#i almost got into a wreck laughing at these fools
qde-jiko · 1 year
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Re-listening to taz balance, i miss the tres horny boys so much man
Also i thought avi was a half elf until halfway through finishing the piece, it was exhausting trying to fix 😪
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that-ari-blogger · 8 months
Galinda's True Colours
One key theme in Wicked is superficiality. The world of Oz is a place where honest conversation is difficult to come by. Almost everyone is pretending to be something, or believe something, or have something, all to get what they want.
Popular approaches this theme with the subtlety of a hyperactive wrecking ball and gives a musical monologue about how this world works, and why.
Because Galinda has been portrayed as ditsy up to this point, with a bit of the self-serving schemer archetype thrown in for flavour. But here, we see just how intelligent she is. Galinda has caught on to how the world works, and understands what buttons to push.
Let me explain.
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The first element to be brought under examination is Wicked's love for subverting expectations. By this, I mean that certain mindsets in the world have stereotypes associated with them, take idealism and cynicism for example.
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From what I have observed, when a writer wants to use one of these archetypes, they will probably draw on a few common ideas. The former is usually portrayed as stary-eyed and naive, or unflinchingly positive. Cynicism meanwhile has a certain sarcasm to it. A cynic might feature a permanent scowl and a dry remark as a kneejerk reaction to anything.
In short, Cynics are usually written to be villains who are overcome by hopeful heroes, or to be heroes who are proven right by a world where hope is meaningless. Idealists on the other hand are either heroes who make the world a better place by sheer force of goodness, or naive fools who the world breaks down.
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Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule, but those exceptions are mostly more developed characters in their own right, so the label of "a cynic" doesn't really fit them. Batman is an idealist (when he's written properly).
What is fascinating about Wicked is how the characters are presented. Elphaba is introduced as cynical, she fits the archetype to a tea. But after a musical number, her character swaps entirely. She keeps the sarcasm, but the hopefulness becomes a driving force that goes against the stereotype.
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Galinda is... introduced as a bit of a ditz. She's got an ego, she gets what she wants all of the time, she has a well-known family. She's the generic rich kid, essentially. Fiyero gets the same treatment.
For the record, By Galinda, I mean young Glinda, and I am treating them as separate entities until they meet back up.
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Anyway, when Galinda starts singing, her real worldview becomes clear. It's possible to argue that it wasn't particularly hidden to begin with, but in Popular, she bludgeons you over the head with it.
"Celebrated heads of state Or 'specially great communicators Did they have brains or knowledge? Don't make me laugh! They were popular! Please, it's all about popular! It's not about aptitude It's the way you're viewed"
As much as I despise it, Galinda is kinda right here.
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In 1964, Henry Littlefield published an essay in the American Quarterly titled The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism in which he gave some opinions on a theoretical metaphor inherent in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book (if you don't want to read it, TedEd has a video discussing it and its legacy). He claimed that it was an inherently political book about the time Baum wrote it.
The sparkly new world looks even better if you put on tinted glasses, and only works if you understand that the wizard's power is empty, so Littlefield proposed.
Scholars since have praised, debated, and debunked Littlefield's essay. Pointing out the fact that this is pattern recognition with hindsight, in the same way that you can look to the stars and see a goat.
Essentially, there is an argument for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz being political, and there is an argument (most famously made by its Baum himself) that it is just a children's book.
Wicked is a satire, and not a children's book, so it gets away with some heavy insinuation, but to avoid landmines and a lack of knowledge on my own part, I am going to talk exclusively about how this affects the land of Oz itself, rather than its implications for the real world. Please don't argue in the replies.
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So, Galinda's hypothesis here is that the leaders of Oz do not get to where they are because of any actual skill, but rather because they were well liked by either the people, or their superiors. She gets proven right about this throughout the musical. Madam Morrible moves up in the world by presenting Elphaba to the wizard, the Wizard gained power by giving Oz a common enemy, and Galinda and Fiyero themselves gain status seemingly out of nowhere.
In Oz, it doesn't matter what you know, but who you know, and who knows you.
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In the show that I watched, Galinda was played by Courtney Monsma, who knocked this number out of the park. Galinda is an incredibly cynical character, but Monsma played her with what I can only describe as "manic pixie energy", which circles back to Wicked's idea of superficiality.
Because the ditzy pantomime of Galinda present in What is this Feeling and half of Dancing Through Life is nothing compared to the madness that is Popular. This is a character who knows exactly how to toss her hair to get what she wants, who knows how to make people think she is something she isn't.
Monsma played a character who was well aware that perception would get her further in life than intelligence, and was having fun with that confidence. But she is actually clever, Galinda has picked up on this fact that everyone else has just accepted subconciously, but now she can explain it.
This song feels like a hyper fixation rant. The frantic obsession was a mere outlet for the excitement of finally being able to speak to this worldview head on to someone who she respects and knows will actually understand her. This song feels like Galinda and Elphaba are on emotional and intellectual equal footing.
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This song is also part of my case for Wicked as a queer musical that only works as a story because the romance doesn't. As in, this is a story about a romance that could have been, and that romance reads as queer to me. I will get more into it next week, but for now, I will say this:
This song doesn't matter, and that's exactly why it does matter.
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This is the moment when Elphaba and Galinda connect, and share. This is Galinda trying to give back for the wand and make up for her previous behaviour to make Elphaba less of an outcast. But she has already done that.
The moment at the end of Dancing Through Life when Elphaba and Galinda share the spotlight, when Galinda makes herself look like a fool to match Elphaba, when she lets the outcast lead, and the rest of the room goes along with it. That moment is when the romance is kicked off, that is the moment when she starts making amends. That is the moment when she starts to make Elphaba less of a social pariah.
That dance renders Popular superfluous, or at least it does on paper. In reality, this song is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the foreshadowing department, even more so than What is this Feeling, in my most humble of opinions.
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Popular happens because Galinda is right about so much in her world, but wrong about the most important thing. Brains and knowledge are irrelevant in Oz, perception is powerful, but empathy rules them all.
Galinda gives this big show of how amazing she is for helping people. Look at her, she's so good. But, Elphaba doesn't care about that, and Galinda does. The romance doesn't work in the end because Galinda realises too late that in the big scheme of things, superficiality is nowhere near as fulfilling as connection. That's why her romance with Fiyero breaks off, and its why her romance with Elphaba is doomed. She only realises this when both options are off the table.
The romance between Elphaba and Galinda breaks apart, but it can only do that because it was there to begin with. You can't tear down nothing.
You could read the relationship as entirely platonic, a friendship that breaks down. But art is subjective, and to me, the romance makes this story so much more compelling.
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Final Thoughts
Popular is a popular song in the fanbase. It's an absolute bop, but it's also one of the simplest numbers in the entire production. The set is two beds, there is no fancy dancing, just one character sitting still and the other jumping around like she's on springs. The set doesn't change, there are no extra characters, nothing.
This song doesn't let anything distract from the character drama that is going on in centre stage, so that the audience can take in what is actually being said and done.
Next week, I am taking a look at I'm Not That Girl, and I will being going all in on the queer reading of this musical. Although, that is a heterosexual love song, right? How could that be queer? I have thoughts, so stick around if that interests you.
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(Images were sourced from this video)
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mslanna · 5 months
What about Raphael realizing that Tav thinks she means nothing to him? Maybe another fiend is getting wrecked by Raphael, so the other fiend grabs Tav to use as a living shield & hostage and is all "Unless you want this mortal to die, you'd best stay back!" only for Tav to give a sad laugh and tell the enemy fiend "You're an idiot if you think I mean that much to him." I just really want to see Raphael having an 'Oh 💩' moment regarding his feelings for his little mouse and how he had been handling (or failing to handle) it... 😅
enby Tav without body configuration Angst and anger happy end Read on AO3
Nobody's Fool
One good thing that came from the tadfools company to his little mouse was that by now, Tav did not suffer shitty father figures. Or mothers. Any kind of sub-par parent. They set Ulder Ravengard straight and got up in the face of any god trying to control their followers through bad parenting practices. Vlaakith was fighting her unruly daughter now and Mystra lost Gale to the plight of mortals. Even Shar was having troubles.
Lucky for him, that Raphael had a truly spectacularly bad father to show for. An irresistible cause for Tav. So instead of hobnobbing it out with the gentry of Baldur's Gate or kicking back at the wizards tower in Waterdeep, they were back. At his side this time, where they belonged. And they kicked ass.
A beautiful sight to watch his paladin – their oath might as well be to him at this point – throw themself into battle. Their armour – hand-picked by Raphael himself to reinforce their strengths and highlight their ferocious beauty – shone with reflecting light on the golden pattern and splatters of enemy blood.
It was almost enough to distract Raphael from his own role in the fight. He rained hellfire over the attaching devils. Some were not smart enough to realise the difference to normal fire which couldn't hurt them. They paid for their stupidity with their lives.
Ksula didn't like that but the devil also didn't care about the deaths of his underlings. While the devil had expected the parlay to be a trap, he did not anticipate how few people Raphael needed to take him down. Yurgir with a squad of cambions. Korrilla. And of course, Tav.
Tav did the work of a squad all by themself. The few opponents getting past them, close enough to be a danger to him, were easily picked off by Korrilla. And Yurigr wiped the floor with what was left of Ksula's forces. If the other devil was smart, which Raphael doubted, he would make a desperate dash for a last second deal any moment now.
Ksula did, but not in the way Raphael expected. Black smoke shot from his hands and materialised into sticky tentacles around Tav's armour. With a jerk, Ksula pulled the paladin towards him. Tav stumbled, not fast enough on their feet for the lighting speed. They crashed into the devil who immediately put his blade to their throat.
The helldusk armour only left a tiny weakness because the wearer needed to be able to turn their head. But Ksula knew about it and exactly where to apply to blade to pry the plates apart.
"If you want your mortal to live, you better surrender," Ksula grinned.
Raphael's blood turned to ice, churning through his veins and extinguishing all fire. His first instinct was to launch himself at Ksula and rip his throat out. An appropriate reaction, though endangering Tav's life. His eyes narrowed in on the blade sitting between the armour plates, teasing Tav's skin.
He shouldn't hesitate. His devil nature demanded action regardless of cost. Raphael looked at Tav and the cold in his veins froze solid. Tav was not a cost he was willing to pay. Tav was – not expendable. He growled under his breath.
Of course he was protective of his little mouse. They were an asset, a treasured former client. Loyal to a fault without contract or binding agreements. Of course he kept them close. Kept them safe. Still, If Ksula had Korrilla in his grasp, Raphael doubted he had hesitated.
The maelstrom of his thoughts came up with no feasible solution. Anything he could do endangered Tav. But if he yielded now, Ksula would retreat with the perfect shield. He'd never let Tav go again, the perfect – and only – safeguard against the cambion. Raphael glanced to Yurgir and Korrilla, both waiting for instructions.
He had none. The thought that harm befell Tav – irreversible, deadly – was unbearable. Raphael's body froze up in a panic unknown. He simply could not endanger his little mouse. At least Tav would live if he surrendered now. There would be a time to save them. Hopefully.
A drop of sweat mixed with enemy blood ran down the side of Tav's face. He would make everybody who dared touch them suffer for eternity. He'd scour the word, all realms and the nine hells for any who laid hand on his little mouse.
The force of the possessive rage surprised Raphael. At the same time, it conveniently covered the deeper roots of it. His blood ignited again, ready to strike. His little mouse would be safe. They were his and after this battle, they
It was Tav who broke the silence. An unexpected fit of laughter shook their body so hard, a thin line of blood seeped down the blade. "You're as stupid as you look," they got out between bouts of laughter. "You think that will stop him? Raphael? He doesn't care."
The words cut the cambion to the bone. But they also relaxed Ksula's grip on his mouse a little. A smart ploy. If Tav could convince the Ksula he did not care…
"Oh my, you really believe he cares!" Tav wheezed. "I'm a tool, Ksula. Well-kept, honed and treasured, but just a tool still." They looked at Raphael, their eyes dark with a sadness glowing deep in them. "I'm not even the one most difficult one to replace."
Their face fell into a wistful resignation and Tav went limp in the devil's grip. "It's alright. I always knew it'd end like this."
What was that supposed to mean? Anger flared up in Raphael. How dare they resign in the face of – well, in the face of what exactly?
… tell me, oh apple of my eye…
Words spoken to serenade Tav into a deal with him. Words used and put at the forefront. A perfect façade. When did it slip? At what point was it not a sweet lure any longer? Raphael frowned. This feeling was not new. He avoided putting a finger, or a name, on it. But the hot surge of anger, hate and desperation made it impossible to ignore.
His eyes softened as he looked at his little mouse. His little mouse. On a crusade against shitty parents for him. A flimsy disguise if he had ever seen one. But he had accepted it. If Tav needed an excuse, they should have it.
Their eyes showed that the excuse was now discarded on the floor. Only soft truth shone in their gaaze. A truth he would have to confirm as soon as they were alone. His lips tightened into a thin line. However he would get his mouse of this predicament, their reward would be truly infernal.
"Do I get last words?" Tav asked softly. They glanced at Ksula.
"Make it short." The devil forced Tav's head up with his blade.
Raphael wanted to cut his tongue out. For a start. There were many forms of torture and so far he had never applied all of them to the same individual. Ksula would be the first. His fingers trembled with the need to make a fist. But his best chance was to seem unaffected, just as Tav claimed he was.
How could they even claim that? Why would Tav believe such drivel? He had been generous with his gift, time and attention. They had a place in his House of Hope, at his side in all of his plans. A subject he'd have to breach vigorously.
Tav smiled at him. It wasn't really sad and they slowly raised their empty hand as if reaching for him. The hand changed course in the last moment and Tav cast their words with a soft sigh: "Temperari Monstrum."
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Chapter 13 (finale!)
