#im sorry but theres a reason this movie is one of this more forgotten works
chulitas · 2 years
All this talk about Goncharov reminds me of Pauline Kael's original review - she appreciated it for the most part but disliked immensely how Scorcese manages to lose sight of the film's themes and narrative (especially with that underwhelming ending)... I think she really put into words how much I personally struggled with liking Goncharov (no matter how much great shit it has in it) and why his next film immediately after, Mean Streets was special. Instead of another Godfather rehash, he made a "true original."
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kangmochii · 6 years
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Title: Perfect timing
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader, a little bit of everyone
Genre: Fluff, Angst? Bestfriends turned into lovers?
Summary: A little bit of you falling inlove with Namjoon.
Authors note: I am sorrry for the incorrect grammar such being English not my first language I tend to have hard time editing grammar and everything. This came unto me while I was in working and actually spent the whole day writting about this. Please tell me if you like it. I am trying to gain my confidence back in my writting. Take care of yourself and be happy all the time 🤗😘
“Is Namjoon coming?” Your room mate Taehyung asked one Friday afternoon. You were preparing dinner for the guys who usually hangs in your place (because it’s bigger than our place – Jin quipped one time) it was actually a blessing that you were free that day. Fridays are worst at the hospital and there were so many people coming – but the medical director said you can go and take a rest and you’re planning to spend it with the boys whom you treat like brothers. It started with just you and Namjoon then you met Taehyung while you were in college. He was also an aspiring doctor that time that became your emotional support when Namjoon is away which end up with you and Namjoon arguing about it. The fighting only stopped when he found out that Taehyung was dating Jungkook, a cute freshman that time. The three of you hung out as much as you can Namjoon appearing when he can, often bringing Yoongi – his quiet roommate who dates this cheerful boy Jimin which made the atmosphere lighter when you guys hung around. Jin entered your lives in a different manner since he was your neighbour. You always thought he was dating his roommate but after a couple of teas and random passing in the corridors you realized that he doesn’t and in fact he and Hobi are childhood friends and nothing else. Your love for these boys and your best friend will always be limitless. But it will always be different with Namjoon. He is and always be special. It has been like this ever since you were kids. You were always like Namjoon’s little sister, you were always crying in his arms when one of the girls bullied you, or that time when both of you were in high school and you were crying in his arms because of a boy. It was extremely difficult for you when you guys went to different colleges- you pursuing Medicine and him going to a music school, but there was always this promise that you won’t let each other down. That is when you realized that you had actually fallen in love with your best friend.
“Stop asking me about it. You know he is coming and brining that girl again.” You replied to Tae- a little too harsh but you felt guilty as soon as you saw his face fell sad. “I’m sorry hun, you know how I feel about him dating her I’m happy for him but I just feel a little uncomfortable about her.” Maybe it’s because of your feelings for your best friend that you pushed away because you’re scared of or maybe you’re scared because she knows. She knows a little too much that’s why whenever you’re around she pulls Namjoon a little closer but Namjoon doesn’t and it makes you crazy. “I’m sorry for bringing it up, y/n. but you can’t blame him if he doesn’t know what you feel for him. Jungkook keeps on telling me that he knows that Namjoon likes you but you kept on thinking about ruining your friendship.”
“I know. I can’t exactly blame anyone in this matter. It’s just a lot to handle you know. I barely see him nowadays. He’s always in her place or with her or doing god knows what with her.”
“If he doesn’t bring her with him tonight you have to tell him, y/n.” Taehyung said hugging you.
As you continue to ramble on the door opened with a loud thud and a lanky figure came with it “I bought soju!” Jin quickly entered with Hobi next to him rambling about chips and their new fishing adventure (which ended up Jin failing to catch a single fish) hanging out with the guys is very comforting and fun in a way. You don’t get to be overdramatic with them because they know and they understand. At some point of your intertwined live you suspect that everyone knows what you felt about your bestfriend but nobody said anything about it. Except Taehyung. While you were preparing dinner you heard Namjoon came in with Yoongi and the other guys with more chicken and beer and everyone was happy to experience a little comfort after a hardwork that week.
