#im relistening to the petals to the metal arc
qde-jiko · 1 year
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Re-listening to taz balance, i miss the tres horny boys so much man
Also i thought avi was a half elf until halfway through finishing the piece, it was exhausting trying to fix 😪
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salamencerobot · 1 year
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elftwink · 7 years
i honestly think a lot about what would have happened if taako hadn’t been stopped from grabbing the gaia sash
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luobingmeis · 5 years
hey bitch dare u to answer all the questions from ur ask game xoxo
ur a coward if you think this is a dare, my narcissistic ass loves any opportunity i get to talk abt myself and my inability to love things to a normal amount means i can talk abt taz for hours!!!! get on my level, bitch!!!!!!!!
1) What/Who got you into TAZ?
my friends chris and mj @cabesmeadow !! i saw it a lot on tumblr and asked mj abt it and they were like “yeah it’s super fucking rad” and then my friend chris started listening to it over the summer so, mid-november, on a night that i had actually finished my homework early, i was like, “hey, fuck it, why not”
2) Who are you top 5 favorite characters?
(my top 5 list is not in any particular order)
3) What’s your favorite arc?
the eleventh hour!!!! it’s such a good fucking arc and had so many good moments oh my god
4) Favorite quote?
i have so, so, so many but my laptop is on low battery so i can’t list them all, so i’ll list the one i would most likely get tattooed:
“looking for new worlds to explore; looking for new stories to tell”
5) Favorite villain?
a tie between magic brian and edward & lydia!! i love brian so much and thought he was so funny and such a good first villain, but i also love my evil lich vogue twins
6) What was your favorite grand relic? Would you have been tempted by it?
my favorite is probably the animus bell, tho it wasn’t my fave until my most recent relistening. and oh yeah, something that would make me, essentially, immortal? i would’ve been super tempted
7) If you had to make a grand relic, what would it be? What power would it have?
i probably would have made something w/ jewerly, maybe a ring or earrings? or idk yet, i can’t think of anything cool, but ngl i think it would def having something similar to the animus bell. not That exactly, but something necrotic that, like, probably takes life energy to heal whoever is wielding it or takes life energy to feed their own
8) What moment/reveal shocked you the most?
9) Which “seven bird” would you have been? Or what would your role have been on the Starblaster?
ngl i think i would’ve been along the lines of “the lonely journal keeper” like!!! alligning with her role as the chronicler, i feel like that’s what i would have applied for
10) Would you have been able to make it through Wonderland?
oh definitely not. im ngl a bit… not selfish, but territorial of my things, idk what i would’ve been able to give up for the wheel, and i def wouldn’t have given up years of my life, and going for my looks would be a Hard Bargain and, even if i was in a world where i had magic, i don’t think i would’ve been strong enough to survive the challenges
11) What are some of the parts that made you the most emotional (whether it be crying, laughing, etc.)?
uhhh the magnulia cottage scene definitely, makes me sob every single time i hear it and, during my first time listening, that was what broke the damn and ended up having me cry for 30 solid minutes
12) Which track composed by Griffin was your favorite?
“madame director/lucretia/lucretia (reprise)” !!!!!
13) Which track not composed by Griffin was your favorite?
“salut d’amour” elgar!!!!!!!
14) Lucas’s Magical Institute or Taako’s Amazing School of Magic?
15) What was your favorite cycle in Stolen Century?
not including the beach cycle bc i feel like that’s an obvi one, probably either the judges cycle or the conservatory
16) What were some of your favorite inventory items of tres horny boys?
the extreme teen bible, stephen the fish, chance lance, the umbrastaff, and the hole thrower!!
17) What animal would have been your “disguise” in Petals to the Metal?
18) Are you more of a “Magnus rushes in,” “Merle follows along behind,” or “Taako’s good out here” type of person?
i think i’m a combination of “magnus rushes in” and “merle follows along behind” but tbh i Should be more “taako’s good out here”
19) Favorite Taako one-liner? Or favorites?
obviously “abraca-fuck you!”
