#im sorry panda. humans are confusing
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sharkuu-momo · 1 year
Bro I am INVESTED in your Reincarnation Peng AU, I'm honestly peeved that there aren't any fanfics about it yet!
But anyways, I was wondering about something. So Peng in this au can turn from bird form to human form, unlike Pigsy and Sandy who are also demons but don't have that kind of shapeshifting power (that we know of).
Did he always have that power? How did it affect him growing up? How did his parents react when they found out he could transform like that? Was he bullied for it? Did anyone think it was super cool?
I'm ALSO considering the potential of him maybe not knowing that he could transform until he became an adult, because imagine the shock of this guy randomly turning into a bird demon one day. Suddenly he has a beak and feathers and once he gets over the initial shock he's mostly pissed about how he doesn't even have any wings, like what kind of sad excuse for a bird demon doesn't have wings? (he will eventually figure out how to summon them once he discovers his identity as Golden Winged Peng)
Sorry if I'm making you feel like I'm shoving my interpretations on you, and also that this got so long. I'm just really excited to find out what Peng's relationship with his two forms is, or if it even means anything significant to him.
For Peng to have the power to change from human to bird, similar to Turning Red where Mei suddenly turns into a red panda after having a bad dream. Peng may dream about the memories of their past life as the Golden Winged Peng or as the King Garuda, revealing his true form, not a human but an anthro bird.
Peng's foster mother already knew about it (he only has adoptive mothers in this AU btw), her first reaction was shock (ofc) but she still tried to calm Peng after their first shapeshift into anthro birds. Peng thought that they could shapeshift into birds, as it was some kind of puberty hitting their adulthood (he was still confused so i cant judge them tbh-)
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As you already mentioned, Peng doesn't know about their shape-shifting powers. He thought they were just a regular human being with no power, everything went wrong after he faced the truth about their past later in S4.
Peng thought on their bird form were pretty cool, he is a bird lover in this AU so he'll 100% lovin it. He is either pissed and confused on how he doesn't have a wings. Instead he create their own wings, much like a glider wings (i took the example of glider wings from Genshin Impact)
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Bad Liar (12/?)
The end of summer zoo trip has arrived, as tensions run high will the trip be a disaster? Catch up HERE
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature
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Ellie had gotten herself in well over her head again. After Logan told her what he wanted, and the blow up with Colt. She made herself busy with work, and spending her free time with Luca. She had been looking forward to the zoo trip all summer, but that morning she woke up dreading the day. She had minimal contact with Colt, and Logan was often at the track preparing for a big race coming up. She got up and got herself ready before waking Luca up. Once luca was ready they went down and had breakfast. Ellie sat there picking at her muffin, not having much of an appetite, and her stomach was flopping all over the place.
“Hey guys. We're sorry but we're not going to make it to the zoo today.” Ellie gave her dad a confused look. “Um ok. Not that I didn't want you guys to come but, it was only supposed to be The four of us. Luca, logan, colt and I.”
“oh Logan invited us the other day. But, sally and I are going away for the day.” Frank grabbed a cup of coffee while the frustration swirled in Ellies head. “You ok kiddo? You look a little pale.” Ellie shook her head “Yeah, im fine just, my nerves are shot.”
“Grampy, I'm going to the zoo today. I'm going to see Lions and pandas and tigers and hiphopitamuses.” she grinned, Ellie and Frank chuckling at the mispronunciation. “You mean hippopotamus’s” Frank snickered. “Yeah, that's what I said hiphopitamuses. Silly grampy.”
“Well you have fun. And don't let the monkeys fling poop at you.” Frank waved. “Dad! Seriously?” Ellie scolded him. He stuck out his tongue and walked out the door.
Ellie and Luca drove alone, meeting Logan and Colt there. After a 2 hour drive they pulled into the parking area of the zoo, meeting Colt at the gate. “Colt.” Luca went running, a wide smile spread across his face “Hey princess.” he scooped her up in a hug. “Hi Colt.” Ellie walked up to the too. “Ellie.” He acknowledged her. He still was angry, her stomach churned again, the stress was eating at her. “Hey Luca, Hey Ellie, you guys made it finally.” Logan came walking up, Ellie turned towards his voice glad he was there but her face falling slightly seeing Stacie standing next to him. “Oh, hey Stacie I didn't expect to see you here.”
