for awhile, and was an adjunct senator for the Medical Function Ministry, and has been sort of adjacent to the political sphere of Iacon for a good long while. Beta’s contribution to law and social organization is how she earned the title Trion in the first place! she’s currently on furlough in order to work at the JAAT, much like Shockwave himself, but the both of them technically retain their titles of Senator during this off season
the Senate is the governing body below the High Council, with seats appointed to select nominees who already operate in politics as their function. they hash out the nitty-gritty day to day stuff, but whatever decision they come to must be passed up to the Council and ultimately approved by the Grand Architect. as the one in the Convener’s seat, Tyrest presides over the Senate, which is an even worse monkey show than the Council. little wonder, when you have so many different jobs all shoved together under the title “Senator”. you have the regional senators who represent entire city-states or even whole colonies, then function ministry senators who represent major frametypes and functions on an interplanetary scale, and then city, township, and guild senators, who honestly appear in the actual Grand Imperium very rarely, as they are doing the grassroots work of taking care of their homes while the more important senators jockey for power in the capital
this is not an exhaustive list, just the folks i’ve got written down for now, but current Senators include:
Senator Red Leader of Caminus
Senator Nitro Convoy of Velocitron
Senator Liege Centuro of Carcer
Senator Vanquish of Devisiun (or Fireshot, depending on whose turn it was to run for representative this season)
Senator Backstop of Eukaris
Senator Pharma for the Medical Function Ministry
Senator Levitacus for the Distribution Function Ministry
Senator Tyrannicon for the Ecoengineering Function Ministry
Senator Tomaandi for the Security Function Ministry
Senator Fever Dream for the Communication Function Ministry
Senator Synapse for the Production Function Ministry
Senator Traachon of Iacon
Senator Decimus of Lunas 1 and 2
Senator Straxus of Polyhex
Senator Riker of Crystal City
Senator Boltax of Nova Cronum
Senator Sherma of Uraya
Senator Momus of Helex
Senator Xeon of Kaon
Senator Proteus of the Iaconic capital Iacon
Senator Scorponok of the Kaonite capital Kolkular
Senator Ratbat of the Tarnish capital Tarn
Senator Shockwave of the Tarnish city Tesarus
former senators include previously mentioned Beta Trion, Ratchet, who was medical function representative, and Thunderclash Convoy, who was the city senator for Iacon. i’m sure there’s a few others i’m forgetting... this is also not including significant community or corporate leaders who hold a lot of power without an explicit political role, like Esmeral as a media mogul or Alpha Trion as Cybertron’s best archivist
anyway. when i lay it out like this, you can see some of the complexity of having Shockwave be the JAAT principal! he’s only a city senator, true, and not even a capital city, but Tesarus was once a city-state of its own and still carries a lot of political weight within Tarn, hence why it has a senator in the first place. he became the Tesaran senator by jumpstarting the local economy with a careful overhaul of the city’s image, including creating a theme park called Six Lasers Over Cybertron. when Jhiaxus originally approached him to petition for his support, it was exclusively in the capacity of a political ally and voice in the Senate on behalf of the school, and that would have been all. however, Jhiaxus’s untimely death meant Shockwave was now sort of de facto in charge of this project, despite the fact that, a) he had not signed up to be principal, b) this school was not even in his city-state, much less his city, c) it was already brash enough for a private citizen like Jhiaxus to propose such a function-defying institution, much less an actual politician like Shockwave, d) Iacon and Tarn don’t historically have the best relationship anyway so he’s likely to get dirty looks for nothing more than the wrong accent, and e) he’s obligated to go on furlough as a senator if he wants to actually commit to this school and thus will lose a lot of the political foothold and network he leveraged to support the school in the first place. all of which puts Shockwave in an endlessly complicated and very delicate position! it’s no wonder he made an easy empurata target
Jhiaxus really just made everything overcomplicated by dying, he really should have reconsidered that. but ultimately, Shockwave had to take responsibility for the school, and agreed to be principal to see the first graduating class through before turning it over to someone else and going back to the Senate. in the meantime, it’s opened him up to a lot of potential scandal and scorn, but he’s pretty stubborn so he’s determined to stick with the JAAT. personally, i’m glad he did, because otherwise i wouldn’t have a story to tell here
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aweebitrustyeh · 3 years
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I’m very excited to release these special edition fic covers and the new projects associated with them! I’ve been working on these fics for months now and I can finally show them to the (bnha fic) world.
Which cover is your favorite? And which sounds the most exciting?
First fic (Abyssal Plain) comes out tomorrow. It’ll be a long one! Details and release schedule below the cut...
First up, updating tomorrow Oct. 2nd is Abyssal Plain. This is definitely the longest and most nebulous of the projects. There is currently 3 out of the first 6 chapters written, coming in at a whopping 45k already. There are four different stories told in this fic— (1) the story of a time traveling Ronin, (2) the story of a villainous Midoriya Hisashi blackmailing Midoriya into being a UA spy, (3) the story of two brothers joining a band with a very familiar face, and (4) the story of a young boy meeting a mysterious young woman in his dreams. It’s a bit of a grab bag, but hopefully it has something for everybody!
On Oct. 16th is A Line in the Sand. UA is introducing a new program called the Young Villains and Criminals Reformation Program. It’s what it says on the tin—  UA will allow ten young criminals with potential for heroism to join Class 1-A. For these villain students to graduate, they must successfully hide their villain status from their classmates. The hero students must successfully figure out each villain student and eliminate them through the trial system every term, or else they face expulsion.
