#and besides. if i wanted to say i didnt like the romance in the superhero time travel paradox show then so what? whats wrong with that?
diegoshargrieves · 2 years
no one cares stop watching if you don’t like it
no one cares stop reading my crit if you don't like it
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dachi25writes · 3 years
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Chapter One: Up North
It felt surreal.
Blond hair and violet eyes– just like his own– stared vacantly into the ceiling. Pale skin, translucent in the fluorecent lights.
Just a nightmare, any minute now he would wake up in the station, have some of that tasteless but nutricious space food, don his spacesuit and go out to the surface of the moon to collect data he would later send to his father…
His dead father who seemed to be staring right through him, body stiff as the metalic table he laid on, his lashes still frosted, lips blue.
What was he thinking? Going up to the North like that without proper equipment or a guide of any kind, it was not like him at all, but maybe things hadn’t gone as he planned, maybe he had been forced to–
Aegon turned around just as his sister apologized for his distracted behavior and signed for the body to be discharged so it could be sent back home. Gods, it had been almost 6 years since he had last seen Dragonstone, he remembered the salty air and ashen grey sand so cool to the touch you could lie there even on the hottest summer day.
The memory was enough to make him smile, wan and melancholy for he did not– could not - forget the circumstances in which he was going back.
Rhaenys touched his arm, gently almost tentative “C'mon Egg, we have to go”
He nodded and walked along, she was very diferent from the sister he remembered, not taller though he coludn’t be sure with the heels she was wearing but the way she carried herself was diferent. She used to slouch, father always tried to correct her posture. Rain never cared to try though, she still slouched a little, it was only noticeable in a slight bend of her shoulders, but that didn’t take away from her overall air of confidence, she didn’t have much of that back then; most shocking of all, her hair was long, she really hated long hair would chop it off herself if mom refused to take her to the hair saloon “It’s been a long time”
She sighed “ I know”
"Where’s mom?”
“She’s back at the hotel I did not think it would be right to bring her here”
He nodded, of course she couldn’t bring mom to the body deposit, Rhaenys would never risk to upset her “How- how did she take it?, about Dad I mean, did you tell her yet?”
As soon as they were out of the building Rhaenys opened her purse and got out a cigarette and a lighter, she offered him one but he refused waiting for her answer as she put the cigarette between lips, gave it a long drag and exhaled the smoke slowly.
“Of course I told her” she answerered at last “C'mon Egg, I’ll give you a ride I parked just around the block”
He nodded and followed “And how did she take it?”
Rhaenys shrugged “She took it well all things considered, said we should have visited Dad some time and other stuff, you know how she is, but I think she is looking forward to seeing us all again”
He grabbed her arm “You called them?” he couldn’t belive Rhaenys! she was family but them… if they came at all it would only be to gloat.
She raised her eyebrow at him and shook his grip with ease “Didn’t need to, it’s all over the news, also from what I know Mr. Connington called us, well he sent this really long e-mails but you get the idea, didn’t you get one?”
He shook his head , dumbfounded “I don’t know, I really haven’t got the chance to catch up. Mr. Connington commed me at the station and I just had to get here” actually he never even expected to see Rhaenys here. He hoped she would at least go to the funeral, Mr. Connington was arranging at Dragonstone, but this… He felt anger claw at his belly, like oil on a sizzling pan the heat thretened to jump in every direction, he held it in, gods he was so out of shape.
Breath in, 1, 2, 3… Exhale. Keep focus.
And it passed.
Rhaenys studied his face, really seeing him for the frist time since they had started talking
"Fuck Egg you look like shit!”
He shrugged but felt self conscious nonetheless, Father had always insisted to always keep a good image for the Academy’s sake. He ran a hand through his short buzzcut, and dragged it all the way down to his face, he was so, so tired.
The car was a small old looking thing of a vibrant orange color, Rhaenys opened the passanger’s door for him as if he hadn’t enough strenght to do it himself.
“Where you staying at?”
"Well as I said I haven’t really–”
“ 'Kay so that means you are coming with me, we rented a room with two beds but I guess mom and I can share,it’s just a night anyway.”
He had half a mind to protest but he was just too tired to go around town looking for some place to stay so he just stayed silent.
Rhaneys started the car and soon enough they were at some cheap-looking but cozy motel called “Winterfell” which wasn’t surprising at all , he had seen at least 10 different stores with the same name since they left the morgue, according to his sister everyone had the Stark fever around here and wanted to be part of the ancestral noble house.
“For real” she said between giggles “I pulled over for some gas on the way here and the guy at the station told me he was a distant relative of the Stark, but not only him the hotel clerk, the barista at Manderly’s and they all say it in this really secret conspiratorial way. It’s kinda sweet really, now I get why Robb insisted we should do a roadtrip here, I can practically see his smug face when he mentioned he was an actual Stark”
Her laugh stopped, and became a bitter sigh.
Aegon wished he could say something but he knew he would most likely say the wrong thing and he just wasn’t up for a fight.His sister parked and proceeded to rest her forhead on the steering wheel, brown curls obscuring her face.
“Sorry Egg, I just can’t help thinking about Robb when we are here. He was always talking about Winterfell and I just-”
“It’s fine” he tried to be nonchalant about it but he felt uncomfortable, he had never been particularly close to Robb, he did like him though. Robb was one of those people you inevitably admire, but after he died everything went to shit at the Academy, everyone blamed Dad for it even Rhaenys, Aegon had been the only one that stayed after that. He knew it was pretty shitty to blame Robb for dying but if he hadn’t maybe…
“God I am such a jerk” Rhaenys lifted her face enough to look at him “I haven’t even asked if you have talked to Sansa or–?”
“I haven’t” he pressed his mouth into a thin line, he didn’t want to talk about this with Rhaenys now or ever really. “You know what? The space travel is really catching up on me so I better go rest like you said”
He opened the door and practically slammed it shut when it dawned on him he had no idea of the room number and he had to wait for Rhaenys. Fuck! just after he had stormed out of the car like a broody asshole(Jon’s asshole face flashed briefly in his mind), the day couldn’ t get worse really.
Fortunately Rhaenys let him save some dignity and got out of the car calmly as if nothing had happened but in her eyes so alike mom’s he could see worry.
"Sorry Egg, you know I am an idiot sometimes, we should go rest”
He wanted to tell her that she wasn’t, not really, not even after she left did he ever thought that, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
She led the way to a simple room decorated in pastels with two identical beds, matching night tables and a very stiff looking couch where his mother sat reading one of the romance novels she loved so well.
As soon as she saw him she got up and enveloped him in an embrace he immediately returned, they parted after a while but she stayed close enough so he could smell her characterístic orange scent, she caressed his face.
"You look so much like your daddy”
Aegon searched for a trace of emotion in his mother’s eyes to know at least someone was grieving as much as him, but her eyes were dry and he remembered that even if his mom felt any pain for her husband’s death she couldn’t be able to express it. Maybe the only thing he resented his is dad for.
“You must tell me all you have done in this years, your sister and little Nym have kept me so busy I haven’t got the chance to visit you and dad.” she made him sit beside her in one of the beds, her soft hands patting his face and squeezing his arm, it made him feel comforted in a way he hadn’t in years “I hope you made him get out of the lab once in a while, Rhaegar needed someone to force him to rest or he would simply drop exausted which of course was never safe–”
"Mom” Rhaenys interrupted putting a hand on mom’s shoulder “Aegon has just arrived and has barely slept I think we better let him rest”
"But look at him dear, your brother looks like he hasn’t eaten a proper meal in years.”
