#im still workshoping how her powers should work.
I think I forgot to post this here.
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More art for my tutinstine au, I wanted to do a full body of cleo and show off how her arms change when she uses her powers in this AU.
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oretsev · 1 year
hi helloo, i'd just written a novel in ur askbox about s&b and then tumblr crashed and it was all lost :') maybe for the better because it was a total mess of thoughts lmao so let me try to summarise my feelings a bit (im sorry this turned out REALLY long)
i HATE that they speedran s&s and r&r in the most bullshit way possible. the entire amplifier hunt was basically removed, at least journey-wise - they just. find the sea whip in that one cave and then they go to morozova's workshop and thats it?? wheres the shu han quest. where the fuck is the ACTUAL spinning wheel. and why is alina not hounding everyone to find the firebird??? she's supposed to be obsessively seeking it now, why does she barely seem to care? also where's the actual ending to siege and storm. WHERE is my darkling & alina fight. wheres her being saved by mal... where's her white hair !!!! idk that scene was my favourite and once i knew we were getting a tv show i really wanted to see this on screen :((
all the characters and relationships they cut... harshaw, misha, ONCAT, tamar&nadia (because lbr they basically weren't there), honestly i even missed sergei and stigg (who i'd barely even remembered before), nadia and adrik as siblings even. they just cut all these people and their journeys with alina for what, a fetch quest for a magic sword?
also, where's the apparat and the soldat sol? we hear people call alina 'sankta', sure, but the entire religious part of ruin and rising is just. completely sidelined. which is really weird because it's so important!! tolya and tamar's faith is basically nonexistent and i don't like it at all
the whole firebird reveal was soooo boring. like i'm sorry but that scene in the book? absolutely perfect. but in the show... it's just a story! baghra just tells mal and thats it! honestly this entire season was so much telling and not showing too, soooo much exposition and it just really didnt work
now then. ive put this off long enough but. the fucking ending. dude... i don't even know where to begin. how do you fuck up the rewrite of your book so badly that the entire moral of your book is just. completely lost?? literally the entire trilogy is built on the "what is infinite? the universe and the greed of men" quote. you CANNOT disregard that in this way. the point of the entire story is that alina's greed is punished! she loses her powers and she loses mal (sort of). the fold is destroyed by her power but not by her, because she never should have had that much power! now... she loses nothing. she has her power, she has three amplifiers, she brought mal back with merzost (which is still. insane to me like i legit laughed out loud when that happened) and now she's general of the second army and also soon probably queen of ravka??? she doesnt lose ANYTHING to her greed.
and with the ending too... where the hell are they going to take this next? because theyre sure as hell not following the kos duology storyline, what with alina now being nikolai's general instead of zoya (which im also. really pissed off about because zoya's story is SO important and theyve just. shoved her to the side)
i also have some thoughts about the crows and how theyve been handled of course i just don't feel as passionately about them (also because they shouldnt have been in this show in the first place but thats just my opinion <3) but i do wonder how theyre gonna start the soc spinoff when theyve basically done so much of the crooked kingdom plot already? and inej is literally already sailing and finding slavers like... i have no idea how theyre going to dothis spinoff and make everyone happy
very small last points but im so mad that they did the "an ordinary life full of ordinary things" line and then decided to. include nikolai? what the actual fuck? and then they didnt even GIVE malina their ordinary life... sorry im so so angry about this ending
i'm sure ive got more to say but this is already wayy too long and i don't wanna bother u anymore but ive just been mad for 3 days straight and really needed to get this off my chest <3 im really disappointed that theyve managed to screw up my favourite book series of all time so i'm just going to reread r&r and forget this season exists :D hope u have a nice day and thank u for reading this dump slfksdj
RIP but ty for venting!!! i totally get everything you’re saying. all of this comes down to the writers smashing basically all of the books into one season for NO reason. all of the things that make the trilogy & duology interesting & compelling & complex are gone bc there’s no time to show them. it’s constantly going GO GO GO with the plot, & for what?? nothing got added to these characters this season, i didn’t feel any impact during any of the big reveals, i didn’t get any emotional payoff from these characters’ journeys.
& why change the ending the way they do? eric’s already said that a season 3 would go back & touch on s&s things they didn’t address. so this ending is meant to draw out alina & mal’s stories, but why do it this way? why backtrack like that? you could certainly draw out the trilogy without speed-running the original ending like this, but that doesn’t fit whatever weird narrative he has for the crows ig.
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axemetaphor · 3 years
im definitely not ripping off my friend by making a list of au ideas i have no siree //gonna slap this under a readmore cause i. well i say a lot. all of the time. i tried so hard to format this Good but tumblr fucked me up i am so sorry
so first-off i know i already have one WIP AU (Auckland) on ao3 so i wont talk about That one cause like. spoilers. i actualyl have it like 80% created so its likely gonna truly get finished for once and i dont wanna ruin shit
the other one ive posted about is something me and ben (catgirlrepublic) have worked on together its not at all close to done or anything but it's. a fun little crossover. Between jdate and my fuckinuhm. Original characters story “Untitled Villains Project”. the sketches of the comic version ive started is actually my pinned post 👉👈 its like the first chunk of the story, i think half of part 1? yea.
Tldr john fucking Somehow is able t oget into contact with a certain curious scientist from another reality who’d just love to study the Soy Sauce, most certainly not for her own nefarious purposes
John and Dave meet up with the scientist, her name is Boss, and her lab assistant, Toxic, and after a bit of a preliminary Vibe Check where john determines her trustworthy (which Dave doesnt agree with,) the two agree to be taken to the world UVP is set in. from there they stay in Boss’s lab (big old fucking abandoned military lab). John and Toxic are fast friends due to mutual love-of-chaos. John n Dave get to fuckin, camp out on an air mattress.
The day after they arrive, the two get split up, not exactly intentionally; big plot points of UVP are liek. Fueled by Boss sending Toxic to go fetch her “research materials,” which are usually important artifacts
Fuckin side note i guess i have to explain my dumb bullshit: Boss’s, uh, field of expertise so to speak is actually fckin, basically the scientific study of magic and superpowers n shit like that. This shit’s all real in that world. Toxic’s got fuckin superpowers, so do 4 other main characters, whatever. It’s got a bit to do with spirituality, iss Boss’s hypothesis. So she has Toxic fetch important artifacts that might have “energies” to them. The thing is actually way more fuckin complictated than that, this is just Boss’s initial hypothesis.
Motherfucking anyways. So Boss gives Toxic a job to do, and John get excited about how Cool that sounds, and ends up going with Toxic, leaving Boss and Dave alone. Neither is thrilled about this. But Dave and Boss get to have a bit of conversation (while Toxic and John are off bonding and having a good time) and come to a… mutual grudging understanding of some kind. They still dont like each other though lmao
Theres gonna be deeper shit going on but we havent sorted it out yet/tbh havent like Written For It in a while but i still like thinking about it a lot lol
Also pretty sure our endgame is john and dave steal toxic and bring them back with em lmao boss is kind of not nice and toxic would most certainly be better off in Undisclosed. Actually theyd fucking love it. Theyd become a local cryptid im sure. Undisclosed’s mothman is a teleporting spike baby.
I have. Another crossover AU that i might. Post something about for halloween? Maybe? If i have it finished?
Crosses over into, you guessed it, another one of my original-character projects. God, am i vain or something?
I promise this is just because i think blue and dave should get to team up to beat up some monsters
Quick briefing on my fuckinuh. Original character story, this one doesnt have a name (yet? Idk lol my work never actually goes anywhere sso who gives a shit). It centers around two grim reapers, Red (26, bi woman) and Blue (22, aroace agender asshole). In this reality or whatever, grim reapers function kind of like low-level office workers. They get told who’s going to die + when by some middle-management types, and upper management only involve themselves when punishment needs to be doled out. These Higher-Ups can be seen as analogous to Korrok; they’re decidedly not human, never were, and fucking terrifyingly powerful. Additionally, grim reapers are sort of .. designed to be “background noise” people. In reality theyre supernatural beings and, uh, look Real Fuckin Weird (the whole deal has a neon aesthetic im terrible at drawing uwu) but most humans just perceive them like extras in a movie. A body’s there but the camera’s not focused on it.
To the narrative: the shit starts when Red n Blue get relocated to Undisclosed. Relocation is something that just happens every now and then to reapers; they usually work in teams, but they get split up into different cities to avoid any strong bonds forming (a counter-union strategy from the Higher-Ups).
Red, Blue, John and Dave end up running into each other for the first time in a McDonalds where John n Dave are getting some 4am “hey, we just survived another horrific monster fight” celebration burgers. John and Dave are the only two people who can see how… strange Red and Blue are. Nobody else notices.
John unintentionally pisses Blue off, leading to Blue whacking him upside the head with a dildo bat. They all four get kicked out of McDonald’s. Dave and Red both are less than thrilled
Blue and John end up resolving their differences, somehow. Red and Dave briefly bond over their dumbass best friends being, well, dumbasses. They all part ways amicably.
somehow-or-other (idk yet) they end up running into each other a few more times, and eventually john invites them over to his place, and the four (plus Amy now!) get to know each other a little better
while there, Blue gets a text about some guy who's gonna die and John offers to drive them to where that's gonna go down. they take him up on the offer and get to have a bit of one-on-one conversation
after that ordeal though Blue has had Enough of people and bails, leaving John to head home alone
theres a sort of mirror-development going on with the five of em. Red, John, and Amy would all like everyone to get along, though theyre a bit tentative about it (John moreso than the other two, actually, jsut cause. well Red n Blue could still be Sauce Monsters). Dave and Blue on the other hand do Not like people enough for this shit, and Dave's not unconvinced theyre Sauce Monsters. he will not trust them until proven he should
the story's kinda nebulous but i got an idea for some Shit going down that involves both Sauce Monsters and also the Higher-Ups to have some fuckin absolute chaos go down.
Oops! All Trans
Everybody is transgender. Everyone
Ive actually workshopped this one both with ben (catgirlrepublic) and ghost (ghost-wannabe) lmao its a fun lil concept ive had from the get-go cause i mean. What’s an internet tran gonna do other than hit all their favourite media with the Everyone’s Trans beam
Dave transitioned post-high school and faked his death for it. People go missing in Undisclosed all the damned time, after all. He moved to the next city over, transitioned fully, then came back as a completely new man. Yes i know this doesnt exactly fit with the “everyone knows David from high school” thing alright, hush.
Anytime anyone brings up John’s old best friend (pre-transition Dave) John throws an entire fit like an overdramatic grieving widow. Full-on sobbing “why would you bring her up?! I miss her so much—” to the point that people just stop bringing up because Jesus Christ That Sure Is Uncomfortable KJHGFDS.
This is a scheme he and Dave came up with prior to Dave leaving, though Dave hadnt exactly anticipated John putting on this much of a performance about it— but it’s stopped Dave from ever having tto hear his deadname again, so hey.
Amy transitioned sometime in middle school/early high school. Her family was super supportive and loved her a ton and most people just know her as Amy. she was super shy her whole life really so. Yeah. people just dont think to bring it up lmao also i Feel Like big jim would absolutely wallop anyone who gave her trouble of any kind
John’s nonbinary (genderfluid specifically) and not exactly Interested in transitioning ? like hes fine with how he is. mostly.
he came out to Dave in high school but hes not out to anyone else exactly. Maybe his bandmates. Probably any other trans person in Undisclosed knows, too, cause theyre safe to tell lmao. Johns mostly a “he/him out of convenience” kinda nb who’s cool with any pronouns but does prefer they/them most. Dave and Amy use they/them when the trio are alone
Also this is a totally self-indulgent caveat that i think would be great, Dave’s actually agender but because he's transmasc and transitioned when he thought there were really only two options, and being Boy at least felt less weird than being Girl, he just kind of assumed he was a dude. It’s only through a lot of (like fucking years and years hes probably in his 30s/40s when he puts 2 and 2 together on this one) talks about gender with John that he realizes he actually feels like No Gender. Masc aesthetic with none gender.
I Just Think It’d Be Neat Is All Okay
Also Amy came out to Dave about being trans early on in them seeing each other and his response was to get very nervous before blurting out “me too” and then just being too embarrassed to talk about it for the rest of the day. Hes got a lot of hangups on talking about it actually it takes years for him to get comfortable in that
by contrast when Amy comes out to John about it his response is to yell “EYYY ME TOO” and give her a big ol hug lmao
I think itd be neatt if Amy ran a like. Transfem help/advice blog on tumblr. Kind of helped-with by John who can give her transfem nb insight for certain asks. I also just think that would be neat.
Cowboy AU - i put this one last cause its got drawings to it actually. Theyll be at the bottom
Basically just. Hey you ever watched a western. I think they look neat
This is another one me n ben have come up with lol
The soy sauce and all that shit still exist, im not sure where korrok fits in yet but ill figure it out
Theres no real like solid narrative yet ? but heres the barebones of everybody’s arcs.
Johns an absolute troublemaker, Of Course. Hes wanted in several towns for absolutely stupid shit. Hes a loner who shows up, causes chaos, gets drunk, does some drugs, runs away if people get too mad at him
He definitely had the same kind of deal with the soy sauce as in canon— he was at some kind of party, somebody offered it, he took it cause why the fuck wouldnt he, now he can see monsters and shit
Hes kind of a mooch also. Like. dont let him stay in your barn man he’ll never fucking leave and drink all your booze.
He runs into Dave when they happen to just, cross paths in the same town. the bullshit John stirs up ends up involving Dave in a way that makes it seem like it's his fault too, and they both get run out of town
after that he just tags along after Dave. hes decided this guy's Cool he wants to stick around. Dave is pissed at first, but not enough to shoot him or anything, and eventually, John grows on him
Dave also is a loner but unlike John hes simply so fucking awkward and bad with people. He doesnt feel like he belongs anywhere so he just travels
He’s the stereotypical Lone Ranger tbh. He wanders from town to town, solving their problems, though hed deny its out of any moral obligation (it kinda is, a little bit, tbh. He does like feeling useful). He shows up, fixes things, leaves. He's kind of a legend but most people think he's hiding something dark. other people jsut know him as that guy who farted real loud in the middle of the saloon and promptly skipped town out of sheer embarrassment. you know how it goes with Dave
He ends up involved with the Soy Sauce when a snake (not Actually a snake,) bites him. The snake’s more like the wig-monsters, really. Anyway, it injects him with the soy sauce, he fucking trips balls in the middle of the desert, he can see monsters now
He runs into John and shit goes tits-up, as said, but they become traveling buddies after that. he'd never say so, but he's glad for the company, actually. it's nice. hes not used to companionship but he feels a strange kind of easiness hanging out with John....
not sure how the Monster Dave concept will like fit in to this reality but like. trust me i want it in here. I'll Figure It Out.