It was a few more months before the wedding planning was done, and during that time, you got to know Alastor better. He wasn't really that bad except for when he felt the need to antagonize your fiancé. You and Zariah worked together to try and get the boys to act civil, with mild success. It seemed “teasing” was just one of Alastor's love languages. 
Finally though, it was the wedding day. Angel Dust, the spider demon you'd gotten to know recently, was doing your makeup.
“So, ready to become a queen?” He asked. 
“I don't know about ‘queen’… but I'm definitely ready to be his wife.” You look at yourself in the mirror and already the tears start to come.
“Hey! Hey! Nooo, nu uh! Hold off the waterworks till after the I Dos! At least let him see my hard work first!” He was grinning as he teased you.
Fizzarolli was holding your bouquet at the moment, making sure none of the flowers were wilted. He'd agreed to walk you down the aisle since your father wasn't an option. 
Zariah was going over some last minute things on the phone with Vaggie, who was with Charlie, who was with Him . Your soon-to-be husband. “Do you need me to come over there?... How do you usually get her to stop crying?... Just put Charlie on the phone then!” She was laughing, it seemed Charlie couldn't stop from crying over how happy she was to get to see her father get married.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself. Your dress was an off the shoulder a-line with tulle sleeves. Your veil hangs behind as you stand from your chair. It has star and sun patterns with feathers on the edges in silver and gold. You look like a radiant goddess.
You were in front of the door leading out of the hotel. Nifty and Razzle were behind you ready to go as flower girls, and Alastor poked his head in, “You sure you want to marry the fool? You know Lilith isn't going to like this when she eventually comes home.” He was trying to stir shit up for fun, since he'd already taken care of the paparazzi and all the other “trouble makers”. 
“I'm sure. And if she does show up, I'll kick her ass for hurting him! I'm ready.” You smile, “Thanks Al, I needed that.” 
He hummed, “Good, you better keep your word on kicking her ass. He's counting on you.” He then popped back out and got the wedding march started. It was a slow piano version of “stand by you”. The song you sang to him just before he proposed.
Fizzarolli took your arm. “Here we go, try not to cry until the vows, okay?” You nod, buzzing in excitement. The doors opened, and you began to walk.
You see him at the end of the makeshift aisle. He looks stunning and stunned. 
He's wearing a new white suit, one with what almost looks like a three tier skirt in the back. Like a combination wedding gown and suit. It's elegant and the back is open in a diamond pattern, showing the markings where his wings rest in his back. His hat is gone, replaced with a proper crown in its place. He doesn't look like himself really, far more serious than you've ever seen him… but the love in his eyes is the same as ever.
You begin to walk, Fizz keeping a hold on you to keep you from just running to him. When you get closer you can see tears in his eyes, and a tremble in his smile. Charlie stood beside him as his best man, and Asmodeus stood at the altar to act as your officiate. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite two souls in the firey, passionate bonds of Love and Marriage. And if anyone knows anything about love, it's the lord of Lust! Because while lust is fun for a while, love is the fuel that keeps that fire burning.” He looked at Fizz, sitting on your side of the aisle with a blush and a grin.
“Now, I'll stop my blubbering, and let you love birds say your vows, as I've been told our king has something special prepared.” Now everyone's attention was on Lucifer, as he took your hands.
“Becca, my sweet apple pie… before you literally fell into my life, I was a depressed wreck of a man. I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror. It was bad, real bad. Like, days without eating bad. I never thought I'd love again, or that I'd ever be able to face my daughter in such a state. And there you were, in my garden. Then you treated me so gently and with such kindness, I thought at first maybe I was finally being forgiven for my sins… then I realized you were too good for me, but you kept coming back and bringing out the best in me. Because to you, Charlie and I have reconnected. Because to you, the Sins and I are back to being family again. Because of you, my life is better than it has been in over one thousand years. And I promise, for as long as I exist, I will give you all the love I have in my heart. I'll cherish and adore you for all of eternity. I give you my heart, as bruised and battered as it is… please be gentle with it.” He smiled fondly at you.
The tears fall without your consent. “Luci… babe…” He reaches out to dry your tears. 
Ozzie smiled fondly, “Those were some beautiful words Luci. Now it's Becca's turn, you need a minute baby girl?”
You take Lucifer's hands that are holding your cheeks, and kiss the palm of each of them once. Then smile, “I'm good.”
“Lucifer… I know I wasn't meant to be in hell, but this has felt more like home than anywhere else in my life and afterlife. When we were alive, Zariah and I would joke about if we ended up in hell, I called dibs on marrying you. But now it's not a joke, but my greatest dream come true. I love you, more than any man I've ever loved. You've made me feel seen and appreciated and adored. You make me feel wanted and needed. And it's just as much what you don't do that makes me love you. You don't make me feel like your mother figure, and you don't make me feel exhausted from caring for you. I feel like your equal, and I feel energized lifting you up when you need it. Because you lift me up too. You'll never walk through hell alone, because I'm gonna stand by you every step of the way. I'll never leave you.”
Now it was his turn to cry, his eyes sparkling as rivers cascade down his cheeks.
“Alright baby! Now that's what I'm talking about!” Ozzie chuckled excitedly, “Becca, do you take Lucifer, the king of hell, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” Your voice is full of certainty and confidence. 
“Lucifer, king of hell, lord of Pride. Do you take Becca to be your lawfully wedded wife and queen?”
“I do!” He's still sobbing as he says it, too excited to contain himself anymore.
“Then I pronounce you, Girlboss and Malewife! Haha, nah I'm playin’! I pronounce you Husband and Wife, now go on and kiss each other!” He smiled and Lucifer practically pounced at the opportunity to press his lips to yours.
The crowd was a combination of laughter and cheers, but you didn't care. You had a husband to smooch.
And to have and hold.
For the rest of eternity.
The End
During the reception, the two of you sneak away while everyone's partying for some one on one time. Once alone on the hotel roof, Lucifer can't stop fidgeting…. 
“What's on your mind? Got something exciting planned for our wedding night you can't wait for?” You tease, sitting next to him.
“Hm? Oh, well, yeah, but… I also have something I wanted to run by you… so… you know normally once a human soul is dead, they can't have kids anymore? Well… I have the power to completely negate that rule. If I choose to. So… if you wanted… someday… maybe we could…” He looked at his hands as he fidgeted with his new ring. This one had your name engraved on the outside and inside.
“You… we could make Charlie a little sibling!” You realized what he was trying to say and tackled him! “Yes! Absolutely Luci! I'd love to! Let's… let's have a baby!”
The End (for real now)
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soubi122 · 2 years
How Long? - Part 3
Hello everyone, it's been awhile but I am finally putting part 3 up. I hope you enjoy it! :)
This part takes place when Y/N asked for permission to leave Bonten.
Warnings: gun, mentions of murder, alcohol, smut, self harm, hurt to comfort, MDNI!!
Love Fool
Mikey pulled the pistol away from you and cupped your cheek, tilting your head up to see your glossy orbs - he was having a hard time deciding what to do. “You deserve better, angel.” He said as he swiped his thumb over your cheeks, wiping away your tears. Hearing those words and the display of sincerity made you break. You began to sob uncontrollably and clutched your chest. The throbbing pain of heartbreak was wrecking you mentally and physically. It was an image that Mikey couldn’t get over, he recalls a friend who bawled his eyes out in front of him several times. Those who show you their true feelings are worth protecting. He was the only person who provided some sort of comfort, though it’s minimal, it was enough to make your heart ache. Mikey placed a hand on your shoulder, “If you want to disappear, I can help you but it will take some time - you’ll be set free. Are you willing to do everything I say without question?” You were surprised at his response. Bonten had a strict policy about letting people go without repercussions, but to think that Mikey would bend the rules for a woman? It was unheard of. Your desperation made it easy to say yes. 
That same night he brought you to his home and you were only allowed to leave the room at night - when there were no prying eyes or ears. He was often dropped off home by Sanzu but never had company stay longer than an hour or two. “Mikey, do you have an extra futon?” You asked as walked you to his home. He lived in a one bedroom condo and had only one bathroom. “You’re sleeping on my bed, I will sleep on the couch - I’m rarely here anyways.” Setting your duffle bag on the floor, you got on your knees and bowed to him - “Thank you for everything, Mikey.” The light chuckle that escaped his lips made you look up, confused plastered all over your face. It’s the first time you’ve heard him laugh. “It’s ok, enough with the gratitude. You’re my guest. Anything you want, just ask me.” You didn’t ask for much, your needs were basic, food, water, shelter - nothing more and nothing less. In the upcoming weeks, you spent the days roaming his bedroom, tossing and turning - trying hard not to think about Ran. But when you are left by yourself, your thoughts tend to wander and never fail to go back to him. It was difficult not to think about him when you had spent years living with him, sharing the same space and sharing the same bed. Often, Mikey could hear your snuffles behind the door at night. You tried to not be more of a burden to him by keeping quiet, the last thing he wanted was to hear someone crying over a broken heart. There were times where your skin would feel Ran’s touch linger and it made you sick. Baths were long, trying to wash him off your skin felt like trying to erase a tattoo with soap and water. He was still there, the itch and burning sensations wouldn’t cease no matter how long you sat soaking in the water. Mikey turned a blind eye to you wearing baggy clothing with long sleeves almost everyday, even when the condo was warm enough to roam in shorts. 
The days and nights were hard when Mikey wasn’t home. He was your only distraction from the world and a distraction from Ran. Though he rarely spent days in, you were grateful when he spared the time to talk to you and check up on you. On a few occasions you had to hide in his room when Sanzu or Kokonoi would come over to discuss business. Hearing their voices made you want to cry. Recalling the night that they were all there with Ran, it made your chest hurt. Sanzu would sometimes be a little too loud about certain affairs. As much as you tried not to pry or eavesdrop, it was almost impossible when Ran’s name was mentioned. Mikey knew what he was doing - he wanted you to know what Ran was up to. He wanted for you to stand firm and not falter in the future, to grow and move past Ran’s affairs. He wanted for you to see that it was a mistake that you were lucky enough to rid yourself of before tying the knot. It would have been much worse had you two exchanged vows and taken his name. Though it was hurting you, Mikey was doing this for your own good. After Mikey’s guests would leave, he would find you curled up under the blankets, with tear stained cheeks and soft sniffles. Something about seeing you in this broken state made him ease up on his plans. He didn’t want to push you too far.
“Are you ok, angel?” He would say and place a hand on your head. Softly petting you and soothing your broken heart. “I don’t know how long I can do this Mikey…when he comes to mind, I feel like I’m going to lose it.” Those words were enough to send shivers down Mikey’s spine. You were teetering on the edge - just the slightest touch would be enough to push you over the edge. “Just one more month and it will be ready. Are you prepared to start your new life? No matter what the cost?” His question made you sit up. Those eyes that looked like an infinite void began to show a glimmer of light. “What do you mean?” You asked him while wiping your tears. Mikey explained the plan to you, the cadaver, the cover up, the news outlets that would report on your so-called death. Everything was perfect, he just needed one more month to find a woman who resembled you. 
“Mikey, I can’t let you do that.” You say and cupped his cheeks. The sudden action took him by surprise. He was not expecting you to get this close, he was not expecting for you to come to him, though it was to try and put a stop to his carefully calculated plan. “You agreed to do as I say…your hands will remain clean.” The entire night you spent going back and forth with him, in the end the pros outweigh the cons. He was right, you had no other choice but to die in order to escape Tokyo, to escape Bonten and more importantly…to escape Ran. To keep you distracted from the guilt, he allowed you to roam his condo at any time with no restrictions. He gave you access to his credit card to buy whatever you wanted, an account that was not under Kokonoi’s supervision. Though you refused to take it, he still left it with you so that you could take it with you when you leave. Visits were no longer made to Mikey’s home by the other executives/admins. No one questioned him, it wasn’t odd for him to refuse company. 
Little by little, you were finding things to do on your own time with his permission. An interest in baking and making coffee bloomed within you after watching too many DIY’s and creative food videos. You begged Mikey to buy an espresso machine for you to tinker with. The glow in your eyes was impossible for him to ignore. What more could he ask for? You were starting to stand on your own two feet, your aborred feelings for Ran were starting to nullify and you were numb to the sound of his name. 
The strong smell of coffee perforated his nostrils when he reached his front door. Often Mikey would come home to a mess in his kitchen, there would be cups and mugs everywhere on his kitchen table. Trays of baked goods lined the counters and sandwiches would also be lined up for him to taste. He couldn’t help but smile knowing that you were behind that door waiting for him with a cup of coffee or espresso in hand for him to try. As much as he disliked coffee - he’d grown fond of the taste and associated with you. You both were opening up a little more to each other. Mikey was getting used to your presence, he was getting used to your laugh, your smiles and your warmth. Often you would lay your head on his lap when you were feeling down. He would pet your head and it eased your thoughts, putting you to sleep as if you were a puppy or a kitten. It was a dangerous game he was playing, would he really be able to resist your alluring nature? Many times he would sleep in the office to avoid getting too attached to you. The threads were slowly fraying and he was finding it hard to balance mercy and desire.
One day when you were steaming milk, you weren’t paying attention and ended up getting burned by the steam wand. Your yelp caught Mikey’s attention and he dashed towards you. “What happened? Are you ok?” He asked as you showed him your hand - it was red and tender. “I burned myself, but I’m ok.” You said as he takes your hand runs room temp/cool water over the injury, making sure not to irritate it. Without a second thought, he brought your hand to his lips, giving it a light peck. Your face went bright red, your brain short circuited and you bit your lip. “I was always told that kisses make the other person feel better.” The innocence in his words made your heart skip a beat. What was wrong with you? Why is he making you feel this way? He holds your life in his hands, he can end it at any moment and you were fawning over an innocent gesture? “T-Thanks Mikey…it feels better already.” You say while looking down and taking your hand back. He brought you some ointment and lightly applied it over the burn, him touching your hand again was making your chest sting. 