That made him genuinely smile, gods, he really had missed mom “I’ve been eating just fine, I just need some sleep”
“Aegon you can’t sleep like that, you should at least change into your pajamas”
“Well I didnt bring any change of clothes” he confessed rather ashamed. It wasn’t like him to be so unprepared.
"Such a careless boy! Rain we cannot let him like this, we should go out to buy your brother some clothes and food”
Great, now mom was treating him as a 6 year old child.
“Ok, mom just give me a minute I need to call Daeron and Nym to let them know we are at the motel”
His mother nodded, and Rhaenys got out of the room with her cell in hand.He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Rain was a mom now, much less that he was an uncle. He had seen photos of ‘Nym’ when she was a baby and another one of a toddler dressed like Princess Jonquil from that animated movie, but he had never met her.
“Nym has been dying to meet you” As always mom guessed his thoughts.
"She has? I wasn’t sure that Rhaenys talked about me or the Academy”
Mom smiled sadly “Oh, Rain doesn’t talk about the Academy, but about you of course. You are a superhero to Nym, protecting the world from the alíens and meteorites, that girl is obssessed with space, she is always saying that when she grows up her uncle will take her to live with him in space”
He felt a warm feeling wash over him, more than ever he wanted to return to Dragonstone and meet his little niece. That would be nice, he figured, a quiet normal life where he could play with little Nym, of course first he had to investigate what dad was doing in the Wolf’s Wood on his own, he was the head of the Academy now, well he would be if there was an Academy anymore.
Rhaenerys entered again, she had a smile on her face. “Daeron said he and Nym will meet us tomorrow in Dragonstone, I was worried about not being there for her frist flight but her dad says she is very excited”
“I am looking forward to meet them” said Aegon at last, he wished so desperately to have his family back especially now.
"They do too” she replied with a soft smile “Mom, we should get going. Egg you should try to take nap until we come back”
He said he would, and he did try. As soon as they left he took off his shoes and laid down on the bed to the left. It was stiff and smelled way to much of air freshener, but he had been living in a space station for 2 years now so this was more comfortable than he expected. Still he couldn’t fall asleep, as soon as his eyes closed he thought about dad and his mysterious death.
Frustrated, he decided to watch TV to drown out his thoughts. He regreted the decision almost immediately, on the screen appeared a flash of red hair. He almost laughed at his own hopelessnes, there must be a thousand woman in Westeros with that same hair color, and even if he knew them all he would still wish it was Sansa.
The woman turned around and it was her. Sansa. She had grown taller and impossibly beautiful, statuesque and regal were the words that came to mind to describe her.She became an actress, he knew that much. It seemed she was at some red carpet event. His finger thumbed the button to change the channel, he didn’t want to see her, but suddenly a reporter came down on her like a falcon on his prey, and asked her about father’s death. Her brow furrowed, she looked around as if trying to gather if this was some kind of twisted joke, her eyes filled with tears, still she politely excused herself and went back to her limo.
She cared.
His heart skipped a bit, and this time he did laugh. Gods! He felt a fool. Sansa had made her feelings for him very clear on that last note she left him…
When the hosts of the show started talking he finally turned off the TV. He grabbed one of the pillows underneath him and covered his face with it no matter what he did his mind made up diferent scenarios for their reunion each more farfetched and unsatisfactory than the last and like that he fell asleep.
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zuxnon · 5 years
CEO SVT | Seungkwan - Incompatible
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authors note: i know everyone who knows me already KNOWS this BuuuuTTTT i wanna warn yall,,, absolutely a whole ass 0% percent proofreading went into this and since it took me so long to write it i dont know if its coherent,... does it make sense FHGSDUJKA ill find out at some point but yknow~ nshfksghk i am SORRY its also rlly short rip
summary: anyone would’ve said you were incompatible, even seungkwan himself. but he was interesting, he was real, he was sassy and entertaining, and he was drop dead gorgeous. therefore, you didn’t care what any of them had to say. you would pursue him until you got bored of doing so. that was just who you were.  
boo seungkwan hated the elevator ride down from his apartment every morning. not because he was tired, because it was six in the morning and he wanted to sleep in. not because he hated the elevator- nothing that simple. it was his luck. his horrible, damned awful luck. it was never good- for some goddamned reason every morning, that horrible downstairs neighbor took it upon herself to wake whenever he did, leave whenever he did, and confront him about his day or night, telling him she heard him up at 3am getting a glass of water and he should learn to walk quieter. he made the mistake of bringing a girl home once, when he was insanely drunk and horny, and god had he heard it from her that next morning. it wasn't as if she was silent either. it definitely wasn't as if she hadn't had her fair share of rather loud one night stands- but arguing with her was of no use and he found it a hassle to talk to her in the first place, so he rarely complained.
he tried putting earbuds in one morning, tried to block her out, but she plucked one from his ear and turned him to face her. he tried ignoring her, but no matter where he turned she would always follow, standing right in his face and talking louder so he couldn't possibly pretend she wasn't screaming in his ear. when he got home late from helping seokmin clean up the aftermath of the party, he knew he'd be getting an earful in the morning. why did she have to be such a damn light sleeper?
sure enough, he had the same thought when the elevator stopped at her floor on the way down. and sure enough, when the elevator doors opened, she was the only one waiting. her eyes were shielded by sunglasses, a mask covering her mouth and nose, a bright, sunflower colored windbreaker and black yoga pants clothing her body. the jacket was zipped all the way up and the hood was hiding her dyed red hair. she usually looked like this in the mornings, sometmes prettier, sometimes less pretty, but usually well hidden. at least, until she stepped in the elevator. as soon as she stepped foot in the elevator, she pulled the mask down. the hood was tugged off her head and the sunglasses pushed upwards to rest on her hair. her arms crossed over her chest- she looked like she was ready for a showdown.
seungkwan didn't waste time pretending, he immediately let his head roll back, dropping against the wall of the elevator and groaned in exasperation. she felt her heart beat faster, nerves and frustration rushing through her. it was his fault, anyways. why did he act so angry? why didn't he just like her in the first place?
"why were you out so late last night?" she barked, puffing her chest out and pointing her nose up as she went to stand beside him. from an outside perspective it would've looked almost comical, the way she stood as if a pole had pierced all the way up through her, contrasting the way he leaned against the wall like he wanted to sink back into it. the difference between the long, fashionable dark blue coat and dark jeans and burnt orange sweater he wore and the workout clothes she wore. the way both of them refused to look at each other, bodies facing straight ahead but they stood so close that if she swayed even slightly to the side her shoulder would brush against his arm.
"it's none of your business."
she scowled, her arms visibly tightening. "it's automatically my business when your carelessness is interrupting my sleep. if i don't sleep well, my skin doesn't glow like it should. i gain weight. i get dark circles and red eyes. i can't afford to lose sleep every time you stay out getting drunk somewhere." she grumbled, leaning slightly sideways to elbow him in the side.
he shot her a glare from the corner of his eyes, trying to squeeze himself tighter into the corner, further away from her. alas, it didn't work. thankfully, though, they were nearing the bottom floor by then.
"invest in some earplugs." he hissed, carefully maneuvering himself further away from her, closer to the doors. "then you won't hear me."
he could practically hear the wheels in her head turning, the steam coming out of her ears as she dropped her arms, both fists clenched at her sides and her lips parted in furious thought.
