#im sick of stuttering and slurring my words when im just trying to talk
munch-mumbles · 2 years
beginning to mald profusely at just how bad my auditory processing is
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Time travel is for babies
Hey guys! Not much to say today because I just realized I had put what I was going to say up here at the bottom of this chapter.
Part: 6
Warnings: Cursing, underage drinking and that's all I think.
Not my gif
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After our talk Diego and I went downstairs. As we wall I change back to being 13 again because it's more comfortable. “I don't know if we can trust her. She's kind of weird but we need the extra help and Diego is getting on my nerves. He always says sometime stupid but to get me angry.” I heard Luther say. I turn the corner to see him speaking to Pogo. “I don't understand how dull you are. Like dude we are family in my world. I still care about you even if you are not what I'm used to. I can help. Tell me what you need. I'll try my best.” I say as I lean against the wall.
He turns to see us. “I was hoping I hit a nerve.” Diego mumbles and I giggle a bit. “It's just that I don't know you and therefore don't trust you. You have to earn trust.” He says fumbling with his words. “I literally just helped you fight off two psychos.” I said staring at him. He nods. “Do you have any power to find Five? We need him” He says. “I can tell try to astral project myself to him.” I say. “Well let's do it. What do you need?” Diego said ready for action. “I need to be the last place he was at. It could help.” I say.
I feel a sudden feeling of anxiety rush my body. “He needs me.” I say before I pop out of the umbrella academy. I open my eyes to see Five running towards a building that's about to blow. I scream “NO!” as I run towards him. I conjure an air mattress as he starts to fall back. He lands safely ad I get to him. I grab his face and look over him. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I say as I scan over his body. “No I'm not okay. I needed information that was in there. How did you even get here? How did you know that I was here?” He rushed out. He stand up to straighten out his clothes and I fix his hair. “Hmmm. Soulmate thing, mi amor.” I say.
We turn as we hear sirens in the distance. He grabs my hand. “Meet me at the library.” He said and left out of thin air. I close my eyes and think of him and feel myself somewhere new. I look around and a couple of seconds later he is next to me. He has a bottle in his hand and is mumbling equations. “What's the bottle for?” I question he stops pacing and looks at me. “I need a marker.” He said. I think of one and it materializes. I give it to him. “Thanks and the bottle is for drinking my regrets.” He said as he pops the cap off the pen. I grab the bottle as open it. I take a swig and some dribbles down my chin. “Cheers to that.” I grumble. He takes it back as he writes and drinks.
After a while we are both on the floor thinking of how to fix this mess. “I'm scared I can't save everyone.” He slurred. I sit closer and lean into his chest. “I'm here and I'll help you as much as I can and then some.” I say into his body. He wraps an arm around me and falls asleep I do the same. I open my eyes to see Diego. My world Diego.
“Holy cow. What am I doing here?” I say with a sigh. He looks up at me and blinks a couple of times. “Y/n? Oh god. I thought Five was going crazy. But it worked.” He said as he walks over to me. “I need to talk to you. Well when I get back.” I say I pull him into my arms. He hums as he holds me. “I was so scared that you wouldn't come back. Maybe that something got you.” He says into my neck. “I'm gonna try to come home soon. I need to help with something.” I say as is let go we both take a step back. “He said it was something bad. He didn't say what.” Diego said and sighed. He sat at this table that came out of nowhere. I sit across from him. “The apocalypse.” I whisper.
His eyes widen and he shakes his head. “N-no. Y/n p-pl-please don't.” He stuttered. I grab his hand and help him steady his breath. “It's going to be okay. I can handle this.” I say softly. I feel like someone is touching me. “No not yet. Please just a little longer.” He said holding my hand tighter. “It will be okay. I'll be home soon. Take care of Five.” I say before opening my eyes again. I blink and look up to see Diego holding me. “You were saying my name in your sleep.” He said in a quiet voice. “I was talking to the other you.” I grumble a bit. He nods his a a bit. I put a hand on his face. “My knight in shining armor. Well shining leather.” I say as I laugh a little too hard.
Diego started to laugh but stopped and grunted. “Hey! Stop hitting on my girl.” Five slurred as he shouted. Diego rolled his eyes. “First of all she was the one flirting. You were the one that got drunk with her. I'm just carrying her.” He replied. I moved a bit so he would let go of me. I turn to him and make graby hands. He realized what I wanted and he picked me up again. I put my arms around his neck and looked over to Five. I smiled and waved at him. He giggled and smiled back. Luther just looked at the both of us and sighed. “Hi cutie.” I say to Five. He blushes a bit and rolls his eyes. “Hi Y/n” He said back.