A few days after that incident, you were careful not to get too close to Mikey. Though you missed the warmth and welcoming aura that Mikey gave off, something changed and he noticed it. Thinking that he overstepped his boundaries, he stayed out a few nights. You called but he only responded saying he’s busy. On day four of his absence, you texted him from the burner cell he provided you, but instead of texting back - he called. Bonten was out on a company dinner and there was a lot of background noise. “Hey Mikey, are you coming home soon? I have a few things I’d like to-” You were cut off by a loud laugh, his laugh. You could hear Ran in the background with another woman, they were all there - it felt as if he really had no remorse or regard for your absence. “Sorry angel, you were saying?” Mikey said quietly but the line went dead. 
You ended the call and felt a sharp pain in your chest, you began struggling to breathe and it felt as if all those times where you were in misery - he was in heaven with other women. Ran continued his affairs with no ounce of guilt. Collapsing to the floor, you began to sob uncontrollably. The sound of Ran’s voice echoed in your ears, though it was close to three months of no contact, you were starting to forget what he sounded like…until now. You felt sick, the sensation of his touch began to feel like an itch that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you scratched. Running to the kitchen, you began frantically searching for something, anything that would take the edge off. When you found the hidden liquor cabinet, you dove head first into a bottle of whiskey that burned like acid as it made its way down your throat. You drank from multiple bottles, yet the sensation of his touch still roamed your skin - making it unbearable. ‘Fuck…fuck…fuck! It’s not enough, please make it stop!’ You say to yourself as you scratch your arms and legs. Images of him riddling your skin with his kisses flashed in your mind, the way he would look at you, haunted your very being. Anywhere he touched, it felt like fire and you wanted it to stop. Hearing his voice again triggered you. Sending you spiraling into a maelstrom of emotions. 
Everything was spinning, you were stumbling from room to room as you held the bottle closer to your chest. “Stop it…stop it!” You yell to no one in particular. The condo was empty but yet you felt as if Ran Haitani was standing here, staring at you - laughing at your pitiful state. More images of him kissing you flashed in your mind. Those images began to turn dark and ugly, now you began to picture him from that night. Kissing those other women and touching them as if they were his trophies. ‘You aren’t worth my time, you aren’t worth anything…you were just a placeholder…’ Ran’s voice echoed in your ears and you lost it. 
Mikey came home within the hour, there was a sinking feeling in his stomach that he could not ignore. When he opened the front door, he thought that someone had broken into his home - there was glass on the floor and droplets of blood in various places. “(Y/N)!” He yelled but no one answered. Dashing towards the bedroom, he was met with silence and no one was there. The sound of the bath water running snatched his attention. He ran towards the bathroom and kicked the door in, he was not prepared for the site in front of him. You were in the bathtub, bare, your skin was red and bruised. You kept scrubbing your skin almost raw with the loofa, and you didn’t even notice as he stood by the door. Slowly, he made his way to you, a look of regret reflecting on his face. “I can still feel him…” You whispered to yourself as you kept scrubbing. When you tore the skin, Mikey immediately stopped you and turned off the water. “Angel, what the fuck?!” He says as he cups your cheek and makes you look up at him. Your eyes were empty, it’s as if the person in front of him wasn’t you. “It won’t stop…” You whisper to him. “What won’t stop?” Mikey asks as he tries to get you out of the bathtub. “Ran…he won’t stop, I can still feel him…” The words that rolled off your tongue felt like a ton of bricks. “No matter how hard I try, I can’t erase him - it hurts…it hurts so much. Please make it stop…”
This whole time you were trying your hardest to forget but hearing his voice felt like someone ripping the stitches out of your heart, those frail stitches that were barely keeping you together. For once, Sano Manjiro didn’t know how to react - nor what to do. These things were usually taken care of for him by the other members. Though your body was on fire, Mikey picked you up and took you to his room and wrapped you in a towel. He noticed the daze you were in and the smell of alcohol that lingered on the tip of your tongue. “Make it go away…Mikey-please…” You begged and cried your eyes out. He couldn’t take it anymore, the suffering, the ache, the desire…
Cupping both your cheeks, Mikey closed the distance and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. It sent a jolt of electricity down your spine. When he felt your lips move, returning the kiss, he deepened it. “I’ll take your pain away…just say the word.” The low tone in his voice made you reach out and wrap your arms around his neck. “Mikey…help me.” Your words were almost a whisper, it was enough to have him lay you down and climb on top of your still naked form. His tongue explored your mouth with such ease, the warm and wet muscle was dancing with yours, both of you began to pant. Your taste mixed with alcohol was making his head spin. Hungry hands roamed the valley of your chest, lightly pinching and massaging your nipples. You couldn’t help but arch your back to his touch, his hips were between your thighs and rolling on to your bare pussy. The bulge in his pants was rubbing against your entrance, to feel someone else for the first time in a long time made your legs quiver. The liquor in your veins was making you numb to the burning on your arms but it was making a mess of your lower half. Mikey pulled away, locking eyes with you as he removed his shirt - the stars in your eyes made him smirk. For once he got a wish come true, he wanted nothing more than to replace him.  
Despite the state you were in, he found you beautiful. The red and purple marks that were noticeably painful and light trickles of blood were like rubies that decorated your skin. You can only self-destruct, you refuse to take anyone else down with you and wallow in your own pain. He lowered himself and planted gentle kisses on your neck and made his way down to the valley of your chest, leaving open mouthed kisses on the area above your heart. “He didn’t deserve you…” Mikey says as he placed your nipple in his mouth. His touch was tender and made your heart feel like it was going to beat out of its chest. Who knew the most notorious man in Tokyo could have such a loving side to him? Lithe fingers traced circles on your hips, making their way down lower to caress your plush thighs, though it was his first time exploring your body - he was so familiar with it. The gentle nibble on the hardened bud made you mewl and run your fingers through his silver hair. Honey began to pool between your legs as he teased your inner thigh. Mikey latched on your other nipple, giving it the same loving treatment. “You’re worth more than anyone could fathom…” He said as he bit a little harder and made you moan from the pain and pleasure. The way he moved slowly down your body, trailing kisses and leaving light pink marks had your mind muddled. You knew it was wrong but at the same time, the carnal desires that blossomed when he showed you his affection made you let go of the doubt. He was diving down the deep end with you. 
The room was spinning as he spread your thighs open. Mikey basked at seeing how your walls clenched around nothing, how your honey was dripping and begging to be tasted. He slid a finger between your folds, collecting your slick and rubbing circles on your clit. “Ngh…Mikey.” You moaned out his name and it made his cock throb beneath their restraints. He smirked against your skin as he kissed your inner thighs, inching closer to your core - his pulse was racing and the urge to take you was clawing away at him. She needs more… He thinks to himself as his tongue glides between your folds, tasting your sweet essence. Never in his life would he have ever thought to taste something so decadent in his life. What a fool…he gave her up for what? A cheap whore? The thoughts were running wild in Mikey's head. Ran Haitani soon became the center of Mikey's ire. 
A single digit slid into your core, teasing and testing out the stretch for your cunt. You shifted your hips slightly to bring him deeper. Your warmth was everything to him right now, to try and pry him away from your honeypot would be suicide. Your walls clenched as he curled his finger in a ‘come hither’ motion, his touch felt like heaven. More thoughts invaded his mind. Fuck… she's this tight even after him… Mikey added a second digit, curling them to hit that sweet spot that made you moan loudly and fist the sheets beneath you. The sensation of him lapping your every drop kept making your legs quiver, he was gentle yet firm with his movements. Be it the alcohol or lack of human contact, you were on the edge of bliss when his mouth latched on to your bundle of nerves. “W-Wait…Mi-mmm…” You were about to call his name but the sounds were replaced by your moans and gasps. His pace didn’t falter, if anything he made haste and your vision was beginning to go white. He began to rut his hips into the mattress, his cock was painfully hard and in dire need of attention. A wet patch began to form from all the pre that was leaking from his tip. That unique tingle that ran down your spine had you gripping his silver hair and rolling your hips. Hearing him pant and groan was bringing you closer to total bliss, as quiet as he was during meetings and gatherings, he was so vocal now that it felt like he was a different person. 
The tightly wound up coil in your belly was on the verge of snapping. “Come for me, angel…” Mikey’s words were the final push you needed. Your legs quivered as your orgasm came crashing into you like a tidal wave, you were babbling incoherent sentences and a string of curses escaped your throat as he lapped your juices and held your hips in place. Your eyes began to water as you came down from your high - the intense emotions and affection that was displayed made your chest sting. When Mikey pulled away from your core, he could see how your legs were quivering and how your body slightly spasmed as his fingers continued to plunge in and out. “You’re so beautiful like this…” His tone was heavy and it echoed in your ear, it made your walls clench and suck in his fingers even more. A coy smirk bled across his lips as he withdrew his fingers, your whine of protest made him sit up and lower his pants along with his boxers. The way his cock sprang free and twitched at the cool air hitting the tip made you roll your hips onto nothing. His tip had beads of precum that dripped down his shaft. Every vein was defined and he gripped his member, stroking it - teasing you with it. With every stroke you could see how the droplets fell from his tip and onto your folds. 
Your breath hitched when he positioned himself between your legs and he rubbed the red flushed tip through your slit. Mikey lowered himself to capture your lips, he could feel your arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer. Your lips were plush and slightly swollen from the earlier kisses. How they parted for him when his tongue glides on your bottom lip had him aching for more. The vibrations of his moans could be felt on your chest as his member pushed past your tight ring. For someone who has a small frame, he not only had length but he had girth as well - the sensation of him stretching you out made you run your nails down his back. The light red streaks on his back burned but Mikey didn’t care, he wanted to remain buried inside you and fill you to the brim with his seed. When he bottomed out, you could feel him throb inside you and broke the kiss, he rested his forehead on yours - Mikey screwed his eyes shut at your muscles contracting and sucking in him. He thought he was going to lose it. “(Y/N)...f-fuck, you need to stop clenching like that - you’re going to me cum…” He chuckled as you squeezed him tighter in response to his words. As he slowly reeled his hips back, you felt his hand wrap underneath your thigh, hiking your leg up higher and getting a better angle. When he slid back in, you dug your nails into his back, the pressure between your thighs was immense and you knew he was going to leave you sore. 
"Ngh…feels s'good…" You said between moans and gasps. "...don't stop…" Mikey sat up and watched as your breasts bounced with each thrust of his hips. His eyes trailed down your body, it was so perfect, so beautiful and all he could think of was making you cum in his cock. When his eyes landed between the space that connected you two, he was in a daze. He even slowed his pace so that he could watch his cock pump in and out, gazing at that white satin ring that adorned the base of his cock. With pride swelling his chest, he slung your legs over his shoulders and proceeded to lean forward - making him go deeper. Your dulcet moans got louder as he fucked you all the way to heaven. You could have sworn the bedroom light casted a halo above Mikey’s head. "Oh god! Manjiro!" That mind numbing sensation began to ravage your core and your legs were shaking as your orgasm clawed its way out. You screaming his name threw him over the edge, his pace became sloppy and his hips stuttered as his coil snapped. That unmistakable sensation had you twitching and quivering, your honey and his seed dripped down your slit. Your greedy cunt milked him dry, he was almost sure you were going to be dripping for days. Slowly, he pulled out and basked at how that milky white liquid would drip from your hole. With his finger he pushed it back inside and watched as your pretty little cunt would push it back out. 
He was savoring the image before him, you were laying in his bed, naked, panting, covered in sweat with his seed dripping from your core - was a sight he etched in his memory. If this is what it takes to make you forget, to keep you happy - I’ll do it over and over again… Mikey thinks to himself as he lays next to you and pulls you into his chest. The sound of his heart beating was like a lullaby that put your mind at ease, your eyes felt heavy and his sweet nothings were fading in and out. 
**back to the present**
Soft moonlight trickled into the bedroom as you woke up in your apartment. You were too dazed to notice the heavy figure next to you but the moment you felt a pair of arms being wrapped around your waist - your heart sank. The person laying next to you was Ran Haitani. That’s right, he found you this morning and fucked you until you couldn’t think straight. “Stay…” His sleepy tone had warmth creeping up on your cheeks. “...let me make us something to eat, it’s late and we haven’t even eaten anything.” You say softly as you kiss him on the forehead and slowly wiggle out of his hold. He nodded and went back to sleep.
You wrapped a robe around your still naked body and headed for the kitchen. With your cellphone in hand, you stepped outside and made a call. The phone rang and rang, the longer it took for your call to be answered, the more anxious you felt and you began to pace back and forth. When the call was finally answered, “Is it done?”
@rinrinfoxy @mor-pheus @no-signal  @namelessnikki2 @gabi-moureira @spookys-s @slvtmeow @jinii-desu @mmmaaannnsssiii @3xchooo @kokotakeomi @no-name-jack @barriesandcrem @reidsmexyconverse @waterfallsdown @1980losersliveinme @gabytodd @simp4ren @fffsksixj
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I’m back with more Funnybunny. I’m not sure how well I did with this one, since it kinda just… emerged. Like my last one. It discusses some heavy stuff, but there’s a big fat gross kiss at the end to compensate. Also, Kinger and Zooble cameo at the beginning.
T/W: Depression and discussions of/tasteless Jax jokes about s*icide
Strange Bedfellows
The Stage was empty in the morning. Caine was nowhere to be found. It would be eerily quiet in the tent were it not for Kinger’s mumbling. The oldest performer at the circus paced in a circle around the stage
Kinger: *nervous sing-song* Caine’s not here, Caine’s not here, Caine’s not here…~ We’re gonna miss doing the introooo, Caine’s not here…
*Zooble and Pomni enter from backstage. Zooble rolls their eyes*
Zooble: Ugh, I knew it. KINGER!