"why should i have to-" she was cut off by the ding of the elevator, the squeak of the doors opening and seungkwan's footsteps as he hurriedly escaped before she could explode.
for about half of the day, work was particularly slow. your angry manager shouting at everyone who came near as you looked through offers for your next show or movie- whatever you thought she could play best. a victim in a horror film. a low-budget rom-com missing a plot. a romance/mystery show. there was even offer for you to be in a thriller film with a warning of multiple graphic sex scenes. they were crazy if they thought you'd accept that. you hardly liked scary films anyways. your 'no' pile was stacking up, your 'yes' pile was nonexistent and your maybe pile was thin. only the mystery and a superhero movie. as much as you would love to see yourself playing a superhero, as proud as you would be, you didn't know if you could handle the strain it would put on your body. sure, you would consider it, though. there were far too many offers to go through, you were starting to get tired of it. you were sore from sitting in the uncomfortable chair in that stuffy office all day,  hungry from not eating lunch, you had three different papercuts on your hands from flipping through so many envelopes.
you were so, so close to giving up, fingers twitching with a desire to throw the whole pile and storm out. maybe you would have, had the sky-blue of the pretty letter next in your hands not caught your attention. a name that sounded vaguely familiar. boo broadcasting. (forgive me i cant name things for shit) you thumbed at the corners for a few moments, trying to think of where you'd heard it before, why it seemed more familiar than just the company. trying to find the bell the name had rung in your mind.  after a few moments, instead of giving in and ignoring the question in your mind, you decided to pull out your phone and look it up. to your surprise, your most pleasant surprise, the first face you see is that of your upstairs neighbor.
'CEO of Boo Broadcasting, Boo Seungkwan seen leaving unknown woman's apartment late at night.' it read, with a blurry, dark picture of the the boy, with his recently dyed blue hair and his trademark long, dark coats, slipping out of an apartment you didn't recognize. curiously, you decided to click it, setting the letter down in your lap as you quickly scrolled to the bottom. you didn't bother reading the article, only the comments. oftentimes, those were more accurate than the dramatic, disgusting articles written by slimy, slithering liars. she had seen too many kind people be taken down by the words they shamelessly spoke.
'the woman in the picture is his mother. she was in the pictures for his graduation.' 'that's his mom, how can you post such blatant lies? really shameless' that was all she needed to see. the comparison pictures in the first comment proved it to her. good. less competition, right?
she let her phone fall back in her lap, one hand grabbing the envelope and tearing the side open to pull the letter out and read it. a variety show with various a-list celebrities- and a special guest. the handsome ceo of the company broadcasting the show as none other than the host.
somewhat of a roleplay show, it seems, where you'll be surprised with the theme of each episode you film, pick a role from a hat and act it as well as you can. you should be filming for just over a month. it sounded perfect- like exactly something you'd enjoy working on. sounded like a perfect chance to hopefully seduce your upstairs neighbor at the same time as you worked. entertaining in more than one way. so, with a smile on your face, you brought it to your manager.
lots of nagging and purposeless early morning elevator rides later, your awakening at 5 in the morning had a real reason- not that you didn't consider nagging your upstairs neighbor a real reason. if you didn't, you likely wouldn't be in the elevator at 5 every morning just to talk to him.  to your surprise, he wasn't dressed up when you entered the elevator- didn't groan or bother to even look at you. he kept his eyes closed, head back as he leaned against the elevator wall. you walked over beside him in silence, stood for a few sweet seconds wordlessly before you tilted your head slightly to the side, posture slouched as your eyes trailed over to his makeup-less face. there were a few small blemishes, his skin was a tiny bit more red than you would expect, but he looked... pretty. beautiful maybe, without makeup on. you lolled your head and stared up at the ceiling instead.
"you were quiet last night... what got into you? didn't wake me up once."
he sent you a quick glance from the corner of his eye, but didn't  say anything in response. his eyes didn't even linger on you-  they quickly turned back to the elevator ceiling and closed, his body relaxing against the wall.
you pouted to yourself, bit your lip for a moment before turning to face him again.
"where are you going today?"
this time he completely ignored you, didnt even give you a look. that was fine, you could think of something else to attract his attention if need be. it took you a few seconds to think, a few sweet seconds that he enjoyed like nothing else that morning, but soon enough (or, rather, too soon,) you were granted with an idea. a genius idea, for more than one reason. the main being that if he said yes, you wouldn't have to wait for your manager to drive down here and get you in an hour.
"can i ride with you?" you asked, grinning to yourself in pride at your own genius. should he choose not to allow you, it would be a fault of his own. what harm did you ever do to him anyways?
"you already are," came a low, deep voiced grumble from the corner of the elevator. "you do every morning."
bouncing happily on the balls of your heels, you move over to stand in front of him and look up towards him, arms crossed over your chest casually. "no, i mean in your car. can you drive me? we're going to the same place and i can't drive." you explain, and instantly, as soon as the word 'car' slips out of your mouth his head snaps down, eyes scanning yours as if to see if you were kidding. you weren't. that didn't take him long to realize.
"what do you mean, 'we're going to the same place'?" he asked, looking surprised- maybe even afraid. of course, he had no reason to be afraid, he was the CEO of not only the company broadcasting  company, but the company which was literally producing the show. if he very well wanted to, he could absolutely get you kicked off the show. so you knew you had to be on your best behavior. the elevator bell dinged a few times, signaling that you would soon be coming to a stop in the lobby. he slipped around you to stand by the door, you turning on your heels to follow him, stand shoulder to shoulder against him, both staring at the silver doors.
"we're filming together." you state matter-of-factly, smiling in triumph as you fought to hide the smugness in your tone. of course, you knew there was a 50-50 chance that he'd tell the producers that like hell would he work with you, but still this was closer to him than you'd been before. the door slid open, and for once he waited for you to get out first. he seemed a bit sulky when you turned to glance at him, watch him walk out after you, but he followed anyways, soon stepping ahead to lead, you assumed, you to his car, as he occasionally glanced to make sure you were following.
"they didn't tell me any of the people i'd be filming with, it was supposed to be a surprise i guess so i wouldn't go into it with a bias." he shot a glare at you from the corner of his pretty brown eyes, and you smiled in return. "glad i got a warning."
it was hard to stifle the giggle pulling at your lips at his grumbled words, quite obviously not intended for you to hear but you heard anyways. he was adorable. whether he hated you or not, he was so cute, you loved talking to him. and, if it came down to it, listening to him insult you. he was funny. quirky. adorable, and rather entertaining. you liked how he spoke his mind.
"so can i ride with you, sir?" you asked, practically bouncing happily as he led you into the private parking garage, unlocked his car (clicked twice, ensuring all doors would be unlocked, you noticed) and turned to glance at you. he sighed.
"don't call me that... get in."
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gummyleesunshine · 6 years
Hot Mornings and Cold Nights
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Genre: romance and angst
Warning: a bit of make out and sex
You open the curtain, letting the sun sip through. You wrap the robe tighter around your waist, it was 7 in the morning yet the room felt cold.
You turn your head and stare at the sleeping figure on the bed. You walk towards Like hot mornings and cold nights fluffy caramel hair then slowly down to every part of his face, admiring it.
You still remember the first time you saw him. Your breath hitched as soon as he walked in the room. At first you noticed how his face was perfect, he had bushy brows that matched his almond shaped eyes, his nose bridge was long and his lips had the perfect cupid bow. He had the face of a responsible and reliable boy who you'd bring home and your parents would love.
He was your bestfriend Lucas' roommate and brought him along as the plus one for the party. Lucas leads him to you and introduces him as Kun. Even his name matched his face.
