#im nauseous and dizzy from the strong pain medication im on
im still dealing with the consequences of my accident - where i fell down five meters and was almost paralysed meaning i had to get emergency surgery on my spine but i also broke my foot which has enforced my already existing back and posture issues - leading to pain and sometimes debilitating pain. yet my doctor says there is no chance this is recognised as a disability which would mean i get special worker protection which i feel i need because im being guilt-tripped and not believed and probably soon to be fired at both my jobs because i have to call in sick every now and then due to sitting at a desk on the computer literally causing me pain. this is making me suicidal again, despite being on antidepressants. i already had health issues before the accident especially mental health so now im just super hopeless and anxious for the future
edit: i have a decent support net in my life and soon to start therapy so please dont worry about me, i just need to vent my frustration and feelings sometimes! i appreciate everyone reaching it out a lot though!
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demonictales · 4 years
May I ask for oneshot where reader sacrifices their golden core to Jiang cheng instead of Wei ying?
ioh my god. i love this idea. i hope you like what i’ve written. let me know if you enjoyed it! ♥ it turned out to be a bit long, im sorry. nearly 3k words tho.
Jiang Cheng x Reader
TW: burn wound, strong pain
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When the Yunmeng Jiang Clan was attacked and taken over by the Wen Clan, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli, and their brother Jiang Cheng were on the run. Wen Chao had made no secret of it that all three had fleed and had to be found immediately.
The whole cultivation world has been in chaos since the Qishan Wen Clan roamed the streets, destroying any clan that was even remotely against them without blinking an eyelid. The consequences for anyone who tried to defend themselves against the Wen Clan were fatal. Unfortunately, this has also affected the Jiang Clan and the now three siblings on the run. 
Like so many in the Wen Clan, you couldn't help but move along with them. You were born into the medical family in the clan and often helped your cousin Wen Qing and spent time with Wen Ning. He was only two years younger than you. All three of you weren’t particularly fond of how Wen Chao did deal with the whole situation but you had no other chance but to obey the orders, mostly because just like Wen Qing, you helped her protect Wen Ning who to you was just like a brother as well.
It had been a rather quiet week for the three of you when suddenly the doors opened and three people stood in the middle of Wen Qing’s property.  You had just created a few remedies when none other than Wei Wuxian, followed by his sister and Jiang Cheng, who appeared badly injured, appeared loudly and threatening. 
Wen Qing seemed to be in control when you took care of Yanli. It seemed like she was a little weak so you gave her some medicine to strengthen her immune system and told her to take a rest for the day being. If she needed something, she could rely on you and ask for your help. You ended up talking to her and found out that both of you had quite a lot in common, turns out just like her, you weren’t so much into cultivation either, in fact your cultivation was low and you barely followed your interest in it. You were more of  a reserved person, calm as most would describe you, introverted and quiet. You worked behind the scenes and were quietly aknowledged for your wisdom regarding poison and antidotes.
Leaving to prepare more medicine and helping Wen Ning cook, you learned that Wen Zuhliu has taken Jiang Chengs golden core which made you drop your current pot of boiling water burning yourself in the process. Wen Ning gently and quietly took care of your hand as you joined Qing for dinner. Talking about the passed day and what happened.
You were discussing the biggest issue at hand while Ning was quietly listening, slurping his soup. “ Is there a solution to Young Master Jiang’s issue? Is there a way to restore his golden core? ” You asked your cousin wondering if something like this was possible. The hope you had was taken from you when your cousin explained that it wasn’t possible but young master Wei would not stop searching for a cure.
The next morning was your usual daily routine. You woke up, read through some books, prepared some medicine for Yanli and worked on more antidotes and poisons, liquid, powder and pills, even some scented sachets to help you walk through poisoned fog without losing your mind completely until noon hit. You were instructed to bring some soup for Jiang Cheng. Holding the dark tray with some freshly cooked notorious soup in your hands you over heard the conversation of the two brothers inside the room. Not keen on eavsdropping you waited and listened anyway.
“Did you feel it? ---- “ A deep voice filled with sadness spoke quietly, as if he knew all hope was lost. “Feel what?“ Another asked curiously as he waited for an answer. “Well, I used all my spiritual power...“ Silence, followed by holding your breath before he continued as you listened quietly behind the door. “..in that palm. So, did you feel it? ---- “  He repeated his question. Listening, knowing he had lost his golden core made you uncomfortable. You could care less about your own golden core and spiritual power as you did not particularly need it for what you were studying but in his voice alone you could hear the silence of defeat. There was no more will in his tone. 