*Kinger yelps, flailing his hands around before relaxing a tiny bit*
Kinger: Zooble! New girl! I forgot you were there!
Pomni: Uh, we weren’t-
*Kinger hurries over to them, panting almost comically loud*
Kinger: Caine’s not here! I looked everywhere! *counting on his fingers* The tent, outside, the tent, my room, the basement, the tent- *he grabbed his head* But he’s nowhere! We’re gonna miss the intro and I don’t wanna break the ruuuules!
Zooble: *putting a claw to their forehead* %€$&$ €#£!$#, Kinger, it’s update day. Caine isn’t here because he’s getting a software update. He told us yesterday. And the day before that.
*Kinger suddenly stands up a lot straighter*
Kinger: Oh. So… no adventure today?
Pomni: R-Right. No adventure today.
Zooble: And you’re out here keeping me awake. Come on, Peepaw, let’s get you to bed.
*Zooble takes Kinger’s hand and walks him back towards the bedrooms*
Kinger: My name is Kinger, actually.
*The three of them head back into the hallway. Zooble pauses to look at Pomni*
Zooble: Hey, Pomni. Word of advice. Try and enjoy the quiet moments. They don’t happen all that often.
Kinger: And remember! If you’re quiet and you stay still, they won’t notice you as quickly!
Pomni: Uh… thanks guys. Enjoy your day off.
Pomni waved goodbye and sighed a bit. It wasn’t like she wanted to hang out with “the gang,” but… it beat being alone with her thoughts. She wasn’t quite sure where everyone had gone… unless literally EVERY OTHER PERSON was asleep. Which… was possible, admittedly. She chewed her lip a bit before going back to her room.
Pomni: Enjoy the quiet… *she sighs*
Being alone with her thoughts and no distractions, no way that could go wrong. Sure enough, not long after she shut the door, a creeping misery drooled into her belly. She was never getting out of here… no ifs, ands, or buts. If she didn’t go crazy and turn into one of those abstract creatures, she’d end up a paranoid wreck like Kinger, and everyone else would go crazy. There was no winning. Game over. You lose. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Pomni: I don’t care. *she lies out loud to herself.*
She flopped lifelessly onto her bed, staring at the wall. Maybe if she closed her eyes, she could convince her overcharged brain that it needed some rest. The dark only made her more aware of how much it hurt inside. God did it ever hurt… It wasn’t like a cut where the pain went away after a while. It was like a burn, it just kept on flaring up with new pain long after the initial damage. There was no point to anything… she was a jester forever, a fool for people to laugh at. Not even people… for FAKE people to laugh at. Less than zero.
Pomni: Someone shoot me…
Jax: I got a squirt gun.
Pomni’s eyes flew open, finding her face just a few inches from Jax’s, who rested on the other side of the bed with a big, smarmy grin on his face.
Pomni: JAX-! *she jolts back, scrabbling on the bedsheets for something to grab but ultimately falling off the bed onto her butt*
Jax: Hey Pompom. Comfy bed you got here.
Pomni rose to her feet, hands curled into fists.
Pomni: What the #%!! are you-
Jax: Doing in your room? You left the door unlocked when you went out with Zooble. You gotta get better about that if you want privacy.
Pomni: Jax. I don’t… *tries to start talking, and stops* Can you… Can I… I just want to be alone okay?
Jax: So you can do… what?
Pomni: Sleep.
Jax: You weren’t sleeping.
Pomni: I was trying to.
Jax: Sounded more like you were feelin’ sorry for yourself.
Pomni: Sometimes I can do both, okay? Now get off my bed.
Jax gave an exaggerated stretch before snuggling deeper into Pomni’s pillow. The jester quaked with frustration before turning and stomping to her door. If Jax wanted to be an ass, she’d just go find somewhere else to mope.
Jax: So why do you want to get shot?
Pomni stopped in her tracks.
Pomni: Why do you think?
Jax: Why do I think? Could be for any reason. Maybe you read some of Gangle’s fanfiction. One chapter of that would have me reaching for the Clorox.
Pomni: *fake, derisive laughter* Ha ha ha, you’re sooo funny.
Jax: I’m just sayin’, Pompom, you-
Pomni: Don’t. Call me. POMPOM!
The ensuing silence was palpable. Pomni gave a small gasp and covered her mouth with one hand. She couldn’t remember the last time she had shouted at somebody like that. Sure, she had told off Jax before, but that shout came from somewhere dark and primal…
Jax: Yowza.
Pomni: …I… I didn’t mean to shout like that. I’m sorry… Are you okay?
Jax: *looks back and forth* Yeah? Are you?
Pomni: No.
Jax: Dumb question. Anyway, I’ve razzed you enough. I’ll let you be alone.
Jax hops down off the bed, tucking his hands behind his head and walking towards the door. A hand grabbed him by the back pocket of his overalls.
Jax: Uh-
Pomni: …I’m sorry. *she looks down at the floor*
Jax: It’s… fine?
Pomni: …Jax, I don’t want you to leave. I’m sorry.
Jax: You already said you’re sorry. Can you let go of my pants?
Pomni: I’m sorry, I didn’t… *she lets go* I’m sorry…
Jax: Pomni. What are you sorry for?
Pomni: I… I yelled at you, I-
Jax: I get yelled at all the time. It’s sorta my thing. *awkward smirk*
Pomni: Don’t go… I’m sorry.
Jax: Okay. Come on. You need to calm down.
Without warning, Jax puts his hands under Pomni’s armpits and hoists her up off her feet.
Pomni: Wh- HEY! Jax, what are you-?!
Jax: You’re in one of those… loops. I know how it works. Also, WOW, you weigh like six pounds.
He plopped her onto her bed. Pomni barely had time to register what just happened before Jax sat beside her.
Jax: Look, Pompom… Sorry. Pomni. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be depressed. It’s okay to yell sometimes. But…
He sighed and thought a minute. A faint blush lit up his face.
Jax: You don’t… need to do all that by yourself. I don’t want you to hurt all alone.
Pomni: …Is that why you snuck here? You were worried about me?
The pink on Jax’s cheeks grew more pronounced as he crossed his arms.
Jax: Y-Yeah, whatever you want to believe.
Pomni took his hand, a tiny, grateful smile across her face. Jax tried his best to look uninterested, but it wasn’t a very convincing look. Pomni held his other hand and there was an electric silence as they looked at each other.
Pomni: I… don’t…
The invisible barrier fell down and their lips met. It was a kiss of both inexperience and pent-up emotion. Both the jester and the rabbit felt all their reservations melt away as they kissed each other. It didn’t matter if someone found out. It didn’t matter if one of them was going to die later… they wanted this. They NEEDED this.
Jax fell onto his back as Pomni climbed on top of him. There was a moment of hesitation before they began to kiss again. Tender but eager. Pomni let out a fluttery sigh from the very back of her throat as she felt Jax’s hand on the back of her head. Gentle, wordless encouragement…
At some point, the kiss broke and they laid apart from each other on opposite sides of the bed, flushed and panting.
Pomni: …Are you okay?
Jax: Y-Yeah. Better than okay.
Pomni: I think I am too. I’m… I…
Pomni blinked in surprise.
Pomni: …I’m tired.
Jax: That’s okay.
Pomni: …Will you stay with me?
Jax: Yeah. Course. Definitely.
Pomni could tell he was still processing what just happened. But it was okay. Maybe it wouldn’t be okay later… but for now it was okay. She rolled over and laid her head on his chest, holding his hand. She felt him squeeze it.
Moments later she fell asleep.
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eternal-3clipse · 5 months
Continuation of this: by @mslanna
Nobody’s Fool; A Fox in sharp armor
Tav breathed a laugh as the spell echoed into Ksula’s very bones. He was frozen, limbs stiff no matter how hard he willed himself to move. The quickly took Kayla’s blade and pushed the much larger devil to the floor. On their knees heel digging into their spine, a vixen/todd’s grin on their face.
“Oh please, you think he’d be the one to kill me? When I’m asked to do a job. I don’t stop still it’s done.”
They dig their heels into his spine, Ksula can only look ahead unable to scream. Sternly growling out that ‘done’ with a frosted look. Raphael grins at the sight, of course his tricksy little paladin would succeed even with a blade to their throat. He signaled for the final blow. With his own blade Ksula’s head rolls from it’s devilish body, now limp and bleeding.
“So, next battle”
Tav crosses their arms putting the larger blade on their back. The move is so casual. Raphael stares in satisfaction of the outcome if not a little shaken at the thought of his precious mouse headless and bleeding instead of Ksula. Yet he took no moment to process only pack it away for later as he walked forward, he small legion of squads following behind. Raphael walks in front, Yurgir, Tav, and Korilla behind him but together, they talk in hushed Whispers Yurgir first.
“Even with a blade to your throat you held no fear”
“No duh, he wasn’t gonna waste time saving me, but he did stall for time, so coming up with a plan was easy enough.”
Korilla was about to say something but decided not to. She saw the way her patron looked upon the newest soul bound servant. She knew the human side of her devilish master. Ever since he met them he knew their steeled self would be of use. Only after the defeat of the brain had he considered them more. Her frequent tracking of them and their merry band of misfits and weirdos was proof enough. Even sending her to save them on an occasion or two, the urgency in his voice didn’t hide his fear, vulnerability, care.
Raphael on the other hand winced internally at Tav’s words. He did care for them, he did wish for something more with them. His beloved had the glint of a fox’s eye, maybe he wished to bring that out in his mouse. Their figure covered in blood certainly was a sight for devilish eyes. Maybe he wanted the opposite as well, for Tav to teach him how to hold his humanity not with shame or locked away in the void of his heart but as a part of him. Maybe he wanted— no, now wasn’t the time. He has a base to make out of Ksula’s tower.
The tower was raided by Yurgir’s squad to be brought back to the house of hope and sorted. Korilla and the archivist sorted items to be kept, auctioned, and disguarded. Tav stayed with Raphael as a body guard and conversation starter. Haarlep had crawled out of the boudoir to watch the ordered chaos. Smirking to themself they plopped on top of Raphael and Tav sitting on their laps on a sofa.
“So, how was the meeting with Ksula?”
Haarlep says wrapping his arms around Raphael. Tav looks over, armor discarded on the floor a while ago. They yawn reaching for a pillow.
“It was successful.”
“Almost got beheaded but beheaded Ksula instead”
Tav yawns before leaning on the pillow in their lap. Haarlep ‘awws’ at Tav kissing their forehead earning a growl from Raphael as he pulls his tired mouse to rest on his arm. Haarlep chuckles to themself as he lays down in a warm cuddle pile. Compared to the frosted flames of Cania, Avernus was a nice reprieve from the cold.
Raphael would not have Haarlep claiming what’s his, but maybe, just maybe he’d let his pet indulge. But for now he held his little paladin and pet by his side. Ksula was the 2nd to last of Mephistopheles’ guardian demons before himself. Soon all would be right. Soon his claim of his father’s archive would award more power than just the crown of Karsus but also other artifacts of the fallen wizard.
Maybe he’d be able to convince his mouse of an extended contract. It only ended once Mephistopheles was ended, yet this would not be the final act between him and his sweet mouse.
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devinescribe · 6 months
I’m Right Here
Ch. 4 of “My Sunshine” [TreechxReader]
Warnings: Swearing, mention of Brandy’s body being hung up(it happened in the book), and I think that’s it?
The tributes stared in shock. You, a Capitol girl, stood in the middle of the zoo cage, apologizing. Apologizing for things you hadn't done. You just didn't know how to put your words together.
"For a minute- just a minute, I-i forgot where we were... I wasn't back home.... I forgot... that you're in the Hunger Games... and I feel like an ignorant fool. I-I shoulda... stopped her. Should've noticed... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," you weeped, falling to your knees.
It remained quiet for a bit, the only sound being your hiccups and apologies. Until you felt a hand on your shoulder. At first, you thought it was Treech. But it was too small.
You looked up and saw Dill.
"It's not your fault..." she whispered, her voice hoarse.
You stood up immediately, bringing her in to an embrace.
"You're a real sweet girl," you whispered.
How you hoped you didn't have to watch her die.
"I should be the one comforting you guys... I'm sorry for cryin' like that..." you said, a bit embarrassed of how you acted.
"You've got feelings too. Can't expect you to hide 'em... at least we know you're sorry," Lucy Gray said. The group hummed in agreement.
Soon they went away from the wall, going off to their own corners of the cage.
Treech pulled you away to a corner where Lamina was already sitting.
You remembered her slightly from schools. She was really quiet though, and you never really talked to her.
You felt Treech lay his head on your lap, and you took off his hat, placing it gently besides you. You then begsn to run your fingers through his hair, humming a song you two used to sing when you were kids. It was a lullaby. Soon he fell asleep.
"Today's the first day I've seen him smile," Lamina says, playing with her hair.
You look up at her, your (e/c) eyes meeting with her green ones with a confused look.
"After you left... he was a wreck. Inconsolable for weeks. Didn't really talk to anyone... he still doesn't. He goes off every day in those woods by himself, people say he's angry and that's why he gets so much wood... he don't talk much... but he's kind," she whispers.
"Lamina, I... I'm sorry I wasn't kind to you as a kid," you said.
It was her turn to be confused.
"I should've invited you to play with us... something," you said quietly.
"It's really no big deal. You're here now. And we're talkin' now... so the score is settled. Plus I finally got to taste those famous chocolate chip cookies he used to brag about gettin'. Ya know he was a little asshole," she giggled.
You gave a small laugh.
"I'm gonna hit the hay... good night," she said, laying down.
You smiled, waiting before hearing her soft snores. You softly moved Treech off of your lap, trying to not wake him up, but you failed, making him groan and whine.