He stuck out a hand and you shook it. He then gives a big smile and a deep dimple pops out. You cursed inside your head, you were a sucker for guys with dimples.
And as the night deepened you saw how Kun was, all nice and friendly. The exact guy you expected him to be.
Then beer came to the picture. He had low alcohol tolerance, yet he kept drinking, not able to refuse whatever Lucas gave him. 4 glasses and he was a mess. A cute mess. While you on the other hand, you had high tolerance but you only got yourself to 3 glasses making sure to be the sober one in the group.
The party was still on going but looking at the two boys all drunk, you decided it was time to head home. Despite their dorms being on the other side of where you lived, you still chose to bring them home.
Arriving to their dorms, you flopped Lucas on his bed and did the same with Kun. You were about to leave when a hand held your wrist. You looked back and see Kun sitting up holding your wrist.
"Ill bring you home." He slurred.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Youre drunk."
"Nothing fresh air can fix." He replied. He lifted himself up, slightly wobbling. You reached for his hand, giving him support. He thanked you with smile. Before heading out, you fixed Lucas up and tucked him under his blanket.
You both chose to walk instead of taking the bus thinking it was better to have some fresh air. You stopped by a park and sat there for a few minutes just taking in the view of colorful bright lights hanging on th trees and the small bridges. Kun leaned his head on your head and let out a deep sigh.
After the park, you had bits of stop overs from the tiny ice cream shop to the cafe for coffee take out. Kun was drunk but he could still keep a conversation. Both you talked about the most random things from which building you thinks the tallest to favorite superheroes to how Lucas is crazy. The topics kept rolling that you didnt realize you were by your gate already. Your heart ached, you still wanted to keep talking to him. You couldnt even do the 'invite for coffee or food inside' since you already had that a while ago.
You were about to open you mouth to say something when his lips crashed into yours. You were shocked, confused and was processing what was happening. He realized you werent responding and was about to pull away, when you held his face and deepened the kiss. You werent sure what was happening, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was something else but you wanted it to last. Kun held your waist bringing you closer to him.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm. You threw a pillow at it making it fall to the ground and probably broken. You try to roll to your side only to be constricted somewhere on your waist area. You place your hand on your waist but instead you feel a large hand. Your eyes widen. You looked down the blanket and realized you were naked. You slowly turned your head around to the side and saw Kun sleeping beside you, shirtless.
He pulled his hand away and placed it on top of his eyes, groaning. He then turned his head and gave the same reaction as you. His eyes grew wide and he started going white.
"Oh shit."
You chuckle remembering that incident 6 years ago that had led to this. Your lips turn to a thin line and you pull your hand away from his face.
"Why'd you do that?" A mumble said. Kun rolls to his side going nearer to you. He pulls your hand and places it back on his face. His other hand wraps around yous bum and pulls you to him. He places soft kisses on your thighs and looks up at you through his lashes. He then pulls you down, you in an uncomfortable position—your body bent down and your legs dangling on the bed. He pulls you in on a kiss and leaves soft kisses on your jaw. You climb yourself on bed and stradle him getting a soft moan from his parted lips.
After having a steamy morning sex on bed, it follows then on the shower then the kitchen. That was the routine.
Kun places you down from the bar table and grabs a handful of tissue handing them to you. You grab it and dab on the beads of sweat on your face while Kun wipes you in the lower area. You eye Kun, following his every movement. There it was again, the painful feeling in your heart.
Kun stands up and you stretch your hands out fixing his tie. You tiptoe and stroke his hair, fixing the tiny strands poking out. Kun holds your waist and stare at your eyes. You stare back at him too and he gives his dimple smile. He leans down and kisses your forehead.
He slowly pushes himself away from you. He grabs his bag and walks to the door. You tightly fist your skirt, the aching feeling back again. Kun turns around but freezes when he sees you looking panicked.
"y/n." He calls out, slowly walking to you.
"Stop." You say, voice shaking.
Kun stops on his tracks.
Youre eyes are wet and tears are pooling on your eyes. "It hurts Kun," you touch your heart. "Here." Tears already slipping out
"y/n." he calls out again.
Before he could say anything, you cut him off first. "Just go. Please." You look away. "Ill see you tomorrow at dawn as always."
Kun sighs deeply. He clenches his hands hard, his knuckles turning white. "Im sorry." He said before turning away and leaving the flat.
You fall to your knees crying. You've loved him for a long time and now here you are. This is all your fault.
After the incident long time ago, you two became inseparable. Casual hang outs, dates and sex here and there. Slowly without realizing it you were falling for him. You became dependent on him, you kept relying on him. It was all perfect
However, things turned upside down. After graduating college, he was introduced to a girl by his family. It was arranged marriage. When Kun told you all this, you didnt know what to do but give him the smile and comforting words he needed.
Just like that you were drifting apart, he needed to be with her, get to know her. If he wasnt with her he was busy with work. You could only hang out every once in a while. Get some coffees, trying to update each other about life then say your goodbyes.
Until that day when you were out drinking with Lucas and friends when you reached your limit. You started crying and babbling about Kun. Lucas called Kun to pick you up
When Kun arrived, Lucas said some things to him in a hard tone but you couldnt understand the language. Kun approached you, picked you up and walked you home. You probably fell asleep because next thing you know you were home, on your bed. You propped yourself up with your elbows and saw Kun walking out your room.
You panicked. You picked yourself up and ran up to him. You hugged him and begged him not to leave. Kun stood still while you cried and begged. He turned to face you asking you to stop. You screamed I Love You at him then kissed him.
You woke up and felt a cold bed beside you. You went out your room and see Kun whipping up some breakfast. He greeted you and placed the food on the bar table. He apologetically smiled at you. He was about to leave when you called him. He turned to you.
"What happened yesterday..." you trail off.
"Its fine."
"No. Its not."
Kun looked at you blankly. "y/n"
"Youre not happy with her right?" You swallowed a saliva. "But you have to be with her because of your family."
Kun raised an eyebrow. "What are you insinuating here?" He crossed his arms.
"Fuck friends." You answered quickly and confidently.
Kun froze. His eyes widen and his arms drop. "y/n, are you listening to yourself right now?" He asked in a serious tone. His eyebrows furrowed.
Disappointed flashed through your face. Yes it was desprate and stupid but you didnt want Kun to leave you. You looked down and gripped the hem of your shirt. Yes it was shameful but that didnt matter to you at that moment.
"Kun, I love you." You said softly enough for him to hear.
Kuns face softened. "y/n, dont do this."
You looked up at him desperately. "I love you. I dont want you to leave me. I—"
Kun pulled out his hand, signaling you to stop. "Give me some time." He looked at you sadly. He turned around and left.
You stood there shocked with what just happened. You were never this kind of girl. What happened? Kun happened. The whole day went on like a blurr. You werent functioning properly. You spent your whole day in the flat shutting yourself out, not answering Lucas' texts or calls.
It was 12 pm already yet there you were sitting on the sofa, staring dazely at the movie playing on tv. The ring of the doorbell startled you. You walked lazily to the door, pissed and ready to scold whoever it was. You opened the door but froze as soon as you saw who it was.
Kun pushed you in, pulled your face to his and kissed you roughly. He cornered you between the wall and placed his hands on your ass, squeezing it. You whimpered when he pulled away.
"Deal." He said panting.
You looked at him confused.
"Fuck buddies, fuck friends, whatever you call it." He said.
The sex that happened was rough. You never expected Kun to show or even have this side of him. Your sex was usually loving and soft but this time it was different. He was dominating everything.