“Oh, yeah Logan asked me to tag along.  Riya and Darius couldn't make it.” Stacie grinned.
Ellie chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to say something she might regret.
They paid for their tickets and made their way into the zoo. Luca was ecstatic,  she loved the zoo and Ellie would often take her back on the East coast. She would always tell her how her parents would take her when she was a little girl, and her favorite animals to see were the otters.  Logan was just as excited as Luca he had never been to the zoo before. They walked around coming up to the Arctic Fox. "Wow, so pretty. Its fur is snow white." Ellie marveled at the beautiful animal before her. "Well, its white what did you expect." Colt snorted, Ellie shot him a dirty look. "Let's move on." Stacie suggested, sensing the tension.  
They walked up to the baboons, they watched them run around and jump, playing with each other.  Ellie stood next to Colt, who had Luca on his shoulders, her gaze set on Logan standing with Stacie. His hand planted on her shoulder as he stood behind her, pointing things out.she watched as Stacie laughed, and then playfully slapped his chest.
"Ok. Let's move on." Ellie snapped, they all looked at her as she quickly turned making her way to the next animal.
They stood in front of  the penguin display. "OOH penguins, I love penguins Colt. Get closer. " Luca tugged on his hair. "Ouch. Alright, Alright. I'll move closer." Logan stood next to Ellie and Stacie. "Awe look at the babies." Stacie swooned. "Did you know the father hatches the egg while the mother hunts?" Logan crossed his arms, pleased with his input. "Oh yeah? Where did you hear that?" Stacie quirked her brow, Logan gave her a lopsided grin "happy feet." Ellie rolled her eyes annoyed.  Stacie was her friend, but why did Logan invite her on their family outing, or for lack of better terms, dysfunctional family outing?
Of course you'd be impressed by that Ellie mumbles under her breath.  Colt cocked his head to the side.  "Something bothering you Elle?"
"NO." she snapped.
"You know most penguins go through life with one partner. Once they find them, they never seperate." Ellie shot him an unamused look. "If only some humans were like that." He focus on her as he spoke.  "Come on squirt, lets go look at the giraffe's."
Ellie stood there alone a minute while everyone followed colt. She could feel her stomach churning again. This was not how she anticipated the day going. Once she semi composed herself she joined the others.
After an afternoon of snide remarks and jabs between the 3 of them Ellie finally had her fill. They were standing in line to get drinks. It was hot, and tensions were running high. "Can we go see the tigers? Mommy, I want to see the polar bears, you promised we could see the polar bears. When Can we see something else. " Luca whined.
"Luca, we will go in a minute. Calm down and let stacie get her drink." Ellie snapped. "Whoa Ellie calm down. Are you mad about something?" Logan questioned as Ellie stood there, mouth agape "Seriously Logan?" She threw her hands up in the air "Why did you invite Stacie here?"
"I didn't think it would be a problem." Ellie rolled her eyes. "Of course not. Nothing is ever a problem. This was supposed to be a family outing. Is. Is something going on with you and Stacie?" She pointed at him, just as Stacie walked up. "No, were just friends Ellie." Logan said in defense prompting stacie to chime in "Ellie, I told you I would never do that to you."
"Why do you care so much Ellie? You want to be with Logan?" Colt broke his silence. The four began to argue amongst themselves for a few minutes, finally Ellie spoke up "I'm done with this. Come on Luca, lets let's go see the polar bears." She turned looking for Luca, she was nowhere to be found. "Luca? LUCA!" she shouted panic setting in.
"Luca." Logan shouted, still not getting a response.  Ellie began to hyperventilate colt on her immediately "Ellie, Elle I need you to calm down. We're gonna find her. Breathe in." He looked up "Logan, go look by the polar bear enclosure, and then to the Lions.  Stacie, go tell a staff member we have a missing child." The two nodded and took off.
"Colt, my baby. What if we." Ellie sobbed.
"Hey, calm down. We're gonna find her, trust me." He pulled her into a tight embrace, calming her down. "Now, is there anywhere else she would go?" Ellie's eyes went wide "Hippos."
Colt grabbed her hand as they took off running, darting around the other visitors. They came upon the Hippo enclosure, their eyes darted around before Colt locked eyes on the small brunette child "Luca." She shouted, she turned smiling at him. "Ellie, I got her." He shouted as he scooped her up in his arms. "Luca, you scared us. You can't wander off sweetheart."
