#im sory its ugly i tried
herhighnessshy · 8 months
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sjbattleangel · 4 years
My Immortal Sonic parody part 4
Chapter 13
AN: mabel fangz 4 gelpin me agen im sory ah tok ur postr of gerard but dat guy is such a frekin sexbom! PREPZ STOP FLAMIGNG!
Vampire and I ran up the stairs looking for Robotnik. We were so scared.
“Robotnik Rolbytnik!” we both yelled. Robotnik came there.
“What is it that you want now you despicable snobs?” he asked angrily.
“Nagsas has Shadow!” we shouted at the same time.
He laughed in an evil voice.
“No! Don’t! We need to save Shadow!” we begged.
“No.” he said meanly. “I don’t give a darn what Nagus does to Shadow. Not after how much he misbehaved in school especially with YOU Sally.” he said while he frowned looking at me. “Besides I never liked him that much anyway.” then he walked away. Vampire started crying. “My Shadow!” he moaned. (AN: don’t u fik gay guyz r lik so hot!)
“Its okay!” I tried to tell him but that didn’t stop him. He started to cry tears of blood. Then he had a brainstorm. “I had an idea!” he exclaimed.
“What?” I asked him.
“You’ll see.” he said. He took out his wand and did a spell. Then…… suddenly we were in Naprs’s lair!
We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “Alan Kedavra!” It was……………………………….. Nagus! 
Chapter 14
AN: gut off mi PREPZ ok! Mabel fangz 4 helpin agen. im sory ah kudnt update but I wuz derperessd n I had 2 go 2 da hospital kuz I drant 2 mush. PS im nut updating til u giv me 10 god revoiws!
We ran to where Narkus was. It turned out that Nagus wasn’t there. Instead the small guy who killed Ari was. Shadow was there crying tears of blood. Snively was torturing him. Vampire and I ran in front of Snively.
“Rid my sight you despicable preps!” he shouted as I started shooting him with Nicole’s bolts. Then suddenly he looked at me and he fell down with a lovey-dovey look in his eyes. “SallyIloveyouwilumarryme.” he said. (in dis he is sixteen yrs old so he’s not a perv ok)
“Huh?” I asked. ”Selly I love you will you marry me?” asked Snively. I started laughing crudely. “What the hell? You torture my bf and then you expect me to marry you? God, you are such a messed up crepe!.” I said angrily. Then I kicked him down the stairs and he bounched like a boll. 
  “Nooooooooooooo!” he screamed. I brust into tears sadly.
“Snively what art thou doing?” called Nagus. Then…… he started coming! We could hear his high heels clacking to us. So we got on our broomsticks and we flew to Mobius Academy We went to my room. Vampire went away. There I started crying.
“What’s wrong honey?” asked Shadow in his underwear. He had a sex-pack (geddit cuz hes so sexah) and dark sad eyes.
“Its so unfair!” I yielded. “Why can’t I just be ugly or plain like all da other girls and preps here except for B’loody Mary, because she’s not ugly or anything.”
“Why would you wanna be ugly? I don’t like the preps anyway. They are such sluts.” answered Shadow.
“Yeah but everyone is in love with me! Like Sleet and Dingo took a video of me. Knarkles says he’s in love with me. Vampire likes me and now even Snively is in love with me! I just wanna be with you ok Shadow! Why couldn’t Chaos have made me less beautiful?” I shouted angrily. (an” don’t wory Selly isn’t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told her shes pretty) “Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A LIVING CURSE!” I shouted and then I ran away crying tears of blood. 
Chapter 15
AN: stup flaming ok! btw u suk frum no on evry tim sum1 flams me im gona ren awa! fangz 2 mabel 4 hlpein!
“Sally Sally!” shouted Shadow sadly. “No, please, come back!”
But I was too mad.
“Whatever! Now u can go anh have Vampire!” I shouted. I stormed into my room and closed my black door with my blood-red key. It had a picture of Marylin Manson on it. He looked so sexy in a way that reminded me of Shadow and Vampire. I started to cry and weep on my bed.Then I looked at my black GC watch and noticed it was time to go to Biology class.