"Nooo.... Come back," he mumbled, gripping onto your skirt.
He was like a five year old.
You lay besides him, and kept running your hand through his hair.
"Close your eyes, my love, so dear...Underneath the night so clear. Dream of worlds beyond this one, Where the gentle moon and stars do run. Rest your head upon my chest, Feel the rhythm, soft and blessed. In dreams, may this forever shine, In your heart, for all of time," you sang softly, watching a smile spread across his lips as he fell right back asleep.
You curled up besides him, falling asleep almost instantly.
The next morning you awoke due to some giggling. You groggily opened your eyes, groaning. In front of you, you saw Wovey. She was giggling. Then you saw Lucy Gray smiling. You thought she may have something to ask or say.
You tried to stand up, but then realized the weight on you.
"Oh how wonderful..." you mumbled.
When you were kids, falling asleep with Treech ended with you being squished. It was a death sentence if you had any important things to do that day because you were not leaving till he woke up.Not on purpose. But he was a dog. A puppy begging for attention.
His arms were wrapped around you, his head on your chest, half his body on top of you.
"Treech... hey... time to wake up," you said softly, shaking him awake softly.
He groaned and opened his eyes.
"Mind hoppin' off me? You ain't small no more. The difference is quite large," you said jokingly.
"Shit, sorry sunshine... oh fuck, sorry Wovey. I-"
You put a hand over his mouth.
"There we go. So pretty when you don't talk," you joked.
He pouted.
The peacekeepers came in and you stood up defensively, going to protect them.
"Ms. (L/N), it's time for you to head on home to change. You have interviews today," one spoke.
"She's... still going ahead?" You asked.
"With interviews. The games will be slightly delayed. It's alright, the Plinth Prize is still-"
"I don't give a damn 'bout some money I don't need," you interrupted.
You looked back at the tributes, and down to Treech. He looked sick. Like he was going to throw up.
"Alright, out," the peacekeeper said, grabbing your arm.
You ripped it away and they pointed their guns at your
"Just because you're Capitol now doesn't mean that everyone views you as such. They know you're just a district mutt, and won't mind seeing you shot dead after what happened yesterday," they spat.
You looked back, and to stop from any problems arising, you walked straight to the gate. The guard let you out. Looking back at the cage, you sighed.
It had been a long day for you two. The long hike up to the lake, and then the swimming for hours.
You both sat under a tree, his head on your shoulder.
"That... song you sang the other night... what was it?" He asked.
"I made it up," you giggled, watching the sunset over the water. The pine trees on the other bank of the lake were illuminated in its golden light.
"That's... why I call you sunshine," he said, seemingly out of no where.
You turned to look at him confused.
"The way it lights up the trees... kinda like how you light me up... and it's pretty," he explained, giving a toothy grin.
You were at the Academy earlier than the rest of the people. Earlier than everyone except for Snow and Sejanus.
"You stayed there all night are you-"
"Fucking crazy? I'm district but-"
"No way I'm hell would I have stayed-"
"Shut up! Both of y'all..." you yelled, sitting in a chair across from them, laying your head in the table.
You felt a hand softly tap your arm three times.
'Are you ok.'
"I... I'm as ok as can be Sej..." you whispered, grabbing his hand."Y'know... for a while... I forgot they were tributes... forgot about the games... forgot where I was... I thought I had finally just woken up from the nightmare, and woken up back in Seven and Treech was dancin' with me for fun and games..."
The silence was deafening.
You could feel Sejanus's hand squeeze yours before tracing gentle patterns on it.
"These games aren't fair. They aren't... it's just killing kids to kill kids! For what? A punishment? It's disgusting," Sejanus was pissed off as he said this.
"You can't keep saying that you're going to get in trouble," Coryo hissed.
You hummed in agreement. You loved Sejanus. With all your heart, you loved Sejanus. But he was going to get himself killed. Some days you wondered if he was going to hate you as much as Capitol kids for not speaking up. You kept your head down on the table.
"I've... I've never seen you as happy as I did last night," Snow mused.
You nodded. You were happy. Before the incident, you had forgotten where you were.
"We aren't happy here in the Capitol, Coryo," Sejanus sighed, as he stood up walking next to you.
He looked so confused when you looked up. In his mind, the districts were full of people clamoring to kill each other, starving, like animals.
You sighed and sat up, putting your head on Sejanus's shoulder.
"Well... interviews are today... and so is Arachne's funeral... hey, Coryo, did you finish your assignment?" You mumbled, looking up at him.
He nodded and pulled out the folder he had placed them in, his best handwriting scrawled across the parchment.
"Clemensia didn't write a word," you said, looking between him and the paper.
You could tell he as shifted uncomfortably in his seat, that you were correct. But he was going to lie and cover for Clemensia.
'Do not take the blame for someone who would throw you to the wolves if their life was in danger.'
"You're gonna get hurt climbin' up so high one day," Treech shouted up at you.
You had climbed a tall tree almost to the top.
"Nuh uh!" Was all you exclaimed before sitting on a branch.
He looked into the dense forest, studying the area around. It was quiet. Almost too quiet. He had grown accustomed to the sound of birds and the rustling of the leaves, but it was completely and utterly silent.
"(N/N)... I don't like this..." he called up to you. "It's too quiet, come on let's go."
He heard you huff and yell out a 'fine'
Soon you were back down on the forest floor and your hand was in his hand, he started taking you back. He really did not feel good about right now. He knew the only time the woods went quiet was when there was either a big storm coming or predators. Big ones. Or large groups of them.
But he'd never felt scared to encounter a predator. This must be something else completely.
"You worry too much," you whispered as you walked back through the woods into town. He kept looking back behind you.
You heard a voice call out and then some footsteps. Treech definitely did not like that. He dragged you to a tree, urging you to climb.
You wanted to be snarky and say something like "oh now I can climb" but you didn't, seeing the fear in his eyes. You quickly climbed the tree, him right behind you.
Sitting in the branch, right next to him. He pulled you close and did a shushing motion.
Once again stuck in a tree as soldiers passed under you. You felt something cold go over your legs and then felt something tickling your chin. You looked down and saw a snake. Your eyes widened and you tried your hardest to not scream. It wasn't big. But it was a venomous one.
In a swift motion, Treech pulled it off, throwing it down.
You both heard a scream and looked down. You both squished together as the soldier looked up. You swore your eyes met his.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Fucking tree snake," the soldier said, keeping his gaze on you.
Whether he saw you or not, you didn't know.
The soldiers passed and you waited for a few moments after.
Maybe the people in the Capitol were not all horrible.
The people in the Capitol were all horrible.
The interviews had been pushed back.
You first had to go the Arachne’s funeral. They asked Coriolanus to sing the anthem and so he did.
Suddenly you felt Sejanus grab your arm, “don’t look.”
You wished you would have listened. You wished you had just kept your head down in mourning. But you didn’t.
You looked up and saw Brandy strung up, her corpse as some sort of decoration.
You gasped, and immediately started bawling your eyes out, hiding your face in Sejanus’s chest. Many people thought you were crying tears for Arachne. Which in part was true because you didn’t wish death upon anyone.
But the reason you were so upset was Brandy. They had removed her pretty scarf and sweater that you had buttoned last night. The way they had her strung up for everyone to see. She was just a kid. Like you.
“S-she’s cold,” you whispered in between your sobs to Sejanus.
“Heart wrenching stuff here. (Y/N) mourning the loss of her friend Arachne and-“
You couldn’t listen to this. You walked out sobbing, and Sejanus came behind you.
Maybe they would think you were so overcome by grief of Arachne being gone. But you were not mourning Arachne’s death. The entirety of the Capitol would already be doing that. You would be mourning Brandy, a girl who died without even stepping foot into the arena.
“I-I can’t I can’t- I thought I could-“ you cry as Sejanus wraps his arms around you, your tears soaking into his uniform.
There were, of course camera people outside who recorded you, sobbing into the arms of your friend.
“You’re going to be ok… it’s ok, just breathe,” he mumbled.
“I-it’s not fair… how could they do that? That’s someone’s daughter…” you whispered through sniffles.
You didn’t want the people filming to record your words. You wished they would stop.
Treech watched the TV that all the tributes were forced to see. He didn’t know what was going on, but decided watching it was better than sitting bored.
He couldn’t have been more wrong
He should have known. He should have known that when they forced them to watch the TV that it wasn’t going to be anything good.
A gasp was ripped from his throat as he looked down, unable to watch the horrific thing they had done.
One tribute threw up. Some started crying.
He heard crying coming from the TV and his head shot up. He knew that crying. His eyes searched the TV until saw you walking out with the boy you called ‘Sejanus’ tailing after you.
The camera quickly cut to outside in the hallway where he saw Sejanus wrap his arms around you. He couldn’t help but feel a gnawing sense of jealousy. He was upset about the situation as it was, but it added to it. He couldn’t even stop her crying. Why were the cameras filming for so long on her?
He didn’t realize how hard his fists were clenched until the end of the broadcast. As soon as the TV shut off, his shoulders slumped and he looked down at his hands. He had crescent shaped dents, a small bit of blood from one of his hands from how hard he had been clenching his fists.
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kormiato · 2 months
Hi! Its me again! I wanted to ask if you could write some hcs for Eugene and Delsin dropping off their male s/o (or gender neutral if you preffer) to college and getting a lil clingy cuz they wanna spend time with their bf, and maybe both being a lil worried about how their s/os Friends are going to react since both delsin and Eugene are conduits?( it turns out fine cuz their s/o's Friends are pretty chill and fun).
Thanks in advance! Have a nice day!.
OH. MY. GOD. IT'S BEEN SO DAMN LONG SINCE I'M SO TERRIBLY SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG, I WAS OUT OF THE TUMBLR ALL THIS TIME, I'LL BE BETTER, I SWEAR. Anyway! I love that you still give me requests, you're literally the best! I send a big warm hug to you through the screen and I hope you have a nice day as well. (I hope that I got your request right btw)
Eugene Sims and Delsin Rowe dropping off their s/o to college (Male!Reader)
You were looking like a zombie as you were brushing your teeth. Sleepy, slow zombie. You went to sleep at 3 am and woke up at 6.30. It wasn't that surprising that you were so sleepy, right? But why did you end up sleeping so little? The answer is simple. Delsin and Eugene. You were up at night playing games, eating pizza and laughing with your boyfriends. You can't say you regretted it, since it really helped you relax and have fun. But right this moment you just wanted to fall asleep with your head in the sink.
As you were almost falling asleep while standing in the bathroom, you saw a head popping out of the doorframe. "Heya! Wow, you look like a wreck." Delsin's voice ringed along with the following slurp of his coffee. You just chuckled along and smiled, glancing at the man from the corner of your eye.
"Good morning to you too, Del." You muttered in response, your voice is slurred from the sleepiness and the brush in your mouth. You finished with your morning procedure and splashed your face with cold water to wake up faster. That's when you smelled a coffee right under your nose. And noticed a coffee mug that Delsin holds for you, smiling as he does so. "There you go, pretty boy." He says with a small wink and chuckles softly at how cute you look right now.
You thanked him and took a sip of your coffee with a satisfied hum coming from you right after it. The coffee was just the way you liked. Perfect way to start a day. As you walked in the kitchen you saw Eugene who was as sleepy as you were while drinking his own coffee. It seemed like you all know who'll be responsible for driving this time.
You tried to tell them both a countless times yesterday that they don't have to drop you off to college and that you're a big boy and you can get there yourself. But they just won't listen. They just wanted to spend some more time with you and make sure you were safe, they were almost begging you to let them drop you off to college next time (mostly Delsin was the one begging, Eugene looked like a small pleading kitten without any words, just by one look at this boy). So you couldn't turn down such a sweet gesture.
As you both got in the car that obviously Delsin took from Reggie, since there was a police siren on top of it, you almost started to fall asleep. The sound of the car moving slowly was soothing and quiet, making you sleepy again. And Delsin noticed it. So he turned on the music. He turned on a Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd and that made you wake up once again. You wanted to frown and be annoyed because it startled you, but you couldn't when you saw Delsin smiling, nodding his head and tapping his finger against the wheel to the rhythm and mimicking the guitar parts while you were standing on the red lights. It was too fun and cute and eventually you started nodding your head as well, tapping your finger against the car door. Eugene didn't seem to mind and just smiled as he saw both of you fooling around.
It was a fun ride, filled with jokes, laughter and music. It was so fun that the three of you haven't noticed that you got to the college. Delsin parked the car (carefully ofc, he knows that Reggie won't give him head pats for damaging his car) and the three of you got out of the car. You were smiling, happy that you got to the college in a good mood thanks to your boyfriends. You hugged and kissed them both, thanking them for giving you a ride and accompanying you. They were both only happy to do so. Though Eugene looked a little nervous. Which haven't go unnoticed by both you and Delsin.
"Hey, Eugene, what's wrong? You seem a little... Restless." You said softly, your brows slightly furrowed in concern. He just rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly looking away and then at the students at the gates. Eugene seemed uncomfortable by something.
"Well, it's just... We're conduits. Won't there be problems because of it?" The boy muttered quietly. Delsin seemed to frown as he realized that too. He wasn't afraid of someone being against him and Eugene just because they're conduits, but he didn't want you, their boyfriend, to have problems because of it. He wanted to offer Eugene to just go back home to not create any problems, but you stopped them with a laughter. "Come on, guys. It's gonna be fine. I promise. My friends are nice people." You assured them. But it didn't make their worries go away completely.
That's when one of your friends appeared, waving at you in a greeting, a smile on their face. "Hey! We've been waiting for you!" You heard one of your friend calling for you and when you looked in direction of their voice you saw a group of your friends coming your way. You smiled and greeted them happily. And Eugene, meanwhile, involuntarily took a small step to the side to hide behind you and Delsin. He was for sure uncomfortable and anxious about this whole thing.
