#im so tired of this racist shit
unhonestlymirror · 2 years
I didn't expect to see "about 85% of all white people are Rh positive" in my lecture. ://
#what does it mean#there is no race as white people#does it mean Negroid Australoid and even Mongoloid races fit in this category? because they can be white sometimes but mostly they are not#im so tired of this racist shit#In Ukrainian culture words 'black' or 'white' are slurs#we usually say 'probably from X country/part of the world' e.g. Central Asia#but it's better to ask from which country is that person#also Afro-American is not a slur word and I don't know from which the idea of being it came#wouldn't it be more offensive to say just American if ancestors of that person were slaves?#in Ukraine calling a person 'black' or 'white' is extremely racist because we're like doing an accent on person's skin#it's the same as calling Asians 'yellow' or Native Americans 'red'#this is why i always feel cringe when seeing 'black' or 'white' in a positive context#However 'black-skined' or 'brown-skined' and so on - are not slurs for me as an artist#it's like stating a fact e.g. 'blonde' or 'with dark eyes'#calling a person чорно- or темношкірий/а is not offensive BUT чорний/а or темний/а is#also in Ukrainian culture calling a person 'black' sometimes can mean the same as 'dark' - and it literally means evil#for example Kenjaku would be called чорна людина which is translated as 'black person' - and it means#a person who brought or can bring a lot of grief#and біла or бліда людина is often used to describe connection with evil forces as well#'he is so white he's probably упир (a vampire (in the worst meaning))
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alilaro · 6 months
its so funny hbomberguy uploads a video like once every millenia, but when he does he manages to send every person he scrutinizes into oblivion, never to recover
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frociaggine · 6 months
that one post I rb'd earlier about France and laicité and Macron celebrating Chanukah is still making me made just thinking about it. That came in the same week as Masha Gessen being almost stripped of the Hannah Arendt prize because they wrote an essay about Gaza (incidentally, Gessen is Jewish). I'm just really, massively tired of the current climate in Western Europe where political and civil authorities pay lip service to diversity and pluralism but actually actively suppress diverse voices. Case in point, lots of framing Judaism = Israel while actively making life harder for their Jewish communities.
I'm not eloquent enough to word this properly, but it's infuriating to witness. It's not a new attitude by any means, but it's rooted in racism and xenophobia and I hate that it's getting so much fresh mileage lately. I wish more people (& local press) called it out for what it is.
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puthyflapps · 6 months
Swifties prove everyday that they’re the dumbest people on the internet and that’s really saying something cuz I’ve dealt directly with blarkes
#1) swifites always being racist toward Beyoncé#2) swifities doxxing a Palestinian girl and sending her info to the IDF cuz she said that there were better options for Time’s PotY#3) swifites beefing with North West – a literal child – cuz they thot she “shaded” Taylor#4) swifites commenting snake emojis on Kim K’s insta posts thinking they’re doing something other than driving up her engagement and lining#her pockets#t swift#also these are all just annoying things I’ve seen happen TODAY#I cannot wait until we are released from whatever govt psyop we’ve been under for the past few years cuz I’m over this endless string of#swift propaganda 🔫🔫🔫 it’s literally insane and no matter how many times I block people or hit not interested in posts I am still forced to#see shit about her like it is never ending and it’s so fucking exhausting like the way white women in particular make being a swifite their#whole personality is so embarrassing!!! THIS EOMAN CANNOT SING YALL!! AND IM TIRED OF BEING NICE AND SAYING SHE HAS DEVENT SONG WRITING#SKILLS CUZ SHE DOESNT!! EVERYTHING ABOUT HER IS MEDIOCRE AT BEST!!! SHE CANNOY SING AND HER LYRICS ARE THE MUSICAL EQUIVALENT OF WATTPAD FF!#I am so tired of this bullshit and I used to be able to find reprieve in football but no more!! cuz her and her annoying cult have#infiltrated that too like this shit is annoying and I feel like I’m going crazy cuz she’s everywhere and not in an organic way. In a very#strategic marketing capitalistic way and I love The Wilds but I hate how the fandom has like woven TS into everything there too like#I think I’m gonna commit a crime. I think imma toss someone through a brick wall cuz I’m losing it
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
there is always some clown that shows their ass about wyll on youtube. like no one wants your bad opinion on a positive video about wyll. no one wants your regurgitated bile that you yucked down from some other clown who has also never played his route or had him in their party or really spoken to him in camp, but wants to say The Reasoning Why Has Nothing To Do With His Blackness, I Just Don't Like Goody-Too-Shoes CharactersTM.
get out of here and misinterpret YOUR faves, not mine.