He lay down beside you, chest heaving up and down. You turned to him, your head on his biceps. You traced little circles on his chest, staring at his face with droplets of sweat.
Kun lookes at you. "What ya mean 'why.'"
"Why'd you say yes. This morning you gave me this disappointed face. I thought Id never see you again."
Kun looked at the ceiling. He opened his mouth but closed it again. "Theyre controlling me. Im like a puppet." He looked back at you. "But with you, I feel free."
You smiled and pecked his cheek. You cuddled close to him, both your breaths harmonizing. You looked at again him. He was already sleeping, his eyebrows furrowed. You rose up and pressed the pad of your index on the middle of his brows. It relaxed. You looked at his features and sighed sadly.
He's using you.
You pecked the middle of his brow then lay back down to the same position, slowly dozing off.
Just like that you became fuck buddies and had a schedule planned. Hed come to you at dawn and leave before lunch for work. That simple. He'd text you or call you when he couldnt come. You two would spend time occasionally with Lucas but the girl was always around.
The whole time both of you were together you never heard him reply to your I Love You's. He'd either nod, reply with a hum or he'd give that dimpled smile of his.
This kept going on until now. 6 years. You waking up to a hot morning and going to bed with a cold night.
You're still crying there, unable to recover. You want this to stop but at the same time you didnt. You let out a loud cry, loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
Unknowingly, Kun's still outside, leaning on your door. His head raised up looking at the ceiling light. He closes his eyes, a tear falling.
I actually hesitates in posting this. I never see Kun being like this. He's more like a brotherly-mother type for me.
Also, its my first time writing with little bits of making out so, Im sorry if it kinda sucks.
Hope you enjoy it.
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tempo-takoyaki · 6 years
Hey so,, I'm not shaming you I'm genuinely asking: why do you ship tenkouma? I don't understand the dynamic
Okay... I’m really bad at analysing stuff so.. I’ll do my best, I guess, to explain why I like it! (even tho most of the times it’s stupid reasons) And sorry it’ll be mostly about the fandom and my personal view about that because it’s important for why I ship it.
So. First of all, surprisingly, it’s the fandom who made me discover the ship. Not the game.(Because Tenko’s and Kokichi’s interaction can be count on the fingers of one of your hands honestly, they... don’t interact at all... Or really rarely.) And uhm.. The first I thought was : “You... you can ship Ten-Tenko with... guys?” And that was weird for me because I wasn’t really invested in the activist shipper of the fandom and I was kinda like... a passive shipper. I like it I ship it. I don’t really care about the fandom opinion (unless when the fandom is really aggressive, then for my own survival I will care.) So I didnt cared that much about Tenko’s sexuality and thought like everyone that she was a lesbian.
But it’s when I discovered ship that included Tenko in a relationship with guys that I started to care. First of all, the only two that seemed to exist were : Amacha (Amami x Chabashira, really cute ship name btw) and Tenkouma (the one that interest us right now and can also be called Tenkokichi). Amacha had more shipper from the pixiv/japanese side, while Tenkouma had only one amazing artist called @oreosampai (check their stuff please) mostly and eventually one or two other stuffs on the japanese side. So now you must have noticed one thing : I said the “japanese side” a lot didn’t I ?
And that’s where the other problem come from : THE WESTERN FANDOM ! Yeah because the main difference between the western fandom and the japanese wandom is that : western includes political stuff, japanese don’t. So... the japanese fandom is more open to shipping Tenko with men (even if it’s rare) than the western fandom that already included her in the LGBT community as a lesbian. And I’m not saying she can’t be a lesbian (she clearly is into girl) but... she can also be bisexual or pansexual. I don’t see the problem here. But the activist are always here... waiting to jump and slice the throat to anyone who would say the contrary.
So first of all, I liked it when I discovered it. I was like “It’s healthy, I’m okay with it. i like it.” without thinking too much. But i didn’t tried to go past that because I knew that there could be at any time people who would harass me for simply liking it.
And that’s when the story came.
The story that I created that would make this ship one of my OTP’s.
(You can read about it here)
It was created on just one thought : what would happen if someone that declared themselves homsexual and had decided to follow that until the end, invested themselves into the LGBTQ+ community as much as they could and did anything to be what they think they are, homosexual, discovered that they had fallen in love with someone from the opposite sex ?
This question made me ship the two of them.
I wanted something that wasn’t like any LGBTQ+ stuff we’ve seen before. i wanted a scenario that would make the LGBTQ+ community go nuts. I wanted to create a story... that gave freedom.
Instead of forcing the characters into a box, I decided to open it. And to ask the question : what is love?
Is it about gender? Is it about sexuality?
When you ask yourself those question, it usually end up with the character discovering their sexual orientation (usually homsexual then). But what if... it was the other way around? What if the character discovered that they were a part of the “majority” ? (and I say that with those stuff : “” OKAY?) What if... they had to go to a side that they quit, and didn’t wanted to get back too? What if in the end, both of those sides felt... aggressive? Not just one, boths.
I wanted to make a bisexual dilemma on BOTH side. With characters who thought they were homosexual.
The only one who could fit that category were : Tenko... and Kokichi.
It’s not that hard to see Kokichi as a bisexual actually. Since he is pretty mysterious. But Tenko... do you get the impact that would have on her? Do you know the plot potential of such discovery?
It couldn’t work out with any other characters, because either were already clearly bisexual (Shuichi) or thought they were heterosexual, so that couldn’t give the vibe I wanted. If I had chosen a character from the other game, it would only be a crack ship. Tenkouma was ready for this. Tenkouma was the ship I needed.
They were related enough to interact, and not close enough to have a development. They were what I needed. 
Plus, to get out of the LGBTQ+ discussion : they are polar opposite on their way of thinking. Kaito and Kokichi have just polar opposite personality, Tenko and Kokichi... It’s their whole thinking process that’s different. you have a person who displays their emotions as much as they can and someone that hide as much as they can. In this way, isn’t it kind of similar to Tenmiko? But this time... It’s level 99. Since in the end, Himiko is not as good as Kokichi to hide her emotions. And everyone knows that she do that, so her shell can easily be broken as we saw ingame. But Kokichi? He doesn’t display it. You need to know him closely to know he got that shell. His paranoia and egoism reinforcing it. And even so, it would be really hard to break it.
So what if, instead of the lies, someone tried to look beneath that shell? Tried to make him show his true emotions and accepting them? 
Don’t you think that Tenko could do something like that?
Shuichi is a small pick for Kokichi’s shell, Tenko is a pickaxe. She would try to make him acknowledge his true emotions more than anyone else. Because, if she had done that with Himiko, couldn’t she do it with Kokichi too?
That’s just my way of thinking. But yeah, the story I made is a big part for why I ship it. i didn’t create this story for a ship, the story created the ship.
In the more fun part : imagine the phantom thief au! It would be something like Sailor Moon don’t you think? I mean, Tenko mentioned she was a “superhero” with her master. And with her personality it could totally be something like a magical girl stuff. A rivalry between her and Kokichi would be awesome! We can go into romance too but also stay in a platonic way for the both of them. There’s potential!
But as much as I ship it, I don’t think it would be possible ingame or with Himiko around. For this ship to work, we need to get rid of Himiko. And that’s why it’s rare, because honestly : who would get rid of the precious small bean! She’s way too cute! (that’s not ironic I really do like Himiko a lot). Plus she is an important part of Tenko’s evolution so she shouldn’t simply not exist anymore. Himiko can’t disappear. And because of that the ship won’t work. For this to work out, we need to put Himiko in another relationship to give Tenko freedom for hers. If the main ship with her is Tenmiko, it’s for a reason : her relationship with Tenko is her anchor and chain. A prison and an important part of her being. 