"Lulu, oh thank god. Baby you can't wander off, you scared us to death." The three stood ellie and colt holding onto her for dear life.  
Logan and Stacie ran up, thankful she was ok. A slight pained look on his face as he watched the interaction between the three. "I'll go and inform the staff we found her." Stacie gave his shoulder a squeeze as she parted. Logan made his way to the trio "Thank god you found her. Hey lulu, you really gave us a scare." Luca reached over for Logan. "Are you mad at me uncle Logie?" Logan chuckled "no. I'm glad you're ok. But you can't wander off like that ok."
They decided to call it a day after that. Luca having school the next morning. Both men agreeing to come see her off. As Ellie put Luca to bed that night the day replaying in her head. How did things get so screwed up. Was there really something going on between Stacie and Logan? She knew Colt was upset about the divorce, but the way he stepped up and took control of the situation made her really believe he would be a good dad, if he was Lucas father. And the few minutes Luca was gone terrified her, it was just a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime. The nagging nauseous feeling crept back up again, she couldn't wait for it to be all over, the divorce,  the paternity results. She laid down, tossing and turning in bed most of the night.
The next morning she woke up, got Luca ready and sure enough both Colt and Logan were there to see her off. Luca was excited to start school, she excelled in preschool,  and placed much higher than a kindergarten level on her school entrance test. Though she most likely got her smarts from her mother, Colt was also very smart, and Logan really showed his intellectual side during the study date with Riya and Darius all those years ago. She would definitely be a force to be reckoned with in school, that was for sure.
Ellie took the day off of work, she knew she wouldn't be productive with her mind occupied with Luca being at school. She spent the day wandering around the house,  cleaning up, unpacking boxes she still hadn't gotten around to. If she were being honest with herself she was also trying to block out the fact the court date was the next week. She often found herself wondering if she were making a mistake,  and every time she wondered it, Dracys words popped in her head. He loved Luca, he really seemed like he would be a good dad. But what if being a family wasn't enough? What if he turned out to be just like Kaneko, wanting more, the crew again. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to think those thoughts brought back the familiar nauseous feeling. She took a deep breath calming herself down,  she would cross that bridge when the time came, only if she were Colts.
Before she knew it, it was almost time to get Luca from the bus. Logan had a race he coming up, so he had to take off right after they got Luca on the bus. Colt however, would be there. Ellie sat on the front patio waiting when she heard the familiar sound of a bike coming down the street. She watched  him as he pulled into the driveway. She always loved the way he looked when he rode. He had traded in his old leather jacket for a new one, his shoulders broader than when he was 19 going on 20. He was still as fit as ever, ellies mind flashed back to the night they hooked up, her hands pressed against his muscular chest. She bit her lip at the thought,  his impossibly tight shirt not helping the situation as he walked towards her . "I knew you would be out here already." He smirked as he walked onto the porch. "Yeah, how'd you know that." She tilted her head at him. "Because you're always like an hour early for everything."
He was right, and she couldn't believe he remembered.
"You ever think you'll go back to a car?" She asked.
"Not anytime soon," He chuckled "Guess I'll have to use one of the cars I Have sitting around for when I have Luca."
"I miss it." Colt eyed her "miss what? The bike? You want that too?"
"NO. I miss the riding. The thrill, the feeling." A blush crept up on her cheeks she prayed he didn't notice.
"Let's take a ride. " He stood holding out his hand. Ellie hesitated "I ahhh. I dont know, Luca-"
"will be off the bus in 45 minutes, we have time. Come on, we have plenty of time." Ellie contemplated for a split second, before an old feeling she had tucked away ignited her body. "Let's do it." She jumped up following him to the bike. They climbed on and he fired up the bike.
She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, her head rested against his back. She watched as the scenery flew by in a blur, the sound of his peaceful breathing putting her at ease. She missed this more than she thought, she needed just one last ride before she closed that chapter of her life completely. They drove for about twenty minutes and then came back to the house. They got off the bike, "thanks. I needed that." Ellie smiled as they walked together to the patio. "Yeah  anytime." He sat down fidgeting with his thumbs. "I'm leaving town Elle." He blurted out. Ellie felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Colt. We have court, and what about Luca?" She was shocked, she couldn't believe he would just leave.