Amy’s been living in a town John and Dave end up passing through and she is very curious about these two new Handsome Strangers who claim to fight monsters and just kinda. Persistently tags along til they let her join for real
Her family’s all dead, unfortunately, just like in canon, and she’s been living alone for a few years before meeting John n Dave. she had nothing left in that town to stay for, she'd been fantasizing about escaping on wild adventures for a long time and this felt a little like a dream come true. (Dave still gives her a spiel about how Difficult it is, but really, her fantasies were pretty grounded-in-reality already. i jsut think thats how she is, yknow?)
Shes the first person to react to the whole “we see monsters” shit with a kind of “oh, okay. neat” kind of response lmao
John and Dave fix whatever the fuck is up with her town (maybe that’s where the Korrok shit can fit, who knows) and Amy ends up being integral to that. After, she insists they take her with them because “they need her now” and Dave just cant really say no. John too is very much "the more the merrier!" and hes actually glad to have another person along he loves people lmao
At the start she has long hair but after she joins them she chops it short with a knife for convenience
also she still is an amputee. justt. idk. it was a wagon/stagecoach accident rather than a car accident lmao. just to clarify since i hadnt mentioned it, i wouldnt rob her of her ghost hand or yknow. all of the significance to her character that Missing A Hand has. although also now im going to have to research what was used as painkillers way-back-when, but im betting shes still got, like, her pain pills, they probably had those, maybe i wouldnt have to try too hard there. old timey medicine could be WACK though,
Yeah hes in tthis shit mostly cause i liked designing his cowboy self lmao
Hes a kid (like 16, 17, technically i think in those days that was more Young Man than Kid but whatever. Hes Young i mean.) who got possessed by the Worms out in the desert and, by his family’s perception, just went missing!
Hes also a wanderer, but he ended up at the same town john and dave met in, at that same time, and starts following them after, already aware of who/what they are.
He keeps his face covered 24/7. actually he covers a Majority of his self for reasons. kinda want him to be a slightly more horrifying Worm Entity rather than human idk,
I kinda dont have much for this boy yet sorry Shitload
images !
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with some editing notes for me cause im doing a very specific aesthetic with this lmao. i might change some lil details/colours though ...... idk
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im also kinda 🤔 about shitload's colour palette. i want things assoicated w the sauce to be black'n'red predominantly but i think his palette might mirror dave's too closely. also im working on a korrok design i jsut am too busy to draw it now
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hazbinextgeneration · 3 years
Into The Casino Ch10
Warning: Mentioning of past abuse -This takes place about 3 weeks from last chapter- Could you call someone having an interest in you weird if they were also your boss? Yes. Yes you could. And that's what exactly she felt when it all began. Slowly but surely. Cyber introducing her to a few new strange foods. She quite liked the soft foods called iced-creams, she never knew one food could come in so many flavors. The wide eyed look she gave to everything made Cyber chuckle and Lou smirk more in triumph whenever she reported back to him. Oh who said flattery couldn't get you anywhere? Right now it was one of his biggest tactics to help him win this little game of his. And he was surely making a very good win streak thus far-...But maybe with a few minor set backs.
Perhaps he was a bit too eager in the beginning of this just a tiny amount, she still flinched away whenever she attempted to kiss her hand. Or ducked whenever he made any sudden movement near her. That wide eyed startled look was now fairly common. And she still wouldn't accept his advances too easily. It was starting to become tiresome these days, but he could wait. He had all eternity and beyond to wait of course, but wanting and waiting were too separate things and if he saw an opportunity to speed things up you sure as hell he wasn't about to back down from a challenge. Especially since so much was at stake now. Luckily he had the perfect person to sneak info to him now. "So? What's wrong with you? You look more tired than Disease with a hang over." Cyber smiled as the pony groaned and landed her head onto the desk. Ears flopping to the sides of her head. Making Cyber raise a brow. "So Im guessing things aren't so hot?" "I-It's so....uncomfortable for me!!" Her voice replied muffled by the desk her head laid upon. "He's been having me clean everything of his and running back and forth doing all these chores!" He face looked up from the desk but still laid on it. "And I-I-it's not helping when he's constantly flirting with me!" "Is that so bad?" She leaned onto the table and smiled. "Lou's a pretty smart guy for someone resembling a walking leaf." She chuckled at her own joke, but shrugged. "But what's so wrong about him likin' you? I mean, I would think having a rich guy like you and getting a bunch of free stuff was every girl's dream?'' "THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!" The desk chair was pushed back with a noise and she stood up to give Cyber an...almost scared look. "I-I don't WANT any d-dresses, o-or fancy jewelry, o-or....Or ANYTHING flashy. Just some food and a room is q-quite enough!!" Cyber paused, before shaking her head and smiling. "Well, all he wants to do is show his interest for ya-" "I don't want any interest in me!" Her purple eyes became wide and looked at cyber with...fear? "I-I don't want to be forced to..." She stopped. Breathing heavily and blinking. Cyber rose a brow as she sat back down and stared at the desk. "B-be with someone again." Cyber blinked at her before getting a thoughtful look on her face and hummed. "Im taking it the uh...other guy wasn't too friendly huh?" She flinched and curled in more. Just shaking her head no as her answer. Cyber hummed. "Look. I'll...have a talk with the boss and just tell him to ease up on the whole wooing you stick, ok?" She didn't answer. Not that Cyber was expecting her too, with a sigh she reached out and patted her hands in a reassuring manner. "It'll be alright." It was....kinda alright. Lou's face gave her a look of confusion as his brow rose and he gave Cyber a look as to what information was actually laid back to him. She stood there waiting for an answer from him but it seemed the plant man was calculating his next move as she spoke. He always did seem one step ahead didn't he. Without another word he slowly reached for the cup of coffee beside him while looking back down to the papers he was holding. Probably another sucker signed their life away to the powerful demon. Making him one percent more powerful than he last was. One percent more dangerous. And he wasn't afraid to show it if needed. "....So, what you're telling me is that you think this..."He waved a hand, "Mysterious other lover used to be-....What exactly?" "To put it bluntly I think she was...forced into a pretty unhealthy relationship, and the guy left some bad views on guys showing interest in her...If you get what Im trying to say here." "I think I have a pretty good idea, Cyber. And trust me when I say that I have no problem with adapting to what's thrown my way. I've come to get used to that down here." He went back to the paper and smiled. "Have a little more faith in me." "Trust me I do. Buuuut-" She leaned into the wall and sighed. "I would suggest handling this case with some care. She ain't the usually hard to get woman who eventually swoon into your arms." He laughed and gave her a serious but calm look. "Oh, you don't think I know this already? You wound me Cyber.~ Really you do.~ But there's a fortune just lying under my feet and you know once you give me a shovel, there's no stopping me from getting to the buried treasure.~" She hummed and nodded but her eyes shifted back to the papers he was holding again and rose a brow. "...Is that what I think it is?" He only smiled and pulled the first paper from the stack in his hands out, shifting it around for her to look. It was a purple pink color instead of white like the rest of the stack and in fancy gold writing words curved and danced into sentences as her mind scanned over the whole thing...And smirked. "I should've known." She pointed at it. "Your old pal still throwing those once a year ball parties?" "Oh, you know Cyrus. It's a great way to lure in big hot shots. Scrounge up a few deals- " He looked back down to the paper as he turned it back to his face. "Scope out competition. ..Maybe bring along a guest?" "I don't know if that'll be a good idea-" "Why not? She came from a privelidge family before coming down here." He took another sip from his cup. "It should be her kind of crowd." "...She doesn't seem like the kind to fair well in that kind of environment. But it's your call of course." "Yes. And don't forget that...." The papers were shuffled and the chair made a scraping sound as he slowly stood up and reached for his hat. Placing it on top of his head and turning to her. "I think it's been a while since I've gone out anywhere...Cyber, when's the last time I've actually gone out anywhere to enjoy myself?" His eyes glanced out the window and looked out at the other giant buildings from his tall window view. Homes. Other businesses. And all those little lives just below him. All waiting to be groomed and be ruled under the iron fist of his hands. Oh! His mind was already disecting and gutting the whole neighborhood. He didn't want too much, not yet. After all if someone else more powerful caught wind of his little pet, there could be trouble. If he just took over a small portion of the city, barely anyone would notice since it literally happened ALL THE TIME down there. ....He'll make it too his liking. First thing gutting that disgusting workhouse in the middle of the square and making it into his own giant personal garden, his own garden on the top floor was beautiful, but his little babies could use the bigger room. And he'll add cut marble walkways, all kinds of exotic plants especially roses.Maybe he'll even get one of those multicolored roses with different colored petals. Midnight could fix a dome to keep everyone out he didn't want, or perhaps he'll cash in one of the favors his colleges owed him? And of course he'll add a fountain, small pond, he was sure there was somewhere he could purchase some small not too dangerous fish. And of course hell need some bees to help pollinate, and butterflies. They added to the colorful asthetic of it all. He had a lot of work to do. The rest of the buildings he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He'll knock them all down. Make ONE giant living conditions for his loyal subjects living under him, but he'd make them work in turn for his 'protection'. No soul was useless if you knew how to work. Then of course there was the wine brewery, MAYBE he'd let his top three minions pick one buildings for themselves. Midnight would benefit greatly from a whole lab to herself. She didn't care about power, as long as she got to do her experiments. Disease...he had no idea. Probably a giant bar or something...On second thought, he could make a bar attached to the brewery and have Rouge run it for him. She'd like that. Cyber might want her own workshop....Not that he cared about his minions or anything. He just wanted to be sure they were rewarded for their loyalty. After all loyalty gets rewarded....And of course he wouldn't forget his little pet.~ He'd make sure she'd be very rewarded for her work. Just let him pull the strings and be a good girl and they'd all get along just fine.~ He could feel Cyber thinking behind him before she spoke again. "Around...five months before you even met Amalfia." He chuckled. "Almost a full year. Tsk, tsk. This won't do at all. I think I deserve some quality time with my dear fiancé. Don't you?" A hiss came instead of her voice as an answer and he turned around raising a brow. It wasn't Cyber who was hissing at him, but a giant plant in the corner. It's petals flared open and it's one eye blinked at him. "Hmm? Rita? What's she-..OH! Of course." He walked over to the door waving the plant off and it closed as immediately as it came. "It's about time she came back with a reply to my little proposal. Though I didn't expect it now. Better make this quick after all.~" The door opened and he motioned for Cyber to follow. "It's best we wrap this up fast. After all. I can't wait to show how much better a man her new suiter really is.~" ......................................................................................................................................................... Within the hour Cyber had left, she had simply gone back to work with the small stack of chores she had been given. Blank purple minds glazing over the small list in her hands, when she smelt it. The faint smell of smoke. Which was strange since the living courters was a none smoking area, for the safety of Lou's precious plants, he made that very clear to her. Which meant something was on fire, the thought made her panic for a moment. Maybe one of Midnight's spells went wrong, or Disease did another oops. But all that stopped when she saw it..Or HER. Heels clicked against the floor and fancy tail feathers swished behind her as the small woman made her way down the hallway. Cigarette and burlesque like someone that just walked out of the 1920s. The small lady looked bored but her eyes peered up as soon as she made contact with who she presumed was the secretary. The two ladies looked at each other until the smaller one sucked on the end of her smoke and blew it up at her. Making her cough. "Well?" She coughed a few times waving a hand in front of her face and looked down to her. ''W-Well what? Don't you k-know L-Lou doesn't a-allow smoking?" "He knows I was coming, would've been here a lot sooner, but recently some very good clients have been...'investing' with my establishment." Her red eyes glazed over her again and she huffed. "Why don't you know this? Aren't you in charge of knowing his schedules?" Her ears went back in guilt and her hands gripped the small list tighter. "W-Well...Im still getting used t-to everything here. Im sorry, Ma'am." The woman gave another look over her. Smoke coming out of her mouth and a brow raised. "...You said you're new?" "Um. Y-Yes?" .....She snickered and gave a couple laughs. Looking at the top of her head where two little ears flickered and a horn jutted from her forehead. Was this the new pony that Charles and Rubix spoke of? How amusing. She certainly didn't look like much, guess Lou needed another pretty face to help put on the act. "Oh, so you're the pony Rubix spoke of." "Rubix?" "He's Charles's husband, and one of my best workers." Her face lit up in realization. D-Did she mean the white skeletal man they had a run in with a few months back? "..D-Do you mean the small one eyed man?" She hummed. "You work fast. Keep that up and maybe he'll-" "RITA!!" Amalfia jumped and whirled around and spotted the very plant boss himself walking down the hall with a smile hands behind his back and Cyber on his heels. Rita just calmly looked up at him and blew another puff of smoke once he got got enough to look down at her. "Still ignoring my rules I see? Then again it's hard to see you anyways." She rolled her eyes at his jab at her appearance. "Let's cute to the business. Im here for two things. The main one being your question. You want to use some of my people for entertainment?" "That was the idea, yes. You took long making up your mind. Have you decided an answer?" "I have and it's no." "Marvelous!! That wraps up things now doesn't it!" Rita rose a brow. Wasn't he going to argue or try to use sarcasm to make her change her mind. But he waved a hand and looked to the pony who jumped slightly. "Now, if you excuse me I wanted to treat my dear fiancé here to a dinner out. Dear, why don't you go with Cyber and put on something nice to wear?" "B-B-But I haven't finished-" She was pulled up off the chair and pushed away by Cyber before anyone could say another word with an eye roll from the computer. Lou in the meantime dusted himself off and noticed Rita watching the two ladies leave before looking up at him with deadpan eyes. Pulling the cigarette outta her mouth and puffing it out. "You? Fiance? Heh." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "And what makes you want to suddenly settle down?" He simply chuckled and inspected his red talons. "Can't a man settle down and want a little lady of his own?~ You act like I'm not sincere with this." "Because you're not," she bluntly stated crossing her arms, "The famous dealer of the most popular casimo in the whole endless plain of the second circle of hell and out of all the high powerful people you choose to settle with, it's a rat with hooves?" She looked back where the women disappeared off too. "What makes her so special?" He chuckled. "Oh, I have my reasons.~ And could that be jealousy I hear from you dear Rita?~" "Not even in your dreams. Who cares if you decide to crush another heart? I have other things to do before I leave-" "Rouge is handling the bar today.~" "I DIDN'T ASK YOU!!....*Ahem*" Her tail feather ruffled up with the shout and she smoothed them out and turned around. "Im going to grab a drink since you obviously wasted my time with your question." "Please don't forget to pay your tab or it'll come from Rouge's pay.~" She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else when she left. He...maybe wouldn't do that, but his little threat always ensured Rita paid whatever she was due. One thing he could always count on working, but he had bigger fish to fry right now. .............................................................................................................................................................................. The waiting in the lounge was possibly one of the most nerve wracking things there....Well make that one of the least. What she didn't like was being forced into some fancy get up and practically sweettalked into wearing that small rose studded ring on her finger, how weak was she to let Cyber sweet talk to her like that. God she really was pathetic wasn't she? No wonder she landed herself down here in the first place- She groaned and reached her hand up to rub her face- "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The unicorn gave a small squeak and jumped a few feet away. Turning around and the familiar smell of cigerette smoke and red eyes hit her senses. Rita gave an uninterested look at her and rose a brow at her reaction. Ears back and hunkered down into a pose like a submissive hellhound. Making her scoff and roll her eyes. Oh, boy. Lou must've been pretty bored to start swooning someone even below Disease. "You'll smudge your make up." Amalfia blinked and could only watch as the woman gave her a studying gaze and ever so slowly walked behind her, twisting her neck to follow her. Flinching when she pulled at a wrinkle in her dress and tugged at another. Srill continuing to slowly look her up and down and study her. "Rita, you probably heard about me from the weed. Name?" ....She blinked. "U-Um...Amalfia. L-Lou didn't mention you before-" She chuckled. "Lou hasn't mentioned me? Here I thought we had something special." She blinked and watched as she stopped right in from of her. "W-Well he knows Mr. Charles-" She gave off another laugh. "Oh! Trust me. Those two know each other very well. They have past connections through their second businesses...Still do." Her brow rose down at Rita at the smiling woman. "W-What?....What second business? I thought he just owned the casino." Rita just smiled with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Oh deary me. It seems I've said far too much. You're pretty easy to talk to, Sweetie." She reached a hand into a purse she had slung over her shoulder and pulled out a small pink card with gold writing. "My card. Pop by my place sometime. It's good to find some half decent company 'round here." ...Amalfia slowly took the card from her and she turned. "Even if you do look like a half washed up tramp. No offense, but that eye shadow job is NOT helping." ...One of her hands went up to delicately touch her face and Rita took that moment to leave, so when she turned back around the peacock tailed woman was already long gone. She blinked and looked down to the small pink card in her hands. On it was engraved an address and the name of some fancy sounding club. Sighing, she put the card into one of her pockets- "Dear!~" She jumped and whirled around to the sight of the plant demon, only this time he was adorned with a black cloak thrown over him. Giving him more of an villain appearance, behind him was Cyber looking the same as always. "Are you ready, Pet? Im so sorry if I kept you waiting, but I had to take care of a little dispute in the gaming courters." His eyes glazed over the outfit she was wearing and smiled. "Ah! And did I mention that you look absolutely lovely in that outfit.~" "....Thank you." Well, not certainly quite what he was expecting but she didn't look away from him this time. So that was one thing he should work on more. "Shall we then?" He gestured towards the exit and they were off.