But also... Didn’t you noticed how Tenko was in her free time events? When she understood that her master was a men, she acknowledge the fact that she was able to like some men. Using her hate against men isn’t an argument to make her be uninterested in boys, it’s an argument to make her interest in boys. (I love internal conflict and denial)
I used to be scared of the fandom for this ship. But now, I think it’s because of that, that I could grew as a person. Because I don’t think inside a box. I think about all the different possibility now.
We grew up, we change. That’s why I ship Tenkouma. 
It would be a progress for both characters : Tenko and boys, Kokichi and his emotions.They can influence each other in all the ways possible. For the best and the worst.
I ship it because of all of that. I ship it because of the story I created. 
Basically I ship it for the angst potential. THE BIG ANGST POTENTIAL.
(I really need to write that story...)
Sorry that was long... and maybe unclear. ^^’ But I don’t really have a reason to be honest. My reason is my story. That’s all. And besides, do you really need a reason to like something? (I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking a rhetorical question ^^)
And if the scenario of my story is awful for some people : I understand why and I respect their decision. But don’t say it’s homophobic, because it’s an heterosexual relationship, because it’s clearly not.
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On Kamen Rider Faiz: Between Being the Most Perfect Series and Mere Chaos
When i started watching kamen rider faiz series, i initially thought it was potentially better than my all time favourite kamen rider kabuto. I was like, where have i been? Why all this time i only watched kabuto, which besides the overall good story, isnt as complex or realistic as faiz? So i got excited in both watching it and finishing it. But as i got to the end of the series and i finished it, my stagnant reaction was like: no😐 this is nothing better than kabuto. It is even worse than common childish unlikeable rider series. Which is very questionnable, cause it started off as superb!
To understand why faiz is perfect and disappointing at the same time it has to start with the contents itself.
Takumi Inui
Before i watched faiz every time i came accross it and saw this person i always thought he was a nice guy with justice heart or something, like a hero, but after i started watching everyone knows how my perception surely changed. The word gangster suits his outter personality more. Hes rude and doesnt care about most things. On top of that, we dont see his thoughts much, or life, which makes it as if hes.. well.. mysterious?—besides the fact hes the main figure?
Anyhow i still liked this character portrayed cause its fitting to the story and the plot, his character is enjoyable to watch cause it adds dimension and his flow is realistic. And this doesnt just happen in the start of him being unheroic hearted person, it continues throughout the series until the end, that he is nothing but dimensional character.
Sonoda Mari
I like this girls personality since first time she appeared. I truly dont like woman character that is just there just to be protected and become romance partner of the hero (typical western superheroes) and at same time i dont like woman character that is too much strong as if shes not in need of any help (typical feministic western superheroes). The thing about this girl is that shes just there—shes neither a standout nor is she a complementary. Shes just another character to make the story flows, her character is made so sincerely and realistically. I mean, shes just a girl. Shes not magical girl who is stronger than men or happens to be hero’s romance. With that kind of realistic character, shes truly likable. Her personality and portrayal is consistent throughout the series.
Yuji Kiba
Hes my favorite character in the series. I wont say if im him i will be like him, but surely he is what most humans are. He represents humans. It might not seem like that for other people, but throughout the series hes the sanest one with cold head, no dilemma, no contemplation, only determined turns. I feel like while watching i sometimes thought like “why is this character doing this? Why is that character doing that?” And yuji kiba was the only characted i never criticized—any decision he has is unquestionnable cause its always sane decision. Even to the end. Hes the only character i stanced whatever decision.
Except when in the end he fought with faiz and then what—he stanced human? Unacceptable.
Kusaka Masato
I can write thousand words essays on this guy on why i hate him so much (as a character :) ). I really liked the Kaixa form but because of this guy i cant again. Its not even just about his annoying, hateful personality (he needs mental help), its also about how the maker of the series actually decided to just put him NOT as secondary character—but in position of almost as same as main character. Sonoda Mari and Yuji Kiba? Just forget them, his position is same as Faiz in the series from the starting of his appearance. He started off as someone we think oh wow. I mean he goes to college (none other of them go to college), he is presidents of clubs, and moreover hes the chosen Kaixa? Wow. He must be something. Yes, he is something, the story starts to collapse by the time he appeared.
It raises question why he is placed almost as main character, but the simple answer would be that the story plot makes it like that. The maker somehow has to place him there, cause he is the maker’s inner dilemma.
Orphenocs are the monsters, the ones that are not humans. They are said to be result of unknown rapid evolution of human being, but they dont look like human being. They look like monsters and they have powers that humans dont have, but they can turn into human forms.
The Story
To start it off, Faiz series is weird in ways that are.. well.. unique. We expect Rider gear to choose one person and just stick to that one person, instead of being able to be used by many people. That is the concept of rider gear we want to see, cause we want to see someone being the chosen one and admire them, or hate them in the case theyre the villain. Rider gears on faiz series are not like that, theyre mere killer tools instead of tool that determines “chosen one”. Anyone—humans or orphenocs—can just take the belt and wear them, become kamen rider, and thats it. Then whos the hero?
That is a very good question, cause faiz series contemplates about that throughout the series. Thats why we see characters that have very complex changes revealed time by time. So let me start.
The story started off with Takumi coming accross Sonoda Mari and they then met orphenocs, and Takumi happened to be able to transform to Faiz, and with that they just came back to each other again and again. This is a very good start, both have strong leads of the story that it makes you think probably they will dominate the whole story and they will eventually become together. This is what the story more or less indicated, and so we keep that in mind. Other figures started appearing and this far it was nice, Keitarou is the type that has justice and kind heart, Yuji Kiba as a sane person, Yuka as someone we would have empathy for, Kadoya which is unlikable both in personality and necessity of character in general; but hes there as a flawed complementary and the maker feels he must be “important” in the end of the series, the powerful Smart Brain. As long as it circles around the trio figures (Takumi, Mari, Keitarou) of orphenocs killer solving what is going on and discovering Smart Brain’s doings, it is all enjoyable and good.
The most uninteresting part about the story is Mari’s kindergarten past life. It must be because it was not introduced since start so we get excited upon whats happening now instead of minding Mari’s kindergarten people. I mean, in agito series the Akatsuki Gou was always something that makes us curious and when it was revealed, we finally feel fulfilled (i rate agito 6.5/10), but in this series even when it was revealed about her kindergarten people, theyre very uninteresting people with some of them having psycopathic tendency towards their own “kindergarten friends”. More than they are characters that are fresh and we can consider to stance and look forward to, theyre all dull, boring, and naturally have no good aura. And when i say it, i mean ALL of them. It was nice that many of them just vanished fast. The one that lasted was i think Delta, which is really really disappointing. It would be better if they dont starre Delta at all. I like Gatack as “strongest rider but not main figure” but Delta is just a pure no. No one wants to see lifeless Mari’s kindergarten people.
But instead of just get over them, we got imposed all the time by this kindergarten stuff by having Kusaka suddenly becoming someone that is starred the whole time. He is a very hateful, twisted character, and also smart. He standsout from Takumi in the way that Kusaka is trying to solve the problem from the very root, he is just smart. Takumi doesnt care about these stuffs. With that, started the era of the series having two main figures.