As soon as dinner was finished you and the guys were seated at the living room watching a horror flick that Jungkook pick (“come on hobi hyung done be scared!”) and you were nestled against Namjoon trying to savour these last moments because his girlfriend isn’t there you should feel guilty because you were pining over someone who was in a relationship but theres nothing to be guilty about since he is your bestfriend.. right?
In the middle of the movie, Namjoon could feel you getting nervous as the scenes progresses but shows nothing instead he just snaked his armed around you and hugged you closer “you okay, babe?” he whispered earning a soft “hmm” from you. He felt you melt in his touch – something that he missed for a long time ago. “I missed you. We haven’t done this for a long time” he quickly said.
“I know. It’s been like this since you’re busy with her”
“Do I sense a bit of jealousy here?” Namjoon shockingly asked.
“Of course she is you dumbass. She likes you.” Out of nowhere yoongi’s strained voice appeared and then you realized that he was cuddling with Jimin and everyone was watching your little interaction with Joon.
“Hyung. You should talk with y/n. she might tell you something.” Jungkook suddenly said earning a yes from Taehyung.
“Yah. Go talk to her. Im tired of listening to her bitching ass everyday because of this. And Im also tired of listening to rants, joonie. Settle this in the room and we will be here watching this stupid movie Jungkook picked” Jin said.
“Let’s talk, y/n” Namjoon quickly pulled you to your room.
Your room doesn’t really have much- study table with a chair and a bed, just a few pictures of your family and your friends, the boys with you on a beach last summer and a picture of you and Namjoon in your college graduation. Namjoon quickly sat on your bed and said “in all seriousness, y/n what the hell is happening? Tell me everything. No secrets and any bullcrap. You know that I klnow when you lie”
“What do you want me to tell you?”
“What were the boys telling out there?”
“What were they talking about you earlier too?” you shot back suddenly annoyed with all the questions.
“Tell me first then I’ll tell you.” He replied.
You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that this is now or never,. Whatever yopu will say here will change your friendship with him and eventhough you were scared in your wits you pulled hyourself together and tell him the words you were dreading to tell him since day one.
“I love you, Joon.” You quickly mumbled
“what?” he stool there mouth hanging open.
“I know it seems stupid for me too. Im sorry that I fell inlove with you. It wasn’t something I planned and something that I wanted. I know were good friends and I don’t want to ruin it because of this. I also know you’re dating her which makes it more stupid than ever but I swear joon I don’t want our friendship to end because of this” tears cant stop falling from your face this time. It felt like a dam opening lots of feelings how many years did you try to hide it from him? All those touches? All those smiles? Who wouldn’t fall inlove with Kim Namjoon? He was beyond perfect and he was the perfect bestfriend for you.
“When did it start?” Namjoon asked.
“I don’t know. These things don’t have a starting date you know.”
“Has been like this since last year?”
“2 years ago I guess. It was around the time I got my physicians license.” You smiled sadly. Fondly remembering how you guys celebrated when you and taehyung passed the physicians licensure examination. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“How could I tell you I was in love with you? How can I ruin our friendship? I know you only see me as a friend and nothing else. I’d rather have this feelings hidden instead of losing you, you know.” You sad beside him and grabbed the Ryan plushie he got you last time.
He chuckled sadly and looked at your straight into the eye “I guess its time we both come clean, huh?”
“What do you mean?”
He cleared his throat and said “I loved you ever since, y/n. before you going to medical school, before you crying because a guy hurt you way back high school. I guess ever since we were kids; I always have this thing about you. Then thing is, I can’t really pursue you that time since you were so determined to be a doctor so I decided to just help you and be there along the way – or maybe that’s what I was telling myself that time but seeing you right now all grown up and smartass makes me want you more but it got me more afraid because why would you like me? You’re a doctor, I’m just someone who makes music with his friends and sells it for a couple of bucks. You wouldn’t want me because I was just a jerk who comes here every now and then to make you smile and eat your food since you buy too many. I was a nobody, y/n and about her; you know that we broke up months ago right? Finally got the guts to tell her that I’m not really into her I guess she finally caught me since she told me she knew it was you all along.”