“ Well, do it again. Hit me again. “ Wei Wuxian spoke, trying to reassure his brother, but he only refused. “ No need. It’s the same, no matter how many times I hit you. --- Wei Wuxian, do you know how Core Melting Hand gets his title? “ Cheng continued, voice steady but without any melody. “Because he can use his hands to crush another person’s golden core. ---- Whoever is hit by him can never form his core and will become an ordinary man after losing your spiritual power. “ Their conversation went on but your thoughts kept spinning. You only ever heard highly of this young masters reputation. He was  arrogant and overconfident and exceptionally handsome, however, as to what you heard he seemed broken, not ready to be an ordinary man, as if it was the death sentence. It probably was the worst for any great cultivator to become ordinary, to become just a human being.  
As you listened he got louder, talking about how Wen Zuhliu had taken their parents live and you immediately felt bad for the actions of the Wen Clan. You knew the situation was bad, but hearing things from the ones you helped while being a Wen yourself made you realize how much you truly did dislike being part of the cultivation world. With a quiet sigh you walked in, speaking up calmly, pretending you did not hear a word of what had been spoken you put the soup down on the table. “Hello young Master Wei. Young Master Jiang. --- Wen Qing instructed me to bring some soup for young master. ” You explained simply, bowed and left quickly.
The conversation you had been part of, if so secretly, had bothered you for the rest of the day until late night where eventually you got up and went to the study, looking and reading through the books, trying to figure out how to restore ones golden core after losing it. You could do only so much as to let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing your tired eyes. A sense of deep fault started to brew in your chest, being regretful as to what your clan had done wrong. This would hunt you for generations, if there would be anyone left. 
You soon found out that  Wei Wuxian had the same thoughts as you. By any means you did not know any of the Jiang Clan family members, but after a long talk with Master Wei, you could eventually persuade him to let you help him find a solution to the problem until Qing, you and Wuxian were arguing as to why it was not possible to transfer one golden core to another person. The chances were low, one must have luck on their side for it to work but at some point the desicion had been made, nevertheless, it had taken lots of time for Wen Qing to be coaxed into this plan. You were fast to offer your core for the transplant and an explanation was barely needed, you only spoke a few words that night.
“ I barely cultivate. My core might not be the strongest but it is not the weakest either. I do not care for cultivation, I do not need to to study medicine, to make pills and antidotes for the poison I creat. ---- Besides, my family has created enough damage. Master Wei, I shall give Young Master Jiang my golden core. ---- “ 
The plan was easy. He had to follow a path up the hill where he would meet his brother’s mother Master who could restore his golden core by pretending to be Wei Wuxian, the pupils son. What you had not calculated was the never ending pain you went through for the next few days. The burning fire that went from your core all the way through your veins, on the edge of fainting every possible second, but that would mean, the moment you lost control of that, of your conciousness, was a lost core for another. You hanged in there with all your might to the point where you cried out of pain, a sound you never thought you could make would rip through the room. Your own sweat burning your eyes as you fought yourself, your vision soon had gone blurry from the dizziness in your head, the stinging pain in your head making you nauseous. It felt like as if you were torn apart from the inside, the pain was to another extend, something you could not explain in words, something no one could ever feel no matter how they would be tortured. You only had to withstand one more night and it was over and you could rest. Just one more night and the transfer of the golden core would be succsessful and you could lead a normal ordinary live.
You have lived an ordinary live in Yunmeng, quietly and in hiding after you clan had been more or less extinguished. It was odd for one Wen family member to live among the Jiang Clan in secret but you did the best you could to hide your identidy until Wei Wuxians return, who to your surprise brought along Wen Ning. You only observed from a distance but you could not be happier to see your cousin still alive and walking next to Young Master Wei.
It was only when you met Wen Qing in secret that Master Wei had found out and brought you into Lotus Pier which did cause you great trouble the moment you encountered Jiang Cheng, who to this day, still had not manage to control his temper. No Wen Clan member as expected to be alive and now to be faced with another one who was responsible for his family’s death had awoken something in him. Anger, rage, the fact that there was still a Wen walking in Lotus Peer alive and breathing. Not something one would expect after 16 years. 
You had no right to be here and you knew that, if it was only for Wei Wuxian that you had stepped into this territory, only for Wen Ning who seemed to be still the same, even after so many years, even if he was at the same time different. He was still family and if you did meet your death today, so it be.
There he stood, the Zidian in his hands gave of an energy that you could feel. The atmosphere was threathening. You had long stopped carrying your sword, no longer in need for it but of course Jiang Cheng insisted on it. “ Do you expect me to fight you without your sword? -- First you dare to step into Lotus Peer and now you even disrespect the general rules of cultivation. ” He spoke arrogantly, though his voice was underlying with rage. One could tell he was furious. “ I’m not here to fight, Clan Leader Jiang. --- I simply wanted to meet Wen Ning, it has been so long. ” You admitted quietly, reserved as always. “ I do not wish to cause more trouble. As for my sword, I have long stopped carrying it as I do not need it.” You explained quietly and with a steady voice as you bowed and turned to leave, just in that moment you felt the heat of a burning sting against your back, sending you flying to the ground in pain. Just before the second it hit you again, you could see someone blocking the hit for you, the rustling of chains being heard.  The hit of the zidian was clearly something you did underestimate, especially now that you were weaker than before. 
