#im not sure if logan and xavier were yandere or not
honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
I had an awesome platonic yandere X-Men dream again!
In this one, Reader is a feral mutant at a boarding school from h*ck, one that isn't very nice and is rather boring. Yet Reader enjoys lounging in the sun or on the branches of the trees, or running around to get out their excess energy. A mutant hears about them and goes to investigate. That mutant is... Sabretooth!
He more-or-less play-hunts Reader, trying to figure out their powers and figure out how strong they are, while encouraging Reader to embrace their feral side. Reader at first thinks he's trying to harm them and is wary, circling him more than actually fighting... Until they jab him, and he falls back, and Reader realizes if he wanted them dead, they'd be dead. This guy is just... playing with them...?
Either way, Sabretooth playfully hunts Reader around the field and trees and woods of the boarding school, hiding in the branches of one tree and trying to get the drop on Reader, then chasing them when he drops down. And Reader keeps running, even checking on him when he falls over and pretends to be hurt or dead.
Then Reader has to go back into the school, and as they go, they glance back at the odd mutant...
Who slowly gets up and follows Reader, not about to abandon this funny new kid...
Reader ends up in their class, trying not to panic, and is taking a biology test on the animal kingdom, when they get sick out of the blue... They feel faint, nauseous, even, and the next thing they know they're blacking out...
Reader wakes up, and they're not sure where they are. It could be the infirmary, or another classroom, or somewhere else, but they can hear voices. They see the odd mutant who had chased them, asking about something he smells, and there are two others, one who frowns and has long claws, and another who's in a wheelchair and is bald... They check over Reader, being gentle, asking questions, which Reader can barely answer... Their throat hurts, they can barely swallow anything, they're so light-headed...
The one mutant who's in a wheelchair soon says something, about poison, and that makes his two companions crowd closer, both seemingly urgent... Reader is given something to drink, being encouraged by the first mutant they'd met, and after struggling for a minute, they're able to. Then there given something that smells vaguely of medicine, and with a firm coaxing, they're able to drink that, too. Then somehow, rather gently, they're told to rest, and that they'll be okay...
(And that is the dream! Pretty interesting, right? I might have to make this into a proper AU! But, yeah, this was a good one, in my opinion😊)
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