On Oct. 23rd is The Nine Mindgames of Aizawa Shouta. Nezu has decided to keep his teachers on their toes by assigning one person within the hero program to be ‘the Operative.’ In order to win Nezu’s prize, the teachers must figure out who among them could be the mastermind behind all these schemes. Aizawa just wants to take a nap. Is that too much to ask for?
And finally, on Oct. 30th is Lights, Camera, Action. Aizawa Shouta has never truly recovered from the death of one best friend and the defection of another. Seeing Yamada Hizashi working with the villains has made him all the more determined to bring his former best-friend to justice. But there’s always more to the story than there first seems…
All of these will hopefully be on monthly or semimonthly schedules depending on my backlog, my workload, and reader interest. More details in my pinned post!
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hollow-voices · 2 years
that took like 4 hours to organize my thoughts and translate them to a post but it was pure catharsis and i don't regret it. anyway FUCK toxic excuses for friends, FUCK manipulators and gaslighters, and FUCK people who delude themselves into thinking they aren't part of the problem. i am a fucking adult who gives a shit about their mental health, actually, and i don't have time to play your fucking self-important teenager mindgames. exhausting people with the emotional maturity levels of a nine-year-old and the volatility of a perpetually negative twitter drama wallower don't get any space in my life for me to waste energy on. i will not keep putting all my effort into attempting to mend something you fucking broke with no remorse. i cannot grow as a person anymore with you because you refuse to move forward or have ANY shred of self-awareness. good fucking luck
we had some good times, bestie, and i'll never forget that! i'll never forget all the laughter and fun and arcs of growth we went through together. however i WILL be trying my best to forget the absolute asshole you decided to turn into for that last roughly half a year or so of knowing you that made me realize just how shitty you are capable of being. xoxo thanks 😊
cheers to real friends who actually give a shit about your perspective and intentions. cheers to real friends who trust your word when you correct a misunderstanding or explain yourself because they know you're not a piece of shit boogeyman who's always out to get them. cheers to real friends who can disagree with you without making it into some personal fucking beef or having a tantrum because they think their perspective matters more than yours. and cheers to real friends who don't use your inherent neurodivergency-related social vulnerabilities against you to create absolutely bonkers fucking unprompted narratives where they can victimize themselves 🥳🍻
my dumbass inflexible dysgraphia-ridden hands hurt from typing so long. i'm out ✌️
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kustas · 3 years
surprise to no one, witch hat atelier opinion for the ask game
Favorite character
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Second favorite character
Dagda <3 if he doesn't count. Then Beldaruit
Least favorite character
Easthies. Oh my god it's not that he's the chief cop it's that he does not have the decency to be badfunny he's just kind of there being morally reprehensible in a boring ass way but since he's the author's baby boy he takes all the spotlight. Coustie deserved that volume nine cover. I'm still mad
So far (which is to say very little) I also really do not like Ininia. She's just gimmicky and WHA already annoys me for slightly gimmicky character writing for el girlies
The character I’m most like
Oru lol he is extremely relatable. Every roast I've seen thrown his way also applies to me. It's humbling really. The worst part is he wins on me I do not have a cute wizard bestie nor cute wizard daughters and even less facial hair
Favorite pairing
There's no pairing I really like in WHA *shrug* if Garuga's mysterious gender obscured boyfriend gets screen time maybe it will be them. I am fond of Garuga and they look cute
Least favorite pairing
There's no pairing I don't like either idk man the main characters are all kids
Favorite moment
The latest chapters with the meeting with the kings and that whole instance of political mindgames with Lagler's introduction was cool as hell and I hope we see more of it. The arc with Coco in the hospital after her escapades and Tartah helping her out was very sweet. I think I love the first few chapters the most though they're super good...
As for isolated scenes in particular, real fond of the one where Hiheart, Juzy and Orugio get stopped in the street and asked to take away the little boy with sensory overload. It's a great way to sum up the conflict at the center of the plot, it's good character building for our witch lads (and lass) and as someone who suffers from these issues in real life, felt nice being seen a little in a fantasy story
While they do not really count as moments also every part about the folklore of the land, like the myth of the star and the tree, the mad king, etc...
Rating out of 10
It's so hard to rate WHA I'm gonna give it a 9 because while one of the best manga I've read there are stuff that I like a LITTLE bit less
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whumpzone · 4 years
Tomas and Rowe - Part 2
yay I’m quite ahead on writing this so decided to post this pretty soon after the first one! 
taglist: (thank you all for the support! please let me know if I’ve missed you or you want to be added) @sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @oceanthesarcasamfox @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles
CW: pet whumpee, aftermath of torture, references to past abuse, some injury detail
Tomas was jerked out of his sleep by fitful screaming coming from the room beside his. He sat up in a blind panic. That room was empty, wasn’t it? Who- oh, shit, Kasia had given him that Pet yesterday. Rowe. And now it was- Tomas checked the clock on the wall- half five in the morning, and he was screaming. He stumbled out of bed, almost fainting as he stood up too fast, and pushed open the door to the spare room.
To his surprise and- relief?- Rowe was asleep. He lay on his side, eyes screwed shut, his arms jerking as he tried to protect his head from whatever attacks were being dealt in his nightmare. Tomas felt his heart go out to him as he took one of Rowe’s arms and tried to shake him awake.
‘”Hey. Hey! Wake up, wake up pal, c’mon.”