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arsenicflame · 6 days
one of the things that really pisses me off about fandom (in general but it seems 10x worse in the ofmd fandom in specific) is some peoples determination to jump to the worst possible interpretation of any scene with a character they dont like in it. its suddenly not reasonable to read the silly jokey scene as it was indended, we have to assume X character is acting in bad faith because why would he not. if you substituted it with any other person you would not see these readings, but because its someone they dont like we can't possibly read it any other way. im all for reading into the text of the show and analysing and extrapolating from it, but some of the takes i have seen seem so out of left field from the actual show that it feels hard to assume the people writing them are doing it for any reason other than blind hatred of a character.
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littlestarlex · 22 days
hearing my political influencer roommate say "I won't promote Biden because he hasnt called for a ceasefire to the genocide, but I am still voting for him" is so genuinely tone deaf and stupid and it alone convinced me I am DEFINITELY not voting for that stupid motherfucker (I already wasn't going to, but it confirmed I was making the right call)
the sentiment I keep hearing is "as long as it isn't Trump" but it's so frustrating to think, for some people, Biden is as bad as Trump, for some people his lack of action on major policy change has altered their lives permanently in ways than will never be undone
"well Trump is going to enact a national abortion ban, doesn't that scare you?" sure, but I'm scared right now for the very real people currently unable to get the Healthcare they need because of loss of roe v. wade, for some people that ban is already in place and they're facing very real consequences of it as we speak
I'm scared for my friends, my family, myself, and all the people I may never know who are being impacted RIGHT NOW by the democratic presidency we're currently under
just because I am not currently impacted does not mean it shouldn't be a priority, just because it doesn't directly impact me doesn't mean I should just let it go
they cannot have my vote just because they're blue, just because they pacify us with small scale wins while continuing to fund the very things that keep us from being in a position of power
shit in the government can take a long time, I get it, but clearly they can move quick when it's something they all want, like ripping the power from the people and silencing voices that want genuine change
they all want the same thing, just because democrats aren't up there screaming on stage doesn't make them any less evil than republicans
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piplupod · 27 days
re: prev post, just an anecdote of my family's bs
i remember when i was trying to have a conversation w my family, esp my brother, a while back (last year) about the prev post's topic, and ohhh my fucking god. it was one of the worst convos I've ever had with them. my brother was whining about how difficult it was to not be racist and to know what qualifies as racist and what's "okay to say" etc (along with ableism, but racism was the main point of that convo at that point), so I said he just needed to go searching out some musicians and podcasters and streamers of colour and you'd pretty quickly diversify your media intake and pick up good habits and good viewpoints just through that one simple action. it's like,,, really not that hard to find POC to subscribe to/follow if you do a simple look-around in your usual spaces u spend time in on the internet.
and he said, and I quote, "i'm going to be honest, i just don't care enough to do that" and yet he had just been whining about how hard it is to not be racist and how he was stressed because people kept telling him he was being racist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, head in my hands !!!!!! he went on to explain just how little he actually cared and how it seemed like too much work to him even though he'd literally just been complaining to me for like 20 full minutes about how he was so stressed and didn't like people telling him he was racist.
like i know what he wanted to hear was "its okay if ur racist, im sure ur just doing ur best :)" but i'm not going to fucking say that to him. even if it would make me safer in this hell house, i am not going to fucking affirm anyone's comfort in being racist.