"I can't go to court, I can't go and I won't.  If I go, I will contest it all. But if I leave, you'll get what you want,  you'll be happy." He turned looking at her "That's all I want for you El, to be happy, that is all I ever wanted. I'll tell Luca, it's not forever,  just until after the court date." His voice cracking a little, she could tell he was giving everything he had not to break down, she had seen it once before, the night his father died. She tried to do the same but her eyes failed her terribly.  "Colt I. I'm sorry." She began to sob, a wave of emotion crashing over her. She hated this, she hated all of this. Why couldn't he of just got the annulment 6 years ago, why did she still have to care about them both?
"Ellie please don't cry, please." His voice wavering more. As he pulled her into a hug. "What. About. The test results,  what if they call?" She sniffled. "You call me, text me leave me a voicemail. Its shotty connection so I may not get them right away. If for some reason i can't get there, and she's not mine, just don't call me and tell me." Ellie shook her head. "When will you leave?"
"This weekend, friday morning. Just  for a week."
Before they knew it the bus pulled up. They were greeted by a bright eyed, big smile little girl. "Mooooomy, coooolt." She flew into Ellies arms almost knocking her over. "Whoa." Ellie goggled, steadying herself. "Did you have a good day?" "I had the best day ever!" She ran to colts arms as he scooped her up twirling her around. "Hey sweetheart, what did you do today?" He put her down as they sat down "Well my teacher tried to teach us counting today and they only had us count to 20. I said that's it?"
"Oh yeah? Well what did she say?" Colt cocked his brow, knowing Luca she gave this teacher a run for her money. "Well she said that we would work on counting past 20 later on in the year. So I said, lady I can count past 20 with no problem." They looked to her to finish.  "And she said oh yeah, that's excellent what can you count to? And then I said um like 1,000. So she didn't believe me so I started counting." Her face going somber "She. She cut me off at 497." Ellie and Colt both looked to each other and laughed.
"That's amazing squirt. You are so smart, just like mommy." Colts sincere gaze met her eyes. "Hey Luca. I have to tell you something ok?" Luca looked up at him "I just wanted to let you know that I have to go out of town for a little bit."
"You're leaving?" She sniffled.  "Yeah but not til Friday, and just a few days."
"Will you put me on the bus every morning?" She batted her tiny little lashes, Just like her mom, he was a sucker for it and Colt was warped around her tiny little fingers. "Yes I will."
"And get me off the bus?" Ellie chuckled, she was persuasive.
"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." Colt hugged her.
The week flew past, she missed Logan and wasn't sure what to do about him. Could she really divorce Colt and then date Logan? Was that even fair? Would she lose him forever? Could she handle that? Friday morning Colt came to put Luca on the bus, Ellie thought it best if he did it alone, it would be hard on them both when he left. Just a few short days and it would be over, but was she ready? Only time would tell.
Colt drove the biggest part of the day. Fighting back the urge to turn around and show up to that court house next week.  He needed to push through to get to his destination and try to clear his mind.
After almost 8 hours he pulled into the Lake Tahoe area. Up a gravel driveway to a nice cabin that sat by the lake. The woman stood there hands on her hips,  "Bout time you came up here to see me."
"Hey Mom."