Rowe’s eyes shot open and he cried out in surprise, scrambling away from Tomas until his torn-up back hit the wall, making him yelp in pain. “M-Master! Master, I’m, I- uh-”
“You’re alright, you were having a nightmare. I heard you screaming.”
“Oh no, no, I’m s-so sorry Master please, it won’t h…happen again I swear, p-please-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Tomas said slightly frantically. Rowe was looking at him in terror. “Deep breaths. Copy me. It’s okay.”
He breathed in and out slowly, tapping out the seconds, until Rowe had stopped hyperventilating. The two men sat in silence for a minute, both calming down.
“You gave me quite a fright,” Tomas said, then immediately regretted it. Rowe shrank into himself, a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Please punish me, Master Tomas,” he whispered. “I want to- to be good.”
“It’s too early,” Tomas mumbled. He was so tired his eyelids were closing by themselves.
“I’m sorry for waking you, Master.”
“I mean,” he ran a hand down his face, “I won’t- I’m not gonna hurt you, Rowe. You couldn’t help it. I just want to go back to sleep. Will you be alright the rest of the night?”
“Yes, Master,” Rowe promised.
“Good. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
Tomas pushed himself off the bed, ignoring the temptation to just flop down and sleep there, and dragged himself back to his room.
. . .
Once Master Tomas had left, Rowe pressed his trembling hands to his face, letting himself cry until he felt that the nightmare had passed him by for good. He was awake, he reminded himself, and Master was satisfied to leave his punishment until morning. All he had to do until then was not disturb him again.
It had been such a kindness, allowing Rowe to sleep in a bed, and he had ruined it by having one of his stupid bad dreams. No one else has a Pet that screams every fucking night, his old master had told him. Shut the fuck up, right now.
Should he have warned Master Tomas before he went to sleep? If he’d known he might have thought twice about letting Rowe sleep through the night, especially in the room right next to his. But then again, he might have punished Rowe for talking back. It was a wonder he slept at all, in this new house with a new Master, but he had been ordered to sleep in the bed, and so he did.
No more, though. Rowe was relieved that Master hadn’t made him to go back to sleep. Instead he had ordered him to be good and stay quiet until morning, and that was a far more achievable goal. He shifted into autopilot as he made the bed and knelt down in the corner of the room.
. . .
When Tomas went into Rowe’s room again at the more acceptable time of nine o’clock and saw him kneeling beside a bed that had clearly not been slept in, he was…oddly unsurprised. How else would he avoid another nightmare? he thought grimly.
“Good morning, Rowe.”
“Good morning, Master Tomas.”
“Have you been knelt here ever since I left?”
“Yes, Master.”
Right. No point berating him, he’d done it now. Tomas decided to try a different approach. Anything to stop him looking so god damn terrified.
“You were so quiet. I wasn’t disturbed at all. Well done.”
“Th-thank you, Master.”
It hadn’t worked quite as well as Tomas had hoped. Rowe’s face was still taut with fear and… expectation? Just as Tomas was wondering how else to calm him down, Rowe lowered his forehead to the floor.
“Please punish me for last night’s offences, Master.”
Tomas remembered his exchange with Rowe suddenly. He had been so tired he couldn’t recall the exact wording, but he got the feeling he’d put off giving Rowe a punishment until morning. Really clever of yesterday’s Tomas. Even though he hated the idea of Pets, he had heard enough to know how they were generally treated. He could see that refusing to reprimand Rowe in some way would only freak him out more. And more importantly… Tomas had just had the perfect idea.
“Right. Firstly, I’d like you to tell me what you did,” Tomas said. He quickly followed that up with, “so that you are clear on what you are being punished for.”
“I disturbed you in the night with my screaming, Master, and I pulled away from you when you woke me up.”
His delivery was crystal clear- no stammering or hesitation. Tomas hadn’t even realised that Rowe pulling away was an offence. “Yes. As I said last night, you couldn’t help that. I’m punishing you now… because you didn’t warn me ahead of time. I thought someone had broken in or you were mortally wounded. Follow me, Rowe.”
Tomas felt more than a little smug at how quickly he’d come up with something. He marched Rowe into his bedroom, and pointed to his wardrobe.
“There’s a spider in there. I saw it yesterday. I want you to get rid of it.”
Rowe couldn’t entirely hide the look of relief that flashed across his face, and Tomas beamed. He must not be afraid of spiders. That was fantastic.
“Of course, Master.”
He stood a safe distance away as Rowe reached in without hesitation and gently scooped up the spider. Tomas pushed open a window and Rowe let it go onto the outside ledge.
“I-is that all, Master?”
“Yes. Creepy little things.”
“Yes, Master…” Rowe obviously lied. Tomas couldn’t help but smile.
“Right, now that you’ve learnt your lesson, let’s have breakfast.”
. . .
Rowe watched Master place a bowl of cereal in front of him, feeling totally disposable. He wanted to plead that he could handle the cooking, he could be a useful Pet. He could clean and wash and serve and take pain graciously. He didn’t want to get thrown out again. But Rowe didn’t know this house; Master hadn’t even shown him where the cutlery was kept yet, and the last thing Rowe wanted to do was waste Master Tomas’s time. So he just ate up.
Rowe knew he had to adapt to his new Master as quickly as possible, but this morning’s punishment had only confused him more. He had assumed the wardrobe was some sort of tool closet, and Master would choose a suitable instrument to hurt him with. He had swallowed and reminded himself that this was good, this was helping him to be good. So when the order came to remove a little spider, he had been too shocked to tell his Master that he wasn’t afraid of them. And now he was stuck! Rowe didn’t let himself think about what Master Tomas would do if he ever found out. He wanted to be good so much, but now he felt like he was being more badly behaved than ever. His spoon clinked against the bowl as he trembled and he quickly shoved it into his mouth.