“Very cute. We can't go home. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment .” Luther said. “My place is closer. No one would look for him there.” Diego suggested and Five burps. “Ew that's gross.” I say in a disgusted tone. “If you throw up on me.” Luther threatens Five. I focus on him and make his vision darken until he can't see. “Hey! What the hell?” Luther shouted at us. I pull back and let him see again. “She gots my back. What can I say.” Five said to Luther and laughs a bit. “You know what's funny? Aah I'm going through puberty. Twice.” he stated. “We drank the whole bottle didn't we?” I say feeling the effects. “Well that's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye.” He answered. “Yeah we know. We need to make a plan not get drunk.” Luther said to the both of us.
Hey guys. I'm backish. I woke up yesterday not feeling great but I blew it off. Turn out I'm sick. Isn't that great. I feel like trash and I hope I feel better soon because my best friends birthday is in 2 days. Tell me how you guys feel about this chapter and if you wanted to be added to the taglist just message me. If you have a request I'll try to get to it soon but I feel like shit rn so I don't know when I'll write them.
Taglist: @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum @natblidaclexa @fruittypics @gabrielle-henson @sleepy-bunnie @crimson-may @ddaeing @dora-the-grownup @igoldieloxi @potenzel @parkersinfinitywar @bookfrog242 @rosehargreeves @thollandssweetheart
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Strip Me of My Walls Please.
Previous : Part 16, Present : Part 17,  Next : Part 18
Summary: Logan hires a prostitute to pretend to be his boyfriend. Patton is a prostitute just trying to support his son when he falls with a very rich man needing him to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Chapter Summary : No one is particularly happy at the hospital. 
Pairings: romantic Logicality, future romantic Prinxiety, Elle x Damien (my original characters)
Word Count: idk I think like 1,700 around there
Warnings : Mentions of bruises, mentions of abuse, crying, temper tantrums, unintentional injury, sad Patton, sad Thomas, sad Logan (honestly sad everyone, everyone’s just really fricking sad), mentions of therapy. 
Notes : Leave a like, a reblog, message, and reply! I love hearing your comments.
“We haven’t spoke in almost three years!” The voice was cheerful, more so than any other voice Roman had heard in his life, but it still took him a moment to recognize the face.
“Emile?” Roman was, in his own defense, very tired as he slurred the name of his old friend. It was hard not to miss the light pink hair dye sticking out against the stark white lighting of the hospital, a matching tie to go with it.  Roman hopelessly looked somewhere behind him, for the man’s old boyfriend, but alas he had come alone. Not that he minded, all that much.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” Emile stepped in the room, the bounce in his step more familiar than his face. His glasses fell down his nose a little, and he stopped moving forward to push them up. When he looked around at all the people, he didn’t move any closer. “You’ve got quite a crew with you.”
“Ugh.” Logan’s voice surprised all in the room as the man pushed the middle finger and thumb of his hand, the one not holding Patton’s, along the line of his eyebrows. “I am so sick of meeting new people.”
“Oh shush.” Patton replied, affectionately. Surprising the taller man by tugging on his hand until Logan fell ungracefully into his lap. Logan gasped, and everyone else in the room giggled, but after that he was pretty much quiet.
“Well nice to meet you too.” Emile scoffed, even though his smile never left his face. The tips of his shoes made a noise when they touched as he turned his feet inward. Then he leaned up on his tiptoes, holding his fingers out for a moment while he caught his balance, before landing back on the heels of his feet. Emile was peculiar, for sure.
“Where’s Remy?” Roman had been carding his fingers through Thomas’s hair and he almost thought the boy hadn’t noticed, until he whined when Roman stopped and practically purred when he started again. Jon had moved to watch Virgil as he and Fid began playing cards again. Roman looked over at Patton, staring all starry and sleepy eyed up at Logan who looked just as far gone. A smile crept onto Roman’s face by the time Emile pulled himself out of his daydream enough to answer.
“Well as much as I’m sure you two would like to catch up, I can’t bring him in since you’re technically a client at the moment.” Roman saw Emile’s face turn serious, more so than the time he yelled at Remy for trying to use red bull in his cereal instead of milk. It tasted delicious, but Roman had a headache all day. He had gotten yelled at quite a lot that day, even despite the headache. He hugged Thomas a little closer as the memory faded, and he realized the whole room had gone kinda quiet.
“Client?” Roman couldn’t help but yawn. It had been a long day, but too many people needed things from him to sleep. Emile needed him to be attentive. Thomas and Patton needed him to be okay, even if he wasn’t.