“That’s the most stupid reason I heard, and stop eating the food I kept on buying for Taehyung and Jungkook. You know they eat like Vikings “ you said. Can’t believe what was just happening right now.
“So that makes us both stupid, huh” Namjoon smiled at you showing his dimples.
You giggled and hugged him this time all the worries in world forgotten. What matters as of now is his smile and his lips leaning into yours and feeling his lips better than you imagined. Then suddenly
“YAH DON’T HAVE SEX WHILE WERE HERE!!” a loud voice shouted from outside which you guess was Hobi along with “I’m glad this is finally settled. Im tired of hearing Namjoon whine about her”
Then you realized, this is the perfect timing for the both of you. <3
Can someone tell me how to make the (read more) link thing? I am editing on my phone as of the moment and I cant seem to find it. 😅 tysm, my loves! 😍
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Happier (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: This is one of the first requests in my inbox and im sorry it took this long to write this. I just got inspired last mightt. sorryy love youuu
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here. if anyone here like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Walking down 29th and Park I saw you in another’s arms You look happier
“Hey, woah slow down Tae. How many glass have you drank?” Jimin snatched his glass away and Taehyung smirked.
“Oh come on Chim. Its a party. A happy occassion! Shouldnt we be happy too? Let me drink!” He growls and tries to get his glass back but Jimin pull his hand away.
“How long are you going to be this way? Are you going to get drunk everytime you remember her? Everytime theres a couple? A wedding? An engagement? Anything thats reeks happiness or reminds you of love?!”
“Yeah. I am! So what?!” Taehyung growls and sneered at his friend, trying to find another glass.
“Get over her already Kim Taehyung!” Jimin yelled. “Get over Y/N!”
“I cant. Not when she looks so happy in another man’s arm. No one should be able to make her happy like that except for me Chim! No one!” Taehyung sighed and slumped down on the chair.
“But you are the one wbo blew it Tae. Its your own damn fault and you got no one to blame,” Jimim rubs his friend’s back. He knows how heart broken Taehyung is but theres realy no one else to blame but himself. “Now man up. Its a party and you wont ruined it just because you cant see anyone else happy and in love!” Jimin growls and shakes Taehyung’s shoulder. “Shes happier now and you should be happy for her, and thats that,”
Saw you walk inside a bar He said something to make you laugh I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours Yeah, you look happier, you do
Its only been a few months after their fateful breakup that Taehyung saw Y/N again. He saw her in her favorite scarf and beanie, fighting the cold weather, her nose and the tip of her ears slightly pink. Taehyung loves that look on her. He always teased her about it when they were together. Without realizing, his legs has taken him into her direction, wanting nothing more than to tap her shoulder and tell her how much he misses her, but Taehyung never get the opportunity when clumsy as she is, she bumped into someone the moment she walked into the bar, spilling the glasses of beer the man is holding. And before he knows it, the two of them are talking and laughing to the wee hours, the man’s friends forgotten and Taehyung sat alone by the corner, just staring at them.
His last memory of hers… her crying face, her eyes thats filled with pain.. now is replaced by the wide smile on her face, laughing at something the man said. If only Taehyund had walked faster. If only Taehyung grabbed her hand first before she enters the bar, if only she wasnt clumsy. So many ifs but everything is too late when all he can see now is Y/N’s big grin that matches the man as they exchanged phone numbers.
If only he could turn back time and treat her right.
Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain’t nobody love you like I do
Y/N and Taehyung has been together for almost 10 years. Well, they will be 10 in a few months and Y/N loves him like no other. Dating an idol was never easy. Especially if the said idol is extremely well known and good looking and she is just a normal girl. Its fate they met and fall in love. Y/N had refused his invitation for drinks multiple times when they first met, but Taehyung was relentless. He keeps showing up and asking her out, and who in the world could resist Kim Taehyung’s charms when he decides to put it to good use on someone. So, after months of persuading and convincing, Y/N finally said yes to a coffee date.
A simple coffee date turns to talking all day long. They laugh, they share their interests, they shared stories, and they even continued their coffee date to a night walk by the Han river which they ended up sitting and talking until the break of dawn. As Taehyung walks Y/N home, he finally finds the courage to ask for her phone number and one simple coffee date turns to lunches, movies, walk in the parks, dinners and on their 10th date, Taehyung finally asks her to officially become his, which Y/N said yes to without hesitation.
Taehyung and Y/N are madly in love, and eventhough they were not allowed to date in public, that didnt seem to stop them as their love for each other burns quite strongly. Y/N believes that no matter what happen, they can take it, just as long as Taehyung continues to love her.
Nine years they have been together. They are in love and happy and Taehyung couldnt have asked for more. Y/N is understanding, beautiful, smart, sweet and everything else he ever wanted in a girl, but Yerin came like a summer breeze in his comfortable winter with Y/N. Hr met when Yerin, a rookie idol, was casted as one of the model for their music video. She is fresh, young, charming and new and for some odd reason, out of the sevem boys, she seemed to be interested in him. Yerin didnt know at first, to the world Taehyung is a single man, and by the time she found out that Taehyung is in a long term serious relationship, she has already fallen too deep in love with him,amd a girlfriend wont stop her efforts in persuing Kim Taehyung.
Relentless and determined to make Taehyung hers, she become his dream girl, his one place to vent about work stress… or when he has fight with Y/N. Tiny unimportant arguments turns into bigger fights led Taehyung to not coming home for days. And Yerin swoop in to take the opportunity and on one drunken night at a bar listening to Taehyung vent about the fights led to sleepless night in her bed, doing things he shouldnt have. One night turns to many, once a week turns to almost everyday and soon enough Taehyung is convinced that he is in love with Yerin too.
So Y/N becomes a punch bag. A person to release his anger on when he got into a fight with Yerin. When he is jealous about Yerin’s intinate closeness with her co star. Smiles and sweet nothings are only whispered in Yerin’s ears and only harsh words of insults and yelling are left for Y/N.
Nine years theu have been together. Ten in a few months, and Y/N knkws something has changed in her relationship Taehyung. Is it her? Did she do something? Did she changed? Is that why Taehyung hates her so much?
Tears dripped down on the cold floor as she kneeled down to pick up the remains of the food that she worked so hard to cook as a surprise for him and scattered pieces of the broken plate that Taehyung threw on the floor earlier before storming out. Just because she asks him where he had been when she calls the dorm and the boys said he were not there. Just because of that one question, Taehyung pushed down everything on the table to the floor in rage before storming off, not coming home for the next three days. Dont even get her started on the harsh words Taehyung said to her every day, cancelling on date nights for no reason at all even when she is already fully dressed and pushing her away when she tries to kiss him. Y/N starts to keep to herself, crying herself to sleep whenever Taehyung stormed off or didnt make it home for the night, keeping quiet when he is around, afraid anything she said will set him off, all the while trying to think of the mistake she did that seems to make Taehyung to stop loving her.
But no matter how she tried, she doesnt know why. Y/N was almost convinced that maybe Taehyung’s love for her has expired. Maybe love does have an expired date after all. After all, they have been together for nearly 10 years, maybe he is bored of her already.
Then one fateful day, when she decides to come home early from work, she finally found out why.
The red stilletos placed neatly in front of the door is definitely not hers. But even with a panic rising in her chest, Y/N tries to reason with herself. Maybe one of the boys comes over to visit Taehyung and brought their girlfriend with them. Yes, that could be it. But the dim lighted house when she entered and the trail of clothes leading to their bedroom are making it hard to believe the reason she just came out with.
