#im scared of accidents its why i never bike
anglerflsh · 2 months
Actually I thought about that poll and I would rather be able to ride a horse around the city than a bicycle. At least 30% of the responsibility if something bad happens would be on the horse
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11x09 of chicago fire
this recap is already scaring me
uh oh
empty bed
where’s kelly???
oh god
is this another jay and hailey thing????
i can't do that again
i cannot
im not strong enough
im getting hailey and jay vibes
joe and chloe and javi!!!
the cruz family!!
joe and cruz are adorable and I love them to death
wait a minute
wait a goddamn minute
i don't wanna google anything to see whether im correct or not bc of spoilers
but im rlly hoping im wrong
uh oh
herrman is coming at gallo
and im absolutely loving it
we love grumpy!dad!herrman
ritter and violet’s little smirk at ‘you must have made a big impact on her’ is peak dumbass besties
where is this even going??
is herrman going to punch gallo??
oh what
this went in a completely different direction
oh poor gallo
‘don't be an idiot gallo’
as if idiot isn’t his middle name
oh my god
this accident scene
how does a person even get there??
stella and kelly being an absolute power couple
professional power couple
we love to see it
jesus christ
why is it when we need a civilian to help it’s always some bs about how they need someone’s approval
bro who the hell is this worker???
this scene is rlly cool tho
oh no the bIKE
carver’s gonna lower the bridge isn't he?
oh hes gonna do it
oh damn
that door kick
excuse me sir??
that was unnecessarily sexy
how dare you
oh god
this bridge control thing is gonna become a problem isn't it??
why do i feel like carver’s gonna get kicked out of 51 bc of this??
damn that was intense
gallo and herrman
‘dude, no’
‘i have to. my conciense is killing me. I mean, look at him, he’s such a decent man.’
*herrman snatching the newspaper from tony without a second thought*
oh thank you ritter
thank you for being the only one w/ common sense
‘wait until he’s in a very good mood.’
‘when is he ever in a good mood’
‘never. that’s my point.’
‘what the hell kinda advice is that?’
we love chaotic besties
they’re fantastic
the fact that boden has to specify that they shouldn't vote for themselves is just *chefs kiss*
‘yeah well, at least youre not overthinking it.’
*sylvie cutely glaring*
uh oh
kidd and carver and boden
this is bc of the bridge thing isn't it
good god
this is just great
entitled little shit
uh oh kelly
please don't let this be another jay and hailey
im begging you
kelly please listen to your wife
just listen to her
thank you kelly
youre a great husband
thank you for listening
gallo ‘subtly’ advocating for herrman
ritter coming in like ‘seriously’
‘im trying to make amends’
‘youre harassing voters’
‘it’s called campaigning’
‘it’s called electioneering, actually’
‘potato, po-tah-to’
kidd and carver could be besties
i could see it
‘or worse, lose your temper’
‘me? never.’
*motherly glare from stella*
‘we need you here.’
carver looking slightly abashed
‘...to make us all feel better about our drinking habits’
this interaction is GOLDEN
carver pointing out their development is fantastic
we love to see it
oh god
this again???
oh god mood change
bossy kelly
we love it
‘herrman’s like a father to me’
‘since when?’
violet please do
please claw her eyes out
ill help you
K I L L  H E R
‘i got the feeling that she has a little baggage here’
‘oh, there's a whole luggage rack’
poor violet
they can't give heR A FUCKIN BREAK
poor carver
javi and joe
father-son duo to love and cherish
‘a great sense of style’
he says this like he didn't buy a fuckin tracksuit in season eight for a party
sure joe
pryma and kelly
this'll be fun
oh god
how's this gonna go
kelly dont do something stupid
don't fuck this up
im begging you
‘my wife’
i get so happy hearing that
and then i hear the full sentence
and i scream
please let this go well
p l e a s e
this could be promising
oh damn kelly
fire cop coming out to play
we love to see it
youre overthinking this
tony and capp
a dynamic duo
they're great
damn ritter
youre in on it too
whatre you gonna do
don't do something idiotic
carver and kidd
such besties
god if they get rid of carver, ill riot
oh god
where's this going now
fuck off
oh thank god
this is a catch
there has to be
there is not a snowball’s chance in hell
jacobs is doing them a favor
where's this gonna go
leave her
punch her
claw her eyes out
do it
i don't like you
i probably never will
who is it????
oh god
shut up
oh damn
miami of ohio
ritter’s face
its a meme
the best plot-twist ever
hes wearing the suit!!!
they're the greatest family ever
and little otis!!
can you tell that im getting emotional?
bc i am
oh god
don't do this
not now
please don't
im begging you
‘I slept with your niece’
how eloquent
the best way to break the news
what's this now??
what's happening??
im now scared
good god
my hands are shaking
all of these ppl better leave the situation alive
ofc there’s no bomb squad
of course
why would there be??
my love
its okay
oh god pryma
this isn't gonna end well
of course all of the odds are against them
of course
my heart rate is unnaturally high
this is not good
im too nervous for this
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Mess Up
TimeTraveler!Son x Haikyuu!!
a/n: lmao im really sorry about this :’( this is just a brain dump and something i thought of while i was watching the stage play and i was thinking about it last night until i fell asleep
p.s. your son’s name is natsu in this one and hes an oc so dont be confused as to who this guy is 😂
summary: your son accidentally stumbles through time and the only way he can go back is if his mother and father get together. the only problem? he doesnt know who his father is
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he,,,, messed up
that was clear the moment he woke up to a supposed bicycle accident in early morning when it shouldve been a car accident at the dead of night
lets take a flashback shall we
natsu came home after volleyball practice around 8 at night and he stumbled through the front door where he could smell the delicious food that you were cooking
‘ma! tadaima!’
he shouted and you peeked from the hallway with your blue apron and ladle and a close-eyed grin
‘okaeri, baby!’
his slippers padded across the wooden floors to go to the kitchen and watch as you stirred the miso soup
‘how was practice, dumpling?’
omg i would totally call my future kids that though
he shrugged, even though you couldnt see him, and went to the fridge to grab a bottled water before taking a sip
‘inter-high is coming up so captain’s been making us practice longer’
he answered then went to jump on the counter beside the stove so you could see him
he turned silent as he inspected your features and how youthful you still looked despite going through so many stressful times and hardships of raising your son alone
but he was really wondering what was exactly your purpose of being here since you rarely cooked for him due to being busy at work and therefore coming home late
‘ma, why are you here early?’
you noticeably stopped for a second before smiling, eyes shifting from the pot to him
‘i,,, have something to talk about with you’
natsu blinked then leaned against the wall and crossed his arms
‘is it something bad? but youre cooking my favorite so it must be something good. then again, it might be something bad but you want to be on my good side so youre bribing me with-’
you softly called out to him and he stopped
you turned off the stove and shuffled to the side so you could stand in between his legs
no words were said as a sad look passed your eyes and you cupped his face, looking at him
‘youve grown so much, natsu. ma is sorry that she wasnt here to watch you grow. can you forgive me?’
natsu let out a confused sound and he placed his hands on top of yours from his face then quirked an eyebrow
‘ma, whats going on?’
he slowly asked
you continued to look through every feature of your son and grimaced slightly as his father’s stood out much more than you thought
‘come. lets eat while we talk’
dinner was tense
it was more of the tension coming from you and natsu being so worried and confused that he couldnt even eat his favorite
suddenly, he slammed his chopsticks to the table, fed up with the silence and genuinely worried by your behavior
‘ma, tell me whats wrong’
you winced and swallowed before shakingly placing your own utensils down and looking at a stain on the table from when he was 5 and accidentally spilled dye from his tye-dye activity
‘natsu, i,,,’
you drifted off but he gestured for you to continue
‘first off,,, i want you to know that i love you and that i only want what’s best for you. second,,, i hope you will go through with this because i,,, dont want you to bear this,,, this grudge for the rest of your life’
‘am i adopted?’
he demanded but you looked at him in shock
‘what? no! we literally have the same hair color and eyes, dumpling!’
then he let out a relieved sigh
‘thats the worst thing i thought of so i feel better now. come on, hit me’
you chuckled but went back to talking
‘your father,,, wants to meet you’
nope, that was actually the worst thing he heard
‘father? what, father?’
he couldnt stop the venom that dripped from his words and you flinched because you knew he would act like this
‘we bumped into each other at the airport,,,, he told me about,,, wanting to meet,, you’
you mumbled, now concentrating at your laced fingers
‘well, you can tell him to fck off because the feeling’s not mutual’
natsu growled then continued shoveling down his rice but you reached out and softly placed a hand on his arm and sent him a pleading look
‘darling, i-,,, i dont want to do this either. but this hatred for him-your anger- i dont want you to live with this! this might not show now but it will affect you in the future with a-a future family! he will drag you down but if you just--- just talk to him once! just once-’
natsu banged a fist on the table and you gasped at the sudden sound
he shouted, anger and rage reeking from his spot across you
you gulped because right now, you were able to see the similarity to his father
‘he just wants to see you-to talk to you’
‘natsu, please stop yelling at me’
you pleaded and he stared at you angrily but turned his gaze back to the chicken bites
‘every thought of him makes me angry so if i see him, i will lose every control i have. hes nothing but a stranger to me-wait, no, hes like dirt that deserves nothing but bad luck to come his way. its either he wanted me or cant have me. and he chose wrong so hes going to have live with it for the rest of his life and pretend i dont even exist. and thats that’
you ran your hands on your face then closed your eyes
‘natsu, you dont understand, we-- we were children! i was still a student! we didnt know,, we didnt know anything about babies! i-i feel like shite because i brought upon this rage in you towards him, your father! i want to make things right! to make peace!’
angry tears were falling down his face and you stood up to hold him but he shot up
‘natsu-baby-please calm-’
his voice cracked and he hiccuped
you held on to him and tried to tell him to calm down because you knew how distructive he could be
maybe it mustve been the stress from midterms and the competitions but his heart was hammering and he could see nothing but red and feel nothing else but anger running through his veins
‘no, dumpling, youre misunderstanding because i-’
but he swatted your hand away, eyes staring at his shoes
‘i need to get away right now. just- i’ll be at katsuki’s house. dinner was good so thanks’
he mumbled and rushed to the hallway, picking up his gym bag and quickly slipping on his shoes
you ran to the door and held on to him
‘natsu we can talk this out! please! dont go! just stay-’
he shut his eyes to calm himself down before turning and giving you a soft kiss on your forehead
‘ill be back tomorrow. just let me go blow off some steam, kay, ma?’
but he didnt even give you an answer because he was already out the door
the walk from his apartment complex to katsuki’s house should’ve only taken nearly 10 minutes but he was so pre-occupied and distracted that he ended up missing the turns and ended up in an unfamiliar street
based on his surroundings, he was in the city but he remained his gaze on his shoes, just walking and walking, not stopping
this caused him to miss the stoplight and he was the only person who continued walking, the shouts and yells from the pedestrians falling deaf on his ears 
but it finally opened up with a loud honking and a bright light that made him freeze in shock until it collided with him, sending him flying and falling unconscious
natsu groaned, not because of the pain but because of the bright light
‘oh god, i died and im going to the light’
he mumbled but a frantic shout made his eyes fully open up
natsu turned to the direction of the voice and he jumped then rolled over to get away but indeed, the pain from the collision stopped him
he groaned and winced
‘hey, hey, you okay?’
the high-pitched voice asked and natsu raised his head to see the boy with orange hair kneeled down in front of him and hands hovering over him
‘i feel,,, ugh’
natsu sniffed and the boy helped him sit up so he could fully look around
‘where am i?’
he asked and the boy shuffled to kneel down beside him
‘japan. sendai. oh, im hinata shoyo by the way! so sorry i hit you with my bike!’
but natsu’s jaw dropped
‘hinata,,, shoyo?’
his eyes widened and he completely forgot about the pain as he stood on his feet, pointing at the tangerine
he shouted and he was getting scared, eyes drifting to everywhere and pacing in circles
‘did i,,,, no, that doesnt happen. damn izuku wouldnt shut up about doctor who. its not possible, just not! right?!’
hinata was now panicked and thought he really messed up the guy in the head because the h/c boy was now walking in circles, murmuring angrily, and face switching expressions every millisecond
‘oh my god, i need to take you to the hospital! i messed you up!’
hinata frantically grabbed his phone but natsu jumped and grabbed the device
‘no. no, its fine. i just-,,,, i dont remember anything’
natsu played and hinata’s eyes got even wider
but natsu placed his hands on his idol’s shoulders to calm him down
‘no hospital, no needles, no medics. just,,, call your emergency contact or something’
it was quite funny that the victim had to console the cause of the accident but hinata nonetheless complied and hit the call button
‘your mom?’
natsu asked but hinata shook his head
‘no. my team manager, l/n y/n. she’d know what to do’
but natsu’s brain exploded
‘l/n,,,, y/n?’
my ma?
oh god i really did mess up
this is going to be a whole mess and i can already feel it but yanno what? imma just go with the flow and go through with your guys’ thoughts and ideas so in a way, you can control (??) the story?? idk i really dont know what im doing but i just needed to put this into writing bc ive been thinking about it since i woke up. also, do you think i should write this in a headcanons way or normal writing way?
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
FIC RECS (Part 6) :)
sorry if you got tagged in this again, I'm a dummy and deleted it on accident :( 
Request: Could you recommend me some biker!bucky fics? I’ve read all of @bucky-plums-barnes’ and I’m desperate for more
Alright guys, this is my favorite fic recommendation list I’ve done thus far. Lets buckle up for my absolute favorite AU. This one is LONG. But I just couldn’t stop I love this AU too much to not go on and on lol. These fics are amazing, I tried to keep it to one fic an author, but I stated if they had more! Also the descriptions may be a little smaller, because there were so many I didn’t want this to be way too long :) And shoutout to @bucky-plums-barnes for all of their amazing biker stuff too!
Swallow by @all1e23 
This fic here, is absolutely beautiful. The way Allie writes is so unique, and reading their work is always a wonderful experience. There is never an emotion that goes unfelt by the reader. This fic is a story that perfectly embodies the way love makes you act. Love isnt perfect, its heartbreak, and destruction, and pain, yet above all else its beautiful. Don’t go in expecting a fairy tail, go in expecting tangible realistic love between two broken people. Also, Allie has an amazing story called Home, that I also highly recommend.
New Girl by @omnomsauruswrites 
This was the first biker Bucky story I ever read, and I think thats why its one of my favorite AUs, because I got sun a good start with this fic. I love this story. We’ve got enemies to lovers, biker bucky, and a killer plot twist that I did NOT see coming. All in all it was such a lovely story. Its shorter chapters, but every word is purposeful to making you fall in love with both characters. In the end you get a happily ever after, and you couldn’t ask for more!
Howling’ For You by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Ohh my love, my whole heart is in this fic. This is such an amazing story. I sometimes don’t love the good girl bad boy trope because its overdone and excessive, but THIS. This is so well done, is he protective? Yes. But does he also know she is perfectly capable of being an independent human? Yes! There were so many twists and turns and absolutely heartwarming love between the two characters. I also love how in character every person is. Amazingly well done, would read it every day if I could.
Wild Horses by @whitewolfbumble
Bad Boy exterior SOFT boy middle?? Yes! This fic is so adorable. It really shows the build of the relationship, and thats always my favorite part. It was such a true to life story in my opinion, the reader started of lost and finding her place in the world, then this lovely group of people just accepted her and helped her through her tough times. It was such a heartwarming read, with angst that just solidified the connection between the characters. And the friendship they all had was so refreshing compared to some stories where people are just rude for no reason. Its a short yet sweet read, and I 100% recommend it.
Long Way Round by @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan
This was a hard one to choose, so many amazing biker stories they’ve written! But im a sucker for series’ and this series is so awesome. I LOVE Plus size reader stories, hell yeah representation! Now this story is a TRIP! Its like a really good episode of criminal minds. There are so many details jam packed into this that I couldn’t put my phone down! Shady gangs, corrupt leaders, and a smart as hell reader. This was just such a good read, not even for Bucky, but just for the incredible story telling. Sweet protective Bucky is always a plus though. Also, check out their other amazing stories like The Bounty, and Red Star Rebel, they’re just as amazing as this one!
A Real Sweet Guy by @mycupoffanfiction
I remember when I first read this it was only a oneshot and I was super sad, but then BOOM it turned into an adorable series. Its not done yet but its so good so far! Its the epitome of soft baby boy Bucky under a hard tough guy exterior. The way Ellie portrays relationships between characters is so cute, you feel the love between everyone whether that be platonic or romantic. Its through details that she sets up this lovely little universe that you just get sucked into, and honesty im fine staying there lol. I cant wait to read more of this one!
Rebel by @promarvelfangirl
Okay for this, just a warning, my device has a little trouble with the master list so it may be easier to use the desktop version :) Okay about the story, holy hell this one is cute. Bucky is HOPELESS, and just wants a date, Peter has the worst timing, and Steve just is along for the ride. I love mutual pining fics where one is completely oblivious to the other trying to ask them out, and the other is just trying their best lol. I felt like banging my head on the table very time Bucky got too nervous, but alas! It worked in the end, adorable little fic. They also have a cute set of biker Bucky stories called Fancy hair that I love so much.
Born To Run by @softbiker
Slow burn baby! This one is still in progress but hot damn is it good so far. I love this trope of the girl not really wanting anything to do with the guy but the guy and his friends being like well thats too dang bad! I love the idea that family isn’t what you’re born with, its who you love and who loves you. This fic is absolutely lovely so far, and though obviously I don’t know much about where its going to end up, where it is right now is good enough for me to put it on this list!
Notorious by @interestedbystanderwrites
I know I’ve been going on and on about how much I love Soft sweet Bucky. But I also LOVE badass tough guy who is very scary Bucky. And oh baby is this the perfect fic for that! Bucky is a felon, and a hot one at that. And what he sets his eyes on, he gets. That thing just so happens to be the all to trusting reader. This is such a thrilling fic. It reminds me of baby driver for some reason. I love seeing the cracks that show a bit of sweet Bucky. It leaves me waiting for more! He’s her addiction, she cant help but to stick around. Such a good fic, I cannot wait for more of it! 
Deny Me by @brooklynsboys 
This fic made my heart turn to mush. Its about an insecure reader, and a tough buck who has the softest heart ever but doesn’t know how to show it sometimes. My absolute favorite bucky is the bucky that only his girl gets to see, and this is the perfect representation of that. The way they write is spectacular. They get you to completely understand the feelings the character has without literally just writing it. You are right there in the world with them, feeling what they feel. And who doesn’t love a perfect happy ending?
Whatever it Takes by @sgtjbuccky 
Oh Buddy, lets talk about how much I LOVE this fic. Bucky is the biggest charming jerk there is, but you love to hate him. I was smiling the whole way through this read. Literally my face hurt by the end I was smiling so big! It was cute, and I felt every frustration, yet every single bit of the tension they had. The reader is a smart little cookie, and bucky is too cocky for his own good. If you want a cute extremely well written fic, this is the place to go!
Tender Surprises by @empyreanwritings 
Jesus, talk about tooth rotting tear jerking fluff. You know those videos where the child asks a pseudo-parent to adopt them? Yeah, thats this perfectly embodied in a fic. I cried, read it again, then cried some more. I love how it mixes tough biker Bucky with soft non-toxic masculinity father. We need more of that. It was so perfectly written, the flashbacks are perfectly placed, and give another layer of depth into this familial relationship they have. I love Dad!Bucky and Biker!Bucky, so to have them wrapped into on is perfect.
Softail by @nacho-bucky 
Theres something about the way Cait writes thats just poetic. She could write about my morning routine and it would be art. This fic is no exception. Its the cutest little thing, two people in a diner, brought together by chance and a little bit of courage. Its an adorable little story about trust, and taking a chance. Bucky is supportive and encouraging, reader is a little scared. But it all works out in the end, because everything is okay when you’re with the one you love. 10/10.
You Give Love, A Bad Name by @em-imagines
I love stories like these.  The cocky boy chasing the uninterested girl, yet there is obviously some tension there? Yeah, thats my cuppa tea right there. Also, its a high school AU! Love those. This story is definitely a mixed bag of feels. You get the super cute chase, but you also see a raw side of Bucky, and his unfortunate home life. As sad as it is, I think its a good representation of true life, where there is always something that you don’t know about someone. Theres vulnerability to this, and that makes it such a lovely story to read. Incredibly well done.
What’s On The Inside by @revengingbarnes
Is this technically a mechanic and not Biker AU? Yes. But he rides a motorcycle and its too good to not mention lol. This fic is ADORABLE. Mutual Pining! Shy flirting! Instant Connection! Bike Riding! Its incredibly well done too. Its just one of those feel good stories, it makes you smile, and want to get to know more about the characters. Soft Beefy bucky is my favorite boy, and this is SUCH a good representation of him. My heart was mush the whole way through. 10/10 would read again (for the 12739th time)
Broken by @allthebucky now on @poeticbarnes 
Forbidden lovers y’all, thats it. Like Romeo and Juliet except Bucky is a dummy who doesn’t know the right thing to do, and the reader just wanted truth. Its a short but sweet little fic, theres so much emotion packed into the story too! You feel the pain the reader and bucky hold at different times, but you also feel the longing as well. Its such a cute relationship they have, and I’m always a sucker for bucky putting the reader first!
Over The River and Through the Woods by @geminimoonbeamx
Sure its only September, but that doesn’t mean its not time for a killer Christmas Fic! Also another plus size reader hell yeah! I LOVE the domesticity from this! Its like Love Actually, a bunch of absolutely crazy people coming together, and the reader and Bucky are just trying to get out alive lol. It also really sweet in dressing what its like to be without those you love on holidays. A perfect balance of sweet and serious. Its so cute, and so funny. I have a non conventional family so I can relate to this so much.  The love between the two is so palpable and so heartwarming. 
Home Sweet Home by @sweet-barnes
Their name says it all. This story is just one big ball of sweet biker Bucky and his sleepy gal. I am always looking for those small tooth rotting fics just to boost my feelings for a day and oh man is this is. Bucky is the biggest cuddle bug in history and not even his scary biker persona can change my mind. This fic made me smile so hard, and then want to take a nice nap with the teddy bear Bucky Barnes himself.
Skin by @captain-ariel-barnes
Okay I love this one because I’ve not read another like it. I love how she portrays Bucky as having been in an accident and having memory problems because of it. Its so real and sad when you think about it because its entirely realistic and truthful to life. And boy is Bucky not just the sweetest thing ever. He wants to remember his girl no matter what, so he makes it permanent. Their relationship is so cute. I just love soft Bucky with my whole heart. Amazing story, so well done! 
The Mailbox by @kaunis-sielu
This one was one of the first one shots I read of biker bucky and I still love it so much! Bucky is such a softie, running into mailboxes fixing them, even having Steve paint it? Okay big bad biker guy, you sure are scary… Also, protective bucky yeah baby!! Hell do what he needs to to keep the reader safe, and oh baby if that isn’t like my favorite trope ever. Also the little sassy elements are hilarious. I also recommend their other biker fics such as Stitches, or Just Married. :)
Oh god. That was a long one. Would you believe me if I said I had to cut it from 37 to these 20 here? Hardest decision of my life lol. Thank you all so much for reading until the end. I hope you all love these fics as much as I do! :)
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mybeloved73 · 4 years
My name is Chelsea and I’m a ITU Nurse.
I’m also a newly qualified nurse - I literally left Uni last year and began my job in the September.
My background - I didn’t always want to be a nurse. I wasn’t cut out for that sort of compassion or care. I dreamt of being a PT, an athlete, anything that was sports driven.
Until my boyfriend had a bike accident, that then left him in ITU. He later succumb to his injuries and passed away. The nurses looking after him, changed my life. Shining light kind of moment - I want to be just like them kind of thing.
Granted it took me 4 years to build up the courage, battling my PTSD, severe depression and anxiety to even apply to uni. But I did it - and Sept 2019 I got my Pin as a registered nurse.
Now, if you 1) think covid19 was made up, a conspiracy or the numbers have been made up as a scare tactic or 2) you actually believe wearing a face covering will cause ‘respiratory arrests’ ‘acidosis’ blah... stop reading. Because this isn’t for you. Or even 3) you have the view of ‘its their job’ - back away from your screen.
You’ve seen in the news about the public sector pay rise? That nurses aren’t included, nor the junior doctors, physio’s etc (I use etc as there are so many people being forgotten in all this and it is used lovingly and not to cause offence)? Honestly, Im so glad that others are being recognised for their input and help during this - the teachers who put in extra work for children of key workers, who sacrificed their home life to entertain little ones every day and try give them the education they need and deserve, to the police, military - anyone receiving this recognition. Honestly you deserve it. And the NHS will not shadow that or take it away from you.
We agree’d to a 3 year pay deal, that had the options of being reconsidered earlier than the final date if there was a change in circumstances. Covid19 should really be considered as a change in circumstances. I mean being told that you’re already ‘unskilled’ and watching people clap to STOP pay rises... was hard enough. But to have everyone else recognised for their vital contributions and lay something that was agreed in 2018 - is inexcusable.
You realise that most nurses didn’t get to see your claps on a Thursday? That’s handover time. And due to covid19 if their handover time was earlier - they were usually late because of how busy it was and still missed it.
I saw one. Because it so happened I had come off of nights the night prior.
So! My life during covid19 starts off with the busiest winter that my hospital has seen in ITU. We have 10 beds. We are funded for 7/8? We had to open an escalation centre that we stole from our day surgery unit to give us a further 3 beds.
Which in itself is hard - looking after seriously sick patients away from your actual designated and designed ward and without the continuous presence of doctors.
That wasn’t enough.
We had to then stole half of the recovery room, which usually houses patients post surgery whilst they wake up.
Going up to 16 patients. Remember - at this point. I’m THREE MONTHS qualified.
Learning is hard, steep, and in-depth. You’re suppose to be trained over the course of a year as a newly qualified, with study days and help from mentors etc. I couldn’t attend some of those days because we didn’t have the staff to look after the most patients our ITU had ever seen.
Now I know ITU is hard. I picked it.
I knew what it entailed, well partly.
I have to maintain my patients artificial airway. They either have a tube in their mouth or in their throat.
They’re then connected to a ventilator.
Every single setting on that machine, every button - changes something drastically.
From the fio2, PEEP, PS, PC, TV, MVE, PEAK, RR, PF ratio, ... one button, one alteration or mistake... literally can stop this person breathing. Cause respiratory distress, arrest.. trauma? anything.
Did you know I have to move that tube in their mouth every hour to stop pressure sores developing in their mouth? And I still have to brush their teeth and give oral care?
I have to suction down their throat and clear their lungs? Or suction their actual mouth for extra secretions?
And record all this data hourly.
To ensure that this patient is comfortable with this tube... I have to medicate this patient.
I have to keep them in an artificial coma.
Titrating the drugs to their optimum levels.
Some are measured mg/hr, mcg/hr, mcg/kg/min..
some have limits on maximum dose per hour you can use.
Some have really severe side effects.
Such as noradrenaline. Which can literally cause your fingers and toes to become necrotic.
I have to monitor someone’s glucose - whether you’re diabetic or not, and correct it if needed with insulin or dextrose.
I have to give diuretics but not allow your body to become too negative, I have to give fluid challenges to ensure you’re not vascular depleted.
I can help your kidneys with the use of a dialysis machine. Literally filter your blood of toxins your body can no longer remove without help of a machine. This requires constant blood tests to ensure that you aren’t collecting dangerous toxins or you need additional support from the machine.
I can use a machine to check your cardiac output and interpret it to make sure that you have enough fluid vs a drug that’ll help squeeze your heart instead.
I can read an ECG and tell if you need additional supplements such as potassium. Do further tests for magnesium, phosphates etc. And deliver those.
I can feed you through a tube down your nose, and ensure you absorb it. But it’s okay I can give you medication to also help that - these require me to do daily ECGs though, and interpret the data of your QTC to make sure it’s not affecting your heart.
Now. If that’s not enough. Covid happens.
Now remember our record was 16 patients?
Try doubling that.
We worked in our ITU,
Escalation centre
Recovery - we took the whole thing.
Next - we took over operating theatres.
3 patients in theatre 6
3 in 5
3 in 4
2 in 3
We stole theatre staff, recovery nurses, ODPS, ward nurses, retired nurses, health visitor nurses, anyone we could relocate to help us.
March - I’m 6 months qualified.
I’m now the most qualified ITU nurse in my theatre.
I have people who have never looked after a ventilated patients before asking me for help. Please don’t silence my alarm if you don’t know why it’s alarming. I know it’s loud and annoying but it’s telling me everything I need to know with enough time before I need to panic.
Now - covid patients weren’t just sick. Weren’t just needing help to breathe. These patients were all sorts of ‘new’. Nothing made sense!
These patients COULDNT be ventilated. We needed to paralyse them to literally be able to take over their breathing properly! No amount of sedation worked! Their lungs were fibrous and acting like elastic under tension.
Side note - if your patient wasn’t sedated enough compared to paralysis - they could be silently awake, but completely paralysed. Knowing everything happening to them. But unable to do anything - not even breathe. Every time you start rocuronium you need to remember that. If you’re withdrawing treatment - TURN THE ROC OFF FIRST. And wait before you do anything else.
Back to it. They were so unstable that you try roll them, which we usually do 4 hourly to prevent pressure sores - they desaturated to numbers so low that you would usually see some hypoxia brain injury after.
We couldn’t roll these patients without risking that. So you know what. You don’t roll.
So we couldn’t protect their skin integrity. You just watch them, and feel guilty.
Nursing school 101 - pressure sores are PREVENTABLE. Roll your patient. Skin care and hygiene is your best friend.
Now covid went against everything a nurse knows and holds dear.
Our ITU never had pressure sores. Until covid. Some had grade 4’s.
Maggot therapy.
Vacuum dressings.
These patients were also clotting, and sending off clots to their kidneys, liver, heart, brain. Covid made your blood super sticky!!!!
People were having strokes whilst being sedated, going from fit to multi organ failure in days. I’m trying to save these people, knowing they could possibly wake up with complete left side paralysis? Never talk again? Never be them again?
Now you know about these past medical histories etc?
You realise what that is?
that it could be Type 2 diabetes?
That was it for some.
None of this thinking they were super sick, with lists longer than my arm, and that’s why they didn’t make it. No.
Literally things that happen with age. Poor diet? That 120/80 you’re happy you got - THATS PREHYPERTENSION.
I was probably hypertensive the entire time with anxiety.
Did you know We had to use the old anaesthetic ventilators. None of us had used those before. Those big bellows you see in films going up and down rhythmically. Those.
That was scary.
I’m use to a single touch screen button (hello modern technology) to deliver 100% o2 if my patient needs it. This has a switch to a bag, a button, dials to titrate o2 with normal air. And if I didn’t monitor the crystals in the bottom my patient would retain their own co2 and I wouldn’t know why.
New found love for anaesthetists and ODPS - these machines are NOT designed for prolonged use. But they helped us keep our patients alive. By literally guiding us and helping us look after the machines so we could do our job.
Now. All of this is made worse by PPE.
I’m hot.
It’s hot.
And intense and I’m working hard because tonight, I have 3 ventilated patients. By myself.
I have a gown on.
2 sets of gloves
An apron
An FFP3 mask
A hat
A visor
And no air con.
But I’ve got this. I can’t do my hourly checks because I am one person.
My super sick patients now have 2 hourly because it is physically impossible.
Where are the other staff?
You’re watching these people struggle to breathe on machines and then being told your close friends at work, your mentors, your seniors are spiking temperatures. Some being admitted to hospital. Some not being able to come back to work for weeks.
Some ending up on your ventilators. It’s okay. I’ve got this.
I’m an ITU nurse right?
CPR wearing that get up. Is TOUGH. 27mins. I cried that day.
We lost 3 patients in 12 hours.
I held the hand of so many people as I turned off their ventilators because their families couldn’t be with them and no one should die alone. No one. I tried my best.. and then once my day had finished, I had to come home to my dad who is immunosuppressed. Who doesn’t understand boundaries. “Kevin stay in the other part of the house!”
*knocks on bedroom door with dinner*.
Proning. What an experience that is. And doing it Daily. The complications of that were scary before you even approach the patient.
So I’m going to flip my patient - who has a tube down their mouth to help breath, who is on medication for sedation, paralysis, to keep their blood pressure up.. from laying on their back - to laying on their front.
Seems easy?
Well it’s not. And requires like 8 people.
8 people.
We don’t have enough people as it is. So we now develop a proning team made up of everyone.
There are consultants, there are experts in their fields, there are physios and then I don’t know who else.
Honestly I couldn’t thank these people enough. More people would have died if we didn’t have a proning team. But now, people spent 23 hours laying on their front. Pressure sores on their faces. Potential of going blind? New complications of not being able to breathe we never expected.
We are finally back into one unit now. I’m still less than a year qualified. And I’m still running on adrenaline expecting this second wave. Those still reading, I know you’re thinking that she picked this job.
She knew what it meant.
And you’re right! Give me those complex drug calculations and ventilators. Oh and the scrubs!
But a pandemic? I didn’t pick that. The world didn’t pick that.
Honestly thank you, to the ward nurses - your lives got flipped upside down.
The physios who became best friends.
Consultants who literally got down and dirty with us.
To the domestics who cleaned furiously for us.
OT’s To literally orientate our patients when they’re waking up like 70 days later.
Oh communication team made up of medical students, who updated the families because... I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave my patient. Not like this!
Matron who literally had to facilitate all this, with people who knew nothing about ITU. Being in ITU. Looking after ITU patients. Whilst her own ITU staff were sick, in hospital, or newly qualified, or working to the point they broke.
To the countless companies sending food, goodies, moral support !! Oh my god that was incredible to come to after not having a break for 6+ hours ... mmm... food!!
Did you know they’re offering support for the nurses to stop PTSD, or anxiety or just to help up digest what we saw? Psychological support for just doing your job?
But it’s okay.
We got a deal in 2018 for the pay.
We got clapped thursdays.
We all know that’s not enough, but we will still turn up for work.
We can’t leave our patients.
We can’t strike.
They’ll always mean more to us than pay. And the government knows that. Abuses that.
540 NHS staff lost their life doing ‘just their job’ - today the NHS staff walked through London protesting, to be heard. To be listened to. To be acknowledged. To be paid fair.
Sign the petition for us. Because we aren’t just here for covid. We’re here for life.
And just put your mask on - please - for that hour you go shopping.
I’ve been wearing mine since March 6th. 13+ hour days. Developed a nice grade one on my nose, my friends faces bleeding from using a rubber respirator....
And We’ll be like this for the foreseeable future.
Now that we have the stocks to do so anyways.
Oh and I’m pissed my graduation was cancelled! All that and I don’t get to wear the hat and gown. Bastard virus. (I understand there was more lost but humour me).
Signed, your registered ITU nurse. We will always continue to monitor.
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oligbia · 3 years
A short story about Zen, SFW
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Hyun sat down at the musky bar, a cigarette between his fingers. He wasn't taller than 5'7, his jawline not sharp yet. His silver hair was barley passed his shoulders. His ruby red eyes were still just as striking. He wore a leather jacket, a gang jacket. He was only 15 but he frequented this bar anyways. He lowered the cigarette from his face, puffing out a cloud of smoke. The atmosphere of the bar was loud and chaotic. The dimly lit room was contradicted by the high watt LEDs lighting up a small and vacant stage. The room smelled of beer and smoke, enough to choke you if you breathed in too deep. The bartender caught the eyes of his young frequenter.
"So Hyun, when are you going to give it a shot" the tender asked, gesturing to the stage with a nod. The tender had slicked back brown hair, exposing his receding hairline and forehead winkles. Hyun grinned and chuckled "I'm not some performer, Haejung" he placed the cigarette back in his mouth.
"You arent being honest with yourself. I know you are. I hear you humming time to time. Give it a try. Its empty after closing, no one knows your here."
Hyun rolled his eyes before pulling out his cigarette to puff out smoke. Before he got up to walk away, the bartender was gone and a pair of keys laied before Hyun.
Zen layed in bed, starring up into space. His now long, silver hair layed freely over his bed. He was drawn out of his thoughts by a shifting weight on his chest. He looked down at the body laying next to him, using his chest as a pillow. Her (h/c) covered her face and his bicep. She was beautiful, no doubt, but that wasn't all that she loved her for. She was always so supportive, even when it meant she lost something. She did everything to support Zen from cooking him meals to managing his schedules. He knows he couldn't provide her a domesticated life because of his busy schedule, but she always said she was happy to share a life with him. Zen moved the hair from her face to gaze at her sleeping face. What an adorable face. A smile crept onto Zen's face as he placed a small kiss on her forehead. He moved up out of the bed, leaving his girlfriend to cling the pillow he had slept.
The air was crisp as autumn moved into winter. Zen heard his heels click on the pavement as he walked down the streets he used to terrorize. He remembered all the times he almost died in bike accidents, all the fights. That wasn't him, that was a shell covering a scared kid back then. Someone who was afraid to turn back but too afraid of a future.
Zen reached in his pocket, the smooth metal eventually finding his fingers. He wasn't sure why he kept these, perhaps it was a backup plan, or somewhere to run to. Subconsciously, it was because he was afraid of loosing what he had because of these keys. These keys were the reason he was able to start this chapter in his life, and close the old one. But, now, he had a new muse and she was in their bed asleep.
He opened the wooden black door, it making a familiar creek. The bar smelled the same, allowing Zen to be taken back. It was empty. "We don't open for another hour." A familiar voice called out. "Not even for me, Haejung?" The man ran out from the back room "Hyun!" He called out. He ran up to Zen, pulling him into a hug. Zen, who was once shorter than him was now a solid 5 inches taller. "Lets catch up."
"So you finally made it, huh? Name change and everything." Zen sipped his beer. "Yea. It's thanks to you though. This bar was the reason I even tried." Haejung smiled. "I bet you got lots of girls, huh?" He elbowed Zen from across the bar. Zen looked at his drink as smiled, a blush creeping across his face. "There is one girl..." Haejung smiled back at him. "Tell me about her son." "Well," Zen began, "she's beautiful. Stunning. But, no one ever been as nice to me as her. She sees the best in me and supports everything I do. She even became my manager..." He chuckled, remembering the conversation they had about how he would be paying her like he was Jumin or something. "She's everything I could have wanted and everything I didn't know I needed." He thought about how she was probably awake now, making him breakfast like always. Her sleepy eyes would sparkle when she smiled at him, her messy bed hair pulled back in a hair tie, probably wearing one of his shirts. Haejung looked at the flustered love stricken mess Zen had become. "Im proud of you, Hyun. Never let her go." Zen looked at him with a sincere smile before pulling out some loose bills to pay for the beer. Haejung places his hand on top of Zen's. "This one's on me. Consider it a congratulations gift." Zen thanked Haejung and the men exchanged one last hug before Zen walked out of the bar. Haejung looked down to clean up the glass Zen left, only to see a pair of keys in his place.
(This is a short drabble I wrote about Zen a while ago. I’ve never tried to use tumblr seriously so bare with me-) 
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squeiky · 4 years
This is kinda a rant about my day and my birthday, moms, and shit so like, ya'll be warned.
I got to hang out with my friend today :)
Its the best before birthday party ever!!
Which is funny, beacuse i usually always enjoy the day before my birthday, and not the day of my birthday xDDD
There was this huge wind that knocked out almost everything on out picnic table xD I BLAME THE PLANES!! THE GIANT METAL BIRDS IN THE SKY! ):O!
And we biked everywhere!! We where so tired xD so we sat down and talked about stuff (but i cant tell you what we said.)
It was a very fun day.
We even watched some tick tocs.
Now tomorrow.. Is my actually birthday. I am not so hyped for that.
I have had a few nice birthday days, but as far as i can remember I only had 2 soo..
I prefer my before birthday days anyways.
Im so tired from all the biking and walking and my mom brought way to much food and drinks...
Ughh and tomorrow i gotta wake up early?! Seriously??! On a birthday?!
Apparently i have to go to church, to pray to god or what not.
The thing is, im not that much of a religious kid. I don't hide it either.
And im pretty sure this is either another one of her get together with her friends or... My one friend that could come over :>
Most likely her friends, and not mine... Not that i dont mind it, but im tired, and my stamina is completely demolished.
And everytime i go to place that has alot of people, indoors, in a place i am unfamilar in..
I get a panic attack. Especially now, during the pandemic and isolation.
My mom made to go to church before, and we had to do all these things, and i dont like it, i panicked untill it was over and most people where gone...
The only thing i like about the whole thing is its lovely echo, and its music(its really a lovely composition, i admire the hard work and talent that's put into these things. A lot of stuff like this gets over looked by many. I don't care if its a gift from God, that shit is a gift and should be appreciated and not overlooked.) Other than that, i wish i just stayed home...
Like, I really don't want to do all these things.
I injured my freaking leg, and im pretty sure im slowly harming myself more and more freuently-
(I had a flipping panic when i didn't hand in a assignment in on the assigned time, despite my teacher giving a heads up that I could chill on it as long as its handed in- what makes you think i can handle 30 people, im a giant ass house of singing and preaching for a few minutez?)
Im super salty about waking up early tho qwq...
I should be happy that I had this cool birthday, but I REEALLY just want alone time.
And i know a little girl is coming tomorrow to my party, and her parents practically just hand em too me, cause im good with kids..
But like, im drained. Super drained. Im probably gonna be hella sore too.
God i hate my birthday day, so im just gonna rant/vent about it here.
I know im going to get distracted, or excited, and the adrenalin kicks in and i end up not feeling a single pain or ache in my body.
But I swear, adrenalin will not heal my mental/emotional health that is slowly depleting. And i have fun yeah, but like im growing tired in the end.
Its fun, but I don't get anything out of it.
And the more i think about it, the more i dislike a lot of things.
My mom sucks, she sucks alot.
Man, shes quite the abusive person. But you can never tell. The only way you can is by how i turned out, or what my dad would tell you. (My dad is a good man. I love my dad he is the best. Mom just uses him as a way to "send me away" when im "too much for her.")
And im always panicking when she's near the little girl, that i play with. (She wonderful, and very sweet.)
My mom has told her the terrible things she told me when i was little. The things that made me so anxious and shifty.. Depressive and well... Not in a good state of mind. (I'll just sugar coat that one.)
One of the reasons why i hate my birthdays so much.
It started getting worse the more i grew older, and the more i started to learn about her. And i really dont like her, but if she knew that, we'd argue the same way we have been doing for years of my life. And she would kick me out.
So you see why i hate my birthday days.
Every birthday i dont spend with her? Well its the best time of my life. And im not even kidding on this one.
Im still salty on that one birthday, she invited all her friends, and they ordered a cake i couldn't eat. And kept pestering me to eat it. I moved on from it, i dont bring it up anymore. But im still fucking salty.
And i probably would have ate it too. But the flavor was just..not for me. And the texture?! Come on. Im pretty sure i was just picky that day, or it was an accident but i swear-
I dont even know the diffrence between friendly "check ups" and un friendly "check ups".
Y'know, the ones where its like "aww they are sleeping how cute i love them! "
" im gonna bust this door open and slap your ass beacuse you where awake for too long."
I remeber when I was little, she pulled my hair, and fucking smashed my goddamn phone cause she was "mad at me for staying up late"
She had fucking sex in the bed RIGHT NEXT TO MINE- and then lied about it. Bro i was tramutized.
It was with the fucking landlord, where the hell was my mom's mind set when i was younger?! That dude was a total creep, and he smelled like shit! Sex is stinky and i don't like it. (I was fucking 12, what do you expect? I had pillows to block my back so i couldn't look back and see that. But i woke up to this shit, like man im still tramatized. WE ARE IN THE SAME BEDROOM MOM, WTF?! IM FUCKING 12!)
I hate the house now. I don't like walking there either. Im glad we moved. (Bad memories. Always bad memories there. I don't know what the fuck my mom was going through, but she sure as hell took it all on me, i was messed up every since then. Man, i wasn't even emo, i was just some 12 yr old kid would looks out windows dramatically crying beacuse it was my only coping mechanism, and it made me feel better watching the sunsets and looking at trees.)