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aph-2p-headcanons · 7 years
2P!China Boyfriend Headcanons
⦁ wOOP WOOP WOOP ⦁ POLICE EXIT THE VEHICLE ⦁ YOU HAVE BEEN CAUGHT LOVING ZAO WANG ⦁ ALLOW ME TO READ YOUR DATING RIGHTS ⦁ im sorry i don't know whats happening deh is blasting in my ear and i can't se e ⦁ anyway ⦁ so you're dating th eman himself ⦁ mr. zao wang ⦁ w0w ⦁ memester 2.0 ⦁ zao is a masTER cuddler (as previously mentioned) ⦁ he will not let go for the world ⦁ i also feel like he secretly has shoved an intire bag of cone backflow incense up his ass at one point ⦁ his room is just a haze of incense smoke, like, you can smell it from outside ⦁ "zao you have a problem" "at least is smells good tho" ⦁ he's so supportive of all your decisions ⦁ he's cheering you on in the sidelines for whatever you're doing ⦁ he's a martial artist but he's so good at slipping on nothing ⦁ he'll like be trying to impress you with some sick kick flip or something on a skateboard and fly backwards -luckily he usually uses his gymnast abilities to backflip and land onto his hand or something ⦁ "i meant to do that" "if you hadn't've said that i would've believed you" "fuc K" ⦁ he will cook for you, but only one dish ⦁ its all he knows ⦁ "what's in it?" *loud sweating* ⦁ i cant decide if i like him better with shorter or longer hair, but his hair grows really fast so he alternates - he also probably has a bit dyed all the time ⦁ ",,,zao,," ",,," ",,you wanna match?" ",,, yes,," ⦁ he tans really easily and looks like a completely different person "where is my boyfriend" "i dont even know anymore" ⦁ he always wears hats and puts them on you ⦁ i used to hc him as sort of a fuckboi (personality and clothing), but i am 100% sure he is a virgin and is all bark - like if you put your hand on his leg when you're laughing or something he would turn 50 Shades of Maroon (TM) ⦁ he totally never wears sleeves tho - it's because he gets hot really easily, but only when his arms are covered?? ⦁ he always gives you a pen or a marker or something because he likes to be drawn on ⦁ "it's like having tattoos but you can start over if you fuck up" "it also doesn't really cost much" "eXACTLY" ⦁ he watches korean soap operas like its his religion ⦁ he's also a bitch baby like he will cry over the Titanic ⦁ he loves memes ⦁ ^thats how he flirts ⦁ like february is the worst month to date him ⦁ he'll send you those valentine card memes ⦁ he's into traditions like his 1P! and lives off of his sentiment - he kinda hoards anythign you give him ever ⦁ he used to be one of the "rawr XD" kids in his teen years and he despises that fact about himself - bring it up all the time for maximum entertainment ⦁ he will laugh at like anything ⦁ he's got a contagious laugh too ⦁ he will wink at you so much but he sucks so it's never sexy, just really cute ⦁ he secretly likes panda express ⦁ likes to take you on dates at the most inconvenient hours ⦁ 1-5AM, usually ⦁ he is such a scaredy-cat, but he likes the thrill of fear, so you guys might be going to a lot of haunted houses or abandoned buildings ⦁ ^ he also paranoys (is that a word??) himself by doing that ⦁ he probably accidentally bought a bong once because he thought it was a glassblown vase - allen laughed at him for eighteen years - he then did the same thing and matt has never laughed so hard - please protect zao from any further embarrassment and shop with him ⦁ i feel like he accidentally gets arrested all the time for no reason and will be calling you crying and pleading to bail him out ⦁ he has so much love to give but he isn't exactly the most experienced in relationships, so he will be so nervous with PDA but do it anyway ⦁ he will launch himself at you if you enter the room as a greeting and swing you around ⦁ he gets up at like 6AM every morning but he stays in his room until like 12 so everyone is like "zao sleeps forever" and the first time you come over you're super confused because you wake up at like *whatever time you wake up* and he's probably already awake like "hey i made some tea do you want any" ⦁ he is either all over the place or the chillest human being in the world - he will have such a change in mood so quickly you'll be like ??? are you okay?? - he is, he's just chilled out now ⦁ he loves TV shows but he NEVER finishes them it's so aggrivating ⦁ he's probably apart of the motorcycle gang (tm) but usually walks or skates places ⦁ anyway i hope these are satisfying for oyu ⦁ bc u will be satisfied ⦁ especially if ur dating zao wang ;)))))))))))
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memorymockery · 8 years
Week at Candle's
