#im sorry this wasnt about their relationship it got too long T_T
danggirlronpa · 5 months
If it's not too much trouble, do you have headcanons for Kotoko/Monaka? I like to imagine post-canon they work out their issues with each other and get to a much healthier place, like, when they're teenagers. I related a lot to Kokoto's toxic relationship with Monaka, I definitely had relationships like that when I was in elementary school too. It's kind of nice to imagine a world where - whether romantically or platonically - they work out their issues and work out, even if that might not be exactly realistic, aha...
Oh MAN do I have post-canon Warriors of Hope headcanons. I really do love imagining these kids and the lives they lead when they come of age.
I try not to use read mores, but this one got way longer than the usual headcanon posts, and it very much is less "Kotoko/Monaca headcanons" and more "elaborate set-up for how Kotoko and Monaca feel about their crimes as teenagers." So more under the cut I guess!
Firstly, some setup. I love adoptive family relationships, and especially mother/child adoptive relationships. So of course I love daydreaming about Aoi "Bleeding Heart" Asahina adopting Kotoko, and it becoming a Kyoko (or Miaya!)/Hina-parenting-Kotoko, friends-to-moms slowburn. SOMEONE'S adopting these children, and it's not Komaru "I Just Spent A Full Year In Solitary Isolation (:" or the "We Taser Ourselves To Decide Whether The Serial Killer Fronts (:" Fukawas. Hina's upbeat, she keeps it light, and unlike Makoto "Spotless" Naegi, she understands the guilt of attempting/committing mass murder. Kyoko isn't quite any of that but deep in my heart. Through The Power Of Love And Elaborate Metaphors About Her Relationship To Her Father
And I mean. I'm going to be honest. Monaca's, like, 10. She spends three days in space before she goes 1. Wow this sucks 2. I did not in fact prepare enough materials to live like this indefinitely. I'm like 10. I packed enough for about 13 hours and thought I was good Forever. I need more marshmallows.
So it takes Monaca all of half a week to admit her failures and crash land somewhere on earth. The island with the Remnants? Misaki and Takumi? In-universe versions of the V3 students as adults? Personally I'm a fan of Yasuhiro and Kanon adopting her in the world's absolute weirdest fantasy. What matters is SOMEONE finds her. And we get Mod Loves Sappy Adoptive Relationships V2: Now With The Green One.
Because listen. Listen. These are kids. They have committed heinous, unforgivable crimes of extreme ethical concern, and they are also ten years old. Their only frame of ethical reference is a manipulator and abuser so good at what she does that she ended the world. People generally remember this with the other Warriors, but they almost always set it aside for Monaca, so I want to be clear: Monaca Towa is redeemable. Because she was 10 years old, and the moment she was out from under the thumb of the people who taught her how to do these cruel and unusual things, her first plan was Run Away To Space To Escape The Things That Have Happened Here. They're children.
In general, I actually think Kotoko struggles with guilt the least amongst the Warriors. Firstly, I think having a parent who understands and can help her come to grips with what she's done from a very personal place really helps her work through it. But I also think Kotoko is low-empathy in general. I think eventually, she comes to understand intellectually what she's done wrong, but I don't think she ever struggles with the idea that she shouldn't have done it. I think she would be very practical about the circumstances that she was in, and in her mind, well. What else was she supposed to do? She'd been abused all her life. She was up against Junko Enoshima. Obviously what she did was wrong, but any other kid in that situation would've, in Kotoko's mind, done the same.
On the other hand, I believe Monaca would get hit with guilt very intensely once she finally processed everything she'd been through at high-school age, but that she would absolutely keep that under wraps and act as though it was meaningless to her.
Monaca is, in my opinion, a compulsive liar. You can see that in a lot of canonical ways, but I choose to extend it a bit to headcanons - it's not that she Doesn't need a wheelchair, it's that she has days when she needs it and days when she doesn't, and pretending she never needed it at all gives people a huge shock. She didn't plan to not kill herself with the rest of the Warriors as a prank; she really planned to do it, but people look at her when she says that. It's a defensive mechanism, and a method of feeling in control. At least I can choose for them to hate me by lying and being terrible, instead of being hated when I haven't done anything.
So I think, when she is finally faced with the enormity of what she has done, Monaca does what her first instinct is always to do: runs away from it and lies herself into culpability. Of course I killed all those terrible adults, and now that I'm almost their age, I'll just die instead of becoming one of them! That sort of thing. I think she traps herself into her own persona, no matter how hard she tries to improve, because Monaca is a child who internalizes until she breaks.