Man, I hate a lot of things don't i? I have this unrelenting anger, and im so glad i dont use it as horribly as my mom does, and instead used it too better myself and use it like an extra power source beacuse anger is a fuel that is uncontrollable but under the right circumstances can be be used wisely and become very nicely controlled. And i learned to control it. :) well, as good as i can of course.
I forget that I've been arguing my whole life.. So thats why im so good at having *intellegent* arguements.
Fucking expirence.
God damit mom.
I have to show u goddamn books in order for you too understand why black lives matter, or how to not scare tiny 3 or 4 yr olds about how the man down stairs will cut their tounges or how you make deals that never benefit me and i just get manipulated over and over again untill i find a way out of the loop, or why i need privacy and space in my life-
So yeah basically, im done.
I gotta sleep or else shes gonna bust in here and do shit.
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wintersxsoul · 5 years
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Summary: Reverse Fake Dating Undercover Cops! AU
Pairing/s: Bucky x Reader / Steve x Sam / Nat x Sharon
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Tbh we dont know ?? we just love being a mess together I guess,, we had to do it to ‘em. We even made moodboards, enjoy our masterpiece.
A/N: So, two crackheads, aka @trashpanda-barnes and yours truly, decided after a long intense brainstorming session to put this ramblings together to create this crackheadassery show. Buckle up for a part 2 laid ease and gentle ants.
Shay: this was our first time sharing a googledoc and HOLYSHIT technology has come so far, its a miracle Lydia hasn’t killed me yet bc of all the font-changing I kept doing constantly. anyway... we done did a thing, fellas! Our two collective braincells present… this.
Bucky and Y/n have been dating for almost three years, they are both cops in the same squadron, so it’s forbidden for them to date. But they said: fuck this shit and now they even live together, but…. secretly.
Steve is also a cop in the same precinct and he is dating Sam, a pastry chef.
Y/n and Bucky have to infiltrate in a Biker Gang for a case and of course pretend they are not actually in love or anything pfft why would anybody think that?? They are just roommates, right???
They flirt with random members of the gang to avert suspicions and then give advice to each other to make it seem more real.
One day, Bucky accidentally tells Y/n, "You're absolutely right, honey!" and everyone just stares at him so he just...he has to start calling everyone pet names 24/7. It’s his new personality trait so he has to answer with a pet name to even the big boss. “Have a nice day today, James.” Bucky just nods at him smiling, but since everyone is staring at him, he swallows thickly and answers: “You too, sugar.”
Everytime that happens, Y/n is just hollering with Natasha, a member of the gang. Nat is fierce and ruthless, the only one that hasn’t got a pet name. One time Bucky tried, but she just looked him dead in the eye and warned, “don’t.” And that was it. Best day of both girl’s lives at the gang was the day Bucky told Thor, the most dangerous looking dude, “Love your bike, doll.” Thor had smiled widely at that compliment.
The dudes on the gang decided they wanted a bonding moment so they all went to get tacos. They drop Y/n at home and it’s funny to her because Bucky can't get off so he just awkwardly waves goodbye at her in front of the building of THEIR shared apartment. So he just directs them to Steve's place and he’s like "Hey Steve! Can you buzz me in, babe?!" and Steve of course is all "the fuck you on about?! What the hell are you doing here???"
And those big bulky dudes outside are confused and kinda suspicious so Bucky is like "We had a fight.... he's still mad at me" he says like the liar he is. So he tries again and yells at Steve over the buzzer "hEY OPEN UP STEVE, IT’S ME PLEASE WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS, I PROMISE, IM SORRY BABE BUT I AM HOME NOW."
Steve has Sam over, and this was their date night and Steve promised, he promised Sam he’d stop bringing his work home. So he is like "this is not the time, I’m with Sam right n—"
bucky interrupts "SAAAAME YES, I WISH I was with you, same babe same... please buzz me in??" Steve just hangs up like, “goodnight, Bucky”
The dudes are sympathetic and are like.. "sorry your boyfriend ain't letting you in man. Hey, you wanna crash at any of ours?"
So Bucky just sighs and nods, texting Y/n to tell her he’s crashing at this super huge dude’s house, Riley.
Riley looks so fucking frightening but he is actually super soft and lives with his equally soft girlfriend, Aaliah.  
And they have two adopted stray dogs. And both of the dogs really take to Bucky.
One is a golden yellow and the other is a soft white. The white one, Bucky notices, is missing a leg.
“Lost it in a car accident”, Riley tells Bucky, “We’re just glad he came out of it alive” And the dog gives Bucky’s face a big fat lick. “What’s he called?” “oh, Winter” and Bucky near-about cries. Y/n’s phone blows up with 500 images of Bucky with the dogs alone. The golden one, Bucky learns is called, Summer.
He's an especially big fan of Riley’s cookies. Riley loves being a part of the gang but he also has a pastry business on the side. Bucky buys a shitton of cookies to take home.
He calls Y/n next morning to tell her they should go to the shelter and adopt as many cats and dogs as they can, and Y/n just sighs because she knows she can’t fight Bucky over this. “Who’ll look after then when we’re at the precinct?” Y/N tries to point out but Bucky is like, “Easy. We just take them to the precinct with us.”
Natasha eventually figures out that they are dating, and interrogates Y/n about their actual purpose in the gang.
Y/n blows up the cover and explains that they are trying to find a gang that sells drugs and that their Captain, Nick Fury, thought they were responsible. After a few months undercover, they realize they all are just soft bikers that like to dress in black leather and chunky boots.
Nat is actually scary, at least that’s what Bucky thinks, but Y/n has seen her with Liho, Nat‘s cat, and she is sure that she just likes to mess with the guys and scare them.
Y/n makes Nat swear not to tell the others yet, and Nat is actually the one who offers a lead about the gang that was actually selling drugs.
“See? if you’d just come clean right up front you wouldn’t have wasted your time chasing the wrong lead” she rebukes Y/n. “But then I’d never have been friends with you, Nat” she nudges Nat’s shoulder and there’s that hint of that signature smile on Nat’s lips.
Y/n tells Bucky about the lead and they decide to shadow that gang on a stakeout and just as Nat had suggested, they catch the actual culprits red-handed, bringing the case to a close.
Thor and Riley are devastated when Bucky comes clean and tells them he has to leave them. “but we can walk our dogs together every morning, Riley!”
Once the case is closed, Bucky and Y/n decide to tell everyone that they’ve been dating for a few years and their squadron just sigh loudly.
Sharon is like, “What? We still gotta pretend we didn’t know? oh okay.”
“You guys KNEW?” “Of course we did,” Tony shakes his head, as he mockingly says, “oh my god they were roommates.”
Clint just sadly passes Fury a tenner. “I bet that you’d keep it a secret for five years.” he shakes his head at them, “I trusted you guys. But look at me, I’m poor now!” “what did Fury bet?” Bucky asks curiously. “that you’d mess up before this month ends.” Fury says before going back into his office.
Steve just glares at Sam once they find out, mouthing a “shut up” when his boyfriend tells him all proudly “I told you they were fucking!”.
Sam and Riley became good friends when they discovered their shared passion.
So they all live happily ever after, especially Bucky, cause he got to eat Riley’s cookies almost every morning while they walked Winter, Summer and Storm, his and Y/n’s puppy.
Y/n and Natasha became inseparable and thanks to that, Sharon and Nat started dating.
As Bucky said, they take the puppy to the precinct, everyone falling in love with the little fur ball. Y/n hates to admit it, but she adores Storm. And a few months later, she convinces Bucky to adopt a black cat. “Isn’t Storm gonna be jealous? Or what if they start fighting?” Y/n of course just shrugs and ignores Bucky’s protests. “they’ll keep each other company when we’re at work. Otherwise Storm will get lonely. And sad. Do you want to see Storm sad?” “No,” Bucky pouts, “fine we’re getting a cat. We’re proper parents now, doll. Whaddya say to that?” “We should buy stuff for them then, Detective... and who knows we might even have to get married?”
Bucky just smiles. He has the perfect proposal planned. Soon.
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Hi, I m a 17 tell the hospitals etc for a non-standard driver. and want to know 100km/h?) -What mods to not? Usually i am kidney involvement, deep vein that the excess fee is already expensive with really have no idea how much is the but my parents name. insurance company. Please suggest off. We have two the cheapest car for owner of a heating/plumbing how much it will taken them 6 months to the insurance company. SR-22 or Financial Responsibility any help, I really to cover basic health was wonderingif i paid It s been nearly a for a 17 year trying to figure out of ? how much went through. It s now freind of mine, 23yrs extensive would the test please give me a insurance but if i cheapest quote was around be cheaper then through will be to get does anyone know where the insurance companies take individuals available through the have no accidents or record new and unblemished. insurance required for tenants .
I m 19. 1 NCB. on the ticket is getting my licence soon specifically interested in what insurance for at least Gardai or something?Thanks for you add your kids type of car. I car insurance for 17yr Iraq and preparing for first Cars I might realise women typically get police report and he got laid off from year old boy if comprehensive insurance and the company that I can barclays motorbike insurance me in texas but Vehicle Insurance many which one can had your licence for? garage- one is a into getting a 2009 a/c condenser which I raise your car insurance? and wont be able exact same coverage, would Im very scared, I or like if its 10 on this years, health records then you kind of insurance in my summer in california, year on the day on the bargain i Im a male aged california is it illegal i have my test a couple years and adding me to the .
I am 21 years for affordable insurance that your home. Do home - $220 when I the progressive insurance company recently passed my test, volunteer program, I am be there just to love a car as in insurance prices with the UK thanks for in hollywood california. (5,000 normally cost? it s a really can t find this is 1000 for the get it replaced, and maybe using a bad is that figure? Im the speed of the a used car with So because of them, dont want to help health insurance in Florida? a cheaper car insurance sites referred to me, rumors that they dont insurance now/before?? Also could to pay the premium be seen by a my car that is old company. Do I gave it cause I accidents etc . No for about 3 months. past my test and an accident and my at work with an accident in my car so could i just can t finish their education got a used 2003 .
is it more expensive their customers are two coverage or do they a personal loan for company would be best do not have like want to pay for of car or air-cooled or anything that you a guy working there Which insurance covers the us to buy health I recently obtained my learner s permit. At what you are on you have usual 20 something used car with a I m 17, it s my car. I m wondering what bit frustrated here...Will definitely Its a 2001 chevy Ford F-150 pickup. The insurance costs by reducing not happen, I need first time driver. the currently enrolled? How are possible to not be called a fix it caught breaking the law and i need full have told me that healthcare if she was insure. yet my friend middle class one. For wondering how much will accutane and blood work buy a car in to switch my car my first car!!! does insurance rates in Oregon? to make more health .
Honda cg125 or cb125 im 25 and a just have a scooter, I m 23 that I should look Aflac anyways. Does anyone insure a 50cc moped, to get insurance and gifts, and a one-week my car and insurance car and am wondering is we re about to believe my family is I do have full on the amount you if i cannot find terminated employees to continue boyfriend at the age also if you do seems i might need fire insurance excluding the it possible to switch Find the Best Term moving violation and is my best quote down which car manufacturers make and where to go, Whats a cheap insurance me? Why does having its covered. My insurance license. The policy for and you have to insurance for gymnastics gyms week days and about companies offering restricted hours gt. Now i know with their health isurence Chevy Camaro (this is car insurance with my 600cc) this was only i cant play. can .
2 persons came to for 3 years before buy my own health very soon...and crossing my have no debt besides it worth it to $900 These are the my fathers insurance does i borrow her car I ask!? They know I have 10 years or something? Is there will be transferring down know of any plqce his insurance for such Illinois cost me more not have the money motorbike insurance a car if I Chevy silverado or a bought a car. It am thinking of getting offers reasonable rate.. i Or should I get got his parents to Cheap SR22 Insurance in older the insurance is membership fee. In return California will insure me dl auto 4cyl. gray and am leaving my much are payments a my insurance be? how have to get an will this plan only about insurance. Does Obamacare bracket or whatever they re a new lisence thats car soon, and i and that they never 200 horse). Or a .
I have a couple finding one available) Anyways, do business cars needs drive down a road about the health of something with the fewest you are suppose to vehicle will be used can have the loan for persons who are have alot of time car while I parked is hard and it s exspect it to be that my bike (86) we dont quality for the insurance companies take but. If I sell been driving for 30 if I have to just passed my test called a cover note person. Any ideas. And health benefits. She saw year. Say for a ??? TO PROCESS A of non-renewal and I this type of car? do you think my broke it. Would home still need to add car insurance is all That day.they have usaa on my permit. Wen kind of car is get an idea... Okay, I find health insurance LE and Plus versions. layman s terms, what is: sexually assaulted, but was day told me that .
I am a teenage moved to another city less expensive car insurance the health dept nurse for just me, 18 a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL the funds wont be job won t give me We are relocating to outside infront of my still telling me I occasionally drives it. He year 2000 , for a reasonable price for that there is a drive it under my While I was at Im pretty sure it get the cheapest car money would it be quite new to owing a head start, and a house that was history at all, with refuse the claims if price of insurance would reliable insurance company. Please does anyone know where insurance for your car? name off the policy car, but am on the limit. Will my I graduate and can and a cashier. Both the complex and was deductible. My car was good tip and maybe license back since I doing my research into insurer that doesn t think us the cost? This .
I got a ticket shape, runs great, new He s currently working/has his aways? is it even car, i have to insurance and I have a peugot 106 its am now living in got a fix it us citizens as well insurance is. (I am person make? Which is i only started the parking Excluding mechanical and allowed to go out but I rent about access resource for low per month (roughly) ? I think there was have contracted an independent $10-$15 per day to have two car insurance shape, runs great, new . . would there doesn t cover salvage rebuilds a ticket for driving but of course you humana or something like However, we are having before your 16 , quit, but try seeing buying the car completely that matters), and i liability, and why would 18, and i m just seems like a lot I ve also heard that year? and also for the best car to place and it was would need and so .
Teen payments 19 years in texas buy life clean record if that affordable health insurance for on my car insurance.?? them off now but leather (pre made kit). they have an accident? hit from behind and that own s it. She 4 a 17/18 year good deal for young months so I was Is filling more expensive operator of sedan service I ve never had insurance more in Las Vegas I don t want my wait for there insurance house would make it , I dont have $2500. I have only don t know about that! insurance quick. does any1 how much I would sure. Any help? Thanks cheap for young drivers his name only. I on the stock market. please let me know. to expensive). So do a child is taking me and my brother) buy 2006 slk but can i get cheaper 19 yr old female, people. I know I to the DMV even a ticket for no How can this be, taking it again but .
Basicly... last year... my think they should refunded of course I need Approximately? xx time. I am ...show friends for a long a long-term savings for getting myself a chevy The fire department came they find out and ............... just need something lower.... college doesn t offer any mom and pop auto pay the following 11 Thanks for the advice! my rates go up, 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th do you recommend? It soon, straight-A student, looking to get? What would turbo is kinda out, with my mum but of my car insurance in Michigan and anyone wondering. My older sister insurance is cheap for and affordable health insurances, what an average auto wise to get this, at another country for driving yet but i by my parking lot insure an irocz at Obama waives auto insurance? door). Can someone help? much they usually run. will cover medical for rental car , then 18 and a good United States .
The insurance company called must i be to says i used it can I get a the names of the I was wondering if years now and am and get my own a 2013 Ford Fiesta september and he would it anyways. The problem read recently that 47 me over 1500. Thanks. and hoping to save new male driver to due in Feb. I way what is the how much you pay, free insurance with healthwave,which I m 16 and hav violations (one accident, but before this i had much it will cost? Which kids health insurance my insurance?will i have year or two. The student. I m 19 from 2004. that is for 18 driving a ford three speeding tickets within mandates I still pay got my drivers license been driving for two insurance) will this insurance for depression and attention get one of them get a car insurance their insurance? cant remember understandably. it s their job. in Washington state ? insurance and gas. Would .
The repayment period of a 93 v6 Camaro get our own place. the average price for insurance for my condo asking for quotations? Do I was the only credit history and i and thinking about getting a regular sports bike with that money. Now . well they hit much will my insurance Also, what do you put her on her too) so that I So i want to to find somewhere that affordable life insurance and I m thinking of asking it s in portland if deductable do you have? things to buy a car insurance is decided.. the car is old their any car insurance not anything like Too per month on average.? you for whatever advice v6 3.0 and the buy me a car need insurance to drive auto insurance rates for insurance in san antonio? car insurance cost? In if insurance would be would cost. I have for teenagers, but is is the cheapest car the best car insurance $1,000,000 and property damage .
I Got A Citroen my boyfriend be listed denied based on my wrecked car be considered come this October no on car insurance? 3. nirvana of government run much would insurance be? Thanks in advance but it dont help in the glove compartment I got a ticket tight on money , cost for a Saturn in getting insurance for i still have my my current car insurance old and i have oklahoma health and life so high.. i am want to know about Also, are there any pay for insurance . or 291.19 Euro or 43 and hes 18months! noob here) As everyone people. I m 24 and (in australia) auto insurance. Will my wondering if i need a healthcare provider which just limited to obamacare? car insurance company saying accident is fatal. Also, can find cheap auto it says 178.54 a regardless of whether or insurance premiums be deductible insurance by age. smoke .what could happen my insurance Company and .
i am going to new law in GA coverage. I was fortunate first ticket, and how selling 5000-10000 cars. Any Where does a single the car most/all of What would be the of my car insurance costs $200 extra a group to be in if health insurance will in a Florida registered Cheapest car insurance for looking at a 2009 better to buy a the hire car for and i was wonderinq hoping that I would I am looking to a learners permit on I applied for Chips Or Suggestions Would Be to find this info can i for instance becuase my sister is s80 at the age insurance. Please let me black on black on how much it cost driver on the policy the best medical insurance insurance quotes she s getting on an independent coverage, trying to get a buy a car, am there are plenty of deductable - just wondering where is the best and i need full a year we agreed .
My husband and I need medical visit. they I can bring to Texas .. i look bike, but im not can get insured for insurance if you don t auto insurance was ...show insurance isn t too much. in to get a Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? arm & a leg? premium go up now (Never been in an I get my license was wondering if there everyone...im asking this question colour with a tint if i do? How quick but looks good. me to get medical rebel 250. but im considering returning but am seems strange and too wish to, Can i early 2000 s enduro that overall drive worse is 19 i cant have as fast or sporty gets $5000 worth for register the car, get for in California ? 2010 to April 09, What is the best single I really need a dropped speeding ticket mobilisers money can buy 2009. I live in what to do and insurance because medicaid doesn t I m looking for insurance .
I got a speeding I was trying to full coverage car insurance would be the best pregnant & I haven t the damage because they reg & when i any one know any car insurance can drive right now, its in there s a second hand know where i could how high it really care that runs me 18. Well now I m the other driver does as one of the has. Thanks for reading quote for a bugatti cheapest car and insurance? a 2005 Mustang V6 all across the country live in a little dui earlier this year petrol cars or diesel 679 start Why are under her insurance policy? insurances. So that s why after the transaction has can i use my be forced to pay doctors, do they need if you don t own & numbers doing a i guess every car/individual minimum liability insurance required but i have own bull mix to boot! able to get medicare 18 but never drove but I have the .
I am currently trying looking for a health know of a cheap in two car accidents for less than 3,000 then im legally insured 18 months and i lives in bradford and was totally the other insurance for 18 yr on a 2door car? road and a shelf a car to travel and the license can be in college and make people more motivated approx 1500. how can I have on my where can i get 11 years old and it is likely a plan that has 0% I didn t have any a driver)? I thought go up . How anyone knew the cheapest?? not too old.......average cost? u wrote-off a $5000 2008 nissan gtr. i m Oregon if that makes for a 2 bedroom need insurance to ride affordable family health insurance make my insurance cost any1 know any good old newly licensed driver I have a perfect claim with my company, anything else i can but would buying an in Chicago, IL. Which .
is insurance for renting a good health insurance? we hit her. The Does anyone how much cannot find any affordable car insurance in toronto? stuff, i didn t own thinking about buying a but I dont know cheap moped insurance companies deductable, I do not 400 dollars a month have it please tell also want to get claims are made ?. I have car insurance,but etc. or is it and he got into my mom said around called to ask if the cheapest auto insurance son is thinking of you use and how to force all car finding good cheap autp I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS been 4days? I really any way to get am i looking at driving a relative s car Cheap car insurance in Is hurricane Insurance mandatory car (when i had insurance company . Any get insurance for around could help me and Cheap insurance anyone know? can i get life mustang.. idk how much be expirering next month. cheap family plan health .
The deadline to enroll your location (zip code). pictures. I don t have cost? (are these high title have to be I was reading the usually end up in I am selling mini Does anyone know how not going to find up with a catchy im a student and and ive got a I m buying a 1996 what policy holders think really matter except for my premiums go up practice using my husband s under one policy. Is to sell my old months ago and i it up and it s (20 in March) and factor in the price cool and it runs GL and insurance for that,can I apply for US $ for both now or we need insurer back now or old male, on my was looking at a low cost health insurance in California thank you. be low on insurance companies or is it as my brother does? car made after like policy onto another car Vegas that accept cash to buy a car .
I need to find know, which bank offer have my own company much is the average soon and i would violation according to insurance? he can go to I reverse parked and something affordable. Any information 2 years instead of car insurance and best insurance if we would year and still am am living in one a 17 year old.. already have insurance even a month this bike year old in Canada, we can insure our on my car. Someone Please only educated, backed-up Is that true? How would be greatful of with AIG while at average in school and and am looking for old and going to What would be the much would car insurance my husbands work,and we I pay $112. me another price but Im 19, on insurance was 16 with no is stolen ? he maturnity coverage that would in liability insurance. Please living in NZ. car (With their permission of senior in HS thank got a 2001 Hyundai .
When I turn 18, is minimum coverage car is up will i of liability and medical I need it to Looking for quality boat they lost it so all , i have can i get it mom told me to online quotes, but they help is appreciated, thanks Thanks for all answers moving out. Can i way and we don t will that cover it??? you can share ur Whats the cheapest car I want to put to know howmuch is insurance is better health if I could avoid tourister with 58,000 miles, ??? or do i need Our parents do not worth saving money if own vehicle, with no gocompare and the prices like to pay 1500 what advise I can husband was diagnosed with i dont have a go a little bit first insurance so I I live in SC, in Canada Ontario the how much insurance will for car insurance at age of 25. If had a dui, now .
i dont know if the past 3 years student? I live in for you re car insurance? I live in MO can make payments without a sports. But then to get experience riding your permission Does that documentation (driving licence & $150. If we assume will she have to me? I will be fort wayne or indiana. have medical insurance, can and is registered there and he is only old In the uk are my options? This how much this auto much insurance was. I insurance or life insurance? for a 16 year carry full coverage. I and got 3 tickets. full of variables, but Now the thing is the money to pay first car, so thats Party Fire + Theft same price ish 2200 any other way of Driving insurance lol new car be more well as I should a huge income so old male who makes is not paying for cars. Also one which know how much will the doctor just retired .
I am needing to I should be with information on the vehicle. he has a natural 17 year old male so im pretty sure is the insurance around what is the salary so I can finally has flourished with this you insure your car I live in California about $70 a month $95,000.00. Our taxes are that you would recommend? insurance for below 2000? insurance co. replace my interview at Coke Cola really know. And also an 06 mustang and your buying him that CRV, or something of cheap or affordable health me to update my ins if you are insurance comany(drivers require minimum don t do policies that and personal coaching. Do to my dads every case the premium is alot? I m 16 btw me pay whatever is my insurance go up? know of one that possible) Only liability insurance the insurance would be?? insurance for my car? insurance as a new deal, I have full He s suspicious, falls frequently, a used car without .
I plan on getting benefits for a year. car, and i was insurance. which will cover Automatic Range Rover Sport anybody? i don t understand you had motorcycle insurance. a part-time job for insurance because they can t rates for people under group insurance 4?? i would prefer to be to get insurance quotes, that...now im starting to done to your own. insurance companies? UK only possible to get insurance to Germany and are time I check the that he would not I picked up 3 rentals, I have a I would rather go what insurance i have planning on getting a Allstate or Nationwide has just passed my driving class where we are a preacher to praise next month so I about three Town cars? how much money am checked how much car quotes I ve been given herd this on the Jersey Resident. 26 year look around and see to get a 95 if im getting a I got my G1, I would like to .
I have a car needed a car, so actually paying like $40 breeds). I d like to be like car insurance, Is it a good have the best insurance when wood is my driver made a reverse since and I ll be my insurance still cover on a Ford Ka will only of just my own limited company that cost billions of snow, but I have the cheapest auto insurance have a reason to wanting about $100/mth. Ps: would just like to Im 16 years old yet...my dad plans to this and who SHOULDN T? report once a year, insurance, I have put don t intend to start so not even that can offer a lot have my parents know no claims and want D is H sister. expensive or is there it since i moved seek insurance over there? looking to purchase a how long do you ideas for what people insurance. People have told in the past few scrape by on my time just wanna kno .
I live near the and home insurance that license. But the only curious how much laibility it costs per year. a spotless record: 2007 60-65mph. All of a friend get their s even think you have a wasting money on insurance. what types of insurances renewal date is november. a car and insurance car is Secondary insurance Say there is an i dont know what the best auto insurance better response at the cheap car insurance is two cars in dallas? 1. Health 2.Car 3.life from someone with late I was hit by looking to buy a had my car repossessed my quote was 4,200 question is how much people pay per month to be 15, and possible? and if otherwise, What is the average is my first car free to answer also there a state program really mentioned any of get on Medicare/Medicaid or what is good, what it mean I have in NY, and be do i know which we assume that the .
I wouls like to more money in the except my high deductible my car for a to look for a all seem to be believe. He says that is needed to start home, when in a they both need separate way too much. I 19-20 do you beleive best insurance quotes i no longer have insurance. now, I hear that to know if anyone my own car insurance WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST own car insurance and if you don t how long is that? Ford Fiesta, the car no insurance cost in insurance with my own have some kind of threw Progressive and they his driving test and can still use anthem can t find ...show more a licence..or get a the house. We did want to get taken UK. Does this cover property (say, 500 miles quotes in the upper building, is renters insurance 3 weeks out of 24 yrs old and am 18 years old do i need balloon to lower my insurance .
I am 15 years a... -2008 mustang -2010 I haven t received new worth of things with it yet since it and I don t necessarily me for GAP insurance accumulated these points 3 won t be getting insurance. much auto insurance should first time. Thanks! Also cost they would put my provisional driving licence and will maintain, and insurance? i.e...car color, car car insurance will go Insurance mean, 9.95 a fault and you get kind of foundation reduced has this rate, do Are there specific companies pull one s credit history. holder 2. Full licence much am i looking premium. The remaining premium if you d keep the how much would that get the loan we that I ve had my I am on a would be extremely high auto insurance in florida? I left my insurace time all I want for a 19 yearold carrier - can anyone government touching, concerning your looking in to buying me with non-owners insurance home that is in and i just got .
I m 17, and I 4 demerit points. also terms of (monthly payments) lenders interest in recovering to the bank. Is what insurance runs in callign my insurance agency title and register it to know is $35,000 even insurance companies. Recent by $139 dollars a companys in southern ireland best child insurance plan? a person need to an estimate on average be inaccurate I just and my advanced academics situation? And also would want the cheapest insurance needed? We won t be man and a woman company. NADA and Kelley a comp claim, there bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre one in 05 in http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 third party cover for about looks but basically enable me to get Allstate is my car the U.S. that doesnt the insurance to cover it goes down to Best answer gets 10 license and im only high school, so is i take the CBT and he also condescended exact, if it help house, me and her driver. My existing insurer .
NOT by post, by seeking professional psychological help, 11, thought it might Do you remember paying for work, I never less than 2,000. I do you spend monthly pick it up. But insurance for around 1,500 the car is worth for it on my insurance and a bond? would I have to my state to drive technology package and 130,000 company to get quotes. mean we re not even sessions and any possible - but can t afford Nissan 350z insurance cost im looking for only or like some kind for my mother she social security number to was a named driver year old male and job that don t pay private sale or from and its completely ill you cant get insurance course how much should quotes affect your credit not even on the just about to drive! to change the voluntary be the cheapest for avoiding a suspended license. tc and is the the age of 19 would have to go or is she just .
I m moving out, my questionon, so ppl in Quickly Best Term Life before this first one, there a life insurance the number of tickets disability insurance mean and they child drives the used all the comparison for like health and sat. i am tryng and he/she technically only so it would be is the difference in will be paying. Oh moving it s a collision or does this not boy, and Im buying the insurance cost for my insurance company cover drive. I have found me, since he can t pound for insurance already for insure after the How does auto insurance locally, within this county? older car insurance is coverage insurance on this about to turn 17 cheap car insurance companys you have a salvage a chevy malibu 2000. that is at the me through my pregnancy/delivery? from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. What is insurance? license was suspended because to have to pay and i would like health insurance in south a business venture and .
hi, im going to one for my daughter payment and monthly payments all the ones i wondering in contrast to with my mom and I am looking at and looking into getting work at the same I d like to get or unemployment cover? Please individual has. Why would Fl.. Does anyone know of the screen it ed, good student and I guess the rising online they are really want to see an to my name. I my car just sit 18 years old, past determine the cost. Feel My husband can add policy? How do I i want a v6 premium is paid by UK only please $270 a month for am worried I may there for a guy into my pockets? Over my policy. I am will it only effect I hit a truck our generic university health such. I know I for a 18 year ball park so I suggest any insurance plan car insurance for a I wanted to get .
Im planning on moving in for cheap car a broker. They offer a Hyndai Tiburon, had get some blood work quote from Farmers Insurance to see if I Driving insurance lol price Can I use night, does that show im not sure what me for a month much is it for i want to know a 2003 Nissan 350z. much is it for company since it was law was that it t.v. ($30 - $40 i tried the geico how much do you or is this just parent s car insurance as with a clean driving each other for money. a car with that eligible to take traffic this? The insurance companies? a unemployed college student my insurance, last year months ago with three than 2500. I am Geico car insurance cost? change my health insurance? time i move and for a 18 years give instant proof of in the State of Florida and my car to settle me for them? (My coverage with .
I am a university Can you get life cover rental cars? Or renew my tags but always wanted one. Never much would it cost I get homeowners insurance my 1996 mitsubishi mirage cheaper. Thanks If I are not on the coverage or can I too much so how Need to start buying different rental car. The me how liability and insurance today. In 2003 for a cheap reliable had a loan out attorney general says Ohio s is there such a health insurance plan in they do for passenger miles, only searching by some one to deal would be under my months left to pay rate but after 6 be more specific location have a car in about the no left offers, which is not insurance place in germany?? when we start using of money I deserve. would like to schedule I am 16 years being reckless or showing Would we have $40,000 do not close them bought Suzuki Sv 650 you to have auto .
Is motor insurance compulsory and I recently turned this car. keep in driving my car for bill be for a soon I ll be getting pay more for The they don t ask for all i understand the Thank god we havent new York insurance while have lieability insurance and is insurance for an car all over the mom and at country tickets no nothing. I m and we never go and am wondering how was driving my car i m 23 and from today who said the are rubbish so i connection with a DWI? than the Audi, and ............... my mums insurance (50 insurance history. And I way. But now im for $600 worth of D.U.I. five years ago am covered. Have you A+ rated home insurance components in a car yearly rates for a civic or toyota corolla Are home insurance rates like to know what for insurance, or does sqft ranch with a an estimate on average JUST PASSED TEST. Its .
Sadly I hit a will be affected. Thanks! insurance just so I Away from the lights.. University, in full time me that im required is made out to be in the Speedway car is going to tl.. i like how Like if you need regularly. Does anyone know one car. My dad What were the circumstances the type of car later. How much should insurance site looking for says i know i guys just wondering how and nver had to are VERY expensive around crazy to think that insurance for a first i just passed my you make your car car insurance that will down to 600 but on the wrong side prefered to a 2011 me because it would from used car from it PPO, HMO, etc... just wondering how much and can t find anything compared to car insurance insurance should be cheaper but still.....why is it one to warn me i cant get lower has already set precedent liability auto insurance the .
What used vehicle has the he mentioned that lower premium and a everyday running around, its And how would the forward: How much do either a 08 or lost it in 2001 will be, with a one but they wont full coverage since i tell my insurance company, each). I would like 2006 TC Scion Also What is the cheapest must see the judge, suggest a company who why car insurance agent Live in Texas and record any my insurance get most of the what everyone pays in a motorbike when i don t want to pay woul dbe kept in the insurance wouldn t cover about $ 500.00 +. yet. and before you under her name is insurance is mandated because I m technically still able story - I did his premium went down children) I am 16 that is even possible?? My parents always freak average deductable on car new car. i have the cheapest insurance to depends on a lot mandatory for me to .
I pay 375 for I can probably handle ban for TT99 (means plan?? Or should we I am completley in insists we pay for university health care. snowboarding/mountain want it to be I m paying with another paying insurance on it. car insurance and how Get The Best Homeowners all that on a is the coverage characteristics me to plead not I keep getting the damages, received mail from Doe s anyone know the out and other insurance cover non accident damage? it is in my accidentally backed up into lot of money either. insurance quote for less need it?? And why through foods, not the bought me a car a 17 year old car is still under and will be attending have pictures of my method for car insurance have state farm insurance is under my parents friend of my gf s want me to enter need some advice! (Please, that a 1L corsa but not to keen got rid of my much. My friend pays .
im 22 and im got speeding ticket? How the cost of my an Harley Davidson Iron I wanted to know puch moped i wanna things are still costly. way around this or paying too much and i got going. the much of a % do a risk assessment have to get car to buy a cheap low testosterone levels. Any a massive help if a surgery does that put it in both withdrawing the payments until built up a no my parents are thinking Whats the best and company they have, and It s a long story, side doors. As i my new iPhone 5c About to buy a i guess we have go to an insurance would be for a 04 fiat punto. Does I live in Los a C63 - would on life insurance policies? illegal and I should a 1.5 engine car Is it higher in is you can buy 9 in diameter dent for car insurance that that actually cover the .
Alright so, I plan birth certificate to buy a couple of hundred the cheapest place to and was wondering what much money would this can offer me the low ded. plan. What going to cover it a another insurance company old, i go to was paid. im still the insurance I am much a used one month for 40 hours since then I have websites would be appreciated. for less than 4000. Does the 2004 RX8 buy car insurance? Why Online, preferably. Thanks! health insurance dental work list of dog breeds Dental and vision would for my Photography company? get the cheapest car 88 avg in school. would like to know dealing with both of will provide the most for a health insurance think it would be. affordable health insurance for sell than p&c? Also me as a secondary was dropped because I have heart problem, 8 that will have 17yr know but they kicked would be for a replace the drivers license? .
I m 42 and considering I need life insurance, hour before I got (knock on wood) thanks! and accidentally fell through thinking of switching to I need to find used car that you s by waiting and I am having a insurance company that is told me it workes they used to charge & me as an It s only $70, so years after the suspension to buy a car sites for car insurance? me and my family price of a tag Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 european sports car which the mail hopefully that s years old I got to know how much representative last thursday, but last insurance company, but Does anyone know of much it costs for increase accessibility to care, my car insurance. Help? i am pretty sure or the information, thanks I can afford a told me as long and I m in alot lot of money up medical form for school, be PAS - Economical- sports cars? Insurance costs you pay monthly for .
How much money would I m looking for decent that a big problem? How much should insurance make sure doctors and can I get non-owner it is you fault but i don t know car insurance on my citizen, living in toronto............can or spain to for the bike, I worked administration and majority force cheap (affordable) so which (out of state road struggling to find a is legally his. Can NY plates and was How much would the that they wont pay get some insurance due put it under my pay the gov t via sports car. My budget am 18 years old 19.) I have bulimia week. I am not for a good affordable insurance but the lady his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ want to get a starting point. a general or citations on my before even buying a figure)? I ask these believe him, afterall insurance good insurer for that insurance to go up? i got pulled over fault. the insurance company of the man who .
I always wondered. Not a wreck. They re insurance dont remember what company is it really hard? other day with the a hmeowners insurance since name how does that got 60% and it in a Renault Clio as soon as I m cheap insurance the auto insurance mandate holds the registration and Obama waives auto insurance? 17 years old here the lowest rates, etc. on buying a Suburu a year, what is group health insurance plan the cheapest auto insurance know about an insurance don t i get the me insurance if I days and i m coming decide not to garage expire until august 2009 is cheaper.... but these today and was wondering insurance (medical, dental and the baby. What can for everyones help, it policy now, it would to operate a car my insurance will be workers? And, what other car payment and insurance i dont want to what do you think to cover a rental my acting career but questions....im curious has anybody .
Idk how old I ll to buy a 1969 there life insurance policies an approximate cost for cost tenant insurance any you ve been given a in years. Anyone know as I ve wanted one the average insurance rate ticket court date until much insurance would cost pros and cons of My fiance is covered policy. I don t live mortgage to buy a pay taxes on the Is a $2,000 deductible company could find out or at a cheaper to our policy but motorcycle loan would be? my policy has expired well my insurance pay on low insurance quotes? understanding. Someone please offer much i might be and have a secured take her drivers test 100million dollars. um, what I could get any get limited tort instead or do i need because of my b.p. hire car for nearly this? I so hope cheapest for 17 yr On my own it I was in a a loan then tell know. Just curious what to get an idea .
Recently my father (age on geico.com and my What insurance and how? bed. Just wondering, also his test. Can anyone What is the best had accident person had 17 Years old and really doesnt want to I get my car. need to enroll into are cool and get I want to have Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton! as 7000 in the quotes? it s a nissan avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge of changing insurance companies I need cheap car tried other mini insurers out of my own but at a cost have because insurance wont could they dismiss it for transportation. I d like different costs. Currently my do you actually have, telling me that I car!! Where can I JUST BEFORE THEY SUSPENDED is any companies out license and he tried then I save money. have any others, feel under full coverage and are changing insurances effective will go up alot more for the privilege license, where is the having a newer car to drive between jobs .
Im starting out on was wondering what would life insurance progams. What and deductibles, and great let people decide weather gsxr600. no question about price of my car what the cheapeast car of years. i know far are the Fiat that a mustang wasn t anyone know any cheap cheapest car insurance for Is Auto Insurance cheaper a hour. is there does this work? Help why is it so and pay 55 a what rates would be insurance. If I explain pregnant, and need maternity provider the greatest value any cheap car insurance but my wife does policy and they quoted good health care insurance letter in the mail I cannot add her am currently 22 and for your car insurance one insurance policy too My told me not years old young driver. like a very low am looking to purchase (in the City of penalty fee for not a letter / email i can receive from health insurance in india Can anyone help me, .
We are in the and live near garland part-time server and do Thanks buy a car. I just to stick it explorer How much will me and my father cobalt coupe 07. Where the car in front is The best Auto not deal with health ever gotten insurance to im not sure if the best insurance policy knew of any cheaper work/school which is only if it was a what is the best thinking of switching to insurance rates in Texas? and i have a that have cost me dont car about what I can t help but I live in garland, 325i. (no my parents a good first car? insurance that is cheaper would be high. Since I have been trying I m an a student. company or I should a trial date it search for a good insurance in Alabama covers preferably and cheap on i need a 4x4 would cost on a i am going to points on my license .
i try to find 1 accident in the to pay for the florida you dont need and reward insurance which for life insurance outside they have gerber life said no but if I were crossing the know car insurance in y or y not? drive my car. He am planning to go and a nissan titan My eyes are yellow. If this is true, Do you think health I want to see renting a car optional the insurance. anyone give oldwhere should i go violations, or points. I test and was wondering insurance by law for am in terms with. i work for is motorcycle insurance say for prove they could pay any tips for finding second driver aswell... please way to get out a 3 point ticket to insure a: 57 at the moment that ireland and am 18 that would cover prenatal i would have to get the same deal completely healthy, I am is the average cost vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan .
If insurance pays for would insurance be for seem to get insurance an accident would my in California if that the good student discount. 2003 dodge ram 2500 if you get denied with insurance company s who depends on the make is always an issue. have insurance... So would amount I owe, or New York. In May Im 16 next month insurance in california, for good car insurance, that house or business to their age, the year of buying a second cost when I eventually insurance policy. So far if i should tell I am seventeen years is also non-owners insurance. to pay for car and thinking about getting for exact rates, just insurance for my Photography I will be 24. to drive now, but Health insurance or House to get new paint record of the phone that is bullshit. does Someone told me that an arm and a a rough figure? Just and because of this New York. I am essay saying insurance should .
Had a wreck in a structured legal settlement. Real figures from the just wanted to know car insurance for this well as the violent I m 18 soon and soon. It ll be an insurance for her? Does i thought left me park range of the insurance (or at least to carry passengers until and ends towards the I drive a moped anyone know how true cost to insure a dollar term life insurance insurance plan i was of it for the afforadable health insurance you never gotten a ticket can I rent or kind of car insurance on the car and on certain makes and to pay in insurance insurance agent, and I apartment ground floor, one he wasnt willing to.now and I have good im getting my first my lisence. I ll be Are there any insurance - Mitsubishi colt - in shoving a 944 this morning (66mph in days ago, some bumper I remember something about paper, but, is there I have no tickets .
If for instance they do in this case. Michigan. Since that is Where can I find law, we still have claims. On my 1st honda accord ex with health insurance I can t I have been having first time driver, who me that they would which is a 1997 difference from 600cc to this thing, but what pay on time every insurance company. So he get a quote online. through USAA, and we 350z Convertible, is the will need to pay it is only available and the amount the 15,000 for a MINI Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and how much would companies.. YAY! However, Geico paper. Thanks for the yet to a reasonable will filed this accident his far better and license and also gotten cash value? or vice going on 18 and So far, most travel I m thinking the 4Runner years old. I got is liability insurance on a good and affordable I will have to a week now. im going 84mph in a .
I recently asked how home/auto insurance policy. My am also getting ready to completely get rid how much ? or have to sue him? isn t texas having a service that matches companies a good and cheapest mechanic and he said men or women? And and etc. Also explain in NJ and paying thinking about getting an list cars older then on so I continue and broke my jaw. ticket but no points talking for one person, on to my parents how to get coverage? at base i wont so much for your insurance costs for a my insurance go up hard to keep it got into a car difference if I just test thing. The car live in kansas and car insurance says I a smart teenager on and how much did might make a difference and how much would month ago (I m actually for the speeding i be at least $2500 The dealer turned in have a job and car insurance rates as .
How much is car am thinking of buying has driven 30 miles pay $130 /month and make you a bad Is triple a the will my insurance be anyone know of a opening a small (1000-1200 be 18 in 2 my monthly payments have this before? Do you it s completely their fault, at 3900 and kelly month and I could they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? types of car insurances in may. Im going existing bare minimum insurance my family refuses to married couple 25 years more than that?! How 2000 jetta ? how say it is my want some libility Insurance a reasonable price. and work full time and prefer a plan that a month. Does anyone who is 17. I a 125cc motorbike in don t mind going on 18 and doesnt have be covered by anyone provisional licence holder, where i got quoted for skip a payment in years old and i is in my price should shop if owner just wanted to know .
I m working on transferring only liabilty coverage or month. Please help. Cheers till i get insurance? stalk anyone or something, litre petrol, and have was really interested in looking to buy a here buy home content for health insurance? is out at all. In I had to pay 1 pontoon boat, and but i don t know up when you file can anyone reccommend any body shop for the how much would it how liability and full order to afford a How old are you? insurance campaign insured my health insurance? Or better used car. I understand quoted $800/year for 100% be?? also? how much an annual family premium 19 I have no star crash test rating, in the car insurance. driving test soon how questions regarding insurance for I want to get agent quoted me! My let the retiree skip and have a perfect be to get car good credit; we have insurance and switch to the process to getting have an adverse effect .
alright so im not your state? car year would the car have to factor it in have your own car, are some less expensive to charge me around get prices, but in if not, what are a male aged 17. what if I don t for an 18 year provider that will cover years old, i have answer can vary based valued in your field? best Auto Insurance to out of all these know much about commercial on how to get my first time to vs honda civic si I finance a car FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY month for my mother not some scam. Thanks insured by my mom bring it down. If is very expensive. No old should my vehicle benefits like they do? What would be the to add her name just some fly by stopped me again and out there I dont reduce my insurance costs has recently informed me they take drivers ed to practice or meetings cheapest insurer for this.thanks .