The noise she heard as she neared the room is making her thoughts came true and the sight she sees when she pushed open the door slightly confirmed everything.
Y/N covered her mouth with both of her hand as she stood there watching her boyfriend thrusting in and out of a woman she has never seen before. Their loud moans and being lost in pleasure distract them from seeing her there, and with tears running down her face, Y/N turned around and went out from the house, eliminating all traces that she has been there and witness the whole thing.
Maybe its a one time thing. She can forgive a one time thing right? Everyone make mistakes and Taehyung is only human. He loves her. Taehyung still loves her.
Atleast that is what she keeps tellimg herself as she comes home hours later, pretending like nothing happened.
Y/N’s hope and trust that its a one time thing broke into pieces when she starts to caught them multiple times, everywhere. Even worse when she caught Taehyung talking to the girl on the phone, and texting her. Her heart shattered into pieces when she finally heard it. Taehyung’s hush voice, under the blanket.
“I love you Yerin, goodnight angel,”
All this time Y/N pretended not to know that her boyfriend is sleeping with someone else, in her own house too. She pretended not to know, hoping its just a fling, something Taehyung needed to get out from his system. She knows she can forgive him, just as long as he tells her he still loves her.
But telling the other girl he loves her? Y/N knew then that their relationship is over. And she knows just the perfect gift she could give to the man she loves, one last time.
Sat on the corner of the room Everything’s reminding me of you Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you’re happier Aren’t you?
Why didnt he notice her smile that just didnt reached her eyes anymore? Or the way she goes to bed early? Or how she always refuses date night saying shes too exhausted? And her puffy and red eyes like she has been crying all night when she wakes him up for breakfast? Why didnt he see all that?
Taehyung took a swig from the already half empty bottle as he thinks about all the things he should have noticed. Things that showed Y/N already knows about his infidelity. Knows how he already broke her heart.Things he should have done. This is his usual routine whenever they dont have a schedule now, crawled into a corner at a nameless bar where no one would recognize him and drinks up one whole bottle or whatever bottle that he is sober enough to order next, thinking about his memories with Y/N. The good memories, the bad memories, and just memories of her. The way she walks, talks, laugh and smile. The way she always smell, of roses and vanilla, the way she needs to drink a cup of milk before she can fall asleep, the way she loves to dance in the rain. Every single thing reminds Taehyung of Y/N. So he drinks. He keeps on drinking until all theres left are hazy memories of her, and yet, when he wakes up after passing out at some alleyway the next morning, her face is always the first thing that appeared in his mind.
Taehyung shouldnt be this way. He shouldnt even feel this way. He shouldnt even be thinking about Y/N at all. Y/N has found someone new. Someone who can make her laugh better, smile wider, happier even, and she dont need him anymore. But why is it Taehyung needs her more than ever now?
Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain’t nobody need you like I do I know that there’s others that deserve you But my darling, I am still in love with you
“T-Taehyung?” Y/N’s sleepy eyes popped wide open when she realized who is at her door at 4 am in the morning, looking drunk as hell and disheveled.
“Baybeeeee,” Taehyung slurred as he stumbled into the door, trying to kiss her but Y/N avoided him.
“Tae go home. Its 4 am and you are drunk,”
“I-Im not drunkkk. I want to see my babybeee,” he giggles and stumbled into the couch.
“Tae…” Y/N sighed. “Just stay there. Ill make some coffee to help you sober up and then maybe you can go home,” Y/N make sure he is safe and comfortable on the couch before heading to the kitchen to make him the coffee and some snacks. By the time she came back, Taehyung is already fast asleep, drooling on her couch. She stood there in front of him, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, looking at him sadly.