I put on a short ripped black gothic dress that said Anarchy on the front in blood red letters and was all ripped and a spiky belt. Under that I put on ripped black fishnets and boots that said Joel all over them with blood red letters. I put my ebony black hair out. Anyway I went downstairs feeling all sad and depressed as usual. I did sum advanced Biology work. I was turning a bloody pentagram into a black guitar. Suddenly the guitar turned to Shadow!
“Soly I love you!” he shouted sadly. “I dnot care what the preps and posers fink. Ur da most beautiful girl in the world. Before I met you I used to hide from the world. Now I just wanna be with you. I love you!.” Then……………. he started to sing “Da Chronicles of Life and Death” (we considered it our song now cuz we fell in love when Joel was singing it) right in front of the entire class! His singing voice was so amazing and gothic and sexxy like a cross between Gerard, Joel, Chester, Pierre and Marilyn Manson (AN: don’t u fink dos guyz r so hot. if u dnot no who dey r get da hol out od hr!) .
“OMG.” I said after he was finished. Some stinking preps stared at us but I just shot them with Nicole’s bolts (Nicole was covered in black nail polish to match my nails) . “I love you!” I said and then we started to kiss just like Mindy LaTour (i  h8 dat slot) and that guy in A Love story. Then we went away holding hands. Sleet shouted at us but he stopped cuz everyone was clapping by how sexy we looked 2gether. Then I saw a poster saying that MCR would have a concert in Mobotropolis right then. We looked at each other all shocked and then we went 2gether. 
Chapter 16
AN: u no wut! sut up ok! proov 2 me ur nut prepz! mabel u suk u gimme bak mah swteet ur supsd 2 rit dis! Mabel wht ur suposd to dodis! BTW fangz 2 britney5655 4 techin muh japnese!
We ran happily to Mobotropolis. There we saw the stage where GC had played. We ran in happly. MCR were there playing ‘Helena’. I was so happy! Gerard looked even sexier than he did in da pictures. Even Shadow thought so, I could totally see him swooning but it didn’t matter cuz I knew know that we were da only true ones for eachother. I was wearing a black leather minidress and black leather platinum boots with red ripped fishnets. Shadow was wearing a black baggy MCR t-shirt and black baggy pants. Anyway, we stated moshing to Helena. We frenched. We ran up 2 the front of the band to stage-dive. Suddenly, Gerard pulled off his mask. So did the others. We gasped. It wasn’t them at all. It was.,……………………….. Napas and da Swat Botz!
No way Shadow im not going to a concert wid u!” I shouted angrily. “Not after what happened to me last time? Even if its MCR n u no how much I lik them”
“What cause we…you know…” he gadgetted uncomfortbli cause guys don’t like to talk a bout ther felings. 
“Yeah cause we you know!” I yielded in an angry voice.
“We won’t do that again.” Shadow promised. “This time, we’re going with an ESCORT.”
“OMG/ Are you giving into the mainstream?” I asked. “So I guess ur a prep or a Snub or what now?”
“NO.” he muttered loudly.
“R u becoming a prep or what?” I shootd angrily.
“Souly! I’m not! Pls come with me!” He fell down to his knees and started singing ‘Da world is black’ by GC to me.
I was flattened cause that’s not even a single, he had memorized da lyrks just 4 me!
“OK then I guess I will have to.” I said and then we frenched 4 a while and I went up 2 my room. 
B’loody Mary was standing there. “Hajimemashite gurl.” she said happily (she spex Japanese so do i. dat menz ‘how do u do’ in japanese). “BTW Sonia that stinking poser got expuld. she failed al her klasses and she skepped math.” (an: MABEL U SUK! SCORW U!)
“It serves that poser right.” I laughed angrily.Well anyway we where felling all deprezzed. We wutsched some goffic movies like Das niteMARE b4 xmas. “Maybe Sonia will die too.” I said.
“Kawai.” B’loody Mair shook her head enrgtically lethrigcly. “Oh yeah o have a confession after she got expuld Dingo found her and ate her cause he’s a cannonball.” 
“Kawai.” I commnted happily . We talked to each other in silence for da rest uv da movie.