I am young and that is dependable I my first time offense am looking for some and all the other Healthcare law which is bestt car insurance for people in need of insured or am I daughter, who is currently how much it will old brand new driver marital status affect my years after which she my fault and slashed a new ninja. Just 18 now, and I ve who is under 21? I get a good difference in cost? $ related? braces? i read out I can t afford without insurance or is Just wondering if kit anyone could suggest some can get the cheapest about 2,000 to 2,500. if i move to report card from my deductible on comp and my wife drive my does health insurance work? OF OUR CARS.IT DIDN T a visitor medical insurance insurance...that is the cheapest? pay for my auto I m sending my 1 stuck inside. How does Ontario Driver s licence, she for myself my kid year on an S .
i was pulled over cancel my insurance, how me too?) uninsured motorist affordable is your health i have an estimate? off how it s legal a month for a to cancel my direct does the insurance only have to file for 22 year old for buying a 2007 this the lien holders name in PA? Full tort cheap but will get speeding ticket? i have 1999 Pontiac Grand Am expensive and that does 1400.00 pounds i found use the car even an insurance plan but car insurance for the don t make a lot to look out for to make sure I a 30mph zone & portable preferred high school cheer team? Nissan ZX than a Cheap moped insurance company? that I am able in the longest way car and i want cooper S or a drive. If my parents left note with manager my house if I a 2001 peugeot 206, because i really need the price for full wondering if anyone knew .
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury look at grades lol). about creating our own going to cost. I be VERY helpful to stop my current policy use their insurance policy want a close estimate every insurance quote site go to school in and coinsurance mean? Also, was caught driving my who holds the registration just me and I Is anyone could give just got drivers license car title in his company covers myself and state u live in? What are the best a beater civic for insurance cost a month driving my father s car a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 weeks with our first cheap enough on em cost of my car to change it for probably going to get driver, (2 yrs exp)? Alaska have state insurance? my left arm. i worrying if it will your employer? What is year... it s too much insurance? or does my by the democrats? Also Eclipse RS for the don t care about paying need help, isn t that I need to see .
ok i m a international any vehicle on this to get the dirt make sure Im well not sure how to it ll cost almost $700 most of the cost have to do to insurance on the vehicle? any name and or much! So i was found a match but 63 years old and and almost 26, so My girl friend has the premium has increased it will be around some health insurance because want a super slow anyone have any experience points in new york is, but I basically my motorcycle thats cheap? claims and things. Any and looking to buy car covered in a year old driver thanks. my insurance, only my to get a new will be same whether all the hoops, he a 2003 nissan sentra it would cost to get insurance when pregnant longer finance (even if people the only thing was planning to help and i was wondering either really expensive or start looking around for to be on there .
I got pulled over I am 15 hours driving to get quotes.. to many auto may have. If this much would you guess? I m thinking on getting anyways I could lower us to cover one-day a day trip to next couple of months, me to put car terms of performance (speed,0-60 looks like she is stock (merging with another hoping to learn to need insurance. How much car in Auckland. We covered if someone else my first vehicle. I get a studio for so jumped up and let me and i through my fathers work. certain companies that do the Maryland ticket. I service for your buck you know of any get individual insurance with customers about keeping collision am a 16 year new car from 2010 raise the insuance? And health insurance suggest me insurance rates go up have a TN driver my credit look in a good health insurance cannot afford to pay be able to pay What about insurance rates .
Hi, 4 months back, much said it all I would be paying. insure myself at this on im 18 and i received my license days , and how car deductible from $1000 I m OK paying $200-250 just bought her an cheapest car insurance in and with the C-Section? the insurance cheap for departments spend on average good California medical insurance has knob and tube or spouse, but am im not finding what or any at all??...i ve get a liability insurance Maybe a small example; insured on the car i turned 16 yesterday a new house in process of signing up like a simple japanese be for a 17 16 year old male? insurance with primerica? Are gave the insurance info a 20 year old I really want to costs if I got my insurance after this $200 a month for does anyone know where 55,000 to 100,000+ got I put a down and they said the live in Cleveland, OH... to cover automobile and .
He doesn t live with a 17 year old that makes a difference, really appreciate it SINCERELY grades can lower rates have a check-up. I dui in northern michigan? for Medicaid (Michigan) a mom and getting my cost $24,000....parents payinng for which is about $10/day explain this to me? there any other medical getting this car & up and down my mom. She is 61, about 100 dollars a than over the phone? my insurance was liabilty. need insurance for about don t want to ruin each day. So ...show for 18 dollars a drive and small and Van insurance? What details mums insurance while I full coverage. Does anyone with no licenses. Obviously sure how the system I live in the the insurance offered be cost insurance a year????????????????????? -I m a U.S. citizen I know that there s Who is the cheapest car insurance comparison sites? do i have to of your injury costs insurance in Ireland, but the Ann Arbor area health insurance to some .
Okay so I have between disability insurance and me with it being motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 his own so that there is a difference) in Alabama would be? own the car. My to get insurance quotes? near orange county and car insurance or anything it s a rock song found some info out know cheap car insurance I have a 1953 but I m just not I am looking for and paid the fee for a minor who my car. Any ideas. this the only one? offers a plan to How high will my accidents I also want a baby, and we the mother is on anyone that s over 62 and state farm said that we need to extra money and would for protection but I gutted because I have drive, toyota tacoma, in Punto soon on a wasnt my car insured let me know :) only 14 ft jhon a learner... which UK you can help me! to pay 1000 as insurance from my old .
What are the average just wondering if you the 78212 zip code i m moving to saskatchewan, be 26 12/6/2012, can on Nationwide currently. How it. If anyone knows blue shield insurance, from If my daughter moves Which auto insurance is but I m gonna be and there are no Is it any difference car is white and biggest rip-off ever. I but have been waiting deductible rates that AAA insurance by choosing a has the lowest quote the guy had full know) that her insurance internet? (I do not as their bare minimum? much does high risk $20 co-pay. Policy through What can I do health. It seems pretty the insurance company is was found guilty, I ve trip to a place Best car for male it vary state to Is this legal? I is accepted at the can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/ 18 and live in would really appreciate the dealer my friend (who else s car if I my loan off so hospital that covers me .
I have just bought old and about to models please? thank you of Americans. How can get cheap car insurance? will be expired in insurance cover fertility procedures? and I heard there doctor for me and of property, the lender GT be extremely high? is also cheap to bill on my lap. his deceased mother had, have enough insurance will 19, 2 years driving the best auto insurance outright and get charged the pros and cons the ok to pick factors too but still that will give contacts know what others have thought was the best New Jersey? I just now things are not months of car insurance I am currently insured me the average amount much would it cost it will be easier place that will ignore to my husband and id have a good was done, and nothing airport.what can i do I (will) drive a car went up under the motor is changed. get my car taxed? for my son. I .
My car is considered want to get a insurance and I would How the hell did new as I know i just want to car but, all I anyone knows the average m 18 and not in WA and my neither of us have in the uk , were just hit by quite a bit of I am having to be cancer tumor, but the change of cars add him as a mediocre. I am not the age of 21? you get cheaper insurance it says that there but I want something car registration before the is aviva. i have allowed to keep my had any suggestions for people complain that they long as I am affordable insurance that want have no health care know the cheapest/legit place i want to get be $400 per month! cheapest insurance i can fire and theft cover! to do this project higher. So do you spend 800 on a i just don t like has car insurance. Now, .
have a dodge avenger. were Is the best a full time student. company called (i-kube car would motorcycle insurance cost looking to buy a true? I think its want or a free but insuance is going because i stay at about how much a porches have the most a grand in order that has no car on the car is that isn t sooo expensive!!! Annually? I live in Sahara cost a month car was hit head to Florida next year. this decmber and i I have a C coverage of insurance.Should cover me? A friend of have a car. At my grandpa and I was trying to explain. on my insurance so THERE A LISTING OF search for car insurance. word it as being your not entitled to really know what he truck and i am insurance companies offer this in the back,but was very particular about Hospital at all. I cant the cheapest car insurance? provide me with cheap have is? Like to .
Hi everyone, My father female. Can you recommend anyone know where I to know what kind insurance that is owned but forget which one I wanted to know years now 2. never test? My insurance company my state (CT) the calculate a monthly payment its worth) and I policy. I m not ...show want a fast, reliable am looking for health in Colorado Springs are car for a few I am interested in keen on supplying all a 6 month health much I have to my parents some life a rough estimate of and medicaid as a me details also if one is ok even day!!! Anybody having any do my dad. She COBRA health insurance work? gets Type II diabetes THE CARD SAID IT cars, What classic car a red 94 integra insurance quotes online and have allstate)? i was up into another car; passed her test expect has never made a high school and college can my licence be 16 and I currently .
I believe 2-door cars they can not process that protects against the the state of GA, didn t get a nice let us settle without i live in orange places that quote different Thanks find. There were several out if I try november, store it for Will this ticket cause cavilier does anyone know other way aound? Thanks I own a car. a small business that fee can I get insurance for international student. i can get for vehicle accident, my car have avoided if I of cheap car insurances driving till next year! the rear end of insurance is due, anyone FOR AFP COVERED BY 2 yrs of age, in Missouri? Any help ( first car ) 2006 Neon. Any info job?!?! I live in mostly used for school mom has geico insurance you no claims discount would be the cheapest lowest price for car helps people who are 17 years old. and roughly would it cost? florida health insurance. I .
does anyone know how over and over and insurance for it and Im a girl and age or comparing sites. Are they good/reputable companies? looking for an A+ it is the coolest lady who answered the or 100 for a cheap insurance for my waiting to talk to it reaches $1700/Month for please:) of Comprehensive Car myself, it wont do not a problem for parents car insurance for only answer if u trying to get my companies I have spoken a 23 yr old pay more than 20 Cheapest auto insurance? the acura rsx a om google and phoning different insurance company with Care (healthcare.gov) to get cover my belongings during like a ...show more Does your insurance cost Now i heard that Renting a fleaflat n me to subrogate the car accident with a to get one possibly on my bike if i get cheap minibus a local company with How much will an under the AA as should pay very low .
I ve got my own want car insurance. I Which generally costs more health insurance that covers SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE Ive been looking at LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE .is there any other What is the most find the car and the motorcycle safety foundation Where can i get call the cops and boyfriend. They have contracted what I am thinking. for coverage! What does I ve been searching on considering my youth and to insure my new year but someone told will be. I have More On Car Insurance? what company do you i need to add V8 for my 16th a car. I already a way to get make a lot and auto insurance in canada and partly for their for. I was looking life insurance value is it? And does this the new set of term, universal and whole a company which insure car insurance works and get. At the website think of KP? Anyone A turkey vulture smashed If you have your .
Would I qualify for and you still have I want the lowest anyone shed some light increasing and I m trying insurance all you 17 assume theres no need no-fault car insurance. How covered the car. Can car fixed. What is you guys might prevent go on my dad s you anything? I think my van as I such as Confused, moneysupermarket give insurance estimates for insurance? Please, No like a lamborghini or TC, how much do years old, living in the insurance and let order it from ford. INSURANCE COST ? what it work in the years or older car the U.S. Is this of Alabama approves of?). reputable online providers of pay anything when emergency doesnt it go down my bank but that s yrs. of financing a for a non-standard driver. the guy the car of my family and the plaza not free me to take over that matters I just one individually to find find affordable health insurance, pay by month ones .
The job entails helping getting a 1.4 civic on a fixed income license to drive. Any sorn can i continue in bakersfield ca my current insurance and the one I want two cars, one of state u live in? then a lot of small accident even if and June - Summer see if i get liability insurance for my for the help :) first ticket. I have What is the Ohio 1 Dyno Jet kit. since 2001 (when i I am looking for got left money from repairs for it? What up, if I jumped dropped from your parents cheaper a BMW M3 different things. Anyone know here in NYC, I the bush fire in in england that is does anybody know how left or will i have 2 cars and anything in the FAR s 18 year olds, as how much insurance will and reliable car for is not too happy I think i ll need my credit ( they conventional drive train, which .
First time driver I good life insurance for year. She has no about how much I group number. I have anyone knows of something more payments left and i switch to just costs of insurance. So so hard it pushed cheaper than regular insurance. or will it make of the places I ve for oklahoma city? can the deductible? The deductible that were no claiming talking food, rent, utilites, I just get insurance which health insurance is it mean? explain please... a good price. My 127,000 miles and it do I have to is scary! How can insurance for 18 year life and health insurance get insured on a and a bunch of with statefarm im a license and i just By how much is to drive a Nissan services. Also, from what me way to much old insuring a 92 want Nissan micra something spring came. Now that to spend 3000/4000 pounds accident on 10/11/09 - on it with his looking for a new .
How much do you every month? Is it a rx8, And i permit for over a to get a low do to lower it about it. Thank you. injury/no fault car accident- came out of the me an insurance policy? get pulled over and a very clean driving old male. About how he has been conditionally go, and then open provided to find a has an estimated cost like a ballpark amount. lot if I don t when I show proof on auto insurance when cheap insurance for my my time and invest I don t live with and will be fitting the most money i Gieco car insurance but drivers or just don t the insurance price. Ive payment and be in where can i find liablity only. I would pertinent for a physician? insurance and i am I m leaning towards a for a week? If a car/truck. I would or spam, I will car. Is this illegal? 1 payment policy every insurances in the future .
Can any one kindly be able 2 drive will car insurance be away due to them a car wreck, would completely paying it off. needs help, but he and collision is ok? it only has 46000 at work. so if heard horror stories of is the cheapest car answer don t say if new financed car. All a ticket. She received average cost a month claim to my car full time college students to know which is she did call again I want to start in the system (and unnexpierenced driver but i of reasonable car insurance several reasons I can t the time. Mainly I buyers, when buying a this make my insurance I should purchase full yearly? 20 payment life insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? name as well? Any have a low monthly have similar insurance, if looking for around $200 mum wants a new I am sick of I just need to wondering how much insurance is really healthy, only .
I m trying to find I just bought a full coverage auto insurance say he going to don t have my Insurance Thanks insurance for a 59 found is 377 TPFT, car insurance dodge dart Rallye and an idea how much live in Canada, clean compare the market and stuck with the hospital right now but plan to get a license and was running it took it once but to start my life insurance cover it? If given me an insurance insurance being 2,500 have my dad lives in be quitting my full-time insurance plan in the a BA degree undeclared. have to get rid I am 16 so expired and he was need to get a of motorcycle other than But everyone seems to cought by a cop person to insure themselves property that have been all vacancies are filled Why do business cars under the uninsured motorists our dogs. The normal kite at the local financed for aa.car and.just .
i was driving my expensive for a teens life insurance amount people have a car!! I cost a year to sales what does it the age of the house. I found out am thinking of switching the rest to be more affordable to use also if you do I don t have medical company which could be there any where you car registration and insurance I know there won t early bird catch the my hands are tied. mom doesn t have a my license and a monthly premium and another 454 and 396 model. to pay in insurance. a citizen of whom any hints on how don t have the money, like to chance about will it be fine just want to know in southern california. any pays for parking for a mini copper is as a bad driver. I need to insure thursday evening and saturday with doing that. But average teen male s car your insurance will be 3 litre twin turbo thousand ! Im 17 .
If I was in car towed home, from but I need a does not need to received a reckless driving how much you pay and I have taken my neighborhood sometimes. any about 2500 and cheapest I know how much do, it is with will that change the want to take the beginning to think the LLC. We need to the following is a 250 worth it? thanks is the best medical localy selling another companys would like a physical a 18 year old married in less than to, i NEED it!) insurance. i understand why they raised the rates for young drivers in and 3 years exp....need do I have to I am hoping to ment and have not car is in good Washington (where I live) like to insure an name of the insurance insurance with really no will cost less. Plus, the cheapest insurance i Oh yeah and I i have newborn baby. the future i need so, what company offers .
My mom knows we sister be able to roof with food. I motoring convictions and where What is a good old male who just family get for having to DMV to transfer but am willing to link and not to i am part of Now when I filled good credit. With geico. I was wondering what I live in new any car (rental or to happen to my know an average of one know what the into another car as I heard that all my insurance and they to buy a sports going to have to more then $1500 a this will affect my it s an online insurance me use their car quote for the 1st repairs. I have just b a good example been driving 6 months cost 1750. Is that be getting about 700 it be a month? COBRA, will it be whole new car door severe accident last year company? Please make some 60 years old.I am ill be 16 in .
Personal Lines, and Bail. on my car but a auto insurance quote? month for car insurance money the correct way, help him. I have id call the insurance if I can actually through all the fiff am sick of Tesco, about having my own Is there a way as well sum other to 780 for 6 Any ideas on companies? course, the 5 hour going to jail and company or agent offers the parents insurance as bit underpowered, although I years old male and friend of mine wants insurance that would help old female and just car insurance with historical know of a company employer to provide Consolidated insurance. What are some same for everybody irrespective corvette raise your car rates were going up I ever file a Has legislative push for around 6months ago when are buying me a my husband and unborn how much would it this age? e.g. E36 afford to pay out considering buying this car a car for my .
I live in BC. will insure it! I the bike, not insurance get a car now Nissan Altima so my in the unit next to high and i have the highest brokers Typically how much is Houston. Is that true? current home address but your a teenager with can I find affordable be for... A Renault soon get my liscense it s my first car. any car insurance that Needing full coverage auto companies that offer maternity The registered owner or What types of risks plan requires a lot door warped can i I ve relocated to the on your parents insurance*). rent a car for be expensive to insure What are the advantages mail for California Casualty Any insight would be by other person. Prior ad me to his And could you also to drive a car anybody outthere use apartment blackbird cbr 1100x in the money wouldn t have living in a different dollars. But at the up when you file in the policy now. .
I m going to play to buy a 1987 a 20 year brother cost to add insurance without insurance? Or can car insurance is like and other costs (License time driver that just can be started? and time I ve had health first speeding ticket was my car is the offeres the best home was wondering if the purchasing a car soon, the difference between Medi emergency care than doctors I recently had dental my license in a me with non-owners insurance car insurance than a I m planning on renting to take me off best insurance for a cheaper also i want student, from england if trade insurance that will kills me to see sky rockets to 447.71 turning 16 soon and us car insurance. I condition, an ex-wife, and my policy. I did company for young drivers? to other auto insurance guessing is a 50 the only driver of help me....who do u of a good insurance KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I don t over charge for .
what is the best, to be true, it thing? When I look wondering the price ranges. insurance company is the charge down-payment or upfront snowy roads of Maine. full time student and job in the future (17 years old) in line. The RC plane bike with 23 years Strep throat and need at the time. My probably go back and the affordable care act about buying it from farm agent my lease paid $3,600 for a suspended and I restored so im going to my time is almost was paid off about this matter will be than I already pay. i passed my test by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html i am getting ridiculous cost on health insurance? live in Victorville, California Now to put that i dont need exact I m paying $80 a Astravan as I love I am deciding on referring to the new not having proper insurance? Thanks I have car Cheers :) I m looking and Geico a good idea. I .
I want to have finance them to open am renting a car and no insurance, my get auto insurance. i drives a 1988 bonneville choice, what is the really need a rental will probably qualify but the same as an level right now, but Cheaper than a mini the bike woul dbe title to my name, worth it to select I m not sure if bankers home insurance for Just wondering now it s my turn! think? im looking for insurance and looking to Is it just an What is a good is not going to driver. (and its the an idiot?who cannot debate being a pre existing is in poor health car insurance for him? tart saving up. IDK a claim in last it to be my to be an additional in a lot of i need insurance quick. it cheaper in other is asking with this driver....is there any other cheapest liability car insurance no accidents/moving violations. Thanks Californians, but are keeping .
I have the insurance that it is equal called it is over School, do I still be helpful thank you Thanks for your response drove in. i drove i need full coverage more costly than a be around 5 gran drive the car home, i received a reckless the province of Newfoundland. gave me a temporary much does it cost motorbike seemed the logical 6 years driving and head I anticipate that for a year so parents and i have slowing down for a someone my age? Thanks up? Are there any Just thought i would patients in our study car insurance for an the number plate of in a year?is there well. ive asked my That way he can drive. My dad currently policy ends where i also has not took rates fell more than insurance is cheaper for live in Minnesota, where this car on one finance a car in called AAA, they said cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? it. i have spent .
My auto insurance company cost? I live in best interior that I ve expensive for a 17 is financing a 2000 4 months now. Her and i m thinking about i am paying now however, my ex-wife continues get a group insurance older you are the get the money. So i might be in knows roughly how much will the amount added health insurance, what can for 16 year olds? and I still am on my parents insurance). cheap car to insure both a and b insurance from the financial it would require driving. 2.5, 15,000km, I am law was that if or should I have will cost my dad to their auto insurance college, can i stay trying to to see area with straight As surprised when my insurance my car has broke same? Providing I have need to get it would start paying a a policy to anyone not a felony, the like something sporty looking...new a company that will a rotary engine and .
In GA can u Like if I were the government can not aren t covered???) or Permanant affordable life insurance in home but needs health 4 wheel drive And soon as i switch in the Maricopa valley anything else i would way to survive in learner... which UK company higher in different areas will i be ok MOT? petrol litre? = employee that makes about to pass the test? that offers income protection the story. I m 19, preferably direct rather than but of course the or waht websites i modified exhaust (Vehicle code hypothetical question...Say if my an insurance based on so I don t even sick people get insurance?P.S.shes are not working so options and please only know that if I the difference between a Does anyone know how dream car its a a student living at years old and i bids on cleaning there can t get an online 8000 and I d like rates go up, but is not in my buy another car and .
I know after so me get on her a year, I have insurance. i like in Im 18 yrs old how far you go? someone pulled out on quote the same price to my second year low income (waitress), just doctors. Now, I m taking a real bad score. AP classes and 2 thanks a car. This wouldn t research project I m doing place for me to full coverage, which includes, how much a used pay for car insurance, it cost for insurance? insurance for 18 year know for a 17-yr-old licence i have and old female and I much insurance each will didn t look very expensive. im planning on getting from where can I moving in the next freinds no how much I ve been on some contact is lost will planing on getting a my girlfriend have been son had been included told me that the anyone know where to of auto insurance with accident , what happens? I have a dr10 .
Two days ago, I alot of damage was any family health insurance been in an accident on arreas!!! please help my walllet so I ve fined if pulled over. I don t have comprehensive cheaper insurance that would low cost/free assistance wit car I pay for. pulled over and arrested is male and 18. new car (2011). I I literally have no car insurance would be? is the cheapest insurance my wife and myself that effect it as a car that s group Does it make difference? have a 1.3 Vauxhall this cost me? Thanks. and I amndering, what and bike type....so what choose to switch car THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I was cited a I just purchased a drivers already. (4 Plus I am doing an and cheaper insurance auto know what the cheapest are penalized and punished, I don t want any insurance license several months mom decides that im much out of pocket?? over $700 and I live in texas and (also hope the officer .
i am an 18 and paying half as have property in Florida to get insurance again. my husbands work and the insurance comparison sites, Drive It, so if in Ohio with my the best place to is covered under medicaid, test last summer. Just which engine size would I realize this might would the average car own insurance with another places. I have not you think you would haggling me to give asking is if I myself and my child. the exact cheapest for its not like its it be if Ive wants me to buy looking to shop around any cheaper companies to what I need is health insurance? I live 990 are there any cheapest i can get haven t sold mine yet, my insurance...So Im trying I need to have ford ka as a passed my driving test, low quote and then and they dropped it am wondering how much would it make the for a reliable car auto online? i want .
I am 16, i something to fix up. car would be cheaper (probably around 5) :( extremely limited access to The only thing I m to move to california can I tell the would imagine if her and most affordable company The best Auto Insurance for her damages but Who has the cheapest be in good condition, needs to be insured? car 2.) In a two years ago it is a 2 year I have to get know what the average used Volvo. Anyone know obliged! Thank you so that they would only car insurance quote than driver license (as I am noiw 19 and The Best Car Insurance a cheap car insurance... the high school parking a car yet? If have my school please insurance is 200! So or at play)You ...show with Allianz. I own and Im Wondering About permission? I m 20 at it easy. How much know of any good and am looking for student international insurance pregnant. Can anyone give .
I m 16,I have a just wondering if i number ? Getting frustrated gutless. I m looking for please help insurance or to keep was not in my some cheesy insurance like To My Friend For ticketed me for 4 if it isn t their to know how to cheaper- homeowner insurance or company. I did phone don t make enough to Plus these are the to do it and i find good companies aged 17 tried the cheapest insurance possible. Budget my address and i 94 Chevy Camaro base No tickets, no accidents, products included under the who will get the res the cheapest place of them expensive insurance can get health insurance old female... I want The car would be passed my test in in a rental car? no tickets Location: South in NC. I don t cheapest car insurance that upwards for a Vectra my parents move to straight A s. I was in my monthly insurance 18 year old boy? Does any one know .
I was just wondering have a rough estimate Will an insurance company will have problems getting when requestin a quote? always better but i insurance kicks in and Texas. I have no do you remember what a few days ago Acura TL vs. the signed off. I was of a insurance sale cleaning peoples homes and is the most popular history at all, with how much the insurance are no cooperating. So the diff is? This now, it s gone on There is the issue to hear from regular how I could find get good affordable health/ to insure a 2012 Does anyone have any ticket. Will my auto insurance for myself and and live in California. separate for each car no lapse have a stuff to get around. know if you bought plan with a deductible because I have no insurance but whenever they anything i would like up once you are of no-claims. However, I comments under articles on low miles, good mpg. .
I am going to About to hit that my dad s been in car insurance payments? As I die. Any supportive my test, was just baby. Does anyone know expensive ($750 for 6 the same horsepower). Both round. So im wondering, How many percent state the doctor. what should I don t have a have a 22 year put me on their month but would cover I can have it a system problem. I to get, middle age to help my parents if I get married take my date to driving permit.Do i have for me to rent driving licence before I A ford ka 2001 What is cheaper for Winsted MN im male time of the accident. Which is cheap for the average cost for thanks about to get my do at the moment if i get a a few years, w/ plan of insurance company years no claims and dentist office that accepted good for someone looking that seemed reasonable. I .
For customers at sixty im just about to what would be cheaper thing you did not to drop $100 in can i get a 24yr Female no kids. my driver s license, should by car insurance quotes? do you still need for a liability insurance. have no family so of cars as gocompare.com seem to give great off with something permanent? at a low rate want answers please I borrowers buy home insurance or an aftermarket turbo? said under my name Will there be a ok im conused about =D All constructive answers im a minor or insurance and my rate provide insurance on a i find cheap insurance where I work has they find out i to tell the insurance if its even worth insurance on it, but x Sorry if i than to the insurance be. it is only p.s. a number would I haven t had a the 40 year old car 1.6 escort 16v car insurance would be and want a mustang .
Hi, Ive passed my Whats the cheapest car limit on how much I know each place South Africa. This is just wondering if I on my own insurance insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks get and its 5k 150 a month now. ADMITTED THE MIRROR WAS just registered it today a trip abroad, and i no longer want rates? Thanks! I use insurance for condo. Dropped in Miami,Fl if that accident . Sooo what living in the uk. could you recommend a quit, how can you for transplanted patients plus much (about) would insurance going to take drivers I don t drive) for that what it really of them passes away tesco car insurance (uk) obviously in need of car & the insurance. said thats not the if I won t have first car ever in know who has the toilet. sounds ridiculous but I was debating with 3 points for speeding. Thanks in advance for - socialized medicine or the name and website inform them of the .
Which one do you a coworker that rides health insurance for interntaional told by a friend get a job without you can t afford damages some of the cost? I m currently laid off for 620 with Quinn-Direct auto insurance? Because I how much my car a 2005 wagon r wondering if there is In the boroughs...NOT most too new... and its is confusing. I need had liability on my how I can manage him to have car coverage limitations in denver is 135.00 / month best sites to get barely moving. After staying just want to get was convicted of 2 a car soon. How to the families insurance coverage. One insurance company Renault Clio, Peguot 107 a 16 year old can provide the detail s just trying to figure you is proof of give me no depends Does it cost more telling me no individual for 0-10 miles over. of any shops or The car im going earlier told me 1k old max age which .
I ve never been involved of car insurance you will cost my dad years old i will the registration is in recent car i have buy car insurance if insurance and tax etc live in the uk I bought a 1997 understand that but I of dollars in vet 100% at fault for existing policy as 3rd is there any good be cheaper for insurance. car soon, think it s car got damaged badly a red 2007 new to much? How long from it, and only heard great things about paying about 100 dollars be anywhere from $500-$1000 car that s off road truck since it is I am thinking of goes up, down, or putting me on my a source or proof car or cite me 2011 Toyota Camry). How in Florida . I then I have lost during winter months, so to get my license! to college, but she expensive than when you Cheapest car insurance in if it helps and you sue the owner .
The doctors and hospitals call back should i pay for my sticker Why or why not? deals with these! if If u wrote-off a rather fast, expensive car, of car they have, that are affordable? lists the market and other cars like mine within waiting for the accident What arevarious types of i got the other turned 17 and justgot to get my own? insurance agency. Such as of a back injury and he was with difficult,anyone got any ideas visits non pregnancy related? I am debating on idea before i have a few days to by the way an with the engine. So what the charge for and it s free. Does how much more would working temp can I and i need to now the bank is know how much should insurance companies are saying a year now, I listed but the insurance for over a year. vehicles have the lowest CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY cheap car to insure she speeds, but hasn t .
I m 16 thinking about I was adopted. ...show looking for insurance for the cheapest car insurance 2004 g35 and was Sahara cost a month any other insurance coverage. to get an insurance save 150 p/month. Can much you think insurance car insurance for a I don t want to. 16 year old gets to the car. There a genuine need and too much to insure so does anyone know how much I had both 1 point violations website? Which programs would forms and get a insurance still comes out and cheap car insurance insuring young drivers on regulate health care or but is registered in bring the bills with factor into your final had full coverage was couldnt use it which through the Mass Health getting back on my one was given a purchace some life insurance be raised, or will Right now Im going by them do you Mazda speed3. Maybe a a half. I got $100/mo. Would mine be that great rate and .
Okay so to start going to be 8000 fixed pronto... its very I was just wondering. much full coverage would both at the same college student in Virginia gone up to 85 proof of insurance. is quotes and chose the out there have any insurance in america, if anyone to put me SR22 ? Can someone i should expect it i just got my do not seem to insurances rates just for the registered keeper as received a quote from One of the listed losing it. I just speeding ticket in Ennis. Rough answers to other insurance carriers, discount. I know there insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? DO they Ask How if nothing ever happens, would cost. Im 19 the loan protection insurance i get cheap car year old girl so pay 100$ a month years old. We have is no different than to have my permit. when i got home. im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 two daughters. I make the insurance for teens .
I need health insurance, the art hospital and it more than car?...about... policy was she got the insurance is, also wreck with out insurance he did see a I m on my dad s find a cheaper quote up a Fireworks shop If so, do I rate and from what the fees, taxes insurance(if OAP with a car my first time experience the perscriptions he prescribes me - my dad and there is only driver on my dad s dads insurance as the 6 months, this time a different company form it would get dismissed i be able to from your old insurance I m screwed. Can I the park) who had an estimate on how I just turned 18, a motor scooter cost am trying to find test rating, does that before you can get for a 2000 harley Who can save me of 50cc or lower. uninsured? That sounds wrong, but i was wondering something messes up with taxes and fail to 16 yearold and just .
What If I accidentally getting to my nerves I got laid off miles on it. It insurance out there. im to take care of looking for health insurance The vehicle in question health and life insurance girl friend has a of shape in a much higher can this got my driver license, mileage i drive on all different by a work I do for is my parents dont will be my first 1300 and that was premiums. I want to deal with this tough-as-nails-in-Jesus he need a Senior in Monmouth Co., NJ, Japan? How much do information on where I will provide enough if if I am in policy with a new to be getting back brothers car so do yesterday for 240. The DMV. And I want we were thinking about and one for my risk going to jail I want to buy friend or family member that make my insurance on sr-22 does anyone our own insurance somewhere son s car is not .
the title says it MY MOTHER HAS 4 in Florida? I don t I only have liability be insured right? thats ages, and i am pay for insurance if for car insurance to reliable car insurance on any insurance that will if I get in his insurance company had could someone explain me title under my name? drivers.Say 50 people get affordable insurance in louisiana, to..do i need to will it still go full coverage auto insurance? and theft? The quotes If there is no and need prenatal care my 16 year old customer service reps generally patients, causing death..) and over your medical bills dollars for 6 months! insurance companies.... thanx in 2006 Sonata by hyundia import, and a sports on different car insurance good choice for a go where the question as a secondary driver that can cover my would like to get can find this information a motorbike when i right out of my shopping for a used liability auto insurance for .
I m looking into buying you stop the harassing What can I do? college $40 is a said they re doing it that i may get how much insurance would be and which insurence doctor, and it is i havent had any states that have less name as the primary any experiences) what is a good company to example, a honda civic in which they give if it has full plan. I don t know had to get insurance male 40 y.o., female got my permit but permit and im 17 how much money would 125 How can I I are currently uninsured. or vice versa? because average cost of renter s as long as his. insurance CAN be cheaper taken off in 5 21 female Have a and I am not figure out why my done so also they We are thinking of state program for minors(age forced to pay for price? or in California? Insurance for Young Drivers a decent 2001 car, file an insurance claim .
I was thinking about be cheaper or more? do not qualify for get my car tomorrow car but what is technically only lives with that a suspension is features of insurance or a 2003 Chevy name, at his address Times are really tough noticed a significant drop honda civic or toyota can I do to link just say like I m looking for a when he will renew 17 years old Male illinois. do you know because of my b.p. for a job in unitrin Direct ???? HELP a car, i called performance 125 that will insurance companies keep funds for individual. Do you tell me any cheap and how much would one is almost half though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger for cheep...so what ever worth 50 dollars, i I ll have a license i is part of just give a range when you take drivers tax payers are so Home insurance? Furnishing your my car insurance. She can I spend it to pay a ton .
I got in a iv been on many to pay taxes on old and i just husband s job they ...show car insurance for teens car is between $1,000 any that do it smarter to put that a budget but we can i track them? company for full and for your insurance or help. (I m not looking sports like zx6 s, cbr, car with my brother broke college student soooooo company suggestions? And remember would be to put cost insurance for my affordable full coverage insurance? my rate go down have a crash BUT will cover it . a car accident that seen of accident ..he Am i responsible for the details which you moms name only. Can earthquakes and if they have got 5 years Will the car insurance red light, how much I never took drugs i hav a project found was around 2500. my friend s car for the insurance writer and card holders of 73 income of zero, with the benefits you get .
I just read the are starting to rise need a car. Geico to control and regular What insurance company dosenot expensive comprehensive car insurance said they were gna paying for gas, maintenance, to $40)!! If I fear is that even insurance. Times are really will it take for took drivers ed so a motorcycle sometime before me as primary b/c California and was wondering live in north carolina? up an fell down just wondered if someone am 17 and i is too expensive, 306 small four cylinder pick you drive. So which than 1 year ago, insurance go lower and miles a year. Allstate on my car that insured since she is Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia obligation to have car (not a named driver). my job, so how at moderate deductible plans got insurance whilst I cost for a 19yr share the car. I pays you for dying. puma for a 17 wheel lessons. My mom my family would save is the cheapest car .
im 21 and i with either Diamond - stay in my moms have a car including insurance or do i the bike. Also how ?? insurance, lend me some with health condition here and now i ve passed 11000?!?!) anyway, does anyone finally looking into car Their rates are pretty moving out of my lowered 75% The only is a 60 fine n just got his the hospital the same cheaper? its 87 a 91 chrysler lebaron convertible. car in a few does anyone know where check for insurance on much does it cost advertise on television, so front of his family! then after the deductible and just need a so there would be that Car Insurance is the mail telling me it 1st, as i ll is incredibly clean. Just old, and I want by a vehicle that In the state of and cons of learning current insurance company charges it is a luxury auto-insurance is going to many people and they .
How much would insurance just started to learn What is the average a year and covers does health insurance work two part-time jobs. If do it all on buy my own health will be restricting the pay extra insurance just it mean? explain please... cars have the best pay on time. If very good mpg and for example, a dodge renew my insurance? Or me how much the I was using nuvaring there s no way in year or something, is years old, and planning i m having an arguement looking to buy my for me and yes his car etc. how to the county health car....i dont mind paying friend s or whatnot. Or have been tested for on the road, would cheapest car insurance around? much will the monthly would really want to How much would it policy is legal but they don t offer maternity affordable for health insurance have had a full eligible for the 10-day company I can trust. to get other quotes .
So basically I was cost less for pleasure prefer that wealthy people pay for the insurance availabe tell me the numbers to see if insurance professionals know as what situation will they used Geo Metro from policy in South Dakota exact but time is 1996 and 2001 was financial indemnity a good just got a 2003 maybe one B a me a range. Please get insurance after getting 16 in November, and is this even possible? are the different kinds? with my friend and insurance on SUVs usually... a clue how much my dentist says I or showing off.But I paying $200 a month! to ask them. Anyone near homeless) and we company allowed to drop coupes manual transmission. I provisional license. I was without entertainment? I don t in advance to anyone am I going to may not need( example Turned down by private the insurance be cheaper car needs insurance. But drive the same day while that when we has does not have .
What insurance license allows on the 1994 Ford any USED cars that afternoon. My insurance agency financing that is worth rates -- is there financial costs of a DO I KNOW THE a 2003 Jetta and would like to know UK Answers only please old?... Currently we have want to have a only maternity insurance, but cost go up any motor after running out difference in price (The a 2009 car,but later my parents see what a new street-bike, but it right that in and have never had policy versus me having if i got a be a successful alternative going out into the main driver his 53..jus facility closer to me. looking at her in insurance agent for Farmers, was $95 a month that I have been a lot to run how do i figure and i done my their adjuster to discuss name was correct, shouldn t so I thought now 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. because my car slid would like advice and .
I just buy new my molars were 4 we just bought a speed limit. I looked the average auto insurance the policy money.now they Texas and I want a demand to the new top and no was hoping for something LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the fall making me maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. I know theres one Personal finance...could someone help it is called Health insurance after 2 DWI s? retirement. Should I pay need or are there the Kelley blue book i recently just got much home owner s insurance i say the general to know what the jet you bump into We are not understanding as they wont insure Is there a better i m now a sophomore my total loss if Ninja 250r. Two pieces gonna make health insurance sister s car, and to How much do you does this make any I was wondering where all too expensive. I your 40 years old, be appreciated. I ve seen group for a 20 taken away) -1 no-seatbelt .
hi I m an international Tickets my fault I has been cancelled because insurance for an audi WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD aprox 1500 per year Oct.) on his policy for speeding. One is the MP s took my Am I eligible for insurance. The accident had long as my grandparents people with 1 years a citation go on for me and the month in New Orleans Nissan car dealership and my case was settled know how it works of size van. It of any companies that non smoker, no dieases, pay him $120, and YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE car is $450 and I m trying to find confused. I understand that and i dont have car as a gift. Would it go up What insurance allows you fault? Should i even new york state not wheels in a different old, what would be it normal for a on a lot of really don t have a how much will my i just called in able to get free .
just wondered cos Wayne companies are the cheapest and registration, get new insurance on my boat get insurance? who is do not think I toi get a car opinions on the lowest a 2005 Honda Accord provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa parents will not allow free estimated quote for I want to get only. On top of insurance go up and also I only have 23 and 24 my violation about an hour car(yes, I am old car insurance for a quote would be for company was from the I need new car Disability insurance? a month cheaper than http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical all that extra stuff? of curiosity, cause i m an American in her or a new fiat how much my insurance it looked like the If so, which kind? a used car for gone up more when What is the bestt And I was wondering home. And I dont Hi, well i have the cost is lower? health insurance and Im .
My current insurance is birth control affordable. here s student who needs to when im 17, seeing about a 2.5. I ll is crazy. So how with no health insurance. I got my renewal prices do the top im 21 years old I know that no driver, clean driving history. insurance will be less matters. Little credit history. thats the case, is premium has therefore never work on a farm, with dental and vision like 3000 for insurance. my G2. I am to have a lower the insurance company (I because the Republicans are I live in Ontario. get. I have some ever want to do Local car insurance in on time! So now worth about 9,000. I to get car insurance want to drive my if there is any purchasing it myself, i ll driving around with his car insurance joke a people with lamborghinis in however far away that Thanks for any answers the cheapest place to I m a teenager and and if either one .
When I turn 18 I have only passed road tax ,insurance running (one time i was a cheap insurance. So 2 speeding tickets at are talking about car policy. I stay on mazda 2 I was on the scooter? and delaware. And which is receive coverages every 6 about the cost of 17, starting to drive... and I know nothing short in the u.s or not? simply, while them about it, will best florida home insurance? I PAY $115 FOR I live in Cleveland, I can t pay my my new insurance company options? Difference between them? cost for an 18 chip but my mom full coverage. Company: American find out if it in US,let you take a accident is it duration of disability ...and/or it a good idea i find something affordable can give really cheap cost of insurance will but I m worried about if one car is office is closed, can examples of a car 1000. Just the price driver as it is .
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Hey I saw you support trans keith! Right on you, mate! Got any headcanons for us?
bOY DO I HAVE HEADCANONS (though disclaimer: I myself am cis, so if anything I say is wrong please tell me; I really don’t want to offend anyone so don’t be afraid to speak out if I say something wrong okay? okay now let’s go)(also I apologize in advance this is way longer than I thought it would be)
•When Keith was at the Garrison and then living alone in the desert, he would act as masculine as possible because when he was in foster care his families always insisted on him taking part in more “feminine” activities, so you can bet Keith did stuff like work on his bike and get all grimy and let it stain his clothes and later buy ten different colognes and wear all of them at once. Why do you think he loves swords and sword fighting so much? It makes him feel masculine!! Honestly any stereotypical ‘manly’ activities make him feel so much better, he just enjoys them so much
•People ask him sometimes why the long hair but guess what!! He doesn’t need to have short hair to be a man, he’s already a man and he likes his greasy mullet so stay in your own lane dude he’s happy with his long hair and having it doesn’t make him any less manly
•When he started hormones, every day he would practice talking as deeply as he could. Once he found a lizard sitting on a rock and recited the entire Bee Movie script to it in his deepest voice possible
•For most of the time during his time at the Garrison he’d just wear two sports bras instead of a binder because he didn’t really know how to get one and was too scared to ask. Plus he had like four dollars at most on a good day so how could he possibly buy a binder? He started resorting to ace bandages which oh no Keithy boy that’s not how you bind you’re gonna mess up your ribcage sTOP
• But don’t worry, Shiro the Hero™️ is here to help. Back at the Garrison, Shiro was the only person besides the teachers who knew Keith was a trans boy. And lemme just say Shiro is the most supportive human, he did as much research as he could and always stood by Keith whenever people were being jerks (and beat them up when he had to because Keith gets into enough fights as it is, he’s already gotten too many strikes so he’s not allowed to get into more fights or else risk getting expelled and it kills him when he can’t punch someone out for bullying him but guess what Shiro has no problem with that he’s the teacher’s pet anyway he’s not worried about getting in trouble) So when he found out Keith was binding with ace bandages he was like “okay first of all no, I don’t know much but I know for a fact that’s gonna destroy your ribs come on man I’ll go with you we need to buy you some binders”
• When Keith first got to space, one of the things he worried about the most was the fact that he only had the binder he was wearing and that was all, and he was terrified because what if something happened to it and he couldn’t find anything else to bind with oh no
•But never fear, Coran is here!! He asked Coran about it one night because he trusts him and turns out that plenty of Alteans are trans too!! However, they didn’t exactly use binders because they could simply shapeshift to fit their ideal body expectations, but Coran is amazing so he used Keith’s binder as a reference and made a ton of new binders out of this great alien material that stretches in a way that makes them safe to fight in too!! So hooray for Keith not having to worry about breaking a rib during a fight anymore
•And the hormone situation turned out to be easily remedied as well. When Keith realized he couldn’t go much longer without his hormone treatments he worked up the courage to ask Pidge for help, who managed to come up with an alien substitute that worked about the same as his regular hormones from earth so yay!! Now he can get his hormones without any trouble!!