Yet, well, people should be blind to not see that you were not the only one standing there. And your friends' interested piqued. They started smiling even more and asking who are they, while lightly teasing you in process with phrases like 'hey, I didn't know you came here with your bodyguards or something'. It made you laugh and blush a little. You really liked your friends, they were fun and accepting. That's why you happily introduced Delsin and Eugene to them.
Delsin immediately put on the cocky smirk as he shook one of your friends' hand, appearing almost flirty. You knew that he does it just to get a reaction out of you. Which he does perfectly well, because you nudged him in the side with your elbow, making him laugh out loud as well as your friends.
Eugene didn't talk much and just said a small "hello". He looked pretty adorable, you must admit, but you also didn't like him being nervous, since it made you feel concerned and protective of him. You gently took his hand in yours to ease his nerves, which helped a little. And your friends noticed Eugene's nervousness as well. "Hey, what's wrong?" One of them asked. The three of you got silent and you looked at Delsin and Eugene as if asking for a permission to tell your friends the truth. Delsin just shrugged at this, as if to say 'go on'. So you took a deep breath and said, "well... Delsin and Eugene are... Conduits."
Awkward silence hung over all of you, making it a little uncomfortable. But it was only for a second before your friends sighed in relief and laughed, saying that they were scared it was something serious. That statement made Delsin and Eugene look at each other, then at you and then at your friends with wide eyes. They were used to people being disgusted, or afraid with conduits. Yet here your friends are, actually... Accepting it. Not that they minded, of course.
"So..." Delsin broke the small laughing moment between your friends. "Just to make sure. It's chill, right? We're chill? No... like, hate or something?" he asked, trying to appear nonchalant, yet still wanting to be confident that it's all okay and there's no problem about it. Your friends smiled with a nod.
"Sure, why the hell should it not be okay?" one of them replied simply, as if it's obvious. Yet... if for them it was okay and nothing serious, you could feel Eugene visibly relax, his grip on your hand relaxed as well as his face. Delsin got relaxed too, letting out a breathless laughter, as if sighing in relief. He nodded multiple times as if to say "yeah. Yeah, we're safe, we're okay, we're chill".
This sight made you smile with a warm feeling blooming in your chest. You felt like you dropped a very large backpack from your back. You was right. Your friends are really nice and that made you proud of having them. And also you felt like the luckiest man in the world to have Delsin and Eugene. Conduits or not, they brighten your days and you want people to accept them, to love them as much as you love them (though they better love them platonically, you won't like them having a crush on your boys, that's for sure). And now, there's a few more people in their lives that do so. "How about we meet after college and go out somewhere? My treat," you said nonchalantly, to change the subject and lighten the mood. And when everyone agreed, you thought to yourself that this will be a great day after all.
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digeethegenie · 10 days
The Tears of Yuyujo Yujo
Day 15 - Open Day 2 - Tears Heavensward (3.0) - Divine Intervention DRK 50 - Our Answer CW - Swearing.
The sight that greated Yujo when she reached Camp Dragonhead ripped a gasp from her mouth. Everyone, from the soldiers to the infirmary staff, sprawled out with clear brusing.
None dead, from what she could see, though. This was pre-meditated, She wanted them to know what hit them.
And she knew why.
In the middle stood Fray. Standing proud in the middle of the destruction she had wrecked. Yujo knew that under the veil of the dark knight, a smile was twisting into place.
She looked at herself and smirked, "They knew what happened at the banquet. And they still had the guall to ask us to 'surrender your weapon'? Mad, the whole stupid lot of them."
Indeed, the places where the people on the ground were hit were exactly the sort of places a mark would be left if hit full on by a martial arte, in particlar those of the pugilist's guild or the Fist of The Destroyer.
This only confirmed what Yujo had been susspecting for some time. Ever since the indicent in Limsa Laminsa, when Frey had said he had regretted getting on 'that' tiny boat of theirs.
Not caring that her secret was out, Fray spred her hands out to invite Yujo.
"Pay attention, Yuyujo Yujo, this could be the greatest moment of our life…"
She then shruged, as if almost laughing, "That is, if you could stop denying the truth that has been staring at you the moment we met."
Yujo closed her eyes. She knew Fray, the man, was dead, and even begining to cool by the time she got to him. Another person lost because-
"You're doing it again." The poison in Fray's words struck at Yujo because She was right. All those times, every last one, another stone for her to carry on her small back. A man she never met and had inspected on a whim of hearing the chatter of drunkards was no diffrent.
Fray looked at her, a red glint shining off her eyes. "It is time to stop dancing, Yuyujo. The dead you shepard to the Farplane with it do not deserve it and the living far, far, less."
Again, true. What did she owe anyone who had died? Fools who went rushing into danger and got torn apart, self apointed defenders of the realm, their murderers and a tyrant. None of them deserved their peace.
And the living had made their case plain with sophistry, curelity and betrayl.
"Say our name. Say it!" Fray said as she reached to pull her viel off. "My real name…"
With an impressive pull, Fray ripped the viel off her head and threw the helmet away, revealing a blond huyr woman bearing the same features as Yujo. Each freckle exactly where they should be.
"The fantasia, that's where it went…" Yujo muttered to herself.
"… Say it, Yuyujo! Our real name!"
Yujo stared at Yuyujo's tiny frame as she looked ashamed.
"The man was dead from the start and you. Did. Not. Care! You had his sword, and his soul crystal. But what you needed- what you have needed ever since that mammot drowned herself in the poison of her city's infinite averice- was a mentor. She who had gifts and knowlege and one other thing. You needed a dark knight who could mould you into who you wanted to be."
Yuyujo's gaze shifted downward to the ground. She was a child being admonished by her parent.
"You want, more than anything, to be anything other than Yujo Palms. To be free of the shackles of the epitat 'Warrior of light', and to become someone who could say and do the things such a man-made-messiah could not."
That, Yuyujo couldn't deny.
"… Even now, you can't let go. You are denying the absolute truth of it. Well, deny me all you want. You can not deny what we have done."
Yujo's eyes glowed read as she stared at her victims, their faces twisting with terror as she did so.
Yuyujo couldn't even bear to look at them.
Yujo's attention turned back to look at Yuyujo, and scowled.
"Have I not been good to you? Given you everything I promised? The ability to hear the wispers of our very soul?"
The dark aether ignighted around Yujo's body like a crude parody of The Destroyer's Aura, her eyes glowing with the inensity of the sun. "Open your eyes, Yuyujo Yujo, Do you see now? Do you see?!"
Suddenly, Yujo lost her footing and colapsed, first to her knees and then, inspite of Yuyujo's insistance, crumpling onto he ground. Her aura burning like it was a cermation fire burning Fray's body.
Out of the fires came a small figgure. A lalafell. A certain Lalafell. Yujo. Her body covered by a jet black armour. The truth of her promise to Yuyujo. The vision of the the true self that she wanted so desperately to become.
Yujo Palms stared at her other, her red eyes glowing. "Eveything up to now has been your story…" then she unsethed her sword and readied for combat.
"… and everything hereafter shall be mine!"
Yuyujo had barely enough time to push the knight that had acompynied her out of the way of Yujo's attack before she caught the oversided sword on her side and was swung to the side.
If it had not been the side of the sword, she would have been cut in twain.
Yujo shook her head as she looked at the crumpled mess that was her other. "I really can't kill myself, can I? Oh I'll try, Oh gods, I will certainly try. Tried so many times before. Even succeded once thanks to the Ascian. But we will fail."
Yuyujo pulled herself up just in time to see Yujo's body dissaper in a flash step and reapear in front of her to smack her to the side. She could only gasp out in pain as she sprawlled away only for Yujo to grab her.
Shouting at her double to get off her, Yuyujo pulled back her hands and threw them foreward channeling whatever aether she could into a Steel Peak strike. Yujo was pushed back, the amrour plating of her boots screaming as they scraped on the stone ground.
A manic grin crossed Yujo's face.
"Yes! That's it! It's time! Embrace the Abyss, Yuyujo, set us free!"
It was Yuyujo's turn to thunderclap her way at speed towards her shadow, with a pained yell she pulled back and threw a punch which Yujo caught effortlessly. In kind, Yujo kicked Yuyujo away, grabbed her as she realed back, and started throwing hands.
With no other means of defending herself, Yuyujo fought back in kind. The exchange of furious blows began to cut both lalafell with no clear winner of the exchange.
A quick jab was all it took to break Yuyujo's assult as she kneeled over. Yujo towered over her and bellowed out an intense laugh.
Then a shield bounced itself off Yujo's head, cutting off her laughter. She turned to scowl at the sight of Drillemont catching the shield. "Pull yourself togeher, Yujo! You're stronger than this!"
"One of your "friends"? Really?" she said shaking her head. Then she pulled her hand to her forehead, pooling her aether to her fingertips. "This is a 'private' affair…" A shadow of Silvairre formed next to her who pulled on the strings of its bow. "… and you know it!" she then threw her hand foreward, the shadow releaseing its bow at the same time. A wave of pure malice shot towards Drillemont at speed who only had seconds to sheild himself.
Instaniously, Yuyujo flash steped using the aether of her right foot and got between Drillemont and the shot. She screamed as she pulled all the aether she could into her right hand and swiped the wave away causing it to explode in her hand.
She screamed as she fell to her knees, grasping her hand, burst open from the explosion.
The scowl on Yujo's face returned. "You're doing it 'again'!" she screamed at Yuyujo who was out of her mind in pain. "Do you know how rediclous you look, flaling like a wild beast against your true self? We can be free, Yuyujo! WHY ARE YOU DENYING ME?!".
Yujo's body slumped and she shook her head. Then she drew her sword. "I am finishing this. A devided house can not stand."
Yuyujo could do nothing as the shadow rushed towards her, and pulled back her sword to cut the lalafell down. She braced herself for the bite of the shadow's sword only to open her eyes and see the shadow struggling to press her sword down a barrier.
"What?" The two said at the same time before a red flash shot past and crashed into Yujo's body, sending her flying back. As the flash landed on the ground, it formed itself into a small, vibrating creature half of Yuyujo's size that stood gaurd over the lalafell like the best of dogs defending their master.
"A Carbuncle?" Yuyujo asked before turning around to see Alphinaud, his tome open and acompanied by Haurchefant.
Yujo looked at them and then broke into a laugh, "And the prodical arsehole returns! Don't you have another life to ruin somewhere else, Milksup?!"
Before Yuyujo could even register her confusion, she was pulled to Alphinaud's side with a quick cast of rescue.
Before she could say anything he lent down to her level and hugged her. "I didn't know. I honestly didn't know. I'm sorry! Yujo, I am so, so sorry!"
Spent, Yuyujo could only stare over Alphinaud's sholder.
"I took you for granted. Saw the pain you were in and dismissed it as something normal for The Warrior of Light, spoke horridly of you behind your back and- through my hubris- caused so much destruction. I know you could never forgive me but… "
Yuyujo was fighting back the tears. "It's too late, far too late. I've done awful things and now…"
"That's right…" Yujo uttered. "They've borne witnes to the darkness within us. The uglyness festering under the mask. There is only one option now, Yuyujo. We can still be free."
"Yujo! Yujo, Listen to us!"
Both Yuyujo and Yujo's attentions were pulled to a young chirurgon woman accompanied by two knights. She was Cenota, a young woman in Drillemont's employ that Yujo had helped before.
"We'll never forsake you, no matter what!"
Next to her, a silver haired elezan, Clotaririon, another person who Yuyujo had helped before, chimed in. "We all know who you are, Yujo. We know and so should you!"
Drillemont nodded to confirm what his knight and chirurgon had said and turned to look at Yuyujo. The entire camp, now back on their feet, stood behind him, behind Yuyujo.
Yuyujo closed her eyes, a single tear escaping, and uttered through a tense throat. "Thank you…"
"Sophistry! Utter shite muttered to keep the leash wrapped around your stupid neck! Wipe the slate clean? Forgive and forget?! What horseshit! Yours is an amazing display of willful ignorance. They 'will' betray you again, Yuyujo! All it takes is one opotunity to get what they want, and you 'will' be back at that banquet."
She then pointed at Alphinaud. "And that Milksup, that lordling of all lordlings, will smile as the ungrateful tear you appart!"
"You're right." Alphinaud said, calmly. "I was the sort of lordling that assumed he had the answer to the star's problems in the palm of his hand and the right to controll the ignorant masses."
Yujo's smirk twisted in manic glee at that confession.
"But never again." He opened his book and channeled his aether into it. "This is my promise to you, Yujo Palms, Yuyujo Yujo! Never again!"
The carbuncle glowed from the aether of its master and ran to Yuyujo's side. It embraced the lalafell, causing them both to glow. Yuyujo could feel the aether quicken her body's recovery response. Her hand began to mend, leaving scars from the explosion but soon enough, the feeling had returned to it and she was back to full fighting form.
She stood up, ready to finish the fight.
"Oh, and something from me." Haurchefant said as he fished his pockets for something, pulled out her bandana, and handed it to her with a smile. "A smile better suits a hero such as you. So go, be that hero."
Yuyujo nodded her thanks to her stedfast ally and then turned back to stare at Yujo.
She said nothing as she pulled the bandana over her forehead and tied it. Her promise to the victims of the waking Sands masacare made manifest clung tightly to her, as it had always done, and she was more than willing to carry in her heart. She took position in the fighting form of the coeurl.
"It seems we're at the endgame, Yuyujo. Fine. Let's finish this." Yujo uttered as she drew her sword.
In an instant, both lalafell rushed towards each other, yelling a lifetime of hurt, betrayl, suffering, anguish, joy, companionship, peace, and happiness.
"Limit breaking Mystic Arte of the Destroyer! One Thousand Thundercracking Kicks, Tornado Kick!"