“The first thing to do today is get you washed and find you something to wear. I can’t believe I’ve just let you stay in those boxers all night.”
“I’m sorry fo-for the inconvenience, Master.”
Master scoffed. “Hardly. It’d be a bigger inconvenience if you were walking around dirty and half-naked, frankly.”
Rowe hung his head. Master was right; he was a state. “Of course, Master. U-um-” he started, faltering as Master Tomas fixed him with a stare. But he had to ask this. To wait any longer would only mean more pain in the future, so he slid off the chair and kneeled in submission. “A-all this food, and a name, and new clothes, and a bath, please, what do I need to do for you?”
“Do for me?”
“To earn it, M-master…”
“You don’t need to.”
What mindgame was this? Rowe didn’t understand it at all, and not understanding always meant displeasing his Master. “P-please,” he said, a little more forceful than intended. “Please, Master, I have to earn it. I’ll t-take anything, so please, cut me, burn me, whip me, I’ll b-be good, I’ll earn it…”
There was a long silence and Rowe’s mind started to run with all the ways he could have phrased that differently, if he’d spoken too much or too loudly, if he should have spoken at all. Master Tomas still had his eyes on Rowe and he felt overwhelmed by the feeling that there was nowhere to hide. Glancing up, he saw that Master’s eyes were burning. He was probably looking at how dirty and disgusting he was, Rowe thought miserably.
Master Tomas eventually moved, reaching out a hand to Rowe’s head and leaving it there. He stayed still, wondering when the fingers would close around his hair and yank him off the ground, or slam his face into the floor, or pull his head back to be screamed at or spat on.
“You have earned those things, Rowe,” Master Tomas said. “Aside from this morning’s hiccup you’ve been no trouble at all. And it’s important to me that you stay healthy and well-groomed. Do you understand?”
Rowe nodded slowly. He thought he understood. Master Tomas liked his Pet to be pretty, and he was willing to spare some of his food and soap to achieve this. Rowe could be pretty. He could be whatever Master wanted. Master’s hand, still on his head, ruffled his hair gently. It felt quite nice.
Ten minutes later, Master had found Rowe a soft white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts to wear. Rowe pressed his forehead to the ground and thanked him profusely.
“Well… you’re welcome,” Master Tomas said. “I’ve run you a bath, but I’m going to help you. I want to get your wounds properly cleaned up, and I know you won’t be able to reach them all by yourself. I’ve- uh-” Master held his elbows and looked away. “I’ve made sure there are a lot of bubbles, so I won’t see anything…”
“Please don’t worry about that, Master. My body belongs to you.” It felt odd to remind his Master of that, but Master Tomas was young, far younger than Rowe’s old master, and he wondered if this was his first Pet. The pressure of that scared him.
. . .
Tomas tried not to grimace. Rowe was right, of course. He did belong to Tomas, and that meant his whole body, but phrasing it like that still made his skin crawl.
“Let’s just get you washed, okay?” he said, stiffly. When Rowe raised his head from the floor, he looked more wary than before.
Tomas averted his gaze as Rowe lowered himself slowly into the bath, hissing quietly as the soap invaded his fresh cuts. Even once he was sat in the bath, he kept his hands firmly gripping the tub. Tomas wondered briefly if he thought he might get pushed under the water. He looked so delicate, his torso and heavily bruised knees rising out of the bubbles, blue and black and purple and red against the soothing soapy white. Tomas tried to ignore the way Rowe was trembling as he stood over him, and grabbed a flannel.
Dipping it into the bathwater, he instructed Rowe to lean forward and pressed it, gently but firmly, against an open cut on Rowe’s back. He didn’t move, not even a little bit. He was holding his breath again, Tomas realised.
“Does it hurt, Rowe?”
A pause. Rowe was clearly weighing up how to answer this. “It’s nothing, Master Tomas.”
“You’re so good at taking pain. It’s making it so easy to get these wounds cleaned. Well done.”
Rowe exhaled and Tomas smiled softly. Some of the tension in the air dissipated.
Once the blood had been cleaned off his back and neck, Tomas was satisfied Rowe could handle the rest himself. He would have to, Tomas thought, since looking at the damage done to Rowe in such detail had made him want to throw up, punch someone, or scream, whichever was easiest. By the time he had finished he was almost shaking with anger. He stood up and Rowe turned, shrinking when he saw the thunder on Tomas’s face.
“I have things to get on with. Stay as long as you’d like in the bath and get yourself clean.”
Getting out of that hot, hazy room already made Tomas feel ten times calmer. He leant against the wall, trying to shake the image of those long cuts down Rowe’s spine, the way Tomas had seen into the torn skin as he’d cleaned away the blood. The way he’d brushed his fingers accidentally against the handprint, stark and purple on Rowe’s neck. Worst of all, the way Rowe had just sat there. Totally accustomed to being used as someone else’s stress ball. Tomas ground his teeth, stalked downstairs and called Kasia.
 “…yes, alright,” Kasia said, clearly speaking through a mouthful of food, “I can admit that it was in pretty bad nick when we picked it up.”
“Pretty bad nick? He can’t even look at me without shaking like a leaf. And don’t call him an ‘it’, please. It’s just weird.”
“Well, do you still want to keep him?”