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hi jen! im a 21 year old andro/masculine lesbian and i'm honestly terrified of sex. its not that i dont have a sex drive, and im definitely not asexual of any kind, but the act or even thought of actually doing it with someone brings me a lot of distress, and i really hate in general how disinterested i am in actually having sex. ive been in sexual relationships in the past but i've only ever received (most because i'm insecure in my lack of experience in giving) and my lack of interest in sex and insecurities and fears regarding it has caused rifts in my past relationships. this is probably something i should definitely go to therapy for and definitely not be venting your anonymous asks about instead, but its hard for me to feel like im not abnormal and alone in how i'm feeling. people talk about how amazing lesbian sex is, and i wish i could feel less scared about it even though ive had sex before. i feel very insecure of ever being able to provide properly for a future partner, which i know is just from lack of experience but i still dont know how to stop feeling this way. i dont know if you know anyone like this or can offer me any advice on this, but i appreciate you reading this.
Hi. I am glad you reached out. When i was coming out and having sex for the first time with a woman my older lesbians friends were my cheerleaders, my sex Ed teachers and my mentors. I could ask them anything and they would be upfront and honest with me and only crack a smile on occasion.  I also had the benefit of sex workshops at women’s festivals. Lesbians love their workshops!
Therapy can help you work through trauma or fears or just hash out some complex emotions that might be swirling around in your head: a mixture of what you hear, what you are exposed to from friends and your own nerves. 
Unlike what lots of others want you to believe (TIKTOK I am looking at you!). Lesbian sex is not always just a series of orgasms with very little effort. Nor is the average lesbians a top or a bottom or stone or a pillow princess or any other particular role in the bedroom. 
The average lesbian is like you. Unsure, nervous, concerned, excited and many other emotions. I am going to make a bit of an assumption, but as a butch I think I can make this call. Being masc or butch can come with added pressure to fit certain roles: IE top, aggressive, the one to make the first move etc. Ignore all that. Do not be afraid to explore all sides of sex and what brings you and your partner pleasure. 
Ok. so lets talk about being inexperienced. DO not... i repeat.. do not! let that prevent you from enjoying sex to the fullest, giving or receiving. Find a partner that will talk you through what  feels right, can guide you with kindness and allow you to guide them. Lesbians are not mind readers, no matter what tiktok says. DO NOT allow a partner to tell you are bad in bed or that you need them to “teach you” or you won’t be desirable. YOU are desirable as you. When two women care for each other and have mutual trust, which you should strive for, you are patient and kind. You communicate and allow for trying and not always succeeding. You laugh at what goes wrong and celebrate what goes right. 
You do NOT have to be in a long term relationship for there to be some trust and respect. You should expect that even from a one night stand. IF you see red flag, if you feel demeaned or belittled, walk away. There should be no power language “you need me”  or “only I will put up with it”. 
Ok. now the reality and pep talk. The reality is.. even great sex does NOT always led to orgasm. It is okay to stop when you are tired, they are tired or you want to. Orgasms are wonderful but they do not always have to be the end goal. Multiple orgasms are possible but don’t happen every time or often for everyone. It depends on bodies and moods and timing. Lesbian sex can be quick or take hours but it is not a contest with others. It is for your pleasure, her pleasure and that is the focus.   If both of you are getting pleasure pleasing the other one, you will do just fine. 
As to others feeling like this. YES.. even me. Most of us experience trepidation about sex, whether we are inexperienced, haven’t had sex for a while or are going to be with a new partner. Let yourself be excited about the possibilities rather than focus on the chance something doesn’t go right. Just know that you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you. You have no obligation to have sex the first time or another time. Neither do they. 
The really good new is, if you find a partner you share mutual passion with,  you will figure it out together.  Learning and exploring happens with each new partner, not just your first because women vary wildly. Enjoy the adventure which includes missteps and failures. But it will also include forming an amazing connection with another human and feeling the warmth and tenderness that goes with having sex with another woman. 
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mr-face-both-ways · 4 years
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Stex Appreciation Day 5: Dinah!
Hey Dinah what’s wrong, come on girl why you crying?? I drew a happy dinah recently so sad dinah it is  questions answered under the cut :D
Fave song: Love everything that she’s in but im gonna give credit to That Was Unfair and Dinah’s Disco as (cheap digs at Electra aside) its nice seeing her stand up for herself and what she believes in!!
Fave actor: Abigail Dever! She was so fun and cute! I also liked Michelle Escano and Darlene Casanova! Also from what i’ve seen Rose Ouellette seems really fun!
Fave ship: Dinah/Love and Happiness lol but platonic/brotp dinah/c.b. has my whole heart ((and im intrigued by dinah/pearl)) but for real i think she needs some time to build herself back up before having another relationship
Fave thing: The fact that at her core she’s a good and gentle person and will speak out against things she thinks are wrong even when everyone’s always telling her to shut up and that her feelings don’t matter. And the fact that she’s sensitive and cries when things are too much for her, damn that’s relatable lol
Random headcanon: I like to think that the following year she decides to become a race marshal so she has some power to keep the races fair, and because both engines and wagons race there should be at least one wagon race marshal to make sure things are safe from their perspective. Also after the musical her and GB have a long chat and decide its best for the both of them to break up, there were too many issues that “S.O.R.R.R.Y” can’t fix and they part on somewhat amiable terms.
Unpopular headcanon: Ok im not a big fan of the rewrites (tho i haven’t seen the updated show in germany yet so im going off of the workshop and from what i’ve seen) but i just don’t understand what they’re going for with her. To me it seems kinda akin to the disney remakes where they’re super aware of common criticisms of the originals but they think that just by acknowledging it that fixes the problem it kinda...doesn’t??? Instead it just feels weird and forced, especially when the original story beats continue but unchallenged?? Like ok, make dinah empowered and standing up for herself, she’s got herself and she doesn’t need and engine, especially one who thinks that they’re just there to be pulled so why exactly is she dating GB in this case?? He’s still an absolute arse so what exactly is appealing about him to this new dinah?? And then to sing uncoupled after he dumps her, where all the lyrics are still about how she thinks she’s “shamed” him or if there was something wrong with her, ignoring the fact that GB’s the one with all the issues!! Dinah did nothing wrong!! and then to not have girl’s rolling stock (which they’d only just fixed, love that they removed one of the few female-led songs in the show, go girl power ¬_¬), go with electra because she doesn’t want to be alone, uncouple him and be confident again and then go running back to GB still not really challenging his actions and taking him back instantly. Like its such a mishmash of the old show and this new show but instead of having a character arch that makes sense but has issues (loves GB but is very submissive towards him, stands up for herself but also doesn’t want to be alone or without him, gets confided by her friends that she’s not alone and that she too is rolling stock and can get what she wants and then does (even if that means getting a problematic boyfriend). Now it seems like where she’s at is all over the chart and isn’t all that cohesive, which is a shame because from what i’ve seen Rose Ouellette is super charming and fun! And in my opinion the old characterisation could’ve worked, if girl’s rolling stock (or the space between that and purse/killerwatt arriving) was used to acknowledge that its kinda messed up for dinah to blame herself for everything when G.B’s been the problem the whole time and that just because he’s an engine he doesn’t get to boss everyone around (maybe put ive got me in here idk, put the original lotta locomotion in with the actual character descriptions in back). Then at Dinah’s Disco have that be the final straw of her being done with these engine’s bullshit and then have her not take GB back at the end! Her happy ending should be about her getting her independence and not her shitty boyfriend. Rant over haha
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flamingodingo · 3 years
Merlin- S1:E1- The Dragon’s Call
Hey so I decided to rewatch Merlin because I never quite finished it and don’t remember what happened enough to pick up where I left off, and I thought I’d blog my thoughts about it! All I really remember, besides the obvious, is how remarkably shippable Arthur and Merlin were despite that clearly not being the writers intention. I have a feeling I’ll come to the same conclusion with this rewatch, especially since I’m starting out with my gay goggles on, but who knows?? Let’s gooooooooooooooooo
**obv this will not be spoiler free but A. The show has been over for a long time and B. all spoilers will be under the cut**
Hey so now that I’ve done this, I’d decided I don’t want to continue because I simply don’t care that much about this show. So, sorry if you enjoyed this, don’t expect any more.
Colin Morgan is honestly the most adorable little nugget of a man <3
Ok this CGI effect for the reveal of the kingdom is .... not good actually .... 
The score, however, is gorgeous. I mean we all know the main theme is a bop but just listen to the music as he looks around here, it’s so grand and fantastic.
All of this video quality is actually just not great, when the heck is this from again? *googles* It aired in 2008. I feel like 2008 TV looked better than this but I was also only 10 so what do I know.
I love Uther’s style of crown. It’s very simple and dignified.
I truly can’t imagine why people would choose to attend an execution. Like, what compels someone to go witness something like that? I know the past was boring, what with the lack of television and the illiteracy of the general population, but how do you get so bored you go watch someone get beheaded for a bogus crime like “conspiracy to use magic”?
LMAO these effects are corny as hell actually- re: sorceress disappearing in the wind.
What a weird welcome to Camelot for Merlin.
I like how Gaius just interrogates this stranger in his house about his magical ability with no idea whatsoever who he is.
Gaius is like a million years old and he still has a better hairline than me, honestly how rude.
Loving Morgana’s willingness to tell off Uther.
Uther says Morgana wasn’t around 20 years ago, how old is she supposed to be?
Traveling in the past must have been fucking terrifying. Even with guards, I can’t imagine just pitching a tent in the middle of the woods on my way to wherever and sleeping peacefully. If you’re out there traveling, who knows who else might be?
It’s so incredible how far we’ve come with special affects. That sorceress melting into the singer lady must’ve been relatively impressive when this aired and now I just chuckled at it.
Arthur is such a dick and I hate it but fuck he’s so handsome.
Merlin is such a good boy to stand up to Arthur. I mean, even not knowing he’s the prince, that’s still a pretty bold thing to do to someone who is obviously still wealthier and more powerful than you, particularly when he has a whole gaggle of idiots to support him and he’s just proven he knows his way around a weapon.
“Do you know how to walk on your knees?”  “No.”  “Would you like me to help you?”  “I wouldn’t if I were you.”  “Why? What are you going to do to me?”  “You have no idea.” Who wrote these lines and then let them say them so remarkably homosexually? Like really, truly, who watched them act this scene and went “Ah yes, this tension is exactly perfect and does not feel at all sexual”?
Do you think Uther knows his son is a gigantic asshole? Like, do you think if he found out Arthur had Merlin thrown in jail just for calling him an ass, he would have had him freed because “well he’s right, you know”? Probably not.
Gwen is so incredibly beautiful <3 And she’s kind, too. What a lady, I love her.
Interesting, the actors are saying Guinevere, but the subtitles are saying Gwenhwyfer.
I can see how throwing food at people in the stocks would be fun, actually, especially if it’s like someone who pickpocketed you.
Choosing to keep one dragon “as an example” is basically asking for someone to come free that dragon. It is immensely hubristic to assume that nothing would go wrong with that.
Ok I know that doll in “Lady Helen’s” room is kind of sketchy but especially as someone who doesn’t know anything about the materials required for magic, I have no idea what prompts Merlin to start going through her stuff.
“Lady Helen’s” purple dress really does something for me. That’s a great cut and color, thought tbh the material looks kinda cheap.
I love Merlin’s little neck scarf thing. Maybe I should get one of them. It’d look exceptionally queer on me.
Alright so that bit earlier with the blind man was questionable but this whole “deaf as well as dumb” comment really isn’t necessary. I know Arthur is an asshole and also it’s 2008 so I don’t really expect better, it’s just still gross. We’ve taken some big steps in the US re: LGBTQ+ folks and recently there has been a surge in the push for racial justice, I hope the next movement that gets some extra traction is disability rights. So much ableism is embedded in our language, culture, and comedy and it’s really not ok. We have a lot of work to do.
“I could take you apart with one blow.” “I could take you apart with less than that.” THIS IS VERY GAY IM SORRY IT IS JUST INCREDIBLY GAY
I have no idea where Merlin got all his audacity but I really enjoy it. Like, “How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?”? That’s gold.
“There’s something about you, Merlin. I can’t quite put my finger on it.” THIS IS ALSO QUITE GAY
Merlin is SO dramatic, how old is he supposed to be?
I mean his dramatics are a bit, uh, dramatic, but he really is just sweet and lost and scared. I can’t imagine having all that power, totally effortlessly, and not having any idea why but knowing I can’t use it.
Merlin sleeps in a room, but Gaius sleeps in the middle of his workshop. so, did Gaius give up his room to Merlin could have one? That’d be incredibly sweet.
There is a candle burning on Gaius’ nightstand while he sleeps. That’s a fire hazard? 
Why the fuck was the gate to get down to the dragon open?????? 