So when Kotoko and Monaca meet coincidentally at high-school age. Ho boy. Kotoko who still sort-of blames Monaca who blames herself, and neither of them completely aware of how to comfort a person or how to hate a person in a way that isn't lethal...oh the GROWTH. The Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter of it all
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theroyalromance · 8 years
Favourite Choices Books
I rmb seeing someone do this a while ago but I dont rmb who :$ whoops sorry, but i thought it would be fun to rank my favourite books too :D (however there are some newer books that I dont have an opinion on yet and I think imma rank them at the end for which I’m most excited for).
warning: spoilerrrrrrrrrrrs,
The Old Books
1) The Crown and the Flame 1&2
Fantasy books are one of my favourite genres
annelyse is my wife
whitlock is my child
kenna and dom are such wonderful friends
like what friend would die for me tbh
i think theyre cute as romantic partners too
but annelyse4lyfe
also kenna is so badass i love it <3
honestly when whitlock done killed the man, my heart broke ):
2) The Freshman
you dont understand how many times i replayed this book lol
i basically played every route
i have a lot of the diamond choices ;]
i spent all my diamonds so that zack could get a man  and abbie and tlyer could get together T_T
i wanted them to be happy
and i genuinely really enjoyed this story
kinda sucked how u couldnt actually turn anyone down until the last chapter
i picked james 1st if ur wondering 
3) Rules of Engagement
this is a little too high on the list lol
tbh i think the premise of this story is a little lame
like talk about a shitty grandmother???
dont u love ur grandkids
dont u wanna give them a comfortable life when ur gone and cant care of them anymore
why are u forcing them to get married/date/get tattoos (i kinda understand forcing the party twin to be more serious but the rest is kinda ridiculous)
like u dead
u cant live vicariously through them
but i dont think the story is poorly written and i do enjoy playing it
although idk whats gonna happen with the MC dating 3 guys at once
like i know the bartender dude knows
but do the rest of them?
will they be okay with it?
will it blow up in our face?
4) Most Wanted
i didn’t really enjoy this story :(
i dont ship sam and dave
Cassandra was coo though
So was the trio in the detective department??
5) The Freshman 2 
I was unhappy with this book for a million reasons
james hates liars but u basically lied to his family for him (so he already knows ur capable of doing that)
i just really didnt think he had a right to be mad at the MC =/ cause it wasnt her secret to tell
like if anything it says a lot about the MC’s loyalty
which was already proven when she LIED TO UR PARENTS FOR U
i hated how the MC was forcing kaitlyn to come out
i felt like the MC was a really shitty friend in this book
I really just didnt enjoy this book :/
i ended up not replaying to see what dating other characters would be like
The New Books
1) Haunting of Braidwood Manor
I love reading scary stories
as long as the MC isn’t deliberately trying to get herself killed lol I think I will really enjoy this book
yknow like how in scary movies the protagonist is always doing stupid shit that gon get them killed LOL
2) Endless Summer
If you can’t tell by my love of scary stores, I have a thing for stories that are like “dont know the whole truth gotta find out” (which i guess is strange cause I didnt like most wanted)
quinn is rly cute lol
diego is rly cute
pls let him date the male MC
3) Love Hacks
I know this is kinda low on the list but I’m super excited for this story too!
As long as you don't actually have to end up with Mark I’m gucci :D
i got my eyes on Brooke LOLOLOLOLOL
but ur supposed to go on a date w/ 10 guys
so maybe someone else will come along
either way, i really liked the dynamic b/w the friends
i’m not looking forward to breaking up amy and mark though
like i dont mind if they like had an intervention and said like “hey ur relationship isnt healthy, u guys should maybe call it quits, or work on ur problems, u know fighting in front of friends isnt healthy and all”
but if its like a stupid plan that’s gonna hurt mark and amy i’m not down =/
4) Freshman Book 3
I know I said I really like Zig so far, and he could be new potential LI as I no longer like any of the other 3 (as romantic interest as least)
I guess I was just too bummed out by the 2nd book I’m not looking forward to the 3rd book anymore.
also (i have 2 files lol) in the file where im dating kaitlyn I picked the I’m not gay option and yet... the MC is still considered gay if u state that Zig is hard not to notice (she like says shes looking for someone female) and if ur not dating kaitlyn ur considered straight too which bummed me out more than the other thing
but i guess that would be hard to code
i did appreciate how i could say i’m not exclusively interested in girls though
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