“I….yeah. I’ve got him now, haven’t I? Can’t just shift him onto someone else.”
“Yeah, I can’t lie, I don’t think it- he’d ever recover from getting chucked out twice in one week.”
“I just don’t know how to handle him, yet. I thought you might have some tips.”
“Sure thing, mate. I’ll swing by in an hour, how’s that sound?”
“Okay, cool. See you then.”
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orsuliya · 4 years
Ah, if only the Merry Rapist fam vel Hulan royal clan was not made up of merry and not-so-merry rapists, gaslighters and abusers! Alas, it’s four out of four. But if it was not so, I’d be cheering for them to take over Cheng. I mean, they have actual brains! Daddy Hulan is no slouch, although he should pay more attention to properly executing his plans, Helan Zhen has his moments and Helan Tuo is the Zilu of this family, which means he’s a proper genius by local standards. Mrs. Helan Tuo is the only outlier, but then she’s married in, so.
Helan Tuo’s plan is actually very good! And it would have succeeded... if not for the totally unexpected appearance of Xiao Qi. It goes more or less like this:
Step 1. Kill Daddy Hulan and prop up his body in such a way that it’s not immediately visible that he’s not actually alive and breathing.
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Step 2. Make sure that Helan Zhen’s intended bride is indeed his intended bride, but not the intended bride he’d chosen for himself, thus provoking him to violently storm Daddy Hulan’s tent.
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Step 3. Completely accidentally discover Helan Zhen over Daddy Hulan’s dead body.
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Step 4. Point your finger a lot.
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Step 5. Violently deal with any dissenters, yes, especially you, Hulan Tattoo.
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Step 6. Whip the local populace into frenzy and point your finger some more.
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Step 7. Immediately proceed to the gallows before the public outrage dies down.
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Step 8. Kill your cousin in an efficient manner.
Step 9. Congratulations, you are the King of Merry Rapist Land!
Step 8. Make sure to enjoy your villainous monologue and do not forget to play a little yet highly satisfying mindgame.
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Oh, Helan Tuo, you were so close. Still, seven out of nine is not a bad score.
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20 for the dialogue prompts! 💛
Thank you lovey, you didn't specify any fandom or pairing, so I'm going with buddie and 9-1-1 cuz my favs lol
(also throwing in some mindgamers references cuz I'm trash)
I hope you'll like this 😅
20: "I don't believe you."
"I don't believe you." Eddie shakes his head in disbelief.
It couldn't be true.
It just couldn't be. He knew Buck, he knew Buck like he knew the back of his own hand. Better even. They're best friends, the very best of friends. Sure things had gotten rocky here and there but they'd gotten through it.
It wasn't true.
Eddie searches Chimney's face, looking for the lie in his friend's features.
Chim grinned like a madman, a smug madman.
"It's totally true! Maddie has photographic evidence and everything!" He crowed, clapping a hand on Eddie's bicep. "Look I'll show you!"
Chimney pulled his phone out of his uniform trouser pocket, scrolled frantically for a few moments before shoving the device into Eddie's face.
On the screen, clear as day, in absolute undeniable proof was Buck - a younger Buck by give or take ten years, but it wasn't a Buck Eddie ever thought he'd see - a very emo Buck.
For one the hair, oh lord the hair! It was pitch black and cut in some weird asymmetrical undercut with a long floppy side fringe.
And Buck was so pale! And skinny! And where the hell was his shirt? Who wears suspenders and no shirt and looks that good? Was that eyeliner? That was eyeliner holy shit!
Eddie felt like his whole grip on reality was fading away.
He stared slack jawed and sort of aroused.
Like so okay maybe emo!Buck is kinda hot.
Eddie's man enough to admit it. Well man enough to admit it to himself at least.
He took the phone from Chimney for a closer look.
"When..? What?" Eddie babbled.
"I know right?! I nearly had a stroke when Maddie showed me." Chimney exclaimed, seemingly oblivious to Eddie's internal crisis.
Eddie nodded, not really listening as he swiped through the Facebook gallery on Chimney's screen. So Buck had this emo phase about a decade ago whilst attending college by the looks of it. There are several photos of emo!Buck with several other eccentrically dressed individuals, including a rather waif-like young woman who seemed be fond of fairy princess outfits.
A hysterical laugh bubbled up Eddie's throat.
Once he started he couldn't stop.
Chimney quickly took back his phone.
"Hey, you okay man?.."
Eddie's head snapped round so fast towards the sound of Buck's voice, laughter cutting off like a closed water valve, as the man in question walked over from the top of the station's stairway towards where Eddie and Chimney were standing by the kitchenette table.
Buck's eyebrows raised, head tilting to the side like an adorable overgrown puppy, the image did nothing to reconcile the version of Buck Eddie had known to the one he'd just been introduced to.
"What're you guys laughing at?"
Chimney blinks, "Err nothing man. I'mma.." he nods and points a thumb in the vague direction of the gym downstairs, "I'mma let Eddie tell you."
Chim grabs his phone and scurries away leaving Eddie, much to his mortification alone with Buck.
"Umm.." Buck echoes back looking far to amused for Eddie's liking.
Damn him. Damn Buck for being so attractive when he's all cocky and laughing at Eddie, and damn him for being so friggin cute even when he was such a twinky emo college kid making Eddie question his taste level damnit.
It all just rushes out like a tidal wave and Buck just stands there, words sweeping over his head.
Eddie coughs.
"Chimney's was showing me some pictures of you in college Maddie had shown him from Facebook."