I’m so distracted by the quality of these special effects. They’re not like truly horrible but they’re not quite good yet either and I think it’s the inbetween state here that’s getting me.
Merlin has this habit of entering rooms really quietly and it really seems to be how he gets himself into trouble quite often.
While I am on the Arthur/Merlin train 100%, I see and respect Gwen/Merlin shippers. They’re both horrendously awkward, it’s very funny.
Morgana’s dress is so hot.
“Lady Helen’s” dress is fugly
I wonder what language this song is in.
This lip synching is really bad omg
Imagine being so out of touch that you think making someone your son’s servant is a reward. Like I get that working in the royal household is an honor or whatever but he’s still literally a servant
Ok but how is calling Arthur Merlin’s destiny NOT gay? I mean come on. 
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
The Chemicals between us ~Ch.7
‘You’re serious? You're not fucking with me are ya Old lady?’
‘I can assure you Jamison that I am completely serious. You and Rutledge are both assigned for our next mission..should you choose to accept.’
Ana sat and watched patiently as the Junker let out a whoop of delight and began racing around his quarters, grabbing whatever might be useful without even knowing what he was doing and where he was going and throwing it into a duffle bag. His mouth was racing as fast as he was moving and in his excitement jumped on Roadhog a couple of times.
‘Gonna be like this for awhile..’ Roadhog warned her.
‘Just as well, briefing is not till tomorrow morning, but I am here to discuss privately with you both about what is needed..and expected.’
Her tone made Junkrat finally slow down, his arms full of assorted wires which trailed to the floor as he cautiously peered at her. Ana smiled lightly and folded her hands in front of her. ‘There was of course some disagreement to you joining us on this mission. Good points were made on both sides but ultimately the decision to let you come was made. It seems a skill for destruction would be most beneficial to us if used correctly.’
Junkrat giggled, ‘Trust be lady, much more of me would be missing if I didn't handle explosives correctly. You just tell me who or what needs blowing up.’
‘There is a compound outside a small town in Russia. We know Talon are using it for storage of some kind. Weapons we expect. Once we have cleared out what guards they have and find any useful information then the building and its contents need to be destroyed.’
Junkrat made a dramatic sigh and slouched lower into his chair. ‘Issat all? Fuck, give me a challenge why don't ya?’
Ana narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Don't be cocky, the last time you met Talon your friend was injured. There will be more guards, more guns, even Mechs. We need your complete cooperation on this Fawkes.’
‘Yeah yeah, I’ll do what I’m-’
Ana held up a hand to silence him, mildly surprising Roadhog when he did keep his mouth shut, her warm expression had gone, now she was talking to him like a Captain.
‘Commander Morrison was against you coming and he was not the only one. You are used to working alone but here we work as a team, If you do  anything to jeopardize the mission or us then it will not be Morrison or Talon you need to fear, and if you even consider running then know this; I may only have one eye but my aim is still deadly, and I have something much worse than a sleep dart.’ She leaned closer towards him. ‘Are we clear Fawkes?’
Junkrat made a frightful glance towards Roadhog before gulping and nodding his head vigorously. Ana also turned to look at him, fixing him with her gaze until he too nodded in agreement, and with that the sweet old lady was back as Ana smiled brightly and clapped her hands together. ‘Wonderful! Well then gentlemen, I shall see myself out, be sure to be at briefing at nine am sharp, It will not do to be late. Goodnight!’ She closed the door behind her leaving the room with a few seconds of silence before Junkrat broke it.
‘Wouldn't fuck with her mate..’
He only grunted in reply. The one man apocalypse refusing to agree that an over sixty year old woman with one eye just made him feel like a ten year old child.
‘You cannot be serious?’ Asked Fareeha.
‘Do you see me laughing Fareeha?’  Morrison replied wearily
‘Mom! You can't expect two Junkers to undertake missions!’
Junkrat choked on his coffee, ‘ Cough!  Fuck! Fuck..sorry.  Cough!  First; none taken Birdy. Second; Shes your mum!?’
Fareeha ignored him, throwing her hands in the air in an exasperated manner.
‘The decision is final, and not for debate.’ Ana’s reply was curt.
‘I think it's a great idea!’ Hana chipped in cheerfully.
Junkrat pointed at her. ‘See? Lil Sheila gets it!’ He flashed a grin at her.
‘That's enough.’ Morrison raised his voice above them, sure enough the rooms attention settled on him. He brought up a satellite map of the Compound and surrounding area.
He sighed deeply, deciding for the millionth time in his mind if this was the right call.
‘Ok.’ He finally said. ‘This is how we play this out. We are outnumbered so communication and efficiency is key in this mission. Our first objective is to dispose of the perimeter guard.’ The map highlighted the perimeter. ‘This will be completed by Team A made up of myself, Tracer, Genji and McCree, once they are dealt with we rendezvous with Team B. Torbjorn and Winston will take down the gate and fence security with Athena's help. This may get messy here and if Athena can’t bypass their security then we storm the gate. Either way Team A and B both access the gate together and for god's sake stay close to Reinhardt's shield. Once those gates are breached Team B enter, you're the heavy hitters. Take out as many as you can whilst Team A flank. Hana I want you and Fareeha focusing fire on their Mechs. Once the courtyard is clear Team B head into the compound whilst Team A flush out the outer buildings. Look for anything that might be useful. Im talking files, security footage, anything that may give us a lead. In the meantime Fawkes will rig the place. Once we have everything we need we clear the area and rendezvous at the Orca, the compound goes down once we are airborne. Questions?’.
‘What if backup arrives?’ McCree asked.
‘It really shouldn't, not until we are long gone. Talon should have no idea we are going there.’ Ana replied.
Lena raised her hand. ‘When do we commence the operation?’
‘In two days. We’ll be arriving outside Bryansk at approximately four am, we’ll meet up with Genji and Zarya. The perimeter guard has a round at six am sharp. That's when Team A strike.’ Morrison replied.
Junkrat raised a metal hand. ‘Question mate.’
‘What is it?’
‘So, right, you want me to blow this place sky high yeah? With what exactly? I haven't been allowed near any of my gear or whatever good stuff you have. Happen to have any bombs lying around the place or what?’
It was Winston who answered. ‘Commander Morrison, Captain Amari and myself have already discussed this. You have permission to work on explosives suitable for the mission in a designated area in the watchpoint, just make a list of what supplies you will need and Torbjorn will try and accommodate you.’
‘You saying I get me own workshop?’
‘We’re saying you get a place where if a bomb goes off you don't bring down the whole watchpoint with you.’ Interjected Morrison.
‘ Pfft! Unlikely but whatever..’
Morrison sighed. ‘How long will it take you to rig the building?’
Junkrat stood up and leaned closer to the compound map, he furrowed his eyebrows and chewed his lip as he studied the building, eventually slouching back into his chair.
‘Gonna be two hours tops mate..’
‘Really? That long?’
‘Oh, oh yeah sure i'll rush it shall I? Look mate, you want it done right and it's getting done right. I need at least eight explosives to bring down a building that size and one fuck up and we go down with it. I can maybe speed things up if they have a gas supply or generator I can use to accelerate the blast.’
‘Er..actually I think there is a main power supply which luck would have it is right next to the main building.` Said Winston.
‘That’ll do it, ta very much.’
Morrison stood up. ‘Very well, Fawkes. Go make your list and get to work. Everyone else prepare and have the workshop make sure your weapons and armor are good to go. Winston, prepare Athena as much as you can. Everyone dismissed.’
Hana immediately grabbed Junkrat's arm, bouncing slightly in excitement 'This is gonna be awesome! We haven't struck at Talon this hard before. They won't know whats hit them with you two on board.’
Junkrat was just as enthusiastic. 'I'm getting off this rock! Im gonna blow shit up and im getting off this fucking rock!’
Hana grinned up at Roadhog. ‘Hope you're feeling better big guy, would hate if you got wiped out before we even get going!’
Roadhog tilted his head at her and contemplated the young woman smiling broadly at him, eventually he gave her a nod. Satisfied she turned her attention back to Junkrat.
‘C'mon let's go find Lu and get some breakfast.’
Roadhog watched them leave before deciding he should probably eat himself and slowly followed behind. ‘ Must be getting soft  .’ He thought to himself. ‘  Or that girl is a lot braver than she looks. ’
Mei left her quarters as the briefing adjourned. As she was not called to be present she knew once again she’d be left to babysit the watchpoint, not that she minded so much for this particular mission. It would be bloody most likely and her skills did not lie in combat however she could help with shutting down the defences..she could assist Winston with Athena, she could-
‘Whoa! Morning Mei.’
In her thoughts Mei had turned the corner and had walked into Fareeha. ‘Sorry! Sorry Fareeha, guess i got a bit distracted.’
‘Its fine, don't worry about it’ Fareeha replied brightly. ‘To be honest that may have been my fault..briefing was..let's say, unexpected.’
‘Oh? Are you still going?’
‘Yeah I'm going..but guess who else? I have no Idea what the Commander and my Mother are thinking! To let those Junkers in on missions now? Its madness!’
Mei’s expression instantly darkened. ‘What?’
‘Right? How hard can it be to bring down a building? I don't trust them and I hope I’m wrong but-hey? Mei? Where are you going?’
Mei had hardly heard her, her temper had flared up with an added dose of jealousy and with this fueling her she was ready to let her feelings known to either Winston or Morrison. She saw Hana and Lucio leave the common room and decided to hang back a bit, she was in no mood for their cheerfulness. Once they had disappeared from view she continued down the hallway stopping by the common room door, her temper only made worse by its lone occupant and her new target.
Mei stormed into the room. ‘Ta me de! You're going? You?!’
Junkrat was sitting on the counter halfway through a first round of toast, the kettle was softly boiling behind him. ‘And a good morning to you too Frosty..’ He said with a mouthful of his breakfast.
‘How?  Why? Why you? You're a manic pyromaniac!’
‘Woke up on the passive aggressive side of the bed again I see.’
Mei smirked ‘I did not realize Overwatch were so desperate we now consider using Junkers..’
‘Don't mince your words will ya.’ He took another bite of toast. ‘Past the point of considering anyway, me and Hog are most definitely going.’
Mei glared at him and began to rather aggressively make herself a cup of tea whilst ignoring the smug smirk on his face as he watched her with amusement. She did not even want it but she did not want to give him the satisfaction of leaving even more. She tutted at him ‘Could you move? You’re blocking the kettle.’
He sighed and jumped down from the counter ‘I love our little talks..’
‘Really? Because I don't.’
‘Not so fluent in sarcasm are ya?’
‘ Hmph! Well you know what they say, it's the lowest form of wit.’
Junkrat laughed ‘Know who said that Frosty? People with no sense of humor.’
‘Well just because I find yours to be immature does not mean I don't have one!’
‘Oh do you? Has anyone actually seen the mythical creature that is your sense of humor?’
Mei slammed the spoon she was about to stir her tea with hard on the counter ‘Why do you always have to be such a Jerk?’
‘I was minding me own fucking business and you come in here yelling at me for something I had no say in! Fucking go moan at Morrison or better yet Torb since it was his fucking idea! Christ woman…’
He was right of course, although it suited him greatly it was ultimately the decision of the Commander and Captain. Not wanting to apologise and with nothing else to say she silently stirred her cup of tea, only looking up when fresh toast popped up from the Toaster.
‘Look Frosty.’ Said Junkrat as he reached behind her and took his second round of toast. ‘I get you feel shitty, really. It fucking sucks and I get that you feel even shittier about me cos youre actually Overwatch and I’m whatever unsavoury name you wanna call me. So I reckon you use some of that attitude you save especially for me and go confront Old man winter or the Monkey yeah? Ask em to send you out.’
She blinked at him in surprise not expecting him to show any sign of understanding how she felt, he flashed a grin at her and took a bite of his toast as he began to leave. She felt a pang of guilt for being so rude to him. ‘I was going to..erm..maybe I was rather..’
Junkrat interrupted her, turning around and walking backwards with his mouth still full. ‘Who better to give the weather forecast eh?’
‘ Gah!  Thats not what-! I hope your mission sucks!’
He flashed a grin and winked at her. ‘Not really the team spirit but its so sweet you’ll be thinking of me!’
Mei glared at the now empty space and blew on her tea only to grimace when she took a sip. After all that she had forgotten to put the teabag in.
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pepprs · 5 years
[DONT RB] ok so there’s no way for me to talk abt this that isn’t gonna make me look like an absolute dumbass but im in the middle of a creative existential crisis and i rly need help figuring it out :•( this is gonna get SUPER LONG so im putting it under a readmore. thank u to anyone who reads this!!! and double thank u to anyone who can give some input / advice, i rly rly appreciate it. im sorry abt the length!
aight so for some background.... ive been drawing n writing poetry for abt 5 yrs now and both of those things r rly important to me. in school im an english major w a creative writing minor (for the poetry) and i work as a graphic designer (for the art) so ive been growing a lot as an artist and writer esp in the past 2 yrs and im kinda workin towards one or the other (or ideally both somehow!) as a career. one of the biggest dreams ive had since i started seriously pursuing both of these hobbies 5 yrs ago is to publish a book of poetry that i design / illustrate myself, and also to have a portfolio online where ppl can read all of my poetry and see all of my artwork (both professional / work stuff but also archives of all of my sketchbooks since those r rly important to me!!!) and maybe even make some sort of online shop where ppl can buy my art (stickers, keychains, etc!) and my poetry books!
that sounds pretty simple right? WRONG!!!!!! why? bc im a fucking idiot! and there are several dumb things i do that make this dream completely impossible for me to achieve! love that for me!
so for starters... ive been posting (almost) all of my art and ALL of my poetry online for all 5 yrs ive been creating it. that’s bad because:
ive hardly ever used my real name (which i would want to use for the book / shop / portfolio), it’s been under my usernames / aliases that go along w them (p*pe, pep, pea, etc and related usernames that shall not be mentioned) and i started going by my real first name only abt a yr ago, but still maintain those usernames for the most part in conjunction w my real name
my work has been primarily been posted to d*viantart and tumblr which aren’t exactly the most uh... professional places to do that. not that there rly are many i guess lmao but still
my online persona on these platforms is rly like. lax and loose which is Cool And Quirky when brought into a professional setting if it’s done right i guess.... but im just immature and unprofessional. i swear all the time, i shitpost constantly, im incessantly tmi? and that’s not even it like it’s just a whole mess!