#this family drives me nuts. i lost all respect for my brother that day ngl#and he has gone on to be continually racist and brush off anything i've brought up in family conversations about racism#like that one youtuber that he and another brother love so much that is white and bastardizing an indigenous spirit for profit#he got so fucking mad when i said the words ''white saviourism'' fdsjjkl i saw smth in him just snap when i said that about the youtuber#and then he uses ''tribal savages'' in his DnD campaigns and i'm just....... so tired. having to listen to him excitedly explain his-#-new campaign that he came up with and he's yet again using the tribal savage horrific stereotypes#and if i say shit about that then i get yelled at by the rest of the family and made to feel like im oversensitive and crazy#anyways. wah wah poor me etc. im sure this is somewhat normal and nowhere near the difficulties other ppl face#i just rly hate trying to slooowly teach them and suggest the tiniest steps towards being less racist and they get so fucking angry at me#im still smarting over yesterday bc i had to hold my tongue through a lot of shit and i feel awful about it#i want to teach them so they aren't going thru the world hurting ppl but i have to weigh my safety against it#and tbh they are not receptive anyways so i'd just be throwing away my safety for no real progress w them#but i feel like i have to try idk !!!! if i don't try then nobody in this family has any real hope of improving !!!#god knows theyre not going to take the initiative themselves. thats been proven repeatedly over my goddamn lifetime#sigh. head in my hands. tearing my hair out. etc etc etc#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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90sbee · 3 months
repeating in my head like a mantra "i need to forget abt my hobbies and 70% of my joy this year and just work work work bc if i don't get an apartment soon i will die"
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garaviel · 5 months
Being a legends mando fan and a legends mando critic at the same time feels like holding my hand in the garbage disposal for funsies
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robotpussy · 2 years
everyday I am reminded of why I stopped getting into fandoms
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verses i respect: omegaverse, song verses and more
verses I do not respect: osemanverse or whatever it's called I first thought it said omegaverse then osmanthus
people are still stanning her after the clown fest she pulled at pride
the woman who put herself on a high horse bcs she has puritanical believes, which made her tweet that she's supposedly "better" at lgbtq rep than any Asian writer bcs her writing is more "pure" and that totally means that it's "better". And even when people called her out on it, she doubled down, and posted a pic of london pride saying "oh look at these great writers doing the best work for the community, unlike those scummy Asian writers" I'm paraphrasing but that's the inherent message. it's totally not like people in other countries have more strict and dangerous laws against the lgbtq community, totally. there's no reason why a lot of writers use a fake author name, and it's a totally innocent statement that a white british woman thinks she's superior to Asian writers, totes
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toastedpopsicle · 11 months
Years after it's near complete cultural death Homestuck still remains an even more annoying 'please god consume different media' zombie than Harry goddamn Potter.
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allegra-writes · 1 year
About the whole fiasco with Ben Barnes and Julianne Hough... now folks are saying she wasn't dating him at all, she was dating that Imagine dragons guy (idk what his name is). So was there any truth to the accusations, or was it just all smoke over nothing? Do you have any clue? I don't understand what's happening any longer because all I can find is hearsay.
I would have no idea cuz I have his tag blocked, no room for racists and their friends on my dash. I don't care if they dated or not, this is not a case of jealousy over a parasocial relationship. His fandom didn't turn on him cuz he has a girlfriend, his fandom turned on him cuz his 10 year old friendship with Julianne Hough, the perfect example of the worst kind of uneducated racist white woman, became public knowledge. And she is not his only problematic friend. I won't go into detail cuz I have before and I frankly don't care about him enough to repeat myself again. But we latinos have a saying: Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres. Tell me who you hang with and I'll tell you who you are. Chances are if all or most your friends are racist, then you are too, or at the very least are not bothered by it. I think that's reason enough for your fans of color to unstan.
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piplupod · 7 months
people defending their precious white man of the week and ignoring BIPOC pointing out his racism Yet Again. i'm so tired. i'm so tired. i'm so tired!!!!!!
#im literally shaking right now im so fucking mad#''he's not racist what are u talking about show me proof''#[one google later] oh wow i found all this proof with literally one attempt at googling. crazy. i wonder why u couldnt find that on ur own#and then they say ''no he said this thing so its fine :)'' i go look at the thing. it is white saviourism. again. as always#''he's keeping the culture alive :)'' he is twisting it beyond recognition actually. he just took it and ran with it.#and now he's trying to cover his ass!#and white ppl will just eat that shit up lmfao.#''wow what a mature response'' says his adoring audience and his response is literally just ''i can do what i want bc im white''#i will not get involved in the replies of a post. but man. i'm fucking livid. literally shaking right now.#im so fucking tired of anti-indigenous racism being brushed aside like it doesnt matter#yall just bulldozed us all over and then tried to wipe us out when we didnt respect yall and now you continue to fuck us over#and then get upset when we try to say we would like A FEW THINGS TO OURSELVES. INCREDIBLE#the white ''i need access to everything all the time no matter what'' attitude is SOOOO blatant#this isnt even going into his antisemitism lmfaoooo#literally a list a mile long and ppl still plug their ears and close their eyes and yell LALALALA IM NOT LISTENINGGGG#also here's your necessary ''not all white people''. i know. i'm aware. theres some good ones sure but they shouldnt need to be coddled#and reassured every time somebody complains about white people general behaviour. let me complain!!! its a pattern of behaviour!!#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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feywildfox · 2 years
Mm i left bandom space a long long time ago. I mean I'm not that old but ten years ago is still pretty long. And frankly if i overstep lemme know.
