#im so genuinly intrigued
vvynia · 11 months
so i’m diving in deep with the tlou and tlou2 plot because, as we’ve established, i’ve never actually played the game. i’ve just been obsessed with ellie and abby for the past half a year.
so i’m reading, right? watching is more the term. this stuff is insane. this storyline is top tier. i’m in shambles. this is heartwrenching. and i HATE open endings so the epilogue screwed me all up. and ellie’s fingers are GONE 😭 GONE she can’t even play the guitar fr no more
i can’t take this. and when joel said, “if the lord gave me a second chance at that moment, i would do it all over again” I FELT THAT. i’m no mother, but i have a little brother and i would go to the ends of the earth for him. it scares me sometimes honestly. even when he gets on my nerves, i’d flip the world upside down to make sure he’s safe.
it makes me wonder if ellie finally understood what joel meant when she lived on the farm with jj and dina? when she pretty much had a kid of her own? that unwavering instinct to love and protect, especially when your baby is innocent—when they can do no wrong. did she finally understand why he did it?
lord have mercy. i gotta get a big sunday hat and start fanning myself. the old southern lady bout ready to come outta me. i need some sweet tea.
(and this ain’t even half of what i wanna say about how the trauma that everyone in this series has gone through. also ain gone lie, i started getting pissed off at abby 😭 started screaming at my phone “this who yall LIKE???” knowing full and well her side of the story is depthy too :( ughhhh my babies)
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muffinsin · 18 days
okok, new asker.. requester?? Idk. Just, Im new to this thing. 😵‍💫
Have you done dimitrescu sistas dating someone whos genuinly like, a rabid dog, who constantly needs to bite, and/or claw their things, for just the admirable purpose of -- no purpose?? Like.. for example, when stimming, or focusing, or just when spacing out, you can always find them, like, chewing on a piece of wood?? Or something?? or, like, finding them with their nails subconciously gripping, like, a couch cushion, out of restlesness (whilst reading, or, watching something, that requires them to sit still) SO. TIGHT. that they ripped it through the middle?
I beg, i plead, and i blead (aha, get it?? Vampire stuff? Beg+plead=.. yeah, okay, i'll see myself out)
uhhhhhhh hope this was .. clear.. enough.. ahahahahhahasn.... giggles
-🐾🧃, aka jungle-juice anon 👽 geehee!!!!
p.s, i wuv ur work, keep being you, ur the best!!!!! Dont overwork urself tho.... because.. thats bad 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 i know, maximum rizz. Im too charming. ANYWAYS!!!!!!! Hope ur doing well, take breaks, drink, eat, sleep, go to.. uhh.. school?? Idk if ur in school. Goodluck, much love 🫂🫂 piece!!! (Not peace, i require violence)
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Hi :)! Welcome, then :)🙌 This is a Hella intriguing request, I couldn’t help but jump into it when I should’ve probably finished another wip! XP I’m glad you like my work, hon, it means a lot :) This is a good reminder for all to eat & drink!🙌 I’m not in school anymore :)
Let’s get into it!
While at first, you seemed like any other staff member or villager, Bela is quickly taught better
She notices your tendencies fast, and at first, isn’t too sure what to make of them
She isn’t sure why she defends you either, claiming it was her that accidentally ripped the pillows when Mother demands an explanation
Following up on why she acts this strangely, Bela decides to get to know you, more and more
In little time she finds herself falling for you, for your honest, unconcealed ways
She finds your more feral tendencies somewhat adorable, though at times scolds you like she has done countless times in the past when her then equally feral sisters broke something
Being allowed to stay in her room after a good while of dating, you couldn’t be happier
You’re with the woman you love, in a warm room and a spacious one
Despite this, Bela often has you sleep in a separate bed
Not that she doesn’t usually curl up with you
She just finds early on that you kick all from the bed in your sleep, pillows and blankets, even tear at the sheets- and her, if she happens to sleep next to you
And while you feel awful for the marks you leave on her in your sleep, it does get you curious like nothing else
You feel the need to bite, to mark, to cut and tear with your nails like an animal might
Multiple times, you’ve wondered whether you’re similar to the Lycans outside, even
Bela, though, she makes the thought of these things even sweeter
At times, when you zone out biting at a piece of bark or a sturdy stick she’s found you, your thoughts just…wander
You then can’t help but wonder how it would be to bite into her skin
She does insist, your blood tastes incredible, and there isn’t a day your flesh isn’t marked by her
But Bela?
Her beautiful, porcelain-like skin, soft and cold..