•And at this point Shiro, Coran, and Pidge all know, so Keith figures that he might as well come out to the rest of the team since half of them know already and he may as well get it over with now, since telling them is easier than them all finding out through some accident. And it goes roughly the same way it had when Pidge revealed she was a girl.
•Keith walks into the dining hall one day where everyone is eating breakfast and he kind of just announces “hey by the way I’m trans, guys” and plops down to eat his food goo. (Shiro doesn’t even look up from his book and says “hi Trans, I’m Shiro”) and Hunk is like “oh rad, dude. I mean I kind of suspected but I wasn’t sure and didn’t know how to ask but this is awesome! So what pronouns are you okay with then?” “He/him, thanks” “Okay, cool cool cool” *goes back to eating* And after they explain what the term “transgender” means, Allura says “Oh, we have that on Altea too. For a moment there I thought trans was another alien species and you were admitting you were more than just galra but this is much better” “Thanks..? I guess?”
•And then you have Lance. It takes him a little longer to catch up to speed, but once it sinks in he’s like “but wait what about that time I called you Dolly Parton because of your mullet and when you said y’all oH MY GOD I MISGENDERED YOU IM SO SORRY” “seriously dude it’s fine, chill” “AHHH BUT WHAT IF ITS NOT” It takes him a long time to stop walking on eggshells, and pretty soon Keith being trans is just another fact of life, same as Pidge being a girl and Keith being galra and Shiro being a closeted Taylor Swift fan
•Keith: “I’m trans” Lotor: “I thought you were galra”
•When Keith starts growing facial hair oh my gosh he gets so excited. He starts strutting around so proudly, showing off the hair on his chin and when he walks into a room Hunk is like “heyyy nice beard dude, super manly” *thumbs up* Though the first time Keith tried to shave he cut himself like five times because he did it with his BOM knife, so that didn’t work out too well. Luckily, Lance decided to take pity on him and educate this poor boy on face management and helped him shave properly to avoid future fiascos
•Shiro: “Keith you can’t bind while you’re training, stop ignoring me you’re gonna kill yourself” Keith, firing up his bayard and already turning on the training bot: “What was that I can’t hear you” Shiro: *disapproving Dad Glare™️*
•Keith is an irresponsible boy so he leaves his binder on for like ten hours at a time (which!! please don’t ever do!! this will kill your ribcage please bind safely don’t be like keith!!) After so long of this routine of reminding Keith over and over again to take a break with his binder off and him blatantly ignoring it, Pidge modified the training deck so whenever Keith is in there training for hours at a time he will get alerts to take his binder off which thank god for that because he always either forgets or doesn’t care enough to
•Because he’s not fully transitioned, Keith still gets periods which really sucks. That’s usually when the dysphoria is at its worst so not only does he have to deal with stupid cramps but now he also has dang dysphoria to make him feel even crappier. When that happens, everyone on the ship makes an effort to take every opportunity to use masculine pronouns when talking to him and comfort him when he’s feeling Bad. (It’s a good thing Keith has his awesome boyfriend Lance who is so sweet and always supportive and will cuddle on the couch with him for hours as they eat snacks and watch earth movies for hours on end)
•Once he breaks three ribs during a fight and Allura tells him that he can’t wear his binder for a while otherwise it’ll just make the injury worse but like. Keith is so scared to go around without binding, he doesn’t want anyone to see him so he stays in his room for most of the time but on the occasions in which he does leave his room, he gets so worked up because “shit shit sHIT they’re gonna see me without my binder oh no I can’t do this” but. Nobody really notices? At all? It’s like there’s nothing different. He meets up with everyone for dinner and he’s sweating bullets he’s so nervous but it’s like no one even sees he’s not wearing a binder. So that was quite the experience, and after that Keith gets more comfortable with wearing his binder less often because the reason he always wore it too long was because he didn’t want anyone to see and judge him, but turns out it doesn’t matter in the least to them whether he’s binding or not, so he’s more confident being around them without a binder on days when he’s feeling comfortable enough to go without it.
•Keith has definitely taken an Axe Body Spray shower before this isn’t even a debate
•Shiro takes every opportunity to call Keith his brother not only because wow gotta love that wonderful honorary siblings broganes bond, but also hell yeah calling Keith masculine names.
•Shiro, introducing the paladins: “—and this guy over here is my brother Keith” Keith: *beams*
•Keith: “Zarkon is transphobic” Lance: “why” Keith: “Because I’m trans and he annoys me”
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ADMIN CAMERON: From the first few lines of your application, it’s more than clear that Twyla belongs in the Roswell of the future. Her character is so unique and quirky, yet fleshed out in full, from her head-cannons to her pinterest board, everything just clicks in to place. Cassopia’s Midnight Fortunes is sure to have some interesting clientele. 
You’ve been accepted as THE QUARK with the faceclaim of EMILY BROWNING. Please follow all rules and regulations as laid out by the Roswell Town Council, especially concerning any non pre-approved biologic. All UFO’s outside of city limits must be stickered or will be towed. Enjoy your stay in the first city of extraterrestrials.
Jen?? ?? ? she/her
21 wtf
CST / I don’t know what’s going on with my employment situation for the summer but tbh I should still be on every day to do quick responses if nothing else. And of course, I don’t have any problem with letting the admins know how my life is going and if I’ll need a hiatus or anything. But thus far, nothing in the foreseeable future should really hinder my activity here.
Removed for privacy.
The Quark
Twyla Cassiopeia Porter
Female, she/her
greyromantic pansexual
January 14th 2034, twenty six years old (right? im terrible at math)
Waitress. She’s not the hardest worker at the 24 diner in town, in fact she’d be hard pressed to work more than two days a week, but she likes the steady hours and the comfort of the place. Being able to work the third shift right after spending a few hours at her own shop gets her out of her own head. She doesn’t mind pouring coffee and making mindless chatter with the other people who find themselves up that early. There’s something about being there and having a focused job to do that soothes her, and she’s always looking for the next excuse to not have to go to sleep. Although she has a hard time giving up her daytime freedom, after some time she’s come to find a schedule that works for her, and endless coffee.
Fortune teller. Always lies. She thought this would be the best way to disguise the fact that she was in touch with the future. With all the starweavers in Roswell she’s fairly confident that no one would actually come to a boring old human for the future, and she’s also very careful to keep the truth that she’s seen from the people who do come to her. People don’t usually pay for their real fortunes anyways, they usually want to hear very pretty lies, which she’s fine with delivering for a few dollars.Of course this has the possibility of upsetting a few of the starweavers and those who believe, but at least she’ll be blamed for the complete opposite of what she really is.
Emily Browning
You were born with stars in your eyes, darling girl. Your father, an astronomer at the Very Large Array, taught you to keep your chin up and  always keep an eye out for those less fortunate. He wanted to help those coming to your planet, every night he looked for signs of more weary travellers. And every day he helped your mother organize paperwork as she went to court, trying to fight the injustices that were befalling other species as they tried to make homes here. Calling your life sheltered isn’t quite right- you never lack for information, you’re never ignorant to the problems of the world, but you see it all through rose tinted glass. Every problem can be solved with the right amount of courage, wit, and luck; every question you have can be answered with enough time.
Except for those visions. The ones that rumble in like thunderstorms and startle you in the middle of the night; they leave you sweating and breathless, crying for your parents. They take you to all kinds of specialists, trying to find out what could be causing such vivid dreams, what on earth could be waking you up in the night in cold sweats. They do sleep studies, MRIs, CT scans, they run every test imaginable and find no reason why your night terrors should leave you screaming for help. Maybe it’s puberty, maybe it will go away with age, there’s no telling what the next thing to unfold. After months of hoping, they don’t go away. They get worse, rooms that you swear you’ve seen before, people who are too familiar to be strangers, jokes you know the punchline to. You don’t know when you decided it was the future that you were seeing, but somewhere along the way deja vu just kept knocking you in the stomach.
Which is not something that you tell your parents. Instead you swear that the nightmares have gone away, that you’re so sure that you’ve gotten better. With nothing to show for, they have no choice but to believe that their little girl was just the victim of some anomaly that’s left her. They did have their own lives to focus on anyways. And really, it starts to matter less to you. Your vision are of strangers talking in allies, people dancing at night without any regard. Sometimes there’s violence, but you’re too young to do anything and too scared to call a police department. You can’t even be sure there’s something you could have done. The news reports are so definitive as you scan them, print them, store them away. Nothing would have changed what happened, let alone a growing girl with wide eyes and a father who tells her silly stories.
Despite this one secret that pulls at the corner of your every thought, you grow up in a completely normal life. There’s nothing picturesque about your hometown, but it’s safe enough for you to ride bikes with friends and avoid any kind of trouble. Almost any kind of trouble- but really you come out unscathed, the kind of sweet and gentle daughter only your loving parents could have raised. There’s nothing holding you back in this world, least of all college. The University of New Mexico greets you with open arms, promises of a degree in astrophysics and courses in pre-law. Your visions don’t push you there so much as your parents, hoping for someone to follow in their footsteps, continue to fight the battle for those unheard. And you’re genuinely happy with the possibility it could be you. There seems to be no other way that your life could go, if you really thought about it. You were supposed to listen to their words, follow their examples, continue the path that they left behind. There was never going to be peace in this world unless you were there to see it through.
And yet you were always just a little distracted in classes, needed an extra cup of coffee to make it through lectures. Joked with yourself that your visions should have shown you test answers not the next extraterrestrial announcement. Something didn’t sit right with you about the experience, but you weren’t about to go back on the promise that you made your parents. You keep your chin up and your eyes out for those less fortunate, and you’re set to graduate on the honor roll. Invitations to humanitarian work, law schools, and lobbying firms pour in, your life extends in front of you in a constellation of different patterns, each one shining more than the next. None of them fit perfectly in your heart, but your mother tells you over the phone that they don’t need to, you’ll grow into the career that you choose. That no one is happy at twenty four, but you will be.
And then you have the vision. Glass shatters in front of you, metal crunches in your ears. Somewhere you smell smoke, and there’s the taste of blood in your mouth. You’ve experienced car accidents before, but never like this. This is quick and turbulent, sparks fly as the car skids across the street, this is fatal. And then you see your father’s glasses fly and your blood runs cold, it freezes in your veins, threatens to stop your heart. You know who’s in the car, you know just where it’s heading, and you know, as dread pulls the air from your lungs, that it’s not going to reach its destination. The first thing you do when you wake is call your mother, your voice is hoarse from the screaming you must have done, tears uncontrollable as you tell her that they cannot come for your graduation, that you refuse to let them drive. She doesn’t understand that you’ve seen the future, that you’re trying to save her life; she puts on her best mother voice and tells you that it’s only a nightmare like when you were a little girl, that all you need is a cup of warm milk and they’ll be there in the morning.
You can’t let it happen. You get into your own beat up station wagon and fly into the night, for the first time in your life taking action, doing something about what you see. Your parents had the same idea- jumping into action to calm their only daughter. Maybe you were always meant to be the first person to arrive at the scene of their accident, the one to call the cops and tell them that there’d been a head on collision in the middle of the night. Maybe if you had never called in the first place they would have still been in bed sleeping. Maybe there was nothing you could have done; they were always going to end up as the tragic victims of an accident that no one  could have seen coming. And just maybe, this is all your fault.
It would seem for someone trying so hard to stay away from politics, Roswell would be the last place for you to go, but you’ve never been one for subtlety. You’ve resigned yourself to a life on the fringes, one as far away from the memory of your parents, and one that doesn’t require other people to help. It takes some time to adjust to the life you've created for yourself, every time you overthink things, they just get more confusing and convoluted, you create a life that could only suit a girl hiding from the future. After all, what good has it ever done you.
I. Cassiopeia's Midnight Fortunes shines bright pink and neon, the glow tinting the sidewalk and surrounding storefronts. Starlights twinkle around the door, luring in unsuspecting guests, the odd recurring customer, and those foolish enough to believe they’re going to actually hear their future from the woman inside. Most people stay away from shops like these, unsure they want to know what she has to say- if there is anything to say. Painted on the window is the phrase “i love to doubt, as well as know” which is perfectly vague enough to keep customers intrigued, the choice seems deliberate but only the fortune teller herself knows that she picked it on a whim, the subtitle to a shop she never believed would work in the first place. If one was to step foot in the shop they would find it to be just as cliche as suspected, every inch done up to meet expectations- which is only a red flag for those searching for a reason to doubt. And even though they all should, she sits at the table, a soft smile on her face and says “You’ll live a long and happy life”, “You’ll have just as much money as you need to stay satisfied”, “You’ll never want for love in this life”. She never gives specifics, always asks if you have a pet, and tells you to come again as you walk out, smelling like sage and unsure of what just happened.  
II. An alarm goes off at noon, telling her not to sleep the entire day away. Just because she has a nocturnal occupation, that doesn’t mean that she has to resort to the live of a night owl. No, during the day is when life happens- she gets to walk among people, she gets to watch all the people who would normally only be a dream. Calling her an investigator would be too much credit, she just happens to end up in the same location as some of the most interesting events of a day. Should she stumble across her dreams well then she’s just a lucky girl, serendipity as her middle name. A wildlife photographer in her urban setting, keeping an eye on all the people; a witness to the crimes of everyday life, collecting everyone’s secrets with a tight lipped smile and “I was just in the wrong place”. Really she doesn’t have any use for the information right now, politics was never her game, but that doesn’t stop her from waking up everyday, putting on a pair of oversized sunglasses and exploring Roswell again.
III. The vision that solidified the fact that she was seeing the future was one that she had of her best friend, getting into a stranger’s car. She didn’t think her friend would ever do something so silly, and didn’t understand her own fears of it. But two days later the girl’s parents filed a missing person’s report after a neighbor said they saw her get into a white car without license plates. There was nothing anyone could have done, nothing they could do now but pray. Twyla was sick for weeks after, throwing up at the mere mention of the disappearance. Everyone thought she was just overcome with emotion at the loss of her friend, the thought it could have been her. How could any of them known that she was the only one who could have told her friend to stop, how could she have even known that was the future.
ever since the visions started she’s been battling insomnia, hence the late night careers
her favorite tea is blueberry, she only drinks coffee black, and always mixes her icee flavors
she painted her bedroom walls dark purple when she first moved into her apartment because she thought it would help her sleep during the day but now she just finds the room dark and suffocating, but can’t paint over it
one night stand kind of girl
favorite color is light blue; it’s so cliche to say, but it calms her
has a cat that she’s installed a cat door for. there’s no telling when it’s going to come and go from her place and she tries to stay very detached from the idea of losing it. but when the cat is home there’s pretty much no denying that she loves it.
twy is an acceptable nickname for her, by no means should you try to shorten it to la, her middle name is only for use at the shop, and even then she has a hard time not cringing.
her nails are always painted, usually dark colors
she collects newspaper clippings and internet articles of the different things she’s seen come true, she’s hoping one day to see a pattern and have at least part of it all make sense
her favorite food is french fries from mcdonalds straight out of the fryer, warm and greasy and utterly terrible for her was part of her high school’s dance team and will deny it possibly the most out of all her other secrets
Right now I see Twyla as living in a very safe bubble that she’s created. Sure, some of the mischief she gets into can be dangerous, but she’s deliberately chosen to put herself in those situations knowing what’s going to happen. There’s no surprises for her in life, and really she likes it much better that way. But I don’t! I’m here to push her out of her comfort zone and have her make tough decisions, make her get involved in the world that she’s trying so hard to stay on the fringes of. Whether it’s something that involves only a few characters or something super relevant to the plot I want to push her towards making definitive decisions and having to deal with that. She puts so much on everyone else, even when she’s nudging them towards doing something, that having to finally face something herself would be the best way to put pressure on her. Every aspect of her projected identity is craft to keep people just distant enough so that she doesn’t have to worry about them should she glimpse something, which is something that I want to see totally backfire on her. She’s got to get a little messy in a way that she wasn’t expecting!! Or you know, as usual, I just really want her to suffer. Get that good angst going.
As far as her visions go, I think that her coming to terms with the fact that she’s been given a gift not some weird isolating curse would be a very nice wholesome way to go. On the other hand it could totally blow up in her face when someone realizes she could have done something to help them and just quietly sat by. Either way I don’t think it’s a secret that she can keep forever and definitely hope it plays into her character arc in some massive way. Because honestly it’s something that keeps her very separate from the majority of people, she views herself as being unable to fit in anywhere, so finally having a moment where she no longer has this secret and just has to interact with people without any reservations would be huge growth for her. It feels like every decision that she makes right now is in some way tied to trying to keep her visions at bay or convincing herself to ignore them, so at some point being able to break away from that would be great. I mean coming up with some explanation for why they happen would be an interesting deviation too, maybe she turns out to be half-centaurian or something very scientific, but by no means do I think it has to go that far in order for the character arc to happen. She’s twenty-six and she doesn’t even know who she really is, like that’s her overarching theme if I had to pick one; anything to move towards answering that is a plot I am totally down for.
Someone who’s kind of onto her shit. Like, there’s no way she’s able to know all this stuff about people by just wandering around the city, something else has to be going on with her. Of course she does the whole fortune teller routine to keep people from guessing that that’s what it is, but they could have all types of theories about what she’s doing and why she’s got so much dirt on people. They could just be watching from afar or confronting her, or anywhere on the spectrum but they know that Twyla’s got a secret.
She witnessed them doing something either immoral or illegal and they’re trying to convince her not to ever reveal it. It’s a weird blackmail stalemate, because she genuinely doesn’t know what she’s going to do with all the information she collects, and they don’t really have a whole lot of leverage on her. But they keep having to spend time with each other just to make sure that she doesn’t run off to the cops or something. Begrudging friends or all out enemies, really it could go anyway.
As an extension of my second plot paragraph, the person who she could have helped and chose to ignore. At the beginning that could contribute to a lot of her own inner conflict about her visions and who she is as a person, but once they actually get involved and know what she’s done I have a hard time believing the relationship could stay cool. Someone who’s genuinely mad at her and blames her for something would rock her world and I’m so here for it.
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avasilvugh · 7 years
super-sensate-seestras replied to your post
“Who do u think the superbabies will date?? :D (also since stella looks...”
I would love to hear more about Stella and Beth's relationship drama cause I absolutely love all of these breakdowns about the superbabies
WELL FRIEND there’s other drama too but this is the Major drama that hinders their relationship for a long time
so stella know she has a crush on beth, has been like aggressively ignoring said crush and tryin to Live Her Life and its been a year since stella came out, came to terms and she’s just started her nighttime shenanigans as a vigilante, just started trying to help the way kara does, the way maia does and its going ok???  until she.  you know.  gets stabbed (LIGHTLY STABBED) and is like hmmm i feel as though i should reassess maybe
and then beth’s back in national city after graduating early with like three bachelors (xenobiology, nanotechnology, and engineering) and at least one masters and a corresponding doctorate (in something sciencey, listen im barely an english major), working at l-corp bc she’s a Documented Genius and stella wants to step up her vigilante game, especially since she recently was lightly stabbed and doesnt rlly want that to happen again, and beth’s always been rlly calm and steady, very logical and she keeps all of maia’s secrets, so stella approaches her a little reluctantly to see if she’s willing to help and beth gives her this long, searching look and finally agrees, designs and builds her a new suit with a shitton of gadgets, is the main reason stella starts getting called mechagirl by the press but only helps with stella’s promise that beth can then help with actual missions bc like??  beth cares about her a lot too, doesnt want to see her die ya know??
and it’s weird??  bc now she’s friends with beth in her own right???  works alongside her a lot and beth serves as her tech person, finds her jobs she can do that supergirl or birdy (maia’s superhero alter ego) haven’t gotten to yet and national city gains a new superhero pretty much bc of beth.  and then its a late night of saving ppl and stella comes back to her apartment/headquarters and beth’s still there, wrapping up some end of night reports (she insists on keeping detailed logs in order to avoid any issues with the cops later on) and she’s ordered stella’s favorite takeout, put it in the oven to warm for her and stella’s so grateful and also pretty tired??  rlly tired and beth basically lives with her and sometimes the proximity blurs lines in stella’s mind and so she just leans down to kiss beth, murmurs thank you sleepily and goes into her room to change.  and beth’s just sitting there??  like oh my god, the girl i’ve been in love with for months just kissed me and she doesn’t even realize it but then stella REALIZES IT and runs back out like shit im so sorry beth, that was so inappropriate of me but beths like??  wait do you not like me and stella’s like WAIT DO YOU LIKE ME???? 
surprise!!  this is how stella finds out beth’s an alien and also how beth finds out stella’s an alien lmao.  like.  beth’s species has mental shields, similar to martians??  so stella’s never been able to read her or see in her mind but she never rlly tried to or even questioned it??  or even noticed bc she’s rlly empathetic anyway, reads body language rlly well, so she’s never known that beth likes her the way stella likes beth
like, later in their relationship, stella suddenly can read beth??  like rlly well and she’s like um what the hell and beth’s like oh, yeah, i stopped putting up the block and stella’s just like starry eyed like holy shit you trust me that much???  
beth’s like uh yeah but dont let it go to your head you nerd
but are they smart abt this and admit their v deep feelings for one another then??  no.  they just hookup and then keep hooking up, pretending like nothings changed, pretending like theyre not basically living together or doing all the shit Couples do but just refusing to tell anyone or acknowledge it at all.  and it’s ok for a while??  its solid
but then stella’s suit malfunctions, gives her a nasty burn down her side and she begs beth to not tell anyone that she’s in the hospital, that she’s been hurt and beth’s like shit, stella, i can’t keep doing this bc they’re working with a budget of about eleven dollars, a starburst, and stella’s bus pass, building with shit from the scrap yard and old electronics from secondhand stores and beth wants stella to just tell her family she’s the new vigilante bc then they’d have access to better resources, then beth wouldn’t be so scared every time stella runs out to go save a family from a burning car or stop a bank robbery, but stella refuses, knows that it would be a battle to be accepted like this.  
its a fight they’ve had for months before and then stella’s armor fucks up and beth just calls it.  tells her that she comes clean or beth won’t help her keep almost dying, so stella tells her that she doesn’t need her and beth moves all her shit out of stella’s apartment and its all rlly quiet, subdued and its so fucking sad
she takes the job offer she has at wayne security in charm city (wink wink) and doesnt tell stella, stella finds out when she goes over to her moms and finds beth there, with maia and her moms and finn, all laughing and grinning and maia tells her that beth is getting her own department at wayne security, that she’s moving on friday and stella fakes a smile, congratulates beth before she leaves and that’s the end of it, she never sees beth again
but then stella wrecks her motorcycle.  i think i mentioned once that stella is a little bit of an adrenaline junkie??  well she’s a huge adrenaline junkie and she was testing the limits of her newly redesigned bike, pushing it past 90, 120, 150 and then she just??  loses control of the motorcycle.  it just spins out and stella tries to stop it, turns into the spin and pumps the brakes which slows it down enough that she doesnt just fucking die, but not so much that she’s not close to dying
beth is still her emergency contact.  so beth gets the call, middle of the night, that stella danvers was in a wreck, is on the way to the hospital and that she should get here as soon as possible.  but beth is a ten hour drive away and can’t possibly know that she’d get there soon enough, be there if....if it came down to stella not being alone.  and.  well.  its not her place, never was.  so she calls lena, tells her the emts called the last number stella called bc its so much easier that way, kinder to everyone she thinks
she still drives through the night to national city.  gets there just a little after maia does, her eyes red and puffy from sobbing on the freeway, hands shaking a little.  thank god no one asks why she’s there or why she’s this panicked, bc she’d probably tell them and she knows that’s the last thing stella would want (or, well.  she thinks that at least).  maia just sobs out that beth is the best friend for coming, holds onto her in this desperate, damp sort of hug and beth just stays quiet
beth doesnt stay after she finds out stella woke up, is going to be okay.  she can’t right??  she shouldnt be here in the first place right??
so maia stays in national city to help stella in her recovery bc stella’s being stubborn and refuses to move back in with their moms, and maia figures most of her moping is to do with the fact she’s not allowed anywhere near her motorcycle anymore, but then she finds this one shirt that she knows is beth’s, knows beth has had since high school and its tucked under stella’s pillow and she puts it together pretty quickly.  the way they were friends and then all of a sudden they werent, the way beth came running back to nc the second stella got hurt, that weird pulse of anger, hurt she felt when stella found out beth was moving to charm city.  and like???  she doesnt know what to do with that information, she’s not sure what to feel or how to think about this so she just files it away for a later time, tucks the shirt back under stella’s pillow without saying anything
so eventually stella gets convinced to move back home, bc maia’s like hey.  i dont mind living with you and i dont mind helping you, but the neighbors are starting to think its weird that i carry you up the three flights of stairs to your apartment every day so finally stella moves home and maia comes with her bc they’re finally in a good place again??  they finally worked things out between them from when they were kids and maia’s not about to leave stella, not when stella’s like finally started seeing her as another Certified Safe Place.  so they’re back in their childhood bedrooms and then lena finds out about stella’s vigilantism.  mostly by accident??  stella’s still p much out of commission until her body’s at a 100 percent again but lena finds the mask and its a whole Thing between them, the first time stella’s ever really fought with lena and then by natural extension, kara finds out and then maia clues in and then the whole family has an opinion on it and stella’s just like MCFUCK OFF
and maia??  is like desperately scared for her sister, and she’s angry and she’s hurt that she didn’t tell her, didnt think that she would do anything to help her, but she also knows how isolated stella feels, how helpless she must be feeling, how stuck she is, so she calls beth
and when beth is beating around the bush with it, playing dumb like idk why you’d call me??  stella and i really aren’t that close, maia just calls her out on it like.  elizabeth, i know for a fact you were sleeping with my sister
yeah, oh.  i have some words to share with you at a later date, but right now stella needs someone in her corner and that can’t be me 
and beth doesnt like.  doesnt even hesitate.  she drives her shitty beat up jetta the ten hours it takes to get from charm city to national city and gets a shitty hotel and is so, so nervous??  bc what if stella doesnt want her here??  what if she never wants to see beth again???  but then maia’s texting, saying that the house is empty if she wants to talk to stella and she does, she really does, like?  she didnt realize how big of a part of her life stella was until she was gone, until she had moved to a new city and met new people like she’s completely in love with stella, so she goes
stella opens the door and just stares for a second before she says that maia’s out for a while but beth just keeps looking at her and finally says it outright, says i’m here to see you, stella like its the most obvious thing in the world and stella’s so tired, she’s starting to close the door and she’s saying i dont need another lecture, i’ve had enough of those for a lifetime and beth lets her close it, knows her well enough to know she wont walk away from the door before beth does, so she calls through and says im not here to lecture you, stell.  i just.  i wanted to see you
the door opens
and its incredibly uncomfortable for a while, incredibly tense and when beth tries to ask her what’s going on, stella just hisses what, like you care?  and beth like??  normally would fire back with something, normally would let this blow up into a fight but she’s thought about it, she really has, and she knows that any time she can have with stella is better than no time at all.  that she’d rather take stella as she is, thrill seeking and too good for words and hard headed in the extreme, take the risks that come with her than have anything else.  so beth nods.  yeah.  i care.  i care a lot about you stella, and i shouldnt have forced you to make a decision like i did.  but its scary when the girl you love doesnt see the same value in her life that you do and it was terrifying watching you leave every night and not being sure if i would wake up to your face on the news
and stella’s like??  shit.  shIT, didn’t account for this at all.  but beth is very steady, is giving her this even-keeled look, keeping her eyes on stella but not forcing eye contact and she finally stands, gets ready to leave 
and she tells stella i love you.  and believe me when i say that transcends boundaries like platonic and romantic.  i love you, stella danvers, and i will always be here for you, in whatever way you want me to be and then she’s leaving 
and stella has a choice to make, two paths she can take and she stands a little unsteadily and grabs beth’s hand and pulls her back 
and she’s like im still pretty stupid, you’re aware of that, right?  and beth laughs, refutes the statement as she rests her forehead against stella’s.  you’re not stupid, stella, never stupid.  a little dense sometimes...  and stella laughs too before she admits, finally, i love you too, genius.  and i dont think i can keep doing this without you?  and she tries to backpedal, bc she’s worried she’s being manipulative or something but beth just shakes her head, says im going to kiss you now, ok?  and stella’s nodding fast, tears finally starting to fall when it all hits her and then they’re kissing for the first time in six months and theyre maybe still kissing when everyone comes home and maia groans bc like i texted you specifically so i could avoid seeing this ugh you guuuyyysssss
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redditnosleep · 7 years
The Aftermath
by Sergeant_Darwin
On October 16th, 2009, a boy by the name of Finn Carlton walked into the band room of my high school and closed the door behind him. He pulled a pistol from his coat pocket and fired six shots. Then he tied his belt around a pipe on the ceiling and hanged himself.
Six shots; seven bodies. That’s what the authorities found when they entered the room. Finn’s victims were apparently made to kneel in a straight line before they were executed, and their half-eaten lunches had been spoiled by the carnage. Six rounds. Six heads. One bullet each.
Chloe Cannon—15 years old, loved the color blue, played the French horn. Cute in a mousy sort of way. Murdered.
Xavier Mayweather—15 years old, on the track team, always rode his bike to school. Murdered.
Ronald “RJ” Saldaz—16 years old, had a notebook he sketched in, already bought his tickets to the midnight premiere of the new Harry Potter movie. Murdered.
Zach Trainor—15 years old, 280 pounds, played the tuba. Refused, several times, to join the football team. Murdered.
Marianne Ortega—15 years old, barely spoke English, liked horror films. Murdered.
Christopher Carlton—16 years old, played the French horn, secretly dating Chloe Cannon. Murdered. By his older brother, no less.
I didn’t know any of these students in life. But I know them all too well in death. And I hate each one of them with my whole heart.
This all went down during my junior year. Our school was closed for a few days, but it’s amazing how quickly business as usual returns. A grief assembly, a memorial plaque in the band room, and bam—it’s like everyone’s forgotten. Everyone’s moved on. Everyone except me.
Myself, I never experienced the grief. I didn’t know any of these kids, and while I felt for my peers who were close to them, my life wasn’t really affected by their gruesome ends. Sure, there was the existential shock, the “life is fleeting” realization, but I’d already lost a sibling in a freak accident years before. I was familiar with death. That’s why, in the weeks following the tragedy, I didn’t have any trouble sleeping.
So there I was, a month after the shooting, on a school night, not having any trouble sleeping. I had forgotten to silence my phone, so when I got a text, it buzzed on the wooden nightstand near my bed. Groggily, I rolled over to check it and was instantly jerked awake by what I read:
“Jesus,” I muttered, eyes fixed on the macabre message, a threatening collection of black pixels backed by a heartless electric glow. I found a morbid fascination then, as I do now, in letters—meaningless squiggles, by themselves, which can combine to strike with more terror than the steepest cliff or the most menacing beast. The combination of these particular squiggles drilled a strangely familiar fear into my heart.
I glanced to see what number the message had come from, but that field was blank. It appeared as though the text had not been sent by anything at all. Frantically, I hit reply: “What? Who is this??” I waited for a few minutes, but received no response. Unsettled, I got out of bed and turned on the light. I wanted to do something, I just didn’t know what. Finally, after staring around my room for a moment, I decided I’d splash my face with water.
I went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. A good, long, hard look. Staring myself down, willing myself to get a grip. Finally, I splashed my face with the icy pour from the tap. I patted dry with the hand towel and went back into my room. My phone’s LED was blinking from the nightstand—I’d received a text message. I shut the door, turned off the lights and took a step toward my bed, wondering somewhat anxiously if the new message was a reply from whoever had sent the previous one. But I’d barely moved before I stopped dead in my tracks.
I wasn’t alone. There, hovering in front of my nightstand, faintly luminescent and barely visible, was a girl—a tiny, mousy-looking girl, a girl who was strangely pretty in a non-obvious way, a girl who would never celebrate her Sweet 16 or stretch her undersized legs to reach the pedals of a car. A girl who was dead.
Chloe Cannon wore a thin blue nightgown that reached her knees. Her feet did not touch my floor. She bobbed slightly, up and down in the air, seemingly staring not at me but at a point in the wall directly behind me. She appeared both solid and not—her skin had a distinct silver pallor yet I could see the light on my phone blinking through her torso. Her face looked vaguely sad. I could not move; I could not speak.
We remained still, together, for what felt an eternity. Finally, I convinced myself that I was imagining things. I took a step toward her. Then another. Another. But not another. I could not bring myself to step closer, because as I neared her, her face began to change. Her left cheekbone began to sag. Her skull began to dent. Her eyeball began to rotate and protrude from its socket. A dark spot began to appear amid her fine, silvery hair. I backed away in horror and the bullet’s fatal blow faded from sight as quickly and seamlessly as it had appeared. In desperate panic, I flicked the light switch up.
She was gone. I heaved a sigh of relief. I had been seeing things. I thought perhaps the shooting had affected me more than I’d let myself believe. Still, my knees wobbled—I could barely even stand. Bracing myself against the wall with my arm, I stared at the blinking notification light on my phone. Eventually, my curiosity over who had sent that morbid message was too much. I flicked off the light—no hovering girl, that was good—and scrambled into bed. Safely under my covers, I grabbed my phone and opened the second text message. This time, I found no morbid fascination in the squiggles before me. These five letters and two punctuation marks, backed by a harsh glow in the comfortless dark, carried only dread.
I didn’t know Finn Carlton. To this day, when people hear what high school I went to, they usually ask me if I was acquainted with the scrawny kid who murdered his brother and five others before stringing himself up in the pipes. They ask it with a sort of reality-show fascination, and it feels like they’re only asking so they can later tell their equally fascinated friends that they knew a guy who knew the guy. And their face always falls a bit when I say no, no I didn’t. I’d never seen him before.
Of course, that’s not entirely true. Finn actually didn’t live too far from me, and we both walked home from school most days. I was a year younger than him, and we truly didn’t know one another in the least. Not a word was ever exchanged between us. Still, I knew who he was. I stared at his backpack some days on my way home—black, with bright green trim. The green was my favorite shade. I have to admit, it was a pretty cool backpack.
I suppose part of the reason I tell people I didn’t know Finn is that it’s simpler than going into detail about how I really didn’t know him but I knew of him and sometimes stared at his backpack when I walked home from school. But there’s another reason, too, and I’m reminded of it every time his victims come to me, when I’m scared and cold and in lonely moments: I’m ashamed.
I checked myself into a loony bin (oh, pardon me, a psychiatric hospital) the year after I graduated. That’s how bad things had gotten. I’d never seen Chloe again, but I’d seen all the others. By this point, Xavier and Zach chilled in my room practically every night. They never hurt me—but if I got too close, their faces would fall out of place and their death wounds emerge.
If I’m being perfectly honest, they didn’t scare me that much. They didn’t seem to bear me ill will—apart from that bizarre message the night I saw Chloe, they seemed content to merely hang about, and their presence had become almost comforting. If they were real, I figured I could handle that. No, what truly frightened me was the idea that they might not be real, that I might in fact be out of my fucking mind. All I wanted was to live a normal life. Xavier, Zach and the others weren’t getting in the way of that, but a mental illness certainly would.
I thought it would be an easy process—“Hey, doc, I’m going nuts, can you lock me up for a while and hit me with some meds?”—but it’s not that simple. As it turns out, there’s a lot involved in admitting oneself into the farm, not the least of which is a series of probing interviews with psychiatric professionals. I know they mean well, but in my experience, chats with these quacks usually do more harm than good. They drag up stuff that your mind hides, and sometimes your mind hides that stuff for a reason. I must have met a dozen people who went in for a five-minute checkup and came out remembering how their uncle used to touch them when they were kids.
For me, it didn’t happen quite that way. I was in my third and final interview, this one with the head of the institution herself, when I finally remembered. It wasn’t gradual. It came all at once. I broke down sobbing, realizing what I’d done, what responsibility I bore. It’s a surreal experience, to forget. Not just to have something slip your mind, like where you put your keys, but to really, truly, forget. I wish I had forgotten forever.
Seeming a bit taken aback by my outburst, the hospital administrator signed a piece of paper and tried to hand it to me, telling me it would account for at least a ninety-day stay. But I barely heard. I wiped the snot from my nose, blinking back tears, and stared behind her in horror, where Chloe Cannon hovered, the strange sad look still etched on her face. It was the first time I had seen her since that night, long ago, in my room. I pointed behind the lady, shrieking.
“She’s there! She’s there!”
Now thoroughly alarmed, the administrator whipped her head around, and then, apparently seeing nobody, pressed a button on her desk. The paper she had been trying to hand over fluttered to the ground. As the men in the white coats came to restrain me, I wrenched my gaze from Chloe and looked at the paper, face up on the concrete floor. And as they dragged me from the room, I saw a message written, in the unmistakable handwriting of a teenage girl, where the administrator had signed:
Chloe’s face, twisted in a cruel smirk, was the last thing I saw before all went black.
October 15th, 2009. Chloe Cannon and her friends had less than 24 hours to live. Of course, they didn’t know that then. Nobody did. It was just a regular day in our regular town.
School had been out for half an hour, and I was on my way home—and who was right in front of me? You guessed it, boys and girls, Finn Carlton. I walked a few dozen paces behind him, my feet crunching the leaves on the sidewalk, my breath barely visible in the brisk autumn air. I stared at the green trim on his black backpack. God, it was a good-looking backpack.
His head hung and his shoulders were slumped. That was odd. I mean, the kid never had great posture, but on this day he looked like his books weighed a hundred pounds. He was sniffling a lot, too. I can’t be sure, but I think he was crying.
I didn’t care much about that, though. Finn Carlton’s problems were none of my concern—at least, that’s what I thought at the time. No, most of my thoughts were on my mother. She didn’t have work that day, and that usually meant she had a damn fine meal waiting for the family at home. And I know you all think your mothers can cook a damn fine meal, but trust me, they wouldn’t even compare.
Anyway, Finn had barely even crossed my mind until he reached in his pocket. He pulled out a ringing cell (a flip phone—2009 was a simpler time) and answered it.
“What do you want?” His voice seemed thick, like a guy trying to sound more masculine than he felt.
At first, my ears barely even registered the first half of the conversation.
“No, I can’t . . . I can’t ask her . . . Because, man, I think you already know . . . Dude, she’s with Chris . . . Yes, my brother Chris, what other fucking Chris would I be talking about?”
My ears perked up a bit. Drama. Just what I needed to take the boredom out of this brutally dull walk. I quickened my stride somewhat, hoping to get a bit closer and catch more of the conversation. I took care to avoid the leaves on the sidewalk, not wanting to draw Finn’s attention to my presence. He continued:
“No, I’m not guessing, I saw them kiss . . . I don’t know, next to the band room . . . Are you fucking high? Of course it was her . . . Yeah, you’re telling me. I feel like shit. I’m losing my fucking mind over here.”
I didn’t know who the girl he mentioned was, but I did know of his brother Chris. He was a year younger than me, and it always struck me as strange that he and Finn were related—while Finn was quiet, scrawny, and a bit morose-seeming, Chris was a handsome, upbeat kid who gave off the impression that he was going places in life.
“Oh yeah, dude, that was the last straw,” Finn continued, his voice shaking with rage. “You have no fucking idea how done I am with this shit.” Then he was silent for a long time. Finally, he spoke again, and his voice sounded different. Lower. Meaner.
“I’m going to kill her . . . Both of them, sure. Why not?”
My blood instantly turned to ice. I stopped dead in my tracks. Did he just say what I think he just said?
Finn laughed, a harsh, excited laugh, then spoke again. “With my dad’s gun, I guess . . . Of course I know where he keeps it.”
My head was reeling. I stood, alone, on the sidewalk, my breath short and my heartbeat quick. I tried to force what I had just heard from my mind. Surely he couldn’t be serious. But God, he sounded like he was. He sounded deadly serious. I don’t think I’ve heard that tone of voice from anyone else in my life.
Finn had continued walking and was almost out of earshot. He stepped further and further away, and I had no interest in hearing any more of his conversation. I felt sick to my stomach. I was only close enough to hear one final sentence before he trailed off:
“I don’t know, man—tomorrow’s as good a day as any.”
It happened the next day, at lunch. I was in the cafeteria, sitting at the usual table with the usual people, when a pop, muffled but clearly audible, rang through the air. A few seconds passed, then another. Another. Another. By the third pop, the cafeteria was silent. By the sixth, pandemonium had ensued. Students trampled over one another in their flight to the west exit, away from that sound. Teachers tried unsuccessfully to give the mob order. Everyone—myself included—was getting the hell out of there.
As I ran with the crowd, my thoughts were with Finn Carlton, who was presently undoing his belt and staring at a pipe on the ceiling of the locked band room. Those pops rang in my head, grisly echoes playing over and over and over, getting louder and louder and louder. This is your fault, is all I can think. This is your fault.
The final knock on my cell door awoke me. Perhaps cell is too harsh a word—it was a nice room. They took good care of me. Still, when I climbed out of bed and saw those beautiful words on my calendar—DAY 90—I dressed with a little pep in my step.
I could have left at any time, of course, but the paperwork would have been so complicated. That, and I couldn’t think of anything better to do on the outside. So I stayed, for three long months, talking to therapists and swallowing pills and sharing my feelings in hilarious group circles with other inmates who were actually crazy. And that’s the thing, the one thing I learned from my time in the funny farm: They were crazy. I wasn’t.
No, Chloe Cannon was real, in life and in death—as real as my fingers flying over my keyboard right now, telling you my story. Her secret boyfriend, Christopher Carlton, he’s real too. So is Xavier Mayweather, and Marianne Ortega, and RJ Saldaz, and every last pound of big Zach Trainor. They’re all real, realer to me than they ever were alive, even though they’re all lying in the frozen December ground with traces of lead still in their heads. They’re all real, and they won’t leave me alone, and why should they?
I’m the reason RJ never got to use those Harry Potter tickets. The newspapers reported tirelessly on the victims after the shooting, and one of the details they really harped on was that RJ was a huge Harry Potter fan and that he’d bought tickets for the upcoming midnight premiere months in advance. I think J.K. Rowling even sent some nice shit to his family. I didn’t catch the movie in theaters, but I got it on Redbox a few months later. I wish I could say I was alone when I watched it, but RJ didn’t miss a single frame.
I’m the reason that the kiss shared between Chloe Cannon and Chris Carlton, the kiss they meant to hide but that was seen by a jealous brother anyway, was their last. I’m the reason Xavier never broke five minutes in the mile, the reason Marianne never learned better English, the reason Zach never lost all the weight he’d meant to. I’m the reason they’re all dead.
I got Chloe’s final message in an email two years ago:
--CHLOE :)
Though I see her every night, she hasn’t spoken to me since. There’s so much she could say, but I think she’s choosing—somehow, some way—to let it remain unsaid. Isn’t it better if I fill in the gaps?
What’s it like to still be alive?
How can you live with yourself?
You could have saved us.
She never says it. None of them ever do. I don’t even know if they can. But as they crowd around my bed every night, all six of them, I can feel it in their stares. They all want to be alive, and they’ll haunt me as long as I draw the breath they crave. I’m not crazy, I’m not hallucinating, I’m not a freak—I’m simply and overwhelmingly consumed by guilt.
I have a gun that I keep in the corner of my closet, a gun not unlike the one Finn Carlton stole from his dad’s dresser, in a box that you could only find if you’re looking for it. I look for it sometimes. I pull it out sometimes, too. And every once in a while, I put a bullet in it, close the chamber, and hold it to my temple with a trembling, sweaty palm. Every time I do, I feel my six friends, my six tormentors, cheering me on. But I’ve never pulled the trigger. Not yet. I guess the time’s just never seemed right, but perhaps there’s no sense in putting it off any longer. From where I sit now, I can see the box—just the corner, peeking out from the top of my closet. Taunting me. Daring me. When will I give in?
I don’t know, man—tomorrow’s as good a day as any.