"Limit breaking Mystic Arte of the Morning Star! The Fifteen Swords of The Self; Omnislash, Version D!"
The two lalafell collided, their aetheric auras clashing and exploding all at once. With a final scream, Yujo threw her sword down to cut down Yuyujo only for one swift kick to connect, breaking her hold on the sword, another to send it flying, and for the remaining nine-hundred-and-nighty-eight to pummel her and send her sprawling to the floor.
Yuyujo stood and exhailed as the sword landed behind Fray's body, slaming itself upright into the ground.
Yujo got up, laughing, "It seems I underestimated you…" she said before colapsing onto her knee. "… so… what now…? Back to before? Bliss in ignorance before one day, nothing?"
Yuyujo closed her eyes and walked towards Yujo. When she reached her shadow, she simply knelt down closed her eyes and held her hand out.
"Yuyujo?" Yujo asked before she realised what she was doing. She smiled to herself and scoffed. "So this is our answer, is it?" A twinge of sadness crossed her face. "Very well, listen to my voice, our hearbeat and listen."
She held her hand out and met with Yuyujo's and pulled the both of them into the dark blue fields of Yuyujo's heart. She stood with her back to Yuyujo.
"If this is how it has to be. Then so be it. But know this. When you tire of the cherade of being Yujo Palms, the Warrior of Light. I will be here, as I have always been, ready to take the reins."
The shadow looked up to the stary sky of Yuyujo's heart and smiled to herself.
"All you need to do is ask."
Yujo sat on the cold stone of Camp Dragonhead as the shadow that was Yujo disapated into a black cloud of aether and pryerflies and opened her aether blue eyes to see Alphinaud, Haurchefant and the rest of the camp looking over her.
"Yujo? A-are you okay?"
A smile graced Yuyujo Yujo's face as her eyes began to watter and tears and snot began to stream down. Her smile still there she shook her head.
"No, No I am not okay. I haven't been okay for a long time. Thank you, Alphinaud."
As she sat on the ground, having gained her Answer. Yujo felt whole for the first time in a long time.
And for just a short time, Ishgard was at peace as they bore witness to the Tears of Yuyujo Yujo.
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zedpercyfan · 2 years
Ash’s Courting of the Ladies (XY&Z)
Y’know, upon re-watching the episode of Pokemon XY when they attend that dance party, Ash Ketchum is a strangely amorous creature.  I’ll admit his somewhat overly passive nature in XY is an annoyance to me but watching him be so chill around his opposite sex this episode is hilarious.
Dude just takes it in his stride when Miette asks him explicitly to be her date and is so polite about it, is more disappointed in himself for not dancing properly with the almost-looks-like-Misty-with-long-hair girl, open to getting tips on how to dance from Aria, and is completely relaxed and having fun when we see him with the black-haired girl in the purple and pink dress.  
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And just when he’s about to dance with the girl with whom he’s been traveling with, his friend Serena, the dance music ends and he’s just totally chill about it!  LOL, at least he still had the manners to ask if she had fun.
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Dude can dance with Misty and tried to ask Dawn to dance but Serena got NOTHING.  I may not be an Amourshipper but even I feel bad for them for getting ghosted like that.  CLEMONT was more of a wreck with the ladies than Ash is.  Like, Ketchum may be a dense fool, but he can court.  Hot diggity damn.
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Get your shit together, Clemont xD.
Ash can at least laugh at himself and apologizes to his dates.
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infinitethree · 2 years
hello day and his sons! i wanted to ask if your family celebrates any holidays, and what your favorite ones are if you do!
It seems as though this time, the family is eating dinner.
Or, at least, they were trying to eat dinner. Everyone’s expression falls somewhere between murderous and tired.
That is, except for Theo, who doesn’t stop speaking despite hearing the question. He’s got a wide grin, almost taunting. “Really, it’s your own fuckin’ fault that you don’t hide shit you care about! If you don’t fuckin’ want me to hold stuff ransom, don’t piss me off.”
Orph’s eye twitches, and he grips his knife tighter. “You started it, you absolute asshole, you were the one who swapped all my pictures with clown paintings!”
Theo grins even more. “Dunno, sounds like your fuckin’ taste, though?”
Lee grabs a roll off the table and throws one at their hands with a surprising amount of both speed and accuracy. “Stop it,” he says, glaring at his eldest brother with enough heat that it leaves no doubt that he’s been on the receiving end of Theo’s needling.
With no small amount of relief, Day accepts the lifeline of this question. “Christmas, New Year’s, birthdays, April Fool’s day, father’s day, every day that passes where Theo hasn’t managed to get his brothers to revolt against him.”
There’s a loud bark of laughter from the eldest son in question. “‘Cause they know I’d kick their asses!”
Day’s eyebrows shoot up. “I hope you know I’m going to bring this up later, after they wreck you.” He ignores the offended squawk and continues, “My favorite is Christmas. I get to make or find things for everyone, I get a week of none of them pranking each other, and I get to inflict the rest of the server with quote-unquote thoughtful presents. Lucid’s sweater remains my crowning achievement.”
“It’s a migraine given physical form,” Perce says. “I’m still impressed by it. I didn’t realize you could see nausea. I’m almost positive it’s got some kind of admin bullshit done to it–”
“That would be cheating,” Day tells him. He looks more than a little smug. “What’s life without a little challenge? Besides, if it was admin bullshit, he could just undo it. He can’t even get rid of it because it’s too warm and comfy. I know exactly what textures are best for him, and I know he’s more willing to wear it out of spite. Thus, I inflict suffering on more people. A gift that keeps on giving.”
“I really feel like people don’t give him enough credit for being a chaotic bastard,” Dee mutters under his breath. “They forget we learned it from somewhere,” Orph agrees.
Day grins. “You’re all just feral gremlins by nature. Sure, I might have…nurtured a little–” “You kept telling dad jokes and bad puns until we banded together to stab you so you’d stop! That’s not a little nurture,” Atlas argues.
There’s a little hum of disagreement from Perce. “I mean…I didn’t grow up with him, so it’s not just that?” 
His eldest brother tells him, flatly, “Perseus, you got fuckin’ Monopoly banned because you decided to keep one-upping how much a fuckin’ bastard you were.”
Perce stares at his eldest brother for a long moment, head tilting to the side like he’s deciding something.
The youngest sighs and scoots his plate closer to himself in what seems like resignation.
“I’m the one who rigged everyone’s bedrooms with motion-activated frog recordings. I also made it so I could shut it off specifically to fuck with Dee.”
The entire table is perfectly still for a single heartbeat.
And then chaos erupts; Dee lunges, Theo withdraws a set of throwing knives, Orph pulls out his crossbow, and Atlas shoots forward with his hands outstretched.
Perce laughs, tossing himself backwards and telling them tauntingly, “Too slow!”
As he nimbly darts away, his older brothers all speed after him.
At the table, Day hums to himself. “...Yeah, I probably brought that on myself. At least it wasn’t Theo this time.”
There’s a gleam in Lee’s eye that he suspects bodes badly for Perce’s health and/or sanity in the future. “You still can’t use the Swords and Shields punitively. I’ll ground you for a month.”
“It would be worth it,” Lee tells him. The gravity in his voice is definitely worrying. Day replies, “Two months, then. Use your power responsibly. It’s a bad precedent to set and one that would upset others. Do you really want to scare new people because there’s a ten year old with an army who uses it for petty revenge?”
His youngest sighs with visible reluctance. “Fineee. I’ll just– poison his food, or something.” “Only if it’s not lethal.”
Lee glares at him and says, outraged, “The others can just stab him!” “A hazard he’s aware of. Do you really want to make your brother afraid of food? And of you?”
The ten year old groans in defeat, wings slumping as he puts his head into his arms. “Buzzkill.” Day reaches over and pats his back. “We both know you’d hate yourself if you hurt others for more than just a short respawn.”
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cadrenebula · 2 years
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(Warnings ahead for blood, torture, violence, swear words. The usual for Alex. Especially since this is his line of thoughts during his two days of torture in the piece before this. Read at your own risk. I had been listening to Remember by Adema during writing this. Original piece was written Aug 22nd 2017.)
It was all over. He was going to die here. Die like a mongrel. There was no one to save him. No one except Aeri. But how would she find him before it was too late? He was doomed to a slow and painful death.
He was in so much pain. Barely able to even rest for a moment. Only when Jacques let unconsciousness claim him for a few hours did he get to rest. His throat felt raw and savaged from the roaring and screaming. He hadn’t been able to hold back against the pain anymore.
Weakness... He had let himself be weak for a knight of Ishgard. Lancefer...
He was the only one who ever saw me as something other than a monster back then. Someone who saw the damaged boy beneath the armor. Saw my scars as the story of my survival from hell...
Stay away from him. He’s a freak. Someday he’ll find himself witchdropped. Monster! Savage! Mongrel!
He could still hear the words spat at him over the years. Cold crimson eyes watching people warily. He spat the blood from his mouth onto the ground as he sat huddled in a corner against the cold air. He had won the fight but he’d taken one hell of a beating in the process. Jacques wasn’t going to be pleased. So he was lingering. Not wanting to return for a beating for being so stupid and careless.
Alex snarled as a shadow fell over him.
That hand that reached out to me. The haunted sky blue eyes that seared me. He didn’t back down when I growled at him to go away. Instead all that stupid fool did was help me. Tended to my injuries without asking a damned thing. Despite how wrecked he still was from the fall of the Vigil. It didn’t seem to bother him one damn bit to help a monster like me.
“Why are you helping me?” Alex asked with a defensive tone as he kept a cautious eye on Lancefer while bandaging Alex’s wounds.
“Because I see someone who needs help.” Lance’s tone was almost as hollow as the look in his eyes. The look of someone who had seen too much far too soon. Suffered and was broken by the enemy.
Something about him called to me. Was it because to him I wasn’t a monster? Because he saw past the mask? Through the cold words of others that I used like armor to protect myself? To care about people was a weakness. To let others care about myself was just as bad. I was never wanted before. Why would anyone care now after all these years? Yet he did. Stupid Rose Knight...
Alex screamed as agony ripped through him. Scattering his thoughts to the wind. To endure this was going to drive him into madness. If he survived long enough for Aeri to find him. Still... Jacques was going to kill Lancefer anyway. It was all his fault. All because of him. Lance would die because of his stupidity.
Lancefer... I’m so sorry I ever got you involved in my hell..
Alex laughed as he ducked a swing and landed a fist to the man’s gut. Staggering back to bump into Lance’s back. He grinned like a madman as he realized who was at his back. Side by side. Back to back. Alex had picked the fight yet Lance had still stuck by his side to fight with him against the group of thugs. Yet the fighting seemed to bring a spark to Lance’s haunted eyes. Something about standing with Alex in these insane moments seemed to bring a spark back to the boy.
Later they would sit on the wall in the freezing cold. Drinks in hand and bandages wrapped around injuries. A smoke in their free hand. It had taken him time to convince Lance to relax and enjoy the drugs with him. But eventually the boy relented. Perhaps because it was an escape from the mental torment they both suffered.
He could see the boy didn’t sleep well. The smudges beneath his eyes told Alex just how well the boy slept. Probably plagued by nightmares from the Vigil’s fall.
“Living is hard. Dying is easy. You give up an you’re weak. So fight an prove them wrong. Don’t let the demons win.” Alex says before taking a long drag on his smoke. “Besides I plan to live as long as I can just to give people hell.”
Thirty one summers... Only half his life lived. He was going to die at his mentor’s hand. It wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. Screw the gods and their lack of care for him. All his life had been one struggle after another. The gods didn’t exist. Or they watched life treat him cruelly over and over again for their amusement.
Watching you that day... Watching our friendship die... I thought I had protected you... The only person who saw me for me. Instead of the monster that I had been made to become to survive... I failed... I failed so hard...
Alex fought back the urge to cry for the first time since he was a child. Why had Halone forsaken him like this?! The pain was getting to his head. He knew his body was having a hard time coping. So much blood loss... If he survived... Would there be anything left worth saving? Would he ever hold a weapon again? Maybe it was just the feverish feeling he felt that was driving him slowly mad. Was this how most of his mentor’s victims felt before their minds broke? He didn’t know...  He felt disoriented and jumbled. His thoughts kept drifting. It was the only thing keeping him from succumbing fully. Thoughts of the only people who ever gave a damn about the monster he was.
Not that you care anymore Lancefer... I made sure to shatter everything into irreparable pieces... Just to try and keep you safe. From both Jacques... And myself... We were from two separate worlds... We should have never been friends. There was no way a friendship between us could have ended well. So I betrayed you to save you... I made you hate me. The first and only person at that time who even cared if I lived or died. I plastered on that cocky grin and shattered everything as I killed those knights. It was my job... An I did it in front of you just so you could see the true monster. To realize we could never be friends. It killed me to watch what we had die... To return to being alone in the world. But I knew it had to be done. You were a knight and an upper class kid. I was a mongrel and hated. I would end up dead in a gutter or at the bottom of the witch drop... There was no place for someone like you in my world.
Yet he had found acceptance and care in the least likely of places years later. He knew he wasn’t lucky enough to score a beauty like Aeri so easily. That she wouldn’t buddy up to him without some hidden agenda. Which was true. She was working for Soren to get information from him. Yet something about her called to him. Even when she was betraying him. He should have hated her. Should have tried to kill her. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
Instead I hide my feelings for her. I wanted her with something more than desire. I felt like I had found someone who understood me. I wanted to claim her but she was a wild and free spirit. I could never claim something as strong as her. Not for myself. It was too late once I finally realized I wanted to love her. She had already fallen for Rath. I was too little too late. Always too late... All I could do was watch her. The same with Toka. I wanted to care but I kept my distance. They cared what happened to me. I cared about them. But still I kept myself apart. I didn’t want to drag them into my personal hell.