SO there’s that whole set of problems and like im just concerned because... i stopped posting art online last yr for the most part and a lot of the old stuff that’s on dA (since that was rly where i did it most) is bad and not worth sharing like that anyways, so im not as worried abt that. but my poetry.... i still actively post that online in all my messiness and candidness here and like. it’s rly not that hard to find me? like if u copy a poem of mine and put it in google it’ll pull up my dA right away! and that’s like.... GOD i just am embarrassed for anyone irl to see that or for that to be connected with my irl / professional self in the future, but i don’t want to stop posting my work there (or here!!!!!) bc the community is so supportive and ive made some rly good connections / built a lot of traction over the 5 yrs ive been doing it. (PLUS for the online portfolio i wanna do specifically... i kinda want to post all of my art and poetry there, like everything ive ever done (specifically poetry, ive written almost 500 poems over the 5 yrs ive been doing it!), but i feel like that’s not rly the most professional thing to do and idk how to even gauge whether it is or not :-/)
but that’s not all!!!! because there’s another part to this and that is: the very nature of the content i produce is Not Good! for my art it’s not as much of a problem bc since I work as an artist rn a lot of what i make is professional, but for my personal art... a lot of that is either self portraits or my characters and a lot of my characters are like. animals. like specifically pepe (who is basically Me As A Cat).... i draw her constantly and so much of my best work is of her but it’s just like? embarrassing i guess for my ocs to take up so much of my portfolio and sketchbooks and stuff and share that. like i know everyone has characters and it’s not bad to do that and share that but i feel like ppl will judge me :-( so it’s made me rly hesitant to post stuff to my art ig for example bc i just don’t fucking know how to act, like it’s bad enough that i can’t type the way i want to and i have to type in proper caps n whatever instead bc irls i don’t know / trust as well follow me (including some ppl from work? Yikes?)....... but i feel like i can’t share my sketchbook stuff for example bc it’s all cats and my characters and visual shitposts and im uncomfy to share that bc like... im almost 20 and i don’t want ppl to think im immature or whatever? i kno i should feel like it’s my account and i can post wot i want but like. i fucking can’t bro i just can’t!!
and THEN.... my poetry. that’s the biggie bc like for my art? even tho im uncomfortable i don’t mind sharing that w ppl i know irl but for my POETRY.... it’s very easy to find like where i share that i guess? (the google thing i mentioned earlier but also its linked to my art on here and dA too... f) but i literally never actively share my writing w irl ppl unless im performing @ an open mic or workshopping in class bc im fucking terrified of the possibility of irl ppl finding my poetry. it’s almost ironic how public ive been w it online but how private i am abt it irl... it’s like im living a double life and it’s fucking terrible but it’s the only way i feel safe. bc like art is what i do for other ppl and also to destress and vent when i need a quick fix on my own time. but poetry.... that’s personal, it’s where i feel most like myself, it’s how i talk abt my life and ppl in it and make meaning of things and talk abt things authentically and Get Deep. and my literal worst nightmare is for ppl (who have the explicit ability to by virtue of Knowing Me) to read into it and Understand what im talking abt and have that power over me and see me differently for feeling the way i do or doing what i do. ive actually already been burned by this before after my mom read some work of mine that had been published irl (i don’t want to get too into it but basically i retroactively outed myself thru her reading that poem for what it was and it was Very Very Bad) and as paranoid abt it as i was before, it’s even worse now that it’s actually happened to me and could happen again at any time, esp if i decide to take my work further.
that manifests in a few ways too, like my writing is so cryptic and vague and very heavy on metaphors / symbolism and shit partially out of that deep fear and need to shield myself and my work. sometimes in spaces where i do feel comfy sharing, ppl have a hard time understanding my poetry unless i give context. online and on stage and in workshop ppl don’t rly know me outside of a context where the only thing we have in common is self expression thru poetry, so i don’t rly mind sharing more when it’s appropriate. but if i were to share my work as a book or w/e, ppl im close to (who maybe don’t always think like a poet / artist does bc they aren’t that) would want to buy it and read it and might ask abt what it means and i don’t even know what i would do in that situation. and if ppl were to read my work and see themselves / others in it, whether it is abt them or not, im scared it could genuinely damage relationships like it did with my mom.
SO UH.... idk where im going w this rly, i kno it’s long and rambly and melodramatic and im probably overthinking it and making a mountain out of a molehill and nobody even knows / cares abt me AND my work @ the same time enough to read That Deep into it. but it just fucking sucks that im so uncomfortable and insecure that i can’t comfortably fulfill literally the one single long term goal / life dream that i have. andthe thing that sucks is i can’t talk to Anybody abt this except like... my sister and brother bc they���re the only ppl i genuinely tell everything to, but they don’t have the knowledge and expertise abt art / poetry that like... my poetry prof does, for example. and my poetry prof is one of the best ppl ive ever met and the Only person ive ever met irl who respects and understands my poetry in the exact way i need someone to. she and i have been talking and she rly wants to help me publish my poetry bc she sees merit in my work and knows how bad i want to / how successful it’s been already, but i don’t know how to talk abt this to her bc im embarrassed to tell her abt posting online and being ashamed abt my muses and all that and it just!!! sucks so much bc i kinda want to publish my work @ least once before i graduate and do it semi regularly for the rest of my life? but there’s so much in my way and it’s just! FGGFHDGJGGGG
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wovenstarlight · 6 years
god i love bnha but youve all already seen the posts which are like “bnha had so much potential it couldbe been a story of how you dont need to fit in and have quirks like everybody else, you can still be a hero, but the mc just got a superpowered quirk and now its just your regular old shounen” so i wont go on about that
but anyway like. the idea of quirkless hero deku. if he had become a hero as is..... -it couldnt have happened with him still living where he did, growing up where he did with the surroundings he had. we already know how that played out in canon. if he’s to become a hero while being quirkless, he needs some kind of change in environment, yeah?
and like. i cannot pass up the chance to have him be friends with hatsume mei. imagine izuku growing up friends with her, he’d be enabled to live to full chaotic neutral potential with his eerily precise quirk analysis and her ridiculous machines and devices
im thinking that when izuku was about to go into middle school, maybe inko got some kind of job (promotion if shes already working) that had her be transferred to another area, which just so happens to be near where hatsume lives. izuku is so, so hopeful that these new folks will be kind, but then they learn he’s quirkless and three of them corner him outside after school and his hopes shatter like fragile glass as one of them uses their quirk to paralyze him and they all laugh-
and then this, this pink haired girl with weird glasses ducks under one of their arms and reaches into her pocket and pulls out, holy fuck is that a stun gun? and she zaps the bullies and grins very wide and they run yelling and izuku’s like “you saved my goddamn life” and pink-hair says “i saw your notebook! seems like youre pretty insightful, i wanna work with you” and thats how mei and izuku meet and become ride-or-die friends
they’re over at each others houses pretty much all three years of middle school. hatsume couldn’t care less that he’s quirkless- as long as he can hand her her tools when she needs them and tell her when she’s doing something wrong, she’s fine with him. and it’s so very refreshing for izuku to have this reinforcing presence who actually looks past his quirklessness. he picks up tinkering and whatnot, working on the software portion while hatsume irons out the physical kinks in her support devices, and she gives izuku all sorts of cameras he uses to record fights and analyze quirks afterwards. they talk quirks and robots together and mei comes up with so many new devices, half of them brought to life by izuku’s hyperactive imagination
when it comes time for entering high school, they both already know they want to go to yuuei. and izuku’s no idiot, he knows that hes disadvantaged by being quirkless. he’s been building up strength by helping mei in her workshop and learning to fight in martial arts courses, with the wholehearted support of inko and the hatsume family. even so he’s likely not got the simple advantage of Having A Quirk that everyone else does.
“if you don’t have a quirk,” mei wonders idly as she tightens another screw. “i mean, if you don’t have the biological power, then why not use an artificial one?” she puts down her screwdriver and pats the grip-strengthening glove she’s finished. “just use some of my babies.”
“oh,” says izuku, and he applies for yuuei and submits half a dozen equipment applications for the exam alongside.
lord but what about the exam... if he bumps into uraraka again he wouldn’t be so nervous, he might drop a gadget he’s carrying and ask her brightly about her quirk and they talk quirks and gadgets and heroes excitedly all the way into the building, izuku carefully steering the conversation away from his own quirk. he doesn’t get scolded by iida because he’s trained himself to scribble down his thoughts rather than mumble them (because he can hear mei’s eccentric additions better than way). besides, he’s too busy checking on his proto-jetpack and his electric pulse bombs(?) and his extendable staff and making sure they’re undamaged and usable
he’s a quick runner from all his training, so when he walks into the exam field he’s quick to seek out robots and throw his pulse bombs at them (press once for an electric stunner that’ll throw off a human for a few seconds, press twice for a larger pulse that’ll disable any machinery). he racks up points quickly, and then the zero-pointer comes out. izuku goes “ah, fuck!” when he sees uraraka lying prone and bolts to grab her, yelling for the students running away to help him get her to safety. this tall purple-haired student comes running back, visibly nervous at how close the bot is getting.
“uraraka-san, i know you’re exhausted, but use your quirk on me,” izuku says urgently. uraraka clumsily slaps him and he grins, instructing the purple haired kid (”ah, my name’s shinsou,”) to piggyback her as far away as he can get. then he jumps up using his jetpack to fly up to the ‘head’ of the zero-pointer, and tries a pulse bomb on its surface. all it does is make a panel pop off, but that’s enough for izuku- he grabs a handful of the exposed wires and rips them the hell out. the zero-pointer slows to a stop, and then- the wires start sparking oddly, and izuku remembers that all the damaged robots flared with electricity soon after being broken. he shoves himself off the bot just in time, because the wires in front of him explode, and izuku’s blown back by the force of the explosion. it’s okay, he thinks, he can just jetpack himself to safety- and then he starts falling
down on the ground, shinsou looks worriedly at uraraka on the verge of passing out. they’ve had to keep stopping because she’s feeling so sick. he knows she won’t be able to release her quirk if she’s unconscious, so it’ll probably continue to take a toll on her. when he looks around, he sees iida nearby, teeth gritted as he desperately wars with himself about running away. “uraraka-san?” shinsou asks. “yes,” uraraka says, and then her eyes go glassy. “release your quirk,” shinsou orders, turning to the sky and spotting izuku almost immediately. shinsou turns back and yells to iida, making his voice sound desperate: “please! my friend here’s about to pass out! can you get us to safety?” iida looks over, startled: “oh, of cou-!” “i need you to catch that guy,” shinsou tells him, pointing at the falling izuku. “jump and knock him out of his trajectory, it should stop him from landing too hard.”
and that’s what happens: izuku is falling, uraraka on the ground panics, but then brainwashed iida zooms past them and jumps and grabs izuku. they both hit the ground hard, izuku grunting as his hatsume-reinforced shoes bite into his heels. iida gets knocked out of the brainwashing as soon as he slams into izuku, and is on the verge of turning and yelling at shinsou for manipulating him like that, but shinsou runs over and starts worrying quietly over izuku and uraraka and iida gets distracted. they all ask after izuku’s quirk, and he hesitates- “ah, thats...” when recovery girl shows up, ready to heal izuku’s twisted ankle.
later, izuku walks into class 1-a, and four different students bolt to their feet. “you-!“ yell uraraka, shinsou, iida, and bakugou katsuki. izuku freezes as uraraka continues, “you’re that guy with the electricity quirk! the one who took out the zero-pointer- you saved me, you-”
“deku,” bakugou whispers, panic leaking into his voice. “you’re- deku? you’re... you’re quirkless, what are you doing here?”
cue panic. after the initial shock and mild awkwardness about his quirklessness, uraraka, iida, and shinsou all band tightly together with izuku, quickly becoming his closest friends after mei. eventually todoroki joins their little group, and everyone learns not to underestimate the quirkless kid. all might does offer one for all to izuku at some point, but he hesitates and turns him down. “it’ll mean too much to the quirkless kids, you see,” he explains. “to have a quirkless hero. i can’t take that away from them. and besides, being quirkless- it’s part of me. i don’t want to throw that away.” and all might nods, understanding, and offers his limited guidance instead. even if he can’t give this kid power, he can lend him a hand while he fights through the world.
im hungry and havent eaten yet so i havent given thought to the rest of this story yet, but at some point in the future quirkless hero deku kneels in front of an indescribably happy and crying quirkless kid, and he hugs them and tells them they can be anything they goddamn want and damn it, deku’s gonna help them get there.
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Im sorry if ur busy, but i want to ask something too! maybe danganronpa two boys react to having to give up on their C/N for their best friend or sibling? Kinda like Hamilton!
Break my heart why don’t you!
Hajime Hinata
Boy he had a crush on C/N for a while now
He just hasn’t worked up the nerve to ask them out
One day Chiaki asked him for advice
She was acting weird though her hood was up and she seemed nervous
“Hey Hajime… you know a lot of stuff that I don’t know right? How.. how do you ask someone out?”
He sputters, I mean Chiaki was a cute girl and all but he was intrested in C/N
“Hmm.? I’m not trying to ask you out silly.. I… I wanted to ask out C/N but I don’t know how..” She looked down a small blush on her face
But hearing this shattered his heart..
Chiaki… she liked C/N too…
And she was asking him for help…
He opens his mouth to say something but then closed it… what does he say..
I mean Chiaki’s a great girl and the Ultimate Gamer… and he’s… he’s just an average looking guy who doesn’t even know his own talent
And so with a heavy heart he helps Chiaki make plans to ask C/N
The next day when he sees the two holding hands he has to tell him that he’s happy for them
He really is
(He says as tears well up and his chest start aching)
Nagito Komeada
He truly admired C/N, they were such a beacon of shining hope
How couldn’t he be attracted to them
But he couldn’t admit that to them, no they deserve so much better than trash like him
So when he noticed the looks Hajime started to give them…
He decided to do his very best to set them up
“Hey Hajime you like C/N right? Why don’t I help you two get together then? Since your too scared to ask them yourself.”
He laughed at Hajime’s flustered face and helped him ask C/N out
Now they can date someone who they truly deserve!
He was so happy!
(Liar liar)
(His heart was breaking on the inside and every time he saw the two of them together he felt like someone punched him in the gut)
At least if they were with Hajime they would be safe from his luck
This was truly for the best
(Liar liar pants on fire~)
Gundham Tanaka
C/N was truly an excellent being with magnificent powers
After all they manage to catch the heart of the dark lord!
He was thinking of the full proof plan to court them
When The Dark Queen (Sonia) approached him
She seemed quite nervous for some reason but he brushed it off
“Gundham.. may I ask for your opinion on something?”
Thinking maybe she was asking about a dark ritual or something of the sort he told her to ahead
And then Sonia told him of her elaborate plan to ask C/N on a date
For once his facade fell as he stared upon her in shook
Sonia… she wanted to…
Seeing her worried he quickly placed his facade back on and told her that the plans were perfect!
She smiled at him and thanked him before leaving
Only when he was alone did he drop to his knees and clutched his chest
It made sense after all.. he was the unholy half breed of a demon and an angel… no one would want him
And so when Sonia told him the good news the next day he forced out a laugh and congratulated her
This was for the best…
Kazuichi Souda
Boy did he have it bad for C/N
But he did have a plan to ask them out in mind
All he had to do was build something that he knew they would love
As he was working in his workshop, Hajime stopped by
(Damn Hajime why you breakin so many hearts?)
“Hey Kazuichi you got a moment?”
Of course anything for his soul friend
Then something unexpected happening
Hajime was asking for his help
When he question what he looked down with a blush?
“I wanted to ask C/N out but I don’t know how to…”
He swallowed his spit
Hajime liked C/N too….