Nothing is wrong with two main figures, but Kusaka has very bad personality that it honestly is frustrating to watch him. He gets in the way of Takumi and Mari, he gets in the way of Takumi in general, he is just.. a main figure with bad personality. Who likes that? But that is not just it. Its not that Kusaka appeared and then Takumi looks neglected. Takumi was, in fact, neglected, because Kusaka would stand out everytime doing the whole stuff (in his annoying way) while Takumi most of the time just stayed silent. He didnt talk back when Kusaka said anything, he didnt do anything to support himself, he is just being there. He was no longer someone with thoughts, he hid his thoughts from the audience to extent we dont even know again what he thinks. He becomes so soft like a cat.
Why is this two main figures importat? Because Takumi turned out to be orphenoch.
I have suspicion that the maker is in fact, confused himself. I mean for me myself i dont mind about orphenocs. I dont think humans are any better than orphenocs, nor that orphenocs are any better than human. Its not about coexisting, its about if orphenocs win then orphenocs win, if humans win then humans win. This is the main reason i like yuji kiba. Will tell more later.
Kamen rider stories always center around fight of humans and monsters, and they always have to give reason as to why we should stance humans. On kabuto, humans are portrayed as nice, and so it happens on agito, and monsters are portaryed as inevitable evil. But on faiz, orphenocs are evoluted humans, they think like humans, they are in fact humans. With this kind of plot to begin with, there is really no solution to the story, and that is why the story is just a bunch of realistic events being put, about figures that change from this to that, about emotion of the figures being told. I really like this part of the story. I dont like how Takumi is silent, but I really like how he is actually an orphenoch, no, its not just a plot twist. Its just a story!
With the annoying changes happening from interesting story to dull kindergarten people appearance, from the fierce Takumi with harsh mouth to quiet Takumi which all the time gives the look of “it will really be better if i just vanish from this world”, from interesting adventure of the Trio with dynamic characteristics to story circling around disturbing Kusaka, the only consistent figure is Yuji Kiba. He had always stanced humans since he became orphenocs, he always believed that orphenocs and humans can coexist. Of course this is what common humans will think once they become orphenocs, unless you have unexplainable grudge towards humans like Yuka or Kadoya. But in general Yuji Kiba is what a sane human usually will be. But the part i like the most isnt him being sane despite of whats happening, it is the fact that the story has to somehow show him being hurt by humans, to prove humans are not as nice as he thought they are. Coexisting? What a joke. And in that instance, he changed. The whole time stancing the humans immediately turned into him leading the orphenocs. I just love that, hes not hopeless like Takumi nor he is disturbingly and unreasonably hateful like Kusaka. He keeps in mind what is fact and acts accordingly. Very plausable. I cant even blame him for hating on humans.
But besides the Yuji Kiba consistency, nothing left is to be liked out of the rest of the plot. It couldve ended goodly by portraying Takumi more and we could follow him to the end, but no, its just Kusaka and Kusaka until Yuji Kiba killed him. Such useless character no one wants to see, but in the same time he justifies the makers dilemma cause if Kusaka character didnt exist, it would seem like the maker was stancing for orphenocs. No, you dont do that in kamen rider series. But until the end i dont understand the makers true intention. I feel like for this level of series it requires a very smart person to write it, so is he trying to say that even humans can be annoying and orphenocs can be nice, or does he somehow have to make character that no matter what always stances human for no reason?
Kamen rider faiz is very realistic and complex and full of emotions and events, its not boring at all, but its inability to make the story continuously intriguing by serving what people will want to see (professionally! Not marketly or like this) it instead just serves what they want to serve, even if it means frustrating the audience and twisting the story as they want as such is switching the main figure.
Kamen rider faiz is, for its professionality (that beats other Kamen Rider series including Kabuto), 10/10. But for the rest of the thing. 5/10!
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lespcir · 7 years
okay but consider this... supeRHERO/crimefighter au’s.
muse a and muse b going to a random house party. they’d never met before, but after feeling unwell, they both step outside for air... its only then that muse a drunkenly wanders into the road, almost to be hit by a car, but instead, sticking an arm out and propelling it into oblivion. meanwhile, muse b is standing on the side of the road crying hysterically and trying to figure out why everyone is ignoring them, only to realize they’re invisible. muse a is freaking out that they may have killed someone, and now thinks theyre going crazy when they hear muse b crying and asking why this is happening, thinking its voice in their head, until they realize its not their voice. after muse a talks muse b to a calm state, muse b now in sight, the pair realize something very bad has happened to them, and pair up for the night. once they wake up muse a is on the news for what happened and muse b decides they need to get out of town, both of them
muse a wandering into a bar after having the worst headaches for months when suddenly their vision gets blurry and they can hear what everyone is thinking. from their drink orders, to their sexual tension, and they cant make it stop. muse b, the bar tender, sees the conflicted and panicked muse a  and tries to calm them down. thats when muse a realizes the only mind they cant read is muse b and decide to drag them home to try and understand whats going on. optional: muse b having some kind of superpower, and helping muse a figure out how to handle it
muse a waking up one morning floating above their bed, and in a panic reach for the phone that in turn flies across the room. out of no where, they can move objects, and themselves without the lift of a finger. its all going well until their roommate, muse b walks in on the other floating and making breakfast from the couch without moving, and proceeds to scream and throw the floating food at muse a
two newfound vigilante superheros are likely rivals, and try to fight and race one another to crime scenes. muse a and muse b have contradicting powers, and personalities. it doesnt take long for their rivalry to turn into admiration and muse a finds themselves saving muse b’s ass more than they should, and muse b finds themselves cleaning up muse a’s wounds more than they like to. of course, this rivalry turns to friendship, and the ultimate dynamic duo. (or trio/quartet if you want it to be poly) and now instead of muse a focusing on if they knocked out a villian, they find themselves making sure that muse b is getting up after that hard hit and muse b is spending too much time calculating muse a’s moves to kill than their own and ending up on the floor more than they usually do. 
muse a  and muse b  are both seen as heros in the public eye, but to one another as villains. muse a thinks that muse b  is too violent and muse b thinks that muse a is too reckless. while the pair try to undermine one another, and reveal their ‘bad’ sides to everyone else, they actually end up complimenting one another, the public now ‘shippjng’ them and wondering if they work together. of course both muse a and muse b are appalled at this idea, until muse a finds themselves saving muse b’s life and noticing just how beautiful their eyes are, and now muse a is leaving clues and hints around the city for muse b to come find them until they wear them down and convince them to date, but not before revealing themselves optional 1: muse a and muse b were already lovers and now realize they wasted all their time hating one another when they could have worked together optional 2: muse a and muse b are best friends, and have been since childhood... how did they not notice this before? and why are they sort of in love now?