"Hola? Hola! so i see you took my place eh? well, atleast they pay you more this time......i think.... well atleast you won't need to worry about anyone comeing here at night, not many people do......not anymore atleast.......WELL, Here's some tips, The Light, i wouldn't reckomend Shaking it, it makes WAAAAY too much noise, and might......disturb some....things...... But anyways, im sure you've noticed a door, a window, and a space under the desk, yeah, the last gaurd created that without permission, we WERE about to patch it up, but......maybe you can use it.....the window on the other hand, is very fragile,if anything hits it, then it will break, but not to worry, one of our animatronics fix it later on, her name is- *crashing sound* Shoot! something might be in the kitchin!!! uh-uh, Okay Just calm down okay!? the door has a button, it locks the door immedaintly, but you MUST close the door first, the window, it has a lach, if you open the window before they hit it you'll be able to knock it down an-and they'll leave the window with out breaking it, Shoot, g-got to go!!!" - first night- "Hello there, i see you must not reconize me, im Macy, im one of the staff here, that person you met earlier was Alex, he went missing before he could see you, he dissapered last night, don't get confused now, this is pre-recored, im sure he told you about the animatronics? that they move?....Lulu and mousie are duo.....becarful, Candle is More of an observer, but if she ever leaves that stage.......CLOSE EVERYTHING, we don't need another incident....... one of our Animatronics are Noise actived, so shaking that Light will get them up, we don't want that, but they won't be here til tommorow, again......they're proably there already........*phone cuts off* " -Night two- "Hello there, mary again, okay so, now've you met Mousie and Lulu, or was it the otherway around? i don't know..... and i've seen that you have met candle? weird, she never moves from that spot unless......nvm tonight will be a bit hard, think you can handle it? kay, so Paris, the panda right? the bear with a cake? yeah, he will go to the kitchin to get you distracted, to get him out of the kitchin.....is another story..... You need to get out of your office and make as Much Noise as Possiable!, he hates the noise and will leave, but Chorell, his cake, He will try and take your Flashlight so you don't se where your going..... goodluck~" -night three- "hey hey hey! im max, i will be your new instructor, yeah.....Mary went missing the last night....we couldn't find her.... or alex........but Candle and Paris started to......smell odd.....whatever, so, you've seen our new one eh? she's a beuty... her name's Avanna, she entertains our guest and the kids........she looks a......bit TOO human......well, can't blame them, allowing that THING so close to the children.....i would be scared is she was a fox or bear.....but eh, human is....okay i guess.... .....hey,......if you by any chance hear her talk........would you go and.....Check it out? i heard she hates lights.....so.....i'd bring that flashlight if i were you,.....hey......if.....if you see Mary there......tell her.....that i said Sorry about yesterday....March 5th..... i didn't think she would come back here.......not after.........got to go......seya.....kid...." -Night Fowa- "So.....you must *static* glad to know.you came back......have you found alex and Mary yet? no? i figured......Max said he found Maryls cellphone By the.....Room....... and alessa said she found Alex's Keychain, ya'know, the one with a cupcake? it was weird......but yeah, she said she found it in the ........same room.......have you heard of....'The Accedint of 93' ? Candle.....she.....wasn't herself.....she......Marygold almost sued us........we said sorry.......we...didn't think she would...... ......Vixy ......Look.....we know your here to find vixy but...... Vixen took care of that..........The vent.......you'll find a doll.....it look's like Old Candle.....she was the older model..... that doll moves.......if you let it too close....... Becarful Ander......i know you miss her........so does Vixen......-cut off-" -night five- Custom Night- Lulu - "Mousie Find Them" "Come here" "She's waiting" "Where are you~" "Mousie get back here please" "it's dark.....Mousie please" Mousie- "I found you~" "*Squeek!!!*" "Calm down Lulu" "Lulu it's okay" "Lulu i found them" "Mama! Mama i see them!!!" Candle- "im sorry" "she died" "why are you still here~" i can't trust them anymore" "why do you hate me?" "It's Not MY Fault!" Candle (Vixy) - "I was scared!!!" "She said sorry!!!" "Why do you hate her!!!" "She did nothing wrong!!!" "i want my Sister! NOW!!" Paris- "Where's the Kids?" " Why am i like this?" "Chorell look, it's our friend say hello...." "We are sorry, but she isn't" Chorrel- "I see you" "heheheh" "You hurt them!!!" "we're sorry but she isn't" "STOP LYING!!!!" Avanna- " i hear someone....." "She is sorry but you keep lying" "Why are you here?" We are sorry but you can't" "Stop Lying" "Where's the birdies?" "You said you'd be there for her" "why did you lie?" "She trusted you" "We trusted you" Coco- "We aren't sorry" "we are sad" "why did you leave her?" "She won't forgive you" "why did She leave me here?" Marion- "She's sorry" "Who are you?" "Your not him......are you?" "Your not Her either........" "Why are here?" "i've never seen you before." InGame ---- "Mousie please come back" - Lulu "it's okay Lulu"- Mousie "The show Begins" -Candle when off stage "We are very sorry" Avanna "Why are you back here?" Avanna "WE WILL FIND YOU!!!~" Doll"coco" "your not Them....aren't you?" Marion "Im sorry we had to do this, i know your not him, i know your not them, i know it wasn't your fault, you didn't do it, I forgive you, but they don't.....i can't......but i want to help you...find my chest, open it up, and i will help you....Please TRUST ME, i will tell you THE WHOLE TRUTH......I Promise" - Marion -------------------------------------- here's the PHONE CALLS of my (soon to be game ) Story, A Week at Candle's Cove, Please enjoy, (it took me 48 minutes........i think.....)