(God this was Sonia all over again!)
He wanted to deny Hajime’s request but he was such a good friend to him
I mean they were soul friends after all!
With watery eyes he helped Hajime
(When Hajime asked him about his eyes he just lied and said his contacts were bothering him today)
Afterwards he looks at the half-made machine and pushes it as far away from himself
He spends that night crying himself to sleep
(And the machine stays hidden in his workshop never to be touched again…)
Nekomaru Nidai
He didn’t know when his feelings first starting for C/N
But he didn’t know exactly what to do with them
One day while sparring with Akane he noticed something was off about it
Did she have something on her mind?
When he asked her this she blushed?????
“Hey coach Nekomaru.. you know people better than me right?”
“H-how..” She scratched her chin in embarrassment “How do normal girls ask someone out?”
This time he yelled that out loud and startled her a bit
“Umm.. yeah I mean you coached a lot of people right? So you gotta know something… I just want to do this right for C/N.”
His voiced left his body as soon as he heard that
Akane liked C/N too…
For once he had a hard time speaking but even then he tried his best to give Akane some good advise
(And immediately afterward he ran back to his cabin to cry)
Seeing Akane so happy with C/N by her side made it totally worth it though
After all… a manager’s one concern should be their athletes
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
It wasn’t a well known fact that he liked C/N
Hell not even Natsumi knew!
He was busy doing schoolwork when Natsumi stormed into his room like usual
“Hey Bro! I got a question for you!”
He sighed and looked over to her to ask what
At this Natsumi seem to blush slighty?
(Wait what?)
“You know C/N right? Their in your class huh.”
C/N? How did Natsumi know them?
When he asked her she only got more flustered
“T-that doesn’t matter! You know then right? So you know what they like..”
It hit him like s truck
Did… Natsumi also like C/N
When he asked her this she huffed angrily at him
“S-So what if I do huh? You aren’t going to try and pull a tough guy move and scare them off are you?”
It felt like someone dumped a bucket of ice cold water over him
Natsumi… liked C/N
While he liked C/N, Natsumi was his little sister.. he couldn’t
And so he told Natsumi what she wanted to know
If he spent the next couple of days holed up in his dorm after Natsumi told him that they were dating…
Well she didn’t have to know that
Teruteru Hanamura
Now Teruteru wasn’t particular close to his siblings, not one bit
But when his sister stopped working as the Ultimate Female Escort to help out at home he was shocked
He never saw this coming
But as time passed they mended their relationship
Until eventually he was able to introduce her to his friends including C/N
But when they shook hands he saw the small blush that formed on her face
(She may look like how she normal does but he could tell when she was blushing)
Oh… oh no
He watched as she flirted with them and too his surprise they flirted back…
(They never flirted back to him..)
Then his sister told him that she fell in love.. like actually love.
She had no idea what to do?
And she begged him for advice
He faked a smile and gave her some advice for winning C/N heart
(While mentally screaming at himself that she didn’t deserve them..)
And when she announced they were dating he congratulated her with a feast and a fake smile
(Was this what heartbreak felt like?)
Ultimate Impostor
Now he’s seen a lot of people in his life
Yet something pulled at his heart when he C/N
He didn’t know what it was but he could confidently tell that he had feelings for them
He just didn’t know if he could confess
One morning just as breakfast ended Ibuki quickly latched onto him
“Hey hey Impostor-chan~ Ibuki needs your help for something! Please, please!”
He sighed and asked her what for
“Ibuki needs your opinion on the new song she made!”
Oh god he could feel his face pale
But Ibuki was a close friend to him.. so he decided to hear it
She dragged him over to the music venue and he mentally prepared himself
Except this song wasn’t as.. scream filled as normal
It was actually rather soft and dare he say it pleasant
And then as he started to pay attention to the lyrics he could feel his heart drop
It.. the song was a love song for C/N
He didn’t even realize when the song ended
“Sooooo what so you think? Will it steal C/N’s heart~? Huh!”
While she was as hyperactive as normal, he could see a small blush on her face
His throat felt tight but he still forced himself to speak
And he reassured Ibuki that C/N would love the song and it would defiantly whoo them
(He hoped he was wrong though deep inside)
When he saw the two kissing the next day his hopes were shattered
It was better for C/N
After all who would want a nobody…
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the-reactionist · 5 years
for some reason [US's crazy fear-based policy to not trust easter European states with their internet privacy stuff] i can't write emails so i am posting personal stuff here; sorry MESSAGE: i have to post more often here as writing about issues helps me resolve them and understand them deeply; i never find the time ad strength/energy to; i need to make it my priority, though, because i can; i have the power too, so i’m obliged to do so;the pain whe delving in the wounds by teal swan’s methods, is too large to handle, though; she mst have bee treated real horribly to have that incapacity to relax within herself; because healig hppens with time; nd time ca heal anything; yet she is so restless in her death-cult-leader-scapegoat programming, that she has no time to deal with her issues and overcome them fully from within, to embrace her trauma and demonstarte to us her teachings emodied - what it looks liek to have overcomeyour trauma, physically; nd that is what we need; because ppl like myself, we follow, by example; so teal, your followers who have pened up not merely their minds but their hearts to your presence, need you to heal your inner child and go to other levels of expressing the truths you are embodying, because you don’t have time, ad we don’t have time, physically, to wait our entire lives; i have seen a decline in your activity and i saw a short fb video two or three years ago inw hich you explained you need to work more closely to the people so you are changing your course of teaching/actions; but i think that being i the flashlights IS what you have the power to be doing; beign amidst all the controversy;and i think that you still have lingering uresolved childhood torture and unimaginable abuse trauma; but i eed you to overcome it; i’m dying,i can’t hndle my issues and i need you because you are strg, you have before, and you can; PLEASE, be there for me, and please, teach me; i love you and i trust you, and moreover i do believe in you; please teach me in your ways btu the things i need for my expansion and development, which i feel is not simply mie but is the communnity’s; you are capable of leading us to the next levels; which is owning pour realities and being masters to the extent we all individually can; please do that for me/and others whi are erady for your hardcore strength ~thank you i feel like ale, a lot - when he pursued you, teal, and you didn't look at him at first, because of disbelief, i suppose; i am ready for you and i want you both for my and your sake; it is actual bonding, and i am not even joking - i mean it; iu know you are always asking your audience for questions to make videos on; and i am trying to write from years, but i can't; so instead i created blogs and fb groups, and pages, all related to your teachigns and how i interpret them for my life, ad how they help me grow; i need to work more completely with your mind, because when combining other spiritual philosophers' calmness with your catalystic power and depth, and structure/ logic of understanding, i become completely different - empowered to unbelieveable extent https://the-reactionist.tumblr.com/post/187233997680/benevolence-unconditional-love-the-innate i am sorry i have not enough money to buy your things - meditations, courses, workshop passes, retreats; i know they cost very little, but i can't hndle my life and i am not financially independent; but i love you, i want you to experience i 3d your fullest potential and capacity ebcause you rock, you help me every time, so i beg, please somehow connect to me in the spiritual plane so i can give you the srengths i am carrrying to hep you resolve, in time, your leftover past trauma - and it's a lot, i see it still, so that you can rock on life as you want to, and not keep stuck in these patterns of self-mistrust and victimhood, and powerlessness; you are gREAT, but unlike many of us - literally; and i am very very excited by you, on every single level,so you truly catalyze change i me, on a molecular, subconscious, sexual, physical, and though levels - hi5 for dat! because i'm hardcore too, eyt you manage to get through to me; i need you more, though, because i am workig with a lot of trauma myself; i have bee put in psychiatries by my parents because i started speakig about things they don't want to hear and maybe it wasn't tiem for them to; but sorry to be so hones - i see in you a sort of restlessness that is not helping the peoplewho depend on you to be helped and uided on our ow journeys/paths through reality; and you can help us; many more than you are targeting presently, in fact; your inner child feels unheard ad unexpressed, though, so in my view you still act a little irresponssibly, exerting your powerfulness in ways which are uhealthy and not deep enough/mature/rooted; maybe i'm too needy, as i have been to my mother, to my loved one, to my spiritual teacher/sect leader/first sexual partner,and i am to you now too, but i am needy, i am human, i am breaking - in body, and i spirit sometimes; im sorry; i am truly breaking/soft. and i think this is the genuine human condition; and i liek your power but i NEED to be protected by it to be fully myself and give MY gift to the wrld -w hich is mthering, care, heartful compassion and being there and holding space, but from the heart-space, not physically, and not so mcuh mentally, because i am not very educated in philosphies, and i have poor strength in that faculty; i am more basic, primitive, and i dont really feel ashamed by that; i am the powerful people's job, as the tao te chig goes; so i beg you - i can't do with teachings i the way your power/energy demands; there are thse whi are that physically strgn, but i aint; and i can't be; peopel have tried to train me but i'm too connected with teh feminiity and teh earth aspects of human beings to be able to overcome those - i am NOT a shaoulin monk, although i love both you an dthem all; i feel respect ad am honored to be residing on earth among peope like you, but i am sexually drawn to your types of strength and endurance - i wanna bear childern to the kids of you; i am NOT liek you 
i’m an old person/elder type fo being; i need to nourisha nd provide for your vigor and power to be manifested in reality more safely and completely i feel towards you the same way i feel towards the man i am fully in love with but i can’t get to him because footh of our unresolved issues ad i beg for help because i want to resolve those - our issues aren;tours alone; we care about/for others’ problems, that si why we can’t hande our lives; so i that way we are much like you; and i am like you in many ways; i wish i could communnicate to you - and i will ebcause i should - i blog posts, if i can find energy to, which i can’t... i’m so sorry but stress is killing me literally - i develped diabetes since my stepfather dies eight years ago and now there is noone to take acre of my basic needs  financially and emotionally,a s supprt; so i breakdown; but i knw you can help me becaus ethsoe stuff don’t touch you; and i can help youw itrh stuff that dont touch me; or i have been a hero through, makig my way out of them;
sexual trauma ad abuse of femininity, is my specuialty, i believe; i am a one who in their love for humanity, their femininity and themselves, has raped themselves to try d develop compassion for those things humns do to each other - rape, abuse of feedom; i am thtat string in my plan for this incarnation; but i have been messed with, energetically and sexually - by a cult/sect; so i have lost my strengths and many of my point of stremgth - my stepfather being one of them; he is someone from my sould-family/group,and my grandmotehr has managed to manifest him into my reality to help me through life;
but he die physically, and his loss is unbearable, i have nothign to stand on and i cn’t handle my frmer tasts without taht kid fo support; that is why i am reahcig out t you; and i ave erached out to suzanne lie, sadhguru, and many thers for support; my lover/peron taht i am lin love with, AND his father, too -i have written to them and asked for suport dicetly, because i can and i need it; i am that in love withmyself that i have the capacity to ask for what i want when i eed my  eeds met; i want you to have that fr yourself, tio; let me etahc you soemhow, lover
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i read you as an incarantion of shiva; i love this being’s energy and how sexual and open with sexuality he/it is; i am much more feminine in nature though; which is a weakness; but i need help to overcome it, or try to, as i have promised, in my soul contract; i am running out f time because i am runnign it of energy; my soulmate/’twin flame’ partner/the boy i love and wanna marry and have child with is running out of his shin as well, his essence, his power; we have both depleted our chi through mastrubatig and abuse of our chi; you - no; you have that fire strong within you; please help us with guiding to vercome our foolish weaknesses and purge from our actual sinfulness - devoted to earthly elasure in a society that udnermines a persons needs for that type of pelasure; so tahtwe and many more can heal from thise types of stereotype and thinkig and go on with life; i cant by myself; my loved person has ecaus he’s younger an dhas different energy - he is much liek you; liek curt cobai, like jeff buckley ad others; you rock the world, you are strogn with or without others; i am not; i  need others to grow still; i’m sorry i can’t be strger at this point; i am just t and i lose my mind when they want me to; i am a primadonna, an italian belcanto style opera singer type of person, and my femininity is such; and i have no shame for beign this wqay; i need your type of masculine scolding to refresh my poits fo view and receive revitalizing energy to grow into a best version of myself; better tahn i have been thus far; but you eed to be scolded by the lieks of me and becoem more herty and softer in your capacities, too; because i am a mother to you and th elikes of you - taht is ewhat i can; and i desire your kind sexually which is fun and awesome but it makes me frustrated a lot, too; look, this is nto a lustful invitation - idesire lustfully my neigbour who is a national chamion in hockey for my coutry,and the boy i mentioned ver  a thousand times thus far, ebcause i need actual physcial sex; and i like men; i am to girls a prtector and support; or have been, t put it more accurately - now with my stepfathe rgone, i dot anymore have the strength to tdo taht msot of the time’  idot desire girls sexually; more than one man, yeah, but girls - i cant handle in my heart; s sorry but iam not meanign my words in a direct physical way, but mor e enretically; i really love you - which is a neediness expression in itself; i feel like this when i’m saying these words to you 
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Khajurahu, India
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Ishtar ~Venus, Messopotamia
i feel my sacred feminine energy explode whenever around you; the spiritual catalyst - imma do a post specifically on how i see your energies linked to Quanyin and the sacred feminine; but as i have heard you speak before, you feel much more connected to your masculine energy so far, thus i’m gonna address you in the way i feel you as Lord Shiva/ the sacred masculine
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i wanna #support YOU
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travisjamessanders · 7 years
Quality Mediumship: Has it diminished!? By Travis Sanders
I love watching other mediums demonstrate. I think we can learn a lot from observing others work. Both in the sense of adapting and adopting positive traits, and shying away from negative aspects of what we observe. Often times I find myself on youtube watching platform demonstrations of every level of mediumship and every level of medium, from home circle messages to packed thousand-seat theaters.
Over the past couple years I noticed the same person, an older lady, commenting on the majority of mediumship related videos, hell, she even commented on one of mine. Her schtick is this- like a broken record on nearly every video she rants about how the quality of mediumship is diminished and accuses even the most brilliant of mediums, in my opinion, of simply being psychics and not working on the level of Spirit. A pretty bold statement.
Now this lady, whom I’ll call Alice, is not the first Ive heard to talk about the quality of mediumship today. And Ive even said it before, that American Mediumship can be lazy- and perhaps the quality of presentation has plummeted- but I have a hard time believing that there  is a lack of mediums with same level of giftedness or connection to Spirit that there was 50 years ago.
Certainly we don’t often see the same displays of message work that we saw with Richard Ireland, Clifford Bias, or Gordon Higginson, whom Alice likes to compare every working medium to. Or even the quality of physical mediumship as was seen in the days of Mina Crandon, The Bangs Sisters, John Slone, Leslie Flint, Eusapia Pallidino, or Florence Cook. But we must also consider that the mediumship isn’t supposed to be the same. Society has changed and perhaps the level of what is needed has also. Over the decades our air quality has changed, our food and water has chemicals in it, we don’t sleep in natural cycles with the setting and rising of the sun, we stare of electrical devices giving off radiation…and perhaps this has effected what mediumship looks like.