Yet Aeri was resilient. She still cared.Even when I tried to push her away because of Jacques. Even though she had Rath. Didn’t give me up as a lost cause after all this time. Pulled me back together after Soren wounded my pride. Gave me a reason to want more for my life.
Yet look where I ended up... Strapped to a chair... Tortured by my old mentor... I’m a sorry piece of shit... Yeah... It was better I never got a chance to make her love me. I couldn’t even keep my promise to her. So much for not being stupid...
He felt something splinter. Groaned in agony as stars swam before his vision. “Aeri... I-I’m s-sorry...” He could barely mumble the words through the haze of pain and blood. Didn’t flinch as Jacques lifted his head up by his hair. All he could do was pray for an end to the pain. For something to finally end this suffering.
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callmeblake · 13 days
Part 4 from a leathermouth interview on Jerseybeat.com february 11th 2009
part 1
part 2
part 3
F: At any point, you can go on the internet and search the person’s name or whatever and witness the most trying moment in that person’s life, you know, when they’re most at odds. You can see all these things on the internet – where people are just ripped apart, but no one actually knows anybody.
Q: Yeah, you’re like too intimate with people you shouldn’t know anything about.
F: Yeah, and it’s killed all the mystery to it, and I think that sucks.
Q: I know, I agree with you, like the bands in the 80’s, you didn’t know them, they didn’t want to know you – I don’t know that we should go back to that, but…
F: Yeah, but that’s not what it was about – you had the connection through their art, but as far as knowing them on a personal level, you didn’t, and I don’t think you need to.
Q: Yeah, you definitely don’t need to know like, where the dude went shopping today; that’s ridiculous.
F: (laughing) Exactly!
Q: There’s too much stalkerism; everybody’s just too addicted to reality tv, that’s just the bottom line.
F: Yes, however, I am addicted to this “Rock of Love Bus.”
Q: (giggling) Dude, that is the greatest show on television, I’m sorry!
F: I mean it’s really just like watching a train wreck; I’ve never seen…it’s just…anyway, I don’t want to get into that, I could talk for hours about it.
Q: No, we won’t discuss that, but that is a good show, I can’t lie, it is.
F: I know, but like if you think about it, that whole channel is surviving off of…okay you take someone who’s not a celebrity, and you put them on a show. They make a fucking disgusting and complete fool out of themselves…
Q: And they become a celebrity…
F: Yeah, and then they’re a celebrity and then, alright you know, then when they get totally fucked up and are on drugs, they go on Sober House and it’s this continuous vicious circle! You know, these people who aren’t celebrities, but I guess they’re just famous from tv or the internet.
Q: Yeah, that show is kinda crazy; I don’t know what the hell’s up with that – it’s like exploitation almost.
F: I know!
Q: It’s crazy shit. Well, you missed ComicCon, are you bummed?
F: I know! You know, I am bummed, because basically, all the friends that I have who were there got all my other friends from home in and I wasn’t able to share in any of the festivities; I’m really bummed out about it.
Q: It was a good ComicCon this year – lotta good shit.
F: Oh really? Man, that sucks.
Q: Yeah, you need to not be on the other side of the world when that happens.
F: I know – because I spent like months at home in Jersey, being like “I need to get out of here” because of the weather, and then when the one cool thing does happen back home, I’m here.
Q: Of course you’re not there.
F: Yeah, and it’s raining here, so…
Q: Perfect! My aunt is one of those people; she brings the rain everywhere she goes.
F: Seriously, and I hate precipitation, so I don’t know why. I think it’s just if there is a God, he’s playing fucking tricks on me.
Q: Yeah, he’s got a rain cloud over your head. F: Probably! Q: Alright, Frank, well thanks for your time, I’m gonna let you get back to recording now; you were generous with it. F: Thank you!
READ UP, LISTEN UP, CATCH A VID: http://www.LeATHERMØUTH.com/ http://www.myspace.com/LeATHERMØUTHlives http://www.youtube.com/user/SkeletonCrewRecords
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thosdickson · 7 months
KVETCH, kvetch, kvetch!
Paddling Lake Woebegone... again.
Viernes 15 de Marzo, 2024
So where to even BEGIN to catch up with myself?
Back to SF Fev 6 - 20; cut short to make sure I was back to MVD in time for my shit to hit the street here — BUT IT DIDN'T, OF COURSE — SO I spent $200 to cut the last week off my trip*, cut the SFUSD by days**, and SIT AROUND for another ten days. So what to do? I know : a BIKEWRECK 🤬 23 Fev: the new bikelane down 18 de Julio, impulse to stare to the right at Crespo looking for the "perfect storage space" that wasn't...
WHAM-BAMM!! Ass over teakettle "en media calle" ; hit that big hard black rubber traffic cone with my left shoulder. Knew I'd jacked it good, and left wrist almost sprained, just above the left knee, left ring fingertip crushed.
People ran up to help the old fool... left arm hanging loose "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..." vision pixellated, like my eyeball was hanging out or somethin. Struggled to see and walk, locked the bike to the closest parking sign, walked home bleeding from three spots on my right hand, and from inside my left ear.
Amazed the bike was unhurt, nor were my sunglasses of Bill's, the OPs I spent hundreds on lenses for, just this left shoulder I'd so carefully trained and strengthened since the 2018 surgery to correct the massive rotocuff tear and 40 year old dislocation from the 1977 wreck of Kent C's Alfa. No problem: just let go... again... of the wish, the strength, the confidence, the feeling of some small success. Nothing matters in this BEST of "GOD's will" world. HOW do I know God's watching, maybe laughing? Because the NEXT DAY + 7, Saturday 2 Mar, my stuff arrives at the SimpleBox in Ciudad Viejo 10months and $10K down this road (to ruin). Of COURSE the gold FINALLY shot up past $2100 right after I cashed most of it in to pay off the Aduanas (or Uruvan?) suckers.
Obviously, God wanted to keep me off a bike. Last Friday, 8 Mar, BOTH the blue Retrospec I bought here a year ago, and the newish Trek I just brought from SF were both swiped from just the other side of my door while I was eating my pressure-pot dinner about 9pm.
Not a SOUND. I came out for some reason about 10pm, first noticed the stair's door open, then the clean open space along the tiled wall where the bikes had been. I ran downstairs and outside, talked to a young man working for CUTSCA the bus company standing at the bustop in front of 2033. Yes, he'd seen a man and a woman run out the heavy iron front door into 18 de Julio with my bikes "about an hour" before. The guy almost ran into an oncoming bus in his panic to get away. NO the lobby camera didn't record past 30 minutes before. Pablo, the guy living directly below, turned out to be the building manager.
"We called them to fix the camera system, but they never came." This is the picture he knocked at the door to offer later, and how I tried to make it usable with Photoshop >>>
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Juan Pedro, my host's son, was kind enough to offer to let me put off the rent until month's end, but, honestly...
Aikido says: "take the hit — then redirect"... that Saturday I spent an hour with a young policewoman taking my theft report with thinly disguised contempt for another clueless old fuck, this one with such lousy Spanish her patience wore out long before her few questions got answered.
"You know something's happening, but you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?"
0 notes
psych commentary 2x02
SF KK JRr DH, but I swear I'm hearing another voice that is too high for SF, not a big enough chest, & it doesn't have the same timbre/fry as JRr, & not even close to the tight yet smooth quality of DH, & the speech patterns/habits/accents are different. This person is not mentioned on the DVD. I don't think it's Andy Berman. The other likely one would be Chris Henze I think.
finally did a dinosaur
Every year we should do a feature film movie. This is jurassic park on our budget
1/1000th more scruff, he's at his wit's end
You can see why he's head detective.
Obscure lines from obscure movies. I love them
they upped the special effects for This One Episode
"how hard can it be to solve these things if the clues are lit up"
the shooting is in vancouver, the writer's room is in LA
"the pen is drawing for me, what's even going on"
there are minimum four things happening here
*getting caught watching* *laughing at their own show, good*
[gus] is so disappointed in his man...
they did like fifty different sketches of the dinosaur
Gus has a regular full-time job
"we are going to do a mini version of every one of my favourite 80s movies"
My man did so much research for this, & he knew the bite marks bc he'd taken a picture of himself in the jaws
"Hows the cast?" 'James will literally make up lines to entertain YOU'
hear them laughing when they see shawn "looking for the room"
City of talent
Doug DeVette, named after [his] friend, Dough DouVet
DH: I wasn't enjoying that cupcake
The wet bar is from the next episode bc psy vs psy was aired out of order
Smartest person ever, but has hoels in his knowledge
A wacked wombat
idc abt the controversy! I want Gus! He is smart!
four minute Dule scene they sadly sadly had to cut it down
Supposed to be almost pitch black & then the light in his eyes JRr: I played it for you man! Post: We'll colour correct this for you man!
SF: Steal his whole thing & you're expecting to give it to you just right there
SF: Any time you have to open something, it's always the most impossible thing to open. You have the bone density of a 90 year old grandmother
This was supposed to be the opposite of the university, all high tech, but it looks like someone's garden shed with spider webs, bones, & armadillos. (& ojai peaches)
KK: The giant lettering on the side that we had to light up just in case you missed it Me: How stupid do you think we are? (I'm very stupid, actually)
Great transition
THE NETWORK WANTED TO SUBTITLE THIS GUY!? I mean, as a hard of hearing person who also has adhd (audio processing issues), I do struggle to understand ppl with accents I'm unfamiliar with sometimes, (makes me feel so racist,) but I just have the captions on for everything.
This man gave them handmade greeting cards & SF a beaded bracelet? That is so nice!
Wrecked the car this episode : (
Once again, heaviest gate in the history of gates Network: Why so heavy?
*can't think of the movie* Dule Hill was in that one!
DH legit fell down that hill *everyone laughing* DH That hurt when I got up
Stunt driver, sound stage, stunt driver, hitting a tree, spin around (Gus doesn't do that later seasons, he does a nine point turn.)
Ernest Jackson
Arguing physics while being shot at
"this is what happens when you have a one year old while you're writing your script"
I like all the cops watching him on his streak
JRr: There was one take where Tim came in & got both Ethan AND Robinson wrong. He created a completely new nam, first & last. SF: Efirmsimolinus Junior was the name, oddly enough. I hate being hoh without captions
Exposition. "We're fooling you right here!"
SF: Who decided that if Corbin was going to sit in the purple chair & have the purple curtains, that he should be wearing the purple shirt, next to the purple painting? He's having a purple moment right there. He should be reading a Prince magazine.
HS: I know feelings Commenters: *cracking up*
Visual Effects! JRr's fave. Great job Tim.
*metal hitting metal sound effect* KK: What is it hitting? JRr: Watch & belt buckle? SF: Bone
The trex skull was paper maché, they had to NOT break it with the shovels & brushes
obviously fake smoke
SF: I guarantee if you watch csi, law & order, you're never going to see "I just discovered a dinosaur" *cut to the floor with clothing & tools scattered on it, panning up the bodies of Shawn & Gus* KK: This was another... controversy, a little bit, the Of Mice & Men run JRr: Well so was the post-coital positioning
Shawn has been carrying his Lenny forever. Finally! The opportunity to get it out!
Almonds too. SF: You actually learn something on this show every once in a while
SF: James, when I sent you the script, I remember this very clearly, you sent me an email back that simply said "Stop analyzing my threat" & I'm like "Thank you" [sweet voice]. & the thing that I do truly, truly love about you is you always pick out my favourite line from a script that I'm most proud of
keeps opening it like something different is going to be out there
SF: The rule is, Henry always has to call at the most inopportune moment CH: He's just down for a pleasant walk on the docks (thinking about an unsolved murder) SF: He thought he'd take the purple shirt out &... KK: give it a spin "He always calls to get something back or have Shawn pick something up" "We should have given him a fishing pole"
They just had so much rain that they wanted to film outside apparently SF: They called me like "Hey we want to film this on the pier" & I'm like "I don't care I'm fine"
KK: I think the girls are excited about going on this adventure
where WERE they hiding when Sullivan walked them out here!? "Clearly comes from the woods. Henry found it too"
First time someone interrupts the breakdown
One was Taupe & one was Grey
Roger Deacon btw is not the guy from queen buried here
JRr: After seventy four takes of this, I did one where I was a velociraptor, & that's the only thing that got printed SF: Matheson put it in his cut KK: I'm still trying to wrap my head around that JRr: & I touch Dulé & [Gus] becomes a velociraptor SF: It was six minutes of *velociraptor noises: Grauughgh, eaign, eaign!* & then he touched Dule & it's like *velociraptor noises: wroAGHghhhhh* *everyone laughing* JRr: & that was when we learned that we need to be more careful about what was being printed
DH: Between the locks, & the fence, & the raptors "this was our most controversial episode of the season"
*aren't sure if it's forcing the other to dig or etting credit*
Zippy the dinosaur Gus: His name would be Jerome
SF: There SHOULD be a reason for each episode to happen, somebody learns something, something changes in their life, & this is the moment where Lassiter can accept a hug from Juliet.
Lassiter: Oh what do I look like! (one of the commenters): ... Mr Bean
Undercut it with the walk away quickly
JRr, in a funny "sexy" voice: Oah! I must have ridden my ~motorcycle~ to the house
you didn't do a very good job of it because I didn't know for AGES that shawn had a motorcycle! Then again, I was only watching the occasional episode with my mom if I had time when she had it on.
JRr: & they never have a jacket filming, so it's always this mad dash & in this particular case I believe I ended up with something,,, suede
"You could take the motorcycle lessons we've been offering for years now" JRr: Oh yeah "I feel like the authenticity could be..."
Another controversy on the Shawn intervention
The freak out dance at the end!
SF: gjiblin KK: *gkiblin SF: No he likes when I call him dgiblin
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