Buck paled. Then blushed. Blushed a deep red from his cheeks down his neck and oh god did Eddie want to see how far that blush reached.
"Oh my god! I'm so embarrassed right now shit!"
And just like that the tables had turned.
"You are?" Eddie felt kinda smug, he edged closer and trailed a hand up Buck's arm. His friend swallowed and if possible the blush got even redder.
"I...I was young and.."
"And totally hot in eyeliner and suspenders."
Wow okay Eddie shoot your shot, he thought to himself even if on the outside he managed to maintained a facade of calm despite definitely just revealing to his best friend he thought he was hot. This couldn't go wrong except it totally could.
"Y-Yeah?" Buck smiled. Eddie smiled back.
"I still have those suspenders"
Eddie hummed.
"Well maybe you should wear them. On a date, with me. This Friday."
"Yes!" Buck coughed, "I mean yeah cool, I'd like that."
Eddie opened his mouth to suggest a time but the station alarm had other ideas and both men sprang apart groaning at the poor timing before heading towards the trucks.
With his turnout gear on and before clambering into the fire engine Eddie turned to Buck and grinned cheekily.
"Nine o'clock, my place and wear the eyeliner too."
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a-s-levynn · 4 years
I made a separete post because it is long as it is, also i don’t want to pick from who’s tag should i reblog it so here it is anyway.  Thank you so much @dreamsarelikedragonflies @tales-of-hisirdoux​ @nikibogwater​  for the tag! <3 I’m actually still surprised that people tag me in these because i’m probably the least interesting person on this site. So it means a lot! TmT <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagging: oh man there isn’t going to be 20 for sure... NO PRESSURE TAGS, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to, no hard feelings: @bored-already @spellcasterdouxie @littlerainsworld @isawhisperer @echigo825 and anyone and everyone who follows me can consider themselfs tagged and feel free to refer me as someone who tagged you if you want to jump on this train!
name/nickname: for gaming: Daster for the last couple of years, and here Levynn seems to get picked up (well no surprise there given my url)
gender: female on paper, but i really could not care less
star sign: saggitarius
height: around 5′3″
time: 23:06
birthday: in november
favorite bands: Slipknot, Bullet for my Valentine, Stone Sour, Thousand Watt Stare, Pretty Reckless, Nirvana, 30stm, Ice Nine Kills etc.. i really don’t have an absolute favourite.. maybe Slipknot but it depends on my mood really
favorite solo artists: Corey Taylor, Christian Martucci, Sugizo, Andrey Vinogradov and many others
song stuck in my head: Hunger by The Score
last movie: Mindgamers
last show: Prodigal Son
when did i make this blog: in 2008, but i’m too lazy to look up the exact date
what i post: whatever my brainrot decides to fancy at the given moment. Also ToA screenshots until i run out of the episodes
last thing i googled: Axeman of New Orleans (i just had to fact check on something)
other blogs: @skyholdlibrary (i’m actually going to make content on this again but i didn’t really had enough time but soon!)  @angryedgelord (this one is on indefinite hiatus because of reasons) and @dasterplayswow (but i don’t really have the energy to keep this one up)
do i get asks: sometime, and they are all greately cherished!
why i chose my url: because i have this ever evolving OC who lives rendt free in my head for ca. two decades, and i like the name
following: 1666 (don’t judge me, i never clean out the inactive blogs)
followers: 528 (but i’m sure around 300 probably are inactive or bots)
average hours of sleep: 3-5 on good days
lucky number: i want it to be 32 but it’s 8
instruments: i dabbled in bass guitar, i had a drumset sold from under my ass so i almost learned that. In middleschool i had to learn to play on a recorder (music specific class, yey! no i can’t sing well, i had a good rythm sense)
what am i wearing rn: black sleeveless shirt, dark grey hoodie, dark grey sweatpants, a black sock with white x-es and a darkgrey-lightgray striped one
dream trip: all over the world really. but i want to be on an old tall ship also ride a camel through the desert
favorite food: suvlaki in the wrap version (which is not the proper way but the ultimat streetfood way but i like it)
nationality: please don’t. some of you know and that’s fine but i’m not proud of it
favorite song: currently In my bones by The Score but i’m definitely going to say something else tomorrow because it solely depends on my mood
last book read: The Renegade by Dale Avery
top three fictional universes: Riyria, Mass Effect and 
favorite color: probably black but i love me all the colours
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All of Brown for Mes please!