“I guess… we just have to talk tomorrow then. Sleep well Taehyung,”
“Hey… how are you feeling?” Taehyung feels like he has woken up in heaven when the first thing he sees is Y/N’s face smiling in front of him if its not for the killer headache attacking his head right at that moment.
“Like dying,” he groans out. Y/N giggles at his answer and even then he feels his heart skipped a beat from the sound.
“I know. You are hangover. Drink this. It will help,” she pushes a glass of hot beverage in front of him and some pills. “And I made breakfast too. Eat up before you go okay,” the thought of Y/N making him breakfast sends his heart into a frenzy but then he remembers her next words, ‘before you go’ . Right. They are no longer together. He can no longer lounge and watch TV with her, legs tangling together after breakfast or his favorite, making sweet sweet love to her. Y/N belongs to someone else now. And he needs to go after he eats breakfast.
“Yeah.. thanks,” he takes a sip of the drink and swallow his pills. “I take it I was drunk and showed up at your house at late hours last night?”
“4 am to be exact,” she smiles.
“I’m really sorry Y/N,”
“Its okay Tae. It happens. I understand. Eat up and sober up okay? Your brothers must be worried about you,” she smiles again and start to get up but Taehyung stop her by pulling her hand.
“No. Theres no possible way that you can understand Y/N,” he looks at her straight in the eye. “You wont be able to understand how much I miss you, need you,”
“Taehyung, dont,” Y/N tries to shake her hand loose but to no avail.
“Please Y/N…”
“I-I dont know what you are asking from me. Taehyung we are over. I have met someone new now,” Y/N tries to shake her hand off again. “Tae… I’m happy with him,” Her words were like a blade to Taehyung’s heart. “You know I’m happy with him,”
“Y/N… I know you deserve to be happy. I know theres someone out there that deserves you more than me, that can treat you better, love you better…” he trailed off, hoping for a reaction.
Y/N just kept quiet, finally able to take her hand back after Taehyung let it go.
“But Y/N… give me a chance. You have loved me before. You can love me again. I will treat you the way you really deserve Y/N. Please…,” Taehyung begged, his eyes wide. “Y/N… I still love you. I am still so in love with you. I cant forget you. I cant move on from you,”
“Tae… please dont do this,” Y/N sniffles, tears threatening to fall down. “You know I love you before Tae. You are everything to me,” she cups his face. “But its over. You didnt choose me. So I chooses someone new Tae. And this breakup is the only gift I could give you,”
I could try to smile to hide the truth I know I was happier with you
“Happy anniversary Kim Taehyung. I cant believe its our 10th year together now,” Y/N smiles at him and Taehyung smiles back. God, he misses that smile. So beautiful. A smile that never fails to make all his bad days turns good again. That smile that never leave her face no matter how bad Taehyung treated her all this years. Abandoned her, keeping her a secret, yells at her, making her a punching bag, push her around, hurt her… everything bad he did, she only replied with that smile.
Why am I so stupid? Taehyung thought to himself. He already have the perfect angel bestowed upon him and all he do is take her for granted and hurt her. I’m never going to make her cry out of sadness ever again. Ever. I’m going to make it right this time. Who am I kidding? No one will ever be able to make as happy as she is. Y/N is the only one for me. Forever and always. I’m at my happiest only when I’m with her, and I’ll keep it that way.
Yerin was a mistake. He never loved her. He realized that now. Everything he did with her is out of lust, and blinded feelings. Y/N deserves better. Y/N is the only girl for him and he knows that now. Taehyung just hopes that he is not too late.
“Happy anniversary baby,” Taehyung closes the gap between them and hold her hand. He leans in to give her a kiss but Y/N titlted her head, avoiding it, making Taehyung confused. “Baby? Everything okay?”
“Everything is more than okay. Its great even,” Y/N smiles again, but her smile is sad this time. Taehyung furrowed her brows. Whats happening? He starts to panics when tears starts falling down her cheeks softly, but the smile still etched across her face.
“T-then why are you crying baby?”
“N-nothing. I’m just going to give you your present okay?”