muse a and muse b have been protecting their city together for years. they train together, live together, fight together, and know one another better than they know themselves. its all fun and games until one training session that gets them in close contact makes muse a realize that they might have been in love with muse b this whole time.. and they’re torn if they should tell them and risk having a wonderful romance, and keep saving all the good people of their city option 1: muse b has been in love with muse a for longer, and everyone on their team knew but muse a and when muse a tells the team, they all laugh and shake their heads option 2: muse b is already dating someone on their team, and muse a knows that admitting their feelings could break their entire team up, which in essence would put their city at risk... but is their heart worth it? option 3: muse b is already in a relationship, and is unhappy, but only muse a knows that they’re unhappy. so, muse a finally confesses their feelings only to find out that muse b is engaged/eloped/pregnant, and made things incredibly awkward, and they’re incredibly heartbroken too
muse a and muse b on the same superhero team, and have been for years. they go out every day together and save the city from evil, or save cat’s from burning buildings. its what they do, its who they are. over time muse b falls in love with muse a, and after a particularly hard fight when they’re cleaning up and close together, finally confess their feelings and kiss muse a. besides muse a’s shock, they suddenly feel different, and run out afraid. it’s not until the next morning, when they go to fight that muse b realizes they lost their powers, and somehow, muse a managed to get them. muse b doesn’t say anything, just says they feel sick, and muse a doesnt notice the new power, assuming that muse b is just avoiding them. its not until weeks of blowing them off, that muse a finally shows up angry and hurt, having not seen one another since they kissed that they see muse b who is distraught, run down, and clearly different. muse b finally tells them what happened, and when muse a asks why they didn’t tell them sooner, muse b tells them its because they were better, the both of them combined and doing such a wonderful job. muse b didn’t feel needed by anyone anymore, and making an assumption that their feelings werent reciprocated, that they were too embarrassed to come around. muse a kissed muse b, giving them their powers back, and asking them out. of course, after calling them a ‘dummy’
muse a finding a struggling and confused muse b as they try to figure their powers out. of course, muse a being a local hero, and having a whole team behind them takes muse b under their wing. teaching them the tricks, training, and bringing them into the team. muse b feels like they’d found a whole new family, one where they fit in now. muse a and muse b become the dynamic duo, until of course muse b starts taking risks that muse a  absolutely  did not train muse b  to be so reckless and do, and muse b fires back that they dont have to listen to all their rules, what does it matter anyways? and of course, being met with muse a yelling at them about how much they care, kissing them and running out. muse b doesnt necessarily have to feel the same, but now realizes why they’re so protective. does this ruin the partnership? does muse b feel the same? do they go on to be even better? or does romance get in the way?
muse a is maybe one of the worst superheros ever. while they always manage to catch bad guys, they almost always suffer worse damage. they may catch the guy who kidnapped a bunch of kids, but accidentally got impaled. they may stop superhuman bank robbers, but they totally didnt mean to break both of their legs. muse b, however, knows what theyre doing. they got the job fast, and well, and they always catch who they need too. they’re ideal, and the kids love them, while the kids love muse a as more of an underdog. muse b finds muse a’s clumsiness endearing, and finds themselves helping muse a from getting hurt, but not stealing their thunder. eventually muse b  is helping muse a be more stealthy, and balanced, and teaches them to use their powers better. this just pushes muse a into more and more danger, and muse b can’t figure out why that feels like a bad thing, of course, until they realize they are in love with muse a, and all of their stupid, and unnecessary injuries option 1: muse a catches on quick to the training, but worries they’ll lose muse b if they get good. so, they might put themselves in the face of danger more often than they should  option 2: muse b getting sick and tired of muse a being so god damn reckless when all they have to do is listen to them and dont you even care how much i love you why are you trying to get yourself killed?
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groundramon · 7 years
I find so often in children’s television, romance is treated like...like something everyone has to have.  If your character is over 11 and they aren’t in a relationship at some point in your long-running show, then what the fuck are you doing?  And obviously this bothers me on a personal level because I cant remotely relate, but it bothers me on another level too because like...teaching girls (and boys) that they NEED to be in a relationship before they’re out of highschool is really...not a good message to give to kids.  I feel like that’s where a lot of the “I’m unlovable if I’m never asked out by college” mindset comes from; because this is just treated as a normal thing and kids learn from example.  Like, I thought it was perfectly normal that girls my age in fourth-fifth grade were boy-crazy and fawning over boybands, because that’s what television taught me tween/teen girls were like; I was surprised when my therapist expressed surprise over them getting into those things at such a young age.  Like obviously, OBVIOUSLY i’m not saying you cant have minors be in romantic relationships, like what the fuck kinda censorship...lmao, and the fact that it’s treated as ‘’the norm’’ isnt the problem either.  Because statistically speaking, yeah, plenty of girls in highschool find themselves in a relationship with a boy.  But it’s treated like a right of passage.  Like it’s something you NEED to do or you arent developing at the same rate as other kids, or you’ll never find love, or something like that.  Or idk, that’s how I’ve always felt it was portrayed.
For a while I was worried Teen Titans was going down this route a little bit.  Not like...badly?  It didnt make me sit back and roll my eyes like compulsive heterosexuality tends to do; at least it showed them legitimately acting as friends and maybe getting a lil chummier than friends of the opposite sex tend to be.  It didnt bother me too much, but I was also like “yep, this is definitely a kids show from the early 2000s”.  (Also its building up Robin and Starfire’s relationship better than ATLA ever built up Katara and Aang’s so kudos for doing something better than my favorite show did lmao)
But besides the key fact that Teen Titans tries to build chemistry and friendship between its relationships where most cases of compulsive heterosexuality dont even express that they’re friends very well, the episode I watched today kinda...highlighted something very interesting about how the show treats its female characters.  It always bothered me whenever the show was trying to illustrate that another male character was “attractive” or “good-looking” by having Starfire and Raven fawn over them.  Like okay, Starfire, sure, she’s Starfire, she fawned over Terra just as much lmao so i mean....  But really?  Raven?  She’s such a loner and normally controls her emotions with an iron fist (unless they’re making a plot point out of her going out of control or she’s punting beast boy out of the frame); she doesn’t seem like the kind of character to even be particularly interested in a romantic relationship, let alone publicly fangirl over someone just because they look cute.
And while that still seems a lil OOC to me, the episode where Raven falls in love with the wizard (Markov? I dont care enough to remember his name, and by that i mean im just really fucking stupid and bad at watching/retaining shit) highlights exactly what her view on romance is - she wants a partner who can understand her because she feels so alone around the other Titans, and I cant imagine her backstory (the details of which I havent learned yet so pls dont tell me, im still in the third season) does much to help with her feelings of isolation and fear of abandonment.
She’s worried that without a partner, she’ll have no one when she grows old.
Which, yknow, is kind of the thing I was talking about earlier?  As in, the show is actually addressing/could address the fact that just because you havent been able to find someone good to have a relationship with doesn’t mean you’re unlovable.
Maybe I’m reading too far into this but idk, it’s just interesting to me.
The other thing this illustrates to me is how this show treats its characters.  I’ll make fun of Teen Titans for doing shit that a regular show does to try and wrap in “teens” when in reality they’re only appealing to 7-year-olds because no teen does that until the day I die, but the thing about Teen Titans is that sure they try too hard, but they’re also, like, the only show I’ve seen that treats teenage characters like teenage characters.  Certainly its the only show I’ve seen that makes its target audience clear in its name that does it right.  Besides Robin and maybe Starfire, for a show about superheroes, the things the characters go through are...oddly relatable for teenagers.  Cyborg deals with feeling different and discriminated against (so I’ve heard), Raven feels like she has nothing in common with her friend group and just wants someone to love her, Terra felt like she fucked everything up/actually did fuck everything up even though she just wanted to help, Beast Boy has to deal with the consequences of going too far too often, and Starfire...i dunno, is afraid of being ugly?  Sure pretty much anyone can relate, but these are issues generally associated specifically with someone’s teenage/young adult years; in your childhood you learn the things that cause you to have these problems later on, and in your adulthood you’re still suffering the consequences of what you did with your feelings back then.
I guess my point is that yeah, “Teen” Titans is right.  An actual show that’s about teenagers that treats teenagers like teenagers, even if Cyborg and Beast Boy act a little childish for their age sometimes.
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