“Therapy, Roman. I’m issued by the hospital.” Emile dropped eye contact with him again, but this time he was staring at the floor and he almost looked, sad? “Do you want to speak alone?”
Roman didn’t want to talk. He wanted to sleep. But then Fid was pulling Virgil out of the room, and Jon was hopping off the bed, so he figured he couldn’t escape it now. Logan stood up off Patton’s lap a blush still on his cheeks, and held his hand out to walk Jon into the hallway. Patton leaned over to tug Thomas out from under Roman’s arm, but the boy clung to him in his half-asleep state. “Come on Thomas.”
“No.” Thomas whined, scooching further into Roman’s side. Roman kissed his forehead, not wanting to encourage the behavior but then again the movement was more of a distraction from the pain that Thomas caused doing so, than anything else.
“Little prince, I really don’t want you to hear this stuff.” Roman said, trying to push the little boy towards Patton while watching Emile out of the corner of his eye. The young man was inspecting the frayed end of the curtains next to his bed, but was startled when Thomas let out a high pitched scream.
“No,” Thomas kicked his legs at his father, suddenly awake, while trying to get closer by wrapping his arms around Roman’s neck. It was slightly constricting, breathing wise, but Roman was so tired and he didn’t want to hurt Thomas so he just kind of laid there, pliantly letting the chaos emerge around him. There were tears falling down Thomas’s face and his voice, though screaming, was hoarse and broken. He sounded not at all what a little boy should. Roman took that away from him. “You can’t make me leave.”
Another kick, this time sort of towards Patton’s face. Patton dodged it in time though, and had managed to get both of his arms wrapped around Thomas’s middle. “Kiddo, you’re hurting Roman.”
“He’s” Kick. “hurt.” Punch. “and he needs” Kick. “me.” Thomas took a second to catch his breath, it was coming out in hiccups and for a moment Roman wanted to pull him closer.
“He needs to talk to the therapist.” Patton yanked on his son’s middle pulling him completely off the bed and into his arms. He took this chance to run out of the hospital room completely, with Thomas back to kicking and screaming, not even getting the chance to close the door.
Roman watched them go, Emile hadn’t said a word yet so maybe he was still daydreaming and didn’t notice the tears Roman let loose finally. Pain and emotional turmoil making him unable to stop once they started, the high pitched sound of a sob finally getting Emile’s attention.
Logan was sat up against the wall of the hospital hallway, Virgil opposite him. There hadn’t been many people passing through, but even if there was there wasn’t much room as the two tall  grown men took up most of the width of the hallway as their feet barely brushed against each other with their legs straight out. Jon was curled up into Virgil’s side, not sleepy or tired but had his eyes closed anyway. His small hands were gripping his uncle’s hoodie pretty tight too.
“Shit.” The teenager growled, kicking her foot against the wall Virgil was sat up against.
“Language.” Logan said as he watched Jon flinch, keeping his eyes closed and scramble to climb into Virgil’s lap. “There’s children present.”
The movement caught the teenager’s attention and she stuttered, resigning herself to sitting criss crossed on the ground as she kept quiet. “Sorry.”
A second later Patton was hurriedly passing by the two, nearly tripping over Logan’s feet, with a kicking, screaming, and crying Thomas in his arms. Logan stood up, rushed, and followed the father toward the gender inclusive bathroom at the end of the hallway. He wondered if Patton knew that he had been behind him, but when the door got shut in his face, powering over the sound of Thomas screaming for just a moment, he got his answer.
Logan pressed his forehead to the door, tried to focus on the muffled soothing tone coming from Patton as he tried to quiet his son, but any of the words got lost in the door separating them. He focused on the feeling of the wood pressing against his forehead, let it force an indent in his skin. The stress of it all came to him in this moment, not like a wave submerging him in a familiar hollow cavity, but an overwhelming presence from behind trying to make him one with the door. When he felt a small tear run down his face next to his nose, he had a childish urn for comfort, even though he had no reason to want it.  
As he pulled away from the door, he heard Thomas finally quiet down. Or rather, he didn’t hear his screams anymore, only short cycles of sniffs and hiccups spoken by a voice too hoarse for a little boy. Patton was speaking still, most likely through tears, at just above a whisper. The voice was soothing, oddly enough, and while Logan saw the pitch black darkness before he felt his eyes closed, he was still aware. Aware of the people watching him, the boys voices on the other side of the door, the ache in his chest. And it was exhausting.
taglist : @jesjessode @queerly-anxious @bubblycricket @monikastec @definenormalifyoucan @sandersmarvel @sonhadoraativa @strongnonetheless @im-patton @iridescentroyalty @romanthroughthestars @anxioussmiles @buckydeangirl91  
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