#im not the only one that feels this way. blindly consuming media and placing it on a pedestal is inherently harmful
diegoshargrieves · 2 years
no one cares stop watching if you don’t like it
no one cares stop reading my crit if you don't like it
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sn0tcl0wn · 3 years
also honestly maybe disney just wanted to do a fun crime romp about a crazy person and realized the only character who would truly be able to pull that off was cruella. like why does everyone think her backstory was meant to be a tear jerker or the movie was meant to be deep. it was about crime, fashion, and revenge. very simple and very interesting as concepts. wether you think it landed is your own opinion but i don't think this was meant to absolve her of anything because she was still a rude bitch with a broken moral compass and mental health that was shaky at best in the beginning and actively snapping at the end. she didnt even fully snap. that's gonna happen in the next movie. like if anything is gonna tell us why she wanted to kill dogs when she was older it's gonna be the sequel because, unlike maleficent, this was the first part to a full on retelling that will span multiple movies, not a prequel in the first third and then mostly canon accurate retelling for the rest.
this isnt even the same cruella. it's like getting mad that ouat cruella had magic. this isnt the same version and it's clearly taking notes from the recent rise of unhinged woman movies and how that resonates with people. and again who the fuck else is gonna be a better vessel for that kind of plot? no other iconic disney villain could do it. none of them could be so eccentric and out of their mind as her. and in all actuality she is way more redeemable compared to most disney villains.
yall just value dogs over humans so you think she's the worst when madam medusa and sykes and the evil fucking queen all exist. even SCAR was more evil than cruella. cruella was just nuts and consumed by fashion and her need for constant control and glamor. like i was never as scared of or hateful towards cruella as a child the way i was the characters who actually abused and tried to kill literal children (or their nephew cubs because, again, fucking scar). no i don't condone the skinning of a hundred puppies, that is truly horrific, but i also dont think she's as bad as yall are making her out to be when if this was a story about almost any other villain it would be trying to come up with reasons why they felt validated in the abuse and attempted murder of children or even just straight up fascism, racism, or misogyny in some cases.
like maleficent, cruella de vil was tame in comparison to most of the other villains and i really cannot think of too many other villains they could make movies about and not a single one would have been able to have a movie like her's without feeling out of place. like yeah ursula would be more compelling in many ways but it wouldn't have the same vibe or soundtrack and i think they just wanted to do a rock n roll period piece crime movie, saw an opportunity for some badass costumes and visuals, and went with it. and i feel like a lot of people are missing the point because maleficent was an honest narrator with a legitimately tragic story and deals with things like motherhood and grief while cruella is somewhat unreliable and has a sad backstory but is mostly just fuckin bonkers and grows to revel in it. you saw how serious the other one took itself and was supposed to be and said "clearly all the disney villain movies are like this" and then got mad when the one that would OBVIOUSLY be the most silly and wacked out was exactly that. some people went in expecting it to be like joker ffs (which it was but joker wasn't all that original either and in many ways cruella was like several other movies with similar plotlines, it's almost like...genre tropes and cliches exist).
i'm not sorry for ranting about this because i see your stupid fucking jokes all the time to a point where parts of the movie was spoiled for me because yall couldnt contain yourselves so i dont know why i should feel the need to keep my mouth shut. especially when most of you mfs like various forms of trash media too and only get away with it cause it's popular and because after all the shitty ones these past few years live action disney movies are easy targets. im not offended like the jokes were funny the first few times but it's been weeks now and i wouldn't be so annoyed if people actually watched it in good faith. like do any of you watch anything that isn't a cartoon or podcast with gay characters in good faith or do you just go about your lives getting mad over movies for tween-teenaged art kids who get bullied and want an outlet that isn't an r rated movie with violence or realistic drama? because at the end of the day THAT is the main demographic, not you, not even me.
it is a children's movie and yall are asking for depth because "kids deserve better" as if there arent soooo many other kids movies that have deep meanings and teach important lessons. like soul literally exists, just go watch that. oh right yall just wanna complain about disney movies as if the creators and stories are the same as the corporation that's putting them out is if half the shit you like isnt also disney owned. because at the end of the day it isnt even about the movies it's because you think blindly hating anything with the disney label is activism.
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