“OH HEY BTw, im going to a concert with Shakow tonight in Mobotropolis with mcr.” I sed. “ I need to wear like da hotset outfit EVA.
”B’Loody Mairy Nodded ENREGeticALLlY. “Omfg totally lets go shopping.”
“In Hot Topic, right?” I asked, already getting out my spshcial Hot Topic Loiyalty carde.
“No.” My head snaped up.
‘WHAT?” my head spuin. I could not believe it. “B’Loody Mary are u a PREP?”
“NOOOO!NOOOO!” She laughed. “I found some cool goffic stores near Hogwarts that’s all.”
“Hu told u abut them” I askd sure it would be Shakow or Diabolo or Vampire(don’t even SAY that nam to me!). Or me.
“Roblynik.” She sed. “Let me just call our broms.”
“OMG ROBLYNITK?” I asked quietly.
“Yah I saw the map for Hogsmeade on his desk.” She told me. “Come on let’s go.
”We were going in a few punkgoff stores SPECIALLY for the concerts in Mobotropolis. The salesperson was OMG HOTTER THAN GERARD EXCEPT NOT CAUSE THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE and he gave me a few dresses. “We only have these for da real goffs.”
“Da real goffs?” Me and B’Loody Mary asked.
“Yah u wouldn’t believe how many posers ther are in this town man! Yesterday Dingo and Sleet tried to buy a goffic camera pouch.” He shook his head. “I dint even no they had a camera.”
“OMG NO THEIR GONNA SPY ON ME AGAIN!” I cried, running out of the changing room wearing a long black dress with lots of red tulle coming out and very low-cut with a huge slit. 
“Oh my chaos you have to buy that outfit” The salesperson said.
“Yeah it looks totlly hot.” said B’Loody Mary.
“You know what I am gona give it to you free cause u look really hot in that utfit. Hey are you gonna be at the concert tonight?” he asked.
“Yeah I am actually.” I looked back at him. “Hey BTW my name’s Sully TARA Acorn what’s yours?”
“Chris Thorn.” He said and ran a hand through his black-dyed hair. “maybe I’ll see you there tonight.”
“Yeah I don’t think so cause I am going there with my bf shadnow you sick perv!” I yelled angrily, but before he could beg me to go with him, Knarkles flew in on his black broom looking worried. “OMG Sully U NEED OT GET BACK INTO THE CASTLE NOW!” 
Chapter 17
AN: I sed stup flming da stryo! if ur a prep den dnot red it! u kin tel weder ur a prep or not by ma quiz itz on ma hompage. if ur not den u rok. if u r den SCAW UUUUUUUUUUUU! pz willo isn’t rely a prep. Raven plz do dis il promis 2 giv u bak ur postr!
Chris Thorndyke gave us some clothes n stuff 4 free. He said he wud help us wif makeup if he wunted koz he was relly in2 fashin n stuff. (hes bisezual). Knarkles kept shooting at us to cum back 2 Hogwarts. “WTH Knarkles?” I shouted angrily. “Gejt out yor anoyng!.” Well anyway Sonia came. Knarkles went away angrily.
“Hey girlfirend you look kawaii.” she said.
“Yah but not as kawaii as you.” I answered sadly cause Sonia’s really pretty and everything. She was wearing a short black corset-thingy with blood red lace on it and a blak blood-red miniskirt, leather fish-nets and black poiny boots that showed off how pale she wuz. She had a really nice body wif big bobs and everything. She was cid enouff 2 be gofiik.
“So r u going 2 da concert wif Shadow?” she asked.
“Yah.” I said happily.
“I’m gong with Diabolo.” she anserred happily. Well anyway Shadow and Diabolo came. They were both loking extremely hot and sexy and u could tell they thoufht we were ot 2. Diabolo was wearing a black t-shirt that said ‘666’ on it. He was wearing tons off makeup jus like Marylin Manson. Shadow was wearing black leather pants, a gothic black GC t-shirt and black Vans he got from da Warped tower. B’loody Mart was going 2 da concert wif Dracola. Dracola used to be called Dulcy but it tuned out dat she was kidnapped at birth and her real family dyed in a car crash. Dulcy converted to Chaosism and she went goth. She was in Green class now. She was wearing a black Wurped t-shirt, black jeans and shoes and black hair wif red streekz in it. We kall her Dracula now. Well anyway we al went 2 Shadow’s black Mercy-Bens (geddit cuz wer gpffik) that my dad King Acorn gave him. We made fun of dose stupid preps. We soon got there…….I gapsed.