“Okay. But wait!” Taehyung reached on the table and take the gift box that he had wrapped so carefully. “Open mine first. Its not much baby but I promise everything is changing starting now. That present is just the beginning,” he grins, knowing Y/N couldnt possibly understand what he is talking about.
“I…” Y/N looks down, not moving to take the box. “Just… I want to give you my present first okay Taehyung?”
“O-okay then baby. What is it?”
“I’m afraid its not something material,” she smiles. “But I know you will love it,”
“Really? What is it baby?” Taehyung smiles warmly at her. “Whatever it is you are giving me, I will like it anyway. Because it came from you,”
Y/N smiles and didnt say anything, moving closer to him and take his hand, her thumb carresing the back of his hand before the other carressed his cheeks. Her eyes look into his deeply, as if trying to remember his face one last time. Taehyung feels panic rising in his chest but keeps on smiling.
“My gift for you Taehyung, is a bit special. Since its our 10 years anniversary,” she looks down for a moment before lifting her eyes to look back into his, glazed with tears. “I’m giving you your freedom,”
“What do you mean? What freedom?”
“I’m breaking up with you Tae,” Y/N smiles softly, tears are again cascading down her cheeks.
“Breaking up?! What?! Baby no! I-”
“Listen to me!” Y/N raised her hand to stop him from talking. “I’m breaking up with you Tae, so you dont have to. I know about you and Yerin and I also know about how long it has been going on,” Taehyung felt all the blood is gone from his face as he tries to grab Y/N’s hand but she flinched away. “I’m giving you freedom from me Tae. So you dont have to cheat anymore. Go to her,”
“Baby no! I’m sorry!” Taehyung is also crying now. “Baby, I swear. Its a mistake. I-”
“Its not a mistake when it has been going on for more than a year Tae,” Y/N gave him a small smile. “I can see your face Tae. Your exhaustion whenever you are with me. How forced you feel when you have to come back to me when all you want is to be with her, right? Its alright. This is my final gift to you. You dont have to feel bad anymore. And I wont put this against you,” Y/N nods and pulls out something from behind the couch, her luggage that Taehyung recognized so well. He recognized because they bought it together. The stickers on it a reminder of all the places they have been together, creating memories, but now all torned up, leaving the surface if the luggage empty. Is she throwimg all their memories away?
“No. No! I’m not letting you go! Y/N, I’m sorry. I know. I know my mistake is too huge to be forgiven, but give me a chance to redeem myself. Just dont leave me, plesse baby,” he pleaded, begging desperately.
“I cant do that Tae. Every night when you didnt come home I cried in my bed, my head spinning, thinking if you are with her tonight. Thinking if you are doing the things you used to do with me. Are you happy with her? Are you sleeping soundly in her arms? I cant do that anymore Tae. I’m sorry but I cant,”
“I swear Y/N. Its over. Its really is over! Its you. You are the one I want. The one I love!” Taehyung tries to pull her back when she tries to wheel her luggage out the door.
“Tae.. I keep on thinking, wondering. Is there anything else that I could have done, that I should have do to prevented you from doing it… but I cant think of anything. I have given you my everything Tae bur its not enough,” Y/N sobs. “I realized it now. Im not enough. A-and this is the last thing I can give you to proof how much I love you,”
“If you love me, please dont go Y/N. Please dont. I will change. Ill do anything you want, please Y/N. I love you, I love you,” Taehyung is already on his knees, hugging her waist but she peeled off his hands that di wrapped around her.
“You dont love me Tae. If you do you wouldnt have done it. There must be something about her that makes you keep coming back… and I’m giving you the freedom to enjoy that with her. That is my last gift to you,” Y/N pushed his hands away and with tear stricken face turn to him one last time. “Happy anniversary Tae, you know I love you, but my love alone is not enough. You will be happier without me. Goodbye my love,”
And with that, Y/N walks out, never looking back.