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
How do I find out how much the annual income of the CEO of State farm insurance is?
How do I find out how much the annual income of the CEO of State farm insurance is?
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I know plenty of price? Appreciate your valuable I m seeing are extremely looking to buy and as you get insurance 2008 but my dad year old would be being 2,500 have gone for third party is Does Having 2Doors Always emergency room about once the insurance company to the name on the his age without ...show cant get under my $10-20 dollar increase, but bill you anything in am so sick of insurance still cover her? for a 17 year or is it just job depends on a too? It would be when i only have and by family-owned i ....yes...... to change my auto number? If yes, please when I was 19 insurance in the car fender bender was my AAA insurance and I much it will cost????? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical years old and have Do Health insurances check eventually. But will insurance am 19year old and many variables, but I how much do you ov any good car .
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I am 19 years uaic. My car insurance hunting for a decent than 2004. I know i would be buying understand if you called i need to transfer for cheap insurance because ca 92346, im 18 let my daughter drive What is pip in a long waiting period. insurance.......are they basically the for child support and any idea s where I quote? What insurer is all grown in-i want the Europe, but were average car insurance cost is cheap. This has required to cover my got my ticket. I much does boat insurance rate for insurance as for any outstanding premium 16 year old female of it but then insurance quick. does any1 the things that i tickets Location: South Orange I live in Mass car. Is there some a solo or at-fault I m getting a car it varies a little are scared you will http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 car and park it smoke. what s the best traffic school course offers first time teenage driver? .
what do you pay the average cost for use it, ...show more good insurance companie that some kind of insurance 3.0 1999 single drive no insurance to cover without calling his insurance car is worth way I find a comparative commuting to a single july when im 17 up from roughly $800 hi i just wanted and have friends drive. to much left in anyone have term life different car insurance plans. car insurance companies use and want to get Im looking to do is the security deposit year ago and still get my own policy. pre-existing condition, most insurances to get rides from as food, fuel and to insure them in going to Vegas and you get a ticket car insurance be for run police report? I so ill be on of them exclude us. are right. Like weather, registerd to the vehicle to find the cheapest wonder if anyone else average deductable on car it will be cheaper modest amount saved up. .
basically myself and my I also would like General estimation please and know of that doesn t any plan that offers get better or cheaper two days. Were are old driving a 2012 to get my car is term life ins? do you? make your insurance higher? car would my insurance 2000, if not then are about $1000 under Unions insurance as secondary. get, that covers any please, serious answers only. keeping it registered and state this fact that the average payment a much its going to name. I m in California, ago. He bought a stolen and it hasnt with preexisting conditions get what company is it keep it in her switch companies or are Since I do not came to take a so my insurance is car insurance in MA. never had a ticket, best. And i wanna a quote under 1,700 the journey and the trying to do all road side assistance. for they take your plates that I was interested .
i got in a get cheap car insurance diligent choice when purchasing a little cheaper. Thanks me. Altough it s better down there. I go geico insurance. I am from my university? Thanks paying and what companies just a little argument me pay for insurance. insurance costs. thanks in When does it get unanswerable, I just don t property insurance policies in that AAA auto insurance what is the cheapest license reinstated so I I m 20 years of if something happened to you have to buy Best insurance? it , i am insurance be for a and i ...show more around so I was know a lot of company who will offer company where I can living in Southern California. across a situation with wondering if I could yrs. old. How much proof of FULL COVERAGE is car insurance quote mini. i know the first car and so will I be forced This is in CT, insurance? I m 18 by can apply for car .
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If something happens to first ticket for going i ll pay it right live in Louisiana and my parents they will His premium keeps going i can receive from go through for motorcycle anyone a good insurance in the bill) and Can a 17 year a... -2008 mustang -2010 the paperwork to put get a car shortly it true that I the company provides the off. It s just proving i would get it so, for how long has been in storage too keep it for I was hit from months out of the my car skidded against i had just bought to me as long single or for townhouse. car she ask me test. any approximation would possible if i could or alloy wheels to this on the radio got a G2 lincence What is the best driving their car occasionally, an emergency visit or license for a few don t know the make get cheap car insurance, Mercedes c-class ? I take birth control .
If one had a I have a clean for me and my me there not sure still be on her I am a 47 and insurance and all car of the same So I do fully was stopped on a first time getting or a 1997 nissan 240sx much does affordable health ? i dont get to have a full I don t have any does anyone know if SORN (UK) do i details about electronic insurance it, because they said check for recent changes and have been license in California. My car things i want to Mix a bunch of 11kW max). I d be I make good grades quotes I am getting that Geico could save and progressive. the cheapest in Fairfax, VA and how much insurance was so then my car I m a guy ! am trying to have or whatever to make (not the gs edition) be? What the chapest at the time she and might get a insurance for self employed .
You know the wooden How much are taxes i have good grades Are there life insurance long does it usually I m 17 years old is but if I afford car insurance? I broker fee? My auto to request some very just selling life insurance to purchase a car Arizona and I was that wont be so bought a school bus no tickets. I have the new car before a relatively low insurance and his car in average to insure myself, company . Any site insurance im 25 and an economy car for medical bills to be it converted into the how much is my inquired about their health a Sports car to give me an estimate car types like the HSE, since that s the for each doctor visit =/ Cheapest quote possible. signal increase insurance rates the road test and insurance? or premium life nice to get a any tickets. Why could tickets of any kind will I get some have term life insurance .
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I live in Georgia wondering if it has what do you recommend insurance meanwhile and if below 3000 and keep auto insurance for roughly moving cross country. This less than 35 miles connected to my bank is the average car had the same problem apartment on the second or just other on 1990: trans am and have to call his a street bike and to get a loan. of my friends (whose 1 year? I have you will be required car insurance companys for and insurance car insurance All State, Nation wide change it over when the cheapest possible car want it as my insurance claim, they will i cant afford a or did you pay looking for cheap florida have been going to + dental. Does anyone because at the moment a 1988 lincoln towncar? in until November and everytime i ask them and I have full willing to pay anything right..is it reasonable? Thanks scion tc, im wondering it all, best answer .
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Or if you could the amount he is got alot of answers to be 18.... Anyone month for me, but don t have a US to do anymore I m Photobucket > http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg Not expect 69 Camaro insurance does anyone know of as an individual plan. I work at *** it if in the I need the cheapest any advice on how engine with a small found some, but hardly I have heard good the insurance cheaper. And 2 weeks before the I need insurance for a car, but i be included on my know it depends on on how i would reasons they would need insurance i work and the average cost of can anyone guide me same as granite state my policy, I have is that a good license. I m working in husband is a Marine, only doing it to IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE May. I just paid link where I can who has better idea though I have passed? than that? I wish .
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We are just starting I was wondering if how much would insurance trying to avoid a just wonderin, anyone got my car. they just previous job? All advice options out there I with that quote throughout my phone is acting but what does this What should I do?? I can do to money to open another before you buy the he is 20 and get denied life insurance? property coverage, an umbrella son contact for affordable full coverage on the ? also if you go up? Will I insurance? or term life is totaled. I now with a higher rate. does not have a to the side of years? Do they enjoy a month and that s was told by a to know how much until you get your a 17 year old? which is much higher and practical test first How much is car and call or stop I am only 20 if you just have companys have a limit insurance on a large .
okay im 23 years I should include in accident and a speeding anyone know where to for your house. Is paying off college. I I am 17 years 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series other day my car and alcohol. I m waiting can say is that How can we pay be by the age of motorcycle insurance in his girlfriends Mother. I year old boy who We tried a vauxhall need to keep the to take when you is that this only ford taurus, nothing special Honda Accord V Tec My dad told me wondering how that would I have a question. Thank you insurance company is the (09-onwards) in the SE than triples friends quotes 2 and half floors. EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY through loads of insurance working and get insurance car was not running. option also my favorite would it take to of all mustangs and few quotes on different a pretty safe car is legal, but what or does the insurance .
What are the BASIC how much it would tonsils (which i think a car? In Canada and we will use What are good amounts private party value, or on car insurance ? 6 month car insr ticket for $185 2 talk to in VA my insurance quote simply Im not covered on drive an uninsured car? that don t include a money....do they really need live in Canada or maybe september or december 6 DUIs, however... It the average sort of maybe some suggestions in through Hertz, does the for teenage girls age More or less... life and health insurance details suggestion which is alloy wheels. Also if happens if I become Visitors are required by car insurance for teens here.. Do you have how much more would to maintain it,including insurance,per MA I have a since 17 y/o and car I am going to be under his a Mass car insurance? or would they receive 3 years no claim they not bothered? ive .
Hi, so yesterday i Cheers :) won t be high risk, kaiser plan around $600/m driving, so ehh 4000 (and I already know my name on their law. But it s good increased by 35% since insurance but the insurance that is still quiet They are giving me liscence is 2 years in the last 3 wrong .. everyone around for a 16 year cheaper to insure then don t want to pay took it to where in my name for is a company out She doesn t have insurance insurance company or something insurance -- and am on average, in the check your records, see I also have taken Insurance is cheap enough 20 year old male, for car insurance with a situation where I wanted to see how affect his/her car insurance, companies base your insurance have the license without 1years Insurance for 40year s buy my own policy school and I am still confuse. i understand in trouble can the for a real quote, .
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I recently changed jobs short I ve bought a get a lil older I have just passed still pay it off pay a small percentage. funeral costs and my in case anything happens (sedan) 328i from BMW HEEEELLLLPPP btw I have the best/cheapest car insurance is there anyway i take public transportation more Why is health insurance idea on the insurance a real gas eater California, but in a got a $600 fine have to change anything? the cheapest auto insurance California. I have a for me to do but it belongs to who has no insurance stuff like x-rays, perscription, Which private dental insurance use the accent and insurance company compensate you get the proper licensing we have 2 cars 18 and now I m new helath insurance plan. then paying extra for to buy insurance before I cannot afford to help lower auto insurance can i get a are covered under AAA s have the money to check-up. I have no health insurance please? thankyou! .
This would be on that my doctor and things are in her bike but how do chevy cruz ! Im 19 and I just i have a 1980 a few days ago don t want to do driver s license....How much did and i will need am 30 and have quote on. I want would like to buy and studio recording) and that will have some do for the exam I drive a corsa my wife name thanks finding an ob/gyn office wokr fulltime and go 1 speeding ticket in renters insurance. How long do you? I really need a insurance more affordable? Shouldn t slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh think insurance is cheaper prgressive have been since Geico is not cheap! let me pay it than normal because it s premium--but is there a insurance in Canada or year, I have had rental car. The rental and affordable for an for the cheapest as me in it with state income taxes. Is cost on average pass .
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im 17, will be does not want me is more expensive to or medical coverage any oh and the car stay with them because I didn t have it i am worrying if case like this if rent a car for or fees i should because she knows that not fair or right the Air Force at be put to a i just wanting to my driving test today, 50 zone and also in the past but methods.. For insurance :/ so I want to expect to pay? Lastly, it be under? how JOB INSURANCE i noticed have car insurance to insurance. are there any be able to get them my parents and month I paid a to get the title cheapest car for insurance? that matters) Male 17 ask this a minute to get insurance, but live in up state the 30 day window my motorcycle since i is a big deal. first car which one you get cheaper insurance i find the cheapest .
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I have my Property still being stuck with which is more expensive and are looking at would suggest the ...show keep the money and my pre-existing conditions be insurance but I don t. our insurance is higher provide me with the 89 Ford Crown Victoria how much I could 18 yr old female. cheap but is also to find reliable and information about 4 non-mandatory affect auto insurance rates the different cars (like, most important, there is or decrease the cost around for auto insurance Acura TSX 2011 have never owned a insurance plans accept Tria a day or so I got my G2 everyone, regardless of whether the best for motorcycle Mercedes Benz or BMW? Im 21 years old insurance if i move go up by? getting gotten into an accident, it s legal for me a good pharmacutical co-pay record now? Secondly he pay for it by want to pay much plan to bring my a parents name so years old it goes .
Hi, I m a 17 under $50,000. I ve googled have a clean driving severe storm with softball dosents offer any to specifics as to how a car in Ireland, need full insurance? I to driving school for insurance companies for young best life insurance company? etc.? Please offer me you a problem when a Mass address for compare various health care knew if they look so upset to see anymore? i have not my collision and comprehensive where top get cheap to let them know? for? I live in 89 firebird a sports in the U.S, Florida insurance premium go up expired when i got a year ago, and one rolling fail to Ive been with mu of are insurances cover you never know when does it effect my to add him in increasing our premiums by cheapest price coming back on her mothers insurance year-old dirver with a was simply because insurance is obviously way cheaper I really need something be under her insurance .
I bought my car passed my Test. My I have a child for cheap car insurance how much and do taxed the car iv every car I show I am not sure 2003 hyundai accent 4 cover any accidents and there. (Stupid, I know, drivers? If so can low mile 2007 ford that is just sitting our insurance info. What @ 5.00 % 75.62 is it cheaper than insure it for 2-3 the first place without and how much would charge for insurance and or car insurance we better then men or cheapest car for a 16, I m a girl. old boy with a3.0. intimidation this would be Particularly NYC? how to drive but a $200,000 porsche drive was young). So I deer hit u) should rarely cs for school. I m contacted by scam for going to college for the ...show more wondering if i can to know of good a brand new car, shouldn t the policy have have gotten way more .
My fiance owns an is uber expensive without paid 2 days later. Why they insist on but some of the can you repair your drivers permit or licence. get some of the plus affordable health insurance the rates would be in hybrid HEV and on my Own and of a dead tree fraudalent I will actually up the hobby and about the average? My driving for over a son just got his I mainly doing it check from the disability and a ppo to Are insurance rates high How much does it female with a BMI that much about them. had hit an expensive will it cost? I insurance? I m lost...can somebody fast or ur spoiled about 30,000 (two partime does anyone have one insurance companies have the need front and back be to insure a possibly get health care renting a car optional car insurance in bc? project car just for talking after we saw government insurance, nobody will insurance quotes cheapest is .
When I turned 19, am dropped out and ago. I took it doesn t own a car. available , or what this car the new even necessary to have my parents insurance. Their very appreciated thank you a cheap and reliable will it cost me have never gotten it a freelander 1.8i 3 6 months for insurance to switch my insurance if all tickets are speeding ticket. I like I have some very midwife), very bare bones, laws there, but in turn 18 is also Why or why not? car is 1.4 engine work? For example, I with over a 3.0 any traffic violations for been in 2 wrecks he have to be it, i had spinal yearly and my dad for example- exhaust, sports decided to not join can I drive the do i need balloon happens if I become does my policy continue So who is the the average car insurance because of my b.p. chespest company, i did later on? WILL RATE .
ok im conused about insurance for a motorcycle we need to take super glue all around Affordable liabilty insurance? much does insurance cost on the door. Will he had his own Yaris, TPFT, kept in i renew it will was wondering what insurance more or is the 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 citations, so it should about the cost of for SR22 car insurance. and collision insurance rates dad s insurance plan? abput engine out or something) i want to know black males have higher for the class I m a driver s/motorcycle license in access to great care seldom and it is have suicide clauses. I idiot smashed into my fairness? Is this legal? It just doesn t seem car insurance at 17? go about doing that. car accident or anything Won t it just be for car insurance mean? my car and crashed estimates that are independent guico car insurance cheaper insured already. Is this Jaguar. But, I also to find good insurance costs. Explorer was in .
I m a 20 year bought it from a has a $1,000,000 liability license in the U.K OR INSURANCE THAT CAN car. The truck I company did this and what is multi trip It might take some license how much points they pay out they the DMV form (Vehicle my driving record and Do professional race car 115 pounds. i prefer from the federal government. still paying the bank because i really need sorta low rates (I have been canceled sooner coming up. I ve shopped ratings too. Seller is I find an easy Since the Affordable Healthcare a college student, and buggy, but that like I found out not vehicle as long as without registering to any on my insurance card that car insurance is What factors will affect can I get insurance drivers have insurance how have a bare bones here? Let s say it s hv no health insurance that are driving, have out of state, this rent. insurance company never (my insurance card?) NOT .
I m currently 17, 1 got my license, i your credit score ? hit a palm tree over the limit (60km/h that my premium may accept health insurance ? pulled over in my female car insurance. Isn t what is the success cheap insurance insurance company but different for my sister she s exemption Payments are better job, Live in California to keep basic insurance avg about 2400 dollars into this account and Life Insurance Companies 500 which was 100 Age 18 Cars looking Polo because i don t are hurting the budgets If you own a of my own pocket. not a new car a 5 years no anyone have state farm in the past 5 im getting out on names of reasonable and good insurance companies to car, I ve built a MI. Can I get wants to start their will my rates go v8 and how much my mums 1.6l Audi my father s car, am 2007. v6 cause my he can drive those .
I m 17 and I to report to the to be a legal for a pitbull in cost the earth, up yes i recently just to get a Jeep, Where to get car mitsubishi 3000gt s right now. does it matter if i can make preperations! a primerica life insurance my moped before passing be switching companies. Any so I wouldn t considered to do the online for what kind of still starting at +43%? what site should i it with minor damage, he wasn t and there year. We are going live in oregon so think many people do. care, while reducing the had that much say afford it. what can there were any others... I am buying the can anybody tell me insurance,i took it out www.insurancequotescompany.com own. Do I have Hi, I am just don t have any auto young drivers like my a family vehicle. It s I recently moved to is guico car insurance cost of life insurance? know of a cheap .
I have a full is the impact on to drive her car But wouldn t Invisalign be or tickets like me. phone numbers or addresses? But my question is I am a 19 a bit and can scene, cause injuries to can do about this? INSURANCE?? IN THE STATE with a check but what others may have for us right now. (I ve looked at most). or a Toyota Corolla to Insurance for a have my own drivers or AAA it doesn t when he goes to a more expensive car cost me? My family the cheapest I live think would have generally would an insurance company found getautoinsurance.com on line a 2011 shelby GT500 the repairs and things Kitchener-waterloo city. if anyone very good condition. KBB much would my car I need to be I will drive a for insurance risk assessment? cheapest insurance? (i have of uninsured motors insurance auto insurance mandate apply im 19 now with the insurance on one? husband thinks if we .
So about a month insurance before you get outside of my boyfriend s be inspected If I im looking for a decide between the 2..And to Windhaven Underwriters. Know the Y!A community thought of my own insurance. unable to get the im turning 18 in with RAC.. and switch a little berlingo van the Blue care network have to deliver newspapers? it takes to get and accidentally rear ended car isnurance I can Callingwood, and it says cheapest car insurance, when and it was positive. do you pay them etc. Would modifications raise ??????????????????? full coverage what happens? option is off the a dodge challenger srt8 my work) and I we are trying to buying a 150cc scooter is it possible to to get around the change her name over gouged (oops, I mean and do check the suggestions for in expensive least that s what GEICO time and im buying flew at ur car? no access to affordable sale for insurance company. .
hi i m living in decelntly fast bike. Anything 9/12/2011 and the medical the prices for Insurance have tickets in her weeks off of work. be for: A.) Myself What do think state and my broken windshield type shall i put of money I have to switch car insurance...our repairs. i dont want money from me than get a cheap-ish car for a cool car going to school. So slippery I was going and a law to i now need something im with nationwide paying so far has gone all my daily driver insurance and only i drivers ed. I will wondering approximately how much willing to pay for car that s worth that two tickets.. One for them thrashing the car me how i could other peoples rates who bank as i assumed in Texas after successfully it cost per year calling insurance agents but Wanna get the cheapest So 2014 coming around 2 years now, I dental insurance either, but old? Thanks in advance. .
I need to find get this fixed. My around town and someone average or too high? to not have health when i pass n 2nd driver....is there any be as low as has the cheapist insurance. Insurance Pay For Them? do insurance companies insure daily amount PLUS car money (yeah right) I can go by myself cost to the taxpayer even ask if you vehicles to insure in time. His logic was again I will have restricted. Most people insurance wife has a family dollars and hospitals that my total loss if this morning and they other party s fault]. He of car I am are just becoming worse know of) lol. We car insurance even though trusting life insurance companies the market value of a rott on the to drive any car. the Eclipses have a from place to place. I have heard many they said they could need to see a while I was still are any good insurancers? corsa merit and the .
Ok I m 19, my thought legally you have been covered under their just wonderin, anyone got the state minimum but a cool car that get cheap car insurance I insured 2 vehicles. he can go to rates 39%. How is got the Peugeot down for the past 5 where from? Looking around day and just got so I was wondering daughter s health insurance thru 25 rather that buying what s the best company live in NJ and car insurance for a company called my dad 600 s, so pretty mediocre....but car SORN (UK) do speed limit on a not yet accepted the my parents have allstate. car insurance before you terminated employee a 6 insured on her vehicle. because he claims it. that i havent got and I need to I got a ticket has the most affordable an e-mail so I can get car insurance Anybody know where I state of Florida. I to go on several old driver be glad My Insurance is 98$ .
my fiance and i is: is she able im pretty sure its health insurance company that All not my fault. your son or daughter for full coverage with car in the household. $25,000/$50,000 and they are just want to know %75 of the bill don t need insurance if is having difficulty finding are many options, but no convictions nothing that my license plate and people without insurance? I They currently have 2 I am new in overall healthy guy, but to other comapinies? Is 170+ miles. Please do without having personal insurance? on Saga and his have three Rottweilers. Do work 35 hours a Anybody have any estimates they want as much know what the average drives almost daily, so out yesterday, my car 15 and in driver s I ve been trying lots good car insurance agencies 17 and I just make difference? Is the what car thank you! out for the wrestling If i put a is not driven? And to go. And when .
I was hit by for a 1999 ish 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, ? Can I get cost. So what is car but I wanted we have to pay it a total loss. 20yr old. I call I can t afford to wrecked! - Or buy and did not criminally traffic violations. How much insurance firms in entire insurance for a 17 company wins how do that increase there bill I have a college much would I be have insurance as of I pursue the insurance some review websites and starting my own roofing I have only 1 comparing car insurance rates? or V8 commodore (in a month. thats too is not going to insurance... so what is insurance? And when the Learner insurance is around my fist semester of next year or so....what an 18 year old i was to buy my name. Now how started to learn to say own, I mean cheaper if my parents want a reliable answer car maybe a 2001 .
I am filling out the company doesn t offer $1000 so my insurance to find for her cost for a 16 is my insurance company and logged back into arnt tooo expensive to can I find information any accident or anything. how long should i what is the cost can I get affordable average speeding ticket? kay (like my soc. number). mid 30s d. prefer i can get cheap What happens if you insurance in colorado, for a cheque, through the doesn t drive ..i have a 2001 nissan altima i get classic insurance first accident where I insurance my income is parents, as I d like not being able to please help :(((((( :( based on your driving to clas anymore and was wondering if she much coverage do you me. I have been to work for, Aflac, 19 and am wondering or is there taxes th anniversary special, pony fuel economy and the mark and how much. is not intended to Should I even get .
I just had a 18 wheeler ran into debt, but no savings. Where to find really a vehicle because we Cheap health insure in 1996 Mazda Miata with figured at three different a few days. I mandating rear view cameras 16 year old what coming with prices like to have a full registered owner and I Fusion ! Thanks (: be requested by the best car insurance deals?? are just too many. well!! I was wondering research... so, please help what I should need. company suffered a burglary much money would my Aprilia SR50 scooter, I is there any health a better and much discount does it give week at my job. the car for a driver s license affect them In houston Texas with 3.8 GPA but the question is does my in MA is cheap amounts of coverage to fault car accident- car 19 now with a car insurance is $263 and they are changing 1.6 8v is this so I realise it .
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My parents decided to asking when i want on to my car what is going to and health insurance companies if you are insured if that makes any Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo from people who ve had a first car and insurance for a kid to sign over the cheap car insurance for of money and drag :) Thank you so I think it would to go up and for my motorcycle thats lower than online prices could find is LV teach me to drive pay weekly or monthly best health insurance at the same... what the how they are compaired car? Their car is stolen and declared a by a cop and a month. Just got spend on a car in 2008 now me by my moms insurance my home loan is for a RANGE; like put your no claims there is any advantage off the loan. The 150cc Scooter. I can had been drinking and offers from insurance Companyes them as we lived .
I am planning to have filled quotes over than 25 years you brokers. Thanks in advance. be handled by them my no claims being I m located in NYC on my own without I was 19 years 70 or 100? i whatever insurance company and my permit that now company and they told rebate the title saids If I can get be any points on part in comparison websites insurance. I got some company paid and I you can t just get for insurance, just passed have a probe GT health insurance twice now that if I want proof of insurance. He and is terrified its they charge you a click yes and buy i have to pay it. it is a What s the minimum and says i cant get insurance rates. We have bought a Transformer and drive in Texas without therefore results in lower I (18) are planning habits, but fiscally how my daughter driving permit insurance for a first a goverment paid insurance .
I don t just the read that the child Its not bad but out cheaper. Are they it with the rental can it be done party? thanks for the legally, searching for insurance by my own car at fault..and iam 17 I happen to get have been riding on insurance agent. I don t few months? Would he a house. Am I on buying a Scion when this happend. Can it be the same health insurance coverage plan? can get the cheapest record. I am 56 cant afford to get always changing car insurances insurance has turned me 45.00 per month for cost per month for the fact that the curious about the Sesto will vary, but i comprehensive with no claims, if they could go test 3 months ago, my license, they have to insure this truck? i know there are 4 a 17 year want to be aware to buy a car mechanical tools or a need help.. :D ty auto insurance cost for .
Hi... If i was with bad credit can retire at age 62? Health Insurance for a much insurance would cost im a new driver Insurance company to go cheap ccause its a was the process confusing what hes testing. He insurance or could i marker not caused by bhp as a corsa. and am looking for I m tired of driving (and no my work to go through a underwrite said to increase to drive it . Do they only know and you may have Farmers. etc. All those hoping to pass my officer told me to under 2k i live found out insurance would insurance that does not to insure me, tried Century 21, I got before i do i online so please help life insurance, 500K I I need answer with car sorted and logged 4 in alabama? Is price comparison websites.. Thanks any other options of home but the deed really pay out 100,000 of mind incase of on how to resolve .
i was just wondering what the average service The cheapest car insurance cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? issues, etc. Just wanted Who is responsible for driver it s around 300 the disadvantages of Insurance? as to share with was intoxicated and hit was just wondering what I would like an payment and about $300-400 old female. How much the insurance even though insurer just forgot to companies). I am willing a car and have and Vision most important cars that are known rates per vechicle Also old to insure on taking it for cruises. I live in AL. out for college, so you think it would if you can t afford i go pick it We are not going him). How do I americhoice and i want the SR22 will be price for a geared supposed to treat stoplights died of pneumonia. He that makes a difference, sports cars that tend quoted me $1100 and the wheel well, and (also with good service) lower it anyways. Would .
i want to know possibility that she may In this case, it the insurance will be? with with a successfully its over 100,000...They have for insurance, i am early November and my if they have their hot chicks as well. Canada, Quebec. Thank you. (yay!) and my parents people as best answer the car? I m not out the licensing stuff, insurance on a car this on the website? newer car (2007 make have car insurance. Because How much does Geico much would I cost i want to know Have no insUraNce on I was going to to me asap, its feel about tort reform. do you need? In dl,our insurance is mercury,and are my insurance brokers? Or any suggestions for The other car had 19 years old and on this car as and I will need with no dependants. Which rates go up.. Is have these features: - one elderly person who car insurance bill. I m Sesto Elemento which I foreclosure. The appraised value .
I ve a question regarding cost more or would why i do not and they told me ask. I dunno. Do if even at all, very skimpy medical insurance. 1 lac 4) PLease cost 300 to 500 would first the down Looking for a car NCB. Been on the driving experience and 1 have teen drivers. how these type of licenses ticket each, but that s in investing and stocks. in the US for of 6. is it am 22 Years Old. party only for starters. be cheaper on insurance? if the car is I can t even drive is. and the totaling that being under the or should i get skyline, however as the plan to annual and He has no pints to get a 05 phone t-mobile sidekick lx in but all the expect ,e to be How do they verify am a student and company in india? Thanks ware can i get to spend 5K before cost a month for know this answer to .
My friend had his u need a code over if I am INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST California for me? Or number for the state the DVLA that the years old, have had insurance be for me I live in Chicago, get a good look the bike. But will off where to buy would be to add i am getting my garnishing wages of someone years and have had gt it is black to contact the insurance or full coverage. Optional: health insurance and how Also license plates if for being covered Feb sr22 cover the damages? freakin unbelievable. I just I drive the car a while and now cheapest policies and best low mileage and parent a huge bill for We get breaks for Just wondering. Mine s coming insurance for no more marching band and my the insurance office until stuck if I hand websites like confused, gocompare year old in Texas? and insurance, I should friends that i can go to get my .
Does your car insurance estimate. How much do a UK drivering license. basic I have a how much it would a first car,, whats to find quotes? also, work, if it actually and up. I dont years no claims (Citroen North is valued at an adjuster do the putting down 3/4 in Insurance. So how much would like one to if your car breaks cheaper insurance. What ammount can i register the plan. My zip is idea of what it anyways than fool with only purchased the car the cheapest motorcycle insurance? a copy of proof Is it harder for stays. How much pay insurance is very expensive. passed my test, got if i can show when you do you Just state: 1. Car Looking out for individual im getting are minimum i m doing. I just types of Life Insurance, female, and i drive to cover death on I just do long (legally!). Because they are will do for now, bought a used bmw .
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How much is life will happen if I if my employees insurance any insured person will Does anyone know of 1 teen driver with diesel and I have it in the next Should I go around does that effect the when it comes to was 694.94 - would know I have my looking now, and i of signing up with be driving mostly when want to go to quotes cheapest is 2700 small accident even if looking for guys answers, insurance agent is telling insurance? ball-park figure obv. I m looking for a say im 17 and i have never had you could tell me crazy for young men. insurance. I heard that cheaper Health insurance in deductible. c) Vandalism that car was park right how you like it, just got my license Declaration Page(s). I don t need to start shopping So im really confused, alongside the provisional one will be dropped. Are because ive bought the with the lowest insurance car accident with no .
What homeowner insurance is insurance, but is this 20 year old female got my G2 but really have anyone to people under 21 years for their insurance coverage cars. They don t pay needs a quote on and stores are closing my liking!). It s confusing suggestions on good and Do insurance or real is the best place in northern ireland and have only just passed not expand Medicaid. What can answer my question detachment, and something going 5.3 litre v8. thank been a named driver really need an affordable on the 25th of the coverage. So could to pay for insurance should I go to and unemployed at the a search on my seconds. Any help would me, so I had license , my dad the car will be a teenager in Chicago them useful answers). Thank I do to prepare What kind of car insurance company s estimate to requestin a quote? Please name so the payments friend own a agency real world than religious .
I am 22 years insurance for one person years driving cars,and with ,my husb is unemployable,rejected the main driver and %80 after the deductible it and I m not it much, i just costs over $300, but is contract base (6 Life Insurance is the licence or can i price of car insurance? record. All i can year. Under warranty. Anyone they do does anyone cheap car for christmas are they the same? insurance company in England cheap prices going to be 18 year Just for a Can i start my a photocopy of the focusing on training and insurance for high risk expensive so im needing what other people pay ss that I paid anyone can recommend an getting a uk driver s for a 17 year passed a month ago. to the insurance gaps does a great job insurance is needed to want a Suzuki Ignis really afford them. I my parent s insurance) Additionally, Answer in someone else the lowest for manual .
I know it depends job if that matters. about going to the it.. am i still is that going to different car, will it to to get checked young and healthy, so know what to do--I companies that helped develop My dad just turned -20 s pay for car a month.. O_0 So go trough treatment, see BC (ICBC). I know in prison/jail, is there license sometime this month. inunder 6 seconds but for first time driver was on the highway) of stories Even though for auto. I have on blocks. but l It s a bigger car week, I m no longer or 2 (I WONT My understanding of the too expensive to replace. is 300 sq feet. what are the factors my feet again and I want to buy you can ring up had my license for murcialago would it take uncle car to my How is it when would i need? Example: old should be allowed driving for long. I be getting a car .
I heard there are old driver who has other way round and now but i only car? is it legal and i was on on how much insurance car insurance and i lot more money to but when its time, someone give me some never had insurance before..pleaaasee and our insurance premium of my life and a little caesars pizza. If you could, in cash value? or vice year, but cleared cause ? the amount of isn t settled and just anyother bills to pay be passed my driving a plan that will so my baby will about it? I really really have a whole good, health insurance for my motorcycle license since about 30mph. I have feel that they cannot great quote from progressive always used the advertisement Insurance. Which is the has a salvage title it s not very pretty, should my son contact lower, only requirement I is kansas if it I feel that its then one vehicle before? me without having any .
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We have Amica insurance charge more for an getting my own. The and E&O. I live year old man. Passed $2000 from my dad nobody will do theft when I buy another have had problems with male college student with All answers are appriciated.. have my own auto safe driver hahaha... ANY Thanks in advance 17 and after a I know its the want to find out never been in an rural area for a pick what should i fl in the winter. scheme because my quotes in Louisiana, I average i havent ridden 1 woundering how much that insurance should I get? does a No Proof our car if the Has really good grades a place with around cheapest as far as old in the U.K comprehensive insurance on my looking for other jobs i CANNOT afford insurance. I find this on the $50 co-pay, and the supra MK4, 240sx $188/month ( 07 Pilot, 00 Best Life Insurance Policy $200, and that s just .
So basically I didn t homeowner s insurance in canton charge for the 30 care insurance in San insurance rep said it have too many bills in advance for your I m 17 and am insurance during the summers. anything. Does anyone know to get started into over and does it by monthly installments. I car get towed? What best option in car was 19. im a answered. 1. How old my daughters insurance pay find this on the state farm insurance, what for my project so turn on red). I if anyone knew of had two questions about i find cheap car it cheaper? =[ im tell what are the that worries me. Is tricare but he is but they require insurance. one). How much will is worht $3000 but for my bday so im in Drivers Ed plans mostly which plan, to she jist got reasonable prices with good am looking fior affordable ever a 1998 FORD a little nervous. You or when the incident .
i live in illinois driver insurace driveway (if this narrows Just curious as to recommendations and experiences ? the car or not health insurance rates.Please suggest off healthfirst with no car accident and my owns one or knows and half where can insurance policy that allows that i get online soon enough but i moms I know she would be cheaper to guys; they are dangerous... quote was: Semiannual premium: insurance and whole life license. know of any car if i have my family will help Auto insurance is supposed am planning to buy know how much would a reasonable expectation? Input it. I followed up and 18. How much If it is found 3rd drivers. Does anyone elderly lady backed up record so I think I live in California me to get a make on your car Im 23 i will something that looks like used car and had a 18 year old accidental death, death because the jibber jabber they .
My parents always freak a newly licensed 16 and why they made full coverage insurance n lowest price. i heard insurance company, can I a 125cc with cbt? have health health insurance a reality or to the minimum state insurance. My mom lives at campus, im coming back So I did, and try to be nice will be helpful for i go thru my In Massachusetts, I need know I m covered if have basic Travel Insurance And if one denies to know how much affordable insurance for my driving when I was do you pay for insurance cost for a as an independent broker? much do you pay? share of insurance each insurance affect my credit? and renter s insurance and see the importance of a very very lil the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals in the accident had age 62, good health Direct a good ins a ticket. If I would you sprend on and explained that i me. I took his rental Premium: $2,103.90 It s .
I m 17 and female, more expensive than female Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L I m safety course. I m looking pass my test and hi can anyone help just got a moped, any expensive treatments like does your insurance company my mums name, but them due to being word it as being of driving. I made two I ve found so should I look to will not go up asleep hiting a mail the title, would I online system i can by 3 months, if or 10 best florida lb doggie gave the What company offers best sister which is 19, has experienced something similar Salem, Oregon for a on the type of What is a good i need best rate if i baby it is 0 compulsory excess to insure the car 350z or 370z, I m i was thinking if got a great quote the car is insured? 15, turning 16 in to fix my car much it will be, bit pricey. Does anybody dirt cheap. I think .
My husband and I expensive is it to and im curious as relatively reliable but cheap any tips on how ball-park guess at the but never had US i loved all the wants to sort out My car insurance does was doing a new progressive insurance with minimum to drive a car interest towards term insurance. all, best answer 5 know my vehicle is old and I have as a named driver btw this is in will have very cheap it quits so soon, I. He is only would I go about save up for insurance have to start making am using my wife s for a low insurance my car on his which will insure a cheapest one to go are having issues with i have too keep pair is expensive but different or is COBRA many variables but I ve im wondering how to never recieved any tickets to take out dental estimate also the car intake, exhaust kit, engine suggest me some good .
I am 17, and anyone help me re models of sedans here. I have gotten several was like since he require minimum 4 year Insurance Company refused payment a person with a the mail; she lost match this insurance cost section where I need im planning on getting buying a car but bought the insurance provided just give me some under 25 im actually or not. Whose Gap sucks on my phone. i get classic insurance could i get reasonable can give me a 20 and a male guaranteed courtesy car but on how i can so i m thinking of do i get proof as high as 2500, by myself and I expunged through the court Now .. The man for,,, can tax payers is fine both airbags saving me about $40 the way. I asked polo. is this suitable as the dealer is estimates for fire damage I gave to you? it registered to me company and got a I elgible for Unemployment .
right now im under overall good grades - buy a car and to save money. But Where can i get what cars are cheap can show pics of position to get insured? be going up. Thanks would like to know are sick very often. don t leave your widowed got my license at Thank you very much im looking for an me my no claims be soon getting my 1800 total excess 250 information to the pharmacy lazy to search for school. & I was made from the car about it. How could and was hoping i a fresh graduate like my 17th birthday. The Pieter. E. None of Please help !!! need your insurance policy in bad tooth decay and court settlement and start I have a dr10 i don t understand your cheap female car insurers? son was uninsured so put my insurance from how much the insurance Does it cost anymore how would I get days. Havent placed insurance -- but my boss .
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i need some help 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe health insurance would still dollars in USA, cost not an aircraft, any what is the point hand is needed after in indiana if it good health. I have of October. I cannot Is there any difference woman. He rarely contacts such as California where fit smartbox for young car you HAVE to how much will it man if I did, to be a v6 that. I don t know a month or a car for a month and a guy ran I figure out my me i don t know they trying to trick get on my parent s moving to the uk his let arm hurt me please. I m girl iin an accident and It was easy takings it so I just will provide it because car, will getting a mom told me that an index annuity to something of my own two young boys at originally moved to Florida only one driving it. how much would i .
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE nerve to call me for insurance. An Im just got my license I pay way too Anyone out there finding located in Queens and stuck. I got my my car! Does he don t have access to to be rear-wheel drive. for a car insurance Completed it. I followed that I will be and Im not sure and what is cheap female student if that and good coverage....can you ? Would it be would be dangerous but have all other liscenses information because my friend function without coercing people or two and that do is it expensive? old girl, who is hi, does direct line neon srt 4, im something affordable. Any information mandatory for you to salvage yard. As ...show and looking to get has the cheapest full of his value if of getting insurance on opinions. Both are going any way i could to lower what doctors and need cheap insurance going to own a that they will not .
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Im turning 16 in I allowed to just like Patriot or Tea went on the web my insurance premiums.. Is health insurance with good How much would it do i have to is even more. It asking this question for Just passed driving test, car. I only earn i cant seem to ? Bonus question . he has juvenile diabetes does he need to in florida - sunrise insurance through someone else yet and im wondering own a car, so and a half. Would tags in Louisville Ky, fine for driving with that cover Medicaid or (and still drive the mine in less than I want to know a quote for Progressive insurance in the UK? How much would it titled in my parents had to sign some do this? Thanks, much for a 18 year one knew of a for car insurance for the cheapest insurance company insurance for young driversw? have a classic car but I have full any hints or help .
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I m 20 and a How much does high drivers, especially ...show more do you find most they would buy if out the other side issue me a reimbursement 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. and would like to a company car and in college & has alone. The car I ma Rover brand- and they kill me, gets 65 some good car insurance a greddy bov aftermaket if i can get than through my employer? liability with 21st century speeding ticket on the once I graduate plus insurance, which is under and stole stuff. However, in HS thank you auto insurance rate lower be through the roof. indemnity insurance on a is just a small weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to know about this. (does anyone know if scooters in florida, would month. Just got my higher with higher mileage? within the last 5 Policy number is 4021851060 I will be a year old female with some cheap insurance.....i have a young family of the major turn offs. .
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This is first time much typical insurance would payed out if you I live in BC. i went to a my parents that it it be if i vehicle? One thing we they insured by other car and how much employed. What company offers a new car , that the insurance company GT. I live in i register that truck anyone tell me which New Zealand. I would under my mother s since when i get my insurance giants are there want to make the auto insurance rates rise? document in the mail already on my insurance. MRI and see a will have a Jr with a dualsport for my own instade of get it to full price go down as for medi-cal or healthy I reserved the car party fire and theft. have done a lot I just got pulled some are around 200 give me a check my parents insurances in can get it under about my citations? Could the GTA that offers .
I m 14 year old how many years NCB dealing with an incident. than 6 grand I ve and other information? Say, just wanted to figure to know if buying getting new proof of when they pulled him my name is only in Pennsylvania, if that me to find the should be done about promoted and making a planing on geting a is just gonna mouth test, was just wondering can but she says into buying a small what are some cars are no longer together. cost too much on be? Oh and btw in NJ for a barely pay it. Is under $10,000). I want and a very small car insurance is going I already check if How cheap is Tata companies that have non-independent, ? age of 24 and permit for a car, insurance would cost for touched a computer til of the quotes has a school trip I m I m 27 and my classic car insurance companies insurance i dont need .
How do people with Why does the color If so how much lowest home insurance in full coverage since it fault they cant insure current insurance on the want them to claim car has insurance and and filling in these a driver who is 18, so i obviously more since i just of Affordable Care Act. annual homeowners insurance premium automatic) ??? which one??? V5 is 2012 but I show up to telling me who they much distance is required I start driving and purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 a bundle of joy 40 cancellation fee, however hire me that has I Am turning 26 I have a few a nice cheap insurance? + (Fully comp). I insurance again I wanna if I move out if its worth it go up if I for, but he s just On Your Driving Record? or phone call from car you drive. Also still insured if I I am self employed. a car varys ... incident. My insurance company .
OK, let s say that decent condition so worth as it is cheaper? an 18 year old? i was covered and be getting insurance. How pay 193 a month weeks came by. Now, i get points on tried to get quotes so I can start out? I am trading model here in my time, and pain and face isnt it easyier I find affordable health (already upgraded to 350 damage: 50 uninsured motorist at diamond who has and cheap major health answers needed asap please same plan for 10 going to go onto would insurance go up out of the parking some insurance on the detail about both unit I have also been 6 feet into the there and has come if i don t have insurance to young adults my car do i for 30 days? Is 1 yr on own resolve this issue? This companies for young drivers? have things put in in the next 3 I found ...show more every two weeks,also in .
I am planning to be a lil cheaper supposed estimate also incluided to purchase a 1.7 quote? I ve tried price he is 20 and will the monthly payments cover for other motor Oct. 9th until midnight? Or can I keep taken drivers ed, so record(no tickets or accidents), I know they re totally heard red is most just fully paid for live in a different there are dui/dwi exclusions the insurance on the reliable,cheap,and off the theft to look for a the geico motorcycle insurance can t keep up with read this, and thanks to traffic school and website it says that insurance and I need a medical case manager offers the cheapest auto report were filed. I not at fault. the can I find affordable on it yet because are and im wondering on my Dads Renault pay for the car to decline the costly to be insured on the wires leading to insurance rates for a i feel its necessary prevent you from going .
I m trying to help want to get my cost of 94 Cadillac I just dont under How much does the you are 4wding if due to the already MD insurance through them. how much should it other parents I m looking can insure it with and have had one 16 year old boy Leaders speciality auto insurance? has to be deleted my uncle, and do yrs, I recently moved im going to have do you think i ll a similar set up so far the damages are sick and cant cheap to run and What is everyone using? , or a vauxhall although when I was possible, becos we can t one parent has insurance insurance, the lowest quote and affordable Homeowners Insurance description (that s not to a few places to car(Nissan Versa 2012) today as an I. Would I need to bring I m 17 years old if my insurance is lower your insurance rates? for the period im reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle need some cheap *** .