((Answering these as up to date for her current story in the RP, so some answers may not match previous similar ones. also ily))
Brown- Where do you call home? well, shit. i mean... i don’t really have what most people would consider a home anymore. at least not if you mean like, a physical location that i return to as a place to live. like, i could give you a vague area, which is the Red Wastes and the Rubblebelt and what little remains of the Wilds but i guess most of the cobble roaches would consider me homeless. right now i just go wherever there’s food and a little shelter but... if “home” doesn’t only have to mean a place, then as long as i’m with the Revelers i’m home. they’re my family, my best friends. the reason i’m free of the House. no matter how terrible my life is i always feel happy with them. home
Mocha - How do you like your coffee? (If you like coffee) fuck, i haven’t had coffee in ages! i’d probably drink it straight black right now as long as it meant i could taste some. i mean i drank it mostly black anyway, with a lil bit of cream and sugar, but still
Cinnamon - Which of the “Cinnamon Roll” memes fits you best? (looks like they could kill but is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll) see i know i’m “looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you” but even with my scars and shit people tend to assume i’m a fuckin child and would probably label me like “sinnamon roll” or some shit
Tawny - Cats or Dogs? (or any animal for that matter) neutral to both, i guess. if we’re not saying it’s a pet, then i love em both, and wanted every puppy and kitten i ever saw as a kid. but i can’t do pets. not out here
Hickory - How smart are you? Would you consider yourself more book smart or street smart? look, there ain’t any way i can phrase this that won’t sound like i’m bragging, so i’m smart as fuck in both ways. Dimir agents have to be. the Undercity isn’t exactly a nice part of Ravnica and it’s where most of their business is negotiated and a lot of it is carried out. everyone who goes through their training goes through some serious schooling in all the usual shit plus social skills and then we pick up the street smarts on the job if we survive the training. ... if they survive the training
Leather - How “badass” would you say you are? i’m badass as fuck. damn shame so few other Gruul fuckin realize that though
Brunette - If you could change your hair color, what would you change it to? black or red. i’ve glamoured both before while on missions, and even though i had a human skintone in all those glamours i think those two colors look good on me
Gingerbread - What is your favorite holiday? i don’t really like any holidays? even the one festival the Gruul celebrate, Rauck-Chauv, doesn’t really excite me. you can get drunk or give gifts or eat fancy food any day of the year, especially if you’re in one of the Guilds, so why do we need special days for it? besides, Rauck-Chauv is just eating drinking and rioting and like... that’s half of what we do on a daily basis anyway. maybe i just don’t get it cause i didn’t grow up in Gruul
Penny - If you could make a substantial living doing anything, what would you do? uhhh... we talkin legit work or nah? cause as much as i may hate the mindgames of the House i liked being an assassin. it was fun and even challenging sometimes and i’m damn good at killing so why not keep making money off it? if i really gotta do something that isn’t technically illegal... man i dunno. maybe rock climbing or wrestling with my idiot friends.
Chocolate - Do you like chocolate? If so, what is your favorite way to eat it? with strawberries dipped into it, or with the chocolate drizzled over the strawberries! gods it’s been so long since i’ve had chocolate...
Chestnut - Have you ever ridden an animal? If so, which one? i mean, Bial and Krein sure fuck like animals when they get into it. that count? ((no, no it doesn’t. yeah she’s never ridden an animal))
Umber - Who do you call your friend? How many Friends do you have? the Revelers. Bial, Krein, Daegon, and Lormac. the bar crew. Ellie, Alan, Will, and Francois. i... i want to say i’m still friends with Marlo and the others at that camp, but everyone but him probably hates me now so probably not. oh, and Archer obviously! so i guess if i don’t count Marlo’s camp i have nine friends. or seven plus a fiance and a boyfriend? oh fuck I forgot Nick and Seris. how could i forget the guy who adopted a demon? so 11 friends. which is more than i thought at first honestly
Carob - What do you look for in a friend? you can put up with me and the fact that i’m literally fucking cursed or some shit and everyone who cares about or even exists near me inevitably gets hurt?
Cedar - How old are you? 25
Caramel - How much does sugar affect you? it’s never really affected me that much. neither does caffeine, for that matter. a lot of things that affect a lot of humans don’t really work the same on me unless i consume a lot of it in one go.
Mahogany- What is your moral alignment? (Lawful good, Neutral good, Chaotic good, Lawful neutral, True neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful evil, Neutral evil, Chaotic Evil)   Chaotic Good? ((Chaotic Neutral, but mostly because with the way morals are on Ravnica between the different Guilds, things she does that one guild may see as completely normal, in line, expected, and good because it helps the guild and its people may be seen by another guild as heinous. guild morality is fucky lol. what is “good” or “evil” literally depends on the viewpoint of the guild. while most guilds’ morals do line up with our real-world ideas of what is good and evil, some really don’t))
Peanut - Do you have any allergies? i don’t know if it’s technically an allergy? does getting violently sick when you eat something count as an allergic reaction or just your body going “nope”? especially if you don’t even technically “eat” it? cause like if that counts then I’m allergic to Sphynxes. something about their life force always makes me sick if i feed on them
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ao3feed-daisuga · 4 years
District Nine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UdgCak
by Owiks
If you were told to come to a backwater planet, where one of the district's feels like do or die, would you take the offer? This district could be heaven or hell depending on who you gambled with. Oikawa Tōru: an arms dealer and black market keeper could make this way of life easy for you. Being on his good side meant you weren't on his list of people to snap in half; safe of being considered a lamb for slaughter. If you landed on his bad side, things could and would become a hellfire. Many called him God, the devil himself, the grim reaper; any name would suit the mindgames he played on everyone. His talent in the arts of manipulation were famous among Sigrul; the streets of District Nine showed this fact.
Words: 2672, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sawamura Daichi
Relationships: Oikawa Tooru/Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Black Markets, eat the rich, Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Auctions, Smuggling, Alternate Universe - Bounty Hunters, Bounty Hunters, Sadistic!Oikawa, Crimes & Criminals, Outer Space, Space Pirates, Firefly References, captain!oikawa, Jealous Iwaizumi Hajime, Guns, Gun Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UdgCak
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aweebitrustyeh · 3 years
The Nine Mindgames of Aizawa Shouta Ch 1 is now up!
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“With the recent attacks on UA students, Nezu has decided to ensure his faculty's situational awareness in a more... creative manner. One person from the hero course staff or students will be chosen as the 'agent'. Their goal-- to avoid detection until they've completed their list of test scenarios. And of course, the winner will get a prize of their choosing, from Nezu himself.