“hey sheriff isaac, guess what time it is!” “what?” “fuck if i know!”
20) If you listen to the liveshows, do you have a favorite? Is there a particular liveshow you would love to see the McElroys do?
my favorite is a tie between san fran and new orleans!!!! and i would love to see them do something with carey and killian, like their bachelorette party or even a hangover-style live show where they lose one of the brides the day before the wedding akjskdk
21) In Wonderland, would you have been hesitant to “forsake” your opponents, or would you have done what you had to to get out?
okay ngl not to sound Terrible but if i was going up against strangers,,,,,, yeah i’d do what i had to do. it’s called the fucking suffering game not the fucking best friend game omfg
would i be able to betray my friends/companions tho??? i don’t think so, nope
22) Of the puzzles throughout the arcs, which one was your favorite?
23) Would you have liked to see the dark timeline where Magnus took the chalice, or Magnus’s sidequest with Kravitz? Or are you happy with what actually ended up happening?
i love everything that happened in canon but i can admit that a magnus/kravitz sidequest would’ve been fucking sick
24) If given the option, would you have joined the Bureau of Balance? Would you have been a seeker, regulator, reclaimer, or something else?
tbh i think i would if i had to and i think i would have been a seeker
25) What magical item would you have made at the Arcaneum (from the Stolen Century)?
a cool sword!!!!! but, like, a magic sword
26) What is something, material or not, that you wouldn’t have been able to sacrifice in Wonderland?
i wouldn’t have given years off my life. i wouldn’t even have considered it
27) What would you have presented at the Conservatory?
i probably would have written something!!!!!
28) In Story and Song, many beloved NPCs made a return to take a final stand against the Hunger. Which one excited you the most?
29) What was your reaction when Magnus was revealed to be a red robe, and then to the memories that followed?
i was so fucking confused but, like, in a good way, and so fucking shocked oh my god
30) What was your reaction when you found out who Lup was, and then to what happened to her?
31) What was your reaction to Merle losing touch with Pan, and then to Pan’s return when the Planes were reconnected?
ngl it was pretty hard hitting and not for, like, any spiritual reason or anything, but just bc merle literally had Nothing at that point and i felt so bad for him and was so nervous but also “i’m not your pan, but you’ll always be my merle” is probably, without a doubt, one of my favorite taz quotes
32) Who are some characters that you would have liked to see interact more?
33) Flaming Raging Poisoning Sword of Doom or the Umbrastaff?
the umbrastaff!!!!
34) Something you learned from Balance?
that very rarely are there ever easy decisions, and that you have to give yourself time to love and love without boundaries because, even with the years and years people have, so much time can be spent not loving the people you have
also it taught me the type of writer i want to be, and honestly taz has inspired me so much to keep pursuing writing, even when i feel like finally giving in
35) Who?