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memorymockery · 8 years
Week at Candle's
"Hola? Hola! so i see you took my place eh? well, atleast they pay you more this time......i think.... well atleast you won't need to worry about anyone comeing here at night, not many people do......not anymore atleast.......WELL, Here's some tips, The Light, i wouldn't reckomend Shaking it, it makes WAAAAY too much noise, and might......disturb some....things...... But anyways, im sure you've noticed a door, a window, and a space under the desk, yeah, the last gaurd created that without permission, we WERE about to patch it up, but......maybe you can use it.....the window on the other hand, is very fragile,if anything hits it, then it will break, but not to worry, one of our animatronics fix it later on, her name is- *crashing sound* Shoot! something might be in the kitchin!!! uh-uh, Okay Just calm down okay!? the door has a button, it locks the door immedaintly, but you MUST close the door first, the window, it has a lach, if you open the window before they hit it you'll be able to knock it down an-and they'll leave the window with out breaking it, Shoot, g-got to go!!!" - first night- "Hello there, i see you must not reconize me, im Macy, im one of the staff here, that person you met earlier was Alex, he went missing before he could see you, he dissapered last night, don't get confused now, this is pre-recored, im sure he told you about the animatronics? that they move?....Lulu and mousie are more of a duo....so...becarful, Candle, is More of an observer, but if she ever leaves that stage.......CLOSE EVERYTHING, we don't need another incident....... one of our Animatronics are Noise actived, so shaking that Light will get them up, we don't want that, but they won't be here til tommorow, again......they're proably there already........*phone cuts off* " -Night two- "Hello there, mary again, okay so, now've you met Mousie and Lulu, or was it the otherway around? i don't know..... and i've seen that you have met candle? weird, she never moves from that spot unless......nevermind tonight will be a bit hard, think you can handle it? kay, so Paris, the panda right? the bear with a cake? yeah, he will go to the kitchin to get you distracted,and to look away from "Game Spawn", to get him out of the kitchin.....is another story..... You need to get out of your office and make as Much Noise as Possiable!, he hates the noise and will leave, but Chorell, his cake, He will try and take your Flashlight so you don't se where your going when you leave, to prevent that, you must be quiet........ goodluck~" -night three- "hey hey hey! im max, i will be your new instructor, yeah.....Mary went missing the last night....we couldn't find her.... or alex........but Lulu and Paris started to......smell odd...has it always been like that?...whatever, so, you've seen our new one eh? she's a beuty... her name's Avanna, she entertains our guest and the kids........she looks a......bit TOO human......well, can't blame them, allowing that THING so close to the children.....i would be scared is she was a fox or bear.....but eh, human is....okay i guess....to keep her from leaveing "Game Spawn" you'll need to keep an eye on her, if she leave's, your in huge trouble..... .....hey,......if you by any chance hear her talk........would you go and.....Check it out? you might be the first one to hear her.....i also heard she hates lights~.....so.....i'd bring that flashlight if i were you,.....hey......if.....if you see Mary there......tell her.....that i said Sorry about yesterday.......... i didn't think she would come back here.......not after.........got to go......seya.....kid...." -Night Fowa- "So.....you must *static* glad to know.you came back......have you found Alex and Mary yet? no? i figured......Max said he found Mary's cellphone By the.....Room....... and Alessa said she found Alex's Keychain, ya'know, the one with a cupcake? it had weird goldish brown eye's? or was it blue....i don't know...it was weird......but yeah, she said she found it in the ........same room.......have you heard of....'The Accident of 93' ? Candle.....she.....wasn't herself.....she......attacked a kid.........we didn't know how to react.......we...didn't think she would...... ......hurt a child.......Look.....we know your here to find Her......forget it....she is Dead, unless you want to find a Corpse then Goodluck, Vixen said she took care of that......hey....The vent.......you'll find a doll.....it look's like Candle...right?......well....that doll looked like the older model..... that doll moves.......if you let it too close....... Becarful *static*.....i know you miss her........so does Vixen......