Often, you imagine what it’s like to chew on her neck or arm, just a quick taste if that’s all she grants you
At other times, you can’t help but accidentally nip her with your nails
Usually this is when you’ve pulled her in your lap, often having her there when you’re reading or so
She always agrees eagerly to this, knowing it means no more pillows will be torn open
Instead, your nails dig into her, bringing forth sharp gasps and low, soft groans every once in a while
You aren’t sure she’s truly against it, for she never scolds you and still is happy to sit on your lap
Perhaps, it’s her way of repaying you for being allowed to feed from your neck
Discovering you in the village, Cassandra is immediately keen on finding out more about you
Perhaps, that is because of how she found you…snarling as you tug and grunt, looking as though you’re playing tug of war with the lycan that stole your jacket
Of course, she easily snaps the creature in half, her pride blooming as you grin widely at her, your jacket clutched in your hands
She decides to take you with her, and while it wouldn’t quite have made a difference, you eagerly come with her
With Cassandra by your side, you soon learn to give into your subconscious thoughts and actions rather than fighting them
Cassandra, in a way, is feral at times as well
Due to that, she doesn’t quite care for the consequences of your actions
In time, as more blooms between the two of you
As such, she becomes more aware of your quirks, and you with here
Like when you curled up in bed with her
Her nails flexing every time you push your finger against her palm, her breathing even
Until, that is, you suddenly bite into her arm
Cassandra jumps, then raises an eyebrow when she meets your eyes
You don’t seem fazed, still playing with her palm, as though the biting didn’t faze you in the slightest
She shrugs, only. She doesn’t mind. In fact, it’s somewhat nice to feel your lips and teeth against her
As she notices this behaviour continue quite often, your sleeping and cuddle positions often change
You’re often with your head at her neck, biting contentedly as you read
Behind your back, she often sharpens her weapon
Both of you, content to be together, in indulging in whatever feral habits you have
When you scratch up her pillow in your sleep, Cassandra simply replaces them. They’re nothing of worth to her
Instead, she finds your urge to claw at things inspiring
She decides to allow you to hold her clothing and shields when you read, silently giggling to herself
You’re ideal for testing their efficiency, really
By the end of the day, or whenever you finish what activity has you so captivated, she checks how deep you were able to scratch
If the item is of no use, she discards it
Often, that means you get to gnaw at it all you want
As the two of you become closer and closer, multiple things happen
1), Daniela and you catch feelings, fast
She quickly becomes important to you, and equally you become incredibly important to her
You look forward to spending your time with her, as does she
Even when this means the two of you curling up and reading side by side in the library, the two of you treasure these oments
2), the two of you spend a lot of time together
As such, Daniela becomes increasingly aware of your characteristics and mannerisms, intentional or not
Being somewhat feral as well, Daniela at first doesn’t even notice a thing
Clawing up clothing and pillows, gnawing at pencils, wood and whatever is near you when you’re concentrating…
It all seems perfectly normal to her, really
Yes, maybe some are prime examples of things Bela and Mother would scold her for
Still, for a long time she pays no mind to what you’re doing
In fact, it takes quite a while and an annoyed remark from her eldest sister for her to realise what you’re doing isn’t quite appreciated by all
She notices you claw at her favorite pillows when the two of you read
Really, you can’t help clenching it so tight it rips
You can’t help your sharp nails, too, and don’t want Daniela to file them down a little
She only shrugs when you refuse that solution
She won’t press you, though occasionally helps you take care of your hands and nails
Instead, she makes sure you have “your” pillows, scratched up and sewn together again countless times
This way, you can tear them as often as you like, and neither Daniela, nor Alcina minds
She tends to your needs, going so far as to ask you at one point whether you’d like some blood…which promptly has her older sisters smack the back of her head
Feeding a human blood, really!
Instead, she likes feeding you as you read, her giggles keeping you happy as you tear at yet another pillow
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piecesofmicorazon · 28 days
being intentional doesn't mean you have to date to marry right away. - you can date to date
i want to date around. i want to see what is out there. the problem is i want them to give me 100% even without me doing the same. that's the problem with dating women sometimes, they expect the same in return.. as they should.
at this point i just need to know if me and halima would work out. this forced gray area is killing me and i can't keep living a fantasy. i want to live reality.
she's very different. i want to see if that would work.
i dont want to break my rules or settle or get less than i deserve. to be very honest, bj showed me that. she exceeded. i know it's possible and i will not settle for less.
she wants to talk to her ex and potentially let her back into her life. i hate that and if we were actually together that wouldn't be happening. but it is. and it's up to me to decide if i trust her? is this really about trust tho, or is it her morals?
dating DOES NOT EQUAL marriage. you can leave at any time. it sucks but that's the truth. remember that.
at this point. i don't want to live my life wondering. i want to know! and i told myself i wanted to date around. i want to validate all my feelings and i want to experience all the things. so that i can be sure sure sure.
i want to date halima, i'm just scared. scared that it might work out, scared that it'll become serious, scared that i might let shit slide like i have been, scared!!! just scared. dating is scary and i hate commitment. i am realizing all these things.
side note: something i like jordan said: it's one thing to have a conversation with someone about why they hurt you. yes, you deserve to be and feel heard. to be able to let those emotions out and to have closure. but you cannot let them back into your life. they need to feel the consequences of their actions. you need to cut people off so they fully realize that they lost something great by hurting you. -- i am going to remember this moving forward. i do wish i cut parris off. i have no idea why i still talk to him, entertain him, kiss him, hang out with him. maybe because i like the attention, bc he likes me, maybe it's just an attention thing. but i want to be better at that. cutting people off that have hurt me intentionally. and i will be.