i̶͎͈̞͆̄̾̄̕'̷̛̮̄̒̓͘m̵͍̖̜͂̔͛͘͝ ̶̡̦͙͍͋̑̂̅͠d̵̟̖̭̳̄͌́a̵̻̎̍͂̃̍v̸̲͇̮͊̽͒̚͝ḛ̵̳͔͗̊n̷̻̳͓͎̠͐p̷̰̘̘̭̗̈́̒ơ̵̪r̸͔̝̈̇͘͠t̸̫̠̯͗ ̴̨̛̖͕̟̦̀̏̂̚ḯ̸̜'̶̨̨̖̮̃̃̈́̿m̸͖̰̙̉̏̔̄́ ̵̺̊̓̃̽̓d̸̝̣̈͊a̶̩̪̖̝̽̚ṿ̴̝̙̣͈̐̊e̷̢̛̦̫̓̇͋n̸̨̖̽͐͊͗p̴̡̥͖̞̈́ͅö̵̭̼̘́͋̿ṟ̶͎͍͙͇͑̇̈̉͝t̸̢͕͓͓̠̆͊ ̷̛̟͕̂̌͛ĩ̶̤̺͕'̸̹͓͙̥̺̀ṃ̵̢̻͇̓̈́̚ͅ ̴̜͙͉̯͌̋̐͝d̴͈̜̐̀͘͝a̷̗̹̪͈̿v̴͔͓͑̕͠ȇ̸̞̲̇͛̕ǹ̶̬͉̼̫͂͌p̸͕͐o̵̮͝ŗ̸̘͝ṱ̷̤̫̀̓̉͂̑ ̵̝̞̩̆̍i̶͖̗͔̥̬͐͌̚͝'̸͍̍̋͜m̵̦̼͂͒ ̴̯̈̽͌̕d̶̮̾̀́ǎ̵̢̹̋͊̉̈v̶̨̟̼͓̅ͅḙ̴̟̼̒n̴̝̬͂̍͊͂̀p̶͔̗͂ơ̸̲̰̬̎̀͛̌r̷̬̞̱̍́́̉t̸͙̏͗̎̓̕ ̵̣̅ḭ̶̱̮͓̈͛̑͑'̸̫̞̣̬̊m̵̢̥̀ͅ
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commanderpyrrhadve · 7 years
i was so so so goddamn worried that griffin would have lucretia sacrifice herself in the finale to save the world.. because most storytellers would have done that to like “redeem” her (not that she needed redemption at all but that just seems like a route a lot of storytellers would have gone)
but no..........he didnt sacrifice anyone, we got the most beautiful happy ending, everything tied off with a bow, and im still fucking weeping about it
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im relistening to taz and im on ep one of petals to the metal and im already Not Ready for how this arc ends
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gumptioncretaceous · 5 years
Im relistening to taz balance
im at the petal to the metal arc and boy oh boy there is nothing i love more than plants, street racing, and lesbians
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irradiatedsnakes · 7 years
im just gonna continue on my relisten (on petals to the metal, first time ive relistened to this arc) and hope i get back into it
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munchsquads · 7 years
fav taz arc definitely petals to the metal, i'm like 2/3rds of the way through crystal kingdom, fav npc is angus macdonald with hurley in second and i got into taz cause i've been playing dnd for the first time in a campaign for about 8 months now and i recently watched the mbmbam seeso show and started getting into the mcelroys and i found out they have a DND podcast and was instantly binge listening to it
im relistening to petals to the metal right now and they just met hurley and i fell in love w her again!! its cool i think a lot of people who play d&d found the mcelroys because of taz, but just as many people liked the mcelroys first and are now getting into d&d because of them. im the latter and i really wanna play now lol
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unicornninjabitch · 6 years
I've seen a million taz clips and animations and know all the spoilers already but I feel like it's still gonna make me cry when I finish listening
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ladygwyndolin · 8 years
renmorris replied to your post “renmorris replied to your post “thanks for getting me into the...”
im abt to start petals 2 the metal on my relisten ;o;
i’m listening with katie as she listens to it for the first time and we just hit the titular murder in murder on the rockport limited (the arc which has, IMO, the best taako moment in the series)
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bellaswansong · 7 years
doin a relisten to taz and im just uhhhh skippin the petals to the metal arc? straight up.
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turisa · 5 years
im finally at petals to the metal arc in my relisten and sigh..........