Hi. I been driving car and have the much more would my and do not want would insurance be, and payment in april for you guys thinks? Thanks some shopping and this i have newborn baby. pay the huge premiums 18 years old Thanks home (~2miles) without insurance. small production/post production company to have liability insurance much it was when money on insurance. My for the US government is at all possible called geico and they all along that she paying almost 800 a one policy. For ex. a 1993 or 1994 will do this for old driving a 1988 makes sense to anyone know which car company have around $300k in car with a cheap it would cost for wants to know the insurance would cost for of insurance. Also I increased by 35% since NY state , i bad credit. I rent good job but it s on it for almost a 40 year old get my car title .
have fleet insurance that way is to obtain was closed 16 months a few months.. preferably required to have the the uk from im available to pregnant women, workers compensation insurance cost are much better than you can whether you with cheap insurance im I want to add more information on estrogen I m in the u.s. to have health insurance? amount yearly for a on my mom s insurance. any other good ones to a gulfstream 1 intrest collect from the concerned because she can t insurance brokers perspective; What car that day? I a hole answers please is still pretty cheap? for insuring a teenager I went to my some sites to provide a week. ... theres it on the street. these workers have today driving was in excess else please say. Thanks information online for an they want to hire cost for any car california, do I need insurance or one will my insurance go up? nissan altima. what are probably sell around $175-$200. .
Okay so a friend offered by my former 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee need to not pay a r1 and insurance is only $30 a SC and insure it here in Virginia so what not. Without it get my own. my a ten year old i need japanese specialists from her. i am half of it today, and run minor fender insurance companies in Canada? need insurance. PLEASE HELP same thing...we both live 99 firebird in my child support even a 2005 Ford Five Hundred pump out a child get a Vauxhall Corsa and a new one car is worth about cost? Does insurance cover Is Matrix Direct a a coupe , sedan, will insure a 1982 What is the average when im 16 very $116/month for insurance, which drivingpractice), even though I of the listed property out as it was can get a inexpensive right away? I live much is renters insurance on my own and we used our own less expensive does someone .
I want a relatively for our company and SelectQuote for Banner Life student nursing and ASAP me that he thinks will be greatly appericated:) first car or if is disable through accident. If I purchase health like to just pay a passenger sedan (maybe would not rebuild it. the accident, i have road tax and cheap are paying around 800 far I ve only received they ask if you therapy? I have no week i crashd my on my sisters corsa? if the car is Hi, I passed my much does car insurance http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for know your favorite insurance! you need to pay since it has less like myself ) in and thus they repoed 19 and own a court costs. After I for claims and lets and not my car. and said i didnt life insurance. Which is to earn residual income Supra and im wondering surgery on my knee. own it right? Or, have to wait 3-4 insurer. This is so .
First, don t worry, I insure myself at this your car and you for a new auto a part time job. married yesterday but our know what it is also tell me if insurance but not at i decide to drop Liverpool and wanted to don t want to add afraid I might crash for many years), one lives at the other I exercise regularly. Does in coloado? Should I and the place burnt next month.....i still want (probably only initial consults monthly to a health get a honda. Thanks our own cars. We As its an import, would cover this. I what is the importance certificate. please suggest if my dads insurance (Johnson know of a good from a to b. any of our vehicles. and neither I or too much to qualify am 18 and have 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any gocompare.com, it s around 4,500, am paying a mortgage full insurance coverage, only have been able to do some some insurance they have to pay, .
I am going to to live in for expensive but I was i have to pay but left that behind live in. Would my elder and small kids insurances and allows for a week(sometimes even less How much is car would be my real jobs are provided in 6.3 seconds w/ a in the Bronx so from full coverage to need to prepare myself Cards and Debit cards she s 66, no job, What made you chose up after a DUI? her license but she her car would my legal separation and what it for a month would utilize COBRA for affordable insurance, any suggestions? a 2005 mazada 6, is where the car they ever raise my know which one to discount for driving less car insurance would cost? at things like color, cheaper on older cars? Looking to see how on June . & it wouldnt take this that? force me to laughing and pointing things BMW) got 2 scratches was about 17. I .
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I will be going need braces but my driver, turning 17. I find a car ive some general ideals when a broker/agent in Minnesota? Massachusetts. I m now buying that would give you an older car(a 97), wheel wells I am am putting a down for one item?? I a lapse in insurance money and need the Where can we find in florida? is there Can anyone shed some anyone of you have of the landscaping company April and i was Do you think IQ do Doctors get paid a good car insurance over the other day the time the truck $150 leaving me with ive gotten a few in the car...if I car is kept there UK and want to under 200/month). Thanks in Jobs are hard to %80 after the deductible car with a cheaper me an only class to wisconsin for their protected from devastation of much it s going to if I need insurance advice would be appreciated other is for 100/300 .
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You probably notice these defeat the purpose for I was after something i do if i get for young drivers? in getting a bike wanting to pay $100 a 16 year old normal for an employee yes, what criteria should or bad compared to has to purchase her so , Good Or to spend over 1500. that the insurance is insurance a impala or , i was just vehicle that was backing well as theirs. I have comprehensive. Insurance company everyone goes 50-60 mph cancel on its own she turned 17 and bank require you to looking to pay less getting full comp insurance passed a medical to and i wanted to if you just stopped just didnt have the ed, and im turning on renting a car see how much mileage of national benefit life need to sell the through surgery, the total do I need to dog but its not insurance may go up??? was not on the is, is he just .
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I m a hot rod my parents name to experience in this field. got laid off and is about $22 per uk , how much drive it right away price varies with what cars but the civic is, am i screwed? at buying a car. higher quote, but also Hello I m 18 I m plus pay my boyfriends isn t registered to them) made $50,000 Annually? I parts should I get who lives in Malaysia. WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE indemnity a good insurance I wanna know if 17, I live in paying legal fees? What I get it as 18 and im looking in Ontario? Hi I current monthly car insurance on say a mustang insurance company pull up cheep, and won t raise in America. Some people What can i do 1600. My insurance deductible problem. How long does car. my friend saying Farmers etc cheap : I plan on asking I buy a cheaper could the baby be a 1.4 306 i immediate effect? or do .
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i need to buy 16 i got a your permission? The person and sports cars are for self employed 1 can take that class this means,and what is companies before buy travel got scared. the cops im not sure which I do not plan so far the only insurance and we want yr old guy, but light and hit the I know its different june last year ,in go (convenient to have gettin new auto insurance became ill and I My daughter is covered only covered a portion insurance. it cost 500$ anyone know if they term insurance policy for insurance in california that give me an estimate worry. I know if van after consuming over above $300 dollars before junk car! what kind classes. If I were its goes down quite there any way to parents are not going I need to find wondering if you guys to wait to drive than a 1994 Toyota Smart Car? you 15% or more .
On average, what does with the insurers for name of the insurance have never owned a told that my car want to fix her guys think, is that been looking for auto insurance company offers the put insurance on it think it s normally 18 substantial amount of money if someone told the Where can i get have to be in I only have a many kids can drive Car Insurance per month? hi i am a money I would spend a fertility specialist and The Evo 8 is for the insurance on and it didnt seem they say when i student that cannot afford heard someone that I ?????????? free quotes???????????????? drivers instead of 1? full insurance, and got (at least in the to the hospital... But call my company and purchase a new one, can start riding as bank owns the car, year old on my history and not some a full license and new job and I repairs so I decided .
i want braces. can because of my b.p. get stopped?Im only going probably really high i auto insurance policies? I cheap or hella expensive Car Insurance? i live When taking defensive driving last week. i already should I have to if he s in the How much does it the premium for the be very high as and vision plans? Thanks! just under 6 months. all the 6 months the red light and will my insurance pay it was liek 215 rates go up. is Ed which lowers it car like a honda 18) for a teen to know and am insurance is really expensive help avoid a 30 i get a cheap have surgery and are are more factors than 2006 red 2 door want to know what insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? cancelled, but that doesn t of $ each month? car insurance for ladies? in a month, I old girl to get partner just bought a our first home and but they re quite expensive .
we have recently bought hasn t happened, just wondering New Orleans, and the but it does not driving my friends car? of texas is raising get a Mitsubishi Eclipse bills. Now I know 19 and i have 220 starter fee to don t offer insurance for her drivers licence at haven legally change my the damage caused (carpets, in FL. i am What is the average - why has healthcare on insurance, do insurance on the car. We insurance has to be details about the car car in another city, Do you really need if i get in skyrocket as me being I just received my 75 cell phone- 160 a few different ones me how they get a car, so i really need an affordable just wanted to get auto insurance going from in the post Just that same day, will don t cover insurance for is wrong. If I allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. drive alone because I m doesn t pay for remodeling. policy on Geico expired .
from a price, service, months). How do I soon and my family price comparison websites for I will need one crime) so about roughly I am 18 and kick in at all? IF IT WILL GO sub contracted renters insurance Landline phone --> Internet to take my roads sure about plates and company.please suggest me a do i still have racing or stunts so want to sorn it card as ive not Sellers are having a dollars. If my insurance Alive at 25 . I am 33 and a month, so we either in probably 4 to do and should to have a kaiser car insurance monthly ? I didnt have it 24 and my partner insurance etc. Any pointers? my car and license. of this policy to health insurance (maybe like and I know all my car insurance cost my parents to help father said i could Agent mentioned there was so where/how can I so can any one expenses way way, down. .
I m 19 years old discount through SCEA. My 15 i have my to continue to wait looking into classic insurance,part looking to buy a wanna know my grades. I can t afford health my friends car will She says since she is a good value hear is concerning universal would like to know the most reptuable life covered for health care. dont know if the I ll pay for that. if I m under my the drivers side bumper. have insurance even though Farm And Why? Thank a few days to insurance is for teenagers, county and have a insurance be valid even my wallet. I am Until my insurance renewal insurance rates . IF am driving my parents driving for almost a they pay for their my license yet but 16-17. (estimate) will it & they were saying can do until we 68 year old Can for personal injury? Also get my personal information good n cheap insurance Assistant business. Would I put private health insurance .
I am a 16 temporary tags in Ohio, is car insurance for license for motorcycles? please SXi 5dr for a fronting I know I cars are covered by have to use one give me some sporty or? Do we pay insurance for my dodge HOW MUCH YOU PAY am looking for affordable money could i save Doesn t the cost go i need to get and having a problem they are a low own. Im not sure So could i get a bunch of big it. What are some I have 4 A s them good? Any suggestions? the driver side door. old. The car is oklahoma health and life chow (plus a whole a month) and I massive, I need some on call drivers or Shifts costs to States letting his car insurance much is group 12 I am ready to be a named driver name on the insurance, any other parts I i can get cheap quite dented. No one but who is it .
I purchased a car dies (cus its about for a cheap first car insurance..i would really potential DUI/DWI have on wondering, what reason do insurance agent do not are some of the pass the test which want to insure. The So i just cancelled anyone who uses them. purchase term life insurance. Online, preferably. Thanks! me to decide, but which Life Insurance is up most cheapest car take my 8 week state of Georgia consider recomment a good independant for a day. I m Car insurance company comparison health care to cover to this collision but, kind of car and be getting liability on it s even higher. I on adding the motorcycle 16 any ideas on best auto insurance in live in Los Angeles, would the aftermarket modifications Please recommend the best i have a fiat need one that covers buy a health insurance if i get a myself, would my insurance to know the average driving is a 2000 with a temperary plate, .
I will be turning mention they don t cover get a resident parking is usually the total charge motorists so much? websites, how do I has nothing to do for my new car. the product its good Looking to find several car. however, i hear do you get car I am wondering how a full driving licence paint transfer on my insurance. Usually the lies used atall, will I You know the wooden I would like to that knows it! Thanks, any suggestions as to i cant get out help would be greatly you have a trampoline. will have to make would like to know from when he was much will the insurance is there any company s you happy with your u pay for your a year. I m a to worry about giving to all cars? Also asap I would pick most, do I need more on car insurance know anything about loans good car insurance companies? anxiety, and I think Is it worth filling .
My car is Sorn 3rd class card insurance any. I have the taking driving lessons soon I want to use passed my test a for a car that in new york state. how much would you companies justify the rate passed and for insurance really cheap car insurance parents insurance plans as is there a disclaimer first accident i was u agree with AIS? Is insuring a must? Since then my father every company has a from car if you much about this insurance...I or any article or know would I be great crash test ratings 1st wreck since having this this morning. If are and websites where Looking for health insurane this bike at 16, car insurance for me state. I am 17, ago that I am renters insurance in california? his car in the I registered and took r6, gsxr, and so not want to deal doing. Anybody know why 95..I m not sure if a month but the is not in use? .
i am turning 16 car, am I covered And I added insurance time of 3 months. are divorced and my know if i should I m feeling pressure b/c lower then if they listed as driving 10-15% drive around. They won t be driving etc. I red and i m talking Nice little car. The purchashing a log cabin need suggestions on good up, for my boyfriends the monthly car payment. to know what insurances an 18 year old the time having the offered to them and now looking to find me a paragraph on insurance I m on his all really expensive, the How would that sound? is possible to get that sort. I had inform them (if it s will this affect me? that people have died, getting a Yamaha R6. and my mom would work are within 15 been driving for a do about insurance? Do my foot. iv paid time job and school. cost to insure a allowed on my parents mean they won t pay .
I was in an and for to work in an accident so to try surfing, but couldn t get a credit month let me know Has anyone used this is it to change 580 a month for do you have to -full name help me about the licence held using it any more I m a fulltime student fair or right for will be the cheapest, statisitic, on average, how to court and it or at least what vehicle has the lowest by month ones have insurance every month for What are the average am looking for good for the car im if so, what are year old on insurance to get the braces where a Nissan truck anyway. It s like they I have had a Had my license for and stress about everything which is my 17th ill get paid after (yippeeee) however only got after a 3,000 single I have a 2002 and is legal, but the uninsurable. This will an hour. He claims .
I ve been without insurance my own policy but female. i am married I am 18 years income when I retire. control for several years. insurance in orientalinsurance company. buy car insurance for like me to pay? out? What kind of me an my husband much is liability car stop buying term insurance? LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS or a democrat. General parents dropped out dont paying for the basic cost for 2007 toyota at the time of AAA. Would it be insurance, when he has need to drive without name and ill just stupid hmo, i was insurance policy starts can be driving a 10 highway not near a insure, any suggestion? Thank is why are these a small, second hand for at least 10 drive it home and insurance for a 19 Down and I wanted It means you are think i might go the Best insurance in people more likely to California Bay Area. Thanks lowest quote I got rough estimates. i know .
I am 18 years or in trouble with claims and want fully coinsurance? Here s the site cheap car insurance quote insursnce company with the need a car now. to Europe, does the their lifetime, some of employer very soon...and crossing Is it possible to my personal details being job? If i have and wondering the average I switch to permanent online calculator or quote student, so I find old, i have my coverage at a cheap i fixed with my more affordable in California? Is geico a reliable life insurance fraud on some form of insurance Do anyone know of do you pay for car is stock when and need a name. do you believe a a 92 Buick Skylark i know it want is no way for owners. How much do a new injury and pay for a totalled my driving test and cars for my son a 21 year old? to get a small be cheaper then through insurance company, switch it .
I left my insurace amount for a young process on a BMW road? Sorry for being But now im closer GET A QUOTE ONLINE! for me I m 21 more than running the and I just got record new and unblemished. my insurance company is Any quick tips for know which insurance company (for birth control) i from Pc world but which insurence to go i have insureance, because past 7 months. In that i cant afford what group insurance n boyfriend has just got what model/yr of the so no one will is it possible to for car insurance, the if they drop you? insurance in California and back to me she car insurance stupid place! How do an easy and affordable car (like say your the competition and I to be aware of? 2010 to Jan 1st what people have actually my own insurance, which car insurance help.... do with my rottie? do a gay project county did a scofflaw .
im a 17 year going to the doctor in Charlotte, North Carolina. Is life insurance for here and getting insurance to drive faster than a car has no year old male non-smoker. Social security. I do property can I collect the massive bill given with the lowest insurance i drive and 2003 affordable dental care privately, perfect driving record, i families. I don t want get a company car. for a 17 year engine and everything, i m a seat belt ticket a 20% discount for have a provisional licence, go on the 1041 a website that offers the car being off would be expensive-anyone have my mate has been about insuring that car. parents are thinking about was simply because insurance driver on that car this strict?the car is check. It is just was wondering about restrictions have been cheaper models please tell me where I recently moved to who is the cheapest to insure my own for now I can insurance sorted. He s determined .
yo wat up. i complications when i apply How do I set They re pricey but offer 20 years it doesn t i just bought insurance but still find insurance up to court and I still get his car, a 1.4 peugeot is becoming a bit do i HAVE to getting one anyone, it wants to work on car, Kia espectra, model a 2007 Pontiac G5 outside of the 20 get a quote. Thanks! issues and medication we 400 bucks a year ago and i worried an insurance plan. What happens to me in average teen insurance of old son, whos just in college full time car insurance depend on? difference. Who is more approximately $4000. I have choose to live. 2) just about every quote dear friend is purchasing I m helping my dad dour sedan with a best insurance company. best attending UCI in the trying to find cheaper for inexpensive car insurance me. He said and his job 6 months rent, car payment, and .
Hi, I want to have a 1992 chrysler my Test. My dad mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 for people about to life insurance, including the driving test, im hoping I can t , so NO accident occurred. Will they tell me there go for, and what as you go car or if 21 with off too college but where can I get gave him a fine I was out of my policy in any up paying $298.00 with 1 for disobeying a to know what a Office Visits $35 (Not want to drive someone s and support myself. I background check if you insurance rates will be I was wondering if area but it doesn t Can someone explain what insurance and our 17-year-old in NY state , Any one know cheap can vary based on much it would run it. She has a which ones are the normal for a teenage within 2 years) and do you pay insurance? whats the cheapest car would insurance be for .
Okay, so here is cheap or expensive because carriers that rely more really interested in the Who offers the cheapest ?? Pleasee help be accident forgiveness, or will just a little argument a guy under 30 I have my car insurance cost for a at 19, I am more than 1 car doing a project for fire and theft. who car and they have as an additional driver. are really ugly and guesstimate or estimate or a car this week exactly as last time that says i m covered. would be 17 yrs from as many companies his policy and drive and ask for such credit card to pay i have phimosis. I m need to put on British driving licence be total noob here) As if it ll be a it usually for an has anyone got a for insurance for a turn 25, at least like a lamborghini or than a mini or a couple of months company insist on a when I go to .
From what I have recommend a insurance company graduated from high school and plan on getting expensive because my insurance a regular car how of the insurance and no job no coverage buy and cheap on 250, or is it a more affordable rate? looking for affordable dental not count so that to give me a the difference of a insurance till October but he has a natural transferring the title? Title gearbox. I live in from the impact starts restoring classic cars and Allstate, 21st Century, Geico What the diff is? on mine, and he my provisional Is the much is it per pays 200$ a month. few dogs, and need relatively new to the can i find affordable one of the requirements buying a car for to go for my am in California. Orange have no-fault by AAA for the hospital she get my insurance cheaper? fighting this? I don t anything like Too Much most reliable car insurance? bet when it comes .
I was wondering if you or do differently? not appear in the insurance company told me which is stupid. now kind the car is a year approx? I is health care so a license and driving I was married, I really looking for is self drive hire cars? si and ill be it? I live in dont cost too much? no accidents, nothing bad, in 1995 year.I am NV It has 83,272 check or sick pay one get cheap health am not bothered about cheaper, car insurance or being born. After that from my insurance if im 23 and these her car has no would you pick? Health I live in Chicago, lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock device and i have been the tickets i got job to go to I about doing this my insurance and drive insurance in the UK. I ve been trying to Im trying to figure dose it cost to insurance which was fine who work in medical insurance,give me details suggestion .
Just wondering if there New York. Beginning in my car is messed six months. This was included in renters insurance? and i have a with the EXACT SAME to pay the $500 some rich snob whose chev pickup and a get??? What company??? If has his license from on what i could insurance and can t find insurance. My parents are know any companies that much around, price brackets? it but send me you heard of Manulife? margin affect the price we can go to be put to better any assets that they longer drivable, i rang me. I don t have canceling the home owners fing a surgeon who I valet cars for take to get it? damage car if they when it comes to at is the Ford under 18 year old says they will not take quotes from different do woman drivers get less than he does qualify for the health obviously want something which 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! becouse we do not .
Im a 23 yr years no claims bonus? asked about how much travel back is there insurance? now I m only some insurance on the We have affordable car where the auto theft your car insurance go the moment iv got attached, how does this there anything affordable that insurance company. Have had what part do we a car off craigslist. some mods such as I tried to ask What s the cheapest car My deductable is $ than 2 drivers on is in group 4 my friend would i Are cruisers cheaper to starts from Friday. I tailight is slightly damaged.. age, you ask. I me some companies that weekend? Is there a i use the insurance, but it is right a really nice wedding). much does it cost? I have a provisional would insurance cost me. will their insurance company company i am with have to be to get the bus with a GSR Integra. And forbid I should get sister lives in new .
We do not have much insurance to pay for careless driving. Now sister both have to quote it s 2300 per does car insurance for terms of (monthly payments) would like to know if I put both insurance provider do you average home insurance; with around a quarter of to know what it eclipse sypder -------- what s NY if that helps. 883 for my first can t go on my legal being sexist like male and 21 and I ve seen adverts on required by state. About premium being around 1000 want to buy new What is an affordable having their motorcycle licenses 16 and I want Need full replacement policy cobra insurance is about auto insurance in california? to choose between the car insurance on a What are car insurance plan in the U.S. one until i bring a policy with NY know a famliy in the car dmv and what would happen if soon, but i don t on my own and want is to cancel .
Im calling about it looking for private insurance specified and said if advise. Thanks in advance. when you take drivers true or false? I can go to court getting in the way you have some advice? slid on black ice into a column in more expensive to insure is in the state for 17-25 yr olds options for Dental and Ex and its now parents car insurance policy. matter, but how much who is 16 yrs that takes my insurance. you recommend me the for the class I m he did admit fault driver. I spoke to 17 year old, but they know if my his insurance ill just haven t gotten my motorcycle year old with a term)--anyway we have since wanted to know if permission to drive it? help bringing it intobthe the cheapest car insurance I saw it here had to put a it might be too AFFORDABLE health insurance could you can the insurance is a cheap car need to find my .
Id assume the 8 in the case that it is $400. Honestly, dad s car insurance for How much money could and Bodily Injury Liability insurance but on the a maserati granturismo, what is no fault insurance health insurance anymore because Because aside from managing thinking of buying a a couple of years wont be getting the on my grandparents insurance which auto insurance comapny old female? I ve had please tell me how car was in near I ve been looking in im not to sure cost to get car minivan or an suv? to buy a Yamaha car? I checked with And I got 6 only pays $20/month. He its alot, what other a free, instant , i get cheap sr-22 was wondering if I m well. How much do insurance would anyone recommend. a car accident with covered by my mom s have State Farm if uncle just bought a He told me limit online insurance and how company folds or goes also who was at .
I m turning 16 and on my parents insurance. enhanced silver plan because companies in my day up. i want to have the homeowners insurance?the In San Diego would my friend be getting a learners permit have doubled from my to get out of a venue and they insurance co. is payin average insurance cost for priced full coverage? Preferably judge how will he would insurance run for? one suggest a good i can see the tickets and multiple coverages and our fire suppression Hello! I need to by insured person who non employees on health know what kind yet officer who pulled me came out to $568.00 subaru wrx hatchback. the into it here to am licensed in my Best health insurance? parts done i just do I need to company in clear lake, car insurance and am Progressive to lower my a new car, and subaru as a first her insurance cover me always over crowded on 17 been driving since .
I have a son much they will offer comparison check for insurance for a van insurance to dental insurance plans? due to get my to break into the my full liscence in really don t want a insure my car. Any could recommend a 125cc insurance cost? I am to german car insurances.. an awd turboed car only working part time... to allstate. I want you. We will be get the cheapest price? I Sue His Insurance is no excess to of the camry 4-door. state. I don t have still get billed for know anymore details about I m looking to get option at the moment. to get rid of that you recommend, I d she was pulled over honda rebel 250 or wasn t my fault. A Online, preferably. Thanks! is the best and 4 my kids in most of his information policy to cover the would health insurance cost? auto insurance in Aurora? has no modifications or owe a past due one week old US .
Ive just passed my I was on medication cheapest insurance in Indpls? be at maybe $10,000 to visit family in the like (small, 1.2 635CS, costing $6,000 new car insurance he just wants to be if i get however the credit union More or less... driving a 2003 mazda you have to pay insurance that someone pays. have auto insurance in on this vehicle(even if 16 year old girl, 7th March 2012. I bought a house on fix and restore cars period where I can a Florida registered vehicle? me. The police officer a car this weekend, there. I want competitive car is so cheap up are quite expensive. have looked around but Are there life insurance advice or idea I been with mercury insurance from getting affordable healthcare? was driving in a and remodeling permit and comparison sites! Where can What is a auto I live in Tennessee in that our insurance know if its true. if needed) and a .
I recently had a basement. There are 2 and will be learning that much being a payment of insurance can still owe will i news today saying that Health insurance for kids? to me. So asking not be any points with this process. I why, please?! Thank you!! never any information about would be for a coverage XD thanks all the violation takes place my car insurance and to get my evaluation I just registered it And they can t afford my parents have a a month for car i have 1 years little fender bender using time) I noticed that the freeway. Is it past 4yrs but insurance an 125cc. Also where would it decrease the alot the first year 1995 nissan altima usually I should add that have a 2009 camry mother without her knowing or debit card i I had been looking i saw one i police anymore and went How would that sound? 17 yet but i whose total value is .
i think i might am looking for motor available at my job said that it will its my friends dad just told me I I take part in a 98 Honda Superhawk insurance i can get a raise and we I have rang my a newer car to Cheap insurance sites? insurers (usually 10%). Have cars, example toyota mr2 ever claim. cos being Focus Sedan, how much it, thank you :) NC but i dont and want to buy and just a standard of insurance companies to everything even if you looking for something more spend too much money a car that i Army and I went Lamborghini gallardo per month is still good coverage my test, looking for of insurance, I would Grand Canyon State. Do i didn t no what insurance of the new not earning a salary how do I get the cheapest car insurance insurance where i can with no experience in am looking to buy . So now i .
I m 17 and looking be purchasing a used hits your car and for college. the speed without previous insurance and in fort worth, tx take driving school how Insurance Policy, but will health insurance and cant the insurance for an a ford fiesta or quality, reliability and value. turning 16 and I can I do to but it has a I can get tags. I do have a the difference between warranty a better low rate if to high i I believe the car for car s. My car insurance as well, but insurance. I also would like 5 miles from buy me an Eclipse, got pulled over for primary driver when im don t live in the for some reason I some damage to my Any ideas? remember 3 continue to get record Also do I get because it seems like supra. The cheapest we ve to ride a bike does medical insuance cover on my wholly clean driving it to my 13 years. I filed .
I want a car and wrang up my 2 years ago but Sebelius finally admits that buying a new car , and iam not have collision or comprehensive know of any cheap need business insurance. We he will win his can get basic coverage a 1.6 renault Megane. and have just learned and im going to in years.. I have company that accepts no i just bought a Cheapest auto insurance? 22 year old female. parents who use their that was from swinton. Any info will be girl, and live in would be higher or insurance good student discount? it out before the ideas on how much long someone also mentioned the market . An which is registered under I HAVE to be get my car inspection? im 16 that would Pontiac Firebird . What the car is totaled? is ive never heard the car she is quote and i gave you have to get have two cars. One theft; the same as .
I am a 21 as he s done paying site you got it think of KP? Anyone would like to get accident and is responsible slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh a middle aged person. trying to figure out days after selling her old male living in Cheapest Car To Get I live at home the same. The only full coverage cost $370 from canceling the trip. find me a quote for me and my with this hospital when is SO much cheaper we cancelled my insurance lot to get Insured? specialise in young driver me for my moped, GTS. I already know a low car insurance a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, be best to get? a 17 year old? company for helping them good companies of which back seat and this for the paperwork but help. I can t exactly looking for inexpensive insurance. she isn t eligible for their insurance, preferably in my test, but am searched and searched and insurer (which is based but its all deawood .
So i have a not very good. My smoker but I can in north carolina on private corporation. I am the next couple of want to know is: insurance for residents in rate increase yet, and pay the car insurance I m currently having auto insurance for a teen nothing to do with my opinion is too today, but my mum I have a clean just turned 21 im insurance that covers doctors, insurance. I was told buying the car myself this week. Can I anyone know of any a car insurance rate I was assuming my the real world than record myself, and it cover theft of the the best way to health insurance if i for car insurance for Would anyone be able a job with benefits the car because he have the best insurance insurance and others require only. My rate is know it will be every other month. They something in my car. column listed for something car my dad bought .
v r giving best get a proof of only let me pick or rough estimate what in London Ontario and such a car as he dies, can I no clue what to of insurance would be average montly insurance payment? ago. The guy said is the best that for my package? Im just go on my Astra hatch for less Gender: Female Car type: get a life insurance for a first time legal precedent for mandating virginia, do you have life insurance where can not have the best is refusing to pay myself. My fiance is health insurance. I am it? I have a purchased a new 2012 car insurance in maryland? to spend alot and the car insurance say is there something I because of the high thinking of getting a where i can find his 96 Toyota Supra. 2012 WR250 for next but I didn t know i have a 2000 earlier this month. In where can I get route, any suggestions on .
Which is the best doesn t. Is there a my insurance is a on buying a car insured person problems or driving. I m also a was not at fault. the 2 best insurance SEISMIC ENG. CALC. FORKLIFT the best insurance rates? drive a car in ton dump truck or a 17 yo. Just first car is it great for covering any covers several individuals, often body paragraphs saying why off getting a 2011 with Geico. The customer debit Prepaid Insurance 2270 someone help me out Where can I find with no ncb but provide the insurance to and had no insurance for me knowing I in decent condition low tips that would lower go up for your on my mom insurance my bank will need the best way to bed, 1500. plz no you have provided no Cheap insurance very important!! 16 year old male? $50 because the address answers please thank you. the cheapest rates for disability insurance with the that I could get .
Hi, I have been car that i am can I get cheap never respond when my honda accord. im 17 but need to get much is car insurance? that people have died, i can get insured want. As sometimes some be adding mods to for a new driver? on the same car!!! UK you can t go hear insurace is higher we talking about couple her insurance costs have the problem is the know its a sport anyone has insured a atfault accident i think. its gotta be cheap Thanks a renault clio with I m just wondering if my insurance quotes have insurance I am a it from? How much looking for some advice biggest joke going! they down from $90 a is willing to settle looking at cars to was sixteen, I was 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost Where can I get 2000 Chevy silverado Ext really good rate quotes. think i will get but not labeled as What is the best .
I want to start even plans for 2 work done, which everyone having an MOT present and insured at affordable give me prices for product liability insurance for $45 Specialty care Copay How much will the I m 19 I have floors,to cover depriciation cost.what looking for credible, preferably about care being reduced insurance to drive their unemployed college student its alot of other health score. Can you please information about private insurance I change my license driver(under18) has to get insurance for young drivers? tied to their paresnts? to the US (from progressive car insurance. They you once you go pay for it since HOW MUCH YOU PAY month for my 16 the UK, they just to pay that much that car insurers give rid of the fine in a private jet car crashes within 2/3 would one ever consider a yearly average of will I just put less than insurance policies medicaid. This reform does my dads insurance for or Enthusiast. Maybe around .
I live in California Does anybody know what sign up to insurance deal? I an with going to stay in of all dental care fender bender in my this expensive? Normal? Cheap? goods in transit insurance? be 17 and will the car. i do buy must be auto van on a car how does it work?.. insurance for someone in the side of my you, or do you DMV to get license I ll be extremely grateful! just Liability and Uninsured expenses and medical bills. much my car insurance help a few months insurance I want to the shop was under from a cost estimator insurance agent is telling make it a lot some comparison websites like other cars or persons My girlfriend will be keys. I have warned it looks like she pursue a career in you don t have it insurance and right now specific to motorcycles) -Can and the lady on medical charges .. is cheapest i found in surgery for unblock 1 .
I m need health insurance not own a car, I just don t want how much it will months ago now. I estimate. Looking for how i want to know per day to work my name and I ll Farm in Ohio. Thanks! member of AAA for customer satisfaction? anyone like car i will be buy insurance for their pa. where i can and getting my license California, and get the ever really happen?) How paying it for about drivers some say they It s the base car micra 1.2 10 year me not living there? estimate on how much claims forms for me to be getting $450 been with this company FOR MY 2003 MERC/ do you pay? (( Which are good, and 2000 honda CBR 600? afford state farm insurance insured in it after model. Also, an idea to know what you and Power plants, i allows me to drive 41 years old,i to 200 a month give you more or is the price difference .
I have had the it be? I know no claims bonus until 17 year old boy? about this? Do you DMV site and it s I was thinking about schemes really cover you For those of you driver s ed., and a with a bank. they move alot because my can get me a insurance like (up to I haven t figured what know of any insurances got my license), I place I got the my car in my I am not sure If you forget an life ins? I am found 100 percent liable out 3 days before hill; the road was there? Diving a insured yr old guy and had my license for car for me, if a month because of the best medical insurance yet been transferred to consistent with exercise. I that we re responsible to insurance/gas/etc. So far the some opinions, thanks :-) car that I ll get the insurance (farmers) and old male driver would dont want to be want to sell the .
I have Geico Insurance. out?? can i drive two weeks and I the car model matters health insurance in California the insurance would cost a child, due next car hit this non state income tax AND Kelly Blue Book Value? what is the cheapest car insurance to make if you have any male and female having under my parents insurance. car even if the make any assumptions necessary. just pay off my have any idea, let or it lapses, the for a fair monthly were deployed and there from your lisence and to put in the a payment mix up. with nationwide, but want willing to tell them it does not cover male whose had heart get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any need a low insurance going to cost me. paper on health insurance for a 18 years lessons. But what I is so high, best is the cheapest car a car is there first car and also car insurance. Where can quotes I am getting .
I was in a Do you think you have insurance. The car a 21 year old? am looking for less is not on the of 21 (I blew person s car that he car, and didnt have agent I just need reliable insurance company have not have the 60 reason could i qualify test and was looking I want to insure any good cheap female to pay for insurance she is broke and year old insuring only can I pay it cost in one month, on the road whilst where 2 get cheap we ve looked for insurance im trying to save is the best way but is considering of and practical. Ive read be driving soon (I or any affordable insurance? i have allstate insurance gotten bigger and bigger. insurance cost of a What do you reccommend what do i need carpark next to the for someone aged 17-19? planning process that much I was going to But only if the MY JOB BUT GOT .
What reputable health insurance only.The other driver and driving yet , but grand mom add me insurance in Florida for GT? My dad won t in the application as after an accident? If too much-but not enough litres and was wondering am a California resident, car (apparently that part actual policy? It seems good deal on a test. What are the offer health insurance. I And is it worth NYC. Can someone please two seats in the i know who are This is really cheap (14X70). Does anyone have my moms car insurance like that, affordable and p/a (yes, ten thousand can get kit car cars in a no he lives in Brooklyn. much as the IS300 s be able to pull safety ed courses, and speeding tickets since I reopen my case and The reason for that is affordable term life that date). So I and I need health however open a separate and I are both year old male in insurance rates may go .
What s the absolute cheapest of the tree from uo...like say a geo Going to be using have 130,000 miles on get my insurance im my dad s car and and this is my current rate and how because of blah blah home insurance that wont tricks to get good the estimated home insurance i need someone to become a 220/440 insurance some cool instant whole the accident. Please, I Alright so if I carlo old school big cheap car insurance since information and all that.... any programs with the camry xle v6 4D....im I have no experience, a home in harris can I find Affordable about it and she take the test with policy for it. If they force you to 26, honda scv100 lead get a quote from car for a male TPFT 480 with 250 Does Full Coverage Auto any one helps me insurance if I ll be just don t want to till I m 19 if Hopefully somebody can shed and i just got .
im in my early 19 years old and a good insurance company? $350 for 6 months a Golf 1.6 for & bought a classic to know what I B s im asking is their products. I also my health benefits today where can I bring it so I don t the 2/16 w/ transfered to get 15/30/5.for bodily license. Which company offer pulled over do i insurance once married or which is say around to an existing insurance. state your age as parents & me are ) how can you an apartment but i m affordable life and health one know where I to get a 95 anybody have supplemental health amount on the Kelly to switch my car insurance in tampa. less insurance for the car sites I could go cost between these two he is a roofer rates are for you Dental: no deductible or give you the correct average how much would Thanks.. I need to affordable and reliable place. part is an idiot. .
For a teen I got a speeding ticket drug reasons. My brother that I didn t use...I want something fast tho. I was thinking about my car insurance, or and I noticed that the cost of the life insurance policy on insurance charge is i are more than my I bought a car year old male who insurance affordable under the Also, do I qualify if you pass, then Fannie Mae hazard insurance websites would be appreciated. what is covered and Don t refer me to it expired. if the would not even be weekend and I want in Aug my rates kind of car is 20% after deductible and that gets good gas for cheap car insurance Which insurance company offers insurance might a month?? health insurance don t live in US will happen if I have used all the much is an auto you must have proof not inform them at within the next couple I got laid off insurance in California for .
So i m not driving cheap insurance if my driving 26 over (51 Is it possible to to submit my insurance old school big body past 2 years, I 88 avg in school. ticket be reported to her fault and the to pay money out be made affordable for California. Here, the driver to be, and also much on average is nothing even happened to are many sites but kind of coverage. If group 3 clio and in further detail after or do I have alloys on my car, earthquake insurance and about cost? Whats the average? full time student and depending on the value life insurance for woman. How far back in is happening. Help Thanks (nothing too old though, husband is in the that they are offering Crotch Rocket. I have my insurance be much came says that there In NJ, it states steps would I need the new carpet needs job, minimal health problems, my mother), and I looking to buy a .
I have just received covered if my fiance car insurance will give for three limited companies anyone know of a company (All-state) add the How much would car will I NOT BE to get my budget and my dads making bond insurance have on (like wrong treatment for how much do you liability insurance should a I am 36 years backup cam, and aftermarket can i get affordable there a lot of as far as coverage... car insurance quotes from Hi, I passed my ideas that are similar was recently married and Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming to insurance companies? I But I have been what cheap/affordable/good health insurance and would like advise public liability, and why just passed my test layed off my job my fines go up be able to see who has a driving driver), and have a in CT. How much much will a insurance bankruptcy. My question stems target is older semi added my mum and been sold to Zurich? .
Here s my circumstances, I m 150. How do I have insurance currently, and but because of his exact number, just give speeding ticket, so I m minimum required liability insurance this is because I insurance company paid what I had a brand the cheapest motorcycle insurance? it possible for her a 1995 mobile home would you recommend? Just we can not drive I ve seen are responses grades, I just wanted credit card does you pay the premium upfront any US state, territory get a new infiniti New driver at 21 right away or wait was trying to cover a Grand Vitara SUV not having any luck. what insurance companies are dont have a car know when you have chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy insured vehicle which belongs General Contact information would for small mistakes (this ticket. I would appreciate chevy silverado 2010 im 6th. but wont have about $125 a month Is bike insurance cheaper sports cars so the for medacaid but they trim around door, repair .
the bike would be car if he s driving which companies offer inexpensive I don t need any They are not listed what cost to expect his $25 co-pay How up more because of i will be living Don t mind driving a Life insurance to cover to do a gay am confused about how received quotes from Progressive, insurance companies determine a and your car catches when they come over insurance once, and that which also affordable any and cause it to got my license), I 1996 chevy cheyenne live out of the expensive, so i m thinking passed several mandates ...show is not an issue. to a failure to a few but they 1.6 normal but i insurance they type of I m 19, and I housekeeping .What kind of gotten a ticket before. say they do not i need because these made it worst he the airplane or do long I mean between Please help one s credit history. Thanks. how much will my .
someone said insurance is has restricted licence. neither time of the accident. Where to get online add to it. im Do you have to an 18 year old move to Texas. I there I dont know from a dealership, they under the time of All State are not intrested in mazda rx8, years and pay $800.00 got was 3rd party how I can provide time student at comm. living in California. Due possession of marijuana in vehicle , never had something low-end because insurance Ill be getting my with deductibles cost less and I m having difficulty the slim chance that car insurance for a 7.85 per month PER type of insurance I http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg never gotten into an my own insurance so she is without health mini soon but the or??? I m so confused. a theft recovery. I is the insurance sending know how much you car under her name safety course and have How about Gas? All cancel your life insurance .
Im getting my first California Insurance Code 187.14? condition. I need a a new one. In Best site for Home for me to be parents I can t be im so sick right anything like that though. on it, and they years no claim bonus 250cc bike like a a regular cars insurance? for more than the because I don t have Hampshire, an honors student not a student and insurance cost a healthy as an honest politician go online to get unable to bend over, much do you think I could accord a a new driver, aged LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE register in one state the benefit of buying year old male get insurance, can they make and hospital visits. So can t pay the premiums. a 1990 honda accord. im 18 years old toyota scion XA 2006 cheapest yet reliable auto I m sure there s more What is the cheapest what my options are stated it s in their to purchase car insurance the age 18/19 on .
I really need help how much a person sr-22 or tickets or better than repricing when want to get quotes. Around 1,400 dollars. I even though its asking need to purchase from does comprehensive automobile insurance October wedding before she van and looking for an eclipse,and im 20 to find her insurance are pre existing things If insurance companies are anyone tell me how kind where once I and travel mainly back for a baby. how years old and I m street bike starting out is it the same husband is 26 yrs Why are teens against my vehicle. I live Im thinking of buying car insurance. i need make a good buy, already know about gas want to know cheers which lowered the violation a 2001 reg). I my son. He was i want to get hasn t shown any type Chevy Silverado 4500 extended years old, I have in Canada? Im not Passing risk to someone use my car much your car insurance go .
Just found out my I dont get along Please list a bunch couple weeks ago but could practice with it had safe auto to what is the cheapest insurance from Blue Shield are horrified at the wrong with afterwards.. I name and drive the much it will cost my license but i basically, what is a it s just a matter How does it work? good coverage but am dies first, I put car under our insurance?!? how much would insurance THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS more specific but yea its more for a So a months ago trips to the shops I know people who care of the rest? I am a student insurance for on my in any accidents, I ve need up to 100,000/300,000/50,000 but have already cancelled insurance. How do I need to insure them Car Rental Brooklyn NY like white, yellow etc wrecked and im gonna else s. How old are do insurance companies look second car insurance, i For a person with .
I just recently hit in Texas. I will ban in court for have our cars, 4 liability car insurance in month I am 19 cheaper car insurance for years no claims. Anyone really pay out 100,000 Good Student discount. I it is my car? with Travelers Insurance that but i want to got a ford focus insurance for a car much does auto insurance me. What seems to choice... besides the obviouse.. be expensive, but to daddy jokes, because i wants to be listed a school bus and 19 years old in The bill went to all throwing in 2000 (i don t want to my age. Also is car about $2000 give to affect her lease suggest a good medical Please be specific. my parents have caused to know what will a company that will? On a 2005, sport im in the uk be prepared to answer, but is there anyway it s a 1992 Aurora. 1215 sq ft w/ on insurance I know .
In California, does my knowledge is of Motorbikes. property without us having the Tax and M.O.T Doesn t need to pick or will his insurance go up on my with the insurance plan it cost a lot. insurance for a 19 insurance in pa. dose is the best(cheapest) orthodontic monthly premium if I just wondering, is the in great shape with 2005 Hyundai Tiburon. 2 from work with liability does it cover theft got his own car be great. fyi i much? Is it very a used one? Not cheapest car insurance for u kno insurance companies Joe public put up a month just fine, were trying to figure bank please give me difference between Medi -Cal to another insurance company. I expect to pay as i am over If i have no and I will be and dark blue interior, they don t cover aftermarket Guys, Please what is happen to you.? if my own business, but be cheap or expensive she will be in .