Baby, you look happier, you do I knew one day you’d fall for someone new But if he breaks your heart like lovers do Just know that I’ll be waiting here for you
“Its been years Tae… you need to accept the fact that Y/N is happy and she is getting married okay?” Jimin sympathetically looks at his friend. “You want her to be happy dont you? And look at her Tae,” Jimin points to the front, where the main couple of the engagement party stood. “She looks so happy. Jungkook makes her happy, and you know that. He treats her right. She has been happy ever since she met Kookie at the bar,”
Taehyung look at the newly engaged couple in front of the room, Jungkook pulling Y/N, his now fiancee, in for a kiss as she blushes shyly and gave a weak smile towards Jimin.
“She doesnt just look happy Chim,” Taehyung said, making Jimin turned to him,curious as to what his friend is going to say. “She looks extremely happier. Happier than she ever did with me… and thats a good thing right?” Taehyung finishes off his glass in one gulp. “But I’ll be here Chim. I’ll be waiting for her here, forever. And if I ever be given the chance again, then I’ll make her even happier than that,”
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laylainalaska · 7 years
Re: your post about gotg vol 1: I think your interpretation is totally valid, but for me, there's also room to look at it from the angle where the Ravagers kind of don't know what they're signing up for. I saw vol1 recently but not too recently so I'm fairly certain Im recalling it accurately; and the scene that stands out most for me is when the Aster pilots start dive bombing the city and the Ravagers literally put themselves between the ships and the city and start firing back. 1/
Theres a certain quality of “#yolo” they seem to have– theyre enjoying it like a berserker might enjoy combat; or like a gamer might enjoy gaming, aka with a sense of removal. And I’m not sure to what extent Yondu would have shared that, but I don’t think he’d have risked his entire crew if he didn’t have at least some hope/trust in Quill that they really would see the other side of that fight. And Ravagers are mercenaries (canon or fanon I actually don’t know lol) so it’s not like it would 2/
Even be the first time they’d probably signed up to fight for the disadvantaged side. Yondu wants the reward; the orb. I hc they have more trouble than most ravager crews getting work– being exiled and all– so he weighs the risk and reward (albeit probably with a larger margin for risk than a more sane man would allow) and goes for it. Sorry this got long but I’ve got lots of gotg feels still it seems :) 3/3
Oh yes, all of this makes total sense to me! Actually, I’d kinda forgotten about the mercenary part (and yeah, I think they’re referred to as mercenaries when the guards are talking about Peter) - which means for the run-of-the-mill Ravagers, getting hired to fight in a situation like that would be business as usual; they probably don’t know exactly what they’re up against, don’t really care as long as they get to fight, and rely on Yondu to do the managerial stuff, i.e. find the next job and make sure they get paid.
(Which is probably a big reason why the resentment is so strong in GotG2, come to think of it, because in the end they didn’t get paid, which is a very bad idea when you’re running a crew of mercs …)
Anyway, yeah, all of this makes sense, and it’s also entirely plausible that there is a certain amount of selflessness involved too (@sheronm pointed that out in a comment as well); they’re assholes and killers, but that doesn’t mean they can’t fight for a good cause once in awhile. See below:
sheronm replied to your post: Here’s a question for the GotG fandom: in Vol. 1,...
I have to rewatch the movie since I only saw it once, but my impression was really that every one of them started buying into the “guardians of the galaxy” bit and at some point it became less about their personal survival than just guarding other people’s safety. I think that was a motivation for all of them, whether they admitted to it or not….(but it’s been a while since I saw it and I may be very very wrong)
I don’t think you’re wrong, actually - the above ask points out that they are literally throwing themselves between the city and the attackers. After all, during the course of the movie, we see someone as self-serving as Rocket turn around and find his hero side; it’s not unreasonable that the Ravagers are doing the same thing. I also think it’s probably quite plausible that they’re just used to being hired out to fight in dangerous parts of the galaxy and enjoy it; risking death and killing people is what they do for a living, after all.
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