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luobingmeis · 6 years
Is it dumb that I keep putting off finishing Taz balance? I love it so much but I've never got past the end of petals to the metal because I get scared I'm not appreciating it enough or that I'm not ready for the really emotional stuff coming up so I relisten to everything up until then and the cycle repeats. You only get to hear it for the first time once y'know? And I want to finish it, but I don't want it to be finished and I feel like I'm overthinking it but I can't help it. Any thoughts?
oh anon, i understand you completely
first, let me tell you that one of my best friends started listening to taz over the summer, like, back in august, maaaaybe the end of july. after hearing him talk abt it, he was part of the reason i started listening to it in november. when im abt to start the finale abt two weeks later, i text him and find out that he’s relistened to the show three times and still hadn’t gotten through the finale bc he didn’t want it to end, and finally listened to it only bc i was, too. so, trust me, you’re not alone in not wanting it to end!!!
i was the same way too, tbh. by the time i got the “crystal kingdom” and heard griffin actually say, “oh yeah, we’re halfway done,” i was actually really sad about that, you know? which was weird, bc never have i actually been sad knowing that something’s gonna come to an end? like, yeah, finales or final books or whatever tend to get me emotional, but i tend to not think abt it? so taz was different in that, too, and i understand not wanting it to end. like, hell, im mad excited to listen to amnesty, but i had to listen to taz balance again bc i wasn’t ready for it to be over
and with the not appreciating it thing, i also completely get that. going into listening to taz, i knew that some pretty big and emotional things were gonna happen, so i’d be listening to, like, “murder on the rockport limited” and be thinking in the back of my head, “but, wait, what if i’m not appreciating this obscure dialogue exchange enough and and and-” and, honestly, not only did it make it hard to focus, but it, ironically, made it hard to appreciate it??? like, let me tell you that, as you progress further in the story, you’re just gonna Start appreciating it. not saying that you aren’t now!!! but that “appreciating” when you sit back in your chair and just go “holy shit” while listening to it.
like, don’t get me wrong, i loved listening to taz balance the entire time!! i thought “here there be gerblins” and “murder on the rockport limited” were hysterical (and cried laughing many times) and i really liked the racing aspect of “petals to the metal” and spent a lot of it on the edge of my seat, but, honestly, it wasn’t until the end of “petals to the metal” that i was invested bc, w/ that ending, i finally had that “holy shit” moment
like, trust me, i get what you’re saying bc i was the same way. i was nervous that i wasn’t appreciating it enough bc i heard everyone talking abt how moving the story was and how emotional it made them and i was like, “what if this random moment in “rockport limited” is one of those moments???” but like, just let the podcast happen!! like, w/out spoilers, there’s this Thing that happens in the last lunar interlude that, in my opinion, is one of the most shocking “holy shit” moments of the entire story. like, when i first heard it, i was on a bus going home from a swim meet and i had to cover my mouth to stop from losing my shit in front of my team mates omg. so, like, obvi it was a moment i wouldn’t forget. so, two or three days ago, i’m relistening to that same episode while im driving around the beach and i Know it’s happening and i Know it’s coming and, when it happened, i still freaked out and shouted abt it (alone in my car lmao) and hit my steering wheel a couple times bc of how much i fucking love that moment
so, like, trust me, where you’re at, you’re good to continue on bc you’re naturally gonna start getting so much more invested than you already are (please don’t think im “bashing” the first couple arcs, i think the entire show is amazing) and it’s gonna get very emotionally-inducing and, like, my advice is to finish it bc Holy Shit like not many stories have hit me like taz has........ like ngl, it’s on the same level as the song of achilles for me (which, idk if you know me, but that’s a pretty big deal) and like, for once, i don’t think this is just my “this is my current obsession so of course i think it’s amazing” thing, taz balance is an Actually Amazing And Breathtaking Story
also yeah the emotions get Heavy at the end. im a very emotional person in general but i don’t think i necessarily cry easily, or at least it takes a lot for a piece of media to make me cry (like, A Lot), and i cried throughout the final 20 minutes of the taz balance finale and then another 15 minutes afterwards and that was only bc i actively worked to calm myself down lmao
oh my god this got so long im so sorry, i just talk A Lot
basically, moral of my ted talk: i get what you’re saying, you’re gonna naturally start getting more and more invested and “appreciating” it more, and the emotions get heavy, but it’s so fucking good and beautiful and i 10/10 recommend finishing it
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