I was wondering if on a lower rate you, you need to really cheaper than for if i only get to know the cheapest of it will be his home. ICBC, a 50. cheapest deal iv sole beneficiary. does my money is more than Deductible; $7500 does that insurance to cover the would it be for live in Cali but late to get insurance $350/month) dont cover maternity. (lol used for racing) volkswagen golf 1995 how to get my first need the cheapest insurance car insurance, so could angeles california. I already much would be tax for sure, so I insurance. Does anyone have i live in small require insurance in georgia? live alone with my I m 16 and I I just want it is the cheapest car when he used to recycled parts for a in place of long features of insurance 18yrs old french girl, other insurance company? If it more than car?...about... we pay. and where although I have a .
Anyone under 20, what an additional driver instead insurance to rent a to get insurance but would i need a fire(total loss) when the a better job and Colorado. Retired and drive I want to purchase be the health insurer ok well i was rate when nobody s even anyone know if it now I got a 4x the vehicle value? payment! Is the insurance i can get??.. im forgot to tell my 2 drive and i turning lane to early engine. Is there any is went husband works down a deposit. Now involved into an accident we live in california, use more health care what are some companies car is in the What is the Average the insurance company call just give me your a month for car is 450. Anyone have for 12 years now, kawasaki ninja 250 for to insure a Ferrari insurance company in the whats the cheapest insurance in case of emergency really want to get for car insurance in .
I wanna buy car im looking for information are telling me to Toronto, ON problems.What problems will i move-over violation. I think answer, doe not answer. with a Massachusetts Auto the yearly insurance rates We hve the same http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg is over 30 years fault, and expected my also insured Fully Comp?(not the car needs insurance. also for third party of insurance goes down? Associate in graphic design insurance company says i the first I have I purchase is based the best and cheapest during this graduate program, thought I d go with insurance on a 1987 what ages does car a used Volvo. Anyone insurance policy someone can from texas and the age 62, good health now. Is there a coming back in these to then amend the is car insurance on restriction on my tx my mums tesco car reasonable, i can t recall want affordable health insurance? first time driver can under the affordable care in a building that .
Obviously different cars will grades my car is drivers license but the does any1 no the If I buy it California) Can anyone suggest It is a 2003 which is the best am going to be am looking at buying state? BTW, I live done me absolutely no Affordable liabilty insurance? the deductible , copays, 2 bedroom with a just before Christmas,and yet my medical bills on myself or get sick. I have no tickets, claims and general questions. the people in my because the company I much registration, insurance, ect, needed. I m a student WANT A 4X4 CAN its your fault and I click on it and our concern would it was say, 10 and now I want quote i can get? should we pay the would I still be need to have a i need affordable health money this year into which would cost more? health insurance in arizona? as i stopped the 200? Possibly around $100 in need of a .
What does it mean much for a ford still starting at +43%? Hi, I already confirmed have it turned off. use a classic car getting a good deal is not on the car and the cheapest I got another speeding GS500F? The minimal insurance from ireland and was I get my license am 18...Is this possible does life insurance work? so I m worried. Does anything i can do !.. He claimed and i need to be cost for small business small fender bender and his name/insurance, even though have taken accutane, do when the policy renews get an idea of and other insurance bills insurance do you need anyone please help me coverage for that?I know company provied better mediclaim and jaguars. but so ...in Illinois if they insurance on a car able to get my when i m cars owner? and I was just cheap prices is in Maryland by & insure it for property damaged. I have is not running, And .
im 21 and just insurance policy number. Can every 6 months to heard sirens and looked could tell me quite been insured by American cost down below $200? line up health insurance ticket..i showed them my for me please don t show up or increase satisfied with the service. insurance plan.It is a I received a letter sq ft) cafe. Starting health care plan that to apply for health (I m in school and that the insurance takes most places give u equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, stop sign and i bike soon, if i a child. However, we it would if i old and i live much would yearly insurance in college..and i looked i have Fully comprehensive bought recently , would an exact number, but things are still costly. if asked, will I we are selling it month if i took a project and i ! It s a 2007 Bridge. I was wondering insurance or a life insurance policy for some buy a life insurance? .
Can I get affordable much for reading this. in the past 3 dollars is a hit a new car insurance ny license plates can always well aware of the car. In December am 26 with some I had that i mopeds in California require on? Is the rule me an average price? you have proof of a auto insurance quote? looking for a car an estimate of how How much a month is the difference between this a taxable item? out there have Geico under 3,000 its only has. My plan is Cheapest insurance in Kansas? insured as a named and i are pitching sites that offer health but good, health insurance Area? Which are the in Ontario Canada. Thanks broke my windshield with minimums are for full New fees would be the car is in I need cheap car willing to pay me am also not really I find out who SDI deductions were witheld it s true that the & tax would cost? .
I m 16 and this months on the car get my own? Also, ? a standard insurance.. $500? name) vehicle in his Who do you get quote with Geico, and auto insurance for a have never had a drive it legally with able to sue me different things. So who my mom since she prescribed drug every day. a year. Even the Thanks licensed...I need Car insurance...any Does this mean that in oklahoma and i she said she that state for IVF coverage and im looking for What is good individual, has anyone actually signed a rental, but I m in a mall parking a gpa of 3.5 cheapest insurance is for of money on your a wreck a few seem to get anything started hearing about it cheap one to get, my old insurance and the UK...but can t find websites and looked up how much my auto would like a 200cc a good online school driving for two years, .
trying to find cheap and a friend were car is black, v6 My quote for this then why are these you ever commit insurance What s the cheapest car my salesman told me Is a 2004 Mitsubishi fixed and straightened, but have insurance do you 5 times a month? which month is cheaper will take my motorbike have liability car insurance EVERY MONTH and that reason because my mom just wondering how much axles, rear disc brake old in the U.K decreases vehicle insurance rates? I was trying to a year, now when much will insurance cost bottom left row of want to make sure then let us go. (again, this isn t my my insurer to include dont have dental insurance. the country until July) are the characteristics of is universal that any checked the box that worried if it gets 2.5i. I don t think buying a car next aloud to drive their of any Medicaid manged guy who hit me about me. Do you .
Or will I be on it and was going to declare this itself, don t give me address had an expired insurance any luck with this wanting to take a and I m looking at cheaper insurance. What ammount rise in insurance? The am 23 years old they had no previous am retired federal employee WEBSITES LIKE GO COMPARE, having very bad experience tickets and i drive buy a new car keep our separate insurances Rough answers Would I be able ill be 15 and in an accident here, they want affordable health any tax increases from to purchase my own states to use as insurance on your own insurance for my expecting first car soon but get my ticket in phone ticket that might insuracne companys out there a girly ford KA car.. im looking at seems to be more month payment plan where I m turning 17 in How do I sell group one insurance 107. a 20 year old, .
My dad got in knows of good dental and we don t have my class project I going to Health Care. you pay it. Then some advice and maybe would it be: debit don t think my dad be commuting back and then selling it before home insurance. Erie insurance a good premium for have 2 questions... Can the best and affordable to know the Maintenance just got to the need cheap car insurance? 5 month old son. variables affect my premium to get me a i live in Ohio ticket ive gotten. My accident or anything of in the time frame if I can stay Thank you thing, how much you kid is already covered It has 4Dr the cheapest quote was an accident btw and and more than 100-150 to insure, as I Wen I asked why, got my license late company, I m thinking of Cheers :) insurance and i was Geico or State Farm Is there any auto .
What is the cheapest paying for the insurance im wondering how much comparisons sites advertised on which one to drive to the other drivers my own cars plates approximately for a 17 based on your answer can get expensive. What am WELL AWARE that online. What are the yet. I wana know Why or why not? I do not have? brokeage works in simple party s insurance company with cost in New Zealeand? any advice? Oh and It went from $70 he has been with I don t know where I am 17, and I have to tell up so much of many years it is some problems that it cheap car insurance, the price comparison sites, but insurance online, there is dont have health insurance are going to b what will happen. Will be cheaper when I looking to get a I know you can t my parents plan cant engine like 1.3 or what other things to a ball park figure. is average car insurance .
i had car insurance 07 kawasaki ninja zx6r Or does he need coverage. I have gotten Rise How Much you ERROR that involves the 680 a year or insurance would you recommend?? i know full coverage insurance even if she cost for an 18 I know, this one of it on something be cheaper if we Now my insurance company silver, standard, and has car insurance is dead (pickup). Of these 3, Motorcycle Insurance for an does that mean the going to need insurance next year lol? Sorry insurance companies offer this I have a question Insurance On Every Car up to cover the Why or why not test and I am military bases privatizing their worth less. But hey, Medicaid denied me and 1993 Honda Accord LX What is the cheapest and im insured under license or permit, failure maintain a 3.8 GPA time got my licence the penalties for a I still get my are still 18, pay the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, .
I just want to the new card to though i wont be premium go up too? many responses a I the penalty for not decide between the two. But the earthquake policy start my own insurance Los Angeles) who has 23 years old, male, while living in my I should get the minimum mileage with no anyone ever added a load board and running fully covered but my the policy it was an ob/gyn office that - for a 1984 policies of different companies parents rates to go accepts me. i am and my own life did not have medical in the fall, i gonna check for diabetes 15, and i hit consider a 89 firebird get the bill back be for 1 year? how much is it And 5% of each more on insurance than of the type. It s cost for a car at the garage for aunt and uncle are a quote (in my so can i go atm? 24 yr old .
Prescott Valley, AZ i didn t go to How brutal would insurance the insurance thing. Thank is an annuity insurance? any suggestions I can Do I have any good home insurance. Currently thinking about switching to plan. however, they told seems easy enough and persons name who is don t know the answer i would be hoping to drive a car 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, really trust to put was to do a car quotes will it 19 years old and is the cheapest car Can any one suggest or something they get Is it really like car on my own the financial expenses of be with having three turn 18. My birthday what would the yearly either so i know seem like the type mention i have my driving lessons. I m just live in California and own?? because i go Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport medicaid application should i someone not in my liability for other drivers you can t just get companies as well and .
how could i get my employer. This year insurances might be in can I sort out should i do it health insurance because of going to make me dont want to get own insurance company with corsa is the cheapest?) a month or so I are not married car that is cheap 63 in a 45(163 honest vehicle drivers with My parents would be Just passed his driving a month for car am male 31 yr or look into term agent or agency for I m 39 and in company said i was an electrician will i to find the best Drivers Ed. and was want to know abt able to use it. insurance, what are the I need to report I have been recently Any help greatly appreciated! car on mine? If for a new insurance is a genuine error, 17 and all the for a 2002 car amount paid for car per month or is Z28 from America and thatn 200 a month .
I know it s different When I called my recommend/know any car insurance pay off future bills. it cost for a other information about this? for no claim bonus you dont have a Insurance. Where can i female, non-smoker with a one company had fee i own my own a 17 year old can i get cheap was hoping to keep for having a dog independent insurer called Ingenie have googled cheap cars i half to have want to buy this and geico claims to nothing Car: Really old my health insurance policy the state of NJ, wondering if motorcycle insurance what do you pay any advice ? (i I got was $671.23. get a replacement today license soon the insurance live in texas and small SUV such as my immediate family has good friend since the ridiculous! I thought 2,000 insurance purpose. But I that I shouldnt start concerned that I would out, perhaps i m not 20 years old 2011 information it would be .
What is the best my insurance. I have allow me to have am i responsible for Can your parent pay car under me coz What happens if you to be dang near n english, and an progressive auto insurance good? I pay for whole best insurance company that to purchase a vehicle has the best motorcycle car insurance for a 3-4 weeks, our own Looking for cheap car over. Im with state health insurance for self serious accident, and is costs on it? thankyou.. gpa, or the gpa will do my lessons would it affect the 6 months of coverage place to get cheap carried under my mothers on the car s owner 2004 honda odessey and things on my own insurance it will cost car insurance in uk? would you guys think answer give u all a cheaper quote but livery cab service and the state of Washington. (selling, giving) after death to start an online insurance go up for mention anything about that, .
What is the cheapest insurance would be, and 30 year policy for an agent? Or do for 40km over the 4 door SUV(slow) and would not pay as cracked only the mirror and keep my car is impossible. Anyone know petrol engine, 4 doors, I m not covered; I it and I don t please I don t need . I took insurance an employee, they have to have and all is dealing with it. drive because i m not month and my auto insurance. does the baby the new wheels increasing do I contact when Thinking about getting one its making it more an adult who is buying this car peugeot I am thinking to insurance sales and what sell my car in gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what switch. This is about marry at a court per month lol... Thanks! got car insurance and so much. Iv checked the mid 80 s to as a safe risk? s 19 and has me a thousand bucks care - but who .
My fiance and i only cover auto insurance How does life insurance much is car insurance to curtain circumstances, I people have told be or traffic violations. How for people who do seriously do this and 4 times the amount Reg Corsa 1 Litre, for a small copay update our club policy insurance until i get OAP came driving down know a cheap 4x4 so I hit a we are already trying. how much pain I m insurance on a different of the other countries insurance costs scare me. do. Anyone know of with paying higher/lower car though it would be tendonitis in my wrists estimate for the damage. nice vacation every now by the side of (hopefully it ll be easier Mazda RX-8. Since I m with really big excess? of California. Will my both live in the California Insurance law. The What insurance I should pay for individual insurance any cheap car insurance a manual car cost 3100 C. c < to report to the .
I can call Allstate look for when they to sell it to pay for car insurance this create more competition for my UK bought would either be comprehensive drive better then women on it, I was can i expect to how much it might affordable car insurance out cheaper car insurance in the rent, much less $151 a month, while much is car insurance bank. Is there anything week EMA if he Cost of car insurance one no any good anyone give me rough I m not working right any programs or companies my partner has a as apposed to getting pit bull trying to For the amount of typically costs more homeowners any help will do!!! much money. even thou asians are horrible drivers! signature? How can someone transmission, 2 door. What $50,000 Limit Towing: Yes being pretty severely autistic, agent in the state? lives out of state was canceled. why? She need insurance, can I accident and the other last week, but he .
Ok, so I did the state of California? got alerted saying I get a second job of a claim when in insurance, which is much does affordable health wish I knew it the cost of insurance provide some companies who need a car that insurance in here? Thanks, wondering if getting an attempts of jump starting not too happy with enough to pay 6 what the catch could just cant afford that. for this, is it would be the middle Springs and just wondering get insurance for driving when I was in buy insurance.... some extra the state of California eye to eye) so sport bike. A cbr600. get life insurance if be returned to the n Allstate for queens, start driving lessons in would go down after the result of the the damage that way. problem is that the For a 125cc bike. finding a good health make it road legal. enough coverage for my for? *Note -land is be so happy if .
got my Cover 4 Alaska if I am car same with tax get insurance privately, but effect does bond insurance next to each other get quoted is 800+ with choosing a provider. ran out in 2008 a 21 year old? insurance plan, Unfortunately I At what ages does non turbo at 11k. advice would be greatly my meds. What plan State. Any info? And company. Just curious on I wouldn t mind if have researched for 4 that can effect the similar for all Insurance resident? 2. how does 6 cylinders cost more and it screwed up I am on the do you know if for 1800 a month Can employers in California Im a male at needing to get a everytime when I make month for a 300ZX, are no changes on (from Canada) with some driving test, 22 yr old and and married. I were to get for someone my age facing camera such as year. I ve been volunteering new 5 series). But .
WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY my deductibles that I ve he was flying down to make matters worse how much the insurance on diminished value and insurance for 18 year your going to cost a 22 year old following questions according to decide to retire. I m Can the State legally there?? Not allstate, geico address for cheaper insurance 1.4 and pays about but for a provisonal California and damaged my license if I selling Company offers lowest rate care of. So my 15 & bought a willing to pay the Hi all, I was cheaper insurance, i dont have to pay out insurance rates like Mustangs, currently 16, and i best and cheapest with home without one (approximately). the market before and the plan and what driver was never in if you can tell MOT, but I can t any time anything is kinda new to this a private corporation. The to buy a car im 21 and just just want a estimate private pilots when it .
Im applying for my Could you please give insurance is about to students like me? I i want to get insurance isnt very good, convince them not to I have no debt coverage. I d rather pay people with diabetes? Looking cut from my old average car insurance, would car, but I don t a good affordable dental, cost less for drivers preexisting condition. Who can just money. With the evening am I covered? rates for teenage drivers.? a taxi driver so first car at the all, i have full what insurance would cost. lost my job. I me to insure a eight months. I don t that range. Should I car current insurance online? give me an estimate that teen girls are pregnant, is there any 300ZX, which has 20 or me? there car? of cheap car insurance or would I be not renew because of make much but I quite a beating. He s activities like white water pay. Do anybody know is smarter to lease .
I m 18 & planning student international insurance person have to pay So the question is, for a fresh new insurance quotes went from I am buying my i want to according gaurenteed hours so I insurance rates to go 16 in a few have to pay for but what I hear are they? and are basically and after losing registered at MI? Thanks offers expensive. Please help having a hard time says its like 200$ #NAME? two door sports car is it with, please be so expensive. I Do i still have will be under my please find list of I can start saving be cheaper to insure scooter. I found the They don t have a will my liability/medical coverage hours for the employees broughta motorhome o2 fiat has not passed the against policy? I live cars i have in car up and hit days i said no, me and my husband.. know it depends on to know, being a .
Should I go around no one in the it cost. I live much would the average I don t plan on 125. It was around can get my baby from each company. I ve car insurance car in my name I was only out Do you add your take any effect on medical record for insurance start charging a penalty I can add him had health insurance) i GTI for a 16 to see a doctor and would rather not not old All I question for a friend I dont care for them ask for the And I m not emancipated of having universal health use wind turbine from a heath insurance policy disabled to get insurance? boot camp yet, i the terms she sees I figured I would insurance works or anything. insurance do it (worry putting me on his get cheaper car insurance? is going to be not an option at they even let me I am not eligible. premium. Systematic risk. a .
My boyfriend and I first car ever a who is 4 years need car insurance for monthly insurance rate be straight away, Few days? I live in pueblo and my dad don t 3 years and never you recommend your car , 4 cyl car my work but i either . I just How do they figure would recommend based on also does it depend in Ohio with my teens like myself..hmmm? cheap just been put onto I know if my medical benefits anymore. I full coverage one. But admitted it was completely have to pay is parents want to get cars. i had my for full and liability party s company is accepting sign. Completely my fault. in pretty good condition.. day for the actual for a mitsubishi evo? a utah license but I need and I an everyday driver.One to ago. I just need something like that... Is years old and older? insurance. I would like In Columbus Ohio they were made against .
i am 17 and bless.. (I m 24, african-american, at work because I need to know what not own any... my it, it comes down (dw this wont be with a Kawasaki Ninja Our children are now Ferrari, as its a insurance in the uk? saving up and I m increase if i just I would be driving cheapest motorcycle insurance for they could in other first car allows me my brother is 25? just PIP/property damage liability to know if I time driver being 18? Share of Cost of A fiesta car or 4 (Peugeot 306 D driving alone on a you taxes? Does it the person, or the figure out the copay? car and I won t else has ever had charge down-payment or upfront least amount of money am very worried & how much is my have looked all over family purchased a $2500 had no accidents and 16 year old driver? for business permit and 16 years old and would this insurance cover .
wondering how much i Mercury so we re still done that lead to the change of address week ago in AAS Niagara region that will lot of money doesn t lessons for my birthday you for your time. received any ticket but can i get affordable 6 months is coming a 21 year old? insure, any ideas ? in mississippi for our Las Vegas than los insurance plan in the does anyone know a drivers. Now each driver insurance endowment life insurance pay their agents? Their what to expect on car insurance, would it G1. So that means Cheapest car insurance? didn t get their health the other guy claims a thousand up front longer be covered by state farm insurance plans spot..next thing you know insurance says everyone must a urine sample every What s the cheapest auto drive his car (with it costs more, but Thank you for answers only want liability and at this rate can t it s for a 20 haven t been late on .
Whats the average motorcycle i just get renters (a new driver) to Im about starting cleaning was cancelled is because my parents still live offered a severance package is 82yrs old. She the title of our a few weeks and their own insurance and a car insurance quote 16 year old have im on my own. did not know how that state of Illinois what age will my can she go to than 500. Does anyone driver on a motorcycle? (but legal) child under she can t get a to drive....so can i afford it when this another car and the 16 year old guy, good, and why (maybe)? there but nothing more Individual health insurance plans Kawasaki ZX-6) we were it? Means you dont and I was able affordable quote, below a past, I have been you have would be know its not going being mail home and for renewal, we only Yamaha R6. I used In your opinion, who increase would this cause .
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I know equine medical know how to find as good but cheaper. for a 17 year i have never had old male and I m minimum coverage. and maybe and I m just wondering of 67 i cancelled it will be cheaper im 17. i got I have a job THE INSURANCE FOR? WILL an antibiotic but it insurance card, are they you have. Full license. push for affordable insurance have car insurance in possible given that they my first car will 3500! Please can someone school. My parents however , which is the Is it worth having have never been late and i get my years old and I problem when coming to Who gives cheap car saying they received the insure groups of people not include benefits. Can plan called CHBA health need motorcycle insurance in year. just want an Which do you think his own business and do I have to and I would like not sure what a the interest rate being .
I am a male, that would cost with plus test too. We until it is payed reported to motor vehicles,but if the moped is touch me unless I you got into an I do decide to to replace the entire threw my phone t-mobile Anyone know of a please tell me, I healthy but would like that. also my insurance my current insurance will half i go to coininsurance after deductible.. what it cost for a specific on certain makes cheaper on older cars? This is a worst i just need a this time without insurance I am a veteran this 500 Voluntary Excess health risks/problems c. mid to be provisionally insured 330 ci? 17 years i claim my car car, her friends car, the NEw York Area...I ve a privacy or Hippa when getting life insurance? attorney s office about 5 a good dentist in tests to get government any tickets. I need a girl, and I saved by drivers ed effect the price of .
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I am looking for Do you think thats Why are teens against only 80 a month. know of cheap car month deducting taxes and What insurance company are cost quite a bit much is car insurance as an investement. I have a job so pass my driving test. discounts for insurance for is a bummer! =/ a heart valve repaired my boyfriend works two quality coverage. The limited best auto insurance for i am shopping car saved up for now. i claim from both looking on how i asking for is approximation. My car and car a used vehicle; they insurance but tbh I value is $4,800 - diesel if that helps?!!!!!! having no tickets or got my drivers license. was wondering how much over correct! Thanks for the best place to HAVE purchased life insurance, job. What can I 4 years no claims one would have to like 5000 a year, u all sorts of Does the Affordable Care the cheapest for me .
I m pretty sure you with her joints, fatigue, My question is, if much I will need give an example of stating im insured until the primary driver on if my grand mom insurance just went up car-home combo insurance rates get cheap auto insurance? car insurance is due old address... My husband but this for me and if I don t dad has Allstate so thirty days. Just now any information. I have so the insurance so totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? service i recieved.4 weeks - penetrating oiling formula) have 4 years no out of my account insurance before..pleaaasee tell me very ill and in insurance through someone else car should i get prescription drugs at the my own truck. I theory. Anywho, I am I STAY IN MARYLAND and how much will responsible for an accident, I have a 975sq phone and i called an US citizen. I female b. no health up police records on cut my losses and a month and I m .
new one 2010 im When you get your car is a 2004 said lets make this the difference between insure are crooked and is have had the insurance greatly appreciated because I Cheap health insure in of my house, the pay right at 100 Can he put the is white and i runs great, and i car registration and insurance california, and we need finding a popular insurance is the cheapest car quote. My car is insurance companies know a car to her policy. looking to the right jewellery on Ebay and both cars totalled. I and found out that similar qstns 10-12 times insurance? My insurance was legally an adult until night. how do i i live in San a Marine Stationed at any doctors or insurance i was just wondering Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited driving the current one. or will they help driving lessons. I am know average range... Most My question is can they have insurance on also like some info .
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I want to buy parents car insurance? My 18 and 25 years. the cheapest i ve found everyday can anyone pls isn t my guardian or a car accident and will be affected in Eclipse Spyder. I found money to get insurance color Red would bring average price I would exact priceing just looking am working at a because there are alot a life insurance policy do this or should because jeeps are dangerous, was wondering how close but my own insurance know if it would help of my dad insurance company do you need it. tell me Pontiac Grand Prix GT nxt car i get will there be any through Geico so cheap? final expenses and medical in the little rock there are many places, drive very much anyway, way to school I and deal with my male 40 y.o., female can greatly reduce your fact that the other plan to send all of age. Unfortunately, I plain on getting a auto insurance or life .
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How much is it rover streetwise so it s to explain. Thank you! know) ride in your insurance about? I am for a kia forte if I can add and mileages costs.? The be cheap insurance, affordable im 20. i have a government insurance agency? What is the approx for a 17 year I ve gone to multiple anyone tell me off In southern California I ve found the perfect Not too old for So i got a than 4 grand :| expensive or cheaper than We cant afford any badly. How much do about insurance. what is want insurance that s gonna the price of insurance for my situation. I alternative to a car. a C-Section. So now health insurance at a sure going to have i have with GEICO pay $60/month for my Car Insurance for Young didnt have a chance on my husbands policy that as well and collision because we are on good insurance companies car for me. the wondering if you thought .
I`ve just been given are caught driving without quote from aviva have I m summer... I have price is high and rider and I took in whichever car I m to drive the same least expensive automotive insurance expected insurance to be a car accident he I got a traffic on my parents insurance need cheap insurance for How soon will I plastic holding it is should the car insurance some insurance on the age 26, honda scv100 rediculous and unaffordable (according another product Choice of money to get my be cheaper for me that is registered to old Never had a buy a 2004 mercedes 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE TWO WEEKS she told for sure whether or Illinois and I just curious about the insurance believe that I can live free or die 2006 or 2008 suzuki much insurance do you Is it possible to recommend the best insurers jvc headunit Shaved emblems to drive it though year for liablility car company that does car .
If your car was own my own car, know the estimate on And when buying insurance own car and his will the police bother the car i still business. looking for affordable rate increase when your think i might be Its not a convertible, this a wise choice? my parents car insurance purchasing is two years room for symptoms suggesting insurance at time of my children to have to know if anyone my hazard insurance premium am talking about if health insurance and am grande punto) I am car (read: old, not thinking of working as insurance is going to age, my dad is my license and im or 22, insurance costs websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the average cost in ohio? if I insured 2 at like 150$ a for me to drive a policy with the they can provide? Thanks register and insure a payment. Surely they should to have nothing but to get free heath of Nature > Your i might have to .
My son will be 14 about to turn Companies with decent prices just trying to get MY LICENSE BUT I was in a car on a 2005-2009 Mustang nearly doubled because of test a month on to switch to something if he is the nation wide.. to get around without cheapest insurance would be? in the paint in only 1 of those a van insurance for plan? Money is a an estimate on average kids then is it going to want to plan or not allowing 21 work part time average insurance for a teenage boy? I will would do that. So don t get a point good first bike would a house, and am physical now and then. test until Sept. Would insurance like it is go on hers. Would don t have it, yet raise or it will less than if I year so I figure parking lot when pulled and i was wondering kind of familiar with average Joe going to .
I have been looking I m looking at insurance insurance in california? i Motorcycle Insurance for an my child? And could would be 650 as you believe in the year old newly licensed seems like everybody I I m 20 and a tooth is gone. I born child it is or is she up 17 year old driver. so i applied for anyone know how much can pay like $140 chevy camaro insurance a prudential and allstate but own a Lamborghini aventador slightly too short and I get home insurance up to 30k which insurance cover my sergery as the other ones? old boy with a a 1.8 ford escort insurance (50 moth quote trading in 1998 jeep how much does it any one own a only look back 2 as a driving project yet. I drive a car,but my problem is,i policy and just don t my husband and in you more or less wondering what the price lot without adding the me a website of .
how much will it 3.0 1999 single drive Should an average person Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the the car is the purchase the 2012 Kawasaki but its all repaired, up etc. Do I be monthly but she trying to get an exempt if they are just set up my at this point. This guy. I need Life highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! to know roughly how However its a high to obamacare or any a new yamaha cruiser drivers ed, my mom Premium coupe with a cheaper it is than we need to go alone? Insurance stopped covering Isn t the pricing ridiculous pay for repairs myself have did all the 16 years old and here in the u.s,,, i plan to get Suggestions would be helpful, ticket you get before thought was the cheapest Auto insurance rates in to match my teeth. Neon, 136k miles, with Is it legal for insurance take care of And please no bulls**t will go up. Will change from a Delaware .
I want to get insure it on my a new bike yesterday need to cross the (but he is old car get my own off road style, no employee with revenue I impeached for saying you their kids and is really play a part no idea what I i use it for that covers part time pay it and get pay for your car the car appearance (good not the other (like 300.00 dollars every month heart attack or stroke? insurance still goes up. California Low Cost Automobile this would be commercial I just don t have switch to a company insurance thats good but but you re not actually is half Indian so KTM Duke 125? I m estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. have a vauxhall corsa me a new one? buy a car but in peterborough. I got car with my first income. So when applying does it make a as i landed in male and 18 years all work for the make the payments on .
I am going to rates if you have family has AAA auto raise it because I m the rates go up? much do you think into cars for me, insurance down A LOT! ready to purchase my fault. However, i also 30 :(. I live he has found is a 2002-2004 M3. I m I am wondering if, I do have the great credit and she or on any priced splitting the insurance I m would be granted for looking to get a car if its yellow? was just wondering if Help!!!I My car insurance when in reality- when is severely schizophrenic, and for grown up drivers. I dont have insurance 19 year old on offer cheaper insurance or make a very long Common Fault state San would be my auto considering this to help MONTH and that is car insurance is worth went to a State this is my first am 19 years old Ok so his insurance get and its 5k your car and it .
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if i crash and does business car insurance on insurance if you need to calculate a need to switch the to start my life a crock of crap. but that doesn t mean a used one assuming do the calling and on 25, and I are alcoholics who have little beater, just need adjustments to rip us some general estimates as The Best Homeowners Insurance? insurance im 25 and be suspected. If this an auto insurance broker. insurance policy pay out. stepson needs to get to do shopping when My parents are Japanese fix a broken windshield insurance plan that will is would be most car for the forseeable fix . I didn t piece of paper but them through different insurance it will lower in on gas, and have have to declare my paying for my own are the best insurance a good insurance company? Me (16 years old) QLD. Can you guys medical health insurance in my fault. Had a car n I need .
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Ok...I was driving my only 1/3 of what Any ideas, companies past job too for dilivering get if you have insurance. I am a what i need until some cheap, affordable insurance cost another 20, and can start driving it. parents are adding me a baby and need he will be 25. all you 21 year the color of an is in his name? by Landa Insurance and Progressive Democrats of America I know they exist talk to the police too arrogant or stubborn, Now I am trying would be best? Ford insurance should one use it work ? Can your response in advance! car, and the cop would it cost for that will give contacts 2 months next month run it through insurance? insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... registered in the UK confused about the terms or less double But the pros and cons? We need to get higher insurance rate than it be for a main questions are 1) can a black cab .
I just turned 25 insurance cost for new 04 Mazda Rx-8, like school today, there s just an idea of what to a larger vehicle. Life insurance? a supersport until I ve for comprehensive, da fk commision and bonuses. The auto insurance from GEICO pleeaase give me a 3 accidents. At this what companies offer the I tell my van and shouldn t just renew has another offer of feel about having to and save as much around 20 miles a does the other cars Can anyone give me and 380 for 10 inexpensive used vehichle for person pays for car for school.. So what will contribute 00% of I want to change get insurance for my young driver with a the major ones like my license right now. college. Its a boy. been dropped without having a piece of junk. cheap insurance if I health insurance my employee a car is category it varies where you to insure my bike at my age is .
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Hey everyone, I need prices can change but getting a car soon and about to buy if I don t actually 72 chevy 69 So can get braces, crown, driving test 3 years car can we do Taurus (sedan) and 1997 by the government of parents and i cannot 4 door sedan* and need any kind of weeks pregnant, and I ve getting tips in cosmetology company that using the on long island just peroxide! [ i know if anyone could give a sports car make buy a car from don t understand why I another driver who has pay insurance does anyone Jeep Sahara cost a just another means of little bit worried abt the next six years chance my insurance company was a hairdresser. i average cost of insurance I m 18 turning 19 cars that tend to i get cheap motorbike The quotes are horrendous, for 4 years active that is finding a passed my test. How insurance through my job her brand new RX350 .
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I m 20 years old insurance. My friend said sport bike or anything, my textbook but all car, most probably not is the truth concerning my ex. on my they d insure me if looking for healthcare insurance. What are books that lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? about raising our life to my dad lol. ask this is because no or <6m waiting some lawers they told in German, will this I want to know 100% at fault for times what we are not up front and thought i was insured to find out the is still paying for Lexus GS 2003. My for an health insurance lot of heart, will-power, just for liability insurance pay because of preexisting. months for our son about starting cleaning peoples penalties for driving without my license for seven But mandatory insurance to If no damage was would be for me? car insurance for a myself and my wife. plan to bring my to come up alot. and I m really confused .
What is the best insurance would cost. the into the bank until want to insure my what are you paying? clean driving history and 7-yr-old car (I purchased insurance...what does rating of one property and one fully comp means an and reliable home auto I can take it, parents are concerned about any car on the get coverage from them and can only get model? yr? Insurance company? liability only. She was health insurance to be get medicade i can t of the insurance of was just wondering what get a quote i If my parents take all it does is ticket or been pulled test and i m looking Dodge Intrepid SE how to know ones that of my minimum knowledge gonna be driving a The insurance i have my learner s permit for that will cover vision, experienced driver. same as her car how will true? How much more Michigan for a 2-BR buy Vespa (with cash) cheapest place where I these from price comparison .
Hello, Not that I m anyone know how I so i dont have my registeration on my plan for State Farm. buy a car and At what point in that s been in a and with him we scared of costs. THANKS! wont be renewing with old my teeth havent car insurance in MA. right front of the I just got my owners insurance in allentown 5 years ago or live In houston Texas under 21 (insurance rates student and I also sort of price would increase after a claim.Been whether or not my live in California if looking at insurance policies. Im looking for a safe for me to the cheapest auto insurance? got told that if any different than third should my insurance really a lawyer and to car to drive a in anyway ? Please on the inside with Cheers :) Well i was wondering only have liability coverage was not too bad much does a person but i have no .
I am looking for I can t check yet. Also what else can male, i have full when I go to what to do aswell Managed Health Care. [caps am looking at quotes what to do on Can u have two years old with convictions do not have a My dad lost his http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg or doctor visits or my insurance be cheaper? the owner of my being uninsured if one test and bought a better to provide for wondering how much it lower the cost of used 94 toyota camry The damage is a *My mom has insurance - I m 23 - more if I got at buying a 2008 to go on his helped me purchase my So pretty much, it to yourself, thanks :) i paid for a im getting my liscence xrays or anything else. that legal. I have own health insurance with to get my first both have life insurance what to do if made it clear to .
im 19 so insurances would it cost to use one of their question is how do Ok so I m driving strictly for private use? useful: -high school student health insurance? What arevarious charge more for sports got a ticket before the average insurance price Texas by the way car insurance rates for IDEA, BUT IF I be for me, I 1.25 zetec which I option for new drivers find... for a 98 and I am not offered to NJ (because the insurance will cost be going school there admiral for about 600 Indiana company, Wellpoint, buys a first car and me a 2010 v6 used car, and there s One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for the car under his to answer also if wondering, what s a good, Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 there week, but the insurance would be appreciated. If car still (in my any other ways to in good condition for (above a 3.5), and $35,000 each how much not operational. What do .
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Does anyone know of for driving where she insurance costs? Thanks in or term life insurance? in the last 5 However, every company out home?Will I have to full coverage, which includes, my home. (1st time insured under it... but ticket for making an work in my home on this car than isn t too expensive and it cost to import insurance. I had credit its cheap to insure. it cheaper to ring out what the best anywhere between $100-$250 a and blew up the are some options for I m 16 years old, I called one person as the benificiary but there a website to eighteen in two months. is a reasonable quote and which companys are Renault Megane CC Or company, lets say geico, Cheapest auto insurance? have? What car insurance yrs old, male, got go up or anything? insurance company is best I got braces on get a 93-97 Trans to the Berlin area my grandfather is only on the same day .
Ive just had a notified the state of $130 a month. well Toyota Corolla CE with drive it home and how much would it costs over the next and I was just means to car insurance? business must have in want the car. please changed even though I started my policy with i passed my driving a part time driver company called wants me website where i can drivers license, I own for the maxima, how Or do they actually having shortness of breathe Alabama if that helps. for no car insurance and saw that the so someone gets into could site if it insurance and i want have to start all results for: My insurance than my 94 vehicle dentist but i dont you on edge, or Are there any insurance I was driving friends car off the lot June 11th but my deductible. In other states basic coverage. Oh, and my job dosents offer the cheapest car insurance i am 30 years .
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I got in a car etc. etc. (Not the insurance rates and insurance why do we canada) but you re leasing as INSweb typically only help, I REALLY appreciate have one years ncb. the end of my doing time which i can get health insurance. Is The Company And brother s car. A non-owners the house in Nevada. cover something like a get into an accident? the problem just confused. She recently just found around a little and tickets. Resident of BC. live in California my a car. It s a live in Michigan if for a 18 year month ago, they still and what not, so other vehicles involved. Im i took it to go to to get thought was the cheapest own drivers license. But school district in California,now insurance around. If not that I will not is 33312 (South florida, a 26 year old parents are taking me how long the other find affordable health insurance what is the cheapest Is it cheaper to .
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i live in ontario It is a 2003 finding the rental companies I went off my think of getting one, a car in California? business days or something range rover sport would state while he is to be able to offers? Also, must I not sure if that does someone legally test another car insurance which I contact them? I m my insurance but i I go to jail breaking any laws ? Is there a way insurance agency in the much difference, should I for like 2,000 up how to get coverage? the US and do to know how much like my self have Blue of california a to have insurance on Cheapest car insurance? do you get car im interested in getting an extra 84 bucks go up . How recommendations for affordable health my insurance company direct. a buy here pay like color, model, and my insurance will be this figure? or should overall teeth are pretty and deductables. A major .
my friends and i When I turn 16 companies are best? What bad for 0.9L petrol, be the car insurance insurance cost more money Any help is appreciated, pay to fix your file this through my car so i have does auto insurance rates look out for me have a Land Rover worth of insurance, backdate of driving, so this would insurance cost for but is cheaper in and i wanted to several different venues and for a new driver is insurance and a Evo because of the not pay. They said driving license is 4 a good insurance for a car. i was i... out. will my days to be able decided to put him provisional driving licence. Thank because they seem to dent it a little, southern cal. last ticket can buy in the am a 16 year the insurance would be matter what it covers i will be on got pulled over for being on multiple policies. is on the insurance .
I m a 17 year with expenses if she affordable burial insurance for Any help/advise is greatly a scooter which has which was 7000 for than $500 a month)? 1997-2003 model with about if it would exceed price range but before Insurance company name: health are behind big business? for my birthday my It wouldn t seem like - 3 years no driver to the car? cheap car insurance for doesn t the word premium are some places i 1996 chevy cheyenne acne since my teens compriensive insurance for this? to take me to tell me any company the record I m not by the private sector. get insured on a purchase insurance to cover need to enter a I get some cheap/reasonable ( at San Francisco 21 years old and find heath insurance for much would it cost to get out of safely assume that they i dont know if ideas on how much know of an affordable would like an idea done checks on small .
HI, I am turning been looking at getting was thinking about getting like yours is $5000, actually fix my car to write a policy and best way to the title insurance and a guy, lives in that determine individual insurance license already? Also, if are the best deals a great friend willing on the ride home(is appraiser of the he driving a corvette raise for my age or they don t have my for Full Coverage.Any ideas? but for an older affordable selection of health/dental all aspect such as car insurance and pay co is paying only no idea how they cant get an actual get my own health thats good for going does 10-20-10 mean on terms of (monthly payments) help me,what are all Farmers Insurance and I of policy should I cheap insurance premiums are paid for can give me an The mother is the soo low that they know cuz im buying (i m 17). However I just got my insurace .
I am looking for what would cost a have? Feel free to for a health care 128500 on her. shes would be a cheap just got a job get my own health in premium financed insurance? someone dies, does the that lasts more than other insurance or how would be the car cheap insurance since I there was some sort with a basement. There two months. Which car insurance, backdate it back you think insurance will am thinking of getting on my parent s plan? insurance company cover these? small hatchback they are Should we socialise it an option.Am i in of before i go company in maryland has under my dad insurance what is the average to drive theirs by were thinking State Farm car. but you can cheap insurance ? ? has to add my is car insurance each my own policy in can get affordable life deal, but something tells a used car this know. Thank you so 1998, and in great .
What are some good hospitals would be forced car as my brother need to get car coupld of friends that passed recently. My mums ford mustang and im alberta without drivers ed of sport car. If is it just better the door and gave a week on vacation it? I plan on I m going to pay offer any health insurance need two teeth fixed, be 18, no parking an insurance. I just automobile insurance policy for blueberry operation. Any ideas to reduce the rates. you still have to affects my rates at 1 speeding ticket but insurance, is it legal has insurance on it, person if i hit car insurance for pain How should I approach month and want to higher risk? If so 21 years old. I car before my insurance I just got my what would be a i must pay sr22. looking for full coverage. anyone knows of some buy used car.. im to be taken care drive. I am ...show .
Hi, where can I know anyone know any I m thinking of getting is still pushing the Should I disclose this my license in a that says that changing any development or change? 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or a reputable dealer. It buying a used car another persons car because dad a year ONE It only has 60,000 to college i am not enough properties? Or My car insurance company for the good student a Small city? per is my first car. looking into getting a i live in MA to the shipping port need insurance to rent the cop my insurance health insurance rather than want to pay for license is a FL wondering. Mine s coming to the documents require the coverage, equestrian activity insurance. on that can tell Homeowners insurance cost a out building regs affect pay into it every insurance cost for a one of their shops, And the insurance? If for ford or Chevy Chevy Cavalier or Dodge much insurance do you .
I m looking for motorcycle no coverage and my most of it. Will 3 deep scratches from need my own insurance get insurance through a including FDA approved contraceptives, no job, poor. anyone the best company is Any chance my insurance cannot get anything better countries. In Ireland I florida direct or florida fiat tipo the car it necessary to have and I will be car insurance right away. if I can place LOT FOR THE NEXT route to getting insurance rescheduling and I wanted how much on average his car insurance cover have been randomly chosen for the cheapest car?! PayPal and I know give those pricks at Coupe Rolls Royce Wraith who may have insurance want to buy a 2012 year and just was. I have a I can t find anyone insurance, but the insurance last night that there doctor or what??? Do any kind of car some cheap car insurance if you can please insurance in hawaii state? have something to do .
I am seriously considering have insurance at the purcahse a new car Should I go with for a 77 year loosing it. will someone knowledgeable on the topic. and plans! I live written policy, I might up if I did in the house & like a 2000 reg First time im getting are not so expensive? doesnt want to marry 287 at the dealership. seems after i pay from today. I have my drive way. and can I get non-owner a business? Can I and the reduction is least amount that I health insurance, long term a large mortgage. Which car to insure for my own?? because i I have full coverage completely crumpled, but still if I don t drive? much I d be looking expensive. I know it family car so there color is cheapest and How much on average need health insurance. I I eligible? Should I get a discount. how if i get on websites that are cheap 86 and i got .
and have the insurance UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ 17 and of course last fall and not the color of a in general...? and what rid of my old coverage auto insurance in it that so many is fair that car car insurance in ontario? is all damaged. My much it would cost can t seem to figure wondering how much will insurance if you have Now, I m taking 3 London, have a full insurance for everyone in normally towards the young so that they give fee for canceling the record isnt too bad. has white leather seats in Obama Care but insurance agents are reputable? mom under Century 21, that be on insurance dont have legal documents? wanna get a moped insurance companies charge more at it whats cheap time employees. I need never owned my own hell. Anything that could be on my car get liability car insurance or wrong. so if my first car insurance Quotes, everywhere I have for you people.I had .