Now, Spirit is not stupid, mediumship isn’t going to be squashed by such societal and global changes, BUT Spirit may have to altar its approach in what is achievable and why it’s being achieved. This being said isn’t an excuse for a lot of what I see today. In our McDonalds society too many people take a weekend course or workshop, learn a few tools, and then run out and hang their shingle as a medium. Ghastly. If there is a lack in quality or presentation of mediumship modernly it is this! The best mediums unfold slowly, and  I cannot stress the importance of a development circle  under a competent medium or in the least a group of fledgling mediums who dedicate time each week to come together, build power, and practice their connections with Spirit as they unfold their mediumship potential.
Alice likes to proclaim the one and only way that mediumship should work is precise mind to mind, auditory (clairaudient) conversations, and that any other way of working is simply psychic and not mediumistic. I see this sometimes. Mediums looking down on psychics. As Alice pipes on about Gordon Higginson as the holy grail of standards I would like to remind that Gordon stressed the importance of developing and working with the psychic/soul. Not only that, determining the quality of your mediumship should not be based on how you connect with Spirit. Regardless of whether you’re seeing pictures, hearing, feeling, or knowing, (Alice claims is not true mediumship- any level of having to interpret what is given is simply “psychic”) that is not the determining factor of genuine mediumship. The determining factor is that the personality, clear evidence, and healing is brought through from Spirit to the recipient.
One element of presentation that I myself am guilty of, is asking questions. Now many genuine mediums ask questions and are not fishing of information, but they state what they received from Spirit after the question, and if we only took the time to catch ourselves to switch this around, our mediumship would seem much more polished. For example: “Was your mother a dog groomer?” .Yes? Good!..”Because Im seeing dogs and brushes.” If only we’d say “Im sensing your mother worked with grooming dogs, you would understand, yes?”  It states what you’re getting before seeking confirmation, and it sounds much more confident and polished.
I had mentioned Alice’s obsession with comparing all mediums to the late Gordon Higginson. Gordon Higginson was a brilliant medium, gifted in mental, trance and physical mediumship, and in no way would I discredit his talent, or devotion to Spiritualism, however even Gordon would sometimes ask questions of the recipient of the message….not as much information…and damn good information, as he gave out, but still, I say this to show that there is NO SUCH THING as perfection with mediumship.
Another criticism Alice makes is that a medium should know exactly who they are going to in the audience, and if that is not the case, they are simply working on a psychic level. Mediumship has evolved, as Ive stated. Many talented mediums today such as Tony Stockwell, Lisa Williams, John Edward and my teacher, Sharon Klingler use “Spirit Centered Mediumship” rather than going directly to a recipient. And in fact I feel that often times going direct to the person can actually lead to more of a psychic read than a genuine Spirit Connection. As we look at some of the more well known or media based mediums like John Edward or Theresa Caputo, although they may be talented, do not present in the style that is taught or deemed acceptable by the Spiritualist churches an organizations. I make this point to state that while Spiritualist churches seek to preserve the quality and standards in mediumship, not every medium is or wants to be a Spiritualist.
And at the end of the day if you or any other medium feels the power of the Spirit, gives personality, evidence, and messages of survival, and the client or recipient is pleased and received healing comfort- that is what is important. Not a standardized list of do’s and don’ts. Not whether or not they stayed on the platform or walked into the audience. Not wether or not they work client centered or Spirit centered in their approach. The importance is the connection, and the message. Thats where the healing is. Could there possibly be greater healing and stronger beliefs if we as mediums accept personality responsibility to hold ourselves to our own standards of quality as far as what feels right for us and our relationship with Spirit? Absolutely.
At the end of the day every person is different, and we are all going to connect with Spirit differently. As times change, styles of mediumship change, or come in and out of popularity. We see this now with a resurgence of physical mediumship in new energy based styles. So don’t compare yourself to other mediums, or hold yourself to unrealistic standards. But please do strive to do better, to push yourself, to grow, to not be complacent, to connect stronger, to hone, to polish, and be willing to be flexible and learn more…to be the best voice for Spirit you can be.
Mavis Patilla, a talented medium of Higginson’s tutelage, once said in a talk ‘I never want to get to the Other Side and have someone tell me I didn’t get it right, or that I took their name in vain” She explained that we will all answer for the works we did and when we encounter the souls we’ve linked to on the Other Side we should be able to have those encounters knowing that we were the most sincere and integrity based channel we could be for them. I wholeheartedly agree!
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hazbinextgeneration · 3 years
Into The Casino Ch10
Warning: Mentioning of past abuse -This takes place about 3 weeks from last chapter- Could you call someone having an interest in you weird if they were also your boss? Yes. Yes you could. And that's what exactly she felt when it all began. Slowly but surely. Cyber introducing her to a few new strange foods. She quite liked the soft foods called iced-creams, she never knew one food could come in so many flavors. The wide eyed look she gave to everything made Cyber chuckle and Lou smirk more in triumph whenever she reported back to him. Oh who said flattery couldn't get you anywhere? Right now it was one of his biggest tactics to help him win this little game of his. And he was surely making a very good win streak thus far-...But maybe with a few minor set backs.
Perhaps he was a bit too eager in the beginning of this just a tiny amount, she still flinched away whenever she attempted to kiss her hand. Or ducked whenever he made any sudden movement near her. That wide eyed startled look was now fairly common. And she still wouldn't accept his advances too easily. It was starting to become tiresome these days, but he could wait. He had all eternity and beyond to wait of course, but wanting and waiting were too separate things and if he saw an opportunity to speed things up you sure as hell he wasn't about to back down from a challenge. Especially since so much was at stake now. Luckily he had the perfect person to sneak info to him now. "So? What's wrong with you? You look more tired than Disease with a hang over." Cyber smiled as the pony groaned and landed her head onto the desk. Ears flopping to the sides of her head. Making Cyber raise a brow. "So Im guessing things aren't so hot?" "I-It's so....uncomfortable for me!!" Her voice replied muffled by the desk her head laid upon. "He's been having me clean everything of his and running back and forth doing all these chores!" He face looked up from the desk but still laid on it. "And I-I-it's not helping when he's constantly flirting with me!" "Is that so bad?" She leaned onto the table and smiled. "Lou's a pretty smart guy for someone resembling a walking leaf." She chuckled at her own joke, but shrugged. "But what's so wrong about him likin' you? I mean, I would think having a rich guy like you and getting a bunch of free stuff was every girl's dream?'' "THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!" The desk chair was pushed back with a noise and she stood up to give Cyber an...almost scared look. "I-I don't WANT any d-dresses, o-or fancy jewelry, o-or....Or ANYTHING flashy. Just some food and a room is q-quite enough!!" Cyber paused, before shaking her head and smiling. "Well, all he wants to do is show his interest for ya-" "I don't want any interest in me!" Her purple eyes became wide and looked at cyber with...fear? "I-I don't want to be forced to..." She stopped. Breathing heavily and blinking. Cyber rose a brow as she sat back down and stared at the desk. "B-be with someone again." Cyber blinked at her before getting a thoughtful look on her face and hummed. "Im taking it the uh...other guy wasn't too friendly huh?" She flinched and curled in more. Just shaking her head no as her answer. Cyber hummed. "Look. I'll...have a talk with the boss and just tell him to ease up on the whole wooing you stick, ok?" She didn't answer. Not that Cyber was expecting her too, with a sigh she reached out and patted her hands in a reassuring manner. "It'll be alright." It was....kinda alright. Lou's face gave her a look of confusion as his brow rose and he gave Cyber a look as to what information was actually laid back to him. She stood there waiting for an answer from him but it seemed the plant man was calculating his next move as she spoke. He always did seem one step ahead didn't he. Without another word he slowly reached for the cup of coffee beside him while looking back down to the papers he was holding. Probably another sucker signed their life away to the powerful demon. Making him one percent more powerful than he last was. One percent more dangerous. And he wasn't afraid to show it if needed. "....So, what you're telling me is that you think this..."He waved a hand, "Mysterious other lover used to be-....What exactly?" "To put it bluntly I think she was...forced into a pretty unhealthy relationship, and the guy left some bad views on guys showing interest in her...If you get what Im trying to say here." "I think I have a pretty good idea, Cyber. And trust me when I say that I have no problem with adapting to what's thrown my way. I've come to get used to that down here." He went back to the paper and smiled. "Have a little more faith in me." "Trust me I do. Buuuut-" She leaned into the wall and sighed. "I would suggest handling this case with some care. She ain't the usually hard to get woman who eventually swoon into your arms." He laughed and gave her a serious but calm look. "Oh, you don't think I know this already? You wound me Cyber.~ Really you do.~ But there's a fortune just lying under my feet and you know once you give me a shovel, there's no stopping me from getting to the buried treasure.~" She hummed and nodded but her eyes shifted back to the papers he was holding again and rose a brow. "...Is that what I think it is?" He only smiled and pulled the first paper from the stack in his hands out, shifting it around for her to look. It was a purple pink color instead of white like the rest of the stack and in fancy gold writing words curved and danced into sentences as her mind scanned over the whole thing...And smirked. "I should've known." She pointed at it. "Your old pal still throwing those once a year ball parties?" "Oh, you know Cyrus. It's a great way to lure in big hot shots. Scrounge up a few deals- " He looked back down to the paper as he turned it back to his face. "Scope out competition. ..Maybe bring along a guest?" "I don't know if that'll be a good idea-" "Why not? She came from a privelidge family before coming down here." He took another sip from his cup. "It should be her kind of crowd." "...She doesn't seem like the kind to fair well in that kind of environment. But it's your call of course." "Yes. And don't forget that...." The papers were shuffled and the chair made a scraping sound as he slowly stood up and reached for his hat. Placing it on top of his head and turning to her. "I think it's been a while since I've gone out anywhere...Cyber, when's the last time I've actually gone out anywhere to enjoy myself?" His eyes glanced out the window and looked out at the other giant buildings from his tall window view. Homes. Other businesses. And all those little lives just below him. All waiting to be groomed and be ruled under the iron fist of his hands. Oh! His mind was already disecting and gutting the whole neighborhood. He didn't want too much, not yet. After all if someone else more powerful caught wind of his little pet, there could be trouble. If he just took over a small portion of the city, barely anyone would notice since it literally happened ALL THE TIME down there. ....He'll make it too his liking. First thing gutting that disgusting workhouse in the middle of the square and making it into his own giant personal garden, his own garden on the top floor was beautiful, but his little babies could use the bigger room. And he'll add cut marble walkways, all kinds of exotic plants especially roses.Maybe he'll even get one of those multicolored roses with different colored petals. Midnight could fix a dome to keep everyone out he didn't want, or perhaps he'll cash in one of the favors his colleges owed him? And of course he'll add a fountain, small pond, he was sure there was somewhere he could purchase some small not too dangerous fish. And of course hell need some bees to help pollinate, and butterflies. They added to the colorful asthetic of it all. He had a lot of work to do. The rest of the buildings he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He'll knock them all down. Make ONE giant living conditions for his loyal subjects living under him, but he'd make them work in turn for his 'protection'. No soul was useless if you knew how to work. Then of course there was the wine brewery, MAYBE he'd let his top three minions pick one buildings for themselves. Midnight would benefit greatly from a whole lab to herself. She didn't care about power, as long as she got to do her experiments. Disease...he had no idea. Probably a giant bar or something...On second thought, he could make a bar attached to the brewery and have Rouge run it for him. She'd like that. Cyber might want her own workshop....Not that he cared about his minions or anything. He just wanted to be sure they were rewarded for their loyalty. After all loyalty gets rewarded....And of course he wouldn't forget his little pet.~ He'd make sure she'd be very rewarded for her work. Just let him pull the strings and be a good girl and they'd all get along just fine.~ He could feel Cyber thinking behind him before she spoke again. "Around...five months before you even met Amalfia." He chuckled. "Almost a full year. Tsk, tsk. This won't do at all. I think I deserve some quality time with my dear fiancé. Don't you?" A hiss came instead of her voice as an answer and he turned around raising a brow. It wasn't Cyber who was hissing at him, but a giant plant in the corner. It's petals flared open and it's one eye blinked at him. "Hmm? Rita? What's she-..OH! Of course." He walked over to the door waving the plant off and it closed as immediately as it came. "It's about time she came back with a reply to my little proposal. Though I didn't expect it now. Better make this quick after all.~" The door opened and he motioned for Cyber to follow. "It's best we wrap this up fast. After all. I can't wait to show how much better a man her new suiter really is.~" ......................................................................................................................................................... Within the hour Cyber had left, she had simply gone back to work with the small stack of chores she had been given. Blank purple minds glazing over the small list in her hands, when she smelt it. The faint smell of smoke. Which was strange since the living courters was a none smoking area, for the safety of Lou's precious plants, he made that very clear to her. Which meant something was on fire, the thought made her panic for a moment. Maybe one of Midnight's spells went wrong, or Disease did another oops. But all that stopped when she saw it..Or HER. Heels clicked against the floor and fancy tail feathers swished behind her as the small woman made her way down the hallway. Cigarette and burlesque like someone that just walked out of the 1920s. The small lady looked bored but her eyes peered up as soon as she made contact with who she presumed was the secretary. The two ladies looked at each other until the smaller one sucked on the end of her smoke and blew it up at her. Making her cough. "Well?" She coughed a few times waving a hand in front of her face and looked down to her. ''W-Well what? Don't you k-know L-Lou doesn't a-allow smoking?" "He knows I was coming, would've been here a lot sooner, but recently some very good clients have been...'investing' with my establishment." Her red eyes glazed over her again and she huffed. "Why don't you know this? Aren't you in charge of knowing his schedules?" Her ears went back in guilt and her hands gripped the small list tighter. "W-Well...Im still getting used t-to everything here. Im sorry, Ma'am." The woman gave another look over her. Smoke coming out of her mouth and a brow raised. "...You said you're new?" "Um. Y-Yes?" .....She snickered and gave a couple laughs. Looking at the top of her head where two little ears flickered and a horn jutted from her forehead. Was this the new pony that Charles and Rubix spoke of? How amusing. She certainly didn't look like much, guess Lou needed another pretty face to help put on the act. "Oh, so you're the pony Rubix spoke of." "Rubix?" "He's Charles's husband, and one of my best workers." Her face lit up in realization. D-Did she mean the white skeletal man they had a run in with a few months back? "..D-Do you mean the small one eyed man?" She hummed. "You work fast. Keep that up and maybe he'll-" "RITA!!" Amalfia jumped and whirled around and spotted the very plant boss himself walking down the hall with a smile hands behind his back and Cyber on his heels. Rita just calmly looked up at him and blew another puff of smoke once he got got enough to look down at her. "Still ignoring my rules I see? Then again it's hard to see you anyways." She rolled her eyes at his jab at her appearance. "Let's cute to the business. Im here for two things. The main one being your question. You want to use some of my people for entertainment?" "That was the idea, yes. You took long making up your mind. Have you decided an answer?" "I have and it's no." "Marvelous!! That wraps up things now doesn't it!" Rita rose a brow. Wasn't he going to argue or try to use sarcasm to make her change her mind. But he waved a hand and looked to the pony who jumped slightly. "Now, if you excuse me I wanted to treat my dear fiancé here to a dinner out. Dear, why don't you go with Cyber and put on something nice to wear?" "B-B-But I haven't finished-" She was pulled up off the chair and pushed away by Cyber before anyone could say another word with an eye roll from the computer. Lou in the meantime dusted himself off and noticed Rita watching the two ladies leave before looking up at him with deadpan eyes. Pulling the cigarette outta her mouth and puffing it out. "You? Fiance? Heh." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "And what makes you want to suddenly settle down?" He simply chuckled and inspected his red talons. "Can't a man settle down and want a little lady of his own?~ You act like I'm not sincere with this." "Because you're not," she bluntly stated crossing her arms, "The famous dealer of the most popular casimo in the whole endless plain of the second circle of hell and out of all the high powerful people you choose to settle with, it's a rat with hooves?" She looked back where the women disappeared off too. "What makes her so special?" He chuckled. "Oh, I have my reasons.~ And could that be jealousy I hear from you dear Rita?~" "Not even in your dreams. Who cares if you decide to crush another heart? I have other things to do before I leave-" "Rouge is handling the bar today.~" "I DIDN'T ASK YOU!!....*Ahem*" Her tail feather ruffled up with the shout and she smoothed them out and turned around. "Im going to grab a drink since you obviously wasted my time with your question." "Please don't forget to pay your tab or it'll come from Rouge's pay.~" She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else when she left. He...maybe wouldn't do that, but his little threat always ensured Rita paid whatever she was due. One thing he could always count on working, but he had bigger fish to fry right now. .............................................................................................................................................................................. The waiting in the lounge was possibly one of the most nerve wracking things there....Well make that one of the least. What she didn't like was being forced into some fancy get up and practically sweettalked into wearing that small rose studded ring on her finger, how weak was she to let Cyber sweet talk to her like that. God she really was pathetic wasn't she? No wonder she landed herself down here in the first place- She groaned and reached her hand up to rub her face- "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The unicorn gave a small squeak and jumped a few feet away. Turning around and the familiar smell of cigerette smoke and red eyes hit her senses. Rita gave an uninterested look at her and rose a brow at her reaction. Ears back and hunkered down into a pose like a submissive hellhound. Making her scoff and roll her eyes. Oh, boy. Lou must've been pretty bored to start swooning someone even below Disease. "You'll smudge your make up." Amalfia blinked and could only watch as the woman gave her a studying gaze and ever so slowly walked behind her, twisting her neck to follow her. Flinching when she pulled at a wrinkle in her dress and tugged at another. Srill continuing to slowly look her up and down and study her. "Rita, you probably heard about me from the weed. Name?" ....She blinked. "U-Um...Amalfia. L-Lou didn't mention you before-" She chuckled. "Lou hasn't mentioned me? Here I thought we had something special." She blinked and watched as she stopped right in from of her. "W-Well he knows Mr. Charles-" She gave off another laugh. "Oh! Trust me. Those two know each other very well. They have past connections through their second businesses...Still do." Her brow rose down at Rita at the smiling woman. "W-What?....What second business? I thought he just owned the casino." Rita just smiled with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Oh deary me. It seems I've said far too much. You're pretty easy to talk to, Sweetie." She reached a hand into a purse she had slung over her shoulder and pulled out a small pink card with gold writing. "My card. Pop by my place sometime. It's good to find some half decent company 'round here." ...Amalfia slowly took the card from her and she turned. "Even if you do look like a half washed up tramp. No offense, but that eye shadow job is NOT helping." ...One of her hands went up to delicately touch her face and Rita took that moment to leave, so when she turned back around the peacock tailed woman was already long gone. She blinked and looked down to the small pink card in her hands. On it was engraved an address and the name of some fancy sounding club. Sighing, she put the card into one of her pockets- "Dear!~" She jumped and whirled around to the sight of the plant demon, only this time he was adorned with a black cloak thrown over him. Giving him more of an villain appearance, behind him was Cyber looking the same as always. "Are you ready, Pet? Im so sorry if I kept you waiting, but I had to take care of a little dispute in the gaming courters." His eyes glazed over the outfit she was wearing and smiled. "Ah! And did I mention that you look absolutely lovely in that outfit.~" "....Thank you." Well, not certainly quite what he was expecting but she didn't look away from him this time. So that was one thing he should work on more. "Shall we then?" He gestured towards the exit and they were off.