They're professional heroes-- how hard could this be?”
Check it out at https://archiveofourown.org/works/34677793/chapters/86338777
Tune in next week for the next fic, “Lights, Camera, Action” featuring Villain!Mic’s origin after Oboro’s death and the real story behind the villainous Present Mic
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Tag 8 people you want to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @constantbellpepper !!!
Favorite color: bright neon pink, you’ll see it on my blog theme, followed by black
Last song I listened to: Drag Me To The Grave by Black Veil Brides
Favorite musician: that’s pretty difficult, but it’s gotta be either Black Veil Brides or Ice Nine Kills
Favorite song: that’s literally an impossible question lol.  How am I supposed to pick one single song as my favorite??? That truly is an impossible question, but one of my favorite’s is Happily Ever After by Jordan Fischer.  It plays at Disney World during the fireworks show, and the feeling of euphoria and magic that it provides is completely unparalleled.
Favorite places I’ve been:  Disney World is my favorite place on earth, but some other incredible ones that I adore are the Badlands National Park in South Dakota, Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, Yellowstone, the state of Georgia as a whole, and the Caribbean.
Last film I watched: at the risk of sounding pretentious, I do consider films and movies to be different.  Just the words themselves give different vibes, and there are some movies that fit both categories instead of just the one.  The last movie I watched was IO (0/10, would not recommend, it sucked for a gazillion reasons), but the last film I watched was The Physician, which I highly recommend, it was absolutely amazing.  The movie I watched that I have a positive feeling about is MindGamers.  It’s freakin weird and really confusing, but I didn’t hate it.
Last book I finished: I think that would be And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. I am currently reading Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: probably savory, because I think anything can be savory under the right conditions.
Sparkling water, tea, or coffee: coffee, but iced tea is a close second
First thing I’ll do when I’m released from quarantine: see my friends.  Wow I miss them so freaking much.
I’m gonna actually tag people that I don’t already know all of their answers lol.  @12percentplan @badguywindow @jencsi  @underdefined67 @panchostokes @enchantedblackforest @flowing-river24 @teamimprov
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hqrarepairs-ao3feed · 4 years
by Owiks
If you were told to come to a backwater planet, where one of the district's feels like do or die, would you take the offer? This district could be heaven or hell depending on who you gambled with. Oikawa Tōru: an arms dealer and black market keeper could make this way of life easy for you. Being on his good side meant you weren't on his list of people to snap in half; safe of being considered a lamb for slaughter. If you landed on his bad side, things could and would become a hellfire. Many called him God, the devil himself, the grim reaper; any name would suit the mindgames he played on everyone. His talent in the arts of manipulation were famous among Sigrul; the streets of District Nine showed this fact.
Words: 2672, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sawamura Daichi
Relationships: Oikawa Tooru/Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Black Markets, eat the rich, Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Auctions, Smuggling, Alternate Universe - Bounty Hunters, Bounty Hunters, Sadistic!Oikawa, Crimes & Criminals, Outer Space, Space Pirates, Firefly References, captain!oikawa, Jealous Iwaizumi Hajime, Guns, Gun Violence
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 4 years
District Nine
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UdgCak
by Owiks
If you were told to come to a backwater planet, where one of the district's feels like do or die, would you take the offer? This district could be heaven or hell depending on who you gambled with. Oikawa Tōru: an arms dealer and black market keeper could make this way of life easy for you. Being on his good side meant you weren't on his list of people to snap in half; safe of being considered a lamb for slaughter. If you landed on his bad side, things could and would become a hellfire. Many called him God, the devil himself, the grim reaper; any name would suit the mindgames he played on everyone. His talent in the arts of manipulation were famous among Sigrul; the streets of District Nine showed this fact.
Words: 2672, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sawamura Daichi
Relationships: Oikawa Tooru/Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Black Markets, eat the rich, Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Auctions, Smuggling, Alternate Universe - Bounty Hunters, Bounty Hunters, Sadistic!Oikawa, Crimes & Criminals, Outer Space, Space Pirates, Firefly References, captain!oikawa, Jealous Iwaizumi Hajime, Guns, Gun Violence
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UdgCak
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bluetapes · 5 years
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We did some great work this year 2019: A year in tapes! (And one CD)
2019 sucked but we did some good stuff. Here's a reminder!
blue thirty-two: Stuart Chalmers and Taming Power
Miasmic tape-sound, guitar and swarmandal compositions from two of the most respected names in underground music. People got really excited about this one!
blue thirty-one: Thank You, Merciless Onlookers / Helen and Gavin The A side is a live set from me at Café OTO, with harmonium, piano, glockenspiel, laptop and rain sound entwining in a meditative drone thing. B side is Sussex Christmas carols and Indian chanting - unpretentious, lo-fi, fun.
blue thirty: Ratkiller Brilliant, surreal, abstract electronic mindgames from Estonian scene leader Mihkel Kleis. Strange, psychedelic music from the outer reaches.
blue twenty-nine: Abysmal Growls of Despair Unbelievably epic kargyraa-doom. So heavy and unrelenting that it becomes transcendent. Has to be heard - FELT - to be fathomed. Available on CD and tape!
The Blue Tapes House Band vol. 3: Chase Me Before The Plague Perhaps the most perfectly-realised slab of sound from our resident supergroup yet. Produced by Matt Collins with vocals by OXBOW's Eugene S. Robinson and Map 71's Lisa Jayne, guitar by me.
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