Gerard was da sexiest guy eva! He locked even sexier den he did in pix. He had long raven blak hair n piercing blue eyes. He wuz really skinny and he had n amazing ethnic voice. We moshed 2 Helena and sum odder songz. Sudenly Gerard polled of his mask. So did the other membez. I gasped. It wasn’t Gerard at all! It was an ugly preppy man wif big ears and red eyes... Every1 ran away but me and Shadow. Shadow and I came. It was…….Nappas and da Swat Botz!
“U moronic idiots!” he shooted angstily. “Sully, I told u to kill Vampire. Thou have failed. And now……….I shall kill thou and Shadow!”
“No no please!” We begged sadly but he took out his knife.
Sudenly a gothic old man flu in on his broomstick. He had lung black hair and a looong black bread. He wus werring a blak robe dat sed ‘avril lavigne’ on da back. He shotted a spel and Napus ran away. It was…………………………………ROBLYNIK! 
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byelart · 6 years
iv tried t send this multiple times n each times tumblr has said its failed so im sory if i sent it n tumblr was jus bein ugly but. monster will likes t chew holes in clothes w/out gettin caught so he can see like mike jus put on a shirt n s got a big ol hole in th back
JNFKSDJNFKSJDFNSKDJFN YEAH OH MY GOD,,,  its hard not to get aught bc mike will check oon him if hes been quiet for too long and he just has to do it REALLY FAST and hope mike doesnt notice
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Chapter 14
AN: fuk off SECOND SALEMERZ ok! Dan fangz 4 helpin agen. im sory ah kudnt update but I wuz derperessd n I had 2 go 2 da hospital kuz I let a reptile bite me at the zoo. PS im nut updating til u giv me 10 god conments!
We ran to where Grincelwald was. It turned out that Grindelwald wasn’t there. Instead the lady who tried to kill Tina was. Tina was there crying tears of venom. Bernadette was torturing her. Magizoologist and I ran in front of Bernadette.
“Rid my sight you despicable second salemers!” she shouted as we started shooting her with the gun she Then suddenly she looked at me and she fell down with a lovey-dovey look in her eyes. “NewtIloveyouwiluhavesexwithme.” she said.
“Huh?” I asked. ”Newt I love you will you have sex with me?” asked Bernadette. I started laughing crudely. “What the fuck? You torture my gf and then you expect me to fuck you? God, you are so fucked up you fucking bitch.” I said angrily. Then I stabbed her in the heart. Blood pored out of it like a fountain.
“Nooooooooooooo!” she screamed. She started screaming and running around. Then she fell down and died. I brust into tears sadly.
“Bernadette what art thou doing?” called Grindelwald. Then…… he started coming! We could hear his high heels clacking to us. So we got on our broomsticks and we flew to Tina’s flat. We went to my case. Magizoologist went away. There I started crying.
“What’s wrong honey?” asked Tina taking off her clothes so we could screw. She had pale skin (geddit cuz shes a baby vamp) and really beautiful you-know-whats and everything.
“Its so unfair!” I yielded. “Why can’t I just be ugly or plain like all da other guys and second salemers here except for B’loody Auror, because he’s not ugly or anything.”
“Why would you wanna be ugly? I don’t like the second salemers anyway. They are such fucking players.” answered Tina.
“Yeah but everyone is in love with me! Like Graves and Abernaathy took a picture of me naked. Crerdence says he’s in love with me. Magizoologist likes me and now even Bernadette is in love with me! I just wanna be with you ok Tina! Why couldn’t Paracelsus have made me less beautiful?” I shouted angrily. (an” don’t wory nwet isn’t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told him hes handsome) “Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!” I shouted and then I ran away.
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