-cut off-" -night five- Custom Night- Voices--- Lulu - "Mousie Find Them" "Come here" "She's waiting" "Where are you~" "Mousie get back here please" "it's dark.....Mousie please" Mousie- "I found you~" "*Squeek!!!*" "Calm down Lulu" "Lulu it's okay" "Lulu i found them" "Mama! Mama i see them!!!" Candle- "im sorry" "she died" "why are you still here~" i can't trust them anymore" "why do you hate me?" "It's Not MY Fault!" Candle (Vixy) - "I was scared!!!" "She said sorry!!!" "Why do you hate her!!!" "She did nothing wrong!!!" "i want my Sister! NOW!!" Paris- "Where's the Kids?" " Why am i like this?" "Chorell look, it's our friend say hello...." "We are sorry, but she isn't" Chorrel- "I see you" "heheheh" "You hurt them!!!" "we're sorry but she isn't" "STOP LYING!!!!" Avanna- " i hear someone....." "She is sorry but you keep lying" "Why are you here?" We are sorry but you can't" "Stop Lying" "Where's the birdies?" "You said you'd be there for her" "why did you lie?" "She trusted you" "We trusted you" Coco- "We aren't sorry" "we are sad" "why did you leave her?" "She won't forgive you" "why did She leave me here?" Marion- "She's sorry" "Who are you?" "Your not him......are you?" "Your not Her either........" "Why are here?" "i've never seen you before." InGame ---- "Mousie please come back it's not safe" - Lulu "it's okay Lulu, i found Him/Her"- Mousie "The show Begins....heheheh" -Candle when off stage "We are very sorry" Avanna "Why are you back here?" Avanna "WE WILL FIND YOU!!!~" Doll"coco" "why did she leave me here?" - Doll "Coco" "your not him/her....aren't you?" Marion "Im sorry we had to do this, i know your not him/her, i know it wasn't your fault, you didn't do it, I forgive you, but they don't.....i can't......but i want to help you...find my chest, open it up, and i will help you....Please TRUST ME, i will tell you THE WHOLE TRUTH......I Promise" - Marion -------------------------------------- Good ending----- Marion(Mostly) Marion----- "thank you for trusting me.......i will help them see....." "They said Sorry.......She forgives you now......she dosen't forgive Her....but the little girl is Very forgiving...." "You'll be safe......please don't comeback......" "GoodBye Y/n" (y/n will just be text, the person will just sa goodbye) (in case you don't know, Y/n means Your/Name you insert your name in the beginning) Candle(Vixy)------- "Im sorry" "i wish my sister was here......i miss her very much" "she would sing me storys! i wish you heard them! they were amazing!!!!" "i hope she forgives you, she always said i was too forgiving.....but.....see you're still alive!!!" "Marion wasn't always this nice......something change him......eh, i like this version!" "Goodbye old friend!!!" Avanna------ "i don't want to leave.........." "can i stay with you?" (if you choose yes) "thank you! i won't let you down dad/mom!" (if you choose no) "........ok.......Marion......take me home please......" ------------------------------------------------ Bad ending---------- Marion------- "why didn't you listen?......i tried to help you......." "....they will never be free.........." "please.....listen to me........next time......" Candle------ "Hhahahahahaha LOOK At you now!!! hahahaha who's laughing now?" "she's scared of me now.........." "this was your fault!!!!!! now i gave you what you deserved!" "i miss my mother......but she's gone now......." "hahahahahah" Lulu---- "you failed......heheheh" Mousie----- "hahahahahahah" Paris--- "oh....look chorrel......a new friend......" Chorrel------ "yay new friend new friend!!" Avanna---- "why did you do this to your self?" Everyone(but marion and avanna) "SHUT UP AVANNA" ".....alright........"--Avanna Avanna, (wispers) " we could have been friends......" -------------------------------------------------------- Secret ending, hah think i'm letting you see dialoge for this ending??? nananananananan NOPE. lol, okay bye,
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