The only thing you could make out was that somebody picked you up as you heard a voice fainted in the background. Wei Wuxian has come to your side as Wen Ning explained the situation to him. It was a world known fact that nobody but yourself could draw their sword. It was in connection with your core, and once it died, it would seal itself forever. 
“ Because the sword considers you as Wen Y/N. ---- ” Ning spoke, his features blank as he continued to explain the situation to Cheng. “What does that mean?” The clan leader furiously enquired, panic in his tone. “How can it consider me as her? ---- Why me? ”
“Because the golden core, functioning in your system is hers. “ Finally the truth had come to live. Something that had been hidden for more than 16 years. The endless nights of searching up methods of how to make it less painful, how to make it quick and most importantly if it could work at all where finally revealed.
Wen Ning kept on explaining everything to Jiang Cheng, whereas Wei Wuxian still held you in his arms checking to see if you were still breathing from the inpact of the Zidian you had suffered. Wen Ning could explain everything in detail to him, from the day he went up the hill, met that woman who was Wen Qing pretending, to how exactly they had transfered your golden core to him.
Jiang Cheng was in disbelief. He did not want to believe a single word from that came from Ning’s mouth. How could a Wen possibly this selfless and give up their own golden core. He tried to understand but now matter how he tried to process this, it did not make any sense to him. He was in utter disbelief, at a loss for words. 
Again, he spoke. “You are talking nonsense. ---- ”
“I’m not. --  “ Ning countered. 
“Shut up!“ He did not want to hear it. None of it. “ My golden core...My golden core...”
“It was repaired by Baoshan Sanren. ---“ The ghost general continued.
“ How do you know that? Wei Wuxian, --- What did you tell them? “
“ No! - Master Wei never told anyone about it. --  I saw it with my own eyes. “ 
“Liar! -- You were there? How could that be possible? “ Wanyin yelled at Ning. “ I was the only one that went up that mountain. There was no way that you followed me. “
Wen Ning kept on telling the whole story yet Jian Cheng still did not dare to believe a single word. It wasn*t possible. They must be lying, it was the only reasonable explanation to what was going on. Was he going insane? Why were they lying?
“ How did you know about it? -- “
“ I told you. -- I was there. Not just me. But also Master Wei, my sister and my cousin was there as well. “
This went on for minutes, minutes that did feel like hours explaining why a stone could not float in the water.
“That is not true. You are lying. --- Then why was my golden core repaired?“
“It was never repaired! “ Wen Ning yelled loudly.
“ No, no, no. NO!“ 
“Clan Leader Jiang. You should have seen it coming. The reason why you thought your core was repaired was my sister Wen Qing, the best doctor of the Wen Clan of Qishan and the sacrifice of my cousins golden core, Wen Y/N. “
At this point, he had no words left, his vision had become blury. He did feel regret towards you. You gave him shelter, you gave him medicine and did treat him with respect, yet your name was tainted with blood shed of his family for all eternity which he simply could not forget. Will never forget, refused to forget.
“She removed Lady Y/N golden core and transplanted it into you. -- Even if she was supposed to fight you today, her spiritual power is weak. If she did draw the sword, she could not last very long. --- She is a Wen, of the Wen Clan. My cousin. ---- We are hated by the whole world. Where could she possibly go. If people had found out earlier that she was still alive, she would have been gone long enough. She had suffered for three nights and two days straight. She did have to be awake throughout the whole procedure. ---- It was painful. “
Jiang Cheng was shedding tears for someone he barely knew or maybe because he could not believe the act of kindness this was.
“She gave up her core because she did not need it. She did not mind being ordinary but the most important thing was, she felt guilty for all the things Wen Chao had done to your family, to all the families that were slaughtered because of our clan. --- She sacrificed herself as a reimbursement to the loss that had been inflicted to you.  Y/N had heard your conversation of how you could not stand being an ordinary man. -----  “
The scene fell quiet, as you were carried away bei Wuxian, closely followed by Wen Ning. Devastation was written all over his face, he became numb, the words echoing in his head, the memories of back then flashing before his eyes. He wondered how much she must’ve suffered? The pain she had to endure during those days. 
However,  how was he able to accept the fact that a Wen had given their golden core to him? The family, the clan he did despise the most.
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