though i dont like that quality in halima, that she doesn't cut people off, i am trying to be understanding because damn. she just like me fr. lmao!
i like her. and i'm intrigued. i'm having fun but i want more. i need to see what the reality is, and i want to be able to give myself those experiences. i've always taken everything seriously, and i want to have fun for once. not at the cost of using people but i don't think that's what im doing. im not just picking someone random off the street.
i'm open to dating other people if they come along, and i think i need to speak to her and see if she wants to be exclusive or not. i know she wants someone to be all about her, and she deserves that. she wants to know that for sure before she gives it her all. i get that and i want that for her. i need to think about if i want to do that for myself. but right now, i do. i wish i had a roster but i don't. so here we are.
do i like her because she's the only one in front of me? are there no people left in the world? or is it because i genuinly like her and her character?
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ohhnorr · 1 year
Going trough this forum and im genuinly enjoying reading through this 2000s page of weapon users talk weapon knowledge 😭😭
Like im still scatterbrained on how so many people on this earth have such intricate interests and are so passionate about them, from swords to insects to stones. Its amazing how the humankind is intrigued by the smallest vaguest subjects and yet commit to them.
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mis-calculated · 3 years
Any of my friends that let me infodump at them for an hour literally deserve the world
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stonedregulus · 2 years
im about to goto bed but before i do i want to Brighten your day (sry for bad spelling im really tired lol)
Anyways, just wanted to say i really enjoy the content you make/write and cant wait to read more of your work
First was introduced to you through someone reccomending Wyidias on tiktok and so i decided to check it out and you did not dissapoint but instead made me more intrigued to see where each chapter will take the story. I love the relationship between Jegulus as well as the support from Sirius which in many fics involving the 3, we dont see much off if not any, so i was really happy to see his support for his brother as well as bestfriend. Also fuck Walburga & orion but somehow I still like the way you interpreted their characters (not so much the transphobia but i understand why its done and i like how it someone inproves the story as well as show how truly in love with Regulus James is, as we all are by now lol),
I've also started reading sots and so far so good, this fic is probably the fic that actually introduced me to rosekiller abd actually made me like Barty in fanon (cuz fuck canon lol), theres so much about his character that i never considered to think about before that you opened my eyes to and ive since grown obsessed with anything Barty and Evan related so thank you for that. As excited as i am about future chapters, im terrified for bkth characters but i think thats a really good thing to show my infatuation with the story youve created, it truly is smth you should be proud of, to get ppl such as myself to be so obsessed with fictional characters barely mentioned in fanon, its an accomplishment and you should love yourself for that. Evan and Barty are now officially my favourite ship and i have no kne else to blame but you so thanks,i appreciate you.
Like genuinly, i truly appreciate what youre writing and just you as a human being, whenever i c a notif for any of ur fics i internallly scream (almost Externaly but if i werent an introvert i probably wouldve lol), i just love everything youve created and cant wait to see any other wips that you have in the making in the near future.
Thank you for just existing and providing us with fanfics/stories that should really go down in history (in the good way if that makes sense, my sleepy brain cant tell if any of what im saying makes sense, im just praying it does lol)
Also ignore the hate youre getting, you dont deserve it, youre an incredible person and i aspire to be somewhat like you in the future (hopefully thats not creepy at all, thats not my intention if it is and im sorry if it does come out that way). Thank you for all youre doing for tge community as well as just yourself. Youre amazkng so thx.
Anyways, hopefully none kf that was weird,i hope i possibly made your day better even if just by a little bit but i am close to passing out now so have a good rest of your day or night. ily and again, thank you. Byebye ❤
thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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deadfishmarket · 7 years
Unpopular oppinion
Chise and Elias should not ACTUALLY be considered a "couple" in the traditional means. So hear me out. Chise was missing meaning in her life before she met him, and is slowly going from "i have to live because someone has faith in me and i owe it to them" to "i have to live because im genuinly starting to see this beautiful new world that he brought me to fully see". Elias is missing the abillity to feel tenderness towards another, and he believes that she will help him fully understand himself, what he is, and how to feel something other than just mild intrigue and maybe slight confusion. And also i'd like to point out that Elias has a REALLY BAD GRASP OF HUMAN CULTURE and i honestly think that when he calls Chise his future "bride" he means it in the sense that he wants her to become his partner in a sense so they both have someone. They are both so alone in the beginning that they begin to rely on one another a ton. And honestly??? Maybe it could bloom into something bigger later, but like... lets maybe not ship a 15 year old with a semi ancient being like Elias who , by all counts, is a full grown dude. Im all for the cute fluff because they are absolutely friends and very close, but lets just take the little snippets of "romantic" behavior and like... chill maybe?
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