All characters except amalfia belongs to @palettepainter
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astridianmayfly · 7 years
So You Want to Go to Gravity Falls [4/?]
She vaguely remembered Thomas saying something about how, “they were going to limit their electronic use,” on their getaway (after she had witnessed him putting a game into his backpack!) but wasn’t really sure to what extent “no electronics” was put to use. So Thomas and his friends could possibly be chased by gnomes or attacked by a horde of imps, and she’d have absolutely no idea whatsoever.
She was invited to come on their trip, of course; her fiance wouldn’t ever have been so rude as to not, but she had politely declined. It was for the best, she supposed; while she was comfortable with Thomas’ group of college friends, this particular get-together was drawn on the lines of a reunion. She would have felt awkward and intrusive to accept his invitation.
And it wasn’t like she didn’t have anything to do, really! It’s just, well, August was an awfully boring month. And she would have called up her girlfriends to hang out, but Lilah was in Paris with her family, Jessica was also travelling, and Caren had to study for their M-CAT exam….
That was how Elisha found herself walking to the post office.
She could very well just request her post electronically, but she convinced herself it would be worth her while to get out of the house and stretch her legs a bit, take a stroll through town…
When she reached the small building, she came to the realization that she had never actually been inside before. Was there even anything inside besides the robots that did the transportation and packaging?
No time for doubts now. She was already here.
Hesitantly, she grabbed the brass door handle (how obsolete!) and walked inside the tiny building. She was immediately questioned by a small robot if she would like anything to be sent or wrapped. She declined.
Declining was something she was doing a lot of these days.
Observing her surroundings proved her wrong about the office. She found it to be more.. modern than expected. With its busy robots and elves at work in the office gave it a welcoming, workshop- like feel. She walked tentatively to wait in the line for her mail, marked by a small, rusty sign indicating where it was.
There was one other person in line, who had glanced at her when she walked in. She gave them a tentative smile before standing in line behind them.
But damnit. She felt awkward now. And why did they keep glancing back and staring at her? Did she have something on her face??
To break the ice (and stop the weird staring) she stuck her hand out and offered it to the waiting person. They stared at her hand as if they had never seen one before.
“Hi! I’m Elisha Mckenzie!”
Why did she say her full name, that was the stupidest thing she could’ve done, for all she knew this person could be a cultist-
“Ohh. Are you Thomas’ fiance?” Her cheeks flushed immediately when she realized the creepiness of her inquiry.
Elisha’s instincts were screaming. She was teetering between saying the more polite, How on earth do you know my name and my fiance? Or the blunt, What the actual fuck? None of these questions actually exited her mouth. Instead she said something along the lines of, “How- what- are-’
“Okay, look,” The girl hurriedly went on to explain her strange accusation, and Elisha didn’t care if she was interrupted, as long as she could hear her. “I’m friends- well, sort of friends, I mean- I knew Thomas from college, you know demonology? Anyway, I’mnotstalkingyouIpromise, just you know, Tyrone hangs out with me on date night and so I kinda know you? Indirectly, though?” There was a faint tinge of red on her cheeks from her bubbly explanation.
“Oh. Tyrone. That explains a lot. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. What’s your name?”
“I’m Elisabeth. Elisabeth Adams,” the girl said. Her hand flew up. Elisha thought that she would offer to shake it, but instead, her hand held a card.
“My card. In case you need something to be exorcised, killed or abolished. Helping with problematic demons is what I do. Or you know, when Tyrone gets particularly annoying.”
“Thanks, I’ll, uh, call you if I need you?”
The girl nodded, still a bit flustered. “Sure. See you around, I guess.”
Elisha walked out of the office, forgetting to take her mail. But she couldn’t help but feel but lighter than from before she stepped in.
She almost closed the door before opening it again to ask Elisabeth a question.
“Oh hey, just wondering, are you and Tyrone a thing? I mean, you said something about a ‘date night,’ so-”
Judging from the girl’s exhasparated expression, she could easily tell that the answer was no.
She was NOT lonely.
Still. After meeting that girl, she couldn't help but feel that she’d made a friend.
Maybe Elisha would call her later.
You have two options.
You aren’t going like them.
Fine. I'll tell you.
Your soul is being ripped from you. And well, me, because I own it. After this is done- I'm probably going to have a power fissure.
I’ll get to the point. Sorry.
I can take your life, in exchange for your soul to be returned to you. I’ll still own it, but your soul will be working and whole. You will reincarnate. You will live again.
But yes. You will die.
This is the only way.
I don't want it to be like this, either, Mabel!
Mabel is no one. Don't worry about who she is. I'm sorry I called you
I called you that… for reasons. They aren't important. My prime concern is saving your life.
Am I mad?
Oh, that's a funny question.
See you soon, Mizar.
Don't worry about him. From him, they’ll be HELL TO PAY for what he’s do-
    I have to do it now
HE’S destRoyIng yoUR soUL
Please- stop this-
DON’t yoU GEt iT
YoU’Re KILLinG heR
AnD Me
G    Oo   D
By e
-S U  P   E    R     N      O       V        A-
-I'm so sorry
TIME: 23:01:04, 05, 06...
-Houston, we have a problem.
-That’s never a good sign. What seems to be the issue?
-And that’s not a very professional way to answer the space phone, Jenkins. Be careful there.
-Yeah, yeah. Well you don’t exactly seem like the type to have a real problem if you’re bothering to waste time ridiculing my professionalism.
-Fair enough.
-The, issue, Gray?
-Right. Not a huge matter. Just wanted to inform base that twin Mizar has gone nova. It’s not in our path. Just thought I should tell nasa. Wondering if hydrogen might possibly affect our reactors.
-...Did you just say that Mizar went nova?
-I know it’s weird. It happened all at once, too. Base should be getting hold of explosion in T minus three seconds.
-I guess that explains why Hode is practically screaming next to me. Satellite readings must’ve just come in. Will keep crew posted on effect of the rogue star to the shuttle.
-Roger tha-
-What the?
-What’s wrong? Are the gases problematic?
-Not to you.
-That sounds ominous. What’s going on down there?
-The gases...they’re moving..
-Where? Where are they moving?
-A little patch of Oregon..Hang on, checking Hode’s system…
-Oh come on.
-Hurry it up. The suspense is going to kill me faster than the lack of oxygen up here.
-Goddamnit. It’s in Gravity Freaking Falls… of all the places-
-What are they doing?
-I’m not sure exactly. But from Hode’s summarizing… Nothing good.
-What’s he saying?
-That the gases from the star’s explosion are mingling with magic. Of demonic origin. And forming a barrier around the falls. No one can get in or out.
-The people. They’re trapped.
-MiCor5eva has joined-
MiCor5eva: Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
Reidorread: The next time you use that many exclamation points in a sentence is the moment I will kill you.
MiCor5eva: That’s my little ray of sunshine.
Reidorread: Please just change your username before you get beat up. Please.
42frank24: Can I get an Amen?
___Dope___: nah son, MiCor for LIFE!
___Dope___: Hey MiCor, can I get a virtual high five pretty plz
MiCor5eva: *high-five*
___Dope___: So, let’s get on with like the real stuff
Reidorread: Not Twin Souls. Please.
___Dope___: No I’m being for real tho
___Dope___: Did u hear about that thing happening in Oregon
___Dope___: Like Mizar just eXPLODed!! And basically the gases are kinda heading for the falls lol
___Dope___: That town gets too much shit XD
Reidorread: lmao im there now
___Dope___: damn r u really???
Reidorread: It’s kinda sketchy, there’s this bubble headed right for us
Reidorread: IT’s like rainbow haha
Reidorread: Wait fuck
Reidorread: SHiT IM FUCKeD SomeOne THe THINGS SWALLOWINg PEOPLE SOMEONE HELp aklefhklsdahfas
MiCor5eva: Are you OK?
-Reidorread has left-
___Dope___: What just happened?
His story will be heard later. Of how this crazy thing happened.
There are several things that Thomas knows about what is going on:
Gnomes live in packs.
They have currently captured Eduardo.
Unfortunately, he does not know many things. And not knowing could be a fatal mistake.
The things he does not know:
He is on the barrier of Gravity Falls.
There is a unknown magic source in the epicenter of the city.
The magic is blooming. And it is forming a barrier.
This barrier ensures no one can enter.
Or leave.
Inside the bubble lies the mindscape of demonic origin.
It is still blooming.
He is headed right towards it.
He is now in the bubble’s grasp.
He may never escape.
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mouthfullofsand · 4 years
Forgot to journal the last few days. Honestly, physically writing isnt really for me. Sure the thought is more permanent but the only thing I really change when I type out my thoughts is spelling errors... maybe the spelling errors adds to the authenticity? I just think its bad form at the end of the world to cut down a tree to write down human thoughts. What an ego drive. I will admit its been nice not to be tempted to lol or lmfao when physically writing. Maybe time to figure out how to accurately express when I find something funny. lol.
Justine is back in Michigan for a week, which is funny considering this weeks manipura chakra revolves around power... Now I actually HAVE to be accountable for myself and my actions. I feel like ive done a pretty good job, aside from the non journalling. Ive Done the chants twice so far, and Ive meditated with a solar plexus healing audio three times? technically two because the last one I was laying on the accumat for. Fell asleep HARD. That thing is truely a treat for sure.
IT was really really nice to go on a long bike ride the night Justine flew out. I definitely need to be better about stating when I need to do long rides. I think we could both stand to be a bit healthier overall. Were not very active. Im hoping this clense will help her get some new energy and kick down whatever blocks are happening in her. She has gained a little weight, which is fine shes still beautiful and sexy and i love every inch of her, but I do miss picking her up and carrying her around. I should also be working on my own strength too. More pushups please.
Ive been diving more into this coding stuff, Its all hella confusing right now but im giving it my best effort. Im hoping once the classes actually start stuff will start to demystify itself. Ive been working on a lil javascript and html practice project but really only parts of each make sense to me right now the rest is just following along with what the resources and tutorials are doing.
I got my guitar back yesterday! My god its great. Ive never played single coil guitar before and THE TONE is beautiful! the controls are a little finicky but i just gotta get used to it i guess. I wish i had spent a little extra cash on the bridge, i can totally tell its falling out of tune when i bend strings. nothing major but enough make me want to replace it down the road eventually, so like why didnt i just cough up the extra 40 to begin with? LOTS of lessons of "you pay for what you get" recently.
Anyway, were supposed to journal like 3 pages every morning for the vocal workshop and Im not entirely sure what length that translates to in tumblr blog terms, but Ive pretty much been stopping whenever I cant think of anything else to say, so here I am.
Peace. Love yourself.
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