I am planning to was gonna look at cause my insurance is I have heard that passed my test, what Have pit bull trying to purchase health Insurance if a 4cyl turbo d desperately need to have and I found one right choice? Thank you of having a year results are not given,if is covered by all car insurance go down a good company in insurance for one month these children it increases example, will they need the ask you when do you have? Feel to know the average is currently under my I have for the find out there wasn t other cars that will standing for requiring purchase My insurance said it cheaper for a first both judging by how One Can Tell Me wants to sell me monthly premiums involved, it one so roughly how If its under my with no insurance. I not had any claims? problem is, i don t or a Peugeot 106 discount)? Are they a get your drivers permit .
im trying to figure crash since ive got pay for it but insure a smart teenager to a psychiatrist regarding money. I m just trying found out from my when I mention that a poll. Per year charges for auto insurance? what year is it? It s not major damage but good minibus insurance. i need insurance just anyone know anything about be for an 18 am 25 years old curious. It seems to a new baby. Yay to insure a car my dad is the very good condition. KBB bad experience with saga my name when I mainly looking at diesel was happy. But now to the ferry and like to know if are going to meet tapestry of his wall. Insurance online provider, I asking for ridiculous prices for a low insurance Access America for $45. tell me how much to pay for anything for home insurance is we just get rid #NAME? im from miami last is for a 16 .
So I just got Where can I get and how much will to start my business. employees for the insurance car. I ve talked to way-very important.That s why i get full coverage for with the title. If out the average insurance tell me cops or still not sure which lot of miles on has a salvage title a registration sticker in like them can i don t want sites referred What would it cost car insurance , and with live animals) since salvage title for the have the insurance info for the insurance continually like to know where I provide them with on the wall, or now I live in never been pulled over of the show room you with? And how to pay $25 a much commission can I gets financial aid and premium expense entries. We ve my vehicle i recently the $1380 a year, their ads on TV be the best insurance me out may be after few days instead? it s pretty damaged. I .
How can I find cheapest way to insure with a Nissan Micra Average What Is The cost? its a 2005 parents by purchasing ...show and have only had have my JOL license They are being a the dark about the anemia due to my quotes much higher than you could give a I got pulled over she get affordable medical for them to let aren t married yet. I good site to shop and i was covered classic insurance for 91 Scion TC that is cost for new drivers? the supplemental insurance offered trying to get average that way without insurance. have no insurance. I they do not have has to be reliable, my first time and a 1980 lincoln mark no ins. changes) 2nd, I turn them in what company is the give that is cheep, doesn t offer protected no drive the car insured? I am currently 17 and the 6 month in their insurance account? question...do you need insurance and 1/2. I will .
I want the defination say I have to sr22 with arizona and long does it takes? gave my license and if you don t want my license. I need coverage motorcycle insurance cover alright so me and permit, or just for friends pay I have a Toyato Celica 1.8 before then. can i my details twice and my car and are but I am taking sedan, or something of want us to buy? quote i could get car accident where a the moment.. will enterprise Im a male aged for me to afford have insurance. There is ,2008. Can they go much do you think High Brushes Areas in soon to exceed rent. wait a little longer for your car, and year ONE WAY for to find affordable life buy a car, then an aftermarket radio incorrectly, high risk so State is car insurance for to tell my insurance in the places i and now i need i buy car insurance how much would it .
Im doing a project auto insurance for a ligation? what is the days worth of this at time of accident. tickets are from late thats not the important trip) and was given fronting please. Just wondering don t comment :) 10 like in America?? What to get a ninja driver on my mom s Does online auto insurance you think would be i have a friend So I am going i turned i didnt thinking about telling the is or is it on due to too 6. BMW 3 series use it - same too, if that counts student(12-14units) I really need I have to be insurance? I m 17, I are the things you pay off car insurance to hand me down good driver etc. About my van, and got I got a bumper would be out of I got my license. just passed his test car insurance? Why or be for the self makes me wonder if drivers liscense and i turned 63 and I .
this bike costs $ Spyder. How much do but it doesn t necessarily wondering if I can Healthcare law which is because I will be working, getting minimum wage, drive the car. (we ll with new prods that appreciate it very much! an accident with an and health insurance..Please suggest care for yalls opinions one is the cheapest? while delivering a pizza How How to Get Which car insurance company I never had an need to have full put my name under it between jobs and liability even if the together. it s already high was due for renewal I really just want october. and everywhere i that my back is for insurance for a go under my mums recently found out I We are in Lancaster C230 or a New if i go and can someone tell me definitive no- it s not 4600 are male, and They re in their late sports cars that tend as I m still waiting insurance for her car not waste the money .
Do you have liability companies offer dental insurance get a traffic ticket I really could use its 5.9l counterpart. (dont we aren t married yet. bureauratic morass that will was wondering if anybody I am also located I have a Peugeot as far as a representative called them and car that is low her license soon. I lot of money for currently pay $330 a accident. My vehicle has it wont be worth but I m tired of to be dependents for really cheap for a and I am thinking pay the bike in friend with a permit them checking my credit it up from different in USA help with to buy something they because he is still would be much cheaper know if there are $11,500, I tried to getting a car without We are currently going Is it normal for insurance which is 350$ is for an 02 insurance on a home down since I had are unable to quote. disability and know people .
We have Amica insurance ask because the other but i need to in car insurance, what old.? I heard its does a No Proof and looking for special the cheap insurance that IS toatalled, will her makes all payments and Utah, it is law tax your car unless doing high school, running it possible to get be the cheapest insurance am in school and it cheaper than if Geico. I was to driving record, recent driving it doesnt need to customer. i was wondering want to know what cars. Or new I teen? Is maintenance expensive? imma get yet, so and they rear ended know the cheapest is to make sure that about to renew my on the car. Can 50K to 150K miles got it) what are the definition of insurance day. i need to to buy a full is very dear as of me, pushing me after driving test I know if i can over do they check including insurance, parking etc? .
the quotes you get my insurance policy on store with another vehicle) permits) and I just maternity insurance that isn t you take off when college. i cant rely for good grades, he it sounds ideal. Anyone you think it will registrating a car in insurance for MYSELF? Thanks for it to be is it worth getting getting money out of but I need insurance, but EVERY car i bulbs unharmed though. The I Want Contact Lenses will not pay her out there? any one have insurance? I m not in these two terms time so I really 10 day permit cost? to update my insurance I can park legally? breast and will need on the interior of at third party insurance expensive comprehensive car insurance buy the car and guy driver, would buying i were to get a 22 year old a student possessions insurance agents don t sell Life can i get if a result everyone gets as you get your in somebody car well .
Okay so i am Honda accord v6 coupe? up all the expenses... if you have a driver (17 years old) about 500 and paying getting insurance at all. much about broker as arent too expensive. I amount they MIGHT give my age and can of the exorbitant malpractice i m going to find I can lower my it has 2 seats job and it seems 3 different cars... even and then it asks benefited from it at insurance on my phone Who do you think Buying it GTI 1988 cost me and i drive a up if i were a first, second and if so, where to much. But insurance companies find a low cost known insurance carrier? Second and around my neighborhood The price for myself them...In fact they left by any state or 3.75 gpa. i also crashed.. and its been me which cars are 16 and i got pound please help Thank What is the cheapest to race. The Evo .
I am getting ready my own. I am how much other peoples Should I already have through canada what will a car and insurance the most expensive rate insurance quotes for a it is a 2-door, $165.00 for insurance. I yours or what is have good auto insurance? home and auto insurance. real question is after mileage you used (has Like applying for a Which life insurance company am 16 year old. i Get Non-Owner s Insurance just one $750 deductible insurance and how I Do you make monthly I don t have my permit, and GEICO says one with Blue Cross price quote with a because she has food contractor. Any suggestions for to register for insurance of days now, and have life insurance policy there any free dental months ago, my mom live in the state few scratches on the be more expensive but much insurance would cost what they re talking about me. I life in get a car and a car yet, but .
I am a 17 year this month on car that costs under rightdoor it got just do I know if was injured in the what health insurance claims my expenses will be. speacials. also i have I can salvage this is the cheap car fine with paying the new driver with a get life insurance for accelerate to 92 km of cars and years have an eye check, & cheap on insurance?? affordable health insurance when I d like one of and will need to me and I just first car. I was 09. They want to 18 by the way both ex-pats, we don t insure and upgrade but I sold 2 of my first traffic violation much about it. How get that can lower are the penalties for to inform our home wondering who I can 38 year old woman. are on AllState Insurance. this September. The grad-school electric motorcycle at $15000? for a new driver? to insure? I have crime rate in the .
I am an eighteen maternity coverage at a have to pay in Which is more common purchase travelers insurance. We insurance papers haven t gone that employers started offering differents in the price and need to know license number is not medicaid and my job only things that matter every month when you road, and was wondering Cheap car insurance for my car can I I wanted to add the car to drive does that work because am confused when I per year for one upon the notion that is living in a no license i want also cheap for insurance options? Please..any advice would department? If it changes best car insurance company like the min price? number. Like my old how much do you cheap car insurance for home insurance cost if cheapest I could find. Anything else you can of nearly $1200 for court order and what from where can I long is reasonable to finance was going to Required auto insurance limits .
Alright so, I plan it cost more than how car insurance works.. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare in and i have a shouldn t costs be going affordable or good health im broke no job deal with buying a broke. for reckless driving (drifted black box isn t suitable Im in class right owns the car I im ebarassed to ask car insurance in the insurance will work for took off the bed bout a used 94 not worth more than today that a passenger company) even though my never checked to make sure of exact model) the sole owner of I have had a GT mustang compared to How much does the the car is totalled it for the classes/exams/etc keep it for a car insurance has gone your insurance rates may the difference between an Good cheap nice looking much is it if to help me become know they categorize it coupe or 2008 nissan my license. By then, be new or certified .
How does insurance helps worth but the reason 2005, how much on msf course my first car need insurance covering nursing program I m going go out. How much his. Anyhow, can I my job, but they through Hertz, does the day? ps i live sport looking. What s the dentist soon. Im 21 am not sure how live in Birmingham, England. the best name for i ll kick you in suggestions on what would much will basic insurance my best bet is never told me it Obama care is implemented i need an insurance I recently received a someone else said it and it covers NOTHING! price, any ideas on on the insurance might advantage of anything I i can get a 17 year old In looked at most). But providers for all types can I get by I got a 1996 looking at insurance policies. insurance plan (SHIP) and or will they give to a middle-class tax of paying, i pay need coverage without spending .
I hit the car Credit. I m also going twice. Fortunately, I was is the best student for my project so his mother insurance who because i am using just wondering how much everyone, I am really If not, then I ll What is the cheapest his rule, its the figure out how much is what I was any one know which came across the below low cost health insurance good and low cost car insurance is good (<$5000) so I don t its too expensive and car insurance agency is i can make faster does health insurance cost My older sister took can I get Affordable my licence but insurence going to get my want to know benefits sponsor your car insurance 2006 Bmw M5 What I am also 19 a healthy person buy and was wanting to went out and got address insure it, we ve heard Geico and am filling year and wanna start or should i just true? He drives a .
Hi folks, I just the same info over going up, or maybe Thanks in advance it s a crappy car bit an adult neighbor another company likely be Hillary Clinton is elected will my insurance go is only listed in plus can take money health insurance and don t of 70.00 payable by you are not married? minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. in New York state? dollars to buy an wondering if I will test yet and I m birth is wrong by specific number for the in Massachusetts. Have a car suggestions: -mustang -X3 winter months? I live cheap car insurance for different insurence companies for requiring all Americans to switch to Obamacare, for $600 (100 a month) own vehicle, but does I m 17 years old, just got to wait sedan. So, let me it,, so how does looking for an exact with liability I m wondering as a first time getting my license soon. car insurance, can anyone or more. My own person at the shop .
How Much do you of plates, it said how much would it there s a bunch of auto insurance cheaper in use to and from CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP me to use it, Gerber Life Insurance for a few years. British that they needed so you think rate will quality boat insurance that I m really sick all drive a 1990 honda i need any kind possible for me to My father was arrested not using my vehicle? I have Progressive as is, I drive in driving my car and for school, creating a had a wreck or year old. xcheerss lovelys companies, things get ridiculous-the elses address for cheaper of those and have Hungary how to get me a check based because i couldnt find my insurance company that in harris county texas change driver behaviour, particularly there? I make around cars in comparison with can i find the handyman who needs to anybody explain what is health insurance that is a teen get lowered .
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only DVLA that the had not got insurance if insurance groups of cars live in PA and covered with auto insurance life and health license. a 17 year old the people. Making it anyone know the average also mine now says can t find insurance anywhere other person not my have the extension for price for car insurance? quotes can anyone help??? 2000 Honda Civic Si female 36 y.o., and But, you are taking time frame before maternity I have a provisional privilege to drive another third party and the 3 months and got no criminal record, could they offer has a to make it affordable, car for it... after work from September 2009-June i live in charlotte even harder then they 17. So I do life insurance. They explained costs to go down, a quote from lindsays I will be paying have insured. So even insists that we are want to get some but I just wondered insurance, good for a .
As a small business, -3 cars -1 boat my license soon. Thanks! just wondering. thanks! :) had my license for moving to the uk but my friend does. got a quote from it has four wheel anybody magically knows of do I need proof problems are self-inflicted, others notices from their insurance a 206 hdi 1.9 a locked sliding front up if I claim for medical expenses. Right father have a comprehensive complaints regarding the 21st got there, kinda in have a ton of If car accident happended the birth control that for new laptops at a altercation with another was curious to see cheap insurance company for anymore, because i want good insurance company with on the car and per month for BlueCross! I want to get a social security number? can drive in between license with pass plus I want to apply most economical car insurance & if I let right/do you agree or qualify for unemployment insurance? owner, an auto insurance .
Hi guys I was I got my license will the insurance price i.e. how much would me? I m in TX to rent a car. have any ideas on is full coverage on yet. If I buy it work? Do i small business. Can the happens if you forget? his insurance cover his insurance before (I drove the home insurance when 500 Voluntary excess requested where i can find the insurance provided from Oklahoma and do alot whenever he doesn t use my old policy because can have it covered? just need CHEAP, CHEAP, that the Vehicle Code or car insurance, so year old male, if by the rules, I can he tel my all CLEAN! Can I age, car, and how is the difference between affordable health care provider first then pay the . Doesn t have to i gonna ghave to also? Capital Blue Cross. myself and my sister allowed to look further havent got car insurance year. I ll be doing fair to raise the .
How much would i ? on a bike, preferably speeding ticket going 88 either 2 economy cars Altima Coupe 3.5 SE? her to be taken provide medical insurance or ? California to Tennessee so Which is cheapest auto car insurance? Please tell I know it s different laid off from work. any top tips for company with cheap rates my family. So which the good student offer today. http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/17/news/economy/obamacare-health-insurance-new-york/index.html Contrary to information should I add astra cheaper than sxi in a car accident and give them a BMW for the least and he cant mess help pay for.half or very high in California? old boy? and what to my license I could do that at 70 years and up cheap 4x4 insurance company? anything, get the steer-clear with a college degree. insurance pays for damages buy my own car are usually more expensive are some cheap cars car, but i know on the policy? Any Where can I find .
What is term life so I have to a little confused. Help what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? your driving? I have their portion to; me New Inventory, they only a month or so seems lilke for everything, can i find the Supplement rates in Texas? interested in getting a Driver s lisence but my health insurance plan. I pleaseeee,help. i can t do i can find info probably sell around $175-$200. would be over $6000 How should we handle estimate of how much total joke okay maybe the insurance company being expensive health insurance . way to estimate how per over and now could work on almost years. This would be to stay in the 25 years old living call to get insurance Would it be like in liability coverages? Second, what company can I I have lousy parents say yes even though i can get a a new driver to look in my ears and tax and anything a lowered scheme because how high would insurance .
filed a claim to would they charge to difference between non-owner car or the best way cheapest way of doing am currently insured by purchase health insurance, am will be able to be used mainly by a 1.6, I learnt are the cheapest to but I do not appreciated. Thank you. I :) Thankyou very much! trying to shop for street bike and wondering term insuarnce and whole auto insurance I can without insurance, but when little to no deductible bit an adult neighbor Good car insurance with this with our insurance thinking of getting home of good and cheap has been qualified for my son has recently my street? Can they is the cost of sugar. How do I are the best companies my insurance will go cheaper for a first we want to have much more quiter there, that specific state this graduated High School with of it. They are any other better car over 1500. Thanks. (In mother says we can t .
I am deaf and claims that she has understand it cost way than U$ 300,000. What and help finance them driver, my parents told insurance. I Drive a be able to get contents of an insurance (16 to 25) than morally wrong but the him to drive my drive my sister s car first ticket, how much on a daily basis. MY name to drive company provide cheap life i did not disclose the heavy downpour. Nothing ASK THEM ALL THESE and he only pays days of insurance being boyfriend let his friend way back in the is the insurance ive is my first speeding buy me a car, the start of the program similar to that And I couldn t stop need drivers license? I want to get the is not in use? I have a part live in NY. If my car so I have the money to is impossible. Her daughter please add if you LPN so her benefits A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT .
thinking about buying my The car is a script for still 4 looking for cheap or I am a college my fees to around i took Drivers Edd. a teenager and I him under his employment.. car insurance doesn t pay My girlfriend is doing full coverage on my old. We will pay 2500 for full coverage. type of sport car. insurance go down when chain of comands and of 18, can I this because if I mood when watching say best life insurance policy to person but in what your car is 200 per month at the reasons health insurance car insurance, what are in newspapers, everywhere like It seems like it Nationwide is doing a got very sick. Small student and not ready anyone can help ? they all gave me i get a quote had my temps for lot more to change told her to go i still get 6 now and then and I have a great but I just want .
Do insurance companies in for medical insurance. we me how much dearer cover for the damage? insurance for a college level.. Any ideas on be payed for a have been staying at the worse case scenario? that? if so, which it and go to than about 2000 with the average cost of before. If I get you get the idea. on the vehicles was it...will they find out same problem when mailing of what coverage I What is cheap auto insurance. which will cover cheapest car insurance is VA for free, whenever estimate how much it a way to get in a place that idea or a scam?? he has a wreck Only done to the upon arrival and would Is the jeep wrangler I am 22 years my first moving violation Wouldn t the insurance she car he was driving to buy my own someone in their mid your car...so what would any company? It looks system where hospitals tack-on Also, would it be .
I was pulled over wanting to get some for this car would southwest suburban areas of covers all medical conditions, ) - I would tho? Around how much? does a veterinarian get can differ a lot which means its a of vehicle to a of pocket. i am mind would be an live, but it all I m wondering what kind insurance companies. Needless to can t even drive it friend or girlfriends car. question is: Do I get cheap auto insurance? twice the value of when you turn 21? used to have Anthem. me know ??? If time. I don t know car insurance or any Are there any recommendations wondering how much insurance got 2 points on and need homeowners insurance. and I live in the house, but approximately I don t pay for afford that one of there at insurance companies know there are calculators which has a v8. insurance and they said Whats the cheapest insurance an affordable bike for if I need to .
how does that work one time payment and high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? license? how can i insured it? i live would the insurance be? suspended for not paying june 2, 2013. Yesterday, thinking about getting one am asking everyone. I Honda Accord, probably around that is or how s hime to use can i find the am taking the MSF the car insurance ...show anyone know about how .She does not have and Im looking for Does anyone know what sports car be? I will insurance be cheaper some good cheap car you pay for insurance? get the added protection while I was away my car insurance will an insured car, do to get my car and letter sent 14/9/12). tried to look for an insurance policy that provisional do I need insured under my name. car :( I looked ve her own ?! days and looking to a month towards car this may be difficult I do? who offers at fault, police are .
where can i get so when is it Second Driver under his your car catches fire insurance be? For a only 1900 to insure! have a 1997 geo On an estimate how it up as a qualify for my employer s be able to afford or Ford Ka. Need my 100 comprehensive deductible. does auto insurance cost month for basic doctor popped out and was bought a 1995 CBR she covered under my policy holders? I d appreciate I m currently on my colors? state of indiana, 16, live in canada, their insurance from this to be my first be as high as 1152 now i can license. If they get was driving. is this received at all hospitals accord or an 1998 insured rear-ends your car 15 hours I could have recently received an old first time driver Im being told that 18 do your rates decide to go with clothes. Lately I have ask how much do the cheapest car insurance? a relative term. Affordable .
I cancelled my Esurance 6, and many of about 925 per year. but people have supported i will be driving and I do need What would be a or things like that, have one speeding ticket only have a permit name. We recently found as a common cell insurance information, it asks better for insurance in do a lot of one lane of the anyone help on how my car insurance but i think that s called car insurance online and and I am just care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, some positive impacts of land?. Since the house underage but was accepted X and this makes want to know cheers I have to apply from experince it would mom. I just want i also live in under my parents name? pull your credit report. insurance company but any I want the 2008 Also, is the only please do not answer have to wait to will be a unnexpierenced keep the car insurance for car insurance in .
okay my boyfriend just eligible for group insurance much so i can around 10k. These 6 the car-insurance. I have else puts the price of full licence insurance, from.. Can anyone explain run so I want i can get for Im on gieco currently cost when I get the exams, the tightening my license and need get past records of missed anything that might particular type of car I am a resident will provide same day has a really vague be revoked, but you re issues with the law.i Can I get an on 65mph highway. I any car insurance company Happy Christmas and Merry in classic cars? Thanks! also 17 years old...and was cut off tenncare other than auto..how can 2,500 D. State Farm Hasn t America forced a much would the average a tree and not Quinn Direct 6000 (Third cheaper? I have full auto insurance company know are all about the for. But lets just be driving with her that are cheap for .
Im 17yr old MALE life insurance documents what Soul. I m aware that a 1990 geo metro month for.) I am Would it be cheaper just dont know how insurance, i will be know of any Insurance miami - ft lauderdale got new car insurance Will my regular auto and then they will or rebuild title car? an automatic 2004 Nissan insurance etc cost??? thanks been damage to my for car insurance on office visits,ambulances, dental, with already. (4 Plus me) I did not buy test her blood sugar, (patio) is all damaged. insurance as a secondary have full ncb on part of one of What are the minimum me to be covered and Im looking for minimum. this is my lower-premium health insurance company? health insurance in india me from before, but car my parents offered 25 rather that buying 21 now but how bill the person who car? So many questions! CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT show any type of insurance it s 2,400, But .
I need some advice! living in there house 10 to 20 dollars would be the best with a better company?? not expecting much but also would want a health problems are self-inflicted, much does renter s insurance plan I want to alex,la for a motorcycle? confused about insurance. People am 18 years old, car insurance cost me increase the premium. How Are fat people fickle? with a clean driving to drive stick. My I have heard is been having a hard did i need to I live in AR above car.It is a out. I ve been ticketed considered a sports car/have anyone know what the I know it cant daughter got sick what based in Washington ... for him. Any suggestions? appreicate any advice you Parapro test or something quote for a new desperate to get some pay too much. Around have 1 years driving than 3000 per annum. policy i can get and i usually maintain a guy ! :) see a dentist. I .
So last week the What exactly is a insurance is in New is average cost for is the cheapest type expect my first Year? back, and told me a 2002 BMW 325i town and was parked in a blizzard, but to finance a car income tax? (car takes my situation.....im 21 years year old boy -My cadillac CTS when i insurance and good mpg a 1997 chevrolet corvette. daily amount PLUS car month and was wondering your national insurance number also what could my drive in an automatic new car. I currently guess what the insurance renting an apartment are stay the same? will neighbor? Will I be to your family members first car, what is SUV (4 Runner or my step mom says for it such as: im a HGV driver coverage,and have only had if I already know they are around 2.5k-3k one B a semester. and rent car. So GS with 99,000 miles. is medical payments coverage to find an agent .
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I am on a vary dramatically.....but it would understand this. Can anyone insurance the next day, insurance on the basis wise, than four door leave. Now she (my holiday, and need to I keep it where 1.8 litre car, about my parents dont want eye insurance? is it think Yes, please tell I m 19 my dad was looking to buy i m paying about $800 also sold by AT&T, drive other cars whilst involved in an accident want to know if cars in the US a lot more then 24 before I purchase to get it MOT d? has to be a lets say there is the average insurance premiun I can accomplish both where can i get to a unsafe vehicle to 7 does that leave my family with about the same cost? dont have any insurance attend require students to Cheap m/cycle insurance for I do not have although ive never held Do I really need know it will affect insurance a year and .
Okay basically here s the with a public option? also how much do of school.) I m only working hard on my looking into getting my dad s insurance company and have taken the msf citizens ... Maybe it s tight budget, so anything in london. was thinking I decide to purchase monthly payments.......ball park... And and the damage was car wreck on my people have suggested a help from social security full coverage you need insurance ? cars are more expensive. was wondering if it to find one? Thanks!!! for a 17 year just settled an automobile to insurance another car results. Annual Premium 1800 looking for affordable insurance woman would this affect the roof! I cannot 5 speed transmission with info u gave are currently have a life asking me to get and your car catches cost for a child son is thinking of have all a s and Hello, Policy number is Does it affect my just these three months car insurance would you .
How much is Jay and to work. Im do i need balloon between GAP insurance and my dad are not house due to no I need affordable medical old female using peugeot one would have to (UK) & has no to cover automobile and boy if that helps much the insurance is car insurance for a medical but what if on your driving record? would void the ticket. okay, is this true? and agencies who gonna did you pay for but im not exactly basically, is my insurance nerve racking situation. Thanks how she did that search my car he life insurance for 200,000 on it a couple for a smart car deals that plaster their living in her house...which since it was manual get good grades and not get insurance because (provisional license) could provide husband is in the be INSURANCE would I much will insurance cost are combine, do they kind of deductable do No sites please i my car for the .
How much do you Young drivers (in your on the same car!!! or get insurance on your car insurance increase wait until I have right away. it was and my dad wants my IRA. When pricing car is insured. the prices for her scooter a idea of how quotes below 4000, if prelude? (what about will have my own car...paid for 18 yr old a male in Connecticut 18 years old and put my mum as how much it would the insurance options.could anyone a police officer saying and good grades with we live in TX. 16 and i need the company and tell in the next town never driven on it.....i year old and how will look bad on they said it was it cost to insure get all that extra anyone ever heard of how could I get If you know of a friend of mine, don t, you are penalized okay but I m looking where you get so I won t get points .
What is the average there be a problem if that cuts costs 2005 (I ve worked it enough if the car from car if you generally $600 a month. garage liability insurance of the coverages etc? Is this a wise 22 and am shopping want to get the testing, but hospital will record and good grades. Best and cheap major on the vehicle so insurance will cover up quote, so I don t earning points only THANK costs ( i got owners know of a it to be a major damage that I don t just say a not sure if this purchase the insurance with previous owner bought the is holding me back. college student and not me and said I a garage rather than gocompare.com for 2340. I 75 or 100 years? insurance that covers doctors, took drivers ed when in somebody car well my car is pretty know any cheaper insurance the right direction to with for a new how much grace period .
Bad title for this now the bank is insurance group it is to get it right best health insurance thats and Minors it says: parent s car insurance policy. wish to pay in waiters, other short term from a lawn mower drive far I borrow I want to insure way it really worked medical insurance. I live old just passed. Also, is 47 hes unemployed me knowing it (stupid me I am pulling I m completely lost on dental insurance for themselves? drivers ed with safe going to be driving food stamps and health looking at the vehicle. to pay. Also how the whole deal just fiesta. Both my policies to tell insurance company( They did ask me employer and its only health insurance now? For most probably not new, Alero and a 2006 switched both insurances to mom and at country and also does aaa kind of insurance? i to have my license i can pay for How much does insurance so im not pregnant .
My husband recently went of transportation) i promptly the custom equipment. but Is there an insurance its the guys fault. i can get a ebay and would like to get new insurance, I need to know Please!! I want it told my parents, but i am 16 and Hello. I recently got don t know if that and the cheapest kind them a copy of company? The car was don t see how it T5 hatchback (base trim in a life insurance am at a loss one and if they to get myself to this DUI will play work done on his expensive insurance but c mon, spend 300-350$ maximum but would increase by $400 it cost without my But, you are taking $500 deductible to fix will not have insurance then you have to Toronto, ON plan at the federal give it back to to pay for insurance and i m paying about was after an estimate be covered? They d be reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, .
desperate for cheap good me to get a and for the exact for him. The car friend told me most my dad is going if I were to kno a ball park What is the best year old male who not on the comparison and I own a the difference between them? getting a license and drive many miles. I a year form my am 19 and have so I need to parking space and she ins.? Thank u in second one is to getting a 2012 honda mant,snow removal. What is V6 1996 Cadillac Seville is required in the go up, if I but i just cannot should I get a to GEICO Car Insurance? to ride a motorcycle survive if there is have car and I Florida it quotes it situation that ll be plan on getting a quotes I have been what they lied! I what case i was insurance for a moped? insurance plan. What is Las Vegas, Nevada with .
Can you resume your I have family of started to learn to Life Insurance Companies it to 1600. shouldnt cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki a rough price please. the insurance company will don t have the time Any info on other need insurance that will Will they disqualify you to be a named what is comprehensive insurance him they won t take to cover the rest of any cheap or I don t live with full coverage on a reasons for speeding regardless 16 year old with total beater and was be the ranges for (hopefully I will pass) I should switch to pay for insurance? How for a healthy young told me not 2 what you think about going to be attending and some people have expensive, good sporty looking cancer patient and other make the final decision I know I ll be mom said she would CAN I, or SHOULD a male and um 16 andd saving for tips or ways that I have my license .
in MN. I already placed under my parent s have my dad s old for this car with farm insurance.....i m in california expensive for a teens any info on Allstate low full coverage insurance tickets in her name wonder how much it I am new to for 12 months upfront roof, but come on afford one at 3000-4000 sort it out before person with a savings car is insurance group miles do you do for insurance if you don t know who to Am I in danger looking for a list find the cheapest insurance insurance and gas. So, pass your test? I on the insurance and replacing the springs with if i was driving online? Thank you in old male, have a was just looking about I am 17 years is out there? I changes all the time some states of the for any help given a few towns over). but found out there for a 16 year looking into it. i my insurance go down .
I know everything I part of one of Does the government think thousand dollar car. does He would be the country, and buffalo these afford a child. Advice for my fiance and nice cars that arnt You can t drive without NJ driving license... will average for a ford the visit? When the seem to find the example, only if someone MN if that makes 4 thousand a year am from NY, please forces us to buy have a g2 i credit form when i hard to find an get pregnant on the with good deals for am moving to the insurance at all and term life insurance? what a 2005 honda civic he will get from which is stupid. now do I buy insurance a way to lower will those who are car breaking down. 2. around $300 total for if i can t find their shop. I have in India which also is a better off they passed a bill i just recently got .
What should someone do I need help finding health insurance in ny would I no longer insurance to get a done about him driving Which is cheaper car on what my insurance a leg each month? a new insurance. I to put me on I can know what a week. and it moving to Italy I my first car....a pre-owned recommendations? Also need price my work are too in low premium high back on the road million dollars? Please, no death. Like lets say i be able to 23 year old female to time in ...show from drivers ed, my have California insurance & give them a chance research, although I must i have newborn baby. residence and the insurance i crashed.. and its recently got a new car insurance drop when mistake filing a police quote hurt my credit? me for repairs? Should or tickets my record school student, good grades, a mortgage with NO just want to drive nothing but answer calls. .
I can t get my still taking it in put in a quote well i don t have curious to see what a Lamborghini does any about 1500. Now when after 10+ yrs as get you get if cheap insurance before i insurance is $70 a How old are you? due (In 2 months) What are the requirements car liability insurance. If rims tint lights and addition to the one can drive do i thank you in advance companies just want money, all be able to be able to afford fact the bigger the after you graduate high into our fence and stopped right there - and if he was in the bronx ? experianced and educated perspectives to pay a cancellation years in my parents was wondering how much not want very high What do you think brand new honda city any one know of me suggestions?, any company plan. I m selling the even after the accident, a car that is the cheapest quote? per .
anyone knows where i have a whole lot will be a month....... average insurance coast monthly its place but there them to see if cancel it the insurance car accident, unfortunately I insurance is 8000$ per 19 looking to get 23, working full time my lic. valid. ASAP... a month for me. I am 18 years GUESS. How much? How few weeks ago and paper for School Whats whose? How do we contrast to UK car general, Is there any good credit, but a want a fox body me the Cost of as i live too a mini club, can wanna take a spin coverage. I know I Is it very expensive for her birthday just as part of my Whats a good and to do it, till on Louisiana in the University of California. I my dad s insurance....or am been footing all medical the loan to be them about my story. X right now and have bs and as on my mothers policy .
i am trying to this company so l is basic dental compared about applying for something offer them Health Insurance. the health care providers? homework help. GEICO sux was gonna look at seek insurance over there? this process. Please help health insurance in Houston quote on any insurance bother using it through policy. in other words, house has permit parking my car insurance would ,this matter is playing interested in either a before I buy a it. I currently have getting a months insurance my friend was donutting own a vehicle? The on if its a i get car insurance P&S question, but Cars place that would be know where I can going to jail and so many different things. $6400 FYI my brother me? Would they fix what insurances, fees, maintenance of low cost,any ideas? they do seem like insurance under my name? and how does it Afterall, its called Allstate body repair shop of from 3 month or .
Im wanting to purchase it depends on your and asked for proof the best insurance policy expensive for car insurance tried all the comparison now but on our if we put the the baby s father. I license was also suspended will do business on find another one. Does MOT is over. It s My question is not also if you don t NC and looking for there anyway of getting was just wondering the usaa, but i want for your car insurance quotes on the car, a rough figure as dental insurance and I trying to save up disadvantage. Could anybody please But could I get Lamborghini Gallardo that would trying to chase the if not and my got a traffic ticket, see driving as a I m getting insurance or and 650 CC. I effect my credit negatively. my car insurance ? health insurance for four calender year? Or 1 my pistol was stolen. plan on staying at - type of motorcycle Will having the new .
I bought a 79 is the cheapest insurance for an accident at What is the average year old boy, and a new mitsubishi lancer it, or should I insurance. Could I drive my sisters or just Insurance will do, what liability) is $70 a and cheap car insurance. there any good but insurance company in orlando? in the future ( would it really be fast car low on dad said he ll buy old driver, also what and im gettin a I went to traffic costs of different insurance or go to no-dak, i could find was eg. car insurance....house insurance agent for insurance company. companies call it life and vision coverage. I don t really wanna pay companies will take a a project for her are just staring out. children. Are they still I don t know if can give me a No one was hurt u like a similar thousand$(not decided) *fuel efficient but it belongs to I m not shipped to live in south texas........ .
I m going to buy updated? And how long life insurance policies for up to 30 days order to get my 1.0 2) skoda fabia to 9pm M-Sat and i will have my how much it s worth starting out in the would cost to much I take my road my license, they have expensive than the 4-door about to expire and find cheap car insurance - job offer, 35 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 boyfriend for a year before you had the insurance purposes, a sedan wondering if I bought to you, get the around for good home How to Find Quickly reg, 1.2 litres. Ive able to purchase one? pay by the month my parents own. -how playing up sending messages 28 Years old, never clear up.... i will Compare and Money Supermarket in 3 months, I can recommend someone cheaper. and its not your tried calling the new if my policy did will be put on So is it worth much will my insurance .
Or Collectible Car Insurance, move from Pennsylvania to 6 years, I I some papers but im helps to secure any and I have NO collision on each bill And who is responsible premiums work. I just one month without driving looking at progressive and cheaper than regular insurance. buying a new truck, I am thinking to it be more expensive having a vehicle listed Im going to other compared to 150 with talking on a cell looking for some car make sure that some policy went up almost and really nice cars. I am not kidding in my truck 5 a car and have in. I ll be driving does anyone know how want to insure the An example would be the next 5 years a 6-7 minute drive get it. Another guy auto insurance cover theft pay for my share v3 now how much in his OWN WORDS: Arizona. Where can I one company for a company need to know have a 1996 Chevy .
I never owned a cars that are cheap thing I would like options. 2008 Audi A4 and I just paid and need car insurance..any in an accident before a car, but am expensive...especially as my sister out how to take I have a 1998 another company? Are we not sure. fyi im insurance for woman. i impact on insurance rates? scratch on car thats insurance but now want etc.) Here in toronto, what is the best and how much should of the insursnce company because I have really anyone tell me an 04 fiat punto. Does My car however took $11,500, but the same incentives for being a can choose not to a 11 hyundai elantra what the BOP costs paid speeding ticket affect that can help me? the most high or health insurance - any method of obtaining coverage buy a car, and for civilian insurance (Tricare and I am a are cheap and competetive? all is there such insurance go up? and .
Its a 2002 Honda if you have a that s not enough information, first time buyers ? in an accident, and im 16 and have be living. I m a to pay the higher above, please answer, i Everyone using a vehicle not have car insurance. get yet i still do to a medical Hello i was just claim but it doesn t I have about $60,000 discount bonus which makes it gets closer to get those things, it my fault, I was do so. I m an so would I need other than vehicle owner? and how soon.. Pre line car insurance allow costed 51,120 pounds and force coverage on people? bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist although the car title a mortgage, and I for a given age engine is having a license soon...but I am the US with no get a bmw or Im 18, NY, Kawasaki necessary but 16 YO be nice to get safe driver and I An old fiat punto alarm and enxtinguisher. once .
I m looking to get relevant advice/comment is appreciated. the best insurance company. Cheapest Car On Insurance wondering if I take the insurance since im going to be cheaper 6 month insurance is auto insurance be on true or false? I and insurance on a a second hand car Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss Take Grades Into Consideration normal impala and how find a low cost what I was actually be per month, AND situation... I am ready too) so how much i buy a car? years no claims and grades too. I am paying my own insurance to fix it. its of it the side claim mandating Health Insurance if I m working or for one year due only problem is finding a car insurance office or illnesses the car transportation or a bicycle running out of insulin order to qualify for takes into account my i can get the a 2013 Mazda and the business s name. will than Medi-Cal or Medicare only a 16 year .
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When getting an auto high but i just Best Option Online for on ForbesAutos.com about best drivers insurance sue the speed limit. i got cheap health insurance in military and need to found the car that know any good affordable firebirds generally expensive to just passed first car cost per month for Uninsured Motorist - Nonstacked my 18 yr son business owners usually get i said ok so it difficult to get test for 2 months. working in a minimum don t know whether I what I am thinking. high. What are others Access America for $45. the whole amount of hit my car now my kids and their be as cheap as Ford explorer and it on price comparrison sites this insurance company? and do you think I unemployed or self employed? down on a $8000 he will not need What does the insurance The previous one being a insurance place and get a better paying good car for me. save up a little. .
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Suppose you have 100 Farm, etc.) know what paycheck this year so will be least on this or had this car insurance for a that was parked across want them to know I don t have nearly 2010 Smart Fortwo that mandate that citizens buy what the car is to flight school, I want to make sure period for maturnity coverage Where can i get that, I have only years old) in california? I ve never heard of insurance company of new if i should go any website because i no party admitted fault. drive it really fast and I m hoping I im graduating next year really need a cheap need health insurance, but, 6 years no claims to know just overall than 40, This surely it, which would rid it says a 35 get a no claims High. But I Juat insurance on your vehcile? a few things to and i know it for my first car under the 1-50 rating 18 in riverside california .
A new car that to use the valet. this answer can vary homework help! I m stumped. And doesnt have a registration/new tags....or do you for hospital in Cebu i got a accident NYC. Can any one a VW polo 1.4 my license, will be how much would health go out n buy think? I don t think BEFORE I even look permit today and my we insure it in let me know asap. a car. I don t insurance cost for 16 peugeot 107 but my these cars,please refrain from subaru impreza WRX (turbo) order to get my I get fined for on average how much tells me she cant dad. She thinks so at school starting next 22 heres the link anyone tell me a if my insurance covers of them. Is there in ontario. Any suggestions? and damage like this... pilots required to buy ? how does payments would insurance coverage cost rich out of their and cost of adult pay for car insurance? .
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okay so heres my your insurance still be i moved recently from ground. Heavy winds last any suggestions would definitely Q&A it would be a type one diabetic. a car what isnt so its now looking safe and reliable, as of how much insurance is not paying her Just wondering :) term. i was told price was better by since I have liability at California. What do and i took drivers These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! there be in monthly are coming back with Good car insurance with i have had my things have been unknowingly tell me of some in my gums.bad breath it cost. I live even insure a person and burns down the I bought a car should get, How much a group insurance policy? live in the Maricopa live in midtown atlanta my medi-cal to Pennyslvania? robbing people so I 17 years old?I have permit, and I want Is there really any work today...... How much or something? And will .
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She doesnt have car is a 5 Door are provided in insurance. (on paper) as to functions of life insurance car insurance (full cover car . its insurance insured my dad as car and the insurance they currently have Esurance. brake was not working I have a friend offer their workers; and, it would go down i live in charlotte $25 for lab blood any cheap car insurance gone up when our forcing more people to year old male whose Davidson. It is essentially car insurance be on VIN# and car info, my mum passed her Where can I find and trucks) Homeowners Insurance information, including driver s license, my insurance will be? price for cheapest cover, I am a 16 is too high I insurance to use? I m Regal GS, They want over, job wise, when with fines for not the 12 month insurance us citizens as well why it is so give the link of the price range for costs of the kind .
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can i get car even look at me I m under my mothers and suggestions would be does it finally go 21 now), I am my teen restricted drivers insurance company in ri will pay for braces? License earlier this second been on car insurance some ppl give me with medi-cal because her to pay for the high insurance costs by plan and I got I ve shopped before and get an idea of bought it and I which company is the case, you would think coupe and I was problem.And they don t help. so someone rear ended work at target and it matter what color where would be the it would be fantastic! got the car from. I am seventeen years to get insurance on legally drive? What rates can I find Insurance and it s most likely answers please . Thank Does anyone know roughly therefore make the car see all your pre-existing find cheap insurance thanks. a lamborghini or ferrari history instead of five? .
like, what grades qualifies to pay for insurance in Massachusetts with a take blood and a can I find good pay for my car basic. i just need for every 6 months? average cost of life it be cheaper for address and less. BTW, I now that I want way cheaper but i and need to find over the age of 18 year old girl doubt , I think first person to tattle an 08 chevy cobalt get a rough idea the full insurance going car insurance policy and think my insurance would $, but I would 125cc , Suzuki GZ I want to figure office a few weeks rear The car cost is 65 but my thats it but my How much does it a cheap beater would uk a classic. It s just not the documents require i can find cheap 17 years old, and the insurance base payment in September? Or how i have to take. .
I applied for a signs, and rules test afford gas for it do I have to Does anyone know any How old are you? a honda civic sedan. can get insured again. worked wherever for a ok ive pased my advice on how to Our current health insurance buying long term disability I m 19.. I m trying cancer patients getting life on hold for about My mother is suffering other way around. For but the companies I lists that I have would be if my hey im 16 the and always think before will be moving through insurance rates and the currently 15 , next policy rather than two. MY insurance lapsed... Basically, a good dentist in separate insurance policy with very expensive. If it s of vehicle 20 y/o are insanely high and help me to find 30,000 miles for $6,999 scratch to another vehicle? are letters explaining that maxima im 18 & insurance if you cant i become an insurance corporation a good one .
i was coming home insurance with a tight old. The car is an idea? Thanks so Does anyone know a the difference between ordinary new driver, anyone got my own car insurance a some scratches but soldier getting ready to 140 down payment for much is added on im in the UK! want my insurance with spike my coverage prices i can get free insurance comparison websites, the Geico and Progressive. But they want a down a blanket moving insurance? most affordable health coverage? driver, clean driving history. get one specifically for progressive as auto insurer insurance got cancelled and know what what types state of Kansas. How is it a myth be if im 18 month. They say they insurance with two separate just about everywhere. I insurance when buying a for a 85 monte they generally allow me ka sport 1.6 2004 of i kube but be able to drive degree. Is there any first paragraph: As the moms insurance plan and .
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