Honestly at this point i shouldnt be surprised so many people are actually still inherently racist towards Ray, but also i think, i should be. Because i genuinely expected better from mcr bandom, but again, left bandom spaces a decade ago...
It's pretty sad? Like. I'll admit, I didn't realize Ray was actually a man of colour when i was younger. I think i realized right around the time i left at 15 or so. Which also really goes to show that racism towards him and making him seem as white as possible which definitely i think was a thing. Like in comparison, I knew pete wentz was mixed long before i figured out Ray was a poc. It says a lot about the space at the time and i had honestly thought it'd be better now.
I've loved mcr for years, but i havent been IN love with them for a while. It happens, relationships and feeling wax and wane. But this tour, the excitement and love recently ignited in not just Gerard with all their gender fuckery, but the whole band, has brought a love and joy back into my life for music that hit me in the heart as a preteen and teenager.
And none of that would be possible without Ray Toro putting his all into the feelings and conveying of in his music. Mikey made the band, but ray MAKES the band. He is absolutely fucking integral and it is disgusting & disheartening to see him treated such a way. What the fuck even, hearing that streamers are zooming in on frank during Rays solos?? Like do the fuck better? I'm honestly disappointed as fuck in that shit. Like I know this whole thing is a little disjointed stream of consciousness type post but really. White people do better challenge! Its literally SO fucking easy. The real camera guys are RIGHT THERE showing what to fucking do!
You can love the others as much as you want but jesus fuck give Ray the same fucking courtesy. Stop ignoring your racism, start recognizing the issues that plague you from being white and growing up in white privilege. I sure as fuck still have plenty of shit to work on but at least i can say i can do the bare fucking MINIMUM of giving Ray Toro the respect and attention he absolutely fucking deserves.
Like I do hope this is understood I am not trying to speak over anyone but simply say from one white to another: you need to do better. If that's how you treat a member of supposedly one of your fav bands, i genuinely fear for the poc you encounter in your life. The harm you cause by staying blind may be incremental but it builds up until it's a mountain. Do fucking better.
#not the picturesque emo#fans#its 1 am so this is not. the modt coherent thing but i hope it gets the point across as someone who has been outside of bandom space#i mever realized how big an issue it was but honestly i should have known#im not going point at myself as a pure example of what to do because honestly ive loved mcr from a distance for a while#i have always loved them all but literally its ridiculous coming back ten years later#and finding out that yeah no. rays apparently or whatever the fuck#like uh what. emo is a style#its a sounds a love language a voice for people an expression#sure there are certain clothes or jewelry or makeup that can play into it but NONE of that actually means shit#because it can be turned corpo and ripped up and spat back all sanatized. ray is emo. ray is a man of colour. he's a rock god on the guitar#NONE of that is mutally fucking exclusive! ray toro is just as important as anyone else in the band#ray toro deserves SO much respect and he does NOT deserve to have people claim they are of mcr then treat him like that#you are not an mcr fan you are a pretentious racist asshole who needs to check ther privileges at the fucking gate thank you#fox squawks#im tired and angry now and im sorry to all the poc in the fandom who have to deal w this on a constant basis you all deserve a lot better#im sure yall feel way worse than i do and i genuinely hope people can realize the shit theyve been doing.#i am always happy to go toe to toe w other dumbass white ppl and call them out on their bs#i dont see it because i curate my dash to the point drama is usually a mild breeze at best but i am more than willing to#weaponize my whiteness to force other white ppl to think. if you gotta point me at em do it idc. like a lil attack chihuahua or something.#idk#im lagging now but my fingers dont want to stop typing bc i am nervous abt posting this but yknow. whatever if i fuck up i learn & move on!#we Do Not succumb to white guilt we gracefully say im sorry for that thank you for pointing it out even though you didnt have to i know its#exhausting to do constantly i will keep that in mind and then we do! and we modify our behavior! and we DO. BETTER
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